Being a shy young lady for most of my life, becoming a paralegal with a top law firm in my area, I was finally gaining some self esteem.

I had a nice looking body, nothing spectacular to look at, but with the help of one of the lady partners of our firm, she convinced me to get a boob job, which added a very nice set of tits, ones that I loved showing off.

A few months after I got my new look, I was enjoying going out to an all female bar every Friday evening … that was where I meant Jennifer, who slid in next to me at the bar, “Mind if I set here by you?”

She was a knock out redhead, the loose fitting top showed me a good look at an impressive set fo tits, much bigger then mine … flawless skin … Smiling, “No, not at all … please join me. I’m Nikki by the way”

We talked, laughed, all in all had a great time, finally moving to a private table where we could get to know each other better.

The drinks, hands making contact with each others bare skin, finally sharing a small kiss .. that had both of us looking at one another … then a long passionate one, that included tongues exploring one another’s mouth.

Jen slipped her hand between my legs, pulling my small thong to one side, pushing two fingers inside me, her thumb teasing my clit, quickly pumping in and out, lifting my body slightly … spiking my arousal so fast, I was closing and opening my legs, hips humping her hand …. somehow she knew exactly how to keep me on the edge …

From some where she had a small white pill in her free hand, slipping it in my mouth, not realizing what it was, I swallowed with no questions.

The unknown drug only took a few minutes to take effect … quickly washing a wave of complete submission over me. Not allowing me to enjoy the pleasure I needed, hand in hand she escorted me to her car. Once inside, a small unknown pink drink handed to me, as instructed I swallowed all of it. A attractive lady came up to the drivers side, leaning in the window, kissing my new companion …”Oh this one looks like just what they need” My hand bag and keys were given to her … when she located my car, “I’ll meet you in a couple of hours … have fun” A final kiss … left nothing to be imagined, these two were lovers and I was being kidnapped, but the drink and the pill left me unable to become frightened or worried – it was just a pleasant wave of pure bliss washing over me, I was able to ask her what was happening to me.

While we were driving she told me about a researcher working in Mexico, trying to discover a way to have bulls more sexually aggressive. Their ability to breed has always been hindered by their lack of interest. He had a few bulls and a couple fo cows, was being paid well, but had a wife who was never satisfied by anything he did, where they lived – so far away from a town and the most important problem, why his penis was so small. She complained about this all the time. Despite this constant irritation, he discovered what looked like a break through … then an evil thought hit him. Injecting a bull with his new drug, rushing in the house, spraying the complaining bitch in the face with a zombie like drug – helping her into the barn, securing her to a pre-made stall, one that opened her pussy up, but protecting her body from the bulls massive weight.

The bull was feeling the full effects of the new drug, his wife stripped nude, also coming out of the spray he’d delivered …trying to get loose … “What the fuck have you done to me? This is the end, I’ll have you arrested, you’ll regret the moment you meant me … “

Slapping her ass .. “You’ve complained about my cock not being big enough, so I think I have the remedy for you … “ The bulls cock was hanging like a horses shaft, he was moving towards the two of them, sniffing her ass … the researcher had applied the scent of a cow in heat gel .. that was all it took, jumping up on the structure, his huge cock found it’s mark immediately, sinking the shaft, all three feet of it deep inside her. She was screaming, crying, trying to twist away, but nothing was helping … He was on her for a short time, when he loaded her full of his seed. What he didn’t know the seed had been changed by the shot the given him.

Liquid dripping between his wife’s legs, teasing her nipples … “What do you think, was that cock big enough for you?”

Tears running down her cheeks, “I’m so sorry, I never meant anything by that, please forgive me and let me loose, I’ll never say anything again … please let me go”

He was about ready to release her restraints, when the beast returned again, easily mounting
.. filling her once again with his seed, but this time when he pulled out, very little liquid followed his cock out. He also noticed this time his wife wasn’t crying, her eyes were sexually hazed over, her bottom twisting from side to side … she was really turned on.

He had no idea what was happening, so he decided to let her stay and see what effects would take place. By the end of the day, the huge creature had mounted her three more times, each time very little seed seeped out. The bulls normal reaction was unheard of .. so he decided to let her stay for the night, then he laughed, “Tonight my love I won’t be hearing you complain – maybe you’ve had as much cock as you’ll ever want”.

The following morning he was in total shock. First the bull was back on her, her eyes had lost all focus, she had no idea who I was or even if I was there. Her normally large boobs, were now huge in size, at least double what they had been, the nipples were leaking a creamy liquid, she was lactating. Pumping her tits, taking the strange liquid to his lab, that is where he discovered its unbelievable make up.

Taking some to a local bar, one of the working girls agreed to have him slip some of it in a guys drink. When she took him to a private room, he ended up giving her just over $2,000 for a $25 fuck … That was when he contacted the drug lord who owned well over a hundred bars.

The strange liquid when given to a male, his joy for being able to fuck his companion, an intense feeling of gratitude washed over him, driving him to share his wealth with his new partner.

The drug lord could see the potential with this drug, becoming a partner with him, hIs research ranch was equipped with six custom stalls … three bulls being injected with his drugs … his wife and two other ladies have been turned into human milking cows to start. The drugged bulls fucked them on a regular basis, their boobs are being pumped regularly .. unfortunately the new milk cows wear out after about six months .. that was when his wife was sold to one of the local bars … her pussy was permanently damaged.

That’s when it hit me, I was on my way down there to replace one of the girls who had worn out. My captor and her girl friend were able to live comfortably from the special girls she finds for the drug cartel.

But none of this made any sense, people weren’t captured turned into milking slaves … this had to be a joke of some kind … we went inside her place, I was stripped nude, placed a slave tunic in place of the clothes I had on … then injected with a pre-filled syringe of a substance plunging me into a zombie like creature.

The girl friend came home, apparently getting rid of my car as well as any trace of me, I was helped in the back seat … I vaguely remember crossing the border … several hours later pulling into a large gated ranch. A tall good looking Mexican gentleman greeted us, opening up the back door … looking at me, “OMG ladies you’ve brought me a perfect one this time … “ Handing them a briefcase .. as well as an envelope … “The extra is in the envelope … you’ve done perfect this time .. we’ll see you in a few months”

The drugs I had been given were beginning to wear off, enabling me to know I was in trouble, but still not having complete control of my body … Being led into a closed off section of a large barn … that’s when I saw three women, all in stalls, heads secured in rings all were padded so each one could rest their heads and necks … the arms were secured to the front rail supporting their necks .. but what alarmed me most, all three of them had huge tits, much bigger than any porn star I’d ever seen. All were supported by some type of pump, continually pumping a creamy looking liquid out of each one. They saw me being escorted by, but their eyes were blank, not recognizing anyone or anything. Behind them in an open pen, three large bulls were munching on some hay, all had their cocks hanging down between their legs … suddenly one moved to one of the girls, jumping up on the structure protecting the three females … watching in horror as his huge shaft slipped inside her, pumping a few times, then emptying his contents deep inside … Just like Jennifer had said, nothing flowed out of her, when he pulled away. I knew how much seed a full sized bull deposits … that was when all of this hit me, pulling away …”No, no, please no, I don’t want any of this. If you’ll let me go, I promise I won’t tell anyone what I’ve seen, please don’t do this to me”

He was holding a long metal rod of some sort, placing the tip on my bare waist, a sudden shock shot through me, dropping me to the ground. Three young ladies who had been bottling the liquid in an adjacent room, quickly came out, helped me to the empty 4th stall, securing me in place … he lubed up my pussy with some sort of a gel like substance, then swatting my ass … “This will make them think you’re in heat, once one of them takes you, you’ll smell like a bitch in heat all the time, you’ll enjoy it more then you think right now”

Twisting and turning, it only took a few minutes for me to realize I wasn’t getting free, but when they were securing me in my stall, I noticed one large bull was watching closely. He had moved behind me, his tongue licking between my legs, damn near made me explode from how rough it was but also how much area it covered.

What was about to happen hit me with full force, I was being checked to see if I was ready to be fucked by an animal ..but not only an animal a bull, a full sized bull. Screaming, trying to shake my arms, shouting at him to go away, but everything I did was useless, looking at his eyes -it was obvious he was as dazed out as the ladies by my side.

I kept screaming, begging for someone to help me, but I went silent when he jumped up on the device I was encaged in, at the same time a huge cock of untold length found it’s mark, sliding easily inside me. So many reactions took feeling that thing buried deep inside me; first it was so big, it didn’t hurt, but it filled me way beyond anything I’d ever thought possible. Second, I couldn’t figure out why this was happening to me, why I was picked by that witch to seduce me … and third, being more then ashamed, what he was doing by pumping that monster in and out of me, was turning me on.

Consequently, my whole body began shaking, the much needed pleasurable release I had needed for such a long time, washed over me … leaving me panting and exhausted. Unlike normal bulls which impregnate as soon as they are inside the female – then pulls out just as fast, this one kept inside me, pumping loads and loads of seed … once he was finished – he stayed in me, kept moving back and forth inside me. The long time in me, the warmth of his seed, triggered a second explosion, causing me to to completely collapse … every fiber in my body was exhausted.

I have no idea how long he stayed in me, I only know he was triggering small mini explosions, leaving me even more spent … when he did pull out, it felt like a ton of liquid run down my legs.

That was different then I’d seen when I came in, but nothing was making any sense to me I have no idea how long it had been since he’d seduced me, a slow strange new feeling started to come over me. Something was happening in my body, first my stomach felt funny, my boobs started tingling, nipples began aching … I couldn’t figure out what was happening. But before I could analyze what it was, a second bull came up behind me, this time no licking – he just jumped up on my back, that wonderful cock filling me again.

Dropping my head, realizing I’d never climaxed more then two times in a full day, but as soon as he was in me, my body exploded again. Like before the feeling of his warm cum triggered a second one with him, followed by more – while he like the first one, kept in me, moving that wonderful shaft in and out. However, when he pulled out, nothing ran down my legs … I’d felt him empty a load in me, but nothing came out, all I could figure was it had been absorbed by my body.

A few minutes after he pulled out, a warm wave of pure relaxed pleasure washed over me … this was a new feeling, something I’d never experienced before. The problem with being used by an animal was all gone now, being kidnapped gone, feeling so wonderful except for my boobs. They were beginning to feel heavy, ache .. some throbbing … but it was late in the evening, no lights in the barn .. my eyes slowly closed, slipping me into a much needed sleep.

Despite my sleeping conditions, the way I was secured to a breeding device for bulls, my whole body relaxed, enjoying a good restful sleep.

Jolted out of a pleasant dream when one of the bulls slipped his cock deep inside me. I guess they’re all horny in the morning, all but one of the girls was moaning … this time his shaft felt so good in me, like I’d been missing it for a long time. A few strokes and I started the day with a massive climax, touching every cell in my body. My tits felt different, but what he was doing to me was so enjoyable, I had lost the ability to focus …

How long he stayed in me, unknown, how many times I had the wave of sexual pleasure wash over me, again unknown. HIs warm seed stayed in me, like the previous day .. making me moan when he pulled all the way out. The empty feeling, making me missing him.

Total embarrassment came over me, what was happening, I now loved one of them being in me – glancing around, moving my bottom, trying to attract a second companion to enjoy what I had to offer … that was when I noticed my tits.

They were huge, hanging down from my body, filled full of the same liquid, I assume the other cow-girls had … one of the female assistants came over, aligning my food tray for me, so I could easily eat …”OMG you’re ready to be milked, we didn’t think you’d be ready this soon. Give me a few minutes and I’ll get the pumps hooked up so we can reduce some of your pressure”

Watching her get my pumps, hooking them up to the emptying lines going into the small room, then fitting one pump on each of my boobs … as soon as she turned them on, the feeling triggered a new pleasurable feelings rushing between my legs .. I could feel myself become more moist then I had been …

The pumps had me in an erotic haze, when a huge animal jumped up, as always mounting me easily … his pounding, my tits being pumped stared to zone me out … now I knew why my sister cow girls looked as if they weren’t aware of what was happing to them.

I ate when hungry, drank water when thirsty, erotically turned on by being pumped and enjoying multiple orgasms when the bulls were fucking me … life couldn’t ever be better then it was right now.

The End