What the Shinskoku elders told me, they found me wrapped in warm blankets, left on the doorstop of their Shinto worship and training facility – a small note attached, translated saying, “Please raise this special little warrior to be afraid of nothing, able to achieve any task placed before her”

I’m told they looked at me for a long time – each one received the same vision, directing them to raise me as a Kunoichi or female Ninja .. one that would represent the monastery with honor and wisdom.

Since they all had received the same impression, I was immediately moved into this training program starting with the things I ate, special prayers and as I grew, physical training would start as soon as I began to move on my own.

My first memories started when I was around 4 or 5 years old … my day started with a vigorous exercise, followed by an hour weapon training, sword training … then specific weapons in the afternoon. Swimming, gymnastics were added on various days … all in all my life consisted of making me into a hardened lady Ninja, preparing me for unknown difficulties that would come our way in the future.

By the time I entered my teens, several things had taken place: First, I was becoming extremely skilled in combat, I had been advanced to the adult training group. Second, my body started changing early, enlarging my breasts, the olive skin deepening, the training had started to make me into a very attractive young lady and finally third, my combative skills were becoming almost impenetrable to anyone who came against me.

The training and skills continued to be sharpened, until by the time I was in my early twenties, becoming a full fledged Ninja was awarded to me … specific duties to guard the monastery at all costs, against all who threatened our future.

Just after I had officially entered this new position, we were faced by a human looking demon – one goal in view, to destroy all of the male Shintos who worshiped at this facility.

He had a special ability to transform himself into an exact duplicate of a female each priest had secretly kept in their mind, sometimes in the privacy of their own room, secretly giving themselves pleasure, dreaming of what it would be like to be with this stunning creature.

Once he had the male alone, changing into a perfect image of what he has often dreamed of, the demon seduced him, eventually when he was at his lowest and most exhausted state, the poor humble servant was killed.

Several of the members had suspiciously passed away, before we figured out what had happened … that was when I was alerted to see if I could make contact with the evil one, destroying him if possible.

Some background is needed here: Entering my teens, one afternoon I had walked out by the barn, where the priests took care of several cattle .. providing the facility with milk, butter and of course meat. Wandering around, one of the large bulls jumped up on the back of a female cow … causing me to stand frozen with what I saw. I knew the basics about sex, but until this moment, I never really understood what actually happened.

Watching closely .. for some reason my hands played between my legs, these strange new feelings bringing on my first climax as a young woman. My hands were soaked, I had no idea what had happened, but the feeling was so wonderful, the next day I was back watching the bulls again … this time when one mounted the receptive cow, I was close enough to see that huge shaft penetrate her, making me loose focus, drifting off in a haze. Pumping my hands between my legs, one finger penetrating me … when I crashed over the ledge, this one seemed to be more intense, lasting longer, accompanied by my body spraying the sticky juices all over my hands and down the inner thighs.

Laying on my back, totally exhausted … dreaming of what it would feel like to have him burying that monster deep inside me. I lost my virginity with the aid of a cucumber, a few days later, while watching two dogs doing the same thing as the larger animals had done.

That dream kept me excited and the way I’d enjoy the much needed sexual relief from time to time. This had been a dream I’d never shared with anyone, but one I’d bring back anytime I was alone.

We had no idea how the demon took over the bodies of the holy ones then when they were too exhausted to defend themselves, he simply took their life … making myself available for him, in the areas he had attacked earlier … it didn’t take long for a strange creature to appear before me. Gasping when he came into view, the most attractive, strong, good looking bull I have ever seen, standing upright, much like any man … easily showing the size of his wonderful cock, moving up and down in a rhythmic almost a hypnotic way … “I know you’ve been dreaming of me little one. This evening I will grant your wish, put away your weapons, then strip down nude, so I can look at your stunning body. Let me play with you, excite you then allow you to feel me deep inside. This will be our secret and if you like I can return again and again”

Was it possible, had my dreams actually come true, was my wonderful make believe raging bull here in front of me, ready to grant me a life long dream. Reaching out, grabbing hold of his horns, they were real, not a dream, not make believe … my body was betraying me, the desire to actually feel him inside me, was more powerful then all of my training had taught me, stripping down quickly … for a moment I had a opening of clarity .. a flash thought, ‘maybe this was too good to be true’ … so I left a small 6 inch blade, that had been blessed and washed in the holy waters in the monastery, secured behind my neck.

It was so well hid, he didn’t notice it, stepping close to me, that massive shaft, slipping easily between my legs, the strength of him, being so powerful when it flexed, raising me up on my toes … dreaming of what it will be like when he pushes it inside … plunged me quickly under his spell.

Kissing, his tongue exploring the insides of my mouth, teasing and playing with my nipples … I was more then aroused, on the verge of my first climax – he was doing exactly what I had dreamed of him doing should I ever meet a dream.

What was happening duplicated exactly like I’d dreamed of, slowly awakened a small voice deep inside … this was too perfect, to much of the dream … reaching back of my neck, retrieving the small blessed blade, just touching his skin, immediately he shook, returned briefly back to the original demon then vanishing with a screeching howl and scream.

Reporting what I had found out, the demon had gained access to our dreams, bringing to life what we secretly kept within … something now we could be aware of and know our dreams had to be controlled.

Needless to say, my overseers were more then pleased with the Elders decision to follow their promptings making me the protector over all who lived within these walls.

After this, peace seemed to come over the land, the village thrived, a time relaxing helped all of us … but like it always happens – evil returned … a deep cave appeared after a heavy rain storm.

One of the ancient ones visited the opening, coming back, explaining there was an evil spirt of some kind dwelling deep inside – their fear – – this creature would leave this resting place, bringing danger to the village. That was when I was contacted, asking that I face the unknown creature, by destroying it – once again protecting the inhabitants.

A day later, armed with my sword and small defender blade, as well as other items a I normally carry, early in the morning I quietly moved deep inside the unknown darkness. The cave was bathed in darkness for a short way, then changing from a narrow confined space, to a large open theater type area .. all flooded with an unknown light.

Looking around the area, it seemed empty, but my enhanced training told me even though I couldn’t see anything living, there was a presence here … something that wished to remain invisible for the moment.

Not moving, but knowing what ever it was knew exactly where I was .. breaking the silence, “I am pleased to know a warrior as skilled as you are, has come to vanquish me. I am curious though since I mean no one any harm, why have you been sent to me?”

The voice seemed to be everywhere and yet no where – “What makes you think I have come to destroy you? I have no idea who you are or why you have been dwelling in here for such a long time. Do you care to show me who you are?”

His laugh was rich and deep, explaining he knew all too well who I was. The way I had destroyed the demon, especially when he offered all our secret dreams were made of, had been shared and told again and again to the inhabitants of the unseen world.

We talked, becoming more and more at ease with each other … as the time went on, I’d feel him pass by, each time removing one piece of my clothing, until eventually I had a sword in my right hand, the small dagger in the left.

This had excited me, spiking my arousal to a point, deep down inside I knew he was gaining some control over me.

With the clothes gone, an unseen hand would massage my breasts, play with my nipples, feeling his lips on my neck, small butterfly kisses between my legs … a distinct hand rubbing between my legs, stimulating me to the point of … eyes rolling up on my head.

Just as quick as my clothing, my two items of defense were gone, vanished from my hands, never feeling myself let go … now I was in trouble, eyes cleared for a moment, looking for the entrance I had used to enter – panic set in when there were no openings, just a large room and solid walls – then a small well padded bench appeared in the center of the room … my whole body shaking now, “What do you want with me, why have you lured me here only to strip me of everything, leaving me helpless. Show your self, be one of courage, show yourself, you’ve already stripped me of any defense I can use against you”

The deep laugh again filled the room, “Oh believe me, I’m more then aware of your skills, without weapons you’re still deadly. In due time I’ll show you what I look like, but only when you are begging me to give you some release” Then a second evil laugh, “Oh and by the way, the large caves entrench the old one found, is no longer there. I opened it up, made sure he felt an evil presence, I knew they’d send the only one fearless enough to face an unknown enemy and now I have you to enjoy, to play with and soon to be so much more”

The physical contacts were becoming longer and more sexually exciting. Being trained for years to have complete control of my body, the more he teased, the faster that control was becoming less and less under my power.

What started out as a quick touch or kiss, had now turned to long erotically couplings, the kisses were exciting, his body would press against mine, crushing my breasts, exciting my nipples as his body moved back and forth against them .. his larger then normal cock – seemed to have a mind of it’s own. Moving between my legs, searching out places where it could stimulate and excite, never enough to give me the pleasure he had carefully continued to build.

Normal breathing had now become rapid pants, clear language now sounded like whimpering and moans … the ability to understand my surroundings had now become a little lost female trying to have him take me, use me, make me his sex slave … nothing else mattered now, just needed the release he had kept from me for many many hours.

Since the room was lighted but not from the sun, I could only guess at how long I’d been down here. It had to be more then twenty four hours, probably closer to the forty eight hour mark … which ever it was, eventually I was so exhausted, there just wasn’t anyway I could resist … slumping down against one wall, starring out at the empty space … gasping when I saw him reveal who he was and what he looked like. Shaking my head, “This can’t be you, you’re trying to fool me, just like the demon did … you look exactly like the dreams I have lived with for so many years. Please don’t tease me, I’m too exhausted to fight or resist you, show me who you really are”

Kneeling next to me, placing his hand on my bare leg, telling me he was there when I saw the bull try to breed the cow … at that time he put his image deep in my subconscious, so that from then on, I dreamed of him when I gave myself pleasure. Going on to tell me, he had planned on making me his play thing from that moment on.

What he said, didn’t seem to be possible, but thinking what had happened since I came in here, anything could have been accomplished by him.

Somehow even though I was terrified, who I was now looking at was so familiar to me .. the chiseled chin, long flowing hair, piercing eyes, long lean muscular legs, tight bottom and then that wonderful long heavily ribbed cock. It was exactly what I had seen so many times when I closed my eyes. And now, he had said I was to be his play thing. This seemed so unreal … but before I had time to make sense of it, he easily picked me up, placing me down on the ottoman in the middle of the room. Making sure my legs were spread wide apart …

Running a finger between the lips of my pussy, then I soared away when his huge tongue licked every inch of the sexual area. I had dreamed of this happening for so long, but when the contact has been made, my dream creature was actually beginning to prepare me for what I hoped would happen.

I had just started to enjoy what he was doing, suddenly the head of his cock was pushed just inside me .. stopping to let me get used to the size. We didn’t need any lube, I was already so wet, my poor body had started dripping, more then ready to feel what he was about to do.

Then he started pushing in me – a steady pressure going deeper and deeper .. not stopping, not pulling back out, just a steady pressure. For some reason I had dreamed of him pushing in then pulling out, then back in deeper back out and so on, until he was all the way in, but he never pulled back out, just kept sliding in more and more.

Maybe 6 inches, then possibly 10 were in me, more pushing and a good 14 inches had entered, finally what had to be close to the 18 inches I had guessed the bull used on that cow so many years ago. There wasn’t any pain, only an unbelievable amount of pressure. Gripping the padded bench, twisting my bottom back and forth, from side to side … Never had any idea just how big he was, until his balls slapped my body. I could barely breathe, that was when he stopped to let me come to grips with what I was feeling.

Dropping my head on the soft surface, I could feel him flexing that massive shaft in me, when the head swelled, small shivers shot all over me .. his hands gripped my hips, slowly pulling out, then plunging back in, quickly setting up a steady rhythm of in and out.

Pulling out of me the third time and plunging back in, trigger my much needed body shattering orgasm. A low moan escaping me, body shaking, liquid gushing out between his shaft and my body … he never stopped, never slowed down to let me enjoy what was happening .. he just kept pumping in and out. He was so big, so long … all of the many times I’d dreamed of what this would feel like, was actually taking place.

Gripping the covering, raising up to grip my breasts, pulling on the nipples .. he kept on pumping … not slowing down, not speeding up, just the steady pumping quickly shot my body from the most intense climax I’d ever experienced to a sudden wave of mini, small orgasms … one after the next draining me.

How long this kept happening, there was no way of knowing. The wonderful way he felt inside … the mini explosions sending me into an erotic zone, that I’d only felt a few times for a few seconds .. now he was plunging me into this space for what felt like forever.

Eventually he grabbed hold of my hips stronger then before … his screaming howl, filled the room, reverberating off the solid walls .. just as a warm flood of liquid filled my body.

Going back to my first explosion as a young girl, all the way through my younger years to the one I experienced just a few moments ago, was nothing compared to what happened to me when he emptied that first load of cream inside me.

I vaguely remember screaming, at the same time my whole body started to shake, eyes rolled way up in my head … the pleasure thrusting me into a massive orgasm, that shut my system down .. a deep sleep instantly overcoming me.

Waking, my pussy was still tingling, convulsing opening and closing – still trying to come to grips with what had been in it … something that felt strange, knowing how much of his seed he pumped into me .. reaching behind, nothing was running out. He was relaxing on his side, that marvelous cock still soaked from our combined juices … asking him why nothing was leaking out of me .. all the while moving to lick him clean.

Laughing, “Oh my little play thing – that is the way I will be feeding you. There is no way to get you nourishment, so the more I fuck you, the stronger you will continue to feel”

What he was saying, I understood but it didn’t make any sense – shaking my head, who cared. As long as I was guaranteed he would be in me, that was all that mattered.

Rolling him over on his back, stroking up and down the full length of his toy, then straddling his mid section …”I think your pet is still hungry, mind if i grab a quick snack?”

Reaching between my legs, guiding him up inside me, as soon as he was a few inches in, raising up, lowering my body down, so all of him was in me, starting to raise up and down at the same time grabbing hold of those impressive horns for support … loving the way I now controlled how fast, how deep and how hard he was using me … leaning down, kissing him, but not slowing down at all …”You know mommy gets hungry all the time, you ready to take care of this unquenchable hunger?”

Both of his hands grabbed hold of my waist, lifting me high enough that the head of his shaft was just barely inside, then slamming me down all the way, so hard it shook my whole body. Repeating the same process again and again .. by the third or forth time, my body shook, eyes rolled up in my head … lost all ability to focus … this time when she slammed me down he stayed there filling me full of his seed, at the same time triggering my body and mind blowing explosion.

When he had emptied all he had for me, gently lifting me off, laying me down on a bed that seemed to appear from somewhere – I assume more of his magic – I never regained any composure, instead fell into a much needed sleep.

I was laying on my right side, he slipped in behind me, pulling me to him, his rigid shaft pressing against my two legs, the left one, acting on it’s own to raising up allowing the long toy to slip up between them, pressing against my soaked and used pussy – as soon as it made contact, a small whimper escaped me.

All the time I slept, his cock was vibrating, keeping me aroused, but not spiking enough to bring me off.

When I woke, since all we had to do in the cave was fuck, he was in me almost every waking moment … he loved the way I gave blowjobs, enabling me the chance to swallow his seed … and as expected … one morning when I woke, he had slipped in a enlarging vibrating plug in my bottom.

I’d never had anything in my back door, not even my finger – but now that he had somehow placed this thing in me, the way it was slowly vibrating as well as enlarging – had me floating in a new erotic sensation.

While it was in, he sensed slow love making type of excitements is what I needed … slowly pumping in and out, during this time, my explosions were all consuming.

Every day it was easy to feel how wide I was becoming back there – how long this took place, who knows … one morning he pulled it out .. placing me on my knees, leaning over the padded bench. rubbing the head of his play stick back and forth between my cheeks .. pushing it just an inch or so inside me …

What was about to happen, had me tingling with anticipation – my whole body shaking. Gasping when he pushed further inside – in all my dreams and self satisfaction, never once did that have him doing my ass … but now … dropping my head

“OMG … that feels so good, something so exciting – never knew it could be like this .. please don’t stop, bury that monster deep inside me, then fuck me”

My right hand was between my legs, vigorously rubbing my clit, pushing one finger deep inside me … pumping it in and out …

A few more strokes, has balls slapped my body, he was all the way in … all the way in my ass.

Just like he had in my pussy, a slow steady rhythm was set up …. all the dreaming of being with him, never did I ever think I’d be feeling like this was making me enjoy now.

A brand new form of total enjoyment started to giving me pleasure. Between my legs started throbbing, opening and closing on its own … a slow steady flow of my juices started. As soon as this was happening, the familiar feeling that happens when an orgasm hits, now that same feeling was present all the time, not hitting mr suddenly, but now a continual flood of pleasure.

Continuing to push in and out until finally filling me with the warm seed … this time a sensation wrapped me like a warm blanket on a cold wintery day. My body curled up in a ball, her eased himself out of me, picking me up, his arms holding me close to him … “Now my pet you are all mine. I can feed you every way you need me too, welcome to your new life”

There wasn’t much strength left in me, but just enough to reach up, pulling him to me, eyes closed as I kissed him, my tongue exploring the inside of his mouth … running my hands up and down his massive horns … then slipping off into a much needed sleep.

Dreaming of the day when a Kunoichi – a female Ninja fell in love with a God like bull.