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Just like with part 2, you really should be reading these in order as they follow directly on from each other. If you start here nothing much will make sense. It’s more of the same type of fantasy revolving around the more extreme end of the female spectrum when it comes to enjoying serious dilation of a permanent nature, and bestiality. If you didn’t like the content or style of the first 2 parts then you can save yourself some time, because you won’t like this one either.    This will likely be the final part of this series, at least for some time. Further ideas for the future could involve spin off stories involving the Broken Holes Club and a set of short stories for the adventures of Buster, from part one, as he rapes his way around the USA.



You’ve had a bit over a full day now, to inspect Fran’s operation here. You’re far from finished, but you’re already getting a solid picture of how things operate. Socially, Fran may be totally bonkers, but when it comes to her project here she is nothing short of brilliant. Bless her hippy tie-dyed sarongs and thick coke bottle glasses! In a day or so you will probably have a loose draft version of your plans for this place to put forward to Fran. In the meantime you are struck by an idea for the right-here-and now.

You walk outside and over to the enclosure where the remainder of the currently trainable litter is being kept, and select the next dog according the schedule. The remaining 4 boys are just average sized, not freaks of nature like Cleaver was. By canine standards though, their average is still huge! As previously explained, this current litter is where we’re at after 7 years of selective breeding for sexual aggression and cock size. The dogs are really happy to see you, but not in a sexual way, they haven’t been trained yet and really they are only just past the age where they even become sexually active. You find the one called Toryu and lead him away. Toryu is next on Fran’s schedule that you’ve been studying. Apparently his name means Dragon Slayer in Japanese, or something close to it anyway. He is to be an all holes dog for a wealthy Japanese business woman, a sole heiress to her family business. Having a very perverted sex drive and fed up with constant advances by men just being interested in her to gain control over the family business, the woman has decided to enlist the services of our operation.

It’s time to start training Toryu, or the schedule will begin to fall behind too much. So you lead him to Fran’s training room and let him go inside, whilst addressing Fran.

“Hey Fran, thought you may enjoy some company! Toryu here is looking for some loving, you know what to do!”

Shit, your starting to end every sentence with “!” just like Fran does. You need to watch for that.



You’ve gone over this place and think you understand it well enough now to put your plan forward to Fran.

Speaking of whom…you look up at the monitors showing her training room and turn up the sound volume. You have a few cameras feeding you footage from different angles. Toryu is currently driving Fran hard, so hard that it’s making a loud slapping noise as he pounds into her. For a woman that’s only about 5’4” tall she’s taking that cock up her vagina like a veteran prostitute. Toryu is around the average for the current litter, with a 12 inch cock, the knot at around 3.5 inches. Fran has made it disappear, knot and all.    You’re not surprised at all really, you now know from her meticulous training and breeding records that during the early years of the operation here, she trained the Great Danes herself. Only after a few years did she find another trainer as her workload in doing regular kennel duties like feeding and cleaning was becoming excessive as the operation grew ever more popular.

Now, watching the performance on the screens you see the proof of Fran’s experience. She is very heavily worn down below and taking that big cock with gusto and crying out and grunting in obvious pleasure. It sounds like she’s clearly been missing this side of the operation. Every thrust causes her empty ass hole to loosely stretch open, proving that she’s just as worn out around the back there as well. It’s quite a site seeing such a smallish woman being pounded with such a large cock, driven by a beast that is pretty much as big as as she is. Toryu probably weighs more than Fran too. It’s made even better by the fact that she’s still wearing her thick nerdy glasses that look as though they were hacked off the bottom of the old style coke bottles.

Toyru is really starting to brutalise Fran now and she’s going for it herself, driving back onto him and yelling out filth. Her small breast are flying in all directions as her entire body is being rag-dolled by the strength of the great beast. Finally she aches upwards and enters into the throws of her first orgasm today. They both finally settle and rest. “OH FUCK YES!” Fran reaches for her drink bottle for some fluids whilst Toryu rests in her, still firmly knotted. You look at the huge knot stretching her vaginal lips…such a huge hole for such a small woman! She has clearly been    permanently stretched from the amount of large traffic she has constantly taken over the years of running this place. You realise that Fran takes a cock up her vagina better than you do, especially considering how much smaller she is. You’re really going to have to do something about that. You know just who to contact as well. That can wait for a bit right now though, you have other priorities for the present- like getting this place more efficient.

With a lull in the live sex show, whilst the performers recover, you get back to your planning. This place is really something. You have to hand it to the little nutter. It’s fully off grid, naturally as the last thing you need here is for the power company to be coming around poking their noses in! Extensive battery power banks are fed by solar panels and lots of them, and several small wind generators. Plus a backup diesel generator just in-case. The property also has its own water bore, as well as rainwater tank catchment- and it rains plenty in this area most of the year. All of this would be very expensive of course…but money is the resource of least concern here.

When you first looked over the books you initially thought it had to be a mistake, you thought Fran must be putting the decimal points in the wrong place. Just an average one of Fran’s sexual helper dogs sells for more money than you made in your old job for an entire year. The larger members of the litter sell for substantially more and the freaks like cleaver…well people wouldn’t believe it if you told them. Plus there is an 8 month waiting list, all the current litter and the next one are already reserved with hefty confirmed deposits. Plus another 8 months worth of waiting list reservations for well trusted clients wanting to express strong interest. Fran’s main offshore bank account in the Isle of Man doesn’t even seem to have ever been withdrawn from. She hasn’t ever needed to. In one of the main house rooms is a pile of bags and cases holding all the cash Fran could possibly need for day to day needs- these are from the customers that bring cash as payment. The bag that the Broken Holes Club brought for Cleaver is just thrown in one corner untouched!

You also found out what happened to Karen, the last bitch that Fran had as a trainer. The one that “wore out”. You half expected to find Karen buried in a corner of the property. But no, she was a legitimate paid employee and    retired with a generous severance package due to wear and tear- which in this case means exactly that, she was quite literally worn and torn.

But the most surprising thing of all? There is another off shore account in your name. The darling little Fruitcake has actually been paying you for services all this time without telling you. Paying you quite generously too.

You stop your pondering, the action on screen is about to heat up again. Fran has just swapped holes and expertly worked that big thick cock up her ass hole like one of those super anal webcam stars. How does such a small body take such a huge cock? She rears up and you see the cock in her belly past her navel. Toryu begins humping and each thrust drives the lightweight Fran forward, the beast just grapples onto her and walks forward with her. Fran is out of control now “Oh FUCK that’s good, fuck me up, really FUCK ME UP BAD!!! Fran soon goes into another orgasm, which chains into a multiple orgasm. She is thrashing on the floor as the waves of pleasure wash over her. As Toryu stops his humping and pumps his seed into her, you can see his balls and cock pulsing- flooding her belly full of the hot liquid. You suspect…no, actually you’re certain, that Fran has really missed this aspect of the operation here. Good, because this is all part of your cunning plan.



It’s time to go chat with Fran and put your plan for the future into effect. It’s mid- morning and looking at the monitors you see that Fran is already knotted to Toryu again. The dog is standing facing away from her and looks to be waiting to remove his knot from Fran’s swollen, stretched vagina- both of them patiently waiting to uncouple.

You let yourself into the training room, “Hi Fran! You seem to be enjoying yourself!”
She’s still knotted to Toryu, but she perks up at your arrival.

“Hi! It’s my BFF! Wazzup?!!!”

Yeah, her current predicament hasn’t made any difference to her usual cheerful disposition, nor her sanity either. Toryu finally releases himself from her vagina with a spray of dog semen…oh god Fran…how does such a small woman have such an obscenely stretched and loose pussy? This is the seventh year she’s been in this business and it looks like it. Her ass hole hasn’t fared any better than her vagina. Both her holes gaping open loosely. Not that you’re much better off back there these days, currently you have a 3.5 inch soft silicone butt plug fitted just to keep your worn ass hole comfortably sealed.

You put your proposition to Fran.

First all, no more kidnapping. Only volunteers from now on. You propose a staff of three.

Fran will continue to train the regular sexual helper dogs, though not the newly bred super large breed or the real freaks- she’s just not physically large enough most likely. She will also be in charge of the breeding program and continue to selectively breed for size so as to appeal to the real super hardcore women out there. However it is suggested that Fran also breed a more conservative line of dogs with just average 12 inch cocks for the women that are just plain kinky nymphomaniacs that want to be fucked hard and regularly every day, but not actually after having their holes ruined and enlarged…well not too much anyway. Essentially, it is to be a more moderately priced product for the more moderately perverted woman rather than the sexual freaks like the Broken Holes Club.

You yourself will continue to train the larger dogs and the freaks of nature, especially those needing anal training due to your obvious talents in that area. You will also manage dealings with customers…primarily due to you being actually sane at this point, at least compared to Fran anyway.

A third trainer will be found to help- especially with the really large freaks with a priority placed upon vaginal expertise. In the other words, we need the biggest and deepest we can find.

All three will share regular kennel duties like feeding and cleaning. Profits, after running costs for the kennels, will be evenly split three ways. Each trainer is to get a weeks rest after each dog they personally train and is collected by a satisfied customer, if they so desire.

That’s the gist of it, we can work out the finer details as we go. You look to Fran for a response.

“All good!!! Let’s do it! I knew that you’d love this place! Pardners!!!”

That’s it then. You plan to take a new trainee yourself tomorrow, you have something else to do for today. First of all you send off some mails to your agents around the world, the ones that usually scout for serious customers. You ask them to put out feelers for a woman that may be after a job, main requirement being rather capable down below and really loves large dogs.

You also send off a mail to Veronica of the Broken Holes Club. They emailed you, well Fran really, but that means you now. The Broken Holes Club are delighted with Cleaver and already wish to explore the possibility of reserving the next freak of nature to come out of our program. Their offer of payment is very fair, so you make the reservation as well as asking some advice of a more personal nature, something the Broken Holes Club obviously have quite some expertise with.



The new dual training regime already seems to be going splendidly. Once you have three members, things will really pick up. That’s what today is about. One of your USA agents already has an applicant, a young 23 year old Texan woman. She has been desperately trying to find a way to purchase one of Fran’s beasts but lacks the funds- however the agent is convinced the woman is quite genuine. According to Fran the agent is one of her oldest and has proven 100 percent reliable over the years. The 23 year old also has a very useful real world qualification going for her too. Apparently she has finished her Vet Science degree, though obviously at her age she lacks a lot of on the job experience. Still, just the knowledge would be helpful to have and would make getting a working Visa for her simple due to Australia having a critical shortage of Vets- meaning a Visa is automatic as long as the applicant has no criminal record of note. So today is the webcam job interview.

Before you sits a slightly chubby, but attractive young woman with short dark hair and glasses. After some pleasantries you get down to the real interview. Her name is Beatrice, Bea for short.

You: “Okay, so you’re well aware of the nature of this job, I’ll spell it out for you just in-case. You would be sexually training large selectively bred Great Danes. The training is daily, they can and do stay knotted to you almost up to an hour in some cases. You will be taking them up for both holes as part of the training, though we are particularly looking for a woman with extreme vaginal capacity to help train the really large freaks we sometimes breed here. They are very large, make no mistake about it. Long term training them will leave you with wear and tear to your holes. If you don’t believe me then take a look at what you’re in for, this is from about 7 months of heavy use”

You turn around and show Bea your damaged, loose ass hole. You want her to have no romantic notions of what she’s getting in to. The young woman groans audibly.

Bea: “Oh I want this job, I want to be fucked every day. Is it worth it?”

You; “Ohhh fuck it’s worth it. Do you want to be fucked all day like an animal that has no regard for your well being? Fucked until you sometimes pass out or you cannot even control your bladder? Fucked so hard by cocks so big that you can never get satisfaction ever again from a man? Yes, it’s worth it, but there’s no going back”

Bea: “Oh god yes, please let me have this job. Please!”

You: “Have you had experience already with canines?”

Bea: “Yes, I’ve been fucked by several large dogs when I worked at the Texas Quarantine Kennels…”

You: “Wait, you’re not the woman that was raped by Buster? Surely not…”

Bea: “Oh yes, but…well…it wasn’t exactly rape. You see I had a weekend caretaker job to help with my studies, I just fed them and called in the qualified Vet in an emergency situation. As the only person there on weekends, I was using the job to fuck some of the larger dogs. But then I met Buster and whenever I went to feed him his cock would come out of its sheath, ready for action, it was huge! The biggest I’d ever seen. I knew I just had to take him, but he wasn’t interested in my cunt and kept forcing himself into my ass!”

You: “Yes, we trained him that way for the customer. His full name is actually AssBuster and he really does live up to his name”

Bea: “Ohhh, that explains it! Anyway, he just took me over and over all night. By the time the Vet found me I was collapsed face down on the floor, exhausted”

You: “But what about the Vet that tried to rescue you, was she also in on this?”

Bea: “Ahhh….no…not exactly, she really was raped! I feel bad about that! She was bending over trying to help me and Buster jumped her from behind, banged her head into the wall and knocked her out. When she came around he had already forced his way into her ass, and without any lubricant it wasn’t very pleasant for her!”

You: “The tabloid said there was no serious injury, just a few stitches in your anus?”

Bea: “Yeah I didn’t tell them the full truth there. I didn’t think it was right somehow. I wanted the money, hoping to buy one of these beasts for myself- which is why I sold a version of the story. The poor Vets ass looked like someone tried to fuck her with a pineapple…she’s okay now though and the kennels made it a rule that all female staff have to wear long trousers or jeans, never skirts or dresses from now on! So they’re on top of things. Then Busters owners were going to pay me to not talk to people about what happened, but I didn’t want any money from them, instead I just asked where I can get a dog like Buster. They put me in contact with your agent. But I couldn’t afford one. Then she asked me if I’d be interested in a job instead”

Ah, so it all comes together and makes sense now.

You: “Okay, that’s good then. As I explained we’re looking for someone with particularly large vaginal capacity and you’re only young and haven’t had any children I presume? Do you think you’ll be able to cope?”

Bea: “Oh let me show you!”

The woman pulls her skirt off and shows you her vagina. Holy shit. You remember talking with the school Rugby team way back in school when you were all drunk at the end of season party. This one day the guys were talking about all the different types of vagina and telling you their joke names for them. There were the neatly tucked in and trimmed ones and so on. The one that made you laugh back then was the “hand grenade pussy” so called because well…it looks like a hand grenade exploded in it- a huge gash with bits poking out everywhere and looking like it would bite your hand off! You’d never seen one until now. Bea was also showing you a huge silicone dog cock dildo, probably about 14 inches tall and with a massive knot above an even larger base. It looks like something made as a novelty joke toy and not something seriously intended for actual insertion.

You: “Oh nice…so how far can you take that…oh…okay you’re going to show me… HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!!”

The young woman just squatted down onto the monstrous phallus and took it, not just past the knot, but past the base as well. The entire thing is buried inside her now. She’s sitting there with a slightly embarrassed smile on her face.

You: “Yeah…okay…so…how soon do you think you could start?”

That’s how the full team came together.



Beatrice starts today. A straightforward dog to be trained vaginal only, for a relatively conservative customer- by the standards of this place anyway. Just a simple wealthy housewife after some extra sexual company. The dog is the last of    the Cleaver litter siblings, and only average size at 11.5 inch cock size. A nice first trainee for Bea.

From this point, ideally you should be able to keep three dogs under training which should help get the waiting list under control. Since litters overlap, several being raised at once at different stages of their development, the next group are due to be of sexual active age in around 6 more weeks, it looks to have two above average specimens!

Also today you made your first trip into town to collect supplies and mail for the business. You or Beatrice plan to do this from now on instead of Fran. You also arrange the sale of your old flat, good riddance to that dump. As hoped, there is also a heavy package waiting for you at the business post office box.

You’ve setup quite a relationship with Veronica of the Broken Holes Club via email recently. On her advice you ordered some training aids to help expand your vaginal capabilities. You really want to take these beasts fully knotted that way, just like you do anally. Before you now are three soft silicone “birthing eggs” recommended by Veronica. They are actually similar to what Regina uses on a chain for her anal stretching. There are two differences for vaginal use though. First the chain isn’t needed since it cannot go too far up and get lost. Second the silicone is softer to allow it to be squeezed, compressed and forced into the vulva where it then expands out and fills and stretches. The anal versions need a chain to prevent them going too deep and getting stuck, and for that reason they also need to be from firmer silicone- or else the chain would tear free from the plug. Of course, you don’t need anal training, Buster and then Cleaver have already seen to that for you. You wore a 3.5 inch butt plug into town under your clothes, just to keep your loose hole sealed. Your vaginal trainers start at 3.5 inch diameter and go to 4.5 and 5.5 inch diameter. Veronica assures you that using these eggs will gradually stretch and enlarge your vagina and loosen you significantly,    and ultimately, permanently. It will also gradually push your cervix up and make you deeper. It is how Veronica has trained as the Broken Holes Club vaginal expert, able to go all the way down to the base of the Goliath dildo at 14 inches deep and 6 inches wide. As Veronica explains, stretching vaginally takes a more determined effort from a woman than anal stretching. After all, the vagina is quite literally made to take a pounding! They are not fragile or delicate.

Veronica has also filled you in on the Broken Holes Club’s ultimate destination.    Whilst the stretching and enlarging of their holes is a journey in and of itself for them, there is a bigger aim as well. All three of them have the desire to fuck horses. By fucking horses they don’t mean the fake stuff you see online where some woman is standing under the horse squeezing a soft horse cock inside her, whilst the horse stands there totally uninterested. They don’t mean ponies either. They mean full sized horses with the their full flared cocks as deep as they can physically take them and the horse free to thrust and really fuck them, and quite possibly fuck them up in the process. Regina in particular is obsessed with the clubs mission, desperately seeking a cock in this world that can truly challenges her.

Anyway, you lubricate and work the 3.5 inch egg into your vagina. You take it in quite easily, since you’ve been regularly taking the Great Danes cocks up there and cleaver was the same thickness, excluding the knot. However, as Veronica says, it’s not just the size but the amount of time you keep yourself stretched out. With long daily wear the vulva and its muscles will stretch and your cervix will push back and you will get larger down there- Veronica has assured you of it. It worked for her and it will work for you.

The soft silicone is actually very comfortable, and even after an hour, it is not causing uncomfortable pressure spots- it just expands and fills your beautifully. You’re aware that you will probably have to upgrade to the 4.5 inch quite soon.



As expected, you up-sized to the 4.5 inch plug after only three days. An extra inch of thickness and 1.5 inches more depth may not sound all that much, but the increase in circumference is actually quite extreme. The feeling was mind blowing at first, being so full and stretched out. After an hour though, your vagina began to ache due to the constant hyper stretching of the muscles and pressure against your cervix. You had to grit your teeth and hold it in for as long as possible. Each day since though, you’ve taken it for longer. Each day it penetrated deeper as you expand inside. Today you realised that the aching after long wear has pretty much gone, the relevant muscles seem to have finally given up and accepted their new size. It feels good, really good. Not as intense and mind blowing as being penetrated to over 15 inches deep up your ass by Cleaver, but still good. You realise that when you move to that 5.5 inch birthing egg you will be going from stretching to full on body modification. You also order a set of firmer anal eggs with retention chains.

Today is also a milestone day for Fran’s Training Kennels.    It’s the first sexual helper dog to finish training and be collected by the customer since you took over management duties and did your reorganisation. Fran has finished up with Toryu, and what a good job she did- Fran seems to be relishing getting back to just the grass roots training and her selective breeding schedule and not worrying about other day to day concerns of running the place.

The customers name is Ayako, as already mentioned she is a wealthy heiress to her family business. Like most Japanese she is polite and formal. She is also a relatively small woman, again common for Japanese. Seeing her down on hands and knees it looks like Toryu towers over her, despite the fact that he is far from the largest we’ve supplied from these kennels. All concerns vaporise when we see Ayako in action however. She has a voracious sexual appetite, which is clearly why she has turned to our fine establishment for fulfilment rather than having to use men where she is constantly fending off scumbags that are just looking to get control of her business through her.

Despite her small size the Japanese woman takes Toryu up her vagina like a champion, clearly this woman is no virgin to large penetrations- but it just looks that much more amazing due to her small stature. All of her polite formality has evaporated as well now that shes stuffed full of dog cock, she is yelling out the foulest obscenities “Ohhh FUCK YES, TEAR MY CUNT UP YOU BEAST!!! really FUCK THAT CUNT RIGHT UP!!! Where did she learn all of those bad English words from? It took her a few minutes of hard thrusting to get the knot into her, but as it did she arched up and convulsed into her first orgasm. She thrashed around so much that Toryu’s knot again tore free. So she got him ready again and this time squeezed him up her ass hole. Japanese women are not generally largely into anal, but this one clearly is no virgin to this either. It took some effort for the knot to plunge all the way home, but the little woman is uncontrollably sexually charged up by now and refuses to take no for and answer. Toryu is like minded, as he violently tries to force the thickest part of his knot into her tight ass hole. “FUCK!!! get…it….in…there….just FORCE IT IN YOU BEAST…ARRRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!” She screams at the top of her lungs as the cock forces its way in and fully knots with her. To some special Fran commentary.

“Ohhhh…that’s gonna leave a mark! LOL!”

ARRRGGGGHHH! OH FUCK! ARRRGGGHH! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!” She looks at her belly and sees that huge cock stuck deep inside her guts which causes her to yell out even more. Toryu starts humping her and the woman tries to crawl away, but she’s now firmly knotted and cannot go anywhere,    she now has to endure this fuck until Toryu is finished with her. Initially Ayako is obviously in some distress and loses control of her bladder from the savage intensity of the fucking that Toryu is delivering. But as the minutes go by she visibly and audibly adapts, as well as Toryu just forcing her open and loosening her inside. She stops desperately trying to crawl away and her screams start to become grunts and moans. Toryu unloads his semen into her guts and is soon going again for another round, shortly after. He isn’t the largest, only average really, but he may well have the best staying power and sex drive we’ve seen so far. This time the woman finally settles in and has learnt to deal with the penetration and has another orgasm rush in and overwhelm her. Toryu, climbs off and rotates to face the other way, still knotted to    his his bitch. Getting impatient he starts to walk away, the small woman is still firmly knotted and is now being pulled along behind the huge beast by her ass hole as she learns to crawl backwards. In its fully expanded form, the knot cannot come out without tearing her.    This keeps going on for an eternity it seems. The woman orgasms a further two times whilst she is pulled around the room backwards by her ass hole. Suddenly Fran begins jumping up and down and cheering for some reason.

“That’s it! A new record! 1 hour and 5 minutes constantly knotted! Yeah baby…grats Toryu…oh and you too…what was your name again Japanese lady?!”

Toryu soon finally releases himself and wanders off for a well deserved rest. The woman just lies there, face down, with her ass propped up in the air, eyes glazed but looking no worse for wear excepting one very newly loosened and gaping ass hole.

Back on her feet, cleaned up and dressed again in her tidy business suit, the Japanese woman is transformed immediately back to her polite and formal self, as though everyone has just forgotten that she was fucked absolutely senseless whilst pouring obscenities from her mouth only an hour earlier.

Another satisfied customer walks away…walking a bit funny admittedly, but still walking none the less.

“Sayonara! That’s Japanese!”

Yeah, thanks Fran.



Beatrice has taken to this job, or lifestyle or whatever you want to call it, like she was born for it. Her first trainee is coming along splendidly and she has thrown herself into the training with youthful enthusiasm.

As for yourself, you are now wearing that extra large birthing egg pretty much whenever you’re awake and not in the process of actively training your current sexual helper dog. The constant stretching without any time to recover has altered your vagina noticeably. When you initially inserted the current egg, it sat in you with the last inch or so actually holding you open because it couldn’t go fully all the way inside. Now it sits 4 inches up inside you and your vaginal lips gape open slightly. Now you are taking your current trainee dog vaginally with little effort. When you remove the egg it really does look a bit like you’re giving birth, hence their name. You can now easily slip your clenched fist into your vagina. Anyway, it’s time to upgrade to the 5.5 inch monster- you absolutely want to be able to take the next freak of nature you train all the way in both of your holes. You’re still in regular contact with Veronica of the Broken Holes Club and giving her updates on your progress.

You have to physically squeeze the soft silicone as you literally force the giant egg into your vulva. It finally plunges inside you fully and expands out, pushing your cervix way back inside you at one end and forcing open your hole at the other. You cannot yet quite get the entire thing all the way inside, but you know you will. It feels like it’s going to split you up the middle. Its so large that you have to walk slightly splay legged for now. The very fact that your brain isn’t even making any complaints about what you’re doing just shows how far down the rabbit hole you have now gone when it comes to sexually modifying your body.



Another milestone today. Beatrice finished up and delivered her first trainee. Nothing exceptional or out of the ordinary this time with regards to either the dog or the customer. Just another happy transaction. Bea is eager to get started on her next trainee and requested to take on the largest of the next litter. As the happy customer walks away Beatrice exclaims “Best job in the world!”

Fran fist pumps the air “Best job in the world!”

You decide that you cannot let the side down down “Best job in the world!” What movie is that out of again? You can’t remember.

Fran’s Training Kennels are now officially firing on all cylinders, or in Fran’s own words:    “We’re really bitchin’ now!!!”

Did she mean that as a pun? As always, it’s impossible to tell with Fran whether she’s really intelligent or just plain crazy. You guess she’s insane(ly) smart.



The giant birthing egg has done its work on you from your long term training with it. First, after a week the stretching discomfort gave way to pleasurable tolerable pressure, which then gave way to a feeling of beautiful fullness. A week ago something just gave way inside you, your inner muscles just decided to finally give up the struggle and the monstrous egg now sits a full 5 inches up inside you making you look mildly pregnant when you have it inside you. You feel confidant you can now knot with any of these beasts in either hole, mission accomplished. You order two larger sizes though, just in-case.

It’s a week out from the next customer coming out to pick up a new dog, the latest one that you’ve trained yourself. He is a regular sized boy at 12 inches cock size, though very energetic and with wonderful staying power. He is for a woman already experienced in canine joy, her current dog is unfortunately ageing and suffering from some arthritis, and now just a regular much loved pet for his remaining time.

What’s different this time is that the customer asked about the possibility of a specific fantasy fulfilment when she collects her dog. After looking into it, we decided we could accommodate her fantasy, extreme as it is, since it falls nicely between the last of the current litter and the beginning of    training for the next. This allows us to have 6 dogs available at once. Possibly seven, if you include the freak of nature we have back on loan for siring a future litter.

The woman is 52 years old, from a wealthy family. Over a year ago she was diagnosed with a brain tumour. It was detected early enough for treatment to be effective, yet she is also under no illusions that it can return more aggressively in future. This has caused her to totally re-evaluate life in general and what she gets out of it. She has decided to make her darkest most perverted fantasy come as close to reality as possible, the one she has secretly had in her mind whenever she masturbates since a young age. She has long fantasised about being trapped and raped by a pack of beasts, like wolves. Our beasts may be domesticated and not wild animals, but its close enough for her- especially since they can actually do a very convincing impersonation of    wild beasts when it comes to their primal sexual side.



The customer arrived yesterday to collect her new dog and for her fantasy fulfilment session. Carol is a solidly built woman, a semi-professional athlete in her younger years and still in decent shape- which is probably for the best as a slightly built woman would likely have trouble enduring what she has signed up for. She has decided to go ahead with her fantasy and is shaking in anticipation as we restrain her over a well padded low bench in the outdoor enclosure area we’ve decided to use. For the session we have the customers own dog, plus 5 others from the next litter. All of the dogs are around the 12 inch cock size, give or take a half inch or so, which is now the average of our litters. In reserve we also have Therion, who is here on loan from a customer as a stud dog. Therion is one of Fran’s freaks from almost two years ago and measures in at 14 inches long, but also has an abnormally thick cock that has reportedly left his young owner quite heavily worn out down below after almost two years.

The customers instructions for the session are to make it as real as possible. It is not to stop until the dogs are finished and lose interest, or she uses her safe word. She is very well aware that this fantasy could damage her holes, when she masturbates to her fantasy she even pictures this actually happening. If she passes out we are to revive her immediately using smelling salts if necessary. We’ve insisted upon her having a safe word to stop proceedings if she needs it. Though, in reality it would be hard to pull one of these dogs off her once they are knotted and grappled onto her.

Her own dog, named Emil, will begin proceedings, since he has been trained by none other than yourself. Once under way the new litter will be introduced, they are inexperienced but likely to learn fast from the already trained dog. The dogs will then be left to have their way with her, non stop until they’ve had enough. When they finally begin to lose interest we will then bring in Therion to finish her off. It is quite possible that some of the dogs will end up going through the woman several times and it could easily last all day- we’re not really sure because we haven’t done this before. For this occasion, the dogs will wear muzzles. Though the Great Danes usually get along well with their own kind, especially their own siblings, once you introduce a bitch they can get competitive- just like any male mammals.

Fran guides Emil, the customers purchased dog, into the woman’s vagina to get things rolling. The woman holes are moderately worn from years of prior canine experience, though with a smaller dog than Fran’s super breeds. She isn’t stretched and gaping like yourself and Fran, but she is experienced enough to take Emil easily and he’s quickly knotted into her and enjoying himself. The woman responds favourably as well. “Ooohhh fuck that’s good, he’s a bit bigger than I’m used to! Ooohhh FUCK YES THAT KNOT IS HUGE!!!” We get the okay from the customer to release the pack onto her. “Yes, do it DO IT! I want them to rape me, fuck me up bad!”

We release the other 5 dogs into the outdoor enclosure, only holding the freakish Therion in reserve for later. The inexperienced new litter immediately become aroused and begin jostling around the woman eagerly awaiting their own turn, an alpha male based pecking order can already be seen emerging amongst the beasts.

The woman has already had her first double orgasm, the excitement is all over her face as she sees the pack milling around, ready to mercilessly rape her with no regard to her own well being. Emil is now being driven by the competitive pack mentality and is brutally pounding the woman so hard that he’s forcing her body against the restraints that hold her. Emil soon pumps his semen into her and rests on top of her, pinning her to the padded bench. The pack is getting impatient. Emil starts humping again, soon driving the woman to another orgasm. The other dogs are regularly beginning to urinate on her in an attempt to mark her as their personal bitch.

After 40 minutes Emil finally releases his cock from her much loosened vagina, leaving it leaking a stream of semen onto the bench. The next beast in the pecking order wastes no time and immediately throws himself onto her back and thrusts his cock into the first hole he can find, which is her ass hole this time. She was not ready for it and lets out a scream that hurts our ears. Then another scream as the knot expands and lock him into her. It seems like the woman’s cries and struggles against the restraints drives the beasts lust to an even higher level. Above her cries we can already hear that disgusting squelching noise that these dogs always make when they are pounding deep up inside a well worn and lubricated ass hole. The woman is really starting to respond now. “OHHH YES!!! FUCK ME UP!!!

By the time that the current beast pulls out of her ass, the woman is having another shattering orgasm, causing her entire body to spasm against the restraints. He finally is able to pull out, leaving her ass hole a gaping mess leaking the usual lubricant and semen. There is no chance for her hole to even attempt to close up before the next beast slams in hard. Being well worn in now, the woman just grunts like an animal herself.

Four hours in, the first four dogs have already well and truly been through her and the fifth one is currently still hammering away on her vagina. The woman is holding up remarkably but starting to visibly tire, spending most time just passively lying there and taking the current beast. She hasn’t had an orgasm for over an hour. Her holes are badly stretched, sore and showing signs of bruising from the pummelling they have taken. The dogs are still eager, even the first dogs are showing signs of interest in seconds.

Dog number five dumps his first load into her vagina and turns around, facing the other direction behind her- still firmly knotted. Then something that none of us expected happens. With one dog facing away and knotted vaginally, the next in line decided not to wait any longer and jumps over the top and starts to force himself into the vacant ass hole. Having been somewhat passive for some time, the woman suddenly explodes back into life as both holes became unbearably stretched at the same time. Just one of these cocks is 3 inches thick and the knot around 3.5 inches. The woman is convulsing as the second beast tries to force his cock all the way in, knot and all. For a minute he is poised, just not quite able to force himself all the way in past the still not fully expanded knot. “OH GOD…OH GOD…OF MY FUCKING GOD…HE’S GOING TO FUCKING TEAR ME OPEN!!!” She has found her voice again after being relatively quiet for the past hour. The beast redoubles his efforts and finally forces her open accompanied by a blood curdling wail from the woman. She is thrashing her arms and legs against her restraints, writhing as those two big knots ruin both her holes at the same. As she rears up to the full extent that the restraints allow, we can clearly see both cocks, now side by side, stretching out her belly like one of those extreme Japanese Hentai cartoons.

There is nothing to do but hope she can endure this. Both dogs are knotted and stuck now, whether we like it or not.

Bea “Wow…we weren’t planning for that one!”
You “Ouch!”
Fran “Holy fuck yeah! That’s gonna leave a serious mark!

The woman looks down between her breasts at the obscene bulge in her belly and looses all control. Maybe it is adrenaline, but she finds a new burst of strength and begins humping her hips back “ OH YES, OH GOD FUCK ME UP!!!”

You find it hard to believe that the woman is still able to go for it and orgasm despite what’s being done to her.

The top dog is humping her without mercy now and, despite her ordeal, the woman has her first orgasm for the past hour. With that, the last of her strength leaves her and she just lies there listlessly now, waiting for the pack to finish having their way with her body.

With both dogs resting, waiting to finally    release themselves after    almost 30 minutes    of being double knotted, Fran takes the opportunity to jump in and administer fluids to both the woman and the pack. Also to confirm that the customer is still up for more. She is, she also indicates that it’s time to let Therion and his giant 14 inch cock to join in. The other dogs immediately make way for what is clearly the alpha of this pack.

The damage done by being double knotted for over half an hour by two huge cocks has the benefit of allowing Therion in without much fuss. As large as Therion is, he’s not as large as two of the others at the same time. You find yourself wondering how that feels…two at once.

The pack finally loses interest after 9 hours, one by one they disperse to sleep it off. The final 2 hours see the woman just lying motionless, eyes just staring vacantly, totally exhausted and letting the pack just have their way on her. Her voice is gone, her throat sore from hours of crying out in either lust or pain or both at once. The last beast finally vacates and we inspect the damage. Both her holes are loosely gaping open and her rectum is prolapsing out of her ass hole.

We release her restraints and help her into a reclined position against the padded bench. She looks down to see what state the beasts have left her vagina in, whilst she weakly feels behind for her ass hole. She immediately passes out when she sees and feels the results.



Carol stayed with us for a week to recover fully. She was back on her feet after two days, but still very sore. She needed a few stitches in each of her holes. She has taken some serious wear and tear down below.

She also watches the full 9 hour ordeal on video, it was exactly what she fantasised about for so much of her life- so much so that she not only pays us the agreed fee, but a bonus as well.

You send out the message to your agents that future such sessions are possible for serious players.


15 December22

Everything is really coming together now. Beatrice has worked out splendidly and with three bitches doing training the waiting list is already becoming much more realistic. Fran can accelerate the breeding program with extra litters each year. Everyone is enjoying their role and we even have the option to take short breaks between trainee’s. Which is going to prove a huge boon for you in the near future.

Today you received an email from Veronica of the Broken Holes club. You’ve been in regular contact with her and have built up quite the friendship. Today’s email caused your stomach to knot up and your vagina to start flowing with juices.

Veronica has informed you that they have sourced some horses. Real full sized horses that are ready to fuck them. Amazingly it doesn’t even involve international travel. A woman horse owner that is involved in the more extreme side of the BDSM scene in the state of Victoria, wants to get off seeing other whores fuck with her horses, and be fucked up by them. They have already met the woman and are going ahead with the offer. The horses already have experience with women- as the owner has been hiring them to wealthy international travellers. She has three horses that range in size. No woman has taken the largest of the three.

Veronica wants to know if you’re in. You will be the fourth member of their club.    The others have already agreed, it’s just up to you now, yes or no? You will have to join them officially, including their special tattoo. She is very clear about warning you that they are talking about full on horse cock penetration, with the horse able to thrust and ejaculate inside with a full flared cock head. There is also another extreme club “badge” of sorts that they have all agreed upon. Some time ago, Regina found an old cattle branding iron at a junk store. It depicted a horse, not unlike the prancing stallion used by Ferrari, and several letters that were probably related to the cattle owner of times long past. The club removed the letters from the branding iron, leaving just the horse motif only. That’s right, they have agreed that every woman that successfully copulates with a stallion will be branded on one of her ass cheeks to mark her permanently for life as a woman that has taken the ultimate cock.

Once upon a time, you would have debated an opportunity like this with the long absent rational side of your brain. You would have debated what this is likely to do to your body, the risks blah blah blah. But Miss Rational hasn’t been seen around these parts for over 6 months. You email Veronica with two simple words.

“Fuck yeah!”

To be continued in the first part of “Tales of the Broken Holes Club”.