Having just moved into a new home, one located away from neighbors and their prying eyes, everything seemed perfect. My home bordered a national forest, so no chance of anyone ever moving in behind me. My new property was big enough to assure my privacy for as long as I needed, the front was basically a private driveway, so I seldom saw anyone just driving by.

Graduating from college, I was lucky to team up with a small group of classmates, all starting a distribution business. One of them spoke perfect Mandarin, so he easily set up a connection to the Chinese market. There are so many good companies selling items for a fraction of what we could re-sell them for here that our possibilities were endless.

Jake was able to move between the many bad businesses’ to the good ones due to his knowledge of the language, Steven was a gifted salesman, Brenda was a top-notch accountant, and I, Nikki, had the ability to crate and write adds that brought in buyers to Steven regularly.

At first, we dealt with small items, gradually moving to bigger and more expensive ones, making all four of us wealthy and more than satisfied with our arrangements – we split all profit four ways. It was a good arrangement. We never mixed business with anything between us socially, so no fear of problems down the road.

Once I was all moved into my new place, I love to run, so early the following morning, I took off on a long run to explore some of the homes further down what looked like another private road. The junction looked like a large farm of some sort and bordered the forest as mine did. If my judgment were correct, it would give me a nice 5-mile run, so I was on my way.

The closer I got, the more intriguing it became. First of all, the fields seemed to be growing some reddish type of plant. What caught my eye at first was the cute redhead, big tits and a body to die for, driving what appeared a custom tractor, which plucked off the red top of the plants, tossing them back into a small trailer being pulled behind. She was in a small bikini, not what I expected for a ranch hand. When she saw me, she waved. I nodded, smiled, and waved back, hoping maybe she was single. Since I am a confirmed lesbian, this might prove to be an even better move for me.

I was even more encouraged when she stood up in the tractor to watch me go by, I’m 5’4” tall, blonde hair, and with the help of a skilled plastic surgeon, I have a 36E-25-36 inch body, so when I’m jogging, my tits are bouncing up and down along the way.

The closer I got to the main home, a big sign was at the entrance, “Elsa’s Specialized Dog Breeding Ranch. By appointment only.”

Passing by the main home, a very new looking group of buildings were behind. I assumed she kept the dogs in there, but the second surprise came when two knockout brunettes left the main house, entering the large structure, also dressed in a thin bikini, just like the one the tractor lady wore.

This had me confused, but also a bit curious and somewhat wet between my legs.

The road ended, like mine, just past the house. Checking my watch, it was just over a 5-mile run when I’d get back home. As I headed back, the tractor lady was by the structure, and she had been joined by one of the most beautiful brunettes I think I’ve ever seen. Like me, she had huge tits and a perfect figure. The two were picking out the red plants, dropping them in a large bucket. They both waved when they saw me, and the brunette was in a pair of shorts and a loose-fitting top. If I had been closer, it would have shown me a perfect set of tits and nipples to match.

After finishing my run and taking a long relaxing shower, I had just settled into my new office when the doorbell rang. Not expecting any visitors, opening it, I was pleasantly surprised to see the luscious-looking brunette, standing there, with a covered plate of something and a bottle of wine, “Hi, I hope I am not disturbing you, but when I saw you run past my home this morning, I realized you had finally moved in. My name is Elsa, and I have some, hopefully, good tasting cookies and a different tasting wine that I thought you might like to try.”

A smile spread all over my face. She had the same outfit on I had admired this morning, opening the door wide. “Please come in. I”m Nikki, and I’d love to try the cookies and the wine. Would you have time to join me?”

She agreed, we headed to the kitchen. I got two glasses out, pouring each of us one, then joining her on a smaller love seat, I toasted her, “To a new friendship.”

The cookies were to die for, and I loved how light the drink was. “So when I ran by, I noticed you breed dogs, but it said a specialized type.”

She laughed. “Yes, we only keep males when we have a litter of pups, they have to be a larger dog, and we train them to be a woman’s best companion. As a matter of fact, since they are larger, we may want to look at you getting one for here. it is not safe for a woman to be alone, and believe me, they would protect you with their life if needed.”

Tilting my head, I said, “I do love dogs. My grandparents also breed dogs for sale, I spent most of my early summers on their farm, and I had been thinking of getting one. Maybe I’ll come by and see what you have some time.”

She moved closer to me, placing her hand on my bare leg. I had on a pair of shorts and a pullover t-shirt, easily showing my nipples and how hard they had become since she came in. “So you have seen how dogs mate, tell me, and I hope I am not intruding, but did you ever become curious about how it would feel to be one the males bitches?”

A sudden flashback to my 16th birthday at the farm. Both of my grandparents had gone into town to get me a present, and it turned out to be a new car for me. Looking at her, my face flushed, my breathing becoming heavier, she could tell her question had sparked a memory.

Moving to my side, putting her arm around my shoulders, pulling me to her, “I can tell my question sparked a memory if you feel like it, please tell me, I’d love to know, promise it will just be between the two of us.”

I have not told anyone about what happened to me that day, but I was beginning to feel safe with her for some reason. I explained my grandparents had gone into town to get me a car for my birthday present. I had been watching two dogs mate. For some reason, this time, it began to excite me. Watching them, my hands between my legs, it did not take long for me to experience one of my first orgasms, not my first but one of them, and this one was much more intense than any previous ones had washed over me. Rushing inside to take a shower, I had wrapped up in a towel when I heard a commotion outside.

Our old house dog, a big lab, had chased a small cat into a corner of the porch. I was afraid if he caught the little thing, he’d kill it, so I rushed out, pulling him away, but the kitten would not come to me, she was so freighted. I got down on all fours, moving into the small space, to see if I could get her out. I was still experiencing the afterglow of my climax, I could feel a wetness between my legs, so I guess Buster smelled my arousal. I damn near fainted when his tongue licked the entire length of my pussy, causing me to moan, then try to push him away.

The space was so small, and I really had no way of pushing him away. Within a few seconds, he licked me again, then jumped up on my back. I felt his cock push into me in two short jumps, but he had not found my pussy.

I could reach between my legs, not able to stop him from entering me but stopping him from knotting with me. I then became even more embarrassed. “The sad thing is, when he began to empty his seed inside me, I had a second, much more powerful orgasm, leaving me filled with both of our juices. As soon as he had filled me, he pulled out, leaving me full of his warm cum. Finally backing out of the small space, I laid back on the steps, legs spread wide apart, looking down at my inflamed pussy, still leaking. Slowly I got back up, took another shower, then made up my mind to say nothing to anyone.”

By now, she had moved in behind me, pulling me to her between her legs, rubbing my arms, running her hands over my shoulders. “I am so sorry to hear you had that bad experience, but maybe in time, it will become the first time you enjoyed this type of pleasure.”

It did not take long before a friendly massage turned into a heated kiss. Finally turning to her, as she slipped a hand down my loose-fitting shorts, she began to move her finger back and forth, then stopped. “Oh, before we get too carried away, I know I have lots of work to do. I’m sure you’re in the same boat. What do you say we postpone this for a later time when we can explore and get to know each other totally.”

I agreed. I did have a lot of work to do, she found out I was in advertising, and I learned the three women she has are employees training the dogs. Bikini’s are easy to wash and change, and the girls like them.

I had many questions, but I now knew she was into girls also, and if I was correct, her three employees were also not bad neighbors.

Every morning I’d jog by, got a chance to meet the three girls also. Each one was amiable and loved their job. Friday Elsa was out front waiting for me. “I figured you’d come by,” she said. “We all thought it would be nice to have a BBQ in the back by the pool, it will just be the four of us and you, we hope you can make it.”

Smiling, I said, “I’d love to. What can I bring?”

“All of us love beer, but we haven’t had time to go get some. If you could bring that, it would be great, and I’ll have the meat, and the girls will fix the salads, finger food, and so on.”

I was about to leave, “Oh, also, we have a tradition of no clothes at these women-only parties. It tends to make us less inhibited. You Ok with a nude gathering?”

I had no objection and agreed I’d get the beer. As soon as I got back and showered, I headed into town to pick up the beer. I picked up two Corona cases and a case of Coors light and put them in the fridge as soon as I got home. I also got an emergency appointment to do a body make-over while I was in town.


Slipping on a lightweight lingerie type of covering, nothing else on, with a beer in the car, some sandals on, I dove to the party. Everyone came out to help me with the drinks. I tried not to stare, but they all were so beautiful, and all had nice sized boobs. I left my covering in the car, hugging each other, we all had meant. The beer was put in buckets of ice. Since they were cold already, everyone opened one as we headed to the back yard.

Jenny, the redhead I had seen on the tractor the first day, asked me what I did for a living. I explained what kind of advertising I did, then asked about the flowers she was harvesting the morning I saw her. Elsa came over, wrapping her arms around my waist. “It’s a special ingredient we use to change our dogs’ sperm. Anyone who buys our dog agrees to keep the dogs on this product. That is how we divide the profit. I pay a monthly salary, and I keep the sale of the dogs, the girls pack the product and keep the profit on that.”

Then she turned to Jenny and said, “Why don’t you take Nikki on a tour to see the kennels, the burgers should be ready by then.”

Jenny took my arm and said, “Follow me…”


The facility was immaculate, and it looked like they had approximately 20 plus dogs, all big, all beautiful, and all groomed to the max. The first thing that hit me was the smell, so different from any kennel I had ever been in. it seemed to come over me, instantly spiking my arousal, causing my legs to become weak. She reached out, helping me into a wheelchair that conveniently was there.

“What you are feeling is the results of the plants you saw me harvesting the other day. You’ll notice the dogs are not jumping and barking as most dogs do. Instead, take a close look at it,” Jenny said.

The strange smell was moving me into a sexual haze, making it hard to focus, but looking at the first two dogs, they were relaxing, their cocks out and semi-hard – it looked like a slow, steady stream of pre-cum was gathering on the ground.

“That pre-cum is what you are experiencing too.” Then Jenny giggled. “Can you imagine what it would be like to have it inside you?”

She pushed me to the center of the group. The feelings in my body were nothing that I had ever experienced before. She moved in behind me, massaging each breast, pinching and teasing each nipple. This was making me whimper, my eyes rolling up in my head, my breathing becoming rapid, taking in more of the erotic smell that just kept on spiking my arousal. She ran one hand down between my legs, pushing two fingers inside me, making my body hump her hand. Just as I started to get close to enjoying a massive orgasm, she stopped, wheeling me to the door, helping me back to the group.

One of the other women, Elsa, looked at me and said, “Good, Jenny, her eyes are hazed over now. Help her take a seat. Her food has been prepared.”

One of the girls slipped in a small Bullet vibrator, turning it on to a medium setting, causing my body to start humping the air in my chair. The food looked delicious, even though I had no idea what was happening to me. Elsa hugged me. “All of your food has been doctored by the same chemical we get from the pretty plants you see in the field between my place and yours, soon you will be ready to become part of our family,” she said.

The food tasted so good, but I didn’t understand what she was saying. “Why do I need to become part of your family? I don’t understand,” I asked.

“The three girls train the dogs, but in the dogs’ last couple of weeks, they’re in a home with a single female,” Elsa said. “That has been me. So we can only sell so many dogs in a year. After this weekend, you can have one with you also, which will double our sales each year. Don’t worry. You’ll love your new life.”

I tried to understand what she was saying, but the vibrator kept me on the edge of a much-needed orgasm, and the drugged food was not helping clear my mind.


For the next couple of hours, one girl after another kept coming up, kissing me, letting me sample some of their pussy juices. It was different than anything I had ever tasted. Each time it spiked my arousal higher and higher but never letting me experience what I really needed.

Finally, I was ready for the next step, but I have no idea why or what happened to make me ready. The vibrator was taken out, the four of them helped me into the back of the kennels. The room was brightly lit, large bean bags were scattered around, in the center, a piece of furniture, all padded with restraints where my wrists were placed, my tummy and boobs were laid down the ottoman type of furniture. My legs were separated as wide as possible. The knees were secured as well as my ankles. Jenny had a large jar of some cream, which she was pushing a lot of it inside my pussy.

Leaning down, she said, “We won’t have to prime you ever again, Nikki. Just this one time.”

When I was secured, Elsa came up to me, kneeling by my side. Rubbing my back and my bottom, she said, “The drugs we give the dogs makes them very relaxed, but continually horny. It subdues them, so they fuck much slower. Their cum is heavily drugged also. As soon as he empties his load, you will be addicted to doggy cum from the special dogs we raise and train. Now relax. I promise you it will be a better experience than you had before.”

To keep me from knowing what was going to happen, one of the girls knelt in front of me, kissing me, her tongue exploring my mouth. This had me floating again in a sexual erotic haze. Just as I was floating from the kissing, someone began to play with my breasts and nipples. Unknown to me, a big pure white lab was brought in. He was approximately halfway through his training, but he knew what to do. Licking my pussy, caused me to whimper. The feeling was so different, and the rough tongue sent chills all through my body. A second lick did the same thing to me, then he mounted me, hopping only one time, before his cock slide inside me.

Even though I was in a highly aroused state, I did know what was happening to me, but it seems my inhibitions had been either taken away or subdued. Either way, his cock suddenly inside me felt so good that it made me moan even more than I had been.

But unlike any dog I have ever seen, this one was fucking me very slow, extremely steady – each time he pushed into me, my whole body shook, the combined things happening to me, the kissing my tits being teased, kept bringing me closer and closer to the edge of crashing over the top.

I have no idea how long he was fucking me, but I felt his knot press up against my opening at some time. What was about to happen started to scare me. Even though I was not fully aware of the pain coming, I started to wiggle my bottom, trying to get him out of me, pulling on my wrists restraints to push him away, but nothing would make him stop.

He kept pounding against me until it finally slipped in. The pain combined with an explosion of one of the most intense orgasms I have ever experienced in my life left me in total shock. My mouth came open, but as soon as he was in me, just like any dog does, once the knot was in place, the first load of his drug-filled cum filled my pussy. The drug’s effects hit me in less than a minute, causing one orgasm after the next. He kept pumping load after load in me, and I kept experiencing one mini orgasm after the next, coming so fast, it was leaving me in a total exhausted state. Finally, my mind and body reached an overload, causing my body to shut down, my mind going completely blank, slumping on the ottoman type of device, I fell into a deep sleep.

When his knot finally shrunk down to slip out of me easily, no liquid came gushing out. The restraints were taken off. They all helped me into the chair again, moving me back to Elsa’s home, putting me to bed, in one she kept for guests or new buyers.


I have no idea how long I slept, but when I woke, it only took a moment for me to know something had changed in my body. Taking advantage of the shower next to the room I had been in, then heading to the main part of the house, Elsa and Jenny enjoyed a cup of coffee on the patio. They were still nude. So I walked out and poured myself a cup of Java as well. Elsa was the first one to see me. “Oh, good. You’re up. How do you feel?” she asked.

Taking a seat, I said, “I think I slept very well, but I feel really different, but not sure why.”

Jenny had moved in behind me, leaning down, taking hold of both of my breasts, sending an instant spike in my arousal. My legs opened wide, on their own. Elsa moved to her knees, between my legs, and said, “The plant you saw Jenny gathering is given to the dogs. It makes them more relaxed but horny all the time. They are trained to fuck women only. Jenny and the two girls train them by showing them how to fuck. That is where they are now being fucked by a couple of dogs.” Then she pushed her hands between my legs. I could feel how wet I was becoming. She pushed a finger inside me, my juices coating it, bringing it out, holding up to me.

“Here, see how you taste now.”

I sucked her finger in my mouth. The taste was so different, shooting a surge of sexual pleasure all through my body. A questioning look at her. She was now enjoying a finger she had pushed in me again.

“Yesterday, you were fucked by one of our special drugged dogs,” Elsa said. “He knotted with you, emptied several loads of his special cum inside you.”

Then Elsa moved up to kiss me, a long, very sensual kiss, that involved her tongue, while Jenny was kneading my breasts, also kissing my neck.

“When one of our dogs empties their seed inside someone, they are forever addicted to needing more cum, needing to be fucked by one of our special dogs. You have now joined the family, and it will be perfect. The final two weeks after their training, the dog comes into my house, and he fucks me when he wants to. But now we can have two dogs getting ready in their final two weeks before they are ready to join their new owner. You and I can both test them. What do you think?”

I was on the verge of exploding, trying to take in all she had said when a big beautiful collie came out to join us. I was already so wet, he moved his nose between my legs, licking up the juices that had been leaking easily out of me.

Normally I would have pushed him away, but my legs went wider for some reason, running my hands through his soft hair. The patio chairs were specially designed to lay back, my legs kept wide, while my body relaxed in the lounge. Jenny eased the back, just as the collie jumped between my legs. He was so practiced. One small jump, and he was inside me, causing me to roll my head back.

Now that I was fully awake, aware of what was happening to me, but instead of objecting to it, deep inside me, I wanted him to lock with me, to feel his addicting drug-enhanced cum in me. I did not expect how slow he was pushing in and out of me, almost like a long lost lover would do, not wanting to hurt you.

This was so exciting, I knew I was quickly slipping into an erotic haze, one that would leave me breathless afterward, but I wanted, needed to experience what was happening to me. All of a sudden, his knot was pushing up against my opening. It felt very similar to the one who had raped me years ago, but then I stopped it from happening. Now I needed to feel it inside me as quickly as possible.

Pushing to him, trying to open even further, it only took a few more bounces from him. My eyes shot wide open, and he was in me.

As soon as it happened, a multitude of things took place. First, it hit my magical spot, sending my body into an instant orgasm, one as I’ve never experienced in my life. My toes curled up, and I think I quit breathing as it washed over me. Just as I was beginning to enjoy the feeling this was emerging my body in, he emptied his first load of the drug-enhanced cum inside me. The experience the previous evening had prepared me for this, but when it hit, strangely, it felt like every fiber in my body felt the effects of the warm seed. My nipples got so hard. I would have screamed if anyone had touched them. My pussy was grabbing at his cock, trying to pull more of it inside me. A second climax hit me, with such force, I had barely been able to enjoy the first one when this one ripped through me,

Much to my surprise, he kept emptying load after load inside me, and each one triggered a mini-version of the original one. Now my eyes had rolled up in my head. The loss of vision, the loss of rational thought spread all over me – I was pulling at my tits, pinching, twisting each nipple, nothing seemed to help, as a third and fourth and who knows how many of these satisfying mini’s wrapped me into their pleasure places.

My body was worn out. The ability to think was gone. In a hazy mist of extreme satisfaction, I lay back, just as he pulled out of me. Waiting for the sticky feeling of his excess seed to run down my legs, I was surprised when I felt nothing. Reaching between my legs, my own cum was present, but not his- looking at Elsa, a questioning look.

She smiled. “Oh, one thing I forgot to tell you, with the changes in their cum, it is absorbed into your body, all of it. His knot won’t go down until your body has accepted all of it.” Then she kissed me. “Now you know why we are so addicted to them.”

I was beginning to come back to some normal feelings. “Is it like this every time I get used?”

She laughed. “It is for me. Every time is like the very first.”

It was not long before I came back to some normal breathing and thinking. We enjoyed the hot tub. Finally, all of the girls joined us. The rest of the weekend resulted in our fucking each other, the collie having his way with me multiple times. Then I took him home with me, returning to work, breaking several times each day for him to use me.


Several weeks later, we had established a tradition of gathering in my backyard or Elsa’s. I had two spare bedrooms prepared in case anyone wanted to stay over.

The collie had gone to his new owner when a beautiful Bernese Mountain dog joined me. That was a Thursday when he joined me. Friday afternoon, everyone came over to my place. I had some meat on the BBQ when he came out, pushed his head between my legs since, as always, I stay nude most of the time.

I dropped to my knees and shouted, “Can someone take care of our steaks?”

He fucked me like always, finally pulling his cock out of me. Jenny helped me up. My eyes were so hazed over. I couldn’t talk, only whimper.

Elsa laughed. “That breed really deposits a huge amount of cum. She’ll be Ok soon.”

I heard her, smiling inside, thinking how much I do love my new life.

The End