“Yeah, we’re sorry, Alissa, we can’t make it for Christmas. We wanted to, but with work and all, you know.”

Alissa rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know, Mom, I know,” she said into her phone. “Well, Merry Christmas, Mom. Maybe next year. Love you.”

“We love you too, baby. Merry Christmas,” her mother replied, ending the call.

“Just fucking great. Dump my cheating boyfriend, and now my parents are too busy to come to see me for Christmas,” Alissa exclaimed, tossing the phone on the couch and walking into the kitchen.

She rummaged in the freezer, finding a half-empty pint of Blue Bell ice cream and grabbed a spoon from the drawer. She yanked a dining chair over by the patio door and plopped down.

She slowly spooned the ice cream into her mouth, looking outside at the shimmering water of the pool surrounded by snow-topped hedges and flowers. The tall brick wall enclosed it all, making it her little chilly oasis.

This will be the third Christmas she will spend alone. Every time she got her hopes up, the Grinch appeared and sprayed diarrhea all over her party. She didn’t think it was too much to wish to spend a Christmas with someone she loved and who loved her back.

“Apparently, that ain’t meant to be,” she grumbled between spoon licks. She raised the spoon to her mouth again and stopped, staring into the courtyard. The shrubs on the far side were shaking from something large behind them. “What the hell?” she whispered and stood, leaving her ice cream on the table.

She quietly slid the patio door open and grabbed the broom leaning against the post. She cautiously made her way around the pool, approaching the shaking shrubs. The twenty-degree air wrapped around her, and she quickly wished she’d thrown a jacket over her hooded flannel jammies.

“Hey,” she said, and instantly the movement stopped. She took the wooden end of the broom and poked it into the shrubs.

Suddenly, a large shape burst from the shrubs, lunging at her. She screamed, jumping back, but unfortunately, right into the pool. “Shit!” she screamed as she fell. The cold water sucked the breath from her lungs as she flailed, trying to gain buoyancy and swim to the shallow end.

A huge splash sounded behind her, and she looked back wildly and saw a big dog swimming toward her.

“Go away! Shoo mutt!” she screamed between breaths while trying to swim away. Her clothes were bogging her movement, and the coldness of the water seeped into her muscles and joints, slowing her movements. She struggled to keep her head above water and thought, gee, I’m gonna fucking drown in my fucking pool on fucking Christmas Eve. Ain’t that some shit? Thanks again, Mr. Grinch!

The cold water burned her lungs when she sucked in a mouthful of the icy water, trying to breathe. A coughing fit ensued, and she desperately tried to reach the bottom of the pool to push off, but the lack of oxygen and cold water made it impossible to even think straight.

She felt fur brush past her head, and she thought the dog might be trying to finish her off. Instead, the big dog latched his teeth onto the thin hood of her pajama top and started swimming toward the shallow end, pulling her along. Her muscles burned and cramped; if it weren’t for the dog helping pull her to safety, she would have drowned.

Alissa felt the solid steps below her and crawled up with the dog’s aid, still tugging on her hood. Out of the pool, dazed and hacking on the cold water in her lungs, she was forcefully nudged on her side, where she proceeded to vomit the pool water and finally take a life-giving breath. With her lungs clear, she rolled back and lay against the freezing concrete, wheezing but thankful to be alive. The dog nuzzled her face with his nose, and she looked into his concerned big brown eyes.

“Thank you,” she gasped, petting the dog’s dripping coat. “Come on, my little guardian angel, let’s go inside where it’s warm.”

She stood shakily and went inside with the pooch following closely. She slid the door shut and grabbed a couple of towels from the overhead cabinets. Alissa stripped off her wet clothes and used a towel to dry her shivering, naked body. Tossing her towel, she grabbed the other and turned to dry her savior.

He was facing the other way, sniffing under the refrigerator, when she saw his big, dark balls tucked tight against his scrotum.

“Awww, baby. You almost froze your nuts off, didn’t you?” she said, running the towel over his dripping fur. “But we both know it was your fault I jumped in there.” The dog cocked his head, listening. “But no worries, you more than made up for it,” she added.

She knelt next to him, and he turned his head and gave her a lick from one side of her face to the other. She laughed, wiping her face, licking her lips, and tasting his wet kiss. His drool was strangely sweet, and she tasted her lips again, savoring his unique flavor.

She leaned close and again was rewarded with a wet lick to her lips. She tasted his slobber again, which had a sweet, almost delicious flavor. The tingling taste ran from her lips down her torso, dropping in her belly until it ended with a flutter in her loins. She jerked back, looking at the dog strangely. He just stood patiently and waited for her to finish drying him.

“I must be the adrenaline from almost drowning,” she whispered. “Yeah, that’s got to be it.”

She finished wiping him down and stood, realizing with amazement; she was wet between her legs. Her pussy ached like it did when she was horny and needed to cum. “What the fuck?” she whispered.

She grabbed the wet towels and returned to the laundry room, tossing them in the dryer. Turning back, the dog had moved closer and was staring at her intently. She could feel the tingle between her legs as she gazed at the massive, muscular dog. His big brown eyes seemed to lock her in a trance, and she stood motionless.

The dog came closer, shoving his cold nose between her legs, planting it against her wet snatch and inhaling deeply. A shudder ran through her body, making her knees buckle and pulling her down to the floor. O the floor, the dog slid between her open knees, driving his flicking tongue across her aching pussy. Alissa whined softly, and her muscles spasmed in response to his tentative tasting. Now, with her fully under his control, the dog dove in, lapping thirstily at her crotch.

“Ohhh, oh fuck,” she whimpered as the dog noisily lapped at her aching cunt, driving his wet, soft tongue deep inside and teasing her engorged clit. She trembled uncontrollably as the orgasm crashed in her without warning. Alissa convulsed and spasmed on the floor as the orgasm continued to electrify her lean frame while remaining helpless and under the total control of the dog lapping between her legs.

After the dog had licked her cunt clean, he backed up, releasing her from his orgasmic control. He stepped past her and stood silently, showing her his well-endowed, hefty equipment, swinging and ready to be used.

His exposed fist-sized knot was topped with an eight-inch, veiny pink dick, ending with a perfect cupped, tapered tip. Precum dripped steadily from his swinging dick, and again, she lost control of her actions and shoved her head beneath the dog, taking his dripping cock into her mouth and sucking greedily. The dog panted, legs spread, while letting the dog whore suck the precum from his massive cock.

The dog knew he had a special power over the bitches. In minutes, he could turn the most frigid of human bitches into begging dog whores. He still didn’t understand how or why but knew the steps and process. Starting with an innocent licking kiss first, then cleaning her out, afterward letting her suck the precum from his cock and finally, mounting and breeding the willing slut. As far as he knew, he was the only dog who could do this. When his balls started to ache (which seemed all the time), he just needed to find a bitch, and she was his for the taking.

He had learned over time that the more of his bodily fluid the whore sucked or got pumped into them, the longer his control lasted. Once he filled her womb with his seed, she was his to use until he decided it was time to move on. Of course, after he left, the dog whore still yearned for more. He was proud to have saved several studs from meeting their demise at the local shelter because as soon as the whore found out the dog was a male, she adopted him immediately.

“Oh, it tastes so good,” Alissa moaned, sucking the sweet and salty precum draining into her mouth. She savored the taste and sucked the veiny cock while fingering herself.

The dog pulled his cock from her mouth and sat on the floor. His big dick jutted between his powerful legs, and his big balls draped on the floor. His balls were aching and tight, filled with his love, and now it was time to fuck some puppies in this slut.

Alissa knew what he wanted and hurriedly flipped over, shoving her ass in the air. “Come on, big boy. Make me your bitch! Fuck me hard!” she begged. “Come on, baby; I want it soooo bad.”

The dog took his dominant stance behind her and slid his muscular chest over her bare butt, throwing his paws around her waist. He pulled her back until his tapered tip slipped between her velvety, wet folds. Once she was trapped and primed, he shoved hard, blowing his hard cock between her wet lips and planting it deep into her womb.

Damn, this bitch was tighter than most females, dog or human, he thought.

He jackhammered her from behind, his hips a blur, slamming his massive cock in and out lightning fast. The whore cried out in pleasure and pain, all while begging for more. Her cunt spasmed around his thrusting dick, clenching and squeezing his cock, making his balls burn for release. He grunted, slamming his knot past her opening and planting it firmly inside her. Her pussy sucked his knot inside and locked his groin tight against her butt.

“Ohhh, give it to me, my Alpha. Pump those puppies in me and make me pregnant with your seed,” she moaned, her cunt throbbing. “All I want is a big litter of beautiful puppies for you.”

The dog grunted and released his flood of hot seed. Hard, watery spurts hammered against her cervix, filling her womb with warm love.

Alissa moaned in total bliss, feeling every loving spurt splatter inside her. Her pussy flexed and pulsed around his knot, milking his balls dry. She shook uncontrollably as another orgasm flooded over her.

Thirty minutes later, the dog pulled out, and Alissa slid against the cold tile, panting and closing her eyes. His love poured from her stretched, gaping pussy, draining and spreading across the floor. She was too weary and weak to even get up, so she passed out from exhaustion which quickly turned into snoring.

The dog turned and licked her sweet taste off his dick, cleaning it until it receded into its furry sheath.

All cleaned up and tucked away, the dog nosed the refrigerator door open and sniffed for food. He found a bag of lunch meat and ripped it open to eat.

He finished his meal and was nosing around in the pantry when his ears perked. He looked around the pantry door and down the dark hallway. Another knock echoed down the hallway. He trotted through the house and stuck his nose at the base of the front door. He sniffed and cocked his head, sniffing again. It was another bitch!

His original plan was to let this current whore sleep for a bit, then mount and breed her again. She didn’t have to be awake; he really didn’t care. He had deposited his liquid ‘gift’ inside her, so she was his for the taking whenever he needed her. She would do whatever he needed, whenever he needed it, for as long as they were together. But now, this new circumstance warranted immediate attention. His furry pouch bulged, filling with his shaft.

He whined and clawed at the door handle until he heard a voice ask, “Hello?” Backing up, he watched the knob turn and the door ease open. He put on his happy, innocent puppy look just as a girl’s head appeared, looked down, and saw him.

“Alissa!” the girl shouted in the doorway. The newcomer focused on the dog. “Hey, puppy? When did Alissa get you?” she asked. “Oh, I see why. You’re a big ‘ol cutie, aren’t you?”

Bitch, you’re about to find out how cute I am, he thought wickedly. I’ll have you begging for my ‘cute’ big ol’ cock in about three minutes.

The newcomer made the mistake of squatting to pet him, and he innocently licked her face in response to her pets. She laughed, wiping her face and licking her lips.

She frowned, paused, and licked them again. Wanting more, she scooted closer and leaned in while he planted a few more licks across her face. She tasted his slobber, which was almost euphoric and made her tingle between her legs. She grew curious and looked under his belly, groaning, “Oh fuck, you’re a boy. God, I bet you’ve got a big dick.”

The new girl grabbed the dog’s head and started licking and kissing his muzzle, tasting his slobber, wanting more. He returned her advances by shoving his long, talented tongue into her mouth, where she suckled it, savoring his drool.

The girl’s mind went fuzzy, and she dropped to her knees. The dog immediately dipped his head and began nosing between her legs, pushing her panties against her damp snatch. He could smell her heat growing, and his cock emerged, growing until it swung like a bat between his hind legs.

This bitch was horny, and she didn’t even need him to eat her out. He noted that aggressive kissing had the same results as licking their cunts.

She slid underneath his belly and took his hard cock in her mouth, sucking it like a Hoover.

“Mmmmm, so good,” she groaned, slobbering on his shaft. His cock jetted watery precum down her throat while he stood, letting her milk his cock.

A minute later, he was ready and removed his cock from her mouth and sat, waiting. She tossed her shirt, showing her erect, hard dark nipples, unfastened her belt, and shoved her jeans down her long legs. She stepped out of the pool of clothing and dropped to the floor naked, flipping over and showing the stud her bare ass.

“Take me, baby. Fuck me in the ass, stud,” she moaned, wiggling her butt. “I want you to fuck my ass hard.”

Usually, he had difficulty fitting his thick cock into a slut’s asshole, but this whore was begging for it, so who was he to deny her request.

He mounted her and pulled himself over her round bottom and on her back, guiding his cock past her wet cunt and slipping his tapered tip easily inside her puckered hole.

She screamed when he rammed his thick, long cock deep inside her butt. He was a gentleman and waited a few seconds until the screaming stopped before continuing while her sphincter accommodated his thickness. Once she quieted, he vigorously humped her bubble butt, grunting and thrusting while his drool dripped onto her back.

“What the fuck?” a man’s shocked voice sounded behind them. The dog stopped thrusting and looked over his shoulder, spotting a young, athletic guy standing in the doorway. He stood there with an unbelievable, shocked look on his face. “Valerie? What are you doing with this mutt?” he asked. “Dammit, I got worried when you didn’t come back to the car, and this is what you’re doing?” he spat angrily. “I can’t believe you’re fucking a filthy dog!”

Whoa, there, buddy. I ain’t filthy, and I’m the one fucking your girl, the dog thought.

“Oh, come on, baby, don’t stop,” she groaned, ignoring the boy. “Pleeaassee,” she begged.

The boy stared at the dog, wailing on his girlfriend’s ass. He couldn’t believe she enjoyed it, but the longer he watched, the bigger the bulge in his jeans grew.

“You love this shit, don’t you?” he asked the girl, squatting beside the fucking pair. She whimpered in response, and he raised his head, looking eye to eye with the dog. “And where the hell did you come from?” he asked.

Before the boy could respond, the dog licked his face, dragging his tongue across his lips. The boy fell back, sputtering and wiping his face. The dog watched curiously as the boy licked his lips and stopped flailing. He slowly tasted his lips again, and the dog watched the boy reach between his legs and grip his bulge.

The dog had never tried his mojo on another stud but was curious about how this would play out.

The boyfriend leaned over to kiss the dog’s panting muzzle. The dog happily returned his advances, and their tongues twisted and tasted each other.

The boy stood, stripping buck naked and tossed his clothes. His hard boner throbbed as he gripped it, jerking off to the show.

The boy wasn’t a match for the dog’s length or girth, but he did have a pretty dick for a human. His cock curved upward and was topped with a fat, purple mushroom head.

The dog spotted precum glistening on the boy’s dick and flicked out his tongue, tasting its salty goodness. The boy whimpered and shivered from the dog’s wet lick.

“Baby. Hey baby. Let me fuck you’re pussy while the dog fucks you in the ass,” the boy begged, getting his knees behind them.

The girl managed to groan, “Whatever.”

The human stud rested back on his knees and eased underneath the frantic thrusting legs of the dog. He groaned, slipping his dripping cock into his girl’s throbbing cunt.

After a few minutes of panting and fucking, the boy slowed. “Baby, you think the dog would let me cum in his ass? Fuck, I bet that shit is so tight!” The girl just moaned.

Well. This is new, the dog thought. He knew he liked it when the bitches licked or fingered his asshole while cumming. The boy’s cock was about the right size and dripped precum steadily, so there would be plenty of natural lube.

What the fuck, the dog thought and positioned his tail aside to show his anus. He flexed and flashed his puckered hole, flashing the tender, warm pink interior to the boy.

“Shit, I think he wants me too,” the boy whispered excitedly and pulled out of the girl and eased his curved, pussy wet dick slowly into the pup’s rear. The dog’s flexing ass gobbled up the boy’s cock hungrily.

“Fuck,” the boy groaned. “He’s already gonna make me cum.” The boy’s cock swelled inside the butthole just as the dog shoved his knot past the girl’s puckered hole, making her scream again. However, her hole quickly swallowed his knot and squeezed tightly behind it, trying to coax the first load of cum from his big balls.

The dog grunted, and his cock swelled, sending a flood of sperm into the slut’s cunt. His pulsating asshole pushed the boy over the edge, coaxing a grunt as he came. His dick pumped gobs of thick, creamy jizz into the dog’s shithole. Both humans groaned, and the dog panted, but all were in ecstasy.

The boy finished, and his flaccid cock slipped from the dog’s asshole, and he fell back on the floor. The boy’s spent spunk dripped down the dog’s pulsating balls and finally fell to the floor. Beneath the dog’s heaving chest, the girl moaned, feeling her stud pump her ass full of his watery, hot load.

A few minutes later, the dog dismounted, making the girl yelp, then she relaxed, sliding onto the floor, exhausted.

The dog reached his head around to clean his dick but stopped, sniffing. It looked clean, but he could detect the girl’s faint butt smell on his dick. He certainly didn’t want to lick that, and he glanced at the naked boy lying on the floor.

He walked over to the boy and shoved his tongue between his lips, kissing him deeply. The boy woke, and his limp cock lurched, growing hard again. He grabbed the dog’s furry head and kissed passionately until the boy’s throbbing dick curved over his rippled abs.

The dog backed away and started licking the boy’s dick, wrapping his wet tongue around his throbbing cock. The boy moaned, reaching and pulling the dog’s exposed dick close.

The boy returned the favor and started sucking the dog’s cock. After his lips slid down the dog’s dick, the boy paused, noticing the thick cock didn’t taste or smell the freshest.

“Fuck it,” the boy grunted. He was about to blow his seed into some gorgeous dog’s lapping mouth, and it felt fucking awesome.

A couple of minutes later, after the dog’s cock was cleaned and started to recede into its furry sheath, the boy grunted. Hot, salty cum flowed onto the dog’s tongue, and he lapped it up, savoring the stud’s spunk. He had a paw on either side of the boy’s spasming dick, lapping and tasting each shot as it erupted from the fat mushroom head.

Finished, the dog released his grip on the shriveling dick and left the two humans limp and lethargic. He went down the hallway, back into the kitchen, walking past the previous fuck, snoring loudly.

He fished more sliced meat from the fridge and lay down, chewing slowly, waiting for one of the three to wake so he could take care of the growing ache in his balls.