(c) 2022 by elarring

An intro to home security

It hadn’t even been a year ago, I inherited a house from my Uncle, who never had any kids. It was a nice two story home, 4 bedrooms, an attached garage and an unfinished basement. I was single 26 and I was excited to have a free house that I could sell if life took me anywhere else. Along with the house came Roofus, a French Mastiff. The house had a big privacy fence and a decent sized backyard. There was nothing back there but grass, a big empty tin shed with a dirt floor and Roofus’ dog house. The big dog was about a year old when I moved in. I grew up having dogs, and although i didn’t want one, it was nice having a dog again. He had a lot of energy and he got me a lot of attention from women whenever I took him for a walk. And Roofus seemed to really like the women. In fact, it was all i could do to keep him off them. Some didn’t mind, amused by him, others, his drool and indiscreet sniffing had them fleeing faster than i could work my charm.

“How old is he?” A woman who had endured one of his assaults before i could warn her asked. I answered as best i could. I wasn’t sure, he couldn’t have been more than a year old when i got him. “Well..you might want to have him fixed.” She snarled wiping the drool off the crotch of her jeans. She then pointed out his boner and said it was “Obscene”, before storming off. It was getting more difficult to control him.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to keep Roofus. I had to spend more time than I wanted with him. So I considered finding him a new home. It was this time one of my neighbors asked me if I had seen someone sneaking through our backyards. They asked if i could leave the big French Mastiff out at night. It was starting to get warm, so I agreed.

If i was going to get rid of Roofus, I would need to put some cameras up first. I purchased some good ones and set them up around the house that very day. They were high def, had night vision,motion detectors and a surprisingly good microphones. So, if anyone came through or tried to, I could catch them on camera.

That night the motion detector went off a few times, sending alerts to my phone, after i put the dog out. He was used to sleeping in the house with me, so it took him awhile to settle. And he had barked at the back door a couple of times in protest. It was a warm night, so while I felt a little guilty, I hoped he would forgive me for a night out.

That morning, I saw there had been a half dozen more alerts after i went to bed. I didn’t check them, and instead went straight to the back to give Roofus a special treat and apologize. He was happy to see me and even more excited to get a treat. I took him for a morning walk, and surprisingly he seemed much more calm than usual. When i returned, out of curiosity I decided to look at the recordings. There were 7 of them, all in the backyard, but they were just the dog moving on his own. The final recording was almost 2 hours long.

I clicked on the 3:06 am recording. The backyard camera face North and captured the entire backyard. It was triggered by a figure on top of my east fence. When the figure leapt onto the ground, Roofus stirred, barked once, “Oh fuck”, the shadowy figure whispered. The French Mastiff came from his house, he froze, body tense as he sniffed at the intruder, who was slowly standing. “Easy…it’s okay.” They whispered, it was a female. She was petite, and had her black hoodie up. Roofus let out a quiet half bark, but didn’t move until the girl turned to jump on the fence. Then he lunged at her and grabbed the back of her jeans at her shoe. “Shit..SHIT”, she squealed and tried to kick him off.

Roofus pulled her off the fence and across the back lawn. Her arms outstretched as she grabbed at the grass in vain, trying to keep quiet as she squealed. After pulling her back a little more than ten feet, my dog moved over her sniffing at her ass then head. I could hear the girl sigh and grunt. The large French Mastiff hadn’t hurt her, and clearly had no intention to, but he was very curious. I chuckled and watched as she struggled to keep Roofus’ wet nose off her. The more she tried to push him off, the harder he pushed. “Ughhhh” i let out a disgusted gasp as he lapped at her face with his long tongue. I knew how my dog could drool when he was excited, so i could imagine what she must be going through as she lay half twisted in my back yard, turning her head this way and that in an effort to keep away from his assault.

“Serves you right.” i laughed and kept watching. The beleaguered intruder struggled and tried to get to her feet. My dog wasn’t having it. He jumped on her back knocking her down, and dragged her closer to his dog house. ‘ Uh oh’, I thought with amusement. “He wants to take you home.”

I watched for 15 minutes at the girl tried to get away, but Roofus was happy to have her as his new toy. He sniffed, licked, knocked her down and slobbered all over her. He hood had come down in the struggle, revealing her light long hair tied up in a pony tail. At some point my dog grabbed her hoodie in his teeth and she tried to shed it, in an effort to get away. It didn’t work, but I got a good look at the girl’s face. I knew who she was, Katie, and I had no clue why she was sneaking around. She lived two houses down and under the hoodie was tight half crop top. She was dressed for a night out, not for breaking into a house. While she still lived with her parents, Katie was an adult and out of High School. She had just graduated last year. “Why are you creeping through backyards?” I asked my screen and kept watching.

“Ohh gawd!” she squeaked out as my dog mounted her. He was humping madly against her, his forelegs locked onto her. She had on a pair of tight jeans, so there was no way he was getting through. It didn’t stop him from trying. Once he finished after a minute, Katie tried to get away once more. And, Roofus still wouldn’t let her go. Again he tackled her, and then humped her. And, once again she tried to get away. this time Roofus dragged her to the open shed and this time Katie lay on her back as the brown French Mastiff hovered over her licking her face, neck and any exposed skin like crazy. She gasped, grunted and let out hushed expressions of discomfort and disgust. “Guhh” I would hear in sharp audio along with the wet sounds of licking and a large tongue slapping against skin. The tiny blonde would turned her face away again and again.

I watched in utter fascination, and began to get hard. This wasn’t just amusing, there was something bizarrely erotic about it. I had seen some bestiality on the Internet, but hadn’t really been turned on enough by it to seek it out. Yet, as I watched my young neighbor endure my dog’s amorous affection, i couldn’t get enough.

Roofus got a hold of her jeans and tried to pull them off the 18 year old. He was a lot smarter than i thought. He wanted that pussy and he was determined to get it. But Katie wasn’t having it. Her pants stayed on, and all my dog succeeded in doing was pulling her around the yard, dry humping a dozen times and assaulting her with his tongue.

The young blonde tried for more than an hour to get away before she just decided to give up and let him tire himself out by humping her. That strategy eventually worked, a little bit before 5am, and Roofus was spent. When Katie was finally able to get up, she grabbed her hoodie and leapt over the west fence. I could hear her mutter in disgust about being sticky and something about dog jizz on her back.

I had gotten an illicit thrill seeing bits of grass stick to her cheeks, exposed belly, and everywhere on her perfect skin the horny dog must have licked. In her time on the ground, Roofus had spent time with his muzzle buried in her crotch and in her tight bubble butt. Her jeans were wet from his efforts to sniff and lick through them. I watched the video again and again, unable to get it out of my mind.

In between my viewing and jerking sessions i went outside, to look at the scene. I could see in some spots where they had wrestled around and got some strange excitement from it. I looked in the shed and saw something on the dirt floor. A bracelet. It glinted in the light that came into open doors. It looked pretty enough to be worth something and I grinned wondering if Katie would come back for it. I would leave it there to find out.


The Bracelet

The week before…

“Well..the lady was right. You’ll have to have him neutered or you’re going to have an aggressive dog on your hands. Especially if it’s just you and you’re leaving him alone all the time.” The Vet said after giving me a steep price to have him fixed.

“So what’s the alternative?” i asked.

“You could breed him..if you have his papers. I can point you in the direction of some online resources..even if you want to find him a new home. Those are your three options..find him someone who can care for him..have him fixed or find him something to mount”

Saturday night:

I wasn’t sure if Katie would knock on my door or once more try her luck in my backyard. It was all she could do to get away from lustful animal last time and I couldn’t imagine she wanted to spend another two hours as his hump toy. But, something told me to leave that bracelet there, untouched. And once again, I would leave Roofus out there too. This time, he seemed all to happy being left out. “Yeah..I bet I know why too.” i winked at him. He was more excited than I was and of course, he should be, after all, I was just watching.

I was restless that night, checking the camera every time the motion detector went off, only to find disappointment on the screen. “She won’t come back”, I told myself and sometime after midnight, I feel asleep. When I woke the next morning, I had taken my time checking the camera feed. Almost forgetting about the whole ordeal all together, until I put some food out for Roofus and saw how calm he was. I went back to the shed and sure enough, the bracelet was gone. I went for my computer and smiled when i saw another 2 hour recording. I saved it for last, scanning through and deleting the other footage first.

Sunday 2:08 am:

This time a figure jumped from the west fence. The same lithe form got to her feet, “It’s her.” I imagined my dog saying as he let out a loud huff and jumped to his feet. I grinned and watched as Roofus immediately rushed Katie, she was just letting her hood down when the over 120 pound canine knocked her over on her back and began lapping at her face. I could literally hear his long tongue lash out against the skin on her neck and face. Her eyes were winced closed as she turned towards the camera. “Ughhh”, her sounds of disgust seemed less passionate than the night before. The lapping was wet and I could see the drool on the dog’s jowls when i zoomed in on the footage. The French Mastiff’s large paws were on the 18 year old’s shoulders, his muzzle pressed into the side of her head. Her long blonde hair wasn’t tied in a pony tail this time and when my dog went to dog sniff at it’s long locks, his weight shifted enough that she moved out from under him.

Katie tried to get to her feet, but Roofus, who clearly outweighed her, knocked her over. Again he humped at her, his haunches around her waist. This time, she didn’t struggle or try to get away. She let the dog go, until panting wildly he crawled off. The 18 year old didn’t try to get up or get away. ‘Her bracelet’, I thought, but no, she didn’t go for it. It was only a few seconds, but I sure she could have made a move. Instead, her delay allowed my dog to pounce on her once more.

Roofus knocked her from a sitting position onto her back, his paws once more on her shoulders as he lapped at her face. “Muhh..hhh”, I could hear her sighs and little grunts. As before, it didn’t sound the same as the previous night. It didn’t quite sound like pleasure, but it didn’t sound like she was disgusted either. The petite blonde was struggling, wrestling with my dog and the young animal was enjoying it.

Katie would get tired and let Roofus have his way, whether it was sticking his muzzle in her crotch, ass, face or wherever, to mounting her. “ughh gahhhd..how many times can you do that?” she whispered. The entire two hours was like that, until finally the bug dog was exhausted. The 18 year old, grabbed her bracelet, her blonde hair a mess, sticky from my dog’s drool, and grass in her long locks.

The whole day, I watched the videos again and again. I couldn’t get over how Katie seemed to purposely delay grabbing her bracelet. It was like she wanted Roofus to assault her. Maybe, if I could see more, see her face more clearly, have different views. I started to brainstorm and wonder where else I could put cameras. If Katie returned, I wanted to be ready.

Monday morning rolled around, and when I checked the camera feed, I was disappointed that Roofus didn’t get his nightly visitor. I fed him and took him out for a quick walk, on the way back he stopped in front of Katie’s house and barked. He could smell her in there and I imagined his barking was him asking where she had been. “I hope she comes back too buddy” I whispered and pulled him home. I got ready and left for work.

I stopped by the electronics store and got some more cameras. I put one inside the shed, and the other two at ground level, one pointing west, the other pointing south towards the house. I disguised the two so they would be spotted and the one in shed was hidden well enough.

Tuesday morning rolled around, and again, no late night visits from our blonde neighbor. I sighed in disappointment. After feeding Roofus, I left him in the back yard and left for work. “Sorry bud..no time for a walk this morning.”

I turned off my motion alarms for the cameras, I didn’t need to see Roofus chasing squirrels every five minutes. I got home a little late after stopping to have an early dinner with a friend. When I got home I went to the backyard to give Roofus my leftovers as an apology. I was going to to take him for a walk, but he seemed a bit more tired than usual. I had a strange feeling, and excitedly went to my computer to check the footage. I was elated and what I had found.

11:17 am

Katie walks past my house, seeing my car gone, she goes up to the gate and my heart pounds like a jackhammer as she does so. Roofus barks excitedly. It’s all she can do, to get through the large wooden entryway. She shuts the gate behind her and runs laughing into the backyard. In the light of day, there was no need to keep quite. Especially with me at work.

My privacy fence was high, the trees on either side on the fence had allowed Katie to scale the fence easy enough, but the fence’s height and the added tree cover would keep prying eyes away. Well, MOST prying eyes away. I felt like a kid on Christmas as I watched the video, knowing I would have color and better detail during the day, but also, I had my new cameras.

Roofus tackled Katie in the middle of lawn, over excited he wouldn’t waste anytime. The 18 year old had her long blonde hair in a pony tail this time. She wore black leggings that clung to her like a second skin and tight t shirt. The large French Mastiff grabbed hold of her, this time the thin blonde tried to struggle away, but Roofus held on, shaking her body as he thrust at her. I switched cameras and saw his big red cock jutting out and crashing into the black leggings. Pre-cum splashing and splattering blotches on the fabric. The 18 year old twisted around, as if it would stop the over eager dog, but his legs grabbed around her head and arms, as he humped at her face. “Ugh guhh…sssss-st-opp hhh”, she grunted as she struggled.

Soo the frustrated canine gave up, taking about one second to pant before lunging at the girl again. He didn’t hump at her, simply pounced atop her drooling and licking at her, his muzzle pressing against a turned cheek. Through the different views I could see a lot more and in far better detail. Roofus was relentless, happy and thrilled with his new plaything. And Katie, although at times, seemed disgusted, would smile when a tongue wasnt lashing at her mouth or eye ball.

For the first 20 minutes, my dog was aimlessly licking, jumping and pouncing on the poor girl, as if to make up for lost time. But, once he got over his surprised excitement, he calmed down, just enough for Katie to breath normally and keep her eyes open for more than a few seconds. “Did you miss me…you dirty dog?”, she asked with a playful tone in her voice.

“Holy shit!” I grabbed my cock through my slacks. “She fucking likes it.” I wasn’t even sure why this all turned me on, but it did. I wondered how far she would take it. As I excitedly watched the video, I would switch from camera to camera following the action in an effort to catch the best angle.

Katie wrestled with Roofus for nearly three hours. And in that time, he must have humped her a dozen times. She didn’t know quite what to do when he did this, at times she laughed, others she looked worried, her eyes darting all around making sure no one could see. And there were a few times where the big brown dog really had a hold of her, his weight on her back and his thrusting forward grinding his big red dog cock into her little ass.

Roofus’ cock was huge. At one point it had swollen up and raged fully out of his sheath hanging lewdly down. I looked at the best frame available trying to figure out just how big he was, he must have been at least 8 inches long, maybe even longer, but he was thick too. Even Katie remarked at it’s girth, especially at the base. The two year old French Mastiff didn’t give the 18 year old girl much of a chance to look at it for very long. Every time her blue eyes fell on him, he seemed to be charged up with lust and playful excitement.

Katie’s clothes stayed on, though the horny dog tried many times to pull them off. By the time the girl finally left, her leggings had taken a beating, covered in blotches of dried drool or cum front and back. Her ass most especially, where Roofus’ big cock had ground into her soft bottom. She’d find the area between her cheeks would be a light translucent goo, from the back of her mound above her ass crack. Her grey t shirt had wet spots, but the dried drool wasn’t as obvious as it was on her black yoga pants. Needless to say, she was cover head to sneaker with one dog fluid or another.

It was almost 2 pm when the neighbor girl left. Her eyes wide and looking out along the street as she started run home, two houses down.


Where is this headed?

In our walks, Roofus was much easier to control. The big dog had been getting a lot of exercise, thanks to his visitor. He wasn’t even half as restless as he had been before and didn’t lunge after every woman who walked by. I made an effort to avoid taking him in front of his new friend’s house, if only to avoid doing anything that might discourage her or make her even more cautious.

Katie continued her visits on Wednesday and Thursday. It was always the same, they would wrestle around and Roofus would mount her several times. Whether the encounter lasted an hour or more, both were exhausted and Katie was covered in drool and cum. It seemed to me the little blonde was enjoying b the relentless attention from my large dog and being overpowered. It even seemed as if she became more aroused when the big dog drooled excessively on her. “Ewww”, Katie would cry out then immediately start giggling and even touching herself, especially when Roofus would shoot his cum on her.

I became obsessed with what was happening. It was all I could think about. All through the week I went to the Internet for answers, finding a community of people who called themselves Zoophiles. There I found all of my answers. I wasn’t sure what was real and what wasn’t, but a lot of things I found on there made sense. I believed Roofus had a genuine attraction and desire for human women. On our walks, he had always gotten excited by any woman that gave him attention, even ones who didn’t. He would lick at them and always sniffing at their crotches. In those moments, i believed he was just being a normal dog, but after having seen him with our neighbor and never recalling him doing that any guys, or me, I could see now he had a preference for a human bitch.

I went to social media to learn more about Katie. I had always thought of her as a brat. She reminded of a lot of girl I knew growing up, pretty, popular and privileged. And looking at her facebook and Instagram, it had extended on into Community College. She was always out, selfies at clubs, restaurants and the beach. She was the prototypical petite blonde, long hair, that she clearly took great care of. I smiled and got hard wondering what all that dog drool and cum was doing to it. Katie had blues, with long lashes and a face with soft features, down to her little button nose. In a lot of her pictures she was flashing her perfect smile, and when she wasn’t, you could see her lips made an almost heart shape, a pronounced cupid’s bow on her upper lip and her lower lip was fuller.

She liked to show her body, her breasts were modest and her ass was tight, but had a nice shape to it. That I could make out in the videos when she got on her hands and knees for my dog. And those leggings had left little to the imagination. Her skin was flawless, pale, unless she tanned, which she seemed to do.

Her facebook page was an open book, her friends commented on every picture and usually in the comments the events of what happened that day or night was spelled out. It was all mostly nonsense, what you would expect from a popular and beautiful young woman who liked to go out as often as she could. Though this week, was apparently a slow one.

“Girl, where were you. You missed class Tuesday” one of her friends asked her in a reply to one of her selfies.

“I got caught up”, Katie answered.

“Did you skip class to spend time with my dog?!” I wondered out loud and kept lurking in my young neighbor’s socials. And, after spending two hours creeping online, learning about Katie, I felt like a stalker. My cameras had captured her erotic encounters with my dog and here i was, watching and re watching them all, again and again. Now i was reading all i could on her facebook and leering at her pictures. I had to stop and ask myself if I was crossing a line. She was trespassing, but I was spying.

Friday had been a long day. I had a lot of motion alerts from my cameras, from the moment I left home. I turned the phone notifications off when i got to work, but I could tell by the number of alerts, Katie had waited until I left at 8:15 and snuck over immediately. When i checked the system online, I saw the frenzy of alerts didn’t stop until almost noon. I went straight to my computer and accessed the footage the second I was through my front door.

Katie, wearing those familiar black leggings, came into the backyard at 8:16 am. She had on an open zip up hoodie over a little grey crop top that left her mid drift exposed. “Hey boy..did you miss me?”, she greeted Roofus. He rushed and answered her with an excited bark leaping on her immediately, knocking her down. She giggled and they wrestled as they had been doing all week. The routine looked familiar at first, but I began to notice more purpose in her movements, the tone in her voice and even her giggles sounded as if they were filled with more purpose and desire. My dog seemed to noticed as he went after her in a frenzy. He was wild, aggressively pulling off her hoodie as she laughed as he growled. “Ow” Katie would squeal when Roofus would get too aggressive, only following it up with a deep a heavy sigh or moan that was dripping with lust. My dog sensing the girl’s intense arousal was being driven mad. He kept grabbing and humping at her even more than usual. And he didn’t care if he had her around the waist, the leg or shoulders. More than half the time the 18 year old blonde wasn’t even in the right position. For an hour this went on, until finally the big brown French Mastiff was panting and whining as he lay exhausted near the young temptress.

“Awww…it’s not enough for you is it?” the petite blond asked, with amusement and sympathy in her voice. Roofus, as if he understood whined in response. “I know what you want…I want it too. I’ve been thinking about it” She wasn’t teasing, my dog’s ears perked up as his whole body shifted with every labored breath. “You get so crazy…it just freaks me out..if you could just calm down..just a bit…”, she reached over and scratched his head.

Roofus paws stretched out on the ground as he pulled himself just a bit closer. He was still panting, tongue lolling to the side, drool coming out of both sides of his mouth. Katie sat up on her knees, and my boy got up with her. “Shhh..no…no..easy”, she said her hands stroking him. “Just let me see you..”, her voice trying to sooth the eager animal. Her voice and touched were calming enough, that Roofus seem content to stand there, his cock, hanging below him. The college girl reached underneath the panting dog, “It’s wet..and…red..Jesus” she exclaimed her hand on his sheath, “There’s even more in here.” My dog whined and turned his head to look at what the blonde was doing.

I changed cameras, seeing a better view of Katie’s hand. I could see under Roofus now, he seemed engorged under his sheath with only about 4 or 5 inches of his red cock hanging out. His knot was still inside, as the 18 year old’s dainty hands explored the canine’s loins. One of her hands cupped his large balls, her fingers massaging them, while other moved along his sheath. “hurrrr-hurrr”, Roofus let out a half whine and groan as the girl felt him. Though he held still, he lapped at her neck and ear a few times, as if to encourage her.

“Holy fuck”, Katie had worked the sheath back, exposing the dog’s entire length. The mastiff’s knot swelled up even more. “you’re fucking huge” she gasped, her hand carefully moving over the wet shaft. “Gawd..you’re so slimey..it’s gross….nnnnn…fucking hot..uhh this is so wrong..” she muttered lowly under her heavy breath.

Roofus was now sniffling and licking at Katie’s ear, her head tilted into him as she moaned, “mmmmm….fuhhhhh-k..that feels good.” The big dog sensed her pleasure and lapped his long tongue along the nape of her neck and ear. “nnnnnn..hhhh…it’s like you sense it makes me feel good”, her face had turned toward his lashing tongue, her mouth half open, Roofus licked in her mouth. The moment he got a taste, he lunged forward and relentlessly lapped at the girls open mouth. “MMMHhH” Katie whined with a mouthful of dog tongue, as she fell over. She didn’t turn away, even when Roofus pressed his muzzle against her lips. It was a lewd, deep kiss and the little blond accepted it, whining and moaning into the beast’s mouth. Her hands grabbed Roofus’ big head, not pushing him away, but merely attempting to keep him at bay.

The dog hovered over the blond, his muzzle pressed into her face, his tongue buried in her mouth and his drool getting all over her face. I watched in disbelief, as the two kissed deeply in the backyard. “Guhhh” Katie finally turned away after a few minutes gasping for breath. Roofus, picked his head up panting, his drool falling down on his human playmate. She lay there, undisturbed by it all. After a moment, her eyes looked at my dog’s cock. It just hung below him, a perverse sight. It was at least 8 inches of thick red shaft and big baseball sized knot bobbing below the animal.

“That’s a huge cock!” Katie sat up and just as she did, Roofus leapt up at her, his forelegs grabbing around her head and shoulders. The blonde reacted just in time, her hands reaching out, at first pushing against the dog’s chest, but then slipping underneath and wrapping around the canine’s huge penis. Roofus humped wildly into her hands. “Ughghh”, she struggled under the possessed dog, until after he had finished. For the first time, i saw clearly as he came, his sperm wasn’t as thick as a man’s, but there had been a lot of it and it had sprayed all over Katie, her face, neck and shirt. “Guhlll” she let out a disgusted sound of protest and lay back on the ground as the animal released her, only to laugh softly as she lay back, her hands moving over her breasts.

Roofus panted for a moment and then went over to Katie, licking her neck and face, lapping up his own cum. “Uhhhh gahd”, the tone of her guttural exclamations, sounded as if she were both disgusted and turned on by the dog’s attention. The large dog wasn’t finsihed and seemed as if he wanted to explore the girl in the same way she had explored him. He sniffed and at her breasts, still under the cotton shirt, then to Katie’s mid drift, where she giggle and squirmed but let the canine explore her taut little tummy. Roofus’ attention went lower, his muzzle pressing between her legs. Katie let out a deep heavy exhale, “ooooooh…you want it bad huh?!” the lust in her voice was plain. The dog’s answer was him nipping at her waist band. This time, the teasing young woman wouldn’t deny her bestial partner. Either she was lost in her own desire or just too damned curious she helped my dog pull down her leggings. They had only made it mid thigh before Roofus buried his furry snout in her pussy.

“Ahhhhhhhh fuhhhh” Katie’s hands instantly covered mouth to silence her loud high pitch gasp and cry. I could hear her moan and cry out into her hands as Roofus devoured her sex. The sound of his lapping tongue was loud and distinctive, until it wasn’t, his jowls opened and it seemed as if he might eat the girl. It looked as if he were biting her, but he wasn’t. Katie had pushed her pelvis up in the air as Roofus buried his tongue inside of her. Her hands covered her mouth, and I could hear her muffled moans. Her head moved wildly back and forth. She dropped her ass to the ground, but Roofus didn’t stop, he kept licking and eating her pussy out wildly for a little over ten minutes.

Katie lay there after, my dog trying to nudge her to get up, he was still hard and he wanted to consummate this relation. The girl’s legs were shaking and her words were slurred in a low hushed tone. “uhhh..nnn boy..hhh…fuhhhh…so…fuhhhh…gahhhh…”. She lacked the strength to get up, but her hands reached up under Roofus and she jerked him off to completion twice.

The two lay on the ground, near one another, for more than twenty minutes, Katie’s leggings still pulled half down as her hand caressed the dog. Roofus seemed to realize she wasn’t going anywhere and lay next to our blonde neighbor, letting her hands move over him. He even lie there as Katie’s fingers moved down his body. All week he had been so restless and rowdy, but now he seemed content to lay there as her hands wandered over him as she brushed her body next to his, spooning him there in the middle of my back yard.

Katie scratched Roofus’ head with one hand, while the other moved from his shoulder, along his ribs and down near his loins. “ohMmm…you have some bare skin..”, she purred, her fingers circling on his belly near his sheath, his red tip emerged again. She took her time moving her hand to his sheath, seeming to savor every part of the dog’s body. The blonde’s hand cupped around the girth of my dog’s member and pulled back his furry protection. His cock swelled further and the dog lost all patience, he jumped to his feet licking at Katie’s face, then down to her pussy again. “Ohh..hnn”, she giggled and squealed, as she wrestled to get er leggings off. Roofus couldn’t have cared less, the 18 year old’s sex was exposed and he seemed to enjoy the taste of her. He lapped at her until once more she climaxed.

They went on fumbling around with one another for nearly a half hour, until finally our neighbor, got free of her pants and shoes. Katie got onto her hands and knees for the first time and I thought this was the moment Roofus would finally take her. My dog wasted no time in leaping onto her back, the petite college girl laughed and moaned, as the big mastiff humped at her. Again, Katie denied him, she would arch her back making certain he would miss his mark, but Roofus humped at her furiously. The two of them seemed to enjoy the feeling of skin on skin, Katie coo’d and let out low moans as the dog finished on her back. “You like that better..huh boy?” she asked as my dog leaped off her and excitedly licked at her face and sniffed, licking at her ass and back.

Roofus buried his nose in our neighbor’s little ass, Katie squealed with delight once more and let out those now familiar moans, urging her would be canine lover on. Again, he mounted her, and the two repeated this dance over and over. The young blonde denying him, either out of fear of going that far, or merely working the courage to take it there. They went on again until my dog wore himself out.

After some time, they lay there on the ground, snuggling. Roofus lay his head on Katie’s stomach as she pet him, muttering sweet pillow talk to him. “Your tongue is so fucking amazing….this is so wrong…but..God help me..it feels so good.” The French Mastiff let out a low groan, as if he were answering. She giggled, “Hmmm…your fur..hhhhh”, she sighed. “That cock…I just…hhhhh…I think I’ll go crazy if i don’t try it.” She was quiet for awhile, scratching the dog’s ears. Then Roofus started to lick at Katie’s flat tummy, she lifted her shirt, her pink nipples exposed as my dog gave them a lick showing a fleeting interest in them. The 18 year old seemed disappointed when he moved away.

Roofus got up, and once more began to sniff at Katie’s pussy, licking it. She giggled again, “oooh..you wanna fuck me huh?” The large French Mastiff barked, and the little blonde got into position, as if she were surrendering. “If you get it…it’s yours”, she muttered under her breath. I had to listen to it twice to make it out, but I refused to go forward until I knew what had been said. This time, she kept her ass still, not arching her back to help, or move away. The large dog looked so much bigger than petite blonde, as his haunches grasped her. Roofus looked determined, and his hips jerked forward in rapid succession his cock prodding against the nubile young woman.

Katie coo’d and giggled as my dog struggled to find that warm wet entrance. “Hoooaaauh”, she exhaled in a groan as her head shot up and her blue eyes went wide with surprise. My boy had hit mark. I saw Roofus’ grip tighten on the blonde’s hips, pulling her little body back into him as he thrust forward, his muscles flexing. “Fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Katie whined before biting on her lower lip to quiet herself as my dog hammered into her like a machine. Among her lustful whines and squeals, I could hear the lewd wet noises of that canine cock invading her human pussy. All Katie could do was hold on as my dog fucked her. Her little fists balled up, filled with the grass she had torn from the ground.

Roofus held on and fucked her for almost 2 minutes. “Ohhhh fucking CHRIST” Katie gasped out loud, falling to the ground as my dog unceremoniously released her and hopped off.

“What was that?!” I heard a man’s voice ring out.

“Oh shit” Katie hushed her voice and sounded alarm looking at the fence that bordered my neighbor Bill’s yard. The newly taken bitch grabbed her pants and tried to get up.

Roofus, didn’t care. He simply padded around his new human bitch panting proudly, and when she tried to get to her feet and move away, he leapt up at her, eager to claim her again. “no”, she muttered. My dog ignored her, he had experienced all of her, and he wasn’t finished yet. Katie struggled, as her canine lover was all over her, but she managed, to stumble, and crawl to the shed, getting inside, before the determined beast got hold of her again.

“Hmm..must have been one of the neighbors screwing around.” Bill’s voice was faintly captured, I heard a door close.

I waited to switch to the camera in the shed, listening to the sounds captured outside. I could hear Katie groaning, along my dog as he huffed, no doubt on top of her again. I switched the camera inside and started from the moment she made it inside, with Roofus on her back knocking her on the ground. At first, she had landed flat, and whether she meant to or not, she pushed her ass up and my dog seized the opportunity and planted his dog cock back inside his new prize. His bitch’s hands covered her mouth, her blue eyes going even wider than before as Roofus frantically fucked her. This time he knotted her, after a half dozen thrusts his stroke changed, becoming more intense and even faster.

Roofus finally stopped, Katie lay her face down into the dirt floor as her arms stretched out ahead of her. Her blonde hair like a blanket falling around her head and face. Meanwhile the large French Mastiff stood triumphant above her, panting, her tongue lolling out of his mouth as he drooled onto his human lover’s back and head. They stayed like that for almost five minutes, before the still panting canine moved, trying to pull away. He only succeeded in turning and pulling the teenager back a bit.

“Uhh-ow….no-no-no-ohh no” Katie’s had head shot up and she looked back. “Ow..no stop” she groaned as Roofus tried to pull away again and reached to grab at his back legs.

It would 15 minutes before the large dog cock would come out of Katie with a loud ‘plop’, followed by the sound of liquid hitting dirt. “Ughhh gahhhd” This time the 18 year old did not sound pleased and was truly disgusted. Roofus was the complete opposite licking at the girls face. He was exhausted, but happy and trotted off to his water dish and his human sex toy put her clothes back on.

The large French Mastiff was busy hydrating himself as his newly claimed bitch made her walk of shame. Katie escaped the yard, covered in filth, not to mention the dog cum that was all over her and finally, inside of her.

The End(?)