Chapter 1

I glanced in the rearview mirror to see how Dragon was doing. He was sprawled across the back seat sleeping. That’s a good boy, rest up; save your energy for later tonight you lucky son-of-a-bitch. I smiled at my own clever joke…

Dragon and I have been together since I got him as a pup from the breeder. I’ve watched him grow from a small clumsy pup into a handsome and powerful yet gentle beast. He’s a fairly big boy even for a Great Dane, weighing in around 180 lbs. and is approximately 32” high when he’s on all fours but stands almost 6’ tall when he rises up on his hind legs. His sleek, toned, and muscular body is covered by a fine glossy black coat except for a small white patch in the center of his chest between his front legs. His ears are cropped which makes them stand erect to rise above the top of his head giving an illusion of constant attentive inquisitiveness to everything he studies. I always thought the dark black onyx pools of his eyes combined with his cropped ears gave his face the look of an old soul. I loved him like a son and tonight I was going to help him lose his virginity.

I took the exit off Pena Boulevard and turned left to head to the Residence Inn where I was to meet John and his wife. As I watched the shifting hues of red and orange reflecting off the scattered clouds from the sun setting behind the Rockies a sense of trepidation slowly filled me the closer I got to the hotel. I wondered if I was heading into some sort of horrible trap. I’d been extremely cautious in my correspondence with John but I’d also heard horror stories of overzealous law enforcement officers who lured people into meeting them on the pretenses of either having a dog or looking for a dog only to arrest them when they met. The story of the Arizona couple who were arrested after meeting a man they contacted on Craigslist who said he had a dog sent shivers up my spine. The meeting and their subsequent arrest ruined their lives.

I’d been careful in my email correspondence with John right from the beginning. We found each other on the Personal Ads & Dating section on Beast Forum. His posting was short, simple, and titled “In Need of a Good Dane.” He said they were an attractive, physically fit, drug and disease free couple in search of an experienced Great Dane. She was a 5’ 4” brunette with a trim figure, 34D-24-35. Location wasn’t a problem as they could travel for the right opportunity. The posting also said the owner of the Dane would be generously compensated for their time.

I responded to John letting him know that I had a Dane that might be able to fill their need with one exception; he’s yet to fuck a woman. His wife would be his first if they agreed to meet. John was reluctant about Dragon seeing as this would be his wife’s first experience with a dog. He feared it could turn into a disastrously awkward encounter between inexperienced partners leaving everyone frustrated and disappointed. They were seeking an experienced dog that knew what to do and who would be a vigorous and determined aggressor seeking to properly breed his wife.

I replied back to John and expressed my disappointment but understood his reasons. But I also took the opportunity to inform him that Dragon, my Dane, was a virile, horny young male that I’d been preparing for just such an encounter. I explained to John that Dragon was almost two years old and how I’d been training him since he was a pup to be comfortable with people stroking his cock and balls. I shared with him that I’d been jerking Dragon off regularly since he was 14 months old and that I’d even purchased a Fleshlight for him several months ago to use in training him to insert and thrust his cock into a wet, warm, pseudo-vagina. As a final desperate enticement, I included a photo of Dragon along with another one that showed of his large, engorged cock just after he’d gotten off in the Fleshlight; an obscene drop of cum still clinging to the tip of his red glistening penis.

I didn’t hear anything back from John for several weeks. Just when I thought he must have found a more suitable dog for their situation I received a message with the subject “We’re Interested in Meeting Dragon.”


Chapter 2

I cautiously scanned the lobby as I walked into the hotel and chose a large armchair off to the side. Sitting down I pulled out my iPhone to text John as we had agreed.

“I’m here,” I wrote, pausing briefly to take a deep breath before hitting send and committing Dragon and me to a bold new chapter in our lives. For better or worse, here we go; I thought to myself.

In less than a minute my phone vibrated with the arrival of his reply “where are you?”

“In the lobby. On the west side sitting in the red chair”

“where’s dragon”

“In the car”

“i’ll be right out”

Moments later a guy stepped out of the bar, then paused to survey the lobby. He was a tall, handsome man with a great tan and chiseled features. He looked to be in his early to mid-fifties with a full head of gray hair. This guy looked like he was a CEO of a company, maybe an ex-athlete of some kind, or a car salesman.

Just when I began to think this guy couldn’t be John he looked straight at me and said, “Mark?”

I stood and replied, “John?”

John got a big toothy grin and extended his hand. “Hi, Mark. How are you doing?” I cautiously smiled and shook his hand. John had a strong, firm handshake. I sensed he was one of those guys that if you squeezed back too hard they increased their grip making their handshake into some kind of macho pissing contest where the harder you squeezed he’d reciprocate by squeezing back harder. I relaxed my grip causing him to release my hand but not before pulling me in then patting me on the back with his big meaty paw.

“Come join us in the bar for a drink. Let’s get to know each other a bit better. I want to introduce you to my wife, Nicole.”

Following Mark into the bar I pursed my lips trying to conceal my disappointment. I had hoped they would be a younger couple looking to explore a forbidden sexual fantasy. While watching Dragon fuck an attractive woman of any age would be an enormous turn-on I had kind of built up a fantasy in my mind that John and his wife were in their 30’s and looking to put some spice back into their waning sexual relationship. In my fantasy, she was a pretty suburban housewife with a secret insatiable libido craving to taste the forbidden fruit of kinky sex with a dog. A closet harlot that not only enjoyed sex but ached to feel the huge cock of a large dog embedded in her cunt as he filled her womb with his nasty seed.

As we walked through the bar I noticed there weren’t too many people; a couple of guys in business attire at the bar, two other couples each sitting at separate tables dispersed in the room and an attractive younger woman sitting alone near the back nursing a drink. Just as I started thinking his wife must have gone to the ladies’ room we approached the table of the young woman.

“Mark, this is my wife, Nicole.”

The woman at the table quickly scanned the room with her eyes before looking up at me and giving me a nervous little smile, the corners of her luscious lips curling up into a modest little smile.

“Hello…” she whispered as she briefly glanced up at me before returning to see if anybody was watching us.

I was instantly dumbfounded while simultaneously mesmerized by her beauty. She was absolutely gorgeous. She looked to be at least twenty years John’s junior. Her shoulder-length auburn hair was casually parted on the left then flowed into bangs that swept across her face to flow over the side of her right eye then curved to follow her cheek and strong jawline. Her dark, sultry brown eyes were intoxicating. Her left hand delicately formed around the contour of a Martini glass; her nails done in a fancy French manicure with a huge diamond ring gracing her finger and paired with a diamond wedding band. The stone in the ring had to be at least a caret to a caret and a half on top of a platinum band filled with smaller stones that glistened in the light. She was dressed to the nines in a low-cut halter top that exposed her full, plump breasts. She was without a doubt one classy looking, smoking hot woman. As I shamelessly stared in awe at this heavenly creature it suddenly dawned on me that I was looking at a trophy wife.

“Sit down and have a drink with us.” John coaxed as he beamed with pride.

“Oh, uh, yeah… Sorry.” I quickly took a seat on the other side of Nicole as I tried to quickly recover my composure.

“What will you have?”

“A Scotch on the rocks with a lemon twist. Glenlivet if they have it.”

John raised his hand to get the attention of the waitress and gave her my order. When the waitress left the table there was an awkward pause as we sat there smiling while waiting for someone to break the ice. It didn’t take long before John leaned in over the table and started talking in a hushed tone.

“So… Dragon’s out in the car, huh?”


“Do you have the pictures I asked you to bring?”

When John and I exchanged messages over Beast Forum discussing the possibility of a meeting I’d initially sent him two photos of Dragon; one of Dragon and me in my backyard and a second that was a close-up of Dragon’s fully aroused cock hanging down under his belly. When we agreed to meet John asked that I bring more photos of Dragon and his male “member.”

“Yeah, I have them here on my iPhone.” As I pulled out my phone the waitress arrived with my drink breaking the anxious tension as John and Nicole stared intently at the iPhone in my hand.

“Will there be anything else?” she asked with a cheery smile.

“No, thank you. We’re good for now.” John replied curtly.

We all watched as the waitress moved away from the table before returning our attention to my iPhone. There were only a few other people in the bar and nobody near our table, at least nobody that could see what we were looking at. I pulled up the pictures of Dragon and set my phone on the table between them. The first photo was the same one of Dragon and me in the backyard. I could tell Nicole was closely studying the image then glancing at me. I think she was trying to gauge how big Dragon was by looking at me then at the picture of him and me. She began nervously fidgeting in her chair as her breathing became more pronounced and labored. Her chest started rising and falling as she took deep, measured breaths.

John swiped the iPhone to see the next couple of pictures which showed Dragon running and playing in the backyard. These photos showed off his firm muscular body as he ran and played. The next photo was Dragon lying on his back in the grass fully exposing his belly and giving us a view of his hairy sheath and balls. The large dark orbs of his testicles contained in their sack resting on his inner thigh were clearly visible in the picture, each one the size of a large egg filled with his hot sperm. I could see Nicole was becoming more uncomfortable with each passing minute as the photos of Dragon became more risqué. At first, she’d stare intently at the photos with a lecherous gleam in her eyes then she’d quickly look up to scan the bar to make sure no one was watching before returning once again to take in the magnificent wonder that was Dragon. Now it was my turn to beam with pride.

The next photo was of Dragon standing with his fully engorged cock hanging down under his belly, the one that I’d already sent John. Nicole bit her glossy red lower lip as she stared at the image on my iPhone. When John swiped to the next photo I heard Nicole softly gasp as she quickly caught her breath. The picture showed a close up of Dragon’s cock and next to it was my hand holding an orange with a cucumber (this picture was a son-of-a-bitch to take! The orange and cucumber fell out of my hand several times before I was finally able to get the photo). The orange was in the palm of my hand with a large green cucumber underneath and protruding out through my fingers. My hand was holding them next to Dragon’s wicked red vein covered cock for comparison. Incredibly his knot and shaft were slightly bigger than the orange and cucumber in my hand. His cock also had an interesting curve culminating in a large flat head with an odd off-centered pointed tip on the end not present on the cucumber.

“Oh my God,” Nicole whispered with a nervous little defensive giggle in her voice as she stared wide-eyed at the photo of Dragon’s cock. She slowly lifted her head to look into John’s eyes, her face revealing a mixture of shock with a sliver of fear. “He’s huge!”

I could sense a new, subtle rigidness to her posture as she slowly returned her eyes to gaze at the magnificence that was Dragon’s penis. Even in the dim light of the bar, I could see her face becoming flush as she began to softly pant, her beautiful buxom breasts rising and falling with each delicate breath escaping from between her luscious red lips. I couldn’t be certain but I could swear she was clenching her butt checks and clamping her thighs together in an unconscious defensive move against an imagined intruder. Watching her stare at the pornographic image of Dragon’s cock and seeing her body react made me wonder what was going through her pretty little mind. What does a woman think when she sees a cock like that? Desire? Fear? Both?

John was studying her face and her reaction to the photo. He smiled then reached across the table to squeeze her hand. His firm touch broke the spell bewitching her mind to bring her back to the moment. Nicole raised her head to lock eyes with him. They looked deep into each other’s eyes for several long minutes. There seemed to be some unspoken communication going on between them before John slightly bowed his head and said to her in a calm, steady voice, “Do you want another drink, sweetheart?”

Nicole’s brown eyes raced with a subtle almost indistinguishable movement from side-to-side as she continued to stare into his face looking for something I couldn’t comprehend. She looked down again at the iPhone with the image of Dragon’s huge red cock. Her breathing was soft, quick, and shallow as she studied the image for several long seconds before looking up once more with watery doe eyes to stare blankly into John’s face.

“No. No, I’m good.” She said in a meek almost inaudible voice.

A lecherous, almost sinister, grin formed on John’s face as he studied her expression, he seemed to be staring deep into her soul. “Are you sure?”

Nicole bit her lower lip, looked down at the photo again, then nodded and said, “Yes, I’m sure.”

This must have been their prearranged signal to each other about going through with a plan. I was coming to believe John had given her a safe phrase for her to call it all off if she didn’t feel comfortable or had second thoughts about wanting to go through with his plan for her to be fucked by Dragon. Once I comprehended what I had just witnessed my heart began racing. Nicole, this beautiful goddess sitting next to me, had just consented of her own free will to being fucked by a dog, to be fucked by Dragon, to let him put that un-Godly cock inside her body and breed her like a bitch in heat. Now it was my turn to be flush with excitement.

John got a big smile, leaned back into his chair and turned to look at me. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a hotel room card key.

“I took the liberty of getting a room for you and Dragon. Why don’t you two get settled and freshen up then come join Nicole and me in our room around 9:30 pm.” John wrote their room number and the time on the back of the cocktail napkin and slid it across the table with the card key to me.

The whole time John had been talking to me Nicole kept her eyes glued to the picture of Dragon’s cock on my iPhone while nervously sipping the last of her drink.

I picked up my iPhone and stood up from the table.

“Great. Dragon and I will see you two at 9:30 pm.”


Chapter 3

At exactly 9:30 pm I stood outside the door to John and Nicole’s suite with Dragon close to my side on his leash. I did a quick side glance to my right then to my left checking the hallway before softly knocking on the door.

“Coming…” yelled a voice from behind the door.

I heard the deadbolt click then the door cautiously opened a sliver with the safety latch remaining securely in place. A cautious eye peered out at me through the narrow opening before looking down to see Dragon. A mischievous white, toothy smile quickly formed in the shadow behind the door like a wicked Cheshire cat floating in the dark. The door closed briefly to release the safety latch then swung open wide revealing John standing in a white hotel robe.

“Come in, come in.” I led Dragon into the room as John quickly turned to close then deadbolt lock the door behind us.

“Welcome, gentlemen,” John said in an excited tone. “So this is the infamous Dragon I’ve heard so much about. My God, he’s a handsome brute. He really is a big boy, isn’t he?” He said with a sly chuckle. John was holding a drink in his hand and gestured for us to enter into the suite. I was pretty sure he was naked under his robe.

“This way, gentlemen. Nicole has been anxiously awaiting your arrival…”

As I followed John into the living room area of their two-bedroom suite I could see they’d pushed the furniture back against the walls. Before I could ask I found out why. There, splayed out in the middle of the room, was Nicole lying on her back strapped down to some kind of small, adjustable bondage bench. The bench was similar to a weight training bench but was customized for a much more nefarious purpose. Apparently, John and Nicole were engaging in a little erotic foreplay in preparation for her big night with Dragon. Nicole was naked except for a delicate black lace garter belt around her waist attached to sheer thigh-high black stockings and black stiletto pumps. Her legs were raised in the air and separated to form a “V” with her ankles wrapped in leather restraints that were securely fastened to the ends of metal bars extending out from the bench, spreading her body open for easy carnal access. Her arms were stretched above her head framing her pretty face as they reached above her head where they came together at her wrists and were wrapped and bound together with a nylon red rope that was tautly secured to another metal extension bar leading away from the top of the bench; her lovely French manicured hands gripped the cords as if she were holding on for dear life. In her mouth was a bright red ball gag outlined by the shiny lip gloss on her full ruby red lips. Around her neck, she wore a black leather dog collar embedded with rhinestones spelling out the word “Bitch.” A shiny silver dog leash chain was clipped to the D-ring at the front of her collar. The chain of her leash trickled off the side of her neck to run down into a pool of silver metal beneath her head on the floor. She looked unbelievably stunning laying there on this twisted gynecological alter, vulnerable and exposed waiting for her kinky yet sensual adventure with the dog to begin.

Nicole struggled to lift her head to look over her heaving breasts and through her outstretched legs to see Dragon and me standing across the room. She stared into my eyes and I briefly saw a defiant intensity of raw feminine lust burning in her crazed eyes before her gaze slowly lowered until it came to rest on Dragon, the beast who would soon be fucking her. She immediately started breathing short, rapid gasps of air through her nose, her chest quickly rising and falling as her nostrils flared like a bitch in heat. She dropped her head back to rest on the bench as she began meekly whimpering and moaning into the ball gag while rocking her hips and struggling against her restraints. As she flexed her butt cheeks her swollen vulva became more flush and engorged, her beautiful pouting labia glistened with moisture and parted ever so slightly beckoning for a penis to enter her. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Nicole, this gorgeous, sexy woman, was now just a horny female bitch trying to entice my dog to come fuck her.

A sudden jerk from Dragon’s leash brought me crashing back to the moment as he strained against his bonds trying to get to Nicole. He’d never fucked a female before, canine or human, yet he instinctively seemed to know this was something he wanted and he wanted her now.

“Whoa! No, Dragon! Sit! Sit!” I commanded as I tugged firmly on his leash, pulling his body back and preventing him from pouncing on her. Dragon reluctantly obeyed and sat by my side looking at me confused and frustrated. He began whimpering and whining looking back at Nicole then to me then back to Nicole again. Nicole heard my commands to Dragon and let her body go limp in the bonds that confined her. Her soft cries muffled by the ball gag and the annoyed expression on her face clearly signaled her frustration.

“Good, boy. Stay.” I patted him on the back hoping to get him to relax a bit. I could feel the tension rippling in the muscles of his shoulders as I tried to calm him. I wanted to assure him that the night was still young and he’d have his chance with her but I’m sure he didn’t understand. I couldn’t blame him. It took all my will power to refrain from ripping off my clothes and fucking her right then and there. God, she was beautiful.

“I see you boys like my sweet little bitch, Nicole. She does look beautiful lying there doesn’t she?” John said with a sense of pride.

“Where’d you get the bench?” I asked.

“Oh, that? It’s just one of our many little toys. It’s one of Nicole’s favorites, isn’t it sweetheart?” Nicole’s eyes were closed as she continued softly whimpering and gently rocking her hips somewhat oblivious to us and the rest of the world.

“Is she drugged?” I asked.

“Depends on what you mean by drugged? If you’re asking if I drugged her, no, I would never do that to her. If you’re asking if she’s taken any drugs, then yes, she’s taken something.”

“What’d she take?”

“A little ecstasy. She thought it would help relax her while intensifying the physical pleasure of the experience with Dragon. X makes her nerves shiver with anticipation as the smallest touch can bring her a flood of pleasure. Her dirty little secret is she’s a bit of a closet wildcat when it comes to sex, the proverbial good girl to the outside world yet a nasty slut behind closed doors. But I have to admit, even this kind of kinky sex is pushing her boundaries to a whole new level. She told me seeing the pictures of Dragon’s cock both excited and terrified her. That’s a helluva big cock he’s got.” Nicole turned to look at us with a sorrowful pleading in her eyes while grunting into the ball gag in her mouth begging for our attention.

“It feels a bit awkward having you dressed while everyone else, including Dragon here, is naked. Why don’t you go into the other bedroom there and get into a robe? Take Dragon with you. After you’ve changed leave Dragon in the bedroom for a bit and come back, relax and we’ll have a drink before we get started.”

I wasn’t sure where this was all going. I thought we were just going to get together and watch Dragon fuck his wife. Was John expecting something more from me?

“I think you should know, I’m not gay,” I said nervously.

John smirked, “That’s nice, neither am I. This is Nicole’s night. She mentioned she thought you were kind of cute. Let’s all just focus on giving her a wild, erotic night she’ll never forget. If you play your cards right she might let you fuck her after Dragon’s had his go with her.”

I looked John straight in the eye to see if he was serious. If he was joking I couldn’t tell.


Chapter 4

Dragon watched me as I undressed and carefully laid my clothes on the bed. I had to smile as I watched that crazy dog watching me. He seemed so regal lying there on the floor at the foot of the bed looking like the Great Sphinx as he cocked his head from side-to-side carefully watching me place each article of my clothing on the bed. He’d then give me that silly curiosity look of his as I began to remove another piece of clothing. I’d been naked around Dragon a number of times, too many to count for that matter, but for some reason this time was different. When I was finally down to just my boxer shorts his steely gaze seemed to pierce right through me, making me feel self-conscious and a bit uncomfortable as he studied me. On some level we were going to be equals of a sort tonight, sharing the sexual favors of the same female. God, how kinky was that?

I shook my head and began laughing at myself. “Hell, who am I kidding? I’m not his equal here. He’s the only reason we’re in this hotel room at this moment; him and that big fucking cock of his. We were here so he could fuck the brains out of that gorgeous creature strapped to the bench in the next room with his monster cock. If it wasn’t for him she’d never even notice me or give me the time of day. How’s that for a humbling thought?”

A small part of me just wanted to crawl away after that sobering revelation, but I knew there was no going back now. Besides, my insecurities were no match for the dark desires in me that wanted to see him breed that beautiful bitch. I was as anxious as he was, if not more, to see him fuck her. I pulled my boxers down and threw them on the bed. Standing there naked I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a nice, average size cock; six, maybe seven inches long if I was lucky and really hard. Yet it made me feel so inadequate to know that Dragon’s cock was a good ten or eleven inches long from the back of his knot to the tip of his shaft. Then there was that unholy knot that no man could match. That’s what they all wanted to know and experience, isn’t it? What it feels like to be helplessly tied to a monster-sized cock that completely fills their pussy then just pulses and throbs inside their pussy as he cums and cums and cums. How does a guy compete with that?

“Shit. Oh well…” I picked the robe up off the bed, pulled it over my shoulders then wrapped it around my waist, tied the belt and took a deep breath. It was almost showtime. I moved to the door then stopped and turned to look at Dragon.

“Wait here, stud. John and I’ll get that hot pussy ready for you, you lucky bastard…” I said to Dragon with a smirk mixed with some envious animosity. I felt like the warm-up band that nobody wanted to hear about to take the stage. I knew Nicole didn’t want to see me while the main attraction was sitting right here anxiously waiting for his time with her.

“I’ll be back for you shortly.” Dragon started to follow me out of the bedroom door. “No! Stay! Stay, boy. You’ll have your chance soon enough. I promise.” I opened the door just wide enough to slip out of the room then closed the door quickly behind me. As soon as the latch clicked I heard Dragon on the other side, pawing at the door and whining to come join the party.


Chapter 5

I turned and moved into the living room area of the suite to find John kneeling naked on the floor next to Nicole’s restrained body, caressing and licking her breast. He was slowly sliding some kind of dildo in and out of her pussy with long, deep, steady strokes. The strange dildo had a long surgical tube running from the non-business end of the toy phallus to a black bulb at the other end on the floor. On the flat-screen television, a porno movie of a woman with a large black Great Dane was playing. It looked like he’d connected his laptop to the T.V. to play a video from his personal pornographic movie collection.

Looking at Nicole lying there strapped to the bench, vulnerable and exposed, excited me and filled my heart and cock with lust for her. Her nipples were hard and erect as her full, ample breasts rose and fell with each deep, quivering breath she took. Soft, meager moans of pleasure emanated from her delicate throat only to be muffled by the gag in her mouth. Her pretty brown eyes were glazed over and partially closed but periodically she’d flutter her dark eyelashes and open them to focus on the woman and her canine lover in the video as the dog mounted and savagely fucked the naked woman. Nicole’s sighs of passion and anxious yearning dramatically increased during these moments of bestial coitus between the star-crossed lovers on screen. She seemed to be lost in a fantasy, projecting herself into the woman on the screen, signaling her desire to be the recipient of the unnatural carnal union by frantically rocking her hips and imagining she was being impaled by the magnificent beast’s cock.

John stopped playing with Nicole’s body and looked up at me with a now too familiar fiendish smile.

“Mark! You look way more comfortable now. Make yourself a drink. You’ll find glasses and ice over there on the bar. I got you a bottle of Glenlivet since you seem to be a scotch man. Once you have a drink, come join us. Nicole is a nasty little slut who loves being the center of attention, don’t you sweetheart?”

Nicole groaned a weak “uh-huh…” from the fog of her reality and nodded her head ever so slightly while keeping her gaze fixed on the pornographic scene on the television.

“Uh, okay, sure. Thanks.” I turned and walked over to the bar and made myself a drink.

Turning back to face John and Nicole with my drink in hand, I watched as John tormented and teased his wife’s body by slowly fucking her with the odd red variegated dildo while flicking his tongue over her left nipple then down her side. Nicole was now watching as the sexy brunette in the video sucked the huge, swollen red cock of the Great Dane. The woman in the video was playfully toying with the obscene penis, using just the tip of her tongue to lightly brush over the pointed end of his cock as it bobbed in her hand pulsating with little jets of pre-cum that she aimed to land on her face, in her mouth, and on her tits. Nicole’s body shivered and twitched as John continued to tease and taunt her body. He was whispering something in her ear as he fucked her slow and deep with the dildo. I couldn’t hear what he was saying but I did hear Dragon’s name which made her tremble. I assumed her nerves were tingling uncontrollably from his torturous stimulation and that she was possibly even having small, mini-orgasms judging from the way she periodically jerked, sighed and moaned.

“What kind of dildo is that?” I asked.

John stopped licking Nicole’s taut belly and looked up at me with a wicked smile then pulled the large phallic toy out of her vagina. This made Nicole whimper and cry, rocking her hips and pleading for him to return the toy to fill her wanton void.

“These are more of Nicole’s favorite things, aren’t they sweetheart?” Nicole grunted an anxious and muffled “uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh…” into her ball gag while quickening the pathetic pleading of her gyrating hips begging for John to put the toy back in her cunt.

“Have you ever heard of a Vixen? It’s a dog dildo with an inflatable knot.” John held the dildo in one hand while picking up the connected black bulb then giving two quick squeezes causing the small knob at the base of the dildo to double in size.

“Wow. How big will it get?”

John grinned and repeatedly squeezed the bulb as the knob in the dildo grew and grew until it was the size of an orange before he stopped.

“I’m a little afraid to inflate it any more. It might pop or something then that would be the end of that.” John opened the release valve on the bulb letting the air out of the dildo and the bulge shrunk back down to the size of a golf ball.

“This special toy and the movie we’re watching are a big part of why you and Dragon are here tonight. Nicole loves to watch “Sugar Dane” while I fuck her with her naughty dog dildo. She likes to watch Stray-X there fucking that beautiful Dane while I slide the Vixen in-and-out of her cunt, increasing the size of the knot as I fuck her. Then, when the dog in the movie has tied with Stray-X, I slide the Vixen deep into Nicole’s cunt and quickly pump the knot up until I can’t pull it out of her. Once her vagina seals around the knot and she feels it trapped inside her I give it two more strong pumps to make sure she feels like she’s being tied to a dog’s cock. Then, with the dildo firmly stuck inside her, I slowly push and pull on it a few times so she can feel the huge cock in her as the tip is pressed firmly against her cervix and the back of the knot pushes on her g-spot. This lets her know she’s tied with the fantasy dog cock and it’s unable to come out of her pussy just like a real dog would do to her. That’s when I like to whisper into her ear, “now is when the dog starts to squirt his hot seed deep into your nasty little cunt making you his bitch.” This never fails to drive her wild, making her body convulse with a major toe-curling orgasm.

“Wow.” The thought of Nicole so consumed with the fantasy of being fucked by a dog was making me hard. This woman who could easily have any man was obsessed with giving her body to a dog for him to use for his sexual gratification. I was about to cum without even touching myself.

“Yes, wow indeed,” John said. “And that is why we were looking for a good Dane. Nicole and I are frustrated with just living the fantasy and settling for a cold, hard facsimile. We want her to experience the real deal, to have the hot, salacious flesh of a dominant male canine take her and use her body for his sexual pleasure. We’ve read the stories on Beast Forum as well as seen the pictures and videos of dogs with women and we want her to know what they know, to have her feel what they’ve felt, we want her to know what it’s like to have a savage beast ravage her body for his pleasure, to feel the heat of his pulsing cock stretching and filling her as he spews his hot seed deep into her womb.”

Nicole’s moans and muffled sighs increased as she listened to John. John looked down at his wife then smiled and slid the dildo back into her glistening vagina. I couldn’t tell if it was really Nicole’s desire to live out this fantasy or John’s but he was definitely very adamant about making the fantasy a reality and she seemed to be more than willing to comply.

“Why don’t you take off your robe and join Nicole and me before we bring Dragon in?”

I set my drink on the floor on the right side of Nicole’s body, across from John, then unfastened my robe and tossed it on the couch. Kneeling next to Nicole I leaned forward to gently tickle her right nipple with my tongue before softly sucking on her breast. God, she smelled and tasted good. Reaching into my glass I retrieved an ice cube then lightly traced the shape of her breast with the melting ice in ever smaller circles until I reached her areola and erect nipple. Tiny goosebumps appeared on her skin as I softly blew on the water that ran down her skin making Nicole relax in her bonds followed by a deep sigh.

John stopped sucking her left breast. “You sly dog you. This obviously isn’t your first rodeo. I think she likes you…”

“Are you going to inflate the dildo in her?” I asked.

“No, no, no… This is just to prime the pump a little. I don’t want to deprive Nicole or Dragon of that special moment when they come together in the heat of passion to consummate their lust. No, tonight is to be special. I want Nicole to experience his magnificent knot in all its size and glory as he ravages and uses her body for his sexual gratification. I also want Dragon to enjoy feeling his cock filling and stretching the tight vagina of his virgin doggy bitch as her body closes around him trapping him inside her. The first time should be special for both of them, don’t you agree?”

The gleam in his eye was kind of creepy but I also knew that it was an accurate reflection of my own perverted erotic desires.

“What do you say? I think it’s time for Nicole and Dragon to finally get to know each other better. Hmm?” He proclaimed. I could hear the anxious anticipation in his voice. At the same time, I felt a small tremor shudder through Nicole as she caught her breath and her body tensed as she realized we were about to begin.

I nibbled on her earlobe while lightly pinching her right nipple then softly whispered in her ear, “Are you nervous, Gorgeous?”

She turned to look at me then slowly nodded her head. I could see a tiny glint of fear mixed with the hunger in her eyes.

“Don’t worry, just relax.” I gently caressed her stomach and chest with my fingertips as I spoke to her in a steady voice. “You’ll be okay. In fact, you’re going to feel great. John and I are here to help you if you need it but I assure you there’s nothing to worry about. This is going to be one of the most incredible sexual experiences of your life. Just stay calm and let Dragon do what comes naturally to him. When it comes down to it he’s just a horny male with a penis and you’re a willing female with a vagina. Each of you is capable of bringing intense physical stimulation and pleasure to the other with your bodies. You’ll be fine. Okay?”

The fear in her eyes faded a little as she looked at me then relaxed and nodded again.

“Okay. You and John have seen videos of dogs fucking women but they don’t necessarily show everything. I want to make sure you know what’s about to happen to you so you don’t freak out. This is going to be a very intense and real experience and should not to be taken lightly. Obviously, this won’t be like having sex with a man. Dragon is a dog, a BIG dog, but he doesn’t want to hurt you he just sees you as a female to breed. Even though this is his first time he instinctively knows he’s supposed to get his cock deep inside your vagina so he can release his sperm into your womb.”

Nicole closed her eyes as a soft moan emanated from deep in her throat. Her chest started rising and falling faster as her breathing became shorter and shallower.

“He will fuck you unlike any man who’s ever fucked you. Men’s cocks are flaccid prior to intercourse and need to become fully erect before they can insert themselves into you. Once a man has penetrated you he will thrust his penis in-and-out until he achieves his orgasm, ejaculates for several seconds inside you and then withdraws.

“Fucking Dragon is going to be very different from anything you’ve experienced before. The core of his penis is always rigid so he will be ready to penetrate you almost immediately after he mounts you. He will wrap his legs tightly around you and aggressively pull your bodies together as he brings his gyrating hips and his cock ever closer to your crotch seeking your sex. As he becomes aroused his slick, slender penis will quickly protrude farther and farther from the end of the hairy sheath under his belly until his penis, including the knot, is fully exposed and ready to enter you. At this point, you’ll probably feel hot little jets of pre-cum squirting from his penis as he frantically jabs and pokes at your vulva. His hefty penis will flail and bob wildly between your thighs as he searches for your vagina. The ejaculate you’ll feel as he tries to enter you isn’t his cum, it’s a pre-cum fluid that helps lubricate his bitch’s vagina and ensures the quick, deep penetration of his swelling cock into your body. His penis will look and feel small at first but I assure you his cock and knot will swiftly expand in both length and girth until it’s as big as the cock you saw in the pictures on my phone. I guarantee you, once he feels your soft, wet, warm pussy around his cock he will become a very enthusiastic lover.”

My words elicited a meek sigh followed by a low moan resonating from deep in her throat. Nicole closed her eyes and gently rocked her hips as a pained expression filled her face.

I continued to whisper in her ear, “Initially, his prick may hurt a little if he pokes you too hard in the wrong place or at the wrong angle until his penis swells up. I’ll do everything I can to assist getting him inside you quickly but in the frenzy of his excitement to fuck you, it may take me a few seconds to get him correctly positioned to enter you. Just don’t panic. Try to relax.”

Nicole’s breathing was quickening and the gentle rocking of her hips was now at a quick rhythmic pace as she clenched then relaxed her butt cheeks. I could see she was excited and ready to have Dragon fuck her and she wanted him now! Now it was I who was taking fiendish delight in seeing how excited my words were making her. I could see this was pure psychological torture for her but I was enjoying seeing her like this and wanted her to agonize for his cock just a little bit longer…

I reached out and ran the tips of my fingers over Nicole’s thigh, I could feel the tension in the muscles under her sheer black nylons. My cock was as hard as a rock as I let my fingers continue tracing the exquisite contours of her body; over her hips, along the quivering flesh of her abdomen into the concave recesses of her rib cage, to the pillowy mounds of her full breasts, up to her throat, and to finally trace the edge of her jawline to her ear. God, she’s beautiful. Her soft skin felt like fine silk.

“Once he feels the tip of his cock sliding into your wet, silky smooth vagina his simple, yet innocent mind will explosive with a sense of euphoric rapture. His primal instincts will take over compelling him to possess you completely and fully as his bitch. He will become an aggressive and extremely enthusiastic sexual partner with blind determination and a single focus of inseminating you. At this point, it will be just you and Dragon doing what you both so desperately want and need; to be conjoined lovers using each other’s body for your mutual physical gratification. He will begin savagely plunging his cock into you over-and-over again; going deeper inside your body with each powerful thrust of his hips. As he fucks you, his cock will continue to grow and swell until he becomes fully engorged and erect inside you, stretching your vagina to wrap snuggly around him as he fills your cunt with his massive cock.

“You may not even notice his knot at first but soon after he enters you you’ll feel some resistance and pressure against your vulva and labia as he forcefully thrusts his cock in-and-out of you. He will be determined to get and keep his knot inside you. You saw how big his cock becomes when fully erect. Just relax and let him get it inside you. You may experience some pain and discomfort at first as your vagina stretches to accommodate his large size. If there is any pain, it will quickly subside to be replaced by warm tingling sensations as he fills you with his beautiful hot cock.

“After he’s tied with you he may try to thrust a little more but he will soon feel his cock firmly locked in your pussy so he’ll stop thrusting. He’ll then hold your body tight and begin ejaculating his semen into you. You’ll know when he’s cumming. The first few pulses of semen ejaculated are generally very robust. His cock is so big you’ll feel the pressure of his cock pressing against your cervix and it throbbing inside you as a warmth begins to radiate in your belly from his sperm shooting deep into your womb. He will continue cumming in you for 10 to 20 minutes, maybe more, as he releases almost a half-a-cup or more of semen inside you. You’ll also feel his heat. His body temperature is about 105 degrees, which is a good 6 or 7 degrees higher than yours so his cock and sperm should feel excitingly warm inside you, some women even say it feels hot in them.”

At that moment, Dragon began whining and whimpering in the bedroom as he pawed at the door pleading to be released. I leaned in again to softly blow in her ear then began whispering to her again.

“Do you hear that? He wants you. He wants you bad. He can smell the powerful scent your female body is sending him begging him to come breed you. This will be an experience, unlike anything you’ve ever done before. Relax and enjoy it. Dragon will do most of the work. Okay? Are you ready for me to bring Dragon in?”

Nicole looked up at me, scrutinizing my face with those seductive brown eyes. I stared back into the shiny dark pools and saw a devilish siren luring me to her rocky shores, an animal craving to be savagely fucked by a beast. Her piercing stare looked right through me as she slowly nodded her head.


Chapter 6

“Before you bring him in help me adjust the bench, he’s a little bigger than I expected,” John said with a nasty smirk. “Let’s raise her bench up a couple of inches. I want everything to be perfect when you bring him in here to mount her.”

Nicole closed her eyes letting out an exasperating sigh at hearing John’s words, her body going limp in the restraints as the pained, pleading look on her face signaled her frustration with yet another delay.

I moved around to stand above her head then pushed down on the metal bar where her wrists were tied. The bench pivoted on the upper legs lifting her butt and legs so John could adjust the height of the legs on the bench. Nicole looked at me with a pleading vulnerability through half-opened eyes as her head rolled back and her breasts flowed towards her shoulders. As I looked into her eyes, I kind of delighted in the idea of what we were doing. I found a kinky eroticism in the act of preparing this helpless gorgeous creature to be mercilessly fucked by Dragon that was making my already stiff cock harder, making her body easily accessible for his hard cock.

“Great. Now lower her hips and lift your end so I can do the upper ones.” John lengthened the legs under her head and shoulders so her head would be slightly higher than her hips. Nicole just laid there helplessly as we gently tossed and rolled her body.

With the adjustments completed, John stood back to assess his work. He then swiftly moved between Nicole’s outstretched legs, leaning over her and gripping the edges of the bench in his hands on either side of her waist. Looking deep into her hazy eyes with a crazed passion, he started thrusting his hips between her outstretched legs pretending to fuck her. The head of his hard cock glided back-and-forth through her fine, silky pubic hair before slithering over her tanned belly. I could tell he was imagining himself as Dragon fucking his wife, making sure the dog would have no problems accessing her cunt.

“Yes, yes, much better.” He then turned to me, grinned, and gave a nod. “She’s ready. Let’s bring him in!”

When I opened the door to the bedroom I found Dragon lying next to the door blocking me from entering the room. He jumped up and looked at me with his big dark eyes then began wildly wagging his tail.

“Yes, it’s time, big guy.” I don’t know if he understood anything about what was about to happen but he sure was damn happy about something. “Come on, she’s waiting for you…”

Before I could grab his collar, Dragon pushed past me knocking me back against the door as he bolted into the other room stopping just short of Nicole strapped to the bench. Dragon’s long tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth as he panted and scrutinized our strange new friends. John slowly backed away from Nicole to stand on the far side of the room so as to not distract Dragon from his main purpose.

Nicole’s eyes locked on Dragon the moment he entered the room. Her face went pale with the slightly terrified look of a doe first seeing a wolf and realizing he is about to consume her body and knowing there was nothing she could do to stop him. But in her terror, I also saw a tiny spark of lust ignite in her eyes as her body trembled, her abdomen tensed hard and her breasts began rapidly rising and falling as she started to pant in short staccato breaths. Glancing between her outstretched thighs I swore I could see her full pouting pussy lips getting wetter as they glistened with anticipation to beckon him.

We were all transfixed watching Dragon, waiting for him to make the first move. The sound of Nicole and Dragon eagerly panting as they eyed each other reverberated in the room as the tension built, weighing thick and heavy around us. After several agonizing minutes, Nicole started whimpering and clenching her butt cheeks while rocking her hips, pleading with the dog to come fuck her. Dragon stood still, studying this curious creature before him, totally ignoring John and me to focus solely on her. He licked his chops, closed his mouth then tilted his snout up sniffing the air. He’d caught her scent. His nostrils flared as he savored her smell, then he slowly lowered his head and cautiously stretched his neck toward Nicole’s spread thighs. Seeing the copious secretions trickling from her vagina in preparation for penetration as they glistened in the light, I knew he was drinking in the intoxicating aroma of her pheromones.

Dragon took one step then another, moving ever closer to the bench as he cautiously stalked his intriguing prey. When he circled then turned toward her I caught a glimpse of the pointed pink tip of his cock beginning to protrude from its black, hairy sheath. Nicole’s turbulent panting increased as Dragon moved ever closed to her naked body.

This was going far better than I hoped. Mother Nature had prepared Dragon for this moment better than I could have imagined. Even though he’d never fucked any female before, canine or human, he instinctively seemed to understand what he needed to do. John and I stood mesmerized as we watched the erotic sexual interplay unfold between our two lovers. Nicole’s body was quivering and shaking as she continued to test the bonds restraining her; her pearly white teeth biting deep into the red ball gag as she erratically panted in short, hard gasps through her nose. The whimpering cries of her desperation were stifled in that beautiful throat bound in a dog collar. She never took her eyes off him as he slowly inched ever closer to her vulnerable body splayed open for him to use. Dragon guardedly approached her seeking the source of the pheromones that flooded his olfactory senses and were racking his brain with a single overwhelming compulsion to seek sexual fulfillment.

My mind was reeling as I watched the unbelievably erotic play unfolding before me. I was dying to know what was going through her pretty little mind. What does a woman think about when she knows her body is about to be used by a dog for his sexual pleasure? Was she thinking of anything at all or was she merely responding to the moment? There would be no love or tenderness in his coitus with her only raw physical gratification driven by a misguided blind determination to breed her. Did this excite her? Was she seduced by the taboo nature of what was about to happen? Or was she only thinking of satisfying her own physical cravings? Did she want to fulfill her own submissive desire to be totally dominated and used by the beast? Maybe she was thinking about his big, fat cock and how it would feel filling her void as it throbbed and twitched while spewing his seed deep in her womb? God, I wished I could hear her thoughts!

Dragon was now between her legs with his nose mere inches away from her crotch. Nicole craned her neck to watch his head move ever closer to her pussy until his cold, wet nose touched her hot vagina. Her body violently jerked against her constraints as she threw her head back and let out a muffled cry, her body tensed as her hands clenched tight around the red rope binding her wrists. Dragon stuck out his tongue and gingerly tasted the glistening moisture on her swollen labia. Nicole closed her eyes as his tongue slid over her clitoris, groaning and shuttering as electricity raced from her pussy through her body. Watching her whither and shake on the bench it was obvious she’d had a small orgasm causing her body to secrete more fresh nectar for her lover to enjoy.

Dragon ran his large tongue over her vulva several more times running his rough tongue over her soft skin and bathing her crotch in his saliva before stepping back then arching his back and dry humping the air beneath him. His cock was now extending two or three inches out of his sheath with little jets of pre-cum squirting from the tip. He made a strange guttural sound I’d never heard him do before, part deep growl and part whining howl. He was becoming anxious and frustrated. He knew what he wanted but wasn’t sure how to get it. John and I looked at each other with insanely fiendish glee. This was it. He was ready to fuck her.

Nicole lifted her head, lustful desire consuming her face, as she watched his firm, muscular body spasm between her outstretched legs. She sensed his unbridled desire for her which excited her even more. She began pleading with him to fuck her in the only way she could while gagged and restrained to the bench, by whimpering and wiggling her butt desperately trying to entice him to mount her. This gorgeous woman was now reduced to a horny bitch craving to be fucked. The look in her eyes was of an animal vacant of all human sensibilities except for the need to be physically satiated with carnal pleasure.

I couldn’t stand the strain of waiting for him to figure out how to mount her so I moved in and took hold of his collar then guided him between Nicole’s trembling thighs, his large head looming over her taut belly, his hot breath washing over her firm breasts and hard nipples.

“Up! Come on Dragon, up. Up, boy.” I coaxed while pulling on his collar to encourage him to jump up and lie on top of her. Dragon resisted at first but then awkwardly started trying to stand on his hind legs. He nervously lifted his front legs a little a couple of times before finally rising up then lunging his torso forward before falling on Nicole.

“Umph!” grunted Nicole as the weight of his body landed on her. Dragon now seemed to understand what he needed to do to breed this bitch. He immediately wrapped his powerful legs around her chest gripping her firmly and pulling his body tight against her, his head lying over her left shoulder pressed against her own. He began pulling his torso forward while enthusiastically thrusting his hips at her crotch wildly searching for her sex. Nicole remained rigid and seemed to be paralyzed with fear as he savagely attacked her. His cock was sliding and squirting between their bodies much like John had done to her only moments ago.

Everything was happening so fast now. Dragon was frantically trying to find the entrance to her pussy with little success. When he arched his back I could see his penis swelling and squirting in the pocket between their two bodies. The tip of his penis was jabbing her slightly above her pubic bone spraying pre-cum on her belly and matting her pubic hair. Just as I was about to step in to help I watched in amazement as Nicole clenched her butt and arched her back pushing her pelvis up placing her swollen vulva against his hairy belly. When Dragon’s hips pulled back his penis slid over her clitoris then down between her gaping labia with the pointed tip positioned to enter her. As he thrust forward again his thick cock parted her pussy lips and sank deep into her moist, velvety vagina. With his hot poker now firmly in place he commenced savagely ravaging her flesh with renewed vigor. Nicole’s eyes flew wide open in shock staring at the ceiling while biting hard and deep into the red ballgag that muffled her screams as Dragon now began fucking her in earnest. The power of his repeated thrusts rippled through the flesh of her butt and thighs as the sound of his belly slapping against her skin filled the room.

“Jesus Christ, look at that bastard fuck her! I’ve never seen anybody fuck pussy that hard or fast before.” John said with a sense of awe as we witnessed a wild symphony of physical motion.

“Ugh, ugh, ahhhh…” Nicole moaned in muffled cries over and over again. Her pearly white teeth bit deeper into the ball gag as the brute mercilessly fucked her. Dragon looked like he was vigorously wrestling her, pinning her to the bench and crushing her breasts with his chest as he squirmed and moved on top of her. He kept raising his left hind leg, wildly flailing it in the air as if he was trying to climb on top of her as he sunk his rapidly expanding cock deeper and deeper into her cunt. Nicole was completely at his mercy. Her head sharply jerking back with each forceful lunge of his cock into her body, her lustrous hair swaying in time with the silver chain dangling from her neck with each mighty thrust.

John and I watched with perverse envy as Dragon literally plowed his cock mercilessly into Nicole’s body, fucking her with the blind determination of an animal seeking to satisfy his primordial yearning for sexual pleasure. His magnificent balls where lewdly swinging between his legs slapping her ass as we listened to the sloppy, wet slurping sounds emanating from their conjoined genitals. Nicole was lost to another world as she withered and squirmed like a woman possessed under his firm muscular body. She strained against her bonds trying in vain to accommodate his wild thrashing as he used her body to satiate his bestial lust. When I first heard the soft thump, thump, thump, sound I thought somebody was pounding on the ceiling from the room below about the noise when I noticed the bench lifting off the floor as Dragon repeatedly drove his now-massive cock ever deeper into her body driven by instinct to bury all of his ungodly penis inside her pussy.

Then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over. Like the quiet after a storm, Dragon stopped his frenzied assault, stretching his neck and adjusting his grip to hold her tight. His hips rested against her butt with all of his cock now firmly embedded deep in her cunt. His large head was next to hers as he started panting heavily, letting his tongue flutter between his sharp white teeth.

Nicole laid still beneath him, breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath. A sheen of sweat covered her skin when she suddenly cried out. Her body tensed as she arched her back and rapidly rocked her hips against Dragon. A series of frenzied convulsions and spasms raked her body. Dragon, for his part, remained stoic as he released his seed into his bitch, increasing his grip around her before she went completely limp under his motionless body. His curled tail was triumphantly raised in the air exposing the tight black sphincter muscle of his anus constricting and relaxing like a beating heart. I knew the flexing of his anus was happening in unison with his sperm ejaculating into Nicole’s womb.

I turned to look at John, “That’s it. They’re tied. He’s got his knot in her and is pumping her full of his cum.”

“My God, that’s so fucking hot! That was the most fucking erotic thing I’ve ever seen. So much better than I imagined.”

”Yeah, me too…” The thought of Dragon cumming in her was driving me wild. I practically came just thinking about his cock swelling and squirting in her gorgeous body.

John and I stood there naked with raging erections as we gawked at the conjoined lovers, their genitals intertwined in a mating dance. Minutes continued to pass as we watched the two lovers savored each other’s body and basked in their shared decadence, Dragon continuing to ejaculate his hot seed into her womb. Nicole looked like she was in some kind of euphoric coma ignorant of the rest of the world. She’d gaze up at us with a distant almost sorrowful look before she’d gasp and her eyelids would flutter as her eyes would roll back into her head. She kept squeezing and flexing her butt checks while gently rocking her hips into Dragon. Occasionally she would tremble and shake as if electric shocks were racing through her body.

John squatted down behind Dragon, craning his head to peek around his tail to see Dragon’s scrotum now tightly wrapped around his balls, constricting with a mesmerizing throbbing. The folds of Nicole’s labia minora were full and pouty resembling a pretty clam closed around his thick, hairy sheath as it disappeared into her vagina.

“Christ, you can see his balls twitching as he’s cumming in her,” John said with fiendish glee. He then reached out and gently cupped Dragon’s balls in his hand.

“Ugh, you better be careful… I don’t know if he’s going to be okay with that.” We both looked up but Dragon didn’t’ move. His eyes were half-closed and he seemed more focused on Nicole’s pussy squeezing his cock and breeding his bitch than on John’s hand touching him.

“Geez, I can practically feel the sperm leaving his balls. God, he’s got big balls!”

John slowly lowered his hand to let Dragon’s testicles hang free once again. Then he lowered his head to take a closer look at the obscene carnal union between the dog and his wife.

“Oh my God is that hot! Her pussy is bright red and swollen around a large red shaft that disappears into her cunt. The lips of her pussy are clamped tight around his cock with a tiny trickle of cum leaking out of her cunt.”

John moved his hand up between Dragon’s legs.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to feel it in her.” He said with a fiendish grin.

“You better be careful…”

John slowly moved his index finger up to touch Nicole’s pussy then gently worked his finger between her labia under Dragon’s cock.

“Oh my God! I can feel it! I can feel his fucking knot in her! Her pussy is sooooo fucking wet and full of dog cock!” he said in a breathless whisper followed by a small chuckle. “I got an idea…”

Dragon’s pre-cum and Nicole’s own vaginal secretions had trickled down the crack of her ass. John moved his finger down and began rubbing the fluids with the tip of his finger in little circles around her anus slowly working his finger into her rectum fucking her butt hole. This new intruder to her body made Nicole start squirming and moaning again. Soon John was able to easily slide his whole finger in her ass. The look of surprise on his face was priceless.

“Oh my God! I feel him cumming in her… I can feel that huge cock of his throbbing in her each time his balls twitch.”

Nicole began stirring again. She moaned and whimpered like a wounded animal.

John withdrew his finger from her butt and stood back. “Go ahead, see for yourself.”

The thought of feeling Dragon’s cock in her body was pretty hot. I knelt down on the floor behind Dragon and reach my hand up to stick my finger in Nicole’s ass. A little stream of semen was trickling out of her cunt down the crack of her butt. I wet my finger with cum then slowly fucked her ass with my finger. John was right. Just inside the clenched sphincter muscle of her butt, you could feel the large ball that was Dragon’s knot in her pussy, filling her vagina and pressing against the wall of her rectum. It was huge. I knew his knot was supposed to continue swelling inside a female after he became tied but I never realized how big he would get. I turned my hand palm side up, rotating my finger in her butt, to see if I could feel how big he’d become. Nicole started squirming and began panting again; I could feel her body pulsating around my finger as her rectum squeezed my probing digit. His knot was bigger than an orange maybe even as large as a softball. John was right, you could feel him throbbing in her pussy as he came. Knowing his knot was pressing against her bladder and g-spot I gently applied pressure upward knowing it would increase the pressure of his knot on them and hopefully her pleasure.

I smiled when Nicole stiffened then cried out as her body convulsed with another mild orgasm.


Chapter 7

Reluctantly, I slid my finger out of Nicole’s butt; her puckered anus tenaciously clenching tight around my finger. I couldn’t be certain but it seemed as if Dragon’s knot was swelling again, I felt an increased pressure against my finger that seemed to emanate from inside her vagina. I slipped my finger out of her butt and past the throbbing, bulbous growth that was next door in her pussy.

I sat back on the heels of feet, sighed and let my eyes feast on the remarkable sight before me. Everything about this evening was surreal and I loved every nasty second of it. I’d lost track of time. Nicole and Dragon had been in their kinky, erotic embrace for quite a while now, both of them were still engaged in an intensely intimate sexual act but the interaction was on a very subtle level to John and me. Dragon had barely moved once he became tied to her but his anal sphincter muscle continued clenching and relaxing signaling his ongoing ejaculations shooting into Nicole’s womb. He shifted his weight once or twice, adjusting his grip around her chest, like a boa constrictor leisurely squeezing it’s prey, pulling himself tighter against her torso, his chest crushing her breasts as his body enfolded hers. His massive muscular frame dwarfed her petite feminine curves. The contrast of his black fur on her silky smooth skin was incredibly erotic. A fine sheen of perspiration had formed on her almond tanned skin making her body glisten in the light of the room. Nicole looked at John and me through half-open eyes, seemly dazed and bewildered at her unending predicament. Hearing her meager whimpers and grunts softly echoing in her throat spoke volumes of what she was experiencing. Her body repeatedly shuddered with subtle involuntary spasms as she remained impaled on Dragon’s cock as he continued to twitch and spew his hot sperm deep inside her pussy.

Somewhere during the frenzy of Dragon’s insane passion for her body, Nicole had lost her stiletto pumps leaving just her clothed in just her thigh-high stockings and garter belt. The bright red polish on her perfectly pedicured toes took on an erotic flair behind the sheer black material caressing her legs. Watching her feet was like a window into her rapture as they twisted, stretched and pulled at the restraints around her ankles. When she moaned her toes curled into quivering knots.

The two of them remained fused in their taboo lover’s embrace for what seemed like an eternity, each obviously basking in the euphoria of the physical pleasures only their bodies could share. Dragon stirred a couple of times, arching his back and moving his hips which only served to re-affirmed his knot was still too large to be freed from the loving embrace of his bitch’s cunt as her womb greedily drank in his hot seed. Nicole winced then whimpered in response to her lover’s movements. A weak, muffled cry echoing in her throat as his knot pressed against her g-spot making her thighs shake and the flesh on her legs and butt ripple with little waves. I’d never seen a woman convulse with such raw physical pleasure like this before much less for so long. The thought of her ecstasy being the result of a dog using her for his sexual gratification was more than a bit humbling. Dragon seemed to be benefiting from the pleasures of her latest climax as he responded by tightening his grip around her waist and pulling himself ever slightly forward over her torso. I imagine he was savoring the renewed contractions of her sweet vagina gripping his throbbing cock.

As I watched Dragon’s balls constrict and twitch I began to wonder where all that nasty doggy cum was going. There was a tiny trickle of semi-milky fluid seeping out of her pussy which flowed down the crack of her ass. Tiny droplets formed just below her anus and then gently fell through the air to join a small but expanding puddle on the carpet. Dragon had been ejaculating in her for more than 15 minutes by now. Her womb had to be bathing in his semen, his virile and potent sperm swimming deep into the recesses of her uterus in search of eggs to fertilize. My God, what a perverted yet immensely erotic thought! I wanted to masturbate but was afraid if I touched my cock I’d explode.

Dragon suddenly began stirring again, this time pulling his hips away from the cunt that held his cock captive with more determination. Nicole’s head instantly rose up; a look of fear mixed with pain contorted her face. Once again the ball gag muffled her screams as she panted short, erratic breaths through her nose. Her teeth biting deep into the ball gage distorting its shape. I looked between her spread thighs to see her swollen labia rising outward between her thighs as it was being pushed and spread apart from inside her body. The sight of his knot pushing and stretching her vaginal opening seeking release took on the kinky appearance of the birthing of his obscene penis as his ungodly knot crowned. Sperm gushed, sprayed and bubbled around the pinkish orb with a slurping noise as Nicole’s vagina finally released her beloved intruder. Nicole cried out with one last feeble scream, thrashing violently in her bonds, before falling limp and passing out. Beads of sweat were rolling off her body.

The knot was out but the shaft of his penis still remained inside her cunt. Dragon moved his hips away from her crotch; awkwardly pulling himself down the length of her lifeless body. As he continued to move back his cock finally slipped out from the confines of her cunt to swing free between his legs. The bastard was still squirting little jets of cum. My God, what a monster! How the hell did he get all of that fucking prick inside her petite little body? His cock had to be at least eleven inches long, 3 to 4 inches of knot followed by 6 to 7 inches of the shaft. No wonder she screamed as he fucked her.

Dragon rose up on his haunches then backed away from her having successfully bred his first bitch. He turned then sat and began licking the comingled juices of his semen and Nicole’s vaginal secretions from his shrinking cock. Cleaning his weapon before putting it away until next time.

Nicole’s cunt was still gapping from the huge cock that had just invaded her body. Her swollen labia were slowly closing when a torrent of semi-gooey liquid gushed out of her vagina with a loud queef. Bubbles formed in the sperm sticking to her pussy until they collected into a sticky string that dangled from her butt, hung in the air, stretched, and then fell to the carpet to join the rest of Dragon’s excessive ejaculate on the floor. The small spot was now a large puddle.


Chapter 8

A din of vulgar grunts interspersed with the sound of flesh being briskly slapped into submission assaulted my ears breaking the hypnotic spell cast by Nicole and Dragon’s erotic performance. The fog of the surreal events of the evening still clouded my mind as I turned to see John frantically masturbating like a crazed baboon just feet away from Nicole’s semi-comatose body. His face was distorted into a grotesque mixture of pleasure and lust as the tempo of the hand choking his cock intensified, a blur of repetitive motion moving faster and faster as his face flushed a deep crimson red.

“Ugh… Ugh… Ugh… Ah… Ah… Ahhhhhhhh!” He screamed between clench teeth, the muscles of his neck straining as streaks of cum jetted from the swollen purple head of his cock in three spastic ribbons of goo. Each squirt of jizz spewed forth from his cock to arc through the air toward Nicole’s naked body. The first explosive stream of thick ejaculate landed on her leg, splashing against her left inner thigh just below her knee. The smeared impact splotch of milky white man seed oozed down her thigh culminating in a small glob that clung to the fine intricate weave of her black nylon stocking. I watched as a tiny dollop of his cum formed then jiggled on her lovely thigh as her body continued to convulse in postcoital ecstasy.

John fell to his knees still clutching his dripping cock gasping for air. His face quickly returning to normal as his dick slowly shriveled in his hand. After several deep cleansing breaths, he threw back his head then turned to look at me.

“Aghhh!” he cried out. “GOD DAMN that was intense! Look at her, just look at that fucking satiated bitch. I’ve never seen her so fucking satisfied after getting fucked. That bastard literally fucked her brains out. Did you see the size of that fucking cock?! God, that was hot! Jeez!”

Nicole had indeed drifted into some altered state as her mind and body slowly recovered from the intense coitus with her canine lover. She looked incredibly stunning to me as her wilted body trembled and shook in the fetters that held her to the bench. A glistening stream of Dragon’s semen sluggishly seeping out from between the folds of her engorged vagina to flow down the crack of her ass as her labia closed like the petals of a flower at dusk to seal what remained of his cum deep within her. John’s little splotch of cum seemed so pathetic considering the copious volume of cum Dragon had viciously injected deep into his wife’s womb.

“Let’s untie her and move her to the bed,” John said.

With a loving reverence, I moved to release Nicole’s ankles from the bonds holding her legs as John worked to loosen the rope around her wrists. I unfastened the buckle then undid the strap from her left ankle, gently lowering her leg while cradling her foot in my hands as I set it on the floor. I then repeated the ritual with her right leg. John freed her arms letting them drop to her sides. He then reached behind her head, unbuckled the strap of the ball gag and slowly peeled it away from her face. An almost imperceptible glistening string of saliva clung to the red ball as it left her glossy lips. She was now free.

John lifted her limp torso to sit on the bench then wrapped her left arm around his neck.

“Get on her other side and let’s take her into the bedroom.”

I moved to Nicole’s side and wrapped her right arm over my shoulder as John had done with her left arm. We picked her up and took an awkward step forward dragging her body. This was no way to treat this beautiful goddess.

“Here, let me take her…” I bent down and scooped her into my arms, lifting and pulling her close to my chest. The odor of sweat, sex, and perfume filled my head. Nicole wasn’t completely oblivious to what was happening, she wrapped her arms around my neck then nestled her head into my shoulder, her warm breath caressing my chest. Dragon temporarily stopped cleaning Nicole’s juices from his cock to study her cuddling in my arms as I moved around him. I could sense the possessiveness in his gaze, his body tensing. He meticulously watched me carry his bitch away before relaxing and deciding to return to licking his genitals. As I carried her into the bedroom my cock was still rock hard, the engorged head brushing against the smooth skin on her butt as I walked.

John walked ahead of us briskly pulling back the sheets on the bed. Gently, I lowered Nicole on the cool white sheets, her head sinking into the down pillow. I stood over her drinking in her beauty, lusting for this gorgeous creature who’d just been fucked by my dog.

“You want to fuck her?” I heard John say from behind me.

Without taking my eyes off her I breathlessly replied, “Yes… God, yes!”

“Go ahead. Dragon bought you the price of admission. Nicole and I discussed it before we came here. I told her I was going to let you fuck her if Dragon did his part and, boy did he ever do his part.” I couldn’t even see him but I knew he had that fiendish, smirking grin on his face again. I was quickly coming to associate this sleazy image with John in my mind. What pact had she made with the Devil to have him as her penitence? He was a crude asshole, but right now I didn’t care. I wanted her. My body literally ached to have her and he was giving her to me. I was going to steal a small piece of her that would forever be mine.

Moving onto the bed I spread her legs apart to kneel between her thighs. I wanted her completely naked. I ran my hands over the outside of her thighs, up her hips, moving higher to feel the life essence throbbing and pulsing in her. I slid the palms of my hands over her chest, cupping and kneading her firm breasts, lightly pinching and rolling her erect nipples between my finger and thumb.

Nicole’s eyes remained closed but she started breathing faster, even uttering a tantalizing moan, as her body responded to my touch. I fought the urge to brutally ravage her, to unleash the animal within me to fuck and use her as Dragon had done but I resisted my demons to fulfill a much greater hunger. Sitting back my hands glided over her stomach coming to rest on her garter belt. I slid my fingers under the band of delicate black lace and pulled the flimsy material down over her hips and butt stopping at the top of her nylons. I pulled a stocking off one leg then the other before tossing the gossamer lingerie to float down to the floor next to the bed.

I now drank in her full, natural beauty. Her pussy was still flush and inflamed, glistening with the bodily fluids exchanged and shared in her decadent union with Dragon. Her clitoris was snuggly tucked into the puffy folds of her vulva and there, just below the hooded nub of her clit, was a small cloudy spot of his cum trying to escape. Placing my hands on either side of her pussy I opened her thighs to expose her sex to me. A gasp left my chest as I leaned forward to stick the tip of my tongue into her vagina using the white spot of cum as my guide. I dove into her cunt as far as I could; feasting on her flesh as I parted her labia with my tongue. Swirling and darting my tongue in her cunt I could detect the familiar lightly acidic flavor of a woman mixed with a strange metallic taste I took to be Dragon’s cum. Nicole’s body tensed and weakly struggled in my hands as I slowly yet methodically devoured her pussy. I took perverse satisfaction in hearing her meager cries of pain and ecstasy when I nonchalantly took her labia minor or clit between my teeth to nibble and torment her before setting them free to be flicked and caressed by my probing tongue.

“Fuck me… Please fuck me…” she quietly cried. She was ready. I stopped my assault of her cunt to catch my breath. Nicole began rocking her hips begging to be fucked. “Fuck me… Please… Please fuck me…”

I rose up and pulled myself over her body until my cock was poised to enter her cunt, she could feel the head of my cock resting at the gaping wet entrance to her vagina. She turned her head to look at me; her dark brown eyes cold and vacant, the soulless black pupils looking straight through me.

“Fuck me… Fuck me… Do it… Fuck me…” she breathlessly pleaded as she began to pant, rocking her hips up into mine. I couldn’t stand it anymore; I needed to fuck her now. Staring back into the depths of the abyss in her eyes I shoved my cock into her as hard and as deep as I could. Her wet, sloppy cunt felt like heaven to my aching cock. Nicole held her mouth open as I plowed myself into her but she didn’t utter a sound except to pant in short, soft, shallow breaths never breaking eye contact. I started fucking her for all I was worth, slamming my cock into her again and again. I grunted and snorted like the animal I’d become as I took my pleasure from her. Just when I thought my heart was going to explode in my chest I felt my body squeezed by the vice of rapture as my soul was ripped from inside me to shoot through my cock into her cunt.

“Ah… Ah… AHHHHHHHHH!!!” It was my turn to twitch and spasm as I came in her cunt. Our eyes never breaking contact as I dumped my seed to mix with Dragon’s inside her womb.


Chapter 9

The rhythmic thumping in my ears was almost deafening as I lay on top of Nicole trying to catch my breath. Our eyes remained locked in a hypnotic trance as her body shuttered beneath me with another small orgasm. The expression on her face was a mixture of pleasure and pained exhaustion. She felt like an extension of my own body as my cock remained semi-rigid in her hot, silky cunt. My body pressed down against hers as her firm breasts resisted and pushed me back with every breath she took. My cock felt every subtle movement of her body amplified through her cunt; the quivering of her abdomen, the rapid beating of her heart, every gasping breath of air she took. I didn’t want this to end. I wanted to stay inside her and make her cum for me over and over again. I slowly gyrated my hips using my cock to churn the cum in her vagina as it flowed and oozed between us. I tried imagining Dragon’s huge cock buried inside her as he spewed his hot seed in a desperate attempt to remain hard. But my vain efforts were for not as my cock was done. I reluctantly rolled over onto my back pulling my limp penis from her vagina, a slimy trail of cum following my cock as it slid across her thigh.

I stared at the ceiling. I felt good but a little sad and empty. I looked over to see John sitting in the armchair. He’d gotten his robe and a drink then come back to watch me fuck his wife. I got the sense he took a perverse joy in exploiting her desires and watching his pretty little trophy wife getting fucked. I also notice Dragon was sitting in the doorway to the bedroom. I have no idea what goes through a dog’s mind but he too seemed to take a curious interest in watching me fuck his bitch. As I sat up on the bed I noticed that the swelling pink tip of his cock was peeking out of his sheath, lewdly bouncing up-and-down as he panted. A clear drop of pre-cum was forming on the pointed tip as he ogled Nicole’s naked body on the bed.

“So, how was it? You ever have sloppy seconds after a dog before?” John said with a smirk then took another sip of his drink. “I guess there’s a first time for everything…”

John turned to look at Dragon. Then pointing at him with his index finger as he held his drink.

“It sure looks like Dragon is interested in fucking her again. Too bad Nicole seems to be spent for the night. I would’ve really liked to see him have another go at her.”

I looked down at Nicole. She did seem to have drifted off to sleep. She was exhausted.

“Maybe another time,” I said as I crawled over Nicole and off the bed. I pulled the sheets up over her naked body then turned and headed out of the room.

Dragon followed me as I went into the other bedroom to reclaim my clothes and get dressed. When I stepped out into the living room area of the suite I looked around at the mayhem from our night of debauchery. It was all just an incredible memory now. John was standing in the doorway to the bedroom blocking my view of Nicole. I had kind of hoped to have one last parting glimpse of her.

“There’s an envelope for you on the credenza there next to the TV. We never discussed compensation for Dragon’s services but I believe you’ll find it to be a fairly handsome stud fee.”

I moved to the credenza and picked up the envelope. Looking inside I fanned the cash between my thumb and forefinger to see ten crisp $100 bills.

“This is too much. I can’t take this from you.”

“Don’t be silly. I would have paid twice that to witness what I saw tonight. Hell, I would have paid almost anything to see him fuck her the way he did. Take it. Dragon earned it. Buy him some nice doggie treats or something.”

I debated about taking the money. If Nicole had asked for this evening I would have gladly given it to her gratis. But there was something about John that rubbed me the wrong way. He wasn’t a bad guy. It was just something about how he treated Nicole. Maybe I was just jealous of him. That was probably the most likely reason and closest to the truth. Whatever the reason I stuffed the envelope into my pocket.

“Come here, Dragon.” I hooked his leash to the collar around his neck and headed for the door. I felt the same reluctance to leave in Dragon that I had as I coaxed him toward the door. He looked back several times to see if she would appear.

As I unlatched the door and reached for the knob I turned to John. “If you or Nicole ever want another playdate with Dragon you know how to reach me,” I said with a pensive smile then slipped through the door with Dragon at my side.

The End