(c) 2012 by Ossify

I needed a summer job this year, as my part time job when the university was in session didn’t work me enough hours for me to save any money up. I found an add online for a small horse farm position this was awesome as i always loved horses and have always wanted to own one but never had the chance. When i talked to the Jones the farmer on the phone he said it was fine that i didn’t have that much experience and he would be able to show me the ropes pretty quick. i was going to be his only stable hand this year and that he needed someone willing to stay at the farm full time. I was ok with this as i needed a place to stay when my classes where up. He said I had the job as long as the horses liked me and where ok with me being there so he invited me out a few weeks before my classes where up so i could meet him and the horses and see how it goes.

I arrived at his house about thirty minuets late. I got out of my car and heard some noise over in the bar. I started that way hoping to find Jones and Explain to him that i had gotten lost on the way to his Farm but that i still wanted to meet him and the horses.

“Hello, Jones are you in there? its Noah” i called out.

“Yeah, over here. just come on in” Jones replied. I walked into the barn and saw that there where two horses out in the middle all saddled up and another six horses in stalls on the sides of the barn. I saw a big hallway going to the back of the barn where there looked to be a indoor wash rack. Then i saw Jones, my fist impression was of strength. he had a very tan face with some laugh lines just starting to come in some dish water blonde hair tied back in a little pony tail and some piercing green eyes. now I’m not often attracted to guys but he just struck me as very handsome, sexy even in a nice rough and rugged way. He was a few inches taller than me prolly a little above six feet to my five ten. He walked over to me as i stood to look at him and the barn. as he got closer he looked me up and down and got a little smirk on his face as the first thing he said to me was, “You look a lot better in person than on the phone Noah. Even if you are late.” i didn’t know how to respond. i just stared at him and the horses dumbfounded. what had this guy meant when he said that? did he think i looked good to? Jones spoke again to break my awkward pause. “well as you guessed I’m Jones, nice to meet you Noah. I had hoped you would be here to help saddle the horses, but that’s fine we can just move on and let you get to know them some before we take them out.”

Well now that that had given me a chance to get over my surprise at my attraction to him. “Its nice to meet you too Jones, I’m sorry for being late i got a little lost on the way to your farm. What do you want me to do first?” I asked as i started to walk with him to the horses.

“Its ok that you got lost, everyone does.” Jones replied “Now as far as what i want you to do first, just walk up to the horses here at the nose and slowly put your hand on there head and then move your hand down there neck as you walk around them and just let them get a feel for you.” While Jones directed me i Slowly moved around the horses, getting my first good look at them. They where simply Beautiful, and amazing, I loved them at first sight. “The first Stallion here, name is Noble and the second is Joey.” Jones pointed out as i moved over to look at the second Horse.

After awhile I was so adsorbed in looking at the Horses that i didn’t notice Jones standing back and just staring at me with an interesting look in his eye. “Did I do something wrong” i asked.

Jones smiled real big. “Nope absolutely nothing wrong with you, want to go for a ride with them?”

“Hell yes” i said not able to contain my enthusiasm.

He moved over beside me next to Joey. “need some help up?” he ask while i was eying the saddle. “sure i replied”. Jones then hold out his hand so i could step on them to get up on the saddle. When i tried to swing my leg over i didn’t quit get all the way over on the saddle. before i could righten myself i felt Jones hand run up my leg and push on my ass to get me in the saddle. I was startled that he grabbed my ass like that and when he stepped back i happened to glance down and swear i saw a bulge in his jeans. Before i could think more on it just then he lept up into Noble’s saddle and then we where off just like that with Joey following Nobles lead.

It was so hot out side our ride didn’t last long last even though i was over two hours. The whole time we where ride all i could think about was him grabbing my ass as he pushed me into the saddle. I was sure now that that was a bulge in his pants. I Was just getting hornier and hornier as the ride went on, between the nice gentle relaxing pace Jones set and the lul in the conversation after Jones had pointed out a few key things when the ride started. Now we where heading back to the barn and i was super horny and i was very hard.

When we when coming up to the barn doors Jones looked back and i swear saw how hard i was. “Normally after we get done with a ride we unsaddle the horses and brush them out.” he instructed while he developed his smirk again. I just nodded not trusting myself to speak. We arrived in the barn and both of us jumped down and now it was very obvious that i was hard with a tent in my own jeans i tried to turn around before Jones looked but wasn’t fast enough.

“I see you really like the my Horses” he said as he winked at me.

Now I was so embarrassed that i just blurted out “Oh ya and you too” and turned even more red as i realized what i had just said.

Jones just smiled “I’m glad to hear it i like you too, now on to unsaddling the horses” He moved over to where i stood next to Joey and pointed at each buckle and told me to undo it. After i had it off he quickly removed Noble’s saddle.

“Theses saddles we just put over here on theses racks” he said as he pointed out the empty rack by the barn door. While walking back from the racks he picked up a couple brushes and handed me one.

“this is how i want you to brush the horse after a ride” as he showed me how to just gently run the brush along the horses hair. I waked over to Joey and started brushing him like Jones had shown me. The brushing was very soothing and relaxing and i soon forgot that just a few moments ago i was very embarrassed. Then the most interesting thin happened, as i was lost in my own little world brushing Joey, i leaned down to brush his stomach and saw his cock for the first time. It was enormous, i just stood there and stared at it and felt my own cock start to harden the longer i stared but i couldn’t look away.

Suddenly Jones grabbed my ass and i jumped. As i turned around to face him he just smiled and said “Now its shower time, i have a large shower over at the corner of the barn we could use to clean up a bit. All i could manage was a hoarse “OK”. I couldn’t believe Jones had just caught me staring at his Horses cock and didn’t say anything.

As soon as we got over to the shower Jones started stripping down and then looked over at me just standing there watching him. “you going to shower or what?” he prodded, as he finished removing his underwear. “umm ya” i responded as i couldn’t help but notice his semi hard cock as he stepped into the large shower. Now i was excited, maybe he was liking that he caught me with a hard on. I smiled as i got undressed imagining what it would be like to feel Jones cock in my mouth. As i walked into the shower Jones was standing with his back against the wall with his eye closed letting the water run down the front of him. His cock was now fully hard and i couldn’t help my self. i walked over to him and ran my hand over his cock really lightly to see what he would do.

“I Have been waiting for this all day” Jones said as he opened his eyes and looked at me. “what do you want to do with what you just touched Noah?”

I knelled down in front of him and whispered “i want to suck your cock until you cum in my mouth”. I was getting hard as i said that and licked my lips as i lowered my mouth down onto his shaft.

“Oh……. ya…….. Noah get my cock deep in your mouth” he moaned as i ran my tongue done the side of his cock.

“you like sucking cock don’t you Noah?” he asked as i pushed his cock to the back of my throat.

“oh.. yes.. ” i mumbled around the large head of his cock. I was now rock hard and reaching down to play with my own cock. Jone’s cock felt so good in my mouth, i loved how i could almost but not quite get his whole cock into my mouth. his was the biggest cock i had the pleasure of so far.

Jones reached down and shoved my head onto his cock as much as it would go done. “Oh.. ya.. suck my cock,” he moaned ” you want it in your ass, don’t you Noah, you want to be fucked by my hard cock?” Jones asked breathlessly as he released my head.

“Oh god yes” i replied “fuck me deep in my asshole”

Jones pushed my head back down saying “i only fuck sluts in the ass Noah, you a slut?”

“yes” i gurgled around his cock

“You can’t be a slut unless you suck a cock while i fuck your ass Noah” he replied as i looked up, seeing a smirk on his face.

I pulled his cock out of my mouth and asked “But there isn’t anyone else here, how are you going to fuck me?” He replied “There is another cock that you where looking at earlier i want you to suck on.”

I couldn’t believe what i was hearing, did he really want me to suck on the horses cock while he fucked me? As soon as that though ran through my head i wanted to do it, i was so horny and wanted to get fucked so bad i would do anything.

“you want me to suck on Joey’s cock?” i asked

“yes Noah, I want to fuck your ass hard while you suck on Joey’s huge horse cock.” As Jones said this he guided me up and out of the shower. there i saw Joey again and his cock was still hanging out all the way. I couldn’t believe i was going to do this. suck on this horses cock. every step we took i wanted to do it more and more. just run my hands over its huge length and taste his cock as i ran my tongue all over it until he cums in my mouth.

When i got to joey my hands trembled as i went down on my knees and had his cock right next to my face. “its so big” i said to no one in particular, all i could think about was this huge cock in front of me. I reached out and slowly ran my trembling fingers up hes shaft to his huge balls and just cupped his balls with one hand as i leaned in to bury my face in his balls. they felt like velvet against my face with his warm cock laying against my shoulder. I licked his balls and marveled at the taste. I tried to suck on of his balls in my mouth but they where too big. after that i just ran my hand back down his shaft and tasted him all the way down as i licked his cock balls to head.

“Oh ya, you slut suck on his cock” Jones said as i felt him position himself behind me. I finally got my mouth over the head of joeys cock and started to circle it with my tongue and pump my hands along his shaft. Then i felt Jone’s cock against my ass, i moaned into the horses cock as i felt the pressure on my asshole increase until l felt Jones slide into my ass.

“Oh ya you ass feels so good” joey said as he started pumping his cock in and out of my ass.

I was in heaven, this felt so good. i had never experienced anything like this before. IT felt so naughty to be doing this, but that just made it even more sexier as Jones moaned and thrust his cock in me over and over again slapping his balls against mine.

All the sudden Jones thrusted as hard as he could pushing his cock deep in my ass. I felt him cum there deep in my ass as he moaned really loud. I moaned as i felt his cock soften in my asshole and eventually pull out. His cum ran down my ass an onto my balls and cock to drip all over the floor. I could tell he had just dumped a massive load into me.

While i continued to suck on Joey’s amazing cock. Jones rolled over and got under me and took my rock hard cum covered cock into his mouth. I was so close to cumming now. Just as i thought that i felt Joeys cock bounce and suddenly he cam and shot out a huge load of horse cum all over my face. It felt so good i just rubbed his cock up and down with my hand as his cum sprayed me again in the face i came The hardest i ever have and released my self into Jones waiting mouth.

After Joey came on me i just rubbed his cock gently as it slowly receded into him.

Jones sat done next to me and said “That was amazing, I cam so much inside you”

” I know” i responded “It was amazing i cant wait to do it again.”

To be continued?