Authors note

This is very important and should be obvious, but you never know. Everything here is purely extreme fantasy fiction. It is written as a real account, but it is most definitely not. If you really want to couple with horses, I really doubt this is the way to go about it. Find out from an expert.

Whilst there is no need to read my previous stories, this is standalone, it may be a good idea to read them first anyway as some characters do reappear.

Finally, a note about where my material comes from. It’s actually not all from me. For 16 years I had a German girlfriend who worked for 9 months in Europe, then would stay with me for three months holiday, during my summer. She died of cancer a few years ago. Many of the themes in the stories are hers, not mine. She loved really extreme anal porn and all the ideas of    women enlarging, stretching and ruining their    holes, especially anal, all comes from her mind. The scenarios, methods, what little story there is and the bestiality is mainly from me. So during 9 months away she’d tell me something to write about and I’d put it into an extreme scenario for her to read- the more extreme the better. My stories are mostly pieced together from going through the old emails for ideas. This is another reason why my first stories are in first person as well, as my stories were for her as though she was the protagonist.


Present Day, somewhere in a European Barn

Five women are gathered around the healthy Stallion. Any observer would be pretty dense not to be able to sense the obvious sexual tension in the air.

One woman is obviously the one in charge, Gabrielle (Gabby) just reeks confidence, wealth and sophistication. The epitome of high class European aristocracy. Whether she is or or whether she just exudes those qualities, will not be divulged. Gabby is Mel’s trainer/owner.

The second woman is the horse owner. A plain woman and not much really needs to be said about her, other than she has some particular business ideas. Not much needs to be said for the third woman either, at least not right now. She is the daughter of the horse owner and here to help out today. At 21 years old she is obviously the youngest of the group and the one most openly showing her excitement.

The fourth woman is a doctor, probably in her early 50’s. A very good one. Her medical kit stands nearby, ready just in-case it’s needed. Everything is expected to be fine, however, they have all been here quite a few times now. Over the years this particular doctor carved out a niche for herself, specialising in dealing with heavy BDSM players and sex industry workers- especially those at the extreme end of the scale. There isn’t much she hasn’t seen by now.

The fifth woman is the star of the show. She has just finished undressing and now stands ready for the others to help her. Her name is Melissa (Mel from here on) and she looks to be about 27 years old, a 6’2” tall, buxom, solidly built, dark haired woman. Many that are familiar with European commercial porn would say that she bears a striking resemblance to the well known French porn actress Anna Polina, though a bit taller. Hopefully this can help readers picture her from here on.

The Stallion stands by, its cock is already coming out of its sheath. He has done this enough times now to know what is coming and is obviously looking forward to it. His cock is not actually huge by horse standards, but it is still way larger than any woman should logically be able to take without serious injury. Yet that is exactly what is going to happen.

Mel walks over to the low, narrow bench table that is nearby with a sling draped over it- sort of like a hammock, but with long straps and adjustable buckles along the sides. She lays down onto the sling, on her back, and waits for the others to do their thing. The horse owner guides the horse over the low bench and temporarily tethers it. All four women then begin lifting the sling until they can throw the straps over the horse and buckle up. You can hear the clicking as they begin ratcheting the straps slowly, lifting the sling with its cargo under the horses belly. When positioned high enough for the next step, two of the helpers each grasp one of Mels legs on each side and pull her back in the sling, whilst Gabby guides the horses huge cock where it needs to go. The cock is not yet fully erect and is still flexible enough to manipulate. As the cock closes in upon its target, any viewer would witness the following sight: Mel’s ass hole has clearly been enlarged, deliberately and skilfully. It is currently held partly open by the bottom end of an egg shaped silicone plug. The retention chain hangs between her buttocks, preventing it from being lost too deeply up inside her. Around the anus is a perverted tattoo that clearly states the woman’s maximum trained circumference in a flowing script. Gabby grasps the retention chain with her free hand and begins to tug upon it, Mel helps with what little strength she has left in her anal muscles these days- which isn’t much. Slowly the massive slab of silicone begins to slide out, opening the worn ass hole wider as it goes, and wider and wider and still wider. Like always the horse owners daughter groans in sexual excitement. Soon enough, Mels broken ass hole is stretched around the widest part at 5.5 inches diameter and the plug drops out shortly after. Obscenely, Mels rectum prolapses out after the plug due to her heavy wear and the low strength of her anal muscles. A spray of lubricant is ejected behind her, the plug previously having been used to hold it all inside. Her preparations, cleaning and lubricating, began more than two hours ago.

The daughter can no longer contain herself “Oh god, she’s completely fucked up back there now! Look at her hole!”. Her mother tells her to keep her mind on the job until Mel is properly mounted.

Like usual, at this point the doctor gives the disclaimer: “As a doctor, I seriously recommend that a woman does not have sexual intercourse with horses. It can result in serious injury or worse, and long term wear and damage to your body. However, if you’re going to do it anyway, I’m paid to be here and deliver any help I can in an emergency.

A glance at the crutch area of the doctors slacks, shows a wet patch that clearly indicates how aroused this makes her, despite her best medical advice being against it. A woman doctor is still a woman, and this one didn’t come to specialise in these types of things against her will.

Gabby aims the huge cock head at Mel’s prolapsed ass hole and the two women on either side begin pushing Mel onto the cock. First her prolapsed rectum slides back in, pushed by the horses cock head. Then Mel begins to expertly rotate her hips using the cock to slowly open her back up. Soon Mel slows and and arches her back in lust “ohhhh yeah ohhhh yes…here it comes…Ohhhh Fuck it’s in!” The cock finally enters into Mel’s ass and soon stops at another internal obstacle. Her obscenely loose, trained ass hole and its perverted tattoo are now beautifully stretched around the circumference of the cock shaft.

The helpers now move Mel’s legs up the flanks of the horse and cuff them to a pair of the side straps, then do the same with her arms. Slowly they now begin ratcheting the straps to begin impaling Mel onto the massive phallus. As they continue adjusting the straps, Mel begins using her cuffed arms and legs as leverage to begin slowly humping the giant cock that still only has the head buried inside her at this point. With a “whinny” and a stamp the cock finally rams fully erect, causing Mel to convulse and groan. She begins humping and rotating her hips more and soon cries out in lust “Oh YES!!! Here it comes…ohhhh god I love this part! There…it….goes!!!” All at once the huge horse cock slides in another 8 inches and Mel’s stomach bulges up next to her navel. This highlights the second part of her perverted tattoo work- down the left side of her belly, from a point level with her anus behind, all the way to below her breasts, is a tattoo done as the gradients of a ruler. Marked out at half inch intervals so that any observer can clearly see how deep the horse has penetrated her body. Right now the head has Mel’s belly bulged just to the left side of her navel. Much further up, near her breasts, is marked Mel’s maximum trained depth.

The helpers finish with the straps and finally have Mel in her final position. This includes attaching the final diagonal straps on each side that restrict how far back the sling can go and, hence, limiting the ultimate depth to something Mel can handle. There is still a visible gap between the bulge in her belly and the horses abdomen, and there is enough play in the sling to allow it to swing approximately 12 inches- allowing Mel to slide up and down the shaft, or for the horse to take charge and thrust into her.

The horse owner gives the horse some type of treat. It is, in fact, something to prolong the horses erection and also has the added side effect of making the horse more sexually aggressive- something the experienced horse fucker, Mel, just loves.

It’s a nice day, so the group lead the horse out through the door way to the outside yard and let the horse go to wander. As the horse walks Mel naturally slides up and down the shaft as the sling bounces. She now has a few more inches inside her and is breathing heavily, this phase always tends to cause her some discomfort. As conditioned and trained as her anal canal is, the extreme depth still takes some time to adjust to. The cock is still some way from being buried to the sheath.

Today though, the horse isn’t waiting around and it soon starts flexing its hind quarters and thrusting- not yet unleashing its full power, but still hard for Mel this early in the session. The straps of the sling, protect Mel from excess depth penetration, but anything up to her maximum trained depth is fair game. After 3 or 4 exploratory thrusts the horse lets go with almost everything he has. Mel squeals and the other women all groan. Mel’s face is contorted in a grimace. Again the horse thrusts savagely, making a sickening squelching noise- the beast doesn’t care what he does to the woman, he just wants to get in as deep as possible and enjoy the beautifully tight fuck hole that is stretched around his shaft. All Mel can do from this point is handle it as best she can.

The horse owners daughter can be heard going through her first orgasm, as she masturbates herself without shame. “Oh god…I want to be fucked like that so bad!!! I don’t care what it does to me, I just have to be fucked like that someday!” This draws an odd glance from her mother that everyone else is too busy to notice.

The beast stops momentarily for a rest. Mel is still writhing and convulsing on the shaft due to the savagery of the early assault. She is groaning and gasping for air. The doctor asks if she’s okay and receive the answer that she’s just winded, she still very much wants more. The shaft is now impaled in her body all the way up to her maximum depth tattoo marker…the head can be clearly seen almost level with the bottom of her breasts. The horse really only has another four inches left to give, if it wasn’t for the straps of the sling preventing any further penetration. Finally Mel’s convulsions ease and she lets out a groan of pleasure. “Oh fuck I love that cock in me!”

Mel begins using her arms and legs, which are still cuffed to some of the straps of the sling, to slide up and down the shaft of the cock. Soon she has a rhythm going using every bit of the 12 inches of play the sling allows. At maximum extraction the head of the giant cock sits in her rectum and gently bulges Mel’s lower belly. At full penetration the cocks maximum thickness stretches her worn and deliberately trained anus 5 inches wide. The cock can be seen in her belly all the way to her depth marker, only her experience, preparation and training allowing her to enjoy this without being badly injured- as would be the fate for any unprepared woman.

Just as her first orgasm starts to approach, the horse decides it’s time to take charge again and renews it’s assault, clenching its haunches and delivering long, deep hard thrusts. Her screams of orgasm are mixed with grunts from the horse and an obscene squelching sloshing noise as the cock churns up and down in her guts. It’s mesmerising to watch, the other 4 observers watch in stunned silence- all of them with wet patches spreading out from their crutch areas, except the youngest who has lost control and opening masturbating herself on the ground. As always the immense pressure upon the back of Mel’s bladder causes her to loose control of it, each thrust now also causing a stream of urine to be sprayed forth.

Suddenly the horse coughs and groans and Mel squeals. The horse is coming, the head of its cock has flared and his thrusting has stopped. Mel’s belly has bulged around the flared head as it pumps a load of semen into her gut. The flared head works is it should and block most of the semen from escaping backwards, ensuring it keeps getting forced deeper up and around the woman’s colon. The small amount of cock still not buried up her ass hole can be seen pulsing as it pumps its load inside. The feeling of being pumped full brings Mel straight into her next orgasm. What an inexperienced observer may not realise during this phase is that Mel is now locked onto the cock. In its enormous flared state the head can longer fit back through her pelvic opening without damaging her, she’s stuck until the flared head recedes in size- something the group found out once when trying to remove her during this phase.

The horse finally finishes pumping its semen into Mel’s belly and begins to wander with Mel    rocking gently underneath in the sling. Her belly is more swollen now that she is full of semen as well as cock, making a deep sloshing noise as she rocks. Soon enough the cock softens slightly and the massive flared head recedes enough for Mel to be able to begin humping the shaft that is still deeply impaled within her. Today, Mel is in an especially sexually aggressive mood and is soon using her cuffed arms and legs to swing herself onto the cock as hard as she can. The horse responds quickly and with a jolt its cock goes fully rigid again inside Mel’s body, causing her to convulse into another orgasm. At the same time the horse begins thrusting its hind quarters again, resulting in hard deep thrusts now that Mel is well and truly loosened and worn in. Soon she is expertly controlling thrusts so brutal that any untrained woman would be in danger of      severe injury. Without warning the horse rears up onto its back legs, the full weight of Mel strains against the straps and everyone watching cries out as they hear one of the diagonal restricting straps break under the strain. All at once Mel drops all the way to the base of the animals huge cock, four inches past her previous maximum rated depth.

The horse owners squeals “Oh god…oh god…this is bad!”

The daughter is furiously masturbating again “It’s going to fuck her to death!” As she orgasms again.

The beast doesn’t care at all, with all hooves back on the ground it gets back to humping. The horse has nothing left, Mel is fully impaled up her ass on the entire cock now. Mel is so far gone in lust now that it’s unlikely she even knows what has happened. With several more deep hard thrusts, Mel orgasms again. Shortly afterwards the horse stops still momentarily, everyone present knows what is coming.
Mel convulses hard as the huge cock head flares inside her and begins pumping another load of semen into her belly, only this time the flared head can be seen bulging her all the way to her breasts. The second load of semen forces its way further up around her colon, the feeling extends Mel’s orgasm into another.

Soon enough the horse rests again and its cock and flared head recede and a trickle of horse semen begins to leak from Mel’s ass hole. This is usually where a session comes to an end, with the beast and Mel usually spent by this stage. But today Mel is out of control. She tells the others to back off and begins humping the giant shaft yet again “Come on fuck you! Really fuck me up today! DEEPER!!! Wreck me you fucker!”

The doctor groans “Holy mother of god, she’s really going for it again!”

Now full of semen and as loose and worn in as she can be, Mel is able to slide up and down without restriction from the broken retention straps of the sling. All the way from the head to the sheath of the cock are now sliding up and down in her ass. “Come on you beast, don’t let me down now, come on….AHHHHH!!!” The horse has begun savagely humping. Mel is constantly screaming in orgasm and probably some measure of pain as well.

The horse owner “Fuck, we’ve never seen it this savage before!”

It doesn’t last much longer. Mel has passed out and spends the final half a minute being rag dolled by the horse until it pumps its final load of semen into her and stops.

The other four women bring Mel around again, whilst waiting for the cock to soften for removal. Mel cannot even walk without the help of the others, this is normal after a horse fuck session. Semen is streaming out of her in bursts, as she cramps up at regular intervals. The women lay her on the inspection table inside the barn and the doctor begins her inspection to ascertain any damage. Just as she is beginning to insert the colon camera, Mel cramps up and groans as she spray a huge load of horse semen into the face of the doctor, soaking her all down the front of her apron- which she learnt to wear for this exact reason long ago!

Soon enough Mel is declared safe and requiring no further medical attention, with only the usual bruising and soreness. For the first time, Gabby speaks up and addresses her younger submissive trainee ‘Congratulations, you now have a new maximum depth. We’ll get the tattoo updated as soon as you’re walking again. We all need to have a talk about where to go from here, follow me”


A Message to the Reader

The above writings are a detailed account of my latest session. It represents my 15th occasion of having successful sexual intercourse with a stallion. The horse owner owns three horses and I’ve fucked two of them, the third is substantially larger- but I think I’m ready for him too.

I grew up on a rural property with my mother and our two horses. My mother was a retired dressage rider. Ever since puberty I fantasised about being fucked by the horses after seeing their huge cocks. I never really believed it was actually possible, but a girl or woman’s fantasies don’t have to be feasible to be a sexual fantasy. For example, plenty of women fantasise about being roughly raped, whilst never having any intention of wanting it to really happen. For me, almost whenever I’d masturbate I’d picture being fucked by a stallion, torn and damaged by a cock that’s simply too large for me. I’m pretty certain that every woman that grows up around horses, like I did, secretly fantasises about taking their enormous cocks.

When my mother passed away from a short struggle with cancer, when I was 19, I turned to erotic cam work to pay for my university studies. It was meant to be temporary, but I became popular and made lots of money. Plus, I enjoyed it. So much so I stopped studying. I soon moved to more extreme cam shows. I attracted the notice of some major players in the sex industry and soon found myself performing exclusive, shows live on stage. The thrill of performing perverted acts on stage for wealthy Japanese businessmen was a huge thrill for me. My onstage orgasms were always real, which probably was obvious to the patrons watching. Through all of this I was still picturing being fucked by horses whenever I performed. By this time I’d heard whispers from colleagues that women really do fuck horses, there are places to go if you know who to talk to and have the funds.

A few years ago, I performed a stage show that would change the course of my life. Readers may be surprised to know that not all of my stage work was for men. Most of it yes, but women can be just as perverted and many have the financial means to get what they like. So, after a show for a very exclusive and expensive women’s BDSM sex club, I was introduced to Mistress Gabby. A very wealthy woman that had a proposition for me. This show kicked off with a perverted Q&A session where the women patrons asked me questions that I had to answer truthfully. One question was what my ultimate fantasy was to which I replied truthfully: to have unrestricted sexual intercourse with horses. This brought groans of aroused approval from all the women present.

Mistress Gabby, assured me she could put me on a path to my dream, but it had to be done properly. She had the contacts to make it happen and she would take me as a submissive and train me to achieve it. I would be well rewarded financially of course, I’d be officially employed as Mistresses house maid- but in reality I’d be her sexual slave where she would live out her perversions through me. She would prepare me for horses, it would take time- it had to be done properly. Sure, you may read erotic stories where a woman just goes to a farm and takes a horse with no problems. You’ve probably also seen those grainy videos of some woman taking a soft horse cock into her pussy whilst the horse stands there uninterested. That’s not what we were talking about, we were going for full penetration, with the stallion free to really fuck me as it likes. This would require training and preparation to do safely. In the end it took almost 2 years of training under Mistress before taking my first horse. It was painful and I could hardly walk for a week, I was also hooked forever. Fourteen more sessions later and here we are today.

Why do I do it anally? Several reasons. First of all Mistress Gabby is a sick pervert and wanted it that way. Second of all, with training and conditioning a woman can take deeper penetration anally, meaning more of the horse can potentially get into me and I wanted the horse to be able to enjoy me as fully as possible. That is what I wanted most of all. But it takes far more training to safely achieve, obviously.

From the first day with Mistress I kept a detailed daily journal of my training journey for horse cock, up to today. Most of it would be dull reading, so I’ve summarised into monthly reports. Why? Well, I’m not the only one in the world with these perversions. Where there is one there is always more. Maybe my journey will help other women decide, choose or even scare them off.


Month One

I was fitted with my first daily training plug on day one. Not regular commercial PVC plugs, but soft medical silicone plugs for long wearing. Mistress has a selection of 5 to begin with, they are custom made to her order and larger sizes will be ordered when needed. The silicone is really soft, allowing it to squeeze and conform inside. I start off with the number two plug, the smallest is already too small for me after my years of cam and stage work having already left my ass hole well used. The number two plug is nothing extreme for me really. It measures 2.5inches at the widest point and the shaft that hold my ass hole stretched open is 2 inches. That may be a lot for most women, but not me, I know I can take way more. That’s not the point of the daily training plug though. It’s purpose is to gradually enlarge, permanently, my ass hole- so as to be eventually be safely penetrated by a stallion’s cock. The first day of each month will see the daily trainer upgraded to the next size, hence permanently enlarging my hole.

The first day I wear the trainer for 2 hours, 4 hours the second, 6 hours on the third and 8 hours for each day after. We will not be going beyond 8 hours of daily wear in the first month, it a probationary month for both of us- either of us can end our agreement if I lose my nerve or Mistress feels I’m not really serious, with no harm done.

The plug feels beautiful inside me. Whoever Mistress has making them knows their craft. The size causes a wonderful fullness in my rectum, just a slight pressure. Unlike lesser plugs it does not begin to chaff or pinch, not even the compact base moulding that sits nicely between my buttocks. When I walk my buttocks gently squeeze the base and causes the plug to slide ever so slightly in and out for a gentle fucking sensation. The plug stays in during the 8 hours, no matter where we go. So, in public it is worn under my clothing. In public, Mistress prefers me to wear neat tailored dresses, with stockings and no underwear. Tight fitting jeans or slacks would potentially show the base of my plug anyway.

Even by the halfway point of the first month, I can feel that my daily training plug is getting looser in me instead of the firm fit of day one. However, at 8 hours of wear the remaining 16 hours still give plenty of time for my ass hole to contract. This is part of the probationary month, we don’t want permanent non reversible modification until we are both sure we want to continue.

Other daily training occurs at the perverted whim of Mistress. She likes to use the strap-on aggressively and leaves me sore. Also larger plugs and toys for sessions. The training plug is always refitted after use by Mistress. My favourite training sessions are the fistings. Mistress is an artiste when it comes to working her hand into me and finding pleasure spots I didn’t know existed. Then ending in a clenched fist punch fucking to leave my hole loose and bruised and my body sore from convulsing in orgasms and her final words ringing in my mind “If you think I’m fucking you up, just imagine what that horse is going to do to you”

The last Friday evening usually sees Mistress visit the club where we met. Now I go with her as her official submissive. Every Friday evening the club is open to its wealthy members, though the last Friday of the month is for the really extreme stage shows. Reportedly some of them are truly nasty. This month’s special stage show had to be cancelled unfortunately, so was replaced by a more normal show- like the one I was hired for originally. For this reason I spent most of the evening observing the running of the club and its members. The room is a semi circular room with subdued lighting and the stage in the middle of the semi circle with it’s spot lights. Above the stage you notice winches, presumable for suspension sessions when needed. Drinks and light food orders are brought by naked staff, that appear from behind curtains when they’re needed.

Turning my attention now to the members themselves it is plainly obvious that I’m looking at wealthy and powerful women. The club membership fees are reportedly obscenely high, plus the club has several wealthy silent benefactors. The club is exclusively for women, I can tell that many are clearly lesbians- but not all. What they all have in common, including me, is the wearing of various masks to hide identity. These women can be well known high society figures, company CEO’s, high ranking government officials- you name it. Beyond the masks, however, it’s hard to see much else in common with the patrons. The couple sitting on the next table are clearly a dom/sub couple, both dressed in elegant evening dresses. The dress of the submissive partner being cut away around the buttocks to reveal a tunnel plug holding her anus open at three inches, on display for anyone to view.

A large breasted single woman nearby is also wearing a tailored dress, but with the front expertly tailored to support and enhance her openly exposed breasts.

Another woman is totally naked. Anything is okay here, it seems. During the stage show, many of the women begin offering up encouragement to the actors, which gets more obscene and vulgar as the extended show goes on. Some women eventually begin to discreetly masturbate as the shows hot up, and by the end it becomes open masturbation and outright fucking for one couple. This is a club for everything, where nothing leaves the walls of the club- it prides itself on this aspect.

At the end of each month I receive a medical check up and a report. The doctor being a specialist in the sex industry and trusted by the club and its members. Her report always begins with the same disclaimer about how, as a doctor, she does not recommend extreme sexual practises- but recognises that if people are to engage in such activity anyway then it is her professional duty to administer advice and medical care to the best of her ability. The first report is summed up as follows:

Mental Well Being: The subject is sane, fully aware of what she is doing sexually, and doing so willingly.
Vaginal Condition: Tight, pristine, never given birth.
Anal Condition: Undamaged. Able to grip two fingers firmly and closes up fully. Definite signs of heavier than usual sexual use. Easily expanded to 3.5 inch diameter. Appears to enjoy anal penetration immensely.
Ultimate Sexual Aim: When asked, the subject expresses the desire to be able to have regular full penetration sexual intercourse, with full sized horses- anally.


Month Two

The probationary month is over and I don’t hesitate to sign the contract for the next phase. From this point on the 8 hour daily plug wear limit is removed and I will now be plugged at all times except when sleeping, when mistress is using me or I need to use my ass hole for its natural purpose. From here on I recognise that my ass hole will be permanently enlarged in capacity for extreme sexual use.

The new training plug is 3 inches thick at the widest, 2.5 inches permanently holding open my anus and penetrates me 7 inches deep. It’s welcome to be honest. By the end of month 1 the older plug was getting loose and would fall out after a heavy fuck session with Mistress. The larger size now has me feeling nicely stretched and full again. A bit of discomfort getting used to the substantial increase in circumference, but by the evening it is settled in and my ass hole has accepted its new intruder.

Mistress herself doesn’t hold back during our first heavy strap-on session of the month, delightfully telling me how she’s going to ruin my ass hole for life now- making it so that the only thing that will pleasure me will be a horse cock!

Oh fuck yes! That’s what I want! I just want to be a pleasure whore for stallions!

The club show this month was a lot more interesting. Sometimes the shows are professional sex industry actors and sometimes amateurs with a serious fetish they want to enact in front of people. This evening is a deep fisting stage show of both holes by a group of stage actors. That’s not actually the eye opener though. Prior to the sex show starting an amateur woman with really breasts is brought on stage and has her breasts tightly bound, weights hung from the rings through her labia and a powerful bullet vibrator inserted into her vagina. Initially I’m not sure where it was going from here, until I see one of the staff controlling the overhead winch to lower another rope. Soon the woman is hanging solely by her breasts over the stage. That is where she stays for the entire show. After a few minutes her groans grow louder and her feet and toes spasm and I realise that this woman is getting off on this and having her first orgasm. Whilst the show gets under way beneath her.

Looking around at the members I notice many of the same women, pus a few new ones. The submissive with the tunnel plug is at the same table and has her ass hole stretched open 4 inches wide by a larger tunnel plug this month. I can see deep up inside her, which is incredibly arousing. I now realise that she is also being permanently enlarged and I feel a sort of kinship with her.
Like last time, the members get more animated as the evenings entertainment heats up. Some masturbate and some couples begin fucking at their table. Mistress tells me to get up bend over the table. I do so and she pulls my dress over my back and then pulls my training plug out and put it on the table for all to see. She then thrusts her fist into me and begins fucking my ass hard. As already mentioned from my time of doing stage shows, I love the thrill of doing perverted acts in front of people. The nearby tables begin to keep watch on us as well as the stage now. Mistress tells me to let the others know what’s being done to her. “Mistress is ruining my ass hole!” I reply. Mistress gets me to tell them why. “So I can be fucked in the ass by a horse!”
That brings a groan of approval from the other tables. Soon Mistress is punching into my hole so hard that I orgasm and piss all over the floor, which brings out one of the staff to clean up my mess. Right about this time is when the stage show finishes and the staff take the woman hanging from breasts down, she finally passed out a few minutes earlier. Back awake and with the bindings removed from her stretched breasts, the members politely tap on their tables in applause and respect for an amateur realising her fantasy.

Just like the first month my ass hole is getting loose around the 3 inch daily plug as it wears out further with little chance to contract back to normal size. In fact the slim base of the plug is sometimes slipping into me as well. I need something larger.

Medical Report:

Mental Well Being: The subject is sane, fully aware of what she is doing sexually, and doing so willingly.
Vaginal Condition: Tight, pristine, never given birth.
Anal Condition: Undamaged. Able to grip two fingers loosely and closes up fully with some effort. Definite signs of heavy sexual use. Easily expanded to 4 inches diameter, and larger with some work. Appears to enjoy anal penetration immensely, involuntarily humping my fingers and hand for sexual gratification as I inspect her.
Ultimate Sexual Aim: When asked, the subject expresses the desire to be able to have regular full penetration sexual intercourse, with full sized horses- anally.


Month Three

My new daily training plug is the first one to begin to give me a genuine challenge. At 3.5 inches at the bulb, 7.5 inches penetration depth and 3 inches stretching my ass hole at the shaft. The extra circumference this time takes me a few days to get comfortable with it, plus the extra depth is expanding me deeper than before. After a few more days my ass hole finally gives up and the usual pleasurable full pressure feeling returns.

Mistress double fisted my ass for the first time today. With no warning she simply forced the second hand into me and fucked me to orgasm before pulling both fists out together. I’m now able to take just a single fist from Mistress as easily as most women would take a cock in their ass. It has become like normal sex for me now. Something surprising to me is how my sexual appetite and drive is being increased by my new lifestyle. I feared that it would desensitise me and cause loss of interest in sexual play, but it is turning out to be quite the opposite. It seems that my mind is being conditioned and trained along with my body, I’m becoming an insatiable sexual beast.

Walking with Mistress through the expensive local shopping district today, with my new daily training plug sliding gently in my rectum as I walked, the breeze blowing up my dress and stimulating my naked pussy in a public place…suddenly all of the stimulation’s got the better of me and I felt my orgasm coming on. I quickly stepped into the first store, an expensive clothing store, gripped the counter and let the orgasm wash over me. The shop was empty except for the middle aged female shop keeper, who smiled “Oh honey, that looked like it was amazing!”
Mistress said to me simply “Show her” I knew what she meant straight away. Bending over I lifted my dress to show her my naked pussy and stretched out plugged ass hole. The woman gasped, putting her hand over her mouth then quickly recovered “How big is it?”

Mistress: “show her”.

I popped the huge plug out and the shop woman gave a cry. “Oh fuck!”

Whether from shock at the size or my loose worn out ass hole, or both, I’m not sure.

Mistress, “go ahead, tell her”

“I’m training to be fucked up my ass by a horse” I say, surprising myself that I didn’t even feel any shame admitting publicly to this stranger- in fact it was arousing    for me.

The shop woman almost swooned and had to grip the counter herself, she clearly realised hat we weren’t joking. Clearly she was also aroused.

Mistress: “help her out”

I pushed my plug back into place and went behind the counter and got down between the woman’s legs and began to orally satisfy her, pulling aside her g-string to gain access. It only took 30 seconds and my tongue going up her ass hole to bring her to orgasm.

With the woman still gasping in deep breaths, Mistress placed a card on the counter and we walked out.

This month at the club featured another run of the mill (for this place) extreme sex stage show. The same couple was at the usual table to out right, the submissive woman again showing her tunnel plugged ass through the open cut back of her evening dress as she walks in and takes her usual seat. Half an hour into the evening, one of the naked staff walks over and has a quiet word to Mistress Gabby. Soon after the staff member comes back leading a nervous woman who is soon seated at your table. Once the newcomer and Mistress begin a quiet conversation, even with the mask- you realise this is the woman from the shop earlier in the month. Mistress has been in contact with her and invited her to the club as a guest, clearly she must have seen something in the woman’s reaction to our shop visit that pleased her. Her name is Katrina, or just Kat.

As the stage show heats up, so does Kat. Mistress was right about her it seems. She soon notices women at other tables masturbating to the show and looks at Mistress, who nods to say it’s fine. Kat hesitates before slipping the straps of her dress off her shoulder, exposing a wonderful and bra-less chest that is bouncing to her ragged breathing.

“Help her again” says mistress. So just like in the store I get between her spread legs and go to work. First with my tongue and then a few fingers in her pussy. Soon enough she grasps my wrist and begins tugging…I understand what she wants and slide my hand into her vulva several inches past the wrist and begin pumping her hard like she clearly needs. I clench my fist inside her, which causes her to convulse and cry out “harder, fuck me!” I increase the depth and force of the strokes “harder! FUCKING HARDER!” I hold nothing back and deliver a series of punches into her cunt, it’s hurting her and also driving her wild with lust. Her orgasm hits her like a truck, almost knocking her out and spraying a stream of her juices into my face. Only then do we realise that the stage show ended and many of the members have stayed around to watch our little show.

Kat, with her dress now torn completely off, has lost all sense of her inhibitions and is spreading her legs invitingly to the others. They take the hint and soon another three women have roughly fist fucked her pussy before the patrons start to finally drift away and exit. The staff help Kat pin her torn dress together enough to cover her for the trip home. Mistress and Kat have another conversation where they come to an arrangement over payment for full club membership, that and a recommendation from Mistress is all that’s required, given the high standing of Mistress in this establishment.

I’m beginning to suspect that Mistress isn’t just an ordinary member, that she is possibly one of the rumoured silent benefactors of the club.

Just like previous months, the end of the month finds my oversized training plug feeling loose in me. Somehow it also feels a little different this time as well, like I’ve crossed a line- the medical report will tell.

Medical Report:

Mental Well Being: The subject is sane, fully aware of what she is doing sexually, and doing so quite willingly. Her sex drive is off the scale and seemingly increasing with her sexual training.
Vaginal Condition: Tight, pristine, never given birth.
Anal Condition: Loose. Able to grip two fingers only loosely and closes up fully with some effort and only after some time. Definite signs of extremely heavy and regular sexual use. Easily expanded to over 4 inches diameter, and larger with some work. Appears to enjoy anal penetration immensely, involuntarily humping my fingers and hand for sexual gratification when I inspect her.
The subject has been informed that it is my professional opinion that further continuation of her current lifestyle will result in permanent enlargement of the anus and anal incontinence. She is at the point of no return
Ultimate Sexual Aim: When asked, the subject expresses the desire to be able to have regular full penetration sexual intercourse, with full sized horses- anally.


Month Four

I’m progressing faster than expected. Reading last months medical report sent a thrill all the way through me. I’m at the crossroads, up until now I could still just quit and return to a normal lifestyle, my ass hole would recover and tighten back up with time.
I sign the contract to enter the final phase. From this point on my lifestyle will not be optional or just an extreme sexual fetish anymore, it is for life.

The new plug is 4 inches at its widest, 8 inches penetration and holds my anus stretched open permanently at 3.5 inches with the shaft. It’s big for any woman to take, it’s now my daily trainer. I orgasm when Mistress forces it in for the first time, I know that this is the one that’s going to permanently ruin my hole.

When Mistress fists with a single fist, she is now loose inside me. The double fist feels perfect, the training is working. She has also begun the initial process of exploring my depth training. For now, she is just gently massaging and opening up the deeper inner muscle rings of my rectum and gently probing, getting me used to the sensation. Obviously depth training is essential to truly take a horse cock all the way, and survive to do it again and again,    like I’m planning to do.

A pretty standard show for the club this month. From here I’ll just describe the really notable ones. However, our table had a visitor from outside Europe this month. The visitor and Mistress seem to know each other well. Her name is Regina, she runs an advertising agency in Australia it is said. Though she is originally German. Currently she is here on business and decided to drop by in between business dealings. This woman has that female perfection of the type that makes men feel afraid to approach for certainty that they won’t measure up. Similarly she makes most women feel inferior and draws a type of female jealous “bitchiness” towards her often because of it. At 6’2 she stands taller than most women as well, like myslef. She is also an extremely perverted woman. In Australia she has bonded with some like minded women and they have formed a little club they call “The Broken Holes Club”. They all specialise in the pleasure of extreme dilation of their holes. Permanent dilation.

Without shame Regina slips off her dress and joins our table in her stockings and bra.

“Well…give me a look then” Says Mistress Gabby.

Regina stands back and bends over to show us what Mistresses wanted to see. Her labia are are pierced and linked from side to side by rings. Her ass hole is loose…very loose, and a length of chain protrudes from inside and hangs between her thighs. What makes my pussy flow though, is that she has a tattoo around her anus describing her maximum rated depth and circumference. She explains that this was an idea they came up with for their little club, sort of a club badge, each of them having it done for the hole/s they prefer to work on. I notice that Mistress loves the idea and I find her looking at me with a thoughtful expression.

Mistress grabs the chain without asking and begins to remove the giant egg shaped plug that is attached. You watch as her ruined anus just keeps on stretching larger and larger and the tattoo grows with it. Finally a massive egg shaped hunk of silicone drops out, it has to be over 5 inches thick. Around 4 inches of her rectum prolapses out after it.

Mistress speaks again “I still prefer to use regular soft plugs on this one (indicating to me), but I know you like those full insertions and it’s easier to hide under clothes without a base. How is the search going?”

“Promising. We’re pretty sure that we’ve found a place down south that is very willing to help us” Regina replies.

“I have a plan in motion for here as well, it will be much better than previous options” -Mistress.

I realise that they are talking about horses. I also realise that, at some point in the past, Mistress initially sexually trained this woman as well. It ended up being a pleasant evening with chatting to Regina, the stage show and, towards the end, tunnel plug woman was placed over their table by her mistress for all comers to gang fuck- as long as they don’t remove the tunnel from her ass. Nice side show.

The doctor was right. This months training plug has ruined my hole. I now gape open when not plugged. Something is missing when the plug is out, it feels good when I’m full.

Medical Report:

Mental Well Being: The subject is sane, fully aware of what she is doing sexually, and doing so with enthusiasm. Her sex drive is freakish and seemingly increasing with her sexual training.
Vaginal Condition: Tight, pristine, never given birth. Though quite able to physically enjoy normal intercourse this way, she has lost all interest in it.
Anal Condition: Loose, permanently gaping to around one inch. Anally Incontinent and will require    artificial means to ensure regular function from this point- such as plugging. Able to grip a fist only loosely. Definite signs of extremely heavy and regular anal sexual use. Easily expanded to 5 inches diameter.    Appears to enjoy extreme anal penetration immensely.
Ultimate Sexual Aim: When asked, the subject expresses the desire to be able to have regular full penetration anal intercourse, with full sized horses and eventually take a horse as a full time sexual partner.


Month Five

This months trainer is 4.5 inches across at the widest and 4 inches at the shaft to keep my ass hole nice and expanded. The plug stays at the 8 inch depth like before because this month Mistress is officially beginning the depth training of my ass. For two hours of each day this month my daily stretch trainer will be replaced by a daily depth trainer. Readers may be familiar with the soft “Slink” training plugs, mine is similar but custom made by our usual craftsman. It is made from super soft medical silicone. My starting trainer is 18 inches long, but tapers to a fine point at the end to allow it to gently curve around my colon and condition me to deep anal sexual play. Because of how loose my ass hole now is, the bottom of the depth trainers is to the same 4.5 inches across as my regular trainer- much larger than commercial Slink plugs.

Two weeks into the month and it happens. Mistress is fisting me and massaging my inner muscles when she tells me to push out…relax…push out…relax and in she goes! An incredible pleasure goes through me and I orgasm as I feel the arm slide deeper and keep going. Mt first deep fisting. I look down and see Mistress’s arm buried to just 3 inches from her elbow and my belly gently bulged next to my navel    and immediately orgasm again. This is now part of regular training from this point.

An uneventful, but pleasant evening at the club, apart from Kat loosing it late in the show and opening her legs up to everyone that wanted to have a turn on her. Mistress can really pick them, she saw her in the store that day and immediately knew somehow that she was made for this place.

Medical Report:

Mental Well Being: The subject is sane, fully aware of what she is doing sexually, and doing so with great enthusiasm. Her sex drive is freakish, insatiable and seemingly increasing with her sexual training.
Vaginal Condition: Tight, pristine, never given birth. Though quite able to physically enjoy normal intercourse this way, she has lost all interest in it.
Anal Condition: Loose, worn, permanently gaping to around over an inch wide. Anally Incontinent and will require    artificial means to ensure regular function from this point, such as plugging, for life. Able to grip a fist only loosely. Definite signs of extremely heavy and repeated anal sexual use. The anus is easily expanded to over 5 inches diameter.    Appears to enjoy extreme anal penetration immensely. Lower colon showing signs of regular use for deep intercourse, something the subject also seems to get great pleasure from.
Ultimate Sexual Aim: When asked, the subject expresses the desire to be able to have regular full penetration anal intercourse, with full sized horses and eventually take a horse as a full time sexual partner. She is sexually modifying her body for this aim.


Month Six

This months 5 inch wide trainer is the first one to cause me trouble for some time. The thickness initially causing me to walk in a shuffling gate due to the pressure inside me from the massive slab of silicone. After    a week I’ve adapted and it’s back to normal, well my normal anyway- not normal for any other woman obviously. The 4.5 inches that the shaft stretches my anus to is no problem for me, I’m ruined back there anyway, nothing more will make any difference for me anyway.
The depth training plug has doubled to 4 hours daily and the fully tapered “Slink” style has been replaced by an 18 inch version with a small bulb at the end, roughly the size of a small female fist but smoother to make it more comfortable.

Mistress can now fist me to her elbow, and is able to deliver long slow, deep thrusts. Watching my belly rise and fall way up past my navel brings me to orgasm every single time. The depth trainer is working.

The enlarged head of the new depth trainer causes my belly to slightly bulge way up deep. When I walk deep plugged, the bulge slides up and down nicely. Mistress takes me walking through the shopping district wearing a dress that exposes my midriff and my bulge. It’s only subtle now, and unlikely anyone would even notice unless they were looking for it.

Another nice show for the club night. Again Kat makes herself available to everyone after the show, she’s hooked now. Soon she is lying over our table, a fist up her pussy, a fist up her ass and a strap-on cock down her throat. They fuck her until she passes out, then bring her around and fuck her again until she passes out. In the early hours of the morning when Mistress rises to leave they are still fucking Kat. I later learn that Kat also comes in for most of the regular Friday evenings as well, and makes herself open then as well. She is becoming known as the clubs living fuck doll.

Medical Report:

Mental Well Being: The subject is sane, fully aware of what she is doing sexually, and doing so with great enthusiasm. Her sex drive is freakish, insatiable and seemingly increasing with her sexual training.
Vaginal Condition: Tight, pristine, never given birth. Though quite able to physically enjoy normal intercourse this way, she has lost all interest in it.
Anal Condition: Loose, badly worn, permanently gaping to almost 2 inches wide. Anally Incontinent and requires artificial means to ensure regular anal function from this point, such as plugging, for life. Able to grip a fist only loosely. Definite signs of extremely heavy and repeated deep anal sexual use. The anus is easily expanded to over 5 inches diameter.    Appears to enjoy extreme anal penetration immensely. Lower colon showing signs of very regular use for deep intercourse, something the subject also seems to get great pleasure from.
Ultimate Sexual Aim: When asked, the subject expresses the desire to be able to have regular full penetration anal intercourse with full sized horses and eventually take a horse as a full time sexual partner. She is sexually modifying her body for this aim.


Month Seven

Oh god. 5.5 inches thick and this one is hard to walk with. My ass hole is now obscenely stretched by the 5 inch shaft. I walk in a slightly splay legged shuffle, which I adapt to with some practice. Fuck it feels good though…the pressure has me approaching that beautiful feeling just as you feel orgasm approaching, but not quite able to get there. The depth trainer has a larger bulb to continue my training, the belly bulge is clear now when I walk. The depth training stays four hours daily. I’m now plugged 24/7 as well. For sleeping I use one of my earlier training plugs, the purpose being just to keep me sealed, rather than expanding my hole further like the daily trainer.

Mistress can now fist me freely to her elbow and is working on deep double fisting. Again she takes me out in public wearing a halter top to expose my belly bulge. This time a couple of young women notice and realise what it is and call me a filthy whore, but I can see them licking their lips and smiling too, when they say it. They were turned on by it.

Another regular stage show for the club. This month Kat is no longer at our table however. She is now the clubs official “Fuck Doll” and has her own comfortable padded bench near the back of the room, anyone can use her at any time during the evening to satisfy her immense group use fetish. As we walk in, two women are already fucking her hard by strap-on.

Near the end of the evenings show, Mistress signals to one of the naked staff, who returns with a nasty looking studded strap-on- the device clearly designed to punish rather than pleasure a woman. Mistress fastens the harness under her evening dress, walks over to the Fuck doll, formally known as Kat. She lifts her dress to expose the weaponized cock and shoves it hard into Fuck Doll’s cunt in one thrust to the hilt. The    Fuck Doll leaps into life and begins humping the savage cock with pleasure.
Mistress “What do you want?”

“Tear my cunt apart!”

‘Louder, so the room can hear you”


Mistress removes the cock after she’s finished and hands it over to the next woman in line. This is Fuck Doll’s third evening this month and, as far as I know, never misses an evening now. Somehow Mistress found this woman, identified what she needed and helped her achieve her perverted place in the world. That’s just what she does. The patrons stay around and group fuck the Fuck Doll into the morning hours, she then has 6 days for her sore, bruised holes to recover and she comes back for more. Soon enough she sells her shop, her fees from the club and tips from the patrons earn her more than her shop ever did.

Medical Report:

Mental Well Being: The subject is sane, fully aware of what she is doing sexually, and doing so with great enthusiasm. Her sex drive is freakish, insatiable and seemingly increasing with her sexual training.
Vaginal Condition: Tight, pristine, never given birth. Though quite able to physically enjoy normal intercourse this way, she has lost all interest in it.
Anal Condition: Loose, badly worn, permanently gaping to 2 inches wide. Anally incontinent and requires artificial means to ensure regular anal function from this point, such as plugging, for life. Unable to grip my fist with any strength. Definite signs of extremely heavy and repeated deep anal sexual use. The anus is easily expanded to almost 6 inches diameter.    Appears to enjoy extreme anal penetration immensely. Lower colon showing signs of very regular heavy use for deep anal intercourse, something the subject also seems to get great pleasure from.

The subject has most likely reached the limit of dilation for the anus and lower rectum for a woman of her physical size.

Ultimate Sexual Aim: When asked, the subject expresses the desire to be able to have regular full penetration anal intercourse, with full sized horses and eventually take a horse as a full time sexual partner. She is sexually modifying her body for this aim.


Month Eight

Ha! The doctor was wrong. Mistress forced a 6 inch thick monstrosity of a plug into my broken ass hole anyway! It’s so large I cannot possibly walk. My ass muscles are too weak to push it out though. Mistress leaves it in for two hours whilst I lay there and struggle with it. Then she takes it out. My daily routine is now the 6 inch monster for two hours, the depth trainer for 6 hours and the stretch trainer for the remainder of my waking hours. Plus a smaller holding plug for sleeping. The shaft of the depth trainer has been thickened this time along with the bulb shaped head, when it is the size of a horse cock I’ll finally be ready. My ass is just one huge stretched out fuck tunnel.

Mistress found a way deeper into me this month. She was fisting me to elbow depth like usual and she stopped and told me I’m ready. With some probing around she looked for the way. I lay there just saying “deeper…deeper”. Suddenly I groaned and ached my back up as Mistress got her hand around the corner deep inside me and then straightened it back out. I looked at her fist up between the bottom of my breasts and saw her arm 4 inches deeper than usual, halfway up her bicep. She told me that’s where I’m going to have to take the horse, imagine that’s a horse cock. I did, the orgasm was so powerful I passed out.

There was a surprise for me at the club this month. It turns out that I was the pre entertainment. Deciding that my ass hole had probably reached it’s maximum circumference, Mistress decided to make it official. Taking the idea from Regina of the Broken Holes Club, I was brought up on stage, my training plug removed and replaced by a thick bottle to keep my ass hole perfectly round. A club member just happens to be a tattoo artist and marked around the edge of my hole my maximum circumference in both inches and metric: 18.5 inches or 47 cm. The pain of the tattoo, the stretching of the bottle, the patrons watching me and the sounds of Fuck Doll cumming in the background brought me to a strong orgasm, which delayed the tattoo somewhat until I settled again. I’m not marked for depth, maybe because we haven’t found it yet, maybe because Mistress has a different idea for that.

Again this month, Mistress signalled for the staff and again fitted the studded weaponized strap-on. Again she went over to Fuck Doll, but this time thrust the head against her ass hole, making her scream and her eyes bulge in anticipation.

“Tell everyone what you want, so they can hear”


Mistress didn’t even hesitate, she gave Fuck Doll what she asked for, thrusting the savage cock in to the hilt with one push and fucking her as hard as she could. The Fuck Doll was cumming the entire time. The club doctor (the same one that inspects me monthly) came out of her back medical room, stitched Fuck doll up, gave her some pain relief and hung a sign “no anal for two weeks” on her bench, she then returned back to her little medical room. Fuck Doll spread her pussy to everyone to show she was still open for business. Mistress finds perverted women, finds out what there hidden fantasies are and makes it happen. That’s just what she does.

Medical Report:

Honestly, lets stop with these for now. They don’t change much from here!


Month Nine

Mostly status quo this month. Just a thickness increase to the depth trainer to continue conditioning me towards that horse cock. The bulge in my belly when wearing the depth trainer is quite noticeable and is too far up to be mistaken for just a bit of fat padding around my belly.

Secretly I get aroused at the thought of people noticing that I’m sexually penetrated in public. This month I get some of that. Mistress takes me away to a thermal resort in the mountains for a few days. She hires a private thermal pool with a female attendant. With us all completely naked in the private pool, including the attendant, I’ve no choice other than to fully expose my lifestyle. To her credit the woman attendant takes it in her stride after some initial shock. They are, after all, just high class expensive prostitutes for the private rooms. You pay enough for what you want, and you get it. The woman’s juices are flowing freely down her thighs soon enough, from seeing me in the state I’m in. So Mistress puts on her strap-on and fucks her senseless.

The third and final day Mistress takes me to the public pool wearing a one piece swim costume. It cannot fully cover the base of my plug and I am viewed by shocked patrons that mostly quickly pretend to not to notice. I’m almost constantly on the edge of orgasm from the attention.

The final evening, Mistress fucks the attendants ass so hard with a huge strap-on that she is walking doubled over and has to take a week off work afterwards- for which Mistress amply compensates her for. Anyway, she later quits her job and comes to work at the club as one of the staff.

This months special evening at the club was well attended, since it is rated as one of the two most extreme shows of the year. Fuck Doll had her stitches out, but was still on no anal for another week. Tunnel plug submissive is at the usual table and I couldn’t help notice that she was walking oddly- a sort of short stride shuffle. It turns out that her new tunnel plug is so large that it makes it hard for her to walk normally. I know the feeling. We all crane our necks to get a look at her wide open gaping ass hole, all the way up her lower colon.

The show starts of with a short video featuring a woman called Fran which is shown on the overhead TV screens at the back corners of the stage. This Fran is apparently well known for breeding special Great Danes as special companionship for women. Her products have a very good reputation in the sex industry. Tonight we’re seeing one in action. On screen is a nerdy looking woman with thick glasses and big front teeth

“’Sup Bitches! Tonight you’re going to be seeing one of our big boys in action, see him really fuck up some whore bad! REAL BAD LOLZ!!! Fran’s Training Kennels, for the best in Bestiality!”

The entire room just sits there for a few seconds in silence, wondering what the hell they just witnessed. Later I was to learn a lot more about the woman and her operation, yet still, no one can say for certain whether the woman herself is just bat shit crazy or just really good at acting and is actually quite brilliant. Without a doubt the products she supplies are brilliant anyway.

The show starts. The staff lead out the two performers onto stage, both on leashes. The first is a huge Great Dane, the product of the already introduced Fran’s Training Kennels. The latest in a long line of Danes bred for sexual aggression and the size of their cock. The staff member in the microphone fills us in on the details. His name is Despot, son of ummmm…AssBuster? Yes I’m sure I heard that right. Despot son of AssBuster. Just Despot for short. He obviously knows what is coming and looking forward to it, his cock slips from it’s sheath and even its only partly erect form draws gasps and groans from the room. The show announcer goes on with the final details. Fully erect, he measures 15 inches from tip to behind the knot and 3.5 inches at the thickest part of the shaft. The knot is larger than a tennis ball when swollen.
His bitch for the evening is a solidly built woman who has been prepared and lubricated. Her details that matter are vaginally depth tested to 13 inches and 12 inches    up her ass. The club patrons groan when they realize that the beast is well beyond what this woman has taken previously. The bitch is an amateur and never taken canine before and is to be broken-in in front of us all tonight.

The bitch is placed face down over a padded bench and her wrists and ankles shackled onto the floor rings that are there for the purpose. She is not tightly bound, having plenty of slack to struggle, but she cannot escape.

Despot is released to have his way. He clearly does not believe in foreplay and simply trots over and mounts his bitch thrusting his cock into her cunt, hard, all the way to the start of the knot. It hurts the woman, she is well lubricated, but not prepared in any other way. The cock has already been thrust in to her maximum depth and the knot is still outside. The beast is using his immense size and weight to try and force himself all the way inside, the bitch is thrashing in the restraints and yelling “Oh god, it’s too big! Oh fuck it hurts!”

The patrons show no mercy, they are really into this and you hear their whispered cheers “force it in!” “fuck the bitch right up” “let him all the way in you whore!”

Slowly, painfully, the beasts cock is sinking deeper into the bitches cunt. Soon her labia are stretched around the fully expanded cock. The bitch is arching her back, thrashing her body and tears are streaming down her cheeks.

The patrons are getting louder now “the knot isn’t all the way in! Take it bitch!”

The beast grapples his bitch for leverage and slowly forces the knot all the way inside. The bitch is still howling, but everyone notices a change in pitch…unbelievably the bitch is starting to orgasm “OHHH FUCK!!! Oh fuck it hurts! Oh fuck it’s good!” Despot begins his best attempt at humping now, despite his bitch being too tight to allow much freedom for it. His humping simply moves her body back and forwards to the rhythm.

A few patrons are now openly masturbating and the commentary continues “give it to the bitch!” Rough crowd in tonight!

The bitch is new, tight and it doesn’t long for her to pleasure the beast into dumping his first load of semen into her pussy. We can see on the close up camera, displayed on the overhead monitors, the cock pulsing as it pumps semen into her. Soon there is a stream of semen leaking out of the bitch and onto the stage. The dog stays knotted for a few minutes, his knot shrinks ever so slightly enough to pop it back out because of the tightness and strength of the bitches vaginal muscles.

The patrons cry out in despair, wanting to see the bitch knotted for much longer.
“Fuck her ass!” The rest of the room murmurs agreement. The announcer reminds everyone the beast is 3 inches longer than anything she has taken before.

“Fuck her ass hole anyway!” comes the reply. The announcer does a quick thumbs up or down count. The result is almost unanimous, the bitch gets it in the ass and she’ll just have to do her best. She does have a safe word, it is not forthcoming, so the show goes on. The stage staff dump a load of lubricant into the bitches ass quickly and guide Despot back into position, he’s eager to get back in. He goes back in hard. His bitch howls almost like a real canine bitch. Just like with her pussy the beast drives straight in to the start of the knot. Not being stretched in preparation the bitch is doing it really hard, tears are again streaming down her face and you can also see on her face that she knows the worst is still coming. The members give their verdict as Despot tries to force himself all the way home.

“All the way!” “Get it in, knot the bitch!” “Fuck her up!”

Unlike vaginally, Despot doesn’t just slowly grind his way deeper this time. He grapples his bitches and uses all his force, and all in one go, the knot plunges through her ass hole and expands fully and locks him into the bitch. She is howling, thrashing and soon swooning on the verge of passing out. The staff quickly step in to use salts to keep her awake. She urinates all over the stage as her bladder lets go. Half the patrons are masturbating, the Fuck Doll is empty and ignored as all attention is on stage. The beast begins humping his bitch hard as she attempts to crawl forward against her restraints and force him back out. But still no safe word, so the show goes on. Not that the staff would have much chance of pulling the beast off now anyway. The staff zoom the little sports cam on a stick underneath to highlight the cock visibly bulging the bitches belly. Her belly looks like it has an egg beater churning it from inside. As the beast loosens her ass canal she begins making a disgusting sloshing noise, like someone punching their fist into a bucket of jello. Soon the bitches howls die off to grunts, then groans. Despot has really forced her open inside now and has a good rhythm going. The patrons start tapping their tables in appreciation as the bitch begins to orgasm. Soon it chains into another as she actually begins to push back and ride Despots thrusting with her own. The beast unloads his semen into her ass and rest on top of her.

It isn’t long before the bitch is trying to get Despot back into action, she’s now completely into this.

The patrons tap out their approval. “look at the whore going for it!” “she’s really into it!”

Soon Despot responds. He begins a furious pumping to the cries of approval from the bitch, who is now meeting thrusts with her own and rotating her hips, she’s almost delirious in her lust now. Her next orgasm rolls over her and the pleasure is all over her face. She begins to swoon again, this time almost passing out from the intensity of her orgasm instead of the pain. Despot unloads into her again, the final time, and climbs off his bitch and faces the opposite direction- waiting to uncouple. The bitch knows what’s coming and desperately tries to grind her hips to keep Despot interested, but soon his knot shrinks and he leaves to the cries of despair of his bitch “No no NO!” For a minute she keeps pathetically wiggling her ass, hoping Despot may change his mind and come back. Finally she looks around, seemingly remembering for the first time in ages that she was tonight’s entertainment. Her face turns bright red. The members give her a rousing round of applause which brings a smile to her face. Despot is owned by a club member for future shows. The owner, however, is often away on business and needs a permanent live in bitch to keep Despot satisfied. Tonight’s bitch finds a job offer in her inbox when she gets home.

After the show there is an excess of built up, unreleased sexual tension in the club. Soon the Fuck Doll has a line, frustrated that they cannot use her ass hole, some soon do so anyway and the doctor has to extend her no anal period out by another week. Soon people have broken off into various groups, as the evening turns into an orgy. Mistress puts me over our table and begins fisting me past her elbow, telling the watchers how I’m close to horse. Through my first orgasm I look sideways and see tunnel plug girl also being ass fisted through her tunnel plug. On stage, one of the staff has been accosted and fucked by a small group. Next to her the doctor is taking a strap-on up each hole and enjoying it immensely. Soon I feel another fist go up my worn out ass hole, bigger than Mistress. When the orgy finally looses steam sometime in the morning I lay on the table and look around. There is torn clothing everywhere and exhausted sleeping women. The staff member that was fucked is spreadeagled on the stage, unconscious. The doctor is stitching Fuck Doll back up and adding another two weeks to the no anal sign. Mistress is fucking another woman in the ass using a 3.5 inch thick studded strap-on. The woman is not always at club evenings, and is usually over the other side of the room when she is, so I’ve never seen her up close. The woman’s mask has come loose without her realizing it, in her lustful state. I get a jolt, I know who she is…she’s a very high level woman in politics in a European country, one that has been known to cause scandal by enjoy herself in the past. She see’s me and refits her mask quickly. I pretend that I haven’t noticed her. Mistress soon finishes up sodomizing the politician and pulls out leaving her hole gaping open and badly bruised from the studs, the woman falls asleep in that same position.

What a night. The sort of things that the wealthy and powerful get up to when their depravity is let loose without restrictions.


Month Ten

Another slight size increase to the head and shaft of the depth trainer. Mistress has also obtained some silicone horse cocks to begin my final phase of training. Mistress mounts the smallest of the horse cocks in a strap-on harness and fucks me with it. I’m used to the depth, but the thickness is larger than my depth training plug. But it feels great. The largest of the 4 horse cocks is apparently close to the first horse that is lined up for me. When I can take that without damage, I will be ready for the real thing.

Fuck Doll is back in unrestricted access at the club this month. When we arrive she has a woman squatting on her face as she enthusiastically licks her ass. I take the opportunity to look at her holes and see her vagina is prolapsing and I can see the damage Mistress did to her ass hole. I almost forgot that Fuck Doll also comes in on the three earlier Fridays of the months as well, not just the the final one like us. Her heavy use is plain to see.

The show tonight is an odd one. A sort of penetration competition with a vaginal and anal classification. On stage a row of silicone cocks are mounted to rows of beams at a height that allows the women to stand over them and lower herself down. From the smallest up to huge monstrous sized cocks. The rules are simple, it’s a bit like a high jump competition at the Olympics. The women work their way along the cocks and impale themselves. To pass they have to fully sit upon the beam, with the cock fully inside for two minutes. This continues until only one woman is left. The patrons wager on the contestants at the start like a horse race. You would think the largest women would have an advantage, and the vaginal class is won by one of the tallest women. Surprisingly the anal class is won by a slender smaller woman with an amazing talent.


Month Eleven

It hasn’t taken long for me to graduate off the smaller horse cock and onto the second. This a far bigger challenge, the head of the cock and the shaft are much thicker than Mistresses arm when she deep fists me. Speaking of which, mistress is now able to double fist me with both arms almost to her elbows.

I notice the woman from the Thermal Resort on staff duty at the Club this month. The show is a wrestling match between two very strong, fit looking women. They are oiled up and let loose on each other in a series of rounds. No holds are off limits and points are given for sexual holds like getting the fist into the other wrestlers holes. The winner gets to rape the looser on stage however she likes. In the end it is pretty clear that the contestants really don’t like each other and they were not acting.

Afterwards, Mistress signals one of the staff, who again retrieves a wicked looking studded strap-on, larger than before, 4 inches thick I’d say. Just like last time she walks over to the Fuck Doll, who’s eyes light up. Mistress places the cock against her worn ass hole and asks her “what do you want?”

“TEAR MY ASS APART AGAIN! DO IT!!!” Mistress clearly realizes that Fuck Doll is an extreme masochist that gains pleasure from painful fucking. The studs don’t bring her pain they pleasure her.

She thrusts the cock in with all her strength and fucks her hard and deep as Fuck Doll has two consecutive orgasms. Then she is back to no anal use for another two weeks, just like that.


Month Twelve

I can now take the number 2 horse cock without trouble. Mistress is able to use it as a strap-on cock and drive it into me as hard as she likes and I can take it. She has now moved to the third horse cock. It’s thick head is hard to take deep, Mistress doesn’t care and just drives it into me and fucks me with it. As she fucks me she tells me that the horse doesn’t care, it doesn’t care if it’s hard for me, if I want it to go harder, or slower, if it hurts. It’s just going to fuck me however it likes, and from now on Mistress is going to fuck me like the horse- no holding back. She puts me in the sling, straps the number three horse cock on and fucks me so hard, all the way in. She fucks me so hard that I ask her stop for bit. She doesn’t stop and fucks me harder instead. The horse won’t stop she says.

This month, before the stage show I’m put on the stage for the final part of my tattoo. Two other women are having their anus tattoo done, the idea is catching on as something of an unofficial club badge, especially for the very submissive women. For me though, I’m getting Mistress’s idea for my depth done. My tattoo is a ruler scale from level with my anus, up my belly just to the left of my navel, all the way to between my lower breasts. At 18 inches it is marked as my maximum depth for sexual use. I’ve taken mistress’s fist deeper, but the 18 inches is how deep I’m taking the silicone horse cocks- so is classified as my rated useful depth.

Fuck Doll is back to all holes use now. Which is lucky, considering the evening to come. This evening is the years most extreme event. Really nasty. The stage is taken by a nasty looking lesbian woman, a body builder, not tall but squat and muscular. She wears a hood like those medieval executioners. The call her Der Zerstörer. The Destroyer. Considered to be the most sadistic bitch to ever put on a strap-on. On stage is her subject for the evening, a beautiful young masochistic woman. Despite the fearsome reputation of Der Zerstörer, and knowing fully well what she does, there are always too many masochistic women wanting to endure a session with her and have their holes destroyed. I won’t describe the show, Der Zerstörer may be a subject for another short story sometime, all to herself.

However, what should be known is that after the show the room is full of sexual tension, probably ten times more so even than the evening with Desopt. Just like then the evening turns into an orgy. Eventually everyone is fucked, not just the members. Mistress brought along the final number 4, horse cock. She intended to use it on me for the first time in front of everyone. It is 4 inches thick at it’s smallest point behind the massive head, 5.5 inches thick near the base. She puts me on my back, pulls out my training plug and forces the final horse cock up my ass. It stops 6 inches from the base, as I clench up against its massive size. Mistress is having none of it and forces it in all the way home and begins to fuck me hard. A lot of the members have stopped to watch, it is the largest cock they’ve seen any woman take all the way. My belly is bulged by the shaft all the way to my tits and the bulbous head can be seen pumping up and down in me as Mistress humps me. I realize that this is it, I’m ready for the real horse, after all the work. The thought drives my lust out of control and I begin humping the cock trying to get it in deeper, but there’s nothing left, it is in all the way.    I orgasm strongly and ask for more. Mistress takes the strap-on off and gives it to the next woman in line “as hard as you want, no safe word- the horse won’t give her any such thing”. The rest of the evening is hazy as women take turns on me, I stopped counting after 10. Many came back for a second go on me. I can remember just pieces of the night as I looked around the room. The Fuck Doll was in heaven, I’ve never seen a whore with her sex drive and stamina. I saw the staff being fucked heavily, I saw the doctor taking on three at once. In all holes.

Finally in the early morning, with everything quiet, I wake up and just lay there observing. What happens next, in the quiet of the early morning is a shock still. I see Der Zerstörer walking across the room towards Mistress. The fearsome woman is wearing the most savage looking strap-on cock I’ve ever seen. It reaches to her knees and is too thick for any woman to take, surely. The shaft is studded with nasty looking    metal studs. They don’t realize that I’m just pretending to sleep.

“Have your filthy slut holes recovered from what I did to them last time yet?”

Mistress doesn’t answer and appears to be lost for words.

“Come on I know you want it again, I’ve got a new cock for you to take, I doubt you’d be able to feel anything smaller after what I did to your holes last year”

Mistress stands up and    Der Zerstörer gags her and tears her dress off, then leads her away. Mistress, who is always so sure and calm, is shaking visibly. There are juices pouring from her pussy and running down her thighs. They go to one of the back rooms where the stage performers prepare before shows. I crawl closer and lay on the stage so I can hear them.

“It’s going in bitch, I don’t care what it does to you, you’re taking it, don’t tell me you can’t”

I start to hear muffled, gagged screams.

“Come on whore, I know this is how you like to be fucked, it’s the only way you can get off now. Take it, open that cunt up, FUCKING TAKE IT!”

The screams intensify.

“Don’t you fucking pass out on me! I’m warning you, if you pass out I’ll fuck you so you’ll never recover! I want you to feel every inch if this, every minute of it and every one of these studs going through you cunt hole”

Desperate muffled screams, you can tell mistress is trying hard to not pass out. The sadistic woman isn’t joking, she probably lacks the sense of humor to joke.

“It’s still only half way in, I don’t know what the fuck you’re wining about that busted    hole you call your cunt has taken more than this before”

Weak screams.    Der Zerstörer can be heard grunting in effort.

“There it’s in! Fuck look what it’s done to your cunt! I can tell you’re loving this you whore, and I haven’t even really started fucking you yet”

A long rhythm of muffled screams in between the sound of the cock being thrust in and out.

“Look at you, you’re fucking loving this now! Are you cumming? You are fucking cumming you slut, what sort of filthy whore gets off on being fucked this way? Don’t you dare pass out!”

It’s true, the screams have changed tone, Mistress really is having an orgasm. The fuck session has been going for 30 minutes by this time.

“Look at that ruined cunt, I have to admit that I’ve never seen a whore able to take and enjoy what you can, you’re a filthy freak”

The screams taper off into low groans. It seems that Der Zerstörer has pulled her cock out.

“You know what’s next, your favorite part, I’m going to do to your shit hole what I did to your cunt hole. I know you prefer it up your ass”

Muffled whimpering.

“Here it comes, take it! I’ve never got this cock up any woman’s ass before, you’re going to be the first! Take it! You will take it even if have to tear you from your ass hole to your cunt hole”

Muffled shrieking.

“Oh fuck there it goes, fuck if you could have seen your ass hole open up then, DON”T YOU FUCKING PASS OUT! Take it all way up there, it’s only 16 inches! You’ve only taken half of it, I’m going to have to force it in”

A series of grunts and screams.

“Oh fuck, there it goes! It’s all the way…oh fuck your ass hole is wrecked…don’t you pass out or I’ll fuck your ass so it never recovers for life and you know better than anyone that I’ll do it! Are you cumming…you are fucking cumming! No other bitch in the world could even take this cock and here you are wanting more…oh fuck…oh fuck look at your ass hole, look what I’ve done to it!”

I can hear desperate animal like grunts as Mistress just keeps on cumming over and over. I can hear the terrible sound of the studded cock being slammed in and out repeatedly. It goes on for 15 minutes, the slamming of the cock being thrust all the way home, the grunts of effort from Der Zerstörer the cries from Mistress which are now clearly animal like cries of lust mixed with pain…Mistress is getting off on it. Finally, the grunts of effort from Der Zerstörer change tone and I realize that she is cumming.

“Oh fuck that’s it!…Oh fuck yeah!… Oh fuck look at what I’ve done to your shit hole! It’s fucking ruined! You fucking freak…you loved it!….you can pass out now!”

Then without warning it all goes quiet. The doctor goes in and Mistress comes out an hour later in, walking in a lot of discomfort. She sees me there “you heard all that?” I nod. “Well, now you know that I have extreme needs too”.


Month Thirteen

I’m ready for the real horse but it won’t be happening until next month. Mistress is out of action and cannot train me for a week after the past Friday evening. Also the horse farm isn’t ready for us until next month anyway.

Someone has broken the Fuck Doll again. This time she has a no vaginal sign for two weeks. Another sign has also been placed “The Fuck Doll is for everyone to use, please show it some respect!” It sounds like the doctor is getting a bit pissed that people keep breaking it!


Month Fourteen

I’m shaking in excitement. I’m trying my best to calm down as it will make it way harder to take the horse if I’m tensed up. We’re at the farm, everyone is here- Mistress, the doctor, the horse owner and her daughter. I’m all lubricated and loosened up in preparation.

For my first time I’m going to be lying face down on a padded trolley to wheel under the horse. To protect me from crushing we have a protective bar over my hips like a race car roll cage, if I’m to be injured it is important that it is caused by the cock and not from getting crushed against my trolley. If the horse injures me with his cock, then so be it. The trolley will also allow me to quickly use my legs to push away if something gets too intense.

When the cock slides out of its sheath I finally start to calm down. It’s exactly the same size as the silicone one I’ve been taking. I can take it, I know I can. The others help me slide under the horse, who has his front hooves up on a raised platform. The head of the cock is guided to my broken ass hole. I’m eager to get on with it and push back and easily take the cock inside for the first 8 inches due to how worn and loose I am. Getting it deeper is more of a challenge. I grind away and get a few more inches in, my belly starts to push out as it goes in. The helpers pump the foot pedal that raises my trolley by 6 inches and allows me to push back and take a few more inches. My training has done its job and I have all but 4 inches of the massive cock in me. I lay there for a few seconds, disappointed somewhat. Why is the horse just standing there and not fucking me? Is horse fucking a dud after all? I begin grinding my hips and sliding the cock in and out a few inches, still no go. Trust me to get the nice gentle horse.

Then with a squeal from the horse, all hell breaks loose. Suddenly the huge beast rips into me with a savage thrust and drives all the way home and knocks the wind out of me. I look down, trying desperately to get air into my lungs, and see from the bulge near my breasts that he is all the way home. The stallion begins a hard thrusting rhythm, I still cannot get enough breath into my lungs! All the training with the silicone cocks did not prepare me for the savage thrusts with the full weight of a grown stallion behind them. The power is unstoppable. It feels like he’s trying to disembowel me!

I hear the horse owners daughter loosing it “oh mum, he’s fucking her, she’s really taking him! Look at the cock in her guts!” Followed by the noises of her orgasm.

After a few minutes the horse drives all the way into me and stops. I have to admit I needed a break to catch my breath fully. Then real payoff comes, the best part, the beauty of fucking with a horse. Suddenly I feel the head flare massively deep inside me, I feel every inch of the cocks massive shaft pulse as it pumps its load of hot semen into my colon. I can feel every pump of semen all the way along my anal passage, I can feel the semen filling me and working around my colon deeper. It’s hard to describe how good the hot liquid feels as it fills my belly, prevented from flowing out of me by the tight fit of the flared cock head. I orgasm like never before.
We wait a minute for the cock to soften enough and then I roll away and pop the cock out of me, spraying semen out of my ass hole like a fire hose.

For my first horse fuck that is it. Just the one round, play it as safe as possible for the first time- all of us are doing this for the first time after all.


Month Fifteen

Human adrenaline is an amazing thing. After my first round with the horse I was eager to go again straight away, but we stuck to the plan. The next day, after cooling down, I felt like I’d been hit by a truck. I was sore, bruised and walking a bit doubled over. Experience would prove that my recovery would get faster and faster as my body gets used to my new lover.

I do two more sessions with the horse this month. The horse is also learning with me and is getting into it more and more with each session.


Month Sixteen

This month we use the sling for the first time, I way prefer this method as it allows me to stay coupled with the horse as long as I like without my legs getting tired. We have been using this method since.

Two sling sessions this month, with me staying impaled for much longer and being filled with semen several times. Like I said the feeling of being filled with hot semen is mind blowing. It’s my favorite part.


Month Seventeen

Three sessions this month. Longer and harder sessions, the stallion loves our sessions now and really thrusts me long and hard.


Month Eighteen

I’m ready for the larger horse on the farm. He is not much longer, but quite thicker. He also turns out to be a faster learner and much more aggressive.

At the end of the month, we do a special club show. The barn is scrubbed up and tables set around the sides, a special stall for the Fuck Doll to set up in. The show is a huge success, I loved being watched, seeing the club patrons masturbating to the sight of me being fucked by the stallion makes me orgasm all the harder.


Back to present day

So, after a further 6 months of the same routine, here we are today. We’ve finished our talk after today’s session and we now know our roles for the future. The farm is being converted to a farm stay holiday resort. A very special, very expensive and very exclusive farm stay resort. It will only cater to 5 women at any time. The main activity will be horse riding, with the horse riding the women of course. The project is bank rolled by Mistress, another unknown silent partner and, surprisingly, the Great Dane Training kennels that supplied Despot to the club earlier in the year. It seems that Fran’s Training Kennels have a boatload of currency sitting in offshore bank accounts needing an investment opportunity.

The Farm owner will run day to day activities and will likely find other helpers. I am to train the horses, I will begin with the largest one soon as well, plus any new additions later. My life will consist of fucking horses, as much as I like.

The doctor will be a doctor, no surprises.

The horse owners daughter? I’m glad you asked. She drives away with Mistress and will be trained onto horses just like she desires.

We haven’t thought of a name yet. Fran, of the training kennels, has suggested “Horse Fukkers R Us”. Not in a million years. Maybe we will put the question around the club.