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As she was leaving, Summer shouted up to her daughter that she was going to work, which was in fact a lie as today was her day off. As Julie had suggested, Rain would be so focussed on re-establishing herself as Storm’s number one bitch all Summer had to do was leave the house for 30 minutes, and when she returned would almost certainly catch her daughter in the act. She could feel her heart racing, and to her surprise she was soaked.

One of the things that were bugging Summer was that Rain was becoming a bit high and mighty, and more than once Summer had to chastise her over her attitude towards her friends. In particular, Summer often thought that she was a little nasty towards her best friend Kathy, who was clearly devoted to her. In fact, Summer was pretty certain that Kathy was lesbian, or leaning that way, as she had seen the way she looked at Rain with lust in her eyes.

Just along the road was old Mr Suarez who Summer had adopted as almost a charity case a couple of years before, after he had lost his wife. The reason they had got talking in the first place was that Mr Suarez had come from the same part of Panama City as Summer had come from, although he had moved to America before she was even born. He would laugh and flirt with Summer and compare her ass favourably with that of his departed wife’s, though Summer was always concerned he would have had a heart attack had she taken his offers further. Instead, she would check on him from time to time and make sure his fridge and cupboards were well stocked.

Then one day as she was bending over to put his shopping away Summer felt a hand on her ass and could hear him wheezing as he caressed her buttocks over the material.

“Is it true what the guys down the diner say?” He said breathlessly.

Summer had always supplemented her income at the diner by giving the odd hand job or even on occasions a blow job to the regulars. Summer never saw it as anything more a way to earn a bit of extra cash, and despite some generous offers she never went any further. It was pretty well known in the neighbourhood, but no one said anything as Summer’s blow jobs were legendary.

“What is it they say?” Summer said remaining perfectly still.

“That you could suck a pea through a straw,” he laughed before breaking into a cough.

Summer pushed him gently back into his chair and unzipping him fished out a semi-hard but reasonably sized uncut cock. Peeling back the foreskin Summer was relieved to see that his personal hygiene was good and she licked the slit before sucking him in deeply.

Twenty minutes later a few things had been established. Summer didn’t realise old guys could produce so much seed. She put that down to it must have been a while. Also, Mr Suarez wanted to make this a regular thing and was willing to pay $50 if he could finger her as she sucked. Summer wasn’t one to turn down easy money and it became a regular thing every fortnight. There was the added bonus in that Mr Suarez’s nephew was connected to the local gang, which afforded a degree of protection to Rain as people did not want gang trouble.

On this occasion, Summer was hyper as she pulled the car onto Mr Suarez’s drive and glanced at her watch to check when 30 minutes would be up to return home. As she entered the house Mr Suarez looked shocked, “It’s not scheduled is it? You only came last week.”

“This is on the house,” gasped Summer reaching under her skirt to remove her panties, “Unless of course, you are not interested.”

Mr Suarez couldn’t believe his luck and fished out his cock which was already starting to stiffen at the prospect of a free blow job. Summer bent her head and started to suck on Mr Suarez’s semi-erect cock as he ran his hand up her inner thigh and slipped a finger inside Summer’s soaking pussy.

“You are wet little girl, “ he said in his gruff voice as he inserted another finger, delighting in the wetness. He has always wanted to fuck Summer but she had turned him down, and for fear of losing what he had he had never pushed things. Much to his surprised delight, Summer stopped sucking him and swung her leg over him, pointing his cock towards her wet pussy. It was something he had begged her to allow him to do for ages and she had always declined, but here she was doing it for free.

“Now don’t you go and have a heart attack on me,” Summer giggled as she sank onto Mr Suarez’s cock feeling it slide into her wetness. Summer knew that reason she was wet was not the fact that she was getting fucked, it was due to the thought of catching her daughter with Storm and witnessing her being fucked. Summer started to slide up and down making sure she was gripping his cock, and didn’t object when he pulled her top up and started to play with her small breasts.

“Nice titties girl,” Mr Suarez said as he mauled at Summer’s breasts making the nipples stand out.

Summer put on a show of moaning and began to ride Mr Suarez harder and faster. When his hands dropped away Summer rolled her own nipples between her finger and thumb tweaking on her erect nipples. She heard Mr Suarez grunt and jerk up a little, followed by a wetness between her legs where he had shot his seed. Wanting to make him feel good Summer tweaked her own nipple hard as she convulsed in a fake but realistic imitation of an orgasm.

“Was that good girlie?” the old coughed as Summer climbed off him.

“Oh yes that was amazing,” Summer lied but felt it was worth it to see the smile on his face.

“See, still got it,” he said, before breaking into a coughing fit that took him a while to get back under control.

“Consider it an early Christmas present,” Summer said as she smoothed her skirt down and then stuffed her discarded panties into her bag. “Oh, do you mind if I leave my car here for a bit,” Summer said with her hand on the doorknob?

“Sure, no problems,” Mr Suarez laughed, “But the rent will be a blow job when you get back.

Summer just laughed and blew a kiss as she moved back to her own house keeping close to the houses.

Just as Summer reached the corner of her plot she saw Kathy open the back door and enter the kitchen. She knew it was Kathy as she recognised her blonde hair and the jacket she often wore. Saying nothing, Summer paused and waited until she was sure Kathy was inside and then silently followed.

Entering the kitchen silently, Summer noticed the pile of clothes folded neatly on the couch, and with the jacket laid over the top she knew that they belonged to Kathy. Wondering where a naked Kathy was, Summer was alerted by a loud yell from upstairs.

“Yes Storm, fill my fucking cunt.”

Summer recognised her daughter’s voice and climbed the stairs, careful to avoid the one 3 from the top that always creaked.

Summer paused outside the door and could hear two voices quite clearly.

“Please Rain, you promised you would let me try him,” Kathy said, trying to keep the pleading from her voice.

“You can lick me after he has finished filling me, and then I will think about it.,” said Rain, though she had no intention of letting her friend share her dog. It was hers and she was still mad at her mother for daring to fuck Storm behind her back.

Summer knew that Rain must be knotted and that Kathy was party to the event. Throwing open the door, Summer stood there glaring at the pair, trying to look serious. Rain was on all fours with Storm resting on her back. Kathy had her hand under Rain teasing her clit, though she quickly withdrew it when she saw Summer standing there.

“What have I always told you, young lady?” Summer said with her hands on her hips and staring at her daughter who was knotted fully with Storm. He had his tongue out and was panting contently as he felt his cock gripped by the bitch’s pussy.

“Sorry Mum,” groaned Rain who could feel another orgasm building inside, “You told me I must learn to share with others less fortunate than myself.”

“And does Kathy have her own dog?” Summer said as she stood with her hands still on her hips in indignation. “So you will share right now and learn some manners, young lady.”

Rain looked at her mother and went to speak, but what came out was a wail of orgasm as the throbbing of Storm’s knot against her g-spot sent her over the top for yet another time.

Happy that he had filled his bitch, Storm tugged a few times and then pulled away with a loud plop leaving Rain with her head pressed to the floor and her naked ass high in the air. Summer took the opportunity to bring her hand down sharply with a loud crack making Rain yelp with pain.

“Now you will make sure she is ready,” said Summer to her daughter, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her towards a naked Kathy, who was cowering away from the raging Summer. Pushing her daughter’s head between Kathy’s thighs, Summer bought her palm down again on Rain’s ass cheek leaving a large red handprint. There was a muffled moan of pleasure from Rain as she started to lick and lap at her friend’s pussy, which was already soaked. As she started to lick, she tasted the familiar flavour of seed and realised that Kathy must have had sex before she came to her house.

Kathy gripped Rain’s hair and looked Summer in the face as she moaned, “that’s it slut, lick my brother’s cum from my cunt.” Seeing the encouraging nod and smile from Summer, Kathy went on, “Lick my cunt ready for your dog to fuck while your mother sucks his fat cock.”

It hadn’t occurred to Summer before that moment, but she realised that Storm might need some encouragement to perform, so she knelt and started to caress Storm’s cock which had started to recede back into its furry sheath. The stimulation soon reversed the process and as the red lipstick quickly emerged. Summer fastened her lips around the cock and began to suck. In addition to the familiar taste of seed, Summer could taste her daughter’s juices and the very thought made her even wetter. Summer was desperate to feel Storm inside her but knew that it was Kathy’s turn, so instead worked on Storm until he was almost fully erect.

Grabbing Storm by his collar Summer pulled him over to Rain and dragged her by her hair away from Kathy’s pussy.

“Suck your dog before he fucks your friend,” Summer said firmly, “You will learn to share and enjoy it.”

Kathy mewed with disappointment as Rain stopped licking, but hearing Summer’s words she felt herself almost start to cum as she knew what she desired was about to happen.

Rain bent her head and sucked on Storm tasting the pre-cum squirting into her mouth. Seeing that Kathy had draped herself over the bed with her ass in the air Rain patted her friend’s ass and muttered, “mount.”

Storm rose immediately to the command and started to thrust, eager to claim a new bitch. As Summer watched proudly, Rain gripped her Storm firmly and guided the tip to Kathy’s pink puffy lips.

“She is a dog virgin,” Rain said softly as she released her hand, and on hearing the loud yell from Kathy added, “well she was.”

The world went wild for Kathy. She was already aroused with every nerve seemingly on fire when she felt the tip of the cock and her friend’s hand brush her sensitive lips. She had witnessed Storm fuck Rain many times and she wasn’t a virgin herself, but nothing could have prepared her for Storm’s cock. He drove it home with a ferocity and force that she had never experienced, and had the bed not been there to support her then she would have been propelled along the floor. Almost before she had time to gather her breath, Storm started to fuck her at an incredible pace triggering her first orgasm.

Summer sat on the edge of the bed with her knees apart and looked at her daughter in silence. It was a battle of wills as the daughter stared at the mother while the dog fucked her friend into oblivion. Rain could see her mother was soaked and that a small pearl of seed had appeared on her puffy pussy lips. “Oh my god,” Rain thought to herself, “my mother has had sex, and recently by the looks of it.”

Rain moved her head between her mother’s thighs and ran her tongue up her slit collecting the juices and the emerging seed.

“Whose?” she asked simply as she swallowed the mixture.

“Old man Suarez,” Summer giggled, “I have been blowing him for years, which is one of the reasons the Latin Kings look after you. Though it’s a shame they have turned you into a spoiled brat.”

Rain thought about her mother’s stinging rebuke and knew in her heart it was true. With the Latin Kings protection she had been able to do and say things that she would not have normally been able to do, as people were scared of what might happen. “Sorry Mum,” Rain said subserviently and returned to her licking.

Summer felt her daughter’s tongue probing deep inside, and looking over, she saw Kathy was almost passed out as Storm lay across her back panting happily. His knot was firmly lodged inside his new bitch as he pulsed and sent jets of seed deep into her womb.

Storm pulled away from Kathy having done what he wanted, but she remained in the same position with her ass in the air gurgling dreamily.

“Clean your dog and your friend,” Summer said to her daughter. Rain nodded and went to stand, but Summer said sharply, “crawl to him. You will learn to be civil.”

Rain crawled across the room to where Storm sat on his haunches with his legs apart, his cock still half out of its sheath, dropping cum.

“No hands,” Summer said as Rain moved her head forward so she could suck deeply on Storm’s cock until she had drained every last drop.

“Now Kathy,” Summer said, and Rain crawled back across the room until she was kneeling behind her friend and poking out her tongue began to lick and slurp on the copious amount of seed oozing from Kathy’s battered cunt.

After Rain had cleaned her friend, they all sat on the floor recovering their breath and reflecting on what had just happened.

“That was amazing,” Kathy said, looking at mother and daughter, hoping her friend was OK. “Next week my parents are having a BBQ and I am sure they would love to meet you.”

Summer looked at her daughter sitting at her feet and stroked her hair gently, “We would love to come over, should we bring Storm?”

“Yes,” said Kathy firmly, “he is part of your family after all.”

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