Many years ago I was chatting with a woman who told me a story about how she used to play with the family dog while her husband was away until one day she was raped by their six Australian Cattle dogs. At first, I was shocked but as she told me that the following times it happened she was more than willing I guessed it couldn’t have been that bad an experience. For many years that story has sat in the back of my head but I have finally decided to tell it. I have taken what she told me, which was limited, to be honest, and the rest of the story that surrounds it that is down to my fertile and perverted imagination. Is it true or not? … I have no idea but it is quite brutal and involves a lot of dog sex so perhaps not for the faint-hearted.


Shelia looked out across the hot dry dusty plain and knew that the nearest human being to her would be over half a day’s ride away, well apart from possibly a passing aborigine but no one really knew where they were half the time. Her husband had set off an hour ago in their beaten-up old truck, to the main station or the ‘homestead’ as he preferred to call it, to pick up the month’s supplies. Shelia knew that while he was there he would be meeting up with his brothers, who also timed their monthly run to coincide with each other, and there they would consume vast amounts of beer and whisky before returning home the next day when they were sober enough to drive. This meant that she had the place to herself until well into the late afternoon tomorrow which allowed her freedom and relief from Bruce’s constant moaning.

Shelia was naked apart from her boots and a large floppy hat as she made her way over to the dog compound where the outstation’s pack of ‘heelers ‘were starting to bark and bay as they knew collectively what was about to happen. She held her small 5-foot frame perfectly erect and was proud of her lithe body which at 40 years old was still in excellent shape. Her breasts weren’t that large which meant there had been minimal sag over the years and working around the station had kept any body fat to a minimum. Shelia paused at the compound gate as the dogs barked and leapt at the fencing eager to get at their bitch and she reflected on how it had all started just over two years ago. Back then they only had six heelers or Australian cattle dogs as they are better known, but at her insistence, the pack had grown to a round dozen. The heelers get their name from the way they control cattle by nipping at their heels until they move in the desired direction.


The Anderson family had been in Australia for generations and as her Father-in-Law kept telling her they had staked their claim for the Homestead almost before Captain Cook had passed away. This was no doubt yet another one of his exaggerations but when James got together with his sons, Barry, John and Bruce, with the beer flowing it would be surpassed by other tall tales of fighting crocs and punching sharks until all four of them would slip into drunken comas. The main homestead sat on the South of the land where the road train could drop off supplies on a regular basis, which would then be distributed to the three outstations that old man James had built in the north, east & west of the 10,000 square kilometre ranch. Each of these outstations was occupied by one of the three brothers and their families, though in hers and Bruce’s case there were no children.

Drinking into a stupor was one of the reasons that there had been no children in hers and Bruce’s marriage as more often than not he would be too drunk to perform his husbandly duties. She would lie awake at night thinking to herself, “it was like trying to thumb in a marshmallow” and then in search of something more substantial to fill her aching pussy would wander the house naked while her husband snored in their bed. On the nights he was able to perform he would either roll on top of her and pump until he was done leaving her unfulfilled or do the same when she was on all fours. The latter was a more risky position as he wasn’t choosey about which hole he took, as he proudly boasted on their wedding night, “They don’t call me backdoor Bruce for nothing.” It was his love of anal that was the other reason there hadn’t been any children in their marriage.

There was always a supply of homegrown cucumbers in their fridge and it was more often than not those that gave her the relief and satisfaction she sought. One night during the last summer, just before Christmas as Shelia lay on the kitchen floor bathed in the pale moonlight of the hot evening Bruce’s snoring was reverberating through the house that it happened. With the soles of her feet planted firmly on the floor, her body arched up in a bow like she was pushing up towards an invisible lover Shelia drove the cucumber into herself. Her pussy was squelching from the second orgasm she had enjoyed that evening with a third not far behind when suddenly Chippy appeared, disturbed by the noise.

Chippy was their 12-year-old Australian Staghound who used to belong to James and when he reached 10 and became too old for hunting James was going to get rid of him but Shelia heard and took him in as a pet. As a guard dog, he was pretty useless as he wasn’t really territorial but as a companion, he was devoted to Shelia and kept her company when Bruce was out on the mustering of the cattle when he would be gone for a week. Chippy had lost none of his sleekness and although perhaps had a little less speed still had the powerful muscles of his breed.

Seeing his mistress arching up off the floor, a strong and powerful aroma filled his nostrils and stepping forward he stuffed his long snout between her legs and inhaled deeply. Shelia was on the brink and the touch of the cold wet nose almost made her squeal loudly but she managed to contain her noise for fear of waking Bruce. Her head was spinning as she tried to work out what was happening and as she removed the cucumber from her pulsating pussy it was replaced with Chippy’s long rough tongue. She had felt his tongue on her hands and face over the past few years so knew its roughness and enthusiasm but nothing could have forwarned her how it would feel rasping across her delicate and sensitive folds. Her deep guttural moans were stifled as she clamped down on the tea towel she had stuffed into her mouth as Chippy continued to lick with gusto. Shelia squirted into Chippy’s mouth with such force, that she thought for a moment she had wet herself. Chippy on the other hand thought he had found the source of all things wonderful and licked and lapped with such eagerness that he sent multiple orgasms shuddering through his mistress.

Eventually, Shelia returned to planet earth and as she staggered to the bathroom to clean up, was overcome with waves of guilt and revulsion at what she had just done. Crawling into bed she lay next to her snoring husband and stared at the ceiling wondering what Pandora’s box she had opened and how she would ever face herself. Yet although her brain was in turmoil she felt totally satisfied and could feel her pussy gently throbbing until eventually, she fell into a deep sleep.

The following morning Shelia walked into the kitchen and saw Chippy lying in his basket and felt the colour rise to her cheeks and moments later wetness between her legs as Chippy greeted her enthusiastically by licking her hand and face. Spooning some dog food into his bowl Chippy ignored her and began to eat, wagging his tail with pleasure. “Typical male,” Shelia thought to herself and made coffee for her husband who she could hear peeing in the bathroom and she knew he would soon be in looking for coffee and breakfast before he started his day.

The day flew by with Shelia watching Chippy playing in the dirt as he chased imaginary animals around the outside of the house until eventually returning to the veranda and laying panting at her feet. There seemed to be no difference in the world that despite the act she had committed the night before the world still kept turning and she had not been struck down by a thunderbolt. In fact the more she thought about it, she rationalised that no harm was being done, it wasn’t like she was being unfaithful or anything and if no one knew what harm could there be? That evening when her husband returned home and put the working dogs away she greeted him with a kiss and a cold beer. Chippy was the only dog allowed to run free, the working dogs were kept in a compound a little way over from the main house as although highly intelligent they were not domesticated in the same way as Chippy.

Shelia waited until Bruce had fallen asleep and was snoring before she crept down to the kitchen for another fantastic licking session with Chippy. This nightly occurrence continued for a while until one night as Shelia stared mesmerised at the long red dripping cock that had emerged from Chippy’s furry sheath she knew she wanted to take things further.

Two days later Bruce kissed her goodbye as he mounted his horse and with the pack yapping at his heels set off for the mustering.

“See you in a week.” He shouted from the horse as Shelia waved at the departing dust trail, ruffling the head of Chippy who sat at her side.

“No time like the present,” Shelia said to herself as she went back into the house and stripped naked before lying on the floor and opening her legs. Chippy had followed her into the room and knew that her being naked was his signal so burrowed his head between her thighs as he started to lick at the wonderful nectar oozing from his mistress’s pussy. For the first time, Shelia didn’t have to muffle her cries of pleasure and allowed herself to fully enjoy Chippy’s talented tongue, her moans and groans echoing through the empty house. Through her lust-filled eyes, she could see that Chippy’s red cock had emerged fully from its sheath and was dripping onto the tile floor.

Twisting onto all fours and away from his tongue, she reached under and gently took Chippy’s cock in her hand, which to her amazement and delight, throbbed gently and was warm to the touch. Without moving her hand pre-cum pulsed steadily from the tip, then without any real conscious thought, Shelia bent her head and with her mouth open sucked on the end of the cock. A bittersweet taste filled her mouth and it popped into her head that Chippy was as hard as Bruce had been on their wedding night. With no clear plan in her head other than hoping Chippy would do what seemed to come naturally to most animals Shelia let go of his cock and turned her ass to face him, praying for Chippy to realise she was offering herself to him as his bitch. She felt Chippy’s cold nose pressed against her anal star and then his tongue flicking out and delving into her pussy from behind.

“Fuck me Chippy please I beg you,” Shelia moaned.

Her disappointment at his lack of understanding of her desires was tempered by his magical tongue and placing her head on her folded arms she pushed her ass higher in the air. Shelia could feel her orgasm building when suddenly the licking stopped and then before she could react she felt the weight of Chippy on her back, his soft belly fur caressing her ass cheeks as he started to thrust. His front paws were gripping at her hips, almost like a man trying to pull her into his cock as his hind legs scrabbled on the floor and on her calves. Shelia could feel the hardness of the cock as it jabbed and then to her frustration Chippy dismounted and returned to his licking.

“Please Chippy…please,” Shelia moaned pleadingly and almost as if he understood Chippy re-mounted, but this time his first jab was successful as he drove home. Shelia had the breath knocked out of her as Chippy started to slam into her pussy with a speed and ferocity that she had never experienced in her life. Although not a heavy dog, with its greyhound-type build, Chippy was powerful and the muscles that powered it to 40mph now drove its hard red cock into her wet and willing body. Any doubts about whether her actions were right or wrong were driven from her head as Chippy fucked her until she orgasmed violently on his cock and then he continued to keep fucking her as she writhed under him jammed over the seat of the couch. Just when she thought things couldn’t get any better she felt a brief flash of pain followed by a swelling inside her pussy that seemed to keep growing. Shelia was experiencing a knot for the first time and when it started to pulse and shoot hot jets of cum deep inside she was taken to heights she never knew existed.

The rest of the day passed in a whirlwind as Chippy would fuck her senseless then both would stop while they ate and took on fluids. Once they were sufficiently rested they would start again, either with Chippy sniffing around or more often Shelia crawling naked to Chippy pleading with him to fuck her.

When Bruce got home from the mustering Shelia was almost relieved as it meant she got a rest from the week of fucking she had indulged herself in. To her surprise, Bruce was actually eager for sex as he hadn’t drunk in a week and was horny as hell. Bruce put the heelers away and walked into the house and headed straight for the shower, where after divesting himself of his filthy clothes, showered himself under the hot water to clean off the week’s accumulated grime.

“Shelia, have been thinking about you a lot over the last week,” he shouted from the shower, “and I have got something for you.”

A few days off the booze and Shelia knew that he would be wanting sex which was something she normally looked forward to but on this occasion, her pussy was a little sore from the pounding Chippy had given it for the last week.

“Aww baby, it’s the time of the month,” Shelia said then adding as she felt guilty, “but I can give you a blowie if you want.”

Walking out from the shower Bruce was sporting a large erection and waving it about in his fist said proudly, “Best you get the ‘glide girl, I ain’t wasting this one. Brace yourself baby backdoor Bruce is home.”

Shelia rifled in the bedside drawer and then passed the Astroglide across to Bruce as she quickly stripped off and knelt on the bed, her ass in the air. The tube made what sounded like a rude noise as Bruce squirted a liberal amount on his cock and then started to coat his shaft until it glistened. Shelia jumped as the cold gel was squirted on her upturned ass which was quickly followed by the rough insertion of a finger into her anal opening.

“Gonna fuck you good girl,” Bruce grunted as he forced a second finger in and started to work them in and out of Shelia’s ass opening her ready for his cock.

Shelia felt the fingers withdraw and knowing what was coming next she gripped the bedsheets as she felt the familiar burn of Bruce’s fat cock entering her ass. Deeply and quickly he sank down into her ass and Shelia let out a loud groan of pain and lust as she felt his balls touch her pussy.

“Get out of here,” Bruce suddenly shouted and looking up Shelia could see that Chippy had stuck his head around the door on hearing the noises coming from his mistress.

“Damm dog,” Bruce muttered and grumbled as he started to saw in and out of his wife’s ass, brutally slamming himself to the hilt and then back out again. Shelia reached between her legs and started to rub her clit as her husband fucked her ass, pushing her down onto the bed as he drove in and out. All Shelia could think about as he fucked her was Chippy’s cock and how it had almost felt more loving than her husband’s anal assault. With a grunt Bruce unloaded into Shelia’s ass, pumping his cum deep with each spurt until he had finished. Withdrawing he let Shelia slump face down onto the bed as he stood and searched for his jeans.

“Damm I needed that,” he laughed, “Now fix me some food while I get myself a beer,” and with that, he slapped Shelia’s naked ass and left the bedroom almost tripping over Chippy who had been waiting outside.


Things fell back almost into their regular pattern with Bruce getting drunk most nights and Shelia making trips to the kitchen to indulge in Chippy’s talented tongue. As much as she wanted to roll onto all fours and let Chippy mount her like a bitch in heat she still had a fear that her husband might wake and catch Chippy locked inside her. Shelia knew her chance would come when Bruce made his monthly visit to the main homestead to pick up the supplies and she mentally counted down the days.

“Will ya feed the dogs for me,” Bruce shouted from the window of the truck cab, “I should be home at some point tomorrow.” with that, he set off bouncing down the dirt road towards the south. Shelia was in a frenzy as she rushed around the utility kitchen prepping the dog’s food with Chippy nearly tripping her up as he wound around her ankles, pushing his snout under her skirt. He could smell her excitement as she had deliberately not worn any panties when she dressed as she was eager to enjoy Chippy as soon as Bruce had left. Shelia couldn’t resist so she leaned back against the counter as she opened her legs and surrendered to his magic tongue.

It was on slightly wobbly legs that Shelia made her way across to the dog compound where the six cattle dogs were barking and yelping, but as she drew close they stopped still as the leader of the pack regarded her carefully as he sniffed the air. Shelia felt a shiver run down her spine as she stared back at the dog, this was almost a wild animal and not a friendly semi-domesticated dog, like Chippy was.

The entrance was like a corridor built of wire with a door at each end, the first from the outside into the corridor and the second allowing the corridor into the main compound to be sealed off. Making sure the door between the corridor and the main compound was closed Shelia walked to the other end on the outside and entered the corridor so that now just one sheet of the wire separated her from the pack. As she placed the bowls of food on the ground the leader, a grizzled old dog called Blue, pressed his muzzle to the wire and sniffed deeply, his hot breath penetrating the thin summer dress that Shelia wore. Shelia couldn’t help the yelp of terror that escaped her mouth and she fled down the corridor slamming the gate shut behind her. Moving along the side keeping her gaze on the pack she opened the internal gate to allow them access to their food. Before he started to eat she could have sworn that Blue leered at her but before it registered fully he was growling as he fought his way to the front of the pack to claim his choice of food.

Hurrying back towards the house Shelia was greeted by an enthusiastic Chippy who had his head under her skirt again before she could even enter the house. Shelia wanted to get into the house and enjoy Chippy fully but then it dawned on her, with no one within miles why not enjoy him as nature intended? Almost tearing her clothes from her body Shelia knelt on all fours on the small patch of grass just outside her veranda and pushing her ass into the hot air patted her cheeks. Chippy knew what was expected of him and with a yelp of joy mounted his bitch and within a few thrusts was buried deep into her warm and willing cunt which gripped his cock beautifully.

Shelia was in heaven, the warm air caressing her skin, the grass soft on her knees and elbows and a wonderful dog cock taking her to heaven as it slammed in and out at a frantic pace. Suddenly Chippy stopped his thrusting and began to growl, and opening her eyes Shelia found herself looking at Blue who was flanked by the rest of the pack as he regarded her silently behind intelligent eyes.

They say that dogs can instantly tell who is the alpha amongst them and this was certainly the case, as Chippy had stopped his growling and had dismounted from Shelia leaving her on all fours. She went to stand but with the speed and agility that mark their breed, the heelers surrounded her and one darted forward nipping her leg hard enough for her to stop standing and return to her previous position. Blue padded forward and regarded her as if he was studying her and deciding what to do. As Shelia watched his cock emerged from its sheath and started to drip steadily from its tip as he circled around her. Shelia twisted her neck as far as she could to watch him but when he was directly behind her she could no longer make eye contact and all she could do was wait.

She didn’t have to wait long as Blue was on her back in a flash making her sag slightly as she braced against his weight. His long hard cock penetrated her deeply and he set about fucking her at a speed and pace that she wasn’t even sure Chippy could match. At one point she went to move but felt sharp teeth nip at her shoulder with the silent command to remain in that position which she duly did. Despite the shock, Shelia could feel her orgasm building and with a loud yell felt herself cum on Blue’s cock as she flooded the extra lubricant allowing him to drive his knot into her body. Shelia couldn’t help the repeated orgasms that ran through her body as Blue pumped her full of his dog cum. She could feel his drool dripping onto her neck as he pulsed and throbbed inside until finally he was finished and pulled out of her with an audible plop.

Shelia took a deep breath to regain her composure but her ordeal wasn’t over as Blue’s place had been taken by the beta in the pack who mounted her with the same enthusiasm as his pack leader. Almost like he was competing with him, dog number two drove in and out of Shelia’s wet and willing cunt until he forced his knot inside and deposited his seed alongside Blue’s. Shelia’s mouth was dry, in total contrast to her pussy which was oozing two lots of dog cum as the third dog mounted her and started to fuck her with similar speed and ferocity to the first pair.

Shelia was light-headed from the orgasms tearing through her, but as the fourth dog replaced the third she found herself arching back to her new lover and croaking, “Oh yes… fuck your bitch,” then moaning as she orgasmed on his pounding cock. His load was deposited with the other three and the fifth dog was on her and in her almost before he had dismounted. Shelia’s pussy was sore but at the same time, the mass of nerve endings was on fire and without conscious thought, she massaged her clit as the fifth dog knotted and filled her. Opening her eyes she could see Blue sitting on his haunches watching her with his intelligent eyes as she remained in position, her face pressed into the dirt, her tongue lolling out waiting for the sixth dog.

Shelia found herself staring into Blue’s eyes as the sixth dog mounted her and the sounds of her pussy squelching filled the air as the dog slammed in and out. As yet another orgasm was from her aching body she felt like she could read in Blue’s eyes that he knew she was now their pack bitch and this would happen whenever they wanted it. After the sixth dog dismounted leaving Shelia with cum pouring from her cunt Blue closed his eyes and rested his head on his paws. Shelia went to move but his right eye flew open and Shelia hurriedly ceased her movement and remained in position.

Over the next few hours, one dog or another would get up from his position of lying on the ground before sauntering over to Shelia’s upturned ass. Some would sniff or take a brief lick before moving away, others would rise up and mount her, fucking her quickly and brutally until they could knot and fill her. Shelia ached all over and knew that soon she would need to take in water before it got too hot in the sun, almost as if he was thinking the same thing Blue rose from his supine position and padded over to her for one final fuck.

Shelia felt Blue rise up and start to jab with his cock but her legs were so tired she felt herself sag slightly. To her sudden shock, she felt the tip of Blue’s cock jab at her anal star and before she could alter her position he thrust forward and buried himself deep into her bowels. The amount of fluid gave some lubrication but even still, the burn was as intense as any anal fucking her husband had given her. Blue was fucking her fast and deep but almost as if an inner calm and acceptance of her position washed over her Shelia surrendered herself and relaxed as the pain eased. With her hand between her legs, Shelia rubbed her clit to a shuddering orgasm as Blue forced his knot into her as the blinding white flash of pain and light was replaced with a deep warm feeling inside as Blue pumped seed into her ass filling her totally.

Shelia was almost unconscious and could feel the pain as she slumped forward, her weight causing Blue’s knot to pull against her ass as he shot yet more seed deep into her bowels. Eventually, she fell forward face down into the dirt as Blue’s knot pulled clear of her ravaged ass leaving her lying in a pool of fluids that was seeping from both of her orifices. Shelia saw Blue stand and regard her knowingly for one last time before he turned and trotted back to the compound with the other dogs following behind.

Shelia staggered to the house and into the kitchen where she drank from the tap like a wild animal before stumbling into the shower to wash the dirt and dog cum from her body. After the shower, she ran a deep hot bath to ease her aching muscles and soothe the scratches on her legs where the heelers had scrabbled for purchase as they had taken her repeatedly. As she lay there letting the water cool she knew that although the last few hours were an ordeal she would do it again and again.


That was two years ago and Chippy had departed and gone to chase rabbits in dog heaven some six months before. Bruce’s truck was a speck in the distance and dressed in her floppy hat and boots Shelia made her monthly pilgrimage to the compound, Blue had a look of almost smiling as she opened the cage doors and walked calmly into the enclosure. The pack had expanded to a dozen now but Blue knew this bitch would take them all and still beg for more. As she knelt on all fours before him and pressed her head to the ground Blue sniffed loudly to make the other dogs move away as he claimed his right to be first.