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The Mother In Law

Kelly was kneeling at the side of the low bed, her pert little breasts pressing into the covers, her knees spread wide, waiting for the touch of her Thanos, a touch she knew would drive her wild. As she spread her thighs, she felt the lips of her pussy slowly open, the thick, sticky, slick fluid, the product of anticipation of what was to come, separating in thin, glistening strands. She wiggled her hips, urging the massive dog forward, inviting him by sight and scent to get busy. Thanos, needing very little in the way of encouragement, stepped forward, his shoulders pushing her legs even wider.

Within moments, she felt his hot breath bathing her moist cunt. The heat of his breath contrasted so nicely with his cold nose as he moved closer, the smell of his bitch’s arousal drawing him on until he made contact with the source of that aroma. His nose, moving up and down, further opened her pussy as his tongue snaked out to taste what was offered as he commenced licking from her clit upwards and across her anal star.

“Oh my fucking god!”, Kelly moaned to the empty room, as she started to flood onto Thanos’s rough tongue, a tongue that was sending her spiralling up and up to that Nirvana reserved for her when she was playing the part of his bitch.

“I swear Thanos – you are getting better every time”, she panted, barely able to catch her breath as his tongue performed its usual magic on her weeping vagina, her hips rising and falling as she rocked up and down under his relentless attentions.

Thanos was doing what all good dogs do at times like this, times when a wet and willing cunt was presented to him. He was ignoring her as he feasted on his bitch’s sweet little snatch, getting ready for the ‘main event’. Life had been good to Thanos since he had discovered his Mistress six months ago, tied up on the bed, on her knees with her naked ass pointing up in the air and the delicious aroma of her scent filling the room. Nature took its natural course and he mounted her before fucking her brains out. He delighted in hearing her squeals, squeaks, and moans, as he ploughed in and out of what the Great God of Dogs had made available.

Yet, even when his master returned home, instead of being told off, he was encouraged to repeat his actions. Not that he needed the encouragement, you know – a wet and willing cunt was there, his cock was hard and hot, she surely wouldn’t mind another fucking, one he was happy to supply. So, being the smart dog that he was, he had duly fucked her once more, with his master cheering him on.

Well, what had started as a surprising event had continued to the point where, nearly every day since (and sometimes more than once a day), he got to enjoy the delightful pussy of his very own bitch. Even when she sat at the table working, with her robe open and that sweet gash perched at the edge of the seat, instead of being chased away with a rolled-up magazine, she would open her thighs and allow him to dine on her nectar.

But, here she was, wide open and oh, so wet, his for the taking once again. He felt his cock harden and emerge from his sheath and knew it was time to mount her and cover his mistress with vigour, for he knew no other way. After he was done with her, if he had serviced her to her satisfaction, it often resulted in extra treats. Only after she had stopped screaming and wailing when his knot had slipped out of her distended pussy, and when he had finished licking all that delightful fluid dripping down her thighs. Yes, indeed – that was the bonus for his efforts, but the doggy treats were nice too.

Kelly moaned as Thanos stopped his licking, her second climax still rattling around in her head, racing from her belly to her brain and back again. She knew what was about to happen, had experienced it time and time again for she was about to get laid and not just any lay… no, indeed! She was about to receive a Thanos Special. She knew he would pound her, shake her, and when he was done using her as his personal fuck toy, he would clean out her dripping pussy with that wonderful tongue of his, a tongue she sometimes swore went so far into her cunt that she could feel it in the back of her throat. That tongue could make it as sparkling clean as though she had used a whole bottle of Vagisil, in short, he was about to rock her world.

As he reared up, she felt his front paws land on the bed either side of her chest as his warm fur caressed her upturned ass and back. Kelly could feel Thanos’s mighty cock jabbing and leaving trails of pre-cum across her ass cheeks as he tried to find her slick, wet opening. Not willing to wait any longer, for she really, really needed that cock inside her, she reached back between her legs and grasped the hot, hard rod, covered in his watery pre-cum, guiding it to the opening she wished filled.

“No, big boy, you’ll not have my ass tonight… tonight I need my pussy filled,” she murmured as the tip finally nestled between her cunt lips.

As soon as she released his cock, he rocked his hips forward, driving into her willing hole, one full shove and he was seated inside her. This was followed by a quick shuffle of his hind legs to adjust his balance and then it was ‘fuck time’, with the panting dog slamming all nine inches of his cock home into the moaning girl who was now impaled on his length. Her eyes flew open as she was once again made his conquest, his bitch, to have as he willed and to have as he would.

Now, Kelly knew that cock was nine inches since she had teased him to hardness a few months back and measured his cock with her soft clothmaking tape measure. The tape was ruined after it had been soaked in his pre-cum, but she had stuffed it into her mouth so as not to waste a single drop of that wonderful fluid, sucking every bit of it until it was a soggy mess. She had gasped as she read off the measurement aloud to her husband, and that was only to the start of the knot. There was a good two or three inches after that. The shaft was an impressive six inches around from the blunt tip to where it joined the knot which was the size of a baseball, though Kelly would swear it got even bigger when he forced it into her, an act she had come to treasure almost as much as the fucking that preceded it.

It was that very same knot that Thanos was giving his best efforts to driving inside the bitch locked under him, a feat he achieved just as Martin arrived home from work, opening the garage door and pulling his bright red Qashqai into the spot next to her green Leaf. For some few moments, he sat in the front seat, pondering just how to break the less than palatable news he carried to his darling little wife. With a sigh of resignation, he exited the car and entered the house, just as he heard Kelly’s squeal of ecstasy from upstairs as Thanos achieved his objective and his knot popped into Kelly’s willing pussy, which clamped shut around it, sealing that massive, pulsing presence inside.

With a smile, Martin knew he would need to wait a while before their conversation as he wouldn’t get much sense out of her for the next half an hour or so as she orgasmed repeatedly while being locked to that massive dog, his knot firmly lodged in her and pressing against her g-spot. When she finally disengaged and cleaned up the river of doggy cum that would flood from her distended cunt, run down her quivering thighs, and soak the towel she knelt on, she just might be in a more receptive mood to hear the news he must share.

Grabbing a beer from the fridge, he smiled to himself as he listened to the squeals and squeaks of her voice as she was used by Thanos, taking her daily dose of his cock. She was usually in a quite pleasant mood after he finished with her. In fact, she usually stayed in a post-coital fog for a few hours after getting hammered by him.


“You fucking what?”

Kelly spat the words out with venom as she digested Martin’s news that next weekend, her in-laws were coming over and not just for a visit, but for the whole fucking weekend. Thanos was until this point strutting around feeling pretty proud of himself, having delivered yet another load of hot cum into the willing depths of his compliant bitch. On hearing the tone of his mistress’s voice, and watching her diminutive form stomping around the kitchen, decided to retire to his basket, for the time being, discretion being the better part of valour. You see, he was a very smart dog as well as a great lover.

“Your Mother hates me! She will snipe at everything, pick holes in how I’ve decorated the house, how clean everything is, and in what I wear… and how do I satisfy Thanos, not to mention you or myself with her around?”

Martin had to agree with his wife, for his mother could have a sharp tongue and she wasn’t afraid to use it. As far as picking holes in what Kelly was wearing he personally thought her current look, naked under a gown that was untied and swinging open as she moved to be very fetching. He could see her breasts fighting to free themselves from the confines of the material and the opening was giving a very clear view of her blonde, neatly trimmed pubes, which still seemed to be pulsing from the attentions of Thanos. The little stings of dog cum still dribbling out and slipping down her thighs were yet another indication that she had recently spent some time on her knees before her canine lover.

Martin felt a stirring in his trousers and was weighing up whether to offer sex to his wife as a consolation or if that was a bad idea when she suddenly stopped her pacing. He knew that look, it was one that told you a plan was hatching in her brain and when a sly smile appeared on her face, he knew it was going to spell trouble.

“On second thoughts they are both more than welcome and I will be especially kind to your mother.”

A thought had shot into Kelly’s mind as she remembered something Martin had said when he had first found her with Thanos that fateful night as she squealed and moaned into the ball gag, her ass in the air, tied to the bed with her legs wide open, her hands cuffed to the posts on the headboard and the dog fucking her as she had never been fucked before.

Expecting Martin to be shocked, she was very surprised when he had laughed and smiled, then encouraged Thanos to repeat the performance so he could watch. The massive dog, always happy to oblige, had mounted Kelly who, while being helpless, with her cunt leaking a positive river of dog cum, really wasn’t all that sure she wanted him to do it again, but certainly she didn’t want him to stop. When he stuffed his cock into her so recently fucked pussy, which had barely recovered from his last endeavour, she had squealed and moaned, receiving yet another round one climax after another, accompanied by the applause from an admiring husband.

After he untied her and she relieved him of his hard-on with a wonderful blowjob (the hard-on occasioned by the sight of his petite wife being used in such a manner by the dog), he had told her that he had caught his mother with Titan, their family dog at the time. She was in much the same position, ass up and engaging in what was obviously not the first session she had with the dog. Kelly’s brain was whirring as she started to hatch a plan that would bring her bitchy mother-in-law down a peg or two.

“Just so I have it clear,” Kelly said with a smile, “Miriam and Giles will be coming over Saturday evening for dinner, then staying over so you and your father can go and play golf early Sunday morning, then returning for Sunday lunch. Is that the plan?”

Seeing her husband nod enthusiastically Kelly smiled again, “Well I have less than a week to make sure things are perfect for them, so I had best get started. But before I do, are we going to do something about that bulge in your trousers?”

Martin didn’t need asking twice and his cock sprang to full hardness as his wife slipped off her robe and let it fall to the floor, revealing her petite, naked body. Thanos looked up from his basket and showed an interest in developments but Martin laughed,

“My turn boy, but if I know our Kelly, you may very well get to have another go later.”

Before he could say anything else, Kelly had unzipped his trousers then pulled them and his boxers to the floor allowing his erection to spring free. Dropping to her knees, she sucked his member into her warm, wet mouth and began to work her head back and forward. Martin looked down and watched his wife’s blonde head bobbing on his hard length. Not only was Kelly an outstanding fuck, but, when it came to sucking his cock, there was no equal. When she had his cock in her mouth, it felt like he was attached to a vacuum cleaner on full power.

It was hard to believe that, when they were first married, she had been untutored in sex and a shy virgin. But, once she had experienced the joy of being fucked, she had shown a great deal of aptitude for the subject, learned quickly and was a firm believer in practise, practise, practise.

Martin sat down on the chair behind him, with Kelly now leaning forward, on all fours, her hands on the floor, her mouth still filled with his cock as she continued to suck on his raging hard-on. Part of him wanted to bury his cock deep in her warm wet pussy but another part of him wanted to continue to enjoy his wife’s expert cock sucking skills.

In the end, laziness won and he settled back into the chair to enjoy his wife’s talented mouth. As he looked over her back, her head still bobbing on his length, Martin had to stifle a laugh as he spied Thanos who had a look that epitomised perfectly a ‘hang-dog’ expression.

“OK boy, you win,” Martin said laughing as he indicated his wife’s upturned and naked ass as she knelt between his thighs. Knowing what was coming, she promptly spread her legs, giving the approaching dog access to her still dripping cunt.

Thanos didn’t need any further invitations and padded slowly across the tiled kitchen floor, with his red cock already emerging from its furry sheath. As he approached the object of his deepest desire, the wide-open pussy of his bitch, still dribbling strings of cum, he maintained eye contact with his master, wary that he might not be able to fully sample the tight orifice before him, the one that had so recently gripped his cock in its velvet fist. Realising he was going to be allowed to cover his bitch for a second time he panted enthusiastically as he rose and mounted Kelly.

Martin found himself at eye level with Thanos’ big shaggy head, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he jabbed at Kelly’s ass. The muffled groan around his cock from his wife told Martin that Thanos had found his mark and watched as the dog’s hips shifted into ‘jackhammer mode’ confirming that he had driven home and was fucking Kelly at his usual rapid pace. If he needed any further evidence of that fact, the mouth filled with his cock now commenced uttering squeals of delight as the girl attached to it was being taken by the dog behind her.

As Thanos pounded away at Kelly, Martin could hear his wife gag as she was forced onto his cock by the rapidity of the pounding she was getting from their dog. This was sending the glans down her throat before she could push back and allow air to get to her lungs. The first time this had happened he was a bit worried but when they had talked about it afterwards Kelly was breathless with excitement as she described how great it felt to be fucked so deeply from both ends and used like that… helpless and completely fucked. She said that the only thing missing was something in her ass to complete the trifecta, so, the next time they played this little game, Martin surprised her by reaching forward and inserting a butt plug in the appropriate hole just as Thanos was mounting her. Her mouth full of his cock, her pussy full of Thanos’s doggy dick (and about to be plugged with his knot), and her ass full of a nice big butt plug… she was in heaven.

But that was then, this was now and Martin could feel his seed brewing in his balls as his wife’s mouth and throat caressed every inch of his length. With a grunt, he flexed his hips upward and unloaded his cum deep in her throat, causing her to cough and splutter as she orgasmed hard on Thanos’s pounding cock.

When she had drained him dry, she lifted her head enough to remove his cock from her mouth, thick strands of his cum connecting her lips to the very tip, and whooped air into her lungs as she felt Thanos knot slip inside and start to pulse and throb as he filled her with another generous helping of dog seed.

Martin lay back, a great smile on his face, totally sated as his wife supported herself on his thighs, moaning and panting as her orgasms rolled over and over through her tiny body. Reaching under her he tweaked and twisted her rock-hard nipples, delighting in the moans and squeals of pleasure that filled the room.


The next day Martin had left for work and Kelly was hunched over the table, her head buried in her laptop as she poured over the details on the web page. As usual, she was naked, with naught on but a thin open robe covering her. She hated to wear anything when she was alone in the house, and if she wore anything, it was this robe that could be partially undone as she concentrated on each item on the screen before her, making notes on a pad of paper set off to one side.

Thanos could smell his mistress and manoeuvring his bulk under the table pushed his head between her thighs with the hope of feasting at the source of the heady aroma. To his surprise instead of her opening her legs and allowing him to lick her glistening slit, his Mistress pushed his head away gently chiding him,

“In a minute boy, first I need to get this ordered if it’s to be ready for next weekend.”

If dogs could pout then at that moment Thanos pouted as he extracted himself from under the table and with an audible huff padded to his basket.

Kelly looked over and, with a smile, said, “Don’t you worry boy if things go according to plan then you are going to get a nice surprise and a new bitch at the weekend.”


On Friday, Kelly closed the door and clapped her hands with joy as she placed the packages the courier had just delivered on the kitchen table, then pulled her robe back around herself as it had come open. She giggled, realising she had probably given the courier a full preview of all her assets which would explain why the young man had been so quiet when she had snatched the packages from his hands. Just the thought of what was going to happen made her wet.

Three hours later Kelly flipped open her laptop and connected to the IP address generated by the state-of-the-art nanny cams she had installed in the spare bedroom. The screen was split showing the room from two different angles which meant she could see whatever happened anywhere in the room. As the twin cameras had connected to the home Wi-Fi system, they could be viewed remotely by anyone who knew the correct address and password. Additionally, she had bought the optional extra that allowed the recordings of the cameras to be captured on a 24-hour loop which would be transferred to a flash drive before being overwritten. As a final test, Kelly closed her laptop and opening her smartphone connected via the app and giggled out loud as the bedroom popped into focus.

“So that’s everything ready for the weekend apart from you,” Kelly said to Thanos who was lying in his basket watching her through his one open eye.

Refusing to move Thanos stayed in his basket knowing that what was about to happen would be the same as the last few days. Kelly crawled over to Thanos and seeing the look on his face felt a momentary pang of guilt at doing this to him, but then recalled that it was for a better cause in the end. Squatting there before him, her knees apart and her pussy wet and open, she pushed two fingers inside herself and covered them with her juices. She then held them to Thanos’s nose. She saw his cock twitch and start to emerge from its hairy sheath as she allowed Thanos to lick at her slick digits. Kelly repeated her actions taking her juice laden fingers from pussy to Thanos’ mouth while at the same time, using her other hand, teasing his cock to full hardness. Satisfied that Thanos was fully aroused she could sense he was about to try to spring into action, hoping perhaps that this time would be different than the previous few days when she had called a halt to the proceedings. But, alas, today was no different for, just as he started to move, hoping against hope that she would drop to all fours and let him mount her, to relieve the raging storm in his balls, she stood and pulled her robe tightly around herself.

Thanos’s eyes were pleading, his balls aching and he really desperately needed to gain release somehow, but for some unknown reason, his mistress was teasing him.

“Don’t worry boy, the weekend will be here soon enough,” Kelly laughed as she went upstairs to shower and dress, making sure the bedroom door was firmly shut behind her to stop Thanos deciding to take matters into his own paws, as he had done a few times in the past.

The first time was when she was on day three of her period and horny as hell since neither Martin nor Thanos had a crack at her. He had caught her in her bathroom, with her panties in her hand, just as she was changing her pad. He pushed his way into the small room and crossed the short distance before she could react. His nose was brushing her wet, blood-streaked thigh, and she found that she really had no control over herself, what with him licking at her pussy and the tender, sensitive inner reaches of her thighs. Giving in to the inevitable, she opened her legs and, shortly found herself on her knees, her tits pressed against the cool tiles, with her ass in the air, his cock inside of her and receiving a most satisfying fucking being delivered by the dog with the bloody snout.

But that was not to be today. She wanted him at the very peak of readiness, looking to plunge that raging cock into whatever hole was on offer, and she knew just the hole she wanted him to plug.


So, the weekend came and that Saturday night, Kelly lay in bed seething with anger and as Martin climbed in, she rolled away in a huff and said over her shoulder, “Your mother is a positive bitch!”

The evening had started well enough with the food so delicious that even picky Miriam was not able to find fault with it. Once the meal was over Martin announced he was taking Thanos for a walk and his father quickly stated he would join him, the reality was they were both sneaking off for a crafty smoke.

“Do not go to the pub,” Kelly hissed quietly to Martin as she pecked him on the cheek. This left Kelly and her Mother-in-law alone and as they cleared the table and took the dirty dishes into the kitchen Miriam passed what seemed like an innocent remark.

“Oh, how do you manage to work in such a compact kitchen, surely it must get cramped.”

As the room was 6 x 4 meters and had only recently been refurbished Kelly fell into the trap by responding, “It’s perfectly adequate for myself and Martin.”

As the words left her mouth Kelly wished she could suck them back in as Miriam replied, “Yes, there is just the two of you,” then pausing to sigh went on, “I guess I am not going to become a Grandmother any time soon.”

Kelly was trapped as she had no desire to get into a discussion about when she was going to have children but at the same time felt she had been put down by not producing hordes of grandchildren. Deciding to say nothing Miriam took the opportunity of carrying on.

“Of course, your sister is barren as well, such a shame, she is a sweet girl.”

Kelly had to bite her tongue, the question as to whether her sister Julie was barren or not was fairly mute as she was a very confirmed lesbian who had always expressed quite strongly that she had no desire or inclinations towards children. Realising just in time that yet another trap was being laid to allow Miriam to launch into her tirade about unnatural sexual practises she stayed silent and listened to Miriam rattle on about the joys of parenthood.

Changing the subject, she said, “Martin mentioned you had got a dog?” Miriam said as she looked around almost expecting Thanos to appear like some fearful ghost even though he was out chasing rabbits in the gloom. She had not had an opportunity to actually see him, since Kelly had shoved him into the utility room as her guests arrived. Yes, she wanted Thanos to be a surprise and only appear at the appropriate time.

“He is a sweetie really,” Kelly said defending him, but not adding that he had a cock to die for and fucked like a demon. If her plan worked as she hoped, Miriam would find these facts out for herself.

“No doubt he smells terrible and sheds hairs everywhere.” Miriam tutted, before excusing herself to use the bathroom.

Kelly was saved from further awkward questioning by the men returning from their walk and much to Thanos’s disgust they quickly secured him in the utility room for the night. The rest of the evening passed relatively calmly although Kelly was very careful to be non-committal about anything that Miriam raised. The one repeated thought that made her smile inside was if things went the way she hoped they would, tomorrow this ‘bitch’ would become a ‘proper bitch’, bred by Thanos and on camera for her to glory in reviewing. Maybe she would send along with a DVD of her getting shagged in her son and daughter-in-law’s spare bedroom. Now, that would make a great Christmas present, yes?

The following morning Kelly was up after the men had left for their golf outing and dressed casually in a pair of loose jogging bottoms and a baggy tee-shirt, but was, as usual, naked underneath. Listening at the bottom of the stairs she could hear that Miriam was just going into the guest bathroom to shower and knew it was time to put her plan in place.

Letting Thanos in from the utility room he looked at her huffily and then with wariness as she pushed her jogging bottoms to her ankles and squatted, pointing her naked sex at him. The scent that assailed Thanos’s sensitive nose had an instant effect on him and his lovely red cock quickly emerged from its hairy sheath. Pushing his head forward he began to lick at his mistress’s pussy lapping up as much of the sweet juices as he could while Kelly reached under and grasped his ever-growing shaft and with practised manipulation quickly coaxed him to full hardness.

Kelly’s body was screaming at her to drop to all fours and let Thanos mount her as she felt the cock warm in her hand and her palm being coated with his watery pre-cum. Shaking her head with determination she stood and pushed Thanos’s head away before pulling up her jogging bottoms so depriving Thanos of his pleasure.

Licking her hand like it was a lollipop Kelly giggled as she looked at Thanos disappointed face before shouting up the stairs.

“Miriam, I have forgotten to get any gravy salt so need to nip to the shops. I should only be an hour… can you look after Thanos for me?”

Then before Miriam could reply she patted Thanos on the head and whispered, “Go do your thing boy,” before nudging him towards the stairs. Grabbing her phone and car keys Kelly skipped out of the house as she watched Thanos’s retreating hindquarters disappearing up the stairs as he sniffed the air ahead, headed for the master bedroom where he usually shagged Kelly.

A few minutes up the road Kelly turned into the local woods that were deserted at this time of day, before pulling onto a dirt track and bounced the car until it was concealed from any casual passer-by. Switching on the app she was just in time to see Miriam, her shower done, enter the spare bedroom, totally naked with a towel wrapped around her head as she tousle dried her hair. Kelly couldn’t help but nod appreciatively to herself as she appraised Miriam’s body, for, even though she was over 50 she was still in excellent shape. There was a slight amount of droop on her well-rounded breasts and her hips had started to spread a fraction, but not so that she looked anything like curvy, she was still stick thin in Kelly’s opinion, but quite impressive for her age.

Miriam stopped in the middle of the room and as she went to remove the towel from her hair, Thanos, hearing a noise and thinking to find his mistress, pushed the door fully open and spied the sight of a strange bitch. Now, she was not Kelly, but she was naked and that was sufficient to convince him that all was right with the world. Yes! A new smell, but surely this was his surprise for being a good boy for the past week. He bounded into the room and promptly stuck his nose between those thighs, licking that wonderful spot he knew nestled there, with his rough long tongue. Miriam’s squeal echoed in the car from the small phone speaker as she leapt back and regarded Thanos with shock and disbelief while Kelly held her breath as she wondered what would happen next.

Miriam glanced at the clock and knew she had at least 45 minutes before she returned her gaze to what was hanging down under Thanos and dripping steadily into the carpet.

“Magnificent,” Miriam sighed and dropped to her hands and knees, laying her head on the carpet, and presenting her pussy and ass to Thanos. Knowing exactly what was expected of him, he started to lick at her open slit drawing his long tongue over her lower lips, which were already wet with her womanly essence, stirred by the knowledge that she was about to get laid by a very handsome, very large dog. That tongue went from her clit up to her tiny anal rosebud, sending shivers of delight which grew more intense the longer he did it. While Miriam was praying inside that Thanos knew what to do, Kelly noted that she didn’t trim her pubes and her pussy was a tangle of dark hair, just starting to show the pink inner folds it contained as the dog continued to excite her. She watched as the kneeling woman reached back between her legs and started to manipulate her clit as Thanos’s rough tongue drove her wild.

Kelly could not believe her luck, it was true her mother-in-law was a dog shagger and she was going to capture it all on camera. As she watched her hand went inside her jogging bottoms and feeling her wrist constricted by the waistband hurriedly pushed them to her ankles, her eyes glued on the tiny screen.

Thanos was not going to be denied by this new bitch and rose, starting to jab, seeking her wetness with his engorged cock. Miriam’s skilled fingers moved from her clit to grasp his cock, guiding him to his goal and as he felt the warmth grip the tip, he slammed his full length home and started to move his hindquarters in his usual jackhammer method of delivering a mind-blowing fucking.

By now, Kelly had her feet on the dashboard, her jogging pants around her ankles and was holding the phone in one hand as she drove three fingers into her soaking pussy while her own moans of pleasure mixed in the car with those of her mother-in-law being fucked senseless by her dog. Thanos was pounding Miriam, shaking her like a rag doll under him as he moved in a blur, the pent-up frustration of being denied this past week finally released as he proceeded in hammering his red-veined cock into Miriam’s willing pussy, the squeals and moan from the impaled bitch under him being echoed by the wet sounds of squelching from her totally filled, well-lubricated cunt. These sounds were echoed in the car by the equally wet sounds of Kelly’s pussy being hammered by her own fingers. Based on the noises Miriam was making her orgasm was building and Kelly could feel her own rising when suddenly there was a knock on the driver’s side window.

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