My husband and I live in a nice home – combined we earn a good living and being in our late thirties, for me at least, the sex is great. Both of us keep our bodies in good shape, daily workouts are seldom skipped … my double D tits, keep his 8 1/2 cock constantly semi erect and always ready to enjoy anything I will let happen.

Our marriage is open, I’m sure he has cheated on me a few times, I know I have occasionally stepped outside the traditional boundaries, for me both with males and females … our next door neighbor is around our same age – brunette, tits as big as mine … she has three matched dogs of some kind – they’re big, super soft hair as friendly as anyone could ever want …. Since I work from home, Laurie and I try to hook up a couple of times each week, I know my sweetie would love to get in on this action, but she is strictly female only – or at least that is what she told us.

One evening the sun had completely gone down, still enough light to make out objects – is was a typical summer evening … feeling frisky, I had gone inside to make us some drinks, slipping my panties and top off … when I returned, bare tits and pussy on full display, I loved to watch the tent grow in the front of his shorts.

Taking a seat on a double lounge, he quickly joined me, reaching down to kiss one nipple … when we heard a low moan coming from next door. Our patio light was on, giving us a good view of Laurie’s back yard.

Eric got up to take a look, he was gone for longer then expected, especially when I was just becoming aroused … Joining him … I was shocked at what we were looking at.

We had not been loud so I’m sure she thought she was alone .. Nude on a large lounge, laying on her side, one of her doggies behind licking away at her bottom and I’m sure her pussy, especially the way her one leg was raised up, the foot resting on the other leg.

It was obvious what he was doing not only excited her, but had her heading to a sexual haze, area, from the way she was writhing, moaning and occasionally whimpering, had me so jealous.

Anticipating an evening of sexual pleasure the way my hubby can easily provide for me … what we were watching was having the same effect on both of us, apparently naughty beastality easily spiked our arousal … slipping in behind me, lifting my covering off my bottom, his own cock feeling like it was as hard as I can ever remember. Leaning on the fence for support, he was deep inside me, pumping in and out with faster strokes then I can remember … both of his hands had my tits being abused by them … Laurie let out a loud scream just when he filled my pussy sending me crashing over the ledge at the same time.

This was such an intense climax, my whole body was exhausted … fearing I’d collapse, as soon as he pulled out of me, stumbling to the closest lounge chair … falling down on my back .. a quick nap took over.

It seemed I was only out for a few minutes, waking … surprised my wrists and ankles had been secured to the lounge … struggling with no use, looking at him just as he was opening the gate between the two yards … then suddenly one of her dogs came jogging through – I had just been fucked, juices were still leaking from me, it only took a few sniffs for him to zero in on the exciting smell.

In seconds the hounds tongue licked between my legs …. the sensation making me groan, breathing heavy, “Eric this is not funny, stop this immediately – release me … make this dog go back …OMG don’t let this happen, it is ….”

The second lick spiked my need again, now I understood what was happening to my part time lover and how she had reacted ….

I kept begging him to stop this … he just watched, stroking his cock, enjoying every moment I was suffering or enjoying what was happening, even though it was not my choice.

I had no idea a dogs tongue is designed to give the ultimate pleasure … he had me on the edge ready to plunge over, then somehow kept me there, exciting, stimulating, teasing until I was literally begging him to let me cum …

How long he kept me like this, was lost … eventually the way he was licking changed causing me to suddenly scream, my hips raising off the surface … my body exploding more juices then I’d ever done …. then totally collapsing – every muscle in my body ached … after cleaning the excess juices he left … Eric undid my restraints, I stumbled off to a shower and bed, still so mad I never acknowledge the fact anyone else was in the home.

After he had showered, walking into the bedroom, lifting my head, “You can find someplace else to sleep, someone who betrays me is not welcomed in my bed” I loved the fact he stood there shocked, instantly regretting what he had done to me, even if it was the best sex I’d ever had.

As soon as he had left for work, I was on my way to Laurie’s home. Hugging her, I told her everything we had seen as well as what happened after …taking hold of my hand, “Oh my dear Nikki, I’m so sorry that happened … first sorry shit head tied you up and second, you only enjoyed half the pleasure”

Her comment ‘half the pleasure’ shocked me, confused – she had me kneel in front of the sofa helping me get totally nude … with my back side open to her, she called one of the dogs, “PUSSY boy, PUSSY”

Since all three were identical I had no way of knowing which one had entertained me last night ,but this one picked up where the previous one had left off, tongue between my legs, plunging me back into the erotic cloud I had been in and loved so much. While he was licking me, she explained they are highly trained pets, all skilled in making a woman feel so perfect in so many ways.

Last night I was in an erotic haze, furious I had been restrained, but this morning, OMG what he was doing to me was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. His tongue seemed to open up my lips, licking between them, while somehow going up inside – it felt like it was being narrowed then pushed in deeper and deeper … just when I was ready to explode … he’d switch the way he was playing, making the need to cum more and more intense until I was clawing at the sofa, writhing with my hips, moaning – trying to say something, trying to make him let me cum … but only weird sounds came out … finally she said, “PUSSY FUCK boy”

By the time it registered what she had said, trying to tell her in no way did I want a dog to fuck me, he was already on my back, what had to be the biggest cock I’d ever felt was buried deep inside me … his weight on my back, prevented me from pushing him off – the speed his was jackhammering in and out of me, sent me into a different world, one of unknown pleasure – one where erotic fantasy has become all too real …. the orgasm I had prayed for was now coming in waves … one after the next, each one making my very being shake …

I had lost all ability to focus, staring at the back of her sofa, but not really seeing anything … my nipples rigid while being rubbed back and forth over the soft surface … just when it didn’t seem like anything could make me more excited, his knot slipped easily inside me, plugging up my entrance … flooding me with the warmest liquid I’d ever felt in there … so much better then any guy had ever done to me … to my surprise he repeated that warm wonderful feeling over and over … my own explosions had mixed with his, until I no longer had any idea what was happening to me …

When he pulled out, my friend was right there … “I’m so sorry for not telling you what was about to happen, but I knew once you tried it, you’d be converted … .you’ve just become one of the boys new bitches. How do you feel?”

I heard what she was saying, would forever be so thankful she had given me a chance to experience this world very few ever get to know … but words were not able to be expressed, all I could do was whimper while the tingling in my pussy seemed to go on forever.

My whole body was sweating, helping me stand, then supporting me to her hot tub, the soothing jets felt so good on my muscles .. handing me a cool glass of lemonade … “We’ll keep working your body until you can take all three – one after the next. When I came in last one after one used me until all had enjoyed my body. I can only do this about once a week, sometimes more but it takes several days for me to come back to normal … that is when I enjoy playing with you”

The thoughts of having what I’d just experienced repeated two more times, was more then I could even imagine … telling her I couldn’t wait but right now one was more then enough to start.

Sipping my drink, “I”m still pissed at Eric and the way he used me … I’d give anything to get even with him”

Pulling me close, kissing my neck, “I have an idea – it would change him forever … more like a live in maid instead of your husband – but you’d always have access to the three boys, so sexually that would be taken care of” She explained what she had in mind, just the thought made me tingle all over.

I let him stew for a few days, during this time adding an exercise piece of equipment, mounted to the patio … then a few days later he came home, I was nude, drink in hand, wiggling my body, “I’m so sorry for being mad at you … will you forgive me?”

The expected tent instantly began to show, taking the drink, hugging me, telling me how sorry he was and promising he’d never do it again …. swallowing the drink in one gulp, running to the bedroom to strip down and join me out back … by the time he joined me again, the drugs I had mixed in his drink were already taking the desired effect, barely able to walk, “Nikki I don’t feel good, what is happening to me?”

Guiding him to the new piece of exercise equipment I’d had installed, a few adjustments – his wrists were secured in place above his head, his body being forced to lean into a rail placed just waist high … easily attaching a ‘spreader bar’ between his legs, forced them wide apart … taking out a jar of greenish gel Laurie had supplied, slipping on a pair of latex gloves – making sure his ass was covered well, pushing lots up inside him … like most men they play back there, but he in no way was used to having two fingers pushed up inside … barely able to speak, “Wha… wha…Nikkkkk wha doinnn to me?”

Kissing him on the cheek, “Oh don’t worry honey I know you’ll like it – just relax and enjoy”

These were the same words he had said to me when I was restrained … just then my sexy neighbor came through the gate, totally nude, being followed closely by her three companions.

The drugged drink was beginning to wear off, seeing Laurie nude, the three dogs along with the coating I had done to his ass … all began to make sense – his eyes shot wide open, “OMG Nikki you can’t be serious … I only thought you’d enjoy being licked like Laurie had been done .. but I never wanted anything to do with dogs sexually and ..oh please forgive me, please let me loose … if our marriage means anything to you, please don’t let this happen”

He was crying now, twisting every which way to try and get loose, his poor cock was hard … it was hard to tell if he was excited or just nervous … our close friend, patted his bottom, “ASS Fuck Boys … take turns”

One stepped up close licked his between his cheeks, then easily jumped up on his back, that massive cock finding its target on the first thrust. The pain must have been so intense, his mouth opened, but nothing came out … the pounding started, I could see a small stream of blood making its way down his one leg .. the cock must have split him ….

By the time a good steady rhythm had been established, he was looking down at the ground, both eyes staring blankly at nothing in particular. I’ve heard it said when a guy goes to prison the first time, they get this same look – their mind realizing this was going to be their life for a long time, in Eric’s case, I think he knew this was his way of life from now on.

Making sure we were relaxing in front of him, the two dogs not fucking him, licking our pussies, making us moan and writhe from side to side … I’d enjoyed my first body shattering explosion when his first companion pulled out of him, followed by a flood of sticky seed flowing down his legs … the second one jumped up for his ride … this time he was crying continually .. when the third one jumped up, my poor husbands eyes looked vacant and empty … no expression, no emotions, just a blank stare.

Eventually I released him, telling him to take a shower when he could walk … watching him try to get inside, it was obvious how much pain he was in … he didn’t even ask about what bed to sleep in, he took the spare bedroom for his own. Every Monday and Thursday he is in place being supported by the equipment … all three dogs use him … in between they provide pleasure for the two of us … it has been six months since that memorable weekend …. I am up to two dogs using me .. .I have confidence soon all three will be making me their bitch soon.

Poor Eric had to quit his job, he helps clean the house … his poor cock only gets semi hard now, the three of us have talked about taking him to a ranch where he can enjoy horses as well.