Carol Kern brushed her long black hair in front of the mirror. It was almost a year now since her husband, Phil, had left her and their daughter, Terri, alone, going off with someone he had just met. For the first six months she waited, hoping — praying — he would return. The past six months had been different, though. She had resigned herself to his never coming back. She had her daughter to consider and she was enjoying watching Terri begin to blossom into a woman. She looked at the picture of her young daughter on the dresser and smiled. She loved Terri very much, but something was missing in her life. Her hand automatically went to her crotch as she thought that being without a man — being denied the fruits of a close relationship — was beginning to take its toll on her frayed nerves.

She sighed aloud, her hand stroking her panty-clad crotch. The pussy juice flowed freely, soaking the crotch of her tight bikini panties. Breathing hard, she stumbled to the bed, hating the thought of bringing herself off, yet knowing that it was the only way to get through the long day ahead.

Carol fell to the bed, frantically pulling off her panties, her body aching for satisfaction. Once her panties were off, her finger groped inside her hot squishy pussy.

The doorbell rang.

“Fuck,” she muttered, taking her hand out of her cunt. She stood up on rubbery legs, and hurriedly pulled on a pair of shorts and loose fitting top that stopped right below her tits. She headed for the door, her tits jiggling with each stride.

“Yes?” Her breathing was labored as she faced the handsome man on her front porch.

“Hello, Mrs. Kern,” Ed March said, one of his hands holding a leather leash attached to a giant German shepherd dog. “I’m a little early. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Carol said, standing aside to let them pass. “Come on in.”

Ed walked by her, getting a good look at her tits through the skimpy top. King sat by his master’s side as Ed ogled Carol’s long luscious legs. She closed the front door.

“What do you think of him?” Ed asked proudly, petting the huge dog on the head. “He’ll obey your every command.”

Carol looked at Ed, a hungry look in her eyes. Christ, he was so damn handsome. She wanted to beg him to fuck her. She felt her pussy mounds squish together as she walked over to the dog. She patted his large head with her hand. “He’s certainly a big dog.”

“One of the best I have, Mrs. Kern. I thought you should have the best dog in the kennel. His name is King.” Ed peered down her top as she bent over to pet the dog. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he could make out her nipples. This made his cock twitch in his pants.

“He’s gorgeous too,” Carol said, letting the dog lick her hand. “Would you like some coffee?”

“Sure,” Ed said, glad for an excuse to stare at her for a while longer. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

“Not at all,” Carol said. “C’mon. It’s already made.”

Ed followed her, his eyes glued to Carol’s ass cheeks as they spilled deliciously from her shorts.

She felt his eyes on her and she shook her ass provocatively, exaggerating each step, her heart thumping loudly. She was glad for the company.

She poured the coffee and joined Ed at the table, crossing her long slender legs. She wondered if Ed could tell that she wasn’t wearing any panties. She sipped the coffee, hoping he would start the conversation. God, if only he had come after I got myself off, then I’d be more at ease. She looked at him, the fire in her belly and pussy making her body ache for physical contact.

“Are you all right?” Ed asked, sensing her discomfort. He could feel his cock growing stiffer.

King got up from the floor, and walked over to Carol, his cold nose sniffing around her leg. Carol was embarrassed, but didn’t say a word, hoping the dog would stop. He didn’t. Curious about the pungent odor of Carol’s passion, King tried getting his wet nose between her thighs.

“Stop it, King,” Carol said, trying to push the dog’s head away from her crotch. The dog was persistent and her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. “Stop!”

“King!” Ed said, wishing he could get away with what the dog was doing. “Sit!”

Ed looked at Carol and smiled. “He just wants to get to know his mistress.”

“He seems awfully horny,” she said, giggling nervously, the impudent touch of the dog rekindling the fire in her groin.

Ed laughed. “You can’t blame him. You’re a very beautiful woman.” He held Carol’s eyes with his own, seeing passion in those pale green orbs. “It was a good idea to buy him. He’ll be good protection while your husband is away.”

“My husband left me a year ago,” Carol said bluntly, no longer ashamed to say it. She swallowed hard. “He’ll be good companionship, too,” she said, patting the dog’s broad head.

Ed looked at her with renewed interest. He had sensed something about her. Now he knew. She was horny, dying for a cock. He pondered, wondering how long it had been since she had felt the hard rigid steel of a prick in her pussy.

“What are you thinking?” Carol asked, feeling funny as he stared at her, getting hot from his dark, brooding eyes.

“About you, Carol,” he said, using her first name. He stood up in front of her. She reeked of sexuality. He took her hand, getting her to stand.

Carol was sure he could hear the pounding of her heart as she stood up, her breathing short and rapid. She closed her eyes for a second, wavering. “I’ve…” His fingers touched her lips, stopping her from talking.

“I know.” He led her from the kitchen, his arm around her shoulder. “Take me to your bedroom.”

“This way,” she whispered, as if in a trance. She led him upstairs to the bedroom, her legs trembling with anticipation and apprehension. No one had touched her since her husband had deserted her.

She stepped into the bedroom and stopped. The bed loomed out at her; every nerve in her body was keyed to what would soon take place there. So long had it been without proper use. She felt Ed’s hands cup her ass through her skimpy shorts. She trembled with joy.

Ed stood behind her, his hand inching around to the top of her shorts, his hard, aching cock pressing into her ass. He licked and nibbled on her neck as he worked on her shorts, unsnapping the button and pulling down the zipper.

“Aaaaa,” Carol sighed aloud as her shorts fell silently to the floor. She wanted to turn around and devour him, but she waited, not wanting this fantastic moment to end. She leaned back against him, her head resting on his shoulder as he sucked and chewed on the tender flesh of her neck.

Ed’s hands were all over her, caressing her firm belly, her full hips, her rib cage, squeezing her large melon-sized tits. He could feel the hard nipples against his palms as he squeezed and caressed her hot fleshy tits. He rubbed his boner into the small of her back.

He turned her around. Her eyes were a bright, fiery green. He lifted up the top, pulling it over her head. She stood before him naked, vulnerable, hot, and ready to do anything he asked.

He leered at her, his mouth watering at the beauty of her full womanly figure. She still had a slim narrow waist, unmarred by the birth of a child. Her tits stood out proud, not yet beginning to sag. “You’re gorgeous, Carol,” he said gently.

She smiled at him shyly, wanting him to do something besides look. She craved his cock. He had set the wheels in motion. There was no turning back. The fire raged in her pussy and she moaned, her hands going to his pants.

Carol dropped to the floor in front of him, her hands fumbling with his zipper. She was obsessed. Her hand yanked the zipper down. She groped inside his pants, feeling for his cock. Her sweaty, nervous hand touched flesh, sending a sharp jolt up her arm. It was unbelievable how fantastic the sensation was. She pulled out his cock, her voice making low gurgling sounds in her throat as she gaped hungrily at his large thick hunk.

“Kiss it,” Ed said, wanting his cock in her mouth.

She looked at him, nodding. “Get on the bed,” she rasped, in a guttural voice. “I want to undress you.”

Ed climbed on the bed as Carol crawled over to him. She pulled off his pants and shorts, taking his shoes and socks with them. She looked at his cock sticking high in the air, his balls hanging heavy between his hairy thighs. Her eyes reverted back to his cock; her mouth was drooling for it.

Carol sucked and nipped on his legs, moving slowly upward to his prick, savoring the moment. She approached his cock, her tongue swiping teasingly across his flesh everywhere but on his prick itself. Unable to stand the agony of denial any longer, she leaped on his cock like a hungry animal deprived of its food. She gobbled ravenously, half out of her mind with lust.

His cock was magnificent — solid and erect. Throbbing beneath her eager mouth, it pulsed with a power of its own. She stroked it with her hands, her mouth covering the glistening tip. Her tongue flicked across his piss-hole, teasing the thin slit. Spit dribbled from her mouth, soaking his shaft and her hands as they slid easily up and down his slippery wet cock. She took her mouth off the bulb-shaped tip, glaring up at Ed as he lay beneath her.

“You taste soooo good,” Carol moaned, still stroking his prick with her hand. “Sooooo delicious.”

“Suck me,” he gasped, his voice strained with passion. “Put it back in your mouth.”

“Yesssss!” Carol hissed, her long black hair covering his groin as she put her mouth to his sensitive tip. All the months of deprivation — not bothering with men because she wanted to set an example for her young, innocent daughter came to a volcanic head at this moment. She saw and felt, at her mouth, the object of all the pleasure she had denied herself. As if punishing herself, she plunged her mouth down on his cock, skewering her throat with his thick prick.

Both of them were absorbed in each other’s sexual needs as Terri, Carol’s teenage daughter, stood hidden in the doorway of her mother’s bedroom, her innocent face red with shock as she watched her mother suck Ed’s long, thick shaft. She watched with disbelief. His cock was so immense that she couldn’t understand how her mother got it in her mouth.

Terri was fascinated by what was happening in the bedroom. Her legs were weak as she leaned against the wall for support, never taking her eyes off her mother and the giant cock she was licking and playing with. While watching, Terri sought out her crotch and began rubbing her virgin pussy. She hid in the shadow of the doorway, not wanting to be caught watching.

Ed made sounds through clenched teeth, his ass coming off the bed as her mouth enveloped his dick. “Unnnnnn,” he groaned, feeling the tip of his cock penetrate her tight throat.

Carol’s mouth snuggled around his cock shaft as it pushed deep into her throat. She gurgled — his dick was buried to the root. Her lips quivered at the base of his cock. His curly hair tickled her nose.

Terri’s mouth opened in amazement as she saw the entire length of Mr. March’s cock disappear down her mother’s throat. It was so exciting and forbidden that she almost fell against the open door.

With her teeth against his shaft, Carol gradually lifted her mouth off Ed’s cock. She felt the shaft twitch as each inch of his prick scraped against her teeth, until her teeth hit the ridge of his bell-shaped tip.

“Ahhhhh,” Ed moaned, trying to get his cock back inside her hot wet throat. Reaching down with his hands to keep her mouth steady, he plunged his prick into her tight throat.

Carol shook his hands from her head, her teeth sinking into his shaft. She wanted everything her way and she didn’t intend to be denied. Ed finally gave up and lay back against the pillows. Carol eased the grip on his cock, taking her mouth off and smiling up at him.

“Don’t rush me, Ed,” she gasped, her eyes bright flames of passion. “It’s been a long time and I want it to last.”

“Whatever you want, Carol,” Ed groaned, content to let her have her way.

Carol smiled appreciatively, and went back to her meal, licking and nibbling with a ravenous appetite. Up one side of his long shaft, and down the other, she lingered occasionally on different parts of his dick, her tongue flashing across the rough skin of his balls. She opened her mouth, trying to get the heavy cum-filled balls between her lips. With them in her mouth, she hummed, the vibrations sending chilling waves of pleasure through Ed’s groin.

She took her mouth away, working her way back up his shaft to the tip. She was ready now. Her cunt was in pain, aching, and oozing for the prick she had been deprived of for such a long time. Her legs were covered with the warm juice of her pussy. She readily climbed on top of him, spreading her legs, his glorious cock between her thighs.

Carol put her hand between her legs and gripped his spit-soaked cock. She laid it on his belly, still wanting to tantalize herself with it. Lowering herself, she rubbed her juice-drenched cunt up and down his shaft, feeling the head of his prick bump against her clit. “Oh! Uh! Oh!” she whimpered, each time her clit banged into his cockhead. Her pussy juice greased his shaft.

Ed squirmed against his tormentor, banging his ass up and down, trying in vain to sink his throbbing prick into her pussy. The hot juice of her cunt and slippery velvety gash were giving his distraught body a ride. The sensations were too light to bring him off, yet strong enough to drive him crazy. His ass bucked upward, attempting to implant his tormented cock in her pussy.

Carol looked down into his frustrated, passion-filled face. Her own face was flushed red, her eyes dilating with desire. She was not only denying Ed, she was also denying herself the exquisite pleasure of fucking. She felt his cockhead as it slipped between her pussy lips. She tantalized the tip with her fingers, making Ed spasm delightfully.

“Sooooon!” she promised, knowing that she was incapable of denying herself the fruits of her craving desire anymore. She lifted herself up, his stiff prick springing up against her twat. A light, whimpering sigh escaped her lips in anticipation of what she was about to do.

“Yessss!” Ed hissed. He felt her dip his tip into her juicy hole. The pleasure and heat from her cunt was fantastic. “Agghhhh!”

Carol was poised above him, the tip of his huge prick going inside her cunt. She held her back straight, her eyes glued to Ed’s handsome face. Her tits jutted out, the nipples swollen with excitement.

“NOW!” As she spoke, she slammed down viciously on his cock, sinking it deep in her cunt. The fantastic pleasure of his rod stretched her pussy and filled the aching void. The blood rushed from her head and she swooned, falling forward on Ed, her hands barely keeping herself propped up.

Her pussy was tight — almost as tight as a virgin’s — and Ed lay still, reveling in the scalding heat, the pulsing wet walls, and the ever-flowing juice that drenched him.

“Ohhhhh, Christ!” Carol groaned, her tits heaving, her eyelids fluttering as her cock-starved cunt adjusted to the magnificent piece of meat buried inside it. She squirmed gently, wallowing in the glorious ecstasy of his cock as it rubbed against her tight wet walls. “It’s been sooo long!”

A gasp escaped from Terri’s lips as she saw Mr. March’s prick sink between her mother’s legs and into her cunt. Watching, she could feel her small budding titties begin to ache and the pain in her belly was growing worse by the second. She continued to watch, mesmerized by her mother’s wild and horny actions.

Ed caressed Carol, his hand running frantically over her hot quivering body. He pulled on her tits, squeezed the flesh of her swaying hips, and kneaded the soft pliable flesh of her ass. “Take your time,” he moaned, enjoying her pace, wanting it to last also. “We got all morning.”

“Oooooo, yessss!” she sighed in exultation. “All morning to fuck!” The words were music to her ears. She twisted on his cock, sending hot tremors through her pussy and groin. Bending forward, she lowered her mouth to Ed’s, plunging her tongue between his lips, snaking around his mouth. She felt his hands crush her tits. Then his hands spread her ass cheeks as she rocked on his cock.

Ed held her hips, his cock digging deeper in her cunt. He began lunging up, slamming his prick into her pussy. He was out of patience, no longer able to hold himself in check. He continually jabbed her cunt, caught up in the whirlwind passion of the moment.

“Uh! Uh! Uh!” Carol moaned, his cock drilling into her hot body. “Fuck meeeee!” She remained forward, taking his hard, cunt-splitting jabs with pleasure. She rotated her ass in rhythm to his plunging dick, her senses melting together in a kaleidoscope of lights and sounds.

Ed picked up speed, his ass humping off the bed in repeated plunges. His hands dug into her gyrating hips, keeping her cunt in a position that added to the friction on his cock. He felt his cock swell even more in her tight cunt, ready to explode at any instant. “I’m ready,” he grunted, his voice in a low guttural tone as he reached the peak. “I’m ready!”

“Ohhhhh, Ed! CUM! CUM! CUM!” She needed to feel the hot jism of his cock wash away the frazzled nerves of the past frustrating year. Carol matched his powerful thrusts with hard-hitting downward plunges of her own. She raced with him, mindless to anything but the fabulous pleasure mounting in her cunt.

“I’m comingggg!” she screamed, never having believed she would ever hear herself say those magnificent words again. “ORHRHH! Christ! I’m coming!”

She pounded him into the mattress, smashing her cunt into his groin. Her clit, swollen and hard, whacked into his hairy groin, sending ripples of mind-bending ecstasy through her entire nervous system. She bucked wildly on his cock, his thrusting prick sending her into space.

Ed howled as the first hot wad of jism erupted from his cock, splattering the pulsating walls of her pussy. He humped up, his cock exploding cum with each hard-driven thrust of his prick. Her cunt clutched his cock voraciously, pulling and milking his shaft as she creamed all over his pussy-greased cock.

“AGRRRRH!” Carol shrieked, her head swinging loosely from her neck, her tits jiggling as she kept her body forward. Her ass bounced back and forth on his squirting cock.

Faster and faster she humped him, her clit now a piece of raw meat as she drove it into his hard groin. Her head snapped back, her eyes rolled in their sockets and she shrieked, a loud ear-splitting scream that echoed in the bedroom.

He arched up, screwing his cock into her more tightly, leaving it deep as he let her finish his orgasm with her cunt muscles and wild gyrations. He bit one nipple as her cunt drained him of his jism. Her tit popped out of his mouth as he finished squirting his load, his prick still trapped in her hungry pussy.

Carol sensed he was through, but her body couldn’t stop gyrating. She continued to squirm and twist on his cock, orgasms sweeping over her in rapid succession until the last one jolted her upright. She wailed, her hands grabbing her tits and her ass dancing frantically on his expanded cock.

“Aaaaaah,” she panted as she collapsed, her body drained of its energy. She fell forward, covering Ed with her sweaty tingling body. “Ooooooh, Ed,” she gasped, grateful for what he did. “I loved it!” She rolled off, her cunt reluctantly giving up his cock.

“You were fantastic, Carol,” he moaned. “I hope we’re going to see a lot of each other.”

“I hope so too.”

Terri turned around, and fled from the hallway, her body shaking with passion and mixed emotions. She bumped into King, too upset to bother with their new pet. She ran down the hall, bolting out the front door. She needed time to think. She ran outside where everything was quiet.

King loped into the bedroom where Terri had just witnessed her first sex act. The horny dog jumped on the bed, burrowing his cold nose in Carol’s hot, sticky, cum-filled pussy. She closed her legs, keeping him from lapping up the cum as it oozed from her slit.

“Get away! Get away!” she sighed, almost too weak to stop him.

Ed sat up. He pointed to the door. “Go!” he ordered.

The dog whined and jumped off the bed to leave the room, his tail between his legs.

“You’re gonna have to be forceful with him, Carol. He’s trained, but like me, he loves a hot, wet snatch.”

Carol giggled. “Maybe I’ll let him enjoy himself sometime.”

“You might like it,” Ed suggested, getting horny again. “He’s got a helluva long tongue. Lick you deep, like my cock.”

“You’re getting me crazy again,” Carol crooned, pulling Ed into her arms. “Make love to me again.”

“Your wish is my command. This time though, I’m gonna be on top.” He covered her, kissing her passionately. Neither one knew what Terri had witnessed.



Terri tossed and turned in bed, her mind filled with the image of Mr. March’s cock jabbing her mother’s cunt. She rolled over onto her stomach, burying her head in the pillow, trying to erase the erotic image from her young, innocent mind.

Unconsciously, her small delicate hands slipped under her unsettled body, moving as if under its own volition, to her young virgin cunt. She sighed out loud, the sounds muffled by the pillow. Her hands touched the soft downy patch of new, still sparse pussy hair.

“Ooooooo,” she sighed, feeling her tender clit stiffen, exposed from its protective sheath. It was getting worse every day — waking up each morning, her young body trembling from the hot, erotic dreams of the night before. She had succumbed to her natural instincts only twice and they had been tremendous orgasms, followed for days by guilt and remorse.

Seeing her mother with a man’s cock in her pussy, Terri felt betrayed, too young to realize the natural yearning and desires of a woman. But after what she saw yesterday, coupled with the awakening female urges in her own young body, Terri found she was no longer capable of fighting her desires. And she no longer wanted to. If her mother could do those things, there was no reason why she shouldn’t touch herself and enjoy the fantastic pleasure it gave her.

Her hands slipped through her soft silky hair, into the virgin slit. The velvety folds of her young pussy were wet with her sweet juices. She whimpered slightly, her hands caressing her cunt gently and with loving tenderness. Unlike the last two times, during which she wanted only to be done with her action, Terri wanted this one to last. She wanted to savor it, feel it spread slowly until she couldn’t stand the pressure. She kept an image of Mr. March’s cock in her young, vulnerable mind, substituting her own virgin cunt for her mother’s pussy. She closed her eyes, wondering how much it would hurt to have a prick pushed into her body. All of the curious sexual thoughts a young child had raced through her mind as she squirmed deliciously on her fingers, her little clit aching as it rubbed against the heel of her hand.

Her trim young body wiggled on the bed, her fingers sliding between the wet lips of her cunt. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” she gasped, in short little breaths.

She couldn’t stand the confines of her nightie. Her face flushed with passion and she sat up, kicking the covers onto the floor. She pulled her light cotton nightie over her head, letting it lay in a ball on the edge of the bed. Completely naked, Terri fell back on the bed, her legs spread, her soft trembling hands running frantically over her virgin flesh.

No longer hiding beneath the covers, Terri gave full rein to her hot, rampant emotion. She ran her hands over her rib cage, up to her soft budding titties. She squeezed them, moaning and whimpering in heated passion. They felt strange and wonderful to her touch. It seemed that each day her titties were growing a little more. Each morning she inspected them closely in the mirror, watching for more signs of growth. Feeling them was more exciting, much more pleasurable than just looking at them.

Passion replaced the last vestige of guilt that Terri might have had. She wanted to do everything sexy this morning, caught up in the passion-filled moment. She stroked her pussy, feeling the warm, sticky juices on her fingers. It excited her no end. No longer satisfied with just playing with herself like this, Terri stood up. On wobbly legs, she stood in front of the full-length closet mirror, admiring her nude body with lust, instead of with the fear and apprehension that had marked her previous examinations.

Daring herself, she stepped closer to the mirror, her legs trembling, her palms sweaty. She examined her firm young titties. The nipples were pink and untouched, the tips hard, yet lacking in maturity.

Her tits ached. The nipples hurt. She rubbed them, trying to soothe them, to take the pain away. She whimpered. It didn’t help. It only added to her passion and made them feel as if they were going to burst. She stumbled to the dresser, her head spinning with desire.

She took the hand mirror from the top of her dainty vanity and held it with shaking hands between her long, slender legs. She almost fainted at the sight of her wet, glorious pussy. Her light silken hair barely covered it. It was the most fascinating thing she ever saw — she became totally absorbed in her own sweet, tender pussy. Except for the hair and size, it was an exact duplicate of her mother’s cunt. She almost dropped the mirror as she thought about her mother’s cunt and that huge prick stuffed inside it. She looked at her own pussy, wondering how a cock could fit inside.

Her finger gently stroked the soft puffy lips of her cunt. Her legs began shaking so much she had to stop herself. Catching her breath and balance, she touched her clit again, sending hot tingling flashes through her young body. She pushed her finger inside until it hit the thin skin that kept her a virgin. She wanted to break it, to put her fingers deep in her pussy, the way Mr. March’s cock had been deep in her mother’s cunt.

“Damn,” she muttered under her breath, looking around for an object to pierce the unwanted skin. What only a few days ago she treasured as an honor, she now wanted torn away. She wanted to be more like her mother. Her fingers dipped inside the wet gash quickly, her mind spinning. The yearnings of a woman were beginning to build in her young body. Walking back to the bed, she resigned herself to keeping her cherry intact until a cock would break it. It would be more exciting, more grown up that way.

Lying on the bed, every nerve in her body was keyed to her orgasm. She spread her eager legs and closed her eyes, pretending a man was standing above her — his cock was long and hard, like Mr. March’s. This erotic fantasy made her shake. Her hands sought out the wet swollen lips of her pussy and she held them steady, lifting her ass up and down on the bed the way she witnessed her mother doing it with Mr. March yesterday. Her clit banged against her hand and she gasped little light sighs of pleasure.

Out of the corner of her eye, Terri saw the door open slowly. Her eyes widened in shock and she pulled her hands away from her pussy, grabbing the covers and covering herself in one quick swoop. By the time the door was completely open, Terri was under the covers, her breathing coming in short, ragged gasps. Bewildered, she sat up, the covers falling away and exposing her titties. No one was there.

“Damn you,” she muttered, looking scornfully at King, her mother’s German shepherd. “Why did you come in here?” She threw herself back on the bed, staring angrily at the blank ceiling, cursing herself for not closing the door securely.

King jumped up on the bed, sniffing around the sheet, his nose seeking out the sweet pungent aroma of Terri’s wet young pussy. He whined, trying to get through the sheet to the sweet cunt underneath.

“Stop it!” Terri yelled.

The shepherd’s cold nose persisted, nosing around her thighs, trying to get at her cunt. For only a split second, Terri moved her legs, giving King the opportunity to get his muzzle between her legs. His wet nose hit her clit through the sheet, making her spasm.

“Oooohhh, my God,” she moaned, humping his mouth. The cold nose against her hot pussy, even through the sheet, was electrifying. She closed her eyes for a second, wallowing in the joy of his nuzzling nose. Her body squirmed against it.

“Get away,” she moaned. His nose, even through the sheet, was driving her crazy. She stopped humping and rolled over, trying to get away from King. As she rolled, the sheet slid off her back, baring her ass cheeks and warm, tingling flesh to King’s long, inquisitive tongue.

King, not caring where he licked as long as it was near the sweet aroma, licked Terri’s ass cheeks, nudging her to move over so he could get between the delectable flesh of her ass to her juicy pussy.

Terri pushed at him with her hand, trying to pull the sheet over her ass. It was futile. The more he swiped his warm wet tongue across her bare flesh, the more she wanted to see what it would be like if he licked her cunt. “Uhhh,” she moaned, the thought sending goose bumps up her spine.

She saw the open door and scurried out of bed, her small titties jiggling as she peeked out into the hall. She closed the door quietly, making sure it was shut tight. The whole time King was at her, licking her ass and legs, trying to get his tongue between her sticky thighs.

“Be patient,” Terri giggled nervously, feeling bold and naughty. She jumped back in bed. This time she didn’t bother to cover her young, slim body. She lay exposed, her legs spread wide for King’s eager mouth and snake-like tongue.

“Come on, King,” she called softly, wanting him back on the bed.

King didn’t need a command. He was on the bed before Terri said his name, licking her feet and ankles.

Terri lay still, her heart beating wildly, frightened, but too hot to stop the chain of events. With her head propped behind a pillow, she watched the dog. Her eyes widened in awe and innocence. She trembled impatiently, wishing that the dog, now that he had a clear field to her pussy, would hurry up. She wanted him to start licking her cunt before she changed her mind.

With the immediacy of the situation gone, the German shepherd licked Terri’s slim leg leisurely, soaking her smooth skin with his warm saliva. As if trained for the situation, he moved slowly up her legs, to her sticky thighs. The warm juice of her pussy made the dog’s ass quiver as he inched around Terri’s young, virgin twat. He whined as his tongue lashed out of his mouth into her warm, hot cunt.

“Oooooo,” Terri whimpered as his tongue played across her cunt. “Ooooooo!”

It was even more fantastic than using her hand. She sighed aloud, her hands going down to her pussy, spreading the soft puffy lips to afford the greedy dog more room to lick. She moaned hotly, exposing her unsheathed clit to the dog’s slurping mouth. She humped his mouth, trying to get off on the dog. She became like a wild little animal, whimpering, squirming and twisting on the bed. Her cunt arched up and, swaying all the while, tried to establish rhythmic contact with the dog’s mouth.

“Ohhhh, King,” she moaned, half out of her mind with lust. “I can’t stand it.” She rubbed her own clit, squeezing it hard between her fingers. She felt King’s wet tongue slop over her rapidly moving fingers. The dog’s tongue was driving her insane.

She looked at the dog, his head buried between her outspread legs. It was unbelievable. He was licking her pussy — driving her up the wall — and she was actually letting him. The sight of her mother being fucked yesterday by Mr. March must have been the last straw in bringing Terri into the world of sex. She loved it, and humped King’s face with new urgency and fury.

She caught a glimpse of something between his legs. She saw it for only a second. It was red, glistening, and pointed. Her eyes lit up in shock. It was his cock. She kept looking, hoping to see it again. It looked so red and huge, and so unlike Mr. March’s. She lay there trying to watch and at the same time keep control of her emotions while King slurped hungrily on her young, virgin pussy. She didn’t want to miss his cock if it popped out again.

King’s tongue was making it hard for the young teenager to concentrate. He slurped noisily, slapping her tender cunt wetly. He got down on all fours, wanting to get his long snout into Terri’s pussy.

Disappointed at not seeing his cock again, Terri settled back, giving King his head as he slurped away on her pussy. Wanting to experience as much as possible this morning before letting the dog get her off, she rolled over onto her belly. Her hands went underneath and held her clit between her fingers as she lifted her ass up off the bed, exhibiting it for King. She hoped that he would lick out her tight little ass.

As if knowing what was expected of him, King flashed his tongue across her ass, soaking her sloppily with his warm, wet spit. His nose burrowed between her soft, lily-white ass cheeks and sniffed; the coldness of his nose made Terri shiver.

Caught up in the rapture of King’s long, wet tongue, Terri wriggled back, reveling in the forbiddance of this perverted act. His tongue and burrowing nose were driving her crazy. She fell on her hands, unable to keep her ass up anymore. The idea of getting on her knees made her tremble as an image of how dogs fuck raced through her young, imaginative mind.

Afraid that King would fuck her that way, Terri quickly rolled over onto her back. King growled, deprived for the moment of her aromatic young pussy and its sweet juices. She squirmed on the bed, spreading her legs anxiously, eager to let the dog suck her off, and satisfy her carnal desires.

“Lick it, King,” she rasped, humping his pointed snout. She squirmed her pussy devilishly, a bright glow in her light, sparkling eyes. Her hands slid up her slim body to her budding young titties. She squeezed them, pinching the nipples playfully as King lapped noisily at her heavenly cunt.

She felt depraved, letting the dog do what she knew was dirty. She rocked her thighs back and forth, enjoying the steady licking of King’s broad slippery tongue. “Mmmmm,” she responded hotly as King’s tongue whipped across her exposed clit. She bucked, the delicious swipe making her tight pussy spasm.

“Oh, oh, oh!” she gasped, her voice cracking with passion as her body was swept along toward the beginning of her climax.

Her pussy drooled its virgin juice, soaking the dog’s muzzle as he tried getting his nose into her cunt. Each fabulous lick made her cunt seep more, agitating the dog into a frenzy. He licked, growled and panted between her thighs. His thick tongue flashed across her tiny blood-filled clit, whipping her into a state of passion she never could have reached with her own fingers.

She sucked in her breath, hissing through her teeth as she climbed higher — closer — with each loud slap of his tongue.

King growled with excitement, his nose quivering as he attacked her pussy. His teeth, pointed and sharp, nibbled gingerly on her clit, sending her into a heated state of frenzy.

Dizzy with feverish lust, a strange sensation shot through her young, passion-crazed body.

She wanted the dog. She wanted the dog’s cock like her mother had taken Mr. March’s cock. “Oh, no,” she cried, all of a sudden afraid of this perverted lust for her mother’s dog.

She looked down at him. He was on all fours, his narrow face buried between her outstretched thighs. It was fascinating, and she humped him pretending it was his cock and not his tongue that was driving her crazy.

Terri humped wildly on his snuggling nose, trying to get herself off. Her body was coiled as her pussy suddenly exploded. Her ass hammered the bed, her head shook from side to side, and her long blonde hair swished across her flushed, excited face. Her hands, unable to remain still, rubbed, caressed and pinched her flesh, combining light, dry pain with the magnificent wet pleasure of King’s flashing tongue.

The dog, whining and growling, lapped her body. The juice oozing from her pussy mixed with his warm saliva. Highly agitated, his ears pointed up, his face burrowed between her quivering thighs, he gobbled. His teeth nipped almost painfully on her hard clit.

Terri’s eyes filled with awe. Her body was being swept up into a climax she never knew existed. She grabbed the pillow behind her, bringing it to her mouth. She screamed loudly, the sounds muffled by the pillow. Gurgling, her pussy bubbled over, climaxing in a violent wave. Her body shook. Her tits, firm with youth, jiggled. Still pointing up, the nipples swelled and ached as she came and was filled with glorious bliss.

“Ughhhh,” she moaned, biting the pillow to keep from shouting at the top of her lungs. She heard the dog caught up in the frenzy — he whined and growled. She tried to hold steady for him, to keep her clit in position for his fast, slapping tongue, but it was useless. She had no control over her own convulsing body.

She shook tremendously. Her body whipped up, her hips gyrating and her ass jerking. She tried to capture his snout, no longer satisfied with his lapping wet tongue.

Jittery from all of Terri’s action, King was unable to get at what he wanted. Terri was floundering around too much. He began to nip on her pussy, growling as she writhed against him.

“Owwwwww,” she cried into the pillow, trying to get away from his nipping teeth, and trying to keep her clit on his snout. Her young body convulsed on the bed, seething in an inferno of sexual climax. The nipping of her pussy by the agitated dog only added to her exotic pleasure as a more violent orgasm raced through her winding, twisting body.

Terri humped violently, feeling King’s nose work into the soft outer folds of her pussy lips. She felt the pressure of his snout against her virginity. So hot, her mind in a blur, she tried fucking the dog’s snout, wanting him to rip through her virginity.

“Oh, oh, oh!” she whimpered into the pillow as she crashed over the peak and tumbled — a free fall into a fuzzy gray world between orgasm and normality. She stayed in this warm cozy limbo for a short period, her mind shaken from its safety by King.

King, not satisfied, continued to lick and nibble on Terri’s vulnerable pussy. His body was tense and his muscles taut as he kept his snout buried in her pussy. His tongue lashed around, in and out, over her exploding clit. He straddled her thrashing leg, pinning it beneath him. He humped, his long red glistening prick coming out of its hairy sheath.

Terri watched, hypnotized by the dog as he fucked her leg. It felt hot and sticky against her leg, and although she had just climaxed, her body still tingled with the desire to feel something hard and strong inside her pussy.

She swallowed hard, and leered at King as he fucked her leg in short frantic lunges, whelping and whining, his tongue hanging from his mouth. His hot jism squirted from his cock into her leg as his hairy muscular body slammed ferociously into hers.

Without interruption, the German shepherd humped Terri’s leg until his long, thin prick was empty. When he finished, he stood up, sniffed at Terri’s pussy, and jumped out of bed, heading for the door. He sat down by the door, whining, wanting to be let out.

Terri giggled, and got up. Her legs were still weak from the tremendous orgasm, and she steadied herself before going to the door and opening it.

“Go on, boy,” she said, grateful to the horny dog for all the pleasure he had given her with his tongue. She watched him romp down the hall, then closed the door and headed for the shower.



In the shower, Terri soaped herself, lathering up her pussy with a generous amount of pink suds. She worked the rich foam gingerly between her long slim legs. Moving up her body, she lingered on her budding titties, working the soap into the soft creamy skin. The nipples ached and she wished that King bad been able to suck on them. She shuddered, rubbing her thighs together. She intended to spend a lot of time with King, getting to know him better. She giggled with thoughts of the dog’s long cock, and the things she wanted to do with it. It wasn’t that she actually considered doing those terrible things — it was just sexy and dirty to think about them.

Bringing the shower head down from the holder and aiming the spray at her smooth, soapy skin, she rinsed the soap away. She felt more like a woman now than ever before, even more so than last year when she got her first period. Today, she felt was even more important — she had discovered sex, and how to enjoy it. She shivered with anticipation, thinking that the more she indulged herself, the more pleasure she would receive.

Leaning against the shower stall, she aimed the fine spray at her tits. The water hit the tips. Lowering the spray to her thighs, she spread her legs to get the water directly up between her thighs, thus rinsing the soap out. The spray hit her clit, almost knocking her on her ass. She pulled the nozzle away, her clit still tingling from the friction of the hard-hitting water.

She hung the shower head back on the wall, and shut off the water. She grabbed a large, thick towel, wrapping it around her body as she climbed carefully out of the tiled shower. She combed her long, wet hair, getting the tangles out before putting it up in pigtails. She looked at herself in the mirror. It made her look even younger than she was. She screwed up her face at her image in the reflection, and left the bathroom.

“Mom!” she exclaimed, coming out of the bathroom. “What are you doing in my room?”

“I thought we’d talk awhile,” Carol said, appraising her teenage daughter. “You’re growing into a fine young lady.”

“Is it that kind of a talk, Mom?” Terri asked, her cheeks turning red. She plopped on the bed, the towel falling away from her freshly cleaned body.

“We should have had this talk last year when you first got your period,” her mother said. The episode with Ed yesterday made her cognizant of her daughter’s growing body, and the demands sex can bring upon a young girl. The fact that she had opened the door and seen King lapping at her daughter’s pussy brought the matter to an urgent head.

Terri didn’t bother covering herself. She wanted to see how her mother reacted to her nakedness. She looked at her mother. “Aren’t you going to tell me to cover up?”

Carol smiled at her daughter, sensing her rebellion. It was healthy and she loved Terri all the more for it. In a lot of ways, Terri reminded her of herself when she was just entering puberty, wanting to know everything, to experience everything.

“There’s no reason to cover up, Terri,” Carol said bluntly. The dog entered the room, and sat quietly by Carol’s feet. She petted his huge head. “You have a beautiful body, Terri, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.”

Terri was surprised her mother said that. Maybe I’m wrong about a lot of things. She’s not a prude. Not the way she put Mr. March’s cock in her mouth and pussy. She giggled to herself.

“What were you thinking?” Carol asked, staring suspiciously at her young, sexy daughter.

“Nothing, Mom,” Terri lied, blocking the erotic thoughts from her mind. “I’m getting bigger, huh?” she asked, changing the subject. She stood up, modeling naked, unashamed in front of her mother.

“You are,” Carol agreed proudly. “You’re as tall as me.” She stood up too, her high heels giving her the added two inches above her tall, slender daughter.

“Not here, though,” Terri sighed sadly, cupping her firm young tits in her hands. She squeezed them together, pushing them up, trying to make them appear bigger.

Carol smacked her daughter playfully on the ass. “Honey, that’s not the way to get them big. They’ll grow on their own.”

“I hope they get to be as big as yours,” Terri admired wistfully, plopping back down on the bed. Terri sat cross-legged, her young pussy peeking out from the downy soft hair.

Carol sat on the edge of the bed. “I think we should talk, Terri,” she said seriously. “You’re almost a woman.”

Terri frowned. “Gee, Mom. They teach us that stuff in school.”

“Not what I want to talk about.”

Terri’s interest was piqued. “Do you know something they don’t teach in school?” she asked, trying to keep the smile off her face.

“I don’t know what it is with you,” Carol said, lightheartedly. “I think something is going through that pretty little head of yours. I can see those devilish eyes dancing.”

“It’s nothing, Mom,” Terri said, wanting to ask her mother to teach her to fuck the way she did with Mr. March, but afraid of getting slapped in the face.

Carol’s face turned serious. “Have you ever been with a boy?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Terri said, feigning innocence. It took all of her will power to keep from snickering.

“All right,” Carol said. “We’ll play it right from the shoulder. Has any boy ever played with your titties?” She reached out, tweaking Terri’s pink nipples. “Has any boy ever fooled around with your pussy?” Her hand darted down to Terri’s twat, skimming through her pussy hair. “Has any boy fucked you?”

Terri blushed, her cheeks getting hot. She never expected to hear her mother talk like that. She decided to be as forward and shameless as her mother. “No boy has ever touched my titties. No boy ever touched my pussy. No boy ever fucked me.”

They stared at each other for a second, the silence hanging heavy in the room. Suddenly they both burst out laughing, with Terri falling into her mother’s arms. When they finished their laugh, Carol started to talk again.

“I saw what you were doing this morning,” Carol confided. Terri started to say something, but her mother held her fingers to Terri’s lips. “Let me finish.”

Terri nodded, her face red with embarrassment.

“It’s natural for a girl to play with herself,” Carol explained. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I know,” Terri said, hoping she didn’t see her with the dog. “I thought so until this morning. I was ashamed the other two times I did it. I saw something yesterday that changed my mind.”

“What was that?” Carol asked, her curiosity piqued.

“I saw what you and Mr. March were doing,” Terri said. Before her mother could say anything, Terri blurted out, “I want to do the same thing.”

Carol was silent for a second, trying to digest all of this new information about her young, inquisitive daughter. “Is that why King was licking your pussy this morning?”

Terri didn’t know how to answer. She bit her lip. There was no sense lying. “Yes. Until yesterday I thought sex was dirty and only fooled with myself twice, hating myself afterward. Then, when I saw you and Mr. March, and the fun you two were having, I figured sex was okay. You wouldn’t be doing it if it was bad.” She swallowed hard, then continued. “This morning, I got so hot, and King came in by accident. It just happened. I’m not sorry, though,” she added. “It felt fantastic.”

Carol was dumbfounded. Terri seemed to have grown into a woman before her eyes. “You want to do what I did yesterday?” she asked, making sure she heard her daughter correctly.

“Yes, Mom. I was so hot watching you two, and this morning I got so hot, I wanted King to fuck me.” Terri called the dog. King loped over to the bed, and jumped up beside her.

The dog began licking Terri’s bare shoulder, his long tongue swiping across her flesh, hitting her nipples. Terri lay back, testing her mother on how much she could get away with. If her mother could do those things, there was no reason why she couldn’t.

“Mmmmmm,” Terri moaned, her flesh breaking out into goose bumps as King soaked her titties with his saliva. She patted his head with smooth, even strokes as he licked her.

Carol watched her daughter, hypnotized by the erotic, perverted scene. She watched King lick Terri’s budding young tits, then her rib cage, then the patch of silken hair that covered her young cunt.

“Terri!” Carol blurted out.

Terri sat up, her eyes on fire. She stared point-blank at her mother. “You got Mr. March,” she said defiantly. “I want King.” Terri wanted to go as far as she could to shock her mother, hoping to put them both on an equal footing. “Would you like to trade?”

Carol was stunned by her daughter’s remark. It was almost like looking at herself twenty years ago. She decided that Terri, no matter what she said or did, would continue to experiment with sex. It would be better if she helped guide her. It was something she would like to have had at her age. “It’s a deal, Terri,” Carol said firmly.

“Really, Mom?” Terri asked, not believing her own ears. She pushed the dog away from between her legs as his cold nose tried to burrow into her pussy.

“Yes, baby,” Carol said. She stood up, smiling at her daughter’s disbelief, and stripped, challenging her own daughter. “Now let’s see how good this dog is.”



Carol climbed onto the bed, her huge tits jiggling as she stretched out on her back with her legs spread. “C’mon, King,” she called. Carol looked at her daughter. “I hope he’s as good as you say.”

Terri was too astounded to speak. King sniffed around her mother’s naked flesh. She had caught glimpses of her mother naked, but never like this, stretched out right in front of her. It was even better than yesterday in some ways.

“Do you mean it, about Mr. March?” Terri asked, wanting to be reassured.

“If King is as good as you say he is, we’ll share them both.” King’s cold nose sniffed Carol’s arms and shoulders. She could feel his warm breath as he smelled around her huge creamy tits.

“He is, Mom. King is terrific!” Terri said, her head spinning with the thought of fucking Mr. March, and having him break her cherry. Terri patted King’s rump as he sniffed and leisurely licked all over her mother’s beautiful body.

King tasted and smelled her. He licked the soft flesh of Carol’s sides. His tongue flashed across her quivering belly, making Carol shiver with delight. Each time King licked, Carol’s cunt seeped. The aroma of her cunt filled the air as King found his way to her patch of mature cunt hair.

“Ummmmm,” Carol sighed luxuriously. “This does feel good.”

“Wait until he licks your pussy,” Terri said jubilantly. She felt her own virgin pussy ooze as she watched her naked mother being licked by the huge hairy dog. Terri petted his broad back, anxious for him to start on her mother’s pussy.

At his leisure, King covered Carol’s creamy body with saliva. His long strong tongue lapped at her thighs, getting closer to her pussy with each smooth, delicate swipe of his tongue.

“Spread your legs, Mom. Give him plenty of room,” Terri said, as if she were the expert on the subject of cuntlapping.

Carol smiled. She was beginning to really get horny. The dog’s fascinating tongue was having an effect on her, more than she thought was possible, and he wasn’t even licking her cunt yet. Carol prepared herself for a terrific suck session. “This is going to be terrific.”

“I know, Mom,” Terri said enthusiastically. Stroking the dog’s side, Terri held herself back from touching his cock.

King picked up the heavenly scent of Carol’s oozing cunt. His nostrils quivered and his brutish head burrowed between her outstretched thighs. His tongue snaked out, darting quickly over her hot open gash. He lapped quickly at her drooling pussy, getting great gobs of her juice into his jowls as he slurped noisily on her cunt.

“Ohhhhh,” Carol moaned, responding to the dog’s talented tongue. “Oh, Terri. He is good! Sooooo good!” She put her hands between her legs, using her fingers to spread the loose pussy lips apart that hid her open red gash. She felt King’s tongue whip across her fingers, lashing at her wide-open slit, his tongue darting deliciously inside.

Terri watched in awe as King lapped frantically at her mother’s reddish-pink pussy. Terri’s hand nervously stroked King, passion building in her own virgin cunt. She stroked his hind legs, the desire to reach between his thighs becoming more powerful as she became hotter and hotter.

Carol humped wildly on King’s digging snout, her hand keeping the sheath off her hard clit, exposing it to his thick, lashing tongue. She bounced on the bed, swept up in the passion of King, and the sight of her young naked daughter sitting beside her watching the entire perverted act. Carol groaned, spittle dripping from the corners of her open, panting mouth.

Terri, unable to fight her perverted desire to touch King’s prick, slipped her hand between his quivering legs. She felt his dangling, furry balls, and stroked his long cock, feeling the power inside its hairy sheath. It jerked and throbbed as she slid the hairy covering up and down on his cock.

Terri bent over, curiously watching it come out. She was hot for the dog’s pecker. She jerked it quickly, making the dog whimper excitedly as he slurped on her mother’s hot, dripping snatch. The tip of his cock peeked out swiftly, and she squealed with delight, yearning to see the whole gigantic thing.

In a frenzy brought on by Carol’s cunt and Terri’s jerking hand, King started to hump, whimpering and crying as he licked Carol’s open pussy hole.

“His cock is sticking out a mile,” Terri said, enraptured with King’s huge reddish-purple cock. Terri rubbed her fingers across his exposed skin. It was sticky and hot. She swooned, wishing it were up her pussy.

Carol was moaning and thrashing under King’s broad tongue as he lapped on her clit. Carol grabbed her daughter’s arm. “Take him off me! Take him off me!”

A quizzical look appeared on Terri’s young, passionate face. She was afraid her mother had changed her mind. She was afraid of losing King and his tongue. But most of all she was afraid of losing the chance to fuck Mr. March.

“WHY?” Terri cried.

“I want him to fuck me,” Carol growled, closing her legs on the dog’s snout to get him away. “I want his cock.” Carol wanted to be ravaged by this dog. She craved him and his exotic prick.

“Ooooo, yesss, Mommy,” Terri said, her eyes bright with lust. She pulled on King’s collar, taking him away from her mother’s pussy. Her heart was thumping in her breast. She held King as he strained against his collar. She watched her mother roll over. Her mother’s cunt dripped pussy juice and doggie spit. Her ass cheeks, full and well-rounded, jiggled as she got up on all fours like a bitch in heat.

Carol wriggled her ass back at her daughter and at King. “Let him go, Terri,” she whimpered. She braced herself, expecting the dog to leap on her, and ram his dick in her cunt. Instead, when Terri let go, King buried his muzzle back in her snatch, licking frantically as before.

“Ohhhh, Christ,” Carol moaned, wanting King’s cock so badly that her entire body shook. “Help put his cock in me! Hurry!”

“Yes, Mommy,” Terri said gleefully. She pulled on King’s collar again, getting him out of her mother’s snatch. With her free hand, Terri pulled a blanket over her mother’s back to keep King from scratching her skin.

“Shit, baby,” Carol complained, her mind swimming with raging lust. “Hurry!”

Jittery and hot, Terri pulled King up on his hindlegs, showing him what was expected. He took to it quickly, his back legs dancing as he tried to stick his long, exposed prick into Terri’s hot shaking mother.

Terri reached under his legs, trying to get his cock. She gripped it as he banged it senselessly into her mother’s thighs and ass cheeks. Terri directed the fiery red tip to her mother’s open gash. She gulped, watching King’s huge, long boner plunge into her mother’s waiting pussy.

“Ayiieee!” Carol screamed, welcoming the dog’s cock as it filled her empty pussy. She wiggled her ass back, taking it deep as the canine slammed his cock into her. His hairy legs brushed up against her ass as he fucked her.

Terri enjoyed the awesome sight. She ogled her mother’s snatch as it sucked up King’s long, gorgeous cock. Terri held his furry balls, enjoying the pleasure of them as they swished across her palm with each frantic lunge of his cock. It was so much more exciting and intimate watching her mother get fucked up close than hiding behind a door. The fact that it was a dog plugging her mother’s pussy made it that much more erotic.

She dipped her fingers into her own virgin pussy, stroking her damp gash with her eager fingertips. She was hot. She wanted to tear King from her mother’s body and have him ravage her own little twat. Wanting to be as much a part to this as possible, Terri put her hand under the dog. Her fingers touched her mother’s pussy. The contact was mindbending and Terri almost pulled her hand away. It was only her wanton desire to feel King’s long cock fucking her mother that caused her to keep her hand at her mother’s wet pussy gash. Terri felt King’s cock whip into her mother’s cunt. She kept her hand there, feeling each motion they made — her mother’s jerking and churning on King’s cock, and King’s steady pounding into her mother’s wet pussy.

“Un! Un! Un!” Carol grunted, each time King jammed his bulky dick into her twat. She rotated her full hips, wallowing in the pleasure the dog’s cock was giving her. Her body rocked back and forth on the bed. King drove her insane with his powerful thrusts into her hot, bubbly pussy. Carol could feel her daughter’s hand exploring with childlike curiosity between her legs. It added new thrills to the perverted act of doggie fucking.

Bouncing on his hind legs, King stretched, his muscles pulled tight, his drooping lips drawn back against his fangs. Instinctively, he fucked her with lust — pure animal lust. Snorting and yelping, the huge hairy dog fucked, his hind legs digging into the mattress, his paws holding tightly to Carol’s back, and his prick working like a piston in and out of her pussy.

“Oh, my God,” Carol moaned, praying that he would carry her over with him. Suddenly he began to cream his doggie jism into her pussy. She tried reaching under, to grab her own clit, but almost fell over from the dog’s powerful thrusts as he pounded her pussy. “Terri! Terri!” she cried, needing help to cum, and too hot to care who helped her.

“Yes, Mommy?” Terri squealed, her voice breaking. She was drooling. Everything was so damn erotic and immediate — King’s cock greasing her hand, and her mother’s juices gushing out each time King drove his prick into her mother’s scalding cunt.

“Play with my clit. Make me cum!” Carol pleaded, fearing she would be left high and dry, strung out and frustrated.

“Ohhh yesss, Mommy,” Terri squealed delightedly. Terri squirmed closer to her mother, getting her other hand under King. She held King’s swinging balls with one hand and clenched her mother’s clit in the fingers of her other hand. She massaged King’s balls and rubbed her mother’s clit between her fingers. Terri watched them both, creamy juice soaking both her hands.

King’s body became a machine as he reached his climax. He slammed into Carol’s cunt, his cock jabbing her as his prick swelled, bursting free of his heavy load.

“AGHHHH!” Carol moaned. The friction of her daughter’s fingers was driving her insane. The dog’s cock swelled in her pussy, and she knew he was coming.

Terri watched King bare his sharp, pointed fangs. He growled, his hairy, dancing legs banging into her mother’s ass as his cock exploded, filling Carol’s pussy with a thick steady stream of hot doggie cum. It gushed from the sides of her mother’s pussy with each powerful lunge of his squirting prick. It soaked Terri’s hands as she stroked her mother’s hard, pink clit.

Carol rocked back and forth, feeling the hot spurting stream of King’s cum fill her pussy and shoot up into her belly. The combination of her daughter’s fingers on her clit and the dog’s jism triggered a climax deep in Carol’s cock-filled snatch.

“I’m comingggg!” Carol blurted out, ready for the heavenly release from King’s violent cock slamming into her body. “I’m comingggg!”

Like a volcano eruption, Carol’s cunt foamed hot frothy cream, soaking King’s already greased pecker. Her body shook, almost falling over from the voluminous orgasm that quaked her fucked-out body. Unsteadily, she kept her balance, grinding her quivering ass back against King’s driving cock, and slamming into her daughter’s hand. She crushed her clit into Terri’s drenched palm.

Terri’s mother screamed as another wave of orgasm stronger than the first swept over her tingling body. Her arms buckled underneath her. She fell limply to the bed, her mouth drooling spit on the sheets, her ass still perched high in the air as King finished emptying his doggie cum into her dripping pussy.

King howled, his prick finished. He pulled it out, squirting the last of his white jism on Carol’s back before jumping from the bed and scampering out of the bedroom.

Still spasming from her daughter’s squishing fingers, Carol ground her cunt into her daughter’s hand. She humped Terri’s fingers as King’s jism mixed with her own milky cream and oozed out of her open pussy. “Oooooo,” she whimpered, screwing down on her daughter’s hand, scraping her clit into her palm. “Aaaaaaaa!”

Terri felt the dog’s cum seep out as her mother creamed, making her hand all squishy and sticky. Her mother’s clit throbbed as she squeezed it hard, making her mother moan in agonizing pleasure while she climaxed for the last time.

“Unnnn,” Carol groaned. “Stop! I can’t take anymore!” With great effort, Carol lifted her ass up so Terri could take her hand away. She slumped back on the bed, a quivering mass of exhausted flesh.

“Mommy!” Terri exclaimed. “It was fabulous! It got me all wet!” She stroked her finger through her virgin twat. “I wanna come too, Mommy,” Terri pleaded, getting onto her back next to her mother. “Will you do it to me?”

Carol sat up, her body still tingling from the fantastic fuck. She put her hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “Don’t be impatient, baby. You got the rest of your life.”

Terri looked up at her mother, her eyes pleading. “Please, Mommy,” she begged. “I got you to cum.”

“Save it for Ed tomorrow, baby,” she said, hoping that would please her oversexed daughter. “We’re going up to Ed’s small farm for the rest of the summer. I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell you. I wanted it to be a surprise.”

Terri sat up, forgetting all about her desire to cum. “You mean tomorrow I get to fuck Mr. March?”

“Yes, baby. It was our deal.” She winked. “You gave me King.”

Terri’s eyes widened with joy. “I’m sooo nervous. I’m gonna lose my cherry tomorrow.”

“Yes, baby. You’ll be a woman soon.”

Terri giggled. “Are you sure, Mommy?”

“Listen, baby. There are men who’d give their Goddamn eye teeth for a shot at your virgin pussy. Ed will consider it an honor.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have waited,” Terri teased. “If I’d known I was a premium, I might have done it sooner.”

Carol grabbed her daughter, and pulled her over to her lap, smacking her smooth ass playfully.

“Can we take King with us, Mommy?” Terri asked, enjoying the warm contact with her mother.

“Can’t leave him here,” she said, laughing. “We can use him after we’ve fucked Ed to death.”

“Right, Mommy,” Terri laughed, sprawled on the bed. “King’s your own special reserve fuck.”

Carol whacked Terri’s ass. “You get dressed. I’ll be downstairs making breakfast for us.” She left the room, leaving Terri alone.

Terri lay there, listening to her mother’s footsteps until they vanished. Quickly, she rolled onto her belly, her hand on her hard, wet clit. She closed her eyes, making an image of Mr. March appear as she wriggled her pussy on her hand, getting herself off before joining her mother at breakfast.



Terri fidgeted nervously on the bed. “Did you tell him about me?” she asked, wanting to know everything her mother and Mr. March had talked about while she was out looking around the small farm.

Carol looked at her daughter, seeing before her a child in a woman’s body with all the desires and yearnings of a woman. “No, baby,” she said, sitting close to her on the bed.

“Awwww, Mom,” Terri pouted. “You promised yesterday that I’d get a chance to fuck Mr. March.”

“I want you to listen to me. You can’t expect me to get your men for you the rest of your life. There’s no reason for me to start now. You’re young, beautiful, and a virgin. Except for a fast tonguelapping by a dog, you’ve never been touched.” She winked at Terri, and smiled.

“Yea, but he’ll just think of me as a smart-ass little girl, and hustle me off to my room so he can come up here and fuck you.”

“Not if you show him how mature and ready you are,” Carol suggested. “I told you yesterday that any man would give his eye tooth for a shot at your pussy.”

Terri frowned. “Yea, sure. Mr. March will probably smack my ass because I’m your little girl. He doesn’t want to mess up his chances with you.”

“I think,” Carol began to explain, “that if you present yourself right, he won’t have any choice in the matter. He’s a man — a horny man. I can testify to that. He didn’t leave me alone the whole time you were walking around the farm.” She giggled, rubbing her own crotch. “You should have no trouble at all.”

Terri shrugged. “Are you coming downstairs?”

“I told bim I didn’t feel well,” Carol said. “I asked him to entertain you this evening while I got some rest. I told him I wasn’t used to all this fucking.”

They both laughed. Terri climbed off the bed, looking at her naked body in the mirror. Instead of seeing a woman, she saw only a tall slender girl with small titties and long long legs.

“I’ll never be able to get him to fuck me,” Terri pouted. “Your body makes mine look like a little boy’s.”

Carol stood up. “You’re crazy, Terri,” she said. “You’re gorgeous. Of course your tits aren’t as big as mine. So what? You got one sweet set of titties and I know Ed will love sucking them.”

“Ohhhh, Mom. Do you really think he will?” She was beside herself with joy.

“Sure he will. I know once he gets a look at your sweet pussy, he’ll drool until he shoves his cock in you.”

“Ohhhh, Mommy,” Terri said, sliding into her arms and giving her a big hug. “You’re the best mom in the whole world.”

“Get dressed, baby, and go down there, and lure him into your panties.”

Terri winked. “I’m not gonna wear any.” She grabbed the soft terry shorts off the bed and pulled them up her long legs to her slim, girlish hips. “No bra, either.” She grabbed the matching skimpy top, then dropped it over her head. She bent down, slipping on a pair of heels. “Now I’m as tall as you.”

“You look terrific, baby. He’ll gobble you up.” Carol stared at her daughter, admiring her, seeing herself as a child again and glad that she was guiding her instead of letting her flounder around.

“I’m so nervous, Mommy,” Terri said, splashing a light pink lipstick across her full lips.

“Don’t make yourself up too much. The blush of your innocence is what’s going to get him into your bed.” She took the make-up kit from her daughter. “Put your hair in pigtails.”

“Aw, Mom,” she griped. “It makes me look like a baby.”

“A sexy, horny baby! With your hair down, you look eighteen, and with it in pigtails, you look thirteen in a woman’s body. You can’t beat that combination.”

Terri shrugged, putting her hair into pigtails. “You’re the boss.”

“Always remember that,” Carol said, patting her soft terry-clad rump. “Now go down there and have a time you’ll never forget. I’m going to take a nap.” She kissed her daughter on the cheek and left.

Terri took a deep sigh, checking herself in the mirror for one last time. It was true. Mother was right. She looked fabulous. Her heart skipped a beat as she headed out of the bedroom and toward the stairs for what she hoped would be her first fuck.

“Hi, Mr. March,” Terri said, coming into the front room, swinging her ass provocatively. “Mom won’t be down.” She plopped on the couch, crossing her long legs. She stared at him, her heart beating so loudly that she prayed he couldn’t hear it.

Ed appraised the sexy young teenager. She looked like her mother, only a younger version. He wondered if she was as hot blooded as Carol. She sure looked it, in that damn little outfit she was wearing. “Your mother told me,” Ed said, leering openly at the young girl.

Terri tingled, knowing that Mr. March was ogling her. It made her blood boil. “Can I make you a drink, Mr. March?” Terri asked, licking her lips, making them moist and shiny. “I make real good drinks.” She opened her eyes wide, staring at him innocently, yet with the sexuality of a woman in heat.

“I’ll bet you can make a lot of things great,” Ed said, glad that Carol had insisted on bringing her daughter here.

Terri basked in the compliment, walking over to the bar on the other side of the room. She swayed her hips, the bottom flesh of her ass peeking deliciously out from under the tight, skimpy shorts. She felt his eyes burn into her. Her legs turned rubbery and she almost stumbled. She wondered, as she mixed the drink with shaking hands, how she was going to be able to walk back across the room without spilling it.

Terri brought the drink to him, making doubly sure she didn’t spill it when she handed it to him. “Here, Mr. March,” she said politely, bending over enough for him to peer down her loose top and exhibit her young firm titties. She glanced at him, noticing that he was indeed looking.

“Thank you, Terri,” he said, wondering if the young child was trying to turn him on, and why. “Would you like to sit next to me?”

“I’d rather sit on your lap, Mr. March,” she said, her voice soft, almost like a whisper. “I used to sit on my daddy’s lap a lot, before he went away.” She looked at him, biting her lower lip, hoping he’d let her. She figured if she could be near him, she’d have a much better chance of getting him to break her cherry.

Ed looked appreciatively at the tall slender teenager. She was definitely too old for his lap, but he couldn’t see any harm in it. “Come on, Terri,” he offered. “Sit on my lap. I just hope it’s big enough for you.”

Terri looked at him right in his eyes. “So do I,” she said, her voice cracking, her face turning beet-red.

Ed grinned, beginning to get a hint of what the young girl wanted. He decided to play along with her innocent flirtations. She probably wanted to practice on him before working her wiles on some unsuspecting boy. We’ll soon know, he thought, holding her flashing blue eyes with his own.



Terri’s body trembled as she gingerly sat on Ed’s lap. She leaned back against his shoulder, her heart thumping wildly, her juicy pussy aching for a chance at Mr. March and his wonderful cock.

“Comfortable?” Ed asked, his cock getting the deluxe treatment as she squirmed into place.

“Oh yes, Mr. March,” she cooed, putting an arm around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. She adjusted her shorts, keeping the crotch from riding up into her wet virgin pussy. For an instant her hand brushed against his cock. She quickly moved away, the touch electifying her.

Ed sipped his drink, his cock becoming hard from her childish, erotic movements. Her soft ass felt fabulous against his prick and he wanted to grab her, toss her on the floor and ravage her until he satisfied himself in her young pussy. He restrained himself, remembering her mother upstairs.

“Do you have any boyfriends?” he asked, starting the conversation. He wanted to know her a little better, since he intended to spend as much time with her mother as possible.

“Not yet,” Terri said, squirming her ass so his hard-on could push up into her crotch. She gulped, remembering the size of his cock as it went into her mother’s mouth and pussy.

“Aaaaaa,” she suddenly sighed aloud, then rapidly reddening with embarrassment.

“What was that all about?” Ed asked, setting his drink on the table.

“Nothing,” Terri said, turning her head, her cheeks hot. She scrunched down on his cock, swooning. Her hand tickled his neck and she turned, pressing her tit into him as she snuggled closer.

“Do you think I’m pretty, Mr. March?” she asked.

“Very pretty, Terri,” he said, putting his arm around her and holding her close. The sweet scent of her youthful perfume was getting to him.

She was breathing lightly, her breath caressing his neck. She brought her lips to his ear.

“I think you’re real handsome, Mr. March.” Her tongue flicked out, running lightly over his ear lobe. “I think you’re sexy too.”

Ed wondered how long he was going to be able to stand the innocent teasing of this exciting young girl before he did something he knew she wouldn’t like.

“Do you think I’m sexy?” Terri cooed, rubbing her tittie into his arm. She ran her tongue into his ear, soaking it.

Ed squeezed her. “You’re about the sexiest damn kid I’ve ever met.” A light film of perspiration formed on his forehead, the tension in his loins building. “If you don’t stop squirming around, you’re going to have to get off.”

“Why is that, Mr. March?” Terri asked innocently, her soft ass never stopping as she squiggled around on his cock. She looked him straight in the eyes, and before he could think of an answer fit for a child, Terri had her hungry mouth on his. Her lips pressed tightly against his, her tongue running into his surprised mouth, exploring the heated wetness of it.

“Mmmmmm,” she murmured, her body twisting erotically on his lap. “I like kissing you.” She smiled innocently at him, her childlike face framed by her pigtails. She was the picture of chastity, but her tempting body was luring him into forgetting she was a child.

“You shouldn’t kiss me like that,” Ed said, breathing heavy, not having believed she could kiss so well. “You’re only a kid.”

“Didn’t you like it?” Terri pouted, her arms still draped around his neck. The kiss made every nerve in her body tingle. She knew that if she stood up, her legs would cave in.

“It isn’t that, Terri,” he said, shaking his head. “It was great, but you’re just a kid, and I’m going with your mother.”

“There’s nothing wrong with me kissing my mommy’s boyfriend, is there?”

“No, but…” His sentence was cut off as Terri opened her mouth and covered his, eagerly swishing her mouth over his lips. She sucked his tongue into her mouth. She could feel his raging boner between her legs pressing and throbbing against her crotch. She wiggled down, wishing it was buried in her virgin pussy. Her hands cupped his face, caressing his rough beard. His manliness was blowing her mind.

Forgetting she was just a child, Ed crushed her young body against him. His hips rocked and his cock ached to get between her hot, virgin thighs. His hands ran frantically over her smooth back.

Terri melted into his arms, kissing him back. Her eager lips were all over his face — her tongue exploring his mouth, neck, and ears — her lips sucking on his face. “Ohhhh, Mr. March,” she gasped, coming out of his arms. “I love kissing you.” Her eyes glimmered with passion as she stared at him, her lips swollen from the passionate kisses, her skin slightly red from the roughness of his face. “You’re wonderful.”

Ed looked at her, astounded. This young innocent child was a bundle of pure sex. “You’d better go to your room,” he suggested, hating himself for what he was saying, but knowing that a fast shot with the daughter wasn’t worth losing her mother.

Terri stood up, sensing she had him right where she wanted him. All she had to do was reel in the line. He had tasted the bait, and found it irresistible. “Would you like to see my body, Mr. March?” she asked impishly, swaying on weak legs as she stood in front of him. “Mother says my body is beautiful and any man would give his eye teeth for a chance to do things to it.”

Ed was mesmerized by the beauty and sexuality of this young girl. He heard her words, but was unable to say no.

Terri breathed hotly as she lifted the terry cloth top up over her head. She tossed it on the floor, standing before him, shaking with passion and apprehension, exhibiting her young budding titties to a man for the first time.

“Do you like them?” she cooed like a small child.

Ed couldn’t believe his eyes. Her tits were small, perfectly shaped cones. The nipples were pink with youth, not yet darkened with the maturity of age. He nodded, knowing that if he didn’t get up now, he would no longer be able to fight the passion in his groin.

“No more,” he said hoarsely, not wanting to exploit this young child.

Terri was having the time of her life. Mother was right. He couldn’t resist, although she saw he was trying as best he could. It made her like him even more.

“I like doing this for you, Mr. March,” she said, her voice cracking with passion. The butterflies in her stomach were getting out of control and she found it difficult to stand on her rubbery legs. Her pussy felt hotter than it had ever felt in her young life and she knew her shorts were soaked.

“Would you like to see my pussy?” Her young titties heaved with each deep, ragged breath she took.

Ed’s throat constricted as he swallowed. His eyes, dark fiery orbs, glared at the young child. He wanted to get up and leave, but remained seated, frozen to the chair.

Terri saw the fire burning in his eyes and knew she didn’t have to wait for an answer. He would stay in that chair for as long as she stood before him. Her young nipples felt as if they were going to burst as her sweaty hands touched the elastic at the top of her clinging shorts.

“Watch,” she rasped.

Her hands trembled with the desire building inside her body. She slipped the shorts down over her slender, girlish hips, baring her light, silky pussy hair, which was moist with droplets of juice. She bent over, her firm titties jiggling as she lowered the shorts down her long, tapered legs until they dropped in a puddle at her feet. Brazenly she stepped out of them, posing naked, her high heels accentuating the sensuous curve of her calves.

Unconsciously Ed rubbed his solid cock, which was trapped within his pants. He couldn’t take his eyes off the magnificent body of the young teenager who stood proudly exhibiting herself for his approval.

“Ooooh, Mr. March,” she moaned, her body on fire. “I’m sooo hot.” She swayed back and forth, her slim hips rocking to an erotic beat that only she could hear. Her head was spinning, her only thought was his cock and the things she wanted to do to it. She fell to the floor, crawling the short distance between them.

She took his hand away from his crotch. “Let me,” she purred breathlessly. “Let me.”

Ed was no longer in control of his emotions. He sat there, his eyes glassy with lust for the little girl, watching as she fumbled with his zipper.

Her delicate hands trembled, tugging the zipper down, craving the cock that fucked her mother — to touch it, to put it to her lips, and to ram it in her virgin cunt. Her hand groped inside his pants until her fingertips touched hard, masculine flesh.

“Ohhhhh,” she gasped, pulling the long, thick piece of steely cock out of his pants for her adoring eyes. “Ohhhh, Mr. March. It’s sooo gorgeous!”

Ed’s body twitched as her hot sweaty hand squeezed his cock shaft.

“Terri,” he pleaded, but was unable to complete his sentence while Terri, her mind and body bubbling with passion and curiosity, stroked his long, thick prick.

Terri’s bright blue eyes were wide as she ogled Ed’s dick. She licked her lips, her mouth inches from the huge prick. She saw the thick veins running through the shaft, felt the blood surging through it, and sensed the power of it.

She squeezed it, feeling it throb in her palm. Each squeeze brought a low soulful moan from Ed, and she looked up into his handsome flushed face. “Can I lick it, Mr. March?” she asked, like a school girl asking her father for a lollipop.

Ed nodded, unable to speak. He gripped the arms of the chair with his huge hands and waited, not really believing this was happening and hoping Carol wouldn’t catch them.

She blew her hot breath on his tip, her hands lovingly stroking the thick shaft. She put her lips to the red, glistening tip. It sent shivers up and down her spine. She opened her mouth, shaping her sensuous lips into an oval, making sure her teeth didn’t scrape or hurt his magnificent cock. She closed her mouth around his head, shaking from the passion it stirred within her young, vibrant body. It was almost too much for the young girl as she started to shake uncontrollably from her first physical contact with a man’s cock.

Ed, coming around to the reality of the situation, stroked her blonde head, relaxing Terri somewhat as she became adjusted to having a man’s dick between her lips. “Take your time,” he whispered. “We have as long as you want — as long as you need.”

Terri looked up at him, her eyes wild with fire as she panted. She reeked of sex, her pigtails coming loose about her face, and the light lipstick smeared all over her mouth. “I want your cock.”

“You got it,” he said. “Enjoy it.”

Terri had every intention of doing just that. Her tongue snaked out of her mouth, laying it flat on his thick shaft. She moved it wetly up and down every glorious inch of his throbbing cock. She thrilled to the texture of it, skimming his balls with the tip of her tongue and loving the contrast between the smooth skin of his cock and the rough hair covering his balls. She soaked his entire cock until it glistened with her warm spit. She glared up at him, spittle dripping down her chin. “Now I’m gonna suck it, like my mommy does.”

Ed was taken aback by her revelation. He started to speak, but found there was nothing to say when her mouth covered his prick. He wasn’t about to interfere with that.

“Ummmmmmm,” Terri moaned, taking the bulbous tip of his cock into her mouth. She moved her head so that the tip of his prick brushed against the inside of her cheeks and against the roof of her mouth. Still holding his wet shaft at the thick base, she decided to see if she could get the entire prick into her mouth as her mother had so ably done.

The tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, making her gag. She paused, catching her breath, her throat getting used to the idea of having something large and thick in it. She eased the tip down her gullet. Breathing hard through her nose, Terri forced more of Ed’s huge cock into her virgin mouth. It was fantastic. Terri’s hot pussy seeped all over her thighs as it ached for the cock that was stuffed in her mouth.

Ed’s hips lurched up, driving more than half the length of his prick into the teenager’s throat. He held it there, listening to her gag, and fighting the urge to take it out. He could feel her tight throat stretch the muscles, trying to keep the welcome invader inside.

Gasping and gurgling with Ed’s prick deep in her throat, Terri was determined to prove herself a woman. She inched the rest of his great prick into her throat bit by bit, until the only part that was out of her mouth was the base, which was still in the grasp of her spit-soaked hand. She took away her hand, plunging the rest of his prick into her gullet. When his cock was buried to the hilt, her heart felt as if would burst with pride. Her first cocksucking, and she was able to take his entire prick! And it wasn’t a boy’s, but a full grown man’s! She wondered if her mother had been as proficient.

Her throat adjusted quickly to the prick and she eased up, running her lips up and down his cock, then taking it deep again with each downward plunge. With her lips steadfast against his cock, Terri found out that as her teeth scraped his shaft, Ed would twitch. She began using her teeth with more skill — lightly at first, then harder — as her mouth slammed down faster on his cock.

“Aghhhhh,” Ed groaned as her teeth grazed roughly along his sensitive shaft. “Easy! Easy!” He dug his fingers into the arm of the chair as the pain of her gobbling mouth drove him insane.

Terri, thinking she hurt him, stopped. She lifted her head, her eyes glazed with pure lust, spit drooling out of the corners of her mouth.

“Mr. March,” she groaned. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s okay,” he gasped, rubbing his sore cock. “You got carried away for a minute. I thought you were going to bite the damn thing off.”

Terri, her mind fuzzy with passion, stroked his cock. She was fascinated by it. The glorious feeling of having it in her throat made her cunt ache. “Will you fuck me now?” she asked, her voice quivering with emotion. “I want it so bad.”

She fell to the floor, spreading her long, slender legs, her delicate hands stroking the soft, young flesh of her wet, virgin pussy.

“Please, Mr. March. Fuck me!” Her body writhed, a seething mass of boiling flesh. “Break my fucking cherry!”

Ed looked down at the young passionate child and mixed emotions haunted him. He wanted this little girl. He wanted to ravage her virgin body, yet he didn’t want to lose the horny girl’s mother.

“Please, Mr. March. Mommy said, you’d give an eye tooth for a piece of virgin pussy.” She spread her virgin cuntlips apart, exhibiting her wet, pink gash.

Wild with desire, Ed tore at his clothes. “Your mother knows?” he asked incredulously as he pulled his pants and shirt off.

“Yes, Mr. March. Please hurry. I’m going crazy.” She squirmed on the floor, her legs rubbing back and forth across the rug as her hands stroked the wet tender flesh between her thighs.

She gasped as Ed came down on top of her, covering her nubile body with his own hard muscular frame. “Ahhhhh,” she whimpered, adjusting to the weight of the first man ever to be on top of her. “It’s wonderful, Mr. March!”

Gripping his thick cock in his hand, Ed guided the red tip to Terri’s glorious virgin pussy. He felt the scalding heat of the turned-on teenager on the tip of his cock. It made his blood boil. “It’s gonna hurt for a second,” he grunted, placing the tip of his cock between her velvety pussy lips.

“I don’t care,” Terri moaned, feeling the pressure of his cock sinking into the entrance of her virgin pussy. “Fuck me!”

Not the type to look a gift horse in the mouth, Ed took his hand away, poised himself above the young girl, and took a deep breath. His entire body was keyed to the fantastic fact that he was about ready to break in a little girl.

“Here it comes,” he grunted, driving his cock into her tight virgin twat. His body pushed, and the head of his prick met quick resistance from the thin membrane of her cherry.

Her body tense, Terri held him tight, prepared for the pain of his first jab. She could feel the pressure of his cockhead against her virginity. “Harder, Mr. March,” she urged, not caring about the pain, only the pleasure that was sure to follow.

Forgetting all restraint, Ed drove his cock through the thin tissue in her pussy, sinking his cock balls-deep inside her tight young pussy. He held it there, allowing the little girl to adjust to his huge cock.

“Ayyyiieeee!” Terri screamed as the pain of his slicing cock ripped through her cherry and deep into her cunt. The pain seared through her body. It felt as if her pussy were being torn apart. She fought the natural urge to rid herself of his ravaging prick. She threw her legs around his back, holding him inside her pussy. She twisted beneath him, gasping and growling like a wounded animal as she tried with all of her strength to accept this thick, long prick into her tiny cunt.

Ed felt the muscles of her pussy tugging, pulsating on his buried shaft. He felt the elasticity of her cunt closing around his shaft. He was surprised that the young girl was capable of taking such a large dick on the first plunge.

“Ohhhh, Mr. March,” Terri whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes as he kept his prick buried to the hilt. She lay still, panting hard, ragged breaths. She moved her ass back and forth across the rug, her cunt learning to accept this magnificent piece of cock. “The pain is going away,” she gasped, relieved.

Ed slipped his cock out gradually, until only the huge thick red tip was buried inside her young, tender cunt. He looked down, seeing flecks of blood, the reminder of the cherry he had just busted through.

Terri was afraid he had changed his mind. She arched up, wanting his cock to stay inside her body. “Ohhh, no, Mr. March,” Terri cried out. “Don’t take it out.”

“Relax, baby,” he soothed. “I’m not going anywhere.” Taking slow, easy strokes, his prick glided easily in and out of her slippery hole. He knew that once he began, there would be no mercy on this young girl. He wanted her tight pussy hole to be well-greased and accustomed to his cock before beginning the steady pounding of a violent fuck.

Terri’s tits ached so much, she was afraid they were going to burst. She felt the release of pressure as his cock slipped gently in and out of her cunt. “Fuck me,” she begged impatiently. “Fuck me like you fucked my mommy!”

The whimpering cries of the young child, the erotic tugging of her tender pussy, and the hot sensuous squirming of her sweet body beneath him was too much for him. His jaw firmed, the muscles in his neck tightened as his body prepared for the fuck of his life.

“Here it comes!” he growled, slamming his bulky prick into her pussy. Instead of meeting resistance, his cock, greased with her flowing, hot juices, pierced through her cuntlips and into the steamy depths of her tight pussy in one long plunge. Ed pulled his heavy cock out to the tip, and slammed it back in again, repeating it time after time after time.

“Ohhhhh, CHRIST!” Terri wailed, not believing the fabulous pleasure his cock was giving her. There was no comparison with getting sucked and licked, or getting off with her hand. This was the ultimate — his cock slamming in and out of her pussy.

She bucked like a tigress, arching up as she tried to match his powerful strokes with her own. Desperately she tried to catch the rhythm, her body humping and jerking frantically under his hard frame.

The pleasure of his dick was driving her insane. She drew her legs up to his side, pressing them tight, holding his driving body in a vise-like grip. With her knees drawn up and her pussy tilted, which gave Ed more room to jam his cock into her body, her ass now humped rhythmically, in sync with his.

“Fuck me! Fuck me!” she chanted, in unison with his pounding dick. “Make a woman out of me!”

Ed felt the hot boiling jism of his balls fill the tight heavy sacs. His cock swelled, preparing for the fiery cream as it reached the exploding point. He shortened his strokes, picking up the pace as he raced mindlessly to the edge of completion.

Sensing the new urgency of his thrusting cock, Terri became wild, not wanting to be left behind. She arched up, grinding her youthful, blood-filled clit into his hard groin. With each downward lunge of his muscular body, she lifted her soft bottom off the floor, driving her clit into his hairy groin and making as much delightful contact as possible.

“Un! Un! Un!” she grunted, each time he plunged his meaty prick into her quivering young body. She bucked and humped, her ass was thrust upward. She could feel his cock enlarge her cunt. Racing toward the same summit, her mind was oblivious to everything except the exquisite feeling in her pussy.

“I’m ready!” Ed howled, his cock about to rupture. “Hold on!”

“Me too!” Terri cried in her delirium. “Me too!” Her young body became a fuck machine, catering to the whims of the marvelous cock invading her pussy. Furiously her body thrashed, her ass churned in circular motions, on a sure course to the summit.

“I’m comingggg!” Ed screamed, his storming cock erupting, spewing its hot milky load into her tight, juicy pussy. “I’m comingggg!”

Terri felt the hot stream of cum burn a path up into her pussy. It was the strangest yet most erotic thing she had ever felt in her cunt. It triggered her own climax. Her pussy exploded like a volcano blowing off its lid. Her hot bubbling juice poured from her cunt, drenching his hard-driving cock, gushing down his balls like lava spewing from a mountain top.

“AGGGHHHHH!” she screamed, her voice shrill, her mouth agape as her piercing scream filled the room. Her ass bucked up, her cunt pulsed, throbbed, clung desperately to his jabbing prick as she toppled over the peak. Her mind was spinning and her cunt a raging inferno of boiling juices.

Ed felt her pussy clamp onto his driving shaft. He pounded her to the floor, forgetting that beneath him was a child, and not too long ago, a virgin child. He smashed his prick into her with a vengeance, driving it deeper with each hard lunge. His balls erupted again and again, sending through his fiery prick hot white loads of jism that seared her climaxing cunt.

They slammed at each other for what seemed an eternity, yet was no longer than a few earth-shattering minutes. Each body — the young soft virgin and the hard muscular man — sped to the end. Their bodies were shaking, quivering lumps of mindless pleasure.

Terri’s ass thrust up at him as he remained steady and firm above her, his cock still spurting its thick wads. She fucked herself mercilessly on his squirting dick, impaling herself as she twisted and turned. Her clit was a raw piece of flesh grinding into his groin.

For the last time she bucked upward, at the same instant that Ed slammed down. She shrieked, holding him tight as he collapsed on top of her, his cock throbbing. The last of his cum oozed from his piss-hole. She trembled beneath him, her body jangling with the after-shocks of her first fuck.

“Ohhhh, Mr. March,” she gasped, still shaking. “It was the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me.”

Ed rolled off, his cock popping out of her tight hole. Juice, cum, and flecks of blood still clung to his shrinking shaft. “I think it’s about time you called me Ed.”

Terri giggled. “Okay, Ed. It was a great fuck.”

“You’ll have a lot more, baby,” he said, catching his breath. “You’re young and beautiful.”

“None as great as this one,” she said, with awe and promise in her voice. “I’ll never forget it.” She rolled into his arms, hugging him affectionately.

“Did your mother really tell you to seduce me?” he asked, still not believing the young child.

“She didn’t tell me to. I wanted to. She just said it was okay.” She looked up at him, her eyes bright with passion. “You’re not sorry, are you?”

“He better not be,” Carol said, coming into the room. “You just gave him your prize possession and I condoned it.” She sat on the couch, wearing only a thin transparent baby doll nightie.

Ed sat up with a start. “Carol!”

Carol smiled down at them. “I care for you a lot Ed, and so does Terri. What better way could we tell you how much we care?” Ed looked at them both — the full voluptuous woman, then her child counterpart. “I intend to make you both very happy.”

Terri licked her lips, looking at her mother. “You were right, Mommy, he couldn’t refuse my virginity.” She giggled. “I’m a woman now.”

“Yes, baby,” Carol said, looking at her naked child on the floor. Her hand was between Ed’s legs, holding his cock. “You’re a woman now.”



Terri, her mother and Ed March rode horseback up to the barn.

“This is the most fun I’ve had in my life,” Terri said breathlessly, climbing down from her golden pony.

Carol climbed down, feeling better than she had felt in over a year. The sight of her daughter’s obvious happiness almost brought tears to her eyes. “You take to riding like you took to sex. You ride as if you were born to the saddle.”

“Your mother is right, Terri,” Ed added. “You ride like a champion and fuck like a champion.”

Ed and Carol both laughed lightly as Terri stood by the pony, her cheeks burning. “Why, thank you both,” she said bashfully. “I get all my talent from my mother.” She patted the animal’s neck. “He’s a beautiful pony, Ed.”

“She’s yours, if you and your mother stay,” Ed offered.

Terri looked at her mother, her eyes pleading. “Ohhh, can we, please, Mommy?”

“We’ll talk about it tonight,” she said. “Right now, I think it’s time we stripped off their saddles, and brushed them down.”

“Carol and I will take care of your pony for you,” Ed said. “There’s a surprise in the house.”

“What is it?” Terri asked, beaming with enthusiasm.

“You’ll see when you get inside,” Carol said. “Now go on in the house and have fun with your surprise. We’ll be in later.” She took the pony’s reins from Terri, and patted her daughter on the rump.

“Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Ed,” she said. Terri turned and ran to the house, her heart bursting with excitement and curiosity.

She rushed inside the house as Ed and Carol watched. Terri checked every room on the first floor and found nothing. Her curiosity mounting, she ran up the stairs, her long legs taking the steps two at a time. It must be in my room, she decided, hurrying down the hall.

She opened the door to her room and stopped cold in her tracks. On the bed was a large, sleek, fawn-colored Great Dane. His long sinewy body was spread across the bed. She spotted a note attached to the dog’s studded collar.

The dog looked up, his large, dark oval eyes following her as she approached. His thin tail wagged as she stroked his back and took the note off his neck.

Nervously, Terri read the note: “This magnificent dog is a present to you from me. Your mother told me how much you enjoyed King licking you. Duke here is an exceptional dog. His previous mistress trained him in every way to please her needs. Enjoy his special abilities to the fullest. He’s yours, no matter what your mother decides about staying.” It was signed simply — “Ed”.

Terri stood back from the dog, surveying his smooth and lustrous body. Trembling, she petted his large head. He was a giant, a mammoth of a dog. She had never seen one larger. She shook with erotic thoughts about what he had been taught, and her body began to smolder. Her tits swelled inside the lightweight top she was wearing. This was a gift she’d always treasure.

Her hand moved down his flank to his hind quarters, and Duke rolled on his side, his leg lifting up in the air. She giggled nervously, stroking the inside of his hind thigh. She could hear his steady breathing over her own pounding heart. It made her wonder if the dog was as horny as King. The thought of King made her knees weak and she looked again at Duke. Her hand ran smoothly along the dog’s belly, moving apprehensively down between his hind legs to his cock, which was hidden by its hairy sheath.

The dog lay on the bed, docile, his head resting on the pillow as he remained on his side. His mouth was open and his great tongue hung out as he breathed heavily. It was almost as if he knew what she was going to do. He whimpered expectantly, and waited patiently for his mistress to do whatever she wished.

“Good boy, Duke,” she whispered, stroking his belly, still shy about touching his cock. “Good boy.”

Her mouth was parched as she neared his cock. The temptation was too strong. She could no longer fight the desire to see the dog’s prick. Her hands, the palms sweaty with anxiety, swept over his belly, touching the hairy sheath that covered his cock. She could feel the strength of the huge dog as she slid her hand up and down.

Duke whimpered, his rear jerking on her hand, his long thick tongue hanging out of his mouth. Panting, the dog humped her hand, his hard, lean muscles coiled. His eyes glowed brightly.

Nervously, Terri’s hand brought the sheath back, exposing his firm reddish-purple cock to her curious gaze. It was a magnificent piece of cockmeat. She trembled with the thought of having it jammed in her pussy the way King had fucked her mother.

She stroked it rapidly, making the dog whine. She squeezed her thighs together, the juice from her cunt oozing, soaking her jeans. She stepped back from the dog, her breathing heavy and irregular. “We are gonna have fun,” she sighed, looking hungrily at the dog.

Terri stripped quickly, her young, naked body exposed before the hot and jittery Great Dane. She climbed on the bed, gently stroking the lean flank of the dog, her hands all over his short-haired glossy coat. She could feel the strength surging through his loins, and shivered in heavenly anticipation. She spread her legs, wanting the dog to lick her pussy first, before she climbed on all fours and let him doggie fuck her.

“Lick me,” she moaned. “Lick me, Duke. Lick your new horny mistress.” She squirmed on the bed, eager for the dog’s long, pinkish-red tongue.

Duke sniffed his young mistress, his cold nose touching Terri’s hot quivering flesh. Occasionally his long, broad tongue flicked out, swiping across Terri’s expectant body, making her moan and shudder. He seemed to be more interested in her scent at the moment, sniffing her neck, arms, and near the silky patch of pussy hair.

It was when his cold nose hit her boiling twat that Terri went wild. She humped up, trying to get his broad face in her snatch. “Ohhhhh, Duke,” she whimpered. “Lick me! For Christ’s sake, lick me!”

Duke straddled her on the bed, his ears perked up, eyes alert. His long, sensuous tongue slid across his jowls. Terri gazed down and saw his cock protruding from its hairy sheath. She stroked his prick, whimpering noises emanating from her throat. She wriggled her ass, wondering why the dog wasn’t licking her.

The huge dog’s body tensed as Terri rubbed his cock. He growled low in his throat, glaring down at his mistress. He moved up, his cock coming out of her hands as he licked her face, his tongue warm and slippery to her tender skin.

“Oooooo, yessss,” Terri sighed, relieved that the dog was at last licking her. She moved her head, letting the dog’s tongue lap across her neck. “Ummmmmm. Ummmmmmm!”

Duke’s tongue licked across her neck and shoulders, his thick, slippery tongue soaking her armpits. He flashed his tongue across the budding mounds of her young titties, over the soft white flesh and pink nipple. The tip ached for a deep suck.

“Duke,” she moaned, petting his broad head with her hands as he drenched her tits with his saliva. The lower half of her body twisted, her pussy dripping for his tongue or his dick. “Soooooo good, Duke. Sooooo good!”

The sleek dog seemed to sense he was pleasing his young mistress. He began nibbling on the hard pointed tips of her firm titties. Although his teeth were sharp, he was gentle, licking and nibbling tenderly on the sensitive flesh.

“Oh, my God,” she cried, exquisite pleasure sending hot flashes through her groin. She lifted her legs, using her knees to touch and rub Duke’s cock. Her hands frantically petted his face and firm legs. She arched her back, attempting to get her whole tit into the dog’s large mouth.

Duke was slobbering on her tits, his body taut from her legs tugging and teasing his prick. He growled, nipping with a new urgency on her tits, the pointed tips of his canines sinking into the hard flesh of her nipples.

“Agghhhhh!” Terri howled, pushing his head away from her titties. “AGGHHRR!” She squirmed up on the bed, wanting him, needing him to lick her pussy.

Duke looked at his lust-crazed mistress. He seemed to know that he had hurt her. He licked her belly, rib cage and thighs in a manner that begged forgiveness. He soaked her entire body, his mouth never touching Terri’s pussy.

“What am I going to do?” she cried, her body churning under the Great Dane as he licked and nibbled on her tender flesh. Frustrated and angry, she rolled over on her belly. At once, the dog began licking her back and neck. His tongue flashed over her spine, down to the soft quivering meat of her ass cheeks.

Terri, her hand under her body, her fingers pushing and stroking her clit, lifted up, hoping and praying that the dog would take the hint and lick her asshole. She waited, her body shaking with frustration, her fingers delving into the soft wet folds of her cunt.

Duke chewed her pliable ass cheeks and slender hips, his tongue drenching every inch of flesh it found. As if on cue, Duke’s mood changed from docile to agitated. His nose pushed between Terri’s creamy ass cheeks, burrowing into her tiny crack. His tongue darted out, lapping her crack and the pouting lobes of her pussy.

“Ooooaaah,” Terri sighed with joy, Duke’s tongue swiping across her fingers as she played with her clit. “Yessss, Duke! Yesssss!”

She wriggled her ass in Duke’s face, her mouth open, eyes glazed with fiery lust. She squirmed frantically against his face and tongue. Taking her hand away from her pussy, she reached around with both hands and separated her ass cheeks, affording Duke more room for his marvelous tongue. Holding her creamy cheeks apart, she trembled as Duke began to feast on the heavenly delights of Terri’s asshole.

Duke gobbled on Terri’s ass and tight-ringed hole. His tongue teased the tiny entrance, pushing, trying to invade it. With the extra room that Terri afforded him, Duke crammed his snout between her cheeks. His tongue slurped on her crack, then, in one mighty lunge, he stiffened his tongue and rammed her asshole with it.

“OOOOHHHHH!” Terri howled, the fabulous feeling in her ass driving her wild. She rocked her hips, the tip of his tongue penetrating her asshole. Supporting her weight with her knees and shoulders, she let go of her ass cheeks. She reached under and stroked her clit and dripping pussy as Duke lapped and tongue-fucked her asshole.

Duke, highly agitated by the erotic scent of Terri’s ass and pussy, gobbled her meaty flesh. Pushing, shoving his face into her ass, his tongue led the way, darting into her tight brown puckered hole. His tongue groped in side her, lapping the pulsing walls of her ass.

Unable to stand the strain, Terri humped the dog’s face, her fingers clawing her own pussy. She was strung out, trying to get off, but unable to take that final step over the edge. The fabulous feeling in her ass was overpowering. It was the first time she had ever had anything in there. She reveled in the thrilling thought of Duke licking her there.

“Un! Un! Un!” she grunted as Duke whipped his tongue in and out of her ass. Her body jerked and thrashed under him, her mouth drooling as her head lay on the pillow, her ass perched high in the air. Clawing and pulling on her clit, her fingers were unable to bring her off. Terri whined, a frenzied whine that matched Duke’s as he scoured her asshole with his long pink tongue. She bounded up as his tongue sank deep inside her body. She trembled uncontrollably, praying that this would be the final thrill that would send her off on a mind-bending orgasm. It was no use. The exquisite pleasure of his tongue in an unfamiliar area was too much. Instead of relaxing, and letting nature take its course, Terri was too absorbed in the hard, tantalizing tongue that was reaming her asshole.

She couldn’t stand it anymore. She needed her orgasm. She jerked free of Duke, rolled on her back, and spread her legs, praying that he would give the same undivided attention to her pussy as he had her asshole.

She didn’t have to wait. Duke, knowing what was expected of him, dropped on his belly before the wet silky slit of Terri’s twat.

“Lick me,” she pleaded, wishing the dog could understand. “Oh, CHRIST! Lick me!” She wriggled her soft bottom on the bed, enticing Duke to use his tongue on her.

Duke’s tongue flashed out, swiping across her gash and hard, button-like clit. It was as if a dam had been broken. Terri went wild with his contact. She bucked and jerked, moaning and whimpering, then fell back on the bed, every muscle taut, waiting for the next exotic splash of his tongue. She didn’t have to wait long. Duke had the scent and the taste.

Duke’s whipping tongue became a blur as he lapped her drooling cuntlips. He slurped and licked, drinking the sweet juices. His tongue, trained in the ways of pleasing a woman, flashed across her clit, sending the passionate teenager into heavenly bliss. His tongue wormed its way between the velvety folds of her pussy and into the steamy gash of her young cunt.

Driven by lust, Terri clawed at the sheets as Duke’s tongue attacked the insides of her cunt, teasing the tender walls. Her hips rocked on his snout, her clit banging into his wet cold nose.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” she panted, her body contorting in agonizing bliss.

Her vibrant body bucked and twisted on the Great Dane’s thick snout. She cooed warbling sounds of pleasure as Duke’s tongue explored and snaked in and out of her hole. Her head tossed from side to side, her light blonde hair swishing across her crimson face as her hips humped frantically up and down on the bed.

Duke, half-crazed by the flowing juices of the young girl’s pussy and her violent thrashing on his slurping mouth, growled, inching up closer to her wet, delectable pussy. He began nibbling on her loose pussy flesh, nibbling on the clit that stuck out hard and vulnerable to his sharp canine teeth. His head was banging back and forth between her thighs, his teeth and tongue driving Terri mad with desire as she climbed closer to the release her body craved beyond all other things.

“Ohhhhhh! I’m coming!” Terri screamed to the empty room. “CHRIST!” She wriggled down on the dog’s large face, grinding her clit into his hard nose, banging it against him mercilessly, her mind spinning in delirium as she climaxed. Her cunt pulsated on his tongue as he licked the oozing walls of her exploding twat. The muscles tried in vain to capture the elusive tongue that was driving her crazy. They wanted to milk it, drain it.

“OAGHHHH!” Her voice pierced the air, mingling with the sounds of the squeaking bed and Duke’s growling as she humped like a young wildcat on the dog’s slurping mouth.

With his face covered with creamy pussy juice, Duke buried his snout in her cunt, stretching the fibers of her pussy to allow his tongue free access to the delectable meat inside the caldron of her sweet pussy. With frenzied motions the dog shook his head. His teeth nibbled, occasionally nipping hard, making Terri buck and hump involuntarily on his digging snout.

Her mouth opening in panic, Terri shouted, the sound lost somewhere in her throat as she gurgled, strung out in the fiery heights of her orgasm. She arched her ass, grinding her pussy viciously against the dog’s slobbering mouth. She growled in her throat, twitching until her body could no longer stand the earth-shattering pace she had set. Her body contorted in an acrobatic twist and fell back on the bed, a glob of putty, her muscles and her mind weak, sapped of all strength and energy.

Duke continued to eat, slurping and drinking the hot bubbling juice of her pussy as Terri occasionally twitched beneath his tongue. The dog’s body was taut, erratically squirming on the bed, prepared for release. He lifted his head, his tongue hanging from the side of his mouth, milky white juice covering his snout. He climbed on her leg, unable to comprehend what was now expected of him. In the past there had been something for his cock to fuck. He humped Terri’s leg in a wild frenzy, unable to get what he had been taught to expect. He barked, trying to tell his new mistress of his neglected needs.

Panting and blinking, her mind was still swimming from the fantastic orgasm Duke had given her. The Great Dane waited, his long hard cock red and wet, ready for fucking. There were no words needed between them. Terri understood. Too weak to get on all fours to support herself, Terri crawled down between the huge dog’s legs until her hand was below his cock.

She licked her lips in anticipation. His cock was gigantic — a long, pointed, fiery red tip, glistening with juice and throbbing with vigor and strength. She only wished she had the strength to let Duke fuck her. She stroked him, making the huge dog whine in agitation. The power of his meaty cock made her tired and exhausted body tremble.

An idea came into her fuzzy brain, a perverted erotic idea. She crawled out from under the dog, eyeing his prick. “Lie down, boy,” she said softly. “Lie down for Terri.” She petted his rump, making the dog sit. With tired arms, she nudged him. “Roll over, boy. Roll over and you can fuck my mouth.” Saying it made her shake.

The dog rolled over onto his side. Terri, still dizzy from her orgasm, and now thrilled with the anticipation of sucking a dog’s huge, meaty cock, moaned and whimpered in ecstasy. She petted his flank, her hand quivering with the idea of what she was going to do. It was no longer just touching a dog’s cock. It was putting it in her mouth. She gasped, her mouth open as she squirmed on the bed until Duke’s voluminous cock was near her lips.

“Ooooo, Duke,” she cooed. “I can’t wait.”

The dog, sensing that he would soon be relieved, lay still, letting Terri do as she wished, his head resting on the bed. He panted and whined, waiting for Terri to begin.

Terri was thrilled with the thought of reciprocating. Her tongue licked across the dog’s prick tentatively — she was apprehensive yet erotically curious about the taste of doggie meat. “Mmmmmmm,” she sighed, as Duke flinched from the touch of her hot, moist tongue.

Her hand rubbed his prick and her tongue flicked across the exposed cock as it appeared out of its sheath. Her body tingled with pleasure as she put her lips around his cock and sucked deeply.

With Duke’s body keyed and ready for fucking, he humped Terri’s gobbling mouth, his sharp teeth bared as he lay on his side. He tried to get up on his hind legs and fuck her hot, clinging mouth in the conventional manner, but her hungry lips and sucking mouth kept him pinned on his side.

Terri gobbled on his cock, her tongue flashing up and down his meaty prick-sucking, nibbling, licking. Her hands ran erratically over his well-groomed body. Her greedy mouth was everywhere, on his cockhead, shaft, and hairy balls. She chewed with a passion, slurping, and licking his cream as it seeped from his piss-hole.

She lifted her head for a moment to catch her breath, her eyes fiery as they glared at his prick. She rubbed her cunt. It was sore and sensitive to the touch. She frowned, wanting to feel that fantastic piece of doggie cock in her twat.

Duke scrambled quickly to his feet, straddling her ass while she sat on the bed. She fell backwards as he nudged her with his broad head. An idea popped into her head. She wanted Duke to have as much pleasure as she did. She scrambled to the floor, propping her back against the foot of the bed. She whistled and Duke leaped onto the floor in front of her, whining for relief. She pulled him up between her legs, helping him get his front paws over the edge of the bed and bringing his cock right to her lips.

“Now, Duke. Fuck my mouth like you would a bitch in heat.”

Crazed, Duke danced on his powerful hind legs, his cock banging against her face in an effort to fuck her. He growled, his teeth bared, his cock hitting Terri everywhere but in the warm recesses of her mouth.

Terri, caught by surprise, finally reacted. She grabbed Duke’s cock and guided his massive prick into her waiting mouth. It hit the back of her throat as she sucked ravenously on the shaft, her teeth grazing along the meaty underside of his pounding prick. It stabbed into her throat, making her gag.

With her head against the foot of the bed, she had nowhere to go. Duke’s thick, mighty prick entered her throat, sinking deep in her gullet as she held his furry balls. She whipped her tongue across his driving meat. Her lips and cheeks sucked in as she used all her strength to suck his doggie cum out of his balls.

“Ughhhh! Ugh! Unnnnn!” She gurgled as Duke’s cock jabbed again and again into her tight throat. She could hear a steady whine and low growl as Duke pumped her face, his back legs moving frantically to keep his balance as he fucked Terri’s sucking mouth.

Her hands caressed his asshole, her body tingling as her finger touched his tiny shitter. She teased it as her other hand caressed his balls and the large dog came closer to splattering her mouth with his hot doggie cum.

The dog, frantic and crazed with mindless passion, banged mercilessly into Terri’s mouth. His cock swelled, his balls tightened, and he yelped loudly. A thick jetstream of doggie cum surged from his balls, through his thick cock, and jettisoned into Terri’s gobbling mouth.

Terri gagged as the hot load of jism hit the back of her throat, sliding down her gullet. More hot wads followed the first, and in greater quantities. The horny teenager was unable to swallow all of Duke’s thick jism. It filled her mouth, spilling out of her clinging, sucking lips, and running down her chin to her titties.

Still the dog came, pounding — slamming — Terri’s mouth as if it were a female dog’s hot hole. He growled noisily, his large front paws spread on the bed, his thick and powerful hind legs balancing his great body as he fucked Terri’s face. He moved in a blur, a blur of sleek, sinewy muscles.

Terri, her mind incapable of comprehending the magnitude of the dog’s climax, remained still, her head plastered against the foot of the bed as he jammed his cock into her mouth. She sucked, her tongue moving in frantic circles around his humping prick, her finger touching — tormenting — the dog’s asshole. Cum gushed from her lips, her eyes blinked in wonderment at the speed with which Duke was slamming that magnificent prick into her mouth.

Whining from the sucking pressure of Terri’s hungry mouth, Duke pulled his cock out from her lips, the last of his doggie jism splashing her in the face. He jumped up on the bed, his body curling up in a ball, and closed his eyes, his body relieved.

Terri sat up. It was one of the most fantastic things she had done since deciding that sex was to be enjoyed instead of shunned. She climbed up on the bed with Duke, curling up next to him, her body as tired and exhausted as the dog’s. With her body sticky with a mixture of doggie cum and the juices of her own young pussy, Terri slept with Duke, a deep, heavy sleep of complete satisfaction.



Carol walked in, seeing her young daughter lying naked on the bed next to the huge Great Dane. “Look at this, Ed,” she whispered.

Ed stepped next to Carol by the bedroom door. He stared down at the little teenager, her naked body bringing back last night’s passionate session with her. It seemed unbelievable that the sweet young thing on the bed could be the same erotic woman who fucked him blind on the living room floor. “Your daughter is beautiful, Carol.”

“Thank you, Ed,” Carol said, taking his hand and bringing him into her daughter’s room. “I think she fucked the dog senseless.”

“I can believe that,” Ed said, grinning. “She has a flair for anything sexual.” He put his arms around Carol, hugging her. “She takes after you.”

Terri opened her eyes, and dreamily focused on her mother and Ed. She stretched, unashamed of her nudity, confident in her femininity. “Have I been asleep long?” she asked, sitting up, her young tits bouncing slightly, the tips pink and soft.

“Not too long, baby,” Carol said, sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking Duke’s side.

Still mesmerized by the beauty and innocence of Terri, Ed ogled her, his cock twitching in his pants. “Did you like my present?” An image of the dog fucking her raced through his mind.

“Ohhh, yes,” she squealed with delight. “He’s the best present in the whole world. His previous mistress must have been horny as hell.”

“She was,” Ed said. “She gave her to me when I sold her a young pony.”

“God!” Terri exclaimed. “I can just imagine what she’ll do with the pony.” She rubbed her crotch lewdly, making her mother laugh.

“Did you have fun with Duke?” Carol asked, stroking the dog’s hind leg absent-mindedly, her hand brushing near his cock.

Terri nodded enthusiastically. “He did everything a girl could ask for. His mistress must have taught him to lick her all over until she was crazy. I never thought the dog was going to touch my cunt.”

“He didn’t fuck you?” Carol asked, surprised.

Terri blushed, her cheeks warming. “In a way. We were so crazy hot, I let him fuck my mouth.” She turned her head away, embarrassed.

Carol shook her head in awe. “You certainly aren’t the shy little girl I thought you were.” The conversation was making Carol hot and her hand unconsciously began fondling Duke’s huge dick through the hairy sheath.

“I’m all grown up,” Terri said proudly. “I’m a woman.” She petted Duke’s broad head as her mother caressed his furry balls and shaft.

Ed looked at the two horny females in wonderment, happy he had latched onto them. He planned to do everything in his power to entice them to stay. It wasn’t every day a man got the chance to have a beautiful woman who reeked of sex, a teenager who exuded innocence, and both of them having a love of animals like he himself had.

“Why don’t the two of you have a little fun with Duke here. I’m going downstairs for awhile.” He stood up, his cock beginning to grow in his pants. “I’m sure Duke will appreciate the extra attention.”

“Great, it’ll be fun,” Terri exclaimed happily. “Don’t stay away too long. We want to have fun with you, too.”

Ed’s eyes brightened at the prospect of making it with both women at the same time. “I won’t be long.” He kissed each of them and left.

“Do you want Duke’s cock in your pussy this time?” Carol asked her daughter.

Terri nodded brightly. “Later. Let’s have some fun first.” She stroked her own cunt, and spread her legs, the dog’s broad massive head lying between her sticky thighs. Terri inched down until the top of his head was touching her pussy. “He licked me great, Mommy. I thought I was going out of mind.” She was rocking back and forth on each ass cheek, the loose velvety lips of her young pussy brushing against the short coarse hair of Duke’s head. “Mmmmmmm!”

Carol petted Duke’s cock, feeling him begin to grow hard under the steady manipulations of her hand. “What was it like sucking him?”

Terri felt proud for doing something her mother hadn’t tried. “I thought he’d drive it through my head when he was coming.” She giggled. “If I hadn’t practiced on Ed last night, I think I would have been too scared to do it. Sucking Ed’s cock gave me the confidence I needed.”

“Ed thinks the world of you, Terri,” Carol said, making the tip of Duke’s cock appear from its hairy sheath. “He wants us to stay on the farm with him.”

“Are we, Mommy?” Terri burst out, getting into the hot feeling of having her clit scraped against Duke’s coarse, hairy head. She rested back on the heel of her hands, squirming against his head, his ear tickling her pussy slit.

“If you want to, baby,” Carol said. “I didn’t want to do anything without consulting you first.”

“I want to, Mommy,” Terri said, overjoyed at the prospect of having a new father, one she could fuck and suck with her mother.

“We’ll tell him tonight,” Carol said. She stood up and began to strip. “If we’re going to have some fun with this rammy dog, I think I should be undressed like my daughter.”

Terri giggled, and watched her mother get undressed, marveling at the sight of her gorgeous body — her large, creamy tits, full without any trace of sagging, her trim waist, and her rounded hips and endless legs. “You’re gorgeous, Mommy,” Terri said, aroused by her beauty.

“Thank you, baby.” Carol climbed on the bed at the other end of the huge Great Dane. “Now let’s have a little fun with Duke.”

“I’ve already started.” Terri rocked back and forth on Duke’s head. Her pussy was seeping frothy white cream, leaving sticky droplets on the top of Duke’s head.

“You don’t waste any time, huh?” Carol said, rubbing her hands in anticipation of what she intended to do with the large dog. She stroked him on his belly as he lay quietly on the bed. Her fingers traced a path to his cock. She pulled back the hairy skin of his sheath, exposing his red glistening prick to her lustful gaze. “CHRIST! I’ll bet he’s delicious.”

“He is, Mommy,” Terri said, her body beginning to heat up as her pussy scraped erotically against Duke’s head. “I wish I could shove his whole damn head in me.” Terri sat up, holding the broad head of the dog as she squirmed her clit against him.

Carol watched her horny daughter, listening to the squishy sounds her young cunt made as she churned against the dog’s immobile head. Carol’s own cunt was getting juicy. She slid a hand between her thighs, a finger slipping through the hot sticky folds of her pussy lips. She pulled her shiny wet finger out, then rubbed it on the tip of Duke’s now protruding prick.

“Lick him, Mommy,” Terri urged, her body tingling deliriously as she humped the large dog’s head. “Suck his dick!”

“Yes, baby,” Carol sighed, staring at the huge red cock between Duke’s tan-haired thighs. She pulled the skin back, exposing the entire length of the dog’s massive cock. “It’s enormous!”

“Uh, huh,” Terri agreed vehemently, her head spinning from the rough contact her clit was making against the short coarse hair of Duke’s head. Her eyes were fixed on her mother’s face, which was lowering to meet Duke’s cock. “Suck himmmmmm! Ohhhhh!” Terri encouraged.

Carol’s lips quivered nervously as they touched the raw flesh of Duke’s mighty prick. The dog twitched momentarily, then remained still. He was well-trained. “Ummmmm,” Carol sighed, flicking her tongue out, snaking it around the pointed red tip of the dog’s thick, hulking cock.

“Ohhh, Mommy,” Terri cooed, her eyes glued to her mother’s tongue licking the dog’s prick. “Watching you is getting me sooo fucking hot!”

Carol looked up from between Duke’s hairy thighs to find her daughter squirming and humping her young body against the dog’s head, her face a mask of pure lust. “I’m gonna suck him off, baby,” Carol rasped, “while you fuck his head.”

“I want him in me so bad,” Terri moaned, yearning to be fucked by Duke. She screwed her pussy down on him, grinding her clit into his hard head, the coarse hair irritating the tender exposed clit and his pointed ear tantalizingly rubbing her gash.

“You will, baby,” Carol promised her teenage daughter. “I wanna suck him awhile first.” She dropped her head to Duke’s soft, furry belly, her tongue worming around his extended cock. She licked the dog’s tangy prick with enjoyment.

Her tongue skimmed across one side of his long sticky prick, around his cockhead, and down the other side. She covered his balls with spit, curious about the furry things, and enjoying the difference between his balls and Ed’s sagging nuts. She hummed, sending sound vibrations through the dog’s balls as she held his cock in her tight, grasping hand.

Carol took her mouth off Duke’s balls, ready to begin sucking his cock in earnest. She opened her mouth wide, taking the doggie cock between her pouting lips and into her mouth. She drew in her lips, sucking deeply, getting some thin jism from his tip. She felt his cock throb, and her cunt ached for a prick, any prick that would put out the raging fire smoldering in her loins.

“Ooooooooo, Mommy,” Terri wailed, her supple ass cheeks bouncing furiously on the bed as she tried sucking Duke’s head into her cunt. “I’m gonna cum soon!”

The huge Great Dane lay perfectly still, his sinewy muscles and his powerful sleek body taut as the two females used him to satisfy their own base needs. Trained from a puppy, Duke knew what was expected, and knew his reward would be always waiting for him, after he had obeyed his mistress. His back legs quivered as Carol’s mouth gobbled voraciously on his prick. Whimpering and whining, his tongue flashed out of his mouth.

“Uuuuuuh,” Terri uttered low, feeling his tongue slapping gently on her sticky inner thigh. She squirmed hotly, longing for his tongue, and at the same time drawn to the roughness of his hair on her clit. Twisting, she adjusted herself, wanting that long snake-like tongue up her pussy hole.

“Lick it, Duke,” she urged, her ass bouncing, her hips rocking as she banged her clit into his cold nose. “Lick it!”

Duke’s tongue flicked out a mile, darting into the steamy hot canal of her pussy. Worming around inside the hot caldron of her cunt, he licked the seeping walls of her sensitive cunt, causing Terri to churn her pussy into his head.

“Un! Ohhh! Aghhh!” Terri growled, saliva gurgling deep in her throat as she fell back on the bed, exhausted, too weak to keep herself propped up anymore. She clawed the bed sheets, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling. His muzzle snuggled deep in her pussy. She bucked involuntarily against his hard snout, driving her clit into his sharp teeth.

“AGHHHHH!” she wailed as the pain surged through her clit, and soared through her boiling pussy. Terri did it again, until the pain became pleasure. This was more exquisite than rubbing her clit into his short rough hair.

She slammed into the dog, his tongue tormenting the inside of Terri’s cunt, driving her wild with agonizing pleasure. Humping rhythmically, she brought herself to the peak. “I’m cominggggg,” she shouted, the words lost to the dog and to her mother who was feasting on the dog’s huge red cock. “Ohhhh, CHRIST!”

Terri pulled her knees up to her chest, her clit losing contact with the dog’s wet nose. Sobbing, she dropped her legs frantically, delirious with passion as she closed her thighs around the dog’s head, capturing him in her snatch. She bucked and rode his tongue and sharp teeth like a bitch in heat, a creaming hot bitch.

Her orgasm swept over her trembling body like a tidal wave, racking her nerves, ripping through her pussy in one vast surge of awesome power. She screamed, reaching between her flaying thighs and holding the dog’s mighty head firm as she humped him. Her clit exploded again and again while Duke’s tongue reamed her gushing pussy. Terri bolted, her body in spasms. Then she fell back, sobbing and crying for more, needing more than just a tongue this time to satisfy the foaming desire in her young, tormented pussy.

She pulled away from the dog’s lapping tongue, seeing her mother dining on the delightful meat of Duke’s cock. She drooled at the mouth, her eyes glassy with lust, her body caught up in a vortex of passion, strung out with nowhere to go, needing the dick her mother was sucking to end it, to satisfy her fiery cunt.

“Get away,” she gurgled, like a child gone mad. “I need his prick in me. His mouth wasn’t enough. I need more.” She pushed her mother away from Duke.

Carol realized what her delirious daughter was going through. Sometimes getting sucked off wasn’t enough. Only a dick could fill the aching void. “I’ll help,” Carol said. “Get on all fours, like I did when King fucked me.”

“Yes, Mommy,” Terri said, the words penetrating her numb mind. She rolled over on her stomach while her mother held Duke back. Terri got on her hands and knees. Gasping heavily, her body trembled for the feel of a cock in her young pussy. Knowing what his prick felt like in her mouth made it even more erotic, and her cunt juice saturated her pussy lips and thighs.

Carol looked at her daughter while stroking Duke’s glossy coat. “Fuck her good, doggie. She’s your mistress now.” Carol threw a blanket across Terri’s back, fixing it so he wouldn’t scratch her daughter. She made a kissing sound with her lips, and Duke mounted Terri. His hind legs danced as he strained, trying to get his doggie cock into Terri’s hot dripping pussy.

Terri wriggled her ass, longing for Duke to plunge his cock deep in her pussy. His sticky prickhead banged against her thighs and ass cheeks. “AAAAA, Duke! Duke!”

Carol watched, her eyes transfixed on the huge dog behind her daughter. It was totally erotic, and totally perverted. It drove her wild. She petted the frenzied dog’s back as he jerked and humped. Finally his long red cock sunk into Terri’s hot pussy.

“OHHHHRHHH!” Terri moaned, her cunt filling up with Duke’s fantastic prick. “OooooH!” She pushed her ass back, her body jerking violently as Duke stabbed his pointed cock into her.

“Fuck her,” Carol growled deep in her throat. “Fuck her!” Carol was hypnotized by her baby daughter being ravaged by the giant Great Dane. Her hands roamed over the dog’s muscular flank, reveling in the strength of the dog, remembering how it was when King had fucked her. She smiled as she tickled the dog’s furry balls. Now they both had a dog of their own. She bent her head between his legs, licking his hanging balls as he pounded his dick into Terri’s juicy cunt.

Terri was using all of her strength just to keep steady as the dog slammed his hard, meaty cock into her cunt. It slicked through the outer pussy lips, sinking deep inside her steaming depths. In rapid successive strokes, Duke brought them both along in their face to mutual orgasm.

His large paws clinging tightly to the young girl, Duke rammed his cock in and out of her tight pussy. His hind legs jerked frantically on the bed, his neck straining and his tongue lolling out the side of his open mouth. He was whining and whimpering, his hairy balls slapping against Terri as her mother licked them from between his legs.

Carol’s tongue darted across his swinging balls. Her hand ran between his legs, feeling Terri’s juice as it seeped from her cunt onto his plowing dick. She placed her hand at the entrance to her daughter’s cunt, enjoying the strange yet fantastic sensation of the dog lunging into the tight teenager. Carol sucked in her breath, taking away her gooey hand and running her fingers around the crack in Duke’s asshole. Hypnotized by the sight of her daughter and Duke, Carol inched her finger around the dog’s asshole, wanting to finger-fuck him while he plugged her daughter’s pussy hole.

Making up her mind, Carol took her juice-soaked finger and plunged it into Duke’s asshole. The dog yelped, but never lost a frantic stroke as he continued to fuck Terri’s pussy in a blind fury.

Carol explored the inner canal of Duke’s asshole, her mouth slobbering as she caressed his jism-filled balls and plunging cock with her other hand. She reamed him, scraping the inner walls with her fingertips, making the dog howl as he danced on his hind legs, his cock fucking Terri’s snatch.

Terri’s arms weakened, and she sank to the bed, her head lying sideways, her shoulders keeping her from falling over. She drooled on the pillow, her breathing shallow and ragged, her eyes staring blankly at the wall. “I’m gonna cum,” she gurgled, spit catching in her throat. She squirmed back, wallowing in the glorious feeling of Duke’s hard, thrusting cock as he ripped into her pussy. “I’m gonna cummmm!”

“Yesssss, baby,” Carol hissed. “Come all over this beautiful dog.” She picked up speed on her finger, driving it rapidly in and out of Duke’s asshole. “CUM, BABY!”

Listening to her mother, Terri was swept away in a violent climax that ripped through her body with ever-increasing momentum. Her body shook as the climax peaked — her tits swelled and her cunt gushed a steady stream of juice on Duke’s powerful prick.

“AAAAAAHHH!” Terri shrieked, her pussy erupting, her sweet-smelling juices bubbling over as she climaxed on Duke’s hard prick.

Duke’s cock exploded from the clinging pressure of Terri’s tight, pulsing cunt muscles. His hot doggie load splattered against the walls of her cunt, oozing out in great thick gobs as he squished and jammed his cock into her pussy.

“He’s coming too!” Terri screamed, her body being treated mercilessly by the dog. “Oh, my Christ! I can feel him in my belly!” Terri’s body bucked, taking every hard, squirting inch of the dog’s plowing prick. His hot thick cum mingled with her own juices, creating a new mixture of cum juice as it poured out of her cunt with each hard slam of Duke’s gushing cock. More of his jism filled Terri’s hungry, sucking cunt.

Carol fucked Duke’s ass hard with her finger. Her other hand was between his legs, stroking both his plunging cock and Terri’s hot clit. The juices flowed, soaking her hand, running down the dog’s balls and Terri’s thighs. It made Carol swoon to see her young daughter enjoy the thrills of doggie fucking. “Ohhhh, Terri. CUM! CUM!”

Her mind numb, exquisite feeling in her cunt, Terri banged her ass back and felt the dog’s hairy, sticky legs hitting her thighs as he slammed into her pussy. “I’m still coming!” Terri screamed, her limbs unable to support her. She was limp, her cunt bursting in wave after wave of excruciating orgasms. The only thing keeping her up was the dog. His cock was still plunging into her weak, exhausted body.

Duke growled, hitting her pussy in quick, thrusting jabs until he finished. He whimpered and pulled his cock out, jumping from the bed to the floor. He stayed in the corner, where he sat licking his tired spent dick.

Terri fell forward on the bed, a total wreck, unable to coordinate any muscle function. She lay there, gasping frantically for air.

“You rest, baby,” Carol soothed. “I got so damn fucking hot watching you, that I’m gonna find Ed and King, and have some fun of my own.”

“I’m gonna sleep for a week,” Terri panted, closing her eyes.



Carol padded barefoot down the hall to the stairs. “Ed!” she called, bouncing down the steps naked, her huge melon-shaped tits jiggling erotically. “Ed!”

“In here, hon,” he called, from the front room.

He was sitting in a chair, petting King’s head as Carol came into the room.

“Ohhhh, Ed, honey,” she sighed, falling in front of him. “I’m so hot. I just watched Duke fuck my little baby.” She was caressing Ed’s legs, inching closer with each stroke of her hand to his crotch. “She’s growing up so fast.”

“It seems that day when I came over with King, and we fucked, it broke the dam that was holding back your desires and Terri’s too.” Ed said, running his fingers through Carol’s silky long hair.

“Yes, Ed,” she cooed, fumbling with his zipper. “You made me realize what it’s like to be a full woman again.” Pulling his zipper down, she pulled out his limp cock. “Oooooo,” she pouted. “It’s soft, and I need it so much.”

“Use your mouth, honey,” Ed said, content with his life now that he had Carol and her young daughter, Terri, to fill the void created when his wife left him a few years ago. It was wonderful with Carol and young Terri. They both loved dogs and enjoyed sex with them, something his wife had abhorred.

Carol’s hungry lips nibbled at his limp cock. Whimpering, she tried to get the object of her affection hard. “Mmmmmm,” she moaned, opening her mouth, taking the head between her soft, moist lips. She swished her tongue around his piss-hole.

“Oh, yes,” Ed groaned, squirming in the chair, his ass rocking back and forth as Carol dined on the delectable meat of his cock. “Unnnn. Chew on it! Chew it!”

Carol obliged, her teeth nibbling and chewing on the soft flesh of his shaft. Her mouth smothered his cock in one fell swoop, her tongue tormenting his piss-slot. She cupped his balls, rubbing them gently in the palm of her hands. She toyed with the base of his cock, running her fingers in and out of his cock hair.

“Ohhhh, Carol,” Ed groaned pleasurably.

Carol sucked hard, drawing her head back. His cock was drawn into her mouth and she stretched his limp shaft, her fingers digging rhythmically into his soft meat. She eased up, bobbing her head up and down quickly, wanting it hard so he could put out the burning fire in her cunt.

“Ugh! Uh! Un!” Ed grunted, the passion in his groin being kindled by her avid lips and hungry mouth.

With his cock getting stiff, Carol fumbled with his pants and belt, making him lift up as she pulled them down. She pulled on his meaty prick, her tongue working like a frenzied snake, licking and soaking every inch of his cock with her warm spit. Never taking her mouth off his cock, she tugged his pants off his legs as he sat down again.

Her hands fluttered over his flesh like butterflies, caressing and flying over his muscular legs as his cock grew strong in her mouth. Her teeth sank into his meaty shaft. She could feel the power begin to surge through him, and her heart swelled with joy. Her hand went to her own pussy — stroking it — rubbing her clit until Ed would be ready to put out the raging inferno in her dripping pussy.

She lifted her head, looking lovingly up at him. Her hands held his prick as she rubbed the wet meat between her palms. She flicked her tongue across her lips, aiming her mouth at her obsession. She sucked, licked and chewed like a woman possessed. She felt it throb between her clinging lips, her mouth flying rapidly up and down his now hard and aching shaft.

“Stop!” Ed groaned, longing to fill her pussy with his cock.

Carol’s mouth flew off his cock, her eyes fiery orbs of passion. “Get on the floor. I want to be on top.”

Ed sprawled himself out on the floor, his huge cock sticking straight up in the air. “C’mon, honey,” he moaned. “Fuck me!”

Blubbering with passion, Carol crawled over to him, her tongue licking up and down his thighs and across his belly. Her hand gripped the base of his prick and she poised her open mouth over the red bulbous tip, her lips touching it lightly. She took away her hand. It remained straight up, her lips keeping it in place. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and slammed her face down on his cock. She jammed the entire length of his thick cock deep in her throat, her teeth scraping hard against the thin skin of his shaft.

“Ayyyieee!” he hollered, arching up off the floor, his cock stuffed in Carol’s gullet. He fell back, her teeth clenched tightly to the base of his shaft. He caught his breath, waiting for her to release his prick and climb on top of his prick.

Carol let his cock throb in her throat for a moment, then slowly took her mouth off. Her teeth dug into his hard shaft as she lifted her head.

“How did you like that?” she rasped, wild with desire. She clawed his body, her nails leaving thin red lines on his skin.

Ed could see she was crazed with lust. He grabbed her arm, pulling her hot shaking body on top of him. “Fuck me!” he growled.

His harsh voice penetrated her foggy, lust-filled mind. “Yesssss,” she gurgled, climbing up and straddling his muscular body. “Yesssss!”

Carol reached under her thighs, grabbing his cock, digging it into her wet scalding gash. “AaaaaaH!” she whimpered in delight. She almost fell over as she planted his cockhead between the wet clinging lips.

“Now!” Ed demanded. “Now!”

Carol looked down at him, her eyes glassy, her face flushed. Her tits ached. A vicious sneer crossed her beautiful face. “YESSSS!” She slammed down, driving the entire length of his long bulky cock into her cunt. It brushed roughly against the walls of her pussy. His cockhead plowed a path into her depths.

“Aghhhh!” she gurgled deep in her throat as she squirmed and screwed her body onto his dick. She held it there, smiling lewdly at him, using her cunt muscles expertly as she tugged and pulsed against his steely shaft. “Like it?”

“Ummmmm,” Ed said, shaking his head, his hairy ass rocking back and forth across the rug. He reached up, grabbing her huge milky tits in his brawny hands. He squeezed them, giving her back some of the pain she had given him.

“Aghhhhh!” she whined, twisting on his cock, trying to get out of his terrible grip. “You’re hurting me!” She couldn’t pull back; his grasp was too tight.

Ed eased up on his grip, massaging them now, roughly but with a fury that rocked Carol on her ass as she jerked and churned on his hard, aching prick. He could feel the power of her pussy as it clenched tightly around his shaft, holding him deep inside her. He arched up and saw a mask of pure passion sweep over her face as his cock sank deeper into her wet, hungry pussy.

“Uhhhhh!” she groaned, her head lolling from side to side as she sat impaled on his overgrown cock. Her cunt muscles gripped his prick tightly and she lifted up, drawing his prick with her, her pussy giving up each hard inch only after a fight. Soon only his red swollen head remained in her cunt. She reached under, feeling the sticky warm juices dripping down his shaft and into his curly cock hair. She looked at him defiantly, squeezing his cock as hard as he had squeezed her tits.

“Okay,” Ed groaned, conceding.

Carol smiled triumphantly, releasing his prick. She closed her eyes, using her cunt muscles to clamp down on his cockhead. Her loud raspy gasps made her large, creamy tits heave with each deep breath.

“Now for some fuckin’,” she growled, her voice low and sultry.

She ground her pussy down on his prick, sinking it deep into her cunt. Leaning forward, her milky tits hanging in front of Ed’s mouth, she ground her hard blood-filled clit into his hairy groin. “Aaaaaa!” she cried, in agonized pleasure as the friction of her squirming hips sent ripples of pleasure through her entire body.

Ed grabbed her fleshy hips, digging his fingers into her soft pliable body. He held her tight, arching up and driving his prick into her pussy in quick, short jabs.

“Unnnnn,” Carol moaned as Ed’s hard cock sliced through the wet confines of her squishy pussy, taking her to the peak. Her body screamed for release from the intense climb to the top.

Teri, awakened by the screams of passion coming from downstairs, climbed out of bed. With Duke by her side, she went downstairs. She saw her mother on top of Ed, his cock slamming into her pussy as she rode him — the same erotic sight that started her into this fantastic world of sex a week ago. This time, instead of hiding in fear behind a door, she walked inside, squatting on the floor in back of her mother, her eyes glued to the fabulous sight of Ed’s monstrous cock stuffing her mother’s pussy to the limit.

Terri touched her mother’s ass, tracing a path down her ass crack to Ed’s cock, the underside of which was exposed. She swallowed hard, touching the juicy meat of his cock and her mother’s cunt. In a trance, she stroked them both, her hands running over Ed’s juicy balls. She was hypnotized by it all. Her hands touched and probed Ed’s sliding prick going inside her mother’s body. She was trembling with a passion that was building rapidly in her own cunt.

An idea stirred in Terri’s fuzzy lust-crazed brain as she looked at King. She took him by the collar, bringing him behind her mother. She stood up, pulling King on top of her mother. “Fuck her, boy,” she moaned. “Fuck her up the ass!”



“Ohhh, yessss!” Carol hissed, tossing her head back as she ground her pussy down on Ed’s rock-hard prick. “Help him, Terri. Help him get his cock in my asshole.” The words came out vile and slurred.

“Yes, Mommy!” Terri said, her body tingling with powerful lust. “Yes!” She helped King, the huge German shepherd, to his hind legs. Her eyes glazed, Terri got on the floor and gripped the huge cock between King’s mighty legs, putting it at the entrance to her mother’s asshole.

King’s hind paws danced as he jabbed at Carol’s quivering asshole with his banging tip. In his exuberance, his cock could not find the spot between Carol’s jiggling ass cheeks. He began to whine, frustrated because he couldn’t get his hard sticky prick into the warmth of Carol’s frantic body.

With sweaty hands, Terri placed the giant dog’s cock at her mother’s asshole. This time, though, she kept her hand there, petting the frustrated dog until he plunged the entire length of his doggie cock into Carol’s tight ass. Terri gasped, watching the dog’s prick disappear.

“AGGHHHH!” Carol shouted at the top of her lungs as the German shepherd pierced the tiny hole of her quivering ass. “Uhhhh!” She pushed back against the dog, feeling his furry legs against her body. She looked down into Ed’s flushed face. “King’s in my asshole,” she growled. “Ohhhh, my God. I’m getting it in both my fucking holes.”

Terri, still in a trance because of the erotic scene, crawled over to the couch and sat down, her legs spread. She snapped her fingers, calling Duke. The dog dutifully loped over to his young mistress, putting his broad head between her long tapered legs and beginning to lick.

“Oooooo,” Terri cooed as Duke swiped her gash and tiny clit with his lapping tongue. Terri kept her eyes on her beautiful mother astride Ed’s hips as Ed’s huge, rocky boner sank into her wet pussy. Terri watched King, his doggie cock deep in her mother’s asshole. With that perverted scene in front of her, Terri let herself be swept off toward another orgasm by Duke’s powerful tongue.

“Christ, Ed,” Carol yelled as the dog slammed into her asshole and Ed pounded his prick into her pussy. “I’m being ripped apart!” She bucked wildly between them, feeling their immense pricks tearing into her body. The thin skin separating the two holes was dangerously close to being torn to shreds.

Ed ignored Carol’s cries of mercy and continued plunging his prick into her cunt in hard-driving lunges. His hands dug into her flesh, holding her steady for both himself and the dog. He felt the powerful jabs of King’s hard cock as the dog jammed into her ass through the thin flesh that kept the two ravaging pricks apart.

King was stuffing his doggie meat into her tight ass, mindless of whatever else was going on. His only concern was satisfying his animal instincts. His paws were scratching Carol’s back as he held on desperately, his hind legs moving frantically as he stuffed her pulsating ass. He turned his head to the side, almost resting it on her back. His neck was straining, his lips were drawn back, and his sharp fangs were exposed as he yelped, caught up in the momentum of trying to get his doggie rocks off.

Sandwiched between the two driving forces, Carol hung suspended, her body invaded — exploited — for the sheer delight of the two ravaging pricks. They drove her wild with desire as they climbed toward their peaks of explosion. She bucked her hips backwards, grinding her clit into Ed’s hard groin and getting an ass full of King’s cock. Hot exquisite flashes of pleasure soared through her pussy as she raced with them toward oblivion and eventual ecstasy.

King’s claws scratched Carol’s flesh and Ed’s fingers dug into her hips. She screamed as Ed’s mouth covered a nipple, sucked deeply then bit hard, his jaw moving back and forth across the hard tip. Her raw clit scraped into Ed’s hairy groin and she thrilled to the pleasure of King’s soft, silky fur as he relentlessly rode her from behind. Pain meshed with pleasure, bringing to Carol an exquisite sensation she had never felt before. She felt herself reach the peak, entranced with the knowledge of her climax only seconds away.

“OHHHHHHHH! I’m COMING!” she screamed loudly, her voice shrill. Both dogs shook momentarily. Her muscles and bones became fluid and her body contorted in the most fantastic climax of her life. Her head shook from side to side. Her body was incapable of controlling itself. She drooled, her eyes blank and expressionless. Higher and higher she rose until orgasm ripped through her body like a raging, uncontrollable fire.

Ed felt Carol’s cunt clamp on his prick as her pussy erupted and drenched his cock with hot, bubbling juice. He drove into her, his cock exploding, filling the pulsing twat with his own hot, gooey cum.

“I’m coming too!” he groaned, grating his teeth as his cock sliced into her pussy. He slammed up, squirting the hot cream almost up into her belly.

“AAAAAHHHHH!” Carol wailed, feeling Ed’s hot cum burn a path into her twisting body. She jerked, impaled on the two pricks. In the midst of her climax and with her blurred, half-crazed mind, she heard the dog howl, and felt a hot jet stream of doggie jism splash into her asshole.

Her two boiling holes filled with cum. She screamed again, the hot cum triggering another climax as she rode the two jamming cocks into her desired oblivion.

King whined, his cock jabbing into her ass at twice the speed of Ed’s exploding cock. He howled, and hot doggie jism oozed from Carol’s asshole and down his furry legs. He stabbed repeatedly, his dark eyes blank. Then he yelped, puling his squirting cock out, drenching the smooth skin of Carol’s back. His tail between his legs, King scurried to the corner, curled up in a ball and closed his eyes.

Carol sighed with relief as the entrance to her asshole closed and the tightness around Ed’s driving cock lessened. She concentrated all of her effbrts on Ed. She swayed her hips and slapped her heavy tits across his face as she accepted his lunging cock with renewed eagerness.

Ed jerked beneath her twisting body, emptying his hot wad of thick cum. He pulled her naked body to his as the last of his load squirted into her pussy. He squeezed her, sinking his teeth into her neck.

“UNNNN! UHHHHH!” Carol groaned as her cunt twitched on his prick, the last of her orgasm melting away. She rolled off, his cock slipping out easily. Ed’s limp, soggy prick smacked his thigh. Carol sprawled out on her back, her mind still spinning from her two-holed orgasm.

They both lay on the floor, looking over at the horny teenager.



Terri was caught up in her little party as Duke licked her pussy with earnest, loving swipes of his broad, swishing tongue. She looked over at her mother and smiled a sensuous smile, her bright eyes dreamy with desire. She was too caught up in the pleasure of Duke’s tongue to move him away.

“Mommy! Mommy!” she wailed, humping the dog’s face with her cunt. “It’s sooo much fun!”

“Do you want any help, baby?” her mother asked, crawling on the floor to where her daughter was sitting. She stroked the dog’s muscular back, his sleek coat sensuous to the touch. She watched her baby daughter squirm on the dog’s mouth as Duke’s tongue sank into her pussy, exploring the inner depths of her body. “I’ll help you.”

“I wanna be fucked, Mommy,” Terri whined, her soft ass bouncing on the sofa. “Take him away.”

Ed sat up and snapped his fingers. “Duke!” he commanded, in a harsh deep tone. “Heel!” Duke whined, not wanting to leave the meal between Terri’s outstretched legs, but he heeded Ed’s voice. He padded over to him, then sat down, licking his lips and savoring the sweet juices that clung to his whiskers.

Ed petted the dog, and looked at the two women in his life. He felt terrific as he looked at young Terri. “Come here, baby,” he said, patting the floor beside him.

Terri, aroused to a feverish pitch, stumbled over to Ed on the floor. She stroked his cock lovingly. “Let me fuck you like Mom did,” she sighed, her eyes glassy with passion.

Ed hugged her close, kissing the small child. “In time, baby,” he soothed. “In time.”

Carol crawled over, and kissed them both. “I love you both,” she said, filling up with joy.

“Well?” Ed asked, his arms around them, one hand cupping Carol’s huge creamy tit, and his other hand cupping Terri’s budding titties. “Are you two going to let me take care of you and live here with me on the farm?”

Carol looked at her daughter and Terri looked back at her mother. They were both smiling and giggling, truly happy for the first time since they were on their own.

“Mommy, can we?”

“Yes, baby,” she agreed. “We’ll go back to the city tomorrow to get our things. Whatever we don’t need we’ll leave.”

“I got everything here that you’ll need,” Ed said, resting back on the floor, overjoyed at their decision to stay.

“You sure do,” Carol swooned, fondling his prick.

“Yeaaaa,” Terri added, joining her mother as they fooled around with Ed’s limp prick. “Except it isn’t hard now.”

“Get it hard,” Carol said to her daughter. “All you need is a good hungry mouth.”

“I’m famished, Mom,” Terri sighed. “Duke didn’t get me off. He got me so hot, I have to be fucked.”

“You can fuck Ed once you get him hard,” Carol said, smiling at her daughter.

“How about Duke?” Terri asked, not wanting to wait until Ed was hard again. “He’s ready to fuck now!”

“Go on, Carol,” Ed urged. “Let her get off with Duke.”

“Suck Ed off while Duke fucks you,” Carol suggested, getting hot with the thought.

Terri nodded, willing to do anything for a fuck. She stroked her own pussy impatiently, waiting for Duke to plunge his doggie meat into her cunt. “Can he fuck me in the ass?” The thought of him fucking her in the ass, the way King had done to her mother, made her tremble. “I’ve never had it in there before.”

Carol snapped her fingers and Duke came loping over, followed by a tired King. She sent King back to the corner. “It might hurt, baby,” Carol said, stroking Duke’s shiny coat. “He’s got a big cock.”

“So does Ed,” Terri said. “I took him all the way on my first try.”

“Let the kid try it, Carol,” Ed urged. “She can handle it.”

“Oooooo, Ed,” Terri cooed, bending down, her mouth drooling all over his cock. “You’re gonna be the best daddy a girl could ever want.”

Terri scrambled between Ed’s spread legs. She got down on her forearms and knees, her rounded ass perked just right for her horny dog’s cock. Her mouth was positioned at just the right spot for Ed’s limp, fucked-out prick. Her entire body shivered. It would be the first time she had it in both ends at the same time.

“Mommy! Mommy!” she squealed. “I’m ready!” She squirmed backwards, exhibiting her ass to Duke.

Carol looked at her young daughter. She was all grown up. It wasn’t age — it was something else. She patted Terri’s shaking ass. “Be patient, baby. You got the rest of your life. Don’t grow up so fast.”

“I am grown up, aren’t I, Ed?” She tilted her head up, her bright, shining eyes glimmering at Ed.

“She’s right, Carol. She may be only thirteen, but I think we have a woman on our hands.”

“You’re right,” Carol sighed, and laid a cover over Terri’s back. She didn’t want her baby getting scratched as she had with King. “C’mon, Duke.” She helped the dog climb on Terri’s jiggling ass.

Terri bit her lip in anticipation, wanting to feel the power of Duke’s doggie cock before sucking Ed’s limp dick back to life. She shivered with joy as her mother positioned Duke’s large paws on her back. She could feel his short coarse fur against her ass and thighs. She giggled, relieving the tension of her first ass-fuck. She gripped Ed’s thighs, bracing herself for the onslaught of Duke’s huge doggie prick.

Carol held Duke’s raw, greasy cock with trembling hands. She wanted her young daughter to enjoy herself, but was concerned that Duke’s cock might be too much for her small ass and tiny hole. “Hold still, baby,” Carol said, guiding Duke’s prick to Terri’s virgin asshole. “Here he comes!”

Duke, highly agitated, banged at Terri’s tight ass, trying to get his cockmeat into a hole — any hole — where he could release the jism building up to the boiling point in his balls.

Carol put his pointed red cockhead between Terri’s creamy ass cheeks, and his tip sank into her wrinkled, brownish-pink crack. The dog was too frenzied and Carol was helpless to ease his strokes as he jammed the rest of his enormous cock into Terri’s virgin ass.

“AYYYYYYIE!” Terri howled, biting her lip, and sinking her fingers into Ed’s muscular thighs. She lowered her head, accepting Duke’s powerful pounding as part of becoming the woman she longed to be. She sucked in her breath, releasing the air loudly as she tried to relax the lower half of her body. Slowly she became accustomed to the lumpish prick jabbing her insides through her asshole.

“How is it, baby?” Carol asked, seeing the painful look on her daughter’s young innocent face.

“Ohhhh,” Terri moaned in relief, the pain quickly subsiding. “Great, Mom.” It was erotic and sexy, having her asshole plugged by a dog while her mother and her boyfriend watched, especially with the boyfriend’s prick so intimately close to her hungry mouth. Duke’s cock was bringing her along quickly on the road to orgasm and she wallowed in the strange overwhelming effect it was having on her. She wriggled her ass, taking his driving meat deeper, bucking in rhythm to his fast violent thrusts. She hissed, feeling Duke’s furry balls slap against her pussy lips. She lowered her head to Ed’s magnificent cock, ready to devour his slowly growing prick while Duke creamed her asshole with his doggie jism.

Carol sat back on her haunches, watching the erotic play on the floor before. It was strange and wonderful. Only a short time ago they had both been living like nuns. Now she was watching her impassioned daughter taking a Great Dane’s cock up her ass and Ed’s cock in her mouth. It was Ed who had turned them on to the delights of doggie cocks. As she watched her overexcited daughter gobble on Ed’s meat, she wondered how many other forbidden delights Ed had up his sleeve. She smiled dreamily at them both, loving them tremendously.

Terri, caught up in the rapture of having her ass and mouth fucked, settled own to the delights of cocksucking. She yearned to feel Ed’s cock in her pussy and ride him as she had seen her mother do. She held her hands around his masculine shaft, balancing her weight on her elbows as the high-strung dog slammed his prick desperately into her ass. The feeling of Duke’s cock was making her head spin. She sucked, eager to have Ed’s cock rock-hard so she could pop off on top him when Duke was finished blasting his load.

Ed’s cock was growing rapidly, stretching her throat as it expanded. Ed humped up, her greedy hot mouth bringing him to peak performance again. He shook his head in awe at the expertise the young girl had acquired in such a short time. He sucked in his breath and watched the frantic dog fuck her from behind.

Duke speared Terri’s asshole with his tough-skinned prick. His body pounded her tight channel as he whipped himself up into a feverish, frenzied state. Yelping and whining, Duke’s furry balls erupted. His restless cock swelled, stretching the young teenager’s asshole even wider. A hot stream of thick doggie jism shot through his long, powerful cock and spewed its hot, sticky load into Terri’s asshole. His hind legs balanced his jerking body, straining every muscle as he plowed his prick repeatedly into her asshole, soaking her channel with his cum. Wad after wad of his thick jism filled her ass.

Terri could feel the hot cream fill her asshole. It made her crazy. It was like an enema, a sexy, dirty enema. She loved it, craved it, used all her assmuscles to milk the huge dog’s plunging cock. She sank her teeth into Ed’s shaft as Duke finished fucking her ass. Feeling the hard strength of Ed’s prick, she knew he was ready. She kept his cock in her mouth until Duke was finished.

Duke howled, the last of his cum splashing the alabaster skin of Terri’s back as his cock slipped out of her asshole. He whined, scampered to the corner and licked the sticky juice from his tip.

Terri’s mouth came off Ed’s cock, aching for it to be in her cunt. “Fuck me, Ed,” she urged, doggie cum seeping from her asshole. She scrambled on top of him, straddling his bulky cock with her long legs. She reached under and grabbed his solid meat with her anxious hands. Eagerly she positioned his bulbous tip between her pussy lips, letting the tip hit up against her clit.

“Oaaaaah,” she whimpered. She looked to her mother, and her eyes told it all — the thanks, the gratefulness for understanding a girl’s needs and helping her to achieve them. Her eyes returned to Ed, the catalyst — the man who turned her into a woman — as she slammed her young pussy down on his hard, thick cock.

Ed groaned, his voice reverberating throughout the room as his prick disappeared into the tight pussy of the hot and horny teenager. He grabbed her slim, girlish hips. He ground his prick in deeper, watching the lust cover the young girl’s beautiful face. All the fabulous memories of the night he broke her cherry came rushing back as he felt her cunt pulsate on his shaft.

“Ahhhh! Ed!” Terri wailed, squirming on his monstrous dick. “Ohhhh!” She looked down into his face, thrilled more than at any time in her young life. She licked her lips, shaking her budding titties at him, a lewd smirk on her face. “You got me for a lot of years,” she panted. “You’re gonna fuck me till I grow up into a woman, and these titties are big like Mom’s.” She tossed her head back, reveling in the glorious joy of unbridled sex.

Ed glared up at the young girl, seeing in his mind’s eye all the fabulous years he was going to have with her as she grew into a lady.

“Fuck meeee!” Terri howled, grinding down on his prick, trying to get the same action she had seen him give her mother. “Fuck meeeee!”

Ed grabbed her behind the neck, slamming upward into her pussy, driving his hips up as his cock screwed into her body and hit every sensitive nerve in her cunt. Again and again he repeated the same mind-blowing lunge, causing Terri to whine in delirium as he taught her things about fucking she’d remember for the rest of her life.

“YESSSS!” Terri sobbed, brimming with joy at the fantastic feelings surging through her flesh. “OOOORRRAAA!” She bucked on his cock, mindless of falling or being hurt. She trusted in Ed and his ability to take care of her. She thrashed about like a wildcat, her muscles flexed, her bones like butter as she contorted on the magnificent prick stuffed deep in her cunt.

Ed pulled her to him, kissing her fervently, his tongue darting in her mouth. He rocked back and forth, making her clit grind into his hard, hairy groin. He felt the results. Her cunt pulsed on his shaft rapidly. His cock drove a path into the tender cunt of the wild teenager. His cock was ready to explode and drench her body with his cum.

Terri’s body was no longer in her possession. She belonged, along with every nerve and every muscle, to the cock that was drilling her body. She humped his massive cock, mashing her clit into him as he returned with forceful lunges. The sensations were totally without precedent, totally unearthly. Emitting garbled sounds, she wanted to scream, but Ed’s tongue thrust inside her throat kept the sounds muffled, distorted.

Ed’s hands became four, touching and probing every inch of Terri’s body as he drove them both to the brink of orgasm. He squeezed her hips, her tits, and dug his fingers into her thighs. All the while his cock sliced through her body, making her shake uncontrollably, a quivering mass of tingling flesh.

Her mouth came off his, her eyes fiery, her body ready to explode. “I’m gonna come,” she wailed, thrashing and jerking on his pounding prick. Looking into his face, the upper half of her young body supported by her arms, Terri pumped the cock that was giving her the pleasure of her life. She churned her young hips until her body erupted. Her cunt gushed a creamy white juice over Ed’s dick. Her pussy walls clamped onto his pounding shaft, squeezing and releasing it.

“I’m coming!” she shouted, wanting the whole world to know her joy. “MOMMMMMYYYYYY! URRHRH! I’M COMINGGGG!” She convulsed in agonizing pleasure as wave after wonderful wave of volcanic orgasm erupted in her pussy and spread like wildfire throughout her entire quivering body. She began to sob as the orgasms increased in intensity.

Into this earth shattering orgasm Ed’s cock exploded, sending torrents of thick heavy cum into her pussy. He slammed up into her tormented cunt, his powerful cock tearing through her, squirting its hot load of jism. He bucked upward again and again, his hips blurred masses of flesh as he fucked her.

Terri’s body jerked rhythmically, her clit thumping into his hard cock. Her lips parted, her tongue lay on the bottom lip as she drooled and gasped for air. Her body felt weightless as she reached the peak and tumbled over the edge in one final sweeping orgasm. Drifting into blissful darkness, she lingered there as the blood surged to her cunt to replace the exquisite pleasure.

One scream caught in her throat, escaping in short, wavering sighs. Her body twitched as she floated aimlessly back to the world of the living.

Carol helped her young daughter off Ed’s massive dick. She laid her on the floor, and caressed her face as the blood returned and her heart settled back to normal.

“Oh, Mommy,” she whimpered. “I thought I was gonna die.” She hugged her mother. “It was wonderful.”

“I know, baby. I know!” Carol soothed her. “We’re always going to have this.”

Ed, his body exhausted, took them both in his arms, cradling the two women in his life.

They huddled close together. Three people, who not long ago were lonely and without love, were now united.