Bob and Eve have been enjoying the antics of my Submissive and myself. To the point of learning to appreciate a girl on girl and indulge in swinging with us. Bob has been enjoying her enthusiasm. Plus a taste of another woman.

Eve was fascinated with a canine experience and wanted to take part in a dungeon scene.

Before this their sex life has been quite vanilla and felt they were in a rut. I gave them fair warning that would be entering into a world that could put a strain on a relationship if you go in unprepared.

They assured us the were ready to take the next step.

Eve asked if we could set up a visit to be taken by Blue ( a neighbors dog that my sub has access to). I informed them that my neighbor would also want a taste of her also. And asked if they would agree to her being with a complete stranger. Bob readily agreed.

I made the arrangements and the following night. They show up right on time. Eve a cute little blond with a rocking body wore a short low cut black dress and heels.

Are you ready for this I asked?

Eve replied, l am so wet I had to my pantry s off. They were soaked. Bob chimed in let’s do this.

We crossed the street and rang the doorbell. Denny greeted us and led us in. Blue, we are in for a treat tonight. Would anyone care for a drink? I have rum, tequila, whiskey and beer .

Eve resounded Tequila shots around. And make mine a double. We bellied up to the bar and downed a round of shots.

Where is Blue Eve asked?

He’s in the other room but I get to go first. I’m going to put on some music and you girls are going to do a little strip for us.

The music began to play as the girls did a little bump and grind. My sub unzipped the back of Eve’s dress and it feel to the floor. Eve turned around and lifted her dancing partners top over her head and rubbing their tit together sliding her skirt to the floor. Pulling her nipple rings. I loved these so much I had to get my own.They ground and kissed swaying to the music.

Denny told Eve. Ok I want to see some of the pussy eating skills you have acquired as of late that I have heard about . He lead them over to the dining room table. You lay down on the table and let’s see what Eve can do.

Eve was bent over the table exhibiting her new found skill. While my sub moaned to her talented tongue.

Denny was admiring her talent, then ran his hand over Eve’s butt and reached between legs. That is one wet pussy you got there. Let me sample what Blue has in store for him.

She spread her legs to give him better access. As he slid right into her dripping hole.

Oh he’s gonna love you sweetheart as pumped into her. He pulled out and slathered her juices up and down her open slit making sure he covered her asshole the went back to pounding her pussy. He eased his thumb into her tight ass. Now she was moaning into the Subs snatch. She came up for air stated I’m gonna come.

No your not if you are going be a submissive you have to ask permission to come or there will be repercussions. Denny slapped her ass, leaving a nice red handprint. Get your face back in her snatch you little bitch. You got any lube with this little but hole needs plugging.

Being well prepared I pulled a bottle from my pocket and tossed it to him.

He squirted some into ass and worked it in with a couple of fringes. I would really like to fist her but I want to feel that tight ass a round my dick. With that he pulled out and switched holes. Slamming all the way in with one thrust.

Oh my god please Sir may I come?

Go ahead if you must bitch. With that she screamed . Oh yes ,yes ,yes.

That was all it took for Denny. Yes bitch this cums for you as he ground his cock deep in her ass. He grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her out from between my Subs legs.

My sub came too many times to count. Eves face was covered in her cum. We took a slight intermission to do another round of shots. Eve asked for a double another double.

Well I think you girls are juicy enough for Blue to join us.

Eves eyes lit up like Christmas morning.

Denny opened a door. Come on boy look what we got for you.

Blue came out tail wagging sensing what was up. He ran directly over to his known bitch.

Maybe later boy right now you get to try a new bitch.

Where do we start Eve excitedly asked.

First get down on the floor. She took Blue by the color and led him over to her. Now he has been trained not to start till you scratch him behind his ears.

Eve did as instructed. Now lean back spread your legs and give him a taste of you. Believe me your gonna love this part.

Oh god his tongue is amazing. Blue’s rough tongue worked into her and over her clit and deep into her.Oh my god may I cum? Yes you may she told her (my sub taking the role of a Mistress) She came almost instantly.

Oh god if we had to stop now I wouldn’t be disappointed.

The fun is just beginning, Now get on your hands and knees. Pussy or ass your choice.

I want him to stretch my ass. I am loving anul and I want stretch it.

Be careful what you wish for, but it’s your choice. I will guide him in from there you are all his. Blue mount. And he was on her back. She helped putting him into her ass and let him work his magic.

At first it resembled anul sex only with a fury partner. Then he started to knot.

It’s getting bigger she squealed.

Oh he’s just getting started,just wait.

In minute he was to a full knot.

This hurts get him out.

Too late for that now. You wanted stretching , that’s what you’re getting. Give it a minute and you will be loving it. At that moment Blue started filling her up with his seed. She didn’t have time to ask permission and joined him in an monumental orgasm. I’m sorry Mistress I couldn’t stop it. It felt so good being filled with all that hot cum.

Where is that pain now? Are you Enjoying how full you are right now. Oh my god it’s amazing.

It’s going to take a few minutes for him to shrink enough to get free. So enjoy your ass stretching.

It’s all good this is mind blowing. Thank you for doing this for me.

I asked what did you think I asked Bob?

I was having a little trouble at first with Denny taking her like he did. But she loved it and it is all about her tonight. But this part with Blue is hotter than anything I have ever seen. I think we will be getting a dog soon.

Well before you get any mutt I know some people who sell dogs already trained.

That would be great because I wouldn’t know where to begin.

My honey will help you pick one out. As far as the part with Denny. I tried to warn you about the risks. It wasn’t easy for us. She had to put all her trust in me. I am the Dom. But she became adjusted to our roles and let me reawaken her inner slut. For her to realize she was using me as much as I was using her.

It seems your roles may be reversed and you have learn to embrace and accept that.

I see what you are saying. I can see we will have to have a in depth conversation about this before we get ourselves into trouble. Thank you for your guidance and advice.

Blue and Eve separated. With the usual flood of juices running out of her now gaping hole.

Wow all that was in me?

Blue licked her clean.

Her Mistress informed her we have little ritual that you are to return the favor and lick him clean.

Really? I have to suck dog dick?

You want to play you have to pay. Give it a try I think you will like it.

Blue laid down to lick himself and Eve crawled over to him.

Let me take care of that big fella and she took him into her mouth. Mmmmmm your right this isn’t bad at all . Sucking the last bit of juices from Blue big dick.

Well I guess another round of shots are in order and that about wraps it up .

What about Bob and you neither one of you got any action tonight Eve asked ? You should at least get a good cock sucking? What mouth do you want?

Well who could argue with that? I will take the mouth.

I don’t have at home, I told her.

They were on their knees in no time. Am I swallowing or do you want to paint my face?

Oh I want to paint that pretty little face.

They greedily got our cocks out and started sucking like crazy.

Bob announced want to dump my load in your open mouth.

Denny was jerking his cock watching the show. I know I have my share but can I get in on the face painting ?

I waved him over with my dick buried balls deep in her throat. I withdrew and plant a good heavy load onto her face. Denny was right behind me adding to covering anyplace I might have missed.

Bob watching his wife getting her face getting covered in cum couldn’t hold out any longer. He withdrew and dropped a big creamy load into her wide open mouth. Her mouth full of cum she crossed the room as we we watched them swap it back and forth between them . Then she licked her face and the drippings to her chest clean. Ending in a long hot kiss.

Wow that’s entertainment Bob stated. Thank you Denny for sharing Blue with us this was awesome. Do you think we could do this again until we can find a dog of our own.

I’m willing but you will have to work it out with these two. I don’t know how much she is willing to share.

The girls got dressed we said goodbye to Denny and Blue. And all went home.

Once back at the house. Well how do you think it went Master?

Bob was having a little trouble with Denny being a little harsh. But I reminded him of the risks. I also stated that Eve was leading this journey and he would have to come to grips with that. I think he became more acceptable of that, especially with the way the evening ended. Let’s see how he handles her under Mistress Kim’s control? Providing she approves of her attending.