“The deal is very simple. You work one day a week for me and I will clear all your debts.”

I looked at the man and considered his words carefully. My debt totalled over £20,000 and most was owed to some particularly nasty people. It was online slots that had caused my downfall. It all seemed so casual and at first, I was winning as much as I was betting. I had visions of being able to get enough to buy a little house rather than our small rented flat, maybe a holiday and a decent car.

Then it started to go downhill as I got into a losing streak. I soon found that within a short while I had maxed out our credit cards having spent any spare cask I could find. The loans had been easy enough to get and I knew once I could get back on a winning run, I would be able to clear my debts with ease. It didn’t take long before the credit cards I had repaid with the loan shark money were maxed again and I had to return to get a further advance to clear them so my husband wouldn’t find out. When the cycle repeated itself the loan sharks refused to advance more funds and started to make noises about wanting their debt repaid. The credit card bills were due in a couple of weeks and then my life would come tumbling down and I would be ruined.

A close friend had suggested that this man, Danny Ray, might be able to help me out. She hadn’t given me any details apart from telling me how he had helped her out of a jam a few years back. I tried to press her about how she repaid the debt but she just looked embarrassed as she squirmed on the seat. Her words rang in my ears, “Sometimes you just have to do what you can, not what you want.” I was determined that whatever the cost I wanted to get out of this mess without my poor husband suffering.

I had spoken briefly with Danny on the phone and the next day ended up in his grubby portacabin that he called his office. Looking at him I could see that he was Anglo-Chinese and he told me he had inherited his Chinese facial features from his mother and his physique from his father. Then he laughed loudly as he said, “I have no idea who he was… and I doubt my whore of a mother had either.”

“You will clear all my debts?” I asked and when he nodded in response as I went on, “And my husband will never know?”

“That is up to you but I can assure you that I won’t tell him if you look after my boys properly.”

An alarm bell went off in the back of my head as I considered the words, “My boys.”

“So, what does this job involve then and how long will it take to clear my debts?” I said cautiously. I was pretty desperate as a couple of times heavies had come knocking at the door of our flat, luckily when my husband was at work but sooner or later, they would return when he was home and all hell would break loose.

Danny looked at his notebook and wrote a few things in pencil before he fixed me in his gaze and said, “All your debts can be cleared in an instant and you will work for me one day a week for six months. Then you will owe nothing to anybody.”

That didn’t seem too bad as I asked, “What does this one day a week involve…sucking your cock?” I knew whatever it was he wanted from me it wasn’t going to be something normal and to be honest I didn’t mind the thought of sucking a few cocks to clear my debt. Hell for that much money, I would have a weekly gang bang, provided of course there were no marks.

The man looked at me in silence, his Chinese features like stone, before he said, “I own a private kennel for training competition dogs and they sometimes get restless due to lack of sex. You will be their bitch one day a week to keep them calm.” He studied my face waiting for a reaction before he went on, “Of course before they fight, we withhold sex but afterwards they will need a release.”

“You want me to fuck dogs!” I exploded, “You must be out of your fucking mind.”

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed and became much colder as he pulled a mobile phone from his pocket. “One telephone call and the people you owe money to will know where your husband works and they will be able to visit him to explain that he is responsible for his wife’s debt.”

I didn’t know what to do as my mind raced in a blind panic. I was trapped like a rat in a cage and it seemed the only way out was to do something that was dirty and perverted and I didn’t think existed outside of online porno sites.

“I guess it is also illegal,” I said playing for time.

The man just put his head back and roared with laughter, “Dog fighting is illegal, fucking them is illegal, lending money is illegal…” He paused for a moment and looked at me hard, “…what the loan sharks will do to your husband will be very illegal as well.” The room was silent for a moment as he finished with, “But of course, it’s your choice.”

“OK, I will do it, just clear my debts.”

His smile was like a creature that was about to devour its prey, “Of course, you may have ideas that after I have cleared your debts you renege on the deal. Should you decide to do that then the video will be released to everyone including the police.”

I was confused, “What video?”

“The one of you fucking Milo here,” he said patting the head of a scarred old Pitbull that had appeared at his side. “Milo has retired from fighting now but he still deserves a bitch now and then, don’t you boy,” he said ruffling the dog’s head who panted like he knew what was coming. Turning to me he said sharply, “Now strip. The CCTV will capture the action.”

I knew I had no choice but to go through with it and in one last desperate attempt to wriggle out of this lewd act I said, “What about his claws, I can’t have scratches as my husband might see.”

“Way ahead of you love,” he said and I could see he was putting a pair of socks onto the dog’s front paws and taping them in place. Milo stood there patiently as he must have known what was about to happen. His red cock started to emerge from its furry sheath and drips of pre-cum oozed from the tip. “Good old Milo,” he laughed, “He knows there is a new bitch in the offing. You aren’t the first bitch to sit in that chair and you won’t be the last.”

I had finished stripping and stood there shivering slightly, partly from the cold and partly from nerves.

“Not bad,” he said looking at my body like he was appraising an animal for purchase. “Not that the dogs will care they are just looking for a hole to breed and you don’t even need to worry about being wet they produce their own lube.”

I could see that Milo’s cock had grown even more and although I suspected that it wasn’t that large, in proportion to his body it looked massive.

“Get on all fours, put your head down and stick your ass in the air, Milo will do the rest,” Danny said as he fished his cock out from his jeans. “Don’t worry I don’t get involved as sharp teeth flying around makes me nervous, but I do like a good show.”

I could feel Milo’s cold nose on my ass as he sniffed at me and without thought, I moved my knees apart a little which allowed his tongue to snake between my legs. I had never been that much of a fan of oral sex, either giving or receiving, but that first lick changed my opinion forever. It was amazing and I couldn’t stop myself from letting out a loud moan of pleasure as Milo’s tongue lapped and delved as he licked my juices from me.

“He has a great tongue, so all the bitches tell me,” I heard Danny say and I looked up to see him sitting in his chair that he had rolled around the desk to give him a good view. His jeans and boxers were around his ankles and he slowly fisted himself as he watched me writhing in pleasure on a dog’s tongue.

As Milo’s tongue delved inside my pussy, I realised why Sharon had been all embarrassed when I had asked her what she had done to clear her debt. She must have been in the same position as me at some point in the past and been fucked by this dog as well. In a strange way that seemed to make it more acceptable even though what was happening was wrong. The rational side of my brain was telling me that this act was perverted and disgusting but the other part of my brain was screaming with lust.

Then suddenly the licking stopped and I felt Milo shuffle forward before lifting himself onto me, his soft belly fur caressing my back. I could feel him jabbing with his cock, his back legs moving about as he tried to find the right position to penetrate me. The tip of his cock found what he was seeking and my whole world turned upside down.

His front paws gripped my hips and despite the socks, I could still feel his claws. With a strong thrust, he speared me with his cock burying pretty much most of it into me. The feeling reminded me of the time I had used one of my sex toys fresh out of the dishwasher and the silicone was still warm. Once fully in me, his front paws gave him the leverage to power into my pussy with a speed and ferocity I had never experienced in my life before.

An irrational thought popped into my head as I wondered if it wasn’t that his cock was out of proportion to his body but in fact, his cock was actually big. It seemed to go deeper than anything I had enjoyed before and reminded me of a black boyfriend I had in my youth called Ethan who was very long. It felt the same as when Ethan used to fuck me. like my insides were being rearranged as his cock battered them into a different position.

I could feel myself building inside and knew that to my shame I was about to cum on a dog’s cock. I tried to tell myself not to enjoy being fucked by an animal and how disgusting it was, but my body betrayed me. I lifted my head and howled as the orgasm tore through my body causing me to tense, then flood as I came over and over. I could feel something banging against my pussy lips as he fucked me which I thought was his balls but then realised it was much too firm. The amount of fluid I had produced gave sufficient lubrication for Milo to force his knot into my body.

I could feel it expand inside and then began to pulse against my G-spot sending pleasure waves through my body. Looking up I was hit by spurts of seed as Danny had stood, keeping his distance, as he shot his load onto my face. Milo was doing the same deep inside my pussy and I could feel the jets as his knot throbbed. My orgasms seemed to roll from one into the other as Milo remained locked inside me.

I felt a degree of pain as Milo slid off my back and then twisted, still embedded in my pussy. He moved himself until we were ass to ass with his cock making the occasional twitches and spurts.

“Nice show girl,” Danny said, and by then he had pulled his jeans up and moved his chair back behind his desk.

“What happens now?” I asked between moans as Milo stood panting happily.

“Depends on how long it takes for his knot to go down. Could be five minutes could be 20, just be patient and don’t try to pull away. Enjoy yourself.”

I could hear him making some calls and discussing debts and my name but my main focus was on Milo’s knot which was still inside me. I knew the act I had just committed was very slutty but the pleasure was amazing. My hand seemed drawn to my clit and I rubbed and teased it keeping myself on an orgasmic plateau. Eventually, Milo reached the point where he could slide out of me and as his cock pulled out, I felt a great sense of loss and emptiness. I didn’t stop with my fingers as his seed started to ooze out. His tongue flicked out and across my fingers before delving inside me sending me wild. I moved my hand away preferring the feel of his rough tongue across my clit driving me towards yet another orgasm. As I moaned and yelled in ecstasy I heard Danny on the phone, “Yeah sorry about the noise, just some new bitch getting broken in.” There was a pause as he listened before he went on, “Sure bring him along Wednesday the more the merrier.”

Milo had finished his cleaning up but I had remained on all fours, my body too much like jelly to contemplate moving.

“OK girl when you are ready get dressed and you can go. Be here Wednesday at 12:00.” Danny said the added, “Your debts are cleared now you owe me.”

When I got home, I stood under the shower for ten minutes letting the water cascade over my body trying to wash away the thoughts of what had happened earlier. As I replayed the scene in my head, I found that I was getting more and more turned on and started to rub myself in the shower. My fingers weren’t enough and still dripping I padded into the bedroom and removed my trusty dildo from beside the bed. Dropping to all fours I reached under and pushed it deep into myself groaning with pleasure. As I twisted and fucked myself to an orgasm it wasn’t quite enough and deep down, I knew I craved the next depraved session with a dog.


The next Wednesday I arrived at Danny’s portacabin office and knocked on the door but a whistle from a door in a large building attracted my attention.

“In here girl, this is where the action is.”

Walking over to where Danny stood in the doorway, I slipped past him and into a darkened vast room. There was almost a complete circle of raised seating around a pit that was about three feet deep.

“This is where the action takes place,” Danny said waving his hand. I followed the direction of his wave and realised that there were already half a dozen men seated around the theatre. “The dogs are kept in kennels around the back which is where you will normally service them, but today is a special show.”

“I have no desire to watch dogs fighting,” I said indignantly and folded my arms

Danny laughed, “Silly cow, the dogs today aren’t fighting they are fucking. These men are owners so they get to watch and decide if they are going to bring their dogs to me from training. I have shown them the medical facilities but now they want to see the recreation facilities… namely you.”

I felt a shiver of fear inside but at the same time, I felt myself get wet.

“How many?” I said quietly

“Six, but if they bring their dogs here it will double at least, may even have to bring in some help.”

I felt my stomach flip again but the wetness between my legs had increased and although my brain screamed in fear at the thought of six dogs fucking me the perverted side wanted to object to anyone else being involved. Since my session with Milo I had demanded sex from my husband every night and then after he had gone to work would fuck myself silly as I watched dog porn online. I guess if there was any bonus it stopped me from online gambling which had got me into this mess in the first place.

“Don’t worry,” Danny said trying to reassure me mistaking my trembling with lust for fear, “We don’t allow videoing and after the first dog they won’t stay knotted that long. For your own safety we will tie you down as if the dog thinks you are trying to escape it may bite you.”

As Danny was talking an old wrinkled Chinese woman had appeared silently and led me to a low bench I hadn’t seen before in the middle of the pit. I found out later it was an old trestle saw horse with leather cuffs attached to be fastened around my wrists and ankles. It was effectively a bar running along my body with my breasts hanging down either side. She helped me remove clothes and as she fastened the cuffs around my wrists she whispered in her sing-song voice, “Brutus will be first… he big dog…. he open you good… make cunt wide for other dogs.” Her words were ringing in my brain as she reached between my legs and pushed two gnarled fingers into me, twisting them around. “Slut already very wet Mr Danny… she make good bitch.”

I twisted my head from side to side and could see the leering faces of the spectators. Then I could hear that the dog called Brutus was behind me from the snuffling and the scratching on the floor as he tried to free himself from the man holding his collar. There was a scrabble of claws on hard-packed dirt and I was just about to protest about scratches when he landed on my back driving the air from me. The little old Chinese woman was there and I felt her hand brush my ass cheek as she grabbed the dog’s cock, placing it at my entrance. She stepped back quickly as the large heavy dog thrust forward slamming his cock deep into my pussy.

I have no idea what breed he was, all I knew was that he was much heavier than Milo and his cock was proportionally much bigger. His first thrust sent him as deep as Milo had gone but his subsequent thrusts sent him so deep, I swear he penetrated my cervix. I felt like a rag doll under him as he pounded me into submission making my whole body shake from the violence of his thrusts. It didn’t matter if I wanted to cum or not, his cock gave me no choice as I grunted like an animal in orgasm. When he pushed his knot into me, I nearly passed out with the flash of pain but when it swelled and throbbed as he pumped his seed inside, I became a mass of quivering orgasmic jelly.

When he stopped thrusting, just letting his knot do its job of delivering seed, he panted and slobbered on my back and neck as I drifted into a state of orgasmic bliss losing track of time as my belly swelled with his cum. A sharp stab of pain bought me to my senses as I realised Brutus was pulling out. As he pulled free there was an audible plopping noise followed by the splash of fluid hitting the floor. There were a few moments of respite before the next dog mounted me, his cock driving fully home in almost the first thrust. I thought Brutus had dragged every orgasm from me but to my shock and shame, I was soon yelling in orgasm as the second dog pounded me before forcing his knot home.

“See I told you guys, a natural bitch. Your dogs will be 100% happy here,” I heard Danny boasting to the men who were watching me being fucked.

As the third dog replaced the second, I heard a voice with a thick Irish brogue say, “The dogs are here for fighting as well as fucking,” he paused before he went on, “Though she is a nice-looking bitch and I wouldn’t mind a piece of that myself, just not sure how the two fit together.”

I couldn’t believe that they were talking about me like I was a piece of meat to be traded and although I should have been annoyed and outraged, I found myself orgasming on the dog’s cock slamming in and out.

“The dogs will get used to their weekly bitch, so when it gets withheld, they will get mad. When they can see and smell their bitch being bred in front of them, they will be driven into a rage. Then they will be ready to fight,” I heard Danny say proudly. He went on, “As far as fucking her yourself that won’t happen, we prefer our bitches to be dog exclusive.”

The third dog had been replaced by a fourth without it really registering there had been a change and my head was spinning as he fucked at breakneck speed. After the fourth had finished the fifth took his place and unless the bench had been there to support me, I would have collapsed onto the floor. I felt the dog jabbing and then with a sudden burst of pain I felt the tip of his cock enter my ass.

“NOOOooooo,” I shouted but to no avail, as the dog was just happy he found a home for his cock and pushed deeper. The pain was intense and only the copious amount of fluids eased the passage of his slick cock into my asshole. I could hear myself whimpering as the dog pounded away and I could only assume that the tightness of my ass stopped him from knotting. It didn’t however stop him from pumping my sore ass full of his seed leaving both my holes open and dripping.

The final dog mounted, its first thrust finding my pussy as he started to fuck me. Then he lost his footing and slipped from me causing him to dismount. Still eager he was back up and thrusting, his cock desperate to find a home. When the tip entered my ass I went to protest but my words were torn away as the dog drove home. Perhaps the frustration at being unseated before increased his determination but he fucked me in a frenzy pushing his cock deeper into my bowels with each thrust. I knew what was about to happen moments before it did as with a firm shove the dog drove his knot into my ass. If there was any relief at all it was that the frantic thrusting had stopped as he started to pump his seed into me.

The old Chinese woman appeared at my side as the dog throbbed and pulsed, “You want to cum girlie?… dog stuck in your bum hole for long time.”

I could hardly speak but managed to croak out, “Yes,” as I weakly nodded my head.

I felt her strong fingers grip my clit and begin to tug and twist it sending spasms through me. With her other hand, she went to work on my nipples giving them an even more brutal treatment. There was something about the pain that sent me over the top and I flooded onto her fingers as a huge orgasm shuddered through me. As the dog finally tugged itself free, I almost passed out as she unfastened me letting me fall to the floor.

I saw a pair of boots next to my head and heard Danny say, “You done good girl, the owners were pleased, looks like their dogs will be with us in a few weeks.” He chuckled to himself as he went on, “You won’t need to put on a show like that every week but you will need to keep the balls drained of all six dogs every week unless they are fighting.” As he walked away, he said over his shoulder, “Mother will explain how it works.”

As I knelt there with dog seed dripping from my battered cunt and ass I realised that this was going to be my life for the next six months.


The next few weeks fell into a pattern. I would arrive at 12:00 and May-Ling, Danny’s mother, would lead me to the kennels and open her book. She would utter a single word, “All.” Then she would watch as I stripped before going into the first kennel and presenting myself to the occupant. When the task was complete, she would place a tick against the dog’s name.

The dogs needed very little encouragement and would be up on my back and thrusting sometimes before I had even had a chance to get on all fours. I quickly became adept at guiding them home and would relax to make sure they knotted easily. I never had a particular order but always saved Brutus for last as with five loads inside me I could accommodate him much more comfortably and enjoy his fucking.

My menstrual cycle was always 28 days as regular as clockwork. It would normally start within a day of my kennel work and be over by the time the following Wednesday rolled around. For some reason, I started early and when May-Ling opened her book and uttered the word, “All,” I just stood still.

“I can’t,” I stammered and paused before I blurted out, “It’s my time of the month.”

May-Ling just stared at me before she cackled showing the few yellow teeth she had left in her mouth. “Dogs not care… they fuck cunt or you find another way,” she paused before cackling again, “Maybe they use ass… you liked last time.”

I shuddered as I remembered the two dogs who had fucked my ass the first time and I had discovered that by luck they were the two least endowed of the dogs. The thought of Brutus ramming his giant cock in my ass made me go weak at the knees. Ever since that time, I had been careful to avoid anal as even the memory of it was still painful.

May-Ling stared at me and I could tell that she wasn’t going to relent. “Use mouth stupid girl,” she barked, “Be quick as May-Ling have better things to do.”

Realising it was my only option I knelt by the side of the first dog, an older pit bull who at first seemed a little confused. As I worked his cock, he started to shuffle around wanting to mount his bitch. I had to put my hand over his back to hold him still and with my other hand direct his cock towards my mouth. I didn’t have time to even think about what I was about to do as he was starting to get restless. As soon as I started sucking, he became very still and I could use my hands to milk his cock and knot. I was surprised he wasn’t thrusting but seemed content to let me swallow his warm cock as deep as I could. There was no warning apart from his cock twitching before he sent a jet of seed down my throat making me cough and splutter. He continued to spurt as I worked his cock with my hand to the sound of May-Ling shouting, “Drain balls of all seed or no tick.”

The second and third dogs were easier as I quickly became adept at using my mouth to bring them close and then using my hand to finish them off. Of course, it wasn’t always easy to control the direction and soon my face and hair became matted with dog cum. The fourth and fifth dogs’ seed joined the previous dogs and by that time I had pulled my top off leaving my breasts bare and just let the cum splatter.

“You look like porn star,” cackled May-Ling as she ticked off the fifth dog.

Brutus was the final dog and his big heavy cock was already fully out and twitching as it dripped. He was confused about what I was trying to do and a couple of times he tried to mount me and started humping. If I hadn’t still been wearing my jeans I am sure he would have raped me, as it was it just added to his frustration. Eventually, I managed to get my mouth around his cock but he didn’t like me twisting it and only seemed content if I bent fully under him.

Now some dogs will stand stock still when being sucked, especially if their cock is twisted around. Other dogs want to hump, particularly if they are in their normal fucking position. Brutus was a humper and as soon as I started sucking he started to hump forward trying to fuck my mouth. We ended up in a combination of my hand around his cock to stop him from going in too far and him fucking my mouth. A couple of times his thrusts were too powerful for me to stop and his cock entered my throat making me gag. He didn’t care about any discomfort and continued to fuck until finally he was able to shoot his load. I swallowed most of it but there was so much, some dribbled down my chin.

I showered by using the hose pipe for cleaning the dogs and an old towel that May-Ling gave me. It came as a surprise when she said, “You done good girlie… all dogs happy…May-Ling happy… is girlie happy?” I considered her question and realised that despite the fact that I was freezing from the cold shower, had been fed and splattered with six loads of dog seed and had nearly been choked, I was beginning to accept what was required of me.


One week I turned up and May-Ling wasn’t there but instead Danny was supervising. He said, “Brutus is fighting tonight so he will just get to watch. Would you do an extra shift in the morning as he will need the reward.” I nodded meekly but then smiled as he went on, “I will knock a week off your time and thank you and Mother says you are doing a great job.”

As I stripped off I reflected on Danny’s words as it had been three months since I had started working there. I was still shocked at the act of being fucked by dogs but had started to accept the routine and normality of it. What shocked me the most about myself was that I was actually starting to enjoy it. In fact, sex with my husband was becoming boring and we only did it if he insisted.

Danny had put Brutus into a small wheeled cage that he positioned near the breeding bench. He must have picked up my scent as his cock started to grow and he pressed his snout against the bars. There was no need to fasten me onto the breeding bench as I had become quite used to gripping the leather and keeping still while the dogs used me. That was apart from Brutus as for him I used to push back, encouraging him to fuck me harder.

The first dog mounted me and I reached under to position him at my entrance. With a fast shove, he was in me and set off at the pace and speed I had grown to enjoy so much. I found myself looking at Brutus who was pressed against the bars trying to escape, the fury mounting in his eyes as his bitch was fucked in front of him. When the dog pushed its knot into me, I orgasmed as I always do, and my juices made the knot slide in even deeper. As it throbbed and pulsed, sending jets of red-hot seed into me, my scent must have been more powerful as Brutus was now going frantic looking for a way to get to me, spinning in the cage and then barking in frustration.

Dog number one was replaced by dog number two and he fucked me with the same speed and ferocity. After he had knotted with me, he laid his head alongside mine almost like he was looking at Brutus and saying “Look at me I am fucking your bitch.”

There was a look that came into Brutus’s eyes that I had never seen before. It was red hot anger, and I wasn’t sure if it was directed at the dog for fucking me or at me for cumming as he pulsed inside me.

The second dog pulled out and the third was led to replace him and Brutus barked as the dog mounted me and drove deep into my cunt. I loved Brutus and of them all, he was my favourite; but once I feel a dog inside me then that is my current favourite. I had to tear my gaze away from Brutus’s angry look as the dog fucked me until he could force his knot into me and breed me.

I could stop the orgasms as the third dog pumped inside, his knot throbbing and pulsing. As he pulled out I expected the next dog to take its place but instead, I felt Danny thrust three fingers inside me and scoop out a large dollop of dog cum mixed with my juices. He then spread them over the bars of Brutus’s small cage before releasing the fourth dog.

I watched as Brutus licked the mixture from the bars, all the time his eyes locked with mine as the dog behind me fucked me. I wanted not to cum but my body betrayed me and staring into Brutus’s fiery red eyes I bucked and writhed under the intense fucking.

Brutus had cleaned the bars and was now trying to bite his way through them to get to me. The final dog was now inside me and slamming his way into my well fucked pussy. His knot drove in and swelled, even despite the fucking I had been given it still sealed him inside. As he pumped his hot seed inside me Danny wheeled the cage with the snapping Brutus inside away into the back of the kennels. I heard his parting shot as I orgasmed on the dog knot, “He is ready. Make certain to be here early tomorrow.”


The next morning, I walked into Danny’s yard a little nervously. I had refused his offer to allow me to watch the fight as I couldn’t think of anything viler than two dogs being pitched against each other.

Danny was waiting impatiently with his Mother, “He won, I have never seen him so strong and so virile.”

“Was he hurt?” I almost sobbed at the thought of my poor Brutus being savaged.

“A couple of scratches and bites here and there but he is fine…and waiting for his bitch.”

I walked into the kennel area and saw Brutus pacing up and down his normal living cage. As soon as he saw me, he stopped still and fixed me in his gaze. Our eyes never parted as I stripped off and got myself ready. I was amazed at how wet I was and when my fingertips brushed my pussy I almost came. This was the moment I would know if Brutus was angry with me as he could quite easily tear my throat out as fuck me. I could see some red lines on his flanks and shoulders and I wanted to reach out and touch him tenderly. Instead, I got onto all fours and crawled into his cage to show him I was his bitch.

May-Ling locked the door behind me and I knelt in the middle of the cage as Brutus slowly did a circuit around me. I closed my eyes and pressed my head and breasts to the floor, sticking my ass up high. I felt his tongue snake out and lick me just once making me moan, almost as if he was checking his bitch was ready. Then I heard a growl as he almost leapt on my back, his weight pushing me down as he jabbed seeking my hole. I went to move my arm to guide him but a growl from him stayed my movements.

Then in a flash, he was in me, never had his cock felt so good as he power-fucked me. His paws didn’t grip my hips, instead they were on my back pinning me down. One slipped a little and came to rest on my neck pressing my head into the dirt. I came so hard on his cock knowing I was his bitch and tried to move my hand to touch my clit. He must have misinterpreted my movement and clamped his jaw on my shoulder to make me still. His teeth, the ones that had killed a dog last night, were not breaking the skin but also sharp enough to let me know at any moment he could.

My orgasms seemed to explode inside me and at that moment he thrust his knot deep. He released my shoulder and howled as his knot seemed to swell bigger and bigger than it had ever done before. There was a ripple of a pulse against my G-spot and then I felt a large jet of cum coating my insides. He didn’t seem to stop cumming as jet after jet splashed deep.

As the frequency of his pulses and jets slowed he rested his full weight on my back, panting happily in my ear. Very quietly so that only he could hear I whispered, “I love you Brutus.” I knew he didn’t understand but as if he almost did, his cock gave a little wiggle inside triggering another orgasm.


It was two weeks after the fight and as I entered the yard I knew something was wrong. There were police cars everywhere and I could see Danny with his hands cuffed behind his back being led out of his office followed by an angry-looking man in a suit.

“We will prove you are doing illegal acts Ray even if you have deleted your computer, our guys are very clever,” the man shouted in his face almost frothing.

“Good luck on that,” Danny laughed, “I think you will find mine are cleverer.”

At that moment both looked at me and the policeman in the suit grunted, “And who is this?”

Before I could reply Danny looked at me and smiled with his eyes as he said gruffly, “She is just the cleaning lady,” then focussing on me said, “Looks like you are out of work love and you can take this old lady with you whoever the fuck she is.”

I turned to look at May-Ling who looked at me with pleading eyes and putting my arm around her said firmly, “Now come along Mrs Chong, the nursing home said you shouldn’t be out on your own.”

Looking at the policeman, I kept my face straight as I said, “I also clean at the Green Trees Nursing home just down the road and she must have wandered off. I will take her back and make sure she is safe.”

Danny looked at me and winked before I led his mother away and we walked up the road arm in arm. May-Ling casually turned to me and said, “Thank you girlie. Danny be in prison long time. You want we set up our own business together?”

“I know nothing about fighting dogs nor do I ever want to, I think it’s both cruel and barbaric,” I paused for a second before going on, “I know he is your son but I am glad it got closed down.”

May-Ling looked at me for a moment before cackling with laughter, “Not fighting silly girl… but you good at fucking… many pay well to see that.” I considered her words in silence as she went on. “I organise dogs and watchers… you fuck them…we equal partners… earn plenty cash.”

I looked at her in silence. This woman was asking me to continue committing an obscene and perverted act not only for money but in public as a paid sex show. My pussy twitched which gave me the answer as I smiled broadly, “Deal.”

Edited by RF Fast