Sometimes a conversation with one person sparks off memories of fantasies you have woven with someone else who you were very much in love with. I dedicate this story to someone whose mind was as deliciously perverted as mine… Nilla Gustafson R.I.P.



At the sound of my Mistress’s words, I felt myself get immediately wet as I bought her my leash.

“Where is your shirt?” she said in a kindly but admonishing way, “We don’t want people not knowing what you are do we?”

I am normally naked around our house apart from the thick leather collar around my neck and either trainers or high heel shoes depending on my Mistress’s whim.

Picking up the white tee-shirt that, to be honest, had seen better days as it was torn and ripped in places, I pulled it on and smoothed it over my breasts and already hard nipples. The words, ‘dog slut’ were emblazoned across the front and I stuck my chest out proudly as my Mistress clipped the leash on my collar. The shirt only just covered my ass and shaved pussy when I stood still but as I walked behind my Mistress even the most casual observer would see I was almost certainly naked. Any doubts they may have had were dispelled at the moment I bent over as my full nakedness would be on full display for all to see.

When we got to the park I followed my Mistress obediently, never straining at the leash or making her have to tug it to make me move faster. I was, as she so lovingly called me, ‘her good little bitch’.

“Good morning, How are you today?” my Mistress had said to a man she often talked to when we went out for our walks though I was more interested in his black Labrador that was pulling at his leash as he could smell my arousal.

“I’m good,” said the man, “Looks like my boy here has got the scent of your bitch already.”

It certainly looked that way as I could see his red cock had already emerged from its hairy sheath and was starting to swell, dripping its pre-cum onto the tarmac. A dog produces pre-cum as lubrication before it mates with a bitch of its own species as a canine bitch doesn’t produce any natural lubricant. With a human bitch like me, no extra lubrication is really needed as it was already flowing freely down my inner thighs. I looked at my Mistress hopefully and as if she had noticed my excitement for the first time she casually snapped her fingers. That was my signal and I immediately dropped to all fours and wiggled my ass in the air.

“You are kind,” said the man as he released the catch that let his dog’s leash run slack and in a flash, it was sniffing at my ass as he inhaled my scent. I moaned when his long rough tongue lapped across my labia and up my ass crack and as he got the taste he licked with greater enthusiasm. Deciding I was ready, he lifted himself up and onto my back and I could feel his fleshy tool stabbing until he caught my opening. Then, like being speared with a red-hot poker, he drove his cock deep into me and within a couple of strokes, I could already feel his knot banging on my pussy lips demanding entry.

My Mistress and the man started talking about the weather and the cost of living as if nothing was happening at their feet, but all the time the dog was driving me closer and closer to an orgasm. As the dog forced his knot inside I let out a wail of pleasure that bought a sharp word of admonishment from my Mistress.

“Quiet girl, we are trying to talk here.”

It was difficult to remain silent with 9 inches of dog cock in me and a rapidly swelling knot but I bit my lip to comply. It became even harder when the first spurts of red hot seed splashed deep in me making me convulse and shudder in silent orgasm. My Mistress must have felt my shaking through the lead as she blindly reached down and patted my head.

“Good girl.”

As the lab lay panting over my back, its warm fur caressing my flesh another man arrived with his Great Dane trotting patiently at his side.

“Seems your bitch is in great demand today,” laughed the new man as he nodded towards the lab firmly knotted in my cunt, “Hopefully she will be able to accommodate my Toby.”

“I think Blackie is about finished,” said the Labrador’s owner and he was right as I could feel the knot starting to shrivel inside me as he tugged to pull himself free. When he was successful in his efforts I felt a gush of seed fall from my body to form a puddle between my knees. Remaining in my kneeling position I looked at my Mistress for her instructions as she smiled and nodded before turning to the Great Dane’s owner.

“My bitch is free now if your Toby wishes to empty his balls. I will apologise in advance though as I suspect she will become a bit vocal with a cock of that size in her.”

I looked under the Great Dane and knew she was right as the tool that was already hanging down and swinging freely was indeed an impressive size and I knew it would be hard for me to remain silent once he started pounding me.

“I have an idea,” said the man with a grin, “That may help me as well as keeping your bitch’s noise down.”

As he spoke he rubbed the growing bulge in the front of his trousers and my Mistress smiled at him as she realised his idea. We moved to the bench where the man sat and unzipped his trousers before fishing out his semi-hard cock. I crawled over to between his knees and as I reached out to caress his cock I felt a sharp slap of the end of my leash across my ass cheeks.

“Mouth only bitch, hands are for humans.”

Placing my hands back down I began to lick his cock and at the same time felt the Dane starting to lick me. As the dog tasted the previous dog’s seed it became more frantic in its licking as the signals in its brain demanded that he bred this bitch and claim her over the previous dog. His owner had reached full hardness as I placed my mouth over the head and the action of the heavy dog mounting drove me forward and almost choked me. The Dane was able to drive his cock in deeply due to my highly lubricated state and my openness from the lab and I groaned but my noise was muffled by the cock almost in my throat.

“Have to say your bitch has a talented mouth,” said the man appreciatively.

“Yes,” said my Mistress, “Sometimes I let her lick me as she is doing her daily servicing, but only as a reward for being good. Perhaps if she makes you cum I might allow her, but we will see.”

Hearing my Mistress’s promise made me suck deeply and as the dog slammed forward I let the man’s cock slide into my throat knowing my muscles would grip his cock. I could tell it was having the right effect as he had stopped talking to my Mistress and was just making guttural noises as I sucked and deep throated him.

The Dane’s cock was hitting my cervix as he drove himself in and out and the mix of pain and pleasure was making me moan. This was translated into vibrations in my throat and I could feel the man’s hands in my hair as he thrust up into me. At the same time as he exploded into my throat, the dog forced its knot inside me making me almost pass out with sheer intensity. Even though he had made the first few spurts into my throat when the man pulled back he was still spurting as he jetted into my face. He then grabbed his own cock and jerked himself for the final few moments, his seed hitting my hair and face before letting me suck the last few drops from his balls.

The knot in my pussy seemed to swell to an even greater size than when my Mistress fisted me and I could feel the jets of cum hitting my womb like a warm fire hose. The throbbing and pulsing of the knot against my g-spot sent me wild and the man’s cock flopped from my mouth as I yelled in orgasm. Eventually, the dog pulled out from me leaving me panting with exhaustion as the man dressed and thanked my Mistress for the services of her bitch.

“You have done very well girl,” said my Mistress caressing my hair that was now matted to my head, “You may quench your thirst if you wish.”

As she said that she eased up her short leather skirt to around her waist and opened her legs that were clad in thigh-length leather boots to reveal her naked pussy. I didn’t need any further instructions as this was my treat for being a good bitch. Running my tongue from as far under as I could reach up and along her pussy lips, letting it just slip inside until I found her clit. I repeated my action and each time she moved further forward on the bench to allow me greater access until eventually, I could probe her anal star with my tongue. Working my way back up towards her clit again I nibbled and tugged at her pussy lips before finding her clit which I sucked into my mouth drawing a moan of approval. Knowing I was on the right track I gently took her clit between my teeth and slowly bought them together eliciting an even louder moan of pleasure.

I wanted desperately to insert a finger or two inside her wetness but knew that was expressly forbidden while we were out for walkies, so instead, I contented myself by rolling my tongue into a tube and probing her pussy and then her ass over and over. After a while of repeating these actions, I felt her hands in my hair pulling me closer and I knew that her orgasm was getting closer. One of the wonderful things about my Mistress is she is a squirter and always produces a wonderful stream for me to quench my thirst on. As I lapped faster, up and along her lips, then around and over her clit before probing deep inside, I heard her moans rise a little further in volume.

Sensing the moment was right I clamped my mouth over her pussy and sucked at the same jabbing with my tongue and was rewarded with a flood of juices down my throat. She writhed around on the bench as I continued to suck until I felt her tug at my hair in a signal to stop. Moving my face away I was mesmerised by her puffy pink pussy lips that were glistening with her juices and felt the overwhelming desire to bury my head back in between her legs.

“That was very nice girl,” she said, “And it has made me thirsty myself but I am not licking you until you have bathed.”

My Mistress was very much a lesbian and wasn’t overkeen on male members or where they had been though enjoyed seeing me used.

At that moment a young woman went past walking with a well-groomed Spaniel by her side. It was clear by the way she was dressed that she was not an owner but in fact, a dog walker employed to exercise an owner’s dog when they didn’t wish to do it themself.

“You girl,” my Mistress called to her, “Come here.”

The young woman, who couldn’t have been much older than 18, walked over and stood while my mistress inspected the dog she was walking.

“Have you serviced this dog yet today?” my Mistress asked and the girl shook her head in denial. “Any other dogs?”

Again the girl shook her head before saying quietly, “My master likes him walked before he is serviced so normally I wait until the end of his exercise. I was about to do it at the edge of the park.”

My Mistress then looked at her collar before pulling her phone from her pocket and a quick conversation ensued that from the familiar tome and laughter I guessed that the owners knew each other.

Once the call had finished my Mistress looked at the pair of us, “My bitch will service your dog today,” then continued, “and I will dine on your fresh young pussy.”

“I am not sure your bitch will be able to help Charles as she does still seem rather open after that Dane.” the girl said quietly.

My Mistress peered at my pussy as if she was seeing it for the first time, “I think you are right girl, but no worries her ass hasn’t been used yet and I am sure that will be tight enough for even your boy’s little one. Clamp your hand over my girl’s cunt and once your boy starts to thrust guide him into her ass, nature will do the rest.”

The girl was obviously experienced in handling her dog as she crouched down next to me and placed her small hand over my pussy from under my belly. With her other hand, she teased the dog’s cock quickly from its furry sheath until it was dripping fluid over her fingers. All the time she was playing with the dog she was working her fingers in and out of my pussy and smearing the mess over my anal star, probing and pushing the goo in to make the dog’s passage easier. At one point she pushed all four fingers of her small hand in past the knuckles and up inside me as she whispered in my ear, “I would love to fist this cunt of yours, maybe another time?”

Once the dog was ready she left her hand half deep in my pussy and patted my ass in encouragement for the Spaniel to mount. After looking a little confused as his normal bitch was near but not the one to mount finally instinct took over and I felt him on my back. He was much lighter than the other two dogs and smaller which meant his back legs were moving about as he tried to find the right position. His claws scratched my calves until he finally settled. Then with her guidance, his tip probed my anal star before he thrust hard burying his cock deep inside. The woman removed her hand with a little effort, as the effect of the dog in my ass had made my pussy tighter, but once she was free it allowed the dog more freedom to fuck my ass with abandon.

“That is your bitch set for an ass fucking,” the girl laughed as she sat on the bench next to me and pulled up her tee shirt the last few inches to expose her pussy. Then she lifted her legs up to her breasts before leaning back so that both her pussy and ass were exposed for my Mistress who had knelt down beside me.

As the dog pounded my ass I watched as my Mistress teased and tortured the girl with her mouth until she was writhing around the bench. There were no restrictions on my Mistress using her hands which she did so to great effect and at one point I could see quite clearly she had two fingers in the girl’s ass while pushing three fingers into her pussy. At the same time, she was chewing on the girl’s clit causing her to scream loudly, so loud in fact it almost put the dog on my back off its stroke. I had to reach around and keep the dog steady and then I felt its knot press deeply and pop inside my anal ring.

A dog knotting in your ass feels different to knotting in your pussy with no g-spot to throb against as it fills you with its cum. However, the expansion does set off some nerve endings and I moved my hand from holding it steady to my clit so I could climax with the dog. As the dog knot swelled and started to pump deep into my bowels my frantic rubbing on my clit paid dividends and I convulsed with a huge orgasm.

After we had all finished and the dog had pulled away from my ass leaving me dripping a copious amount of a mixture of fluids onto the floor, the girl stood and smoothed her short tee-shirt down before saying, “Thank you Ma’am, I do hope you found that pleasurable and that you will tell my Master you were pleased.” Then added shyly, “And I do hope we can do this again.”

“Anytime,” said my Mistress as the girl walked away, “We are here most days and she does so love her walkies.”