(c) 2019 by Jeepers590

Part One

He’s been watching her for a few months now. Methodically learning all of her behaviors and habits. On May’s first day working in the big corporate office she went completely unnoticed, and that’s exactly why he noticed her. By the third day he had her figured out, the quiet and regimented type. He’d watch her from his office at the end of the hall every day, and everyday it was the same. May would arrive at her desk by 8:45 showing up earlier then the rest of her colleagues in the sea of cubicles, hoping one of the upper would notice her putting is some extra time but they never do. Her first cup of coffee was always at 9:15 while she worked quietly, her first bathroom break was always at 10:45. She takes another at 11:50 so she can sneak an extra 10 minutes into her lunch knowing no one would notice it, but he does. One o’clock is her next coffee while she continues to keep her nose in her work not socializing like the rest of her coworkers. Everyday May desperately hopes someone important will notice all her hard work and move her up the ladder, unfortunately she don’t understand that she’s stacking her deck against herself. By five o’clock the office is a ghost town but she still stays working an extra fifteen minutes everyday hoping someone will notice. Unbeknownst to May someone did notice her. He’s been watching for three months now. He knows her next move is to head to the parking garage and head home to her girlfriend. He also knows from the lack of communication with her while shes at work she doesn’t notice you either, she just doesn’t want to have to deal with breaking up with her.

He leaves his office about five minutes before her, knowing she’ll leave for the night. He walks right past her and doesn’t acknowledge her when she sheepishly says good night hoping to get on his good side.

May gets to her car at the exact same moment as every other night. She doesn’t see or hear him coming.

“I hope you at least feel the sting of the taser” He thinks to himself as he presses it against the base of her neck rendering May unconscious.

They stop about half way to their destination to gas the car up. While he’s filling the tank he hears May starting to come too in the trunk. Heading back to the driver’s side he gives her a little taunting knock on the lid of the trunk and hears May respond with a loud pleading moan, he laughs silently to himself as he gets back in the driver’s seat. The kidnapper is extremely excited at this point, the entire last half of the trip he’s thinking about all the things he plans on doing with his new toy. He also tries to think about all the things May is thinking are about to happen to her.

“Some of your worst nightmares are going to come true tonight” the kidnapper say to himself knowing fully that that was a true statement but he also has a good suspicion that she’ll submit and become exactly the right type of whore he needs her to be.

They reach their destination and his body is buzzing with excitement. May’s body is buzzing with fear. He opens the truck of the car with his back to the moon, it’s high and bright tonight and that plays to his advantage. May’s kidnapper swiftly lifts her bound body out of the trunk and throws her over his shoulder. The brightness of the moon on her unadjusted eyes and swiftness of him picking her up catches May off guard and she wasn’t able to get a good look at his face. May starts to struggle on her capture’s shoulder but the binds around her ankles and knees as well as having her arms tied behind her back make the effort worthless, all it does is slowly allow her skirt to come up over tight little ass. May’s kidnapper slaps the caramel skin of her ass as hard as he could while walking from the car to the barn, the immediate sting brings May out of the fog of fright and back to the actual situation.

Once in the barn the man brings May into the room he’s going to use as a training room and tosses her face first on the bed. He immediately placed his knee on May’s back preventing her from rolling over. Face first in the bed may hears ripping and feels him cutting away at her clothes, first her shirt then her bra, now topless he cuts away her skirt leaving her in her very sexy pair of black  panties. He runs his fingers down her spine until his fingers find the edge of May’s round ass.


Mays capture hears her whimper as he smack her ass turning it a beautiful shade or red. Once satisfied with its coloring he continue exploring her body with his hands. The rapist runs his hands down her legs until he reaches her feet. Once he had reached her feet he noticed she had taken off your heels and put on socks and running shoes leaving the heels at her desk to change into tomorrow morning. He discarded her shoes now leaving her in nothing put her black panties and black ankle socks.

The kidnapper leaves her bound face down on the bed and closed and locked the door behind him. As he steps out of the room he takes a deep breath. “Calm down no need to rush I’ve got all the time in the world to have my fun with her” he tells himself.


Part Two

“Good morning May” she hears him say as he opens the door to her room.

It frightens her that the man who kidnapped her knows her name. May tried to focus on my face to see who the man was but it was no use without her glasses and the bright light beaming into the dark windowless room isn’t helping her focus her vision any better. May lay on the bed still bound at the ankles, knees and her arms behind her back. She pushes herself back on the bed as the man approach her. May’s back is against the cold steel wall and yet she still tries to distance herself from him as he closes in on her. May can finally make out his face but to her disappointment the man is wearing a hood to cover himself.

May winces as her kidnapper reaches out to touch her face for the first time. The man runs the back of his hand across her cheek.

“If you follow my instructions and submit to what I will do to you, there is no need to cause you harm.”

May’s eyes widened even further as the man spoke, and her voice began to tremble and her body began to shake. “I’m t-telling you! W-when someone finds out about this you’ll b-b-be arrested. If you j-just let me go now I promise I w-won’t say anything!”

He smiled, reaching out a hand and running his fingertips from May’s hip to her breast. “May, May, May” he said, shaking his head. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. There’s no way I will let you escape.”

“W-what do you mean? A long time?”

The man moved around the room, and May struggled to keep her eyes on him. “Yes. I have been watching you for a while.”

Just then, the man flicked a switch, and a light bulb on the ceiling above the metal room flickered to life. As he strode back to the bed, something about him seemed…familiar. Her suspicion was confirmed when the man removed his hood.

May couldn’t and didn’t want to believe her eyes when she saw the face standing in front of her. Why would her boss be kidnapping her, why would her boss want her here, she didn’t even think her boss knew she existed… All this time she’s been trying to get his attention for a promotion and he only noticed her in what May was quickly realizing was the darkest way possible.

But here he was. And the man began to smile at her. “Good, it seems you do recognize me? I just knew since the first time I laid eyes on you that I’d have to have you. I can see that you don’t understand how alluring you are, with your perky little breasts, and fantastic ass. You, May, are the embodiment of my every sexual fantasy. And I will make you mine.”

May couldn’t believe her ears or maybe didn’t want to. She was trying to process the fact that this man… Her boss… Just told her he kidnapped her solely to use her to fulfill his sexual fantasies. That couldn’t be it surely he wanted something else from her.

May just looked at him in complete shock as the emotion took over and she started to sob incoherently begging for her release.

“Now I won’t have any of that from you May” the man who she knows now is her boss Mr.Jay

From his front pocket he produced a small item that he raised it up, and asked her forcefully, “Do you know what this is?”

She saw a spherical shadow with two straps, though the finer details were cast in shadow by the light above her. Shaking her head no, May continued “Please j-just let me go!”

“This is a ball gag. It stops me from hearing your incessant whining and pleas for release. I guess you didn’t believe me the first time when I said that I am not letting you go.”

May didn’t know someone could move that fast, in less then a second Mr.Jay had his hands on her jaw forcing her mouth opened as he shoved the ball gag in and fastened it around the back of her head.

“You are going to do exactly as you’re told when you’re told to do it. Do you understand?” Mr.Jay growled at her

May tried to look away and ignore the statement.


Mr.Jay was quick to correct her with a smack across her face that knocked her over. “Do you understand?” He asked once more holding May up by a fist full of her hair.

May quickly tired to nod her head yes for no other reason than to not get hit like that again.

“I knew you were a quick learner” Mr.Jay said as he let go of May’s hair letting her fall face first into the bed. She didn’t dare move hoping he would just lock her in the room and leave. May heard the unmistakable sound of a belt being taken off and knew she wouldn’t be so lucky.

The weight of Mr.Jay getting on the bed behind her told her all she needed to know about what was going to happen next. She felt his finger pull her panties to the side. As she felt him place the tip of his cock at the entrance of her pussy she tried to brace herself for the thrust she knew was coming. May let out what would have been a blood curdling scream if wasn’t for the ball gag. She felt him tearing her open with the unrelenting force behind his cock.

“Mmm that’s it baby scream for me. God your fucking tight!” Mr.Jay growled into her ear as he continued to fuck her with hard deep strocks of his cock.

May had never been fucked like this before. She was always more into girls but the few guys she’s been with have been average to small in the cock department so it was a complete shock to her system to be filled so much by her bosses cock. Deeper and harder he fucked into her tight little cunt filling her more and more with every stroke. May continued to scream in pain as the massive intruder fucked its way to the furthest depths of her pussy.

“We’re going to have to work on streching out baby girl” Mr.Jay said as he continued to fuck her. May could feel his bucking becoming a bit more erratic and knew what would happen next. With one final deep and forceful thrust Mr.Jay fucked his cock deeper than any before. He kept his cock planted against her cervix as he shot his hot load deep in her painful aching pussy. May was shocked with the amount of cum he shot in her. After the 8th or 9th pulse of cum against her cervix May felt him relax a bit until he slowly pulled his cock from her abused pussy grabbed her ass and gave it another good smack before getting off the bed turning off the light and locking her in complete darkness again.

May was still sobbing going over her current situation of being kidnapped and raped, she was also sobbing because as Mr.Jay was pulling out her, her body betrayed her. Once Mr.Jay came in her pussy and she wasn’t so dry she almost like how full his cock made her feel.

May had just started to fall asleep when Mr.Jay opened her door again. He didn’t waste much time as he turned on the lights and went right to May’s bed first unstrapping the gag then rolling her over so she was now laying on top of her bound arms. May’s eyes started to water as she tried to open them and was met with the blinding lights over head.

May was visibly shaking as Mr.Jay reached for her legs and pulled them up so her feet were now laying on one of his shoulders. She felt his fingers brush across her hips as he pulled her panties down her legs stopping only when he reached the rope binding her upper thighs together. May tried to push herself away as Mr.Jay placed his fingers at the tip of her pussy.

“Now we won’t have any of that” Mr.Jay said as he pulled her closer with one hand and started to play with her clit with the other. Mr.Jay had started his research on May’s first day, he knew all her habits, learned all her kinks, he knew with a little work she was going to be perfect.

Mr.Jay leaned close to May’s ear. This forced her legs back into her small tits, she felt the head of his cock brushing against her pussy, the pussy that was betraying her again, the pussy that was being turned on by the touch of her capture.

“You like that don’t you baby?” Mr.Jay whisper into May’s ear

A meek “no” was the only word May could form.


“That’s no daddy from this point forward, do you understand?” He growled this into May’s ear as he slapped her hard enough to blur her vision.

“Yes daddy” may choked out as to not be slapped like that again.

“Mmm that’s a good girl. You say you don’t like me playing with this little pussy. Your cunt is telling me a different story. Are you lying to me may?”

May groaned not wanted to admit it.

SMACK! Mr.Jay landed another slap across her face

“Yes daddy!”

Mr.Jay could feel how wet and hot her pussy was becoming with ever humiliating action he took on may. He slowly worked the head of his cock into her tight cunt savoring the feeling of her trying to squeeze her pussy shut to keep him out. Once the head was finally in he violently thrusted the rest of his cock into her soaking wet pussy. This caught many off guard and she let out a yelp.

“P-please just let me go, I won’t tell anyone what happened, I’ll keep my mouth shut. I just want to go home!” May tried to plead with her capture who was still thrusting in and out of her pussy, stretching her to her limit.

Mr.Jay pulled all but the head of his cock out of her. He slowly removed each of her socks from her feet that were laying on his shoulder. He slowly started to thrust in and out of her cunt again as he also started to kiss and nibble her delicate feet.

“May it’s been three days you’ve been with me. No one has reported you missing, no one is looking for you, and no one has even noticed you’re missing. We both know you have no one, no family that actually cares, no father to check up on his little girl. I already went to your apartment yesterday and cleared everything out, your girlfriend is probably relaxing with a glass of wine knowing she doesn’t have to deal with breaking up with you. You need to face reality, you’re mine now” Mr.Jay said rather matter of factly as he continued to nibble on May’s feet as he continued to fuck her with long slow strokes.

He saw the tears in her eyes and he again pulled all but the head of his cock out of her. Mr.Jay continued kissing and licking May’s toes feeling her pussy pulsing on the head of his cock. He knew she was on the edge of mentally breaking down hearing his harsh words, he could also see her hating herself for how turned on his oral assault on her feet and the stretching feeling in her cunt was making her. And then he felt it and knew his plan was working.

Ever so slightly Mr.Jay felt May push into his cock taking an extra half an inch at most, but that single move told him all he needed to know.

“Tell me what you want baby” Mr.Jay said as he continued to kiss and lick her toes.

Tears in her eyes May and she hated herself for saying exactly what he wanted to hear “Fuck me daddy!”

Mr.Jay thrust his cock forward as she spoke those words. He continued his slow long thrusts as he nibbled on May’s bound feet. He could feel her on the verge of or orgasm, he was on the verge himself.

“Fuck me daddy! Please! I need daddy to fuck me!” Was all may could keep repeating hoping to please him. Her cries brought him to orgasm triggering May’s at the same time.

Mr.Jay laid half on top of may for a long while before, to May’s disappointed he slipped his cock from her pussy.

“You did wonderful” he said to her as he brushed her hair out of her face and looked down at her.

Mr.Jay rolled may into her tummy and untied her arms. May silently screamed to herself as he moved her arms after being bound behind her back for the last three days. He rolled her back onto her back in the same moment. He raised her arms over her head and attached them the bars at the head of the bed.

“Just for a while” he said as he moved to her legs. Mr.Jay put May’s socks back on before unbinding her legs, then attaching each leg to the corners of the bed laying her now spread eagle, her panties still pulled down to her thighs and stretching the gap. In this position may could see everything he was doing. She watched as he slid a plug into her pussy and met with no resistance. She saw him squeezing a pump attached at the end of the plug. At first may was extremely confused by this device but soon felt it swelling inside her. He pumped until he could see May’s pussy lips stretching around the large bulb inside her. He pulled her panties back up and gave her a quick kiss before shutting the lights and locking may in total darkness again.

May lay there staring into nothing for along while thinking about what Mr.Jay said…”what daddy said” she corrected herself. He was correct about a number of things, her family never really cared, she was always the outcast, her father wasn’t in her life to even know she was missing, she knew it was over long ago with her girlfriend… She realized she really had no one, no one had ever ever really noticed her.. no one except for daddy she realized. Maybe being kidnapped by the only person who actually saw you wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen to her she thought as she felt the aching in her pussy from the inflated plug. She was having a very hard time coming to terms with the fact that she liked the way the stretching in her pussy felt. She could feel herself getting wet at the thought of how stretched it must look right now.


Part Three

May wasn’t sure just how long “Daddy” as she now referred to him as let her sleep, but she woke in her dark room somehow feeling like a weight had been lifted from her shoulder last night. She came to terms with a lot of her own inner demons and was ready to show the only person that ever noticed her how grateful she could be…even if that person original took her against her will.

May didn’t have to wait long before she heard the unmistakable sound of her cell door opening. Daddy immediately turned the lights on and walked to her bed. Daddy sat on the edge of Mays bed and gently stroked her leg causing May to involuntarily try to open her legs in the hops that daddy would touch her burning hot pussy. May though back to the events of yesterday and the inner struggle she came to terms with, this was her new daddy and she was becoming okay with that. Much to her delight his hand gently grazed her panty covered pussy.

“I see you like the plug I left in you. Your absolutely soaking wet baby” Daddy said with a slight smile. May couldn’t help but smile back.

Daddy first unlocked her arms from the head board, then tracing his fingers from her neck down past her little tits, over her panty clad hips down her legs and finally unlocking sock covered her feet.

“Follow me, your training is going to start today.” Daddy said. May was shocked to hear her training was starting today, what more could he plan, what did “training” even mean? May didn’t want to disappoint him and end up locked to the bed for another day so she pushed those thoughts out of her mind and obediently followed daddy out of the room. She hadn’t seen much on her initial trip to her room and was shocked to find herself in a large barn. Steel rooms just like the one she was kept in lined both walls with a concrete floor running through the center. chains from some sort of pulley system hung from the ceiling, drains in the floor every few feet. May saw cameras covering every angle of the barn floor and realized she didn’t even notice the one in her cell, thats clearly how daddy knew she was awake this morning.

They came to a stop once they reached the center of the room. Mays eyes fell on a strange looking table in front of her.

“This is where most of your training is going to take place, it’s also where you’re going to be starting and finishing most of your days May” daddy told her

“Now be a good girl and lay face down for daddy” he instructed her.

May hesitated until she felt daddy’s hand at the back of her neck guiding her to lay face down on the cold metal table. He stood in front of her and took one arm at a time and locked them to the front legs of the table. He then walking around behind her and slowly pulled her panties down, lifting one foot at a time her removed them completely. Then kicking her legs apart until they were in the correct location locked each on the rear legs of the table. May was now locked face down holding her own head up on top of this ice cold table.

Daddy was still behind her when she heard his belt coming off again. she could feel and sense he was crouching down behind her admiring his work with the inflatable plug. May groaned as he released the pressure and she felt how empty her cunt was now. May’s cunt had been dripping wet since she woke with that monster plug still in her. Daddy couldn’t resist tasting may for the first time and took a long lick starting at the tip of her clit and slowly working his way up to his favorite hole where he lingered to lick and tounge fuck her tight littl easshole.

Daddy eventually pulled his tongue from May’s asshole, not before he noticed just how wet it go her. He stood and lined his cock up with the still gaping cunt. In one swift move daddy had fucked the entire length of his cock into May.

“MMM thank you daddy, my pussy felt so empty” May said, shocking even daddy with just how much of her new life she was accepting. Her slopy cunt and cries for daddy to fuck her harder brought him to orgasam in no time, fillin gher whole with his hot seed.

May felt him pull out once he was done using her as a cum receptacle. He pulled a chair in front of her and sat on it. May lifted her head to look at daddy and watched as he pressed a button on a remote, the table she was cuffed to started to move down. when it was done moving she was completely level with his cock in her face.

“I know you’re a bit more into girls but I assume you know how to suck a cock?”

“yes daddy i know how to suck cock”

“then get to work”

May need no further instructions and took daddys cock into her mouth. She could taste herself on him and she savored the taste assuming heres was the only pussy she’d be tasting for a long time.

May was finding it difficult and tiering to suck him off with out the use of her hands, but this was all part of his master plan to keep her a bit distracted. May looked up to see daddy holding her panties up to his nose taking in the scent of her pussy, of her arousal as she continued to blow him. Three days ago she would have been revolted at seeing him do that, but now it made her want to suck his cock even more. She saw it in his eye, he needed to explore every part of her down to what her dirty panties smelled like, experience her like no one else had before.

May was so lost in thought about daddy smelling her panties she didn’t know what hit her next.

At first all she felt was a weight and something soft on her back, like someone dropped a very heavy blanket over her. Then came the feeling of something sharp on top of her shoulder blades. The scratching on her back brought her back to reality, the weight, the soft fur feeling, the sound of panting. May quickly realized it was an animal on her back and based off the weight alone it was a fairly large one. The humping at her ass came next, Mays eyes shot up to meet daddies. A look of complete terror and confusion covered her face while she looked at daddy with his cock still in her mouth. One of the paws on her back slipped forward scratching mays shoulder deeply, she was also able to get her first glimpse of the animal confirming it to be a large dog.

With the table as low as it was may didn’t have enough room to fully lift her mouth from daddys cock, the most she could do was look him in the eye and whimper with his cock in her mouth while the dogs was humping her back side with something wet and hard.

May knew what was coming next.

Hearing a loud muffled protest coming from May, daddy knew the dog found his target. The dog was traind to fuck hard and fast. May had no idea what kind of fucking she was about to recived, but from the size of the dog cock that just fucked its way into her she knew she should be at lest happy it made it into her pussy and not her ass. May was still looking into daddies eyes and wimpering pleas to stop the the animal from fucking her as the dog statred to pick up speed. Deeper and harder the dog thrust into Mays pussy, she tried to focus on the cock in her mouth rather then the dog cock slamming into her pussy but it was becoming increasingly harder by the second. Daddy sensed the destruction May was facing and decided she needed help focusing on the blowjob she was giving.

May heard Daddy say “Hold” and had no idea what he wanted her to do. In an instant she learned that he didn’t want her to do anything. Daddy was giving the dog that was pounding away at her helpless a pussy a command. May felt sharp pressure at both sides of her neck, she felt hat wet breath on the back of her neck. The dock that was pounding his hot thick cock deep into her pussy now had her neck in his mouth. May felt the dog tightening his power full teeth around her neck and he was also increasing downward pressure as daddy was also raising his hips forcing more and more of his cock down her tight throat.

May was completely trapped at this point. On one end she had a huge hot dog cock fucking her pussy like his life depended on it, on the other end she had her new daddies cock being forced down her throat not only by his thrusts into her mouth but also by the threat of the dogs teeth holding her in place. She was scared out of her mind and it was becoming harder to breath. May knew she only had two options, she could try and take her mouth off of daddy’s cock and risk the dog biting through her neck, or she could accept her fate and hope that she could finish sucking daddy off before she passed out.

May looked up from the cock she was sucking to see daddy taking another deep breath from her dirty panties, she felt her pussy twitch at the lewd sight. The situation she was in started to come back into focus through the fog of confusion and fright that she was originally looking through. Mays pussy quickly started to flood herself with is intoxicating juices getting herself even wetter than she already was before the dog started to fuck her. She was now breaking the moment down and really seeing and feeling what was happening. she could no longer deny the fact that the dogs thick hot cock pumping faster and harder into her cunt felt amazing, he was filling her in ways she didn’t think imaginable pushing her to limits that even daddys cock couldn’t push her. May knew enough about dogs to know she could feel his knot starting to grow inside of her. The increasing pressure inside her pussy was starting to drive her wild, it was like getting fucked by something the size of a baseball. May began to realize she was lucky daddy started to stretch her cunt out with the inflatable plug yesterday and made her sleep with it in over night or she’d never be able to take something this size.

At that moment daddy stood up keeping his cock in Mays mouth. This caused her head to be bent at a slight angle making the dog release mays neck from the grips of his jaw. The new angle gave daddy the perfect opertunity to start face fucking may. Daddy grabed a fist full of her hair with one hand and started to fuck his cock deeper into her throat then anything else had been. The hot cock of the dog was pounding into her forcing her face further into daddys cock. May was starting to gag as daddys cock started to pound into the back of her throat, with one forceful thrust no matter how badly may didnt want it in there, daddy had fit his entire cock down her throat completely closing off her airway. Mays scenes were all quickly becoming overloaded. The knot in her pussy was growing rapidly and felt the size of an orange, she knew the dog was sealed in now, he wouldn’t be able to pull out until he was done using her to get himself off. she felt daddy’s cock growing even harder than it already was, may knew both the cocks inside her were about to erupt and so was she. May looked up at daddy one more time, his cock buried to the base in her throat. she saw him breathing deep from her panties again. he looked down at her, nose still in her panties and they locked eyes with each other. At that second may knew this man, her capture, her daddy was the only man who truly saw her, who truly knew what she was deep down, she saw it in his eyes he needed every part of her just as much as she needed every part of what daddy planned to do with her.

Eyes still locked daddy felt May trying to swallow his cock, the sensation of her throat closing around him and milking his cock mixed with the intoxicating scent coming from her panties that he was still taking deep breaths from sent him over the edge. The sensation of daddy cumming down her throat for the first time triggered mays own orgasm. May continued swallowing and milking daddy’s cock with her throat as her pussy was spasming around the dogs thick cock and knot sending him into his own orgasam. May was about to pass out from the intensity of her orgasm but was brought right back to reality as she  heard the dog growling in her ear as he used her as his cum bucket, daddy continued to pump his cock in and out of her throat until he had completely emptied himself in her.

Daddy slowly removed his cock from mays throat and let her suck the last drops of his cum from his cock as he continued to smell her panties. He let this go on for some time, long enough that the dogs knot had time to shrink down and with an audible pop and a groan from may he slipped for the depths of her pussy.

Daddy bent down bringing his face level with mays. “You did amazing today baby” he said to her and kissed the top of her head.

“Daddy I-I need more in my pussy. I feel so empty” may said looking him right in the eye.

“That’s enough for you for today” Daddy said as we walked behind her and replaced the inflatable plug and pumped it to what she thought was twice the size of the dogs knot. May shivered at the full feeling in her cunt sealing in both her daddys cum and the dogs.

Daddy first released the bindings on mays legs then her arms freeing her from the table she had been strapped down too. On shaky legs and daddy helping her walk May was lead back to her bed where she collapsed and fell asleep before daddy could even turn off the lights and lock her back in her room.


Part Four

Daddys started to harden again as he watched may sleeping in her cell from the video feed in his office. He took another deep breath from her panties before he stood and made his way to her cell to wake her. Daddy opened her cell door but waited to turn her lights on. He watched as may slept, a cruel thought crossed his mind as he stood in the doorway still smelling her panties and admiring her tight ass.

Daddy approached mays bed and before moving in for his attack quickly spit into his hand and lightly lubed his cock for what he was about to do. In one quick motion her was on top of May lining himself up. May didn’t even have time to wake up before daddy sank his cock deep into her asshole.

“FUCK NO PLEASE!” was all May could scream as she was woken up by the intruder planting himself deep in her ass. She kicked and screamed trying to get away but that only seemed to make daddy fuck her ass harder. May realized she wasn’t bound to the bed this time and tried with all her might to push herself off the bed but her strength was no match for daddy.

“Daddy please no more!” she pleaded as his rock hard cock pounded in and out of her ass.

Daddy wasn’t having any of her please for release and shove her panties in her mouth to shut her up. He was enjoying the feeling of her ass as she tried to clench her self shut around him. Daddy grabbed both of mays writs and forced her arms behind her back so he could hold her still.

“mmmmm hmmmmh hmhm” was all the sound heard from may with her dirty panties shoved deep in her mouth.

Daddy slowed his thrusts trying to enjoy the ass fucking he was giving her for as long as he could. May deperatly tried to buck daddy off of her but only ended up bucking back into his long deep strokes he was giving her ass. May finally ran out of energy and collapsed after fighting to get daddys cock out of her ass for the last ten minutes. She had accepted the fate that daddy was going to use her till he shot his load in her last hole.

Daddy slowed his strokes pulling almost all the way out of her ass before slowly driving himself all the way back in until he was completely in her ass again. The addition of daddys cock to mays ass was increasing the pressure on the fully inflated plug still in her cunt. May was almost starting to hate herself for what she was turning into at the same time realizing once she relaxed her ass she was actually kind on enjoying the cock slowly fucking in and out of her. She felt herself getting dripping wet around the plug in her abused pussy, may stopped caring about what she was becoming at that point, the anal rape that daddy woken her up with had opened her eyes to what she is. She made a decision as daddy pulled himself from her ass leaving just the head of his cock in her. She was a whore, daddys whore, and she was going to embrace it. May lifted her ass forcing daddys cock back inside her ass. Daddy leaned back and enjoyed the sight in front of him, he knew he broke her. Daddy watched as may continued to fuck her ass back on to his cock all on her own, needing to take him as deep as she could.

“mmmmm hmhm hmmm” was all that could be heard coming from May behind her makeshift panty gag. Daddy heard the shift in Mays voice and knew they were moans of pleasure. He quickly pulled the gag from her mouth.

“More daddy, I need more. Fuck my ass harder daddy” The words coming out of mays mouth were music to her new daddys ears.

Daddy quickened the speed of his assault on her ass.  Fucking her harder and faster, forcing the whole length of his cock into her tight ass. He had a wicked idea as he was listening to may beg daddy to fuck her ass harder. May continued to slam her ass back into daddy trying to take every inch of her cock. Daddy grabbed the handle for the inflatable plug and started to squeeze it in rythome with may as she bucked back into him. He instantly felt the plug tightening her ass even more than it already was, a shiver ran down his spine thinking about how much it’s also stretching her cunt at the same time. He got another five pumps into the plug before may realized what was happening.

“More daddy, please!” was all may could get out as she felt the intruder growing inside her. Daddy didn’t need to be told twice and got another five pumps in before he stopped. he knew from experience and from the feel of how tight her ass had become that may had something the size of a football crammed in her once tight little cunt. He couldn’t hold back much longer and with one final violent trust he erupted deep inside her, filling her ass with his burning hot seed. May came at the same moment, the extreme stretching of her cunt and the pressure in her ass added to the lewd feeling of daddy coating her ass with his hot cum.

Daddy collapsed on top of Mays back, they lay like that for what felt like an eternity not moving until daddy pulled his softening cock out of her tight ass. He kissed may on the back and smacked her ass hard enough to leave a lasting hand print on it before her rolled her over. Daddy wasted no time at all and buried his face in her dripping cunt. He traced her stretched and swollen pussy lips admiring just how much of the plug she took before her made his way to her clit. May still hadn’t come down from the high of her last orgasam as daddy was keeping her on the edge of the next. Daddy clamped his mouth to Mays clit slowly sucking on it while running his tongue all over the sensitive nub. at the same moment he slowly started to pull the football sized plug from her cunt.

May started to squirm as her pussy lips stretched to their absolute limit as daddy continued his assault on her clit keeping her just on the edge of orgasam. May felt daddy quicken the pace on her clit licking and sucking faster and faster as he continued to pull harder on the plug. Mays cunt was stretched around the largest part of the plug when daddy finally brought her over the edge. she felt her pussy trying to clamp itself around the massive toy. Daddy continued to lick her clit as to mays disappointment he pulled the plug out in one quick motion leaving her pussy completely empty. The feeling of emptiness drove her wild, she could feel her stretched out pussy grabbing nothing but air reminding her how empty she now was.

“Daddy no, Please put it back in. I feel so empty” May cried as the powerful orgasm she started to have turned into one of frustration.

“On you feet and follow me” Daddy commanded may as he took his mouth from her pussy and walked out of the room.

May followed like a lost puppy hoping that daddy might let her fuck the dog again, she knew that would satify the void that daddy had turned her cunt into. May realized he was leading her back to the same table she laid on yesterday and he eye lit up with joy thinking daddy really was bingher back to fuck the dog, she knew this man that kidnapped her knew exactly what she needed and what she needed right now was a hot dog cock pounding the life out of her abused and gaping pussy.

Daddy had may lay on her back on top of the table. Mays pussy was drooling with juice as he strapped her down. She was filled with excitement as she realized in this position she would be able to see the dog standing over her while he filled her with the huge hot knot she needed so badly. Daddy gave her pussy a playful quick slap and told may he would be right back. May didnt know how long she laid there thinking about how much she wanted the dog in her all while her pussy was flooding the table she laid on with her juices.

May couldn’t believe her eyes as she saw daddy walk back into the room, she also couldn’t believe her body’s response. she already felt her cunt grabbing at nothing hoping to god daddy was going to do what she thought he was. Daddy could smell how hot mays pussy was as he talked back to the table and position the all black horse right over the table. May marveled at the size of the cock that was standing over her. Daddy had only strapped down mays midsection leaving her legs and arms free. Without hesitation and to both her and daddys suprise may reached out to gently stroke the horses massive cock and brought it to her mouth. May tenderly licked at the head of the horses cock savoring the lewd and perverted taste of her first horse cock.

May could see how hard daddys cock was, he wasn’t wasting much time and mays heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest as she realized he was repositioning the horse, repositioning him so his cock would line up with her. the horse was now standing over her at an angle leaving the upper half of her body to the side and out from under the horse. May almost came as she felt daddy down at her pussy lining the horse up and the tip of its massive member brushing her swollen gaping lips.

With just the head of the powerful horse cock inside mays abused cunt daddy slapped the horse on its ass once and he drove forward. In one motion may was beeing fully fuck by this horse, his cock thicker then the plug daddy had pulled from her. May shuddered as she began to orgasm just from the first trust of the horses massive cock.  Qicker and quicker the horse began to fuck her streched cunt, Daddy had tied the horse off with just enough slack that he could fuck her has hard as he wanted but not beable to do any lasting damage with the masive cock.

“MMMMM daddy thank you, thank you for letting this horse fuck me!” May screamed as she lifted her feet and tried to wrap them around the horse, she was trying with all her might to get as much of the horses cock in her as she could.

Daddy stood back and watched the perverted scene in front of him as he stroked his cock. He watched as mays sock covered feet tried to pull herself up onto the horses cock, he watched the massive member pounding into her cunt and stretching her lips.

May had been in constant orgasam as the horse continued to fuck her. Daddy stepped forward over mays head and looked down at her. May wasted no time and took her daddy into her mouth. He wasted no time fucking her throat, may now being fucked violently from both ends. She dropped her hands to her clit and felt the massive member slamming in and out of her. May needed to be filled with the horses cum, she knew she wouldn’t be satisfied until she was. She moved her other hand to his massive shaft and began to jerk the horse off as he fucked the once tight cunt, she knew it would never be the same after the abuse if took today.

May felt the horse stiffen like steel as she jerked the first wave of his horse cum into her hungry pussy. Wave after wave of hot thick horse cum filled her pussy taking her orgasam to other level as she though about how uderly disgusted her family would be if they saw her like this, saw her willingly fuck a horse, willingly jerk the moster cock off inside her insatiable cunt.  May could feel daddy getting as hard as the horse and knew what was coming. with the horse still cumming deep in her battered cunt may locked her legs to its sides pulling more of his cock into her, she reached both hands around daddy to pull him further into her throat as she continued to swallow and milk his cock. May felt daddy start to cum deep in her throat, her face and nose smashed into his balls and ass taking him as deep as she could. May lost all control as she felt both of her hole being filled to their limits. Daddy pulled his cock from her throat mid cum to allow may to breath and to suck the rest of his cum from his cock, She quickly shot one hand down to the horse and the other to daddy as she jerked the last drop of cum from both of their cocks at the same time.

Daddy watched as the horse pulled his deflating cock from Mays gaping pussy. A torrent of horse cum came flooding from her pussy. Daddy pulled his cock from mays lips and watched as she almost instinctively scooped a hand full of the horses cum and brought it to her face. Daddy watched may take a deep breath from the horse cum before pouring it into her mouth.

“ Daddy I Love horse cum!” she said looking him in the eyes before going back for a second hand full.

May was completely covered from head to toe in horse cum by the time he finally released her from the bed.

“I think it’s time we cleaned you up” daddy said as he lead her into the house to mays surprise. Her cunt was already starting to get wet again as she thought of all the nasty things daddy might do with her now that she was allowed in the house.


Part Five

May was still riding the high from the fucking she had just received from the horse. Her tongue was still searching every nook and cranny of her mouth searching for another taste of that delicious horse cum. “MMM god I’ve turned into such a whore” she thought to herself, realizing how much she loved it judging by how wet her still gaping pussy got wet at the thought. May was in such a sexual fog she almost collided with daddy at the back door to the house when he stopped walking.

“We need to clean you up a little before you go inside, I don’t want you tracking horse cum through the house. Now on your knees little one” Daddy instructed May.

May did as she was told and kneeled down on the concrete pad next to the steps that would lead into the house.

“Close your eyes while I hose you off” Daddy told her.

A wave of warmth started to flow over may, at first she was confused by the temperature of the water. “No one has a heated hose” She thought to herself. May had opened her mouth the thank Daddy for thinking of her comfort when she got a mouth full of the warm water running from her head down to cunt. May was at first disgusted when she realized the warm water was Daddy pissing on her. Mays cunt was dripping with Daddy’s piss now mixing with the river of her own juices as she quickly started to get off on the idea of daddy cleaning the horse cum that coated her body with his own piss. May swallowed the small mouth full of piss and nearly came from how depraved she realized daddy was making her. She was almost sad as she felt the stream of daddy’s piss slowing to a trickle. May opened her eyes and leaned forward to take daddy’s cock into her mouth sucking the last drops of his piss right from the source, she looked up at daddy hoping that he could read the expression of gratitude on her face.

Reluctantly Daddy pulled his cock from Mays mouth and directed her into the house and up to the master bedroom. Mays eyes widened as she saw a table very familiar to the one in the barn. Daddy told her to lay down and he could see her pussy glistening with juices of her excitement. Daddy lifted Mays legs in the air and admired the work the horse did on her once tight cunt. She was still gaping and he planned to keep her that way. Daddy started to nibble on Mays feet as he brought one hand down and started to play with her clit. Mays pussy had a constant flow of her juice and the last of the horse cum coming out of her making for a perfect lube. Daddy continued to nibble Mays feet as he started to slide two fingers in her. Slowly fucking her and keeping his thumb on her clit, he knew he was driving her mad with the way she was trying to buck back into his hand.

“Daddy! Please I need more” May moaned

Daddy worked another finger into Mays cunt now working her clit with this thumb and fucking her with three fingers. Three quickly became four fingers as daddy worked most of his hand into Mays slick pussy. Daddy was hard as a rock as he worked his four fingers into Mays once oh so tight little pussy. He had a wicked idea as he continued licking and nibbling her feet. Daddy tucked his thumb in and easily slid his whole hand inside Mays now caverns cunt.

Mays eyes shot open as she felt the entire fist inside her.

“FUCKK! MORE!” May half moaned and half screamed.

Without missing a beat daddy stepped up to may and slipped his cock into her. He could feel Mays cunt starting to pules around his wrist as he grabbed his cock inside her.

May had a quick flash back and thought about what she was just a week ago. A normal girl with a normal life, a girlfriend to come home to, a tight cunt that Katrina her girlfriend loved to lick and play with, and now she was none of that. She had no girlfriend, she would never have a normal life again, her cunt, her cunt would never be the same again, it was just fucked by a horse only hours ago and even now her daddy had his entire fist in her along with his cock jerking himself off into her. May came hard thinking about how much she loved her new life, she was always too ashamed to admit it but this is what she wanted. Daddy felt May coming around his wrist as her jerk his cock inside her and came harder then he had so far all day.

Daddy let May ride out her orgasm with his fist and cock still in her, still slowly jerking the last of his cum into her. Slowly he pulled his cock out of Mays cunt first then making a first he pulled his fist out at an excruciatingly slow pace so may would be stretched as long as possible. Daddy pick up the inflatable plug he had placed next to the table and shoved it into her pussy and began to pump it up. Larger and larger it inflated inside her, may looked down and could see her tummy bulging from the toy inside her, she felt it grow to a size larger than the horses cock before daddy stopped pumping it up.

May could feel herself pulsing around the plug loving the feeling of being so full again. May looked at the clock as daddy told her to get off the table and realized how late it was. Daddy let may get in bed with him and they both passed out after the long and exhausting day they had.

May woke the next morning with Daddy deep in her ass. She could feel how hard he already was, she could feel how stuffed her ass was with the huge plug still in her pussy. She reached down and felt her pussy lips stretching as she played with her clit. She wasn’t sure how long daddy was fucking her ass before she woke up but she knew he was close to cumming. With one final hard thrust Mays daddy shot his load deep in her ass just as she started her own orgasm. After Daddy came down from his orgasm he pulled his cock from Mays ass and got out of bed.

“Time to get ready for work little one” Daddy said as he got out of the bed and slap may on the ass.

Mays eyes widened as she realized what he had just said to her!

“Daddy I, I cant…They all probably thought I quit or something” May quickly spat out hoping it would work. she wasn’t sure what he was thinking but may knew she couldn’t go back to that life, this was her life now, being daddy’s little whore not sitting in that cubicle for everyone to ignore her.

“I took care of that” Daddy said not even looking at her as he made his way to the bathroom to take a piss and get ready for the day.

“But I don’t even have clothes” May said as she followed him like a lost puppy.

“Go look in the closet” daddy said dismissing her.

May made her way to the closet, walking was still a bit awkward with the huge plug in her cunt. When she opened the closet door she realized her argument was pointless, daddy had moved all her clothes from her girlfriends apartment to his house. Katrina really would think May just up and left. Daddy really was going to send her back to a life of nothing after showing her over the last four days just how much of a whore she really and truly was. Reluctantly May showered washing the day old piss off her herself and got dressed picking out a sexy pair of pink lace panties.

“Leave the plug in” she heard daddy yell from the bathroom. May finished getting dressed finally choosing a dress thinking that would help hid the plug a little during the day. Both ready to go Daddy drove them to the office building and parked next to her car, right where this all started.

They both rode the elevator to their floor in silence, Mays cunt was throbbing around the plug. She still had no idea what Daddy’s plan was for her. Was she still his little whore, was he casting her back into society to be forgotten again. She tried to push this from her mind as they both exited the elevator daddy still walking with may as he had to pass her cubical to get to his office.

May was about to stop at her old desk when she saw someone else already sitting there.

“Follow me” daddy said to may with a slight smirk knowing may was silently freaking about not knowing what was happening

They finally stopped at daddy’s office and may saw his secretary’s desk was empty.

“Your going to owe me a thank you for this promotion later” daddy whispered into her ear as he left her at her new desk and went into his office.

Daddy gave may the morning to get acquainted with her new position all the while watching her from his desk shift uncomfortably on the huge plug that was resting in her cunt keeping her stretched open.

Around noon he told her to come in to take notes on a conference call he was about to get on. As may entered the room daddy told her shut the door and lock it. May did as she was told and made her way back to daddy’s desk.

“Take your clothes off and kneel between my legs, your about to thank me for that promotion” daddy told her.

May was relieved daddy had a solid wood door and his window was on the 10th floor so no one was about to see what she was about to do. May didn’t hesitate stripping. First removing her heels, then her dress, slowly her almost unnecessary bra and finally her panties that her cunt had been leaking into all day. May then got down on her knees in front of daddy. Daddy grabbed the handle of her plug and let half the air out.

“Hand me your panties and pull the plug out” he told her as he waited for his conference call to connect.

May handed daddy her panties and started to pull the plug out. Even after daddy let some of the air out it was still too huge and she was having trouble getting it out. she looked up at daddy and watched as he took his cock out and started stroking himself as he was taking deep breaths from her dirty panties. Watching daddy breathing her panties in made her cunt leak more juice then it already was giving her just enough help to pull the massive plug from her stretched pussy. she could feel how empty she was and already missed having her toy inside her.

Daddy motioned for may to come closer as he was talking on the phone. He put his hand to the back of her head and guided her to his cock not missing a beat while he was still on his call. May understood what her job was right now and started working her tongue on the head of daddy’s cock. looking up she could see him still with her panties to his nose leaning back in his chair as he listened to who ever was talking to him. May continued to bob her head up and down on his shaft savoring the taste of her daddy’s cock, savoring the how dirty this whole situation was. Her cunt was gushing knowing that if anyone made their way into his office they would find her on her knees, her cunt gaping open and her bosses cock in the back of her throat.

May needed something in her cunt, she needed something huge to fill her void. Her hand slid down his leg and she found exactly what she needed. In one motion May straddled daddy’s leg and started to grind herself on his foot, by the time daddy looked down to see what she was doing May had already worked half of his shoe up her greedy empty cunt, that void left by taking the plug out had driven May wild and she didn’t care how low she had to stoop to satisfy herself anymore. May looked up at daddy sucking his cock like her life depended on it while still fucking herself with his shoe. May had taken the shoe to as far as it would go inside her, putting all her weight down on it he started to grind herself relentlessly on him.

May felt how hard his cock had become and then felt his hand at the back of her head pushing every inch of himself down her throat. May started to cum as she felt daddy unloading in her throat. She milked his cock with her tight throat as she came hard with is foot deep in her cunt. She was cumming harder by the second thinking about how disgusted anymore who came in would be to see her down on her knees like this, her bosses cock buried deep in her throat as she slammed her pussy up and down on his foot. Daddy finished cumming in Mays throat but continued to hold her head in place as he continued his call without missing anything that was going on.

May continued to milk daddy’s cock with her throat. He was driving her wild as he started to grind his foot deeper into her cunt. Closer and closer he brought may to the brink of another orgasm as his foot and shoe bore deeper into her cavernous cunt until the pressure was too much for her. She looked up at daddy as her orgasm hit her full force, she watches him taking another deep breath from her dirty cunt juice soaked panties as the first wave of intense pleasure ran through her. She tried to keep her eyes on his as she was hit with another wave of pleasure, she kept his cock deep in her throat as she milked him trying to get another taste of his cum. May felt daddy release and was excited for her reward, it only took her a moment to realize it wasn’t cum daddy gave her. She was hit with another mini orgasm as she realized daddy was using her as his own personal urinal flooding her throat and tummy with his piss. she tired to concentrate on swallowing all his piss rather than her own pleasure. She wasn’t sure daddy wouldn’t throw her right out his office window is she let any drip onto his suite.

May felt the stream of piss going down her throat slowing and let daddy’s cock slip out of her throat and into her mouth. She needed to taste his piss right from the source again. May swallowed mouthful after mouthful of daddy’s piss, turning herself on more and more getting off on how disgusting she knew anyone who saw would think she is. As may sucked the last drips of daddy’s piss from his cock he hung up his call and leaned back into his chair allowing himself to fully enjoy the work may was doing with her tongue.

Daddy pulled may off his cock by her hair and looked down at her.

“Clean my shoe off and get dressed” he told her

May looked around for something to wipe her cunt juices off of daddy’s shoe.

“Clean it off” he said more sternly and Mays cunt started to drip again as she understood what she had to do.

May crawled to Daddy’s pussy creamed shoe, She turned to give daddy a view of her gaping cunt, brushed her hair over her shoulder so he could see what she was about to do. She hesitated for only a moment thinking about how low she was about to sink and absolutely loving it.

She looked up at daddy from where she was at his feet, she watched his cock getting harder as he took another breath from her panties. May committed to what she needed to do and stuck her tongue out, she almost came again as she started to lick her cunt juice off of the bottom of his shoe. May was on her hands and knees, ass in the air, licking and sucking every drop of herself off of daddy’s shoe all while her pussy was a sloppy dripping mess.

For the next ten minutes daddy watched may licking every part of his shoe clean. He was rock hard again as he breathed the intoxicating scent from her panties while he watched just how low this girl would go just to please him.

“I think that’s clean enough, you can get dressed now” daddy instructed may.

May took one final lick of the bottom of daddy’s shoe as she wiggled her ass and gaping cunt at him before finally getting off the floor and reached for her plug excited to be filled up again.

“leave the plug out for the rest of the day” daddy told her

Disappointed, May also realized she wasn’t getting her panties back from daddy either. She knew she wouldn’t be at her desk long before anyone passing by would be able to smell the arousal coming from her cunt. May finished getting dressed and headed back to her desk when daddy told her she could go back to work.

At around 4pm Daddy left his office and on the way out told may to drive her old car back to his house tonight and keep herself occupied, he was going to be home much later and left without another word. Her pussy started to leak again at the excitement of not knowing what was in store for her next.


Part Six

May couldn’t keep her hands off of her cunt for the rest of the day. She could still taste daddy’s piss and cum in her mouth, the thought of anyone smelling his seed every time she talked or the undeniable smell of pussy coming from under her desk drove her mad, she also couldn’t get the thought of how empty her cunt felt out of her mind. She tried to focus on work but every few minutes she’d find her hand mindlessly drifting down to her pussy and playing with her clit under her dress or she’d find herself staring off into the offices looking for something large enough to fill the gaping void that was between her legs.

It was finally 5PM and time to leave. May got up to leave, not staying any longer then she needed to now that she finally had the attention of someone who mattered in her life. She quickly looked back at her desk to make sure she had put everything away for the night and saw the wet spot. Her pussy had been leaking all day onto that leather chair, especially since daddy had her leave the plug out all afternoon. She smirked to herself and quickly looked around the room to find everyone rushing to leave and not noticing her, she was finally going to use this to her advantage. Quickly she bent down acting as if she dropped something. May didn’t hesitate as she licked every drop of herself off her leather chair not caring that she was in an open office with the potential of the whole floor seeing what she was doing.

Once satisfied with the cleaning of her chair may got up and made her way to the elevators with the rest of her colleagues. Once in the elevator may could feel her pussy juices running down her leg, she could smell how aroused she was, that also meant that everyone else in the tightly packed elevator could too. A week ago May would be absolutely mortified at this thought, but now that daddy had helped her free her inner whore all this did was excited her even more. May made her way to her car seeing that daddy’s was gone. once inside she knew she wouldn’t be able to last the drive back to daddy’s house without something huge in her cunt. She frantically searched the back seat until she found something very suitable for the job. It wasn’t as large as daddy’s but it would get the job done until she got home and got what she was fantasizing about all afternoon. May quickly looked around to make sure no one would see what she was about to do and brought her old running shoe under her dress. she quickly rubbed it all over her slick pussy before forcefully inserting the entire shoe into her empty cunt. She shivered at the feeling of being so full with something so wrong again. The entire 45 minute drive to daddy’s house may had one hand on the wheel and the other hand playing with her clit, bringing herself right to the edge of an orgasm or slowly pulling her running shoe out of her pussy and fucking her self with it. Once the car was parked May made her way into the house with her shoe still buried deep in her once little cunt. After may had gotten in the house she thought about what daddy told her before he left work, she needed to find something to occupy her time until he got home, May only knew one way to do that and dropped her dress at the door.

May stepped out of her heels and reached between her legs. slowly she removed her shoe and brought it up to her face to it inspect as she made her way to the living room. She sat in one of the arm chairs and began licking her own shoe clean while thinking about how fucking hot it was to lick her daddy’s shoe clean in his office this morning. She licked the bottom of her dirty cunt juice covered running shoe thinking of all the places it had been, all the dirt and filth it had come into contact with. Her other hand made it to her clit, She quickly rubbed herself in her favorite spot, the one spot she needed touched to get herself off, nothing else would get her over that hurdle like playing with her clit. Mays pussy began to gush as she brought herself off for the first time that night. She didn’t once stop rubbing her clit or licking her shoe clean until she was sitting in a puddle of her own warm juices. she was an absolute mess and loved it but she also didn’t want daddy to come home and be disappointed in the mess she made all over his furniture.

May got down on her knees facing the chair and started to lick herself off of it. At least if daddy walked in now he’d see his little slut cleaning up her mess. May was so fixated on getting herself off and cleaning up the mess she made she was oblivious to daddy’s dog coming up behind her seeing her ass swinging in the air as she licked her cunt juices up. He made his presence known only by mounting the bitch that was in front of him. May knew what was happening the second she felt the dogs hot cock enter her hungry cunt. She didn’t even know the dog was in the house but she was so thankful he was, this is exactly what she needed, she had fantasized about ti all day, she needed this animal to treat her like the bitch in heat she was, she needed his hot pick to fill her with his knot and dog seed. May bucked back into him trying to get as much of his dog cock into her cunt as she could. The dog was fucking her with a force and speed that was keeping her right on the edge. Deeper and faster she felt him fucking, his knot swelling and pulling out of her gaping pussy and slamming himself all the way back in with each stroke. May was still bucking back into the dogs cock trying to meet each of his strokes with her own. They had fucked each other across the room, no longer in front of the chair, May had nothing to support herself and put her face to the floor arms stretchered out in front of herself her pussy in the air, fully submitting to this wonderful animal that that was fucking her like nothing before.

The dogs knot was finally swollen to its maximum and too large for the dog to pull out of Mays cunt anymore, she knew he was on the edge of his own orgasm. She slid one hand underneath herself and felt how stretched her pussy lips were, she could feel how hot the dogs cock was as she rubbed the small portion of the knot she could reach. She brought her fingers to her clit, she need to cum on this magnificent dog cock, she needed to feel him fill her with his burning hot seed again, she was absolutely addicted to getting fucked by this dog. with each back and forth motion of her fingers over her clit she took herself closer and closer to one of the best orgasms of her life. May felt the dog finally release his torrent of cum into the hungry and needy pussy. She was so close to cumming. May couldn’t wait any longer and frantically rubbed and pinched at her clit, she could feel the dogs cum leaking out of her cunt and running down her fingers and down her legs. She lost herself in a powerful orgasm as she rubbed his cum all over her throbbing clit. May rode that orgasm close to ten minutes before stretching her arm back out in front of her and just enjoying the feeling of the massive knot still in her cunt.

“Oh daddy, she’s going to be perfect isn’t she!”

“You picked a perfect one this time baby”

May thought she could feel her heart stop beating for a moment when she realized she wasn’t the only one in the room. Here she was coming down from one of the best orgasms of her life, the dog still on top of her, still locked in her pussy, and in walks daddy with another girl for them both to see her like this. May wanted to sink into the floor and disappear.

“You think she’s ready?” may heard the new woman ask daddy. May was completely confused by the question but her heart was racing again, she could swear she recognized the voice but it couldn’t possibly be.

Click Click Click

May heard the heels of the unknown woman coming closer, She hid her face in the floor not having the courage to look this woman in the eye as she still had a dog cock pulsing in her cunt. May moaned in slight pain as the woman stepped in front of her placing her heels on each one of Mays hands so she couldn’t pull them away. She Could feel the pressure increase as the woman squatted down still standing on Mays delicate hands.

May felt the woman grabbed a fist full of her hair and slowly pulled her head up. Mays eyes drinking in the new girl from the tip of her heels up her legs to her spread thighs giving may an extremely erotic view up the girls skirt. May hated that her eyes lingered there long enough to see this girl was wearing the panties daddy had taken from may, she hated herself even more when she realized just how much that was turning her on. With one final yank May was looking into the woman’s eyes, she met Mays gaze by spitting into her face.

“I see you finally meet my father, cunt” the woman spat at her again.

May was devastated and confused, “how the fuck is this happening” she thought to her self. This couldn’t be. the woman standing on her hands spitting on her face and calling daddy her father was May’s ex girlfriend Katrina.

“What, How!” was all may could choke out.

“Did you really think for a second that I would have dated you for the last year if I wasn’t going to get something out of this?” Katrina asked may

“For the last year I’ve been getting you ready for this May, why do you think you never met my father? or why did I pushed you so hard to apply at the firm? It was all to lead you hear, for your purpose in life may.” Katrina said looked may in the eyes.

May was having a hard time wrapping her head around this. Her world was collapsing in on itself again. she had come to terms with the fact that she had no one and that Katrina didn’t care about her while she was locked in the room just last week, she came to terms with the fact that she was now daddy’s little whore and she was actually enjoying it. But now she was being told that all of this was a set up just to use her even further, that Katrina really didn’t care about her while they were dating, that she only encouraged her to take the job at the firm so it could lead her to this very spot. Mays heart was broken further then she thought possible. She hated herself for being blinded by Katrina’s attention to notice anything about her plan, she hated herself more when she realized her eyes kept drifting between Katrina’s legs and looking at her delicious pussy that was covered by her own panties.

Mays head was right between Katrina’s legs, her face level with her pussy. May could smell the excitement on her mixed with the smell of her own cunt that had been leaking into those panties just hours ago.

Daddy walked over and reached his hand out to help Katrina stand again before he drew her into a deep passion filled kiss. May felt the dogs cock final slip from her cunt but was still stuck in place by the weight of Katrina still standing on her hands.

May looked up just in time to see the father and daughter break their kiss.

“Why don’t you two get reacquainted” daddy said to Katrina. He helped Katrina remove her clothes and she handed him the shared pair of panties as she stepped off of Mays hands and stepped out of her heels. May was still on her hands and knees with her face on the floor trying to pretend like none of this was happening.

May was taken by surprise by the kick to her side at sent her falling and rolling onto her back. She opened her eyes and saw Katrina’s foot coming down to her face, may instinctively flinched at first.

“Lick it you stupid bitch” Katrina commanded May as she shoved her toes into her mouth.

“God I’m going to fucking use you hard, you have no idea what it took for me not to slap the shit out of you this last year” Katrina said to may as she simultaneously jerked her father off and watched as may licked in between her toes.

Without much warning Katrina took her foot from Mays mouth and knelt over her head. May hated how turned on she was by the sight of Katrina’s hairless slit, she hated how much she wanted to reach out and touch it, how much she wanted to taste her sweet pussy again. Tears of pain and frustration and heartbreak rolled down Mays face, she had loved Katrina more than anything, she was all she had in life and yet she was nothing more than a play thing to her this whole time. May hated herself even more when she looked up at Katrina’s pussy hanging over her face and still felt all those feelings, no matter what she did to her May was always going to love her.

May could see the juice about to drip from Katrina’s pussy and was about to lift her head up and taste her when Katrina decided that she waited long enough and sat on Mays face giving her no other option then to start licking her sweet pussy. May couldn’t deny how fucking delicious Katrina’s pussy was, she tried to let all this slip her mind and tried to just focus on the task at hand, she could hate her self all she wanted when there wasn’t a beautiful dripping pussy in her face.

May couldn’t see much from her vantage point but there was no question that Katrina was sucking a cock from the sounds coming from above her. It sounded like daddy was really fucking his little girls throat, gagging her with his his fat cock.

“MMM daddy I need to eat this little bitches cunt” May heard Katrina say as daddy pulled his cock from his daughters throat

Katrina wasted no time and brought her face right to Mays abused pussy.

“Oh my god daddy, you really broke this thing, she use to be so tight, I could probably fit both of my hands in her now hahah” May was mortified to hear Katrina laughing and making a joke of how abused and open her cunt was now, but she could also feel herself getting excited at how Katrina was talking about her.

Katrina shifted and got her feet under Mays head and pushed her face further into her cunt before she dove face first into Mays own cunt. Katrina wasted now time licking up all the dog cum she could from Mays thighs before she moved right in on her gushing slit.

May looked up to see daddy lining himself up behind his daughters ass. In one swift thrust daddy was all the way in Katrina’s ass, just inches from Mays face that was still working her pussy over. May almost came as she felt Katrina moaning into her fell fucked pussy as her daddy started to pick up speed fucking his daughters ass harder and faster, may couldn’t believe how turned on she was by the perverted display above her. she watched as daddy’s cock slammed in and out of his daughters tight little asshole. May was extremely turned on while she watched daddy smelling the pair of panties Katrina had just handed him, the same pair she had been wearing just a few hours ago.

“Fuck! Harder daddy, Fuck your little girls ass harder!” Katrina screamed before diving back between Mays legs. She was on the edge of her orgasm and was losing control. Katrina used her feet to get more of Mays face in her cunt as her father pounded harder and harder into her ass.

Daddy started to spank Katrina’s porcelain white skin as hard as he could, knowing how hard his little girl liked it. Harder he smacked her ass until she had turned a beautiful crimson red. He could feel Katrina tightening her ass and milking his cock for all it was worth and knew she wouldn’t last much longer. With a deep breath from Mays panties smelling the excitement of both girls mixed on them daddy gave Katrina ass one final hard and deep fuck and felt her cumming all over his cock and Mays face.

“MMM fuck Daddy!’ She creamed with a mouth full of Mays cum and the last of the dog cum she could suck from Mays sloppy cunt. Katrina dropped her face back into Mays crotch and bit down hard on her thigh as she sank her nails into Mays flesh. She was cumming hard now and needed to feel may screaming in pain into her pussy, this drove Katrina to a new high. She had thought about this moment for the better part of a year and tonight she was finally able to play it all out.

Katrina rode her orgasm for a few minutes until she felt her father pull his fat cock from deep in her ass. Like it was second nature for her, Katrina had pushed herself off of may keeping her feet under her head moving her ass over Mays mouth. Katrina was now kneeling at the perfect height to take her daddy’s cock into her mouth to suck him clean all while she forced may to eat her freshly fucked ass sucking her daddy’s cum from deep inside her.

“Daddy, I need more” Katrina said looking up at him once she was satisfied with the job she had done licking his cock clean. Katrina took his cock back into her mouth and started to grind her asshole and pussy all over Mays face while she waited for it. In seconds she was drinking down her fathers piss while grinding on Mays face cumming all over the girl that was underneath her. Katrina didn’t stop until she was done drinking every drop of her daddy’s piss.

Finally, with her pussy satisfied for the moment Katrina stood up letting Mays head hit the floor now that is wasn’t supported by her feet. Katrina grabbed another fist full of Mays hair and pulled her into a kneeling position and bent down to be face to face with her.

Katrina licked all over Mays face savoring the taste of her pussy juice mixed with her ass and daddy’s cum.

“This is just the beginning you worthless cunt. We are going to use you in ways that you can’t imagine.” Katrina said to her before spitting in Mays face again and slapping her hard. Both daddy and Katrina headed up to the master bedroom for the night, May not far behind them being lead by the fist full of hair Katrina still had in her hand.

The End (?)