(c) 2022 by CrescentSleeper

Part One

Daisy awoke early that morning, eyes still sore from the week of paperwork, but her body fresh and ready for her weekend plans. She’d been preparing for this day for quite some time, and the late hours at the office weren’t going to ruin what she’d been planning. Rolling out of her bed, she had to dance on her feet as her dog Max paced around her and huffed impatiently for his breakfast. Max was a German Shephard, a short-haired sweetheart that she’d trained herself over the past two and a half years. As she prepared her breakfast and morning coffee, Max paced around the kitchen, trying his best to be patient as she handled her own needs.

“Thank you for waiting so kindly.”

Daisy rubbed the top of Max’s head, placing down his filled bowl of kibble, which, as she retracted her hand, he quickly began devouring. Max had already licked his bowl clean and curled up at her feet by the time she had sat down to eat her meal.

“Oh yes! He’s ready.”

Daisy felt giddy, almost giggling as she sipped her coffee and spooned her muesli into her mouth. Despite Daisy being an intelligent young woman, she had little luck finding a good man. Perhaps her standards were too high, but whenever she went on a date with a promising candidate, she found that any feelings she harbored for them quickly soured over the day. It wasn’t as if she wasn’t interested in the opposite sex. God knows she had tried experimenting, leading to an embarrassing last-minute exit on her part. Now at the age of 26, her frustration had peaked. That’s why she had adopted Max all those years ago. Her parents had suggested that she get a dog for protection as she was living on her own, the plans of today just a deviant whim she thought she’d never act on. However, as she had raised Max from an adorable puppy to the handsome dog, he was today, and the fact that her luck with men never improved, those perverted thoughts had become a commitment.

Daisy looked down, realizing she’d been lost in thought and that she had finished her meal and coffee a few minutes ago. Max nuzzled his wet nose against her feet. It was time for their morning run.

“And you’ll be getting plenty of exercises afterward, my boy.”

Slipping into her running gear and Max into his leash, she took off out the door and hit the pavement, her stride falling into a rhythm that matched her four-legged partner. They made their way around the streets that had become their running circuit, sweat beading on her olive skin while Max barely seemed to tire. His pants came out heavy while his tongue lolled out of his mouth, but Daisy was the one slowing them down. Pausing for a moment to catch her breath, she knelt by Max and scratched the back of his neck while ruffling his fur.

“Looks like you’ve gotten faster than me, boy,” Daisy managed to say between breaths.

Max cocked his head, then, seeing her smile, nuzzled up to her and gave her cheek a long lick.

“Hey!” Daisy shouted with a laugh. “Okay, enough of that, let’s head back.”

The two of them quickly set off again, Daisy’s mind now focusing on that kiss Max had given her, feeling an ache between her legs and thankful that her sweat would be hiding any other dampness.

Coming back into her apartment, she quickly discarded her clothes as soon as she closed the door, bunching them into a ball and tossing it into the laundry to deal with later. She similarly relieved Max of his collar and leash, calling him to follow her as she walked to the bathroom. Flicking on the lights, her bathroom mirror displayed herself in her nude glory. Daisy had always taken care of herself, eating right and exercising regularly to maintain a slim and toned figure. Her dark brown hair fell not far below her ears, cut in a short sporty style. She pulled a pose, placing her hands on her hips which she accentuated with a twist. She allowed herself a quick moment of pride as she smiled at her long slender limbs, shapely hips, and tanned skin glistening with sweat. If she could’ve changed one thing, it would be to make her chest larger. She had always hoped her B-cup would grow just a bit more as she matured.

“Oh well.”

She supposed that they did suit her athletic body quite well. Daisy turned her head, noticing that Max was standing beside her with his mouth open and staring at her as if happily grinning. She smiled back.

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Let’s get cleaned up.”

Bathing a dog was never exactly easy, but Daisy was happy to have a walk-in shower where she could get in beside him without worrying about slipping in a small tub. She’d done this many times now and made sure that Max was used to it, so it was simple enough to get him to stand under the stream of water without him jumping around too much. She got Max sorted first, taking a comb to his tangled hair and getting the mud out of his paws. He didn’t need a proper bath. He didn’t smell. Daisy quite liked his musk. However, for what she planned next, there was something that she needed to clean. Though she had practiced this and made Max comfortable with it, she couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach and bite her lower lip. After all, today was the real deal.

Her hands moved from his back, circling his sides and underbelly, carefully and slowly, until she reached his sheath. Max didn’t seem to notice much. He closed his eyes, happily enjoying the warm water and being close to Daisy. Very gently, Daisy began massaging his furry package, watching Max for any signs of irritation. Slowly she began to feel a lump form beneath the skin and fur. She continued, being sure not to get too excited herself. She rubbed her fingers against his sheath more, licking her lips as a small red nub finally appeared past the wet fur. Max let out a huff. She looked to his head and saw his tongue hanging out of his mouth, his head pressed against her shoulder, which she took as a sign to continue. She saw that his canine cock quickly pushed past his sheath until it was fully revealed and dangled beneath him. Daisy remembered to breathe, taking her hand from his sheath and then his warm cock. She marveled at its size, probably 10 inches, she guessed.

Its tip was completely red, while the rest of it was strangely pale down to his knot. Red veins spiderwebbed across its slick surface. She could feel the pulse in her hand, filling it with warmth. Daisy shook her head, remembering what she was doing. She gently worked her hands along Max’s length, careful not to excite him too much and only clean off whatever gunk was stuck to it. Perhaps she had enjoyed herself too much as just as she was about to turn to her cleanliness, Max turned his head down between her legs, spread open in a deep squat. She squeaked as Max’s nose tickled at her clit, and his tongue tasted her honey pot. She sprang back up to a standing position, careful not to push Max away as he became more interested in her smell and flavor and made him think that he was doing something terrible.

“Let me finish washing first,” Daisy promised him with a pat on his head.

Max seemed to understand, taking a step back and sitting down on his hind legs while Daisy quickly rinsed the sweat from her body and the sleep from her eyes. After turning off the shower, she commanded Max to stay while she grabbed them a pair of towels. She made sure to pat Max dry first as he quickly shook off whatever was left no sooner than she had taken her hands away. Daisy laughed as she now dried herself off the water Max had shaken onto her and around the room. With the two now sparkling clean, Daisy led Max to her bedroom, commanding him to sit again while making her bed and clearing space. After covering her bed with even more fresh towels, she finally took a seat and patted the space next to her. Max jumped up as if rehearsed, happily applying her with more warm and wet licks and more dog kisses to her naked skin. She laughed merrily, enjoying the feeling of his rough tongue caressing her arms, her belly button, and her chest. One errant lick caught one of her nipples, causing Daisy to moan involuntarily. Max noticed the sound and stopped, looking to make sure she was okay.

Daisy rubbed his head encouragingly, sliding further back onto the bed and spreading her legs. Max noticed the movement and turned back to investigate. His wet nose again hit the mark, a bullseye, pressing against her clit briefly as his hot breath smothered her crotch. She gasped at the sudden sensation, opening her legs more without thinking. With more access now given to him, Max moved down towards the quickly moistening folds of her labia, taking a few sniffs, and then, deciding that it was a good idea, began lapping at her entrance. Daisy moaned louder now. His tongue felt so good. Hot, rough, and never seem to tire of her taste. He focused mainly on the folds of her labia, but sometimes he’d surprise her, licking to either side for a few errant dribbles of her sexual fluid. Daisy finding a rhythm to his service, managed to come to her senses for a few moments, looking up at her dog and seeing that his cock had slipped forth from its sheath, his red and white engorged member hanging lazily beneath his legs.

Seeing how close it hung to her chest, an idea quickly formed in her head. Her hand moved slowly so as not to startle the boy from his task until it reached the shaft of his penis, carefully bending it back until it was pointed directly at her face. Deciding to take the risk, she shuffled towards him, steadying herself on his legs, which she dragged closer to her. If Max noticed, he didn’t seem to show it, simply adjusting his head to compensate and now perhaps happier to have a new angle to appreciate her treasure trove. Holding his cock with both hands, she pointed it at her face, its extended tip nudging against her nose. She lifted her head, pursed her lips, and kissed it. Daisy didn’t look to Max to see if he noticed what she was doing. She was entranced now. Her kiss quickly became a lick, which, after his bath, was simply salty from his excited excretions. She licked it again, moving her head forward and taking it into her mouth. She rolled her tongue around his head, enjoying how it pulsed against it and left salty dribbles on her tastebuds, proof that she was doing something right.

Her head began to bob back and forth, lips growing slick against his shaft, tongue running along its underside and guiding it where it needed to go. She moved faster now, his shaft driving deeper into her mouth, its tip rubbing along the roof of her mouth and then to the back. She sucked and slurped as Max’s cock pulsed and released more precum into her waiting mouth. Daisy had forgotten the pleasure Max was delivering to her slit at that moment, taking more enjoyment from this forbidden act. If she could focus on something else now, she would be happy to see that Max’s ministrations had slowed, his mind now getting clouded at the pleasure Daisy was providing his cock. His licks now came slower, more deliberate, as if he were the one currently trying to encourage Daisy to continue. Finally, Max’s cock expanded in her mouth, its entire length pulsing with need.

Daisy leaned forward, pushing his huge length as deep as possible. She soon felt his seed spray against the back of her throat, quickly dribbling down and into her hungering belly. Reaching the limit of her gag reflex, she pulled back, letting Max deliver the rest of his load onto her tongue. His semen was salty, perhaps slightly metallic, but also smoky at the same time. The first thing Daisy thought of was a thick miso soup, which surprised her. In her late nights of research, she’d heard and feared that it was meant to taste terrible, but she already liked it, perhaps even loving it.

Maybe an excellent breakfast protein supplement from now on. She thought wickedly, quickly brought back to reality as Max let out a short whine. She was still sucking on his cock, the last of his emissions already drained by her greedy mouth. She slipped the head of his cock out, which made a popping sound as it left her lips.

“Whoops. Sorry about that, boy. I know that must’ve been quite sensitive.”

She sat back up onto her butt, giving Max a scratch behind the ears. Max was quick to forgive her after how nicely she had treated him, providing a series of licks to her cheek to show that all was forgiven. In the afterglow of the event, Daisy let him lick away, his tongue finding the edges of her mouth as he tasted what he had just filled it with. His tongue quickly focused on her lips, which Daisy, as she was about to stop him, realized, after what she had just done, probably wouldn’t do any harm. In preparing for this day, she had discovered that wolves often licked each other’s mouths to ensure everything was okay. Daisy opened her mouth, letting Max’s tongue pass by her lips and move over her tongue and against the inside of her cheeks. His long and powerful tongue tickled against her gums and prodded her tongue expectantly.

“Let’s see how you like it.”

Daisy, in turn, stuck her tongue into Max’s mouth, who recoiled at first in surprise, but then happily pushed his head forward and against hers. Daisy copied his movements, moving her tongue quickly over the parts of his mouth and then rolling it against his tongue, wrapping them against one another as if in a wrestling match.

Oh my god. Daisy thought to herself. I’m making out with my dog! If anyone saw me like this, I wouldn’t be able to show my face again.

The thought didn’t dissuade her, however. She’d be doing a lot more than that by the day’s end.

Running out of breath, she broke off their make-out session. Using the full-length mirror in her room, she wiped away the drool from her chin and cheeks and brushed her hair back into a reasonable position. She glanced at her figure, her cheeks flushed, nipples pointed and erect, and her privates glistened. She looked pretty damn sexy. She turned her gaze back to Max, who had sat back, giving her some space and regarding her with his tongue hanging out his mouth like the goofball he always was. Her eyes moved down, noticing his long cock sticking out from his sheath, still not completely satisfied.

“Don’t worry, big boy. I’m up for another round as well.”


Part Two

Daisy ran to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. In the excitement of her after-run session with Max, she had forgotten her more immediate needs. Her bout of lightheadedness faded as she gulped down the water, a bit saddened to feel Max’s aftertaste dissolve on her tongue. Her good boy followed her to the kitchen, and she made sure to fill up his water bowl, which he quickly lapped. The space between her legs tingled with excitement, recalling Max’s tongue doing something similar to her. So caught up in experimenting with her dog, she hadn’t orgasmed yet, only coming close to it when she had gotten distracted. That was about to change.

Not bothering to beckon Max, she strolled confidently back to her room after finishing her drink. Max, on seeing her leave, followed doggedly behind her. A poorly trained dog might have jumped up against her legs and demanded more attention, but Daisy had been sure that Max’s behavior was perfect. After all, he was almost the same size as her, perhaps a bit smaller but with plenty more muscle. If he wanted to force her to do something, he could very well do it if he didn’t hold back. The thought made Daisy smile as she pondered that it may not be too bad for him to take charge. But the idea quickly went. She was the one in control today. She needed to de-stress after working all week. Besides, even after trimming Max’s nails the night before, he would still leave a mark with his total weight behind him.

Daisy reached her bedroom again, stretching out lazily across her bed and atop the fluffy towels she had covered it with. Max quickly joined her, giving her hand a lick and standing over her expectantly. She grinned and pulled the dog towards her, embracing his short and fluffy fur and enjoying how it tickled against her naked skin. Together they rolled about the bed, Max happily twisting in her arms and licking her face whenever he got the chance. Daisy laughed loudly, relishing the good-natured play with her animal. A deep throbbing sensation moved between her legs and up into her chest, reminding Daisy what she had planned to do these past few years. Daisy released Max, who quickly came to a standing position again, happily looking around for what Daisy was about to do next. Daisy rolled onto her back and wriggled herself to the middle of her bed, propping herself up on her elbows. She pushed her hips upwards and opened her legs so that her special place was facing Max. Max already knew what to do here. He moved between her legs and pressed his long snout to her skin, giving it a quick sniff before covering it with his clever tongue. Now facing her mound directly, Daisy found the sensation utterly different from before when he stood over her.

Along with his exploring tongue, Max pressed his face into her wetness, his wet nose pushing against her and almost into her. She gasped in pleasure after Max pushed particularly deep, tongue edging out of his mouth to taste further inside her. Daisy rocked her head to one size, looking to see how much Max enjoyed himself. A smile spread across her face as her eyes locked onto his erect dog dick, standing proudly erect.

Feeling that she was more than wet enough, Daisy pushed herself further onto her elbows, making it, so Max didn’t need to lean down as much to lick her. With some difficulty, she propped herself up on one hand and used the other to drag Max’s front paws over her legs. Thankfully since he was trained so well, he happily obliged, changing the target of his licking from her lower lips to her upper ones. Swapping arms, she next dragged the other paw over her other leg, so his furry chest rubbed against her own, and his face was directly in front of hers. Though it was difficult to see, she guessed now that his cock was quite close to her aching hole, so she rolled her hips slightly, exploring the space around them as she weathered the storm of dog kisses to her chin and nose, and lips. Finally, and with great delight, Daisy felt the warm prick of doggy dick, its rubbery tip bouncing off just to the left of her vulva. It was so close now.

Max could feel it too. His licking had stopped, and he now panted as he stood over her. Daisy slid forward on the bed, moving her hips to the left to accommodate her touch test. His hot pecker stabbed closer now, rubbing against the edges of her labia. Max knew what was going to happen soon. Hunching forward, he attempted to push into her, but the odd angle caused him to slip over and towards her belly. Max whined in dismay. Daisy shared in his frustration as well, pursing her lips in concentration.

“Almost there…”

She coerced Max backward again, moving her hips upwards and to the right this time before shifting forward. The small, pointed tip of Max’s dick slotted snuggly into her, awaiting wetness.

“Oh…” Daisy breathed with delight.

The signal quickly reached Max, who hunched forward again, his hot cock sliding into Daisy’s desperate pussy.

“Oooohhhh…” Daisy moaned loudly now.

“Finally!” She gasped, a tear coming to her eye.

Max was panting heavily now, just as excited as Daisy. After enjoying having his entire length inside her for a moment, his instinct took over, quickly pulling out until his tip almost left her. The sudden jerk reminded Daisy to help direct him, cooing softly to her dog lover.

“Gently, please.”

Max shivered at her voice. Remembering his training, he pushed back into her slowly, not wasting more time before pulling out again and getting into a rhythm of long powerful strokes. Daisy was seeing stars now; she’d waited so long for this moment, and it was everything she had wanted. She whispered continued words of praise into Max’s ears, kissing the underside of his jaw as she focused on keeping herself in position and on the pleasure blossoming in her belly.

“Ahhhh…” She moaned softly, a shiver rolling through her entire body.

It feels so good.

She climaxed quickly on Max’s dog dick, clamping down on his member while he pushed harder, aiming to keep his pace. Daisy relaxed again, feeling herself begin to warm up as she grew more aroused. Max continued, determined. His pace accelerating as Daisy allowed him greater access to her depths. Max’s knot thickened at her entrance, too large now to enter her but allowing Max to bounce back quickly as he pressed it against her. The gentle stretch as it pushed at her entrance was plenty to enjoy now. Another orgasm rocked through Daisy, her eyes rolling back and a louder moan escaping her throat.

“Yes! Ahhhh…”

To hell with the neighbors. Daisy thought. If they know I’m having the time of my life right now, then let them. They’d never suspect it’s with my dog! Max suddenly stopped his steady movements, pushing desperately against Daisy, cock becoming hard as a rock. His member spasmed inside her. She moaned as she felt it spray against the opening of her cervix, a sensation she had never known with the dildos she had used over the years.

“Good boy! Good boy!” Daisy praised him with delight as the dog stood like a statue, focused entirely on the task of breeding her.

After a time, Daisy felt the tickle inside her fade. His knot softened against her as Max edged backward and pulled out of her.

As his cock pulled free, Daisy heard a shlock sound as his cum bubbled out, no longer plugged up in her love hole. Instinctively she reached down with a hand and touched her lips, feeling the cum ooze out of her. She pushed a finger in, then a second, hoping to contain Max’s love juice within her. After a moment to steady himself, Max moved back to her hole and tried to lick past her hand to the liquid he had just put inside her.

“Hey!” Daisy called to him in mock outrage. “You gave that to me. You can’t take it back now!”

Max sensing the sarcasm in her words, continued licking, intrigued at the mixing of their two flavors.

“Fuck me! That was amazing,” Daisy said to herself with a laugh. “What did you think, boy?”

Max moved away from her legs and delivered a few wet dog kisses to her cheek. Daisy pulled him into a hug and snuggled against his warm fur as he nuzzled his head to the side of her neck.

“I’ve got to give you a special treat tonight. For all your hard work,” Daisy whispered into his ear, eyes quickly drooping as she fell into sleep.

Now that her sexual needs had been met, her body had decided that sleep was now her greater concern. Max feeling her slowing heartbeat, settled comfortably against his master, enjoying a rare nap with Daisy, who was usually busy during the week. Yet his body still craved more of his master’s touch.


Part Three

Daisy let out a loud yawn, coming to a sitting position up from her bed and carefully sliding between Max’s cuddling paws.

“What time is it?”

Though her blinds were drawn, Daisy could still see the light coming between the shutters, the deep orange of sunset.

“Oh my gosh, I’ve just slept through nearly all my Saturday!” Daisy said to herself with regret, turning down to her dog, still sleeping soundly by her lap.

Well, not entirely a waste of a day.

A rumble in her stomach reminded Daisy that she never did have lunch, save for a quick protein snack courtesy of Max. The groan of her stomach also roused Max from his slumber, which, identically to his owner, let out a wide yawn before stretching himself out on the bed.

“Time for dinner?” Daisy asked with a knowing smile.

Max quickly answered her question, jumping from the bed and out the door to the kitchen.

Daisy decided against putting on any of her clothes again. It was a lovely warm spring day, and she only needed them to hide her nakedness. With all the blinds closed to any curious onlookers, she relished the feeling, strutting about her domain, queuing up her favorite tunes to sing along and dance to as she prepared her and Max’s dinner. Max watched it all from his favorite spot, a chair by the counter with his favorite pillow. He didn’t understand what his master was doing, but he enjoyed seeing the smile on her face as she shouted into a spoon and slid around on her heels.

Quickly putting together a healthy and filling feast to make up for her lack of lunch, Daisy got Max’s attention, placing a large chunk of chicken breast into his bowl and his kibble. As Max savored his special treat, Daisy shared in his enjoyment, seeing his tail wagging so much his whole butt shook along with it.

“See! You can dance too.” Daisy laughed before tucking into her meal.

As with breakfast, Max was quick to clean his plate before resting down on top of Daisy’s feet as she finished her meal. Daisy wriggled her toes under his fluffy belly, enjoying the warmth and softness as if covered with a blanket. With dinner eaten and the hole in her stomach filled, Daisy began cleaning the dishes and putting them away. With the few chores handled, Daisy turned to her phone and collapsed on the couch to answer the few messages and emails she got over the day. Without a thought, she shifted her feet as she heard Max approach, letting him jump onto the other half of the couch as he lay on top of her. Eyes glued to her phone, Daisy absentmindedly scratched at his head as she quickly came up with excuses to her friends as to why she was only replying now.

Max didn’t make a sound, but as he shifted his weight, she felt something rub against her leg. It was hard and hot and unmistakable Max’s cock. Finally, given enough reason to look up, Daisy tilted her head at Max in confusion.

“Haven’t you had enough, boy?”

Max mirrored the movement, his big eyes looking expectantly into Daisy’s. Looking at the clock, Daisy could see that it was still early, having only needed to eat dinner because she missed lunch.

Have I had enough?

Daisy smiled mischievously at Max.

No, I haven’t.

This was the momentous day she had been waiting for. Her phone could wait until tomorrow. She was going to remember this.

“Okay, boy. I suppose we could both have some dessert.”

Max’s tongue flopped out of his mouth, as it always did when he was excited. Though he couldn’t understand her words, he could now understand their meaning. This time Max got up first, jumping off the couch and heading to the bedroom. As Daisy stood up, he quickly turned, ensuring she followed him.

“I’m coming. I’m coming.” Daisy laughed, hurrying slightly behind him.

Can’t have him think he’s bossing me about.

Max was already on the bed by the time she could sit down and edge herself towards the middle. His head darted around her, unable to decide where he should focus on first.

“You must calm down first, Max,” Daisy cautioned him in her special training voice.

The tone caused Max to quickly sober, sitting back on his hind legs with his head pointed down in admonishment.

“Good.” Daisy nodded her head at his obedience.


She lunged toward Max, wrapping her arms around him and preventing him from moving. Max hadn’t realized it, but his polite sitting position gave Daisy perfect access to his semi-hard cock. Once Max had settled after her sudden movement, Daisy took her hands in front of her and began to play with his white and red member. She had been so excited that she couldn’t get a good feel of it, a mistake she would remedy now. Her fingers played down its length, enjoying its springiness as she squeezed it slightly, tongue darting out from her mouth to catch any dribbles that formed at its tip. Max sat perfectly still, his heavy panting above ensuring her he was content.

After wrapping her hand about every inch of him, Daisy once again took the head of his cock into her mouth. With him sitting, she was comfortable knowing he couldn’t thrust into her mouth and hurt her, so she took that as a sign to take a risk. Slowly getting used to its shape, Daisy edged down on its length, taking more of it into her mouth and relaxing her throat as it tickled its back. Taking deep breaths, she pushed down, feeling its rubbery length bend along her throat, tongue flickering across its underside. Max was getting more erect now, his knot slowly swelling beneath her and giving her a goal to reach. Daisy was determined now.

Slowly sliding off his member to catch a breath, she licked at any strands of fluid that escaped her lips, steadying herself before she attempted to swallow it again. This time her throat was ready, easily letting his cock bump and bend down its passage, likely aided by the quick squirts of doggy pre-cum to lubricate the way. With a final inhale through her nose, Daisy’s lips bottomed out on the top of his knot, the thicker part of his shaft filling most of her mouth. Max’s knot was fully engorged now, and she was in the perfect position to enjoy it. Her lips edged against its thick circumference, an impassable wall to her deepthroat attempt. No matter how well she trained herself, she had to accept that she would never be able to take that into her throat as much as she wanted to.

To make up for the harsh realities of her biology, Daisy began to bounce up and down on his cock, letting its slick length move in and out of her mouth and throat. She surprised herself with how quickly she could go, bubbles forming around her mouth as it disappeared and reappeared behind her lips. Max was now panting faster than he had before, unable to show his excitement in any other way, less he stopped the service his master was giving him. Though Max couldn’t give any warning, his cock sure did. Daisy could feel it as it hardened, forcing its way from her throat.

A moment later, his cock spasmed and fountained his thick dog seed into Daisy’s waiting mouth. Daisy’s eyes shot open. She had previously had the first spray go straight down her throat, but now she felt the full force splatter the insides of her mouth. Holding her mouth firmly over his cock she let the cum pool at the bottom of her lips, waiting for his orgasm to finish. As the final spurts dribbled out, Daisy carefully pulled up and away, keeping the seal on her lips firm until she sat upright again. Feeling the ache in her neck, she stretched her head up, the motion tipping the cum to the back of her throat and giving her an idea.

Bottom’s up.

Keeping her head where it was, she relaxed her throat and took tiny, deliberate swallows of Max’s cum, relishing the feeling of it slowly cascading down her throat.

I need to figure out how many calories are in this. I don’t want to ruin my figure doing this.

Daisy sighed in contentment, smiling at the happy look in Max’s eyes. As the tightness in her neck and mouth started to settle, great pain throbbed in her groin. Her hand reached down, feeling her privates wholly saturated.

Oh my god! Is something wrong with me?

Daisy had never ached like this before. Max moved closer to her, but the pain was too much, and she fell onto her elbows, one arm holding her up while the other grasped at her crotch. Daisy had held back from masturbating for a few weeks before this, determined to enjoy today to the fullest. Had today’s sudden and immense pleasure been too much after all that wait?

Ow! It can’t be anything too wrong. Max and I have been careful. It’s probably just something from me being so horny.

With the ache in her crotch, Daisy wasn’t paying much attention to Max, who had just been presented with an overflowing honeypot. Something stirred within him just as he was about to begin lapping at it again. Daisy is lying facedown, butt in the air, and her wetness fills his nose with hundreds of pheromones. Max was a well-trained dog, but he could hardly ignore his instincts. Just as his fathers had before him, Max reared up, draping his two front paws on either side of Daisy, pressing them against her legs and allowing him to position himself. The sudden embrace caused Daisy to come to her senses. Her hand fell away from her slit, using it to push herself up slightly and turn her head back.

“Max?” she asked, confused, but it was as if she was begging for it from him.

With a quick shove, he slipped within Daisy, pushing out whatever words she was about to say to him. Something snapped within Daisy. The ache in her belly scratched as Max’s cock plunged into her. Max didn’t need to be careful now. Daisy was incredibly wet, and her pussy constantly pulsed as he thrust in as fast as he could.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh,” Daisy moaned in time with his thrusts.

There was no control now. Her fingers and toes curled in pleasure; her teeth chattered as she was rocked into climax after climax. Max leaned forward, teeth catching Daisy’s short hair and pulling her head backward. Daisy could barely feel it, more than happy to lean into him, throwing back her head and screaming in delight.

“Oh god! Fuck me! Fuck me, yes!”

Max heard her loud and clear. Keep pounding my pussy. Please do what you want to me. Max pushed deeper and harder, the head of his cock bumping up against Daisy’s cervix, any pain that would typically come from it fully translated to pleasure. Daisy could feel something. She knew what it was. She couldn’t stop it, not that she wanted to. Max’s knot had begun to grow. Its round baseball-like shape slipped in and out of her snatch due to his speed, but as it grew with each thrust, it strained more against her stretched pussy. Just as she was sure it wouldn’t come back into her again, Max pushed harder than he had before, the knot passing her lips and straining them with its girth.

As Max tried to pull out again, his knot caught, only causing Daisy to cry out in pleasure and for him to continue pumping in shorter, more desperate strokes. Daisy could feel it continue to swell. Continue to bump inside her and hit all the buttons it needed to. She constantly moaned, unable to form words as the pleasure continued to mount. Her skin became slick with sweat, sticking against the furry body of her mate as he thrust on top of her.

Max was reaching his limit as well. Daisy was unbelievably tight as his cock continued to grow, the limits of her pussy pressing his cock into a vice as he endeavored to shake it back and forth. Max’s eyes widened, and his mouth opened as he released Daisy’s hair and turned toward the roof. He let out a high-pitched howl, a sound she had never heard him make before, but just as he understood the meaning of her words, she now knew what he meant by this.

She is mine.

Max’s cock hardened inside her. She was unable to move within her tight body, which spasmed continuously. Perfectly positioned within her, his cock erupted, streaming his powerful load past the walls of her cervix and into her uterus. Though it was impossible, Max was determined to mate with her, to breed her.


Daisy moaned a final time, feeling herself fill with Max’s seed. Released from his mouth, she had fallen onto her face, her mouth open. With this final explosion of pleasure, she could do nothing else but pass out.

Max stood astride his lover, letting himself drain into her for as long as he could. Though he wished to do more, his master had expertly milked him of everything that day. He was satisfied now. Though his instincts were to turn about and wait for his knot to deflate and release, his love for Daisy was stronger. Instead, as Daisy collapsed onto her bed, he nestled on top of her, his cock safely plugging her hole and his fur keeping her naked skin warm as the night air began to cool. The two of them slept that way the whole night. Pet and owner, but now also lovers.

Having slept so much the day before, Daisy awoke surprisingly well-rested save for a few muscle aches. She remembered to check her phone and was horrified to see the number of messages piled up. Friends and family determined to know why she hadn’t responded. While Max lay at her side, Daisy did her best to answer and reassure them quickly. Once the last message was handled, she fell back next to Max, rubbing his head and behind his ears.

“I think we went a bit overboard yesterday, boy,” Daisy said idly.

“Maybe we should take a break today?”

Max huffed and let Daisy go about her morning. He couldn’t understand her words, but he knew what she meant and wanted.

And I think we all know what she got up to later that day.

The End