(c) 2023 by VeronicaP

Part One

Rachel was nervous as she approached the steel blue door on this unmarked building. Her friend Sarah had given her the contact number at her recent birthday party saying it would help cheer her up after the split from her boyfriend. She had been pretty melancholic for the past month as she was 32 now and the latest split was another instance of a pattern she had fallen into – meet a guy, date a guy, get too close to the guy and realize that you are actually bored of the guy so quietly drift from said guy. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, the guys were all nice, good guys but somehow it was never enough. She opened her heart to Sarah on a night out before her birthday party about this and Sarah suggested she might know something that will help and gave her a playful wink. Rachel thought this was Sarah coming onto her again. Sarah was bi and Rachel always knew she had a crush on her so thought she was just messing around. Turned out Rachel also picked up those signals wrongly as on her birthday, Sarah gave her a card and said it will be everything she was looking for. The card had an address and a phone number and that was it. Sarah said to tell them she gave it to her when she rings but that was it, the rest of the details she wouldn’t let out. Rachel rang the number a week later, mentioned Sarah and her own name and then was told to head down to this location at this time. Now she was here and had no idea what to expect…

She saw no bell on the side of the door, so she gave a knock. She had a quick look around and didn’t notice anything too odd. It seemed to be an old commercial building in the suburbs just outside the city, but there were no real markings or any business details on it. The door opened with a buzz and Rachel pushed it open saying “hello?”. She then saw an older woman at a desk to the side who waved her in and told her to close the door after. “Are you Rachel?” she said, and Rachel responded to her with a nod, still very unsure what all this was. “Oh, let me take a look at you. Aren’t you a treat” the woman said, taking in Rachel’s figure. Rachel was wearing normal enough jeans and a loose-fitting t-shirt with a jacket and her handbag so thought this was a rather odd comment. “I love your hair; did you bring anything with you?” the woman said. “Um no, was I meant to?” Rachel responded. “No no, don’t worry we’ll sort you out”. The woman then picked up the phone at her desk and said, “Rachel is here, about 5′ 5”, dark reddish hair, nearly brown… about a 34c I reckon”. Rachel cocked her eyebrow at this, but kinda laughed to herself thinking “omg Sarah what is this”. The woman continued “she’s very cute too, lovely eyes and smile. Okay, I’ll send her down to you”. She then hung up the phone and stood up and pointed down the corridor “last door on the left, take the lift down to 2 and someone from makeup will meet you there.” Now Rachel was really curious. ‘Makeup?!’ she thought to herself, a little bit giddy with excitement. She smiled and nodded at the woman and made her way to the lift, got in and pressed the button to go down.

The doors opened to a large, lowly lit room. To her left, Rachel could see an area lit up with what looked like a few yoga mats on the floor and stage lighting around the place. Before she could inspect further, another woman approached her with a beaming smile. “Hi, Rachel? I’m Lorraine. Pleased to meet you, follow me please” she said. Rachel took her in, she was gorgeous and seemed very pleasant. She had a makeup brush in her ear and was very well turned out, very sexy curves and a busty confidence to her. She took Rachel by the hand and guided her over to a makeup station. “First we’ll want to get you into a nice outfit” Lorraine said but before she could go on, Rachel interrupted. “Sorry, you’re going to have to tell me what’s going on. My friend Sarah gave me this number as a present but she didn’t say anything else about it”. Lorraine warmly smiled back “that’s so cute and nice of your friend. But I understand. Well, today you are going to make a video for yourself and your own private use. Don’t worry, it’s all been paid for by Sarah, and yes, I will tell you now – it’s going to be an erotic video, one that you will never forget!”. Rachel rolled her eyes to heaven and let out a little laugh and said, “oh Sarah…”.

Rachel was very open sexually throughout her life. She had done what she considered almost everything with her partners. She had tried bondage but didn’t really enjoy it, she preferred a more natural, cooperative experience but she was certainly no prune. She was very open about sharing these experiences with her friends also who would often come to her seeking advice. She wouldn’t really classify herself as bi but she had been in threesomes before and did enjoy sex with other women, but she did specifically look for male partners. Anyway, she thought, this is certainly a Sarah thing to do and she didn’t mind, thinking ‘fuck it, I’ve had a rough time the past few months so why not enjoy this’. She looked at Lorraine and said the words that would change her life forever after “alright, let’s do this, I’m ready”.

Lorraine took her over to a freestanding wardrobe area beside the makeup station. “Okay, for this I suggest stripping down. We’ll look after your clothes here, if you want to get into an outfit you can pick one here.” Rachel stripped off, her pussy was already tingling a bit with the anticipation of this. She loved that sense of adventure and unknown. The girls she had met here seemed really nice so far and were very open and welcoming which really helped settle her nerves and jump right into whatever was going on. She was a little cold, so her nipples stood on end a bit, she gave one a little rub and giggled to herself. Flicking through the rack she saw all the usual erotic lingerie she’d seen in films, magazines etc but none really stood out to her. Lorraine had obviously seen her frustration and quickly said “if you want to go au natural, there’s no problem” and that was all the confirmation Rachel needed. She walked over to the makeup chair with Lorraine gesturing to sit down on it. She did and Lorraine got to work.

She seemed really professional, and Rachel was enjoying being pampered like this. Dusting her eyelids with a sparkling powder and giving her lips a deep, juicy red hue. Rachel normally had reasonably thin lips so was very appreciative of the job Lorraine did on them. She brushed through her hair and worked it out to give a bit of volume and really was trying to be as thorough as possible. Rachel was positively tingling with this. There she was, fully nude in a professional makeup chair being pampered and cared for like no other to look as sexually powerful as possible. She could feel a bit of dampness between her legs too, again in anticipation of what was happening and the unknown feeling of it.

Letting out a little sigh as Lorraine brushed the powder evenly onto her nose she knew she was visibly nervous. Lorraine stopped and took Rachel in. “You look amazing” she said, gesturing for Rachel to look in the mirror. Rachel beamed a smile at what she saw. She was no slouch at doing her own makeup, but this was on another level. “Thank you soooo much” she said to Lorraine. Lorraine then turned the chair, removed a few hairs and gave her a final few pats with the brush. “Okay” she said, “I’ll give you one more thing that will really help in the next step.” With that, Lorraine reached down to between Rachel’s legs and started rubbing her already wet pussy. Rachel opened her legs a bit more to give Lorraine better access as she had complete trust in her at this stage, it felt great too, she thought. Lorraine slid two fingers inside and dragged them lightly back, covering her fingers in Rachel’s wetness. She then rubbed the fingers on the side of Rachel’s neck. Put her fingers back in and repeated this on the other side of her neck. On it went, almost scientific in a way, of rubbing Rachel’s own juices on different parts of her body – nipples and breasts, sides and making Rachel stand, on her firm ass. “You will drive him wild now” Lorraine said, giving Rachel a quick peck on the cheek. “Enjoy yourself” she said, leading Rachel from the makeup chair and over to what she now presumed to be the set area she had seen before.

Rachel was so turned on at this point. How comfortable and confident the two girls had made her feel really helped with that. Everything seemed natural and open, she would have to find a way to thank Sarah she thought to herself. Standing under the lights, she heard another woman’s voice come from the darkened area behind the set “Okay, Rachel, if you want to pose for us, feel free. And know that this is an all-female filming crew so if you don’t feel comfortable or want to stop, just say so.” Under the lights, Rachel couldn’t really see who was talking, but saw at least 3 people working the cameras and sound. She smiled and thought again ‘why not, fuck it’.

She began posing, kinda being funny and not so serious at first, sticking her tongue out, putting her hands on her hips and making faces, all the time smiling and having fun with it all. She then thought she’d try and be a bit more serious and erotic, so got on the floor and spread her legs while putting on her best ‘come hither’ face. She really enjoyed being fully nude for this also, there was a rawness to it, and she was getting lost in the moment. “Very good Rachel, keep going, you look beautiful” the previous voice, who Rachel now decided was the director, was saying. She got on all fours and pointing her vagina towards the cameras, arching her back right down in a submissive pose. “Okay, are you ready for your partner to join you?” the Director said. Rachel stood up and nodded, barely able to contain her excitement. She was lightly playing with herself too and her could feel just how wet she was. Her spine was tingling and shoulder stiffened. Her nipples were so sensitive at this stage too, still covered in her drying juices. Then she felt something behind her…

She felt a rough tongue flick at her legs and her ass and heard some sniffing. She turned and there was a lovely muscular dog sniffing and licking at her legs. She froze on the spot, mouth agape. She always loved dogs and had many herself, so instinctively felt comfortable in this one’s presence. It seemed to be a cross between an Alsatian and a Lab if she had to guess and she put her hand out to pet it. It hadn’t dawned on her yet and she stroked the dogs head who looked up at her, smiling. Then it clicked. This was the partner and with that her legs quivered, and she felt every hair on her body stand on end. She had known about this but was never really that curious. She had no strong feelings either way as it didn’t occupy much space in her mind. But now, with this large, muscular and friendly dog sniffing around her naked body and giving her curious licks, she didn’t care. This was going to be an experience she thought to herself, blocking any thoughts of the outside world from her mind. “His name is Max” came the Directors voice.

Rachel hunkered down to get closer to the dog. “Hello Max, oh look who’s a good boy” she said, petting him as the dog circled around her. The dog would stop and sniff her body, exactly at the points Lorraine had rubbed Rachel’s juices on, and then give them a lick. Rachel got it now, dogs see the world with her nose and what this dog was seeing now was pure, animal sex and Rachel was that sex. Max was still circling her then stopped in front of her, moving his muzzle and inquisitive eyes in towards her chest. Instinctively, Rachel pushed her chest out, allowing Max full access to her breasts. Max’s tongue lapped out attentively and roughly licking each of her breasts and nipples, giving them a quick sniff as he did so. Rachel was so unbelievably turned on at this point and lost her composure. Her legs went out from under her and she was now sitting, open legged letting all her pheromones fill the air, while Max was licking every part of her body. He circled again and sniffed her neck, Rachel leaned to the side to give him more access and Max sniffed around the erogenous zone giving it a lick. This caused Rachel to involuntarily moan and Max moved on around her body, sniffing and licking as he did. Without realizing it, Rachel pushed herself onto all fours, completely enthralled by the dog’s sexual power over her body and then she felt it. With a few deep sniffs, Max found her pussy which was glistening with moisture at this point. She knew her scent must be filling the room and that Max was getting deep nosefuls of it. This thought was driving her wild. The animalistic lust of it all, the chemical signals she was displaying to a new mate and his natural, uncontrollable responses to them, to her. This was as raw and natural as she ever felt, and as powerful.

Max’s tongue went at her pussy now. Pushing himself deep and inward, licking so quickly and roughly at Rachel’s clitoris. The orgasm didn’t take long. Flowing through Rachel’s body it caused her arms and legs to shake. The waves of pleasure coming one after another and still Max kept up his assault on her most private zone. Her arms gave way, it was just her now with her face on the floor and her mating equipment up in the air for Max to enjoy. And enjoy he did, endlessly licking and covering himself in the scent and pheromones of his new mate. Rachel was never really a squirter as such, but she could feel her own juices flowing out and mixing with Max’s saliva dripping down her legs. Another wave of an orgasm hit, and Rachel had to relent. She pushed her ass down to the ground, her face weary with pleasure and stuck in a permanent smile. Max gave a few more sniffs then walked around to her front. She looked up and saw it then, his penis sticking out from its sheath and his large, furry balls just behind them. She had forgotten everything that had brought her here. Right now, it was just her and Max, her new mate, the one that made her feel like nothing any man had made her feel before. In almost a haze, she crawled forward, putting her arm around Max who was licking her face and shoulders. She crawled underneath him and breathed in his heavy, male scent. There was something so… natural… Rachel thought about all this. Like it was primal instincts coming to the fore and controlling her and her mates behavior. That’s what she was now, she thought, or at least slyly giggled to herself in anticipation at, his mate.

She moved her face up to this new, wild penis. It was so red and there was a lot of precum dripping from it. It wasn’t all the way out, but Rachel was already anticipating how big it could get. Returning the favor, she sniffed down Max’s penis, taking his scent in and allowing it to control her like hers had done already to Max. Reaching his balls, she sniffed them too, feeling like a slave already to his heavy male canine aroma and gave one of them a little kiss, a small way of saying thank you. Max shuddered a bit from this touch, which just made Rachel feel more confident at what was about to happen. She licked up the shaft, stopping at the tip, before licking it and giving it a little sniff, embellishing her newfound primal instincts. She then took it wholly into her mouth, tasting the saltiness of the precum. Max audibly whined at this, which encouraged Rachel more. She lightly sucked, moving her tongue around in circular patterns as she did so. This seemed like too much for Max, who collapsed down beside her. Rachel did her level best to keep her mouth on his shaft, a way for her to show some dominance as Max lay down on his back. Rachel knelt at his side, continuing to lick and suck, with Max’s precum filling her mouth and leaking out around his shaft and testicles.

Max was panting and whining at this treatment. Rachel used her left hand to instinctively moved to his head and pet him to relax, rubbing his ears as she did. This had the effect she desired as she caressed his cock with her tongue. She knew the shaft was getting bigger and extending out from its sheath. Knowing about canine anatomy and mating habits, she also knew when to stop. With this loving, oral assault, she wanted to show Max she was at least his equal in this new, pure relationship. She removed her mouth from him, gave it a few more, appreciative licks and a few finals sniffs of his testes and scent and removed herself from the dominant position. Ceremonially, Rachel stood up, legs still shaking from the pleasure and anticipation, and walked over to one of the yoga mats. She quickly remembered where she was and what was going on, but in a flash that thought was gone again as she looked back at Max, who was eyeing her almost like prey. She put on a little show for him, seductively swaying her hips as she walked and giving her rump a quick slap. Then turned and posed at him as if to say ‘come and get me’.

And that was enough for Max. He got up and bolted right over to Rachel. As she was standing, he went straight for the pussy. Licking and sniffing at the small amount of pubic hair present, he then began tonguing right at her clit. Rachel was trying to be strong in this little sexual game she was playing, but as soon as Max’s tongue found her clit again, all bets were off. Before she could fall, she began crouching down, legs splayed to give Max direct access to her dripping vagina. Max didn’t stop and continued licking her as she crouched down, almost mimicking her behavior when giving him a blowjob earlier, showing his mate that he too could play that dominance game. Rachel smiled at this thought, the unspoken connection and language of lovers and how this was truly a primal and spiritual experience of lust.

She was down on her back now, legs and mid-section raised up for her mates enjoyment. Max was still hungrily licking up and down her now extremely sensitive pussy but then stopped. Rachel lowered her abdomen and could see his hard cock now, almost fully engorged, waiting for what they had both been priming themselves for all this time. Instinctively, Rachel turned over and went on all fours. Closing her eyes and wanting to feel and remember this moment forever more, she waited. She felt Max at her pussy, sniffing it, another lick. Her pheromones must be filling him, she thought. She then opened her eyes and Max was walking around her, almost inspecting her a final time. Sniffing again at where her fluid had been rubbed and licking. He stopped at her face and moved his underside right up to her, cocking his leg. Rachel could see it all now, his deep red, veiny cock in all its glory, his sperm filled testes swollen up. She moved in, gave his cock a quick lick and a kiss, and breathed deep his scent again as if to say “do your thing”. With that, Max went back behind her, gave her a quick, appreciative lick and mounted.

She felt his cock probing for her damp, throbbing pussy, trying to home in on the pheromones she had been giving off from it, she was about to reach down and help but then in a moment, Max hit home. His glorious penis filled her all the way in a single thrust. The shock almost buckled her legs, but she held firm, wanting to prove her worth and strength to her new mate. Having finally getting what he wanted, Max then began pumping furiously into Rachel. She couldn’t believe the waves of pleasure she was feeling as the dogs cock penetrated her time after time, hitting her g-spot multiple times a second it seemed. She didn’t realize it, but she was moaning intensely, almost screaming but it was as if she didn’t have the energy to as all her focus was on this immense dog filling her. She could feel his sperm filled balls slap against her labia, the thought of which turned her on immensely. The thoughts of her mating equipment emptying those testes of its load and into her was sending her over the edge. Another orgasm built up as Max panted and bucked wildly into her.

Nothing else existed in this moment. It was just her and her mate and their need to obey their nature and instincts. Every hair was standing on end, every fiber of Rachel’s being was in this moment. The waves of pleasure she was enjoying and the thought of how much Max must be enjoying it too gave her an almost spiritual clarity. The thought of him, a dog she had just met, being so fulfilled by her, her mating gear, her pheromones, her scent, drove her to a new state of ecstasy. She then felt it, the part she had secretly been most waiting for since this breeding ritual began, Max’s knot was forming at the base of his penis and Rachel was determined for it to enter her. She wanted, demanded, to be properly mated to this dog. For him to feel his seed fill another and for her to accept it. He was pushing and pushing and Rachel, wanting, wishing for his success, got on her forearms and pushed back. Her timing was a bit off, so she waited and pushed back again, and there it was. The connection was made, the knot had entered her and this new feeling was incredible. Her vagina accepted him, all of him, and was now full and so content with her mates penis. She squeezed a bit, using her experience in Kegel exercises to show Max that she wasn’t just any other mate, and heard the dog give a little low growl, followed by an appreciative lick to her neck. This personal touch filled her with joy, just a little motion that showed a greater connection between the two and an acknowledgement of their bond.

Max was humping still, but not as rapidly or as powerfully as he had been. Rachel was pushing back and squeezing his cock, wanting to send her lover over the edge. She could feel his knot expanding inside her now, something she definitely didn’t expect but was in heaven to experience. Rachel loved this thought, he was locking her to him and breeding her. The knot was pulsating as it grew, hitting her g-spot and sending her over the edge again. He was panting hard now, saliva drooling from his mouth and landing on Rachel’s shoulders and cheek. She loved it, that primal, uncontrollable feeling that her actions were causing her mate to lose control of himself. He kept the humping going and then let out a loud howl and as he did, his penis twitched and jerked inside Rachel and she felt him unload into her. His cock pumped and spasmed inside Rachel as she also came over and over, feeling his hot seed hit her uterus and flood her insides. Max was howling at this success, he seemed so happy and Rachel felt the waves of pleasure wash over her body while his cock was buried deep inside her, jerking and twitching while unloading endlessly.

Max’s head came down to her face. He was panting heavily, seemingly exhausted and in a state of utter bliss. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and Rachel took this opportunity to turn and kiss and lick his tongue while whispering sweet nothings. His cock was lodged now, his knot expanded so much and Rachel was so content with this, feeling the sperm pump from her mate as he enjoyed the blissful warmth of her vagina. She knew they’d be stuck a while like this, so took the opportunity to tease her lover with more vaginal flexing, aiming to milk every drop of his seed from those testes. She would squeeze and he would pant and drool onto her, causing her to laugh and smile from the enjoyment of teasing him. He would lick her neck and cheek in return, sniffing lightly as he did so. This was the most gratifying sexual experience of her life, so much so she had forgotten how she got here and why she was doing this. All her past problems melted away under her mates twitching penis, filling her mating area with his sperm and telling her what a good job she had done. He lifted up and twisted about now so that they were butt to butt. She knew this would be the case and she would miss his licks of appreciation. But Rachel was still feeling those waves wash over her body, orgasms building up like a star inside her and dissipating down her furnace of a pussy and around her mates cock. He was still pulsing inside her, determined to unload every bit of sperm he had into her. This thought sent another ripple of pleasure through her and she squeezed her lover back, knowing it was driving him crazy.

After 10 minutes of this back and forth, Rachel could feel Max softening inside her. She knew this was an eventuality but didn’t want it to be real. Testing their bond again, Max began to slip out of Rachel. She grabbed hold of his leg and told him to stay and Max did for another minute, but unfortunately Rachel couldn’t keep him there forever and his extended red cock flopped out of her. A puddle had already formed beneath the area they had mated, but some extra sperm and her own fluids leaked out, which was no surprise considering the volume Max had pumped her with. Rachel’s face was down on the mat, her mating gear in the air on display and she felt Max sniff at her again. He began licking her now ultra-sensitive pussy, knowing he was trying to seal their fluids together. She was in bliss again with his tongue. Max then wandered in front of her and lay down. He begun to clean himself but Rachel was not having any of this. She was his mate. She moved over and kissed his nose and moved his head away. She could see his cock now in all its glory and she was so happy with herself that she had caused this and took all of him in her. His knot seemed huge and so swollen and sore, like it needed her attention and Rachel was more than happy to give it. She then licked up and down his shaft and could hear Max groaning at this wicked pleasure. She placed her mouth on top of his cock and sucked what was left in him, swirling her tongue as she did so. She then licked and cleaned her lover thoroughly, kissing his penis as she did, making sure to give the now deflating knot some special kisses. Sniffing and taking in their combined aromas, she truly felt a bond like no other she had ever felt before with this dog. She sniffed his testicles again, which must be so sensitive considering what she had put them through and gave each of them a deep kiss, making sure to use her tongue. Max groaned more with this, she knew the effect this kind of appreciation would have on him. She gave the tip of his penis a final lick and kiss and sniffed it one more time, wanting to remember the scent of his pheromones forever more. She then moved up to him, stroked him softly behind the ears and said “good boy” to him.

In a daze, she stood up. Her bottom half still covered in the combined fluids of her mating. She remembered then, the film, the crew, the other humans in the room. Not knowing what to do, she gave a little bow, then turned around and bent over slightly, showing her red raw vagina to the camera a long with the fluids slowly leaking out of it. She gave the camera a smile and blew a kiss saying “thank you” with a wink. The director then said “cut!” and then she heard the applause from the crew. The director walked out into the light. She was a very pretty woman, dressed casually and wearing a headset with her blond hair tied back. “Rachel, that was incredible. That was your first time?” she asked, almost exasperated. “Yeah.. I dunno what to say, it just.. happened” Rachel was clearly struggling for words and composure. Max was still laid down, flat out exhausted. Rachel gestured towards him “it came so easily with him, it felt so natural”. “Well,” the director said, “Max is one of our best trained stars. We thought he would suit you from what Sarah said.” Rachel let out a little laugh. In all the lovemaking, she had forgotten about Sarah setting her up like this. “That little minx” she let out by accident. “Everyone couldn’t believe this was your first time though, that was one of the best performances we have ever witnessed. We’ll edit the film and send it over to you as soon as we can.” “Is that all you do with the footage?” Rachel then asked. “Well yes, unless we have your permission to show it to other customers, or even put it up for sale to interested parties?” the director responded. “Let me think about it” Rachel said, a million dirty thoughts entering her mind. “Would you like to do this again?” the director then asked. “Yes, of course!” Rachel exclaimed, slightly embarrassed about how easily she let that out. “Well talk to Lorraine at makeup about it. We have different sets, costumes, partners and locations if you are interested in going further. And you can end up making a lot of money out of this as a side gig, if you wanted. Again, no pressure. We are a club and respect privacy and needs.” Rachel nodded at this and thanked her, shaking her hand, forgetting that she was still naked and covered in fluids from mating with a dog.

Lorraine looked so happy when Rachel approached her to get her clothes and belongings back. “Oh my god, I’ve never seen anything like that! You were AMAZING Rachel, look at Max, I’ve never seen him like this, so tired and content.” Rachel blushed and nodded saying thanks. Lorraine had her stuff ready on the makeup chair, but before Rachel could get them, Lorraine leaned in and whispered “here, take this. Call me, there is more than this club. It’s a secret, only for girls like you. Don’t tell the others.” She slipped Rachel another card, similar to the one that brought her here. Lorraine gave her a wink and left Rachel to get dressed. Rachel then looked over to Max one more time. One of the girls from the camera crew was talking to him, but Max’s eyes were still locked on Rachel, even as the crew girl led him away. Rachel bit her bottom lip while looking at her new mate, her vagina tingled again, still full of what he gave her, then looked down at the card and the number on it, sure that she was in a new part of her life now, a new horizon.


Part Two

Rachel was sitting at her desk, fidgeting, uncomfortable. She had been on edge a bit since her visit to the club a week ago, but today – a rainy Wednesday morning, she was especially anxious. She had masturbated only once since her afternoon with Max. She felt immediately guilty afterwards, as if she was cheating on him even though it was a perfectly natural thing to do. So that pent up frustration was sitting with her as she sipped on her coffee and went over last night’s accounting sheets. She was a good accountant, always very clever and organised with numbers, but ever since she left college and finished travelling, she felt pretty empty about it. She had her Masters Degree in Accounting but didn’t go on to do a PhD, even though she felt she could have. She had been advised by others to go out and make “real money” in the working world, but despite all this, it ultimately left her feeling a bit hollow and empty.

She couldn’t stop thinking about Max and the club. The thought would creep in at the most inopportune times, in a meeting or out with her friends. Sarah had sent her a text the day after the club asking if she enjoyed herself. She replied with a simple “ooohhhh yeahhh” and thanked Sarah for the invite, but hadn’t heard from her since. That was probably part of the problem, there Rachel was, sitting in an office in the business district, trying to focus on accounting, but in the back of her mind was fantasies of being naked and having her pussy licked from labia to asshole by a strong, muscular dog. The aromas and scents stayed with her from that day. She hadn’t washed the underwear she wore and would sneakily huff on it at night, one morning waking up with it beside her. When she didn’t acknowledge a colleague calling her name after he stepped into the office because she was caught in a daydream of pheromones and semen, she decided she had to do something about it as soon as possible. She finished her day in the office as best she could, smiled and talked to her friends there and left, getting the subway home and trying to listen to her book.

She heard the words, but none sank in. She was too busy planning. When she got back to her apartment, she stripped off her work clothes and got into her nightie. She huffed and hesitated, but then just let her fingers do the talking. Rachel picked up the phone and punched in the number on the card Sarah initially gave her. “Hi, this is Rachel” she said after hearing a woman answer. “Rachel! So good to hear from you. How are things? What can I do for you?”. Upon hearing this, she realized that this was the director of her movie. She hadn’t received it yet either but presumed that was because it was still being edited. “Well, I’m just wondering… what we talked about, I think I need to know more about what this is and what its all about? I mean, I loved every second of it, but the taboo, its difficult to express to others.” Rachel said. “I understand completely. Tell you what, are you free Saturday?” the Director responded. “Yes” said Rachel, immediately realizing she had interrupted the Director by blurting this out. She just laughed and said to Rachel “Great, well as I was saying, if you want to come down and talk to me I can go into further details about everything and clear your mind. Does 2 o clock suit?” Rachel responded “Yes, perfect, I’ll see you then!” The Director said goodbye and hung up, as did Rachel. So that was it. She was committed in her mind. She didn’t know if she had something on Saturday, she’d cancel anyhow as this was far more important.

The next two days of work couldn’t have dragged more if they tried. Two boring meetings on Thursday, an inventory account on Friday followed by customary drinks in the dive bar after. She stayed for exactly one before making an excuse and leaving. Friday night was restless. Rachel was trying to put all the thoughts out of her mind, but it was impossible. She was so turned on lying in her bed, she could feel a slight dampness between her legs and was trying to ignore it. Finally, she took two aspirin which did the trick and she went to sleep, dreaming of Max and herself in a forest running through the woods and a close, unsaid bond.

When Rachel woke, she had a nice long shower, paying special attention to her vagina, shaving it cleanly and moisturizing the area. She told herself she didn’t know why, she had no expectations of today, it was more a ‘just in case’ gesture she assured herself. After drying herself and fixing her hair, she had a sneaky little thought. She went back into her bedroom and located her panties from that time with Max and put them on. After which she did her weekend yoga routine and had a light breakfast. She was at a loss though after, all these thoughts pounding through her head in the hours building up to today’s visit. When it was time to leave, she was just biting her lower lip the whole time, even as she drove to the club. Rachel could feel her pussy moistening at the thought of what could await, but she was still trying to play it cool with herself.

Rachel took a moment to calm herself before knocking the same blue door she had been through two weeks prior. It buzzed open again and the same woman from before was sitting at the desk and gave her a welcoming smile. “Hello again Rachel, same way as before. She’s waiting for you.” Rachel responded with a thanks and a smile and got into the lift and went down.

Waiting on the other side was the director. She had quite short dark hair and seemed to be the same age as Rachel. She was quite beautiful and had an endearing smile as she extended her hand to greet Rachel. Rachel took it and said a quick hello. “Great that you’re back, we were buzzing with your performance and I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself.” she said. “I’m Caroline by the way, but you can call me Carrie. Just come through to my office here and we’ll get started.” Rachel walked into what seemed to be a small studio office. It was quite plain with just a desk, computer and two chairs either side. Carrie motioned for Rachel to take a seat and she did. Carrie then sat down opposite her, adjusting herself.

“I presume you have lots of questions, and I hope to answer all of them. But I thought I would give you a brief explanation in the hopes it clears a few things up for you first? Is that okay?” Carrie said. Rachel nodded and replied “that’s fine, go ahead.” “Well, as you witnessed, this is all a bit unusual and quite private. Invitation is by trusted sources only and we have very strict privacy policies. What we have done here is create a space exclusively for women to enjoy and carry out their deepest fantasies. We have rules on this, of course, of which you will have to follow. It’s all in this leaflet.” Carrie pulled open a drawer and handed her a clear, white envelope. “Further, any material we record, the star or stars have the final say on how its distributed. The only people that will see it are other members and if you do show it to a partner or loved one, it has to be done with our express permission only. Needless to say, breaking any of these rules will lead to complete expulsion from the club and I will warn you, our benefactor is an extremely wealthy woman and not the type to get on the wrong side of. If you choose not to join, that is fine, and we will say our goodbyes. Now, any questions?”. Rachel sat and thought for a moment, tensing herself. Carrie had been pretty thorough she thought and certainly seemed trustworthy and a straight shooter. “Just one.” Rachel said. “Okay, go ahead” Carrie responded. “Can I see Max?” Carrie laughed and stood up, “of course, follow me, I’ll give you a little tour”.

Upon leaving the office, Rachel saw another girl sitting in the makeup chair with Lorraine attending to her. She had some skimpy lingerie on and slightly dark, olive skin and wild curly blondish/brown hair. Her eyes were closed as Lorraine applied some makeup. Rachel waved over and Lorraine waved back, giving her a little wink as she did. This caused Rachel to blush slightly, but also made her feel welcome and somewhat at home here. “This is our main set, right now it’s set up as a sort of rich girl fantasy as per request.” Carrie said. Rachel could see the layout was quite different to when she had performed. There was a luxurious rose-colored sofa in the centre with various pillows dotted around and a makeshift stool in the centre. Carrie continued on with Rachel, opening a door to the backstage area.

It was well lit, and Rachel could see various props dotted around the place. Everything was also nice and clean which really reassured her. Carrie was pointing out various features, but Rachel was caught in her own little world. Carrie then opened another door which led to a larger area which had three different kennels set up. “Our performers don’t live here, but this is where they stay when out on duty. We try and make them as comfortable as possible, feeding them and playing with them and making sure they have enough water.” Carrie continued talking but Rachel’s attention was taken by another woman in what appeared to be working gear sitting with a well-groomed Rottie. She was grooming him and had a clippers and makeup set with her. The dog reared up on seeing Rachel, but the handler gave him a quick pat and told him to stay. “That’s Duke, he’s getting ready for our guest.” Carrie said, while leading her to another kennel. She opened the gate and Max sat upright immediately, his ears back and tongue lolling out. “Hello Max, look who’s come to see you. It’s your girlfriend Rachel” Carrie said. With that, Rachel immediately felt a pulse in her vagina and butterflies filled her stomach. This was it, the moment she had been waiting again for the past two weeks.

Max came waddling over and Carrie got down and gave him a big kiss and said, “now you be nice to Rachel”. She then got up and gave her a wink. “I can only give you a minute or two to say hi, then we have a show to shoot. Would you like to stay and watch?” Rachel nodded, her mouth dry and beaming with a smile. “Okay, come and meet me in the gantry after you’ve said hi to Max”. Carrie then left the kennel walked back the way she came. Rachel didn’t quite know what to do. She was fully clothed this time and Max was playfully running around her and smelling her now soaking pussy. She crouched down and Max almost pushed her over, covering her face with loving licks and kisses. All Rachel could do was laugh and say “it’s great to see you too!” as she rubbed Max up and down. He was sniffing around her, with some frustration and then she had a naughty little idea. She got up and quickly took her shoes off and pulled down her jeans and now soaked panties. Max went straight into her pussy again, sniffing and licking but she knew she didn’t have time to fully play. For that brief second though, it was heaven as his tongue met her freshly shaven vagina and sought out her clitoris. She quickly pulled her jeans back up and put her shoes on, then said “I’m going to leave you a little present Max. Something to remind you of me and how wonderful you make me feel.” She then put her soaked knickers into Max’s bed, gave him a quick kiss and left the kennel.

Rachel felt very naughty at what she had just done. She wondered if it was allowed, but she didn’t care at this point. Carrie waved to her to follow her back to the set. “Okay, take a seat in the small gantry there. You’ll get a great view of the show and can see the different monitors and angles we have set up.” Rachel did this and saw the girl from earlier who was in the makeup chair approach the set. The girl waved to the cameras and had a big smile on her face. She had a small beauty mark on her left cheek, and she was a slim, athletic girl who appeared to be in her late 20’s. She actually gave Rachel a wave also, which reassured her that this was allowed, and she wasn’t invading someone else’s space.

The girl looked back at the camera as Carrie yelled “action!”. The girl then began talking into the camera. “Hi, this is Kaisa once again and I hope you enjoy this little fantasy of mine.” She then blew a kiss and walked over to and sat on the sofa. Spreading her legs, she said in an obviously prepared way, putting on a Southern Belle accent “Why are there never any men that can live up to my needs. With my weak little husband away all the time, I have been flush with the vapors and no relief at all.” There was a knock from the stage door behind the set and Kaisa got up and made a point of wiggling her curvy little ass over to it. “Why who could this be?” she said, over exaggerating. Opening the door, there was Duke, the Rottie from earlier, sitting on his haunches. “Oh my, what a dapper gentleman you are sir. Please come through.” Duke did as Kaisa asked and obediently walked onto the set and sat down, never taking his eyes off the girl. Kaisa knelt down in front of him, legs spread apart and started petting him. She examined his collar and saw that it read Duke so said to him “Oh my, Duke is your name. Well luckily for you I’m a Duchess and it would be only right for us to extend the royal lineage, wouldn’t it boy?”.

With that, Kaisa stood up and seemed to march around the room in her high heels. Rachel thought Duke seemed very well trained, still sitting there panting and not taking his eyes off this beautiful damsel as she strutted around, posing for him as she did. Kaisa would put her hands through her hair, looking at Duke while she did it, and licked her tongue around her mouth seductively. This was making Rachel very wet and horny in the gantry. She knew what was going to happen and the build-up and anticipation was killing her. Kaisa would turn then and wiggle her butt in Dukes direction, bending over and feeling down her legs. Her lacy number fitted very nicely to her tight body and Rachel could see the attraction now in teasing her partner with one on. Kaisa though stepped forward and removed her bra. She wasn’t exactly busty, but her breasts looked so pert and ripe, and she was obviously extremely turned on. Continuing her little dance around Duke, she bent down and kissed him on his nose and Duke returned the affection with a little lick causing Kaisa to giggle. “So then Duke, do I meet your approval? Will you breed me?” Kaisa said, holding her wild, curly blonde locks up. Duke gave a tiny little bark and Kaisa said “I’ll take that as a yes”.

The olive-skinned beauty then turned around and removed her underwear, bending over while doing so. That was enough for Duke, all the teasing had to stop at some point. Before Kaisa was able to fully remove her underwear, Duke was right there at her pussy, sniffing and licking. Kaisa’s eyes went to heaven and Rachel could see her knees begin to wobble. Still playing the part Kaisa managed to say, “oh what a fine gentleman you are”, moving down onto her hands and knees. Duke continued his lapping at Kaisa’s sweet pussy and Rachel was hypnotized by this. She wondered if that was what she looked like with her Max? Kaisa was panting now too, seemingly going through orgasm after orgasm. There was a big puddle building up just below her mating area and Rachel thought she must be a natural gusher. ‘Maybe she can show me?’ Rachel thought. Something to note down for sure. Duke was lapping away, getting his fill of his new mate. Rachel could see his penis extending from its sheath, it looked swollen and red, almost like it was sore and needing to find a place to go. Rachel, despite being fucked and knotted by a dog on this set just two weeks ago, didn’t want to masturbate in front of others, but it was extremely hard to stay focused and decent with this scene unfolding in front of her eyes.

Duke removed his muzzle from Kaisa’s pussy. Quite the puddle had formed. Kaisa started crawling slowly forward and Duke leaned down to sniff at the fluids Kaisa had left. He gave another little bark, which stopped Kaisa in her tracks and made his way over to her. Duke sniffed around Kaisa’s butt and pussy, no doubt taking in a heavy amount of his lovers pheromones, and lifted his front paws up onto her back. Duke was quite a substantial dog. He had a muscular frame, and his short, black fur did nothing to hide the contours of this powerful animal. Kaisa bent down further and lowered her mating area, seemingly knowing where Dukes powerful penis was thrusting, and without a second effort, he hit home. Kaisa let out a little scream of pleasure but seemed to be in another world as the big Rottie fucked her ceaselessly. Rachel was transfixed by the two lovers. Kaisa was taking Duke like a pro, arching her back and leaning down for further penetration. Rachel could see her face was straining, but it definitely looked like a strain of pleasure than pain. It took her back to Max, how when he entered her first it just took her to another world. She was biting her lower lip and her mouth was dry. The butterflies in her stomach were dancing while watching Kaisa get fucked senseless by her lover.

Dukes pace had slowed a bit. Rachel could see the knot forming at the base of his penis and knew what was about to happen. So did Kaisa it seemed as she pushed herself up and back onto it in one fluid motion. Rachel was very impressed seeing this, the girl was so natural in her movements and Duke was in heaven with his mate now fully locked with him. The big dog would slowly hump into his mate and Kaisa would push back against him. She was letting out a low groan while her mate expanded inside her and locked her and Duke was salivating at the mouth, some of his drool landing on Kaisa’s hair, neck and back. He bent down and began to lick her as if to say “well done” to his mate for pleasuring him so well. He had stopped the humping and was obviously cumming his brains out while locked in Kaisa’s mating equipment. The thought was driving Rachel wild. The Duke and the Duchess breeding together. Him so powerful and dominant, forcing his seed into his mates cervix and her being so pliant and needy of this sperm. They stayed locked for about 15 minutes. Kaisa would finger her clit and slightly rub Dukes balls which were pulsating against her now filled pussy.

Another puddle had formed around them, a mix of doggy sperm and Kaisa’s own juices. She would put her hand to it and scoop some up and bring it to her nose and smell it before licking it up. Kaisa was telling Duke what a good boy he was and how she was so happy to be taking his seed. Duke didn’t turn completely around on Kaisa, he more stood to the side, keeping his penis locked in Kaisa’s vagina while pumping her full of sperm. Rachel wondered if she had just gotten lucky that Max was able to turn around completely for her. ‘Maybe I’m a natural’ Rachel thought, with a plethora of possibilities running through her now sexually awoken mind.

Duke tested his bond again after a time and slipped out of a now fully sated Kaisa. A mixture of his doggy cum and her fluid leaked out as he released her. She lay in the same position Duke left her and the big dog approached her rear, giving it a few sniffs and began licking her pussy, making sure his royal line was there to stay. He did a really thorough job, with Kaisa moaning and groaning under the spell of his tongue. Duke walked off and Kaisa of course walked after him. He seemed to know what to expect and just stood there, all 9” of his thick, red raw cock dangling down for his mate to inspect. Kaisa wasted no time. Sniffing and licking around his cock and taking the tapered head into her mouth. Duke was in bliss at this attention with Kaisa rolling her tongue around his most sensitive parts. Kaisa finished by giving his doggy balls a lick and a kiss and then lay down with her mate, both in a complete state of bliss with his doggy semen swimming around her uterus, looking for her egg to fertilize.

Carrie yelled “Cut!” and an applause went up from the crew. Kaisa stood up and bowed to them, a massive smile on her face. She was covered in doggy semen and her own juices from having rolled in the floor and she started licking her hands and arms. Duke seemed content on the floor and didn’t move until one of the camera operators went over to check on him. “Another incredible scene Kaisa. We are so lucky to have you” Carrie said. “It’s no problem, Duke was the real star here. Make sure he gets a nice treat later” Kaisa replied. “Don’t worry about that, he will. Are you okay with sending out to the usual members once we are finished the edit?” Carrie asked. “Of course, my pleasure.” Kaisa said as she walked off towards Lorraine at makeup. Rachel decided to head down too and say hi and introduce herself. Kaisa was still licking and tasting the juice on her, scooping some off her legs and neat little bush when Rachel approached.

“Hi, I just want to say that was incredible. You seemed to have so much fun. I’m Rachel by the way” Rachel said, extending a hand to greet this freshly fucked star. “Hi, I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Kaisa” she said back. Lorraine was now attending to Kaisa with a sponge, cleaning her up and doing a thorough job around her body. “I did a shoot last week; I’d love for you to see it. It was with Max” Rachel said, presuming Kaisa knew who she was talking about. “Oh Max? I love him, he’s such a star, so feral and loving.” Kaisa said. Rachel was a little taken aback by this. She knew that this would probably be the case, but she didn’t want to know it. She tried not to show her jealousy or anger and just nodded along, agreeing with Kaisa. “Yeah, he was so tender with me. It was my first time too.” Rachel said. “I’d love to see the video” inquired Kaisa then. Rachel had a wicked little thought and said “Sure! I’ll say it to Carrie and the others that its okay to share.

Kaisa finished cleaning up and getting dressed as Rachel made herself busy inspecting the set and the aftermath of Kaisa’s hot fucking. She wanted to wait until Kaisa was gone before proceeding with a little plan that had formed in her head. Rachel approach Carrie and asked, “Do you do photography sessions?” and Carrie replied saying that of course they do. “When do you want to schedule one?” Carrie asked. “How about in 5 minutes?” Rachel replied, a little bit forcibly. Carrie laughed and said “Yeah sure, why not! I’ll get one of the girls to help. Call me when you’re ready.” And with that Rachel marched over to Lorraine at makeup. Lorraine gave her a little smirk, almost knowing what Rachel was thinking, especially in how she reacted upon hearing that Kaisa had been with Max before. “So I take it you want to look good for your new boyfriend?” Lorraine said with a little chuckle. “Ha, I couldn’t hide it, could I?” Rachel responded. Lorraine just laughed while taking out her makeup brush and supplies and went to work on making sure Rachel looked just right for her stud.

When finished, Rachel stripped down. Lorraine had asked if she wanted to apply her vaginal juice again, but Rachel declined “I have a different idea” she said, as she walked to the wardrobe and picked out a dog collar. Lorraine smiled at this and helped her put it on. She walked up very confidently to Carrie and told her she was ready. Carrie introduced her to a photographer called Jane, who seemed pretty quiet and reserved and a little nerdy with her spectacles and they went out to the backstage area where Max would be waiting.

Max was in his bed, still sniffing and licking the underwear Rachel had left with him earlier. She was glad to see this. He perked up at the sight of the naked and gorgeous Rachel, obviously detecting her scent in the air too. It wasn’t hard as after witnessing Kaisa’s scene and with the new determination she had, Rachel’s juices were positively flowing when she got to the kennel. Max immediately approached her, sniffing around and going straight into Rachel’s shaven pussy with a few ‘hello’ licks. Rachel hunkered down and said “hello big boy” in a very straight forward way. The photographer, Jane, said “do you want a few pre-shots? I always think they help set the mood”. Rachel agreed with her and hunkered down with her legs spread beside Max. Max stood attentively, his little lipstick showing in anticipation. Rachel did a few more poses, revealing her entire body for the camera and looking as sexual as possible with her new collar showing – pouting her lips and putting her arms around Max. She stood up for an especially sexy pose where Max was sitting up looking at her, his red cock just peeking from its sheath, while Rachel bent down kissing him on his snout. In another pose, Rachel stood with her legs spread and Max sat beneath her, his tongue just brushing her dripping wet pussy. Satisfied that this was enough, Rachel then hunkered down and opened her legs, presenting her glistening pussy to the salivating dog.

He went in, sniffing around her crotch and then licking for all he was worth. Rachel was trying to stay in this position with her hands lifting her up in a type of yoga pose, but it was too much with Max’s insistent tongue getting right in at her pussy and clit. She leaned onto her back and Max kept up his assault. Waves of pleasure were now washing over Rachel. Jane was taking as many photos as possible of this powerful erotic moment with Rachel’s face straining to keep a somewhat normal expression. Max though had other ideas, he tilted his head and then really pushed his tongue inside Rachel’s pulsating vagina. Rachel was losing it at this. The dog was so attentive and was so focused on giving his mate pleasure and taking in her pheromones and scent that Rachel couldn’t help but let out a yell. “Oh god, oh Max, oh god” she was saying over and over, rolling through various orgasmic states.

After a while of this, Rachel asked Jane if she could get down and see if she could get as many shots of possible of what she was about to do. Max’s cock was nearly all the way out of his sheath at this stage with Rachel’s pheromones swimming in his head and Rachel crawled under him. Breathing in his heavy male scent, Rachel looked at his cock and said “hello” and then took it into her mouth. She was very direct in this and was determined for one result. She had been told before by other partners how good she was at giving head and she enjoyed the hell out of it too. The power it gave her over another being and the pleasure only she could deliver for her mate. She was glad the skills seemed to transfer over to this new type of cock as she could hear Max panting and groaning behind her, obviously enjoying every second of Rachel’s oral attention on his sensitive member. She licked down the shaft, stopping at the testicles to give them a sniff and a lick also, making sure Max knew what she was trying to do. As she went at Max with her tongue, more and more of his cock came out from his sheath. She could see the knot now in all its glory and was so impressed with herself that she took it all. She licked and kissed this area as Max’s precum endlessly leaked onto and into her. It was one of the big turn-ons she now had, how the precum would just flow out in readiness for her as if to say, “I need to fuck and cum in you immediately!”. There was a large hard bone it felt like also, but Rachel had read about this during the week and knew to be careful of it. She went back to happily sucking on her mates cock, rolling her tongue around the head and giving its appreciative kisses and licks. Jane was snapping away, enthralled at what Rachel was doing.

She knew Max was on the edge, and this had been her plan all along. She quickly said to Jane “Get this” as Max was humping furiously under Rachel’s administrations. Feeling the pressure build up in his cock, Rachel took it out of her mouth and aimed it directly onto her face. With a whine, Max lurched and spurted his big doggy load right onto his lover’s face. Jet after jet of semen was spraying over Rachel’s face, mouth and chest. Jane was snapping away as much as she could, bewildered at the scene. Max kept cumming on Rachel and she was more than happy to receive it. It begun to sting her eyes quite a bit, so she wiped them and decided to keep them closed while Max was pulsing in pleasure over her. She would occasionally go up and lick and suck from his pulsing cock, giving her mate even more pleasure. A few jets followed, with Max seemingly not having any more to give. Rachel went to work again, licking and sucking the cock down, making sure her mate was clean and satisfied and knew he was taken care of. She was covered in his juices now. The smell was intoxicating to her, salty and manly. She wanted him to know she was his, and more to the point, she wanted everyone else to know it too. She wiped her eyes clear and posed with his cock in her mouth, with her kissing it and licking it while covered in his sperm. She got out from under him and then posed more, with Max beside her, his cock still all the way out and spent and her hand on it while putting her other hand up to her mouth and just putting a finger on her lips. She did a good few poses like this, showing the photographer the mess Max had made on her and her total devotion to it. How she was the one that caused this and only she could claim Max in this way. Rachel felt so turned on by this while also feeling dominant, successful. She had taken herself further than she ever thought possible and the excitement ran through her every fiber.

Jane finished up with a few more photos. She was noticeably flabbergasted by this, not exactly what she was expecting to do today, Rachel thought. Rachel thanked her and said that she could share those photos around with everyone in the group. That was the exact purpose of this action, Rachel wanted to show everyone else that Max was hers, her alpha dog, her mate. Only she could bring Max to that place of ultimate pleasure. She walked back out onto the set, still naked and covered in Max’s sperm. Carrie saw her and said, “oh my, it looks like you had fun!” Rachel smiled back and raised her eyebrows. Going over to Lorraine at makeup, she could see that Lorraine was a bit taken aback. “Wow” Lorraine said as she took in Rachel. She went over to get the sponge to clean Rachel off, but Rachel stopped her. “No sponge. I want it left there. Do you have anything I can wear that can cover me until I get back to my apartment?” she asked. Lorraine nodded, going back to the wardrobe area and picking out a large jacked with a furry hood. “This should do the trick. Did you give anymore thought by the way, to my offer?” Lorraine asked. “Not yet, I will though. Give me time.” Lorraine nodded and helped Rachel, still covered in Max’s sperm, back into her clothes.

Rachel got straight into her car and drove back to her apartment building. She prayed no one would see her as she got out and went into the lift back up. Thankfully, no one had spotted her as she got back into her apartment. She stripped off immediately, covered in Max’s now dried on doggy sperm. This made her feel so happy and content. She would sleep like this, she thought.

After she had made dinner, she was sitting by the television, still taking in the scent of what Max had left on her. An idea popped into her head. Her period would be starting soon and she checked the cycle tracker on her smart phone. Counting the days in her head, she picked up the phone and dialed. “Hi, can I speak to Carrie please?” she said and upon hearing Carrie answer she said down the phone “Hi Carrie, its Rachel. I have an idea for a set if you are willing to help set it up….”


Part Three

Rachel felt the long, damp grass tickle against the back of her legs. Ever part of her body was on alert now as she made her way through the wild field. Dressed in her own homemade outfit of a brown half-poncho and double-sided loincloth, she could certainly feel the cold breeze. She also had on some coverings for her lower legs that went right up to her knees and were strung up at the back and a pair of moccasins on her feet. Rachel had spent all the past week getting the outfit ready and she was delighted how it turned out. Her hair was pulled back and she had a small leather headband in a tribal design tied around her forehead. Also, she had applied some body paint to herself – two white stripes beneath her eyes and a red crescent moon on her abdomen with a paw print where she thought her womb would be. It was guesswork, but she wanted to look as complete as possible for the role.

She stopped at the edge of the field and surveyed around. In front of her was a small forested hill with a stream just before it. She crossed the stream, getting only a little wet, and picked out a tree. Rachel was ovulating today. She had picked it quite purposefully and Carrie was positively giddy at the idea and helped set up the fine details. Rachel’s video and pictures had been released to the club and the responses where incredible. The other girls couldn’t believe it had been her first time and said she was made for this. In a way, she agreed. Sarah, who had set her up with the club, sent her a message saying how proud she was of her and said quite reassuringly she would never let her secret out. Kaisa too, the girl she met at the last shoot, sent her a private message telling her how hot it made her, and a close-up picture of her pussy too, glistening with moisture. Rachel didn’t know what to do with all this attention and just thanked her, telling her she’d love to work with her soon to which Kaisa seemed very positive about. She also asked her about squirting and Kaisa was more than happy to give her advice. In thanks, Rachel thought she might be interested in joining her on this shoot. But now, she was alone in the woods and at the peak of her fertility. She was tense, anxious, and excited all at the same time and would have it no other way.

Walking up to the tree, she squatted down and began playing with herself. She had learned a little on the internet on how squirting worked and after a few home tries, seemed to get the technique down. She wasn’t a squirt queen so to speak like some of the other girls she had seen, but she was able to coax out enough fluid for what she wanted. She brought herself off under the tree, thinking of Max coating her with his semen as she did so, and this seemed to do the trick. Some fluid gushed out of her and she was quick to try and get some and rub it on the tree. Due to her ovulation, it seemed slightly creamier than before and thought this would certainly help. She finished off leaving her mark, adjusted her loincloth and moved on, up the hill.


Carrie and her crew stopped at the predesignated spot. She had set this up with the help of their benefactor, who seemed very interested, and they agreed to use her land for the shoot. Kaisa had joined them for another part of the shoot, which was to become part of the grander story, and she was in the back of the truck with a large black Labrador called Toby. They were petting and getting used to each other’s bodies and scents, with Kaisa playfully kissing him and rubbing his belly. Carrie had warned them not to do anything in the car, and to save that energy for the shoot, which Kaisa agreed to. But this didn’t stop her from teasing Toby by rubbing inside her pussy and smearing it on his nose.

They got out of the truck, the other vehicle pulling up behind them had the second unit for this shoot and also poor Max was in there, left in the back of the van on his own due to space reasons. Carrie had made sure to leave the underwear Rachel had hidden into his kennel last time with him though. The crew assembled, letting the dogs run around and play while Carrie gave them instructions. Her unit moved to the planned position with Max while the other unit went on ahead in a different direction with Kaisa and Toby, who was playfully circling her and sniffing up at her. Lorraine was with them too, needing to do Kaisa’s costume and makeup for their shoot.

Out in the first field, Carrie and her crew set up the camera positions and angles for this intro shot. Max was being held over the peak of a hill and when Carrie yelled “action!” he was let loose. The camera followed the dog who was surveying the landscape. They thought this part might be troublesome as they had to lead Max to a specific spot. As luck would have it, he wandered over to the large rock in the field and began sniffing. Rachel had left her scent here and Max could tell. He barked and sniffed some more. Carrie gave him some encouragement saying “What’s that boy? What do you smell? Is that your mates’ scent?”. They would edit out her voice in post, of course, but she wanted Max to feel comfortable and happy as they shot. He cocked his leg and sprayed some of his urine against the rock, then lowering his head, he began to sniff around the ground. He had picked up on the trail of his mate and a new sense of determination washed over him as he ploughed forward, film crew in tow.

Kaisa on the other hand was having the time of her life on this little excursion. She hadn’t put on her costume yet, but she was positively giddy with excitement. Toby seemed so eager and happy too. She had never been with him but had heard good things. She could feel a slight throbbing in her loins at the thought of what was about to transpire, and she was so happy Rachel let her join her on this shoot. She had given her advice on how to squirt also so it was so nice for Rachel to repay her with this day out.

They finally got to the little lodge they were told about and Kaisa stripped off. Toby was at her immediately and Kaisa was being a bit fussy as she wanted to look just right. Maybe she shouldn’t have teased him so much as now the randy dog had her scent and here she was, naked and clearly turned on beside him. He was sniffing around her firm butt and trying to get into her mating area and Kaisa was shooing him away. Lorraine said “maybe it’s better he waits outside” with a little laugh. Kaisa agreed, and much to Toby’s chagrin he was brought outside the lodge to play in the fields with one of the crew. Kaisa sat down and let Lorraine do her thing. Even with this low lighting she was such a pro. She applied a light foundation just to take the shine off the camera glare and a little powder and eye shadow. She wanted Kaisa to look as natural as possible for this shoot. She then took out the body paint and begun to apply it to Kaisa’s supple body, painting various tribal designs around her areolae and an ancient fertility symbol just above the line of light hairs of her pussy. On her abdomen, Lorraine painted a large, ferocious looking paw print and then on her face, a few little red marks and arrows. She then went and found a dull gold tiara and put it into her wild mane, brushing it back as she did so it fitted nicely and wouldn’t fall out. Lorraine remarked how positively powerful Kaisa looked as she showed her off in a portable mirror. Kaisa blushed and thanked her, and they took out her costume and put it on. It was similar to Rachel’s costume, though the poncho was much shorter and pulled back to reveal Kaisa’s breasts. She had a loincloth on too and of course no underwear or any clothing that would look modern. They wanted this shoot to be as immersive as possible. Kaisa picked up the last piece, a prop spear, and walked out of the cabin.

The crew did a quick photo shoot of Kaisa on her own in the woods, posing as the Queen of the Tribe. She invited Toby over and started posing with him suggestively, standing over him with her loincloth pulled to the side revealing a glistening and ready pussy for her mate to take. It was frustrating, as although they were ready, it would be another hour or so until they could shoot. Kaisa played with Toby a bit more, trying not to make him too excited, but this wasn’t working as he kept sniffing at her and going for her vagina. She adored the attention, of course, but she was told to save that energy for their performance. It was decided she’d wait in the cabin until the shoot, but not before she secretly masturbated in the toilet and squirted onto the underwear she had worn for the hike. She tossed it to Max outside with a little grin and said “enjoy!”.


Rachel was a little worn out by this stage. She had stopped and left her mark on two more trees as she traversed up to the top of the hill. She felt so alive in this moment, like a warrior on a mission and determined to see it through. Her pussy was tingling with excitement. In the ovulating state she was in she really felt every little touch and movement as the nervousness built and built. It wouldn’t be long now; Rachel really hoped her mate could track her and find her before it was too late. Her hormones were going a little wild at all these thoughts and was distracting her from the cold. She wouldn’t change any of this though. Since she decided to take that chance a few weeks ago at the club, her life had become noticeably better. She didn’t mind work nearly as much as there was something now for her to aim for. Men had approached her, but she had rebuffed them all. She had a mate now, someone who could make her feel beyond what anyone else could offer. She had been in love before, but this was something different. It was a love, a need that dwelled within her that only her mate could bring out.

Rachel was getting close to the spot now. She squatted down again beside another tree and went to work on her now rose colored, swollen pussy. It was so sensitive, and she could smell her scent herself, god knows what this would do for Max with his hypersensitive nose. She had left a trail of her pheromones for him to follow all across the field and forest and she hoped her plan would work, she needed for it to. She ascended the last bit of the hill and over the hump she saw what had been laid out for her. It was a stone circle with the makings of a fire in the middle. There was also a traditional looking tepee tent to one side with various tribal markings on it. Rachel was delighted with this, Carrie had really outdone herself on the production, showing complete trust in Rachel and her ideas. She walked into the tepee and there was a number of bottles of water and a few protein bars, Carrie really did think of everything. There was also a note that said “Good luck! We all believe in you. All the best, Carrie and the gang xx”. That was so sweet Rachel thought. They had been so nice and welcoming to her. At no point did she ever feel pressured or feel like she had to do something she didn’t want to. It was so empowering to her and her femininity to be treated like this, how it was a true cooperative effort by a sisterhood.

Walking outside the tepee after drinking some water and having a protein bar, she took in her surroundings. The hill looked over another small forest and lake beneath it and the landscape stretched out all around her. She wasn’t sure how much of the land was her benefactors but was confidently told it was “enough” by Carrie and that’s all she needed to hear. Her pussy was tingling with anticipation now. She didn’t know what was to come. She tried looking the way she came but saw no one. But then in the distance, she heard a bark. It was Max! And he was on her trail. She howled a response, this was intended to act as a signal to the crew that she was healthy and well and most importantly, ready for her mate. She heard two more barks, and this confirmed it to her, he was almost here and he was ready to impregnate his fertile mate.

Rachel instinctively went down on all fours and let out another howl. Her pussy was pulsating in anticipation now. She could feel a little of it leaking which had never happened before. Just how turned on was she? Another bark followed by a low howl; he was getting closer. She heard a rustling in the trees and knew it must be him. She turned and locked eyes on Max as he came up over the hump. He was excited and panting, his mate was here, and the scent of her fertility was in the air. Max darted down to Rachel to greet her. He licked her face as Rachel said hello and patted him back. The crew followed up over the hump and they also looked exhausted. Max was busy sniffing and licking around Rachel, almost making sure his mate was okay, a little bit of his penis poking out of its sheath and already dripping with anticipation.

Carrie waved and beamed a smile down at the happy couple. “Looks like we’ll have to set up quick, he looks very ready, and so do you!” Carrie said. “Thanks, yeah, I can’t wait. How was he?” Rachel replied. “Oh he was great, a few near misses, but he picked up on your trail so well and seemed to know better than we did where you were going! We got some great footage of him on the hunt also. Anyway, we’ll set up here. Let us know when you’re ready.” Carrie and the team set up a few portable lighting rigs and their cameras. Rachel was telling Max how much of a good boy he was for finding her and kissing his nose and rubbing his ears. She removed her poncho but left her loincloth on. Standing up and turning around to Carrie she shouted “ready!”, the excitement in her voice palpable.

Carrie said “action!” to her crew and with that, Rachel entered the frame. Her hair slightly ruffled and just in a loincloth, she danced around her mate in a kind of tribal motion. She undulated her hips towards the camera, making sure they could pick up on the body paint and sweat glistening on her body. Max followed, intrigued by what his mate was doing. She then got down on her haunches for Max and invited him over. He sniffed around her, licking as he went. His mate was signalling very hard to him that she was ready and that she needed his sperm. Her body was in heat, the chemical signals she was sending telling him what to do. She needed to be bred by whoever can claim her, and that was Max. Rachel moved her loincloth to the side and Max immediately recognized that scent. Her raw sex, fertile and ready for him. Max moved in, sniffed around and taking in a waft after waft of Rachel’s potent pheromones, and began to lick her vagina up and down. Rachel felt more composed this time, she was ready and determined and held herself open and available to her mate. The sensations were wild, Max was really pushing his tongue in against her labial folds and then up to her sensitive clitoris. Rachel was panting now, falling into a deep trance in which Max was her world. The dog kept up his assault on her sex and Rachel’s fluids were leaking out now onto the dog’s nose and snout. A slight puddle had formed, and Rachel decided that is where they would do it.

Rachel retreated back a tiny bit; her vagina now ultra-sensitive to the world. She wanted to repay her mate with affections in kind. Max circled her again, sniffing and licking her breasts and neck as he went. After he circled back in front of her, that’s when Rachel made her move. She dived under Max and onto the moist earth. True to form, his penis was now far out of its sheath and saying hello to his lover. She reached her head up and smelled it, kissing and licking it as she did. His musk seemed to be more potent than ever before as Rachel’s mind went adrift, back to when she let Max cover her with his seed. Max was so happy and ready to fertilize her. The precum was flooding out and Rachel licked and sucked down, making sure then to go to his swollen testicles and give each one a deep kiss and a sniff. She didn’t mean to, but it just came out of her as she said “I’m going to drain you” to Max’s balls. Working her way back up, she kissed the head of his thick red cock and said to it “I’m ready”.

Max moved off from Rachel as she went down to her hands and knees in the moist soil she had created earlier. Max moved about his mate, stopping at her mating area and giving it a deep sniff and a few licks. He then mounted Rachel, his trimmed paws going up on her back. She looked beneath and lined herself up with her mates powerful humping. Leaning back at just the right time, Max entered her hot furnace of a vagina and began humping uncontrollably in her. Rachel was in another plane of reality now. All she could think of was Max and his thick cock penetrating her mating parts repeatedly. Thoughts of his virile sperm filling her cervix and making their way to her uterus and egg filled her mind. She wanted nothing else in this world other than for Max to accomplish his goal and fertilize her. Rachel needed this, she needed to be bred by a loving, loyal companion who would do anything for her. Max continued his thrusts into her, whining almost as he did. This must feel so good for him she thought. After all that time and effort, he spent tracking me, he now found his fertile mate and is able to empty his testes of doggy seed inside her hot pulsing pussy.

Rachel could feel it again, the knot was beginning to grow at the base of his red-hot cock. This was the moment, she thought, where their union would be one and his happiness at being locked to her was at its height. She prepped and copying what she saw from Kaisa in her performance, went low and then pushed back high onto his knot. It worked and now Max’s whole shaft was locked inside her mating parts. Rachel quickly squeezed her vaginal muscles for him, reminding him who’s pussy he was in. It was the mate who could do this, who could take his pleasure beyond anyone else’s, the mate who he covered in his seed and claimed as his. He whined more as she flexed onto his now throbbing penis. His gorgeous knot started expanding inside her now, locking her to him as nature intended. It was growing and pulsing inside her, hitting her g-spot and sending her into a state of pure blissful tranquility while another orgasm built up in her. Max was beginning to slow, his knot throbbing deep within his mate and she knew what was about to happen. This was it, what she had been begging for by leaving her scent throughout the trail. “Come find me and unload your seed deep within my body” was what the scent of her pheromones told the dog. Her ovulating had been a trigger to unlock something even deeper in his doggy brain. It wasn’t a game anymore; it was his purpose. To fertilize Rachel, to flood her with his semen. And then it he could take it no more.

With a howl, he squirted hard and deep into Rachel’s throbbing vagina. She felt the jets of cum hit every part of her insides. It was so warm, so special and he was giving it to her. Jet after jet of cum flooded her as Max’s cock flexed and convulsed deep within her. He was mating her, breeding her harder than anyone could have thought possible. Every twitch his red-hot cock made sent Rachel over the edge. Time after time she orgasmed. She was so happy in this moment, knowing the pleasure she was giving to her mate and how happy he was to pump endless amounts of his sperm into her. She collapsed face first in the dirt, waves of pleasure washing over her. She felt his cock twitch again as it shot more seed into her. Her mates’ balls were pulsing against her mating area, sending more seed through his penis and into her cervix. It was almost too much, Rachel thought she was going to lose consciousness at this rate. Max seemed to be cumming inside her forever, an image of heaven she thought. He leaned his head down and began to lick and sniff his mates face and neck. The collar she wore confused him for a moment, but he continued to lick away, telling his mate how happy he was and what a good job she was doing. Rachel was beaming at this, the smile painted onto her face with her eyes closed. She was blushing too, it all felt so natural and right.

Max then turned on his haunches so that he and Rachel were butt to butt. His testes were resting on Rachel’s quim, just beneath her asshole. She could feel them pulsing occasionally, happy she had kept her promise to them that she’d empty them. Max stood guard as he remained locked to his mate, cum still leaking into her. A pool had appeared below, and Rachel was so happy to mark this area with their mating. She lay in bliss, breathing in the scent of their combined aromas as Max’s cock throbbed and twitched inside her. Eventually, he began to pull free, and Rachel let him. His cock fell out of her with a plop and a little of their combined juices went with it. She felt so full and satisfied, but she was surprised there was not more coming out of her. Max went to her mating equipment immediately and started licking and sniffing around her. He wanted to do a really thorough job on Rachel, make sure that their act of love was sealed within her and working on her fertile uterus. He was at this for a good two minutes, cleaning his mate from top to bottom. She turned around and saw his thick red cock, spent and dangling from him. Almost with a snarl she was at it, holding him in place as she licked and sucked Max clean. Rachel loved this part, the attentive nature of it, how this was really pushing him over the edge after she had so thoroughly drained him of his semen. Rachel licked and sucked the thick 8” cock, paying special attention to the knot and the tapered head. She wanted to make sure her mate was clean and healthy, inspecting his equipment as she went and sniffing in the scent of her mate. She was thorough with her tongue, not missing one bit and kissing all the way down the shaft. Max was whining and grunting in pure pleasure at this. She finally reached his testicles and couldn’t help it and said “told ya” with a wry smile. She licked and kissed them also and then let Max go to lie down, having exhausted his body. She curled up beside him, but then felt something else at her raw, full pussy.

Kaisa was standing over her, with Toby sitting beside her. Rachel was delighted, it had all gone to plan. “The tribe accepts you” Kaisa said. “You are part of us now.” she continued as she walked around the pair. She knocked the dummy spear against her pussy “I see you are filled with the gift. But now you will help me, your Queen, receive the same gift.” Rachel played along, getting onto her knees and bowing before Kaisa, the tribal Queen. “As you wish” Rachel responded. She then moved the loincloth Kaisa was wearing back and could smell how turned on Kaisa was by all this. She was about to laugh, but then remembered the cameras were on, so played it straight and went straight in, licking around Kaisa’s pussy and getting into the folds to the clit. Kaisa stood there, undulating her hips as Rachel ate her out. After a small amount of time, she said “very good. Now attend to my mate.” Rachel crawled over to Toby who was standing attentively just staring at Rachel as she approached. She bent her head down to Toby’s crotch and saw the lipstick of his cock peeking out. She took a sniff, it was similar to Max’s scent, but different. She placed her mouth over his cock and then felt something from behind her. Kaisa had crouched down and was now licking out Rachels ultra-sensitive and full pussy. Kaisa was really getting in there as well. Rachel presumed she was trying to reach what Max had deposited in her. In Rachels mind she thought “good luck, its mine now.” as she went back to work on Toby’s cock.

He was coming more and more out of his sheath under Rachel’s administrations. Her tongue dancing around the tip while gently sucking down the shaft. His flavor was different to Max’s but not by much and she loved the precum that was pulsing out from his cock, knowing she was priming him for Kaisa’s delicious mating area. Kaisa too was no slouch, Rachel was rocking against her tongue as it hit her clitoris and flicked it up and down. An orgasm was building, it was nothing compared to what she had been through, but pleasant nonetheless. Kaisa then stood up and nudged Rachel with the mock spear. “He is ready” she said as she walked over toward the stone circle of the campfire. She swayed her hips as she went and unfastened her loincloth which dropped to the ground. She turned her head, her curly mane of hair blowing the soft wind, and raised her hand indicating with her finger for Toby to come to her. And he did. He bounded toward her, going straight into her firm butt with his nose and tongue. He was greedily lapping at his mistress and licking any part of her mating gear that he could get in at. Kaisa kept her poise and walked around the stone circle, all the time Toby following her, licking and sniffing as she went. She was chanting now, Rachel thought she must have made it up, but it seemed realistic and would be perfect for the final movie. Then as her chant came to a crescendo and Toby was getting visibly frustrated, she went down on all fours.

Toby was straight at her open pussy now, which Kaisa was displaying for the world to see. He was licking fiercely at it, stopping only to sniff and lick other parts around her. Kaisa’s dark olive skin was glistening with sweat now and Toby seemed to really enjoy this. The fluids were leaking from Kaisa’s pussy as she showed off her mating area to the world. She seemed to love these displays of sexuality. Toby went back to her pussy now, tongue lolling around and making a mess as it splashed Kaisa’s fluids everywhere. This was messy and raw, and Rachel loved watching it. Lowering her nice firm ass down a bit, Toby then jumped on and mounted. His hips were thrusting every which way and even Kaisa was having difficulty lining him up. Rachel then went over and used her hand to adjust his position. Lining the mating pair up, Rachel let go and Toby plunged deep into the Queens pussy, pounding hard and fast, seemingly pushing Kaisa forward as he went. She didn’t seem to mind and went with it, letting him control the motions. Rachel thought he seemed so happy and content, plunging his cock repeatedly into his mate and it made her think of Max. She turned to check on him and he was still out cold. His cock had shrunk back down now, and he seemed so content and happy. Rachel was delighted with herself, she did this for him.

Toby was really giving Kaisa a hard pounding. Rachel had never seen a mating as rough before, but this was all part of the ***********. Kaisa seemed to like it a little bit rough and apparently Toby was one of the better performers for that type of sex. Kaisa was moaning loudly now, repeating “oh yes, oh yes, that’s it, that’s it” while Toby humped her ceaselessly in the open air. He began to stiffen up a bit and Rachel knew what this meant, he was about to knot his mate. She went over to witness it, and same as last time, Kaisa lifted up and slipped back onto him, sealing Toby in her. Toby though kept going, pounding and pounding with the full 9” of his shaft thrusting against Kaisa’s cervix. He must really have wanted to breed this girl, Rachel thought. She wondered what Kaisa must have done beforehand to send Toby into this state. Kaisa let out a scream of what was obviously another orgasm as Toby kept rocking against her. “He’s cummmiiinnnngg” she let out and indeed she was correct as Toby settled a little bit and let out a bark. Rachel was curious and got underneath to inspect their union. She saw the red base beneath the knot just showing and Kaisa’s pussy visibly bulging with his girth. Toby’s balls seemed to be pulsing too so feeling devilish, Rachel went up and gave them a lick. It had the desired effect as Kaisa let out another moan into the open valley.

Rachel was fascinated but what she was seeing. A hard, red animal cock seeding his mate with his sperm. Spasming and twitching as he did and deriving ultimate pleasure from his more than willing partner. Their fluids were leaking out, which was covering Rachel’s face, but she didn’t care. The smells and aromas were amazing and turning her on even more. She reminded herself of her full pussy and how Max’s sperm were at her egg, banging to get in. This thought mixed with what she was seeing close up was enough to get her juices flowing again. Rachel lifted her head up to Kaisa and Toby’s union and started licking. She couldn’t see too well so didn’t care where she hit. Both Kaisa and Toby seemed to like this, both giving audible grunts. Kaisa was panting as well as Toby, feeling his sperm pumping into her. Toby begun to turn around now so Rachel got out from under them. She went to Toby’s head and went down to his level. Rachel started telling him what a good job he was doing and how he was fertilizing his queen with his semen. She kissed him and offered him encouragement as Toby licked her back. She then went around to Kaisa as ***********ed, lay down in front of her, legs apart. With a smile Kaisa went down into her pussy again, licking and sniffing it. Rachel leaned back and was in heaven as Kaisa worked away.

With a final whine and an audible plop, Toby pulled himself out of Kaisa. She lay there, mating equipment in the air for Toby to come back and inspect. He began licking at her quite roughly and Kaisa was panting and moaning. She had obviously lost count at the orgasms, but here came another one that washed over her body. Toby finished, happy with the job he had done and Rachel and Kaisa crawled over to him. They lay beneath him, licking up and down his shaft, cleaning it thoroughly and licking all the excess sperm and Kaisa’s juices from him. They licked his testes clean and then went back down and both Kaisa and Rachel shared a kiss around Toby’s raw, pulsing shaft. They shared a smile and a giggle as Toby lay down, completely defeated by the assault of the two women and then they heard “and cut!” from Carrie. A massive roar went up from the crew. It couldn’t have gone better.

Carrie came over to the two stars and said “girls, amazing. This is the best production I think we’ve ever done. You couldn’t have been better suited to your roles.” Kaisa nodded and replied, “Thank Rachel, it was her idea and she was such a star.” Rachel blushed, not knowing what to say. “Well girls, we’ll pack up and head back down with you. Do you want to get cleaned up?” Both Kaisa and Rachel shook their heads and giggled to each other. “Have it your way” Carrie said with a wry smile.

On the way back to the production vehicles, Toby and Max walked with their respective mates who were still covered with the fluids of their mating. Both of the girls seemed to enjoy the way it made them feel – marked, powerful, sexual. Toby would occasionally nibble and lick at Kaia’s butt and she would giggle. She had been leaking Toby’s sperm as she walked but didn’t mind this at all. Rachel though seemed to keep all of what Max had given her inside, not sure how that was happening. It dawned on her she still had a lot to learn about all this. As they approached the vehicles the dogs took off, playing in the grassy area beside the car park. Rachel turned and gave Kaisa a big hug saying, “thank you for helping me with this, I’m so happy I could be part of you and Toby’s mating also”. “Don’t mention it, and hey, I saw your shoot with Max, and I get it. You let him mark you and from what I saw today, you have a deep connection with him. I won’t choose him as a partner if it makes you feel comfortable.” Kaisa replied, with Rachel taken a little aback with her blunt honesty. “oh, thanks.. I didn’t.. I dunno, but yeah, I feel for him, I can’t explain it” Rachel said. At that, Lorraine walked up to both of them as they were now both a bit away from the film crew. “Have you thought about it yet? To put you at ease, it’s a similar setup and part of the same club, just for, well, members that are ready to experience even more.” Rachel clicked that Lorraine had probably given Kaisa a card also. Kaisa looked at Rachel in the eyes and said, “I will if you will” and that was it, Rachel nodded in reply and they both smiled and laughed to each other. Lorraine said “Great, get in touch when you’re ready and I’ll organize to take you out to the ranch” and she walked on toward the truck. Both Rachel and Kaisa’s mouths went agape as their eyebrows raised on hearing that. “A ranch?” said Kaisa. “A ranch.” said Rachel.


Part Four

Rachel was waiting outside the warehouse in her jacket and jeans. She had her weekend bag with her, packed full of the usual essentials, as well as a few face paints and things like that just in case. It hadn’t been a hard to decision to do this in the end. Work was its usual droning self and the only thing really occupying her mind was Max and that magical day in the woods. The film had been sent around to the club and the feedback had been so incredible. Rachel didn’t know what to do or to say and would just blush thinking about it. Kaisa had been more vocal though, teasing the club about the behind-the-scenes details and so on. Not that Rachel minded, she thought it was all in good fun. She had met up with her friend Sarah too, the girl that introduced her was so thankful to her. Sarah said to enjoy it and that she adored what she had done so far. Although the bad news was that Sarah wouldn’t be joining them, she had found a girl and apparently it was pretty serious, so she didn’t want to jeopardize it. Rachel understood and Sarah said she would always be checking for her updates.

Looking down the road, Rachel spotted Kaisa walking towards her with her bag in tow. She was well dressed, a lovely fur jacket and skin-tight jeans that left little to the imagination. She had a pair of brown sunshades on too and beamed a smile as soon as she saw Rachel. “Rachel! Babe! How are you?” Kaisa said, leaning in and giving her a hug, which Rachel returned. “Oh you know.. absolutely giddy with the thought of this weekend!” and they both laughed. Right on time, Lorraine pulled up in her truck and signaled to the girls to jump in. “No turning back now!” Kaisa said, taking Rachel’s hand as they put their bags in the back of the truck and climbed into the car. Kaisa sat up front beside Lorraine who was driving which Rachel was okay with as she had plenty of room in the back to spread out a bit.

They got going and started heading towards the freeway. It seemed to Rachel they were going the same direction as to where she had her forest adventure with Max. This made her a bit giddy, the memories of that day flooding back and the possibility of creating more. Kaisa then asked the burning question. “So, where is this ranch?”. Lorraine told her it was in the same area as where they had been for the shoot and that it was all owned by their benefactor. She said it was women only and very private if they had any worries. The two women had already placed a lot of trust in Lorraine, Carrie and the crew and saw no reason why there would be a break of trust now. “That’s good, just another question though” said Kaisa which a naughty grin on her face. “Yes, what?” said Lorraine. “Will Rachel’s boyfriend be there?” and Kaisa started laughing. Rachel couldn’t help but laugh as well, it was all in good fun and it helped settle the nerves of the trio. Lorraine nodded her head “Yes Max will be there. And your Duke Kaisa.” It was Kasia’s turn to blush now and Rachel prodded her from the back laughing. “He will be very disappointed his girl isn’t carrying his lineage, maybe he will have to see to you again” Lorraine said, raising her eyebrows. Kaisa just blushed and said, “oh stop guys!”. They all laughed at this.

The rest of the journey was fine. They stopped in a gas station and picked up a few drinks and snacks and continued. “We are nearly here now” Lorraine said, turning the car down an old dusty road. “The other girls are already here” she continued. “There’s Annie and Indica who you both know from the group.” “They seem really nice, on the group anyway” said Rachel, “it will be nice to meet them face to face.” Lorraine then said “Okay with Indica, I will warn you now, so it doesn’t shock you when we are there. But.. well.. she’s a nudist.” Both Kaisa and Rachel laughed. “That’s fine” said Kaisa “I wasn’t planning on wearing much clothes myself”, she muttered, giving Rachel a coy wink.

The truck pulled into the ranch and Rachel thought it was incredible. The main house was huge, far bigger than any she had been in before, and there was a stream beside it and the backdrop the Great American wilderness surrounding it. In the distance, she thought she recognized the hill and the forest where Max hunted her down and took her to a place of pure ecstasy. She’d have to note that down in her head. They got out of the truck and grabbed their bags. Looking up at the doorway, the hedonistic visage of Indica was standing there waving at the group. True to form, she was nude, but damn Rachel thought if she didn’t deserve to flaunt that body. She had large, natural breasts and was curvaceous as could be with wide, child rearing hips and gorgeous midriff. There was a nice gap at the top of her legs where her vagina was, which had a little bit of hair around it and she had an extremely pretty face. She must have been in her early 20’s Rachel thought, examining her as she brought in her bags to the house, checking out Indica’s partially dreadlocked dark brown hair. “Hi guys, I’m Indica. You must be the famous Rachel and Kaisa!” Indica warmly said to both of them. “We are, we are” Kaisa said jokingly. “I LOVED that film guys. The shots of Max in the forest on your trail and sniffing the trees with his lipstick showing. And of course, how he perked up when he heard your howl Rachel! Wild!” Rachel blushed, “thanks so much, it was so much fun” she said, and put her bags on the ground and gave Indica a hug which she reciprocated. “And Kaisa, your costume and the way you rode Toby, girl, you’re a lion tamer!” Kaisa thanked her also and gave Indica a hug.

The pair were shown around the house, where the kitchen was if they wanted food or drinks and all the facilities. They were brought to the rooms they’d be staying in; each girl had their own bedroom which didn’t surprise Rachel in a house this big, and boy were they the lap of luxury. Rachel felt she was really fortunate for this opportunity. They unpacked and went downstairs. Lorraine met them at the bottom and said “Okay, do you both want to try something new? I promise it will be fun!” she said. They both giggled and Kaisa said “lead on!”. Lorraine took them to one of the rooms towards the back of the house. A makeup station had been set up there also. Kaisa offered Rachel to go first, and she accepted, and Lorraine got to work on her. She fluffed out her hair and used a little hairspray to give it volume and then went to work on the rest. When she got to the lips Lorraine said “Okay, I’m going to try something different which could be interesting. This lipstick is almost like a paint, but it’s a low acrylic so washes off easily” and she went to work giving Rachel a nice big full set of rosy, red lips. Rachel was guessing in her head ‘looks like I’ll be giving head today’ and smiled at the thought. She enjoyed giving and the power she felt with it, and just how happy it made her partners. Finishing her off, Lorraine showed her off in the mirror and again, it was such a good job, she looked sultry and confident, ready to rock her world. Kaisa then sat down and Lorraine gave her the same treatment.

When they were both finished, Lorraine brought them over to wardrobe. They both stripped off and giggled at each other as they both realized they were freshly shaven for this trip. “You won’t need much of a costume for this, just these” Lorraine said, handing them each a cowboy hat. Rachel was getting giddy now, she could feel the butterflies forming in her stomach. It was the same kind of anticipation she had that first time with Max, the sense of the unknown and the commitment to adventure. Lorraine led them out the back and they crossed a small bridge over the stream. It was nice and hot and more than a little humid which made both their bodies shine in the sun. They were at the stables now and this is when Rachel and Kaisa both guessed together what was to come. Sure enough, a camera crew had been set up and both the girls waved at them, and they saw Carrie leading a stallion out of the stables.

“Oh. My. God.” Kaisa exclaimed. “I mean, I thought… but I didn’t think… are you up for it?” Rachel took a moment and thought then said, “let’s do it!” “Ahhhhhh!” Kaisa went, doing a little dance. Lorraine then came up to them “is this okay for you both? As you might have guessed, this is just a blowjob scene.” Both the girls nodded in unison. Rachel didn’t know what to make of this, she didn’t feel pressured, more that she was going a bit too fast. But she wanted to see for herself, and the stallion looked beautiful in the afternoon sun. His coat glistening in a reddish-brown shade, he was obviously well kept and well cared for, and he was standing patiently, looking around. “Okay, amazing. Well, if you could do one thing. Could you try and plant some kisses on him and see if the special lipstick works? I have more here if we need it.” Lorraine said. “No problem!” Rachel replied, wanting to emit an aura of confidence.

Carrie then went through the scene with them. They’d both be ranch handlers needing to take care of this stallion, whose name was Thor. It was basic enough and Kaisa said she’d do her Southern Belle accent again to which they all laughed at. “Okay that’s great girls, whenever you’re ready” Carrie said. Rachel gave them a thumbs up and Carrie shouted “Action!” Kaisa and Rachel approached Thor who wasn’t really taking notice of them. “Well, I do declare, what do we have here” said Kaisa. Rachel walked around, patting him as she did. “A nice strong boy like you out in the sun must need some coolin’ off” Kaisa continued. With that, they both took off their cowboy hats and went underneath Thor and that’s when Rachel saw it. She kind of purposefully hadn’t looked, wanting to build up the suspense, but now it was right there in front of her. Thor’s massive cock head was peeking out of its sheath. It looked soft and fleshy, but also so potent. Rachel let out a little moan, feeling anxious and excited at what she was about to do. “Why girl, why don’t we give our boy here a helpin’ hand” Kaisa stated.

With that, they both moved in under his cock. His balls were there too, and they looked so big and swollen. Kaisa cupped them and said “mmmm we’ll have to take care of that” and then she moved in and kissed one of Thor’s testicles. Rachel did the same, wanting to see if the lipstick would work, and it did! She moved back and there was a great red imprint on Thor’s sperm sack. That really inspired Rachel and she planted a few more. Thor stamped one of his front hoofs lightly, seemingly in appreciation of this attention he was receiving. His large cock was coming out more and more as he felt the administration of the two girls on his mating equipment. As it came out, Rachel could feel a tingle in her vagina. She didn’t realize how turned on she’d be by this. She was taking in all the heavy masculine scents of the stallion, and it was playing with her mind. Kaisa was getting to work planting kisses all the way down his shaft and Rachel then took it in her hands and did the same. It was so strong and virile she thought. The lipstick was working out great too, both of them were leaving signs of their love all over Thor’s junk which must have looked great on camera. Unfortunately, they ran out and Carrie yelled “Cut! Makeup!”

Rachel got up while Kaisa stayed under Thor, licking him and kissing him to make sure he stayed hard. Lorraine went over to Rachel with the lipstick and reapplied it to her and said “you are doing so good, Thor loves it!”. Rachel smiled and batted her eyelids and then returned to Thor. Kaisa got up and had the same done and got back into position. Carrie then said “annnnddd… action”. Rachel decided to take the initiative here. Kaisa had been doing all the talking, it also didn’t help that she couldn’t do a southern accent at all, but Rachel wanted to get more involved. She moved around to the head of Thor’s thick pulsing dick. “Hello” she said and planted a bit wet kiss right over his pee-hole. She then licked around the head, kissing more and more and breathing in the thick aromas of this horny stallion. She really put her tongue into action, licking and sucking right underneath the head where she was just guessing a g-spot should be. Thor was sputtering and stomping, and Rachel thought ‘found it!’ She had yet to meet a male yet who wouldn’t succumb to her oral abilities. She was lightly jerking off Thor as she went, trying to be sure that she wasn’t hurting him. “Why I do declare, this stallion sure likes you darlin’” Kaisa said while watching Rachel at work.

The head was too big to take into her mouth fully, but Rachel wanted to give it a bit of suction so would lap her mouth over his hole and sucking back. Thor was going buck wild at this. Kaisa was kissing and licking down his length and then started working more on his massive balls. Hearing and feeling how happy the stallion was filled Rachel with joy. Here he was, a massive, powerful animal, and she had complete control over his being. He must not know what’s hit him, she thought as she felt a build-up and hardening in his shaft. She knew it wouldn’t be long now, especially with Kaisa at his testes. Rachel went back to the g-spot, kissing it deeply with a lot of tongue and saliva and this seemed to do the trick. With a final stamp and a neigh, the head of Thor’s huge cock flared up in front of Rachel and a powerful jet of potent semen pulsed out from him.

Rachel tried to bring her mouth up to him as Thor covered her face and body in his sperm. She was getting drenched, and her perfect makeup and hair was ruined but she didn’t care. She wanted this stallion to feel uncontrollable joy and she licked and sucked him more. Some went in her mouth of course and she swallowed a little but didn’t want to risk it so instead let Thor cum all over her instead. His cock pulsed at flared at her. She could see his testicles flex back with Kaisa constantly sucking them and licking them as more and more jets of semen hit Rachel. She was positively covered in his sperm at this point. A big pool surrounded her as Thor’s cock dribbled out the last remnants from his balls. It was still pulsing in orgasm though and Rachel went down to it, getting as much of that flared head in her mouth as possible while Kaisa licked up and down the trembling shaft. Rachel could hear Thor groan at this impossible pleasure. He had already cum, yet these two females were still attending to him.

Thor’s cock was shrinking back as the girls kissed and cleaned it. Rachel gave it one final big kiss on the head and said, “thank you!” Kaisa then looked over at Rachel. Still in character she went “why, what a mess he’s made on you” and leaned in and started kissing Rachel deeply and licking Thor’s sperm off her. Carrie yelled “cut!” and a cheer went up from Lorraine and the crew. Rachel was so weirdly turned on by what she had just done. She felt a weird state of anxiousness in her, but Kaisa was hugging her closely which helped relieve her. “Do you mind doing a few poses for some photos girls” Carried said. Rachel responded, “yeah sure” and her and Kaisa got up beside Thor. Rachel put on a little “oh you” face while covered in Thor’s drying semen and Carrie was snapping away. They both then went underneath Thor, his penis was still a little bit out, so Rachel posed kissing it. Kaisa was under Thor’s now spent testes which were covered in lipstick kisses and looked to the right at them while posing for the camera. They took a few more pictures in and around Thor’s cock and Carrie told them she had everything.

They both got up then and saw Indica there who was clapping and smiling. Annie had appeared too and was also clapping. Rachel and Kaisa went over to them and surprisingly, Indica gave Rachel a big hug, seeming not to care about the horse semen. “You girl. You are such a star. Incredible!” Indica said and then turned to Kaisa and said something similar. “Hi, I’m Annie” the other girl said, extending her hand and smiling with her pearly white teeth showing which contrasted so well with her African skin. “I’m Rachel!” Rachel said jokingly, making a point of her semen covered face and body. Annie giggled and laughed and then just said “come, lets get you cleaned up” and the four girls walked back into the house.


Annie took Rachel by the hand and brought her to the open shower. She stripped off too and went in with Rachel, who was a bit surprised that this beautiful woman she had just met would do such a thing, but under the circumstances was willing to roll with it. It helped that Annie had an amazingly hot body. She was very well toned and athletic with a nice six-pack going and small, perky breasts. She turned around and Rachel noticed she had an ass to die for, so firm and round. Annie also had a nice gap at the top of her legs near her hairy vagina and Rachel wondered if she’d be seeing more of that later. Rachel’s hair was sticky with Thor’s semen and matted together so Annie spent a good amount of time behind her massaging through with a shampoo and unknotting it. Annie was being pretty meticulous with Rachel, scrubbing her up and down and making sure she felt well looked after. Rachel was loving this care after a long day of travelling and all the excitement of her earlier scene. Annie crouched down and was looking right at Rachel’s crotch. “mmm lucky boy” she seemed to say to herself. She then inserted a finger slightly into Rachel, who was a little taken aback but didn’t really mind, and then Annie pulled it out and took a taste of her. She gave Rachel a little wink as they both finished off and went and dried themselves.

Once she was toweled off, Rachel donned a bathrobe and went out to the back garden. Lorraine was there and Rachel asked her where Max was. She hadn’t seen him since that day on the hillside and she was so eager to catch up with her mate. Lorraine giggled and pointed out where Max and the other boys would be so Rachel made her way over to the large play area near the stables. She looked around but couldn’t see him playing with the other dogs. She did see Toby and Duke though, chasing each other around, and another large wolf-like dog with white and grey fur. She went around a corner and there was Max. Rachel’s heart leapt at the sight of him. “Max! How’s my boy? I’ve been waiting so long to see you again!” Rachel said. Max though seemed uninterested. Rachel didn’t understand this and felt a little annoyed. “What’s wrong boy? Look what I’ve got for you!” she said, pulling back her bathrobe and opening her legs a little for her mate. But he still didn’t seem to care. Visibly worried, Rachel got closer to him, softening her tone. “Aww what’s up? Did I do something to upset you?” Max got up a bit and sniffed around her, then went back to resting. She turned around to see if anything else could be the issue. Then she saw the set she and Kaisa pleasured Thor on and realized that Max must have seen the whole thing. The smell of Thor’s virile sperm must still be on her, and this was clearly upsetting Max. A lump appeared in Rachel’s throat. She didn’t think of this, she should have. ‘Damn it!’ she thought, “I’m sorry boy, I’ll try and make it up to you, really, I will!” She then put two of her fingers in her pussy and offered them to Max to try and make amends, but he still wasn’t interested. With a sniff and a little sob, Rachel got up and turned back to the house.

Indica was at the door waiting for her and had seen what just transpired between Rachel and Max. She went out to Rachel, opened armed, her large boobs jiggling along and then took Rachel up in a big hug. “Aw I’m so sorry hun. Look, he’ll get over it. Just be there for him when he needs you” Indica said reassuringly. Rachel hugged her back, she felt like crying a little but didn’t. Having such strong women around her was really helping she thought. This really was a true sisterhood. Her eye then caught Lorraine walking through the kitchen. Rachel had been thinking about something for a while, and now decided to see if she was right. She thanked Indica and went in, following Lorraine who went up the stairs. Rachel saw her go into a large room at the back of the hallway and close the door. Rachel, deciding to just be bold, went up and knocked. “Come in” she heard Lorraine say.

Lorraine was a very beautiful woman. She was always calm and had an air of confidence about her. She was quite tall, at least 5’10”, and had a very shapely figure. Rachel had been thinking about this for a while and added a few things up in her head. Lorraine offered Rachel a seat, which she took, still naked except for the bathrobe which didn’t seem to bother Lorraine, who then looked up at her and said, “What can I do for you?”. Rachel just let it out – “You’re the benefactor, aren’t you. You own and run all this.” There was a silence at that. Rachel didn’t mind at this point, she felt dejected at what happened between her and Max and thought she might as well just say what she thought. To her surprise, Lorraine smiled and nodded her head. “You’re right, I am.” Rachel then just blurted out “I knew it!” and the atmosphere in the room seemed to lighten. “Yes, I know. I’ll give you a quick explanation. I made a lot of money when I was younger in business and tech. I was also married then. It wasn’t a happy marriage either. We were both so busy and I knew he was cheating on me whenever he left New York. Ace was my only companion at the time, he’s the big Alaskan Malamute you saw out back. My husband didn’t want a child and besides, I was working extremely hard. I made a lot of money on stock options. A lot.” Rachel was taking all this in. She was glad that she had figured it out but didn’t realize to what extent.

“Anyway, it was very lonely. Working so hard and coming home to no one, knowing he was cheating too really didn’t help. Ace was there for me though. I don’t know how it happened. We always planned for him to breed and have pups so never got him neutered and here I was, a bored, lonely female looking to have a child, and him a virile dog looking for love and companionship. So, one night… well, it happened, and I never felt so good. You know by now how incredible it can be.” Rachel nodded, letting Lorraine continue. “Well, my husband got sloppy one night and I had all the evidence I needed of his cheating. We quickly settled a divorce, with me getting the lion’s share of the wealth, and that’s when it hit me. There must be many others like me so I decided that with all this wealth, I would create a safe space for women who feel the same way and are suffering with the men of this world. A place where the males in their life were honest, willing and grateful. Where love was true, and we could have fun. I managed to get in contact with Caroline through another acquaintance and she already had a crew and was fully on board. I opened the club in town not long after and sought out individuals to share this world with. Make up was a hobby when I was younger and I love to do it, so I use that position to filter people and make sure they were right. When I saw you, I knew instantly you’d be perfect. Long legs with a nice gap at the top, perfect for your mate’s knot.”

Rachel took a breath at all this. She extended her hand across the table and said to Lorraine “Thanks. Thanks for everything. It was good of you to share that with me, and I’ll keep it private if you want. But I get what you did and appreciate everything you continue to do for us.” Lorraine took her hand. She then looked into Rachel’s eyes and said “It’s my pleasure. I love seeing you all so happy and free. Also, I’m sorry about Max, I don’t know what’s got into him. But don’t worry about that now, go down and have dinner. Tonight, is going to be a lot of fun.” Rachel then figured out that everyone must have been looking out at her and Max, probably hoping for a show. That made her feel a bit naughty and special, all those eyes on her and her mate.

Rachel gave Lorraine a hug before she left. That had really cheered her up, someone opening their heart to them, and she was also glad she had figured out Lorraine and the mysterious benefactor thing. It all made so much sense to her now and there was a spring in her step as she went into the kitchen. The girls were all busy cooking and having fun. Rachel wasn’t much of a chef, she was serviceable she thought, so let them get on with it. This gave her a chance to sit down with Annie, who told her how much she loved the films and photos Rachel had done so far and also about what Annie had done and why she chose to come here. She apparently knew Indica who she described as wild, but loving and fun and her and Kaisa had really seemed to hit it off in the kitchen. Kaisa was buck naked too and Indica would play with her a bit, giving her firm peach of a butt an occasional smack and putting food on her and licking it off with giggle.

They all went into the dining area and were joined by Lorraine, Carrie, and the crew. Jane was one of them and the other girl was called Simone. They seemed nice company if a little bit quiet. Dinner went well, the girls had made a lovely pasta bake which was so filling and tasty. “Don’t worry, you’ll be working this off later!” Indica quipped, licking a bit of sauce which had fallen onto her left breast.

After finishing dinner, the girls were all giddy and were guided by Lorraine into one of the rooms in the back. It had nice, soft furnishings and a large sofa with a few chairs dotted around. Occupying the center of the room was a circular table. On it, of course, was an arrangement of toys and lubes for the girls. Kaisa was squealing at this, barely able to contain herself and went over to inspect them. Rachel and Annie both got stripped off and then Carrie walked in. “Okay gang, there are a good few cameras located around the room and we’ll just be over there by the side. Just act natural and have fun.” With that, Kaisa took Rachel’s hand and brought her over to the table. She picked up a long one in the shape of a horse’s penis and said to her “I’m so trying this one on you!”. Rachel blushed and with her newfound confidence replied, “well what are you waiting for!”.

Rachel got down to her hands and knees. She was so turned on and could feel the moisture between her legs. Kaisa must have noticed too as she was lubing her up and said, “don’t need much, eh?” kind of joking. She then plunged the dildo into Rachel who audibly gasped at this assault. It was so big! She thought. It was very different to Max, but a nice kind of different. The flared head was hitting her g-spot while Kaisa kept pumping. She would occasionally finger Rachel’s now exposed clit and Rachel knew what Kaisa was up to. She was trying to get her to squirt! Dirty girl! Well, it was working, as the moisture in Rachel built up and up as Kaisa kept pumping away. “mmm I think it’s coming!” Kaisa said while a massive orgasm built up in Rachel. She felt her abdomen tense up and her pussy flex around the dildo. One more thrust and Rachel let out a big moan and Kaisa took out the horse cock. True to form, Rachel squirted. She looked between her legs and Kaisa was underneath with her face soaked in Rachel’s fluids. Kaisa then went up and started licking and sucking at Rachel’s sensitive mating area which was sending her to heaven. Kaisa was moaning and vibrating Rachel’s clit which was taking her over the edge. She looked to her left and saw Annie had Indica down with her legs splayed open and was eating her out like a champ.

“You taste sooo good!” said Kaisa, standing up and covered in Rachel’s orgasm. Rachel said nothing, instead she turned and dived face first into Kaisa’s pussy, exactly like Max or Duke would have done. Kaisa let out a little squeal and Rachel went to work on her. It was delicious, she thought. So aromatic and hot. Any mate would be lucky to unload their sperm in here, Rachel thought to herself while circling her tongue around Kaisa’s clit. “oh god, okay, let me sit down!” Kaisa was trying to stammer out. She was moving to the sofa, but Rachel wouldn’t relent, going after her goodies as Kaisa basically fell onto the sofa. Rachel was loving being aggressive here, not letting up on Kaisa, taking in her scent and the pheromones she was giving off. Indica and Annie had now changed positions. Indica was using the same horse dildo on Annie as Kaisa had just used on Rachel and Annie was screaming while Indica pumped her hard and fast.

This went on for a while longer, occasionally swapping partners and enjoying each other’s scents and flavors, all the while giggling to each other and being very loving and considerate. Rachel stood up after the latest orgasm Annie’s unbelievable tongue had given her. “I have an idea; I’ll be right back!”. Rachel left the room and went up the stairs. She was covered in her own and all the other girls’ juices and felt so dirty and naughty, but it was strangely comforting to her. In her room, she located her bag and got out the body paints she brought and then hurried out and went back to join the fun. Entering the room, the girls all look up at her and she showed them the paints. “Let’s dress up for the boys!” she said, and all the other girls laughed as she handed them out. They all got to work on each other. Kaisa was laughing as she wrote ‘Breeding Zone’ just above Rachel’s vagina and then drew what looked like an egg around her belly button with lots of sperm heading for it. Rachel laughed and wrote “Fertilize Here” with an arrow pointing down just above Kaisa’s beautiful pussy and proceeded to draw little sperms too, some with dog ears all aiming for her cervix. Annie and Indica were doing similar, writing things like “All Cummers Go to Heaven” above their genitals as well as different markings and paw prints. Indica already had a plethora of astrology and tribal tattoos on her amazing body, so she really looked unbelievably sexy thought Rachel.

They could hear something at the door then and also little barks. It was the boys, and they could obviously smell the heavy feminine scent and were trying to get into their mates. The room was drenched in the pheromones of four very horny females, all of whom were dressed up and looking to be fertilized by powerful males. It must have been torture for the poor dogs, knowing what was just beyond and waiting for them. Carrie then walked over and opened the door, and four big, powerful dogs came charging into the room, growling and lightly barking as they went. Rachel noticed Toby, Kaisa’s mate from the hillside, and also Ace, Lorraine’s pet malamute who looked so feral and imposing. There were two other dogs with them, an excitable ridgeback who Rachel knew as Thumper from the group, and another blonde Labrador called King. Each of them looked so excited and virile. They all had a bit of lipstick showing beneath them and were more than ready to breed their horny females.

Thumper darted straight over to Kaisa’s open legs and started ravishing her fertile pussy with his tongue. She was moaning as the energetic ridgeback absolutely went to town on her and she was squirming all over the sofa. King wandered over to Annie and started sizing up her mating parts, very happy with what he was seeing and smelling and started licking her too, which she was so happy with. Toby was up at Indica’s butt, smelling and licking around this goddess, his cock dripping in precum while he was prepping his mate for the oncoming breeding. Last left was Ace, who was standing there staring at Rachel, his cock head pointed just out of its sheath and already salivating itself in precum. Rachel stood up and looked at him. He was a very big dog and looked so primal and fierce, but also considerate and noble. He got down on his haunches at this fertile mate’s approach, his waiting cock head pointed straight up and at Rachel. She did a little bit of a pose at Ace, making sure that he saw the words painted and pattern on around her mating area. She knew he wouldn’t understand but was also aware of the cameras in the room and wanted to put a show on for them. The dog, more patient than the others, leaned in towards Rachel and gave her vagina a curious smell and a small lick. Rachel paraded around him, rubbing her vagina on his back as she did. She then got down on all fours and whippet quick, went for this big alpha dog’s cock with her mouth.

Ace sat there panting as Rachel went to work. She was taking in the scent and smells of this new lovers mating parts and she was dizzy from it. Her pussy was pulsing and damp at this point and she felt those same butterflies in her stomach as she had before. Rachel took each one of Ace’s large testicles in her mouth, sure to lick around and appreciate them and what they were going to give her. She then went back over his now extending penis, taking him fully in her mouth and salivating at his salty precum. It seemed like a more mature taste than Max, definitely stronger in flavor for sure. Ace sat there, groaning, as Rachel sucked and played with his veiny red cock. The pheromones in the room and smell of raw sex was overtaking him now, especially with this female expertly pleasuring his penis. Rachel stopped and crawled away on her hands and knees, making a show of her mating equipment to Ace while doing so, spreading, and wiggling herself in his direction. “I need you here and I need you to fertilize me. I need you to breed me and empty yourself in me” her actions were saying. She stopped at the sofa and spread her legs wide.

The other girls were in various stages of breeding with their mates. Kaisa was taking Thumper’s cock, who true to his name was giving his girl the hardest and fastest pumps Rachel had ever seen. Kaisa was moaning, barely able to get a word out as Thumper penetrated her and dominated this breeding female. Rachel was dripping in anticipation, the smell of sex and Ace’s scent fresh in her mind. She felt Ace sniffing at her butt, giving it a few tentative licks. He then zoned in on Rachel’s hot, wet pussy which was emitting all the pheromones in the world to this extremely horny dog. He dived his muzzle in, licking and probing his mate, making sure she was primed and ready for him. Rachel could feel his rough tongue lapping away and she could feel an orgasm build up immediately in her. He stopped though, but before Rachel could take a breath, his large, angry cock hit home in one try and she was his.

Ace began pounding into his new mate at a ferocious speed. He was a big, heavy, powerful dog and Rachel could feel every single one of his pumps ripple throughout her body. He was certainly a dominant mate, not giving Rachel a chance to recoup as he pounded all ten inches of his dog cock into her, hitting her cervix and claiming this place. Waves of orgasmic pleasure flooded Rachel now, the content feeling of a mate in her, an Alpha breeding her and making her his. The knot began to form and slipped into Rachel with his forceful thrusts and then begun to expand in her. She loved this part, feeling her mate fill up inside her and claim her as his. The pulsing of her breeding zone encouraging her mate further, to tie them together as he fertilized her, emptying his testes of sperm so they could hunt down her egg.

Ace couldn’t take this anymore; this female was so hot and tight that he couldn’t help but let loose. Rachel felt him cum and cum hard. Jet after jet of his sperm was filling her as his cock pulsed and twitched inside her fertile pussy. Rachel rolled through the orgasms as she happily accepted wave after wave of his hot semen into her, squeezing her pussy in order to try and milk more out of him. Ace was on top of her, with his large paws down by her side, essentially telling his mate to take his weight while he bred her. Rachel was more than happy to accept even though it was straining her a bit. She didn’t want to show weakness, she wanted to show she was worthy of his seed. He stood there, locked tight to his mate, cumming his brains out. Rachel could feel so much sperm inside her and yet Ace was still standing there, pulsing his cock deep within her. This Alpha’s testicles were resting against the entrance to her mating parts, pulsing and contracting as they emptied themselves. She didn’t understand how he could be still going but she didn’t care, she adored this feeling, knowing that he was doing his best to get as many of his sperm as possible into her cervix and make sure she was bred and bred properly.

The other girls were also in a state of bliss with each of their respective partners buried inside and fertilizing them. Kaisa reached an arm across to Rachel while she was still holding Ace up. Thumper was straining and whining as he filled her and then moved to turn around, so he was butt to butt with her. Kaisa said to Rachel “thank you. Thank you so much for coming with me, I couldn’t have done it without you.” Rachel, in a state of bliss with her Alpha on top of her twitching inside her pussy, just smiled back and took Kaisa’s hand under hers, making sure to keep Ace’s weight in check.

About 15 minutes passed and each of the dogs freed themselves at various times and went to work tidying up their females, who responded in turn by cleaning their cocks and taking in the last aromas of their mates. Ace was the last to finish, of course, and he left Rachel with an audible plop as he finished his breeding. Semen rushed out of her, there was just so much in her. Annie got down and licked a bit off from Rachel’s ultra-sensitive pussy a then went to Rachel’s mouth and gave her a passionate kiss with it, snowballing Ace’s sperm between them. Ace was attending to his freshly fucked mate and licked, trying in vain to keep his semen in. When finished, Rachel crawled over to him and put her head in between his stomach and crotch and went to work cleaning the Alpha. She sucked, licked, and kissed this truly massive penis. She couldn’t believe how big the knot was and was so happy to have taken it for him. She enjoyed the taste from him and did as thorough a job as possible, making sure to kiss and lick his throbbing testicles before making her way back to the sofa.

The four girls were curled up on it, in a state of bliss with their arms around each other gently resting and taking in the glow of the of all the mating. They noticed that there was no familiar yell of “cut!” from Carrie or the crew, so they continued to lie there. Rachel’s well used vagina was poking out as her feet where up, curled in while Indica was hugging her. She then felt what was obviously a nose and a tongue at her mating parts. True enough, Thumper was there, sniffing her scent and taking in the pheromones of this female. He went in licking at her and then it dawned on Rachel, the night had just begun….


They had fucked all through the night, at least 5 hours’ worth. Each of them taking a different mate, one after the other. Rachel loved it. Thumper was the quickest and roughest but, in a way, she appreciated that, he just needed to get his semen into as many females as quickly as possible and was so happy when he did. They made a little game of it by marking in their butts with the body paint with just how many loads they had taken. It was no surprise that Kaisa won with six, making sure to get a quick round in with Toby at the end to beat Indica’s score. By the end, the girls were covered with semen and their own juices, and the smell of sex hung heavy in the air. They had taken breaks for water and things at various points, but as far as first orgies go, this one was incredible for Rachel. Carrie and the crew were exhausted too but seemed delighted with all the footage they got and congratulated the girls while helping them up. Lorraine was there too, and Rachel went over to her and gave her a big hug, forgetting she was covered in every kind of sexual fluid. Lorraine didn’t seem to mind. “Thank you so much, and thanks for not bringing Max in. That was exactly what I needed, raw, hard sex.” Lorraine squeezed her reassuringly and said it was no problem. The girls all said their goodbyes as they made their way upstairs to their bedrooms. Rachel noticed none of them decided to have a shower, all too content to take in the smells and stains of their lovers for the night.

They were all making their way to their bedroom and then they noticed Indica was behind them. She had Thumper in tow behind her and he was sniffing and licking her voluptuous ass. The three other girls looked at each other with their mouths agape, Indica was truly insatiable. “Going for a little afters girl?” Annie mockingly asked while Indica and Thumper walked past. Indica just gave her rear a little slap and raised her eyebrows at Annie and then walked slowly on purpose, seductively waving her fine butt back and forth as she did. When she got to her room, just before she closed the door, she looked down at Thumper and said, “now let’s see if we can get that tension out of you”. The three other girls laughed and said goodnight, collapsing in their beds. They could definitely hear the noises coming from Indica’s room as she wore that poor dog out, but ultimately Rachel was exhausted. It had been a confusing, fun, sad and anxious day for her all at once but it ended perfectly. There she was, a uterus full of doggy swimmers trying to get to her egg and covered in the fluids and scent of pure lust. She closed her eyes and went straight to dreaming….


Part Five

Rachel woke up quite late. She had been far more tired than she thought between all the travelling and yesterday’s fun. It was already 11am and she was still in bed, almost stuck to her sheets because of all of the doggy semen on her body. She didn’t mind though, there was something so primal and erotic about it. But needs must so she went and had a long, luxurious shower in her ensuite, making sure to untangle and wash her hair thoroughly. Drying herself, she was curious as to what today would bring so got into a bathrobe and went down to get some breakfast. Before going, she peaked into Indica’s room which still had the door open. There was Thumper, on her bed asleep and completely worn out. Rachel laughed to herself and left.

Annie was the first to see her and gave her a big smile. “There she is!” Annie said as Rachel walked into the kitchen. Indica was there as well as Carrie and one of the crew, eating and omelette. They had prepared one for Rachel too and she also got herself a coffee and a glass of OJ. “What did you do to that poor dog?” Rachel then said to Indica. “Well, someone needed to show him who was boss” she said back, and the table laughed. “How many times then?” Carrie asked. Indica just held up her hand with 3 fingers up and there was more laughter. “Also, he insisted on sleeping with his head next to my crotch and woke me up with his tongue. I rewarded him by having an early protein milkshake so he’s out for the day” Indica said with the table laughing even more. “God damn you’re insatiable Indi” Annie said, she continued then turning her attention to Rachel, “Kaisa is getting ready, she’s got a scene coming up if you wanna stay and watch?”. Rachel smiled and nodded, excited at the thought.

After finishing breakfast, the crew were busy setting up in the landing and elsewhere. They told the girls it was about to begin so they took their positions and waited. Doing a final check, Carrie was happy with everything and then called “action!”. Kaisa then appeared at the top of the stairs. She looked stunning, her makeup done perfectly so she looked properly regal like a Princess, and she was wearing a lacy dark green bra and panties set. She was putting on her southern belle accent again saying “oh my, I am ever so flush today. I think I may have begun my ovulation this morning. And no men around to help me, whatever is a lady to do?” and with that, the doorbell rang. Rachel thought it was quite cheesy and funny, but also somewhat endearing. “Well, who could this be?” Kaisa said, going to the door. She opened it and Duke, the muscular black rottie she had been with when Rachel first met Kaisa was sitting there, with something in his mouth. “If it isn’t my favorite gentleman caller, the Duke, and it looks like you have something for me” which was true in more than one way as Duke’s lipstick was showing and already precum was building around it.

Kaisa went down and took what was in his mouth out. It was a collar with a chain attached which led to Duke’s own collar. It had a note on it which said, ‘wear this’. “Well, I best not refuse such a fine gentleman as yourself Duke, so do come in.” Kaisa then took the collar and put it on. It had enough of a lead so she was comfortable but not too long so that Duke wouldn’t get too far from her. When she clipped the lead in, Duke was then at her, showering her face and body with kisses and licks. Kaisa was giggling trying to stay in character “oh mercy my what a nice gift you’ve brought me” she said. Duke was really going for Kaisa’s sweet pussy as she was sitting on the floor. Rachel didn’t think she was lying about the ovulation thing either, it would be a very Kaisa thing to do. Duke was sniffing hard and licking at her panties and this was just causing Kaisa to get wetter. He was a big dog too so could easily force his way into her, but it wasn’t like Kaisa was stopping him. “Hmmm” she said, “we might have to dispose of these” and with that she slipped them off and Duke was right on her, muzzle straight into her obviously soaking mating area, enjoying all the pheromones and tastes of his fertile mate.

Kaisa was trying to crawl, but Duke kept at her, causing her to moan and groan under the power of his tongue. “Oh my sir, you do know how to treat a lady” she managed to get out. Duke was stalking around her now, licking and sniffing at her with his cock now salivating in precum at the presence of this prize mate. When he got close enough, Kaisa slipped under him and took his throbbing red cock into her mouth, sucking on it and licking it thoroughly while Duke sat there panting, enjoying his ladies’ affections. She sniffed at his testes and gave them a lick and said “mmm my royal sperm.” Rachel knew she had taken this move off her but didn’t mind as long as Kaisa was enjoying herself. Kaisa moved away from his cock and was now covered in precum. She stood and looked down at the big rottie. It looked so hot with them both collared together. She did a bit of a pose while taking off her bra and letting it drop to the floor and said, “Will my Duke breed me please, I’m ever so fertile…” and before she was able to finish, Duke dashed in to her hot, wet pussy.

He was sniffing and licking deep into Kaisa now and she was moaning. She went down on her butt with Duke still enjoying her mating area, licking furiously, and sending Kaisa to heaven. She turned on all fours and made for the stairs and begun to climb it. Duke was ceaseless, nosing and goosing into her firm butt as she ascended the stairs, never stopping at her goodies. Kaisa was just sweating and moaning, trying to make the ascent. She managed to get out a line in between licks “please, let me take you to the royal chambers” and Duke was just going at her, obsessed with the smell of her pheromones and what they were communicating to his doggy brain.

She managed her way up the stairs and Carrie shouted “cut!” and quickly followed the pair up. Rachel and the girls followed, and they saw Kaisa on the ground with Duke licking and humping at her. She was giggling and laughing and said, “a little help?” and with that Annie went over to them both. She got down and started rubbing on Dukes back and took his raging cock in her hand. “Easy boy, easy” she said and then leaned in and started sucking on his penis. Duke calmed somewhat with this gorgeous girl sucking on him, which allowed Kaisa to get up and walk a little bit towards the master bedroom, which was obviously where the next scene was due to take place. Duke, with Annie’s mouth around his cock, was just staring a hole through Kaisa. Rachel imagined what could be on his mind, how determined he was to get down and pump her fertile womb full of his doggy semen. The crew were quick to set up and had their angles and lights ready and then Carrie called “action!” out again. Annie took her mouth off Dukes hard and ready cock and let him go to his mate.

Kaisa walked in the room holding the chain that Duke was on and said, “take me here Duke” and again, before she could finish, Duke was at her. He had had enough of the games and was trying to get his paws on Kaisa’s back to get her down so he could breed her. She just managed to get to the bed and bent over on all fours with her wet, exposed pussy waiting for her mate. Duke jumped onto the bed, gave her a quick sniff and lick and then mounted himself onto her, his cock seeming like a piston as it sought the heat from her fertile mound. With a little help and guidance from Kaisa, he hit home and started swinging for the fences inside Kaisa. He was pumping so fast and so hard, he must have been so built up and ready for this moment, desperate to get in and breed his mate. Kaisa was in heaven, barely able to get out an “oooooohhhhh yyyeesssss” as she was having the air forced out of her by this unholy pounding.

The knot formed quickly and without any hesitation Duke drove it into Kaisa’s mating area, determined to lock his mate to her and pump her full of his seed. He was still humping a good bit, nature not knowing what to do with his sheer horniness and this amazing pussy that had taken his cock. He barked, let Kaisa know that she was his and she was breathing heavily too. “Good boy, good boy, breed me, breed me” she was saying, just about having the energy to. Her pussy must have felt so good for the strong dog as with a final little pump, he let out a howl and Rachel knew that he must be cumming inside his mate. This always made Rachel so happy, that moment of release when a partner finally gets to achieve what all the chemicals in his head were telling him to do. Kaisa was moaning now, obviously going through orgasm after orgasm as Duke emptied his testes inside her.

They were together a good 15 minutes, Kaisa moaning and Duke in absolute bliss when his big knot lodging him and his mate together. They had made quite the mess; the sheets of the bed were soaked in his leaking semen and her juice but she doubt they cared. After a time, Duke satisfied that he had filled his girl with as much doggy cum as he could, withdrew from her and a large amount of semen gushed out. Kaisa still had her head buried in the pillow, her mating equipment on show for her lover’s inspection and Duke went right to work, licking at her pussy and making sure she was properly bred by him. He then moved up beside Kaisa, his massive, sensitive red penis on show and stood over Kaisa, demanding her to clean him up. She got to it, taking him inside her mouth and sucking and licking their combined juices from him. When he was satisfied, she had done a good job, he lay down right there, with his big penis right over Kaisa’s face, still leaking a bit of cum onto her, satisfied now that the Duchess had been bred by the Duke and chained together should he need to make sure again.

Carrie yelled “cut!” and a cheer went up from the crew and the girls. Indica went over to her and Duke and sat beside them and said “that was amazing Kaisa! You look so happy”. Kaisa’s eyes just rolled, and she said softly “yeah… I’m just…” and before she could finish, Indica took out a padlock she had hidden, ‘God knows where’ thought Rachel, and put it around the tie in Kaisa’s collar, meaning she couldn’t take it off. “You’ll get this back tomorrow” Indica then said, waving the key at her. She then kissed Dukes now deflating cock and said, “take care of her” and walked off, extremely pleased with herself. Annie and Rachel just laughed and Kaisa was laying there just with her arms outstretched and jokingly said in her southern accent “well a ladies gotta do what a ladies gotta do”.

The girls helped Kaisa up and of course Duke was right there with her, sniffing at her butt as semen dripped down the inside of her leg. Rachel gave her a hug and a kiss and said to enjoy the day and went back to her room. Max’s rejection of her was starting to weigh on her again. The sex the night before had been an amazing tonic, but she needed to do something about it. She went to her bag and took out her costume from that night on the hillside. She slipped it on and tied her hair back and used some body paint to paint some wild designs on herself. She also wrote “For My Max” right above her vagina, knowing Max couldn’t read it but she didn’t care. She then put her fingers inside herself and put some of that wetness on her body, around the same parts Lorraine had done before, the hope being that this would spur Max on. She went back out and down the stairs and saw Kaisa and Duke playing with each other. Duke was dashing in to get at Kaisa’s butt, and she was giggling and trying to avoid him. It made Rachel glad that they were having this much fun together and it was so loving. Indica was sitting in the makeup chair and getting a final bit of powder on her face. Rachel asked, “So whats your plan?” Indica, upon seeing Rachel’s costume and get up winked and said, “whats yours?”.

Rachel decided to be honest, she said to Indica “I’m just going out to lie with him and talk to him, just to be with him and see if that will help.” Indica responded “awww thats so sweet. I’m sure he’ll be back to his old self soon. Besides, I’m going to give Thor a good seeing to, might take his mind off it.” Rachel thanked Indica and gave her a hug and said, “good luck”. Going outside toward the stable area, she saw Annie lying down with Toby mounted on her and humping the living daylights out of her beautiful pussy. She had a similar collar on to Kaisa, padlocked and attached to Toby who was in a state of bliss while breeding his mate. There was no camera or crew around, so Rachel walked over, giggling a bit and asked, “So what’s happened here?” In between thrusts Annie managed to get out “Indica got me with this, it’s a thing now… oh God!”. Rachel would have stayed and watched but Annie seemed to be just fine, getting humped silly by her new mate in the midday sun. Besides, she had other business.

Max was in his kennel, looking down toward the stables. Rachel approached him by crawling on the ground and trying to look submissive and sorry. She thought he looked so regal and handsome, he was sitting there, enjoying the sun, not a problem in the world. As Rachel approached, he turned toward her, and his ears went down. Rachel started mewling a bit and said, “I’m so sorry boy. I’m here now though, do you remember what I’m wearing?” She knelt up, showing Max her body and the costume, also pushing aside the loincloth, and revealing her glistening pussy. Max sniffed the air though and just put his head between his paws again. Rachel, not to be deterred this time, crawled over to him, and wrapped herself around him, just happy to be in his warmth. He didn’t reject her, just happily lay with her, seemingly comfortable in their company again.

Rachel then looked over toward where the crew had set up. Indica was approaching and Carrie was bringing Thor out from the stable. She had a good view from here to see what was going on and was happily wrapped around Max. Indica looked divine with the sun shining down on her. Thor too seemed very happy and aware as his massive cock was already showing underneath. When Carrie got him into position, she went back to the crew. A small bench had been placed under the massive stallion and Rachel thought she knew what was up.

Carrie shouted “action!” and Indica got going. She walked around the huge animal, patting him and stroking him. She stopped at his head and looked into his eyes. She then put her hand between her legs and started rubbing, stopping every so often to put her hand up to Thor’s nostrils to make sure he was getting a good whiff of this horny female. She then rubbed some of her fluids across her huge, natural breasts and presented them to Thor, who was more than happy to indulge in licking and nibbling with his lips at them. Indica then gave him a big kiss and went around and got under the stallion. Thor’s cock was already showing and Indica went to it with her mouth, licking and trying to suck as much of it as possible. It kept growing under her heavenly tongue and lips and then she got down further and started licking and kissing his massive testes. Rachel thought she could make out red marks on them and giggled thinking ‘well there’s that lipstick again’. Indica though, after finishing making sure the magnificent stallions’ testicles were covered in her kisses, was determined to get him nice and hard. Rachel thought she was such a pro at this and so loving and caring to her lover. And when she thought he was ready, she turned around pointing her mating area straight at that menacing and huge cock.

It took a few tries, but Thor finally managed to get himself into this prize mate. Indica seemed to be in ecstasy and was gasping as she rocked back and forth on this penis like it was a massive dildo. Thor was stamping his feet and grunting with her amazing pussy obviously taking him to the heights of pleasure. This went on for a while, Indica obviously couldn’t get too deep, but Rachel was still very impressed at how much of that stallion she could get right into her breeding zone. Indica paused then and let out a massive scream as Thor unloaded right in her, flooding every part of his mate with his thick, virile sperm. Indica seemed to be in heaven to oblige and let the stallion cum over and over, his testicles still covered in her lipstick flexing as he did so. Eventually, he fell out of her now gaping pussy and horse semen flooded around them. Indica seemed positively sated, barely able to move as gobs of semen ran down her legs. Her beautiful butt was covered in it of course and she regained her senses and turned and went down to his still flexing penis. She started licking, sucking, and kissing it, even at one point hugging it between her breasts and wiping his cum on them. She brought it then up to her face and started kissing the flared head which let out a bit more semen straight onto her face. She wiped it there anyway and started posing as one of the crew got down with a camera.

Indica was drenched, full and happy with all the semen she managed to drain from Thor, whose penis was now beating a retreat back into its sheath and away from this lusty vixen. Carrie shouted “cut!” and another applause went up from the crew. They were always so supportive Rachel thought, even with something so erotic and taboo as this and that made her happy. Max too seemed to be getting over his sadness, licking Rachel under the chin a bit and she was delighted to feel Max’s tongue again. Annie, who had obviously finished with Toby, made her way over to the set and gave Indica a big hug. Rachel could see a bit of semen was running down her leg and felt glad for the mating couple. In fact, Toby was in at her curvy butt, still licking and sniffing, ‘it was gonna be a long day for Annie and Kaisa’ she thought.

And there in tow, having obviously watched the scene too, was the Duke and the Duchess themselves heading toward Rachel. Kaisa had a blanket rolled under her arm and she was smiling when she saw Rachel and Max cuddled up together. “Well, looks like you two are back on speaking terms” Kaisa said. “It’s looking that way at least” Rachel replied, with Max giving her one or two licks on her neck. “Anyway, I brought you this sheet as I thought you might get cold… or if you wanted to use it for other reasons, eh?” Kaisa joked while winking at Rachel. She unfurled the sheet and put it over Rachel and Max which Rachel greatly appreciated. Duke though was sniffing and getting his tongue into Kaisa’s butt and pussy. He seemed pretty determined and Kaisa was letting out little squeals every time he hit home. “Uh oh, looks like the duke wants to breed his Duchess again!” Rachel said with a big smile. “Oh God, really Duke? Out here and now?” Kaisa was saying to the randy dog. “He’s not taking no for an answer, I don’t mind” Rachel responded. Duke was really going at her now and Kaisa went to the ground on her back with her legs in the air and Duke dived in on her glistening, wet pussy and began priming her for a good hard mating. Kaisa was getting giddy and turned over onto all fours and Duke jumped up on her back and was in her. He began pounding away at his ovulating mate with the same determination he had earlier and Rachel and Max watched on as the Duchess was bred by her Duke, content as they could be, wrapped up in each other.


After Duke had finished this round in his mate, Kaisa lay down and the big rottie snuggled in beside her, his spent penis just resting against Kaisa’s dripping pussy. Rachel felt very content at seeing this but could also feel a siesta coming on. She was still tired; the last day and a bit had been pretty trying and she felt so nice and warm wrapped up in the blanket with Max. He had turned to face her now and was giving her stomach and breasts an occasional lick. Rachel shut her eyes though and let herself rest, finally thinking all was right in the world…

She woke about 50 minutes later and to her shock, Max was gone! The whole yard and stable area seemed empty for that matter, so she got up, still dressed in her costume from the hillside shoot, and dusted herself off. She searched the yard and called Max’s name but there was no sign of him. She popped her head in the house and could only help but laugh as she saw Indica had been collared to a rampant Ace who was drilling hard into her fertile pussy. Annie was there too, laying with Toby. Rachel asked if Max had passed to which Annie shook her head. Now a bit worried Rachel went back and went further down the yard calling her mate’s name. Then, just down a little bit of a hill, there he was, standing on the edge of a wooded ridge that led into a forest. He saw Rachel and barked, then turned and ran into the forest. Rachel couldn’t help but think what a clever boy he was. He wanted to turn the tables, he wanted her to hunt him and show her need for him. ‘Fine by me’ Rachel thought, and she followed him down and into the forest.

She couldn’t see any sign of him. It wasn’t a thick forest, but it was big enough and hilly enough to get lost in. This didn’t matter to Rachel right now though; she was on the hunt and she was going to get her prize and mate with him harder than ever before. ‘But where could he be?’ she wondered. Then she remembered how he found her, her scent! Maybe, she could track his. She tried breathing deeply in the air, but her human nose just wasn’t nearly up to the task of catching him on the wind. She’d have to be smarter than that. Creeping through, she was looking every which way in order to try and catch Max unawares. Then she saw a wet patch by a tree. ‘Ah ha! Gotcha!’ she thought and walked up to it. She gave it a little smell and sure enough, this was certainly marked recently by her Max. Rachel went on straight ahead from that patch with a newfound confidence, she was reacting to her mate on his level, finding out what it was to be him, the determination to find his mate and breed her.

These thoughts just heightened her senses and Rachel could feel her pussy pulsating with need and anxiety. ‘This is what he must have been like, trying to hunt me down while turned on to an such a high level’ she was thinking. She came across another wet patch and gave it a sniff. It was him alright. Her vagina was now positively flowing, and she could feel knots of anxiety in her stomach and her heart was pounding in her chest. Every bit of her body was electrified as she tracked through this forest. She then caught sight of him in the distance. She started dashing over but he barked and ran up over the crest of a hill. ‘Damn, I’ll get you’ she thought, slowing her pace to catch her breath. Rachel got to the top of that particular hill and then she recognized it, where he was leading her. This was the same land she had put her scent out for him to follow. “You’re clever, but not that clever” she said out loud.

Rachel was now sure where Max would be going and made her way down the ravine and across the river. She thought she caught sight of him once but couldn’t be sure. She was getting near now and she caught sight of another wet patch. ‘You’re mine’ she thought and went up toward the crest of the same hill she had been on that beautiful, perfect day. Sure enough, there Max was, and he gave a howl upon seeing his mate. She had been successful in her hunt and was now going to claim her prize. Quickly, she took off the poncho and dumped it and did the same with her loincloth. There was to be no costumes here, this was raw, natural lust and she would sate herself with this mate.

Max got down on his back in a defeated pose with his paws in the air. His lipstick was showing and without hesitation, Rachel got down too, putting her left hand on his chest to almost pin him in place as she went to work. She sniffed around his mating gear, making sure he was ready for her, and the heavy male scent was a definite yes. Her pussy felt so raw and sensitive right now in the open air in anticipation of what was to come. She placed her lips around Max’s now dripping penis and began sucking. She was more direct and forceful this time, feeling the bone of his cock at the base. He tried humping but Rachel was quick and took her mouth off and said “No! Stay!” in a forceful tone. She then returned to sucking Max silly with the dog delirious at the pleasure of it all. She kissed and licked all around him, taking each of his swollen testes in her mouth and lightly sucking on them before returning to his now dripping cock.

When she was satisfied, she then got on top of him with her pussy right over his chest and started rubbing on him. Her fluids were matting into his fur, she was marking him as hers and only hers. It was turning her on immensely and she was so wet. She could even smell the sweet scent of her pussy in the air so knew just how much of her pheromones Max would be taking in. She then stood up over him and pointed to her vagina and said in a command “lick!”. Max darted up and was in at Rachels pulsating mating area with his snout and tongue. She was in nirvana with this treatment, but she was determined to stay standing, stay dominant while her mate attended her. Max was licking in deep and hard, forcefully trying to get as much of Rachel’s sweet nectar in him as possible. Rachel kept him going for longer than she intended but didn’t care as this was her moment. When she felt satisfied after the third orgasm, only then did she command him to stop.

This was it, the moment both were now primed and ready for. Rachel had been victorious in her hunt and had made Max her own and now they were going to join in mutual breeding, both determined for his sperm to reach her uterus. She turned and got down on all fours and spread her legs wide, showing Max her glorious mating area in full. Her vagina was glistening with both her moisture and Max’s saliva, and it was slightly pulsing and rippling in anticipation. With a final command, Rachel then said “breed” and Max lunged toward her. Just before he mounted, he gave her one final sniff and lick as if to say ‘thank you’ to her for letting this happen. And then he was on top of her, and his engorged, fierce, red penis was pounding toward her, aiming right for the source and heat of all those wonderful pheromones that now controlled him. He made contact and slipped in, and Rachel let out a mighty howl, with her mate above copying her.

Max was thrusting with an unbelievable pace and fury. More so than any other time she had been with Max, he was at his most electric and feral self, forcing himself into this amazing, warm and welcome place. Another orgasm took hold of Rachel. Unable to control herself or even what she was saying at this point she was just letting out screams and howls at the success of their union. His cock was red hot and hard as a rock inside her and she felt it hit and nudge her cervix every time he pounded and thrust. It was sending her to places she never dreamed pleasure could bring her and judging by his drooling and howling, her mating gear was doing the same to him. She was unbelievably happy in this moment, knowing just how pleasurable this was for her mate and how ready and willing he was to pleasure her in return. She felt his knot form at the base of his cock and pushed herself down and back onto it. It slipped in and that wonderful expansion began, the same expansion that would claim her as his and him as hers.

It was an incredible feeling, the knot pulsing as it filled her and his red-hot cock twitching inside her as it was about to release its load. Rachel could feel his testes now against her vagina and was delighted to feel them there as she knew that soon they’d be empty. With a final push into his mate and a growl, Max’s cock twitched then pulsed and sent a hot, thick jet of his semen straight into Rachel’s cervix. Another jet followed, and another, and another and Rachel was rolling with the orgasms, cumming so hard right as her mate was experiencing untold joy. The cock kept pulsing inside her and she felt his testes spasm as it did, determined to send more sperm to hunt down her egg. They stayed like this, locked together on top of this hill in the open country, so ultimately happy and content with the world. It was just the two of them there, him pumping her pussy full of his doggy sperm and her, gripping the earth with her hands as she accepted load after load into her cervix to fertilize and breed her. In the blissful sunshine of the American Northeast woods, she had found her calling, and she had found her partner.

About 25 minutes had passed. Max didn’t turn around in her, he just stayed on top of her, panting and drooling as he came repeatedly inside his mate. He occasionally tested their bond to which Rachel would clamp down on her vaginal muscles to keep him locked inside. It was her hunt, she decided when it would end. Eventually, his cock, now completely spent, fell out of her, much to her annoyance. Rachel knew she couldn’t stay like that forever, but damned if she wouldn’t try. Max then went to his well filled mate’s dribbling pussy and began licking. He was extremely thorough here, really making sure that Rachel was well taken care of and that his doggy swimmers were given the best chance. He was about to make off, but Rachel then caught him and commanded him “down!” she said forcefully. He lay down with his belly up and his spent cock pointing skyward. It looked so raw and veiny, still awash with their combined juices. Rachel then got down and held Max with one hand and went to work on cleaning his cock. He moaned as she kissed and licked up and down him, putting him in her mouth and swirling her tongue around before taking it out licking the head with her mouth open around him. She went down to his testicles then and gave each a quick suck, lick, and kiss and after sniffed up and around him, showing him her dominance. Both though were now fully sated by this mating. It was just them, no camera’s, crew, or anyone else. Just two lovers under the sun breeding the brains out of each other. Rachel got up, called Max to her, and made her way back to the ranch.


When the happy couple finally came back, it was dinner time. Kaisa saw them and ran up to Rachel, Duke of course in tow, and gave her a big hug. “We were so worried about you!” Kaisa said. “Thanks, sorry I just had to find him.” Rachel replied. “Oh, I know hun, and it looks like you guys are back on good terms” Kaisa said, taking in the drying sperm that had leaked down her leg on the way back, not to mention the dirt or lack of clothes. Duke was in at Kaisa’s butt again. “He’s relentless! Relentless, Rachel!” she said, laughing. They all went back to the house and Rachel was given a hug by the other girls and Lorraine and the crew who were all so happy for them both. Indica came up to her and had one of the collars for Rachel and Max. Rachel allowed her to put it on and Max did the same. She locked them together and jokingly said “just in case!”. Rachel, with a renewed sense of vigor said “Okay, so what are we doing tonight?” the girls laughed, and the dogs were all busy sniffing each other and playing and saying hi. They had a meal together and then went back to the playroom for some evening fun. Rachel and Max couldn’t get enough of each other, breeding relentlessly for the rest of the night. The other girls too were absolutely ravaged by their boys. Kaisa and Duke especially going at it, to which Rachel was astonished but remembered that Kaisa was ovulating, which was obviously turning Duke into a horny, virile machine.

They all went to bed then with the mating pairs still collared to each other. Indica of course was still up with Ace and had even brought a rejuvenated Thumper in to her room for God knows what but from the sounds of it, Indica was victorious in the end. Upon waking, Rachel found Max with his snout buried in her pussy and his cock sticking back out dripping precum. She wasn’t normally a morning person, but with the collar still on didn’t think she could say no. So, she propped herself up on the bed on all fours and spread her legs and let Max get his morning load into his mate. After they cleaned each other up, they both went into the shower and washed each other down. He was definitely more into licking her butt and pussy during this, but Rachel absolutely didn’t mind this. She put on a pair of jeans and her shoes but couldn’t put her top on due to the collar. She packed her bags and left the room and went looking for Indica. She was downstairs with Kaisa, Annie and the other girls from the crew. Laughing she tossed Rachel the key who then unlocked herself from Max. She put a top on then and knew that they had to go. It had been the most amazing and fulfilling weekend of her life. Annie and Indica left first. Indica still nude had Ace and Thumper following her to the car while they goosed into her crotch. She got down and kissed them both goodbye and got in. Annie did the same with Toby and waved goodbye to everyone before the car took off.

Lorraine then pulled up in her truck and got out. Rachel and Kaisa tossed their bags in and were turning to say goodbye to their mates. Lorraine got out of the car then and said, “No. They’re coming with you, if you’ll have them of course.” Rachel and Kaisa looked at each other and then back at Lorraine. “Yes, yes a thousand times oh yes.” Kaisa said, hugging Lorraine. “And you, Rachel?” she asked. And Rachel nodded and said “ohhhh yeah” as she went in and joined the hug. Lorraine helped pack Max and Dukes things into the truck as well as a list of instructions on how to take care of them and what they eat etc, as well as their favorite toys and so on. Rachel got in the back seat again, this time with Max to her side. Duke unfortunately had to ride in the back as Lorraine didn’t want him behind Kaisa in the front. They then set off back home. Lorraine dropped Rachel off first at her apartment. Before she left the car, Kaisa turned around to her and gave her a present. It was the double collar they had worn, and Rachel was so happy to get it. “Just in case” winked Kaisa, and Rachel laughed in response. Rachel then turned to Lorraine and hugged her and thanked her. Lorraine said, “Any time, we’ll be in touch.” Rachel nodded and said, “for sure.” Lorraine got back in and drove off, with poor Duke still sitting in the back. “Well, just me and you now Max.” Rachel said. She was happy though; this was her and her life. She was ready for whatever was next, across a new horizon.

To be continued…