Walter Jameson was born to very wealthy parents, led a sheltered life, and grew into a disturbed man. He was abusive to his wife shortly after they were wed even to the point of using her to have sex with his hunting dogs and filming it as a home movie. Jennifer, his wife had gotten to the point where she enjoyed being used. She even agreed to put on shows for him and his friends having sex with them and 1 or more of the dogs on film.

Jennifer was so caught up in pleasing her husband that she allowed that to dictate her life. To her, pleasing her husband was pleasing herself. It started when they were dating, Walter had a way about him. She hung on his every word or action. Though she’d never had anal sex before, Walter convinced her to give him her ass on their first date. Walter felt she would be the perfect wife for himself, a submissive slut that would do whatever he wanted, when he wanted. They dated for only months and got married.

His parents were happy he “settled down”. Her parents were thrilled their daughter had landed herself a very rich self-assured man. Little did both sets of parents have any idea what had started. They had a huge house with plenty of staff seeing to the needs of the couple and their home. It appeared it was a wondeful place to live. Outside his friends and the staff, few knew what happened in the big house on Pine Cove. They had many parties where Jennifer was the entertainment along with some or all of Walter’s dogs. Many of the little shows were filmed for Walter to enjoy later. Somehow in the second year of their marriage, Jennifer got pregnant, and gave birth to a beautiful little girl they named Marilyn.

Marilyn was truly Daddy’s little girl.

  She was born to a very wealthy couple and her father had groomed her for sex starting when she was only 8 giving him blowjobs and teaching her how to handle his huge cock. Then on to his hunting dogs by the time she was only 13. He had already had his submissive wife doing his dogs for years but wanted his sweet little girl. He owned 7 big pointers and a kennel out back of their huge house.

Walter started having at-home parties with his wife, daughter and his dogs, always getting the dogs more and more involved with his daughter. Marilyn felt it was okay for her father to use her as his plaything but did not like him using her mother. It made her angry. She had heard about ketamine as a way to lose herself in the strange sex with her father and then his dogs. As time wore on she became addicted to the drug and could not perform without it. Without it she was shy, reserved and unwilling to have sex with her father or his dogs. However, with it, she became a wanton slut and dog slut wanting it more and kinkier.

In an undrugged time her mind was clear, and she felt she had to move out on her own. Though her father protested, he relented and supported her decision. She got a nice large apartment not far from the home on Pine Cove, Then she acquired a big dog as a pet. A great Dane she named Lazer. As Lazer grew she did the regular training, housebreaking, leash training, obedience, etc. She had to. He was growing into a huge dog and she needed to be able to control him.

She continued to return to Pine Cove for the occasional party with Daddy, his dogs, and Mom. When she’d attended the parties she always used her special K to make it through the night. By morning her head would not be fuzzy and she’d return to her apartment. She’d had a local kennel she would take Lazer to and get him on her way home so there was a minimum time lost in their bonding. That big dog became her best friend.

One day while returning to her apartment her mind wandered back to the previous night when Daddy had two dogs take her, one in her pussy, the other her mouth. She realized her crotch was damp. Usually, she was wrought with guilt after one of her father’s little family get-togethers, but this one had her still excited the morning after. She tried to switch her mind off those thoughts and proceeded to get Lazer.

She got Lazer home and her thoughts kept returning to this previous night’s exploits. She found her crotch was soaking wet. Lazer followed his nose right to her dripping pussy and started licking her.

This shocked Marilyn as nothing like this had happened with him like this before. She tried to push his head away, but he was determined to get that sweet pussy. She looked down and saw his big red cock coming out of it’s sheath and was growing like she’d never seen it. It was sticking out a good 7 inches and still growing. Her head was spinning. She decided she had to have his big cock in her dripping slot. She went to her medicine cabinet and took a small hit of special K. Once she laid back on the floor with her big dog she let him get his tongue back at her, her breath getting faster. She spun around so she had her head in front of Lazer’s big cock. She licked her tongue out around the tip then as he was squiting precome her mouth took it in and she started sucking him. Marilyn had no idea her big dog had such a huge cock but her sure liked her sucking it. She took it deep into her mouth loving how thick it was. Her mind raced as it touched the back of her throat. Her pussy was throbbing now knowing she was going to try to get him to mount her and drive that big cock deep into her.

She flipped over and got on her hands and knees patting her hand on her ass to encourage Lazer to mount her. He got up and gave her a few licks before mounted her but was soon driving his huge cock into his bitch. At first, he got in about 4 inches and kept pushing until he was deeply into her making her pant and gasp. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she was getting excited beyond anything she’d ever felt. Lazer drove home his full 10 inches past the knot making Marilyn quiver in delight. “I love you, my lover” Marilyn whispered in his ear grinding herself back on his monster. She felt a huge orgasm taking over her whole body.

She had been born into a home that had her serving her father since she was very young. Her demented father was sexually abusing his wife and his daughter. Though she felt it was wrong, she was compelled to do her father’s bidding. Growing up, she had been groomed to be a dirty little slut and she always wanted to please her father. Meanwhile, deep inside she was plotting her revenge. She had not worked out all the details yet, but it was simmering in her mind. She shared her idea of revenge on Daddy with her mother who was not sure about it. To Jennifer, having sex with Walter, his friends and his dogs, was part of being married to him. But she did not like him getting her daughter involved, so she agreed to help Marilyn with her plan. Jennifer was to convince Walter the next week would be for just the family to share time at Pine Cove. Marilyn showed up with a secret bag of goodies for this special weekend. She made Daddy a mimosa and spiked it with a good dose of special K. A little extra pineapple juice to hide the special K. Walter commented it seemed sweet but drank it anyway.

“Daddy, I wanted to give you a special treat this weekend, can I restrain you so I can have my way with you,” Marilyn asked in her sweetest little girl voice. Walter replied, “Well my sweet little girl yes, I can’t wait for your surprise”. Marilyn walked to the bed leaned over and started sucking his cock as she also slipped the ropes on his wrists. “Is that nice Daddy?” He just nodded yes and closed his eyes. Marilyn moved down to his ankles and slipped ropes on them as well. Jennifer took over sucking Walter’s cock and balls. He was in heaven, Then Marilyn produced a blindfold and put it on Walter. “add to the excitement, don’t you think, Daddy?” she asked him. He nodded in agreement. She walked over to her bag and got out a strapon harness with a 10” dildo and put it on herself. “ I want to pleasure you like you’ve pleasured me so many times in the past, Daddy, are you ready? Walter said “Yes, what do you mean?” with that Jennifer and Marilyn flipped Walter over on his stomach. Marilyn lubed up the dildo and said “ Are you ready big boy?” Walter freaked a little but trusted his little girl would never do him any harm and the special K was kicking in and his freak flag was starting to fly. Marilyn got on his thighs” Whispering in his ear “ Do you want to please me, Daddy?’ Like I’ve pleased you?” His heart was racing as he agreed. She put the dildo against his ass and said again” Daddy can I fuck you?” easing the head in Walter’s ass. Walter moaned and pushed back. She eased the head out then back in only deeper. A Grown escaped Walter’s throat. Marilyn kept it up until she had all 10 inches buried in her father’s ass she whispered in his ear “ Do you like being my bitch Daddy?” as she started pounding his ass. Walter didn’t know what happened to himself but cried out “Yes baby, Fuck Daddy”.She pounded him senselessly until he shot his load. She asked him” Do you want to keep making me happy Daddy?” He just nodded yes. Marilyn went and got Lazer and brought him over to the bed. Jennifer helped Marilyn flip Walter back over on his back. Marilyn reached under Lazer and played with his sheath exposing his big pink cock. She guided Lazer’s cock to Walter’s mouth. “ Show me how much you love me Daddy, suck my boy’s big cock.” she ordered her father. Walter”s head was spinning and he started sucking Lazers big pink cock. “All the times Mom and I have had sex with your friends and your hunting dogs. You owe me this, bitch. Suck that big dog cock.”