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Tale of Two Women

Much thanks must go to my anonymous editor who is almost a co-author on this series.

Thanos wriggled his way through the gap and inhaled deeply as he emerged the other side with just a few leaves and twigs clinging to his fur. The smell of freedom filled his nostrils, freedom to hunt down the rabbits that would invade his territory, freedom to maybe track down that elusive bear he was sure was marauding in the countryside, though he didn’t see him. He poked at and sniffed all the different bushes in his path, for once not constrained by the leash of his humans, always pulling him back to the path, or chastising him for trying to pursue some unseen deadly enemy that lurked in the undergrowth. Then he caught a faint whiff in the air, the same scent that had enticed him from the back yard in the first place. This was the smell of a bitch in heat, one that clearly needed the type of attention that only he could provide. Taking another deep breath he fixed the direction of the aroma and set off, determined that this bitch wouldn’t ignore him as the other two had back at his home. Honestly! The two of them, wrestling around with each other like that while he stood there, hard, hot, horny, and quite ready to service them again. Then the two human males just stepping in and even using the wrong hole, how stupid was that. The nerve of them. Sometimes he wondered why he tolerated these human pussies, a girl dog knew better than to do that.


Mitchie was bored shitless. At first the idea, well command really, to accompany her parents to the small house in the country that had been left to her mother by a now-deceased great aunt had seemed like a fantastic proposition. It gave her a chance to get back into her parent’s good books after they had come home and caught her in the kitchen being fucked senseless by Chico their family dog. After the uproar had settled down, a variety of things had happened, some pleasant, some not. Her mother had returned to America to work while her father had decided to renovate the cottage, taking Mitchie with him.

The first unpleasant event was Chico going with her mother to America, depriving her of the sexual outlet she so desperately needed. After all, her fingers and dildo really couldn’t compare to the pleasure of being on her knees with Chico’s magnificent cock pounding away at her pussy, or having his knot firmly planted inside her wide stretched vagina, pulsing away against her G-spot as he unloaded his cum deep inside. Just the thought of all that hot doggy cum squirting against her cervix was enough to get her wet, so wet she could actually smell herself. The smell of her arousal always did that, from the first time she had learned to finger her clit on her bed. Then there was the cleanup, where she would roll over on her back, spread her knees wide and let Chico use his long talented tongue to lap all that cum out, sending her up and over again and again. Damn! She was horny.

The second, and by far the biggest unpleasant event was the fucking lockdown from this damn pandemic Suddenly, Mitchie found herself locked away in a country she didn’t know, with no friends, no Chico, not even the sexy neighbour she had at the last place. Damn, that was one fine looking guy even if he was married to an even sexier woman. She wondered what he looked like without those gym shorts he wore when she spied on him working out in his back garden. From the bulge in the front, he must have a sizeable package in there, one she sure could use about now. Of course, it would be puny, compared to Chico but, as the saying went, ‘any port in a storm’ and right now, her cunt was raging for some action. At least, she thought to herself, she could work on her father, as the one overriding image in her head was the size of his erection pressing against his trousers as he stared at his daughter getting pounded by the family dog.

The frustrating thing was, it didn’t matter what she did since he simply ignored her. She took to wandering round in the briefest of bikinis, complaining it was too hot while hoping she would get some reaction from him, but to no avail. She would masturbate herself to a noisy climax most evenings, knowing her father, in the next room would have to have heard her, but again nothing. At least there was wi-fi, which was semi-decent and at least allowed her to get to X-rated sites to read stories and chat, teasing older men as she described what she was doing or cybering with men or women as they envisaged a variety of scenarios. Not content with doing this at night, the ever-horny Mitchie would lie on the sun lounger in the back yard, chatting or reading very racy stories during the day while she touched herself. Rubbing her pussy into a frothy mess, not caring that she was in the open, in fact, the thought of getting caught was both exciting and might relieve the eternal boredom.

She was in this position now, her small white bikini top long since discarded, her size B tits pressed to the cushion, with the bottoms, these briefest of brief things that were little more than strings with a tiny patch of cloth that barely covered her neatly trimmed bush. She lay on her tummy, one hand under her body, her fingers teasing her clit as she chatted with a variety of partners. Some of them were sending her links to graphic images, some asking her to describe exactly what she was doing as she fingered herself closer and closer to a climax. One or two were asking for video chat, which she wouldn’t do… oh no… not that at all. Just as she was debating whether she could get away with using a dildo in public or whether she should go to her room, Thanos appeared through the bushes, sniffing the air before coming to a halt, a gleam clearly visible in his eye.

Mitchie was speechless. It was like her prayers had been answered and, though he was still several feet away, she could see that his cock, which was only partially exposed, for it had not emerged fully from his furry sheath, was by far the largest she had ever seen in her young life, putting Chico to shame! Holy fuck! It looked like a baby’s arm hanging under there. Just looking at that angry red monster had her cunt positively weeping with desire.

Thanos stopped and surveyed the bitch, pleased with himself that he had finally found her, but now in a quandary as to what to do next. Clearly, by the delightful smells assailing his nostrils, this bitch needed covering, but they were outside and he remembered, with painful clarity, the chastisement he had received from his Mistress if he even indicated his interest while they were out. She would bawl and shout at him, even sometimes give him a painful smack on his snout when all he was trying to do was lick what he rightfully knew was his. Of course, as soon as they got home his Mistress would allow him full access, sometimes not even bothering to go past the laundry room before she would slip out of her joggers and present herself to him. He waited patiently for this one, who was destined to become his new bitch, to take him inside where he could have her tight cunt caressing his shaft as he plunged it in and out.

Mitchie looked at the dog and made encouraging noises, not wanting to scare him off but desperate for him to come closer. Without moving from lying on her belly she carefully undid the bows at either hip to allow the tiny scrap of soaked material covering her pussy to fall away. Then she slid her lower body around until she was kneeling on the grass, draped over the sunbed, her pussy pointed directly at this answer her deepest prayers, in the ready position. Opening her legs, she reached between her thighs and felt her soaking wetness as she prayed to everything that was sacred for the dog to react. It was at this point she realised she was still online and there was a blinking tab showing one of her favourites partners was contacting her. Almost holding her breath, scared she would jinx what was about to happen she started to type.

Mitchie: Hi NMP I may go offline soon

NMP: Why is that little one?

Mitchie: A huge dog has just entered my garden and I have bent myself naked over a sun lounger and I’m offering myself to him.

There was a pause before the typing continued.

NMP: You lucky bitch I hope you enjoy it.

Mitchie: Will I see you soon?

NMP: When you return home yes, but for now enjoy the dog and then you can tell me all about it.

Mitchie: I love you Ju…

The last message wasn’t completed as the conversation had been terminated.

Turning her attention back to Thanos, who was still sitting, waiting patiently but not taking his eyes from the source of that heady scent, wondering what was taking this girl so long to get up so he could enjoy her. To his surprise, the soon to be bitch patted her ass cheeks and husked, with a note of pleading in her voice, “Come on boy, it’s OK, come and taste me.”

Thanos could feel his cock dripping on the grass, his erection was almost at the point of being painful, yet his concern of possible punishment outweighed his need to taste this bitch. In truth, it was borderline which was the more powerful desire, avoid the chastisement or taste what she was so willingly offered. As he watched her fingers playing with her own cunt and the flash of her open inner lips, the scent of her desire for sex overcame any concern of caution. With a heave, Thanos rose from sitting to standing and moved forward until his nose contacted the open cunt in front of him. He inhaled deeply, her sex smell imprinting on his brain, and poked his tongue out, taking his first taste of her, giving her a long swiping lick.

Mitchie felt the rough tongue travel along her pussy lips, up and over her fingers, before teasing at her anal star. Quickly removing her hand, her fingers now wet with the fluid dripping from her cunt, a cunt being entertained by a tongue to die for, she anticipated that magic second lick. Thanos didn’t disappoint, driving his long pink tongue deep inside. Mitchie let out a low groan of primaeval lust as she stuffed her pussy fluid covered fingers into her mouth, tasting herself as she was tongue-lashed from behind. Arching back to his continued licking, Mitchie felt herself getting wetter and wetter, and she could feel the lust bubbling inside her as she muttered, the desperation clear in her voice, “Please fuck me… please I beg you.”

Thanos was relieved that he hadn’t been struck for his actions and, if anything, from the noises this new bitch was making, she was more than happy with him. Having tasted her Thanos knew that it was now time to claim her as his in the only way he knew. Rising up, he plonked his paws down on either side of her body as he started to thrust his hips forward, seeking the prize for his efforts. He felt the tiny fingers touching his sensitive rod and then, as his tip was directed in the proper direction, he detected her entrance. The fingers holding his rod moved it up and down, the lips parting and opening to the hidden treasure beyond, the way now clear, and with a single thrust, he drove home, burying nearly six inches of his shaft into this delightfully wet and willing pussy in one thrust.

Mitchie gasped as she felt Thanos impale her with his cock, but she knew the best was yet to come. She felt him withdrew slightly, then thrust again, to bury himself fully into her stretched channel. She let out a long animal howl that people must have heard in the next village. She could feel the knot bang against her pussy lips as his nine inches went deeper than anything had ever done before, opening her fully to his fucking. She was being taken in a way that defied description, the feeling of fullness inside her sending her higher and higher, stretching and filling her almost to bursting. But almost before she had time to adjust, Thanos was out and back in, shaking her like a rag doll, making her his fuck toy. It was this speed and ferocity that took Mitchie’s breath away as he fucked much like her Chico had done, with a pace and vigour as though his whole life depended on it. Within those first few thrusts, Mitchie was already starting to orgasm, her guttural moans joining the squelching sounds of her pummelled pussy as Thanos continued pounding her, driving her senses into some deep dark hole.

At the base of his nine inches of shaft, his knot was crashing against her pussy lips demanding entry. Thanos panted with the effort he was putting forth, as he felt the resistance of the tight, tender cunt under him stopping him from forcing his knot inside. He needed that, needed it so that breeding could commence. He renewed his efforts which caused his cock and knot to swell even more. This was making the final act more difficult, and the way this bitch was gripping his cock with her flesh covered tunnel was pushing him close to the edge. With a final thrust, Thanos managed to almost insert his knot, but the caress on his shaft was too much for any dog to resist. With a growl of satisfaction mixed with a touch of frustration, he started to pump his seed. At the same moment, there was a mighty shout from the other side of the garden and a man came into view running and shouting, his face red with effort.

John saw his daughter, naked and bent over the sun lounger, the dog on her back fucking her hard, the loud moans of pleasure rolling out of her mouth. She obviously wasn’t being raped by the dog and she certainly seemed to be cooperating with the fucking she was receiving. Just the sight of her like that, on her knees and being serviced like some bitch in heat, was causing his cock to quickly grow and press against his shorts. “Just like her mother,” John muttered to himself as he realised that his sweet daughter was going to be a dog fucker, just like his dear wife had been for many years. He suspected as much when he had caught Mitchie with Chico, but the sight before him just confirmed his thoughts. His erection had become so painful he knew that his next actions would break the resolve he had held on to over the past few weeks. He had to have what she had offered time and time again and he had to have it now.

As he approached the sun lounger, his shout disturbed Thanos who was holding still now, pumping his seed into Mitchie’s cunt and, at the same time trying, unsuccessfully, to secure his breeding by forcing his knot into her. As he pulled away, his seed was still jetted out from the tip of his shaft, splattering those upturned ass cheeks, her depths filled, with a fair amount of the fluid still inside. Retreating a few paces Thanos regarded his handiwork and at the same time keeping a wary eye on the human male who had just removed his shorts and was fisting his own cock which, he noted, was quite puny compared to the package he possessed. Thanos regarded the human and often wished he could fist his own cock, but then smiled inside as he remembered that humans were not flexible enough to clean themselves with their own tongue, though he had seen Martin clean Kelly after he got through breeding her as she cleaned him after being breed.

John held his turgid member as he regarded his daughter’s open and oozing hole, the dog cum now dribbling out and down the inside of her thigh. The clear evidence of Thanos’ recent deposit was bubbling out, the bubbles caused by the piston action of the cock that had so recently stretched her wide open. He knew that, because of the size of Thanos, his daughter’s cunt was likely to remain stretched open for an hour or two until her elasticity kicked in. Even though he considered himself to be above average in the size department he was not anywhere near as large as the meaty rod that still swayed between Thanos’s legs, dripping seed and juices onto the grass. John needed release and, from experience with his wife in the past, knew just what he would have to do. Bending, he grabbed a large dollop of the mixture seeping from her well-fucked cunt, he poked a finger roughly into Mitchie’s anal star, causing her to moan in pleasure and pain. Working more of the mixture quickly in, he was quietly pleased how rapidly his daughter relaxed. “No, she’s not an anal virgin at all,” he muttered to himself as he smeared some of the seed over the head of his hard cock.

Mitchie was breathless as she remained bent over the sun lounger her tight little ass raised in readiness, not daring to move in case what she thought was happening was just a dream and she was about to wake up. A large dog had just fucked her to several wonderful orgasms and now her own father, the man she had lusted after for years, was working his fingers into her ass and, quite obviously, preparing her for another form of fucking. The very thought of what she knew was about to happen caused her to orgasm again as she arched back in primaeval lust onto her father’s probing digits. There was a pause as he removed his fingers, leaving her feeling empty, but knowing, from experience, what was about to happen. She gripped the cushion of the sun lounger tightly in readiness and anticipation.

When it came Mitchie was in heaven, the burn of her father’s cock penetrating her inner recesses sent her into raptures as he pushed slowly deeper, impaling the delightful little ass under him. He didn’t stop until he had all eight inches of his cock buried in her. Mitchie panted with lust as he slowly withdrew until just the head was sitting inside, her rectum pulsing around this anal invader. She felt his strong fat fingers reach under her, delving in her pussy, the thumb seeking the hard button of her clit. He withdrew his hand, now coated with the mix of dog cum and girl fluid, the first slimy, the second slick and used it to coat the hard length partial buried in his daughter’s ass. When he was satisfied that he was well prepared, he pushed forward, the passage much easier now.

John started to fuck his daughter with steady firm strokes, pulling out until the glans stayed in, then sliding back into her tight depths, his cock plunging into her right up to the hilt. His meaty balls banging on the still throbbing lips of her pussy, all while luxuriating in the visual stimulation of seeing his cock vanish into her ass. This, coupled with the tightness of her anal passage and the sounds of her moaning and growling in her passion made him know that he wasn’t going to last long. At that moment Mitchie orgasmed and her sphincter ring gripped John so tightly that for a moment he couldn’t move, held there in what felt like a tight fist. When she relaxed a little he started to fuck her with a speed and ferocity that in his head matched the fucking that the dog had given her a few minutes before.

“Fuck my ass, daddy. Take me like the little tart I am and make me your slut.”

His daughter’s words sent him over the top and with a yell that caused Thanos to take a startled step back, he unloaded his balls deep into his daughter’s bowels. When he finally came to his senses and the roaring in his brain subsided, John looked down to see his cock slowly slide from his daughter’s distended ass, his seed starting to drip out. Mitchie didn’t say a word as she finally moved from her kneeling position, standing a little unsteadily, her inner thighs wet with the dripping fluids from a well-fucked cunt and an equally well fucked ass. Her eyes were glazed, her mind in a whirl, as taking him by his hand, she led her father into the house where she could enjoy his cock many, many more times.

Thanos stood in the middle of the lawn trembling with anger as he watched the backs of the two naked humans disappear into the house. “How dare a human take away my new bitch” he thought to himself. Then he reflected that it was OK to pursue his needs in the open air and that he wasn’t a ‘bad naughty rude dog’ as his Mistress called him if he sniffed a hot human bitch in public. A rumbling in his belly told him it was time to eat and to his joy, he saw a plate of meat the human male had left on a table near the hot grill. Wolfing down the contents on the plate Thanos filled the need in his belly and, leaving the garden, he sniffed in the wind. To his delight, he caught the whiff of yet another bitch “A dog’s work is never done, is it, Thanos, old boy,” he thought as he followed his nose, setting off and determined on satisfying the other need that was still nagging at his balls.


Nikkie giggled to herself as she tended the flower bed, digging small holes in the garden and popping in the bedding plants her thoughtful neighbour had bought her as a birthday present. The reason for her giggles wasn’t the plants. No indeed, as delightful as they were, she was giggling at the fact that she was naked under her skirt and she could feel her husband’s still warm cum trickling out from where he had deposited it a few minutes before.


“Happy Birthday,” Jim had said to his beautiful wife as they finished their lunch, “I have another present for you.”

Nikkie smiled to herself, her husband of 30 years was such a kind and generous man and she was truly glad she had said yes all those years ago. Today was her 55th birthday and although they were spending it with just the two of them, he had made it as special as possible, in a multitude of ways by little presents throughout the morning. It had started with the beautiful breakfast in bed he had bought her, followed by his talented tongue bringing her to a screaming orgasm as she clawed his back. This was followed by the divine necklace he had fastened around her neck after she had showered, and gifts ranging from the latest earbuds to connect to her iPhone for music, to tickets to the Chelsea flower show, a gift she truly loved.

Nikkie was proud of her garden and kept it immaculate, no weed would remain unnoticed under her steely glare. She would spy one, spotting it from the breakfast table next to the patio door overlooking the garden, then whisked out as soon as she had finished the meal and tidied away. One of the neighbours had bought her a beautiful selection of bedding plants that were sitting outside ready to be planted and Nikkie knew the perfect spot. As soon as her husband gave her the next gift he had just mentioned she would plant them with love in the stone planters that bordered the patio so they could see them every day as they ate.

Turning her attention back to her husband, she was shocked at first to see he had removed his shorts and stood there with a proud grin plastered across his face. Then she saw the reason for his pride as jutting out from his groin was his cock sporting the hardest erection Nikkie had seen from him in many years. Her husband was nearly five years her senior and their lovemaking was much more sedate these days as sometimes Jim wasn’t quite up to the rigours but the boner he proudly displayed was that of a young man in his prime.

“Ordered some little blue pills from the internet and this is the result,” Jim said proudly as he grabbed the root and waved it at his wife.

Nikkie was in a bit of a dilemma, the plants need planting before they got to dry out yet at the same time the attraction of Jim’s stiff cock was extremely alluring. Holding out her hand Nikkie grasped it and marvelled at his firmness as she slowly began to caresses it, pulling the foreskin back and staring at the purple head that almost seemed to throb with excitement.

“How long will it last?” Nikkie asked feeling herself get wet.

“Only one way to find out.”

Nikkie resolve for the planting was thrown to one side, a quickie first then get the plants in and if the stuff was as good as her husband claimed then it would be an afternoon of rampant sex. Reaching under her skirt Nikkie quickly slipped off her brief panties and hiked her skirt up around her waist bending over the couch, grasping the arm firmly.

“Remember the quickies when we were first courting?” Nikkie said smiling as she recalled how they would grab a few moments together at the end of the day in the storeroom of the office they both worked in back when they had first met.

Jim beamed as he stepped forward and ran a hand over his wife’s smooth white cheeks and then bent his legs, rubbing the head of his stiff cock along her pussy lips. “I feel you are as wet as you always were back then” Jim laughed.

Nikkie hid her blushes as more often than not Jim wouldn’t have been the first that day to penetrate her, not that there would be any evidence apart from her wetness of the orgasms her female supervisor had given her at lunchtime with her skilled fingers and tongue.

With an audible grunt, Jim drove his cock into Nikkie’s wet pussy and started to fuck her at a steady speed, almost withdrawing his cock before pushing it back in. Jim may not have been at the front of the queue when they handed out cocks but he wasn’t at the back either and he knew from years of experience what his wife liked. He switched his pace from the long slow strokes to frantic fast strokes for as long as his energy lasted, before switching back to the steady long strokes. It didn’t take long before he felt the telltale tightening of his wife’s pussy indicating an approaching orgasm and just as he judged she was almost at her peak he pulled totally out for a heartbeat and then back in all the way to the hilt.

This action sent Nikkie wild and as she orgasmed on his cock she felt his hot seed spurting deep inside as he slammed in and out of her repeatedly until he was spent.

Rather than slowly deflating and slipping out Jim physically withdrew from his wife’s pussy his cock still hard and gleaming with its coating of juices and seed.

“Will be ready for round two as soon as I catch my breath,” Jim laughed as he tried to still his beating heart.

“Go and have a quick rest,” Nikkie laughed as she smoothed her skirt over her wonderfully throbbing pussy, “I will get these plants in and then we can take the rest of the afternoon enjoying ourselves.


Thanos was in the bushes observing the human bitch who was in the right position to be mounted but seemed to still be covered. The smell attacking his nostrils was unbelievable and what made it even more alluring was he could smell that another male had already covered this bitch so he needed to assert himself. It was wariness that the other male might be about that had caused him to pause before taking what he believed was his by rights as in his doggy head all bitches in the neighbourhood were his to breed as he saw fit. Seeing the coast was clear Thanos moved forward until he was just a few feet behind his soon to be new bitch.

He knew that it was now OK to approach while outside as it seemed some bitches accepted this more than his Mistress. He made a mental note that the next time his diminutive Mistress took him out and he decided he needed to breed her he would assert his rights more forcefully. Thinking of being more forceful made his heart beat a little faster, this time there would be no interference when he took this bitch.

Nikkie was humming to herself as she listened to the music in her ears as she had connected them to her iPhone before coming into the garden. Booming into her head was David Bowie singing Suffragette City and just as it reached the crescendo of Bowie moaning out the line “Ohhh, Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am!” she suddenly felt a cold wet nose pressing against her pussy. Nikkie squeaked and her instant reaction was to try to lurch forward away from whatever was behind her but her action just pressed her head into the gap between two of the solid stone planters leaving her with nowhere to go. Before she could lift up from all fours she felt a weight on her back keeping her down as something was panting in her ear and at the same time she could feel something being jabbed at her ass cheeks. It took her a moment for the full scenario to register as she realised with horror that it was a wild dog on her back and it was attempting to mate with her.

Her skirt had ridden up revealing her naked ass and Thanos was jabbing wildly seeking the bitches cunt as she struggled under him. Instinct took over and Thanos nipped her shoulder just firmly enough to still her movements while he adjusted his weight, thrusting with his angry red cock.

Nikkie felt the teeth on her shoulder and froze in fear as she was scared the dog might tear her to pieces if she struggled and the realisation dawned on her that without outside help her fate was sealed. At that exact moment of acceptance, the tip of Thanos’s sensitive member found the entrance to her pussy and twitched once before he drove himself fully inside. Never had Nikkie been penetrated so fully and so deeply by something so large and to her shock her body seemed to open up and accept it in. In a weird moment of reflection, she thought that even for the viagra that Jim had taken this was harder and also that it felt even warmer inside her than a cock normally did. There was no finesse with this fucking, it was an animal taking what he wanted and Nikkie was helpless beneath him as the dog took her in her own back garden.

Looking up she could see the reflection of the dog and herself in the patio door, the dog’s tongue hanging out as he fucked with what could only be called dogged determination, but then to her relief, her husband appeared at the window and stood staring at the tableau before him.

Jim was in shock, he could see his wife with the large dog on her back and from the angle, he could also see that the dog was fucking his wife with its large cock. Jim wanted to help but the scene before him was something he had dreamed about for many years and here it was actually happening before his very eyes. Without conscious thought, he started to stroke himself as he watched his wife’s face carefully which was slowly turning from shock to a look that Jim had seen many times when they had made love.

Nikkie watched her husband stroking himself through the glass but before she could process her thoughts, a blinding white light flashed in her brain as a momentary bolt of pain shot through her lower body. It felt like her pussy had been fisted but what was now inside her seemed to throb and pulse as it grew until it pressed against her g-spot, a place that normally only her casual girlfriends had ever found. Nikkie knew that she would cum on this dog cock, that was inevitable and opening her eyes she watched as her husband worked himself faster until he spurted hot streams of seed against the window. At that exact same moment Thanos started to cum and what exploded inside Nikkie was something she had never experienced before. It was like a hot hose had been turned on inside as the dog sprayed her cervix and womb with his copious seed. All the time the dog was cumming his knot was pulsing sending Nikkie over the top as she screamed in an orgasm that seemed to go on forever.

Thanos was panting with both effort and pleasure as he felt his seed filling the bitch under him and, spotting that the human male had opened the glass door, he growled, warning him to stay away from this bitch that was now his until he decided he was finished with her.

“Are you OK?” Jim said softly to his wife as he felt his cock still throbbing with excitement.

Looking up at her husband Nikkie heard the growl as she rested on the grass, “Was this your idea?”

“No…no… I promise,” Jim stuttered then went on quietly, “but fucking hell was that hot.”

Nikkie reflected that today was the day her life had changed forever as this was the most amazing and unexpected present of all time and clearly a new direction that both of them would want to explore further. She went to speak again but another ripple from the dog knot firmly embedded inside her meant just a long moan emerged from her throat as another small orgasm trembled through her.

“How long will you be like that?”

“I have no idea,” Nikkie giggled, “but if it stays like this all afternoon I won’t complain.”

It was nearly twenty minutes later when Thanos’s knot finally deflated enough to allow him to tug himself free and allow the seed to gush from Nikkie’s abused pussy. Getting to her feet Nikkie bent and looked at the collar and tag around the dog’s neck before ruffling his head with words of praise.

Thanos padded off happy with himself to see what his next adventure would be. As he did so, he remembered his own thought, just before he added these last two bitches to his stable. “Yes, indeed, it would seem there are more bitches to be breed around here. I do have my work cut out for me, don’t I? No danger of being declared redundant, no, that’s not likely!”

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