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The Virgin

“Ulp! I’m Sarah,” the young girl at the open patio door managed to stammer. “We just moved in next door, and I wanted to say hello. My brother mentioned he had already met you when he was jogging,” she continued, her eyes never leaving the scene before her; the sounds of the royal fucking Mandy was getting ringing in her ears.

Ah, yes, Roger! The young man who talked me into letting him fuck me in my car. This must be his younger sister , Kelly thought.

The girl’s left hand clutched her smallish right breast, pinching and squeezing the nipple plainly seen through the thin material of her top. Her right hand was buried in the open waistband of the shorts at her hips, the outline of her fingers clearly seen as they frantically rubbed her pussy.

Kelly looked her up and down. A short, petite thing, long red hair set in ponytails tied with pink ribbons on both sides of her head, big blue eyes set in a pretty little face, a sprinkling of freckles over her nose, with pert tits, a slim waist, girlish hips, wearing shorts with an open waistband and a very soaked crotch. Oh, yes, she certainly is already quite wet, she thought, a big smile of welcome on her face.

She wondered how long Sarah had been standing there, with her fingers busy whipping her pussy into a froth, at the sight of the massive dog fucking either Mandy or her. Kelly caught the scent of the sexed-up girl and knew that if she could smell that juicy pussy, Thanos certainly could. That boded something quite interesting was in store for their new neighbour once they got her out of those skimpy, soaked shorts and into the correct position. Based on what she was seeing and smelling, it wouldn’t be long before Thanos had another conquest in his stable of hot, wet, willing girl bitches.

“Welcome, Sarah. Come on in. There’s always room for another one at our little fun fest. Don’t worry. He doesn’t bite well, as long as you don’t move once he’s mounted you, she added mentally. “Though he might nip to remind you who’s in charge,” Kelly said, grinning but watching to gauge the girl’s reaction.

The newcomer stepped over the threshold with some hesitation, her eyes never leaving the sight before her, her hand still busy in her shorts. Well, she just took the first step. Now let’s see if she’s willing to go all the way. Yes, indeed, she’ll do just fine, Kelly thought, reaching out her hand and grasping Sarah’s free wrist, helping her sit on the tiled floor so she would have an even better view of the proceedings.

With the zipper fully down and the button at the waistband undone, the front of her shorts was open. This gave Kelly a view of the girl’s hand covering a bright red patch of fine hair over her pussy. Her middle finger was buried in her pink snatch, her thumb rubbing the pearl of her clit. She could see the girl wasn’t wearing panties, which would make it so much easier to get her ready. All that was needed was to get cute Sarah on her knees, head down, with her ass and pussy up in the air, and Thanos could claim yet another bitch.

“Roger told me you’ll be 17 soon. Is that right?” Kelly asked. Sarah slowly nodded her head, never taking her eyes from the sight of Mandy being bred by that massive dog and too mesmerised by what she was seeing and hearing to speak.

Kelly thought, Well, she’s legal at any rate, a smile on her face. The trick was to gauge whether or not she was open to being Thanos’s next conquest. From the way her eyes were focused on Mandy, with that massive dog cock flashing in and out of her impaled pussy as she was getting fucked, that looked like a reasonably safe bet. Then there was the look of longing on her face as she listened to the sounds of joy the shivering, quaking girl was making as she was taken by the biggest cock she had ever had in her cleft. With the proper coaxing, Kelly had to assume that this cute little redhead would soon be in the same position Mandy currently occupied and making the same noises as Thanos had his way with her.

Once seated, Sarah’s legs fell open. Finding that the open zipper of her shorts was restricting her hand and the finger in her pussy, she flexed her legs at the knees and spread herself even further. With her sandal-clad feet flat on the floor and the zipper fully down, her hips started bouncing up and down in time to the finger working itself in and out of her cunt. She seemed to have some experience with bringing herself off, thought Kelly, but then, she is 16, and what girl that age hasn’t? When I was 16, I know I spent more time on my bed with my legs open and my fingers in my pussy than I did sleeping!

She watched as the girl sitting next to her worked herself into a frenzy. The sole finger between her pussy lips was now joined by another as she frigged herself closer and closer to her climax, her thumb quite busy on her clit.

Opening her legs caused the aroma of her arousal to grow more pungent. Like a delicate perfume, it rose to permeate the room. As she bounced her ass on the cool tiles, she decided to rid herself of the constricting shorts. So, bringing her knees together, with her free hand, she managed to slide the waistband over her hips and down her legs, kicking off one side and leaving them at her other ankle. With this accomplished, she spread her flexed legs even wider, giving Kelly a nice view of her two fingers in her lightly furred snatch. She could almost see the mental pictures flashing through Sarah’s brain, of her under Thanos, getting what Mandy was receiving. Yes, this one will take minimal coaxing to give her cunt to Thanos, she thought.

At that moment, the room was filled with the sounds of Mandy orgasming again and again, loudly squealing as she was filled to capacity, her G-spot mashed and pressed by the bulk of his knot, her cunt wholly claimed by the massive dog pummelling her. Thanos had the entire length of his cock buried deep inside the squealing girl under him. Taking advantage of the girl’s spasming pussy, his knot slipped past her lower lips with a final push. At last, he was fully seated in his latest bitch.

Once the knot was inside that hot, wet, clasping channel, with small back and forth movements, each of which drew moans of pleasure from the quivering girl, he was steadily spurting his seed directly into her plugged pussy. His cock was nudging her cervix, and his cum shot into her womb. But, even locked as he was, his cock pumping the moaning girl he was servicing full of cum, her cunt gripping him like a velvet fist and his knot lodged firmly in her channel, his sensitive nostrils picked up the scent of yet another new bitch, one ready for conquering, claiming, and breeding.

As he savoured this latest addition, he thought he would have to see about getting the new one in the proper position first. Maybe a little help might be needed? He wasn’t going to go through what he had with the one he was just finishing off. She threw him with that move, first presenting her crack while flat on her back before she realised he wanted her ass in the air, with her cunt at just the right height and ready for him to sink himself into. Well, anything could be arranged, and he knew his Mistress and this newly bred bitch would help.

“They’re knotted now,” said Kelly, watching the young girl’s glazed eyes take in the picture. Having filled Mandy to capacity, Thanos dismounted, twisting himself around, and was now ass to ass with his bitch. Her cunt, plugged by the knot, would gush a load of fresh, hot doggy cum that she had so joyfully accepted as soon as it was pulled free. Kelly urged the girl beside her to crawl over to the couple, still locked by the knot in the gash of the still quivering girl.

“Want to take a look? It’s OK, they won’t mind. Come closer,” said Kelly as she guided Sarah close enough to touch. She encouraged her to reach under Mandy to feel her distended abdomen. “She’s full of his cum. Here, feel how round and firm it is. It will leak out later, and maybe she’ll let you clean her up… but that’s up to her.”

With wonder in her eyes, Sarah stroked her hand up and down the slight bulge of smooth skin, glancing at the face of a delighted, satisfied girl, her smile telling the world that she had just been fucked and fucked quite well! As Sarah ran her hand over Mandy’s swollen abdomen, her hand drifted up to the dark tangle of hair at the base and towards those pussy lips firmly clamped around Thanos’s cock, the knot still inside. Her finger found the hard tip of Mandy’s clit as it nestled below the swell of cock forced into the opening above it.

“Is he trapped in there?” Sarah whispered quietly, her free hand working on herself and the other hand rubbing Mandy’s clit.

This girl is experienced , Kelly thought to herself. Well, certainly with other women, by the looks of it. She sure knows how to rub a clit.

Almost to confirm her words, Kelly watched as Sarah expertly stroked Mandy’s clit, causing her to moan with pleasure at the combined enjoyment of those fingers and Thanos’s knot, still planted hard against her G-spot, his slightest movement causing ripples of pure joy to surge through her body.

“You’ve been with a woman before, haven’t you?” Kelly whispered in Sarah’s ear as she slid her hand under the only piece of clothing the girl had left on, a bright pink top with ‘Dream Girl’ on the front, to cup a nice small breast and begin to work on a hard nipple. The shorts had been left lying on the floor in a soggy heap when she moved at Kelly’s invitation. Sarah simply nodded, too lost in a sexual fog to actually answer. She continued to frig herself, still flicking the engorged clit under her thumb. Kelly was delighted to find the girl was braless, making the tweaking of her nipples even easier.

Kelly lifted Sarah’s top, exposing her breasts, just as Thanos turned his big shaggy head. Accepting the invitation, he took a long lick with his course pink tongue across those small breasts and hard little nipples, drawing a deep moan from Sarah.

“Now, just imagine that tongue on your cunt”, Kelly said into Sarah’s ear. At Kelly’s urging, she stopped rubbing the clit under her fingers and scooted over the floor, placing her directly in front of Thanos’s face. Kelly helped her get into position with her legs open and laying on her back so that her pussy was pointing right at Thanos and within his reach. While he was still locked and inside Mandy, he was never one to turn down a girl’s pussy – at least not one that smelled as wonderful as this one did and, especially, one right in front of his nose.

In a move that would have made a gymnast proud, Sarah, her feet flat on the tile floor, bent her knees at 90 degrees and lifted her hips right up to that tongue with her shoulder blades still on the ground. Thanos tilted his head and began to lick. His cold, wet nose was pressed against her fully exposed clit while drawing his tongue over Sarah’s pussy lips and delving inside as he lapped at her sweet nectar. Sarah stopped touching herself and placed her arms wide to give her the stability to arch herself up. The tongue was driving all thoughts, other than reaching her orgasm, out of her mind.

Kelly watched the tableau, a smile of anticipation on her lips. Having been recently filled herself by Thanos and unable to do her regular clean-up, she was still sloshingly full of his cum.

Why not share some with this willing bitch? she thought as she positioned herself astride Sarah’s head with her wet cunt directly over the girl’s open mouth, a mouth fixed in a rictus of pure pleasure at what the questing tongue was doing to her. Once in position, Kelly relaxed her pussy, causing a large dollop of Thanos’s warm seed to fall into Sarah’s open mouth. The surprised girl, her mouth full of the sticky, salty/sweet mass of cum, coughed. Then, as she tasted what Kelly was offering, she swallowed and arched her head up, trying to reach Kelly’s weeping pussy. Kelly obliged, lowering herself onto Sarah’s mouth, allowing the warm doggy cum mixed with her pussy juices to flow. This offering was eagerly accepted by the young woman whose cunt was being consumed by that beautiful tongue.

Thanos had shrunk enough to allow Mandy to pull free. First, she collapsed full length on the cool tile floor, then rose to stand unsteadily on her feet, watching as Kelly ground her pussy onto this strange girl’s face. At the same time, Thanos continued to lick her cunt to a frenzy.

“Who’s this?” Mandy asked, having been fully occupied with the fucking she had recently experienced to notice Sarah’s entry into the house.

“This is Sarah, and I think she’s about to be Thanos’s next conquest. All she needs is a little help, which we can provide, right? Now, see if you can get Thanos to back off so we can make that possible.”

Mandy grabbed Thanos’s collar and pulled him back. At first, he was annoyed at being disturbed. But then, realising that something else was about to would happen, he obliged. His muzzle coated with the nectar flowing from this new pussy, he backed away and placidly stood by Mandy’s feet. His eyes never left that enticing furry slit he had so recently tasted. Sarah’s hips slowly dropped back to the floor, though her legs remained spread wide, wanting the licking to resume. Kelly had a much better alternative in mind but needed to determine some things before that could happen. She lifted her now mostly cleaned-out pussy from Sarah’s face and, leaning down, whispered in the girl’s ear, “Have you ever been fucked?”

Coming back from her daze, she hesitantly answered, “No. My brother wanted to take my cherry but decided to wait ’till I was 18. I asked him to do it several times, but he refused. He knows I’ve been on the pill ever since I got my period, so I won’t get pregnant. If I let the dog fuck me, I won’t get pregnant, will I?”

Kelly softly stoked the dripping slit between those firm young thighs and laughed. “No, sweetheart… you’ll moan and squeal and squeak and scream from the pleasure of being serviced by Thanos, but you won’t get knocked up by letting him have your cherry, though he might ruin you for your brother, once that lug decides to fuck you! I know ’cause I let Roger fuck me in my car and his cock, though nice for a guy, is nothing compared to Thanos! Are you sure you want to try this?”

“Will it hurt?” moaned Sarah as she felt the sensations of Kelly’s hand on her wide-open cunt rush through her body.

Giggling, Mandy, who overheard the question, answered, “Honey, if it does, you’ll forget it by the time he’s through with you! This will feel much better than any guy’s cock, believe me!”

While Mandy held Thanos back, Kelly helped the girl sit up and get on her knees, lower her chest, and put her face on the floor. She helped her spread her legs wide, the wet lips of her pink cunt, lips which were engorged and puffy from Thanos’s tongue, now spread ever so slightly, ready for what was to follow. Her face, smeared with the mix of doggy cum and Kelly’s pussy juices, was pressed to one side against the cool tiles, her eyes closed, waiting for what she hoped was to follow.

Thanos, seeing the target of his desire right in front of him and, having tasted the delights of this bitch, was straining against Kelly’s grip. It was taking all her effort to stop him from pulling free and resuming his licking, so in the end, Kelly stamped her foot as she shouted.

“Now, just you wait a minute, Mister Eager Beaver. Let me finish getting her ready for you! I need to talk to her first, so she’s not too surprised when you have her. You’ll get no pussy for a week if you don’t behave yourself!” Now, this was a threat Kelly knew she couldn’t possibly keep. She couldn’t go a week without having that wonderful cock and knot service her ever eager cunt. Period or not, Thanos would have her squealing and moaning. In fact, she knew having her period added to his pleasure since he licked her clean every time!

Whether Thanos understood words, he certainly understood the tone of his Mistress’s voice and stopped pulling and stood quietly by Mandy’s side, waiting to be called on. Turning back to the kneeling girl, who had reached back between her spread legs and was busy stroking her clit, keeping herself at a fever pitch, Kelly said quietly, “So, you’re a virgin, right? You’ve never had a guy’s cock inside you?”

Sarah blushed as she nodded before she explained, “I have used my fingers before, but the closest to the real thing I have come to is sucking my brother’s cock and letting him cum in my mouth. Sometimes, when I’m doing myself, I use the handle of my hairbrush, pretending I’m being fucked by a guy, but that hurt once, and there was blood all over it.”

Kelly stored that piece of information away as she probed further. “That explains why you didn’t mind the taste of cum, but when you were eating my pussy, you seemed quite experienced with that. You have licked a woman’s cunt before, right? Who was it?” Again, Sarah blushed deeply and mumbled something which Kelly didn’t quite catch, so she asked her to repeat it.

This time Sarah spoke more clearly, “My mother’s. Sometimes, it’s just her and me, sometimes after Roger finishes fucking her.”

Kelly kept her face impassive but was beginning to like the sound of these new neighbours, ones who opened up several possibilities of a fascinating nature. She asked, “What about your father?” wondering what the reply would be.

“He left when I was little,” Sarah said sadly, “So my brother, Roger, and I take care of our mum’s needs. I usually watch, and Roger lets me clean mum up. I like the taste of him and her, all mixed up in her pussy, but the taste of you and Thanos was so different. Roger makes mum moan and squeal whenever he’s doing her, and she really seems to like it. I want that too, but Roger won’t cooperate.”

“OK. Do you want to lose your virginity to Thanos?” said Kelly, looking over at Mandy, who was crouched by the side of the panting dog, making sure he didn’t move.

Sarah looked at Thanos and could see his red-veined cock was still out of its furry sheath and, although semi-hard, still looked massive as it dripped and twitched. She was silent for a moment. Then, in a quiet but determined voice said, “Roger always says he would take it when I was 18, so to give it away before would be wonderful and one in the eye for him. I have watched both of you get fucked by Thanos, and by the sounds both of you were making, it must have been good.” She paused for a moment before she went on in a more hesitant voice, “I do, but only if you will help me.”

“Of course, we will,” said Kelly and gently caressed the upraised ass of the girl who was panting in anticipation. Sarah, her small breasts pressed to the tile and her pussy riding high in the air, was almost ready to receive her first fucking.

Rising from her crouching position, Kelly said, “You’re in just about the right position, just scoot your knees a bit closer to your chest and keep your legs open like that.” Sarah adjusted herself as Kelly instructed her to, moving her knees and dropping her hips slightly.

Kelly continued, “That’s it. Perfect! That will help keep your pussy at the right angle and make it easy for Thanos to mount you. Don’t worry about the weight. He’ll put his paws on your back to start then. Once he’s inside, he’ll wrap them around your waist, so he won’t stay on your back for very long. He’s done this before, as you saw.”

Turning to Mandy, she said, “Can you get Thanos ready, please. We don’t want to keep Sarah waiting, do we?”

Needing no second invitation, Mandy knelt by Thanos and started to suck his cock, which shortly returned to its former glory. Thanos was happy that he wasn’t in trouble and that this bitch made his cock feel good with her mouth. He kept glancing at the beguiling upturned ass of the young bitch kneeling on the other side of the kitchen. Still, he knew better than to go rampaging over to that beautiful sight, the source of such a sweet aroma, as he would be summoned when his Mistress was ready.

Kelly scooted behind the kneeling girl and ran her hands over Sarah’s smooth little ass, parting the cheeks and seeking the rosebud between them. Once she found the puckered orifice, she gave it a preliminary rubbing, watching the pussy below pulse in response. Now she inserted two fingers deep into the girl’s slit, making her groan loudly. Kelly could tell that this girl needed to be opened somewhat before she tried to take Thanos, although she was clearly wet enough. She didn’t feel the resistance from an intact hymen, so she must have broken herself with her hairbrush handle. Twisting her fingers around, she found Sarah’s g-spot and began to rub and press it, causing Sarah to writhe and mumble, “Oh, God! Oh, God! That feels sooo good.”

Sensing Sarah was close to cumming, Kelly pulled back slightly and pushed a third finger into Sarah’s open and eager young cunt. She moved her thumb up to find the now pulsing rosebud nestled between the cheeks of Sarah’s ass. She pushed her thumb in, causing the girl to squeal and moan as Kelly squeezed the thin flesh separating her pussy channel from her colon, pressing her G-spot from above and below. Satisfied that Sarah was adequately prepared for the main event, she glanced over at Mandy, who was sucking Thanos with gusto. Kelly laughed, “Don’t make him cum yet, Mandy. He has a new bitch to claim.”

From the noises Sarah was making, Kelly knew the moment was near and was quite delighted in the way she was pushing back instinctively onto her fingers. Judging that the time was right, she pulled her fingers from the now pulsing pussy and tight rosebud. She gently patted Sarah’s upturned rump with her free hand while sitting back. Looking over at the panting dog, she said, “Come on, Thanos. Time to claim your first virgin. I would love to say be gentle, but I know you will fuck her in your own fashion.”

Thanos had no idea what his Mistress was saying, but he knew from the encouraging tone and the slap on the bitch’s rump that this was his moment. As the other bitch had stopped using her mouth on his cock, Thanos had the urge to bury it somewhere and knew just where it would be appropriate. He padded quickly across the room and sniffed at the young bitch’s ass and pussy. The smell of a girl in heat assaulted his nostrils, driving him crazy. He took a quick lick and tasted the bitch he had been licking earlier. Needing no further encouragement, he was up, with his front paws planted on her back. As he thrust his hips forward, he could feel his Mistress’s small hand on his cock as she guided him towards the goal.

Kelly gripped Thanos’s red cock that was spewing out pre-cum almost like a man’s cum, and, pointing the tip towards Sarah’s eager gash, she allowed Thanos to thrust forward a little. As the very tip pushed past those puffy lips, the soon to be claimed Sarah moaned, wanting more. As Kelly’s hand was withdrawn, Thanos realised that he had found what he sought. He shuffled forward and drove his cock into the young bitch with all his might without as much as a by-your-leave.

Quickly, he realised that this bitch was much tighter than the others he had bred. This realisation didn’t serve to slow his jackhammer pace. Still, he found it added so much more sensation to the fucking he was delivering. He certainly didn’t know what a virgin was, and he certainly didn’t care. He only knew that his cock was filling a bitch, and that was all that mattered… a wet, willing cunt to service and another bitch to add to his swiftly growing collection.

As the length and breadth of Thanos’s cock was rammed into her twat, Sarah was stretched in places she didn’t know she had. That presence was filling her with sensations that defied description. This was followed by a brief shock of pain, causing her to lurch forward slightly. As she moved, Thanos dropped his legs from her back to wrap his paws around her waist, pulling her back into his preferred position. As his furry belly brushed her back, she realised that she was no longer a virgin. She was now his bitch!

With incredible sensations rocketing from her belly to her brain, she gave voice to her joy at the thought. The guttural yell that emanated from Sarah’s mouth was loud enough to tell most of the neighbourhood that her virginity had been claimed by this powerful dog. As she tried to catch her breath, Thanos started to power fuck her, his furry hips thrusting forward at breakneck speed. His front legs remained wrapped around the girl’s tiny waist, holding her hips in just the right position while pulling her further onto his cock. With each jackhammer thrust, the cock went in deeper and deeper. Sarah knew that she was his now, his bitch to use as he willed, to fuck whenever he chose to do so and that she would drop into this position at every opportunity.

Kelly had stood and put her arms around Mandy. They hugged as they both watched with pride at the scene before them, like a pair of mothers watching their toddler take her first steps. The squeaks and squeals told them all they needed to know… Sarah was finding the joy of a dog cock in her cunt, and it seemed to happen very quickly.

The words coming out of Sarah’s mouth were a jumble of swearwords and noises followed by grunts and squeals as she was pounded like a rag doll. The two watching women knelt down on either side of the rocking girl, her hips bouncing back and forth, trying to keep time with the cock ramming in and out of her cunt. Kelly knelt down next to her and reached under the supine form of the squealing, squeaking girl, finding her small breasts and working her hand in to grasp a nipple which she started to squeeze and tweak. Meanwhile, kneeling on the other side, Mandy reached under the girl’s hips and abdomen, finding her clit, and did the same while avoiding Thanos’s bouncing balls. Kelly looked into Sarah’s eyes, eyes that were going in and out of focus, and then they locked in a fixed gaze as she started to cum in a way she had never cum before. The squeaks and squeals gave way to an outburst of “OMG! OMG!! OH MY FUCKEN’ GOD!!!”

When Sarah started to cum, Thanos pushed his knot past those stretched lips and into her cunt. That brought on the most beautiful sensations as she could feel her pussy lips clamp around him, locking him inside. As his knot swelled, it pressed against Sarah’s G spot, causing her orgasm to peak and extend into one continual rolling wave of pleasure. As if things couldn’t get any better, Mandy’s nimble fingers were tweaking her clit, and Kelly was squeezing her nipples. The firmly embedded cock reached all the way to her cervix to press against the soft, nerve-filled ring. The knot mashing her G spot again and again, in time to his thrusts, was only enhanced by the tweaking of her clit and the sensation of having her nipples pinched and pulled. All these made the resulting waves of pleasure so great that she almost lost consciousness.

Now Thanos stopped his mad ploughing into her and started that slow back and forth motion, signalling that he had begun to spew his seed. The jets of his cum hit her cervix and pushed past that sensitive ring to fill her womb with his hot cum. The sensation was beyond anything she had ever imagined and induced a climax unlike any that had gone before. She could feel her abdomen swelling as she was filled to overflowing, just like Mandy had been. This added to the joy of being his bitch in every sense of the word.

It was 20 minutes of rolling orgasms, for, as one tailed off, it was replaced by the start of another, before Thanos’s knot reduced enough to allow him to finally pull free from Sarah’s distended cunt, a cunt he proceeded to lick, his final act of claiming yet another bitch for his stable. When he was satisfied that he had made her his, he padded away, leaving the panting, quivering girl still on her knees with her ass in the air behind him. The sight pleased both Kelly and Mandy, as the thoroughly fucked and owned girl, still awash in the sea of sensations, was just trying to get her breath.

She was still on her knees, her lovely little ass in the air, her thighs quivering, her legs splayed wide, and her cunt still pulsing from the fucking she had just received. She was the very picture of a well and truly fucked girl. Her open pussy was overflowing, causing the doggy cum to slide out and over her clit to form long, gooey strings that almost touched the floor.

Ever the greedy one, Mandy saw the girl’s pussy start to release the delicious goo Thanos had deposited in her and just couldn’t resist the temptation. She knelt down behind that pulsing orifice and, placing her hands on those girlish hips, which had started to sink, raised her to the proper height so her tongue could lap the mix of goo and girly fluids as she cleaned her out. Meanwhile, Kelly knelt beside Sarah’s face and swept a lock of hair away from her flushed, sweaty face.

She smiled into the dazed eyes and said softly, “Well? Did you enjoy that?”

Sarah looked at Kelly and tried to speak, but her throat was too dry to form words for a moment. She swallowed and then croaked, “OH, MY GOD! That was amazing! When can I do it again?”

Kelly laughed. “You’ll have to get in line! Thanos has a few girls in his stable, and we’re all eager for his brand of service!”


When Martin got home, she told him about her day. This resulted in him getting very excited, leading to a wild sex session in the entry forum. Luckily, they closed the door before he had her on her knees, her short skirt around her hips, her pretty pink panties down at her ankles, her ass in the air, and her well-used cunt stuffed full of human cock. She never got the details out as he proceeded to fuck her into the usual moans and squeals she always made while being taken by her randy husband.

Supper was quite late since Thanos was alerted by the noise. Once Martin had filled her full of cum, seeing that she was already in his favourite position, he just had to take his turn on her.

In the morning, Martin had left for work, leaving her sleeping but not before he had shouted up the stairs that he had fed and watered Thanos, but she would need to take care of his ‘other needs’. Her cunt was still pulsing after the double pounding of the night before. She already had plans to satisfy those ‘other needs’, envisioning being on her knees before her dog, playing the part of his bitch. Maybe she would give her pussy a rest and let him have the rosebud again… but the knot was not going in! That last time hurt way too much! If she reached back and squeezed it just right, she could get him to fill her back passage, which felt so good!

Just as she was waking up, she heard the doorbell chime. She went downstairs to answer it, still half asleep, dressed in nothing but a sheer robe that barely covered her ass and a pair of pink bunny slippers. Her blonde hair was still messy as she pulled the robe around her and tried to finger comb her tangled mop so it looked at least a little presentable.

Looking through the peephole, she saw it was the delivery guy from last week and, opening the door, she stared at him expectantly. However, he smiled as he said, “Did you know that the system you bought and that I hooked up for you can be hacked into really easily… if you have the codes from the box… which I did. So having seen what it has recorded so far, how about we have a nice little chat?”

Oh, this is really turning out to be an interesting day, she thought, eyeing the significant bulge in his pants. I better put Thanos in the garage so he won’t interfere, ’cause it looks like I’m going to get laid by this nice delivery guy with such a nice big ‘package’ and I wouldn’t want to spoil anything.

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