This was a story I wrote for a writing competition on another site. The theme was “Fairy Tale Story”. This is my XXX-rated attempt.


Gretel sat naked at the breakfast table with her chin resting on her hands, with her long blonde locks that were split into two flaxen plaits that fell over each shoulder until they almost touched her erect nipples. At 19 her body was in almost perfect condition with flawless skin and bright blue eyes in the middle of her round and innocent face. “I’m bored,” Gretel moaned, “there is never anything to do in this stupid gingerbread house.”

“You could always suck my cock,” said her twin brother Hansel, who was standing in the doorway also naked and sporting a large hard cock in his right hand.

As he pulled back his foreskin slowly revealing his purple cock head, Gretel felt her pussy get damp as she watched a pearl of pre-cum appear on the slit. “Well come here then,” Gretel said, grinning widely, “but I am only going to suck you a little bit as I want that gorgeous cock deep inside.”

Hansel stood next to his sister and letting go of his cock allowed it to spring free and quiver in front of her lips. Opening her mouth Gretel slowly enveloped the cockhead before letting her head sink down until the tip of the cock nearly touched the back of her throat. Then sucking deeply, she pulled back until the cock nearly left her mouth causing a loud groan of pleasure to come from Hansel’s mouth. “You are the best cock sucker I know,” said Hansel as he placed a hand on Gretel’s head and started to move his hips slowly fucking his sister’s face.

“I am the only cocksucker you know,” laughed Gretel as she broke off from her sucking and held Hansel’s throbbing cock in her hand, pulling his foreskin back tightly.

Hansel decided now was not the time to discuss the mutual cock sucking and more he had enjoyed with a wandering woodcutter one day when Gretel was out foraging in the forest. “Make it good and wet Sis as I fancy taking you anally this morning.” Gretel slid off the chair not letting the cock out of her mouth as she stood bent over at the waist with her legs apart. From this position, Gretel could carry on her slow sucking while at the same time finger her soaking pussy and transfer the juices to her tight anal star. Hansel loved the way his sister enjoyed all types of sex and since they had started six months ago when they found a collection of porn magazines, she was insatiable. Hansel could see in the mirror over Gretel’s back how she was working first one finger, then two fingers, in and out of her ass opening it ready for him. The sight was too much for Hansel and grabbing his sister by the hair pushed her face down over the kitchen table sending cups & plates flying. “Tell me what you want Sis,” Hansel said as he rubbed the head of his cock over her anal rosebud.

“I want your fat cock in my ass,” Gretel said in a husky voice as she reached behind and grabbing a cheek in each hand pulled the globes apart. Hansel was more than happy to oblige and pushing the head just in he heard the guttural moan from his sister. “That feels so good brother,” Gretel panted as her ass adjusted to the invasion, “Now fuck me hard.”

Hansel knew what his sister craved and grabbing her hips levered himself fast and deep into her ass opening her and making her moan half from pain and half from lust. Digging his fingers into her fleshy hips Hansel began to fuck hard and deep as he grunted, “This is how you like to be fucked isn’t it you slut.”

“Fuck yes,” panted Gretel like a bitch in heat feeling the burn in her ass as her brother’s fat cock slammed in and out. Forcing a hand between her legs as her breasts were mashed against the table Gretel rubbed her clit frantically, revelling in her brother’s non-stop anal assault. She could tell by the laboured breathing that Hansel was already approaching his orgasm and gripping tightly with her anal muscles she elicited a mighty moan before Hansel grunted and exploded into her ass. Each slam sent her crashing against the table as Hansel emptied his full balls into his sister, thrusting with each spurt until he was spent.

Lying on Gretel’s back Hansel recovered his breath as his cock started to shrink before falling out with an audible plop. “Mmmmm that was a nice way to start the day,” purred Gretel, “but now I am going to seek out some more fun, perhaps a walk in the woods, maybe even pop over and see Grandma.”

Gretel had called her Grandma but in fact, it had been many years before that the old woman had adopted Hansel & Gretel and helped them get set up after they had pushed the old witch into the fire.

“You going naked?” laughed Hansel as he watched his sister’s perfectly round ass bounce gently as she walked across the kitchen.

“No,” cried Gretel grabbing a large blue sheet from the laundry pile and wrapping it around herself, “I shall be little blue riding hood.”


An hour or so later Gretel was walking along enjoying the fine weather and could feel the odd dribble of her brother’s cum from her pleasantly throbbing ass. As she rounded the corner there on the side of the path sat a young man about her age with his head in his hands sobbing quietly.

“Hello,” said Gretel, being the friendly type, “I’m Gretel from the Gingerbread House where I live with my brother Hansel. What’s your name and why are you crying?”

“I am Jack,” said the young man between sobs, “and all I ate was one bloody bean and now I will never get a girlfriend and will stay a virgin forever.”

Gretel looked confused, Jack seemed a nice young man about her age or perhaps a year or two older, sure his clothes weren’t the most fashionable but he was pleasant enough in a rough and ready way. “Don’t be silly,” chided Gretel. “You will have no problems finding yourself a girlfriend.”

“It’s not finding them that’s the problem,” said Jack, “It’s keeping them after they see what the bean did.” Seeing the look of confusion on Gretel’s face, Jack stood and undoing his belt let his trousers fall to his ankles. He was naked underneath and Gretel couldn’t help but gasp as she saw the size of Jack’s cock, which was as thick as her wrist and fell halfway down his thighs where it lay limply against his flesh. “See,” said Jack seeing the look of shock on Gretel’s face, “since I ate the bean it has made my ‘stalk’ grow to the point where girls run away screaming like I guess you will now.”

Gretel swallowed to find her voice and as Jack went to pull up his trousers Gretel stayed his hand with a gentle touch to his wrist and croaked, “no stop.” Jack looked at Gretel not sure what she was going to do, when to his relief she sank to her knees murmuring the words, “it’s magnificent.” Gretel tried to get her hand around Jack’s cock but her hand was too small, even though the cock was still flaccid. Starting to work it with both hands Gretel gurgled with pleasure as it started to grow and swell to her touch. Gretel could hardly open her jaws far enough to envelop the head with her warm wet mouth but when she did she was rewarded with a groan of pure pleasure from Jack.

“Oh Gretel, thank you,” Jack moaned as Gretel slowly worked as much of the cock into her mouth as she could while still leaving plenty for both of her hands to work on. Gretel’s reply was muffled but when Jack put a hand between her legs he could feel how wet she was and three fingers slid in with ease. Jack started to work them in and out, deeper and faster, feeling Gretel’s juices coat his fingers, and when he introduced a fourth Gretel moaned with pleasure around his cock which totally filled her mouth.

Jack was working his fingers in and out to the knuckle and Gretel writhed on his fingers until finally she removed his now very hard cock from her mouth and gasped, “Fuck me, I beg you fuck me until I can’t stand, then fuck me some more.”

Gretel lay on the grass verge and opened her legs as wide as she possibly could until her inner thighs were straining to keep her open. Jack shuffled between her legs and placed one of Gretel’s ankles on each shoulder before taking hold of his cock at the base and looking at Gretel waiting for confirmation. Gretel stared at the cock, which made Jack’s hands look tiny and gulped half in fear but more in lust and nodded as she had almost lost the power of speech.

“OH… MY… FUCKING… GOD,” Gretel’s shouted, the sound echoing around the forest as Jack slowly started to press the head in then pausing looking down at Gretel who was visibly shaking. “More,” Gretel croaked, “Please God more,” and happy to oblige Jack increased the pressure and felt his cock slide deeper into Gretel’s soaking pussy until finally he was buried fully into Gretel who twitched under him like a fish on a hook. “Fuck… fuck… fuck,” was all Gretel could utter as Jack slowly pulled back leaving a huge void inside before slowly pushing back in.

Jack winced as he felt a sharp pain in his shoulders where Gretel had dug her nails deep into his skin clawing backwards to leave thin bloody trails on his back. Grunting Jack started to fuck Gretel harder and deeper until he was slamming into her body with faster and faster strokes. Not pausing as Gretel’s cries of orgasm sounded loudly in his ears, Jack continued to pound feeling Gretel jerk & twitch under him, her juices from her climax making his passage easier. The sound of their bodies slapping together filled the forest along with the slurping sounds that Gretel’s pussy made as Jack filled her as she had never been filled before. Finally, with a cry like a wild animal Jack jerked and writhed as he emptied his balls inside another human being for the first time.

As they both slowly caught their breath, Jack, still embedded in Gretel, looked down onto Gretel’s face and said softly, “That was the tightest pussy I have ever felt around my cock.”

Gretel had an idiot grin plastered on her face which turned a little quizzical as she said, “Thought you were a virgin?”

“I was,” laughed Jack, “for human pussy, but Daisey our brown cow, who I was supposed to sell at market, has been very accommodating at times.”

Gretel clambered unsteadily to her feet and felt some of Jack’s copious seed ooze out from the throbbing and tingling mess between her legs. Scooping it with her fingers Gretel sucked her own fingers clean before grabbing her blue cape. Wrapping it around her shoulders she re-joined the path with promises to Jack that she would be round at least once a week to enjoy his beanstalk.


About an hour later Gretel came across a small thatched cottage nestling in a quiet leafy glade. The house had an immaculate garden surrounded by a neat wooden fence and a sign which Gretel read aloud, “The 3 bears home.” Gretel felt her tummy rumble as she was feeling quite hungry so quietly opening the gate Gretel crept to the house and peered through the window. The bowls on the table looked so inviting and with her hunger getting the better of her caution she lifted the latch and stepped inside.

Tasting a spoonful from the first bowl Gretel spat the contents out, “Fucking porridge, I hate porridge,” Gretel said throwing the spoon down as she saw to her disappointment that the other bowls were filled with the same. “There must be something else to eat,” Gretel grumbled and started to search the small neat interior.

When she found nothing of interest on the ground floor Gretel climbed the stairs to the single bedroom and saw that lined up side by side were three beds of differing sizes. Gretel stared open-mouthed but what really took her breath away was the vision that was lying on the smallest of the beds. Totally naked was a petite young woman with small breasts and pert nipples that were standing up erect and proud. Her golden hair cascaded around her head and when Gretel glanced between her legs the same golden curls were visible. Gretel could hear the woman moaning softly as she lay there and stepping closer Gretel could see why she was moaning.

Her legs were spread and she was holding her perfectly formed pink pussy lips open with one hand while with her other she gently touched and teased her clit which was standing up like a small thumb. The woman’s eyes were closed, but as Gretel moved closer they opened and she smiled at Gretel without pausing her gentle stroking. “Hello,” she purred, “My name is Goldilocks but you can call me Goldie. Do you like what you see?” Gretel could only nod dumbly as she watched the woman tweak her own clit between her finger and thumb and moan softly from the effect it had. “Have you ever been with a woman?” Goldie asked, smiling as Gretel shook her head with her eyes transfixed. “Come here,” Goldie purred and when Gretel didn’t move she repeated herself, but a little more firmly, “Come here and touch me, now.” Gretel moved quickly to the side of the bed and still smiling Goldie reached out and taking Gretel’s hand by the wrist moved it until it was touching her pussy

Gretel could feel her mouth was dry but other parts of her body were very much not dry as she felt another woman’s pussy for the first time. Of course, she had played with herself many times but had never touched another woman and felt so differently yet oh so familiar. Without rational thought Gretel moved her fingers across Goldie’s clit, flicking and teasing it like it was her own and drew an excited gasp from Goldie.

Goldie reached up and unfasted the cape, which fell to a shimmering blue puddle at Gretel’s feet and Goldie feasted her eyes on Gretel’s body. “Move closer,” Gretel whispered and as Gretel complied Goldie tapped the inside of Gretel’s thighs in a silent indication she should open her legs. Gretel moved her feet apart and Goldie slid a hand up Gretel’s thigh and slipped a finger inside her laughing as she did, “My my, you are very open and wet,” said Goldie and quickly replaced a single finger with three causing Gretel’s legs to buckle slightly as Goldie twisted them inside her body. “Lick my pussy,” Goldie said firmly and Gretel bent her head and inhaled deeply before bending further and taking a long lick to taste Goldie’s sweet nectar.

Gretel found her legs and body being guided as she started to take tentative licks until she was straddling Goldie in a 69 position. As Gretel started to enjoy the taste more and more her licking became more enthusiastic and she started probing and sucking at Goldie’s pussy. Returning the compliment Goldie pulled Gretel’s pussy down onto her tongue and got a full mouthful of Jack’s seed mixed with Gretel’s juices. “Yummy,” Goldie exclaimed,” You have bought me something very lovely to eat,” and started to devour Gretel’s open pussy sucking the seed and juices into her eager mouth.

The sensations were sending Gretel mad as Goldie’s talented tongue worked its magic and not to be outdone Gretel probed and flicked, delighting in the way Goldie responded to her ministrations. Placing a hand on either buttock Gretel lifted Goldie upwards until she could probe Goldie’s anal star with her tongue, something that always sent her brother Hansel wild when she did it to him.

Goldie moaned loudly as Gretel’s tongue probed deeper and deeper sending her wild and unable to reach that far herself had to be content with fingering Gretel’s ass in encouragement. Gretel returned her tongue to Goldie’s clit, flicking and licking while using one finger in Goldie’s now wet and open ass. At the same time, Goldie did the same to Gretel flicking and nibbling on Gretel’s clit although she had two fingers in Gretel’s ass which was already lubricated and was fucking her hard and deep. The sensations sent both of the over the top at almost the same time and with a trashing of limbs and cacophony of noise their orgasms burst through the tiny cottage as they flooded into each other’s mouths.

Lying with both of their bodies covered in a soft gleam of sweat the two women slowly restored their breathing before Goldie tapped Gretel gently on the ass with the words, “Best you jump off love, need to get myself tidied up before the 3 bears get home. Looking for a nice threesome once the little one has gone to bed. You are welcome to join us if you want, Daddy Bear has an amazing cock.”

Gretel laughed and shook her head as she grabbed the bright blue cape from the floor, “I need to get over to Grandma’s cottage before it gets dark but thank you for the education.”

Blowing each other kisses Gretel quietly left the cottage and set off on her journey.


It was nearing dusk by the time Gretel arrived at the little brick house old Grandma lived in and Gretel opened the door to the dimly lit cottage and shouted, “Hi Grandma, it’s only me, your adopted granddaughter from across the woods.”

The voice that came back was very gruff and very deep, not at all like Grandma’s as it said, “Hello love do come closer.”

Gretel could make out the shape under the bedclothes and from under the covers, an almost concealed face peered at her. Gretel blurted out, “Oh my what big eyes you have Grandma,”

“All the better to see you with,” responded the voice raising its head further.

“Oh, what big ears you have,” said Gretel seeing the pointed furry ears sticking up making her think that this wasn’t her Grandma at all.

“All the better to hear you with,” replied the voice and then in a flurry of bedclothes the wolf, which had been in the bed, leapt to its hind legs revealing its naked form with a massive wolf cock jutting out from its groin.

“Oh, my what a big cock you have,” said Gretel wanting to turn and run but transfixed by the sight before her.

“All the better to fuck you with,” said the wolf licking its lips, “after all that’s what you want isn’t it?”

Gretel felt her heart pounding in her breast as the enormity of the words sank in and she asked herself, ‘did she really want to be fucked by an animal, like she was some sort of animal herself?” The reply screamed through her brain like a lightning bolt as she threw off the cape and dropping to all fours turned and presented herself to the wolf, wiggling her ass in brazen invitation.

The wolf looked at Gretel as she knelt in total subjugation, her breasts pressed to the cold floor and her ass in the air. “Tell me what you want,” said the wolf and without speaking Gretel reached between her legs and splayed her pussy lips ready. “I SAID TELL ME,” roared the wolf making the windows shake and the wolf loved the way Gretel’s ass cheeks wobbled as she shook in fear.

“I want to be fucked,” replied Gretel in a small and timid voice, glancing over her shoulder at the now erect red and angry cock jutting from the wolf’s groin, the pre-cum dripping in a steady drip from the end as it stood quivering to attention like a fleshy steel rod.

“Louder and more specific,” said the wolf, “or I will leave you like this.”

Gretel felt the panic at the thought of being left unfilled run through her body and she spoke with a steadily firmer and louder voice. “I want your big wolf cock in my slutty cunt… in my mouth… in my dirty slut ass if you want. I want to be fucked in every hole like a bitch in heat.”

The wolf smiled and moved over to cover Gretel’s body eager to mount her now she had declared her slut desires when suddenly the door burst open and a voice like a steel whip rang out from the doorway, “What the fucking hell is going on?”

Both Gretel and the wolf looked up in unison and standing in the doorway was a woman with a red cape wrapped around her which almost covered her black leather boots. “I am little red riding hood but you can call me Red and the wolf is mine you little slut.” Then glaring at the wolf, “and you Wolfie, I am very disappointed in you, we agreed that we would only play together, no extra-relationship flings.” The wolf looked embarrassed and went to move away when Red said, “Hang on I am here now so let’s give this bitch a proper fucking she won’t forget.”

As Gretel watched, Red threw off her cape and stood in a lace-up leather top which she undid slowly as she stared into Gretel’s eyes. After undoing the laces Red slipped the garment off her shoulders and cupped each breast in turn in her hands and rolled the nipples with her finger and thumb. Her breasts were large enough that she could lift one to her mouth and bending her head suckle on each of her large nipples in turn. Gretel found herself transfixed by the scene in from of her and gasped as she felt the wolf’s long rough tongue lap along her pussy lips. A very different feeling from Goldie’s delicate touches from earlier, this was a rough and more insistent lick that sent shivers through Gretel’s body.

Looking back up Gretel saw that the leather hot pants that little Red Riding Hood was wearing had the same lace-up affair down each side, just like the front of the top. Finally with a little cry of joy Red freed both sides together and the shorts dropped to the ground to reveal a large cock that sprung to attention.

Red laughed as she saw the look of shock on Gretel’s face and then roared with laughter when Gretel blurted out, “you are a man, but you have breasts.”

Stepping close to Gretel’s face Red smiled down as she said, “Yes I have breasts, yes I have a cock, but I also have a pussy,” and lifting her balls up Gretel could quite clearly see pussy lips gleaming. “I am a hermaphrodite,” said Red as she slowly fisted her cock towards Gretel’s face, “maybe later you will taste my pussy but now I want you screaming like the slut you are as we fuck you.” With that Red lay down on her back and holding her cock in her hand pointed it upwards and nodding towards it issued the terse command, “sit on it.”

Gretel leapt to her feet and straddled Red positioning her open pussy over Red’s cock lowering herself gently onto it. Red tutted in disapproval and reached up and grabbed Gretel’s shoulders and pulled her firmly down onto the cock grinning wickedly as Gretel moaned half in pleasure and half in pain as Red’s cock filled her pussy. Pulling Gretel’s body closer Red bent her head and taking a nipple between her pearly white teeth clamped down causing another grunt of pain to escape from Gretel’s mouth. Grabbing a large handful of Gretel’s hair Red stared deep into Gretel’s eyes and knew from what she saw that this was exactly what Gretel craved, she was a pain slut like herself.

Pulling Gretel’s mouth to her own nipple Red sighed in pleasure as Gretel bit down sending waves of pleasure through her body. Reaching round Red pulled Gretel’s ass cheeks apart and the wolf moved forward and gave a long lick before rising up and started to jab wildly seeking Gretel’s anal opening. Red’s small fingers guided the tip to Gretel’s ass and once in position the wolf thrust hard causing a squeal of pain to issue from Gretel’s lips as he buried his cock half in.

“Should he stop?” said Red breaking from her chewing of Gretel’s nipple, knowing full well the wolf wouldn’t stop until he had bred her.

“No, please never stop,” moaned Gretel and then her eyes rolled in a heady combination of lust, pain and pure pleasure as the wolf drove his cock fully home. Gretel orgasmed as she had never orgasmed before, lights flashing through her brain as she bucked and writhed as both Red and the wolf fucked her with separate yet synchronised movements.

Gretel’s howl joined the wolf’s as he forced his knot inside her ravaged ass and started to pump his seed deep inside. Red felt like her cock was gripped in a vice as Gretel’s pussy was so tight and the movement of the wolf throbbing against her own cock caused her to spurt deep into Gretel’s pussy.


After both of the cocks had gone from inside her Gretel finally staggered to her feet feeling bruised and battered inside and strangely empty. As Gretel bent to pick up her cape Red looked up from where she was sucking the last of the wolf’s cum from his cock and snapped, “You won’t need that, from now on you are naked.”

“Yes Ma’am,” said Gretel bending her head and waiting for Red’s next words.

“I have seven very small friends who would like to meet you,” smiled Red, “but that’s another story.”

The End