(c) 2017 by eleboy7

The kingdom of Jala-rēta is nestled between the great desert and the jungle covered mountains. Within the great walls of Jala-rēta there is a vast hub of merchants with everything from spices to beasts of burden. There is the great Ivory Palace where his majesty Maharaja Jalaluddin and the royal family live. The kingdom has a vast wealth of trade, gold and jewels. Making it the wealthiest kingdom in the known world, there is only 1 kingdom to the east of Jala-rēta. It is Vāṣpa, the oasis kingdom in the middle of the great desert. For many years the 2 kingdoms had been at war over the riches that had come out of the mountains that lay behind the great city in Jala-rēta. After the death of Sultan of Vāṣpa, The Maharaja of Jala-rēta married off his eldest son Ram to the Princess of Vāṣpa to smooth over the end of the war.

During the Great War Queen Aaryah gave birth to her only daughter, Asha. Having her son Gajesh to watch after, she had Jasmine her husband’s concubine raise Asha. Jasmine raised Asha to be a gentle, and somewhat of a soft spoken girl but headstrong. She was well mannered, and graceful. She was the Maharaja’s pride and joy; he doted on her a lot. Buying silk clothing and beautiful jewelry for her, the queen became very jealous of her daughter. Sensing that Asha was favored more highly then herself, she wanted Asha locked away from the view of her husband. This infuriated Jalaluddin very much, as punishment for even thinking such a thought; the Maharaja wanted her beaten mercilessly. On the day of Aaryah’s punishment, Jasmine spoke out to her lover.

(Jasmine) “Jalal, please don’t. She has the right to her opinion. If it will smooth the tension between the two of you I will raise Asha outside of the palace till she is of marring age.”
The Maharaja thought about her request. Given that Asha was still a child it would be almost 14 years before he would see his beloved daughter again. With a deep sigh he consented to her request.

(The Maharaja) “Very well, I will honor this under 2 circumstances. First she will be brought up with dignity. She will be well versed in the arts. Second, you will allow me to assist you in the upbringing, mostly with gold and some of the royal guard to protect her.”
Jasmine nods to his requests and picks up Asha and walks out of the throne room. Queen Aaryah was not pleased with his requests. As for her eldest son Ram, he too was displeased. To see his sister removed from the Ivory Palace because of his jealous mother. He contested to his father.

(Prince Ram) “Father, that is unfair. Asha is just a child, she knows not of why she is being taken from her home to a place that is unknown to her. I request that I will be able to see her.”

His father did not object to his son’s request. Ram being satisfied he walks after his sister.

(Prince Ram) “Jasmine let me carry my sister. I am sorry that this has fallen on you. I know that you have my little brother to take care of as well. I will come as often as I can before and after my wedding to check in on you and my siblings.”

(Jasmine) “My Prince you have always been good me, I am happy to do this task for your father. Mark my words, Princess Asha will be the most beautiful and sought after princess in the know kingdoms. She will be more beautiful than the queen.”

(Prince Ram) “No need for formality Jasmine. You have been more of a mother to me then my own. Please just call me by my name and not my title. I do not doubt that she will rival mother’s beauty or your own.”

A royal caravan left the Ivory Palace that night while Princess Asha slept. By morning the caravan was out of sight of the palace far to the west. The emissary road ahead of them to announce the coming of the princess, finding a suitable place for the royals to stay the caravan unloaded. Having bought out a farmer of his home and land, they settled in. Prince Ram paid almost 10 times the amount the farm was worth. The farm wept as his crowned prince gave him enough money for himself and the next 3 generations of his bloodline to live a more luxurious life. The next few weeks there was much to do. A small house was built for the guard and a large privacy wall was erected around the entirety of the farm along with a few small amenities.
The small village seemed content knowing that there were royals living among them. This in turn helped the village prosper, making it more of a village of trade then of farming. Within the next few years as Asha grew up, a bazaar opened, bringing in all sorts of things from every corner of the known kingdoms. Asha grew up quickly from a small child to a radiant woman. Her brother Ram came to visit often, much to his wife’s dismay. He doted on her like her father did, buying jewelry and nice things for her. She dressed more like a commoner then a princess. Jasmine tried her best to get her to act more the part of a royalty but she was very headstrong. Ram took her to the Bazaar on his last visit after her birthday.
Sultan Ram) “See anything you like Kālī?” Ram asked his little sister.

(Kālī being a term of endearment for his sister, given that she is far from a goddess of destruction. She is quite the opposite.)

Asha smiled at her older brother as they walked into the bazaar to the jeweler. She saw a beautiful necklace that looked like a desert moon.

(Princess Asha) “This one dear brother.”

Ram pays for the necklace and they start to walk off.

(Sultan Ram) “Anywhere you would like to go? If memory serves my correctly Asha, you always were running off to look at all of the animals, you did always love elephants.”

Asha smiled widely as her brother commented on where they would be headed. Her brother stopped to look at one of the horses the next stall over.

(Sultan Ram) “Asha go ahead of me I will be there in a minute.”

Over the past many years Asha had always gone to the animal merchants to look at the few elephants that they had for sale. There was a very large bull at the one merchant’s stall. Because of his misbehaving nature he was sold over and over again, and he was always brought back. Asha had a fondness for this elephant. He was always gentle to her and never misbehaved around her. She walked up to the bull and patted his trunk.

(The merchant) “Ah, back to see your elephant your highness.”

Asha smiled at the merchant, and continued to pet the elephant. He was a very dark skinned elephant almost black in color with large discolored pigment patches on his forehead, belly and down his trunk and around his ears. He had a magnificent set of tusks; the left tusk was slightly
shorter than the right one.

A rather large man comes into the stall to buy the elephant. The merchant warns him of his temperament and haggles a price for him. After paying for the bull the large man pushes his way past Princess Asha.

(The merchant) “Sir you are in the presents of her Royal Highness Princess Asha of Jala-rēta, show your respect.”

(The man) “She looks like a peasant to me.”

Asha looks at the man and spoke.

(Princess Asha) “I am the crowned Princess of Jala-rēta, Daughter of Maharaja Jalaluddin the Magnificent. You should have more respect for royalty.”

The man scoffed and continued to walk off, grabbing the bull’s rope. The elephant stays put and pulls back on the rope around his neck. The man falls to the ground with a thud. Asha laughs as the man gets up and smacks the bull with the flat side of a bull hook. He pays no attention to her but continues to hit the bull, trying to get him to submit to his will. Horrified at the sight of this man hitting her favorite animal she grabs the man’s arm trying to get him to stop. He turns to Asha and strikes her across the cheek with the back of his hand. She falls to the ground. By now the crowd has dispersed as Ram comes rushing over to his sister’s aid. Just as he is about to draw his scimitar the elephant strikes the man with his thick muscular trunk. Soon standing over Princess Asha protectively, Ram grabs up the man and places his blade against his throat.

(Sultan Ram) “How dare you raise a hand to the Princess of Jala-rēta. GAURDS!”
The man looked on in horror as he looked up at the regal figure of the Sultan of Vāṣpa standing before him. The royal guards pick the man up off the ground and looked to the Sultan for a command.

(Sultan Ram) “Asha my beloved sister, what hand struck you?”

Asha stood up as she got out from underneath the magnificent elephant and pointed to his left hand. The guards pulled his left arm out straight as the man scream and fought trying to get out of the grasp of the guard. The Sultan drew his scimitar and swung down onto the man’s wrist, cleaving his left hand off. Swift justice was served, as the man passed out for the pain. The merchant and the people in the market all paid heed to what the Sultan said next.

(Sultan Ram) “Let this be known, ANY person that raises a hand to my sister will suffer this same consequence. Someone clean up this mess of a man, and get him out of my sight before I choose to kill him for his insolents.”

The merchant walked over to the Sultan and bow lowly to him, begging for his forgiveness. Asha winced with a little pain from her cheek as she tried to walk over to her older brother. She was stopped by the bull as he gently wrapped his trunk around her waist and pulled her close to him despite his own injuries. His trunk gently caressed her bruised cheek, he stomped the ground with one of his front feet in annoyance. The Princess smiled as she patted the elephant’s trunk and moved over to her brother’s side.

(Sultan Ram) “It was not your fault, that man was a brute.”

(The merchant) “Please Your Highness; take the elephant, as you can see he is very fond of the princess.”

The Sultan agrees to take the elephant. Asha smiles as her brother takes the rope that hung around the bull’s neck. The elephant did not object to leaving with the princess. Ram had some of the guards gather some things for the elephant as they left the Bazaar. Getting back to the home that Ram and Jasmine set up 14 years ago with the large animal in tow came as a big surprise for Jasmine; Jasmine came out of the house looking on in awe of the spectacle what was walking up the pathway. By now Asha was holding the rope to her new pet. The bull had his trunk slung over her shoulder as she had her head resting on it.

(Sultan Ram) “Jasmine, forgive me we ran into a little trouble at the bazaar.”

Jasmine recognized the elephant and started to laugh. Asha walked proudly past her adoptive mother with the elephant. She then stopped and waited for one of the guards to come back with some medicinal supplies so she could tend to his injuries.

(Jasmine) “She finally got her elephant. At the very least she will have him to ride home on. I think your father will be pleased.

Ram laughed whole heartedly, and nodded yes. His sister’s 18th birthday had already come and gone but the coming of age ceremony will be in a few days so he needed to get her ready to move home. Asha went and drew up a bucket of clean water and got some clean cloth so she could dress her elephant’s wounds. The head of her guard comes walking up to her with bundle of medicinal herbs. Asha soaks the herbs in the bucket of water and places a piece of cloth into it as well. Standing on stool after letting it soak up the herbal water she gently wipes the wound in the side of the bull’s head. The bull rumbles a little from the pain. She pats his trunk gently with her soft hands. She gets down from the stool and takes the remaining water over to the side of the house out of the way of the bull so he won’t spill it. Asha walked back to her bull and brought some food and water over for him. He gently picked up some of the fruit and started to eat.
Asha smiled and walked off to the small open air bath. After drawing a bath she starts to soak in the warm lotus scented water. The small 6 foot privacy wall that surrounded the bath from prying eyes could not keep the princess’s elephant form looking over at her. Asha giggled as her elephant placed his trunk over the wall reaching for her. She stood up from her bath and walked over to her elephant and patted he trunk. The bull gently started to caress her wet naked body, his trunk gently wrapped around one of her large supple breast. She gasped as he did this, feeling a shiver run up her spine. She kissed his trunk and patted it away from her breast and got back in her bath. The bull walked away and stood vigilantly by the opening to the bath. Asha finished soaking and dried off. After getting dressed she walked out of the bath house, soon greeted by her bull. The princess smiled as he rumbled happily and walked her back towards the house.

Her brother laughed as he saw the elephant following his sister up from the bath house. Jasmine was cooking dinner as Asha came walking into the house. The bull stopped and stood by the door, letting out a soft trumpet wanting her to come back to him. Ram petted the bull before he entered the small 2 room house. Asha walked into her room and leaned out the window so her elephant could see her. The elephant happily walked over to her window. She kissed his thick trunk and giggled a little.

(Princess Asha) “See I’m here, I won’t leave you.”

The bull rubbed his trunk on Asha’s chest again; this sent another shiver up her spine causing her nipples to become erect under her sari. She inhaled sharply and bit her bottom lip, having never felt this kind of attention from anyone she enjoyed it. She blushed a little as her bull slid his trunk down the front of her sari and started to fondle her breasts some more. Breaking her out of this state of bliss Asha heard Jasmine call her for dinner. She gently pulled his trunk out of her sari and kissed him once again and walked out of her room to go have dinner.

(Sultan Ram) “Jasmine, Ajay will be home from his tour of Haritaashm Patthar for Asha’s ceremony.”

(Princess Asha) “I have not seen him since I was a small child, or father.”

(Sultan Ram) “Father has missed you terribly. For what it is worth Asha mother has not.”

(Jasmine) “It will be good to see my son again; I know he has been busy with the Jala-rēta army.”

(Princess Asha) “Ami, why does my mother dislike me so?” (Ami being a term of endearment of

(Sultan Ram) “It is mostly because of father. He doted on you so much when you lived in the palace that mother became very jealous. I hate to say it dear sister but given the way you have grown into such a beautiful woman mother will most likely not have changed.”

(Jasmine) “My dear, I told your brother that you would grow up to be more beautiful than your
mother and it is true. It is getting late you should get some rest, we leave for home in the morning.”

Asha walked into her room and shut the door. Her elephant was back at the window waiting for her. She got undressed and ready for bed. Laying on her bed in front of her window, she let her bull fondle her with his trunk. She spread her legs for him, the tip of his trunk started to probe around her feminine folds. She looked at her bull and sighed. Soon standing up and then sitting on her windowsill, she kissed her elephant’s trunk before hopping down to the ground. As she started to stand up she noticed her elephant’s large phallus hanging out between his hind legs. She patted his trunk and walked down towards the bath house. The elephant followed behind her, his huge penis swung from side to side as he walked. Asha walked behind the bath house and waited for her bull. He came walking up to her still aroused. She giggled as she saw his bullhood still out, soon she undressed for him.

She gently caressed his penis with her soft hands; he did not seem to mind her advancement. Slowly Asha started to lick the thick head of her bull’s penis. Running her tongue up and down the thick pink and black pigment patched phallus. The bull stood still and rumbled happily. The princess started to suck gently on the orifice of his massive gland. He started to drip with excitement. His taste was a little strong to the princess but not unpleasant, to her it had a hint of sweetness. She continued to pleasure her elephantine lover, till he climaxed, shooting his seed all over her face. Wiping his seed from her cheek; she gently licked it off of her hand. Intoxicated by his love, she stood up weakly and walked around into the bath house and cleaned herself up. Upon exiting the bath house her bull picked her up gently in his trunk and carried her back up to the house. He helped her get back into her room via the window. She patted his trunk and kissed it lovingly before she lay down to get some rest. Suddenly the bull started to finger her folds with his trunk. Rubbing her roughly but lovingly around her clitoris, she gasped sharply as her mind started to go blank in bliss. Asha gently grabs his trunk and holds it against her folds; the tip of his trunks starts to penetrate her a little. The rough ridges on his trunk caress the lips of her labia as the finger like tips probe her gently. She gasps loudly as she feels herself starting to climax. The elephant lets out a low rumble. Asha quivers with excitement, as her bull starts to retract his trunk from her folds. She sits up and hugs onto his trunk and kisses it. She lies back down and falls asleep happily.
As the morning light creeps into the room from the window, it is soon shadowed by the large figure of an elephant standing in front of it. He reaches in from the window and gently caresses Asha’s thigh. She sirs a little and slowly opens her eyes. Smiling widely as she sees her beloved pet at her window, she sits up and pats his trunk. A knock comes from the door to her room.

(Sultan Ram) “Kālī, time to get up, we leave for home today. Get dressed and we will leave.”

Asha gets dressed and opens the door.

(Princess Asha) “Ami, could you help me put my hair in a braid please, my hair is too long for me to braid it myself.”

Jasmine comes in happily with a brush and a silk hair ribbon. She brushes out Asha’s knee length sable black hair, and braids it tightly. After Jasmine was finished, Asha walked out to meet her brother. The last of her belongings were packed up and placed on carts that were pulled by oxen. Asha looked around at her childhood home and with a deep sigh she walked over to her elephant. Some of the guards were having trouble with him standing still long enough to get the howdah on his back. Asha walked over to her elephant and patted his trunk getting him to calm down so the guards could work. After finally getting the carriage on his back, Asha and Jasmine got into the howdah and they headed for Jala-rēta.

During the day long trip home, Jasmine applied beautiful mehndi henna patterns to Asha’s body as they road onward. The pattern of a sun was on the palm of her dominate hand and a moon on the other. A breathtaking elephant holding lotus flowers was on her back along with beautiful patterns on her feet and arms. By nightfall they had reached Jala-rēta. The palace was lit by beautiful metal worked lanterns and torches. The Maharaja paced in front of the open doors to the great Ivory Palace as his royal guard stood vigilantly waiting for his beloved daughter’s return. Ram road ahead of the caravan to announce his sister arrival to his father, galloping quickly through the quite streets towards the palace.

(Sultan Ram) “Father, caravan will be here soon.”

The caravan made its way to the palace grounds, as the carts stopped a little ways from the front steps. Asha’s elephant stopped and knelt down right in front of the step for her. The Maharaja was elated to see his beautiful daughter and his beloved concubine. He was brought to tears as he held Asha in his arm for the first time in 14 years. Jasmine stood by her lover as he wept.
(Princess Asha: in tears) “Father… it has been so long.”

(The Maharaja) “Let me look at you, my beautiful daughter.”

He stepped back to look at Asha, and gaze in awe at beauty. He sighed happily as he hugged her once again. His family now whole again, he turned to Jasmine. He held her in his arms tightly.

(The Maharaja) “Jasmine you did well. Raising her must have been hard for you without the help of the servants. By the gods I will make this up to you.”

(Jasmine) “No need my love; she was very well behaved, for the most part.”

(The Maharaja) “Put the elephant in the stable with the others and we will get you all some dinner. Asha come with me I will see you to your new room personally.”

Asha smiled at her father, before kissing her elephant’s trunk. Walking into the great hall of the palace flooded the princess with memories. It was as if time had stood still since she had left. Upon leaving the great hall, she followed her father down a different hallway. One she did not remember, the floor was made of alabaster marble accented in gold filigree. Marble carved elephants marked the hallway pillars and held oil lamps from their trunks. At the end of the hall there were beautiful carved hardwood doors, again with the elephant motif. The door opened up into Asha’s room and the door to that was tucked out of view was her own private bathroom.

(The Maharaja) “My dear I had this new wing added for you. This room is yours and the large walled in garden as well. There will be no prying eye in this part of the palace or the garden. You may if you wish choose some servants and guards to watch over this hall and bath for you.”

Asha nodded as her father opened the door to her room. The floors and pillars were like the hallway, the same beautiful alabaster marble and elephant carvings. The ceiling in the room was vaulted, with crystal paned oculus at the top to let sun light in. In the center of the room was a fire brazier. The room itself was open air; the bed had a set of carved stairs leading up to it. Under the stairs there was a door that leads out into the garden.

(The Maharaja) “This room was built into the side of the mountain behind the palace. It is one of the cooler rooms. As I remember when you were little you hated the heat, also that you loved elephants. The bed his upraised about 8 feet from the garden floor, there is an open air balcony that is not far from the bed. It has a spectacular view of the garden.”

Asha walked up the stairs to her bed. It was a huge bed with carved elephant around the frame and silk drapes that could enclose her bed. Silk sheets lined the bed with large soft pillows resting upon it. She walked out onto the balcony and gazed out into the garden. She smiled happily and ran back and hugged her father.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you father this room is wonderful. I feel a bit spoiled though. May I bring my pet elephant into my garden?”

The Maharaja laughed loudly and kissed his daughter on the forehead.

(The Maharaja) “You are the crowned Princess of Jala-rēta, and my only daughter. Of course you may have that fine animal in your garden. There is plenty of food for him there. Mind you I would wish for you to not destroy the garden. There is much for you to see out there as well. Come let’s get you something to eat. I will have one of the servants move your pet to the garden in the morning.”

Asha followed her father back out to the great hall and to the grand dining room. The smell of wonderful curries and fresh naan filled the room. Bowls of fresh fruit and candied nuts were laid out as well. Her brother Ram sat at the end of the table waiting for her. She sat down next to her brother, and said a prayer to the goddess of prosperity before eating. Asha sat quietly as she ate, looking around at the dining room. Paintings of the royal family hung on its walls. The only painting of her was when she was 4 being held in her father’s arms.

(Sultan Ram) “A bit overwhelming isn’t it. You have not sat in this dining room for 14 years. Still father insisted that a place be set for you in your absents.”

(Princess Asha) “I know that he missed me terribly, I often dreamed of home when I lived outside of the palace. Then again knowing that it was our own mother that sent me away, I started to wish that I would not have to return.”

Her brother looked rather troubled by this comment. He finished his meal in silence and got up from the table. He kissed his sister on the forehead and excused himself from the room, leaving Asha alone at the table. A servant came in and started to clear the empty dishes from the marble topped table. Asha folded her napkin and got up from the table; she grabbed a few dates and a mango and headed to the front door of the palace. A royal guard stopped her at the door.

(Guard) “Your highness you really must go to bed, it is late and you have a full day tomorrow. That is what your father would want.”

The princess wrinkled her nose and started to open the door.
Princess Asha) “I will only be a few minutes; I want to give my pet a treat before I go to bed.”

The guard nodded and did not stop her from leaving. She walked out to where her elephant was being kept. The elephant stables were large open stalls enclosed by thick stone walls. All of them except Asha’s elephant were tied up for the night. Most likely due to his disobedient attitude, the stable master left him untied. She slowly walked up to her pet, gently patting him on the rump. He turned around in a huff thinking it was somebody else, seeing that it was his beautiful human caretaker, he started to caress her cheek with his trunk. Asha placed her soft henna covered hand on his trunk and pulled a date from a fold in her sari. He gingerly took it from her and ate it quietly.

(Princess Asha) “I know what I am going to call you. Rakshak, it means guardian. You are my guardian, my first love.”

The princess fed Rakshak the rest of the dates. He seemed to enjoy her company a lot. She walked over to one of the clean open stalls, luring him over to her with the fragrant mango. He followed her into the stall and took the mango from her. He chewed it slowly so he could savor it, a little of its juice dripped from his mouth. Asha could not help herself, she stood on the tips of her toes and lifted his broad trunk and kissed him on the mouth. Taking some of the mango nectar from his lip, she shuttered with excitement as her nipples started to become erect from arousal. Rakshak too felt a close bond with his human lover, his thick penis started to come out from its sheath. Asha bit her bottom lip as she saw her bull’s penis emerge in front of her. She soon knelt down and crawled between his front legs, taking his impressive penis in her soft hand. She gave the head of his thick member a few licks, before she lost herself to sucking him passionately. He rumbled lowly in his trunk as he felt his lover’s tongue all over the tip of his bullhood. He started to secret a little pre-ejaculate from his penis. Asha lapped it up lustfully as she rubbed the shaft of his penis softly. She could feel he was about to orgasm so she pulled away, quickly turning the head off to the side as he relived himself of his sexual desires. Asha cupped her hand over the head as he started to retract his penis back into his sheath. Taking the little bit of ejaculate in her hand; she licked it off of her palm and stood up. She smiled and patted his chest, before kissing his trunk lovingly. She started to walk out of the stables after she was done. Rakshak let out a low roar as she left in protest as the door closed and locked it.

Asha returned to the palace and went to her room to rest. As she lay in her bed, she dreamt of her elephant. Making love to him and living the rest of her life with him. All very pleasant and restful dreams, by morning a warm breeze came blowing into her room waking her gently. A knock came from her door.

(Servant) “Princess, your morning bath is drawn.”

Asha slowly walked to her door and out into the alabaster hallway. Seeing that no one would disturb her she walked into her bathroom. The cool marble floor felt nice against her feet as she walked towards her in-floor bath. Once again her father thought of her when it was built, four large elephant carvings cornered the bath. One of them held a flat disk with nice smelling soaps and hair oils. The bath water was scented with her favorite flower, lotuses. She soaked and washed herself for a good hour before getting out and drying off. She sat at the small vanity in front of the mirror brushing out her long hair.

(Jasmine) “Asha, may I come in?”

(Princess Asha) “Ami you may enter.”

Jasmine walked in with a clean change of clothing and some perfume. She smiled as she placed the silk clothing down on the chair next to the vanity. Taking the brush from her adoptive daughter she continued to brush out her long hair and started to pull it up in long braid for her rakodi that would crest the back of her head with a bouquet of white lotuses. At the end of the braid, Jasmine wove in a set of parandha adorned with naturally cultivated ivory, with carved elephants and accented in gold filigree. The sari that she brought in was a simple, but elegant white silk with gold threading. The bindi that Jasmine placed on Asha was a red jewel with a gold outline. Asha looked very regal in royal regalia.

(Jasmine) “All set my little lotus?”

Asha smiled and walked out of her bathroom dressed for the day. The faint scent of lotus and sandalwood oil followed the princess as she walked into the throne room. There sitting on the high throne was her father, next to him her mother and another woman. She bowed to her parents and took her seat to the left of her father. Her mother seemed displeased with her presents. Her father gave a long winded speech once the nobles and the gentry were in the grand throne room.

(The Maharaja) “Welcome, It has been 14 long years since our kingdom has had its princess in these halls. My daughter, the crowned princess of Jala-rēta, the jewel of Ivory Palace has returned to us. She is now of marrying age and will be taking suitor.”

Being coaxed by her father Asha stood up and the nobles cheered and looked on in awe at the princess. Seeing her 3 brothers standing in the front of the nobles smiling at her made Asha feel more at ease, soon the noble came up to greet their long absent princess. After what seemed like hours of greeting nobles and gentry Asha finally got to sit down and rest.

(Prince Ajay) “It has been a long time little sister. Here have some wine that will help calm your nerves.”

(Princess Asha) “Ajay, I am so glad to see you. I wished you could have come to see me, like Ram had. Ami tells me that you are head of the Jala-rēta army now.”

(Prince Ajay) “Yes that is true, given that I will never be able to take the throne I thought this would be the best way to serve my kingdom. A lot has changed since you left. For a long time Father was very ill, he would not be seen for days. He barely got out of bed, depression most likely. He fought with your mother a lot for the first 5 years you were gone. So then father took a 2nd wife. That was the woman sitting to the right of your mother in the throne room.”

(Princess Asha) “Poor father, I was wondering who that was.”

No sooner then Asha said that her step mother came in followed by a young man about Ajay’s age. Asha’s stepmother was a rather plush woman. Definitely the polar opposite of her mother, still she had a grace about her. She walked up to Asha with a smile.

(Jodha) “Asha, your father has told me a lot about you over the years. You are by far more beautiful than he says.”

A flash of crimson crested Asha’s cheeks as she blushed.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you, how should I address you?”

(Jodha) “Jodha is fine or stepmother is fine as well. Oh Asha my dear this is Iaan, your stepbrother.”

Iaan was tall almost as tall as Ram but a little bit more built then Ajay. He had an arrogant air about him, something Asha did not like about people. He stepped towards Asha with an out stretched hand. She gently took his hand and greeted him.

(Princess Asha) “Nice to meet you Iaan, if you will excuse me.”

Asha placed the wine goblet down on the table and rushed out of the dining room. Bumping into her eldest brother on her way to her room, she rushed through her doorway and locked it behind her. Ram seemed a bit puzzled by his little sister’s behavior so he walked down to her room.

(Sultan Ram) “Kālī are you alright? May I come in?”

Asha unlocked her door to let her brother in. She sat on the stairs leading up to her bed. Ram walked in and shut the door behind him.

(Sultan Ram) “Kālī what troubles you? Tell me.”

(Princess Asha) “Jodha’s son Iaan, I do not like him. There is something about him that sets my nerves off.”

Ram pulls her close and hugs her.

(Sultan Ram) “You needn’t worry about him. If he causes you any grief let father or Ajay know or find me if I am home visiting.”

Asha nodded and walked up to her balcony and looked out at her garden. She saw her elephant being lead in by the huge garden wall doors. She smiled as Rakshak wandered over to her. He stood on his hind legs and braced himself against the solid stone wall that was beneath the balcony, now being higher then eye level with his beloved princess, he caressed her with is trunk. Asha giggles as he tenderly continues to rub her with his trunk. Rakshak trumpets as he see Ram walk out on to the balcony.
(Sultan Ram) “Looks like he settled in nicely, have you named him yet?”
(Princess Asha) “Yes, I named him Rakshak.”

Ram was pleased with the name and smiled. He headed out of his little sister’s room. Asha petted Rakshak’s trunk and kissed it gently. The bull pulled his princess closer to him and lifted his trunk as she was close to his open mouth. Asha blushed and kissed him on the mouth. His large tongue caressed her lips as they kissed. She started to get butterflies in her stomach as she thought back to the dream she had the other night. Rakshak let Asha go and got back down on all fours and rumbled at her to follow him.

(Princess Asha) “Not right now love, I need to get back to the party.”

Asha walked out of her room and over to her bathroom to freshen up. Upon exiting her bathroom she bumps into Iaan. She looked up at him a little startled. She quickly moved past him, but he grabbed her by the arm.
(Prince Iaan) “What is your hurry Asha, you know father is looking for you.”

(Princess Asha) “Let go of me! You shouldn’t be in my private hallway anyway!”

Asha tore away from Iaan and ran down her hallway to the great hall. There were many nobles in the great hall, all greeting the Maharaja and the rest of the royal family. The princess headed over to her older brother Ajay and hid behind him. He turned around and looked at his little sister with concern.

(Prince Ajay) “Asha, what’s wrong?”

(Princess Asha) “Iaan was snooping around my bathroom.”

This infuriated the prince; he excused himself and went looking for his step-brother. She walks over too her father and latches on to his arm. He hugs her and continues to talk to one of the nobles. She sighs as she takes a glass of wine from one of the servants. Finally she starts to relax, then came a loud crash of glass and the clamoring of metal. Iaan was trying to crawl away from his step-brother Ajay with a cut across his cheek. Prince Ajay was not a man to be trifled with. Scimitar drawn, Ajay went to swing again at Iaan.

(Prince Ajay) “How dare you…That is my sister…You sick bastard… I will have your eyes for that.”

The Maharaja intervenes, holding his 2nd son at bay. Iaan gets to his feet and stumbles off into the great hall away from his crazed older step-brother. The nobles disperse as the Maharaja gets his son to calm down. Asha walks over to her brother and offers a glass of wine to him. He takes it and guzzles it down and sheaths his scimitar.

(Prince Ajay) “Mark my words father. I hear of Iaan spying on my sister, I will cut out his eyes.”

(The Maharaja) “What did Iaan do to cause you to draw blood my son?”

(Prince Ajay) “Asha told me he was snooping around her bathroom for her.”

(The Maharaja) “I had asked him to go get her. He was doing as I had asked of him. Perhaps Asha over reacted a little. Please try to keep your temper in check.”

Ajay nodded and stormed off, grabbing a bottle of wine as he left the hall. Servants cleaned up the mess of broken glass and the party continued on into the night. Asha went up to her father and pulled him aside.

(Princess Asha) “Father I am going to retire for the night. Thank you for the grand party.”

Asha kissed her father’s cheek and walked off to her room. Her eldest brother Ram stopped her before she went into her hallway, to speak to her.

(Sultan Ram) “Asha I am assigning my friend Ali to guard your hallway. That is if you do not object to it.”

(Princess Asha) “No dear brother, that is fine. I like Ali he has always been nice to me. I know you sent him to watch over me when I was younger. He spent the last 5 years protecting me.”

(Ali) “Highness I will continue to serve you for as long as you are in need of me.”

(Princess Asha) “Ali please keep Prince Iaan out of my hallway, I don’t want him anywhere near me. There is something I don’t trust about him.”

(Ali) “As you wish Princess, it will be done.”

Asha smiled as her personal guard followed her to her hall. He stood vigilant as she passed through the door to her hallway. She entered her room and lit one of her oil lamps, soon lighting her lamp out on her balcony. She started to get undress at her vanity, placing the lotus flowers in a small bowl of water as she took down her hair out of braid she had it in all day. She slipped into something more comfortable, a light flowing pair of harem pants and a simple silk sleeveless belly shirt, which for the most part barely covered her large breasts. Noticing in her mirror a very familiar trunk sniffing around her balcony banister, Asha walked over and looked over the edge at her beloved elephant. Knowing she was there Rakshak got on to his hind legs once again and started to caress his princess with his trunk. She walked back to her vanity and dabbed a little lotus oil on her neck and walk back to her eager lover. The bull wrapped his trunk around her and pulled her off of the balcony. She giggled as she was carried off into the night by her strong handsome elephant.

Rakshak walked with Asha in his trunk for a little ways, soon gently placing her down on to soft moss covered ground. Her bull had taken her deep into garden. Just past the large man made pool. The water in the pool was crystal clear as it was from the top of the mountain, crisp and clean drinkable water. Asha looks around and sees a large pavilion with what seems to be silk drapes. She walks towards the pavilion curiously. Upon entering she sees a small fainting couch, made of dark stained wood and soft silk. The floor was marble with an ivory hue and gold accents. She smiled as she felt Rakshak’s trunk wrap around her midriff. Her loving elephant walked into the pavilion and stood behind the princess, gently caressing her all over her young supple body. Asha could see her lover in the moonlit pavilion, as she walked over to the small couch. She laid down on it as she started to remove her clothing for her bull. Rakshak rumbles happily as his princess starts to spread her legs for him. His thick muscular trunk starts to rub her thighs and soon around her folds. She shutters with excitement as her lover starts to sensually caress her.

Asha starts to coxes Rakshak to stand over top of her by gently tugging on his trunk, getting him to move forward. Once she was under him she started to rub his sheath with her soft skinned feet, getting him to start protruding his warm foreskin out of its hiding place between his hind legs. He lets out a soft roar of excitement as he feels his lover rubbing his thickening length. Finally getting her lover’s penis all the way erect, Asha starts to rub his mast between her large breasts. She licks the throbbing tip of his penis as she continues to rub her breasts against his member. Rakshak starts to ooze a little ejaculate between her breasts, helping lubricate the path between them. He begins to bend his knees a little as he thrusts his penis. The head of his massive penis caresses Asha’s lips as it drips more ejaculate. The princess grabs the shaft of his penis with her right hand and starts to stroke it vigorously as her left hand presses her breast against the side of it. Rakshak starts to shiver all over his body as Asha licks the dripping head of his penis. She lustfully starts to suck on the tip, losing herself to her own animalistic desires. Wanting nothing more than to please her lover, she continues to lick and suck on his mast. Rakshak lets out a loud roar as he ejaculates a large amount of his seed all over Asha’s body. She lies under her lover covered in his seed in a state of bliss.

Rakshak starts to back away from his lover to check over her. Making sure he did not hurt her in the process of climaxing. He starts to sniff her between her legs. The scent of her wetness reinvigorates his erection. Asha lies still, breathing quietly as her lover starts to walk over top of her, his thick penis starting to rub against her soft folds. She gently starts to rub the head of his penis on her clitoris. She moans loudly as she feels his warmth against her. He flicks his mast out of her hands and tries to push it into her.

(Princess Asha: grabbing his penis) “No my love I am WAY too small for you, at least right now anyway.”

Asha holds his hard penis her soft hands, pressing it against her folds. Giving him just enough pressure to feel good as he start to thrust, and after a few glorious minutes of bliss he sprays more of his seed onto his lover. Ejaculating on her soft folds and onto her belly, her lover lets out a loud trumpet of ecstasy. The princess could feel some of his warm seed in her folds, even though he did not penetrate her, the sheer amount of pressure helped push some into her. Rakshak stepped forward; his penis gently caressed her body as he walked over top of her leaving a small trail of seed from her folds to up between her large breasts. Asha grabbed his penis and gently licked the tip, making her lover stop. She smiled and got out from under him, gently tugging on his member, directing him towards the pavilion opening. Asha let go of his penis once they were outside.
The princess walked over to pool and slipped into the cool water. Her nipples puckered from the cold, as she rinsed her elephant’s love off of her body. Rakshak stood at the edge of the pool and watched his lover clean herself. He rumbled happily and reached out to touch her. His trunk started to rub her chest, playfully caressing her hard nipples. She let out moan as she stood up to greet him. She kissed his trunk and tugged on it, getting him to enter the pool. Rakshak splashed into the pool, taking some water in his trunk and gently sprayed his lover with it. Asha giggled and swam off, her bull followed her. She pulled herself up onto the embankment of the pool and walked over to the higher end of it. She was now at Rakshak’s head level, sitting on the edge. Her bull meandered over to her and caressed her legs with his trunk. She started to spread legs for him, letting his trunk explore. The tip of his trunk entered her folds and she started to pleasure her, Asha lied back and enjoyed the blissful feeling.

He rumbled happily and started to pull on her leg so she would sit up. Asha look at her lover as he wrapped his trunk around her waist and pulled her back into the pool. She laughed and swam back to the other side. Her elephant chased after her playfully, finally stepping out of the pool and scooping her up in his tusks and trunk. She kissed his trunk as he placed her in front of pavilion. She picked up her hair tie off of the floor after wringing the water out of her hair. Asha pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and got dressed. When she left the pavilion, Rakshak was kneeling down for her. She mounted his back and he stood up and started to walk back towards her room. It was getting late and the princess yawned as he let her down to her door under her balcony. She sleepily kissed his trunk again and walked back into her room. Blowing out her oil lamps she started to walk to her bed. Hearing her bull letting out a soft roar she turns around to look at her balcony. He was standing on his hind legs again looking in at her. She smiled and walked over to him. He lifted his trunk and opened his mouth. Asha knew what he wanted; she stepped between his tusks and kissed him. Letting his large tongue caress her lips before she kissed his bottom lip, feeling satisfied Rakshak let his princess get some rest.

Asha drifts off to sleep, dreaming about Rakshak and how much she loves him. Morning came quickly; as the sun crept into her room from her balcony. She woke up and stretched and walked out on to her balcony. Seeing Rakshak eating some of the ripe figs off of the fig tree next to garden wall, she sighed contently as she watches her beloved from afar. He caught wind of his princess and walked over from the fig tree. He hopped up onto his hind legs and braced himself against the balcony under wall and waited for his lover to walk over to him. As Asha approached her bull he offered her a single fig from his trunk. She smiled and took it from him. As she ate the fig Rakshak walked off and grabbed a small branch of figs and placed it on her balcony. Asha laughed and patted his trunk as he stood up to see her. She continued to eat the figs her lover brought her. She plucked the last of the figs off of the branch and took them into her room, placing them on the small bedside table. Rakshak took the branch off the balcony and dropped it back in the wooded area of the garden. Asha walked down into her room proper and headed towards her door. Getting into her bathroom to do her morning routine, after soaking in her bath and cleaning herself more properly she got dressed for the day. Wearing a very stately royal red and gold silk sari, the princess walked down her hallway towards the great hall. The smell of breakfast came wafting from the dining room, wonderful smells of fresh cut fruit, dal paratha, sabudana khichdi and breakfast curry. Upon entering the dining room the rest of the royal family was just sitting down to eat, taking her place next to her brother Gajesh she sat and started to serve herself some of the food. Asha’s mother, Queen Aaryah scowled at her daughter as she ate.

(Princess Asha) “Is there a problem mother or do always look this upset first thing in the morning before you have your morning tea?”

(Queen Aaryah) “That is a bit rude, daughter you show hold your tongue before you speak to me like that.”

(Princess Asha) “I have a name, mother or have you forgotten it after all these years of jealousy!”

(Queen Aaryah) “I knew you should have not been raised by that whore!”


Before things got too heated the Maharaja intervened as Prince Ajay excused himself from the table in anger.

(The Maharaja) “Both of you stop speaking. Asha my beloved, please calm down and Aaryah she is right you of all people in this palace should be more respectful. I will not have you or anyone speaking ill of Jasmine in my presents.”

(Princess Asha) “Sorry father.”

The queen said nothing and went back to eating her meal. Asha’s two brothers looked very disturbed at the way their mother was acting since their little sister had returned. Soon the rest of the royal family left the dining room leaving the Maharaja and the princess.

(Princess Asha) “Father, why is my mother so jealous of me? For the most part of my life I live as a commoner. I know what the world is like beyond the palace walls.”

(The Maharaja) “Asha, I think it is because your mother and I have not seen eye to eye in many years. She said to me that I was spoiling you too much. Mind you, you are my only daughter and I thought it was best to show you what kind of life you should be accustomed to. But I believe it is also the fact that you have had more freedom then she has. Your grandfather was very strict with her. I am very laid back with you. Not to mention your beauty intimidates her. From the day you were born Asha, I knew you would beautiful and that whatever man you choose to marry will be the luckiest man on earth.”

(Princess Asha) “Father, you know in the years I lived in that village, I often heard people speak very fondly of you. Saying that you are a very fair and just ruler, you have never increased the taxes heavily on the people during the war and you have always provided protection to your people. Growing up I met a boy in the village, his parents named him after you in homage to you.”
Her father smiles and gets up from the table.

(The Maharaja) “What are your plans for today Asha?”

(Princess Asha) “If you will allow me, I would like to go into the bazaar to get a few things for myself.”

(The Maharaja) “Take Ali with you and I will send some servants with you.”

Asha walks back to her room and grabs a small bag of jewels.

(Princess Asha) “Ali I am going into the bazaar will you please escort me.”

Ali nodded and walked with her to the front doors of the palace. Heading out to the bazaar, Asha walked by some merchants that sold fruits and vegetables, stopping and buying some things for Rakshak. Beautiful and fragrant melons and jackfruit were sent back to the palace. She wondered the markets buying some clothing and a few bottles of perfume. A soothsayer came up to the princess to tell her, her future. She was haggard in appearance, old and wore a tattered sari. Her eyes were glassed over with a milky haze.

(Soothsayer Woman) “Ivory jewel beware of the false prince, he will be your undoing, but the Ivory knight will protect you. Ivory jewel watch for a tiger’s might, only with pure love’s light.”

Asha looked a little worried as the soothsayer walked away from her. Ali started to run after the soothsayer but she vanished into the crowded street. The princess shook her head and started to walk back to the palace. Upon entering the palace her step-brother watched her walk into the great hall form the grand staircase. He sneered as she disappeared into her private hallway. Asha gathered the basket of melons and jackfruit she bought and took them into her room. She placed her perfumes on her vanity and took the basket up to her balcony. She peered over the banister and did not see her elephant anywhere. Asha walked back down from her bedroom balcony to the small staircase that led out to her privet garden with the basket of fruit. She set the basket down and walked towards the path that leads to the pool. She could hear elephant lover splashing around, soon finding her way to the pool. Rakshak stopped thrashing his trunk in the water as he saw his princess walking towards him. The majestic bull stepped out of the pool, his thick penis hung low out of its sheath as he approached. Asha giggled as she walked closer to her wet elephant, she sighed as she gently caressed his penis with her hands. Rakshak stood still as he was getting gently fondled by his princess. She pulled the head of his penis up to her lips and kissed it gently before letting go of it.

(Princess Asha) “Come on lover, I have something for you.”

Asha started to walk back towards the palace, her elephant followed close behind. Once she was back by her door, she picked up one of the sweet melons and held it out for him. He gently took it and set it on the ground and crushed it partly with his foot, so he could eat it. She sat on the ground with her back against the balcony under wall watching her lover eat his treats she brought back for him. After he finished eating the melon, he started to caress Asha’s large breasts with his trunk.

(Princess Asha) “Later my love, I need to get back inside for now.”

She patted his trunk away from her chest and went back inside, feeling a bit hungry herself she walked up to her bedside table and grabbed some of the figs Rakshak brought her for breakfast. She sat on her bed as she ate the figs, soon seeing Rakshak’s head pop over the balcony banister. He trumpeted loudly at her, as she got up to greet him. He grabbed at the main fold on her silk sari, and pulled it open. Letting her bust burst out from its silk prison, he fondled her some with his trunk. She giggled at the attention from her lover, lifting his trunk and kissing his melon sweetened lip. Suddenly the sound of her bedroom door closing echoed in her room. Pulling her sari back around her chest, Asha ran down to her door only to find no one there. She shook her head and fixed her sari more properly and walked out of her room and down her hallway.

(Princess Asha) “Ali who came down my hallway a few minutes ago?”

(Ali) “Sorry your highness, I was not at my post a few minutes ago, I was seeing to something your mother need.”

Asha wrinkled her nose in annoyance and stomped off. Asha walked around the palace to clear her head some. As she walked past the palace library she was pulled inside. Slammed up against one of the bookshelves out of view from anyone passing by the library doors, Asha felt her breasts being groped as a hand was placed over her mouth.

(Prince Iaan) “I know what you do with that filthy animal, Asha. You waste your beauty on that beast. I am much more suited for you than him.”

Asha turned around and slapped her step-brother hard across the cheek. As she went to hit him again, Iaan grabbed her wrist.

(Princess Asha) “You are sick Iaan, I am your sister by marriage. My father and brothers will kill you if…..”

(Prince Iaan) “You would not like me to tell “Father” about what you have been doing with that elephant would you? He would most likely have him killed and you as well. You are a disgrace to this family.”

(Princess Asha) “Like you have any room to talk Iaan.”

(Prince Iaan) “I am not of blood, nor of this kingdom, there for I have the right to court you according to Jala-rēta law. I am royalty and you are of marrying age. Keeping power within this family would be for the best.”

(Princess Asha) “I will never marry you, I would rather be exiled or killed. Keep your hands off of me.”

(Prince Iaan) “You know Asha, your beauty is renowned throughout the 12 kingdoms, just think if they all found out about your taboo love affair, and your father would be ruined.”

Asha stopped speaking and slumped down to the library floor crying.

(Prince Iaan) “Just remember Asha. I know what you are; you will reject every suitor but me. You are mine.”

Iaan left the library and Asha frozen with fear.

Asha picked herself up off of the library floor, wiped the tears from her eyes and walked out. Clinching her teeth, she walked by Iaan saying nothing. Making her way back to her room, Asha locked her door and placed one of the small chairs in front of the door as well. She stripped out of her sari and walked up to her balcony. She sat on the banister as Rakshak came over and lifted his massive body up to her. The bull wrapped his trunk around her and started to pull her off the balcony, butt Asha stopped him.

(Princess Asha: pull away from him a little) “No love stay here.”

Rakshak looked a little puzzled, but did as he was told. His trunk caressed her chest as he still held onto her. Asha started to gently finger herself, her folds already wet from her lover’s embrace. After getting her wetness on her soft fingers she gently placed them in the elephant’s mouth. His large tongue started to lap at the princess’s fingers as he tasted nectar. He pulled her closers towards his gaping mouth, his tongue started to probe around for the source of her sweetness. Asha leaned back against Rakshak tusks and let him explore her honey well with his tongue. With each thrust of his tongue into her folds, it sent an electrifying feeling of ecstasy through the princess’s body. Soon causing an explosive orgasm as her folds tightened a little around the elephant’s invading tongue, spilling her love all over it. Rakshak finally pulled her off the balcony and down to the garden grounds. He himself was extremely aroused from his human mate. His phallus flicked hard against his broad belly, making an audible slapping sound as he laid his lover on the soft grass. Asha sighed as she breathed in heavily, hearing her elephant rumble happily as she sat up. Lustfully she crawled between his massive fore legs and started to rub his mast against her bosom. Licking the seed that dribbled down his shaft and onto her breasts, Asha breathed carnally as she started to suckle the ejaculate off of her nipples.

The princess soon stood up and started to walk away towards her pavilion drunk with desire for her elephant. Rakshak briskly followed her, after catching up to her; he placed his trunk over her shoulder as if she was a female elephant. She looked behind her with soft bedroom eyes as she entered the pavilion. He rumbled loudly as he watched her lay on the cool marble floor, her hands beckoning for him to come in. Rakshak walked into the pavilion and stood next to her. Asha rose up from the floor like a serpent and started to grind her body against Rakshak’s hind legs. Her soft hands caressing him all over before she patted his sizable rump, to her amazement Rakshak sat down. His huge penis touched the cool floor and flicked in arousal. Asha slunk into his lap and straddled his mast, hugging it. Fervidly licking and sucking on it as the lips of her folds caressed his shaft. Asha’s folds wet with passion slicked her lover’s engorged penis as she rubbed harder against him. Soon his seed flowed like a river from his penis. Asha was satisfied, her lover as well. She stood up weakly and fell onto her fainting couch, as Rakshak walked out of the pavilion for a little while. The princess drifted off to sleep for a little while, only to be awoken by her lover. He tenderly nuzzled her with his trunk as she sat up. He had brought her some fresh fruit form some of the trees.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you my beloved, I want you to be my lover forever. Regardless if I marry a man, you will be the only one that will slake my need for love.”

Rakshak rumbled happily and ate some of the fruit he brought her. Gently lifting a fig up to her mouth, Asha blushed as she ate the sweet morsel from her lover’s trunk. Asha loved the fact that she was being pampered by her bull. Being trunk fed fruit seemed very sensual to her. Rakshak would sneak a little fondling between feeding her figs. The sun was starting to set; Asha knew she needed to get back to her room. She got up and patted her elephant on the belly as she walked out to the pool. She stepped into the pool and cleaned off the dried seed her lover had left on her bosom. Gently rubbing her breasts she began to get aroused yet again, seeing her bull walking up towards the pool. Asha smiled as her lover joined her in the pool. He gently sprayed her with water from his trunk as she cleaned herself up. She hugged his trunk as Rakshak picked her up. The two lovers walked back to the palace as the sun dipped beyond the horizon.

(Princess Asha) “I will see you later my beloved.”

Asha walked back into her room and grabbed some clean clothes, soon heading off to her private bathroom. She soaked in a tub of lotus scented water for almost an hour. A servant comes knocking on her bathroom door.

(Servant) “Princess, dinner will be served soon.”

With a deep sigh Asha gets out of the bathing pool, dries off and dresses for dinner. The sound of her footsteps echoed in her hallway. She walked past Ali her guard, and opened the door to the dining room. There sitting in her spot next to her father was Iaan. He was talking to the Maharaja about something. He seemed a bit alarmed by what was being said but nodded as Asha sat down at the table. As the rest of the family filtered in for dinner, Asha sat quietly and ate. Feeling Iaan’s sickening gaze upon her she excused herself from the table, taking a piece of naan with her. She shook her head and walked off to the concubine wing of the palace to find Jasmine. This wing of the palace was very colorful in comparison to the rest of the palace. Beautiful silk tapestries of various thing form flowers to elephants hung from its walls. A colorful patterned Persian rug ran the length of the hall and each doorway was covered by beautiful beaded curtains. The smell of incents and perfume filled the air, along with the laughter of the concubines. Asha peered into one of the rooms where she could hear laughter.

(Princess Asha) “Excuse me, have any of you seen Jasmine?”

(Esha) “She is in the open bath, princess.”

Asha walks down the hall to the open bath.

(Princess Asha) “Ami can I talk to you?”

(Jasmine) “Of course my dear, what is on your mind?

(Princess Asha) “I know father has suitors come to court me soon and I fear that one of them is only out for his throne. He scares me and I don’t like him at all.”

(Jasmine) “It’s Iaan isn’t it?

(Princess Asha) “How did you know?”

(Jasmine) “Your father spoke of it in passing to me. By law he is allowed to court you, by morals not so much. What is it that worries you so my daughter?”

(Princess Asha) “He is very forward and has threatened me already. I will be honest with you Ami, you know my elephant, Rakshak. He is very dear to me, Iaan came into my room when I had just gotten out of a bath and Rakshak pulled open my sari. He is black mailing me, threating to tell father that I am lying with him.”

Asha knew she was lying to her, but to keep her secret she knew she had too. Jasmine looked worried, she stood up from the bathtub and got out and dried off. Dressing quickly, she held Asha closes to her, patting the back of her head gently as she did when she was a child.

(Jasmine) “I will not let Iaan have you. I will speak to your father about this matter.”

(Princess Asha) “Ami don’t, Iaan will know that I have spoken to someone about this. You have always been my confidante, my mother, someone I admire, so please don’t tell him.”

(Jasmine) “Then please be careful around him. I myself don’t like him ether. Jodha has spoiled him his whole life. Whatever he wants, he gets; riches, women, clothing. A downright brat if you ask me.”

Asha sat on the floor, her knees press against her chest; she bit her lip out of frustration. Jasmine tried to consul her, but she started to cry.

(Princess Asha) “I don’t want to marry anyone; I just want to live my life free of all of this. I don’t care about being royalty or riches; I just want my elephant and my freedom.”
Jasmine held her in her arms, trying to sooth her. Asha breaks from her adoptive mother’s embrace and runs down the hallway. Finding herself back at room Asha lays down in her bed. Falling asleep to the sounds of her lover rumbling and trumpeting out in her garden happily, dreaming about her elephant lover and all the time she wishes she could spend with him. Asha did not come out from her room for breakfast the next morning or for lunch. Her brother Gajesh was worried.

(Prince Gajesh) “Father, I have not seen Asha this morning. She was not at breakfast and she is not here for lunch.”

(The Maharaja) “She has had a long few days she is probably still sleeping; don’t worry too much about her. She is readjusting to life in the palace. Fourteen long years she has been away, my beautiful little flower.

(Prince Ajay) “I will go check on her.”

Prince Ajay walked from the dining room to her hallway, nodding to Ali as he passed her guard with a tray of food. He knocked on his sister’s door, soon opening it.

(Prince Ajay) “Asha, I have brought you something to eat, you missed breakfast and lunch.”
The princess said nothing as she was still lying in her bed. Ajay walked up to his sister bed and sat on the edge of it. Asha stirred and opened her eyes slowly. Blinking a few times before realizing her older brother was sitting on her bed. She pulled the covers over her scantily clad body and pushing her brother off of her bed with her foot. Ajay toppled off the bed and hit the marble floor with a thud.

(Princess Asha) “Ajay get out of my room!”

(Prince Ajay) “Sorry little sister, there is food on your table downstairs, please eat.”

The prince gets off the floor and heads towards the door to his sister’s room. Asha continues to lie in her bed the rest of the day. It is not till Rakshak comes to her balcony that she gets out of bed. She smiles as she sees her lover beckon to her with his trunk. Asha giggles and walks over to him, letting him caress her with his trunk. She shutters with excitement as his trunk plays with her breasts. She kisses his trunk before it starts to explore between her legs. Rakshak gently felt around for her folds as he pulled down the front of her harem pants and rubbed the lips of her vagina open. Slowly moving the tip of his trunk into his human lover’s wetness, Asha’s breathing staggered as she was playfully violated by his trunk.

(Princess Asha) “Lover, I want to rest a little more ok. I will pleasure you later.”

Asha pulled away from her elephant and got back into her bed. Rakshak roared in protest as she rolled over. A knock came from her door.

(Servant) “Princess, dinner will be served soon, please come to dinner. Your father would like to see you.”

Asha groaned and got up, and went into her bathroom to freshen up. Getting into some clean clothes she walked to the dining room. In the dining room sat just her father, no one else.

(The Maharaja) “Asha, please sit, eat something. What troubles you? Is it something I can fix?”

Asha sat next to her father, and started to serve herself some food. Looking at him with a soft expression she answered.

(Princess Asha) “No father there is nothing wrong; I am just readjusting to palace life. I do however wish Iaan would stop looking at me like I am some kind of prize, it frightens me a little.”

(The Maharaja) “As much as I don’t approve of his leering, I can’t go back on a centuries old edict. He does wish to court you. Much to your elder brothers disgust, but he does have the right too. He will be the last suitor what will come to call. That I will make sure of, until then I will make sure he gives you your space. As for him entering your room without your permission; that will be dealt with harshly.”

Asha smiled and excused herself from the table. Walking happily back to her room, knowing her father would take care of her step-brother. Over the next few weeks Asha finds herself falling into a routine; days spent with the family and learning more about the kingdom. Learning how to play the flute and honing her belly dancing from Jasmine. The early nights spent with Rakshak, giving into her carnal desires for her elephant lover. Iaan was kept away from her by her father and Ali was dismissed from his post by her room so he could be used elsewhere. Iaan was not pleased by this. Finally one night Iaan skulked around the palace looking for his step-sister. Asha had just finished her belly dancing lesson from Jasmine and was heading back to her room. By now it was late and most of the palace was dimly lit. Out of the shadows the lustful prince struck and snatched the princess from the hallway into the moonlit library.

(Prince Iaan) “There you are my little elephant whore.”

Iaan pushed Asha farther into the library. He started to pull open her sari and kiss down her neck. Asha stood still, frozen with tears running down her face. Feeling his step-sister shake with fear; only added to his arousal as he pushed her down on to her knees. His erection showing as he loosened his pants.

(Prince Iaan) “Be a good little elephant whore and suck.”

Iaan’s hands started to move down the back of her head as she snapped out of her fearful state. Asha grabbed a small unlit oil lamp from the table she was leaning against and clocked her stepbrother across the face with it. Iaan screamed in pain as he wiped the glass and oil from his face as he chased after the frightened princess. Asha ran into her room and down the steps out into her garden. Iaan grabbed her tearing open her sari and started to pull down the harem pants she was wearing. His fingers forcing their way inside, Asha screamed as loud as she could.

(Prince Iaan) “I told you that YOU are MINE….”

Rakshak came charging over to his distressed lover and swatted the prince away from Asha like a fly. He roared loudly and charged Iaan again, head down and tusked forward. Before Iaan could recover from the initial assault the enraged bull struck him with his tusks, slamming the prince into the trunk of a nearby mango tree. The elephant pinned the lifeless prince against the tree, until he let out his last breath. By now some of the royal guard and Asha’s older brother Ajay were by her side. Ajay tried to pick his frightened, violated sister up off the ground, she cried out in protest. Rakshak came charging over to her and grabbed her up. The guard stood in front of the prince as the elephant charged forward. The bull soon realized that Ajay was not a threat and placed his lover back onto the ground gently. Ajay rushed over to her, pulling off his shirt and wrapped it around her to help with the shock.

(Prince Ajay) “Shhh… Asha it’s me Ajay your brother, you’re safe.”

Asha looked up at her brother and started to cry uncontrollably. He picked his sister up and took her inside. Placing her on one of the couches in her main room, Ajay motioned to one of the guard.

(Prince Ajay) “Get my mother and have her tend to my sister.”

The guard left to fetch Jasmine. Ajay kissed his sister on the forehead and ran out of her room to get his father. He burst into his father’s chambers past his guard.

(The Maharaja) “What is the meaning of this?! Ajay!”

The infuriated prince grabbed up his stepmother and said nothing, dragging her out of the room. The Maharaja was enraged at his son’s behavior, as he heard his 2nd wife’s screams echo down the hall. Once Ajay returned to his sister’s room he threw the 2nd queen to hard marble floor.

(Prince Ajay) “LOOK at what your depraved son did to my SISTER!!”

Queen Jodha looked on in horror as she saw Jasmine consoling Asha. By now the Maharaja has stormed into the room with his guard.

(The Maharaja) “Guards take my son to… By the gods what happened to my…”
The Maharaja stopped speaking and rushed over to his frightened daughter. He looked to his son.

(Prince Ajay) “Iaan did this he was about to violate her. THIS is the kind of man you would have ALLOWED to court her?!”

Iaan’s body was being brought in from the garden. Jodha wept as her son was being carried out of the room. The Maharaja took his daughter in his arms, he himself started to cry a little.

(The Maharaja) “My little lotus, I should have removed him from the palace. Forgive me.”

Asha placed her head on her father’s shoulder and held on to him and continued to cry.

(Queen Jodha) “Jalal, I don’t know how I am going to make this up to you.”

(The Maharaja) “You don’t have to make anything up to me; it is Asha that you have to atone for.”

The Maharaja petted Asha’s head and kissed it. Getting up and started to walk towards the door.

(Princess Asha) “Father, I’m sorry I have caused you so much trouble. My beauty is my curse.”

(The Maharaja) “No my little lotus, it is not. That is what makes you special; you have been blessed by the Goddess Sri. Get some rest my beloved daughter.”

Asha smiled as her father and stepmother left her room. After Asha calmed down she got up from the couch and walked into her bathroom. Jasmine had one of the servants draw a warm bath for her. She stripped out of torn sari and stepped into bathing pool. She soaked for a good hour, soon letting the events from this evening circle the drain as she got out. She looked into her full length mirror, seeing a visible bruise forming on her left breast. Asha shook her head and walked out of her bathroom. Quickly scampering back over to her room since she was still nude, she locked the door to her room. Breathing in deeply as she walked down the steps to the door to the garden. Upon exiting her room she was quickly snatched up by a very affectionately concerned elephant. He walked off with her in his trunk. She smiled and placed her head against his strong trunk. Rakshak placed her down on the soft mossy ground outside their love pavilion, his bull hood started to protrude out from its foreskin.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak I’m sorry my love, I am just not in the mood tonight.”

Rakshak shook his head and started to caress her cheek gently. She kissed it and went into the pavilion. She lay on the couch and started to rest. Rakshak walked in behind her and stood protectively over her as she drifted off to sleep. By morning the princess had slept soundly through the night. Rakshak still standing over her, Asha opened her eyes to find a broad pinkish elephant belly over top of her. She lifted her head a little to kiss it. Her bull stepped forward a little, revealing his love swollen sheath. Asha looked at her lover’s sheath with desire and started to lick it. Rakshak started to rumble happily as he felt his lover’s soft tongue caress his thick foreskin. Asha continued to lick as his penis started to drop out of its sheath. She grabbed his mast with her soft hands and started to stroke his thickness, embracing it softly between her breasts; as she licked the shaft. Rakshak started to spray his seed all over Asha’s supple body as she continued to rub her breasts around his penis.

(Princess Asha) “Better my love?”

The bull being satisfied sidestepped away from Asha’s grasp and headed out of the pavilion. The princess wiped some of his ejaculate off of her belly and chest with her hand. Dreamily breathing in his scent as she consumed his seed; licking it sensually off of her finger, as she staggers out to the pool. Her lover cleaning himself up with water from his trunk, as she waded out to him; she splashed water over her large breasts. Smiling up at her elephant she patted his trunk before finishing rinsing off. Rakshak stood still as his lover finished, spraying her with a little water to help her along. He soon picked her up in his strong trunk and tusks and carried her back to the palace. Asha hopped out of his embrace and walked back into her room. She grabbed a clean set of clothes and headed to her bathroom. After a quick bath, Asha got dressed and walked to the dining room. Most of the family had already eaten by this hour.

Asha’s mother sat at the head of the table waiting for her to sit. Asha sat down at the table a few chairs away from her birth mother. Quietly eating her breakfast, her mother stared at her.

(Princess Asha) “What is it mother? What have I possibly done now to make you angry? Am I chewing my food like an elephant or making too much noise scraping my spoon across my plate?”

The Queen said nothing and continued to eat. Asha finished the rest of her breakfast in silence. She excused herself from the table and walked out of the dining room. Her stepmother Jodha stopped her in the grand hall.

(Queen Jodha) “Asha, will you accompany me to the market after Iaan funeral?”

(Princess Asha) “I will if you would like me too. I won’t be going to his funeral, I’m sorry.”

(Queen Jodha) “Would not expect you to my dear.”

(Princess Asha) “Later then, send for me after the funeral.”

Word about Prince Iaan’s death spread across the kingdom like wild fire. It tarnished Queen Jodha’s image a little, to think that such a thing would happen within the palace walls was unreal to many of the kingdom’s subjects. Unsurprising to the Maharaja the turn out for Iaan funeral was very bleak. Most of the known nobles and almost the entire population of the gentry were more concern for the princess’s well-being then the royal funeral. After the funeral Queen Jodha sent for Asha. Asha was in the palace library reading when a servant come looking for her.

(Servant) “You’re highness; Queen Jodha is looking for you.”

Asha place the Kama sutra back on the shelf and walked out to meet with her stepmother. Asha was dressed in very commoner looking clothing. The 2nd Queen look rather aggravated at the sight of her step daughter dressed in such less than regal clothing.

(Queen Jodha) “Asha will you please change into something more fitting of a royal.”

(Princess Asha) “Sorry I was just wearing something comfortable, I will go change.”
Asha walked back to her room to change into a nice white silk sari and pulled up her hair into a high ponytail with her favorite elephant hair pin. While sitting at her vanity as she put up her hair she saw her lover peeking over the balcony in the refection of the mirror. She giggled and walked over to him. Rakshak shook his head and started to caress her with is trunk.

(Princess Asha) “Not now my eager lover.”
Although Asha was starting to get turn on by him she playfully swatted his trunk away from her chest, soon lifting his trunk so she could kiss him on the mouth. She moved away from the balcony afterwards and headed out to meet her stepmother in the grand hall.

(Queen Jodha) “There is the Ivory Jewel that your father always speaks of.”

(Princess Asha) “So what do you need from the market?”

(Queen Jodha) “It is not something for me my dear. It is for you and your pet. I was thinking you should have one more to keep your elephant company.”
Asha smiled widely.

(Princess Asha) “Really! Oh thank you Jodha!”

Asha was very excited and started to almost skip out the front doors of the palace. Queen Jodha smiled as she followed behind her stepdaughter soon stopping to look at some jewelry. Asha made her way to the animal merchants; Asha was stopped by the strange soothsayer once again.

(The Soothsayer) “Ivory Jewel, this is for you and you alone. This salve will help you take your Ivory Knight, because Love is what you seek from him, He is your one true love and will always protect you.”

The soothsayer hands a small jar of white salve and winks at the princess and once again disappears in the marketplace. Asha opened the jar and gave it a sniff, there was no scent to it, and at least what she could tell. She shrugged and closed it and went on her way to the merchant that was selling elephants. Upon entering the merchant stall, Asha was greeted by 4 friendly trunks. This merchant had 4 females and one male for sale, the princess walked over to the bull and started to look him over. He was kind of small, at least in comparison to Rakshak. He was light in coloring. He did not seem that interested in Asha’s petting.

(The merchant) “Careful he is a little ill-tempered…. Miss…. You’re Highness.”

The merchant bowed lowly as Asha smiled. She left to look elsewhere, soon coming upon a very large merchant stall with many elephants. This merchant had many bulls for sale. All very large and seemed well mannered. The merchant saw the princess and walked up and gave a bow.

(The merchant) “Highness what can I help you with?”

Asha said nothing but walked over to a very handsome bull and started to pet his trunk.

(The merchant) “Ahh, that one is Hathi. He is a very rare one indeed.”

Hathi was a rare white elephant. His skin matched the color of his ivory tusks, with patches of dark pigment on his belly and trunk. Hathi started to sniff at the princess, his thick trunk caressing her cheek. Asha giggled as placed a soft hand on the trunk. The merchant smiled.

(The merchant) “He normally is not this affectionate. You really must have a charm about you you’re highness.”

(Princess Asha) “I love elephants, they comfort me. I like him, how much for him?”

(The merchant) “1,000 gold crowns given his rarity and length of his tusks.”

Asha looked around for her stepmother and rushed off.

(Princess Asha) “Jodha, I found one.”

The 2nd Queen and the princess came back over to the merchant. He bowed once again to the princess and the queen. Queen Jodha looked at the elephant.

(Queen Jodha) “He is magnificent! Asha, he is almost a mirror image of your other elephant.”

(Princess Asha) “He is a bit costly though. 1000 gold crown.”

(Queen Jodha) “Nonsense that is nothing for this fine animal.”

The queen pulls out a large diamond and hands it to the merchant.

(Queen Jodha) “That should be sufficient payment?”

(The merchant) “Yes majesty that is more than enough.”

(Queen Jodha) “Keep the remainder of money to keep the rest of the elephants here well taken care of. Should the palace need elephants for anything you will be the merchant we come to.”

One of the royal guards took Hathi by the rope and started to lead him back to the palace. Asha smiled as she walked home with her stepmother. They talked and got to know each other better.

Once Asha got Hathi home, she introduced him to Rakshak. The two bulls circled each other, sizing one another up trunks twisted up together. Asha soon noticed that Hathi really was the mirror opposite of Rakshak. Rakshak has a shorter left tusk and Hathi’s right one is shorter. The skin patterns are similar; where Rakshak’s are dark Hathi’s are light. She was very pleased with this. As the two bulls tussled and established an order Asha walked back inside to tell her stepmother. Once inside the palace she wondered the halls looking for her. Finally finding her in the living room with her birth-mother and younger brother, Queen Aaryah paid no attention to her.

(Princess Asha) “Jodha, they seem to be getting along well. You are right they are mirror opposites.”

(Queen Jodha) “That is wonderful my dear.”

Asha smiled and walked back to her room, passing her father on the way.

(The Maharaja) “Asha, you will have a suitor coming after the rainy season has passed, just a fair warning.”

(Princess Asha) “Very well father, forgive me for being a little reluctant about them.”

(The Maharaja) “That is completely understandable my dear. Take as long as you need, at the very least allow them to court you a little. Then make your choice of what man you wish to merry.”

Her father kissed her on the forehead and walked off towards the living room. Asha sighed as she entered her room, walking up to her balcony and looking out at her garden. Rakshak and Hathi were now grazing on some of the tall grass and fruit. Asha smiled and slipped into a comfortable pair of silk harem pants and a silk belly shirt. The small jar of salve rolled onto the cool marble floor as she took of her sari. She had forgotten about it, Asha smiled and opened. Placing a little bit of it on her finger she remembered what the soothsayer said; “It will help you take your Ivory Knight.” Asha placed a little more on her fingers and gently rubbed it on her soft feminine petals. She breathed in sharply as the salve started to warm a little. Asha soon found herself rubbing her clitoris and moaning loudly, causing her 2 bulls to come over to the balcony to see what was going on. She continued to rub herself vigorously in full view of her elephant lover and new pet. Asha bit her lip as she inserted 2 fingers into her folds, Rakshak trumpeted to get her attention. The princess stopped pleasuring herself and staggered over to the balcony. Rakshak grabbed her around the waist and pulled her out of her room. Hathi followed Rakshak as he walked hastily out to the pavilion. He placed his princess down on to the cool marble floor. Asha pulled her pants and top off and exposed herself to her lover, his trunk soon exploring her salve slicked folds. As Rakshak started to sniff at Asha’s folds, he became extremely aroused. His thick penis slapped against his belly forcefully, it began to drip seed with every belly slap. The princess grabbed her lover’s mast and started to suck on it lustfully, swallowing his seed as she fingered herself. Finally Hathi walked in and started to sniff at his new owner. Finding her scent irresistible he too started to get horny. Asha looked at her new elephant with just as much lust as she had for Rakshak. She stopped sucking on Rakshak’s penis and coaxed Hathi over to her. Rakshak stood still for her as Hathi stood parallel to him.

Asha breathed hard as her heart pounded like a drum. Shamelessly the princess grabs hold of her new pet’s penis and starts to lick it as she rubs Rakshak’s mast against her folds. Hathi shivers a little as he feels his new owner’s tongue against his bullhood. He sidesteps a little out of surprise. Asha pushes back on Rakshak’s erect penis, to her surprise the tip starts to slide into her folds with ease. She braces herself as it penetrates her deeper, soon breaking through her hymen; Asha whimper a little as the pain subsides. Rakshak pushes his mast in a little deeper as Asha moans out in pleasure. She starts to squeeze her vaginal muscles around his penis, desperately trying to milk his member for his love. Rakshak trumpets loudly as he starts to climax in his little human lover. Asha pulls away gently from Rakshak, his seed spilling all over the floor. Asha walks over to Hathi and starts to caress his penis with her soft hands. She starts to suck on his penis gently as Rakshak starts to fondle her large breasts. Hathi relaxed and started to enjoy her advancement. Asha licked the thick head of new lover’s penis, gently caressing the shaft. Hathi rumbled with pleasure as she continued. Rakshak moved his trunk down between Asha’s legs and started to rub her folds again. The princes started to suck wildly on Hathi’s penis causing him to ejaculate his seed. Asha slid to the floor, breathing heavily as her chest gently rested in a large puddle of warm elephant semen.

Rakshak continued to trunk Asha’s folds as she lay on the seed covered floor. She cried out in pleasure as she climaxed again. She looked over at Hathi as he was starting to retract his penis back inside his sheath. Asha got up and started to rub his penis again wanting more from him. Hathi rumbled a little in annoyance as he pulled his penis back up inside. He soon walked off leaving Rakshak and the princess alone in the pavilion. She smiled as she looked back at Rakshak.

(Princess Asha) “Well my love looks like it is just you and me.”

Asha giggled as her bull shook his head and started to flick his penis a little. She crawled between his legs and started to rub his mast between her ejaculate slicked breasts. She caressed the shaft with her tongue as her lover started to drip with excitement. She soon got back into position for her bull. Rakshak starts to flick his penis against her spread legs, probing around for her stretched folds once again. The princess gently grabs the head of his penis and guides it into her vaginal cavity. Feeling his lover’s warmth; Rakshak pushes in gently, only pushing in as far as Asha will let him. The princess’s belly budges a little as her lover thrusts into her a good 10 inches. She cries out in bliss and in a little pain. Asha feels extremely turned on as her lover continues. The two of them make love many times over the next few hours. Finally Rakshak is done; he pulls out of his princess for the last time that evening. Asha lies on the cool marble floor of the pavilion, covered in Rakshak’s seed. She stands up tiredly, her lover’s seed dripping from her chest and down her inner leg as she stumbles off to the pool. Rakshak walks slowly behind his princess, his thick sheath drips with a mixture of his seed and Asha’s virginal secretion. Asha rinses off and gently rubs her large breasts, her nipples erect from the love making she had had earlier. Her bull stepped into the pool’s shallows and drew up some water in his trunk and sprayed himself down. Asha sat and marveled at her lover as another trunk slither over her shoulder. She kissed the trunk before turning around to look at Hathi.

(Princess Asha) “There you are sweet bull. Come for more?”

Hathi softly touches Asha’s breast, gingerly lifting one of them with is rough skinned trunk. She smiled as her other elephantine lover caressed her. The princess stood up and walked out to Rakshak and started to splash water on his sheath. He turned his great head and playfully sprayed her with water. She laughed as she continued to splash him to get him clean. Hathi waded into the pool and started to play around, soon spraying both of them with water from his alabaster trunk. Asha laughed some more as she started to walk back to the edge of the pool. Rakshak followed his lover and Asha walked back into the pavilion to grab her clothes. She started to walk back towards the palace and Hathi walked up behind her and scooped her up with his trunk. Asha giggled as she saw Rakshak come running after Hathi and tried to take her out of his trunk. Hathi stopped and let Asha down out of his trunk. He turned to face Rakshak and started to push him off the side of the path in the wooded area of the garden. The 2 bulls playfully tussled as they walked Asha back to her door. Asha opened the door to her room and walked back inside. She sighed as she heard a knock come from her door.

(Servant) “Princess Dinner will be served soon.”

Asha walks to her door and opens it quietly and watches the servant walk down the hall. She scampers over to her bathroom to freshen up and gets dressed for dinner. Dinner was rather boring; the same old subjects were talked about. Her father talked about suitors coming to call and her birth-mother giving the same old speech about how she should dress. Her brother Ajay was reporting to his father about thing across the kingdom. Asha sighed and excused herself form the table and wondered down the halls to find Jasmine.

Jasmine was lying in her favorite window seat looking out at the bazaar. The sun was just starting to set and the people were closing up shop.

(Princess Asha) “Ami can I talk to you about something?”

(Jasmine) “Sure my dear what is it you wish to talk about?”

(Princess Asha) “Can we speak more privately?’

Jasmine nods and the two of them walk off to her room. Asha locks her bedroom door and walks up to her balcony. A familiar dark skinned trunk was sniffing between the bannister posts soon finding its way up and over to caress Asha’s belly as she sat. Jasmine smiled as she sat on her daughter’s bed.

(Princess Asha) “Ami you have always been more of a mother to me; I have always felt more like your daughter than my birthmother’s. So I have a secret to tell you. I have… um… been lying with Rakshak and Hathi. I love them and after what happened with Iaan. I don’t want to marry a man.”

Asha looked a little nervous as Jasmine sat quietly for a moment before speaking, a smile form across her lips.

(Jasmine) “Asha my beloved daughter, I do not have cared if you lay with your elephants. Truth be told your birth mother had a stallion she favored when she was your age. Before you were born, she and I were very close. It was when I became pregnant with your older brother Ajay that we drifted apart as friends. She saw me as competition for your father’s affection, thus starting her jealousy for any one more beautiful than her. From what I remember she said her stallion was as black as the night sky; a gentle soul that your grandfather destroyed. You are lucky you never knew the Sultan of Haritaashm Patthar. He was a cruel man; rumor has it he had your grandmother killed for having an affair with the stable master and a horse. So if you are having a loving relationship with your elephants, you are protected by a royal edict.”

(Princess Asha) “What was the edict Ami?”

(Jasmine) “This was laid out by your grandfather on your father’s side, that bestial love is not a crime for royals. Mind you I know your father would prefer that you marry a man then an animal.”

(Princess Asha) “Don’t tell father please. I will tell him myself when I am ready.”

(Jasmine) “I won’t tell him, your secret is safe with me.”

Rakshak stood up and placed his huge feet on the stone banister behind Asha. His trunk started to caress her large breasts in front of Jasmine. Asha playfully swats it away.

(Jasmine) “Seems your lover wants your attention my dear, I will take my leave.”

Asha blushed a little in embarrassment as her caretaker- mother walked out of her room. She turned around to her lover and lifted his trunk to kiss him. The princess passionately kissed him. Her tongue caressed his and she started to suck on the tip of his broad tongue.

Asha giggled as she pulled away from her kiss. Rakshak wasted no time, and continued to fondle her chest some more. She started to play hard to get by moving quickly to the other side of the balcony. Her bull hopped off the banister and moved over to the other side to try to continue to fondle her. Finally after a few more failed attempts she settled down and he snatched her off the balcony. Rakshak had become quite aroused by this little game they had been playing for the past 10 minutes. To him, he saw this as mating foreplay; making him exceedingly concupiscent as he set his breathtakingly beautiful mate down on the soft grass covered ground. He rumbled lowly as he mounted the balcony, placing his feet on the stone banister once again. His thick penis was at head level as Asha sat up, it dripped a little pre-ejaculate. Asha quickly stripped out of her clothing and started to lustfully stroke his mast. Zealously she started to rub his penis between her breasts, giving the head a few licks, as his pre-ejaculate slicked her cleavage. The princess started to suck on the tip of his thick gland. The head flared a little as she continued to titillate his penis with her tongue. She lapped up his seed as it gently started to flow out of the tip. For Asha had become accustom to its taste and now seemed to crave it. Just before Rakshak was about to climax Hathi wondered over and wrapped his trunk around Rakshak’s penis and gave it a curious tug. Hathi pulled Rakshak’s penis out from Asha’s mouth and hands letting him spray his seed off to the side of Asha’s head and on to the ground. Rakshak rumbled in frustration as he stopped feeling his lover’s mouth on his penis. He gets down off of the railing and slowly lowers his body down carefully so he doesn’t crush his princess. Asha stands up and kisses Rakshak’s trunk, giggling as she sees her 2 lovers tussle over her for her affection. Like watching a lunar eclipse, Asha gazed upon her 2 bulls circle each other and then clash tusks. Finally after almost an hour Rakshak was the victor of the challenge. Hathi sulked a little as he walked off; he knocked over a small tree in frustration.
Rakshak scooped up his naked prize and walked off with her, not out to the pavilion or the pool but to a small moon lit grove that was close to the northern wall. This was a new hidden place for the lovers to give into their carnal urges. There was a large smooth rock that was more than accommodating for Asha to lie on and for Rakshak to place his forelegs on so he could mate with her. Off in the distance the waterfall could be heard, making this place very tranquil. The surrounding area was over grown with vines and sweet scented fruit trees thus making this a very private place. Asha climbed up onto the rock and lied down with her legs spread for her lover. Rakshak gently started to sniff at her well stretched folds with his trunk, gently caressing her inner thigh with the rough tip of his trunk. The princess let out a sigh of contentment as her lover played with her soft petals. Soon Rakshak knelt down so his head was level to Asha’s spread legs. He gently pulled her towards his open mouth across the smooth rock. His thick tongue probed at the princess’s soft folds, finding its way inside. Asha moaned as she grabbed onto her lover’s tusks. Rakshak started to fondle her supple breasts with his trunk as he continued to orally pleasure to his mate. Asha started to scream out in rapture as her honey flowed onto Rakshak’s assaulting tongue. Her breath quivered as she continued to orgasm over and over as her elephantine lover continued licking for her sweetness.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak…. My love….sss..stop…I’m done…”

Asha gently pulled away from her mate’s embrace and slid off the rock onto the soft earth. Sitting on the ground in between Rakshak’s front legs she sees his thick sheath with just a little bit of his foreskin protruding out. She sighs and crawls towards it. Rakshak stands still as his lover moves beneath his girth. She gently starts to massage his dark skinned sheath till more of his foreskin folds drop out into view. She smiles as she gently starts to lick around his foreskin. As her tongue massaged around his thick folds as his penis started to become erect, sliding out to its full length, the head softly touching the ground. The princess giggled as she started to play with her bull’s penis. He gently rumbled as he dismounted the rock and placed his forefeet on the ground. After a little while Rakshak wanted some relief. He picked up Asha and placed her on the rock. She did not fight her lover’s advancement, but submitted to it. All though a little tired she spread her legs for him and waited for him to mount the rock.

Rakshak mounts the rock, carefully placing his feet on each side of Asha so he would not hurt her. His penis flicked up and down as he stepped forward a little trying to find Asha’s soft folds. She grabs the head of his penis gently and helps him find his way in. The princess arches her back a little to take a little more of him. Soon taking a full 10 and a half inches of her lover’s mast she starts to undulate against his belly. Making his penis flick inside her wet folds, she gasps heavily as she pleasures her bull. It doesn’t take Rakshak long to climax, given he was very much aroused from all of the foreplay. Asha squeezes hard on her lover’s erection, making her climax as he give one last loving thrust of his hips, as the head of his penis pokes Asha’s cervix. She screams out in ecstasy as her honey flows out of her, lubricating Rakshak’s penis as it slides out with ease. Both Asha’s honey and Rakshak’s seed flows and drips off the side of the smooth rock. Asha lay quietly against the rock as her lover dismounted, in her dazed state; he gently picked her up and walked her out to the pavilion.

He placed her on the small fainting couch and stood vigilantly outside. It was nearly dawn by the time Asha awoke to the groping of Hathi’s trunk. She slowly opened her eyes as she felt her nipples becoming erect. Hathi sniffed and rubbed Asha’s chest as he moved over closer to her. His thick sheath in full view of his princess, as Asha sat up; her alabaster elephant started to probe around her stretched folds. The tip of his trunk began to rub against her clitoris gently. She let out a sharp gasp as she started to become wet with excitement. Asha stood up and crouched down between Hathi’s legs and gently caressed his thick penis. Soon licking the head and down the shaft. The princess continued to tease and pleasure her alabaster elephant. Hathi rumbled happily as he was being serviced by his beautiful human caretaker. His thick mast flicked against his belly after a little while. Asha grabbed it and held onto it as best she could, rubbing the massive shaft between her soft breasts, letting her bull drip his seed all over them. She lustfully licked his ejaculate off of her bosom and across her nipples, making her even more aroused. Finally Asha could not help herself, she needed him. The princess got on her hands and knees and guided his penis into her folds. Hathi became very excited and thrusts deep into her. Asha lets out a loud moan, her sweet voice echoed in the sparsely furnished pavilion. Rakshak poked his head into the pavilion to see if his princess was ok. Seeing Hathi mating with her, he turned and walked off. Hathi continued to pleasure her for a little while longer. Just as he was about to climax his penis pulled out of her folds and he ejaculated. His warm seed sprayed all over her back and on his broad belly.

(Princess Asha) “We need to work on your aim, Hathi.”

Asha giggled and sauntered out of the pavilion. Hathi’s seed ran warmly down her back as she walked out to the pool to clean off. Her alabaster elephant followed her and started to clean himself. Rakshak waded over to Asha and sniffed at her ejaculate covered back. He splashed in disapproval, and drew up some water in his trunk and sprayed her back with it. By now the sun was peeking over the tops of the trees. Asha yawned and hugged Rakshak’s trunk gently as he started to pick her up. He walked her back to her door. Asha picked up her clothes that she had left there the night before and headed inside to take a proper bath.

The princess drew up her own bath and got in. Scrubbing herself down with the back scrubber and her favorite lotus scented soap. She took the time to wash her waist length long hair. Making sure she got all of the elephant seed out of it. She giggled at the thought of her getting more elephants. Pleasuring the two she had was a lot of fun, but a third one would just be wonderful. She soon dried off and walked back to her room wrapped in a towel. She sat naked in front of her vanity, brushing out her hair. In the mirror she saw Rakshak’s trunk sniffing around the banister. Asha pulled her hair up in a long ponytail and walked on to her balcony. She was soon met by Rakshak. He rumbled happily as his trunk sniffed at her lotus scented body. She kissed his strong trunk and walked down to her closet to get dressed.

Asha got dressed, slipping into a clean pair of royal blue silk harem pants and a matching silk belly shirt with gold elephants needle worked into the silk. She put on a dark pair of sandals and walked to the kitchen. The smell of the morning’s breakfast filled the palace. Asha snitched a large piece of breakfast naan and walked out to the great hall to find Ali. He was not at his post by the front door, so she walked back into her room to grab a few things. By the time she returned Ali was standing guard at the front door, spear in hand. Asha walked up to Ali.

(Princess Asha) “Morning Ali, will you accompany me to the market? I need to get something before it starts to rain for the season.”

(Ali) “Morning your highness, Let me speak to your father first then we will go.”

Ali walked off to find the Maharaja; she paced around the great hall as she waited for him to return as she ate her breakfast. Ali returned with one of the other guards. He took Ali’s post at the front door of the palace.

(Ali) “Shall we your highness?”

Asha smiled and walked out the front door. The air was a bit humid, since the rainy season was on its way that was to be expected. Ali followed behind the princess as the crowd parted as she walked. Asha made her way through the market, stopping at a few stands here and there. Purchasing some large amounts of fruits and vegetables for her elephant lovers, she also stopped at a candied nut stall to buys some honeyed cinnamon cashews for herself and Jasmine. As she made her way to the animal stalls Ali spoke up.

(Ali) “Your Highness, are you going to buy another elephant today?”

(Princess Asha) “No, I am buying a horse for my mother.”

Asha walks up to one of the stalls that have some horses for sale. The merchant bows and lets the princess examine the great horses. One catches her eye; he was a magnificent jet black stallion at least 15 hands high. He nuzzled the princess as she came near.

(Merchant) “Your highness, that one is very sweet, very well mannered. He is broken in so he is ready to be ridden.”

(Princess Asha) “I will buy him.”

Asha pays the merchant and takes the stallion home. Ali was impressed at her skill with riding as they got to the palace. She called the stable master over to take the new horse.

(Princess Asha) “Make sure his is groomed and fed please.”

The stable master said nothing but nodded in compliance. Asha rushed inside to find her birth-mother. She wondered the halls for a little while till she found the queen sitting in one of the drawing rooms.

(Princess Asha) “Mother, I have a gift for you. Will you please come with me?”

(Queen Aaryah) “Very well, Asha where are you taking me?”

(Princess Asha) “Some place you will like. Close your eyes I will lead you there.”

Queen Aaryah seeming a little annoyed and does as she is told. Soon finding herself out in the royal stables in front of the jet stallion, she stood still.

(Princess Asha) “Go ahead and open your eyes mother.”

Queen Aaryah opened her eyes to see the stallion in front of her. It was like seeing a ghost from her past. She staggered back a little ways before she started to weep with joy.

(Queen Aaryah) “Asha…. I… How did you know… I…”

The princess stood next to her mother with a smile that went from ear to ear.

(Princess Asha) “Ami told me you had a jet black stallion you were fond of growing up.”

The queen hugged her daughter for the first time since she returned home.

(Princess Asha) “Mother I know about your fondness for your stallion. I don’t judge because I love my elephants that same way.”

(Queen Aaryah) “I guess that is something you get from me. Asha I am so sorry for the way I have acted. You have grown up into a fine young woman.”

(Princess Asha) “I get my beauty from you mother.”

The queen smiled and started to pet her new stallion.

(Princess Asha) “Mother have fun with him.”

Asha left her mother in the stables with her new horse. Walking past the stable master she spoke.

(Princess Asha) “You may want to give my mother some privacy.”

The stable master said nothing and nodded. Asha snuck back out to the market by herself. She wondered back out to the animal merchants. Soon finding her way back to the elephant merchant that her step-mother bought Hathi from, the elephants perked up as she walked in to the holding area. The merchant walked out to greet her and bowed.

(Merchant) “Your highness, come to look for one more elephant?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes.”

Asha walked around looking at the elephants, a few of them reached out for her. She smiled as she petted a few of them. She came across a large bull tucked away in the back part of the holding area. He was every bit as regel as her other 2. His tusks were capped with silver balls, and he had a riding mat cresting his back. Asha walked up to him, gently petting his trunk. He kneeled down for her as he pulled her close with his trunk. The merchant laughed as he saw the bull do that.

(Merchant) “Highness that is Mahaan, he is a very selective elephant. He has been returned to me 7 times because of his misbehavior. That is why his tusks have been cut and capped. The last noble he served, he threw off of his back. He is very gentle otherwise and he seems to like you.”

Asha looked him over after she stepped away from his trunk. Mahaan was dark grey in color with a large almost orange in colored pigment patch that ran the length of his trunk. His belly had the same pigment marking as his trunk. Asha wondered about his bullhood, seeing that his sheath was patched with the light coloration as he stood back up. She turned to the merchant.

(Princess Asha) “How much?”

(Merchant) “For you your highness, he is free. Your mother gave me enough money to pay for the whole lot of elephants here.”

Asha smiled as she petted Mahaan’s trunk. He knelt down for her once again so she could mount his back. As the princess got on the elephant’s back the merchant handed her an ankus to help control him, Asha did not like these instruments. Bull hooks were barbaric in the princess’s eyes. She gingerly used the ankus to help guide him to the garden gate. The palace guards that stood watch laughed as they saw their princess with yet another elephant. Fortunately for Asha, her garden spans for miles. The guards open the gate for her and lock it behind her. The princess let her new elephant explore the garden with her on his back. Soon getting close to the palace she tapped him on the shoulder with the ankus so he would kneel down for her. He did as he was commanded, so Asha could get off his back. Hathi ran up to Mahaan and twirled his trunk around his in greeting as Rakshak walked slowly behind him. Asha smiled seeing the elephants interacting with each other. She walked to her door and headed inside for now. The large baskets of fruit and vegetables were sitting in main area of her room along with the other things she had purchased from the market. Taking some of the candied cashews Asha walked out of her room to find Jasmine. Wondering down the concubine hallway she found Jasmine having tea with her father.

(Princess Asha) “Father sorry to interrupt, I have something Ami.”

(The Maharaja) “You are not interrupting at all my dear please come and sit.”

Asha sat down with her father and Jasmine; her father poured her a cup of strong Darjeeling tea. She placed the small bag of candied cashews on the table for Jasmine.

(Princess Asha) “I know you like these Ami, so I picked some up for you while I was out at the market.”

Her father smiled as he snitched a few of the cashews. It brought him great joy to see his daughter smile since the incident with his step-son. Jasmine smiled appreciatively as she ate a few of her favorite candied nuts. Asha was content as she finished her cup of tea. Talking with her father and caretaker-mother set her mind at ease about her life in the palace. Her father did not speak of the suitors that would be coming in the following months, but more about how the kingdom was fairing after the war and the close ties they had with the other kingdoms. The Maharaja spoke of a rumor of a black tiger prowling around the outskirts of the kingdom.

(The Maharaja) “It is said that Tabaahee the hunter is wondering the boarders of the kingdom. He is a man eater and not a tiger to be trifold with. They say he is possessed by twisted soul of one of the nobles from Haritaashm Patthar.”

(Princess Asha) “Father isn’t mother from Haritaashm Patthar? You don’t think it could be grandfather’s wicked soul do you?”

(The Maharaja) “Maybe, my dear; he was a vile man. I never liked him much. He was cruel to your mother. It was a fortunate turn of events when he died suddenly. Some say that he was killed by a royal assassin, other say he was poisoned by his own concubines. Either way the world is better without him.”

Asha hugged her father and left the sitting room. As she wondered back to her room she was stopped by her mother.

(Queen Aaryah) “Asha thank you again for the beautiful gift. He is perfect and loving.”

(Princess Asha) “I am glad you like him mother, may he bring you a lot of enjoyment.”

Asha continued to walk back to her room. Thoughts of her new elephant flooded her lustful mind. Before entering her hallway Ali stopped her.

(Ali) “Princess, some of the servants are going to be coming by to put up a rain curtain on your balcony and to move your bed farther into your room for the rainy season.”

Asha nodded and continued down her hallway. She walked over to the baskets of fruit and vegetables and started to slowly move them down to her garden door. A few of the servants came into hang the rain curtain and stopped to help Asha move the baskets down and out to the garden for her elephants. After the servants left Asha walked outside to sit with her elephants, Rakshak was the first one to come up to her. He gently caressed her cheek with his trunk and then snatched up one of the melons from the basket that sat next to her. Hathi and Mahaan made their way up to Asha and the big baskets of fruit and vegetables. Hathi walked past the princess and started to eat. She smiled as Mahaan came up to her.

(Princess Asha) “Go ahead Mahaan, eat up.”

She patted Mahaan on the trunk and walked back inside to get something. Asha ran up to her vanity and took out the small jar of salve. Placing a little bit of it on her finger she walked back out to her new elephant. Mahaan was finishing off a jackfruit as she walked up to him. She gently took his thick trunk in her hands and let the salve do its magic. Mahaan started to sniff her finger; soon Asha slipped her hand into her pants and started to rub the salve covered finger on her folds. Her new elephant continued to sniff around for the scent he just caught wind of. He started to tug on Asha’s pants as she took her hand out of them. The princess smiled as slipped out of her silk pants, exposing herself to him. She giggled as his trunk started to caress her thigh as she started to spread her legs for him. Asha watched as Mahaan started to get aroused. She pulled off her top and grabbed his trunk gently and held it against her chest. He continued to sniff as Rakshak walked over to him and rubbed his trunk on his face to reassure him that she means well. Asha drops to her knees and looks between Mahaan’s legs. She smiles widely as her thoughts of his bull hood were right. The base of his penis had the same discoloration as his body tapering off to a light gray with splotches of pink, the head was completely pink. She crawled between his front legs and caressed his penis with her hands. Gently lifting the thick penis up to her lips, the princess kissed the pink flared head. Mahaan stepped back and away from this new feeling and quickly started to retract his penis back up inside. Asha was really turned on by this point and walked back over to Mahaan’s side and started to rub his sheath. Hathi and Rakshak both were “talking” to Mahaan with their trunks and low rumbles. Upon closer inspection Asha noticed a few small scars on Mahaan’s sheath, most likely from an ankus. She continued to gently rub him till his thick foreskin started to drop out. The scar continued to run a little farther down from the sheath. This displeased Asha greatly. The bulls stopped rumbling and Mahaan started to relax, as Asha continued. She coaxed his penis back out and started to lick the head once again. Rakshak walks forward a little and gently wraps his trunk around Mahaan’s penis and lifts it gently, holding it for Asha to suck on. The princess started to suck on her new bull’s penis passionately; Mahaan rumbles a little, as Hathi starts to bump into him. Asha starts to lose herself as she continues, Rakshak lets go of Mahaan’s penis and starts to fondle Asha’s breasts. The princess crawls under her new bull and begins to rub his mast against her soft folds. Gingerly guiding it into her; Asha lets out a loud moan, as Mahaan starts to pleasure her. He starts to thrust a little, as Asha squeezes on him. Rakshak and Hathi both are standing next to Mahaan; one on each side, both wanting attention from their princess. Asha held Mahaan’s penis within her folds and gently reached for both of her other bulls penises. She starts to pull both of them closer to her so she can suck on them. Rakshak was starting to drip with excitement. Asha moved her body in such a way that she was rhythmically taking Mahaan’s penis deeper into her small frame as she licked and sucked on the other two bulls. Mahaan bellows as he ejaculates his seed into Asha’s womb. She gently lets go of Hathi’s penis and continues to suck on Rakshak’s. Mahaan nudges Hathi to move, so he could move out of the way for him. Soon Hathi is standing over top of his princess. She licks Rakshak’s massive gland for a little bit longer before taking Hathi. Asha grabs Hathi’s penis and slides it into her. Taking much pleasure in mating with her alabaster elephant, she playfully nibbles on the head of Rakshak’s penis making him climax. His seed sprays all over her large breast and down her face and neck. Asha wipes her face with one of her hands, breathing in her bull’s strong scent. She consumes his seed lustfully as Hathi climaxes.

(Princess Asha) “You boy have made a mess of me.”

Asha giggles as Hathi pulls out of her, his seed running down her legs. Rakshak picks up his love covered princess and takes her off to the pool. She rests in his trunk and tusks, as he slowly carries her away from the palace. Playfully Rakshak drops her unceremoniously into the pool. Asha hits the chest deep water with a plunk. She laughs loudly as she stands up and wades over to a shallower part of the pool. Rakshak follows as the other two bulls approach the pool. Asha turns around and gently hugs Rakshak’s trunk, pressing her forehead against it.

(Princess Asha) “I love you Rakshak, you will always be my one true love.”

Rakshak rumbles happily, as he starts to fondle Asha between her legs with his trunk. She giggles and playfully swats at his trunk. He sprays her with water and continues to rub her folds. The cold water and the attention she was getting from Rakshak’s trunk made her nipples erect. She bit her bottom lip as his trunk enters her well stretched vagina. Feeling the rough ridges of his trunk rub against her clitoris as his trunk probed around, made Asha quiver and weak in the knees. As Rakshak pulled his trunk out of her, the princess fell back into the shallows. Only to be picked up by Mahaan’s trunk. She turned around and kissed him as Hathi started to fondle her.

(Princess Asha) “You boys are insatiable.”

Asha playfully swats Hathi’s trunk away as well as she giggles. Mahaan helps her up and sidesteps into Hathi to push him away. Rakshak rumbles and picks the princess up; both of the other bulls know better than to challenge him. Asha smiles as her first love takes her back home. The sky starts to get dark as rain clouds form overhead. Just as Rakshak drops her off by her door it starts to rain. Asha kisses her bull on the trunk and walks into the palace after picking up her wet clothes. The princess places her wet clothing in a wicker basket for the servants to come clean and she walks off to her bathroom. The sound of rain hitting the open air hallway is rather soothing. Asha slips into her bath to clean up. The scent of her lovers gets washed away in the warm bath water as she soaks. The rain continues to fall as she finishes up her bath. After drying off she returns to her room for a fresh change of clothes. Thunder rumbles loudly as she starts to get dressed. Asha starts to get an uneasy feeling in her gut as the wind picks up, blowing out the oil lamps in her room. The sound of the storm and her elephants trumpeting out in the garden, sends a shiver up her spine, as a flash of lighting illuminates her room. As Asha turns to look up at her balcony, there is a pair of ghostly yellow eyes staring down at her. Obsidian black fangs glistening in the storm light as the figure moves towards the princess like black ink in water.

(Tabaahee) “Aaa..Ssshh..Aaa”

Asha froze in terror as the obsidian tiger spoke. Lighting flashed again and the tiger was gone. Without thinking the princess bolted to her door. She opened it and ran as fast as she could down her rain slicked hallway. She slipped on the cold alabaster floor as she got to the grand hall.

(Princess Asha) “ALI!!!! FATHER!!!! HE’S HERE!!!

Ail came running sword drawn as he scooped up the frightened princess off the floor. More of the palace guards came running to aid their king’s daughter. The Maharaja came running along with Prince Ajay.

(Ail) “Princess, who is here?”

(Princess Asha) “Tabaahee the Hunter, I saw him in my room.”

(The Maharaja) “Secure the palace and hunt that tiger down!”

The royal guards enter Asha’s room, meanwhile Asha wondered off to Ram’s old room. There are 2 guards in the room with her and 2 outside the door. Asha slept soundly in her brother’s old room. By morning the palace was completely searched and there was no trace of the ink black tiger. This came as relief to the royal family. The rain continued to fall. Asha returned to her room and sat at her vanity on the upper floor. Seeing only Rakshak waiting by her balcony, she walked over to the rain curtain and moved it aside to get out onto her balcony. Rakshak rumbled happily as she came out to greet him. The rain continued to fall as Asha gently lifted her lover’s trunk to kiss him. He gently opened his mouth so he could receive her kiss. His thick tongue gently starts to caress her small mouth. She lets out a sigh as their tongues caress each other. After a very long sensual kiss, Asha is soaked from the warm rain. She steps over Rakshak’s tusks and kisses his trunk and walks back inside. Satisfied from his mate’s affection he meanders off back into the wooded area of the garden to feed.

Asha returns to her room and strips out of her wet clothing and dries off. Spending most of the day in her own bed resting. Sometime later she changes into some dry clothes and walks to her adoptive mother’s hall for her dance lesson. After her dance lesson Asha sits with Jasmine for some wine and sweets.

(Jasmine) “Your father said that your mother loves the horse that you bought her.”

(Princess Asha) “Yes she does, thanks to what you told me.”

(Jasmine) “How are your elephants getting along?”

(Princess Asha) “They are fine. I know Rakshak is the only one of the 3 that has braved the rain to come see me since the season started.”

The two of them laughed and talked for a good few hours before turning in for the night. Asha sleepily finds her way back to her room. She yawns and crawls into bed, soon finding herself cuddled up to a large hand stitched cloth elephant that her father had left her. She started to drift off, having a wonderful dream about Rakshak. Asha dreamt of her elephantine lover mating with her in what seemed to be her room. As the dream continued she saw herself become pregnant with his child. Asha awoke suddenly as a loud bellow came from her balcony. The princess jetted up the stairs to her balcony and pulled aside the rain curtain, only to fined Rakshak standing in the rain. She sighed in relief seeing her bull. He quickly pulled Asha off the balcony and took her off into the rainy night. Deep into the jungle area next to the beautiful waterfall Rakshak carried her in his trunk and tusks. He climbed out of the pool that had overflowed with water since the rains came. Soon Asha found herself and her elephant lover in a cave behind the waterfall. It was large enough for all of her elephants and probably a few more. Rakshak let the soaked princess down on to the smooth floor of the cave. Asha removed her wet clothing and walked over to Rakshak’s side, patting his rump before she gingerly slid her soft hands down between his massive legs. He rumbled happily as he felt his lover’s hands on his sheath. He exhaled deeply as his penis emerged to a fully erect state. It had seemed like forever to the princess since she had lain with her elephant. He stood still and let his lover do as she pleased with his thick mast. Asha gently rubbed the head of Rakshak’s penis; she lifted it up gently and kissed the pre-ejaculate dripping head. Savoring the taste as she licks the gland clean, she started to moan as her lover felt around for her folds with his trunk. She shutters with ecstasy as the rough tip of Rakshak’s trunk rubs her clitoris before his gently starts to stick his trunk into her wet folds. Asha screams out in pleasure as he probes her with his trunk, the rough ridges gliding in and out as they became covered in her wetness. Asha pulls away from her lover and turns around so she could take his penis into her folds. Rakshak bellowed loudly as she pushed back on to his thickness. The princess moaned and screamed as she pleasure fully impaled herself on his penis. Feeling his mast ungulate in her folds as she squeezed hard on his penis, Asha started to climax and quiver. Rakshak soon let lose his seed into his lover’s womb. Asha panted as her lover gently pulled out of her. She lay naked on the ground as a small pool of elephant semen leaked from her well stretched vagina. Rakshak turned around and started to fondle his lover’s breasts. Asha quickly seized his trunk and kissed it.

(Princess Asha) “Lover, take me again. I want to make love to you more.”

As if Rakshak understood his human mate’s desire; he picked her up and placed her on a smooth rock that jutted out of the cave wall. He gently pulled her legs apart and mounted the rock. His penis flicked and flailed against her belly and under her large breasts. She giggled and helped guide his penis back between her legs. His mast probed around for a few moments and finally found its way inside. Asha moaned a little before biting her lip, as Rakshak’s penis started to hit her g spots. Her vaginal muscles clinched around his thickness as she screamed out for more. Asha held his penis in her folds as she repositioned herself so she was on her hands and knees. His mast flicked harder in her vaginal cavity as he stepped forward a little. The princess let out a small squeak as she felt the head of Rakshak’s penis kiss her cervix. Losing herself to her carnal desires, Asha climaxed heavily as her lover continued to breed her like an elephant cow. She continued to moan as her bull ejaculated a full load of sperm into her. He pulled out of his princess gently as she continued to orgasm. Asha was so turned on that she was squirting her vaginal secretions all over her lover’s penis as he pulled out. Asha sat up as Rakshak dismounted the rock; she reached out for his trunk in a love struck haze. He gently picked her up in his trunk and walked out of the cave into the deep pool of water. Asha waded in the water, letting the rain and the waterfall clean her body. Rakshak stood in the warm rain and waited for Asha to finish getting clean. The princess soon noticed a dark tar-like secretion dripping down from her lover’s temples.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak, you’re in musth.”

Asha knew that her lover had a strong need to mate. Rakshak picked Asha back up and placed her on the high end of the embankment. She lay on the soft grass covered earth and spread her legs for him. He placed his huge set of tusks over her beautiful naked body, as his trunk pulled her closer to the edge. He opened his mouth and started to lap at her folds as his trunk fondled her breasts. Asha held onto his trunk as it continued to rub her large breasts. The princess moaned loudly, feeling Rakshak’s tongue assault her folds with the greatest of talent. The warm rain continued to fall on the two lovers as night gave way to dawn. After many orgasms Asha sat up and kissed Rakshak’s forehead. He pulled her off the embankment and carried her back into the cave. Gently placing her on the upraised rock so he could mate with her again; Asha sighs as she lays still for her lover. Once again her huge lover mounted the rocky out cropping and started to mate with his princess. Asha moaned loudly as she felt his elephantine penis enter her folds. She pushed back on his thickness till she felt the head of his penis kiss her cervix. Rakshak flicked his mast in her vaginal cavity, till she climaxed. The princess violently orgasms as her body squeezed against his penis. Rakshak erupted with a full load of seed that bulged Asha’s belly out a little. A lot of his seed backfired out of Asha’s small frame and pooled on the ground beneath them. He pulled out of her and dismounted the rock. Gently checking over his lover with his thick trunk, Asha lay motionless in a state of bliss. Feeling her bull’s warm ejaculate flow out of her well stretched folds, she sighed contently.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak do you need more?”

She slipped off the seed slicked rock and down onto the floor of the dimly lit cave. Gently placing her hand on her lover’s foreleg and then slowly walking along his side. She gently rubbed his belly as she made her way towards his hindquarters. Gingerly caressing his ejaculate relieved penis as he slowly pulled it back inside. Asha gently kissed the foreskin of her lover’s penis before it disappeared inside. She giggled and walked over to her pile of wet clothing and picked it up. Seeing that it was now sun up, Rakshak knew he needed to get his lover back to her room. He scooped her up in his trunk and walked her back. Asha leaned her head against his strong trunk and started to doze off. The warm rain did not seem to bother the princess as she slept in her lover’s embrace. The bull gently placed the sleeping naked princess down on the soft grass covered earth next to her door. He stood over top of her to keep the rain off of her as she slept. After a few hours, Rakshak rumbled loudly and caressed his lover with his trunk to wake her. Asha slowly stood up and go out from underneath her bull. She smiled and lifted his trunk and kissed him on the mouth.
(Princess Asha) “Thank you my love, I will see you later.”
She walked back into her room and slowly opened her bedroom door. Seeing that no one was around she ran over to her bathroom. She locked the bathroom door and sighed. After letting the rest of her lover’s seed flush out of her body and do some bodily cleansing, Asha drew up a bath for herself. Cleaning off some of the mud that had gotten on her from sleeping outside for a little bit and the last of Rakshak’s ejaculate from her inner thigh; Asha soon washed her long raven hair. After her soothing bath, she walked over to her full length mirror. She looked at her reflection and smiled. Getting dressed and walking out to get some breakfast with her family, Asha went about her day after.

(Princess Asha) “Ami, I am so bored, there is nothing to do.”

(Jasmine) “You could help out in the palace kitchen if you would like.”

(Princess Asha) “No, the one head cook is kind of creepy. He makes me feel uncomfortable.”

(Jasmine) “What about playing your flute?”

(Princess Asha) “I think I will go do that.”

(Jasmine) “You know what they say; “Music soothes the savage beast.””

Asha smiles and walks back to her room. She opens a sandalwood box and pulls out a beautiful bansuri flute made of ivory. To her liking the ivory was from a well-loved and well taken care of elephant that pasted of old age form one of the temples that was in town outside of the palace. Placing the ornate flute to her lips she began to play. A beautiful melody that seemed to calm the rain outside her bedroom, a small break in the rain was a nice change. As she continued to play se noticed 2 trunks come over her banister. She stopped for a moment and stepped outside onto her balcony. Seeing Hathi and Mahaan reaching out for her, Asha started to play her flute more. Hathi rumbled loudly and stood on his hind legs to great her. Asha started to sway with her flute as the sweet melody continued. Hathi’s trunk started to caress Asha’s belly as it made its way up to her bosom. Her flute made a loud squeaking note as she blew sharply across the flute as she felt her alabaster elephant’s trunk caress one of her nipples as she was playing. Asha stops playing and giggles. She places her flute down and walks over to her elephant. Hathi wraps his trunk around Asha’s waist and pulls her off the balcony.

Hathi places Asha gently onto Mahaan’s back and the 3 of them start to wander off into the garden. The princess smiles and looks around for her other bull. Then remembering he is in musth so he may be staying away for now. She began to lie back on Mahaan’s back, as Hathi tickled her foot every once in a while. Finally the three of them got to a small grove in the garden. It is full of lush fruit trees and fragrant flowers. Mahaan kneels down for his princess to slide off his back. Asha giggles as she gets off her lover’s back and looks around.

(Princess Asha) “Wow, I had no idea my garden was this big?”

Mahaan started to rub Asha’s large supple breasts with his trunk as Hathi started to lift her shirt up to play with her breast. She soon pulled off her clothing and sat on the wet ground, looking up at her two bulls. Hathi gently caresses Asha’s thigh with his trunk as Mahaan gently steps over his princess to show off his thick mast. Asha bit her bottom lip as she reached out to touch Mahaan’s penis. She gently pushed back the thick foreskin on her lover’s elephantine penis before giving it a soft kiss. Mahaan rumbled lowly as he felt his small lover’s lips caress the tip of his thickening member. Asha gently started to lick around the head of his penis as she got on her hands and knees. Mahaan let out a soft roar of excitement as he started to receive some gentle fellatio from his princess. Hathi started to gently probe around her soft folds as she serviced her other lover. A thick stream of pre-ejaculate dripped out of the tip of Mahaan’s penis as Asha continued to pleasure her bull. Hathi starts to pull the princess out from under the other bull so she would show off her hind end to him. Asha giggles a little as she feels her lover moves her about. A little bit of Mahaan’s seed drips from her mouth as she pauses to catch her breath. Hathi steps over Asha, so he is side by side to Mahaan. The alabaster elephant’s penis gently caresses the princess’s thigh as it flicks against her. Asha repositioned herself and gently pushed back on Hathi’s penis till it enters her folds. Hathi rumbles loudly as he feels her squeeze on his mast. Asha continues to lick and suck on Mahaan’s penis as she makes love to Hathi. After a few good thrusts against his penis Asha gets her lover to climax. His seed fills her womb fully as he slowly pulls out. Hathi soon starts to feel around his princess’s folds to check her over. Asha smiles and continues to rub Mahaan’s penis. His mast flicks out of her soft hands and slaps against his broad belly. Asha grabs her lover’s penis and sucks hard on the tip, letting him discharge his pent up sexual urges into her mouth. His warm ejaculate dripped from the corners of her mouth. Asha swallowed her lover’s seed and kisses his penis as he pulls it back up into his sheath.

The princess stood up slowly as her alabaster bull helps her to her feet. Mahaan turns around to face his lover and starts to caress her cheek with his trunk. She giggles and starts to pick up her wet clothing off the ground. She started to walk off, back towards the path that they had come up from the palace. Hathi followed his human mate, reaching out for her and gently caressed her rear with his thick trunk. Asha slowed her pace down so her lovers could follow close behind. Hathi was still horny and walked with his thick penis almost dragging on the ground as he walked behind his princess. Asha continues down the path and soon finds herself at the fork that leads to the pavilion. She looks behind her and notices that her 2 other bulls stopped following her as she started to walk up the other path.

(Princess Asha) “Hathi… Mahaan… Come on follow me.”

The two bulls refused to follow her up to the pavilion. Asha pouted a little as she walked up the path. Soon finding Rakshak walking around the outside of the pavilion, then it clicked. Rakshak was still in musth that was probably the reason her other two bulls would not come up this way. Asha walked towards her other bull, slowly so she would not spook him. Rakshak stopped and turn quickly around to face his mate. His temple glands still dripping with the dark tar-like secretion and his thick penis was hanging out in full view. He wasted no time and hastily tromped up to Asha and started to grope her large breasts. Rumbling happily as he pulled her close. Asha was starting to get turned on once again as her bull started to explore her body with his trunk. His scent was starting to arouse her carnal urge to mate with the large bull.

Asha gently rubbed her bull’s trunk before walking into the pavilion. Rakshak followed his princess with swaggered step. He rumbled loudly as he watched the princess seductively lay on the cold marble floor. Asha looked at her bull with soft bedroom eyes as she started to spread her legs for him. Asha’s nipples were erect from the cold floor. Rakshak walked over top of his princess, his thick penis dripped with his warm seed. Asha started to rub her soft feet against his thick mast as it continued to dribble with his lust. She soon found herself on her hands and knees, gently tugging on his penis with one hand. Rakshak started to probe around for her wet folds, rumbling and roaring as it found its way inside. Asha let out a loud sigh as her lover penetrated her deeply. Feeling every vain and ridge of his penis rubbing her in all the right places, Asha quickly climaxed. Her soft folds tightened around his thick member as she continued to orgasm. After almost 10 minutes of undisturbed pleasure, the gallant bull elephant filled her with his seed. Trumpeting loudly, his penis flicked inside her folds before slipping out. His seed spilled out of her well stretched petals and slicked the cold marble floor. He rumbled again and sidestepped over her. Picking her up in his tusks and trunk, Asha nuzzled her cheek against his trunk and kissed it. Taking her out to the pool to bathe as he stood watch over her, Asha cleaned herself up. She took her lover’s penis in her soft hands and gently rinsed it with water. Soon lifting the thick phallus up to her lips, the lustful princess began to suck on the tip of her lover’s penis. Her soft tongue lapping at orifice on its tip, Rakshak bellowed in pleasure.

(Princess Asha) “Give me your seed my love.”

Rakshak rumbled lowly and deeply as his princess continued to suck on his penis. Feeling just a little soft scrapping of her teeth on his sensitive gland, he started to trickle ejaculate out of the tip. Asha lustfully swallowed his seed. Her gentle hands rubbing and caressing his penis till he finally orgasms. His thick ejaculate fills Asha’s mouth and excess seed flows out of her mouth on to her chest, covering her large breasts. The princess licks her upper lip and starts to lift her left breast up closer to her mouth. Dazedly licking her breast clean of her elephantine lover’s seed as Rakshak watched. Momentarily Asha cleans her other breast with her tongue. Asha giggled as Rakshak started to rub his trunk against her thigh. She splashed herself with some more water and rinsed off what was left of her lover’s seed and moved away from his grasp. Her lover reached out for her once again with his thick trunk. She laughed and moved out of the way, finally getting out of the pool. Asha darted off down the foot path as her bull chased after her. He roared and rumbled as he tromped after her. The love struck bull placed his thick trunk on her shoulder getting the princess to slow her pace as he pulled her close. Gently pushing her down onto the soft grass, Asha looked over her shoulder at him and scooted back between his font legs. Rakshak let out a soft trumpet as he lowered his hind end so his penis would meet his princess’s soft folds.

The princess smiled and opened the stall door, she lead him to one of the open clean stalls. He snuffed at her and nudged her with his head. Asha smiled and started to pet him. The stallion began to drop out his thick penis for her. He was a bit dirty, nothing that she could not clean up easily. She left his stall and walked over to the small room in the stables where they kept the tack and grooming supplies. After gathering a few things, Asha returned to the stall and gently cleaned up the stallion. He stood still as the princess gently washed his penis with a damp cloth. Caressing it gingerly with each pass of the wet cloth, the stallion became full erect. She marveled at his phallus. His penis was a lot smaller than her lover’s; the princess knew what he need. She gently lifted his penis to her lips and gave the flared head a gently suck. He nickered as she did this, feeling a little relief. Asha continued to suck on his penis. She gently started to caress his love bloated scrotum as a little pre–ejaculate started to flow out of the tip. Asha swallowed his light seed. It had a very different taste, more green then the earthy tasting seed she was use to from her elephants, but it was not unpleasant. She stroked the shaft of the stallion’s penis; from the medial ring to its flared head. After about 5 minutes of stroking and sucking the breathtaking stallion ejaculated a full load of seed. Asha coughed as she let go of the horse’s phallus; she smiled and walked back to the stable room and cleaned up. She put her mother’s stallion back in his stall and started to leave. The stallion kicked the stall door in protest. The princess shook her head and left the stables as he continued. Upon returning to the palace’s grand hall; the princess saw her mother and father heading upstairs to their chambers on the second floor of the palace. She sighed and walked down her hallway to her own room. Making her way to her bathroom, Asha cleaned herself up and walking into her bedroom for the night, as the rain continued to fall. A few hours passed and a loud clap of thunder woke Asha from her sleep. Breathing heavily the princess sat up in her bed. Clutching onto the soft cloth elephant that lay next to her, she murmured a prayer to the gods so she could fall back asleep. The thunder claps once again, Asha gets up and walks up to her bedroom balcony. Looking out into the rainy lighting filled night she sees her favored bull elephant walking up to the palace. She smiles and walks down to the garden door. She opens it and steps out. Rakshak rumbles happily and scoops her up in his trunk.

Asha giggles a little and rests her head against his trunk as he carries her off. Soon finding herself at her pavilion, Rakshak places her down onto the cold marble floor. Asha strips out of her wet nightgown and lies on the soft dry couch as Rakshak stands near her as if guarding her, the princess yawns and drifts off to sleep as her favored bull watches over her. As the morning light creeps into her pavilion Asha stirs as her lover rubs her large breast with is trunk. She gently grabs Rakshak’s trunk and cuddles it between her breasts and kisses it. He huffs and rumbles as she does this.

(Princess Asha) “Are you ok my love?”

She looks over at her bull, seeing that it is morning and like most males he is sporting a rather large erection. Asha smiles and sits up and stretches. Rakshak sniffs at her soft folds and starts to rub her gently with his rough trunk. She shutters with excitement as she feels her lover probe around her petals. He flicks his thick erect penis against his broad belly in response to her scent. She blows him a kiss and crawls under him. Gently caressing his girth with her soft hands, he rumbles happily. Seeing that is penis is a little dirty Asha leads him out to the pool to clean him. She gently rinses the thin layer of mud off of his penis with the clean flowing water as the rain continued to fall.

(Princess Asha) “There all better.”

Asha kisses the bulbous head of her bull’s penis before she starts to suck gently on it. The warm rain fell on the two lovers, as the princess continued to pleasure her bull. Rubbing and caressing his thickness between her large breasts and soft hands. Asha began to swallow down his sweet seed as she became aroused. Her nipples puckered as she felt her lover’s trunk caress her soft warm folds. She exhaled sharply as Rakshak started to probe the inside of her folds with his trunk. She gasped feeling the rough skin of his trunk rub the inside walls of her vagina. Asha pulls away from Rakshak and lets him chase her. The huge bull walks briskly after his gorgeous princess, following her back to the pavilion. She smiles as she gets on her hands and knees in front of him. He huffs and steps over top of her. His penis gently caressed her back as he started to reposition himself so he could mate with her. Asha gently grabs his thick phallus and pushes back onto it so it gently slides into her warm wet folds. Rakshak thrusts his hips softly to help slide his penis in a little deeper. His princess cries out in pleasure as he continues to mate with her. She grabs hold of his front legs as he maneuvers his mast inside of her. Flicking his penis in her well stretched folds, Asha starts to drip with her own wetness. After a few more minutes of sheer bliss, both elephant and princess climax together. Asha lets go of her lover’s legs and breathlessly lays on the floor beneath her goliath lover. He rumbles happily and carefully steps over Asha and turns around to gently caress her beautiful body with his trunk. Rakshak leaves to go forage for food, as Asha recovers from their love making. She smiles tiredly and picks up her wet nightgown and walks back to her room. The storm had passed and warm light rain fell. Asha continued down the garden path towards the palace, when a very affectionate elephant came up behind her and wrapped his alabaster trunk around her midriff.

(Princess Asha) “Hathi, you want me?”

The huge white elephant rumbled as he picked up the princess. He walked her back to her garden door and placed her on the ground in front of him. His thick penis was slowly dropping out into view. Asha smiled and walked over to his hindquarters and started to fondle his phallus gently. He was nice and clean, so the princess started to suck gently on the tip of his penis. His mast flicked hard against his belly, slipping out of her hands. She grabbed it once more and continued to orally pleasure her 2nd love. The large vain on the underside of his penis coursed with blood as he started to climax, Asha moved out of range of his ejaculation. A large pool of sticky white ejaculate formed on the ground as it dripped form Hathi’s belly and gland. Asha walked back to her lover’s front and lifted his trunk and kissed him on the mouth. He let out a soft trumpet as she did this. The princess finally got back to her warm room and lay on her bed after drying off. Soon finding herself drifting off to sleep and dreaming about her elephants.

The rainy season lasted for almost 3 months. Aside from seeing her elephant lovers, the princess began to get restless. As the hours turned to days with the same routine Asha found herself out in her garden. Now that the rainy season was over she could be outdoors without getting soaked. The princess sits on the grass playing her bansuri as he 3 lovers come over to investigate. Rakshak being the first one to walk over to her and start fondling her chest, she giggled and playfully swats his trunk away and continues to play her flute. Hathi and Mahaan walk closer to their lover and start to touch her with their trunks. She smiles and moves out of the way of their reach. Now all three of her bulls follow after her as she walks up the path towards the palace, Rakshak picks her up and places her on his back. Asha plays a sweet melody as her first love walks her back to her door. As the elephants bring her back, her brother Ajay was waiting for her.

(Prince Ajay) “There you are, forgive me for entering your room and your garden dear sister. Father has been waiting for you for a while. He wishes to speak to you about Prince Dr̥ṛha of Vadodara.”

(Princess Asha) “The first suitor, brother I don’t want to be courted. I don’t like the idea that I am being married off for some political gain for the kingdom.”

(Prince Ajay) “That is not my choice to make, I am sorry.”

Asha pouted and dismounted her elephant. Ajay followed his sister inside.

(Prince Ajay) “You should get in a clean change of clothes Asha, your pants a grass stained.

The prince shook his head and walked out of his sister’s room. Asha sighed and walked up to her dresser and striped out of her clothes on the balcony. Her lovers could clearly see her naked body from where they were sanding. Hathi stood on his hind legs and waited for Asha to come over to him. She giggled and walked over to her alabaster lover topless. Lifting his rough trunk she kissed him on the mouth and stepped out of the way of his tusks. Soon Rakshak stood against the balcony. Asha did the same and he left as well. Mahaan stood by the balcony and waited. Asha peered over the banister and saw him standing quietly.

(Princess Asha) “Mahaan, come here my love.”

The bull reached up for his princess with his trunk. She smiled and raced down to meet him outside her garden door. Mahaan walked slowly over to her and rubbed his trunk on her bare chest. The rough finger on his trunk caressed one of her nipple as he pulled her close. Asha shutters as her elephant lover snuggles her. She kisses up the underside of his trunk. Mahaan lifts his trunk, and Asha kisses him on the mouth. He rumbles wanting more attention from her as his thick penis drops out in front of her. She sighs and walks around to his hindquarter, gently lifting his penis to her lips and giving it a kiss.

(Princess Asha) “That is all I can do for you for now love. I need to go meet with my father.”

Mahaan stomps his feet and rumbles, a little agitated because of being aroused without relief. Asha goes to leave and Mahaan wraps his trunk around her belly.

(Princess Asha) “Ok, fine give me a sec to get out of these pants.”

Mahaan lets go of her so she could remove her silk pants. Finding herself under her bull, she got on her hands and knees. Mahaan started to flick his erect penis against her thighs trying to find his way into her folds.

(Princess Asha) “Easy lover, easy let me help you.”

Asha grabs his penis and helps guide it into her folds. Feeling her warm wetness the bull starts to thrust his thickness into her. The princess quivers in bliss as her lover takes her. His phallus rubbing her vaginal cavity in all the right way, the princess moans loudly. Mahaan, after a few more good thrusts; fills her with his seed. Asha squeezes hard on his penis as she too climaxes with him.

(Princess Asha) “There better?”

Mahaan pulls out of her and lets her get out from under him. He trumpets softly and caresses her cheek with his trunk. She giggles and starts to walk back into her room. Finally after almost an hour, Asha goes to talk with her father. Finding her way to the throne room, she stands before the Maharaja.

(The Maharaja) “Asha, I have been waiting all day for you. What have you been doing?”

(Princess Asha) “I have been out in my garden tending to my elephants father.”

(The Maharaja) “You need to be ready for your first suitor tomorrow. Prince Dr̥ṛha of Vadodara, is a well-respected soldier of the Vadodara army. His abilities with a sword are only 2nd to your brother Ajay’s. Please be on your best behavior when he comes tomorrow. I know you are a strong-willed woman, as you should be; but please let him court you just a little.”

(Princess Asha) “Yes father I will be on my best behavior.”
Her father smiled and dismissed her. Her brother came up to her as she entered the great hall.

(Prince Ajay) “Asha, a word please.”

(Princess Asha) “What is Ajay?”

(Prince Ajay) “Prince Dr̥ṛha, he is a pompous individual. He boasts to be the best swordsman in the 12 kingdoms. Honestly he couldn’t fight his way out of wet silk bag. Be cautious around him, perhaps take him to your garden and let your pet sort him out.”

Prince Ajay winks at his sister and walks off. Asha smiles and returns to her room. Finding herself sitting on her balcony banister, Asha sighed as her bulls came to greet her. Rakshak tickled her foot before snatching her off the edge of the balcony.

Her lover placed her on the soft grass as the other two bulls came over to greet their human lover. Asha smiled as her elephants caressed her supple body with their trunks. Hathi starts to tug at her silk haram pants as Mahaan lifts the back of her silk shirt. Asha giggles and pulls her shirt down and grabs Hathi’s trunk and moves it away from her pants.

(Princess Asha) “Not now my loves, later I will mate with all of you. I promise.”

Asha smiles and walks back to her door. Rakshak wraps his trunk around her waist. He rumbles lowly as he slips his trunk down the front of her pant and starts to finger her folds with the tip. Asha quivers a little as she gently pulls his trunk from her pants.

(Princess Asha) “Naughty boy, Rakshak I will let you have me first, later.”

Rakshak stomps his foot and rumbles loudly as his lover disappears back into her room. Asha wanders that halls of the palace and stops in front of library door. A flashback to the night her stepbrother tried to violate her flooded her memory. She shook her head and walked past the door way. Finding her way up on to the 2nd floor terrace, she could see the bazar and all of the multi-colored tapestries that covered the stands. The princess sighed as she watched the sun dip into the western horizon.

(Servant) “Princess, dinner is ready.”

Asha smiled and headed down to the dining room. Asha’s parents and bothers sat at the long table. She sat next to her mother and ate quietly.

(Queen Jodha) “Asha you are quite, anything the matter?”

(Princess Asha) “No just a little worried about tomorrow.”

(Queen Aaryah) “You have nothing to worry about Asha, if you don’t like the prince send him away. I sent many suitors away until I met your father. This is a long process, and you have all the time to figure out who will be the best suited for you.”

(The Maharaja) “Asha be mindful of the way these princes treat you, for that is the way they will treat you when you get married to them.”

Asha finished her dinner and excused herself. The moon was almost full and the garden was well lit. The princess walked out onto the soft grass and laid down on it to look up at the moon. She started to doze off before the moon was blocked out by a large bull elephant. Rakshak stood over top of his lover, waiting for her to service him. His thick penis caressing the soft grass next to her head, Asha turned her head to the side and kissed the tip of her bull’s penis. He rumbled as he felt her soft lips on his mast. She sat up and pulled off her silk shirt, followed by her pants. Asha hugged Rakshak’s penis, pressing it between her breasts, lovingly licking the shaft. Before long Rakshak started to drip with excitement, wanting to mate with his beloved princess, he bent his hind legs a little so she would get into position for him. Asha knew what her lover wanted and she got on her hands and knees for him. His thick penis probed around for her soft folds. Slicking her wet slit with some of his seed he thrusts a little and hits his mark. Asha gasps and lets out a loud moan as Rakshak continues to breed her like a female elephant. He thrusts gently with a slow rhythm pleasuring his princess. She convulses with ecstasy with each orgasm as her bull continues to penetrate her folds. He flicks the tip of his penis in her vaginal cavity making her scream out lustfully as it caresses her cervix. Rakshak lets out a satisfied trumpet as he climaxes and fills his gorgeous princess with his seed. Asha bit her lip as she pulled away from her lover, completely exhausted from his penile assault. Breathing heavily as her body started to relax. Elephant ejaculate dripped and pooled on the ground from her well pounded folds. Rakshak nudged Asha with his tusks gently, coaxing her to stand up. She stood up weakly and leaned against her lover’s front legs. Her bull lifted his trunk and opened his mouth. Asha knew what he wanted and she stood on her tip-toes to kiss him on the mouth. His broad tongue caressed her small soft lips. Soon her tongue met his as she gently opened her mouth to receive his tongue. Their tongues rubbed against each other’s in a long sensual kiss, as another 2 trunks cam to explore the soft body of the elephant loved princess.

The princess giggled as her two other lovers started to caress her soft naked body. Hathi started to rub her chest with is trunk as Mahaan gently started to rub her folds with his trunk. Asha smiled and started to wander off into the moonlit garden. Her three bulls followed, all drunk in a lustful state for the princess. Rakshak walked up behind Asha and picked her up in his trunk and tusks. She gently rubbed her cheek against his trunk.

(Princess Asha) “You are so persistent Rakshak.”

Her favored bull rumbles and continues to walk her deeper into the garden. The lovers pass the pavilion and the pool. Soon finding themselves in the deepest part of the garden, Rakshak places Asha down onto the moss covered ground. The princess sighs as her lovers start to fondle her body with their trunks. Rakshak patiently waits as Mahaan and Hathi start to gently spread her legs. Rakshak starts to rub her wet folds with the tip of his trunk before burying it into her. Asha moans out in pleasure as she feels her lover trunk her. After he does this a few time he gives the juices on his trunk a taste. Pleased with her arousal, he drops his thickness out for her. Mahaan and Hathi do the same as their large leader does, getting erect and waiting for the princes to service them. She gets up from the soft earth and pats Rakshak on the rump so he sits down. He exhales loudly through his trunk as he sits. Asha starts to suck on his penis gently for a little while. Soon getting up and grabbing Hathi by the penis so he would stand next to Rakshak. She did the same to Mahaan. Asha skillfully pleasured all three of her bulls. Having Rakshak’s penis placed between her large breasts as she rubbed her other two lovers phalluses with her soft hands. She licked and sucked on all three of her bull’s penises, loving each one equally. All of them started to drip with excitement. Rakshak being the first one to ejaculate his seed all over Asha’s soft skinned body as she sucked hard on Hathi’s penis. Hathi rumbled loudly as he too started to climax, his seed dripped out of the corners of his princess’s mouth and ran down her chin onto her seed slicked breasts. Asha coughed a little as a small amount of her lover’s seed was expelled from her mouth. Quickly turning over to Mahaan, she took his pink tipped penis into her lustful mouth and sucked. Moaning loudly as she pleasured her 3rd bull with her mouth, sucking and lick it all over the thick head of his mast. Mahaan sprayed her with his seed as Asha seemed to orgasm just from being purely aroused from pleasuring her lovers. Mahaan rumbled happily as the princess let go of his love relieved penis. Asha lay on the soft love covered mossy ground under her lover’s legs. Rakshak started to walk off towards the nearby creek. Soon her other lovers did the same. Asha stumbled to her feet, as warm elephant ejaculate drip from her breasts. Finding her way to the creek to clean herself up, it was almost like a ritual to do so after she pleasured her bulls. The cool water puckered her nipples from the cold. Asha rinsed the seed off of her body as she stood next to Rakshak. Her lover stopped lying in the cool water and stood up. His trunk found itself wrapping around her belly. She giggled as she felt his rough skinned trunk starting to probe around for her folds.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak, you need me some more?”

He roared happily as he picked her up. Asha still wet from bathing, she held onto her lover’s trunk as he carried her off. Seeing the pavilion, Asha gently kissed Rakshak’s trunk and hopped out. He rumbled and chased after her. Her other two lovers had meandered off to feed, unlike Rakshak, who need to slake his lust for his princess. Asha entered the pavilion and waited for her huge lover to enter. Rakshak entered and stood still for his lover to make her advancement. She walked along his flank, her soft hand gently caressing him. This seemed to send an electrifying feeling up the elephant’s spine. He shivered with excitement as the princess started to run her hand down his belly towards his sheath.

The lustful bull started to protrude his penis a little to tease his mate. Asha gently fondled his thick foreskin that hid his massive penis from her. Gently coaxing the tip of his gland out, she began to kiss it, running her tongue around y shaped underside of the head of his penis. Rakshak rumbles happily as he feels his lover’s tongue on his hardening erection. Asha starts to rub his penis between her large soft breasts. Kissing each of his black pigment patches on his penis, Asha giggles. Rakshak steps back from his lover and gently nudged her with his long ivory tusks. His princess gets on her hands and knees and waits for her lover to take her. Rakshak rumbles and steps back over top of Asha and start to probe around with his thick penis for her soft folds. Asha moans loudly as her lover’s thick member rubs between her legs. After a few more flicks of his penis Rakshak finds his way into Asha’s folds. He begins to thrust with his strong hips, as his penis penetrating her deeply. Asha cried out in sheer bliss.

(Princess Asha) “RAKSHAK!!!! YES!! MORE MY LOVE!!!”

Asha squeezed on her bull’s penis, her body quivered as she convulsed as her climax came. Rakshak too could not hold back his lust for his princess and filled her womb with his warm seed. Asha’s breathe staggered as her love relieved bull pulled out of her. Leaving her in a puddle of warm elephant ejaculate, Asha crawled out from under her lover. The princess stumbled to her feet and started to walk towards the water fall. Rakshak followed close behind. She soon got into the waist deep water and stood under the falls, rinsing her body off. Rakshak stepped into the water as well and ritually helped bathe his lover. His thick trunk caressing her supple body after he sprayed her with water, Asha got close to Rakshak and lifted his trunk up. She kissed him on the mouth, playfully nibbling on his lower lip. He began to stick his tongue out so his lover would kiss it. The naked princess began to caress her tongue against her bull’s passionately making out with him, a small trail of saliva ribbons between their mouths as they pull away from each other, Asha quiver as she stands next to her huge lover wanting more.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak, I can’t stop having you. I need you.”

Asha waded over to Rakshak’s hindquarters and starts to rub his sheath a little. He was happy to indulge his soft skinned princess, by letting his penis drop out of its sheath. She gently rinsed his length and then began to suck hard on the tip. Rakshak jolted a little in surprise as he felt his lover’s mouth on his phallus. He let out a soft trumpet as she continued to pleasure him. Holding his penis in her mouth, Asha started to press her large breast against the shaft. Giving the perfect amount of pressure to stimulate Rakshak into ejaculating, Asha swallowed his seed greedily. Letting his penis go from her mouth, some of his ejaculate dripped off of her tongue as it swung back into the cool water. She wiped the corners of her mouth with her hand and licked her bull’s seed off of her palm. Rakshak scooped her up in his trunk and tusks carried her back to the palace. It was nearly sun up by the time she got back to the palace. Asha sleepily got out of her lover’s embrace. She kissed his strong pigment patched trunk and walked back inside her room. She climbed into her bed and drifted off to sleep. Rakshak got on his hind legs to see over the balcony. Seeing that his lover was asleep he rumbled softly.

A few hours later, the morning sun came creeping into Asha’s room. The warm light kissed her naked body as she shifted in her sleep. A loud knock came from her door. The princess rolled over and groaned as the servant called for her to come take her morning bath. Asha sat up and stretched, soon walking over to her balcony to see if her lovers were nearby. Rakshak caught wind of her scent and came walking over. He got on his hind legs and placed his forelegs on the balcony banister. Asha walked over to her beloved elephant and kissed his trunk. He gently started to caress her naked form. His trunk gingerly lifting her large breasts and lets out a low rumble, the princess squirms and giggles.

(Princess Asha) “Morning my beloved.”

Rakshak trumpeted in acknowledgement. He lifts his trunk wanting a kiss. Asha laughs and kisses her huge lover on the mouth, letting his large tongue caress her soft lips. Once again a loud knocking came from her bedroom door, braking Asha out of her blissful embrace. Rakshak closed his mouth after she pulled away and stepped out of his embracing trunk and tusks.

(Princess Asha) “Coming!”

The princess seeming a bit annoyed comes walking into her bathroom and steps into her bathtub.

(Princess Asha) “OUT!”

She commands the servant to leave. She cleans herself up from last night’s activities and freshens herself up. Soon drying off and getting dressed into a soft silk sari. She sits at her bathroom vanity placing jewels in her long raven hair and elegant bracelets and anklets on her wrists and ankles. She walks out of her bathroom and down her hallway towards the great hall.

(The Maharaja) “There you are my little lotus. Get some breakfast and meet me in the throne room.”

Asha does as she is told and eats a quick breakfast and heads to the throne room. She takes her place next to her mother and father. The royal page comes in to announce the coming of her first suitor.

(Royal Page) “Announcing His Royal Highness Prince Dr̥ṛha of Vadodara.”

Prince Dr̥ṛha strolled into the throne room with a swaggered step. Upon approaching the royal family, he stops and bows to his and her majesties. The Maharaja stands and steps down to greet the prince.

(The Maharaja) “Well met Prince Dr̥ṛha, I suspect your father is well?”

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “Yes he is your majesty, thank you for asking.

Prince Dr̥ṛha looks off to the left of the Maharaja at Princess Asha.

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “You must be Princess Asha, the rumor of your beauty is nothing compared to seeing you with one’s own eyes.”

Asha smiles a little at the comment, but says nothing.

(The Maharaja) “Come now Asha don’t be rude.”

Asha steps down and speaks to the prince.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you Prince Dr̥ṛha. Come I will show you around the palace.”

The Maharaja smiled as his daughter took the Prince by the hand and walked off. The two of them continued to walk around the palace. The prince tried to make small with Asha, but she continued to change the subject. Prince Dr̥ṛha started to get a little aggravated with her. Fortunately for Asha her brother Ajay intervened.

(Prince Ajay) “Dr̥ṛha care to do a little sparing? Perhaps to amuse my sister to win her affection.”

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “Sounds like fun. I am sure I will win your sister’s hand.”

Prince Ajay smiled and winked at his sister. She giggled and walked off to the training grounds. Word spread through the palace of the sparing match between the two princes. The Maharaja and his two queens came to watch the match, along with his youngest son Gajesh. The royals sat on the stone benches and watch. Asha smiled as she saw her older brother walk out onto the training arena. The servants cheered as Prince Ajay removed his armor and drew his scimitar. Prince Dr̥ṛha walked over to Asha.

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “A kiss for good luck, Princess?”

Asha un-enthusiastically kissed Prince Dr̥ṛha on the forehead. Prince Ajay laughed a little as Dr̥ṛha returned to the arena, Dr̥ṛha drew his sword. Prince Ajay sized up Dr̥ṛha, circling him jabbing at him to see how fast his reaction time was. Before long Ajay started to swing his scimitar in a whirl of blows, Prince Dr̥ṛha blocked a lot of Ajay’s blows. The crowd cheered as the dual became heated. Prince Dr̥ṛha returned the blows. Ajay found an opening and took it. He deflected Dr̥ṛha’s last blow and sucker punched him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. Prince Dr̥ṛha crumpled to the ground out of breath. The royals cheered as Prince Ajay helped Prince Dr̥ṛha up.

(Prince Ajay) “Better luck next time Dr̥ṛha. Be mindful of your exposed spots when attacking an opponent.”

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “Lesson learned, nice hit your highness.”

The two princes laughed and walked back to the palace.

(The Maharaja) “Well my little lotus, he is very skilled, a prime example of a worthy man to marry.”

(Princess Asha) “He lost to my brother. If my brother had been the attacking commander to the kingdom I was married off to I would be taken.”

The Maharaja thought about what his daughter just stated.

(The Maharaja) “That is true. Perhaps he needs to improve his skill some.”

Asha smiles and walks into the palace. After an hour or so Prince Dr̥ṛha returns to the great hall.

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “Did you enjoy the match?”

(Princess Asha) “It was thrilling to watch, although you lost to my brother.”

The prince rolled his eyes and changed the subject.

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “Since we are back here in the palace, show me this fabled garden of yours.”

Asha smiled and giggles a little as they walk out of the front of the palace and over to her gated garden. The guards opened the gate for their princess and the visiting prince. Prince Dr̥ṛha looks around at the HUGE garden. Seeing that she had some elephants in her garden he was a bit alarmed.

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “You have elephants in your garden. That is not wise princess, they are unruly beasts.”

(Princess Asha) “That is not true, Prince Dr̥ṛha. They are very sweet, affectionate animals, with almost human emotions.”

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “They are just animals, beast of burden at best.”

Asha started to well up with anger. Soon Rakshak charged over and scooped up Asha in his trunk. Prince Dr̥ṛha drew his sword and swung at the charging bull elephant. He cut across his trunk causing him to drop Asha on the ground. Asha screamed at the top of her lungs as she watched her beloved elephant step back and bellow in pain.


Asha got up off of the ground and slapped Prince Dr̥ṛha across the face. Prince Dr̥ṛha reeled back and grabbed Asha by the shoulder and yelled.

(Prince Dr̥ṛha)”That animal should be chained and killed!”

(Princess Asha) “He would NEVER hurt me! My brother and I saved him from being abused!”

(Prince Dr̥ṛha) “That beast just tried to kill us! I don’t hate animals, I dislike ill-mannered ones. That elephant is ill mannered and needs to be broken or killed for its behavior.”

Watching from the balcony Gajesh and Ajay shook their heads.

(Prince Ajay) “Gajesh get the guards; have them escort Prince Dr̥ṛha out.”

(Prince Gajesh) “You should take his hands for the way he treated our sister.”

(Prince Ajay) “I have a better idea let father handle this.”

(The Guards) “Take your hands off her highness now!

The prince let go of Ashari. Soon after the Maharaja came running in. Two bruises formed where the prince grabbed her. Asha winced in a little bit of pain before she rushes over to her lover.


The guards escorted Prince Dr̥ṛha out of the palace and the Maharaja left his daughter’s garden. Asha rushed inside the palace and got some clean cloth and medicinal salve for her lover’s wound. Upon her return, Rakshak had calmed down and let her tend to his gashed trunk. He rumbled and bellowed in pain as she cleaned the wound.

(Princess Asha) “Easy my love, I’m sorry, I know it hurts. He won’t be back I will make sure of that.”

Rakshak winced in pain as Asha gently cleaned the blood off of his trunk. The gash was not deep, just deep enough to bleed. The princess was just happy that it was not deep enough to do any damage. She kissed her lover’s trunk sweetly and continued to clean the wound. After a little while Rakshak started to feel better and started to fondle Asha a little.

(Princess Asha) “Lover I will see you tonight.”

She kissed him again and walked back inside. Asha walks out of her room towards her bathroom to get a nice relaxing soak before dinner. She draws a bath for herself, scenting the water with lotus oil. She steps into the warm bath and starts to relax. A knock comes from her bathroom door.

(Jasmine) “Asha when you are finished, come talk to your father.”

(Princess Asha) “Alright Ami.”

A little while later Asha gets out of her bath and walks over to the full-size mirror next to her vanity. Her shoulder was bruised, she winced a little as she touched it. Drying off and getting into a fresh change of clothing, the princess walked off towards the throne room as she pulled up her long raven hair into a ponytail. Ali was standing outside the throne room door with one of the other guards. She walks by Ali and enters; her father was pacing in frustration.

(The Maharaja) “Asha, can you forgive me for that brute of a prince treating you like that. I should have taken his hands for that.”

(Princess Asha) “Of course father that was not your fault.”

(The Maharaja) “How is Rakshak? He is not hurt badly is he?”

(Princess Asha) “He is fine, just a small cut nothing too bad that it won’t heal on its own.”

(The Maharaja) “Well my dear, there will be another suitor coming in a few days, hopefully he will not be as bad as the first one. I have sent a letter to the King of Vadodara about his behavior.”

(Princess Asha) “Well father, I think I will take my dinner in room this evening. I am not feeling that well after today’s events.”

The Maharaja nodded and dismissed his beloved daughter from the throne room. A few hours later as Asha was laying in her bed a knock came from her bedroom door.

(Princess Asha) “Enter.”

Her adoptive mother stepped into her room with a tray of food.

(Jasmine) “Dinner my little lotus, all of your favorites, your father had the royal chef make them for

Asha smiled and came down from her bed side staircase. Jasmine sat on one of the couches in the main room. Asha ate quietly as the sound of low rumbles and trumpets came from her balcony.

(Jasmine) “Asha how badly did the prince hurt you?”

(Princess Asha) “Not very badly, just enough to bruise my shoulders a little, Rakshak was hurt worse than I was. He was trying to protect me.”

(Jasmine) “I feel bad for any suitor that comes to call if you elephant have a say in whether you will be married off.”

Asha laughed loudly.

(Princess Asha) “Well if that is the case, it looks like I will not be getting married off than.”

They both laughed as Jasmine took the empty tray.

(Jasmine) “Get some rest my little lotus and try not to stay up all night with your boys.”

Jasmine gives her a wink and walked out of Asha’s bedroom. Asha walks back up to her balcony and looks over the banister. Her three lovers were standing on the large grassy patch that opened up into her garden. Rakshak being the first one to make an advance towards his mate, as he got on his hind legs as he gingerly caressed her face with his injured trunk. Seeing her lover at eye level, Asha gently took his trunk in her soft hands. She kissed it lightly before pulling away from him. He rumbled loudly as she started to tease him. Stripping out of her silk clothing, the princess made her way down to her garden door. She was happily greeted by 3 loving trunks.

(Princess Asha) “Hi my loves.”

Hathi gently touches her shoulder with his trunk. Asha flinched a little as the pain sets in. He rumbles angrily and stomps his foot. Her other lovers seemed a little agitated at the site of their mate in pain.

(Princess Asha) “I’m ok boys, it will go away, I promise.”

Mahaan gently picked her up in his trunk and started to walk off with her. He took her off the secluded rock off in the far end of the garden. Knowing that she would mate with him there, she placed her head against his trunk. Asha soon got out of his embrace and walked up towards the smooth rock. Getting on top the rock she waited for Mahaan to come to her. He trumpeted and briskly tromped over to her. She giggled as her huge lover placed his fore legs on the rock. Asha stood up and lifted his trunk and kissed him on the mouth. He cocked his head to the side a little. Seeming a bit confused, he did not stop her from continuing her kissing. After gently sucking on his bottom lip, the lustful princess slid off the rock and gently coaxed his thick penis out of its sheath. Softly rubbing the thick foreskin as he slowly dropped it out into view. Asha started to lick the tip of the massive gland. It oozed with a little pre-ejaculate. Hathi and Rakshak made their way to the rock as well, both wanting attention from their love struck princess. She gently tugged on the thick pink colored tip of her bull’s penis, lustfully licking from the head all the way down the shaft, Mahaan rumbles with pleasure as she continued. Asha suck gently on the thick flared head of her lover’s penis as Hathi started to grope her breasts. She tirelessly continued to pleasure Mahaan’s bullhood as her arousal increased form Hathi’s fondling. Rakshak walked over to the other side of Mahaan and started to gently probe Asha’s well stretched petals. She started to suck more forcefully on her lover’s mast as her first love trunked her wet folds. Mahaan bellows loudly as he ejaculates his seed all over Asha’s soft skinned body. Her beloved bull slowly dismounts the rock and back steps away from Asha. He starts to walk off after he helps Asha to her feet. She winkles her nose as she sees her bull walk off. She turns to Hathi and starts to rub his belly. He starts to drop out his penis for her as she continues to rub close to his sheath. Asha’s large seed covered breasts were well lubricated for her 2nd lover. She started to rub his mast between her breasts. Asha loves the feeling of her lover’s penis against her soft skin.

(Princess Asha) “Does that feel good Hathi?”

Her bull rumbles happily as she lovingly pleasures him. He flicks his penis between her breasts, gently lifting one of them with his penis. Asha giggles and kisses the seed slicked gland before getting on top of the rock. Getting herself into position so Hathi could mate with her, Asha got on her hands and knees. She spread her legs wide as Hathi mounted the rock. His thick mast poked around for her soft folds. His penis probed around and slapped against her thighs till it founds its way inside her wet folds. Asha moaned out in pleasure as her alabaster bull took her. Feeling his huge penis writhe in her vagina as it rubbed against her cervix and all of her g-spots, Asha clinched her vaginal muscles against her lover’s penis. Hathi thrust a few more times before filling her with his warm seed.

Hathi slowly pulled out and away from his princess. Asha lay quietly against the seed slicked rock savoring the blissful moment. Hathi stroked her cheek and moved some of her raven black hair away from her soft skinned face with his trunk. She reached out and took his trunk in her hands and gave it a soft kiss. Rakshak rumbled lowly and Hathi moved aside for him, so he could inspect his lover. Rakshak gently nudged Asha with his sore trunk. She sat up to greet him, gently taking his trunk into her hands.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak, do you need me to love on you?”

The dark skinned bull rumbles in compliance to his lover’s question. She smiles and slides off the smooth rock. Gently caressing her lover’s hind legs as she walks past him, Rakshak follows her back down the mossy path. Hathi follows close as the two of them walk along. Asha walks into the pavilion followed by Rakshak, Hathi walked off to the pool to clean himself up. She runs her hands across his chest and softly down his belly towards his sheath. The lustful princess kisses his belly before she moves her head down between his hind legs. Kissing the soft inner skin of his sheath as his foreskin slowly protrudes out. Asha run her tongue around the soft folds of his foreskin teasing the tip of his penis out. Rakshak rumbled in pleasure as she continued. Finally her favored bull dropped his thick penis all the way out. The head of his penis flared out as it became full erect. Asha marveled at her lover’s phallus, eagerly licking her lips in longing to taste his sweet earthy seed. She took his penis in her hands and started to carnally lick at the orifice on the tip. One of her hands slid down her chest, across one of her large breasts as it made its way down between her legs. The love struck princess starts to rub her soft wet petals as she started to suck gently on her lover’s penis. As she continued to pleasure her elephant lover, Hathi comes up behind her and wraps his trunk around her waist. His trunk makes its way down between her legs and starts to probe around for her wetness. Asha shutters a little as she feels her alabaster bull’s trunk in her folds. Pulling away from Rakshak’s penis, a little of his pre drips for her tongue and lips. She stood up and patted Rakshak’s side, getting him to slowly sit down. Asha patted him again and he lay down. His penis still fully erect he rumbled impatiently. She startled his vast girth as she rubbed his belly. Rakshak gently rolled onto his back as Hathi let go of Asha’s waist. His massive penis rubbed against the princess’s soft back. Asha slid down between his legs and stated to ride his mast as her alabaster bull stepped over top of his partner. The two bulls being belly to belly, Asha made love to Rakshak as she reached for Hathi’s penis. Soon taking her other bull’s penis in her hands she started to suck on the tip. Both bulls rumbled in pleasure as Asha continued. Hathi trumpeted loudly as he ejaculated his seed into his princess’s mouth. His seed dripped down from her open mouth an on to her large breasts and then onto Rakshak’s belly. He too started to ejaculate his seed into his princess. Asha could feel her womb beginning to fill with his seed. As Rakshak started to retract his penis out of his princess’s soft folds his seed spilled out of her like a broken dam, covering the lower part of his belly and his sheath with his warm ejaculate. Asha swallowed Hathi’s seed and started to clean up Rakshak’s belly. She gently started to lick the seed from his belly with her tongue, savoring it.

(Princess Asha) “Come my loves let’s get clean.”

Asha slowly walks out to her pool. Her two lovers follow her and step into the pool. The lovers ritually clean themselves up. Rakshak being the one to rinse Asha off, she hugs her favored bull’s trunk after she is rinsed off, kissing it softly as he starts to scoop her up. Hathi rumbles as his princess is carried off in his friend’s trunk. Sleepily Asha snuggles her head against Rakshak’s strong trunk. Upon arriving at the palace, Rakshak lets his lover down on the soft grass. He caresses her thigh as she stands up. She sighs and reaches up and rubs his cheek. He lifts his trunk and kneels down for her. She too opens her mouth to let her lover’s tongue caress hers. She gently begins to rub her tongue against the underside of his, twisting it around so it move on top. Rakshak rumbles happily as she continues to tongue kiss him. She gently pulls away from him as he lowers his trunk back down. He stands up straight and shows off his thick phallus to her. Asha laughs and walks over to his side and gently caresses his penis. She gives it a kiss and starts to suck on it sensually. Rakshak exhales loudly through his trunk as he feels his lover’s soft lips against his penis. She sucked harder on his thickness till it started to leak some of his seed. Soon he started to climax once again. Asha pointed the head of his penis away from her so she would not be sprayed by his seed. She giggled and let go of his softening gland. Gently kissing it as he pulled it back up inside.

(Princess Asha) “Good night my love, see you tomorrow.”

Rakshak rumbled happily and caressed her cheek with his trunk, gently sliding it down to her chest and softly caressed her breast. Asha kissed his trunk and turned to walk back inside. She closed the door to her garden and leaned against it, letting out a sigh of contentment. Soon finding her way to her bathroom, she cleaned herself up more properly and headed to bed. Her silk sheets embraced her naked supple body as she drifted off to sleep. The dream she had; was of her favored bull. Rakshak had somehow mad his way into her bedroom and he started to shift his form to that of man. He still had all of his elephant features but stood on 2 legs. He climbed into bed with her and pulled her close. She made love to him over and over. Just as she was about to orgasm she woke up. Asha sat up as her breath was lustfully labored. It was still dark out; a few hours at most had passed. The princess was very aroused, knowing there was only one thing that could help her sleep. She got out of bed and walked down to her garden door. She stepped outside onto the soft grass and started to walk out to her pavilion. For once she did not see any of her lovers. She winkled her nose a little in annoyance. Finally after a good walk through her garden she made her way into her pavilion. Asha walked over to a small chest that was next to one of the walls. At some point she had moved her salve out to this chest during the rainy season. She pulled it out and started to rub a little on her clitoris. It started to warm up and tingle a little. She shuttered as she started to become almost uncomfortably aroused. She wandered out past the pavilion, into the thick jungle that made up the back end of her garden. She saw Mahaan drawing up some water into his trunk from the stream that flowed from the waterfall. She rushed over to his side, as he took his drink. He trumpeted loudly as she scared him. He tuned abruptly and saw that it was his mate. He rumbled and started to caress her. Soon out of the waterfall cave stepped her other two lovers. Asha started to lick Mahaan’s sheath lustfully. He started to protrude his thick foreskin out for her. She gently pushed back the soft foreskin and started to suck on the head of his flaccid penis. Mahaan rumbled happily as she continued. Rakshak and Hathi made their way over to the two of them. Gently rubbing their trunks on Asha’s body, she giggles as she continues to suck on Mahaan’s penis.

Asha spared no time to pleasure her bulls. She soon took Mahaan by the penis and pushed his thickness into her folds. Crying out in ecstasy as he started to breed her, Asha’s other 2 bull started to get aroused. As Mahaan continued to make lover to her Rakshak and Hathi trapped Asha under Mahaan, showing her their penises as they stood on either side of their love struck friend. Asha took her other two lovers by the penis and started to lick and suck gently on them. Mahaan trumpeted loudly as he climaxed. He rumbled happily as he pulled out of his princess and gingerly stepped over top of her so she could further pleasure Rakshak and Hathi. Asha continued to pleasure Hathi and Rakshak. She gently let go of Rakshak’s penis and started to reposition herself so she could take his penis into her love dripping folds. Once the princess felt her lover’s penis in her she let go of Hathi’s penis and focused on Rakshak. Hathi knew his time would come and stood quietly. Asha pushed back on Rakshak, taking his penis deep within her fold, moaning out in pleasure as he filled her womb with his seed. Her beloved bull pulled out of her gently and let his friend take his turn with her. Hathi let out a roar of happiness as Asha started to make love to him. After her 3rd bull finishes Asha lays panting on the soft moss covered ground. She crawls towards Rakshak. He gently picks her up in his trunk. The princess was still shuttering from Hathi’s love making. His warm seed continued to drip out of her soft folds as Rakshak carried her off. Her first love took her off to the waterfall so she could clean herself up. Asha bathed herself in the cool water; letting her lovers seed wash away with the current. As she finished bathing, Asha yawned and waded over to Rakshak and hug his trunk. He gingerly picked her up and took her back to her room. Sleepily Asha stumbled off to bed and curls up in her soft bedding.

Morning comes swiftly and the warm sunlight kisses her beautiful naked body. The princess sits up and stretches and looks towards her balcony. Only to be met by a familiar trunk sniffing about. She hops out of bed and wanders over to her lover. Gently taking his trunk in her soft hands and giving it a soft kiss. Rakshak rumbles happily, as his trunk slithers down her chest. He fondles her soft bosom before getting on his hind legs. Asha smiles her beloved bull greets her. Gently lifting his trunk, the princess kisses him on the mouth. She pulls away from him and walks down to her dresser. Pulling out a nice pair of haram pants and a soft silk top, she makes her way to the bathroom to freshen up. After her morning bath Asha makes her way to the dining room for breakfast. She sat down next to her mother and started to serve herself some of the wonderful breakfast that was set out on the table.

(Queen Aaryah) “Asha your older brother Ram is coming home to visit with his wife this afternoon. Also a new suitor will be coming in two days’ time.”

(Princess Asha) “I am looking forward to meeting my sister in-law, the next suitor not so much.”

(Queen Jodha) “Well my dear if your elephant has anything to say against the suitor he will let it be known.”

Both of the queens laughed as their daughter blushed with embarrassment.

(Princess Asha) “Well I guess that is the ultimate test.”

For the rest of the morning Asha spent her time with Jasmine, learning more belly dancing moves and then off to the royal library reading. By midafternoon the royal page announced the coming of the Sultan of Vāṣpa and Queen Mala. Asha quickly ran back to her room and changed into something more becoming of a Princess of Jala-rēta. Soon finding herself walking into the throne room and taking her seat next to her mother as her brother Ram and his wife came in.

(The Maharaja) “Ah my son, how was your journey home?”

(Sultan Ram) “Hot, I have heard that the Prince of Vadodara struck my sister. Was he taken care of?”

(The Maharaja) “Yes he was. I suspect his father will be coming here personally to apologize for his behavior.”

The Maharaja embraced his daughter in-law.

(The Maharaja) “You look well Mala, radiant as ever.”

Queen Mala smiles as she looks to her husband.

(Queen Mala) “We have some news dear father. We are expecting.”

(Sultan Ram) “I am hoping for son.”

The Maharaja and his 1st queen were overjoyed to hear the news. Asha walked up and hugged her beloved older brother.

(Princess Asha) “Congratulations Ram.”

(Sultan Ram) “Where are my manners? Mala, this is my younger sister Asha, the Ivory Jewel of Jala-rēta.”

(Queen Mala) “Nice to meet at last, your brother has spoken often of you. I must say all of the rumors are true of your beauty. I dare say that you have been blessed by one of the goddesses.”

(Princess Asha) “You flatter me; I find my beauty to a curse more than anything.”

(Queen Mala) “Nonsense, any man in any of the 12 kingdoms would be blessed to have you as their wife.”

Asha blushes at her sister in-laws kind words.

The princess excused herself from the room to go out to her garden to get a flower for her sister-in-law. Upon entering her garden, Asha’s elephants came up to her like always. All rubbing and tugging at her clothing.

(Princess Asha) “Later my loves, I need to get a flower for my sister.”

Mahaan and Hathi wandered off as Asha playfully scolded them. Rakshak stayed by her side as she walked down the mossy garden path. He rumbled happily as she let him caress her back as she bent down to pluck a single white lotus from the pool’s edge. Asha gently patted Rakshak on the fore leg and he bent down for her to get on his back. She gently tugged on his ear to get him to move. He huffed a little as he started to walk back to the palace.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you my love.”

The huge beast bent down once again and let his princess slide off his back. As he stood up he was rather erect. Asha looked up at her love struck bull. She shook her head and walked quickly into her room with the flower. Placing it in a bowl of water next to one of her couches, she walked back outside as she pulled off her silk top. Rakshak was still waiting outside her door still horny and wanting her attention. Asha sighed and walked over to his hindquarters and knelt down. He rumbled happily as she gently lifted his penis to her lips. She gently starts to lick the tip of his mast as he starts to drip with excitement. Asha starts to rub the thick shaft of his penis as she starts to suck. He lets out a loud trumpet as she continues to service him. He starts to thrust a little as Asha rubs the underside of the head of his penis. Rakshak starts to ejaculate, Asha quickly moves out of the way of his relief.

(Princess Asha) “Feel better Rakshak?”

The bull turns around and caresses his lover’s cheek, Asha sighs and gets up from the ground. Rakshak nudges his princess with his tusk. Asha laughs and walks back into her room and picks up her shirt. Getting dressed again Asha picks up the lotus she picked from her garden. She wandered off to find his brother and her sister in-law.

(Asha) “There you, Mala I have something for you.”

The princess hands the beautiful white lotus to her sister in-law.

(Queen Mala) “Asha this flower is beautiful.”

(Princess Asha) “It is from my garden.”

(Sultan Ram) “Her garden is off of her room.”

(Princess Asha) “My father gifted me the garden, when I returned home.”

(Queen Mala) “Your brother said that you have a pet elephant.”

(Princess Asha) “Three actually.”

(Queen Mala) “Three?”

Sultan Ram’s eyes go wide.

(Sultan Ram) “Three? When did you get the other 2?”

(Princess Asha) “It’s a long story brother.”

(Sultan Ram) “Well you will have plenty of time to tell me about it while I am her Asha.”

(Princess Asha) “Well I can tell you the story over lunch.”

The Sultan nodded as the three of them walked off towards the royal dining room. Ram and his wife sat to the right of head of the table and Asha sat across from her beloved eldest brother. The table was set with all kinds of fresh fruit and nuts from across the kingdom. Fresh made naan and curries of different kinds set out in front of them. Saffron rice scented with cardamom sat in a large bowl in the center of the table. Asha started to tell her brother and her sister in-law about what had happened before and after the rainy season. Her brother was quite displeased with what is late step-brother had done, this being the first he had heard of his passing. Mala on the other hand was quite shocked that something like this had happened under her father in-laws roof.

(Sultan Ram) “Asha I am sorry I was not here when this happened. I should have done something the first time Iaan had started bothering you.”

(Princess Asha) “There is no need to apologize Ram, Rakshak took care of Iaan. As for the Prince of Vadodara father took care of him. To be honest, I don’t want to marry anyone. Men for the most part scare me now. Aside from you, Ali, my brothers and father are the only men I trust.”

(Queen Mala) “Well Asha if you would not mind would you show me your garden? I would love to meet your pets as well.”

Asha smiled

(Princess Asha) “Mala I will warn you the three of them are very affectionate towards women.”

Ram laughed loudly at his sister’s comment.

(Sultan Ram) “I can vouch for that. Rakshak has protected my sister since she took him home after her birthday. Well you two have fun I need to speak to my father about a few thing with the trade route to our kingdom. See you two later.”

Asha blushed a little.

(Princess Asha) “This way Mala.”

Asha took her sister in-law to her privet hallway. The Queen of Vāṣpa was in awe of the stone work in the hallway. She marveled at the craftsmanship.

(Queen Mala) “Asha this hall is beautiful; your father must have spent a fortune on this.”

(Princess Asha) “I sure he did. I am his only daughter, Ram and Ajay have both told me he use to spoil me as a child. I am sorry to say I don’t really remember it. I lived a commoner’s the last 14 years, so I am still readjusting to being pamper and treated as a royal. I have found that living among the people of my kingdom has given me a lot of perspective of the royal family. Almost all of people in the village I lived in had the upmost respect for my father and my older brothers. My father never raised the taxes on the surrounding providences during the war. He helped them rebuild and granted them to be tax free for 5 years so they could recover their lost wealth.”

(Queen Mala) “My father on the other hand taxed the heart and soul out of people of the Kingdom of Vāṣpa. My heart grieved for them. When word of your father’s coming after the death of mine, the people rejoiced. Your brother is a great man, beloved just as much as your father.”

(Princess Asha) “That makes me very happy to know that my brother is well loved by his people. What about you Mala?”

(Queen Mala) “To be honest I hated your brother at first. He was Prince of the kingdom that my father wanted to destroy. When your brother came to Vāṣpa, he proclaimed that my people would not suffer under his rule and with the help of his father he would raise up Vāṣpa back to the Desert Jewel it once was. So far he has kept that promise. For almost 2 years in the beginning of our marriage I did not sleep in the same bed as him. He was never angry with me; more hurt then anything. It wasn’t till the day we went to the market place when I saw the kind of man I was married to. A young commoner girl was being beaten by a brute of man for something she did. She stole a loaf of bread to feed her starving children. Her husband had been killed in the war, and she had no money to feed them. Ram stopped the man and helped the girl up off of the ground. He paid for the loaf of bread and emptied the coin purse he had into her hands. He said to her; “Come to the palace if you need more.” Needless to say she now lives in the palace as a well-regarded servant to your brother and me. I can say I fell in love with him that day and the people saw how compassionate their ruler was.”

Asha smiled and opened the carved door to her room.

(Princess Asha) “This way.”

Queen Mala followed Asha down the steps to her garden door. Upon stepping out into the garden the two of them were met by Rakshak. He rumbled happily as Asha started to pet his thick trunk. Mala admired Asha’s garden. Rakshak stepped closer to the unknown female and started to sniff at her with his trunk. Mala laughed as she started to caress her cheek.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak be gentle.”

Mala softly petted his trunk. Rakshak started to slide his trunk down her side and back up to her chest. Soon fondling her breast a little, Mala gasped in surprise.

(Princess Asha) “I warned you my elephants are affectionate.”

Mala gently pushed his trunk away from her chest.

(Queen Mala) “You weren’t kidding about that.”

Soon the Ivory Princess’s other two bulls came wandering up to the garden door. Hathi and Mahaan gently sniffed and caressed the queen and the princess. Rakshak behaved even though he wanted to mate with his princess.

(Queen Mala) “Such gentle elephants you have here Asha. Did you train them yourself?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes I did.”

Asha patted her beloved bull Rakshak on the shoulder. He bowed down so she could get on his back.

(Princess Asha) “Mala come on up Rakshak won’t mind.”

(Queen Mala) “Are you sure? I have never ridden an elephant before.”

Mala gently got on Rakshak’s back. He rumbled a little as Asha gave a gentle tug on his ear. The bull started to walk off towards pool.

The majestic bull slowly wandered down the garden path, passing the pavilion. Queen Mala marveled at the sight of the garden. Asha smiled and tapped Rakshak on the shoulder and he slowly kneeled down for her. Asha slipped off of her lover’s back and helped her sister in-law down.

(Queen Mala) “That was fun. Where are we?”

(Princess Asha) “This is where I come it I don’t want to be bothered. None of the servants come into my garden nor any of my family. My father is very respectful of privacy.”

(Queen Mala) “Your father is a good man.”

Rakshak started to caress Asha’s neck gently with his trunk. She playfully pets it and rests her head on his trunk. After giving it a gently kiss she looks to her sister in-law.

(Princess Asha) “Mala what are you hoping to have: a son or a daughter?”

(Queen Mala) “I am hoping for daughter.”

(Princess Asha) “May she be blessed by Sri.”

Asha walks over to the rock that is in the center of hidden place she makes love to her bulls. She lies down on in. The sunlight warms her beautiful dark skin as her long raven hair spills off the side. Queen Mala smiles and sits on the edge of the rock next to her carefree sister in-law. Rakshak starts to tug at Asha’s pants. She playfully swats at his trunk, trying not to get aroused by him. Mala laughs as she sees the huge elephant messing with Asha’s clothes.

(Queen Mala) “Asha you best watch that one. He seems to like mischief.”

Asha sits up and hugs his trunk, gently pressing her large breasts against it, soon giving him another kiss.

(Princess Asha) “He is a good elephant, very loving.”

Rakshak rumbles happily, as he drops his thick penis out. Queen Mala gasps in shock seeing the large beast’s phallus hanging out. Asha pays not mind to it and stands up on the rock and pats him on the shoulder so he kneels.

(Princess Asha) “Come we should get back to the palace.”

The queen gently got on the elephant’s back and off the two royals go slowly making their way back to the garden door.

(Princess Asha) “Something that matter Mala?”

(Queen Mala) “No, it’s just …. Never mind.”

(Princess Asha) “You can tell me I won’t judge.”

(Queen Mala) “Your elephant… He was aroused. I have never seen such a huge… umm…”

(Princess Asha) “Penis.”

Mala blushed a little.

(Queen Mala) “Yes, penis, like I had said I have never been around these animals before. It has been mostly camels and horses.”

(Princess Asha) “It’s fine, bull elephants will often drop out their bull hood to keep cool. It is not just when they get aroused.”

(Queen Mala) “You seem to know a lot about elephants, Asha.”

(Princess Asha) “Well I read a lot and I have known Rakshak most of my life.”

Asha leans down and kisses Rakshak on the head, soon taping him on the shoulder as they approach the grassy patch that is outside her garden door. Her bull kneels down so the two of them can get off his back. Asha slips off her lover’s back easily and waits for Mala to get off. The queen slips and falls onto the ground. Rakshak quickly stands and helps the queen to her feet.

(Princess Asha) “Mala are you alright?”

(Queen Mala) “Yes, I’m fine. Your bull is quite the gentleman.”

Mala takes Rakshak’s trunk in her soft hands and gives it a kiss. Rakshak rumbles happily and starts to take a step forward, pressing his trunk between the queen’s breasts. He nuzzles her gently.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak seems to like you.”

(Queen Mala) “He’s sweet.”

Asha smiles and walks over to Rakshak and kisses his trunk.

(Princess Asha) “We should get ready for dinner.”

(Queen Mala) “You’re right it is getting late.”

Asha pats her lover’s trunk and starts to head into her room. Her sister in-law follows behind.

(Queen Mala) “Asha, is there a bathroom for me to freshen up?”

(Princess Asha) “There is one upstairs next to your room.”

The Queen nods and heads out to the grand hall to make her way upstairs. Asha quickly closes her door and locks it. She scampers back out to her garden. She is quickly met by her beloved bull. Asha pulls off her silk top and her harem pants and starts to rub Rakshak’s heavy sheath.

(Princess Asha) “Give me your thickness, my love I want to mate with you before dinner.”

Her beloved bull was more than happy to indulge her request. He quickly dropped out his long thick penis for her to play with. Asha gently took his mast in her soft hands and started to rub it between her large breasts, kissing it as she pressed her breast together. Her bull rumbled loudly as she started to suck on the tip of his phallus. She gingerly licked the orifice of his penis, causing him to flick his thickness out of her soft hands and gently caress her face a little. Asha giggles and grabs his penis again and gently positions herself to take her lover’s penis into her soft folds. The princess lets out a loud moan as he penetrates her deeply. Rakshak lets out a low roar as he pleasures his princess. Asha’s breathe quivers as she starts to orgasm. Squeezing the head of her bull’s penis with her folds, the gallant give her one last thrust before he fills her with his warm seed. Asha pulls away from her huge lover, panting like a bread dog, soon lying between Rakshak’s front legs.

(Princess Asha) “I love you Rakshak.”

He slowly back steps and starts to run his trunk over her, soon he gently sniffs at her naked supple body with his strong trunk. Pleased with the scent of her orgasm he rumbles loudly. Asha laid on the ground for a few more minutes before getting up and picking up her clothes. Rakshak caresses Asha’s back as she bends down to pick up her clothes.

(Princess Asha) “I will mate with you more later, my love.”

She finishes picking up her clothing. Rakshak pulls her close and opens his mouth. She smiles and gives him a kiss on the mouth. The bull closes his mouth once his lover pulls away. He gently nudges her with his tusks. She giggles and walks back inside her room. Asha closes her garden door and slips over to her bathroom to freshen up for dinner. After a quick bath the princess finds her way to the royal dining room.

(The Maharaja) “There you are Asha, dinner is about to be served.”

Asha smiles and sits next to her mother.

(Queen Aaryah) “Mala said you showed her your garden and introduced her to your pets.”

(Princess Asha) “Yes I did and Rakshak seems to like her.”

Queen Mala blushes a little. The rest of dinner is mostly spent quietly. Ram making a few comments about how poor his chef is in his palace and that he could learn a few things for the head chef here at home. Mala was not very amused at his jeering comments about the chef she had grown up with. Asha ate quietly, soon excusing herself from the table.

The Ivory princess wanders the halls, thinking mostly about the days that are to come. There would be another suitor coming to court her in the morning. She sighed heavily and walked back to her room. The night air was warm and comforting, filled with the sweet smell of lotus flowers and the fresh scent of fruit trees from her garden. The oil lamps soft glow flickered in the light breeze that playfully blew through her room. She could hear the sounds of her 3 titan sized lovers outside her room. She smiled and walked up to her balcony. She looked over her banister and saw her bulls sniffing and tugging at what appeared to be a girl in a thin cloak.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak.”

Her beloved bull stopped what he was doing and walked over to his princess. The girl stopped and froze in place in surprise. The other two of her lovers continued to rub their trunks on the mysterious girl. Hathi pulled back the hood of the scared girl. To Asha’s astonishment it was a Jaanavar* girl. (*Jaanavar: animal folk, furries) Asha had heard to the legendary beast people of the Kingdoms but had never in all of her years ever seen one. She was a slender desert fox, with large soft ears. She started to bolt off.

(Princess Asha) “Wait, come back I am not going to hurt you.”

Jaanavar girl stopped and cautiously approached Asha as she come out of the garden door. She prostrated herself before the Ivory Jewel of Jala-rēta.

(Princess Asha) “No need for that, please stand.”

The young fox girl stands up as she is asked. Hathi and Mahaan continue to rub their trunks on her as Rakshak comes back over to fondle her a little.

(Princess Asha) “What is your name? It seems my lovers like you.”

(Jewel) “My name is Jewel highness.”

(Princess Asha) “How long have you been coming into my private garden?”

(Jewel) “For many years, I have come in here to forage for some fresh fruit and clean water.”

(Princess Asha) “How do you get in?”

(Jewel) “I scale the wall next to mountain. I often come in at night. Your elephants don’t seem to mind. I know of your secret, they talk to me sometimes. They have said that you are very kind. Especially Rakshak, he loves you the most.”

Asha was in shock. This beast girl could speak to her lovers.

(Princess Asha) “Is there a way that I could learn to speak to my lovers?”

(Jewel) “No there is not. You would have to be a Jaanavar to do that.”

(Princess Asha) “Are there any Jaanavar elephants?”

(Jewel) “They are few and far between most of them have been placed in slavery in the Western Kingdoms or have been killed. The Jaanavar are not highly looked upon as people. We are small in numbers. Most of the humans fear us, because of how we came to be. Your brother the Sultan of Vāṣpa is kind like you to my people. Vāṣpa will have many of us living in that kingdom soon.”

Asha smiled and took Jewel by the hand.

(Princess Asha) “Come I have a place to show you.”

Asha took the fox girl out to a moonlit grove in her garden. It was full of fruit trees of all kinds. Her elephants followed close behind.

(Princess Asha) “Take as much as you want.”

(Jewel) “Princess, Rakshak said to me on one of my trips here that you are his mate? You would be very much welcomed in my people’s community.”

(Princess Asha) “So would my birth mother, she has a stallion she makes love to.”

Jewel collects up a bunch of fruit from the trees and fills her skins with water. Asha watches as the fox girl finishes up.

(Princess Asha) “Should the guards ever catch you coming into my garden tell them to bring you to me. I will sort them out.”

(Jewel) “Thank you your highness.”

(Princess Asha) “Please just call me Asha.”

Jewel smiles and starts to climb the wall, once she is on the top of the wall she calls back.

(Jewel) “Asha your kindness will be known throughout my people. You will always be held in high regard with them.”

Jewel slipped over the wall and vanished into the warm moonlit night. Asha stood next to the wall in her garden with a smile. Soon 3 trunks started to caress her body and tug at her clothing. She giggled as Rakshak started to slither his trunk down the front of her silk top and fondle her breasts. Gently pulling his thick trunk from out of the top of her shirt she kissed it. Rakshak rumbles softly and nudges Asha with his tusk softly. Hathi had wandered off to feed and Mahaan was starting to walk over to Asha with his trunk reaching out for her. The princess gently took her other bull’s trunk in her soft hand and gave it a gently tug. The huge bull advanced towards his love struck princess quickly. He soon started to tug at her silk top. Asha giggled and pulled off her top and let her large breast loose from there silk prison. She let out a loud sigh as both of her bulls fondled her. Asha playfully hung her top off of Rakshak’s left tusk and started to walk off. Both of her elephants followed her as she walked topless towards her pool. Once at the pool’s edge, Asha removed her silk haram pants and waited for her lovers to catch up to her. Asha watched as her 2 majestic bulls emerged from the dark jungle to the moonlit pool. She laughed at little as Rakshak came out, her silk top still hanging off of his tusk. She took her shirt off of her lover’s tusk and tossed it on top of her pants. Asha gently tugged on Rakshak’s trunk getting him to step into the pool. Her lover gently caressed her inner thigh with his thick trunk. Asha started to spread her legs for him as Mahaan started to sniff at her soft folds. Soon having both of her lover’s trunks poking and rubbing her in just the right fashion, Rakshak started to drop out his thick mast. Mahaan did the same, as the larger bull started to nudge the busty princess over to the higher bank on the other side of the pool. Asha smiled and did as she was directed. Making it over to the other side of the pool she waited for her lovers to follow. Rakshak lifted his great body up onto the embankment. Asha licked her lips as his penis emerged from the pool. She shuttered and waded over and got underneath her bull. He stood still as she made her way under him. Mahaan did the same as Rakshak and mounted the embankment. Asha took Rakshak and Mahaan’s penises in her soft hands and started to suck gently on them, one at a time. Her lips caressed both of her bulls thick masts. Rakshak trumpeted as he started to ejaculate all over Asha’s breasts. She giggled as his warm seed covered her breasts. Rakshak slowly lowered himself back into the pool as his princess continued to pleasure Mahaan. Asha began to suck harder on Mahaan’s thick gland, her tongue caressing the orifice on the tip as Mahaan started to trumpet a little. His sensitive pink tipped penis wiggled a little as it started to drip with excitement. Rakshak started to fondle Asha a little with his trunk. She moaned loudly as Mahaan finally ejaculated his seed for her. Asha moved out from under her bull and waded out to the waterfall. The rushing torrent of water rinsed the ivory princess clean of her elephants’ seed. She smiled as her first love came over to her and gently picked her up in his strong trunk and walked her back to the grassy bank of the natural stream. Asha picked up her clothing and started to walk back to the palace. Rakshak followed her, gently placing his trunk on her shoulder. She kissed the tip of his trunk and continued back to her room. Once back to the door under her balcony, she slipped back into her room. Her bull not wanting to leave her mounted the balcony banister and rumbled to get her attention. Asha ran up the stairs to her balcony to meet her lover.

(Princess Asha) “What is it my love?”

The bull rumbled and pulled his lover close. Opening his mouth to her, Asha giggled and began to kiss him. His large tongue caressed her mouth. She kissed him passionately before drawing away from him. He let out a soft roar as she stepped away from the balcony. He pulled her back with his trunk and started to snake his trunk between her large breasts and lifted one to his mouth. Gently letting his tongue caress her nipple, Asha let out a moan.

(Princess Asha) “Where did you learn that my love?”

The bull let go of her breast and fondled the other one in the same fashion. The princess shuttered as her elephant sucked gently on her large breast.

(Princess Asha) “Jewel must have taught you that.”

Rakshak rumbled as let her breast drop from his huge mouth. It was getting late, and Asha knew she had to get some sleep. She kissed her lover once more and crawled into her soft bed. Rakshak lowered himself from the balcony and walked off into the jungle covered garden to feed.
The sun rose up over the horizon, blanketing the garden with soft light. The bellows and trumpets of elephant could be heard. Asha woke to the sound of knock at her bedroom door.

(Princess Asha) “Yes?”

(Servant) “Your Highness, your morning bath is ready.”

Asha stretched and slowly got up and pulled on silk nightgown since she had slept in the nude. Walking down from her bed she yawned and opened the door. Finding herself in her bathroom, the princess got undressed and slipped into her bath. After about 20 minutes a knock came from her bathroom door.

(Princess Asha) “Yes?”

(Queen Aaryah) “Asha may I come in?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes Mother.”

Queen Aaryah walks in with a folded bundle of clothing. Beautiful lavender silk haram pants with a matching sari top and shawl.

(Queen Aaryah) “I bought these for you; hopefully they are to your liking.”

Asha got out of her bath and dried off. Walking over to her mother in a dry cloth, she inspected the clothing.

(Princess Asha) “Mother they are gorgeous.”

Queen Aaryah was pleased with her response. Asha slipped into her new clothes. Queen Aaryah walked over to Asha’s vanity and grabbed her brush.

(Queen Aaryah) “May I brush out your hair my dear?”

(Princess Asha) “Please mother.”

(Queen Aaryah) “Your hair is so long Asha, no wonder a lot of the girls in the palace are so jealous.”

(Princess Asha) “How is your stallion mother?”

(Queen Aaryah) “He is very happy.”

(Princess Asha) “I have a confession mother. I pleasured him once during the rainy season. I hope you are not mad.”

The queen smiled

(Queen Aaryah) “No my dear, that is fine. I was not able to get out to see him much since your father had occupied a lot of my time. How about your elephants, how are they?”

(Princess Asha) “They are horny as ever.”

Queen Aaryah laughed loudly. She finished brushing her daughter’s hair and pulled it up into a multi-braided ponytail.

(Queen Aaryah) “Come Asha, breakfast should be ready; you have a long day today.”

The queen left the bathroom and Asha followed her to the royal dining room. Asha took her seat next to her mother and started to serve herself breakfast.

(The Maharaja) “Asha you will be meeting the Prince of Bejaveld laagat, His name is Dhanī. His
father’s kingdom is one of the richest kingdoms, 2nd only to ours.”

Asha nodded and continued to eat her breakfast. Her brother Ajay spoke.

(Prince Ajay) “Dhanī is cowardly buffoon. He would sell my sister off if it meant him surviving an attack from another kingdom. That pompous ass couldn’t hold a sword if his life depended on it.”

(Queen Jodha) “Ajay, Dhanī is a very nice boy. Very giving, his subjects love him.”

(Prince Ajay) “Only for his wealth. Father you can’t be serious in letting Asha be courted by him.”

(The Maharaja) “Ajay that is for your sister to decide.”

By mid-day the Prince of Bejaveld laagat arrived to the Ivory Palace. Upon his arrival the streets of Jala-rēta were flooded with people. The prince’s caravan brought many gifts for Princess Asha. Asha sat on the lesser throne to the left of her mother.

(Royal Page) “Announcing His Royal Highness Prince Dhanī of Bejaveld laagat.”

In walked a rather portly prince with an entourage of servants and slaves carting in numerous amounts of gifts for the Ivory Jewel. The royal family marveled at the spectacle the prince brought with him. The 1st Queen shook her head seeing the prince and leaned over to her daughter.

(Queen Aaryah) “My dear I don’t know about you but I am not impressed.”

(Princess Asha) “Ajay was right he seems pompous. He looks like pumpkin with silk wrapped around it.

The Queen laughs as her husband greets the prince.

(The Maharaja) “Ahh, Prince Dhanī, How was your journey?”

(Prince Dhanī) “Long your Majesty, but fruitful.”

(The Maharaja) “How is your uncle?”

(Prince Dhanī) “He is well, overseas at the moment making trade with some of the far west kingdoms.”

The Maharaja nods

(The Maharaja) “Prince Dhanī, this is my daughter Asha, The Ivory Jewel of Jala-rēta.”

Asha nods to him with an unimpressed smile.

(Prince Dhanī) “Princess Asha words of your beauty have spread across the kingdoms; they mar your beauty in comparison.”

(Princess Asha) “Thank you Prince Dhanī, your words flatter me.”

The prince gestures to all of the gifts that filled the throne room.

(Prince Dhanī) “These are for you Princess, keep them as a token of my affection for you.”

(Princess Asha) “Thank you.”

(The Maharaja) “Well I will let the two of you get acquainted, I will take my leave.”

The prince bows lowly to the Maharaja and the Queens as they leave.

(Prince Dhanī) “Shall I take you out to the bazaar?”

(Princess Asha) “That would be nice.”

(Prince Dhanī) “Come.”

The portly prince took the princess by the hand and walked out of the palace with her. Walking alongside the prince Asha rolled her eyes as he spoke of his kingdom and the wedding they would have together and the children she would bare him.

(Prince Dhanī) “If you see anything you like Princess please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Asha smiled and nodded.

(Prince Dhanī) “It has been said that you like elephants. I have many elephants even some Jaanavar elephant slaves.”

(Princess Asha) “Really, Jaanavar elephants?”

(Prince Dhanī) “Yes, brutish things, like their four legged counterparts they have to be broken, beaten into submission.”

Asha frowned at the thought of any elephant being beaten.

(Princess Asha) “I have trained mine without beating them.”

(Prince Dhanī) “Really, how? They are dangerous animals.”

(Princess Asha) “Not mine, they are sweet and loving.”

(Prince Dhanī) “How many do you have?”

(Princess Asha) “I have 3, they live in my garden.”

The prince nods and they continue to walk through the bazaar, soon coming up to the elephant merchants.

(Prince Dhanī) “Here we are Princess, some place you like.”

Asha smiled as she looked around at the elephants.

(Merchant) “Your Highness, good to see you. How is Hathi and Mahaan?”

(Princess Asha) “They are well, thank you for asking.”

The merchant smiled and want about his business.

(Prince Dhanī) “You know this merchant well?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes, I do. He is the one that I bought one of my elephants from. He gave me one as well.”

Prince Dhanī nodded and walked around the elephants that the merchant had. Princess Asha did as well. The elephants reached out for Asha as she walked by. She petted their trunks and smiled.

(Prince Dhanī) “See any that you like Asha?”

(Princess Asha) “I am just admiring them. I have 3, like I said earlier, I don’t need another one.”

(Prince Dhanī) “Come now don’t waste this merchant’s time pick one.”

(Merchant) “Please your highness, Princess Asha comes her often to see my elephants when she is here in the bazaar. Honestly she helps me sell them. Any elephant that is good to the princess is good business for me. She doesn’t waste my time.”

(Prince Dhanī) “Well then Asha shall we head back to the palace?”

Asha nods and smile, the merchant bows to her and thanks her for the visit. Upon returning to the palace Asha sees some of the slaves Prince Dhanī had brought with him. She saw 5 Jaanavar elephant slaves moving some things that the prince had brought for her father. They moved the large crates of goods into the palace with ease. The largest one of them was covered in whip scars across his back. His tusks were cut off and uncapped and the septum of his trunk had a ring through it . The long chain from the iron collar around his neck dragged behind him as he slowly walked with a large cask of wine into the palace. The elephant slave tripped on the last step leading to the palace, thus dropping the cask of wine. Its crimson liquid ran down the steps of the Ivory Palace as Asha and the prince approached. Prince Dhanī ran up to the steps quickly and grabbed the whip off of the guard that was supervising the movement of goods. The prince being half out of breath reeled back with the whip and cracked it across the back of the slave several time.


Princess Asha looked on in horror as the poor slave was being whipped in front of her.

(Princess Asha) “Dhanī! STOP!”

The prince stops mid swing and looked back at Asha. Four of the Ivory palace guards rushed down the steps to their princess’s aid.

(Princess Asha) “Guards, have some of the servants clean up the steps. Prince Dhanī I am taking that slave and having his wounds taken care of. Must I remind you that my father is only tolerant of slaves in his kingdom. This is a perfect example why. It is barbaric the way you have treated this one.”

(Prince Dhanī) “He is my slave I will do as I please with him.”

(Princess Asha) “Not anymore, you had asked me if I wanted anything earlier today, I have made my choice.”

The prince inhaled deeply out of frustration.

(Prince Dhanī) “As you wish Princess.”

Asha walked over to slave and helped him up. Her soft hands gently pulled on his thick strong arm. The slave got up to his feet slowly not looking her in the eyes. The princess takes the keys to the collar from the prince’s guard.

(Princess Asha) “Come.”

The elephant slave followed Princess Asha into the palace, walking past her guards.

(Princess Asha) “Ali will you have some salve and bandages brought to my bathroom please and find the largest vest and pair of pants you can find. Also I do not want Prince Dhanī coming in my hallway.”

(Ali) “As you command, Your Highness.”

Prince Dhanī walks in after Asha has started to walk down her hallway with the slave in tow. Ali informs the guards to not let the prince near the princess’s hallway. Prince Dhanī comes in with a huff as he stomps after Asha. The two royal guards cross spears as the prince tries to follow Asha.

(Royal Guard) “I’m sorry Your Highness, The princess wishes for you to leave her alone right now.”

(Prince Dhanī) “I am guest here in the Ivory Palace and also her to court her.”

(Royal Guard) “If my princess wish for her hallway to be closed off to anyone it shall be done, please go to your quarters or to one of the common rooms.”

Prince Dhanī stomps off, extremely irritated, mumbling to himself about ill-mannered the princess is. Meanwhile Ali returns with some servants with the things the princess had asked for. Asha drew up a bath for the wounded slave. The elephant slave watched as the princess finished filling the bathing pool with warm water. Ali knocked on the bathroom door.

(Ali) “Princess I have brought what you have requested, may we enter.”

(Princess Asha) “Yes.”

The servants and Ali entered Asha’s bathroom. Placing the salve, bandages and clothing on the counter for her.

(Ali) “Do you think it is wise for you to be in here alone with this slave, princess?”

(Princess Asha) “I will be fine Ali.”

Ali nods and leaves with the servants. Asha motions for the elephant slave to come to her.

(Princess Asha) “It’s alright no one will beat you here.”

The slave nods and walks over to her. She gestures for him to sit so she can unlock his collar. Once again the slave does as he is told. Asha unlocked the collar and tried to pull it apart. The slave helped her remove the collar the rest of the way off. His neck was scared as well.

(Princess Asha) “You poor thing.”

Asha took him by the hand and walked him over to the bathing pool. He looked at her rather puzzled.

(Princess Asha) “Take off your pants and get in.”

The elephant slave did as he was told; it had been a long time since he had had a bath. He looked up at the princess with tearful eyes. Asha removed her top and stepped into the bathing pool with him. She lathered up a washcloth and started to help him clean himself. She was very careful when she washed his back. Gingerly blotting the open wounds, he winced in pain as she washed his back.

(Princess Asha) “I’m sorry.”

The slave looked at her and bowed his head a little. He rumbled a little as she finished rinsing his back off with some clean warm water. The water in the bathing pool was quite dirty. Asha bent down and pulled open the drain.

(Princess Asha) “Stand up and get out of the pool, I will…”

The elephant slave stood up and started to step out of the bathing pool as he was commanded. Asha stopped mid-sentence as she saw his thick semi-erect penis hanging out.

(Princess Asha) “Refill the bath.”

Her heart fluttered as she started to remember her dream she had during the rainy season. She rinsed out the pool and started to refill the bath with more warm water. She motion for him to come back in. He stepped back in and waited for her command.

(Princess Asha) “Sit please.”

He sat and started to finish washing himself. Asha gently started to wash his ears from standing behind him. He let out a rumble of happiness feeling his ears being washed and played with. Asha bit her lip as she saw that he was getting an erection from her rubbing his ears. She marveled at his thickness. He was hung just like her elephant lovers, same shape and proportionate length.

(Princess Asha) “Stand up please.”

Asha smiled as he stood up, his penis full erect and in full view. She gently reached out for his penis and caressed it with a lathered wash cloth. He did not object to her doing this. He closed his eye and let out a rumble of satisfaction. Asha grabbed the small bowl she was using to rinse his back with. She started to pour warm water over his soap cover penis. He flicked his penis in reaction to the warmth of the water, pinning it against his belly for a few seconds and letting it drop back down. Asha couldn’t help herself, she started to rub his shaft a little. Gently stroking it with her soft hands, he opened his eyes and looked down at her. He let out a questioning rumble.

(Princess Asha) “Do you want me to stop?”

The elephant shook his head no. He gently caressed her sides with his hands as she continued to gingerly rub his penis. Asha soon lifted his clean penis up to her lips and gently started to suck on it. He placed one of his hands on the back of the princess’s head. She began to suck harder on his thickness. He exhaled loudly through his trunk as she continued. After a few more blissful minutes the elephant slave ejaculated into his princess’s mouth. Asha swallowed his seed down like he was one of her bulls. She pulled away from him and smile.

(Princess Asha) “Feel better?”

The slave nodded.

(Princess Asha) “Good, let me bandage your wounds and help you get dressed.”

Asha walked over to her counter and picked up the salve and the bandages. The slave came over and sat on the cool alabaster marble floor in front of her. The princess carefully rubbed the salve on the open whip wounds. He grunted a little as she started to wrap the bandages around his back.

(Princess Asha) “There you go; the salve should help those wounds heal in a few days. What is your name?”

The elephant slave said nothing but opened his mouth, showing her that his tongue was gone. Asha stepped back, horrified at the sight.

(Princess Asha) “Did Prince Dhanī do this to you?”

The slave nodded. Asha started to well up with anger. He gently pulled her close to him. Her head pressed against the bottom of his ribcage.

(Princess Asha) “I will make him pay for this transgression. I will name you ok. How about Sajjan? You are gentle at least to me.”

Sajjan nodded happily at being given a name.

(Princess Asha) “Will you protect me?”

He nodded his head yes.

(Princess Asha) “Than from this day forward you will be my personal guard, not a slave. You may look me in the eyes Sajjan.”

Sajjan looked Asha in the eyes and pulled her close. She could feel the warmth of his thick hide against her cheek. She rested her head on his belly and looked up at him.

(Princess Asha) “I will keep you as a lover as well.”

Sajjan caressed Asha with his trunk a little. She gently took his trunk into her soft hands and kissed it. She help Sajjan get dressed and took him out to find her father. Finding him and her older brother Ram in the throne room.

(Princess Asha) “Father I want you to meet Sajjan, I will have him as my personal guard. I know he is a Jaanavar but I don’t care. I will have Ali teach him how to fight.”

(Sultan Ram) “Sister did you bandage him up or was he already like that when you found him?”

(Princess Asha) “Prince Dhanī whipped him for dropping a cask of wine on the front steps of the palace. I took him from the prince and cleaned him up and tended to his wounds. I dislike the fact that Prince Dhanī is so cruel to the Jaanavar he has as slaves. He cut out Sajjan’s tongue.”

(The Maharaja) “HE WHAT?!

(Princess Asha) “Cut out his tongue. Sajjan show my father please.”

Sajjan did as he was asked and showed the Maharaja and the Sultan his missing tongue. This infuriated both the Maharaja and the Sultan.

(The Maharaja) “This is why we do not allow slavery in this kingdom. It is barbaric. Asha my dear how many Jaanavar slaves does the prince have?”

(Princess Asha) “5 that I know of; Father will you please do something about it?”

(Sultan Ram) “In my kingdom the Jaanavar have been a great help to rebuilding the kingdom. I have granted many of them full citizenship.”

(The Maharaja) “Yes Asha I will do something about this crime.”

The Maharaja stormed out of the throne room to go find the Prince of Bejaveld laagat. The Sultan of Vāṣpa stepped down from the throne and walked up to Sajjan.

(Sultan Ram) “Sajjan, I am the Sultan of Vāṣpa and Princess Asha’s eldest brother. Protect my sister with your life. Do you understand?”

(Princess Asha) “Brother, Stop being so stern with him.”

Sajjan nodded and place a protective arm around Asha.

(Sultan Ram) “Good. If any of your people need work or a place to live come to Vāṣpa. I will see to it personally.”

Sajjan stepped away from Asha for a moment and gave the sultan a bow. Ram excused himself from the throne room. Asha smiled up at her new guard / lover.

(Princess Asha) “Come on Sajjan, would you like something to eat?”
He nodded yes and followed the princess out to the great hall. Upon exiting the throne room Asha could hear the argument between her father and the prince.

(Prince Dhanī) “They are my property I will do as I choose with them your majesty.”

(The Maharaja) “As is stated in the edict of this kingdom laid down by my grandfather as it has stood for over 100 years any slave brought into this kingdom shall be freed upon its entry.”

(Prince Dhanī) “It says slaves not Jaanavar.”

(The Maharaja) “A slave is a slave so that means the Jaanavar as well. Don’t test me on this.”

(Prince Dhanī) “They are just stupid upright animals.”

Asha walked by with Sajjan by her side. Prince Dhanī stomped over to her and started to yell at her. He was quickly stopped by Sajjan. The elephant guard pushed the short prince away with ease. The prince recovered quickly and got off the floor and pasted Sajjan and slapped Asha across the face.

(Prince Dhanī) “You said nothing to me about the edict of freedom for the slaves!”

Sajjan helped Asha up from the floor and turned around and punched the prince in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. Asha held a hand to her face as her father and the royal guards come running over to her. Ali detained the prince and waited for the orders from his ruler.

(The Maharaja) “Asha you are not hurt are you my little flower?”

The Maharaja saw a hand print forming on his beloved daughter’s cheek. He turned around to Ali.

(The Maharaja) “Ali, stretch out his right hand.”

(Prince Dhanī) “You can’t do this to me I am a prince of one of the 12 kingdoms!”

Ali did as he was commanded; the Maharaja drew his scimitar and cleaved off the prince’s hand. The prince screamed out in pain and started to curse.

(The Maharaja) “Let this be a lesson to you Prince Dhanī of Bejaveld laagat. No one not even a prince of another kingdom will ever raise a hand to my daughter in my presents. Ali take him to the dungeon and have his wrist bandaged. He will stay there till his uncle returns for overseas. Also dispatch one of my pages to Bejaveld laagat with a message to the regent, stating that the prince has committed a high crime against the Kingdom of Jala- rēta.”

Ali nods and drags the prince off; Asha smiles seeing Prince Dhanī getting what he deserves. Her father walks up to Sajjan.

(The Maharaja) “Sajjan protect my daughter let no harm come to her. Even if it means bringing violence to a royal; under my laws you will be protected for your transgressions. Before I send the servants back to their kingdom are there any of the Jaanavar slaves you would like me to keep here as servants or just let them all go free?”

Sajjan nodded yes.

(The Maharaja) “I will have all of them gathered in the great hall.”

The Maharaja walks off with a few of his servants.

(Princess Asha) “Come along Sajjan let’s get you some food.”

Princess Asha entered the royal kitchen, all of the cooks and servants stopped for a second to pay their respects to her highness. She wandered over to one of the cooks.

(Princess Asha) “Could you make something for my guard please; something with a lot of vegetables in it?”

The cook smiled and did as he was asked. Asha took Sajjan out to the dining room so they could wait for his food. About 20 minutes later two servants came out with 3 plates and a small tray of fruit and naan. Sajjan looked over at Asha with wide eyes.

(Princess Asha) “It is alright if you don’t finish all of it.”

Sajjan took the fork that was placed next to his plate and started to eat. Asha grabbed a couple of figs off of the tray. She soon got up and walked over to a small table that was next to one of the windows. She poured a glass of wine for her guard and walked back over to the table.

(Princess Asha) “Just one glass of wine, it will help you calm down a little.”

Asha kissed him on the forehead and sat back down. Sajjan ate quietly and drank the glass of wine. All but a half of a plate of food was left.

(Princess Asha) “You haven’t eaten in a while have you?”

Sajjan shook his no; the princess wrinkled her nose a little in annoyance.

(Princess Asha) “Come let’s find my father and see what we can do to help the rest of the slaves.”

As her father had said, he had gathered the entire prince’s group Jaanavar slaves in the great hall. Ali and some of the guard were helping remove the shackles and iron collars from them. Asha stood dumbfounded at the sight of almost 20 Jaanavar slaves. It looked like a menagerie in the great hall. Her brother stood in front of the crowd of Jaanavar.

(Sultan Ram) “You are now freed from the bondage that the prince held over you. My family will see that you are cleaned up and fed properly. If some of you would like I have a lot of Jaanavar helping me back home in Vāṣpa. They are helping rebuild the kingdom. I will pay you and grant you full citizenship to the kingdom.”

The Jaanavar cheered for the Sultan. Ram smiled and walked over to his sister.

(Sultan Ram) “Well it looks like when I leave I will be taking a lot more subjects with me.”

(Princess Asha) “That will depend on how many wish to stay here.”

Asha and Ram watched as Sajjan walked over to the small group of Jaanavar elephants. He embraced each of them and pointed over to Asha. Two of the male Jaanavar elephants and 1 felmale started to walk over to Asha with Sajjan.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan are these friends of yours? Do they wish to stay here at the palace with you?”

Sajjan nodded yes.

(Sultan Ram) “Looks like you will have your own royal guard soon sister and a personal servant.”

(Princess Asha) “Nice to meet you, please come with me.”

Asha takes the 3 of them off to her bathroom. Getting the servants to bring clean changes of clothing for each of them, Asha helped get them cleaned up before their dinner was served. She smiled seeing Sajjan so happy.

After getting her new servants dressed and fed, Asha showed them to their own quarters. Asha sat on one of the beds and watched them get comfortable.

(Princess Asha) “Can any of you speak?”

The large female comes up to her.

(Henna) “My name is Henna, your Highness. The other two are Durja and Amit.”

The two males perk up as they hear their names called out. Both of the dark skinned males walk over to their princess. Asha smiled as they approached, she made note of their distinguishing markings. Durja had slightly lighter skin than Amit. Both of them had small amounts of pigment discoloration running down their trunks and on their chests. Amit was very well toned; Asha could tell that out of all of the Jaanavar elephants that she had seen in the great hall, he seemed to be the healthiest one out of them all. Each of the males including Sajjan were almost 7 and a half feet tall. Asha looked at the beds and shook her head.

(Princess Asha) “This won’t do, Sajjan will you come with me please?”

Sajjan followed her out of the servant’s quarters to a storeroom with all of the extra bedding. She pointed to the extra floor mattresses and pillows.

(Princess Asha) “If you would could you bring those to the servant’s quarters please.”

Sajjan nodded as Asha grabbed the pillows and started to walk back to the room where the others were waiting. Her strong guard placed the mattresses on the floor in the sleeping area. Asha placed the pillows down on one of the small beds and started to pull the mattress off of one of the other beds. Durja ran over to help her.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you Durja.”

He nodded and walked over to the other bed and started to pull the other mattress off of it.

(Princess Asha) “Henna, the other two don’t speak?”

(Henna) “Amit can but most of the time he doesn’t because of what happened to Durja and the big one you named Sajjan.”

(Princess Asha) “Durja had his tongue cut out by that bastard prince.”

(Henna) “Yes he did.”

After an hour or so, Asha finished helping her new servants get their bedroom situated. The princess walked back to her room with Sajjan following her.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan you can go relax. You don’t need to follow me.”

Sajjan shook his head no and placed an arm around her protectively.

(Princess Asha) “My brother’s command to protect me.”

Asha giggled a little and walked into her room. After Sajjan walked in she closed and locked the door. Gently taking him by the trunk and kissing it. She led him up to her bed and started to undress. Sajjan stood wide eyed as he watched his princess get naked in front of him. He let out a huff out of his trunk in excitement. Asha beckoned for him to come closer. Upon walking over to her bed, Asha got up and walked behind him. Soon wrapping her arms around his waist; she gently started to rub the crotch of his cloth pants. He stood still as he felt her soft hands start to explore past his waistline. She kissed his back as she felt his foreskin start to protrude out of his sheath. She tugged gently on his pants; soon pulling them down. Sajjan stepped out of the crumpled pair of pants on the floor and turned around to face Asha. She continued to tease his foreskin by kissing and licking it gently until he became fully erect. Asha pulled back and marveled at her new lover’s penis. Much like Rakshak, Sajjan was almost black skinned and covered in light pinkish pigment patches. His penis was black with large pink splotches on it. The princess took his penis in her soft hands and lifted it to her mouth and started to suck on it. Gingerly rubbing her large breasts against the shaft; Sajjan rumbled happily as he was being serviced once again. Asha continued to suck gently on his penis. Sajjan couldn’t take it any longer; he had to mate with her. He pulled away from her and gently laid her on her bed. Asha didn’t fight his advancement because she wanted it too. She started to spread her legs wide for him, showing off her wet folds to him. Sajjan began to tease Asha by slowly rubbing the head of his huge penis against the lips of her folds. Asha bit her lip and started to whine wanting his to take her. He slowly thrust his hips, making his mast penetrate her deeply. Asha let out a moan of pleasure as her new lover bent forward and let his trunk curl around on of her large breasts. The princess’s breath became labored as her Jaanavar lover continued. His rough hands played with her breasts and her clitoris. Asha started to loose herself in the rhythmic movement of their love making. Her folds started to tighten around the elephant sized intrusion as it kissed her cervix. Finally Asha let out a loud moan as she violently orgasmed. Sajjan too reached his climax, and filled his princess with his seed. Sweet sweat ran down Asha’s chest and across her breast. Her elephant lover gently kissed the sweat off of her breast as he slowly pulled out of her.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, you make love to me like my elephant Rakshak.”

Asha looks over at her balcony, a dark skinned, pigment patched trunk sniffs around for her. Soon the huge head of her beloved pops up over the banister. He trumpets to get her attention. Sajjan looks over and slowly starts to walk towards him.
(Princess Asha) “That is Rakshak by the way. He is my beloved elephant, my first love.”
Sajjan nods and approaches the banister, as Asha is embraced by Rakshak’s trunk. The bull starts to caress the princess’s sides and down between her legs with his rough skinned trunk. Taking in the scent of her and the unknown male. He rumbles inquisitively as he rubs her soft petals.

(Princess Asha) “My love this is Sajjan. Be nice to him.”

Rakshak starts to pull Asha off the balcony. Sajjan watches him as the princess is gently carried off.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, come outside to the garden.”

Sajjan looks a little confused at her request, not knowing how to get outside from her room. After Rakshak places Asha on the soft grass covered ground, she walks back into her room to get her Jaanavar lover. Coming up from the stairs that lead out to the garden Asha called out to Sajjan.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan this way.”

Sajjan follows his princess out to the garden. Rakshak walked up to Sajjan and rumbled soon the two of them twisted trunks together. The huge bull elephant started to relax and pulled away from him. Asha smiled seeing her elephant lover and her Jaanavar guard getting along.

(Princess Asha) “He is very protective of me. He and my other 2 bull elephants.”

Sajjan nods and continues to pats Rakshak’s side. The bull starts to become aroused as he starts to play with his human mate’s breasts. Asha giggles and walks over to his hindquarters. She gently lifts his huge penis to her mouth and starts to kiss it in front of Sajjan. He himself starts to get turned on by the sight of the nude princess pleasuring the huge beast. Asha bends over to take more of her lover’s penis into her mouth. Ash she does this Sajjan walks up behind her and starts to tease her with his penis. He gently rubs the tip on her wet, dripping folds. Soon thrusting it into her deeply, Asha lets out a sensual loud moan before sucking hard on Rakshak. Sajjan gives Asha a few more good deep thrusts and ejaculates hard into her vaginal cavity. The muscles in her vagina tighten around her lover’s thick penis as she climaxes. She licks around the tip of Rakshak’s penis as Sajjan pulls out of her. Feeling his warm seed run down between her legs, the princess drops to her knees and starts to rub her large breasts against her elephant lover’s mast. He starts to drip some pre-ejaculate on her breasts, helping slick the path between them.

(Princess Asha) “Give me your seed my love. I want to taste it.”

The huge bull rumbles and soon lets out a loud bellow as he sprays his thick, sticky, warm seed between Asha’s soft breasts. His thick penis lifts her left breast a little as it flicks upward towards his broad belly. The princess looks down at her seed covered breast and smiles. Sajjan watches Asha gently rub her breast, removing some of the seed with her hands. Breathing heavily she licks her hands clean as her lover turned around to grope her a little with his rough skinned trunk. She giggled as he gently picked her sweat laden body from the ground. Sajjan followed behind the great bull elephant as he walked deep into the jungle covered garden. The sounds of the warm night echoed around the trees. Sajjan looked on in wonder where he was going. The stream and waterfall could be heard in the distance as they approached Asha’s pavilion. Rakshak lets go of the Ivory Princess.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan come, let’s go find my other elephants.”

The naked princess starts to walk down the garden path that is well worn by her elephant’s footsteps. Her guard follows close behind her. He places his trunk on her shoulder to get her to slow her pace.

(Princess Asha) “What is it Sajja…”

Sajjan embraces her and kisses her on the mouth. Asha starts to melt in his arms. She gently caresses his sides and unbuttons his vest. Rakshak rumbles a little as Asha started to pay attention to the upright bull elephant. His trunk starts to explore Sajjan’s body a little. Sajjan pays not heed to the bull, but keeps kissing and caressing his princess. Rakshak snaked his trunk around Sajjan’s waist and up to his sheath. He gently started to probe around for his thickness. Sajjan let his foreskin protrude out for the bull to play with. Soon the Jaanavar guard was fully erect from the bull’s fondling. Asha giggle a little as she felt Sajjan’s erection and Rakshak’s trunk brush against her belly.

(Princess Asha) “Rakshak likes you Sajjan.”

Sajjan rumbled happily as Rakshak continued to fondle his penis. Asha broke away from his embrace and continued to walk down the garden path. Both males soon followed the princess out the waterfall at the far end of the garden.

(Princess Asha) “You too stay here I will see if the other 2 are in the cave.”

Asha waded into the stream and disappeared behind the waterfall. Rakshak entered the stream and looked back at Sajjan. He let out a soft rumble and the Jaanavar guard started to follow. The majestic bull turned around to face Sajjan as he got to the higher embankment. Rakshak started to fondle Sajjan again, working him up to a full erection once again. Sajjan huffed loudly out of his trunk as he sat on the edge of the high bank; his thick penis began to flick against his belly out of arousal. The bull lifted his massive forelegs up from the water onto the embankment, so his head was level with Sajjan. Rakshak curled his trunk around the guard’s penis and lifted it to his mouth. He began to hold it in his mouth, his tongue gently caressing the thickness. Sajjan put one of his large hands on the elephant’s forehead and closed his eyes as he started to thrust his penis deeper into his mouth. The bull moved his tongue around the bottom of thick member that began to squirm in his mouth. Tasting the sweet pre-ejaculate that dripped from the Jaanavar guard’s penis, Rakshak began to suck gently on it. Sajjan rumbled happily as the bull continued, unknown to him Asha watched from the back of her alabaster elephant lover. Hathi trumpeted, breaking Sajjan out of his state of bliss. He blew his seed deep into the elephant’s mouth and quickly pulled away; soon standing up rather embarrassed in front of the princess.

(Princess Asha) “It’s ok Sajjan, I am glad you will be coming out with me to tend to my lovers.”

Sajjan blushed a little as Rakshak rubbed his side with his thick trunk then giving his naked rear a slap. The guard let out a trumpet of surprise. Asha laughed loudly at the sight. Soon Mahaan emerged from the cave behind the waterfall.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, this is Hathi and that is Mahaan, my other two lovers.”

Sajjan nodded and started to walk down to the lower shore as the 3 elephants got out of the water. Rakshak was quite aroused and made his way to Sajjan. Hathi kneeled down for his princess, so she could get off his back. Asha snuggled Hathi’s trunk after she got off his back.

(Princess Asha) “Hathi, Mahaan come on.”

Asha started to walk back to the pavilion. Rakshak rumbled and started to caress Sajjan’s sides with his trunk, soon curling it around his waist. The guard looked a little puzzled as he watched his princess walk off without him. He broke from his new lover’s embrace and ran after her. Placing his trunk on her shoulder, Asha stopped and kissed it. Sajjan picked her up in his strong arms and carried her back to the pavilion. Asha wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his chest. As the two of them entered the pavilion they were followed by 3 very aroused elephants. Sajjan places his naked princess down onto the cool marble floor of the pavilion. She is quickly snatched up by her alabaster bull. Hathi starts to fondle Asha a little after he picks her up. Mahaan walks over to Sajjan and begins to sniff him with his trunk. He lets out a rumble of concern as he runs his trunk up Sajjan’s back. Smelling blood and healing infection.

(Princess Asha) “Mahaan he is doing better.”

Asha walks over to her regal bull and pats his trunk. Rakshak has entered the pavilion and has wandered over to his princess. Gently wrapping his trunk around her belly and pulls her close to him. Asha laughs and turns around to face him in their embrace. She soon lifts his trunk and kisses him on the mouth. Sajjan walks over to her and pats Rakshak on the side. The bull rumbles a little and picks his princess up and walks out with her. It was nearing dawn and Asha yawned as her elephant lover carried her back to the palace.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you my love, I will see you later.”

Asha and Sajjan enter her bedroom from the door under the stairs.
(Princess Asha) “Sajjan lay with me. Hold me in your arm so I can sleep.”
Sajjan does as he is commanded and gets fully undressed and lies as best he can on the small bed. Asha smiles and lies against his chest as he holds her close to him. She kisses his chest before drifting off to sleep.

Several hours later there comes a knock at the door.

(Henna) “Princess, your bath is drawn and a set of fresh clothes are in your bathroom.”

Asha sits up and yawns, looking over to find Sajjan still asleep. His thick penis hanging out of its sheath, Asha couldn’t help herself. She started to suck on her lover’s thickness. He let out rumble of pleasure as he opened his eyes. Finding his princess orally pleasuring him first thing in the morning, he gently started to finger her wet folds as she continued. Asha began to suck harder on him, rhythmically bobbing her head up and down his thick penis; savoring every drop of sweet ejaculate that squirted from the tip of his mast. Sajjan let out a soft trumpet as he ejaculated into Asha’s mouth. She swallowed his seed and slowly pulled away from him. She kissed the tip of his penis and giggled.

(Princess Asha) “Morning, let’s get ready for the day.”

Asha got up and out of her bed. Making her way down the stairs to the bedroom door with Sajjan following her carrying his cloths, Asha poked her head out of her room to see if the coast was clear for them to run over to the bathroom. Seeing no one at the mouth of her hallway the princess scampered over to her bathroom. Upon entering her bathroom with Sajjan, the two of them were met by Henna.

(Princess Asha) “Henna….”

(Henna) “Taking to one of your guards are we?”

Asha closed the door and locked it, Sajjan looked a bit embarrassed standing in the nude in front of the busty Jaanavar female.

(Princess Asha) “Don’t tell my father, please Henna”

(Henna) “Why would I. You have been very kind to me and my people. You gave us a home and treat us like people and not slaves. Besides Sajjan is a very good looking male despite his scars. You know princess; I can smell your other lovers on you. I don’t judge but be careful. If you come across other Jaanavar and they can smell that on you. The last thing I would want is for you to be put to death for your lust of animals.”

(Princess Asha) “I’m in no danger of that here. There is a royal edict in place that protects me from that law.”

Asha gets into her bath along with Sajjan.

(Henna) “Good to hear. May I be of any more assistance?”

(Princess Asha) “No you may go, please inform Ali to watch my hallway while I bathe.”

Henna nods and excuses herself from the bathroom. After the door shuts Sajjan wraps his arms and trunk around his naked lover, rumbling happily. Asha leans back in his embrace as his trunk slithers under her right breast and starts to give it a gently squeeze, the tip of his trunk gently caressing the nipple. Asha shutters a little as Sajjan does this. She gently picks up the wash cloth and starts to lather it up with some soap. Gently scrubbing herself down; she turns to Sajjan and hands him the wash cloth.

(Princess Asha) “Will you scrub my back my love?”

Sajjan gently starts to wash Asha’s back, taking gentle care of all of her curves. He rumbles happily as he places the wash cloth down and draws up some warm water in his trunk and gently sprays her down with it. She giggles as she feels the spray of water on her back. She picks back up the wash cloth and starts to re-lather it with the sandalwood soap. She turns around and starts to wash her elephant lover with it. He rumbles happily as he feels his princess gingerly caress his naked body with the soft wash cloth. She softly rubs his thickness with the wash cloth; he flicks his penis out of reaction to the soft stimulation. Asha laughs as the wash cloth get lifted and toss up into the air from his massive member flicking up to his belly. The princess grabs the small bowl next to her bathing pool and rinses Sajjan’s penis with warm water, soon giving it a loving kiss. Asha turns around to place the bowl back on the floor next to the pool and Sajjan grabs her around the waist. He gently slides his rock hard thickness between her legs, this trunk slides over her shoulder and starts to fondle her large soft breasts. Asha moans a little as his probing penis finds its way inside her soft wet petals. Sajjan make love to his princess once again, holding her close as he pleasures her greatly. She convulses with every orgasm, letting out a sweet moan of gratification. Sajjan finally climaxes after about 30 minutes of love making. Pulling out slowly, he lets go of Asha’s sides as his warm seed drips out of her well stretched fold and into the cooling bath water. Asha gets out of the bathing pool and starts to dry off as Sajjan unplugs the drain and gets out himself.

(Princess Asha) “Come on love you should get to the servants quarter for your breakfast. I will see you later.”

After Asha finishes getting dressed, she waits for Sajjan and then walks down her hallway to the great hall. Sajjan walks off to the servant living quarters as Asha makes her way to the dining room. The royal family was sitting down for breakfast as Asha walked into the dining room. The whole family was at the table, there was no sneering step-brother, no hostile looks coming from anyone, just peace. Asha sat next to her mother and served herself breakfast.

(Queen Aaryah) “Asha, your father tells me that you have taken in some of the slave from that potbellied prince.”

(Princess Asha) “They are servants mother not slaves.”

(Sultan Ram) “Mother, if they are willing to learn Asha may have some of them as guards.”

(Princess Asha) “Ajay I meant to ask you about that; would you be willing to teach them how to use a sword and spear to protect me?”

(Prince Ajay) “Yes I would be more than happy too. Besides I think it would be fitting that my little sister has her own guard. I have had my run-ins with Jaanavar soldiers before. They are a force to be reckoned with, especially the elephant Jaanavar. Armor one of them, they are damn near unstoppable.”

(Princess Asha) “Really?”

(Prince Ajay) “I was visiting one of the western kingdoms on my military tour. In the Kingdom of Lauh Aag the King and his sons take great pleasure in watching arena fighting. This poor Jaanavar elephant was thrown out into the arena, pitted against 12 men. I watching in horror as the Jaanavar cut through 10 of them. It was only after the tenth soldier was killed that the elephant slowed down. He had been stabbed at the very least 20 times and the last two men finished him off. I was absolutely disgusted by this form of entertainment. The King said to me this is good for the mind of any general, to be hardened against your enemy.”

(The Maharaja) “The Kingdom of Lauh Aag does this? Our kingdom being the ruling kingdom of the 12 that make up our nation, I will not tolerate that.”

(Princess Asha) “Father that is sickening, to think a king enjoys that kind of barbarism.”

(Queen Jodha) “I have met that king only once. He is a very intimidating king. Rumors say he killed 2 of his sons in the same fashion because of their disliking of his ruling.”

(The Maharaja) “Ajay, I want to learn more about this kingdom. We don’t have many dealings with them nor to any of the eastern kingdoms.”

(Prince Ajay) “Well father I will do what I can. Out of all of the western kingdoms, I firmly believe that kingdom would be the one that would start a war.”

(Princess Asha) “Father I don’t want to courted by any of the princes from that kingdom.”

(The Maharaja) “My dear they have the right too, but that doesn’t mean you have to marry any of them.”
Asha excuses herself from the dining room and walks down the hall to the concubine quarters.

(Princess Asha) “Ami, what to do you know about the King of Lauh Aag?”

(Jasmine) “From what I have heard he is one of the western warlords. His father’s kingdom is small because of his lose to your great great-grandfather in the kingdom war. He has sworn fealty to your family. As far as I know he has kept his vow to honor that.”

(Princess Asha) “It still frightens me, to know there is a king out there whose son could come to court me.”

(Jasmine) “You needn’t worry about that too much my dear.”

Asha smiles a little and walks back to the great hall. Upon entering the great hall she was stopped by Ali.

(Ali) “Princess, your brother Ajay wishes to see you out in training yard.”

Asha nods and walks out to the large area that serves as the animal and soldiers training ground. There in the middle of the yard stand her 3 Jaanavar elephants, training hard with some of the royal army soldiers. Asha watched as Sajjan defended himself against 5 soldiers. Durja and Amit seemed to be doing well fending off a piece. The drill captain halted the exercise as he saw the princess sitting down on one of the benches next to the large urn of water. All of the soldiers bowed to their princess.

(Captain Raj) “Take a break everyone.”

The soldiers walked off the field and set down the practice weapons and shields.

(Prince Ajay) “Sister, your quiet one seems to have a lot of fight in him. The other two will have to train harder to catch up to him. I think after a few months of training they will be more than formidable guards.”

Asha smiled and dipped one of the wooden cups into the urn, and walked over to Sajjan. She handed him the cup and he drank it down. Sajjan rubbed the tip of his trunk on Asha’s forehead as a thank you. She walked back and grabbed a second cup and filled both of them and walked out to her other two guards in training.

(Captain Raj) “Your sister has compassionate heart, which is befitting of a princess.”

(Prince Ajay) “That she does. That is one of the things I remember of her when she was still living here at the palace. She was always given sweets by my father and she would always come find me and share them with me. She would feed the animals in the bazaar when she would be out with my father.”

(Captain Raj) “She is a good girl. Any prince that is lucky enough to marry her will be the luckiest man in all of the 12 kingdoms.”

Captain Raj called the soldiers back and the training resumed. Asha watched as her guards continued to train. She locked eyes with Sajjan and a wave of confidence took over him. Captain Raj commanded more of his soldiers to spare against Sajjan. The Jaanavar elephant defended against and defeated all of them, 13 soldiers limped off of the training ground and sat on the grass.

(Captain Raj) “All right, all of you that got beaten down by her highness’s guard will train harder tomorrow. Get cleaned up and head back to garrison. Good job elephants, you all did well.”

Sajjan, Durja and Amit helped pick up the training equipment. Asha waited for them with her brother.

(Prince Ajay) “The big silent elephant guard of yours seems to be learning the fastest, according to
Raj. He seems to fight like he is fighting for someone or something.”

(Princess Asha) “He fights for me. Ram commanded him to protect me with his life and he will do it.”

(Prince Ajay) “Like I said earlier, Jaanavar elephants are fierce fighters. Honestly Asha, I am kind of jealous you have them for guards. If I had them in the royal army, our kingdom’s army would be unstoppable.”

(Princess Asha) “I wish the rest of the kingdoms would see them as people, like we do. All of the Jaanavar that I have come in contact with have been very nice me.”

(Prince Ajay) “Well with the way things are looking the kingdoms just might if father has anything to say about it.”

Asha feels a rough hand on her soft skinned shoulder. She turns around to see Sajjan looking down at her. Asha smiles widely. Ajay pats Sajjan on the back.

(Prince Ajay) “Protect her, all of you.”

(Amit) “Yes, your highness.”

Asha looks over at Amit with a smile. His voice was very deep and chesty, just what she had expected.

(Princess Asha) “You all must be hungry come let’s find you something to eat.”
Ajay walked off to the garrison to speak with Captain Raj.
Asha started to head back to palace.

(Amit) “Princess, thank you for saving us from that prince.

(Princess Asha) “Amit, your welcome, please speak freely when you are around me. I don’t mind.”

Amit nods and follows his princess and the others back inside the palace. Once inside the palace Asha walked back to the kitchen and asked the cooks to make a good hearty meal for her guards. It being past lunch time for herself, Asha took lunch with Sajjan and the others. After lunch the princess wondered the halls of the palace, passing the throne room she heard her parents quarrelling about something. She placed her ear up to the door to listen in.

(The Maharaja) “I have had enough of theses princes disrespecting my daughter. I should have that last one killed for striking her.”

(Queen Aaryah) “Love that would not be a good idea, you don’t want to start another war do you?”

(The Maharaja) “No I do not, it just infuriates me. I welcomed him into my home to court my daughter and he has the nerve to raise a hand to her.”

(Queen Aaryah) “Jalal, please calm down, she wasn’t hurt badly and besides she will soon have her own guard.”

(The Maharaja) “I know she will, I have already dispatched pages in search of more willing Jaanavar elephants to add to her guard. I will see that they are trained well and treated with respect.”

(Queen Aaryah) “That should make her happy.”

(The Maharaja) “My little lotus is my pride and joy. Her protection and her happiness is what matters to me. As far as I am concern if she chooses not to marry that is fine with me.”

Asha smiles hearing that and walks back to her room. Upon entering the great hall she is stopped by Ali.

(Ali) “Your Highness, your brother Ajay wishes to speak with you. He is at the garrison.”

(Princess Asha) “Will you escort Ali, I don’t know the way to the garrison.”

(Ali) “Of course, princess.”

The garrison is a huge stonemason building with 2 huge barns off it. It housed only a fraction of the kingdom’s army within its 3 story high walls. There was another training ground within its walls; it was much smaller than the one off of the palace grounds. Some of the soldiers were bringing in a new elephant to train. It was being stubborn and not wanting to be commanded. The soldier was trying to use an ankus to control it. Asha rushed over to where the elephant was being held.

(Princess Asha) “STOP!”

The soldiers turned around to see their princess stomping over to the elephant.

(Soldier) “Princess he is dangerous, and untrained!”

The elephant was in a kneeling position as the soldier on top of its back was tossed off. Asha calmly walked up to the large bull and gingerly placed her hand on his trunk.

(Princess Asha) “Shhh… it’s ok…”

The bull started to sniff her hand; soon it stood up for her. The soldiers watch in awe as the princess seemed to tame this wild elephant with just her voice. She walked over to the weapon rack that was set up. She pulled up a short wooden practice staff and walked back over to the elephant. She lightly tapped it on the shoulder and got him to kneel. She climbed onto his back and the elephant stood up. Placing the staff on his front left foreleg and giving his left ear a gentle tug she got him to turn left. She soon had him walking in a figure eight in the small training area. She tapped him again on the shoulder with the staff and he knelt down once again. Asha slipped off his back and walked over to the soldiers.

(Princess Asha) “You don’t need to use those barbaric bull hooks, a staff works much better and is less harmful.”

Asha walks off to find her brother with Ali in tow. Soon finding her brother in one of the small room on the bottom floor of the garrison, she enters to find out what he wanted.

(Princess Asha) “Ajay what did you need?”

Ajay turns around to face his little sister.

(Prince Ajay) “I was meaning to tell you, I have drawn up some plans for your guard’s armor. There will be an elephant head on the chest plate and helm with protect the trunk as well. I also had some caps made for your tall quiet one’s broken tusks.”

Asha looked over the plan for the armor.

(Princess Asha) “What will the armor be made out of?

(Prince Ajay) “Brass and iron.”

(Princess Asha) “By the way brother, I don’t want the army using ankus on the elephants you use. Those things are barbaric and can do some real harm to them. Mahaan my one elephant has many scars on him from those things.”

(Prince Ajay) “Do you have a better plan for training them little sister?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes I do. I showed your soldiers how to train without the use of the bull hook before I came to find you.”

(Prince Ajay) “Show me.”

Asha took her brother outside to the training ground and showed him the soldier’s new elephant. Just as Asha had said to her brother, the solider was just using a staff to command the elephant’s movement. Ajay was shocked at the sight.

(Soldier) “Commander, your sister is very good at handling these animals, just in the short time she was out here; this new elephant has been very responsive to the staff training.”
Ajay looked pleased as he saw his sister smile.

(Prince Ajay) “Alright, Asha if you help train my elephants I will do as you requested.”

(Princess Asha) “Ok, I will help you.”

(Prince Ajay) “Alright, tomorrow we will go out to the market and buy some elephants.”

Asha hugged her brother and headed back to the palace.

Asha entered the great hall and walked down the hall to the right of the throne room. Passing some of the sitting rooms and the one larger room that served as a family room, the princess made her way to the back stairwell that lead to the prison. Two royal guards stood watch over the doorway.

(Guard) “Princess Asha, what brings you to the royal prison?”

(Princess Asha) “I wish to speak with Prince Dhanī of Bejaveld laagat.”

(Guard) “As you wish your highness.”

The guard unlocked the door and led her down to where the prince was being held.

(Guard) “Prince Dhanī, Her Royal Highness Princess Asha is here to see you.”

The prince rushes over to the barred cell wall, grabbing it with his one hand.

(Prince Dhanī) “Asha tell your father I am sorry, I am sorry for striking you and that slave. Please tell him to let me out of this cell.”

(Princess Asha) “On three conditions.”

(Prince Dhanī) “Yes anything you ask princess.”

Asha smiled slyly.

(Princess Asha) “1st; you tell your uncle that you wish to abolish slavery in your kingdom, both human and Jaanavar alike. 2nd; you will inform your uncle that you are unsuited for my hand in marriage. Lastly; your kingdom swears complete loyalty to mine. I will be expecting a letter from your uncle in compliance within 2 weeks of his arrival home for his trip across seas. Do not cross me on this matter Dhanī, my father’s army could crush your kingdom with just its infantry alone. I know that Bejaveld laagat is a small but wealthy kingdom, I would hate to see it destroyed because of your insolence.”

(Prince Dhanī) “Done.”

(Princess Asha.) “Let him out and send him on his way home.”

Asha walked back up to the palace proper and went looking for her father.

(Princess Asha) “Father, may I speak with you.”

(The Maharaja) “Yes my little lotus, what do you need?”

(Princess Asha) “I just negotiated terms of fealty with Prince Dhanī. His kingdom will be complying within 2 weeks’ time of his uncle’s return. Also the prince has admitted his shame and apologizes for his behavior while being here. I have sent him home with terms of our ending courtship.”

The Maharaja was speechless; his soft spoken daughter had done something he had wanted to talk to the prince about without his daughter even knowing. The Maharaja smiled and walked off. Asha giggled and made her way back to her room. She walked up to her bed and lay down on her soft bed. Soon falling asleep for a few hours, only to be woken up by Henna for dinner, Asha stretched. She got up and walked to her door.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you Henna.”

(Henna) “Dinner will be served soon. I was told by Amit that you are having him and the others
trained to be guards.”

(Princess Asha) “Yes they started today. Sajjan is doing the best from what my brother said.”

(Henna) “Not surprising, he was always very strong. Now that he is being fed and treated better he will be at his upmost potential.”

Asha smiled and walked into the dining room. Sitting next to her mother, she yawned again.

(Queen Aaryah) “Asha my dear, you seem tired, are you feeling well?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes mother, Henna just woke me up from a nap.”

(Queen Jodha) “Your father said you sent that dreadful prince back to his kingdom.”

(Princess Asha) “Yes I did, with terms of our ending courtship.”

(Sultan Ram) “Father said you did very well handling some of the diplomatic issues he was going to address with him.”

(Princess Asha) “I just wanted him to leave me in peace and change his ways for the better.”

The family ate dinner and talked some more. Prince Ajay went on about his sister’s guard’s training and how she will be helping train the army’s elephant cavalierly. The Maharaja seemed pleased with the news.

(Queen Jodha) “Ajay there is an elephant merchant that has our favor. Go see him for your needs. Asha knows what one I am speaking of.”

Ajay smiled at his younger sister and excused himself from the table. Asha finished her meal and excused herself as well. She walked over to her father and kissed him on the cheek before leaving the dining room.

(The Maharaja) “I have missed my little lotus.”

(Queen Aaryah) “She has grown up to be a beautiful woman.”

(The Maharaja) “A beauty just like her mother.”

Asha approached her hallway and was greeted by Amit and Durja.

(Amit) “Princess, Sajjan is at the end of the hallway waiting for you. We will be standing guard here tonight.”

Asha smiled and continued down her hallway as one of the servants had just finished lighting the hallway lamps. Sajjan stood in front of her door. He stepped aside and opened the door for her. As Asha passed him she gently took him by the trunk, kissing it as she entered her room. Sajjan closed the door behind them and locked it. Asha turned around and pulled open his vest and started to kiss his broad chest as she stood on the tips of her toes. Sajjan picked her up in his strong arms, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her Jaanavar lover carried her over to one of the couches and sat down. Asha lifted his thick trunk and kissed him on the mouth as she started to pull off her sari and choli top. Sajjan cupped a rough hand around one of Asha’s large breast, soon playing with one of her nipples. Asha let out a moan of excitement as she let her silk clothing drop to the floor. Sajjan started to pull down her skirt as they continued to kiss. Asha slid her soft hands into her lover’s cloth pants, fondling his thick foreskin that protrudes out of his sheath. Sajjan soon pulled off his pants as Asha dropped to her knees. Grabbing his thickness in her hands, she sensually started to kiss his now fully erect penis. Licking it from sheath to tip as her lover place one of his hands behind her head, the princess began to suck hard on the tip of his penis. Her mouth enveloped his gland masterfully, her tongue caressing it with each bob of the head. Sajjan begins to drip with excitement as Asha continues to orally pleasure him. The princess pulls away for her lover’s mast and pushes him on to the couch. Soon placing herself on his lap, taking his penis in her wet folds as deep as she could, Asha gyrates her hips on Sajjan’s mast as she wraps her arms around his neck. Her lover rumbled loudly as he placed his rough hands on her hips. His trunk curls around the princess’s left breast; the tip of his trunk rubs her nipple gently. Asha bit her lip after letting out a short sensual moan. She began to pant as sweet carnal sweat began to run down her chest. Sajjan started to ungulate his thickness in her well stretched vagina; flicking it hard inside of her. Asha let out a loud scream of ecstasy as she climaxed on her lover’s penis.

Sajjan trumpeted loudly as he too climaxed into his princess. His thick warm seed filled her to the brim. He exhaled out of his trunk as he slowly pulled out of her. Asha lay motionless on her couch, panting like a she had been running. Feeling Sajjan’s thick head exist her folds, Asha let out a moan as she orgasm again, her lover’s seed leaked out of her and onto the cool alabaster marble floor. After Asha recovered from her last orgasm, she cleaned up the mess she and her lover had made.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan my love will you carry me to my bed?”

Sajjan happily obliged, gently picking her up still in the nude and walked up the stairs to her bed, gently laying her down.

(Princess Asha) “Lay with me.”

The Jaanavar did as he was commanded and lay with his lover. Asha sighed and cuddled up to Sajjan’s board chest. Taking his trunk in her hands, she kissed it gently and drifted off to sleep. Sometime later Sajjan gets up. He stretches and walks out into his lover’s garden. Finding the princess’s elephants feeding near the palace, he walks slowly up to them, letting out a low rumble only elephants could hear. Rakshak rumbles back in acknowledgment and walks over to him. Sajjan smiled as the huge beast came over to greet him. The enormous bull twisted his trunk around Sajjan’s. The Jaanavar patted the elephant’s trunk and started to walk off. Rakshak followed the elephant guard out to stream. He rumbled loudly as the bull wrapped his trunk around his waist, pulling him close. Sajjan stopped and let the bull do as he pleased. The guard being in the nude from his romp with the princess a few hours before, let the bull’s thick trunk explore his scared body. Feeling the bull’s trunk rub against his sheath; Sajjan let his foreskin start to poke out. Rakshak curled his trunk around Sajjan’s foreskin and he started to gently pull it back exposing his lover’s penis. The guard rumbled with delight, exhaling deeply through his trunk as he became more aroused. Rakshak dropped his penis out as well, flicking it hard against his belly. Sajjan pulled away from his embrace and patted the huge elephant on the side as he made his way to his hindquarters. Soon taking the bull’s mast in his trunk, Sajjan began to suck on Rakshak’s penis. Being able to take the head in his mouth with ease, this gave Rakshak a whole new experience. Which he very much seemed to enjoy, rumbling happily as Sajjan continued. Rakshak bellowed as he ejaculated in Sajjan’s mouth, pulling away gently as a little of his seed backfired out from his lover’s lips. Sajjan swallowed what he could as the bulls warm seed trickled down the underside of the guard’s trunk. He rumbled happily as he stood up and kneeled down next to the stream’s edge and cleaned himself up.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, what are you doing out here?”

Sajjan turned around in surprise as he heard his princess’s voice. Looking up at her as she was astride her alabaster elephant’s back. Asha smiled down at him as Hathi kneeled down for her to get off his back. She walked over to the Jaanavar guard and wrapped her arms around him. Lifting his wet trunk so she could kiss him, Asha could taste her favored bull on his lips. She pressed her large breasts against him as she slid to her knees. Soon taking his foreskin covered penis between her breasts. She gently rubbed his penis back to a full erection. Kissing the tip of his penis as it began to poke up between her breasts. Hathi rumbled for Asha’s attention, soon wrapping his trunk around her waist and pulling her away for Sajjan.

(Princess Asha) “Easy my love.”

Asha turned around and kissed her alabaster bull’s trunk. Hathi started to snake his trunk between the princess’s legs, fondling for her soft folds. The princess pulled away from and crawled between his front legs. Soon being met by his thick pink tipped penis, Asha took his phallus in her hands and started to lick it. Sajjan walked over to Asha and pulled her out from under Hathi’s belly. Asha looked back as she saw Sajjan. He kneeled down and lined himself up with her wet folds. Asha smiled and continued to lick and suck on her bull. Sajjan penetrated her deeply. Asha sucked harder on Hathi, causing him to drip with excitement. Rakshak wandered and stood next to Sajjan, his penis hung out in front of him. The guard took the bull’s penis in his trunk; lifted it up to his mouth and began to suck on it as he continued to make love to his princess. The loud rumbling and trumpets soon attracted the princess’s last elephant over to them. Mahaan sniffed around for his princess. Finding her under his best friend, he gently started to caress her large breasts and his friend’s penis with his trunk. Becoming quite aroused he mounted Hathi letting his penis probe around between his hind legs. Hathi let out a loud bellow as he ejaculated, pulling the tip of his penis out of Asha’s mouth and flicking it against his belly as he sprayed himself with his seed. Asha smiled and grabbed his love relieved penis, soon giving it another quick suck. Hathi moved away from Asha and let Mahaan have some fun with her. Asha giggles as her beloved bull steps up to have his princess service him.

Asha gently takes his massive penis in her soft hands and gently starts to suck on its thick tip. Gingerly caressing the shaft of his penis, Asha licks around the orifice of his penis as it starts to drip with sweet earthy seed. Sajjan lets out a low rumble as he thrusts hard once again into his princess, filling her with his seed. Rakshak bellows as he ejaculates into Sajjan’s mouth. Her Jaanavar lover swallows the bull’s seed and pulls out of her slowly, savoring the feeling of her folds around his thickness. He watches his princess artfully pleasure the large elephant in front of him. Asha pulled away from Sajjan and got on her hands and knees for Mahaan. The bull shifted his stance and moved over top of her. His thick penis flicked around in search of her petals. Asha giggled feeling her lover’s mast rub and caress against her thighs and between her legs. Sajjan walked over to the bull and grabbed his penis in his rough hands and helped him hit his mark. A few moments later Mahaan thrusted his hips forward and penetrated Asha deeply. The princess let out a carnal moan as she grabbed Mahaan’s front legs, bracing herself for more of his penile assault. Sajjan became very erect watching Asha make love to the magnificent beast. He got on his knees and placed his slicked penis in front of her. Asha snatched it up with one of her hands and took it to her lips. She did not care that her own honey was on it she just wanted more from her lover. Taking it into her mouth, she sucked hard on it. Closing her eyes and thinking about all of her lovers at once. Mahaan soon let out a loud trumpet as he filled Asha with his warm ejaculate. He pulled out of her as his seed erupted from her wet folds in thick white sticky ropes pooling under her. Asha tiredly fell forward, her mouth letting go of Sajjan’s thickness as she let out a tired moan of ecstasy. She lay on the soft grassy embankment next to the stream. Her soft well stretched labia quivered as it continued to eject more of the bull’s seed from her womb.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, my love will you help me to the stream so I can clean myself up?”

Her Jaanavar lover gently picked her up from the ground and gingerly placed her in the cool clean water. Asha slowly began to rinse herself clean of her carnal activity. She rang out her waist length hair and pulled it back up into a high ponytail. Asha stood up; the cool water ran down her supple body and seemed to glisten in the moonlight. Sajjan was quite taken by her beauty. He let out a soft trumpet in excitement.

(Princess Asha) “See something you like big boy?”

Sajjan nodded his head and scooped her up into his arms. She smiled and rested her head against his chest.

(Princess Asha) “We should head back; I have to help my brother pick out elephants in the morning.”

Sajjan carried Asha back to her room, her elephants in tow. He let Asha down out of his arms and onto the soft grass. She kissed each of her bulls good night, Rakshak being the one she kissed on the mouth. Asha soon entered her room and slowly climbed the stairs to her bed, Sajjan followed behind her. The two lovers lay on the soft bed together. Sajjan held his princess close as they slept. By morning once again Henna came to wake the princess for her morning bath. Asha slipped out of Sajjan’s embrace and scampered over to her bathroom. Sajjan got up and put on his pants and vest. He followed Asha into her bathroom.

(Princess Asha) “Lock the door my love.”

Sajjan did as he was asked and stripped out of his clothing and joined his beloved in her bath. Sajjan rumbled happily as Asha started to wash him. She removed the bandages from his back and gently cleaned his back. The salve she used had helped closed wounds had worked nicely. She kissed his back and moved to his front and started to scrub his chest. Sajjan took the other wash cloth and lathered it up and gently started to wash Asha. She turned around and let him scrub her back. She could feel Sajjan’s erection poking her leg as he knelt down to was her.

(Princess Asha) “Horny are we?”

Sajjan made not sound in acknowledgment, but started to snake his trunk over her shoulder and
began to play with her left breast. His right hand soon caressed up her right side and cupped the underside of right breast. He gingerly thumbed the nipple on her breast, causing her to shutter with excitement.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, you’re turning me on and I need to get ready to go to the market today with my brother.”

Sajjan stopped and continued to wash her, despite having a raging erection. He rumbled after she was clean and looked down at his hard penis. Asha walked around behind her lover and took his thick penis in both hands. One hand over the other, she began to fondle and stroke the long thick shaft. Slowly increasing the speed as she kissed his lower back. Sajjan let out a low rumble from his trunk. After about 5 more minutes of her soft hands stroking his thickness Sajjan released his seed into the bathing pool.

(Princess Asha) “Better?”

Sajjan nodded and stepped out of the bath and waited for her. Asha got out and started to dry off. Soon walking over to the vanity where her clean clothes were folded. After getting dressed she dismissed Sajjan and walked to the dining room for breakfast. Asha sits and servers herself some food.

(Prince Ajay) “After we eat off to the market, Asha I want you to pick out the best bull elephants for me. You know these animals better than I do.”

(Queen Jodha) “She really does Ajay.”

Asha blushed a little.

(Princess Asha) “Ajay given that the palace itself doesn’t have many elephants I think it would be wise for you to place them in the royal elephant barn till they are trained. Also we should train them out in the large training ground. That small training area will not do.”

(Prince Ajay) “You are right Asha; that small area is not going to do us much good if we get more than 3 elephants.”

Asha nodded and finished her breakfast. After she was finished eating the princess went to find Sajjan. She and her brother departed from the palace, out to the bazaar with guards and Sajjan in tow. Walking the bazaar her brother pointed out some of the fine silk clothing merchants to his sister. Finally come up to the animal merchants. Asha smiled as she walked amongst the regal elephants.

(Merchant) “Ahh, Your Highness what can I do for you today?”

(Princess Asha) “My brother is in need of some elephants for the royal army.”

(Merchant) “I see, please have a look around, you and your brother will have first pick.”

The merchant ushered out the other customers from his area so the royals could take their time looking at the elephants.

(Prince Ajay) “The merchant didn’t need to do that for us, Asha he just may have lost a lot of money for doing what he did.”

(Princess Asha) “We will be leaving with at least 5 elephants today. I am sure of it.”

Ajay watched as his little sister walked around and inspected the large group of bulls that were chained up. All of them looked health and very well treated. There were 9 of them all together. Asha petted one of them on the trunk. He gently curled his trunk around her hand and pulled her close. She smiled and walked over to another one and did the same. All of the bulls that responded to her patting their trunks were the ones she picked out.

(Princess Asha) “Those 5, they have the best temperament.”

(Merchant) “Your Highness you have chosen very well. If I may be so bold as to ask 4500 gold crowns for the lot.”

(Prince Ajay) “That seems a bit steep, for only 5 elephants.”

Before the merchant could explain to Ajay why his price was so high Asha intervened.

(Princess Asha) “Dear brother, it is because of how old they are and the length of their tusks. He is not being unreasonable. Besides I am the one choosing the elephants not you.”

Ajay didn’t argue with his sister, because it was true. The merchant smiled and nodded to the princess. Asha motioned for one of the guard to pay the merchant his price. He deeply thanked the princess and the prince for their business.

(Prince Ajay) “I hope you are right about these elephants sister. The last thing I need is father taking my head for wasting his money.”

(Princess Asha) “Give me a few days with them and they will be just fine.”

Asha smile sheepishly as one of the bulls placed a trunk over her shoulder. She leaned her head against it and gave it a kiss. Sajjan walked up beside her and took the rope from the guard that was leading the elephant.

(Prince Ajay) “Sajjan gather up the other two Jaanavar guards and meet me out on the training field later. I have some things to show you.”

Sajjan nodded and continued to walk with the elephant back to the palace. Asha smiled as they approached the palace. She and the guards placed the elephants in the royal barn. The guards marveled at how their princess handled the elephants with ease.

(Princess Asha) “Remove the chains from their ankles. If we must tie them up use silk padded rope. I don’t want to see any rope burns on them at all. Make sure they are adequately fed and given water. Training starts tomorrow for them. I want them to rest and get to use to the place they are living in.”

The guards did as their princess commanded. Ajay was impressed by the way his sister took command.

(Prince Ajay) “Asha had you been born a boy I would be out of a job as one of the royal commanders of the army for sure.”

(Princess Asha) “I just want them to be taken good care of.”

Asha walked back into the palace and into her room. She stripped down to just her harem pants and walked out into her garden. She let down her waist length hair and continued to walk out to the pool. It was a warm day so the cool water was very refreshing. Asha waded out to the middle of the pool and sat down on the smooth stone bottomed pool. She was chest deep in water while sitting, her large breast floated on top of the water. She laid her head back only to be greeted by a splash of water from Rakshak tromping into the pool. He made a small wave in the pool that rippled and splashed over Asha. The princess laughed and stood up as her beloved elephant reached out for her. Asha giggled and waded over to her lover. He trumpets happily and pulls her close with his trunk. She gently pushes his trunk up and kisses him on the mouth. Her small tongue caressed his broad tongue; she moved her soft lips down his mouth. Soon Asha begins to suck on his bottom lip, her elephant lover rumbled with excitement. Her nipples started to become erect from her sensual contact with her elephant. She pulled away from Rakshak’s embrace, and stared to wade to the shore. The bull followed with his thickness hanging out in full view for his princess. Asha stopped and started to bend over to wring out her hair. Soon her huge lover walked over top of her and pressed his penis against the back of her legs, flicking it trying to find its way into her folds.

(Princess Asha) “Ok Rakshak just a quick one.”

The princess grabbed her lover’s thick mast after she removed her silk pants and quickly pushed it up into her wet folds. Letting out a loud carnal moan as she impaled herself on his thickness; Rakshak rumbled in excitement. Asha started to pant like a well sexed concubine, she started to move her hips forward and back on his massive penis. With every set of movement the princess made her lover matched it by flicking his penis in her folds. She shuttered as she squeezed around his thickness. Finally Rakshak thrust forward and ejaculated his seed in to his princess. Asha climaxed as well.

He gently pulled out of his royal lover; she let out a content sigh as his warm sticky seed leaked out of her folds in thick ropes. She turned around and grabbed his trunk and gently pressed it between her large breasts and kissed it gently. The bull started to curl his trunk around Asha’s breast. She smiled and pulled away from him; the princess quickly rinses off; and walked away to pick up her silk pants. After getting her pants back on, Asha began to walk back to her room, Rakshak followed behind her. It now being mid-day, Henna had come into Asha’s room to clean it and make her bed. Asha walks in to find Henna just finishing her room.

(Princess Asha) “Henna, could you bring me a snack please. I am a little hungry.”

(Henna) “Right away, princess.”

Henna leaves and Asha walks up to her balcony and strips out of her pants, she places the wet garment over the balcony banister to dry in the mid-day sun. She walks over to her dresser and pulls out a fresh set of clothes. Her beloved lifts himself up to her balcony to see her. He trumpets softly as he watches her get dressed. Asha turns around and walks over to him. His thick trunk reaches out for her, and soon wraps around her waist.

(Princess Asha) “Don’t worry my love I will see you more later.”

Henna comes in with a plate of fresh fruit and a goblet of wine.

(Henna) “Princess your food.”

Asha kisses her bull and walks down to the main room, and sits down to eat.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you Henna.”

Henna nods and excuses herself from the room. Asha picks up the plate of fruit and the goblet of wine and walks outside to her garden. Rakshak by now has lowered himself from the balcony banister and was foraging nearby. The princess leaned against the stone wall under her balcony and watched her beloved elephant as she ate. A cool breeze blew through the garden, blowing her scent towards her lover. Rakshak caught wind of her and started to walk over to her. Having a few slices of mango left, she offered the bull a slice. He gently took it from her soft hand and ate it. Asha finished her food and sipped at her wine. Rakshak sniffs at the goblet, soon placing the tip of his trunk into it and drawing up a little of the sweet fermented juice. He placed his trunk in his mouth and drank the sweet liquid.

(Princess Asha) “Do you like it my love?”

The elephant sucked up the rest of the wine out of the goblet. The princess giggled as he finished the wine. She gently patted his side. He sits down for her; Asha placed herself in his lap, kissing his thick chest. His trunk began to caress her soft silk top. She pulled off her top so her lover could fondle her a little. Rakshak gently gropes Asha’s soft breasts with his trunk; the rough skinned fingers on the end of his trunk feel around for her nipples. The princess quivers with excitement at his touch. He soon lets out his thickness, and starts to self-pleasure himself. Asha watches him masturbate, as she starts to slide her hand into her silk harem pants. She too starts to masturbate, fingering her soft wet folds. Asha breathed heavily as she started to rub her clitoris. She bit her bottom lip as she continued to watch her lover’s thick penis slap against his broad belly. His thickness started to squirt thin sticky ropes of seed every once in a while. Asha convulsed as she climaxed, letting out a soft gasp. Soon Rakshak shifted his weight and Asha slipped off his lap and onto the soft grass as he gingerly started to stand up. His penis continued to flick more forcefully against his belly. More of his warm seed spurted out of the tip, covering his belly. He shifted his hips forward and climaxed right past Asha’s head. A little of his seed roped across her shoulder. She gently wiped her shoulder off as she stood up. Seeing her lover’s penis slowly retracting back into its sheath, the princess gives it a kiss. Asha giggled and picked up her top. Rakshak turned around to face her and started to grope her chest once again.

(Princess Asha) “I love you.”

Asha pulled her top back on and headed back inside. She walked down her hallway and out of the
palace towards the training grounds. Seeing Sajjan and the others sparing, she made her way over to one of the benches and watched. All of the soldiers stopped and bowed to her.

(Princess Asha) “Captain Raj, may I take Sajjan. I would like to have him escort me into the bazaar.”

(Captain Raj) “The big one; of course princess, he is a fine fighter and is much more advanced than the other 2.”

Sajjan walked over to Asha and gently took up one of the brass cups that sat next to her. Taking it to the large urn of water and getting a drink.

(Captain Raj) “Big one, take this with you.”

The captain tossed Sajjan a sword. He nodded and helped Asha stand.

(Captain Raj) “Protect her, she means the world to His Majesty.”

Sajjan fastens the sword to his side and walks Asha to the bazaar. Asha walked over to one of the merchants that make walking sticks. The sticks this merchant produced were of the finest quality of craftsmanship.

(Merchant) “What can I do for you, your highness?”

(Princess Asha) “Can I ask you to make me a walking stick? One adorned with elephants on it. Something sturdy, ironwood perhaps?”

(Merchant) “Of course, my princess anything you wish.”

Asha handed him a small purse of gold coins.

(Princess) “Will this be enough?”

The merchant opened the purse and looked inside.

(Merchant) “More than enough.”

He tried to hand some of the coins back to her, but Asha refused them.

(Merchant) “I will start on this right away; anything for the royal family will be taken care of first.”

(Princess Asha) “Please take your time.”

The merchant turned and walked back into his workshop.

(Princess Asha) “Come love lets pick up a few things for home.”

Sajjan nodded and followed his princess. Asha bought a few nice scented oils and some candied nuts along with some fresh fruit for her elephants. The sun was starting to set by the time they returned home. Asha walked down her hallway to her room and dropped off the scented oils and the candied nuts. Sajjan followed Asha with the basket of fruit and took it down to the garden door. Upon his return from the bottom of the stairs Sajjan was met by his princess. Asha took her lover by the hand kissed him, standing on the tips of her toes. Her lover rumbled and pulled her up into his strong arms. She giggled and placed her head on his chest, as she was carried up to her bed.

The Jaanavar elephant gently placed Asha onto her bed and started to undress her,

(Princess Asha) “Lover, not right now, I have to go to dinner soon. Later I promise.”

Sajjan stood in front of her showing a rather large problem. She pulled his penis out from his cloth pants and gave it a kiss. She sighed and started to suck on his mast. Bobbing her head and letting her tongue caress the tip. Sajjan rumbled loudly and ran his hands through Asha’s raven black hair. After a few more blissful minutes Sajjan ejaculated into Asha’s mouth. She swallowed happily, knowing her lover was satisfied. She wiped her mouth and stood up to get redressed.

(Princess Asha) “Love I have to get to dining room.”

Asha kissed Sajjan on the forehead and walked out of her room. Passing Durja and Amit as she left her hallway, Amit bows his head. The princess walked into the dining room and took her place next to her mother.

(Prince Ajay) “Father, Asha has picked out some magnificent elephants for the royal army today.

All of them seem trainable and strong.”

(The Maharaja) “Your sister has a good eye for elephants, she always has.”

(Princess Asha) “You flatter me Ajay. You just need to know how to read their body language.”

(Prince Ajay) “You said that they will start training tomorrow?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes they will. It may take a few days to get them to listen to commands but I think they will do well.”

After dinner the royal family retires to some of the smaller rooms to continue to talk or read. Asha makes her way to the royal library to do some reading. Her younger brother Gajesh was sitting in one of the bay windows reading some of the Holy text. Asha walked over to the bookshelf were the books on animal training were. Taking the one on elephant training she walked over to one of the small tables and sat down and started to read.

(Prince Gajesh) “Are you really going to help train the elephants sister or are you going to let Ajay’s men do it?”

Asha looks up from the book.

(Princess Asha) “Yes, why do you ask?”

(Prince Gajesh) “Well, they are really hard to handle and it take a lot of strength to control…”

(Princess Asha) “Gajesh, I have more experience with them then you do. Just because I am a woman doesn’t mean I am not capable of learning. Besides I have trained my 3 elephants out in my garden.”

(Prince Gajesh) “What I meant was…”

(Princess Asha) “I don’t want to hear any more of your chauvinistic notions. If you actually read through that book you are holding. The gods that our family worships frown upon the male ideaology of being superior to women and beasts, we are all equal in the eyes of our creators.”

Asha picked up her book and stormed out of the library and back to her room. She passed Sajjan in a huff; he could tell that she was upset about something. He followed her into her room and closed the door. Asha tossed the book onto the table that was in front of one of her couches and sat down. Sajjan came over to his distraught lover and started to rub her shoulder. His trunk caressed her head as it gently sniffed around her ear. Asha reached up and took his trunk into her hand and got him to lean forward so she could kiss it.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you Sajjan, you are helping me feel better. My brother Gajesh just really
upset me.”

Sajjan rumbled and continued to rub her down. He soon kissed the top of her head and started to undress her. Asha sighed sitting naked on her soft embroidered couch. Her lover walked over to her dresser and pulled out a soft silk pair of sleeping pants and a sleeping shirt for her. Helping her get dressed for bed, Asha giggled a little as his trunk playfully caressed her chest as he pulled down the shirt that barely covered her large breasts. Asha stood up and walked toward her bedroom door. She looked down the hallway and saw that the lights in the grand hall were dimmed for the night. No guards posted at her hallway entrance. She smiled and started walk towards the front door of the palace. Sajjan followed her out towards the elephant barn. Asha slipped into the dimly lit barn, causing the elephants inside to stir a little. Sajjan stood guard next to the door after he closed it. The 5 bulls she had picked out caught wind of her scent and started to let out some low rumbles. She walked over to the first one she saw and started to pet him. The bull started to sniff at her, his thick trunk made its way down between her legs. Asha shuttered as he caressed her thighs. She soon slipped out of her silk night clothes and stood naked in front of bull with her legs spread wide for him. His trunk caressed her wet folds, soon taking some of it up to his mouth to give her a taste. She slowly unbound the large bull and led him over to a clean stall past the other bulls. She tied up the bull’s hind leg to the post and started to caress his sheath with her soft hands. He gave her an inquisitive rumble as his penis started to drop out.

(Princess Asha) “Easy boy, it’s ok.”

Asha gently took his length in her hands and started to lick it from head to base. Rubbing his shaft a little to get him fully aroused. The princess started to suck on his thickness, her tongue caressing the orifice on the tip. The bull started to drip with excitement.

(Princess Asha) “Let it out boy I want to taste it.”

The bull bellowed as he started to ejaculate his seed into Asha’s eager mouth. She swallowed it down lick the corners of her mouth as she let go of his mast. She kissed it as he started to retract his penis back up inside. Asha stood up and patted the bull on the hindquarter close to his pelvis. He started to kneel down in front of her. Asha moved up to his front legs and patted him on the shoulder. He responded the same way. He was now in a full kneeling position.

(Princess Asha) “Good boy, come on up.”

She tapped on his shoulder again and he started to stand up. Asha smiled widely at the sight of the elephant. She giggled and called Sajjan over to her.

(Princess Asha) “My love will you take him back to his stall and walk one of the others over to me please.”

Sajjan did as he was asked and place the bull back to where he was tied up for the night. Asha and Sajjan spent the next few hours out in the elephant barn. The elephant lustful princess pleasured each of the bulls she had picked out for her brother. Finishing up with the last bull, Asha wiped some of this bull’s seed off of her large soft breasts and licked it off her fingers.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan lets head in. I need to get a quick bath before we go to bed.”

Sajjan nodded and took the last elephant back to his stall and picked up Asha in his arms after picking up her clothing. The palace was now dark; all but a few lamps were lit in the grand hall. No guards were posted at the opening to Asha’s hallway either. Sajjan carried his princess down the hall and to her bathroom. He set her down on the small couch that was in the bathroom. Asha sighed happily and walked over to her bathing pool and started to fill it with warm water and sandalwood oil. She soon slipped into the warm bath.

(Princess Asha) “Lover join me.”

Sajjan smiled and started to undress in front of her. His strong physique was making Asha aroused. He stepped into the bathing pool and sat next to his lover. She climbed onto his lap and laid her head against his strong chest. Asha soon lifted his trunk and kissed him as she started to rub her wet folds against his sheath. Sajjan ran his hands down her sides and rested them on her hips. His penis started to poke out of its thick foreskin before finding its way into her vaginal cavity. Asha moaned loudly as she was pleasured by her Jaanavar lover. Asha pulled off of him and braced herself against the edge of the pool. Spreading her legs wide for him, Sajjan grabbed her around the hips and thrusted into her deeply. She let out a cry of joy taking him as deep as her body would let her. Sajjan held back his trumpet as he released his seed into her womb. Gently pulling out of her, he let her rest on the cool alabaster marble floor. His seed dripped out of her and into the still warm bath water.

Asha giggled and stood up; she grabbed the bar of sandalwood soap and a wash cloth. Soon lathering it up, she began to wash herself. Sensually rubbing the cloth against her voluptuous curves, Sajjan watched as his erection began to stiffen. Asha giggled and finished washing up. She walked past Sajjan, her waist length hair still dripping with water. Her lover snatched her up in his arms and kissed her. His thick penis rubbed against the small of her back.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan… no…”

Asha scolded him playfully as she reached behind her with her hands to rub his penis a little. He rumbles happily as he feels her soft hands on his thickness. After ringing out her hair, Asha continues to walk into her room, still in the nude. Her huge lover followed behind her carrying both of their sets of clothing, then closing the door. The princess yawned and continued to walk over to her bedroom vanity. Soon pulling out a bottle of almond hair oil and a brush, Asha starts to brush the oil into her long raven locks. Sajjan stands behind her watching her.

(Princess Asha) “Let’s go to bed lover.”

Sajjan picked up Asha from in front of her vanity and walked her over to her bed. She kissed his chest and grabbed one of her silk pillows, nestling her head against it. Sajjan laid next to her best he could, pulling the soft silk sheets over the two of them. Asha shifted around in her bed so her lover could have more room. Finally finding herself comfortably laying on him with her head on his chest, she sleeps soundly. By early morning Asha woke up to her legs being spread and a large penis being inserted into her folds. Her breath quivered as she let out a soft moan of pleasure. Sajjan made gentle love to her waking her up slowly. He finishes up after a few more passionate thrusts. Asha climaxed as well, breathing heavily as her lover pulled out of her.

(Princess Asha) “Someone a little eager this morning?”

Sajjan rumbled happily as he got up and stretched. Asha watches her lover get dressed.

(Princess Asha) “Lover will you get me my clothes please?”

Sajjan did as she asked and brought over a fresh clean set of silk clothing for her. Asha kissed him on the mouth and took the clothing from him. She got dressed and walked towards her bedroom door. Upon opening her bedroom door she was met by her maid’s bust.

(Princess Asha) “Excuse me Henna.”

(Henna) “Sorry your highness, I was just about to wake you.”

(Princess Asha) “It’s ok, I was just getting up early.”

Henna nodded and walked into Asha’s room to start cleaning up and put away her clean clothing. Henna noticed Sajjan getting dressed, his thickness still partly in view, she blushed a little and went back to work. Asha made her way to the dining room for breakfast.

(Sultan Ram) “Little sister, I was wondering if you would like to come home with Mala and I, just a visit for a week or two.”

(Queen Mala) “You would love it, the bazaar is larger than the one here in Jala-rēta.”

(Princess Asha) “I would like that very much.”

(Sultan Ram) “We will be leaving in a few days. I am sure Ajay can manage the training of the elephants.”

(Princess Asha) “Well that is why I am starting the training for him.”

The Sultan and his queen laugh

(Queen Mala) “Well at least Ajay will get to see firsthand what it takes to train those majestic animals.”

Asha smiles, finishing up her breakfast, she soon finds her way out to the elephant barn. Upon opening the barn she is greeted with trumpets and rumbles from the bulls she serviced the night before. Asha walked over to the bull she serviced first and unchained his hind leg. She gently took him by the trunk and led him out of the barn and off to the training field. Asha soon brought out all 5 of the bulls. Ajay and Captain Raj watched as Asha commanded the elephant she road with nothing more than a stick. She gently trained the elephants all afternoon. Giving them gentle taps on the shoulders and back to give commands, all of the soldiers were very impress by their highness’s gentle training. Asha gentle taps the large bull on the shoulder, getting him to kneel so she could get off his back. He waited till he was given another command to stand. The princess gently patted his shoulder and he started to stand up.

(Princess Asha) “Good boy.”

(Prince Ajay) “Little sister, I am at a loss for words…”

(Captain Raj) “I for one commend your great ability on training these elephants you highness. You
truly are the Ivory Princess of Jala-rēta.”

Asha blushed

(Princess Asha) “I think that is enough for today, make sure they are fed well and give them plenty of water.”

(Soldier) “At once my princess.”

(Prince Ajay) “Asha get cleaned up and get something to eat.”

Asha nods and walks back into the palace. She walks down her hallway towards her room. Henna was standing at the end of the hallway at her door.

(Henna) “Princess Asha would you like me to draw you a bath?”

(Princess Asha) “Please and could you have some lunch prepared for me as well.”

(Henna) “I will have it done.”

Henna walks into the bathroom and starts to fill the bathing pool. Asha walks into her bedroom to grab a clean change of clothing. Soon returning to her bathroom as Henna leaves to get Asha some food. The princess started to undress, and stepped into the pool. She washed off the dirt and dust form her day of training the elephants. Asha lets out a contented sigh. A knock comes to her bathroom door.

(Princess Asha) “Enter.”

Sajjan entered, he stood in full armor, spear and sword at his side.

(Princess Asha) “You look good my love.”

Asha stood up; the water ran down her body caressing every curve, it glistened in the late day sun. She walked over to her lover and lifted his armored trunk and kissed him. He leaned his spear against the wall and embraced the princess tenderly. She giggled and walked over to her vanity and grabbed a towel to dry off.

(Henna) “Your highness, your food is in your room.”

(Princess Asha) “Coming.”

Asha wraps the towel around her and walks into her room with Sajjan in tow.

(Henna) “Anything else Princess?”

(Princess Asha) “No that will be all.”

Henna nods and excuse herself from the room. Asha dresses herself and sits on her couch, soon starting to eat the plate of fresh naan, chicken curry and saffron rice. Sajjan stood by the door waiting for her to give him a command.

(Princess Asha) “Lover, you don’t need to stand over there, you can sit.”

The Jaanavar soldier walked over to his princess and sat on one of the small couches across form her. Asha finished her meal, and looked over at her love.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, will you come to see me tonight? I want to go back out to the elephant barn after everyone is asleep.”

Sajjan nodded yes and stood up and headed to the door. Asha stood up from the couch, the towel that was wrapped around her fell to the floor. She rushed after her lover before he opened the door. Asha embraced him from behind. Her large bust pressed against the cold metal armor, making her nipples erect.

(Princess Asha) “Take me later, my love. I want to feel you in me.”

Sajjan stops and turns around and sighs, soon kissing her on the top of the head. The princess smiles and walks back to her vanity to get dressed. Pulling on a purple silk sleeveless belly shirt and a pair of purple silk harem with a peacock feather pattern on them, Asha starts to place some jewelry on her wrists and ankles. Sajjan watches form the doorway as his lover walks towards him, the jingle of her anklets ringing out in the silences of large room. Asha walks past her lover, and swats him on the rump as she leaves her room. He lets out a soft trumpet in surprise and watches her beautiful curves sway in all the right ways as she continues down the alabaster hallway. Asha makes her way to the concubine hall to find her adoptive mother, finding her sitting in one of the large bay windows smoking from a hookah.

(Princess Asha) “Ami, could I talk to you for a moment?”

(Jasmine) “Of course Asha, you can tell me anything.”

She places the water pipe down and walks over to her adoptive daughter, embracing her gently in her arms.

(Jasmine) “What is on your mind little lotus?”

(Princess Asha) “I know I have more suiters coming, I don’t want to see any more for a while. I am getting restless being cooped up in the palace. I have never been outside of this kingdom, and I want to see more of this land that my family rules over.”

(Jasmine) “Well my love, you could talk to your brother Ram, his kingdom is to the south of here, but he usually passes through 2 of the smaller kingdoms when he leaves here to go home, mostly for supplies and to see his friend Gajender in Rajput Dali.”

(Princess Asha) “I will have to talk to him tonight at dinner.”

(Jasmine) “I am sure he will agree to let you go with him. Besides you have some of your own guard to protect you. Not like the Sultan’s road is very dangerous now days, since your father and brother have built up the smaller kingdoms and are very much loved by the people of all of the kingdoms. Besides anyone that would be stupid enough to attack a caravan guarded by armored Jaanavar elephants would surly parish.”

(Princess Asha) “I just hope father won’t look at this as if I am disregarding his wishes to marry me off.”

(Jasmine) “I don’t think he will see it like that.”

Asha smiles and heads back to the great hall, making her way to the throne room. Asha nods to the page as she walks by.

(Princess Asha) “Father, may I speak to you about something?”

(The Maharaja) “Of course my little lotus, what is on your mind?”

(Princess Asha) “Father I wish to see more of the country that our family rules over before being married off to some prince. I know that I have more suitors coming but I would like a break from that for a little while. If Ram and Mala will have me for a little while I would love to see Vāṣpa.”

(The Maharaja) “Asha that sounds like a great idea, besides I still need to reply to some request from some of the other kingdoms for their princes to come court you. I will speak to your brother.”

(Princess Asha) “I was going to speak with him at dinner tonight.”

(The Maharaja) “Wonderful. I have been hearing some chatter about how well your training with the elephants went this afternoon. Captain Raj said that you are very gifted with them.”

Asha blushed

(Princess Asha) “He flatters me.”

(The Maharaja) “Nonsense, he has always been a good judge of character and people.”

Asha smiles and walks out of throne room. The princess walked back to her room to relax before dinner. She walked up to her balcony to see if any of her elephants were close by. Peering over the banister, Asha sees her dark grey lover lying on the soft grass. She smiled and walked down to her garden door. Mahaan lifts his head and looks over at his human lover. He reaches out for her with his trunk. Asha walked over to her lover as he placed his trunk around her legs. She giggled and let her lover do as he liked. His trunk slithers between her legs and caresses her soft silk covered legs. Asha removes her silk pants for her lover. Mahaan starts to rumble happily at the sight of Asha getting undressed. He lets go of Asha’s legs and starts to stand up. Asha looks up at Mahaan and walks over to his hindquarter, gently running her hand on his belly down towards his sheath. He stood still for her as he felt her soft hands start to rub his soft foreskin. He soon drops out his thickness for her; it drips with a little pre-ejaculate. Asha take his penis in her hand and stared to lick the tip of it. The huge bull elephant shivers with delight, letting out a soft trumpet. The princess takes her lover’s penis between her large bust and begins to rub them against his thickness. She starts to suck on his large gland happily swallowing his seed down. Mahaan rumbles loudly as he climaxes. His seed covers his princess’s face and chest. Asha giggles as she wipes her hand across her mouth. Her lover picks her up in his trunk and walks off to the pool with her. Asha sighs and leans her head against his strong trunk, holding on to one of his long tusks for support. Seeing the pool just a few feet from her, the princess hops out of her lover’s embrace and stops to remover her silk pants. Mahaan waits for her and soon steps into the pool to bathe. Asha rinses off and wades over to Mahaan and hugs him. He slides his trunk around her waist, Asha pulls away from him. She gently lifts his trunk and kisses him on the mouth. His large tongue caressed her lips, Asha opens her mouth to let his tongue feel hers. She gently pulls away from him once again and starts to wade back to the shore.

Asha picks up her silk top and starts to head back to her room. Hearing a familiar rumble behind her, the princess turns around. Coming up the path behind her, was her beloved bull, Rakshak. He charged forward and scooped her up in trunk. She smiled, feeling his trunk wrap around her. The bull carried her back to palace, gently placing her down on the soft grass. Asha sighed happily as she lay on the grass, in the shadow of her favorite elephant. She peered between his legs, seeing his thick sheath with just a little bit of his foreskin starting to protrude out. Asha couldn’t help herself; she started to crawl between his legs towards her prize. She knelt before his sheath, softly caressing the foreskin with her soft hands. She began to kiss the sensitive foreskin lustfully, caressing it with her tongue. Rakshak let out a low rumble from his trunk as he protrude his thickness farther out for her to play with. Asha gripped the tip of his massive gland with one of her hands, delicately massaging it as she licks the shaft from tip to base. Her bull shivers with delight, letting out a soft roar of excitement as she continues to pleasure him. Her soft hand rubbing the slightly flared head, as her lips kiss the shaft, Rakshak begins to drip pre-ejaculate onto her hand. Asha lets go of his phallus to lick his pre off of her palm, she lets out a sigh and grabs his penis once again. The princess gives her lover a good long suck on the tip of his gland. Her bull let out a loud trumpet of surprise as he climaxed from her hard sucking. Asha swallowed his seed, as she rubbed one of her nipples, making herself climax. She crawled out from underneath her lover with a smile. She licked her lips, savoring the taste of Rakshak’s seed as she got dressed. Asha stood up and hugged her beloved elephant’s trunk. Rakshak curled his trunk around her waist and pulled her close to him. She stood still in her lover’s embrace.

(Henna) “Princess dinner will be served soon.”

Asha looked up at her balcony. She nodded and headed inside.

(Henna) “Princess would you like me to draw you a bath?”

(Princess Asha) “No just bring me some warm water in a wash basin please.”

The busty Jaanavar elephant left quickly to fetch her princess what she needed. Asha waited in her room for Henna to return. A few moments later Henna returned with the wash basin and a clean towel. Asha washed her face and her chest.

(Henna) “Anything else Princess?”

(Princess Asha) “Henna you don’t need to be so formal when you are in my room, Asha is fine.”

(Henna) “I understand.”

(Princess Asha) “Let me ask you something Henna. Is there anything I can do for you? How are you
getting along with the rest of the servants? Is there anyone giving you trouble?”

(Henna) “No real trouble, just a few of them don’t like me because of me being a Jaanavar, especially your former servant that I replaced.”

(Princess Asha) “I see. I will speak to her about this. Henna feel free to come and go as you please in my room. I trust you. Go wonder my garden if you like. Just watch out for my elephants, they really like women and you being a Jaanavar elephant, they may take more interest.”

(Henna) “Thank Asha.”

Asha change her clothes and walked to the dining room, passing her other two Jaanavar guards. They both nodded to their princess. She passed by her eldest brother and sister in law as she made her way to her place at the table. Asha kissed her father on the cheek before sitting down next to her mother.

(Princess Asha) “Ram I thought about what you and Mala had said early. I would love to see your kingdom. Besides it would get me out of the palace. I feel like a caged bird right now waiting for some prince to come along and place me in another cage.”

(Sultan Ram) “Wonderful, will you be bringing one of your elephants?”

(Princess Asha) “I was thinking about bringing one of the ones I was training for Ajay if he will let me.”

(Prince Ajay) “I don’t see why not, take the first one you started training, he seems to be the one that is responding the best. Besides it will be good to see how he does outside the training ground.”

Asha smiled and finished her dinner. The princess excused herself from the table and headed back to her room. She was soon greeted by Sajjan. The large armored guard followed her into her room and closed the door behind them. Asha helped her lover out of his armor and started to kiss down his chest after he sat down on one of the soft couches. He ran his strong hands down her sides, gently caressing all of her curves. Asha took his trunk into her delicate hands and kissed it. Her lover rumbled happily as he started to rub one of her nipples on her huge breasts. She began to wiggle in his lap, as her body rubbed against him in just the right way. Sajjan couldn’t help becoming erect as his lover began giving him a lap dance. He let out a slight rumble of discomfort as a rather large bulge was forming in his pants. Asha giggled and slinked down to the floor from his lap. She pulled the drawstring on his pants open with her teeth, letting his thick love swollen penis loose from its linen prison. Sajjan’s huge penis burst from his cloth pants. Asha giggled at she started to take off her silk top. Her lover started to flick his massive penis against his belly as he watched his princess’s large breasts bounce down from the silk shirt being pulled off. Asha grabbed his penis and started to rub the head of his love swollen gland in her cleavage. Sajjan let out a soft grunt as his penis started to slick her breasts with some pre-ejaculate. The princess massaged her large breast against the tip of her lover’s penis, giving it a soft kiss once in a while as it emerged from her cleavage. She soon started to caress his thick shaft. Sajjan rumbled lowly as he closed his eyes, feeling his lover’s soft breasts envelope his penis. He began to squirt his seed all over her chest as he started to ejaculate. Asha moaned loudly feeling his warm seed cover her chest. She smiled and stood up and bent herself over the edge of her couch. Spreading her legs wide for her lover, Sajjan wasted no time, and stood behind her, soon thrusting his penis deep into her wet folds. The Ivory jewel moaned loudly as she was taken by her favored guard. After almost an hour of pure bliss and many different positions later Sajjan and Asha both climaxed together, Sajjan place his lover on her bed.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, will you take me outside please.”

The Jaanavar guard did as he was asked. He gently picked up his lover in his arms and walked out to her garden. She rested her head against his strong chest and let out a content sigh.

(Princess Asha) “You can let me down my love.”
Sajjan helped Asha to her feet. She soon started to walk off towards her pavilion.

As Asha walked along the side of the stream, she stopped and waded into the cool water. She rinsed herself off as Rakshak came wandering over to her. He scooped her up in his thick trunk and tusked. The princess smiled and leaned her head against his trunk. Soon her two other bulls emerged from the dimly lit jungle and followed their leader back to the palace. Asha yawned as she was gently placed on the soft grass in front of her door.

(Princess Asha) “My loves I will be gone for a little while. I am going to see my brother’s kingdom.
Be good for me while I am gone.”

She kissed each of her elephants and returned to her room. Sajjan was waiting for her, lying in her soft bed. She smiled and climbed into to bed next to her huge lover. He gently embraced her in his strong trunk and arms. By morning Sajjan had left his beloved princess in her bed and had gone off to train with the others of her guard. Henna came to wake her for her morning bath. Asha got up slowly as she heard Henna from her door. Still nude from her activities from the night before, she slipped on a silk night shirt and walked into her bathroom.

(Princess Asha) “Henna I have a favor to ask of you.”

(Henna) “Yes princess what is it?”

(Princess Asha) “Could you tend to my elephants while I am gone?”

(Henna) “Feed them? They have your whole garden to forage for food.”

(Princess Asha) “No, that is not what I mean; I want you to lay with them. Pleasure them while I
am visiting my brother’s kingdom. You are the only servant I would trust with them. Aside from Sajjan, who has a liking for Rakshak.”

Henna blushed at her princess’s request.

(Henna) “Asha I will get in trouble if I am caught.”

(Princess Asha) “Nonsense, I will let it be known to my parents that you are looking after my elephants and that you will be relieved of your regular duties in the palace. No one dares to go into my garden without my consent. Besides if you go out to the pavilion there is more than enough shelter for you to stay out there without needing to come back to the palace.”

(Henna) “What about clothing and food?”

Asha gently took Henna’s trunk in her soft hands as she stood up from her bath.

(Princess Asha) “It will be taken care of. Besides I am often in the nude in my garden.”

Asha gently kissed her trunk and got out of her bath. Soon drying off and getting dressed. Henna blushed after her princess kissed her trunk.

(Princess Asha) “Henna, will you come with me to the bazaar. I want to get you a few things.”

Henna nods and excused herself from the bathroom. Asha ate her breakfast quickly and went off to find Sajjan. He was just returning to the palace from his morning training.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan will you accompany Henna and I to the bazaar?”

Sajjan nodded yes and followed Asha to her room. The princess grabs a small purse of coins and walks out to the main hall. She stops Ali.

(Princess Asha) “Ali could you get Henna for me, I need her to come with me to the bazaar.”

(Ali) “Of course princess.”

Ali leaves and fetches the buxom Jaanavar elephant. A few minutes later he returns with her. Asha smiles and she departs for the bazaar with her favored guard and servant in tow. The marketplace was very busy, a lot of merchants buying and trading goods.

(Princess Asha) “Henna if you see anything you like please do not hesitate to ask.”

Henna was a bit reluctant to ask for things. Asha reassured her it was fine.

(Princess Asha) “Henna please pick some things out that you like. It is really no problem.”

(Henna) “Sorry Asha I am just not use to being treated this well, I have never own anything expensive or eaten anything extravagant. Wont your father say something if he see me in some expensive silks or jewelry?”

(Princess Asha) “No he will not say a thing. He knows that I am very kind to my servants. Besides Henna, you are my only servant. I wish to treat you with the upmost respect and dignity. Besides I see you as a friend and confidant as well.”

Henna smiled and wiped a tear from her beautiful brown eyes with her trunk.

(Henna) “Thank you Asha.”

The two of them spent the whole afternoon in the bazaar. Sajjan smiled and carried some of the things that Asha bought for Henna.

(Princess Asha) “Henna go ahead and take your things to my room and get settled in. I will go talk to my father.”

(Henna) “Are you sure your father will be ok with this?”

(Princess Asha) “Like I said Henna my father will not question it. Everything will be fine.”

Sajjan nudges Henna with his elbow and tips his head towards the bedroom door. Henna smiles and follows him. The princess walks off towards the throne room to talk with her father.

(Princess Asha) “Father, may I speak with you?”

(The Maharaja) “Yes my little lotus, what is on your mind?”

(Princess Asha) “It is about Henna, my servant. Since I am going to visit Ram’s home for a few weeks, I am going to leave her here to tend to my elephants. Ram has more than enough servants to take care of me. So I want to relieve her of any other duties that she has here in the palace. Taking care of my pets while I am gone is a full time commitment.”

Her father nods with a smile.

(The Maharaja) “That is no problem my dear. She doesn’t serve anyone but you anyway. You are right taking care of your elephant is a big responsibility. Will she be alright with that task?”

(Princess Asha) “I spoke with her about it earlier. She will be fine.”

(The Maharaja) “Very good, you best get pack for your journey to Vāṣpa. Besides while you are gone, this will give me plenty of time to reply to the letters I have received from your other suitors.”

Asha kisses her father on the cheek and walks back to her room. By the time Asha returns to her room Sajjan had left once again to the barracks to check in with Captain Raj. Passing her other two guards Amit and Durja.

(Amit) “Princess.)

Amit comments as she passes, giving her a small bow, Asha smiles and enters her room. Upon entering her room she hears some rumbling coming from her balcony. Her beloved bull Rakshak was gently caressing Henna. Henna seemed to be rumbling back to him as if she was talking to him. Asha approached her balcony with a smile.

(Princess Asha) “Everything alright Henna?”

Henna turned around and was a little blushed with surprise.

(Henna) “Yes Asha. Sorry Rakshak was just being friendly with me.”

(Princess Asha) “That’s good; you should go out to the garden and meet the others. Come.”

Asha walks down the steps from her balcony to the garden door with Henna in tow. Rakshak was the first one to greet the two of them. He gently scooped up Asha in his trunk. She giggled as she kissed him.

(Princess Asha) “Henna don’t be shy, he won’t hurt you.”

Ash hopped out of his embrace. Henna slowly walked up to him and patted his trunk. Rakshak rumbled lowly and started to grope her huge breasts with his trunk. Slipping it up from the bottom of the simple linen shirt, Henna lets out a loud trumpet of surprise. Asha smiles widely as she sees her other 2 bulls walking up the path towards the palace.

(Princess Asha) “Henna, why don’t you take off your top and let him explore?”

Henna blushes a little and does as she is asked. Her beautiful form started to lay itself out before the princess. Her body almost matched Asha’s curve for curve. Asha’s started to get butterflies in her stomach as she watched Henna finish pulling off her top, letting her huge breast bounce down from the shirt. Henna was beautifully skinned. Her skin tone was mostly a cool grey, aside from the large depigmented area the covered breasts and torso. Within that depigmented area she had many beautiful cool greys to almost orange-pink patches.

(Henna) “Something wrong Asha?”

Asha snapped out of entrancement.

(Princess Asha) “No sorry.”

Rakshak continued to slither his trunk around Henna’s chest, gently cupping his trunk under one of her breasts. Soon Hathi and Mahaan came over to investigate the unknown elephant looking female that Rakshak was fondling. Henna stood still and let the other two bulls sniff at her. Mahaan being cheeky slid his trunk down the front of her cloth harem pants. He started to probe around for her soft folds. Henna gasped as he started to trunk her gently as the tip of his trunk rubbing her clitoris, making her wet with excitement.

(Princess Asha) “Would you like me to help you out of your harem pants so the boys can play?”

Henna blissfully nodded yes. Asha’s soft hands gently caressed Henna’s sides as she started to pull down her pants. Soon Hathi too started to rub his trunk on her soft wet folds. Henna shuttered as she climaxed from the electrifying stimulation. She dropped to her knees, breathing heavily with her eyes shut. Asha was becoming aroused watching her servant being fondled and trunked by her elephants. Asha soon took off her clothes as well and started to gently caress Henna’s curves. Henna opened her eyes to see her princess softly caressing her.

(Henna) “Asha, do you like me?”

(Princess Asha) “I think so; you are the first woman I have ever been attracted to. You being an elephant probably has something to do with it.”

(Henna) “To be honest Asha, I have been attracted to you ever since that day you took me in.”

Asha smiled as she felt Henna’s surprisingly soft hands touch her large breasts.

(Princess Asha) “We should pleasure these bulls before they get too eager.”

Henna nodded and pulled her harem pants off completely. After moving their clothes, Henna and Asha began to pleasure the 3 bull elephants. Asha started to suck gently on Rakshak’s thick penis as Henna did the same to Hathi. Mahaan waited for his turn with either one of the two beauties that kneeled before him. Henna artfully pleasured Hathi. Wrapping her trunk around his thickness and taking a good bit of his length in her mouth. Her soft tongue caressing the broad underside of his penis with every bob of her head, Hathi began to closes his eyes. He let out a rumble of bliss as Henna continued to pleasure him. Asha continues to suck on her favored bull’s penis, soon caressing his shaft with her large breasts. Rakshak lets out a loud trumpet as he ejaculates in his princess’s mouth. Asha swallows as much as she can as the rest of her lover’s seed seeps out of the corners of her mouth. His love drips onto her breast and down her belly. Asha lets go of her lover’s mast and coughs a little as she pants a little. She looks over at Henna as she hears her alabaster bull trumpet loudly. Henna was in about the same state as the princess, panting and chest covered in their lover’s seed. Mahaan gingerly caressed Asha’s rump with his trunk. She looked over her shoulder at her other lover. She crawled towards him with a carnal look on her face. Half dazed from her time spent with Rakshak. She grabbed his thick pink penis and lifted it up to her seed slicked breasts. She started to rub his thickness between her cleavage.

(Princess Asha) “Henna, come share Mahaan with me.”

Henna crawled towards the dark skinned bull; her huge breast swung a little as she got up to Asha. Hathi’s seed drip from her breasts. She gently curled her trunk around Mahaan’s penis and let out a low rumble. The rumble vibrated his member a little; he began to drip with excitement. Asha licked the y shaped underside of the head of his penis, taking in his pre-ejaculate. Henna let go of the bull’s penis and started to pull Asha close. She started to kiss Asha on the neck as her trunk started to caress her nipple on her left breast. Asha shuttered with excitement as she began to suck on Mahaan’s penis and fondle Henna’s huge breast with her other hand. Henna continued to kiss Asha, soon making her way down to her ejaculated covered breast. She began to suck and lick her princess’s breast. Asha moaned as she caught her breath after she pleasured Mahaan a little more. Henna’s soft tongue caressed the princess’s nipple, causing it to become erect. She moved her mouth over to her other breast and began to suck gently on it. Asha climaxed without any clitoral stimulation. Mahaan finally ejaculated, spraying both Asha and Henna with his seed. The princess stroked Henna’s head.

(Princess Asha) “Let’s get cleaned up.”

Henna stopped and looked up at Asha with doe eyes and sensually pulled away from her breast.

(Henna) “Sure.”

The two of them staggered off to the clear water stream to bathe. The three bulls followed their lovers. Henna helped Asha get cleaned up.

(Henna) “I love you Asha.”

Asha blushed.

(Princess Asha) “I think I am in love with you too Henna. You may be the only female I will ever have as a lover.”

(Henna) “I will protect you like Sajjan and the others.”

Asha smiles and wades over to Henna and hugs her.

(Princess Asha) “You’re warm, I feel safe with you.”

Rakshak makes his way over to Asha and Henna and splashes the two of them with water. The both of them laugh and head back to the shore.

(Princess Asha) “Henna I don’t think you will have any problem taking care of my boys while I am away.”

(Henna) “I don’t think I will.”

Once both of them were dry, the two beauties got dressed and headed back into the palace. Henna made her way out of Asha’s bedroom to get her dinner. Asha waited for Henna to return. She sat on the cool marble floor on her balcony, watching her elephants tussle and forage.

(Henna) “Asha, I have your dinner.”

Asha smiled and walked down to the main part of her room. Sitting down on her soft couch the princess began to eat. Henna gently moved a few strands of Asha’s hair to the side so she wouldn’t get them in the curry she was starting to eat.

(Princess Asha) “Henna go get yourself some dinner. If you see Sajjan tell him to come to my room please. Also if he doesn’t object we could share him too.”

(Henna) “I wouldn’t mind that. He was the one that protected me from the prince. That prince beat me pretty badly once and it was Sajjan that cared for me, the others weren’t enslaved yet.”

(Princess Asha) “I’m sorry you all went through that ordeal. Hopefully your lives here in the palace will make up for it.”

(Henna) “Our lives are much better thanks to you and your family.”

Henna leaves to get herself some dinner. Asha finishes her food and takes the plates to the royal kitchen. She over hears some of the servants whispering about her.

(Servant) “I have heard from some of the others that the princess lays with her elephants, specially her one guard.”

(Servant) “That is disgusting, those beasts are so ugly.”

(Servant) “Quite both of you, I will not you talking ill of our princess. If it was not for her family you both would be on the streets begging for food. I have the mind to tell the Maharaja of this.”

(Servants) “Pleases don’t, we will stop gossiping.”

Asha shook her head and walked back to her room. Upon entering the Great Hall she was stopped by her brother Ram.

(Sultan Ram) “Kālī have you packed yet?”

(Princess Asha) “No, I was just about to go do that.”

(Sultan Ram) “Best have one of your servants help you; we will be leaving in the morning.”

(Princess Asha) “Very well, brother will you fetch Henna for please?”

Ram nods and walks off to find Henna. Asha gets back to her room and starts to pull out some of her clothing laying them out on one of her couches. Looking at the pile of silk clothing she sighed.

(Henna) “Asha you sent for me.”

Asha looked up at the sound of Henna’s soft sweet voice. Noticing that Sajjan was there as well She smiled.

(Asha) “You can bring the trunk over here my love.”
Sajjan walked over to Asha and placed the large trunk down and opened it for her.

(Princess Asha) “Yes Henna, could you help me pack for my trip.”

Henna smiled and walked over to Asha and started to refold her clothing, soon placing it into the open trunk. Asha watched Henna as she helped refold her clothes, taking note of her huge breasts as the jiggled and swung as she bent over to place the folded clothing into the trunk. Henna caught Asha gazing at her.

(Henna) “Need something Asha?”

(Princess Asha) “No, sorry.”

Henna said nothing, and placed the last of her garments into the trunk. She then crawled over to Asha on her hands and knees and embraced her with her trunk. Asha shuttered as she felt Henna’s embrace, falling right into her arm. Henna sat up and pulled her onto her lap and started to kiss Asha on the neck. Asha gasped feeling her soft lip on her neck. Sajjan watched as the two of them caressed each other. Asha started to pull up Henna’s shirt, finding herself starting to suck gently on one of her large nipples. Henna let out a happy rumble as she started to undress the lustful princess. Soon both of them were topless and started to stand up to remove the last of their clothing. Asha hugged Henna around the waist as she nuzzled her head against Henna’s huge breasts. Asha was much shorter than Henna. Henna stood about 6’8’ and was well over a foot and some inches over Asha. Asha started to pull down her elephantess’s cloth pants kissing all the way down from her breasts to her thighs. Henna let out a soft trumpet as she felt Asha’s soft lips kiss her inner thigh. Sajjan let out a low rumble of excitement. Asha stopped and looked over at her favored guard.

(Princess Asha) “Lover, come over here.”

Sajjan happily walked over to the two of them. Asha could tell that he liked what he saw, his pants were tight with a large bulge. Henna reached over and pulled the drawstring on his pants, letting loose his thick penis.

(Henna) “Asha sit on the arm of your couch for me.”

Asha did as she was asked. Henna pulled off Asha’s harem pants and spread her legs gently.

(Henna) “Sajjan lay on the floor here.”

Henna pointed to the floor off to the side of the couch from where Asha was sitting. Sajjan pulled off his cloth shirt and laid quietly, his penis flicked hard against his belly. Henna soon took Sajjan’s length to the hilt and started to lick Asha’s soft sweet folds with her thick soft tongue. Asha panted as she felt Henna’s tongue probe around her now wet folds. Henna’s tushers gently poked at Asha’s inner thighs as she continued to orally pleasure her royal lover. The artful Jaanavar female thrusted her hips so she could pleasure Sajjan as well. Sajjan grabbed Henna around the waist and flicked his penis in her deep wet folds. Henna licked deeper into Asha, causing her to lean back onto the couch and arch her back. Asha let out a loud moan as she felt Henna’s trunk slither up between her large breasts and start to play with one of her erect nipples. Asha climaxed as Henna brought up one of her hands and started to rub her clitoris. Asha’s breath was starting to stagger as her body trembled from multiple orgasms. Henna pulled away from Asha and focused more on Sajjan. She soon pulled off of him and got on her hands and knees. The Jaanavar bull elephant repositioned himself and buried his penis deep into his lover’s wet dripping folds. Henna trumpeted happily as Sajjan continued to make love to her. Asha looked over at her two lovers and smiled, as she crawled over to Henna. The lusting princess crawled underneath her breathtaking lover and started to suck on her breast. Henna let out a rumble of bliss. Sajjan continued to pound away at Henna’s soft loving folds.

(Henna) “Sajjan I’m close my love!”

Her lover continued to masterfully pleasure her as Asha mover down to towards her vagina. She gently started to lick at her clitoris as Sajjan continued to thrust in and out. Asha licked his penis as well, what little she could get to as she pleasured Henna. Henna finally succumbed to her carnal desires and climaxed. Asha moved out from under her lover so she could rest against the cool marble floor. Sajjan was still very much aroused, the tip and a good length of his shaft was moist with Henna’s wetness and some of his own pre-ejaculate. He looked over at Asha with a pent up look. Asha smiled and took his love laden penis in her mouth. She lick his thickness from base to swollen tip, taking in his pre and Henna’s honey. Sajjan let out a roar of relief as he ejaculated a full load of seed into Asha’s mouth.

(Princess Asha) “Better my love?”

Sajjan nods yes with a huge smile. Asha gets up from her floor and walks over to her dresser; she pulls on a silk robe and walks out of her room. Sajjan checked on Henna, and places a blanket over her, as she has fallen asleep. Soon getting dressed and following his princess. Since it was late in the evening most of the family had retired for the night. Asha slipped out of the front doors to the palace and out to the elephant barn. Upon her entry to the huge stone structure, she was greeted by happy rumbles and rough skinned trunks. The princess walked over to the first bull she saw and started to caress his thick sheath. He knew what she wanted and let his massive penis out for her to play with. Sajjan slipped into the barn soon after her and closed the doors. He watched his beautiful lover pleasure each of the bulls one by one. Sucking gently on each of their penises to get them erect, she vaginally mated with them after that. Asha stagger over to Sajjan and fell into his strong arms. He rumbled a little as he too had an erection that need to be taken care of. Asha’s breath labored as she took her lover’s penis deep into her well lubricated and seed dripping folds. She moaned loudly as she felt his thickness squirm inside of her. She quivered and convulsed as her climax came over and over again. Sajjan held her close to him as he filled her with his seed. He rumbled contently as his thickness receded from her wet folds.

(Princess Asha) “I need to get to sleep my love, we leave in the morning.”

Sajjan helps Asha with her robe and picks her up in his arms. Finding their way back to the palace, Sajjan puts Asha to bed. She was fast asleep by the time he put her down on her bed. He gently moves a little bit of her hair away from her face with his trunk and gently caresses her cheek and kisses it. Asha lets out a contented sigh and rolls over and snuggles up to the cloth sawn elephant that lay next to her. Sajjan walks down the stairs to the main part of his lover’s room and gently wakes Henna.

(Henna) “Sajjan what is it.”

He nods to the door.

(Henna) “I see we should get to our quarters.”

The next morning the palace is busy getting the royal caravan ready for the Sultan’s return home. Henna does her morning routine; she draws a bath for Asha and goes to wake her. She slips into her room without knocking and gently wakes her by kissing her breasts and moving down to her belly.

(Henna) “Time to get up Asha.”

(Princess Asha) “Morning.”

Henna stands by the princess’s bed as she stretches. Asha smiles and gets up, placing her feet on the cool marble floor. She hugs Henna, placing her face gently between her lover’s huge breasts.

(Henna) “Asha not trying to rush you, but your brother has informed me this morning that he
wishes to leave after breakfast for Vāṣpa.”

Asha pulls away from their embrace and starts to head down the stairs to the main part of the room.

(Henna) “Asha your morning bath is drawn; I will bring you a clear change of clothing. Please head to your bathroom.”

(Princess Asha) “Will you bring me my ivory and gold hair pin please?”

Henna nods and collets up what the princess wanted. Asha walked into the bathroom and got into her bath. Her long sable locks fanned out behind her as her washed herself. Henna soon entered the bathroom and place the folded clothing and jewelry on the bathroom vanity.

(Princess Asha) “Henna, lock the rood please.”

Henna locked the door as Asha got out of the bath. Asha walked over to Henna still dripping with water and started to pull up her shirt to kiss one of her breast. Henna pulled away from Asha for a moment and grabbed a clean towel to dry her off with. Asha continued her affection to her lover.

(Henna) “Asha you really must get ready. Your brother is wat..iii…ng…”

Asha had slipped a hand into Henna’s cloth harem and started to finger her soft folds. The Jaanavar female shivered with delight.

(Henna) “Oh, Asha…”

Asha pulled down her lover’s pants and started to lick her wet folds. Henna stepped away from her crumpled pants and sat on the vanity stool. Henna spreads her legs wide for Asha and let her continue to lick and finger her wet folds. Her breath labored as the lustful princess stops.

(Henna) “Something wrong?”

(Princess Asha) “No, I just wanted you to be good and turned on for my bulls. Go pleasure them.”

Henna was very turned on and she left quickly. Asha freshened herself up and got dressed. She soon made her way to the great hall and was stopped by Ali.

(Ali) “Princess there is a merchant here for you. He is in the drawing room.”

Asha nodded and went to the drawing room. The walking stick merchant was standing in front of the unlit fire brazier.

(Merchant) “Your walking stick as requested.”

The stick was made with nahor ironwood. There were elephant carved into the stick, and the top and tip were made of elephant ivory.

(Princess Asha) “It is beautiful; please tell me that the ivory is not poached.”

(Merchant) “It certainly is not poached. I had enquired to the local elephant temple about the ivory. I know of your love of elephants, my princess and I would not have dreamed of upsetting you. Your father would have my head for that.”

(Princess Asha) “You did very well, thank you.”

Asha excused herself from the drawing room and headed to the dining room. Ram and her sister in law were just sitting down for breakfast with the rest of the family. She leaned her walking stick against the back of her chair and sat down.

(Sultan Ram) “Kālī, were did you get the walking stick? It’s beautiful.”

(Princess Asha) “From one of the merchants in the bazaar.”

(Sultan Ram) “I see, perhaps next time I home I will have one made. Are you pack and ready to go?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes, I am. If you don’t mind Ram, I am bringing Sajjan with me.”

(Sultan Ram) “That is no problem Kālī. You having a guard with you is a good thing.”

(Prince Ajay) “Well I know the elephant that you trained is ready to travel when you are. Take good
care of him.”

(Princess Asha) “Don’t worry, I will.”

Asha finished her breakfast and went back to her room. Sajjan was waiting for her outside of her bedroom door.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan will you take my trunk out to the caravan please? I have to say goodbye to my bulls and Henna.”

Sajjan nods and enters her room with her and take the trunk out to the cart that will be taking Asha’s things to her brother’s palace. Asha slips down to her garden to see her elephants. Upon opening the door she sees her beloved bull Rakshak standing next to the balcony, fully erect. He catches wind of his princess’s scent; his thickness starts to flick out of excitement. Asha smiles as her beloved starts to caress her large breast with his trunk. Henna appears from the other side of the balcony with Hathi and Mahaan. Asha giggled a little, seeing that Henna was naked and 2 of her bulls looked quite pleasured.

(Princess Asha) “You seem to be doing exactly what I wanted you to be doing.”

(Henna) “They are so gentle, especially this one.”

Henna was rubbing Hathi’s trunk a little as he fondled one of her huge breasts. Asha broke from Rakshak’s embrace and walked towards his hindquarters. She gently took his penis in her soft hands and gave it a gentle kiss.

(Princess Asha) “Don’t forget Rakshak, he seems to be in need of some attention.”

(Henna) “Don’t worry I saved him for last.”

Asha giggled as Henna walked over towards Rakshak’s hindquarters. Asha embraced Henna, placing her head between her soft breasts. Henna bent down and kissed Asha on the lips. Asha could taste Hathi and Mahaan on her tongue. Asha gently pulled away from Henna. Henna started to curl her trunk around Rakshak’s penis and lift it to her mouth.

(Princess Asha) “By all of my loves, I will see you in 2 weeks. Henna take good care of my boys.”

Asha found her way to the royal caravan. The bull she had trained was sitting quietly with the howdah on its back. Sajjan walked over to his princess and placed an armored trunk on her shoulder. She smiled and leaned her head against it, soon giving it a kiss before he helped her up into the howdah. Sultan Ram’s servant came over and climbed onto the shoulder of the large bull and tapped it on the shoulder with guide stick and got him to stand up. Asha’s brother came riding up on his stallion.

(Sultan Ram) “Asha it will be a full day’s ride to my friend Gajender’s kingdom of Rajput Dali.”

Asha smiled and sat back in the royal howdah. It was a long hot ride to Rajput Dali. Having to stop frequently to water the oxen, horses and Asha’s elephant, Asha got out to stretch her legs and help water the animals.

(Queen Mala) “Ram, why does your sister help with a servant’s job, she is royalty. She doesn’t have to do any of that?”

(Sultan Ram) “Mala; she lived as a commoner for 14 years and learned to take care of animals. Let her be. She has always been very compassionate towards animals. When she was 4, she saved a bird that had a broken wing and nursed it back to health and throughout the long 14 years she lived outside the Ivory Palace she helped tend to animals in the bazaar. Her beloved pet Rakshak is one of those animals.”

Asha walked by one of the carts that held some of the fresh fruit and grabbed a small apple for her brother’s stallion and a mango for her elephant. Ram’s stallion nickered a little as Asha offered the sweet morsel to him. He ate it quietly and soon nuzzled Asha’s large breasts. She petted his head and moved over to the unnamed elephant of her brother’s. The bull wrapped his trunk around her waist and pulled her close. Asha giggled as she tried not to get turned on by his fondling. She kissed his thick strong trunk and pulled away from his embrace. She offered him the mango. The huge bull took it daintily in his trunk and ate it happily. Letting out a happy rumble, Asha laughed as the elephant pulled her back towards him by wrapping his trunk around her middle, cupping his trunk under her breasts.

(Princess Asha) “Come on boy let me go.”

The elephant stopped and let go of the princess. Asha made her way over to Sajjan after grabbing a large cup of water and an apple for him.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, here take a break.”

Sajjan knew to keep his hands and trunk in respectful places when not alone with her. He took the apple and cup of water. He let out an appreciate rumble and rubbed her forehead with his trunk as a thank you. The caravan made its way to Rajput Dali, getting there by sun down. After the caravan stopped, the Jaanavar people started to set up their camp outside of city walls. As for the royal family they continued on to the palace. Asha dismounts her elephant and follows her brother and sister up the steps to the palace doors. The guards nod and open the door as the royal page scrambles to the royal dining room to get the King of Rajput Dali.

(Sultan Ram) “Asha this is my dear friend Gajender please be respectful.”

Princess Asha was about to speak before being cut off by her brother’s friend’s booming voice.

(King Gajender) “Ram, what in the 7 hells brings you to my door at this hour?”

The stout king embraces Asha’s brother in a bear hug, Ram laughs as he breaks away from him.

(Sultan Ram) “I told you I would be stopping through after my visit home, remember?”

(King Gajender) “Of all of the things I forgot. Come dinner has been served you must be hungry after your trek here.”

The two rulers laugh as they enter the dining room.

(Princess Asha) “Mala is the King of Rajput Dali always this jovial when Ram comes to visit?”

(Queen Mala) “Yes he is. Your brother and King Gajender have been friends for years. You should have seen him at our wedding.”

Asha giggled

(Princess Asha) “I can only imagine.”

The dining room was filled with wonderful smelling curry and fresh naan. Fresh fruit from all over the 12 kingdoms and candied nuts lay out in a trove of colorful splendor. Sitting to the left of King Gajender was the young prince, he had to be no older than 12.

(Sultan Ram) “Gajender, I would like to introduce someone to you. This is my sister Asha.”

King Gajender stood up and walked over to the princess. He gently took her by the hand and kissed it.

(King Gajender) “So you are Ram’s beloved little sister. Very nice to meet you.”

(Princess Asha) “Nice to meet you too you’re Majesty.”

The king smiled and walked over to his son. Coaxing him to get up and meet the sister of his best friend. The young prince seemed a bit unnerved in Asha’s presence.

(Princess Asha) “Don’t be shy, I don’t bite.”

The prince sheepishly spoke.

(Prince Amit) “My name is Amit.”

(Princess Asha) “Amit, you share the name of one of my guards back home in Jala-rēta. He is big and strong and I am sure one day you will be the same.”

Asha smiles and sits back down and starts to eat her dinner. The young prince returns to his seat and continues to eat. The king and Asha’s brother Ram laugh and talk for the next hour.

(Princess Asha) “Brother I am going to tend to my elephant and go to sleep.”

(King Gajender) “Princess, I will have one of my servants tend to the animals. You are a royal you mustn’t sully your delicate hands by working with dirty animals.”

Before Asha could speak Ram spoke up.

(Sultan Ram) “Gajender, my sister is not like other princess. She has lived a good bit of her life among the commoners. This is something that comforts my sister, especially being able to take care of her favorite animal.”

(King Gajender) “Very well, I will have one of my servants show you to the animal stables and have a bath drawn for you.”

(Princess Asha) “Thank you, your Majesty.”

Asha excuses herself from the table.

(King Gajender) “Your sister is a fiery one isn’t she.”

(Sultan Ram) “You have no idea, my friend.”

(Servant) “Princess if you need anything; feel free to ask. I will be more than happy to assist you.”

(Princess Asha) “No need, I can take care of him myself.”

The servant left as Asha started to tend to her elephant. The bull rumbled happily as the princess started to give him a nice rub down. He gently caressed her thigh before letting his penis drop out from its sheath for her. Asha smiled and started to lift his thickness to her mouth. She began to suck gingerly on, letting her tongue run all around the tip and down the shaft. He dripped with excitement as he let out a trumpet of bliss. Before long a 2nd trunk pulled on Asha’s waist. She let go of her bull’s penis as he started to ejaculate and turned around to look at this unknown elephant. This elephant was one of largest elephants she had ever seen in her life. He towered over her as his trunk probed around the front of her silk pants. She gently pulled down her pants a little to let him give her a proper sniff. The massive bull slipped his huge trunk between her legs and let out a happy rumble. Asha became quite wet from his fondling. She thought to herself; “He is not mine, but I want him.” The bull became quite aroused, letting his thick almost solid black penis protrude all the way out for her. Asha shuttered at the sight of his thickness, the bulbous, flared tip touching the ground. She slowly walked over to his hindquarters and started to caress his belly, before making her way to his thick shaft. The bull stood still for the ivory princess, exhaling loudly through his trunk as her soft skinned hands gently played with his penis. Asha noticed a large scar at the base of his penis close to its sheath. She gently kissed the scar before moving her hands down to the thick shaft. She began to stroke his thick phallus, gingerly rubbing the shaft from base to its thick flared tip. The bull let out another loud huff out of his trunk as she continued to give him a rub down. He rumbled as he flicked his penis out of her soft hand and against his belly, some of his seed squirted on to it before touching the ground again. Asha need to slake her lust for elephants, so she pulled down her silk pants and stepped out of them. She soon found herself under the unknown bull, her back against his moist belly and her hands braced against her spread legs. Asha felt his massive penis flick and prod at her soft petals. As the bull bent his hind legs forward a little, making his penis thrust further between her legs, Asha grabbed the tip of his penis and helped guide it inside of her with one of her soft hands. The bull penetrated her deeply, making her let out a loud moan. The princess squeezed hard against his penis, milking it for its seed as she climaxed multiple times in a matter of minutes. After a few minutes of pure bliss the bull relieved his pent up sexual urges into Asha’s womb, letting out a roar of contentment as he pulled out. Asha lay on the soft hay under her one time lover. The bull side stepped carefully so he would not step on the princess. She looked up at the bull as he started to sniff at her folds with his trunk. The ivory princess stood up after a few more heavenly minutes and got dressed. She kissed the king’s bull on the trunk and walked back over to her unnamed elephant and kissed him as well. Asha found her way back to palace and inquired about her bath. The servant showed her the way to the guest bathroom. Sajjan caught wind of his lover’s scent and walked towards the bathroom. Asha exhaled as she stripped out of her love laden pants and silk top. Sajjan knocked on the door and let out a rumble so she knew it was him.

(Princess Asha) “Enter.”

Sajjan walked in and closed the door. His trunk sniffed at the air a little, and he gave his lover an inquisitive rumble. She smiled and continued to clean herself.

(Princess Asha) “My love could you get me my night gown?”

Sajjan nodded and quickly left for her room. As Asha got out of her bath and dried off, her beloved guard came back. After the princess was done braiding her knee length hair, Sajjan helped his lover get dressed for bed.

Asha smiled as Sajjan escorted her to her room. Upon entering her room Sajjan stopped at the door. The princess sat on the soft bed and looked a little puzzled as her lover didn’t enter into the room with her.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan what’s wrong?”

Sajjan pointed to the door across the hall.

(Princess Asha) “My brother’s room, you are standing guard tonight.”

Sajjan nodded and closed the door. Asha pouted a little seeing that she would be going to bed without her lover’s embrace. She soon fell asleep. By morning there came a knock at her door.

(Sultan Ram) “Kālī, time to get up.”

Asha yawned and stretched.

(Princess Asha) “Ok Ram I am getting up.”

Asha got dressed and opened her door. She was met by Sajjan’s cloth covered chest. She giggled and hugged him. He gave a happy rumbled and ushered her off towards the dining room. Breakfast was just as lavish as the dinner from the night before. Asha found her way over to the chair next to her brother and sister in-law.

(King Gajender) “Good morning Princess, did you sleep well?”

(Princess Asha) “I did your majesty, thank you.”

(King Gajender) “Your brother tells me that you are in need of a few more guards. I have some
Jaanavar guards you may have. They seemed to have noticed your body guard and would like to be in like company. That is if you will have them.”

King Gajender motion to one of his servants to get the guards.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you your majesty.”

(King Gajender) “I am sure you will like them, they are just like your guard.”

(Princess Asha) “They are Jaanavar elephants?!”

(King Gajender) “Yes, there are 5 of them.”

Asha got up and hugged the King of Rajput Dali, and kissed him on the forehead.

(Sultan Ram) “I think she is excited about it Gajender.”

(King Gajender) “I think so. Go meet them princess. They should be out in the main hall.”

Asha kissed him on the cheek and rushed out of the dining room. Standing in the main hall, there were 5 Jaanavar elephant soldiers. Each one stood next to their own equipment. Sajjan walked over to Asha and walked over to the new guards. The 5 elephants bowed lowly as their new princess came close.

(Princess Asha) “Please rise. You need not be so formal around me.”

(Bhanu) “My name is Bhanu your highness, I am the captain of this small group. The other are Dalmi, Erajh, Garja and Jaladhij.”

(Princess Asha) “Pleasure to meet all of you; this is Sajjan my bodyguard and head of my guard back at the Ivory Palace.”

Asha greeted each of her new guards, Sajjan did as well.

(Bhanu) “Highness, why does Sajjan not speak?”

(Princess Asha) “Because the prince that owned him before he became my bodyguard cut out his tongue.”

(Bhanu) “He was a slave? I know most of my kind has been enslaved by most of the western kingdom and some of the far eastern kingdoms as well. When I heard the Sultan from Vāṣpa was coming to Rajput Dali I had to ask our King if I could have an audience with him.”

(Princess Asha) “My brother said that he has given a lot of the Jaanavar in his kingdom citizenship for helping rebuild his kingdom after the war.”

(Bhanu) “Your brother’s kindness towards our kind is very well known.”

(Princess Asha) “I dislike slavery and the mistreatment of people and animals.”

(Bhanu) “Well your highness it will be a pleasure to serve under you.”

Asha smiles and walks back to the dining room. She walks back to her chair and finishes her breakfast.

(King Gajender) “I have one other gift for you princess. My son has an elephant out in the stables that he has not been able to train. Mostly due to the fact that he is afraid of him; Ram tells me that you are very good at training elephants.”

(Princess Asha) “Yes I have trained several elephants, including the one we brought here.”

(King Gajender) “Well if you want him, Arjuna is in the barn.”

(Sultan Ram) “Careful there Gajender you seem to be acting like you wish to court my sister.”
The king laughed

(King Gajender) “Like your sister would want to marry an old bag of bones like me.”
Asha smiled.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you very much your majesty. I did see another elephant in the barn last night when I went to tend to mine. Was that one Arjuna?”

(King Gajender) “Yes that is him.

(Princess Asha) “He seemed well behaved.”

(King Gajender) “He is not full broken, please be careful around him Asha. The last thing I need is your brother here coming after me for you getting hurt form him.”

(Sultan Ram) “Trust me Gajender; she has a charm about her. Elephant love her, I am sure she will have him trained by the time she returns home.”

(Queen Mala) “She more than capable, I have met the elephants she has trained.”

(Princess Asha) “Perhaps your majesty would like a demonstration?”

The king nodded and sent a servant to bring the elephant to the palace grounds. Asha made her way out to the royal caravan and grabbed her walking stick. Upon her return she saw the royal servant dismounting her new elephant using an ankus to guide him. The servant walked over to Asha to hand her the ankus.

(Princess Asha) “No need for that.”

(Servant) “Your Highness please take it he will not respond to any command without it.”

Asha walked past the servant and up to the huge bull elephant. King Gajender and his son along with her brother and sister in-law watched as Asha strolled up to the elephant with confidence.

(Princess Asha) “Shhhhh… easy.”

The bull gently out stretched his trunk and sniffed at Asha. She gently took his trunk in her soft hands and gave it a kiss. She took her walking stick and tapped the bull on the shoulder. He started to kneel down for her. Asha gently mounted his back and got him to stand back up. She guided him around the grounds and back towards the palace steps.

(King Gajender) “Ram you were not kidding about your sister having a charm for elephants. I think that is the first time I have ever seen that elephant be so responsive to commands.”

(Sultan Ram) “I told you she was very good with elephants.”

Asha dismounted Arjuna’s back and went to walk up to her brother and the king. Arjuna grabbed
her up in his trunk and let out a happy rumble. Asha smiled and petted his trunk.

(Princess Asha) “Could someone get me a mango for Arjuna please?”

One of King Gajender’s servants comes over with a large mango for the elephant. Asha takes it from him and untangles herself from her bull’s trunk. She lets him take the mango from her soft hands. He quietly eats it as she walks up the palace steps to her brother and the King.
The King of Rajput Dali was very impressed.

(King Gajender) “I must say Asha; you have quite the gift with elephants. Not even my best
handler could tame that one.”

(Princess Asha) “He just needs a soft touch.”

The king laughed whole heartedly before heading back into the palace.

(Sultan Ram) “Well Asha, we should get packed up and head out soon. I will have one of my pages
make sure the others are getting ready to move.”

Asha smiles and heads back to her room. Finding Sajjan in the main hall she motions for him to follow her. Her beloved takes her traveling trunk out to the caravan. Soon her other guards filtered out of the palace and joined Sajjan as he waited for Asha and the rest of the royals to come outside so they could depart for Vāṣpa. By mid-day the caravan began to leave. Asha’s new bull followed behind the one that carried her. The princess would often look behind her from her howdah. Arjuna rumbled and trumpeted every time Asha would look back at him. After a few hours of trekking through the great desert the caravan stops to rest and water the animals. Asha happily helps the servants. She walks over to Arjuna with a large bucket of water. He rumbles happily and draws up the water. Her new bull started to rub his wet trunk on her cheek. Asha smiled and kissed it before she walked off to get back on her other elephant. Arjuna trumpets and grabs Asha around the waist as she tried to walk off.

(Princess Asha) “Come on Arjuna I have to get moving.”

The bull rumbles and starts to pick Asha up.

(Princess Asha) “Put me down. Sajjan can you help me.”

The princess’s beloved guard rushed over and snatched her out of the elephant’s trunk. The bull roared in anger at Asha got up from the ground and started to walk off. She walked over to the other bull and tapped him on the shoulder. He knelt down for her.

(Princess Asha) “Bhanu, can you and the others unhook the howdah from him and put it on Arjuna please. He seems to want me to ride on his back.”

(Bhanu) “As you wish your highness.”

The princess’s new guard and her beloved move the royal howdah over to the large bull elephant. Asha smiles and walks over to Arjuna and get him to kneel down for them. Soon placing the carriage on top of his back and getting it strapped on to him. Asha gets on his back. She gently taps him on the shoulder and gets him to stand up. He rumbles happily and follows the rest of the caravan. Asha rests as her new bull carries her to her brother’s palace. It is around night fall when the royal caravan arrives at the palace in Vāṣpa.

The Kingdom of Vāṣpa is a large stable kingdom to the east of Jala-rēta. A vast mountain range splits the kingdom off from the other 11 kingdoms on the continent. There is also the Great Desert that envelops the kingdom itself. Vāṣpa is known for its glass and iron work, although the mountains around the kingdom are running short of iron ore. The Vāṣpa bazaar is one of the largest in all of the 12 kingdoms. There are 7 large oases that dot the inner part of the kingdom. The largest one houses the Vāṣpa Palace.
The royal caravan stops in front of the palace gates. Royal soldiers open the gates for his majesty and his family. Arjuna huffs a little as one of guards pokes him with a bull hook to get him to stand still. Asha yawns and looks down from her howdah. Seeing that they had finally stopped, the princess taps her bull on the shoulder and gets him to kneel. Bhanu helps Asha down as Sajjan and one of her other guards remove the elephant carriage.

(Sultan Ram) “You must be tired Asha, please let my servants take care of your elephants so you can go rest.”

(Princess Asha) “Ram I am fine, beside Arjuna will only listen to me anyway. I don’t want him hurting anyone.”

Ram nods and walks up the palace steps to the front door to his palace.

(Princess Asha) “Excuse me where can I put my elephants?”

(Servant) “This way your highness.”

The royal servant helped Asha bring her 2 elephants over to the royal stables. Her brother having no elephants, the largest parts of the stables were empty. The servant placed Asha’s unnamed bull into one of the large elephant sized stalls. Asha lead Arjuna to one of the other stalls.

(Princess Asha) “Is there an open area where my pet may graze?”

(Servant) “Yes your highness, through those doors there is a huge jungled area for them. It is walled off so they won’t wonder off.”

(Princess Asha) “Wonderful.”

The servant left the stables, leaving Asha and her bull alone. Arjuna stomped his foot in annoyance, being cooped up in stall was not to his liking.

(Princess Asha) “Calm down love, you’re ok.”

Asha took Arjuna’s trunk in her soft hands and gave it a kiss. He started to sniff at her lotus oil scented neck and rumbled happily. He soon snaked his trunk down between her large breasts and started to fondle her a little. Asha giggled and opened the stall door slowly. Arjuna backed up for her so she could enter. The huge bull started to sniff her again, his thick trunk feeling around for her soft petals. Asha bit her lip as he started to pull at her harem pants. She pulled the front of them out so his trunk could slip in. The rough skin of his trunk rubbed against her soft belly and down between her legs. The tip of his trunk probed around till he felt her wetness. He huffed a little pleased with her scent. Asha shuttered as he pulled his trunk out of her pants.

(Princess Asha) “Come on my love let me see your bullhood.”

Arjuna quickly dropped out his thick penis for her. The princess staggered her breath as she lustfully walked over to his hindquarters. Asha gently took his massive black phallus in her hands and brought it up to her soft lips. She began to suck gently on the thick flared head of her bull’s penis. He rumbled excitedly as he felt her tongue lap gently at the orifice on the tip. He soon began to drip thick gobs of seed. Asha swallowed his nectar down like parched carnal animal. She placed her mouth over the orifice on his gland and sucked hard on it. Arjuna trumpeted and climaxed for his princess. His sweet tasting seed squirted from the corners of her suckling mouth.

(Princess Asha) “Good boy”

Asha petted Arjuna on the side and kissed his now flaccid penis as he pulled it back into its sheath. He rumbled contently and caressed her cheek with his trunk.

(Princess Asha) “I need to get inside, it is getting late.”

The ivory princess yawned and wiped the corners of her mouth with her hand. His seed covered her palm and she licked it off. Asha smiled and kissed her bull on the trunk before exiting the stall. Arjuna wrapped his trunk around her waist and pulled her close before she tried to leave.

(Princess Asha) “No, no big boy I need to get some sleep.”

Asha pulled away from his trunk and left his stall. As she locked the stall door the bull fondled her breasts. She couldn’t help but become turned on by his groping. Asha headed into the palace, the guards nodded to her and let her pass.

(Sultan Ram) “Your pet all settled in?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes, he doesn’t like being cooped up in that stall though.”

(Sultan Ram) “If you like you could let him out into the walled in oasis I have off of the stable for the animals. He might be more comfortable out there.”

(Princess Asha) “I will let him out in the morning. Brother may I take a bath? I feel grimy from the long trek through the desert.”

(Sultan Ram) “I will have Rina draw you a bath.”

A few minutes later Sultan Ram’s favored servant came.

(Rina) “This way your highness.”

Asha followed the young woman. Rina guided the princess off to a large bathroom. The floors were marble, much like her own bathroom back home. The bathing pool was smaller but just as deep. The décor was very different but pleasant to the eyes. Beautifully colored blown glass lanterns hung from the ceiling, illuminating the bathroom in an array of radiant prismatic light. The bath water was warm and scented with lotus oil.

(Rina) “Anything else princess?”

(Princess Asha) “Could you have my royal guard Sajjan bring me my nightgown please.”

(Rina) “Which guard is Sajjan, your highness?”

(Princess Asha) “The tall scar covered one with the tusk caps.”

Rina nods and leaves from the bathroom. About 10 mins later a knock comes from the door.

(Princess Asha) “Enter.”

Sajjan enters the bathroom with her nightgown. Asha smiles and gets out of the bathing pool. She walks over to the vanity and grabs the towel to dry off. After she is finished Sajjan helps his princess get dressed. His trunk slithers down between her large breasts and fondles them. Asha turns around and caresses his cheek with her soft hands, soon pulling him down into a deep passionate kiss.

(Princess Asha) “I need to get some sleep my love.”

Sajjan nods and opens the door for her and shows her off to her room. The bedroom that Asha was staying in was just as luxurious as hers back home. It was very colorful and in a cooler part of the palace. Asha climbed into bed and nestled into the soft sheets.

(Princess Asha) “Goodnight my beloved.”

Sajjan started to remove his armor and lay next to his beautiful princess. She snuggled close to him and drifted off to sleep. As the morning sunlight crept through the beautiful stain glass window, Asha awoke to the sound of a knock on the door.

(Rina) “Princess Asha, His Majesty has asked me to fetch you breakfast.”

Asha awoke to her name being called and Sajjan was up getting dressed.

(Princess Asha) “Coming.”

She yawned and stretched as she made her way over to the chest of drawers. Soon pulling off her nightgown in front of Sajjan, his eyes widened as he watched his beloved get dressed for the day. He reached out to caress her curves with his rough hands; she giggled and playfully swatted his hands away from her.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, no not right now.”

She turned around and kissed him sliding her hands down the sides of his armor.

(Princess Asha) “You need to get back to your post with the other guards.”

Sajjan nods and heads out of her room. Asha leaves her room and heads towards the main hall.

(Rina) “This way princess, your brother is waiting.”

Asha follows the servant to the dining room.

(Sultan Ram) “Morning sleepy head.”

(Princess Asha) “Morning.”

(Sultan Ram) “How did you sleep?”

(Princess Asha) “Like a baby.”

(Queen Mala) “Asha, after breakfast would you like to go to the bazaar with me?”

(Princess Asha) “Sure, I would love to see it.”

The Vāṣpa Bazaar’s only rival is that of Jala-rēta’s. The market place is full of exotic fruits, finely made silks and beautifully crafted glass and iron work. At the far end of the bazaar there are animal venders. Horses, camels, and a small amount of elephants reside there.

(Princess Asha) “So, where are we off to this morning Mala?”

(Queen Mala) “Nowhere in particular, I just wanted to show you our great bazaar.”

(Princess Asha) “The bazaar is huge. It is almost the size of the one back home.”

Mala smiles and continues to walk through the crowded marketplace with the royal guards and a few servants in tow. After stopping at a few stalls and buying a few articles of clothing and some treats for Asha’s elephant, the 2 royals come to the animal merchants.

(Princess Asha) “I have only seen camels a few times in my life. I keep forgetting how big they are.”

(Queen Mala) “We have a few of them back at the palace.”

(Princess Asha) “Ram always said they are ill tempered beasts.”

(Queen Mala) “Your brother has never liked them. He got spat on by one and that was the end of that.”

Asha laughed loudly as they continued to walk down the path towards the elephant merchant. The elephant merchant only had 4 elephants for sale. The merchant bowed to the two royals.

(Merchant) “Your Majesty, your Highness. Welcome to my humble stall.”

Asha walked up to one of the elephant, slowly extending her hand out so he could get a good scent from her. The young bull sniffed at her hand and gently started to rub his trunk on her soft cheek. Asha smiled and started walked over to the next elephant.

(Queen Mala) “Asha it is getting late in the day perhaps we come back tomorrow to see the other 3?”

(Princess Asha) “Sure.”

Asha thanks the merchant for letting her see the first elephant.

(Merchant) “Highness I will have a few more tomorrow. I have one of my hunters coming in with a few.”

(Princess Asha) “I hope they are well treated and without any unnecessary injuries.”

(Merchant) “They will be to your liking I assure you your Highness.”

The queen and princess returned to the palace after their long day in the market place. Asha watched the palace servants bustle about as they brought in the purchased things from the market. Asha made her way back to her room and changed into something more comfortable and headed out to see Arjuna. Upon entering the walled in oasis, she saw her elephant splashing around in the large fresh water spring.

(Princess Asha) “Arjuna, come here.”

The huge bull heard the sweet voice of his caretaker and happily stepped out of the water. He sniffed the air with his trunk and walked over towards her. Asha smiled as the huge bull started to caress her with his trunk. Arjuna began to get aroused as his trunk slid down Asha’s belly to the crotch of her silk pants. Soon his thickness started to drop out of its sheath, in full view of the ivory princess.

(Princess Asha) “You want me to play with you a little?”

Arjuna rumbled happily and started to pick up Asha around the waist. She giggled softly as she leaned her head against his thick trunk as she was carried off. The horny bull took her to a secluded area at the far end of the oasis, away from prying eyes. He gently placed her on the soft ground. Asha slowly removed her clothes for her huge lover. He rumbled impatiently and soon stepped over top of her. His long engorged penis flicked against his belly as he let out a loud trumpet.

(Princess Asha) “Ok, Ok, I know you want relief lover, let me help you.”

Arjuna stands still for her and lets her pleasure him. Asha takes his thickness into her soft hands and starts to rub the flared head of his penis between her large breasts. She kisses the tip of his penis as it emerges from her cleavage. The bull starts to dribble some pre-ejaculate between her breasts, slicking the path between them. Asha moans as his warm semen trickles down her chest on to her belly. The scent of her lover begins to intoxicate her thoughts. The princess needs her own relief. She soon takes his penis into her mouth and sucks gently on it. With her dominate hand she wipes some of her lover’s seed down to her soft petals and starts to gently rub her clitoris. Slicked with his warm seed, Asha moans as she pulls away from the bull’s penis to get her breath. Her nipples puckered as she became extremely aroused, as she continued to pleasure her elephant. Arjuna rumbled excitedly as he started to climax. His thick seed filled Asha’s small mouth, and squirted out the corners of her lips. She swallowed what she could of her bull’s seed. Eagerly wanting more she continued to suck on his softening mast. Arjuna stepped back and let himself gently step over his princess. Asha moaned as she let go of his thickness. She grabbed hold of his trunk as it slithered over her shoulder and down her seed slicked chest. She placed it between her legs and let the bull probe her as he liked. The huge bulls wasted no time, his thick trunk started to pleasure the lustful princess. The rough ridges on his trunk rubbed against her soft fold as she climaxed. Her wetness stained the underside of the huge bull’s trunk as he pulled away from her. Asha soon stood up and cleaned herself up via the small stream that flowed close by.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you my love.”

She kissed her bull on the trunk and picked up her clothes. Soon she began to walk back to the royal barn. After getting dressed, Asha entered the palace and quickly disappeared into the bathroom across from her room. She sighed as she soaked in the bathtub. A knock came from the door.

(Servant) “Your Highness, dinner will be served soon, please come to the dining room when you are ready.”

(Princess Asha) “Alright, thank you.”

Asha got dried off and dressed herself for dinner. Her beautiful knee length raven hair pulled up in a high ponytail, brushed against her back as she walked to the dining room. Her brother and sister in law sat at the head of the table. She smiled and to the chair to the left of her brother.

(Sultan Ram) “Mala said you were looking at elephants today.”

Her brother laughed wholeheartedly.

(Princess Asha) “Is there a problem with that dear brother of mine?”

(Sultan Ram) “No, it’s just father is going to have heart attack if you bring anymore home, I am sure.”

(Princess Asha) “Doubtful, father has not stopped me yet and if he were to ever have a problem with any of my elephants I would comply with his wishes.”

(Sultan Ram) “I am sure you would.”

The royal family finished their meal. The Sultan was called away to a late night meeting with some of his viziers, leaving the Queen and her sister in law to chat in private.

(Queen Mala) “Asha I have a confession.”

Asha looks over at her sister in law with questioning look, she seemed nervous.

(Princess Asha) “Mala what is the matter?”

The queen composed herself and took a deep breath.

(Queen Mala) “I have started to umm… Have depraved thoughts about elephants and their umm..”

An impish smile crested Asha’s face.

(Princess Asha) “Their penises.”

Asha let out a light laugh.

(Princess Asha) “Don’t worry Mala your secret is safe with me.”

A look of relief washed over the beautiful queen.

(Queen Mala) “I was so afraid of telling you. I need to keep this from your brother.”

(Princess Asha) “If it makes you feel better, I have had my experiences with my elephants and one of my Jaanavar guards.”

(Queen Mala) “So you are not a virgin? Wont your father and royal suitor be upset?”

(Princess Asha) “I am not taking a royal for my husband. I will not be bond to a man I will not love.”

(Queen Mala) “But what of your family’s lineage?”

(Princess Asha) “This is part of my lineage. My mother, and my grandmother and probably farther back in my mother’s blood line. Most of the women on my mother’s side were known for lying with beasts.”

(Queen Mala) “Could you show me how to pleasure one?”

Asha smiled

(Princess Asha) “Yes.”

The two royals talked for a long while before turning in for the night. Asha made her way to her room as the night servant was dimming the hallway oil lamps. Her beloved stood guard outside her door.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan.”

The princess waited for her lover to open her door. He rumbled happily as she caressed his warn rough face with her soft hand.

(Princess Asha) “Come, my love, time for bed.”

Asha helps her lover out of his armor before she gets ready for bed. Sajjan sits on the edge of the bed and watches as his princess. The soft lamp light and shadows caress her beautiful curves as she changes into her bed clothes. She finally walks over to the bed and turns down the soft, cool silk sheets. She lies down and places her head on one of the large soft pillows. Sajjan lays next to her, his strong arms and trunk pull her close as he begins to relax. Asha giggles as his trunk caress her lightly covered breasts. The two lovers drift off to sleep. By morning Sajjan had left to go train with the rest of the Ivory guard and had let his lover asleep. Asha woke to the sound of Rina knocking on her door to tell her breakfast was served. After getting dressed for the day Asha went down to the dining room and had breakfast.

(Queen Mala) “Asha we are going back out to the bazaar today when you are ready.”

(Sultan Ram) “My love, don’t empty the royal coffers too much today ok.”

The Queen playfully tossed a small piece of naan at her husband. The sultan laughed and excused himself from the table.

(Princess Asha) “That would be wonderful. We could go look at more elephants today if you would like?”

The Queen nodded yes. A little while later the two royals head out to the bazaar; making their way back to the elephant merchant. Asha smiled seeing the large amount of elephants for sale.

(Merchant) “Ah, your majesty and highness welcome. Like I had said the other day I have many more elephants for you to look today. Please take your time.”

Asha smiled as she walked over to one of the young strong looking bulls. Mala walked up to Asha’s side and petted one of the other elephants on the trunk.

(Queen Mala) “They are all very large. Except this one.”

(Princess Asha) “If I had to guess he is probably the youngest one here. I mean he is still large but not fully grown yet. Mala he is probably the perfect for you.”

(Queen Mala) “Will you help me train him, if I buy him?”

(Princess Asha) “Gladly.”

Asha suddenly gets scooped up by a trunk. The queen laughs as her sister in-law starts to giggle.

(Merchant) “Nakul seems to have taken a liking to you your highness.”

Asha smiles and untangles herself from the bull’s trunk.

(Princess Asha) “Yes, he seems to have.”

Mala turns her attention to the young bull. He starts to sniff at her neck with his trunk. His trunk slowly makes its way down to her chest and caresses her sides. The queen shutters a little with excitement.

(Queen Mala) “Have these 2 elephants bought to the palace.”

(Merchant) “As you wish your Majesty.”

(Princess Asha) “Mala you want both of them?”

(Queen Mala) “Little sister the one is for you.”

Asha smiled widely.

(Princess Asha) “Thank you Mala!”

Asha hugs her sister in-law tightly.

The two royals return to the palace, the two elephants are guided to the oasis for the royal animals. Asha walks into the royal barn and checks on her new elephant with her sister in-law in tow. Nakul sniffed at his new surroundings, pleases with them he rumbled happily. The younger male did the same and walked up to the queen and sniffed at her neck with his trunk. Mala gently rubbed his trunk with her soft hand.

(Princess Asha) “What are you going to call him Mala?”

(Queen Mala) “I am going to name him Ayaan, after a man I once knew before I married your brother. He was my betrothed. He was sent off to war by my father. He was no soldier, he was a kind man, like your brother, forced to do my evil father’s bidding.”

(Princess Asha) “Mala, I’m so sorry. You loved him?”

(Queen Mala) “I did, many times.”

Asha snickered a little as Mala’s elephant started to fondle her chest a little. The queen shuddered a little with excitement.

(Queen Mala) “Asha is this normal or is he just being curious?”

(Princess Asha) “Well male elephants are very intelligent, but most of the males I have come in contact with have been curious and horny.”

Mala turned around to face her elephant. She soon noticed his long thick penis was fully erect for her to see. The queen blushed with a flash of crimson.

(Princess Asha) “Mala gently take his penis in your hands.”

The queen breathed heavily as she walked over to her bull’s hindquarters and bent down to touch his mast. Ayaan’s penis was warm to the touch; the scent of musk was strong but not unpleasant to her.

(Princess Asha) “Gently lift it and give it a kiss.”

Mala giggled as she kissed the elephant’s thickness. The bull gave the queen an inquisitive rumble and continued to stand still for her.

(Princess Asha) “Now that he seems to enjoy your touch, go ahead and pleasure him a little by sucking on his penis.”

The queen gently did as she was asked, letting her soft lips envelop part of the soft tip of the noble beast’s phallus. Soon letting her tongue taste the salt of his flesh, the bull rumbled a little and flicked his penis out of her mouth.

(Princess Asha) “Mala you have to hold onto his penis if you want to pleasure him, or he will do that.”

Mala laughed loudly and gently grabbed hold of Ayaan’s penis again and continued to suck on the tip.

(Princess Asha) “If you really want to pleasure him run your tongue around the penile opening on the underside of the tip.”

Mala was really turned on by now. She could feel herself getting wet from this experience. Her tongue explored the underside of the beast’s mast. This sent a shiver down Ayaan’s spine. He quivered with more excitement and started to drip some of his honey for his queen. Mala pulled her head away from her bull’s penis for a moment, savoring the new flavor from her elephant.

(Princess Asha) “Anything wrong sister?”

(Queen Mala) “No, it is just I know this is really taboo. But I can’t help but enjoy this.”

(Princess Asha) “Mala can you keep a secret?”

The queen nodded as she continued to pleasure her elephant, lapping at the sweet ejaculate that continued to drip from his penis.

(Princess Asha) “Sajjan, my bodyguard; he is one of my lovers. I have debated with myself to take some of the others as well.”

(Queen Mala) “That is your choice Asha, from what your brother has said about him. He fights very well; the others may do the same. What is more powerful than fighting for someone you love?”

(Princess Asha) “True, it is just I have 8 guards now, that is a lot of men to pleasure.”

(Queen Mala) “That is a lot.”

The queen started to pleasure her elephant more and Asha watched as she continued.

(Princess Asha) “Mala you need to pull away from him now.”

The queen pulled away from her bull just in time as he ejaculated his seed onto straw covered ground and flicked a little onto his belly. Mala laughed loudly.

(Queen Mala) “Asha how did you know he was about to climax?”

(Princess Asha) “Watch the veins on his penis, they start to pulse a little before he will climax.”

Mala nods and smiles as Ayaan starts to retract his thickness back up into his body.

(Queen Mala) “Asha thank you for teaching me a few things about my elephant.”

(Princess Asha) “If you want him to drop his penis out for you on command rub his sheath a little. He will start to associate it with pleasure and will become responsive to it. I will help you train him for traveling, I am sure he might already know some basic commands.”

Asha walks over to Ayaan’s side and taps him on the shoulder to see if he will kneel. The bull knelt down for the princess and waited quietly.

(Princess Asha) “See he is already trained for some common commands. Mala come over and tap him on the shoulder again to make him stand up.”

Mala gently tapped her elephant on the shoulder; he responded to her touch and stood up for her. The queen smiled as her bull started to turn around and playfully bumped her with his hindquarters.

(Queen Mala) “Asha this is too much. I am so enthralled with him. Teach me everything you know.”

Asha gave her sister in-law an impish smile.

(Princess Asha) “I can teach you a few things, what you and your elephant do is between the two of you.”

Asha’s new elephant Nakul walks over to her and starts to rub his trunk on her back. She reaches behind her and gently caresses his trunk with her soft hands. Soon turning around and kissing Nakul’s warm gray skinned trunk. Nakul was a solid warm gray colored elephant. Unlike any of her other elephants, he did not have any discoloration on his body aside from pink patches on his dark grey penis. Asha smiled as he started to sniff at her lotus oil scented neck. The princess soon turned her attention to her own elephant, gently caressing his side as she walked slowly towards his hindquarters: Nakul stood quietly as Asha began to give his sheath a tender rub with her soft hands. She smiled as his thickness started to appear from its warm sheath. She licked her lips in anticipation, moistening them so she could give him some proper pleasure. Nakul let out a soft rumble as Asha played with his penis. After a little while Asha began to lick Nakul’s thick veiny penis. Her tongue sensually caressing the underside of his member as it began to drip with excitement. Lustfully the princess lapped up his pre-ejaculate as her hands caressed his shaft. Queen Mala watched as her sister in-law artfully pleasured the magnificent beast. Asha continued to lick and suck gently on his thickness until Nakul started to climax. Feeling his penis pulse Asha pulled away letting the bull discharge his sexual urges onto the straw covered earth in the stables.

(Queen Mala) “He seemed to like that.”

(Princess Asha) “Most males do.”

The royals both laughed before leaving the royal stables. Over the next week Asha spent a lot of her time teaching and training Mala’s and her new elephant. Her nights were pleasant as she would pleasure Nakul and Arjuna. Arjuna didn’t get along with Nakul very well. He was always bumping into him when Asha was paying attention to him or trying to chase him off as Asha would come out to pleasure them at night. The princess became very distraught about this. Before long Ram started to take notice of his sister’s malcontent.

(Sultan Ram) “Kālī, what seems to be bothering you? You have not been yourself as of late. Anything I can do to help?”

(Princess Asha) “No, it is just my 2 elephants. They are not getting along very well. I know once I get home Rakshak will sort them out.

(Sultan Ram) “Well my dear sister, if Rakshak is the one to fix things, perhaps you would like to go home?”

(Princess Asha) “Give me a few more days brother, I don’t want to return home yet.”

The Sultan nods and smiles, soon excusing himself from the room, as Asha walks back to the other hallway. Soon finding herself lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling; a soft knock comes from her door.

(Princess Asha) “It’s open.”

(Rina) “Princess, your brother’s vizier of commons would like an audience with you.”

Asha nods and follows Rina to one of the common rooms.

(Rina) “This is vizier Bodhi the vizier of commons.”

(Vizier Bodhi) “Your highness.”

(Princess Asha) “What can I do for you?”

(Vizier Bodhi) “A few of your brother’s subjects wish for an audience with you if it is not too pressing for your time.”

(Princess Asha) “What is this in regards, I have no sway in matters of this kingdom; it would be advised to speak to my brother since he is the ruler of this kingdom.”

(Vizier Bodhi) “It is in regards to your Royal guard. The compassion you have for the otherwise disregarded Jaanavar is wide spread throughout the kingdom, as far as I know it may extend to all 12.”

(Princess Asha) “Very well, I will see them.”

The Vizier takes his leave after giving her a bow.

Asha waits quietly in the drawing room for Vizier Bodhi to return. About a half an hour later; he returns with 4 large Jaanavar elephants. Asha’s eyes lit up with excitement as they entered the room.

(Vizier Bodhi) “Your Highness, these are the 4 Jaanavar that wish to join your guard.”

(Princess Asha) “You are all well met. The captain of my guard and his lieutenant are here with me. I will show you to them.”

One of the men speaks up.

(Rama) “Your highness, my name is Rama. The others are 3 of my close friend; Mahaj, Onnesha and Leya.”

Each of the Jaanavar nodded to their princess respectfully as their names were called.

(Rama) “Don’t let Leya’s appearance fool you; she is just as fierce a fighter as the rest of us.”

Asha smiled and thanked Vizier Bodhi again.

(Leya) “Highness, I will serve you as well as any of the males.”

(Vizier Bodhi) “I am sure they will fit in well with the rest of your guard.”

(Princess Asha) “I sure they will, Vizier Bodhi thank you.”

The Vizier of Commons bows and excuses himself.

(Princess Asha) “Come I will introduce you to Sajjan and the others.”

The 4 Jaanavar elephants picked up there things and followed there princess to the main hall of the palace. Asha soon stopped one of the palace servants.

(Princess Asha) “Excuse me, have you seen my guards?”

(Servant) “Yes, they headed out to the royal training grounds. If you leave the palace and follow the stone pathway to the right, you will find the training grounds.”

Asha thanks her and walks off, soon finding her way to the training ground with her new guard in tow, Asha smiles watching her beloved training her guard and some other. Her brother’s captain saw her and stopped the drills.

(Capt.Tushar) “Everyone take a break. Highness how may I serve you?”

(Princess Asha) “I would like you and Sajjan to assess these 4 new guards for me.”

(Capt.Tushar) “Big one, your mistress would like you to train these 4.”

Sajjan walked over to Asha as he finished his cup of water, along with Bhanu.

(Bhanu) “We will start the assessment, come and pick out a practice weapon of choice and we will begin.”

Asha smiled and tugged on Sajjan’s arm. He rumbled and turned head to face her.

(Princess Asha) “Train them well.”

Sajjan nodded and walked off.

Asha watched her lover train each of them. All of them had unique fighting styles. Sajjan and the others of her guard had to adapt quickly to defend against them. Pleased with what she saw, Asha returned to the palace. Another week went by and Asha decided to return home.

(Sultan Ram) “Kālī, have a safe journey home and give my love to mother and father. Captain Tushar, Sajjan: Keep my sister safe.”

(Captain Tushar) “On my life my king.”

Sajjan nodded to the sultan.

The journey home to the Ivory palace was long and hot. Princess Asha decided to stop by Rajput Dali to resupply their water. King Gajender was more than happy to receive the Ivory Jewel of Jala-rēta for the evening.

(King Gajender) “Princess Asha is there anything else I can get you aside from lodging and water?”

(Princess Asha) “No, my dear king, you have been more than hospitable.”

(King Gajender) “Very well then, goodnight.”

By early morning the caravan was setting off to Jala-rēta. It was an uneventful trek home for Asha. By nightfall they finally reached the Ivory palace. Arjuna knelt down for his princess, letting her off of his back. Soon standing back up once the servants removed the elephant carriage from his back, Sajjan and the rest of her new guard waited for her instruction.

(Princess Asha) “Well, all of you can get settled in. One of the palace servants will show you to your quarters. Sajjan will you help me get Nakul and Arjuna to the back garden please?”

Sajjan nodded and took Nakul by the rope and gently guided him to the back gate to Asha’s garden. Arjuna followed behind Asha, placing his trunk over her shoulder and gently fondling her large breast as they walked. After leading the two magnificent beasts into their new home, Asha and Sajjan walked back to the front of the palace.

(Princess Asha) “Well time to head in.”

She gave him a smile and walked into the great hall. The great hall was dimly lit since it was so late. Seeing how most of the palace was dark Asha sighed and walked back to her room with Sajjan in tow. Her room was just the way she left it. She lit one of the lamps in the main part of her room, noticing a familiar figure lying in her bed. She gently pulled the silk sheet off of her sleeping lover and started to softly caress her sides and up to her huge breast. Henna stirred a little, slowly opening her beautiful brown eye.

(Princess Asha) “I’m home Henna. My boys treat you well?”

Henna said nothing and took her into her arms, pulling her close and letting out a happy rumble. Asha giggled and squirmed out of her embrace. Asha kissed Henna on the forehead and walked to her bathroom.

(Princess Asha) “Come Sajjan you need a bath.”

Sajjan nodded and followed her; quietly taking off his armor and cloth clothing he joined her in the cool bath.

Asha’s nipples puckered from the cool water as she let out a sigh. Sajjan rumbled happily as he started to lather up a clean wash cloth. Soon the two of them were clean, Asha got out of the bath and started to dry off. Sajjan drained the tub and watched his breathtaking love caress her body with a dry towel. He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing in some of the warm night air. His second of bliss was cut short as he felt Asha started to embrace him from behind. Her soft hands gently rubbed his sides and began to glide over his rough hide to his crotch. Asha’s large breasts pressed warmly against his lower back as his titillated penis began to become erect. The princess said nothing and just continued to stroke his mast. Sajjan rumbled in pleasure and flapped his ears. She kissed his back and got him to turn around by giving him a playful tug on his penis. Asha got on her knees and began to teasingly lick the head of his phallus, before long she started to sensually suck on it. Her beloved gently placed his rough skinned hand on the back of her head, softly encouraging her to suck harder. She obliged and took the tip of his penis deeper into her mouth. Finally after what seemed to be like an hour of oral pleasure the elephant ejaculated his seed into the princess’s mouth. Asha pulled away with a cough.

(Princess Asha) “Feel better my love?”

Sajjan rumbled happily and walked over to the washbasin and dipped a clean wash cloth in it. He returned to Asha with it and gently cleaned her face with it.

(Princess Asha) “We should head to bed my love.”

The pair of lovers returned to the alabaster stone floored bedroom. Sajjan carried his beloved princess up to her bed, and softly placed her on it next to Henna. Henna let out a soft rumble as she embraced Asha in her arms. Sajjan left the bedroom to retrieve his armor from the bathroom, soon returning to rest with his 2 lovers. By morning Asha woke up alone. She sat up in her bed and sighed. As she stretched the door to her room opened and closed. Henna came walking up the stairs to her bedside with clean clothes for her. The princess turned around and smiled at her beloved.

(Princess Asha) “Morning Henna, were my boys good while I was gone?”

(Henna) “Yes, all though Rakshak seemed a little depressed after the first week you were gone, he started staying away from the palace and the pavilion when I was out with the others.”

(Princess Asha) “I will go see him after breakfast.”

Henna nodded and helped Asha get dressed.

(Henna) “Do you need anything else Asha?”

(Princess Asha) “Could you tell my father I am home from my trip please? He was not awake when I got home.”

Henna nodded and excused herself from the room. After she brushed out her hair and pulled it up into a ponytail, Asha walked to the dining room. Most of the family was done eating. Her father sat at the head of the table looking over some letters, as he drank some tea.

(Princess Asha) “Good morning father.”

(The Maharaja) “Ah, my little lotus; Henna told me you were home. Did you have a fun trip to you brother’s?”

(Princess Asha) “Yes I did. I missed home though.”

(The Maharaja) “Well, my dear you have another 2 suitors coming to call. Mind you they will not be here for a few months. Both of them are very busy at the moment, dealing with inner kingdom affairs. So you have plenty of time to yourself.”

Asha rolled her eyes at the fact of having to deal with more pompous princes.

(Princess Asha) “Very well father.”

The maharaja got up from his chair and smiled. Walking over to his beloved daughter, he kissed her on the forehead. Asha sighed and finished her breakfast. She walked back to her room, upon entering she saw Henna making her bed.

(Princess Asha) “Henna have you met my 2 new elephants?”

Henna stopped what she was doing and turned around.

(Henna) “You have 2 more? Goodness that’s a lot of elephants for that garden. Lucky for you that garden is huge.”

(Princess Asha) “Come I want you to meet them. Since you help me tend to them, besides I need to go see Rakshak anyway.”

Henna finished making the bed and followed Asha out to the garden. Seeing none of her lovers were near the palace Asha happily walked down the garden path. Humming to herself as she, she soon heard a familiar rumble. She giggled as Mahaan stepped out onto the path. He briskly walked up to the princess and wrapped his rough trunk around her. Henna laughed seeing him so happy to see her.

(Princess Asha) “Someone is happy to see that I am home.”

Asha kisses his trunk and slid out of his embrace. Mahaan let out a loud rumble, and soon the others came crashing through the jungled garden to see their princess. Asha stood still letting all of her huge lovers run their trunks over her soft skin.

(Henna) “Asha there is Rakshak.”

Henna pointed with her trunk at the huge male elephant standing quietly off to the side of the path. Asha broke away from her other bulls and walked over to her beloved. He rumbled happily and picked her up in his trunk, soon walking off with her, leaving Henna behind to tend to the others.

(Princess Asha) “I’ve missed you my love.”

Her beloved rumbled and gently placed her on the ground in front of the pavilion. Asha sighed and started to get undressed for her bull. He gently caressed her lower back and started to rub her inner thigh from behind. She shuttered as he did this. The princess turned around and faced her love, hugging his thick trunk. Kissing it as she gently pressed her forehead against it. Rakshak lifted his trunk up and started to fondle Asha’s large breasts. She let out a carnal moan as she became excited, her nipples becoming erect from his fondling. She slowly dropped to her knees, his trunk slithering out from between her legs as it passed gently across her soft petals taking in her intoxicating scent. Asha began to crawl between her lover’s strong forelegs to her prize that dangled between his hind legs. Rakshak stood still and let out a soft rumble of pleasure as Asha started to attend to his thick mast. Lustfully she lifted the thick shaft in both hands, kissing the flared tip of his phallus. Before long she started to run her tongue down from the thick head to the middle of the shaft and back. Sucking gently on the head, and tonguing the orifice on the tip. Rakshak exhaled loudly out of his trunk as he started to drip with excitement. Asha continued to orally pleasure her beloved bull. Before long Henna and the other elephants came up to the pavilion. The princess was wiping some of Rakshak’s ejaculate from her mouth as they drew near.

(Henna) “Asha is he feeling better?”

(Princess Asha) “I think so.”

As Asha got out from below her lover’s belly he turned quickly and snatched her up in his trunk.

(Henna) “I don’t think he is done with you yet.”

Henna giggled as she started to remove her clothes, letting her huge breasts bounce out.

(Princess Asha) “I guess not. Seems like Nakul and Arjuna are getting along well with the others.”

Henna nods and started to fondle Mahaan’s thickness. She blissfully lifts his penis up to her mouth with her trunk and starts to suck gently on it in front of Asha and the other bulls. Arjuna starts to sniff at her soft petals as he becomes erect.

(Princess Asha) “Carful Henna, Arjuna is not very patient when it comes to getting pleasure.”

Rakshak rumbled loudly and stomped his foot. Arjuna stood still and waited.

(Henna) “Well I think Rakshak might have already put him in his place.”

Asha laughed and got on her hands and knees in front of her bull. He wasted no time and started to move forward over top of her, his thickness began to flick and probe for her petals as he bent down a little. Asha gently helped guide his penis into her vagina, letting out a moan. Hathi came walking over to Rakshak’s side letting down his thickness to his princess. Asha took her lover’s completely pink phallus in one of her hands and started to suck gently on it as she continued to pleasure Rakshak. Henna too got on her hands and knees after letting go of Mahaan’s penis. Arjuna walked over top of the Jaanavar elephant and started to mate with her. Henna let a loud trumpet feeling her new lover’s mast penetrate her deeply. Nakul walked over to the side of Arjuna and stood still with his penis in full view for Henna and Asha. Henna grabbed Nakul’s penis with her trunk and brought it to her mouth. Sucking gently on it as Arjuna started to climax in her, the bull soon started to pull out of her, letting his seed fall to moss covered ground. Asha too finished making love to her 2 bulls. Letting Rakshak fill her with his warm ejaculate and Hathi climaxing from her carnal sucking, Asha sighed and crawled out from underneath her lover and staggered over to the pool. Henna joined her and started to get cleaned up.

(Henna) “The two new bulls seem very sweet. Especially your solid gray one.”

(Princess Asha) “That one is named Nakul. He was a gift from Mala, my sister in-law. The other one is Arjuna, the dark grey one with the large pigment patch on his forehead; he was a gift from my brother’s friend the King of Rajput Dali.”

(Henna) “The King of Rajput Dali? Does he mean to court you?”

(Princess Asha) “No, he is just a sweet and kind man.”

The two beauties finish getting cleaned up and gather their clothing. Rakshak escorts them back to the palace.