(c) 2008 by Waina French

Oh Johnny, why didn’t you understand me?

Oh Johnny! You left me. You are angry and sad about the strange things you saw. But listen! I want you to come back.

Johnny, why didn’t you understand me?

Remember. Last year, for the birthday gift, you said that you were going to buy a baby pet because in my kid years I had a dog which I liked very much. I answered you not to do that. I didn’t want any pet in our place. That day I told you that my greatest wish was to have a baby with you and that was not enough space in our small apartment to have a baby and a dog together.

You didn’t listen to me. You offered me the pet and told that we were going to move in a bigger house with a garden as soon as I was pregnant. At this moment I realized that this dog was for you but not mine. I named it Rogg. Soon he grew up and became and beautiful Labrador.

A year later, I was pregnant. As you promised, we settled to a larger place. It was a nice house with many rooms, a wonderful bath-room, kitchen facilities and all around there was an endless green garden with a small swimming-pool. How I liked that new home.

I wanted to continue to work at the office as secretary. It was important for me to meet other people. You also didn’t understand me. You replied I had to pay attention to the coming baby, to rest most of the time, to live without any stress. That was the reason of this garden. So I stayed at home with no other distraction than music, TV, cooking and walk Rogg outside.

No more You didn’t understand me when I asked you to make me love. Your answer was that, being pregnant I had a little child in my belly and so we couldn’t make this because of the risk to injure him. I replied you that there was no danger at all but that since my pregnancy I often felt very horny. That was the reason to ask you to fuck me.

You shut your ears and never, since the beginning of my pregnancy, you’ve never touched me. Oh, not that you were not nice with me ; in the opposite, you were very attentive. But not like I wanted. I needed sex, rough sex, with you. And I never obtained it.

That’s why things followed their own way.

It began on a hot afternoon, I was watching TV but there was nothing very interesting. So I decided to go to outside to read and tan, naked as I like to do. We had a hot sunny day. I went to the backyard, under the trees where I knew the atmosphere would be less heavy. I undressed my light blouse and laid down on the garden chair. I removed my thin string and leaned back. I opened my book. You know, it was a soapy erotic story with some suggestive scenes.

There was a chapter where the mother was entering her son’s room just as he was pushing his penis inside his girlfriend’s slit. Both wanted to make love, but the mother stopped them. After a moment I fell asleep.

When I awoke I was in the tree shadow. Atmosphere was a little fresh. I had, I remember a dream, an erotic dream where someone (I supposed it was you Johnny) was licking me deeply in the cunt. I looked down on my crotch and screamed, surprised. Between my legs (I must have spread them while sleeping.) I saw Rogg’s head ; this hot long tongue wasn’t your tongue Johnny, it was Rogg who gently was licking me inside my pussy.

Damn, was that a good feeling. So good that I opened my thighs a bit more to give the tongue more ease to lick deeper. For the dog the position was uncomfortable so I slid against him, put my feet on the grass in order to have my sex near his mouth. He sniffed on my asshole and continued licking both holes.

Suddenly he climbed on the chair. I stroked his head and he licked my face, trying to French kiss me. I pushed him away to scold him. Under the stomach, two thumbs of pink sex appeared out of its girdle. My thighs were wet. I immediately understood what he had in mind. He wanted to fuck me. And I immediately knew that I was going to let him do it. I was so much excited. Soon, he came back between my legs and tried to find the hole of he’s desires. Few minutes he tried it without any success, so I decided to help him to reach the good spot. I stood up and leaned on my four on the grass.

He climbed on my back, He was heavy. He began to hammer with his member all around my vulva, but never did find the opening. I tried to catch his dick to show him the good way. Doing this I lost my balance and fell down with the face in the grass. This must have raised my ass, in one second he was in me and immediately began to pump furiously. I felt the cock moving fast in my belly : it was swelling and soon reached a size much bigger than all man’s cock that I knew. And he pumped, and pumped. How good I felt!

Suddenly he stopped pumping. He laid his head on my shoulder and kept quiet. But my senses told me there was something happening inside me. There was a convulsing moving with warmness flowing into me. Then at the entering of my vagina his dick swelled and tensed my vulva skin to pain. I had no idea on dog’s anatomy and didn’t know anything about the knot, but this thing continued to swell and to hurt my pussy lips. I pushed a little back against Rogg so that the knot went deeper in me and made the pain disappear.

I felt good. I never had so many pleasures at one time. I think I came five or six times in a row . Suddenly the pain came again. Rogg had left my back ; he wanted to go away but he was blocked. I had no idea about male dog’s anatomical particularity. The fact was we couldn’t untie ; the knot was too large. The first wave of pain passed, I held him by his back legs to have him quiet. The dog whined a little and stood still. I could sense his dick convulse in me and spurt a lot of juice inside my belly.

This was the moment I saw you. When did you return home ? I had no idea, I knew just it was not the moment for you to be back home. You stood there, leaning on the balcony. You observed us a while and then you turned over and went.

Perhaps I should have interrupted this bestial coït, to join you in the house, to discuss with you and try to explain what happened. But What’s the use? It was too late! This dog, who was deeply stuck in me, gave me more pleasure than you ever did and nothing in my mind encouraged me to stop it. Anyway, his knot was now so thick that it was impossible to untie us. And you know what, I was sure that it was better so. At this moment my sexual partner was Rogg. He became my new lover and me his bitch.

Rogg stayed in me during a long moment, much longer than I hoped. An eternity of pleasure. Then with a loud noise of suction and a short pain, he went out and laid down three feet away and licked his red big member. My legs were wet by a warm liquid. He came back and cleaned me with his tongue. I stroked his head, I sucked his cock to taste his juice.

I stood up. In the house, nobody. You were gone. You left no message. You just took some clothes, your toothbrush and some other things.

Did I feel guilty ? No! not at all. Understand me. If, sometimes, you had listened a bit more, you had tried to understand me, Rogg never would have been in our family. If, as I asked at many times, you had responded positively to my desire of sex, I surely would not have let Rogg fuck me. You, and you alone are guilty for my weakness at that moment. What followed is fate, or good luck.

Johnny! Since, you never gave a sign of you. The baby is born two years ago. It is a beautiful little girl named Jana. She is marvelous.

Let me tell you. If you ask me if I want you to come back, the answer is yes. Jana needs her father. But you have to know my conditions. My lover is Rogg. He sleeps in my bed and makes me come every day even when I have my periods. Sometimes he leads me to multiple orgasms. Together we discover new positions. He’s so much a better lover than you, and his cock… his cock, you know, when it’s swollen, it so much fills my vagina. Compared to him, your penis is a straw wisp.

I think, that day, you should better have stayed. Things would probably have turned otherwise. Now, after such a long period of loneliness, I have found my way. I am definitively Rogg’s female. And he is my only lover!

I still love you and you can come back. Or not. As you feel it! It’s your choice. If you do, I’ll give you sex pleasure every time you want. I’ll give you handjob or blowjob, but I’ll never make love with you.

If you agree with this, I’ll be pleased to welcome you home!

If not, my life will keep on in a pleasant way.

Bye Johnny! It is your turn now!

The End