(c) 2013 by saltlakecockslave

Part One

I’m just a short and petite guy, 118 lbs. and 5.4″height and I’m 42 years of age. Dozer is a very large and very massive pitbull. He belongs to a 28 year old, firey red head. Named Ashley. Ashley was a methamphetamine user/dealer, that I would sometimes buy my drugs from. Her apartment was just a few blocks away from my house. And this made it, quick and conveinent. Ashley, was a very independent woman whom lived alone, with just her dog.

After just a few times of me frequenting her, to get my dope. She must of felt that she could trust me. And soon, when I would arrive to her house to purchase something. She would ask that I take Dozer for a walk around the block, to do his biz I guess. I have alway’s loved animals, so I was glad to do this for her, and it gave her time to weight me out a bag. Dozer is a very stout pit. He weighs around 130 lbs and he is all muscle. He is only two years old, and he is by far the biggest pitbull I’ve ever seen. He is a good and easy dog to walk that isn’t unruley and tuff to handle. However usually after he has pissed and crapped everywhere. And we are about 50 yards from Ashley’s apt. He suddenly gets the urge to fuck something. And it was usually me. This was not only physically, a struggle. But most embarassing being seen by her other tenants, as they watched this pitbull try and almost succeed in having his way with me. Dozer, easily out weighs me by 10 or 15 lbs. It began to be a workout and a hasle to fight the horn dog off.

This walk and hump went on for a good few months, before I decided to do something about it. I was going to tell Ashley about it, however I didn’t want her to think that I couldn’t control or handle her dog. So one day upon our return from our walk. Dozer was soon trying to show his dominance by nipping my thighes as we walked. This was sure signs that he wanted to fuck. We walked into the lobby area of her building. And it was at that moment that I passed the apartments luandry room. I suddenly got a urge and I led Dozer by his leash into the facility and shut the door behind us. I thought that maybe if I let Dozer fuck the shit out of my leg. Well then maybe we would be less horny, and less likely to want to fuck me eveytime I took him for a walk.

I directed Dozer to the back area that was shielded by a row of washers. I told him to sit and he obayed. I got down on my kneese and was face to face with this large pit. I removed his leash and began to gently pet his back. The tip of Dozer’s cock soon emerged from it’s sheath.

I worked my hand down and around it and slowly started to stroke him. Dozer jumped back with excitement and took a few licks with at his, now hard cock. I aproached him again grabbing at his cock. He jumped in a sideways motion and he imediatly moved to mount me.

On all fours, I turned a bit but facing away from the stud. I extended my leg a bit and began to back my ass up and towards him. I hoped to show him, that I was submissive and willing to allow him to mount me.

He had no problem understanding my intentions. Soon he had me mounted and his cock was poking at my backside. I reached around and grabbed his cock. I did my best to form a hole in my clinched fist, for him to fuck. And soon I had a 9 inch x 2 inch wide, cum leaking, pink stiff cock in my hand.

Dozer was getting really worked up and he was biting at my back and neck. I worked down his growing cock holding tight while he fucked my hand. I then felt his bulging knot as it inflated in my hand. With my thumb and my index finger I worked around it and tightley grabbed the area right behined his huge knot. This gave him the feeling that he has knotted inside me.

And then it was on. I was fully clothed so their was no way he was really going to mount me. But he went to town like there was no tommorow fucking at my backside thinking he was getting some. I was starting to get turned on and I could feel my cock stiffening.

Dozer’s cock was soon shooting out loads of his cum and I could feel it soaking through my levi’s. I wondered how dog cum tasted and a second later, I was licking it from my hand. It tasted good and I was getting such a rush as I reached for another splash.

I couldn’t help myself. I was soon flipped around in a 69 position. I wanted his doggy dick in my mouth. I stuck out my tounge and licked at the tip of his red cock. It was a salty but a mild taste and I worked his cock into my mouth. Dozer’s cock kept squirting shot after shot into my mouth and soon I had a mouthful of hot dog semen. I swirled it around, letting it envelop my taste buds. And then I gulped it down.

Dozer’s prick soon deflated and I licked at the last few drops that driped from his cock. He was panting and licking at his cock. I got up and attached his leash and we left the luandry room. Both satisfied with our exploits I took him upstairs to Aashley’s apt. She questioned my wet jean’s and I said the sprinklers got me. She handed me my dope and I left.

The following monday Ashley called and asked if I would watch Dozer for a few hours at my house while she wen’t to a dentist appointment. I gladly accepted and she dropped him off to me around 11:00 am. It was Dozer and I, all alone. I locked the doors to my place and stripped off all my clothes. I jacked my cock in front of Dozer and he soon was licking my growing dick. I lifted my balls to allow him access to my rectum and in no time his tounge quickly wet my hole. I closed my eye’s and allowed him to bath me. I then reached down and grabbed his penis in my hand. Dozer went wild and imeadiatly tried to mount my head. I lied on the bed and sixty-nined with him on top. With his cock in hand I tried to guide it in my mouth. All the while Dozer was lapping away at my cock, balls and asshole.

He jammed at my mouth and his prick hit the back of my throat. It hurt like hell so I decided against letting him fuck my face. Or at least for now. I got up and guided Dozer off my bed. I then knelt down on my bed in prayer postion and presented my ass toward Dozer.

He jumped on me and began to attempted to spear me with his dick. His aim was wild and out of control, and his front paws dug into my sides as he tried to get more leverage on his new bitch. With my hand I reached around and grabbed his slick wet dick and showed him the way to my hole. One, Two, Three jabs into my cavity and I arched bach pushing my ass into him. His cock was now stroking ever deeper in my rectum and my body convulsed ass pumped up into me. I released his cock and with both hands reached behined my back and gripped Dozer by his rear haunches and pulled him deep in me. I was moaning and calling out his name. Soon Dozer’s knot began to swell deep in me and my mind raced as I was now trapped and locked to him. His thrusting slowed as he realized He was knotted in me and I could feel his release of cum as he pumped it in me. For a good half an hour dozer’s cock filled me like I’ve never been filled before and I loved every second of it. I was in dick heaven as what seemed like gallons was pumped in me. As soon as his knot shrank, we seperated from eachother. Hot dog jiz ran out my hole and down my legs and formed a growing puddle on my floor. Dozer licked at his newly conquered pussy and I was overwhelmed with a exploding sensation. My balls tightend and I drained myself onto the floor. My cum mixed with Dozer’s ass cum in the pool of jiz. I knelt down and licked as much up as I could. I showered up and checked the time. Ashley wasn’t due back for another hour and a half. So I decided to give Dozer head again. This time I laid down on the bed and had Dozer stand in a 69 postion over me. Being I was nude, Dozer was all over my cock and balls without missing a beat.


Part Two

It seemed that during Dozer’s, 3rd sexual assult on me. I went from being the “Dominant and or Aggressor” to a complete “Bitch in heat” The massive or Pit began to take the alpha, male role! As so that often, when I came over to visit Ashley. and I got anyware around Dozer. He imedietly began to aproach me with the tip of his dog dick, dripping as it worked it’s way out his sheath. This was quickly stopped by Ashley and a embarrassing moment was diverted, for now. I saw then that, she was his Master and she was the alpha male in thier relationship. So I come to realize that being the alpha male was something completely new to him. So if all goes as I desire, then I will soon be Dominated by this young 2 year old 85 to easily 100lbs or heaveir Pitbul.

A few months past since I had any contact with Ashley. We lost touch after she moved from So Salt Lake. My canine exploits were little to none and I often would think of the time spent with her dog. So I sent here a message on facebook in hopes to reconnect. After a few day’s she replied with her new # and address. I set up a meth deal with her and I was soon on my way to her house to get some high and maybe more. Once I arrived and we sat down in her new apartment. I didn’t see the Pit. Suprised I asked her? Her reply was that he is out back. And I left it at that.

Soon Ashley had loaded a glass pipe and we passed it back and fourth getting a good eurphoric high. By my observation I could see Ashley’s bag of meth and it wasn’t very big. So I broke out a couple of hundred dollar bills and questioned Ashley, as to if she had a 8-ball to sell me. (knowing that she did not) “No but I can get it, if you let me run with your cash?” Yes, just as I wanted. And Ashley seemed sure of the deal and very willing.

She then took my money and said she shouldn’t gone longer then two hours. I pretended to be a little angered about the estimated length of time and requested that she call me if she’s going to be any longer then a hour and a half. She agreed and got up and began to head out the door. She stopped and asked. “could you maybe take Dozer for a walk?” Sure, I replied and she closed the door behind her.

I then took note at the time and quickly headed to the back to get Dozer. I stepped into the back yard and was imedietly greeted by the large pit as he stood up and began to lick my face. I allowed his wet tounge to bath my face as he stood almost face to face with me. Soon the excitement calmed a bit and he followed me into the apartment. I shut the door behind us and locked it tightly. I then preceeded into the front room and locked the front door. With Dozer right behind me, nipping and biting at my hips and thighs every step of the way. I worked my way into the center of the living area and slid the large coffe table to the side of the room. This allowed a large area to play. I then got down on my knees and called for Dozer. As he approached I grabbed his collar with my left hand and commanded he sit. Then with my right I grabbed for his thick dog cock and gently began to stroke it. He leaped up and placed his front paws on my shoulders and started thrusting forward in my hand.

His meat quickly grew in thickness and length. He knocked me backwards and I fell onto my ass. I strained to stop his forward motion but held with onto his stroking dick. I was rolled onto my back and he soon stood over me on all fours. His slick wet cock no had grown very large and was spraying my face with a combination of dog pee and precum as it kept flashing in front of my face. I then wrapped my hand firmly around his balls in order to have a bit of control. Then with a firm hand and a open mouth I guided his tip in. My tounge outstreched to welcome him. And I had to hold him still as my mouth enveloped down his massive tool. His cock swelled in my mouth and he started a uncontrolable assult on me. I had to pull him out so I wouldn’t scrap his cock on my teeth. I could feel his not swell and soon his hot semen was shooting all over my face. I opened wide and tried to get a taste and soon I had a warm mouthfull of his cum rolling across my tounge. He kept shooting his load and my hand now. locked behind his knot allowed me to work his splurting tip into my mouth. I tounged his tip and tried to prolong and sustain his tasty eruption. I had a good three or four moments where I had to swallow. However soon his dick shrunk in my hand and my toung had to chase the tip back into his sheath.

Dozer now, was all full of hostility as he didn’t get to release his nut like I thought. And he sat in a corner licking his cock and his now, blue balls.

He soon was up and determend to fuck me like I was a true bitch in heat. He chased me around very agressively biting at my thighs and legs tearing at my clothes with his sharp calws and teeth. Tripping over my own legs as I tried to get away I soon found myself in a panick not being able to control him and this situation. His large weight and agressive actions, now has me scared. I’m pinned by him lying on my back my face inches from his growling teeth. I know now that Dozer is going to take it and make it hurt or I can submit and take it. And maybe I’ll come out just lightly bruised.

So I quickly slide out of my pants and turn my head away from him and raising my ass in the air. He quickly licks at my stiff cock and balls then works his tounge deep in my ass hole. This only lastet a moment then nipps at my cheek to show his dominance. I quickly turn as I feel his teeth clinch a piece of my flesh, I squill and then feel as he grabbs ahold of my neck in a gripp of skin like im being pinched. I turn and presented him my open hole. He leaps up and bound himself with his powerful front legs around my hips. Bucking at me I could feel shots of hot liquid and a occasional wet dick in my anal area. It was now on. I’m going to submit and there was no turning back. I reached around and grabbed his hips in my hands and positioned him so he was spearing me with his tip and he had a good idea where he was aiming. And within a couple of well timed thrust in his direction. I soon found myself being stuffed by Dozer’s dick. It must if been two and a half inches thick at thi tip and wider as it went into his body. Deeper and deeper he was going up in me. I clinched tight as the pain grew within me and he thrust became even more determined. I felt my ass split as his knot reached passed my sphincter and my lips closed tightly around his girth.

I was screaming uncontrollably and I lost any desire to resist. I released my clinched asshole and thrust into back and down on Dozer’s cock. He goes at my hole with all his might. I adjust to give hime the best leverage as his knot is forced deep and locked into my gripping anal ring. His knot grows and I’m on the verge of passing out and loosing all consoiuseness. For the next 20 minutes the massive male of a dog, dominated me and physically showed me who was in control by bitting the beack of my neck. I am fucked furiously, until he dumps his hot seed into my ass, I gasp and shake as his pace slows and he continues filling my ass. We are locked tight for what seems like hours. I look at the clock in shock as I find it has been 2 hours. Then my cell rings. It’s Ashley. She say’s she is on her way back and shouldn’t be more then 15 or 20 minutes. I reply to her, “Great see ya soon” with a tone in my voice that she questions as to what I’m up to? I explain that I just returned from taking her dog for a walk and was out of breath, She then said o/k she’ll be seeing me in a minute, and hung up.

I quickly went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. Ashley arrived shortly after that and with long anticipation I got what I came for, thanked her and left … I’m sure Dozer is getting used to me allowing him to dominate me like a bitch. And I’m looking forward to the next chance that may arise and It could and will happen again…

The End(?)