(c) 2012 by tigerbaby665

Rajah woke with a start, as the door to the princess’ chamber slammed shut. This nightly occurrence was becoming all too common, now that Aladdin had assumed a more active role as Sultan-leaving little time for him to tend to other, more personal matters. “Some husband you’re turning out to be, my love,” Jasmine muttered under her breath. She stormed across the room toward the bath, strewing her silky garments across the room in her haste to undress. “Another royal tour extended. I cannot believe the nerve of that boy. No contact for two weeks, and now he sends word that he’ll be away at least another more'” the princess huffed, bending over to ignite the incense surrounding her bath. “I appreciate that he’s taking his role as sultan seriously, but…I guess I just didn’t expect us to lose contact so quickly,” she admitted, revealing the true emotion behind her anger.

Removing her dainty sandals and placing them in her wardrobe, Jasmine continued undressing, trying to focus on the relaxing bath to come instead of the pent up frustration with her husband. Finally discarding her billowy pants, Jasmine stepped toward the bath, testing the water with a swish of her hand. “Still warm…Alia must have expected me back late again,” she said smiling gently to herself. With Aladdin off taking care of matters abroad, Jasmine had been left with the responsibility of tending to the daily upkeep of the palace and kingdom alike. While she had many advisers to aid in these tasks, she was undoubtedly still under a great deal of stress. Throughout it all, however, Jasmine had been able to count on her young handmaiden, Alia, to look after Jasmine’s personal matters-the relaxing nightly baths being just one of the small comforts that Alia saw to ensuring for the princess.

Allowing her mind to drift after relaxing in the warm water, Jasmine’s subconscious desires began to rise to the surface. Stroking her smooth skin, Jasmine thought back to many of the lovemaking sessions she had shared with Aladdin. She yearned for intimate contact, something she hadn’t experienced in the last month or so, with Al constantly occupied with matters of running the kingdom. Brushing her fingers along the silky outline of her sex, Jasmine felt a tingling sensation growing in the depths of her body. Could she allow herself this small pleasure? Would she feel guilty, giving in to her physical desires behind her husband’s back? Surely he had not remained completely true to her, on the journeys away-could she not enjoy herself as well? Tossing these questions around in her head, Jasmine had already begun to stroke and caress the folds of her steadily warming vagina without the conscious approval of her mind. She gasped aloud when she came to and realized that she had already inserted two of her dainty fingers into the moist chamber of her pussy, and had been steadily massaging core of her sex for quite some time.

“My princess, is something the matter?” called the handmaiden Alia, as she pushed open the door to Jasmine’s bath and stepped inside. Alia’s delicate hands flew to cover her mouth as she realized the scene she had just interrupted, her golden bracelets sliding down her skinny arms, exposing the soft, gentle skin of a girl who had never experienced a day of actual labor. Her face immediately blushed to a deep red as she gazed upon the princess sliding her fingers knuckle deep into her moist pussy, mouth hanging open with one leg draped over the edge of the tub . Jasmine had finally given into her pent-up physical desire. “No! Nothing, it’s nothing really, just go-I’m fine really!” she blurted out, attempting in vain to disguise what she had been doing moments before the handmaiden had interrupted. “You’re dismissed to your chambers until the morning, Alia, go rest yourself. I’m fine here really just a little slip in the bath, but I’m fine so you don’t need to be concerned at all really!” The handmaiden turned immediately to face the door, incredibly embarrassed at what she had witnessed. “Yes princess, right away!” And with that, Alia had vanished.

The princess’ pet tiger, Rajah, meanwhile, had been having thoughts of his own. As the guardian of the royal princess, Rajah had been staying up nightly until Jasmine had returned to her chamber, had been kept up even further by her constant complaining and moaning about her husband’s absence, and had still maintained his regular patrol of the courtyard and gardens. Understandably then, Rajah was getting quite fed up with the situation. The smell of sex emitted by the princess’ toying, however, had activated something primal in the animal. He realized immediately the core of the princess’ unhappiness-she needed to be fucked. Rajah had always thought himself the true master around the palace, anyway. Who was called when an intruder needed to be tracked down? Who was responsible for securing the hallways and royal chamber every evening? Rajah was, of course. He would simply have to take responsibility for the sexual maintenance of the princess, as well. Mulling this about in his head as the princess was bathing, Rajah had come to a decision. It was time to make Jasmine his bitch, once and for all.

Deeply humiliated, Jasmine rose from the tub and began to pat herself dry. “I should have known better..what a stupid idea. How can I possibly face her tomorrow?” the princess asked herself. While she was trying to find a better explanation to offer Alia, however, Raja was silently making his move. As the princess bent at the waist to pat dry her long, tanned legs, the tiger pounced. His giant front paws landed squarely on the princess’ back with great force, causing Jasmine to buckle at the knees and sink down to the floor of her bath. “Rajah, no! You hurt me, boy” she cried out in anger, turning her head around to glare at the massive beast.

What she saw, however, left her speachless. While she was certainly no stranger to sex, or to the male anatomy in general, Jasmine was in no way prepared for the sight before her now. Dangling, swaying gently to and fro between her pet’s powerful legs was a cock at least twice as thick as her delicate royal wrist, and easily the length of her forearm. The monstrous thing easily dwarfed any cock she had experienced before-from her darling Aladdin’s to those of the visiting royal princes she had “serviced” in her younger days.

She was in such a state of shock from the mere sight of it that she failed to react, or even truly understand, when the tiger suddenly reared back with his hind legs to slide his thick member along her firm bottom, laying its length between her shapely cheeks until his fur covered balls came to rest gently against her still moist vagina. “Rajah, what are you doing? You know better than you interrupt me in the bath!” she awkwardly scolded, pushing up with her forearms to lift her body off the floor.

Rajah, however, had a different game in mind. Letting out a low but forceful growl, he once more slammed his paws down on the princess’ shoulders, effectively pinning her to the floor of the bath. At the same time, this forced Jasmine to thrust back with her hips pushing her rear end even further against the tiger’s warm balls. She could feel the warmth of his beastial member laid out along her back. Jasmine realized, in this moment, what Rajah had in mind. He had surely caught a whiff of sex as she had toyed with herself in the tub. Never encountering a female tiger in heat before, she could understand how her smell would be confusing to the tiger, but this? She had to end it immediately, before it escaladed out of control.

His thrusting, though… She could feel his length sliding between the toned cheeks of her ass as he thrust back and forth, unsure of where to progress from here. And his swaying balls…the feeling of arousal that began to pulse through her body every time they rocked forward, slapping against her delicate sex and immediately pulling away, teasing her. She knew this had to be wrong…this was her tiger, afterall…an animal. But the feeling of complete submission that washed over her, forcing her to relinquish control, to just give in to the beast’s advances…it all felt so natural…and so good. She felt a drop of wetness on the tip of the tiger’s cock, about halfway up her back. As his forceful thrusting continued, she could feel the moisture spread, coating her back with his sexual fluids. He moved one of his paws from her shoulder to her fragile hand, further asserting his dominance over her. The cold stone floor pressing against her perky nipples, rocking her breasts back and forth with the pacing of the tiger’s thrusts…It was all too much for her to process at once.

This went against everything she had been taught about morality, yet the feeling of the massive male behind her, using her body for his own selfish enjoyment felt so…liberating. Looking behind her once more, the sight was too much for the princess to take. Rajah’s back haunches were at least twice the width of her own athletic rear end, and the sight of his massive hanging balls as they rubbed against her most private of areas sent chills of terror though her body. Each was easily the size of her balled fist, and his back legs were no less than three times the width of her slender calves. This had to be stopped. Considering the incredible size advantage he had on her, he could easily take advantage of her small frame, already pressed firmly to the floor beneath him.

Resolving herself, she pushed her body up at the tiger with all of her might. With the majority of his weight positioned on the princess’ ass, Rajah was forced to concede control of Jasmine’s upper body. She managed to sit almost upright on her knees, and gave a massive lunge forward with her remaining strength.

Her arms landed with a splash in the cooling water of her tub. She had done it! She could feel the arousal still burning within her, but without the tiger forcing his virile member against her youthful body, she would at least be able to resist. How had she even gotten into that situation? She would have to be more careful in the future, and move Rajah into a room of his own to avoid any furth-

Angered at this sudden defiance, Rajah leapt forward onto the kneeling princess, growing intensely as he forced his muzzle against her cheek. Chills. She had never expected such aggression from her beloved pet. Was this to be her end? The she felt it-the sudden change in position had forced the tiger’s engorged cock to drop free from her ass, and was now positioned squarely at the lips of her aroused pussy. “Rajah no!” she cried out. She tried to wheel around, but was too late. As the tiger gave a tentative, questioning thrust forward, he moved his paw to press down forcefully on the middle of the princess’ back, the other landing on the back of her neck, just below her head. As he thrust forward with his powerful haunches once more, the weight of his upper body (now shifted forward so there would be no repeats of her last escape) drove the princess face first into her bath water.

Panicking, Jasmine began to thrash about wildly, desperate to free herself enough to rise above the water and breathe. Her flailing hands found the edge of the tub in front of her, but she was too drained of energy to rise directly against the animal’s strength. She had only one direction to go-back. Feeling Jasmine willingly impale herself on the first four inches of his cock, Rajah was encouraged. He knew the bitch would come around to accepting her new master in time. Sputtering for what little air she was afforded now, perched precariously a scant few inches above the water, Jasmine felt as though the beast were splitting her in two. Never before had she felt this stretched before…this full. She had to accept her submission to the animal, or risk drowning as he fucked her lithe body anyway. The acceptance of her new position, of her complete and utter surrender to this…to this animal…sent a wave of fire through the Princess’ young body. She was a toy now, and nothing more. She had to be, if she wanted to live. A living cock sheath for the animal’s raging desire…at least for the moment.

“Rajah! Rajah…I-I submit!” she conceded, thrusting her burning loins back, driving a good half of the tiger’s cock deep within her feminine folds. It had to be done if she wanted to breathe, right? But the feeling was …incredible. Could this really be her true place in the world? Royal cock-slave to a lowly beast? Her mind screamed no, revolted at the notion of living for nothing but the worship of the dominant animal’s cock. But her body…her body knew the truth. “Claim me, boy. Claim your princess!” she screamed out in ecstasy, her mind focused on nothing now aside from taking the rest of the tiger’s member into her athletically toned body. Sweat glistened across the young girl’s entire body, as Rajah gazed down to evaluate the scene below him. Here was his master turned pet, her tight young figure bent in submission to his aggression and calling out for him to assert his control…his ownership of her. In a matter of minutes, her had broken her mind. Shattering all she had known, all she had desired before…they both knew that she felt only one thing in this moment-a burning desire for her master to use her body as he please.

Her hips swayed gently back and forth on the first half of his member, unable, in her position, to force any more of his thick cock into her welcoming pussy. She curled her delicate toes with passion, and indeed her entire calves were tensed up, her heels now pressing firmly against the tiger’s rear, welcoming him home. Though she was only able to pant for breath at this point, she couldn’t scream her desire for him any louder than she already was. With a mighty thrust, Rajah sunk another quarter of his hot member into the girl, causing her to cry out in appreciation. “I’m yours Rajah, I’m all yours boy. Use me, please Rajah I need to have you!” He slid back out, leaving nothing but the tip inside the young princess. “No boy please, don’t tease your pet any longer. Claim my body as yours and let me feel your manhood filli-”

With a great roar, Rajah slammed forward with all of his might, burrowing his massive cock firmly into the princess’ tight snatch. The incredible impact of the blow, however, sent Jasmine plummeting once more into the soapy water below the pair. Her head now held firmly under the water by the tiger’s massive paws, she could feel Rajah stretching her to the absolute limit. She could only imagine what the sight would look like were she able to lift her body above the water. A fully grown tiger, his massive body easily dwarfing that of the petite young princess, bending her body over a bath, with only the lower half of her visible as the animal thrust his bestial cock violently into her spasming and contracting pussy-fucking her, literally, into submission. She could feel the bulge of his cock in her body as his balls slammed repeatedly against her clit. Would the budge of his cock be visible inside of her? As the animal continued his reckless fucking of the fragile little girl, Jasmine could feel her breath slowly running out. How long had she even been held under? It seemed like he had been fucking her for an eternity, lost in fantasy as her body was turned into nothing more than a toy to be manipulated for the tiger’s enjoyment. She sensed his orgasm coming on-she could feel his thrusts becoming more urgent as the massive cock swelled and pulsed within her own body, driving her crazy and setting her sensitive little clit on fire.

As she finally accepted these were to be her final moments-fucked to death, literally, by her former pet tiger, she felt the beast’s cock explode within her depths. He shifted his paws to her delicate hips to slam into her with a powerful final thrust as he cemented his throbbing prick securely withing her deepest reaches. She could feel his warm tiger cum filling what felt like her entire body. The tingling sensation that swept over her body was ecstatic-the single most powerful feeling of her life. She realized it then-that she was cumming around her tiger’s cock. They were sharing an orgasm, princess and beast. As her already tight vagina contracted powerfully around Rajah’s throbbing member, milking his virile balls for every ounce of precious animal cum, the small girl’s mind was at last completely broken. She didn’t even care whether she lived through the assault or not as this point. She has served her purpose, and she could feel her warm reward slowing dripping from her body and down her trembling legs.

Having finally broken the bitch of her own will, Rajah released the girl from the water. The beast removed his cock from her body with a barely audible “pop,” before his massive load of cum exploded from her tight confines. She felt a second orgasm sweeping over her body at this sensation, her pussy contracting and once more forcing liters of tiger cum out of her exhausted cunt and down her body, pooling on the floor beneath her. Finally giving in to her mental and physical exhaustion, her body slid down the side of the bath, wet skin dragging down the stone walls as her body collapsed to the floor like a used doll laid aside after play. Breathing a final sigh of relief, the princess’ body crumpled to floor, tiger cum pooling around her spent body and coating her clammy skin. Her rape finally over, she blacked out in the massive pool of her master’s jizz.

The End