Catherine was normal girl ambitious about what the future holds, she wanted to explore the world as she was in her mind 20’s and wanted a husband who is strong and hold his own, satisfy her thoroughly.

She was strolling through a park after work taking in the breeze and just enjoying the nature but she failed to notice several men following her and when the time was right they pounced on her and subdued her with chloroform.

She woke up dizzy in a white room without any clothes, she had well toned body which now had only one accessory on it, a collar with tag “trainee”.A group of strong men entered as she was exploring the room, they beat her stomach with a baton and held her down as some more men dragged in a huge black square box whose one side was open and opposite side of that opening had her photo pasted on it (photo taken from her ID in her purchase) next to that there were small holes. She fitted inside that box with her face almost touched the bottom and her hands went through two holes and her ass/pussy was exposed in the open side after getting strapped in an intercom blasted her room announcing “Catherine, this is a rape stand and consider this particular announcement special because your name will never be called from now on.” Catherine started cry imagining that she will be kept as a fucktoy for men and started to plead that she doesn’t want to be fucked by many man and it’ll hurt her. Intercom continued “stop talking or else you’ll miss the information, i said rape stand but i didn’t say that men here will rape you. You see this a bitch owning dogs training facility so your romance will be confined to dogs” , Catherine went silent, she didn’t know what to make of this and thought to herself whether she is hallucinating. ” You will be our trainee for the new batch of dogs you will eventually teach them how they can own a human bitch but for now you yourself will be trained by a veteran “spok” he is one of the few dogs that is genetically engineered to make a bitch obey and he will be your ward for next week” Catherine still thought those men were going to fuck and the announcement was just messing with her. As the intercom ended she was ready for molesting hands of men to grab her in places but all of them vacated and a all she heard was some click click sound on tiles made by the dogs nails and it just locked her for 4 minutes and mounted her in first try . Catherine’s eyes went wide as this was almost equivalent to a man’s cock and the pace of fucking was so aggressive she started to faint and after just 2 minutes of hardcore fucking knot was shoved painfully through her k9 virgin pussy and this was the only time she made noise screaming to accomodate the pain of her pussy expanding.the fucking continued for next 10 minutes and the dog started cum lightly and went ass to ass with her. Suddenly a tablet was lit in front of her face revealing the food and water right below her face and video was streaming of her ass to ass with spok . The image made her loose rationality and this confinement continued for a week where spok mated with her for roughly three times a day and she was covered in dog cum ,shit and her urine.

During last day of her mating stream had comments popping up. It was bid war to give Catherine a new name . Many suggestions were given such as “dog cum bag”,”knotty princess”,”fetch”,”Bitch”,”spok fuck toy”,”dog penis garage” many such generic humiliating names but top liked names were “cock-her-spaniel”,”cum pearl” and “dog dingbat”. Although she hated all these names “cum pearl” kinda felt elegant to her once her fuck session with spok concluded after 45 minutes. Few guards entered with three dog bowls and spok ate from one. She kinda knew this is how her name was to be decided but it was not revealed what was chosen.

After sometime another unit of guards entered, they freed her from her rape stand and washed her down and gave her massages to relax the muscles meanwhile Catherine wondered how she used to think that in face of danger she would try her best to escape but here she was in utter shock just obeying whatever was expected of her they need not even use force. They then led her to another facility with bed and straps she was given anaesthesia, she fingered out few tattoo artist that started to work on her body since it was a very small dose we was partially aware that her lower back, two thighs, and her front torso was being marked.

After a long rest she was woken up in a disinfection ward and two nurses came to her aide giving her food and once she finished eating they brought mirror to show tattoos. On lower back she had “dog dingbat” with a flying bat symbol underneath. This would be her new name from now on she felt sad for loosing “cum pearl” . Later her left outer thigh had a portrait of spok’s face till his name tag with a quote underneath reading “molded by darling spok” dog foot print.her other thigh had a list of 23 names which actually confused her.later the big reveal her front torso had a spiralling snake tail starting from the top of her vagina coiling on her stomach and bit spilling out to her sides of back and ultimately face coming on her sternum leaving her breasts to be marking free but right below her collar bone and above snakes head there was one more text which read “this property belongs to dogs of this facility” this broke her and she started crying for the first time in one week of her rape . It finally hit her that she was to live her life not as a independent human being but a property of sexual pleasure to freaking dogs not even men. She was let to cry out for few minutes and later a cattle prod was used to shock her and the nurses informed that sulking like this is punishable and she should behave.

Intercom went on again this time addressing “dear dingbat, such a odd name i agree but this is what the share holders have decided with the help of spok for you. The people who bid on this name all have their name tattooed on you. It’s purpose will be availed later now it’s time to get you ready for your wedding ceremony” with all that had happened Catherine felt bit optimistic hearing about wedding since she dreamed of marrying since she was a child but this bliss was cut short as the intercom explained that this wedding will be to spok and she will move in with him and learn the ways dog trainee so that she can train dogs in future she was dressed in a thigh long white stockings with heels also of white but with soal of red, her hands were forced into a praying position but to the backside and tied which made strut her breast higher finally a viel was placed on her beautifully braided hair which was fashioned to a bun. She was photographed before she was led to what seemed like a church hall while walking there nurse informed that she was made to walk upright on her legs to make her realise that she is a human who is made to be owned by dogs and also that she is supposed to be on all fours in her soon to be husbands chambers. Once in center of the hall she noticed many people taking seats in the church she guessed they might be the share holders intercom told about and as everyone settled in the choir music started and spok, a big dobberman almost of the size of great dane was led inside and was made to sit next to Catherine. The marriage officiant entered and he started talking about some business which went over her head but his voice was same as the one see used to hear on intercom. Once his monologue finished he turned to Catherine and said “well it’s time to see our new fuck meat is shown where it’s place is” everyone applauded. A guard came to her and whispered in her ear to stay still no matter what or else they will cattle prod on her and entertain the crowd. The intercom guy took some hell in his fingers and pointed it towards Catherine and proclaimed that today he will christen her with her new name “dog dingbat” and applied the gell on her clit by digging it out using his other hand. Sudden touch on her private part jerked her a bit but she remembered the warning and didn’t make much moments. He later had a engagement ring brought in and suddenly guards lifted dingbat and spread her legs wide apart and spok moved right below her and a nurse came forward with needle and pierced her clit and to dingbat’s shock it didn’t hurt that much probably due to that gell . Once the hole in her clit was big enough a ring with a thin chain connected to it was fit into her clit and as the procedure completed spok started to lap on newly pierced clit to dampen the blood loss . The intercom guy announced that with the first kiss of spok the engagement to the bitch dog dingbat has officially over the strong guards lowered dingbat and she was questioned will you dingbat take spok to be your fuck master . With the help of cattle prod dingbat was made to yell yes sobbing.

“You will lick every inch of your master spok and provide necessary care”

Dingbat cries and says yes , slowly accepting her fate

“You shall live in his ward for a month and whenever you don’t have training duty”


“You shall open your ass as soon as you enter his ward and urge him to take your anal virginity “

She realised all the things said now Will be her agenda for her time with spok for a month , yes she yells sobbing

“You will his dick whenever it enters any of your orifice”


“You will never reject your masters advance and infact are encouraged to initiate mating sessions”


“Since spok’s cum cannot impregnate you, you shall collect all the cum rewarded by your master and keeping in mind how hard he had to produce these ,you will drink it . Even if some are spilled on floor you shall lap it up using your tongue”


“Since you two love birds will be living together you shall learn to give affection to your master in his language i.e., by sniffing or licking his asshole”

Dingbat stared for a moment and with cattle prod ‘s encouragement she said yes

“You will serve your master with almost vigour and earn accessories to make his mood jolly whenever he breeds you in turn you will turn into a fucktoy for him, a fuck doll that entertains him”


“You will drink water from same bowl but will always give him the priority for access, food will provided in separate bowls with separate nutrients ofcourse as your master can’t eat what you eat i.e., human food with seasoning of your share holders cum, sometimes your masters piss”

With defeated voice , yes

“Anything and everything coming out of your masters body is precious and you wouldn’t mind consuming it”


“Since you have agreed to be by his side you shall be referred to as “spok’s bitch” from time to time “

Yes and she was garnished by a collar with name tag “spok’s bitch”.

“Dog dingbat, spok’s bitch are the only thing you shall ever own in your life , even your body belongs everyone in this facility but you”


And with that her stockings were ripped to reveal her husbands portrait tattoo on her thigh and audience applauded her dedication to her husband

“Since you are horny bitch who cannot survive without dog cum. In case of demise of your master spok you will immediately be given to another master that will keep your bitch needs in check”

Her eyes were dried out from crying and all that was left were her words”yes”

Spok stood up and started circling his bitch.

“He wants to mark his bitch in front of everyone so kneel and accept your masters reward”

Dingbat kneeled and to her horror spok started to piss straight on her face and breasts . everyone laughed how the marking of a bitch went on.

Later she was made to stand and her leash connecting to her clit ring was hooked to spok’s collar .

Last announcement “after marking his bitch spok will now lead his dutiful wife to their honeymoon in his ward”

The dog started to drag his bitch on her clit leash and exited church.dingbat had no option but follow with her hands tied behind her back pacing to spok’s speed.

He led her to his kennel in the open garden which looked like a mini white house with enough space for her to be on hands-knees but not standing.

At the entrance a woman cut her restraints loose and took off her viel and heels with torn stockings.

Fully naked with only collar on her dingbat entered kennel on all fours starting a new chapter of her life. She remembered the vows she took and she unhooked her leash from her master and went straight to the middle of kennel with soft ground and peeled her asshole open.

Spok lubricated her asshole thoroughly and deeply.

This gesture moved dingbat and spread her hole as much as possible and she pleaded “please master spok make me your woman by drilling her asshole”

Spok mounted her and took aim , started humping into her asshole pre-cum of felt all inside her rectum . She struggled under spok with no restraints to hold her in place it was 4 minutes of assault on her ass she took her tongue out like a dog and started to salivate as her gap in ass kept increasing she truly started to embrace her sex craze side by 4 day of rape stand.

Soon the knot started hitting her spinster , she grunted to stay in place and spok saw the opportunity and forced himself in , this was as if they were couple for a long time. Once the knot was lodged properly inside her asshole she started to proclaim in agony as if her former self was crying at her current state, she cried ” it happened GOD it finally happened!!! A dog is my master husband and his knot is pounding my ass crazy aaaaaaahh ” crying with snot dripping from her nose “this knot will ruin my holes forever but my wish for a strong husband that pins me down and fucks me hard as been fulfilled! I’m a whore to my master, I’m a bitch !! A BITCH willing to mate 24/7 with my stud even dogs take rest from getting fucked but i don’t mind , spok you have made me your fucktoy !!! Aaaah ssshh sshh, is this salvation!!” Spok was impressed by his wife’s performance he got off of her and was joined ass to ass. Since he was a big dog he started to drag dingbat to his bed chambers showing the wife his favourite spot in his kennel and released all his sperm in her . Dingbat had exhausted her mental capabilities and fainted . Spok caring for his wife cleaned her face from tears and snott. Because he liked his bitches neet and tidy henceforth both fell asleep.

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