© 2019 by Luna

Isabella hummed to herself as she dressed for the day. She pulled on a black and white striped shirt and tied the ends under her breasts then pulled on a black pleated skirt. As she pulled on her favorite pair of black knee high boots her cell phone buzzed.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Yeah, is this Isabella the dog sitter?” the person on the other line asked.

She smiled. “Yes it is, how may I help you?” she pulled the clasps tight on her boots.

“My name is Helen Taylor and I heard from a friend that you are a great dog sitter and very affordable.”

“Not to toot my own horn but this is true.” Isabella said confidently, she could feel herself getting excited.

“Well I am going out of town for a few days and need someone to watch my two dogs, can I count on you?” Helen asked.

“Of course you can ma’am, I’ll just need your address and the time you want me over and I can put you in my calendar.”

Isabella climbed off her bed and picked up her blackberry from her desk. It had been a birthday gift for her from her mother. Her mother had been quite proud of her for starting up her own business. For a girl of 18 she certainly had a better paying job then most people her age. What her mother didn’t know was that personally the money wasn’t as important to Isabella as what she got to do. Sure to some people it was just dog sitting which was easy but for Isabella it was her favorite hobby.

Mainly because ever since she had learned about bestiality 2 years it was all she wanted to do. It had started out with her being horny one night and web surfing for some good videos to get her off when she had stumbled across a video of a woman getting fucked by a dog. After a week of researching this new interest she had then declared that she must try it but sadly she did not have a dog. One day her neighbor had come over to ask if she would watch her Dalmatian, Jerry, and this got Isabella moist with excitement. Jerry had popped her cherry and from that moment on she had offered to watch Jerry for her neighbor whenever they went out of town. But although her time with her first dog lover was special she found herself wanting more of a variety. So she had put up fliers in her neighborhood and gone door to door offering her dog sitting services. That was how her business was born.

Isabella inputted Ms. Taylor’s address and agreed to meet her in an hour. She strolled out of her room and downstairs to grab some breakfast. Her mother smiled at her and handed her a plate of delicious smelling French toast. Isabella scanned through her blackberry calendar and nearly let out a ‘squee’ to express her excitement. She was watching the dog down the street over the weekend. She was spending a few days watching Ms. Taylor’s two dogs. Then on Friday she was watching Jerry. What a week this will be indeed she thought. Today being Monday she had a whole week of fun ahead of her.

“I’m going to meet a new client in an hour mom.” Isabella said as her mother sat down at the table.

“Okay, will you be staying there overnight?” her mother asked.

“Not sure, I’ll ask Ms. Taylor that when I get there.” Isabella shrugged. She brushed back her blonde bangs from her face.

“What about the rest of the week?” her mothered asked.

As Isabella shared her schedule with her mother all she could think about was what kind of dogs Ms. Taylor owned.

An hour later Isabella pulled up to Ms. Taylor’s modest 2 story green house with rose bushes and planters out front. She climbed out of the car, locked it and practically jogged up the front steps. When she rang the door bell she could hear two sets of barking inside and she could feel herself getting wet. Every time she heard dogs bark she got wet. The front door opened to reveal a woman in her early 30’s with long brown hair dressed in a yellow tracksuit. She smiled at Isabella and gestured her inside. Once inside she admired the extravagant décor. This woman must make a lot of money Isabella noted.

“I’m so happy to meet you, my friend Debby told me what a great sitter you were and I just had to call you. I’m going out of town for a few days and can’t leave my dogs alone.” Helen said as she led Isabella through the house and into the kitchen. “I heard that you were reliable, trustworthy and very good with dogs. Apparently after you watched Debby’s dog Thor he was saddened that you had to go but excited the next time you came to watch him.” Helen and Isabella walked through the kitchen and towards the backdoor.

“Well I guess you could say I’ve got a ‘magic-touch’ so to speak.” Isabella giggled at the double meaning.

Opening the backdoor Isabella nearly fainted at the beautiful backyard. It must’ve been at least 10 acres! Along the lining of the fence were trees that provide shade as well as privacy. The deck looked like it was made of the best wood. It was raised off the ground and had a small gate that closed it off but led to stairs that would lead down to the backyard which had a beautiful Olympic sized pool and Jacuzzi plus a gazebo in the back. Standing in front of the gate at the bottom of the stairs were a brown Great Dane with black spots and black and white Corgi. Isabella was definitely excited now. She had had a couple of Danes, including Helen’s friend Debby’s dog Thor, he was a Dane. His cock was magic!

“The Dane is Kev-Kev and the Corgi is Thomas. Would you like to meet them?” Helen asked.

‘Hell yes!’ Isabella screamed in her head. “Sure, I’d love too.”

Helen opened the gate at the top of the stairs and led her down to the gate at the bottom. She ordered the dogs away from the bottom gate and opened that one too. The two stepped out onto the lush green lawn and Isabella was bombarded with sniffs and licks. She giggled at the ticklish licks to her ankle from Thomas. Kev-Kev sniffed and licked at her face but occasionally his nose drifted to her skirt but she had to refuse him, but just for now.

“Kev-Kev looks like a meanie but he’s really just a big softie.” Helen said scratching the big dog’s ears.

“Will I have to stay here over night?” Isabella hoped silently that it was a yes.

“Yes if you don’t mind, I would just feel better knowing that they had someone here with them overnight to watch them. Plus Kev-Kev can’t get to sleep without someone sleeping right next to him.” Helen said hugging Kev-Kev’s head.

This gave Isabella dirty thoughts. “Of course it’s no problem,” now she had to discuss payment. “Did Debby tell me my rates?”

“Yes, and I am willing to pay you double that for staying overnight.” Helen said gesturing for Isabella to follow her back up the steps. Reluctantly Isabella parted with the two handsome dogs and followed her.

The two sat in the living room discussing care and pay for a good 30 minutes. Isabella agreed to what Helen wanted to and stood from the couch. Helen said she had to be gone before 6:00pm for her trip. Isabella said she would be there before she left, she just needed to pack her overnight bag for the 3 days of her stay.

Pulling back up to her own house she made her way inside the house. Her mother had left a note saying she had gone to work to send her a text with the details of her dog sitting. Isabella quickly sent the text and began to pack her bag for the next 3 days. She packed a white flutter skirt and a jean mini-skirt, she grabbed a purple tank top and black tank top and packed those too, finally she packed a baby blue sundress and her lime green bikini. After shoving some panties and bras too she went to search for other essentials to pack. Isabella knew she wouldn’t need the panties though. She grabbed up her favorite bestiality movies and special magazines she had ordered as well as her favorite dog cock dildo and vibrator.

Once those were packed she closed her bag. She sat on the edge of her bed and pouted at the time, it was only 2:30pm. She could feel herself getting a bit frisky at just the thought of being fucked by Kev-Kev and possibly Thomas. She stood from her bed when she heard a car outside, her neighbor was apparently leaving. Then it hit her, her neighbor was going to work! She sped out of her room and out into the backyard, her panties were soaked when she heard Jerry barking happily at some squirrels on their shared fence. She made her way over to a large patch of bushes, slipping off her panties as she went and grabbed two of the wooden planks that she had long ago loosened so that when she was in the mood for a good fucking and her neighbor was gone she could sneak Jerry through and fuck him to her hearts content in the bushes. Once the planks were moved she spotted Jerry running around the edge of the fence a little bit away trying to get the squirrels.

“Jerry, special-time!” Isabella called.

She had taught him after their first time to respond to that phrase. Tossing her panties to the side she watched as Jerry’s head snapped away from the squirrels and towards the gap in the fence where Isabella stood. He ran over to the gap and tackled her once he was through. She landed on the ground with a soft grunt. Isabella giggled as he showered her with licks and kisses, he had obviously missed her. The last time they’d fucked was last Saturday night when Isabella couldn’t sleep and had snuck outside for a quickie. As Jerry moved his head to lick her cheek more Isabella moved her head to catch his tongue in a French kiss. She stroked his sides as they stayed locked in a heated tongue lashing kiss.

“Ooh Jerry you are the best kisser in the world,” Isabella moaned as she continued to twirl her tongue with the Dalmatian’s. Her pussy was now dripping with excitement and pleasure. “You make me so wet just by kissing.” Her hand trailed lower and shifted under Jerry’s belly to stroke his cock which had been half out after she had called his command. She stroked his shaft as they continued their passionate kiss, once it was all the way out it dangled just in front of her leaking pussy, just barely touching it. Reluctantly she pulled away from their hot kiss.

She gently ordered him up so that she could sit on the old mattress that she had brought into the bushes after their first time so that they could fuck comfortably. She had covered it with a plush old comforter so that it wouldn’t make her back itchy. She slid off her skirt and laid it next to the mattress so it wouldn’t get soiled. Once her skirt was off she untied her shirt and laid that beside the mattress as well.

“Come here Jerry,” she coaxed. Jerry padded over and sat on the mattress.

Isabella gently pushed him to lie down on his side; she crawled between his legs and drooled at the sight of his unsheathed doggy cock. “You’re so anxious for me aren’t you sweetie?” she said as she grasped the hot dick in her hands.

Leaning down she latched her mouth on the delicious cock moaning softly at the taste she loved so much. She sucked lovingly on Jerry’s cock while massaging his balls with the other. She sucked him as hard as she could to make sure he was at the peak of his excitement. The taste of his cock made her even friskier; she reached down to finger herself while she sucked his cock. Once she was assured that he was good and hard she quickly got on her hands and knees, with a simple wiggle of her ass Jerry mounted her, with practiced ease he found her pussy and shoved his hard doggy prick inside.

“Oh yes baby, fuck my pussy. This is your pussy to fuck anytime you please and for as long as you please.” Isabella moaned. She rocked back against his thrusts, she reached under to fondle her clit as she felt his knot expand and shove inside her. Isabella moaned as she cummed several times around Jerry’s hotrod.

Jerry fucked Isabella hard, his cock buried deep inside her as he shot her full of his hot doggy sperm. When his knot receded it plopped out of her pussy and his cock slid out followed by a flood of mixed dog cum and pussy juice. Isabella leaned down to rest her face against the mattress panting softly. She quickly regained herself and crawled to rest her rear on the edge of the mattress, she leaned up to suckle on Jerry’s cock again so that she could get him good and hard again, she creamed when she tasted their mixed juices. Once he was good and hard she pulled Jerry off the mattress and opened her legs wide.

“Round two sweetie.” She said excitedly, Jerry needed no prompting and hooked his paws around her waist and shoved his cock back inside her honey-hole.

It had taken a lot of training for Isabella to teach Jerry missionary but it had been so worth it. He fucked her like a jackhammer, his knot swelled and was shoved into her pussy locking them together as she cummed multiple times. She pinched and tugged at her clit with her right hand while pinching her nipples with her left. When Jerry shot her full of his hot doggy sperm she moaned loudly in pleasure and had another orgasm herself.

The two fucked non-stop in for a good long time before Isabella closed her legs and pulled Jerry up onto the mattress to lie next to her. She stroked his fur lovingly as she nuzzled noses with him. Jerry stuck out his tongue to lick her face. She caught his tongue with hers and proceeded to French him again. Every now and then she would breathe but kept kissing him for a good 20 minutes. As they kissed she reached under to tug at his cock and coax it out while playing with her clit to get herself off again. The biggest turn on for Isabella was definitely the French kiss. Once Jerry’s cock was fully out and Isabella orgasmed under the effects of the kiss and the tugging at her clit she was ready to go again. She rolled Jerry over onto his back and grabbed his cock; she had wanted to try this for awhile and figured what better time then now. After lining her pussy up with his cock she lowered herself down till she was fully impaled with his hot cock.

“Oh Jerry, this feels nice. We should’ve done this ages ago.” Isabella said as she lifted her pussy from his cock then back down.

Lowering herself down, as she impaled her pussy with his cock she proceeded to suck Jerry’s tongue. Using one hand to support herself she used the other to tug at her clit as she fucked herself with Jerry’s cock. This was one of the best positions they’d ever done! They were definitely going to have to do this again.

Isabella pulled away from the kiss to moan loud in pleasure, her orgasms seemed non-stop and even better then they normally were! “Oh baby, this is the best!” she panted.

The best part started to appear; his knot swelled and with one fast thrust down it was shoved inside her pussy and locked them together. She shivered in pleasure and pinched her clit harder with a few more short thrusts Jerry shot Isabella full of his doggy cum a third time. She kept on thrusting though till his knot receded and slipped out, this position just felt too good to stop now! She just kept impaling herself on his cock while tugging her clit, for 20 minutes she kept this up. Jerry’s knot had tied them together in this position 7 times already. She had had so many orgasms it was unbelievable! After the 8th time Jerry’s knot slipped out the blonde finally pulled herself off his cock and laid next to him panting heavily in pleasure.

“That was the best.” She panted rolling over to kiss him again.

When she pulled away she checked her phone. Perfect it was only 3:30; she still had time to play. She decided to set an alarm on her phone so that she wouldn’t be late getting to Helen’s. She laid back and basked in the warm feeling of so many wonderful orgasms. She cuddled against Jerry, throwing her leg over his hips and nodded off to sleep.

She awoke an hour later to half with her pussy pressed against Jerry’s sheathed cock. It felt so warm that it made her cream again. Jerry shifted in his sleep. Isabella pouted. This was no fun, she was horny and her lover was asleep. Feeling devious she crawled off the mattress and opened Jerry’s legs. His cock had gone back into it’s sheathe. She gently grasped it and proceeded to rub it till the pink tip was revealed; once it was exposed she proceeded to suck on it as inch by inch the cock slipped out. By this time Jerry was awake but lay still as Isabella lovingly sucked on his cock. Inch by inch his cock came out under the hot suckling of the blonde’s tongue. While Isabella sucked Jerry off she massaged his balls. The warm, slippery taste of his cock made her wet as she sucked him harder and faster till he shot his load in her mouth. After swallowing the cum she climbed onto the mattress to French him again. Her pussy ached for attention as she kissed him, this time rather than using her fingers she adjusted herself so that Jerry’s snout was buried in her pussy. As he went to town on her dripping pussy she pinched her nipples and tugged at her clit.

“Oh good boy Jerry, eat my pussy! Eat it good!” She moaned.

Jerry’s talented tongue made her cum so many times, it drove her wild! After her 7th orgasm she closed her legs and checked her phone again, 4:45pm, still time to play. Rather than having sex again she dressed and led Jerry out of the bush, they played in the yard for quite awhile, her throwing a Frisbee or ball and him chasing after them and bringing them back. As great as a lover Jerry was he was also a great playmate. There had been a few times that Jerry had knocked her over and buried his snout in her snatch but after she cummed he went right back to playing.

At 5:00pm Isabella decided to get one more fuck session in with Jerry before leaving for Helen’s. She made her way towards the bushes with Jerry following eagerly behind her. Taking off her clothes she placed them back beside the mattress and they began their fun again.