I was very young when mom took me to a park with some other girls for a ‘play date’. We had a home in the country, so it was a big deal when I got to come into town and play with some of the girls I went to school with.

This particular afternoon a large furry cute looking dog was playing with the different children, laughing with some, jumping around in different ways – when we got close, he didn’t look mean in any way .. we had lots of dogs where we lived and I had been told to stay away from ones I didn’t know .. but this one seemed to be really friendly .. when we approached he knelt down, taking hold of my hand, “So we have a new little girl that has come to play with us. What is your name little girl?”

Some what confused, looking at mom, “Since when did dogs talk? None of ours do and this one walks on their hind legs like we do”

Mom explained it was just a young girl dressed up to look like a dog, it was just what some girls like to do.

Keeping a close eye on her, mom was talking to some of the other moms, when I noticed the friendly dog acted totally different with a young man who came to talk to her … no more giggling and laughing, but now she was touching him, pressing her body against his, still laughing but a funny sounding laugh now – after a short time, she took him by the hand, heading to a storage shed to the side of the park.

Curiosity got the best of me, following them into the empty building, they had gone into a small office like room, it had a single cot on one wall … her doggy suit was stripped off, along with his shorts – I guess I hadn’t noticed before the size of a man’e penis – this one was huge and looked like it was hard as a rock. She sucked on it, stroked it, put it in her mouth, finally laying back on the soft surface, while he moved between her legs, pushing his penis deep inside her.

It only took a few minutes to realize how much she enjoyed what was happening – her hips were bucking up and down, moans and whimpering filled the small area. She had a nice pair of breasts, the nipples were hard as rocks, when he sucked on them, her eyes rolled up in her head, it looked like loosing all ability to see anything – just more of a blank stare.

He was pushing his thing in and out of her for a long time, eventually stopping while he said something like …’CUMMING’ .. she answered but it made no sense … finally they both stopped, he collapsed on top fo her …

I was amazed at how much smaller he was when he pulled out, but it was covered in a gooey looking substance .. between her legs, the same substance began to run out .. she was once again licking his penis, then they’d kiss, sharing the liquid she got off of him.

Eventually they left, I had a strange new unny feelings coming over me … there was a puddle she’d left on the cot, dipping a finger in it, then tasting it – made the funny feeling become even stronger.

Being old enough to know what dogs did when one rode the other, I figured this is what the fake doggy was doing with this guy.

As soon as we got back home, grabbing a carrot from the fridge, walking to my favorite place by a stream in our back yard, stripping down nude on the soft grass, I started pumping that veggie in and out of me, eventually breaking the thin film that covered my pussy .. the pain came quickly and left .. in a few minutes replacing it with the same funny feeling I had felt earlier. My body shook .. a few moments it felt like I had discharged some kind of a liquid. Pulling the orange tube out, licking the juices … satisfied it was similar to what I had tasted in the shed … that was when my interest in sex all started.

My body started to develop early so that by the time I was in middle school, the boobs were showing, nipples stood out in my blouses – unlike the other girls, I preferred to not wear a bra, so my titties would show … our neighbor, Steve, was in high school, when he’d see me walking home, he’d give me a ride – one afternoon I knew the parents were not going to be home until later – in a flirty way, “So I just had my bedroom repainted, would you like to see it? Mom and dad are not going to be home” I made sure to lean over, so he could get a good view of my budding chest.

Being dark brunette with olive skin, dark eyes and the fact I had secretly graduated from the carrots to small zucchinis – then advancing to larger ones .. I was so ready to see what real sex was like .. not at all surprised when he agreed to see what it was like.

Taking his hand, running up the stairs in my home, stopping dead, just before we entered my room, making sure he bumped into me, turning – hugging him, pressing my body against his, both hands on his bottom, pulling him to me … looking in his eyes, “You know I didn’t really think you’d want to see the new paint, but I do have a super soft bed … you OK with my small little lies?”

He didn’t answer, just kissed me, my first real kiss .. one that lasted a long time, one that made my legs shaky, one that made me whine when I felt his cock press into me .. backing to the edge of the bed, both of our tops landed on the floor at the same time … he was sucking on my nipples while I undid his pants, dropping to the floor, like I’d seen girls on porn videos do, taking his shaft, licking the underside, swallowing the head. That was all it took, easily picking me up, laying me back on the bed, moving between my legs, that wonderful shaft was in me with one stroke.

The carrots, various veggies, hair brushes and even broom handles from the garage all had sent me over the edge, but none of those had any comparison with what was happening to me now. Grabbing his back, my hips jumping up and down to match him, the way he was mollesting my boobs had me crying out in pleasure. This was obviously not the first time he’d fucked a girl .. the longer he pounded me, little mini explosions rakes over my body, until finally he said in a raspy voice, “You on the pill, I”m ready to fill you up, I’m cumming?”

I was on the pill, had been for a few months now, nodding my head …”Ohh fuck yes, cum in me, fill me up, let me explode with you”

A moment later we both flew over the ledge, filling me with that wonderful warm seed, it was like nothing I could have ever dreamed of happening. Wrapping my arms and legs tight around him … he kept pumping more and more in me – until finally empty he collapsed on top of me. My pussy kept pumping him, trying to get more of that feeling out of him … finally rolling off of me … “OMG that was like no girl I’ve ever been with. This can’t be a one time shot, we have to do this as often as we can, promise me you’ll be my steady girl friend and we can do this, just like this all the time”

We started fucking at least once a day if not more, when school allowed it he was in me … this should have been enough for normal girls, but the older I got the more I realized I was anything but normal. The neighbor next door, was single, not bad looking for an older guy … one Saturday morning mom asked me if I’d run a few items to him .. he was heading a charity drive and we had several bags of clothes we no longer wore. Since there were several bags to carry and since my car was a small sports car, mom suggested I take the 4 wheeler with the small trailer attached – piling the multiple bags in the back, slipping on a large tee shirt, leaving off panties and a bra, wondering what his reaction would be when I got off the vehicle, being obvious to see my pussy was bare.

He was waiting by a large trailer when I arrived. Pulling up next to it, it only took a second for him to zero in on my neatly shaved and puffy pussy .. swinging my leg over the machine, “Got a few bags of clothes, do you want me to toss them to you or me get up in the truck and you toss them to me?”

It was easy to see I was having an effect on him, a distinct tent began growing in the light weight pair of shorts he had on, in a raspy voice, “I think it would be better if I tossed them to you, let me help you up in the bed”

When he went to take hold of my sides, I pulled the shirt up, so he had hold of my bare skin, just below my boobs, easily seeing I was nude except for the flimsy tee shirt. I made sure he heard me giggle when his hands touched my boobs.

As soon as the last bag was loaded, I jumped into his arms, hugging my body to him, stroking his hair, “You know I just love strong men, maybe we should get something to drink after all this work”

He continued to hold me, enjoying the way I was grinding my chest into his … in a low voice, “You’re one of the hottest little sex brats I’ve ever seen – I assume you really turn the young boys on when you flirt with them then let them fuck you … but I doubt you’ve ever been with an older man … this morning that is about to change”

With that he tossed me over his shoulder, taking advantage of the fact I was helpless .. the first spanking started when we headed into his home, by the time we had reached his bedroom, my ass was burning, I was so furious that I was screaming at him.

Looking around, confused at where I was, not in his bedroom, but what looked like a well equipped bondage room, filled with all the toys imaginable. Before I could say anything – I was strapped to some sort of bondage device, my wrists secured, ankles the same .. stretched so my legs were wide open … then stripping down nude, his cock was huge … “I’m going to show you what enjoying sex is all about”

Before I could say anything, protest in anyway, two fingers slipped up inside me, locating a special spot all females have, but one I had no idea was in me. As soon as he began pressing down on it, massaging it, applying just enough pressure by rubbing the area, my whole body stiffened, gasping for air … arousal spiking from mildly to OMG this can’t be happening to me.

Trying to hump his hand, but being secured like I was, there wasn’t much I could do – he kept it going for a long time, his spare hand teasing my nipples in a way they’d never been played with before, making them hard and rigid .. his fingers inside me taking me to the edge of pure pleasure but not allowing me to enjoy what had built up so quickly.

Being in such an erotic haze, my body didn’t realize when he pulled out, applying vibrating nipple clamps, that pinched so tightly the pain was unbelievable, then when released the blood rushing back into each mound, caused me to gasp again.

Playing with my clit in a way that Jerry never had any idea how this was making me feel. Adding so many additional areas that spiked me higher … eventually with the combination of pleasure and pain, my pussy started leaking a steady stream of nectar … that apparently what he was looking for … Pushing in a small anal expanding vibrating plug .. I’d never had anything in my ass … but somehow it slipped in easily without any resistance, making me suck in air again. That was when he pushed in a very large cock slip inside me. The pumping started slow and steady, adding his fingers to various areas around my opening, I realized my boy friend was just a ‘wham, bang, thank you mam’ type of guy. What Andy was doing to me was so different in so many ways, my mind, body and soul drifted off into an unfamiliar sexual zone I could only dream of where he was taking me.

The pain on my nipples, the expanding anal plug and his slow steady rhythm of in and out … had me panting for breath, gasping for air I couldn’t seem to draw in.

How long he kept pumping, keeping me on the edge was lost to me … finally removing the nipple clamps, pulling out the anal plug, pushing in me as far as possible, I felt the warm flood of his juices, setting off the most intense, wonderful pleasurable climax I’ve ever enjoyed. It kept cumming and cumming and cumming … an endless explosion that left me completely exhausted and spent.

He undid the restraints, picked me up, carrying me to a warm shower … holding me upright, my legs were not able to keep me standing on my own. Moving me to a bed, sleep over taking me immediately.

Waking, still aroused from what had happened, my nipples so sore now, the throbbing between my legs, something all brand new to me, joining him in the kitchen, a plate of fruits, cheese and a chilled glass of wine wait for me … “How are you feeling, you slept for more then an hour?”

Something strange had happened to me since I first arrived, a total feeling of submission washed over me, it was hard to look him straight in the eyes … not sure how to answer him, “I’m feeling funny, sore, still tingling between between my legs and my nipples ache”

Moving in behind me, hugging me, kissing my neck, “I have brought a few girls to my play room, none have reacted like you did, no complaints, just enjoying the way your body was responding. I think with some training you could become one of the best sex pets that anyone could wish for”

Kissing me, a deep passionate kiss, spiking my arousal all over again .. the moisture between my legs instantly starting to flow … pulling him so my breasts pressed into him .. breaking, “I did love what you did to me … you said with some training I could become a good sex pet .. would you train me?”

Telling me there would be rules that I’d have to follow, then slipping two fingers up inside me, his thumb circling my clit, easily finding that magical spot .. a few pumps, my body shook, a mind blowing climax washed over me so quickly, all I could do was moan, while gripping his hand between my legs …

Looking at him, eyes having a hard time focusing, “What is happening to me .. never cum that fast ever?”

Pulling the fruit plate to me, taking a slice of peach, coating it with the juices that covered his fingers, allowing me to eat it, eyes slowly closing as I savored the taste, “You’re becoming a sex slut, but you’ll be so much more in no time”

When I got back on the four wheeler, the anal plug was in me, I promised to have it in for several hours each day – in time he’d introduce me to the pleasure he could give me in that area – I was to rest for several days, then if I still wanted him to train me, return and we’d start.

Stopping on the way back home, sending a text to Steve, that it was fun but I’d found someone else. Five days later, mom and dad were away on a business trip, I showed up, this time he took me to his bedroom, where he literally made love to me for over four hours, finally allowing me to cum. He woke me three times that evening, taking me in various ways – by the next morning, my pussy was so sore, I could barely walk.

I kept the anal plug in for over four weeks as instructed, when he took away that virginity, it became one of my favorite ways for him to use me. We were a couple until I left for college .. .I’m sure he is breaking in a new pet.

I figured a 5 hour sex credit had to be part of my normal class schedule – trying women and men, and all combinations that were available to me.

One of my professors in graduate school, that I had been sleeping with, recommended me to a research facility funded by the government to check out sexually strange occurrences taking place anywhere in the world.

The staff was made up of people who had no reservations about sex of any kind, naturally I fit right in.

Two women and myself had just returned from a trip to the jungles of South America, where we found a tribe of women, completely dominating any male who they had enslaved. These slaves were used for reproductive purposes only … when no longer able to impregnate they were turned into sex pets for the village to use as needed. The two male members who had started out with us were enslaved .. we were lucky to leave with our lives, but they were the price that had to be paid.

Being in the office, filling out a complete detailed report on what had happened, when a strangest report came in.

Looking at each other, all three of us shocked by what we were seeing, Elaine had read it first, ‘You have to be kidding me, according to this there is a confirmed village of Furry animals … all human based, but not costumed humans, these are real furries”

The more we read, it seemed all sorts of animals, both male and female .. somehow they were once normal humans, all interested in dressing up like a favorite animal and now they had all become living furry animals.

I remembered back when I was young and had seen that cute doggy in the park – since then I had dreamed of what I’d like to dress like if I ever bought an animal suit … for me being a cute white bunny seemed to be my favorite furry. They fuck all the time, hence ‘fucking like rabbits’ was not just a saying … a horny bunny would be the one for me.

Everyone was still shocked by the loss of our companions, so trying to make sense of a community that somehow had changed into multiple animals … the amazing thing, they all seemed to be enjoying one another, no matter what the breed was.

This type of strange event was exactly what our group had been formed for … since I had just returned as well as witnessing the guys being collared and enslaved .. the director told me I could set this one out.

I have been fascinated with this strange hobby, and since there were no records of anyone going in and coming back out, only that the place was located on one of the pacific islands … many of my co-workers felt it too dangerous to explore.

We finally put together a team of three women, all were very much like me, loved sex, was built to please and besides hot body’s had a slight streak of submission mostly hidden but with the proper dominant, would come alive instantly.

Flying into Samoa we had arranged to rent a small vessel traveling north east – Sarah, one of our group was well versed in sailing … it took three days of travel to reach the deserted island. Being cautious … aeronautic images told us the south west side was only way to dock close enough to get in. Packing a small 18 ft, 75 horse power skiff .. we loaded up for a few days journey and heading into the unknown.

Landing, making sure the skiff was hidden, just incase we needed to make a quick retreat, Jenny led the way, followed by Sarah and finally me Nikki bringing up the rear. Walking for a mile or so, we hadn’t seen any wild life of any kind, no tracks, nothing seemed to be living on the place. Finally deciding to split up, Sarah was going to our left, I’d take the middle and Jenny was on the right. From the photos we knew of a small alcove on the far side, not far from where we were .. planning on meeting up in two hours … we were off.

I hadn’t gone far, when a new pleasant scent over came me. There were small purple flowers everywhere, but a species I’d never seen before. Kneeling by some I could see in the sunlight they were giving off some sort of pollen, probably where the pleasing fragrance originating from.

The scent became stronger, the deeper I proceeded in the island … it was a warm day, I didn’t see any reason I had on these clothes, after all no one was around. Stopping, taking off my blouse, the small shorts folding them into my back pack for later on when the three of us meant up, since I never wear panties or a bra, I was nude with hiking boots on … standing, enjoying this new freedom, thinking, ‘Now this is the way to explore someplace’.

It seemed funny, this new freedom combined with this relaxing scent, seemed to be arousing me – I noticed both nipples were rock hard, stopping to feel between my legs, I was more then a little wet … thats when I heard something, looking ahead – my eyes grew wide open.

When I was young our family took a trip to Africa, so dad could study some animals … one that fascinated me was an aardvark. Standing upright in front of me was the largest one I’d ever seen. Easily over six foot tall … what caught me even more was the huge size of his penis between his legs. It was mildly erect … when soft it had to drag on the ground – besides horses and large animals I’d never seen anything like this before. This had to be a Furry we’d heard about. “Hi my name is Nikki, do you speak?”

He never moved, no emotion, just blocking the path I had been on, A smile spread all over his face, “Of course I speak … but I’m curios why you and your friends came here to this island?”

Becoming more relaxed, “Why do you think I’m here with friends? A institute I work for had heard about the inhabitants here and we wanted to check to see if they were real”

“First of all an animal just like me are greeting your two friends as we speak, but what do you plan on doing now that you know the information about creatures like us do live here?”

Every fiber in my body told me it was time to head back to the boat, he had taken a step forward, I was taking a few back … “Now that we know, we’ll be out of your hair. It is so good to ….”

That was as far as I got, suddenly something behind me, pushed a large very large shaft between my legs, separating them immediately … giving it access to my pussy, easily sliding inside, at what had to be a foot long maybe more …so strong it lifted me off the ground, the one in front stepping quickly to me, taking hold of my hands to help me balance …

Trying to get free, opening my mouth to scream, nothing came out .. as soon as what ever it was had me completely impaled, a small wiggly thing came out to the end, starting to explore the inside of my vaginal cavity.

This was like an instant crash of pure arousal … much faster then I ever thought possible … not able to speak, looking at him with wide eyed shock … “I know it is hard to understand what has happened to you, but you’re just had the snout and tongue of an Anteater impale you. We are what you call ‘The welcoming committee … he is preparing you for me to fuck you and make you one of us. Does that help?”

Looking down behind me, it was indeed an anteater, the largest one I’d ever seen, but without a doubt one just like I’d seen in a zoo year ago … that is when what he said hit me. Shaking my head, trying to form a sentence but with what this thing was doing to me, had my eyes floating in my head, the whole body feeling like it was on fire … shaking my head “I ….ohhh mmmm I …ohhh please …. don’t want to …ohhh mmmm yes … fuck stop … please ohh please I need to cum … don’t want to join you .. oh need some release …”

By now the thing in me had lowered me back so my feet were able to balance me, but he was still deep in me, that damn tongue doing things, touching areas I’d never felt before … “Don’t worry, no one comes here intending to stay, we however can’t have you leave, so just relax, I promise you, the pleasure you think you’re feeling now will only get better”

That was when the snout, started to flex up and down inside … staying in, flexing back then forward, the tongue still exploring and arousing … .with all of this going on, I desperately needed to cum, to get some relief, but somehow he never allowed me to even get close – he just kept, what ever he was doing, inside me.

I had lost all ability to know what was happing to me, so when he pulled out … somehow as if I were programed to do so, dropping down on all fours, my legs wide apart .. within seconds the Aardvark pushed that massive cock deep inside me, holding onto my hips with his paws … a rapid pumping started.

The one that had originally been in me, moved to my side, “MMmmm, you need to taste how sweet she is … I know this one will be a special creature, one we’ve not had before”

Licking my juices off his snout, then enjoying a deep passionate kiss with that wonderful tongue exploring the insides of his mouth .. I could hear him moan … “OMG you’re right , she is just perfect, everyone will want to use her as soon as she is ready to travel”

How long he fucked me .. time had been lost what seemed like hours ago. I thought of my two friends and what was happening to them … why had we come on this trip … then felt him empty a large load of warm seed deep inside me. Maybe ten or twenty times more then any man had ever filled me with.

Not pulling out, caused me to whimper … patting my bottom, “Relax little one, you’re almost done … as soon as what I gave you is absorbed, then I’ll pull out then wait until the changes take place. But don’t worry we’ll be here with you”

Eventually he pulled out of me, my whole body collapsed, rocketing me into a deep sleep. The dreams were strange, filled with sex of unknown kinds .. my body felt so funny … It was early evening when I woke, we had started our journey before 7 that morning. Shaking my head, my ears felt heavy and floppy .. scratching my nose … my hands were covered in white fur … my nose twitched … setting up … a wave of shock came over me ….Standing, my huge feet balanced me …”OMG I’ve become a bunny, a white fluffy bunny” Looking at the two of them, “Is this real am I now a bunny?”

Both of them hugged me, “Welcome to the world of Furries … when you feel like hopping, we can go and see the rest”

There were so many emotions raging through me, happy, sad, aroused like never before … looking at both of them, my eyes clouded over with lust, “I’m ready but I really need to be fucked before we go, can one of you fuck me?”

Both of them took one of my hands, helping me start to get used to my new body, they laughed telling me how much they’d love to accommodate me, but the rules forbid this once a newbie had been changed, they must be brought to the community where my first one will be decided by the members.

We only walked for a short time, when I started to hop, each time I did a strange tingling between my legs, had my eyes coming in and out of focus … knowing in my head, if the building need inside me wasn’t taken care of soon, I be on the ground writing … we came up over a small hill … thats when I stopped dead in my tracks …. the whole area was filled with various animals, all walking upright, all larger then some of the animals were in real life and all looked like they were having a good time.

Looking closer, many were engaged in some sort of a sexual coupling …. I saw dogs enjoying sex with horses, elephants humping zebras … that is when I locked eyes on one of the tallest most handsome looking Bengal Tigers, coming my way. He was well over 6 foot tall, closer to seven – it only took moments for him to be standing in front of me …. “Wow a cute little bunny, I’ve never enjoyed a bunny but now is my chance”

Before I could even react, he picked me up, holding me in mid air – his large tongue licking the area between my legs. In this new form, what he was doing to me, shot the pleasurable need higher then I’d ever felt as a human.

As soon as my juices started to flow, placing on the ground, on all fours, pressing me down as low as I could go, dropping down in back of me, his wonderful large cock, pressed inside me in one motion. He was so big, I being small, the instant pleasure surged through ever cell in my body.

I didn’t realize how big my female boobs had transferred over …they were now huge and super sensitive —- so much so, when this huge animal started to massage and play with them, my whole body shook, causing me to whimper with desire.

The way he was pumping in and out of me, triggered a new body blowing climax, one that didn’t bring me to the edge then toppling to enjoy the pleasure that was so hard to earn, but now the pleasure seemed to have no end … as long as he was pumping, I was in a pleasurable haze … When he finally erupted his seed inside me – it was warmer then I had bene used to, my body had been enjoying the pleasure he had been giving to me, the relaxing warmth only increased the desire to have him continue to do what he had been doing.

Even though he had filled me with his nectar, he kept pumping, kept teasing my boobs, kept the pleasure covering me.

At least several hours had passed, he eventually pulled out of me, rolling me on my back, cleaning up the combined juices, making my body humping the air, something brand new again. “Welcome to the Furries, hope you have as much fun as I have since I joined the community” Then he kissed me …

I laid on my back, the soft grass felt so good on my new fluffy hair … my body finally starting to relax … when the earlier itch between my legs started to build again. Just then a cute little lamb came by, running her hand between my legs … “I know this is all new to you, but part of becoming a life long furry, we’re always horny. These strange flowers that grow wild everywhere, keep us sexually aroused, so all we need to do is enjoy as much sex as we can get in each day” Then she squeezed one of my tits, pulling on my rock hard nipple … “We’re Sex Furries …. fucking Sex Furries”

It took me a few minutes for all of this to sink in … eventually bring a broad smile all over me … standing, looking around … a cute cocker spaniel was walking by, winking at him, wiggling my furry bunny tail, “So where’s a good looking doggy like you going?”

One look at me, a low growl made my whole body shake … kneeling to sniff between my legs, licking the juices that were still flowing, “Mmm I do love the idea of being seconds to that old tiger” Just as I dropped to all fours, he was in me, pumping like only dogs can pump … I’ll never be able to explain how happy I was when his knot started to push in me … I was starting to understand —- bunnies don’t enjoy a slow building organism coming upon them like human females do, instead they are continually feel an ongoing climax taking place all the time they are having sex. That is why they can breed so often and enjoy it.

By the time I found out what kind of animals my two work associates had become, the doggy and I had disengaged, I enjoyed a huge lion, close to as big as the tiger had been, then it seemed a land shark and I made a perfect pair. As soon as we finished, the two of us started again … that first day, when it was late in the evening, the sun was setting, I lay on my back, staring at the sky … thinking what a fantastic place I had somehow stumbled into … there were so many animals still to enjoy, then I’d see what lesbian Furry sex was like.