I woke up she was snuggled up next to me. She looked peaceful and content. Wake up you have another big day ahead. You can start by giving me some head. Yes Sir she replied as she slid down and took me into her mouth. I grew enough to be at the entrance of her throat grabbed a handful of hair and stuffed her down my shaft till she was down to the base of my cock. I fucked her face and came deep down her throat.

We went to to the kitchen and started the coffee. Eric was still in bed. Come on let’s wake up our host. Eric woke up to a warm mouth licking and sucking his cock. Mmmmm good morning nice alarm clock I need to get one of these . It wasn’t long before she was swallowing her second load of cum for the day.

Let’s give a treat shall we roll over buddy. Now lick his ass. She spread his cheeks and started licking his asshole circling and licking up to his balls. That’s a good start now stick that tongue up his ass and fuck him with it. She spread his cheeks a bit further and stuffed her tongue as far as she could up his asshole. Her head bobbing up and down for all it was worth. After five minutes or so I asked. Well do you think it’s clean enough there buddy? I do believe so, that was awesome. That was a first for me he replied.

Well are ready for breakfast. Our Slut has had her appetizer but I’m getting hungry. Eric through on some pants and joined us in the kitchen.She nakedly proceeded to make us a breakfast of bacon and eggs. And served it up.

After breakfast Eric excused himself. I have something to do I’ll be right back. She was just finishing cleaning up the kitchen when Eric pulled back into the driveway.

The door opened and he stood there with a beautiful big Great Dane. His name is Thor, and you are going to be a Thor bitch today he chuckled. Her jaw dropped.

Remember the four A’s.

Eric looked puzzled?

Anything, Anytime, Anywhere and Anyone I explained.

Alright Slut get over to the couch sit with your ass at the edge and spread those legs wide, so he can have a taste of you. He was lead up between her legs. His nose nuzzled up into her crotch. She flinched for a minute. Then that big tongue started lapping away at her pussy. She started moaning as he started getting deeper into her pussy. She couldn’t help herself as she had her first orgasm.

Thor was taken to the middle of the room, sit boy ok now it’s your turn to return the favor come serve your master. She came and stood next to Thor. Thor lay down. We rolled him onto his side. Get down here bitch. You need to get him hard play with his sheath until he gets hard.
She massaged him till that big red cock came into view. Now you need to return the favor and suck that dick. She took him into her mouth sucking and licking his huge cock.

Stuff it down your throat bitch.

She worked it deeper and deeper till was down to the hair on his sheath all the his pre cum running out of her mouth.

I think he’s ready what do think Eric? As ready as he’s going to get Eric replied. Alright get up on your hands and knees bitch. Up Thor, it didn’t take long as he was around behind her. I patted her back that was all it took. He mounted her humping away it didn’t take long and he found his mark. No easing in he was down to the max. She came almost instantly.She was moaning away while getting accustomed to him.

It feel like he’s getting bigger she said.

Yes you are about to be knotted bitch. As his knot plugged her as he started to flood her with his seed and no where for it to go.

Oh my god I can feel him filling with cum as she reached another orgasm. Thinking it was over not knowing that knot was going to keep them locked together until it shrank enough to come out. It took about fifteen minutes and Thor was able pull out her aching cunt with audible pop as it came out. A flood of their combined juices drained down from her gapping pussy and coated the inside of her thighs. Thor turned around and lapped at her aching hole. As if to say thanks. She enjoyed the soothing feel of his tongue. He laid down to lick himself.

Help him clean up . He did it for you. You need to return the favor.

She waisted no time in liking him clean.

We gave her a few minutes to recover . Got her up bent her over the back of the couch and filled her ass with cum with Thors cum still dripping from her pussy.

I have get Thor home Eric told us and headed for the door.

Why don’t you get yourself cleaned up I told her and she headed for the shower. By the time Eric got back she was out of the shower.

Get dressed we have things to do yet. She returned, what do have to say to to our host.

Thank you Sir I hope you enjoyed my services.

Feel free to bring her back anytime.

I grabbed my bag of tricks and we were out the door.

On the way back I pulled into a tattoo and piercing shop. You have earned the right to wear a mark of ownership I told her.

She knew better than to question me and followed me into the shop.

How can I help you today the man behind the counter asked?

We would like to see some piercings I replied.

What did you have in mind?

Two fourteen gauge captive rings for her nipples another four for her pussy lips and a curved bar for her clit.

He brought out a couple of trays we made my selections.

Fine shall I rap these up ?

No she needs to be pierced with them.

Oh then follow me. We walked into the back room . There was a table similar to what you might find at a doctors office. Get undressed lay down. I’ll be right back .

He returned with a metallic tray with everything he needed. Donning some surgical glove he proceeded to prep her nipple first wiping it down he then marked his desired target clamped her nipple and grabbed the piercing needle. Take a deep breath and he ran through . She gasped. He then took the ring a and pushed the needle through. She clenched her teeth. There one down six to go .

An hour and a half later we were done . He gave her some ointment to apply twice a day.

And we were out the door. Back on the road she lifted her top and commented that does look really sexy doesn’t it Master? Why the four in my pussy lips.

Once healed to either open you up for viewing pleasure or to attach weights to stretch your lips. Oh she meekly replied thank you Master.

It was a couple weeks before she was ready for play. She was still very sensitive and easy to arouse . With very little effort she would be coming in no time.

Master if I had known the effects of this I would have done this years ago. I love the looks I get from men noticing my nipple rings outlined beneath my tops. It makes me wet thinking of all the nasty things that they would love to do to me. I’m getting wet right now thinking about it.

Well why don’t you relieve yourself right now. I would appreciate a little show. She reached between her legs spreading her thighs. As she started rubbing her clit and dipping into her cunt. Master may I cum?

Yes you may.

She came within minutes. She looked hot.

There do you feel better now?

Yes thank you Master.

Well then seeing as you enjoy being on display. Let’s take it a step further. We will be going out on the town tonight.

Do your makeup and I will pick out something for you to wear. I brought out a blouse that was nearly transparent her nipples were clearly visible and a tiny black skirt that barely covered her assets. Topped it off with a pair of heels to accent her long shapely legs. She looked stunning . Her skirt was so short she had all she could do to keep from showing her all..

We pulled up to the bar and it was crowded. The parking lot was almost full.

I stopped at the door. Why don’t you go in and grab us a seat while I see if I can find a parking spot. I wanted to see how she would handle being on display by herself. I had to park at the back of the lot.

When I got to the bar she was still just inside the door and getting plenty of attention.

There are no seats empty Master.

Just then a couple stood up from the bar just across from the stage. Perfect as we rushed to claim their seats.

She was trying to get up on the stool without being obvious without much luck. She turned to the bar as she was on full display.

A few drinks later wanting to see the band with the aid of a few tequilas she turned to face the dance floor with her back to the bar. She was getting a good deal of attention from the guys around the bar.

One particular table had four men seated at it. Their glances turned into stares. They would come up to the bar for refills squeezing in next to her.

Nice outfit he told her his hand brushed her thigh. Within a few refills his hand was now between her thighs. She looked at me.

Enjoying yourself I asked? He grinned yes can I buy you two a drink he asked. Sure I agreed.

Well the drink’s kept coming and by now his friends were also getting refills joined in coping feels even as bold as to playing with her pussy. By now she was was feeling the effects of all the drinks and being fingered at the bar and didn’t seem to care.

The night was winding down I realized if we stayed much longer she would not be able to walk. Let’s get going I told her and we headed for the door.

I had to park at the far end of the parking lot.

About half way there I noticed her fan club was right behind.

Hey we would like to keep this party going he asked? She was drunk and horny as hell .

Sure why not.

They caught up we us at the truck they continued groping and started wiping out there cocks a before you knew it she was on her knees servicing her new friends, They removed her her top and played with her nipple piercings. I knew Her knees couldn’t take kneeling on the blacktop they helped her up and bent her over. One of her newfound friends was kneeling behind her with his face buried in her ass licking and sucking her cunt. Before long he stood up and plowed into her.

They all took turns a t one end or the other pumping their loads into her till everyone was spent.

Wow she is really hot. If you ever want to share her again here is my number please give me a call.

On the ride home I asked did you enjoy being gang banged in public?

Yes thank you Master.

I’m sure there will more of them in your future.

I hope so Master.