(c) 1999 by Phil

They say seeing is believing, but I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I stood just inside the barn door. Mouth agape. Head spinning. Sweat pouring off me from the heat, as I watched my friend Russel in the stall with the donkey, Neelix. “Oooooffff!”

Russel was dressed in black, lacy women’s lingerie. Stockings and a garter, a bra, the whole works!

He was bent over with his ass up underneath the donkey. He bucked himself against it, gasping and grunting.


Over and over. He was facing me but his eyes were tightly closed. His face was flushed. Sweat beading on his brow.

As I realized what was happening I managed to pull myself together. I’d known Russ for years and he’d never once hinted he was as kinky as this. He was nineteen, like myself. We’d fooled around a little bit together in the past, but I didn’t know how he’d react if he caught me watching so I quickly hid myself behind some hay bales near Neelix’s stall. It was like an oven in the barn, my clothes stuck to my body with sweat and I pulled open my shirt as I crouched behind the hay and peered out at Russel. I had a good view from this angle. Neelix had a throbbing big hard-on and Russel had at least half it’s length shoved in his ass. I was simply astonished by it. I could hardly believe an ass could take that. It looked fit to burst. There is obviously something to be said for having something so huge in there. The look on Russ’s face! I’d never seen anyone who looked so well and truly fucked! And the noises he was making. Desparate, throaty groans followed by gasps and animal-like grunts.

He began to buck himself harder, pounding his ass up against the donkey. The donkey responded by bucking its hips slightly and it’s cock, incredibly, was shoved even further into Russ’s ass.

“Aaaaagh!….Urgggg fuck yeah!!!” Russel humped even harder.

His short brown hair was matted to his forehead, and drool ran down his chin and dripped to the floor. I could hardly contain myself. I tore open my jeans and gasped as the biggest hard-on I’d ever had sprang into view. I grabbed it and beat furiously as I continued to watch.

Russel pulled himself forward until the donkey’s cock was almost all the way out, then lunged backward, ramming it back in. He did this over and over, and soon began to chant, “Fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck it!”

He seemed completely out of his mind with lust. I wished it was me there, getting an impossibly huge, throbbing cock pounded into my ass. I wanted my ass reamed red raw by cock! The sexy underwear Russel wore was lathered with sweat and it clung to him. His own cock bulged out from beneath the dainty panties which were pulled tightly to one side allowing his manhood to hang freely, and his ass to be unobstructed. The pounding went on and on until finally the donkey bucked it’s hindquarters savagely and Russel screamed “Wooooaaaurgh!!!!”

It was pumping cum into his ass. Russel collapsed to his knees and I could see what an incredible amount had been pumped into him. The donkey’s cock popped out, still spurting cum which splattered down onto him. More cum literarily filled his ass, and I suddenly found I couldn’t contain myself any longer. I leapt from behind the hay bales and threw myself at Russel.

I grabbed his ass and sank my face into the hot hole. My face was smeared with donkey cum and I began to lick and suck for all I was worth. I filled my mouth over and over. It was hot and thick. Almost chewy. I swallowed and sucked in more, gulping it down. I couldn’t believe how much of it there was and I eagerly swallowed every drop I could.

I looked up to see Russ watching. He gasped “Suck his cock.” I licked out his ass one more time then turned to Neelix’s cock. It was soft now but still big. It glistened wettly and a thick rope of cum hung from it’s tip. I slurped this into my mouth then grabbed his dick and sucked in as much as I could. I was rewarded with another mouthful of cum which squirted out as the dick began to shrivel. I sucked it a bit more, then cried out as Russel grabbed my cock and beat me to an explosive orgasm. I collapsed on top of him and we lay there for what seemed like ages. Feeling hot, and dirty, and wonderful.

The End