Part One
A spiritual sequel to “The Capture of A Dog Whore” i searched for it’s sequel but it’s nowhere to be found so i tried imagining my own version. Hopefully this doesn’t offend anyone
A girl born in privilege was kidnapped and was kept in dark,cold basement with only chains around her neck with very foul smell and creepy feeling around her. A man entered and dragged her outside cleaning her with a water hose. He tried to dry her with a towel she started to scream and asked him to let her go in exchange for money.
He slapped her across the face asking her not to yell and he doesn’t need her money. He abducted her because he wanted a pet.
He took her inside and introduced her room which was plush and beautiful.just then a beautiful women entered the room
“Is this your new pet?”
The man grabbed the woman and kissed her. “Look Lydia without any training she is already behaving. I found the best submissive bitch out there”
He patted her her “aren’t you a good girl princess, yes from now on you will be called princess and you will answer to that Wil not speak ever. Comply to our orders and obey everything unless you want to go back to the basement”
Princess sunk her face down and nodded yes to her impending fate living as a animal for this deranged couple.
“See Lydia she already learning. Hope she continues to be a good girl and not feel the wrath of my punishment methods. Do you want me to hurt you princess?”
Sobbing princess knodded no
Lydia ,”well i can’t wait to introduce you to your companion and she wistled”
A huge great dane bolted into the room. Princess thought why they needed her when they already have a pet.
The man fixed her leash to the ground and ordered her to go on all fours by pulling her hair. Princess obeyed
Lydia tied a big red ribbon around her waist. Small ribbons around wrists and ankles.
Lydia introduced the dog as Zeus.
He gently explained, “Princess, I know you don’t understand why we have you here, but I will explain. You see, Zeus is family to us, and he needs the best partner we can give him, and that, my new pet, is why you are here. He’s gotten to be a big boy with needs, and we didn’t want to get him a bitch that could have pups. Plus, he needs a bitch that can submit to his desires, and a spayed bitch would not give him that.”
Lydia cut him off saying “today is his birthday and you are his present. A fucktoy for our Zeus”
Princess stared at the couple wide eyed with open mouth. Lydia shoved a gag in her mouth and he struggled to get princess in place with the collar.
Zeus got to his work with his huge tongue licking princess holes . Lydia brought a huge mirror infront of them and said “You better watch. You need to see that this is your new master, and he is shortly going to claim you as his bitch. This is it!”
Soon after Zeus fucked her good. Knott entered her . Princess was made to lap up the cum on floor later even demanded her to suck off her new master.
Once her initiation was done.lydia lifted the face of princess by pulling her hair as he removed the chain around her neck and instead replaced it with a necklace of thin gold chain with 3d printed princess in cursive at the front. He said “you won’t be leashed if you you are officially Zeus’s bitch you will let him fuck you whenever he wants. He owns you”.
She saw three bowls at the corner of the room. One was for water and other two were for the dogs of the house. Lydia filled zues’s bowl with dog food and somekind of sqeeshy mixture on the other one. Zues rushed to eat his feel princess slowly got to her bowl and started to eat without using her hands. While drinking the water the newly formed couple stared at each other.
Princess was given a comb and some products for her needs, she was instructed to keep her body completely smooth without hair, only the hair on her head is permitted.
As Lydia and her husband went to their room and princess with her master for the night. Zues fucked princess 5 times that day by the morning princess was lying on the ground life less the ribbon around her rib was ripped off as zues liked his bitch completely nude.
Next night the couple took zues inside their room and tied his leash to the bed as they were having sex pretty loudly. princess couldn’t sleep alone in her room and in desperation for love she went to their room and started to suck zues in persuasion. Zues took her invitation and fucked her aggressively. Room echoed with fuck noises from both couples when Leonard got off to drink some water after their fuck session he saw princess lying on the floor ass to ass with zues as zues was dumping his cum inside her calming his knott inside her. Leonard patted princess calling her good girl tomorrow he’ll help princess to prepare another surprise for her lover.
Leonard and Lydia fell asleep to the tune of hard pounding as zues was giving princess a sloppy seconds.
Morning Lydia connected a thin leash to princess’ s collar and led her to a chamber where she started to apply some jelly substance to princess’ s asshole and slowly she shoved a dildo in – out. Gradually she increased the pace to fucking her asshole with dildo. Once her asshole was gaping Lydia gave her an enema to clean her insides and again fucked her asshole with dildo for few seconds.
She led princess to her room where Leonard was waiting with zues. Princess was positioned infront of mirror as zues was licking her gaping hole.leonard said ” this is the surprise i said I’ll help you for your lover. Now you will submit both your holes for his pleasure”
Zues mounted her penetrating her asshole and wildly humping . princess wanted to scream because zues’s dick was bigger than the dildo and his knott was already slowly entering her but knew better than to make human noices so she just opened her mouth wide with tongue sticking out making panting noices once zues was done as usual she licked the cum on floor and even cleaned her lover’s dick.
It was already a month princess who was gifted to zues was again as usual spoiled with accessories and love.she multiple tail plugs, dog ear hair bands and paw mittens.a huge dog for her and zues to sleep in. Her products alone costed a lot. Although she was supposed shit or piss outside the house in their huge estate along with zues her overall cost had become too high.princess was back to living privileged life.
So to balance her spending Leonard and Lydia decided to put her to work earning money just like zues who used get money when he was sent as stud to breed female dogs since zues had a build of a champion. Princess was the only member in family who was not earning.
One morning Leonard replaced princess’s necklace with a generic dog collar and tied her to the ground he removed the tailplug from her ass and signalled Lydia. Princess with paw mittens and dog ear hairband could see in the mirror Lydia entering the room with another man . Lydia introduced princess to the man and said “since your maintenance cost as high we decided to whore you out to recover the money and you will obediently service your clients” the man went away and came in with a saint Bernard. For a moment after seeing another human after a long time the human in princess was hoping to have sex with human but she wasn’t to dream big. She is supposed to be a dog whore. The man bend next to princess as he helped his dog to mount her and started to hump her. In mirror she could she herself being fucked by other dog than her lover and this humiliation made her cum instantly and she couldn’t look into the eyes of zues who just entered whining watching his bitch getting fucked by another dog. He would have fought him off if he wasn’t ordered to lay low by leonard.once they was ass to ass Leonard freed her collar and once the knott subdued after 30 minutes she was to clean clients dick and lap up whatever was spilled on floor. The guy clapped and gave more money than it was discussed and left saying he’ll look forward for another session
Hence the monogamous princess was turned to a prostitute for dogs . She used to get a client in a week sometimes she used to fuck 2 – 3 clients in a day. Her videos was smash hit although her face was covered in these videos to prevent unnecessary attention from police. Princess was enjoying every bit of taking dog dicks inside holes she lived to be fucktoy to dogs but zues got depressed as his gift was now made public.
Princess had earned a fortune by satisfying around 30 clients and they decided to hold a wedding ceremony of princess and zues so as to cheer zues. Probably by parmanently marking princess as zues’s bitch. On the scheduled day they had made alter and chairs in their estate for the wedding.
Since this was going to be videographed they thought spending over the top on princess’s decoration as they are sure they’ll get double in video sales .
All her clients were invited and some friends from bdsm community were also among the guest as pregnant Lydia holding leash of zues first entered. Lydia was wearing a luxurious dress and zues had a full golden collar and a body chain of gold going from his collar and around his front legs .Everyone cheered for zues which made him really happy as he sat waiting for his bitch
Leonard in a costly tuxedo was dragging princess. Guests gasped at the beauty of the princess. Her hair was made curly and was wetted they hung pearls in between her hairs as if her hair was growing white berries.she had her usual necklace with her name and thin golden body chain from her neck to tail plug in her ass. They had a tailplug with luxurious looking white fur which was infact the cheapest item on her cheaper than the white silk stockings on her legs and arms the body chain was dangling along with her breasts which finally was connected to her new belly piercings. Her hair was kept to her right side with her left ear exposed which had 6 piercing all with a golden chain going into her hair. Her body chain had smalls round bells making sound when walked the alter
Zues couldn’t hold himself as he started licking her face as she sat next to him. The officiator read few vows and both barked in acceptance. once he said now you are dog and his bitch. You may fuck the bride zues instantly got on princess but was held back by Lydia as a tattoo artist started to write “this bitch name princess belongs to zues” on the back of her neck she was made to face audience on all fours with her mouth open tongue sticking out zues was let loose he didn’t even care to lubricate he directly penetrated his bitch and started to fuck wildly. The audience started to clapp for the show they put up as zues went ass to ass with princess he wanted more praise so he dragged his bitch down the alter and pulled in between the guests as princess was orgasming throughout guests started petting and praising zues for his work he emptied his cum inside the belly of the princess.for next three days the newly married couple were locked inside their room with bells on the body of princess ringing constantly.
Part Two
Princess was a birthday gift to a dog and then she was made a dog whore. Once zues was upset with the development to mend the matters she was married to him. Now the couple was ready to bring in their new born daughter to this world and they wanted to be a responsible parents so they gave away zues to their friend with appetite for dog cock. Although princess was not that easy to dispense so they had put up a ad in local bdsm community for her sale.
No one wanted the slave because she was kidnapped and police were actively searching for her so after a month an offer came in from Africa. A person associated with their bdsm community came accross a tribe in Africa that was looking for a girl like princess. The tribe was a rich tribe they offered half a million for princess. It was said that the chief’s son who would soon ascend the role of chief was born with a “curse of death” which would activate on his marriage to ascend as a chief he must marry so the shaman of the tribe prescribed a method where chief’s son would marry a woman and give her as a offering to animals raised in his family which are dogs for hunting and he can marry second wife to have children with her etc. Hence princess will act as the offering to house’s dogs, a Boerboel breed which can take down a lion and tall thin Sloughi.
Before handing princess over some body modifications were prescribed by the shaman, her breast were reduced to a A cup which made her nipples look big and her uterus was removed making her infertile through hysterectomy .her clitoris was enlarged to the size of pinky in foot. All these modifications to make her look less like a female so that tribe’s conscious isn’t corrupted by the fact that they are offering a girl to animals.
She was dressed in a long coat and was loaded into a private jet taking her to africa forever. In the jet she met Mr.marcus the person who mediated this sale he ordered her to remove the coat and display her body.
She dropped the coat her hair was left open with pearls in the hair similar to her wedding look, she had long laced fishnet gloves on her two arms, a lace choker instead of collar a strap came down from the middle of that choker till the end of her flat breast where another lace strap around her torso as if supporting her breasts with frills and at the joint of sternum strap and upper abdomen strap she was decorated with a two hanging woolen chew toys for dogs and abdomen strap was also lined with small bells .her legs were covered by white Victorian era stockings with frills with her bare feet exposed. Her vagina was covered by a mere scarf tied around her waist and rest of scarf hanging on her left leg. Her previous tattoos were removed and she had two olive branches on her “petit oblique” muscles pointing to her vagina. Marcus had hold back his urges to fuck her throughout the journey.
Once they landed a large crowd recieved them and princess was led to the shaman’s ritual room . On her way everyone in the village got to see the white beauty. Once in the room she was married to chief’s son as he was given the chief title a symbol of marriage a beaded necklace was tied right below her eyes with a circular centre piece lying on her nose. She was commanded to go all fours as she was led to a stage constructed in the middle of village where Boerboel breed dog was waiting for her whose name translates to “thunder bark”. Princess was made to present her ass to the dog as she faced the audience, the shaman rubbed a red powder on the head of the dog and same powder was rubbed on princess’s vagina shaman chanted something and on his command the dog mounted and on his first try penetrated her vagina and started humping like crazy . princess put up a show moaning and licking her lips as dog pounded her as her bells rang loudly . Her experienced vagina accepted his knott with ease , a tray was kept between princess’s leg to collect cum from both. It will be later dispersed infront of chief’s house to bring good luck. After her mating with “big brown” as princess remembered she was taken to a huge house where her another suitor waited she named him “thin brown” although his body was thin his dick was larger than big brown and he also after ritual from shaman roughly fucked her in front yard infront of the people. She was taken to the bed chambers of chief immediately after her second mating. Chief was made to step on her huge clit and masturbate into her mouth which would seal his death curse. Princess rightfully obeyed and lapped up cum. She was fed food and was locked inside chief’s room with two dogs who took turns fucking her and they fucked her entire night. Her bells was heard nonstop next day people of the village would shave her head clean to take her hair to their home as they believed she is the goddess of lust ascended to save their village.
For next one year she would be passed around entire village she would have one night stand with dogs who were pets in houses and stay in that house for the night. Even men who couldn’t marry because of disability like polio, retardedness and some other conditions fucked her anally and she gave blowjobs to almost all men in the village. She was the pleasure paradise of the village. By this time her hair had fully regrown her old attire had torn off . She was kept nude in a big kennel built for her and her two dog lovers outside the chief’s house.
On the third year of her service as the dog’s bitch shaman announced her retirement and although this tribe never indulged in cannibalism. On instructions from shaman she drowned in a huge bucket filled with cum collected from every male in the village she was made to kneel infront of the bucket her hands were tied behind and with few strong men holding her body still shaman took her by her hair and dipped her face into the cum and held her until she struggled for air and eventually passed out. Her body was cooked and entire village feasted on her.her bones were given to dogs even in her death she was a toy for dogs.