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A Walk by the River

Chapter 10 was inspired by a conversation I had with a lovely woman called Kathryn89 who stars in the story A Dog Tale in New York.

As always a big shout out to “Kelly” for her co-authoring and hint to look out for the easter egg.


Kathryn strolled along the path in the park by her home. This was the path that ran along the banks of the river as it wended its lazy way to the nearby sea. In the warmth of the night, she was taking in the peaceful scene of the moving water. To her right were sweeping green lawns that ended in a border of thick shrubs. It all seemed magically lit by the bright moonlight. These night-time walks were one of the things she loved about living in the country, that sense of openness and freedom where you could walk for what seemed miles without seeing another living soul.

She stopped and sat, staring into the slow-moving water and felt the throbbing between her thighs from her afternoon session with her Golden Labrador, Charlie. He had been her canine lover for some time now and he understood her body so well, reacting to her scent of arousal, his tongue a marvel and his loving so gentle. She was initially surprised that first time all those years ago, he was so different from the humans who came before. Back then in the early days, their manner of lovemaking was usually like a jackhammer once he got into her and she sometimes missed that rapid action before the knot slid in.

She looked around and saw that she was obviously alone in this section of the park. It was so quiet that she could hear the chirping of the crickets and the hoot of an owl off in the distance.

“I could be naked, and no one would notice,” she said out loud to the emptiness of the night surrounding her. Although less than a mile away from any houses it felt like she was in the middle of a wilderness. “In fact, I think I will be naked,” she laughed and stood, before divesting herself of her clothes leaving them in a crumpled heap at her feet. Last off was her silky panties and, as she removed them, she noted a bit of doggy cum in the band that her pussy had rested against. The aroma of her sex was strong. She raised a scrap of silk to her face and breathed in that scent, her pussy growing damp as it always did at her own smell.

At 5’ 6” Kathryn carried her 125lb well, not that Charlie seemed to mind if she slipped on a few extra pounds from time to time, but she did like to keep in shape. She had been with Charlie for nearly 10 years now and during COVID had gone exclusive to just him, not bothering with human company for sex as he gave her everything she needed. At 11 years old Charlie was beginning to slow a little and Kathryn sometimes had nagging doubts that perhaps he had become bored with her. Then she would laugh at herself, as dogs couldn’t become bored with a partner… could they? As long as she was his willing bitch, her pussy smelling of her need to be bred and she was on her knees with her rump in the air, the position he preferred, she could always count on him to lick her to orgasm, then mount her to sink himself into her depths. To drive these doubts fully from her head she ran and leapt into the cold water that was both thrilling and refreshing all at the same time. She felt the nipples on her breasts grow hard at the touch of the cold water.

Having left Kelly and Sarah after dealing with the two strange bitches they presented for his services, Thanos wandered here and there, looking for a new adventure or, maybe, a new bitch to add to his ever-growing stable. Not finding anything of interest, he wandered into the park, leaving his calling card against a few trees. These announced his presence and let the females know that he was available to service their every need. Growing a bit weary, he decided to rest in the shelter of the bushes.

From the bushes where he was resting, he was woken by the yelp from Kathryn as she leapt into the cool water. He opened one eye and sniffed. The tell-tale scent that wafted his way on the evening breeze said, ‘fresh bitch’. He watched for a few moments and saw a pile of discarded clothing. Following his instincts, he moved silently to the pile of clothes, moved the pile around with his nose until he found the strongest scent emanating from a scrap of some silky material, the smell of a bitch in need of breeding quite strong. However, it was mixed with the smell of another dog, one who had recently bred the bitch he was now intent on claiming for himself.

He could feel his doggy anger well up at all of these bits of material that humans seemed to like to wear at times. One of the things that always confused him was why they covered themselves, didn’t the bitches know that they should keep themselves uncovered? How was he expected to breed them if their pussy was always covered? Now, his mistress understood for, unlike many of the other bitches who came to visit, those with interesting scents coming from between their legs, she wore very little when she was home and nothing whatsoever that covered the wonderful slit she had between her legs.

He loved it when his mistress had her friends over for a party, especially those who wore a skirt. When they came in, he would stick his head under there and get a noseful of the scent of their pussy. That usually earned him some sharp words from his mistress, but he still did it. Some shrieked and turned away, but quite a few would laugh and just pat his head. He liked those bitches and knew that sooner or later, they would be on their knees with their ass in the air and their legs spread, inviting him to sample what lay between their thighs.

However, the thought of all those pussies, covered like that, always made him angry, anger he vented on the pile of clothes before him. He quickly tore them to shreds with his powerful teeth as he shook his large shaggy head. Well, all except that scrap of silky material, the one that smelled of a bitch in heat. With his anger abated, he guiltily dropped the rags to the ground in a jumble. Realising that he would be in trouble for ripping up the clothes he dragged the majority of the larger scraps into his hiding place in the bushes, along with that richly scented one. He really liked the way that one smelled and would save it till later.

Kathryn, enjoying the feel of the water, ducked under again before bobbing to the surface. It was then that she noticed a couple of lights moving towards her in the distance. Realising they must be walkers out for a stroll in the moonlight, she climbed the shallow riverbank to the spot she had left her clothes. At least she thought that was where she left them. Finding nothing, she started to panic as she frantically looked around, muttering to herself that she must be going mad. As the lights got closer Kathryn knew she had to hide until they passed and then try to find her clothes or make her way home without being seen. The large clump of bushes seemed to be the obvious place and moving blindly she backed in, her eyes fixed on the approaching walkers.

Thanos looked up from his hiding place to see the twin globes of a bitch’s ass moving towards him. As much as that sight was nice, it was the irresistible aroma that was drifting into his nose, a scent that had him interested and aroused in equal measures. He realized the scent coming from her pussy was the scent on a scrap of cloth he had saved and knew this was the bitch that had been wearing it, tucked up snugly against her slit. Well, the scent was nice, but the taste was even better so, flicking out his long pink tongue he licked under, then up and along Kathryn’s wet pussy lips.

The feel of the tongue caused Kathryn to yelp sharply and although she had no idea whose tongue it was, she had been licked enough times by a dog to know it was a canine tongue that had rasped over her clit and pussy. The signal to her brain was instantaneous and her body reacted as any good dog bitch would. She fell to her knees, leaned forward so she was on all fours, spread her legs, and presented her willing pussy to the dog behind her. This was the usual position she adopted with Charlie. At virtually the first touch of that tongue, she had started to become wet and was quite ready to be bred. The flush of fluid encouraged Thanos who started to lick with even greater enthusiasm, poking his tongue deep into Kathryn’s pussy.

The startled yelp that Kathryn had uttered hadn’t gone unnoticed by the pair of walkers who were just about level with her hiding place. They stopped wondering what was happening in the bushes.

“Did you hear that Richard?” said the woman turning to her husband with her eyes ablaze, “I think someone has started already.”

“I think you might be right Amanda,” Richard replied to his wife and stepped forward to look for the source of the noise.

The pair of them carefully parted the bushes, not wanting to disturb whoever was there but eager to watch fellow aficionados of their favourite pastime.

Richard and Amanda were experienced doggers and loved to perform both for and with strangers. While he always enjoyed fucking his wife, he also enjoyed the sight of another man and, sometimes more than one, having her. He had been a voyeur from the time he was a young lad, watching his older brother enjoying himself with his latest girlfriend in the backseat of the family car where it was parked in the garage. The sight of a girl being fucked always turned him on and would cause a massive erection that had to be satisfied in one or more ways.

Amanda had been dogging before she met Richard and had developed a passion for this pastime since that one night in university when she attended a party with her then-current boyfriend. She was shocked at first, but after being swapped from man to man throughout the night found she really enjoyed it. Before they were married, she was overjoyed to find that Richard shared her enjoyment for indulging in this form of pleasure.

Tonight, she was dressed in her normal dogging outfit of a short denim skirt, with no panties of course and a black topless corset that displayed her ample naked breasts. She wore long black boots that came up to her knees, the whole outfit concealed beneath a black PVC raincoat that she could open to reveal her body. Richard had his usual grey jogging suit along with a small man bag where he kept a supply of gel for his wife as well as small hand towels in case she needed to wipe away any excess seed.

As they peered into the bushes Thanos, paying them no heed, his mind occupied by the taste of the pussy and the scent of the bitch before him, decided that she was ready to be bred. He reared up, placing his front paws onto her back, his considerable weight forcing the front of her body down so that she was now on her forearms. This position served to raise her hips quite nicely, making her cunt a much better target for the massive doggy cock that she could feel sliding on pre-cum over her upturned ass. The weight, coupled with the thrusting action behind her, propelled her forward, right in front of the couple. Kathryn craned her head up and found herself looking at the open-mouthed couple as Thanos continued to jab wildly with a cock that had grown to a considerable size.

“Oh my god I think that dog is going to fuck her,” Amanda gasped as she felt herself getting wet. This was something she and Richard had seen online but never thought was real. However, here it was, right in front of them and they were about to watch a woman being fucked by a dog! And what a dog!

Richard could feel his cock straining inside his jogging pants causing them to tent out. This was almost better than watching his wife with another man. He saw the look of panic on the woman’s face as the large dog jabbed wildly. Needing relief for a cock that felt it was about to burst, Richard pushed his wife forward so she bent at the waist while raising her skirt displaying the pale firm round twin moons of her ass. With his free hand, he dropped his pants to his ankles. His other hand grasped his long, hard cock, guiding it to her wet, willing pussy.

Amanda, feeling the cool air on her naked cheeks, and knowing what was going to happen next, opened her legs a bit wider and groaned loudly as she felt her husband penetrate her wetness At the same moment that Richard slid his cock into the wet depths of his wife, Thanos found his mark, the tip of his massive cock sliding over those slick lips and lodging into the opening beyond them. Needing no encouragement, he pushed his cock into that hot, wet hole.

“Fuckkkkk,” Kathryn gasped as Thanos’s considerable girth half-penetrated her, stretching her in ways she had never experienced. As she braced herself under his body, she felt the dog adjust his weight, shuffle a bit closer, and drive the rest of that magnificent cock deep into her body. For a brief moment, she felt guilt at being unfaithful to her Charlie and then her body reactions took over, sending bolts of pure pleasure up and down her spine. Waves of such delight raced from her pussy and abdomen up to her brain and back, pulses that shot back and forth in time to the incredible fucking she was getting.

Richard stared over his wife’s back as he heard Kathryn’s deep moan of pleasure. He watched the girl’s face as that dog cock sank into her body, feeling his own cock doing the same to Amanda’s impaled pussy. Grabbing her hips in an almost mirror image of what the dog was doing with its front paws to the now squealing girl under him, he started to fuck Amanda savagely slamming in and out as rapidly as possible. The impact on his wife’s ass made the cheeks jiggle and bounce as she pushed her hips back to match his rhythm while raising and lowering her pussy on his length.

“You want that don’t you? You want to be in the same position as this girl, on your knees with a dog’s cock inside you, making you squeal and squeak, just like she’s doing, yes?” he gasped into his wife’s ear and felt her cunt twitch around his cock telling him the answer. The thought of his wife being taken like a bitch in heat, just as the strange woman in front of them was being bred, made Richard even more aroused and he fucked the pussy wrapped around his hard member with increased vigour.

Kathryn could feel her teeth rattle; it had been a long while since she had been fucked this hard. She remembered Charlie in his youth the first time in the pet shop in New York when she had cum so hard, it was like that again.

“How does it feel?” Amanda asked.

The woman’s voice permeated through the fog in Kathryn’s head as Thanos relentlessly drove himself in and out, claiming his bitch.

“It’s…amazing,” Kathryn managed to stammer, “the most mind-blowing fuck you will ever have.”

Hearing the words coming from Kathryn’s mouth sent Amanda over the top as she pictured herself on her knees, being the one serviced as the bitch. She could feel her pussy spasm around Richard’s cock as she cried out in orgasm. Then before Richard could unload inside her Amanda pulled forward and dropped to her knees and started to suck Richard’s juice-covered cock while working the shaft with her hand. As she felt his balls ripple Amanda released her mouth from his cock but kept her hand moving so the first jet of hot seed hit her in the face.

As much as she wanted to just keep the seed spurting, she bent her head forward, taking the soft bulb of the head into her mouth, feeling his cum hit the opening to her throat. She continued to suck that soft knob, her hand no longer stroking the shaft, now lightly running her nails along the underside. She knew this drove Richard mad with desire as her tongue softly slapped at the head lodged in her mouth. She felt the flood of his cum start to slacken. Keeping the cum in her mouth she released his cock and milked the last spurts over her breasts, rubbing the milky fluid into her flesh. She gazed up into his face, a smile on her cum covered lips and, with a gulp, she swallowed the load he had delivered with such gusto. Richard patted her head, his sign of a job well done.

She turned back to the sight of the girl being fucked so vigorously by this massive dog, staring into her upturned face, her mouth a perfect O of intense pleasure, her unfocused eyes the signal of her concentration on wringing the most from this encounter. Amanda saw Kathryn’s eyes roll back in her head which marked the moment that Thanos made the final push and forced his knot deep into her pussy. There it lodged firmly against her G-spot, sending intense waves of pure delight racing through her body. Kathryn’s mouth opened in a silent scream of pleasure for, although she had been knotted many times in the past, none had been as large or as vigorous as the one Thanos had inserted. His cock seemed to reach deeper into her body than she had ever been penetrated before, the tip of his cock pressing against the ring of her cervix. She felt the first jet of seed slam past that tight ring to fill her womb, her abdomen starting to puff up from the pressure. At that moment, she started to convulse and orgasm on his cock.

Amanda was spellbound by the look of pure rapture on Kathryn’s face and knew that she had to experience that joy at least once in her life. She wanted so badly to be the one on her knees, filled to the brim with Thanos’ cock, another notch on his leather collar.

“Please can we borrow him?” Amanda panted.

The knot plugging her cunt, his cock jetting hot streams of doggy cum deep in her body, Kathryn could barely understand her words. When she finally regained her senses, she managed to gasp, “He isn’t mine, though I wish he were.”

Thanos ignored the yapping from the humans, quite happy that his cock was being massaged by this new bitch. His nostrils picked up a familiar scent from the female bitch watching and he knew that she wanted him as well, something to which he would be more than happy to comply. As he tugged away from the bitch under him, he felt his cock flop free and sniffed at the new woman’s hand as she reached down to fasten the dog leash that Richard had included in his kit. They often used it when role-playing one or another fantasy game between themselves and strangers they met in their adventures.

“Dog in the dogging park,” Amanda giggled as the couple made their way back to the car park. “Let’s get him back home. I want to be on my knees with that magnificent cock inside me. Richard, make sure to take a video of that, OK? We’ll put it up on our private site. I can hardly wait to read the comments from the other girls. They’re going to be so jealous. This should be something for them to positively drool over. Once they see this, I expect there will shortly be a run at the pet shops for large dogs. I know we’ll have one.”

Kathryn got shakily to her feet her legs like jelly. She looked down and saw the scraps of her clothes, her panties sitting on top. She picked them up and used them to wipe some of the cum which continued to flow from her distended slit. Once satisfied that she had cleaned herself as best she could, she staggered in the direction of her home. She could still feel the cum sliding down her inner thighs as she made her way naked the short distance to her house. To her relief, she managed to get to her back door unnoticed. After a session with Thanos, the last thing she needed was to be accosted by a roving group of young thugs. The thought of being at their mercy…well, that might have been enticing before she had experienced that marvel of canine delights but not now.

Having reached the back garden, she was about to enter the rear door when she was pushed backwards by a joyful Charlie, landing on her back in the soft grass of the lawn near the door.

“Oh Charlie you daft thing,” she laughed as the dog licked her face, “Are you pleased to see me? Well, best we get inside before someone sees me naked like this.”

Suddenly Charlie’s demeanour changed from being a friendly happy dog to one more aggressive as his nostrils picked up the scent of another dog. His brain was screaming at him that another dog had been with his bitch and to confirm this he stuck his snout into Kathryn’s crotch inhaling deeply. His long pink tongue probing her well fucked gash, he tasted alien seed and knew that another dog had recently bred her. Instinct took over and Charlie felt at a primaeval level that he must breed his bitch immediately to re-establish his dominance over her.

Kathryn had never seen Charlie like this. Normally he was a placid dog that was happy to lick her pussy all day long. Eventually, he would fuck her in his lazy slow manner cumulating in a longer, thinner knot sliding inside, bringing those thrilling feelings of her G-spot being pressured. Afterwards, they would relax together. This was a much more aggressive Charlie, his head forcing her thighs apart as he probed and licked, not to give pleasure but to check that, indeed, his property had been violated. When he growled Kathryn knew that she must present her cunt to him. She ignored the fact that she was outside her own house and in full view if anyone was up at that time. She rolled onto all fours and put her head down, resting on her forearms.

Charlie was pleased to see his bitch in position and leapt onto her back and started to thrust with a vigour that denied his advancing years. Within a couple of thrusts, his cock had found Kathryn’s wet and seed-filled hole and he slammed in savagely. He started to fuck her hard and without thought clamped his muzzle around her neck to show her that he was still the boss.

Kathryn felt the teeth and the feeling of being his bitch flooded through her causing her to have a mini orgasm on his rampaging cock. As he fucked her with an intensity she hadn’t experienced for many years, she pushed back to take more of him deeper.

“Oh yes Charlie, make me your bitch again,” she moaned as she felt him driving his knot against her pussy lips. “I must be unfaithful more if this is how he reacts,” Kathryn thought to herself as she felt her orgasm building.

“Have you seen Thanos?” a voice said. Kathryn looked up, staring into the face of her pretty neighbour Kelly who was standing on the back garden patio that she shared with her. She was looking anxiously around, and quite naked under an open robe and on her feet were pink bunny slippers. She was also drinking in the sight of her neighbour, on knees and forearms, with her pert ass in the air and her Golden Labrador busy delivering a nice fucking.

Kathryn opened her mouth to reply but at that moment Charlie drove his knot into her causing nothing more than a guttural moan to escape her lips.

“I will wait until you have finished,” laughed Kelly as she settled into a nearby garden chair watching Charlie happily pump his seed into what was surely his regular bitch. “Oh, this was going to prove interesting. Now, where had that infernal Thanos gotten off to?” she thought, enjoying the show of Kathryn and Charlie, locked together by his knot.