My grandparents purchased over a hundred acres of land on South Atlantic Island …. by helicopter built a large cabin as a vacation home … from a small village only accessible by off road vehicles or walking. When they were there, an agreement with a small grocery set up supplies to be delivered two or three times each summer … I remember as a young girl going there to spend most of our summer vacation – the place was in a wilderness … not far from the shores of a beautiful lake … there seemed to be no end for finding fun and things to do.

There were no end to the number of animals either to watch and in some times play with. Rabbits were numerous, small coyotes had shown up when the builders were there to clear the land and construct the home, feeding them, working around them .. the fear of being on the property was lost, making them almost pets by the time my parents were getting too old to enjoy the place … left it to me as my favorite place to go.

The year after graduation from college … I completed my first book, lucky enough to get it published, which opened up the pathways to continue creating more novels. That was when a decision was made – this would be my permanent home .. the peace – the atmosphere – the endless unbelievable scenery as well as the wild animals was unmatched anywhere else.

Purchasing a small Off Road Vehicle, with plenty of area to store supplies from the village … was the perfect way to come and go as needed.

I had only been there for a couple of months before I noticed the coyotes were looking different. Maybe much bigger … more wolf like or large dog like features, but still as friendly as they had ever been. There were only a few of this new species … The next time I was in town to pick up some items before the scheduled delivery … Max the owner of the small grocery and general store was the one to tell me a group of wild life researchers had introduced a new breed called Coywolves, a combination between the two animals. He believed they were friendly, but as always happens when something new hits a small town, the rumors started flying – one lady said she had been close to one, he had a different smell and maybe his eyes were hypnotic. The two of us laughed it off ..

As soon as my vehicle was loaded with everything I could carry, Max hugged me, “I’ve been taking care of your grandfather’s family, your dad’s and now you .. be careful with these new animals … they arrived with two strange looking individuals. The guy I’ve only seen a few times, the lady is a tall brunette, normally would be considered very hot, but there is something strange about her … just be careful” I hugged him, told him I’d watch out for them – then left.

Since it was early evening by the time I was loaded, driving the road late at night could be dangerous, so I decided I’d stop by the only bar in town and enjoy a cold beer, maybe grab one of the rooms they had upstairs then head out in the morning. The place had a few locals I had gotten to know over the years … but a tall stunning looking brunette was enjoying a drink at the bar. She was new, probably the one Max had told me about, I’d have definitely remembered her if I’d seen her before … taking a seat a few down from her, ordering a drink on tap from Raini … the two of us took time to look each others bodies over, smiling …”Hi I’m Nikki … I have a place up at the top of the mountain … I don’t think I’ve seen you here before”

She picked up her drink, moved to the seat next to me, “I’m Kylie … I know who you are .. I’m working with a company who added some of the new Coywolves near your place” As soon as she sat down, like Max there was something different about her … I wasn’t sure what, but unlike my old friend I was more then excited with her.

We had only meant, when I realized she had a strange scent, one I’d never encountered before … it was pleasant .. the more I inhaled it, surprisingly the more aroused I was becoming … in just a few minutes we moved to a small private table … becoming much closer then the stools would allow.

Asking her why they had introduced this new species to the mountain, placing her hand on my arm first …”This is a special breed designed to be much more friendly to humans especially females … that is why we only added five males by your place … we wanted to see how they’d react to you. They are young, but this species matures very quickly, so you should start to see some interaction with them shortly” That was when she laughed, moving her hand to my bare leg … “Or at least we hope so”

The light way she was touching me, moving her hand slowly up and down on my leg – then to the inside of my thigh, causing me to open my legs as wide as they would go – this and the new scent making me slowly becoming more and more aroused … my eyes beginning to feel heavy … when she leaned in, kissing me lightly on my bare shoulder … “You are so perfect in all ways, are you going back to your place this evening or can you stay over and go back tomorrow?”

“Actually I had planned on getting a room here tonight, but why do you ask?” That was followed by a small naughty smile …

She moved in close to me, barely whispering … “First I need to tell you that I am a gurl not a girl and I have a little extra … if that is OK then maybe we can go upstairs to my room, it would save you some money.”

She had a naughty maybe an evil smile – I had no idea what she was saying or what ‘A little extra’ even meant … the puzzled look on my face must have told her so … taking my hand, moving it to her crotch … more then a little shocked to feel a very large and growing member under her small dress …

At first I almost pulled away, but it had been such a long time since I’d been used properly and something told me this one knew her or his way around a females body. Squeezing it …. holding on, “I’ve never seen the rooms in this place – why don’t we go upstairs and you can show me what they look like.”

Standing, pulling me to her, making sure she was pressed hard against my body, the feeling of hardness making my legs weak … we shared a kiss that had all the promises of something wild waiting just a floor above us.

Walking up the stairs, entering her room, it seemed like her unique erotic scent was becoming stronger and stronger .. to the point when we were inside … I was having a hard time focusing on anything … as soon as the door closed, the front of my jumper was unzipped, slipping it off my shoulders, leaving me in front of her, totally nude, except for the shoes I’d worn here. Stepping up close, this time sharing her tongue … the saliva was also different then any guy or girl I’d kissed in the past … it seemed to be drugged, loaded with a substance rendering me immediately submissive – this feeling hit every cell in my body.

Automatically dropping to my knees in front of her …. following me, she stripped down nude allowing me to look at the most perfect cock I think I’ve not only been in front of, but better then any I’ve ever seen on any porn site … the shaft smooth, had to be at least a foot or more long, so thick I doubted it would ever fit inside me … then looking up, her boobs were easily as big as mine – but there were no surgery lines .. they were as firm as any false breast has ever been, standing up proud with nipples harder then any I’d ever been close to …. I knew there was no such human as a perfect shemale … but she was one that I was kneeling in front of ..

She obviously could see I was confused, smiling as she ran her hands through my hair, her cock only inches from my mouth …. “I know how much all this must be confusing to you. The industry I work for changed and enhanced me so seduction is easy … there were no operations to make me look like this … but believe me what I look like is just the beginning of surprises in store for you”

Before I could process what she had said, the cock slipped in my mouth, sending me instantly into an erotic rollercoaster … The scent was so strong my eyes rolled up in my head – being completely under her influence … sucking her cock, head bobbing up and down on it … being able to take all of her down my throat without any gag reflex taking over.

Lost in the daze … she easily picked me up, placing me on the bed, on all fours … that monster easily sliding all the way inside me … I have never been that full in my life, even some sex toys didn’t feel like this, the steady pounding was fast and hard … her hands taking hold of my boobies … squeezing, pinching and pulling was painful while at the same time something I was enjoying – I’ve never been a pain champion, but what she had done to me, how my body was now feeling .. the pain became something I wanted to enjoy more of.

This went on and on for what seemed like hours … enjoying multiple climaxes .. some coming so close to the last there was no time to enjoy what was happening … finally she stopped, holding my hips, emptying the warmest seed I’ever felt deep in me … the explosion in my body at the same time, was so intense and satisfying .. my body shook, a thick black cloud came over me, falling into a deep sleep immediately.

Later, playing with my nipples … they seemed to be more sensitive they they had been earlier, we made love, or I should say she fucked me multiple times … the last time, just before sun rise – the term ‘I’ll fuck your brains out’ now made sense.

The feeling to make sure she was clean, by licking our combined juices off her shaft … topped off the most sexually erotic night I’d ever dreamed of – showering together, grabbing breakfast down stairs … one last kiss as I got in my vehicle … “This has bee so much fun Nikki, I know it won’t be long before I come out to see you … we’re monitoring the babies, as soon as we have received what we are looking for, I’ll come out.”

I had no idea what she was talking about- ‘monitoring our babies’, but as I left town for the long ride back, inside me I knew in my heart something had changed, she had changed me somehow … it felt like drugs had been used on me and yet at the same time my whole body felt better then I can ever remember, so even if she had used some sort of drug on me, the way I was feeling, not a bad thing. She was definitely a dominant lady and for the first time as a submissive my whole body tingled with excitement and wanting to please her … daydreaming on the long way back, wondering if I had found the one person I had been looking for all my life .. maybe my life long companion … that brought on a small giggle

Just before I entered the forest area, the final miles to my place one of the new breed seemed to be waiting by the path. relaxing like these animals do .. he was much bigger then I had first thought. Seeing them away from the cabin, it was obvious they were a different breed, but as I approached this one … he was unlike anything I had seen before.

Stopping a few feet from him, there didn’t seem to be any aggressiveness on his part – just laid there looking at me. Calling to him to see if he’d come closer … the tail wagged back and forth, but no movement … funny as soon as I started the trip again, he began jogging along by my side, but keeping a few feet away – I hadn’t gone far when a second one joined us on the opposite side. By the time I pulled up in front of my place, all five of the new species had arrived. All stayed a few feet away, when I got out of the machine – they were setting on their bottom – the familiar way I have seen so often – that’s when I realized just how big they were. Each one was eye level to me .. I’m not a short women, so I figured these had to be taller then me when they stood on their hind legs …

Standing there, the strange scent, the one Kylie had used to seduce me, was now present on all of the new neighbors. It had the same effect on me that I felt in the bar yesterday – my whole body felt like it was being turned on … nipples were becoming excited, moisture building between my legs … my problem, as I sturdied myself on the vehicle – there was no one here to take care of these feelings. Not bothered by the fact five new animals were watching, slipping one hand between my legs … pumping two fingers in and out while tormenting my breasts with my free one … it took some time, but eventually I screamed, enjoying a pleasurable climax … climbing back in the drivers seat to let the intensity wash over me, while I bathed in the afterglow … they all just watched … Finally I could take the groceries in.

Walking back and forth several trips, juices running down my legs – something that never happened before … once everything was put away, I needed a shower, but the effects of the climax had left me exhausted .. stripping off my clothing, grabbing a beer, heading to the front porch to relax as the sun sat over the lake … more then a little surprise to see all five of them relaxing on the small patch of grass in front of the cabin. As soon as I sat down, popped open the drink … the scent immediately surrounded me .. this time so strong, forcing me to lay back in the chair, a small whimper escaping …

Unable to resist the effects it was having on me … I started to masterbate like I’ve never done before. Thrashing in the chair, fingers plunging in and out, pulling on each breasts … panting … more fingers added … writhing so much to the point just when I thought I was going to pass out .. the release finally washed over me … gushing more liquid then before, again all down my legs, the chair as well as the deck.

Looking at them, knowing they couldn’t understand anything I was saying, but it felt good to express my frustration, “What the hell are you doing to me .. why is that strange smell effecting me so powerfully … what are you trying to do?”

Absently bringing my hand to my mouth, smelling the juices then tasting them … my eyes shot wide open … looking at all of them, “I’m starting to smell like you guys do … it had to be Kylie fucking me .. .leaving her cum inside me … my cleaning her cock each time … swallowing all of it .. why?”

Staying on the porch, looking at each one of them, they were beautiful animals … their long hair seemed so soft … it occurred to me they must be controlling the strange odor .. but nothing made any sense and I was so confused.

Finally going inside, a long shower … then after the strangest days in my life .. grabbing a light snack .. sleep took over quickly.

Waking late in the morning, laying on my back, realizing my body contained the same strange odor, causing me to become aroused as soon as I was awake … Laying there some clarity started making sense … Kylie had seduced and fucked me to give my body that strange scent … the Coywolves were attracted to me because of this .. but why were they here? That was what didn’t make any sense and how or why did they seem to produce such a strong amount of this new odor?

Fixing then scarfing down a large breakfast … so hungry, it felt like I hadn’t eaten for days …staying nude seemed the best idea, fixing a cup of coffee … back out front to see if the five were still there. I couldn’t see them immediately, but as soon as I took a seat, all five moved up on the porch, all taking a seat around my chair. This time the arousing scent, took over my body so quickly, even if I had wanted to go back inside … it had overtaken me before I could have even stood.

Anticipating something happening, I had brought out a large dildo, one that occasionally had given me some excellent pleasure when I needed a much enjoyed relief. Using this instead of my fingers … at first seemed to be just-the-ticket, however after close to a half hour of continually pushing it in and out of me … I didn’t seem to be getting any closer to the needed relief … my arms were becoming tired … low whimpering telling me the need for a orgasm may not happen … sending me into a panic .. all of a sudden, one of the huge animals, moved between my legs … brushing aside my hand holding the rubber toy, his tongue started to lick between my legs, covering the entire area from my bottom, over my puffy lips finishing making contact with my clit.

I have been licked, never between my legs, but licked by many dogs … however this ones tongue had a texture that sent me into a spiraling hole – making my whole body shake … just when I was convinced he’d do the trick, two more, one on each side of me, started to lick the super sensitive nipples … this was more then my body could take, more then expected .. so much that when I exploded … for the first time I literally shook all over, while a steady stream of juices flooded the porch as well as my legs.

The area between my legs was throbbing … the ones by my side kept licking, teasing my boobs, two more started doing the same to my neck, ears … exciting me again … the one between my legs … rapidly cleaning up the juices that exploded when I toppled over the cliff … both arms were spent, dropping by my side .. they came in contact with what felt like two huge penis’ … hard – bouncing against my hand. Gripping each one, my hand was not big enough to fit all the way around it … having seen dog penis’ … this was nothing like that, more like the one Kylie had used on me … wanting to look at it, but what had been done to me, had plunged me into such a deep haze, vision was impossible.

Finally they moved away from me, allowing my body to slump down in the chair, turning to my side … curling up – all the time tears forming in my eyes … I’d let a group of animals lick me, bringing on the most pleasurable orgasm I’d ever experienced … what was I becoming ??? … sleep ended all questions and tears within a few minutes.

Waking slowly, from where the sun was, I could tell, I’d been asleep more then five plus hours … but now the need for sexual release was growing – this time however it had nothing to do with any scent – this one was all in my body, the growing need was coming from inside …

Not sure what was going to happen this time, finally opening my eyes wide … setting up – one of my new companions was inches from my face … moving to me quickly, his tongue diving deep in my mouth .. the taste of his saliva – just like Kylies had done, plunging me once again into the sexual euphoria … laying back, legs spread wide, slipping down deep in the seat … my arms wrapped around his neck, the hair being softer than anything I can remember feeling … that was when so many things happened … a mix of emotions came over me.

First, his cock slipped easily up inside me, filling me to the max in seconds … Second, I was kissing an animal and enjoying it, Third, the same animal was fucking me … Forth, what was I doing, why was this happening? Way too many things taking place, but having him in me, seemed to be the perfect union – lifting my legs, wrapping them around him, pulling that marvelous body deeper inside me …

Then he started to really move … causing a small submissive whimper to escape … knowing this meant I had just become one fo their bitches – to play with and use at will. Every time he pushed in, I tried as best I could to do to push back, allowing him the deepest access to me … these motions triggered a new exciting set of feelings in me … Instead of a massive climax, little tiny small explosions rocketed along the length of his shaft … my body would shake, the pure pleasure unbelievable .. over and over and over again …one following the next.

Sucking on his tongue, arms and legs wrapped around his body, my hips pushing and bouncing up against him … waves of pleasure washing over me …. my whole being in a delirious state of erotic haze … how long he used me – unknown … eventually he stopped, buried deep inside … the flood of warm liquid filling me … triggering a matched body shaking orgasm … arms falling from his body, legs reluctantly slipping from him … his tongue and cock pulling out of me at the same time … wondering if somehow I had died – gone directly to heaven … this must be what it would feel like …

Before I had time to enjoy the warmth and pleasure, a second one moved in between my legs, his tongue entering my mouth, cock slipping in the same empty entrance the previous one had just vacated … pumping started immediately … somehow I started sucking again, legs barely able to wrap around this one … arms only able to reach up taking hold of his soft covering … my hips barely able to push back against this one ….

Lost in an exhausted state … when he flooded me with the warmth I normally would have welcomed with open arms … I was just too exhausted to enjoy him … a small explosion left me feeling better then I could ever remember feeling, but so tired .. the body barley moved.

Number three pushed in to me, tongue entering a non-responsive mouth … my legs aching, arms only hanging to the side .. when he filled me, there was no response of excited enjoyment to respond … number four and five used me like a rag doll …

Eventually I was left used, alone in the chair .. knowing each one had marked me with their seed … must have been two or three hours before I got the strength to move inside … legs so sore, I had to hang onto the walls and furniture to move … a warm bath was drawn while I sat on the edge of the tub … slipping in the warm bubbly surface … a small sigh was all I could say … taking a small mirror … my pussy lips were swollen, puffy and red as fire … legs throbbed … eventually standing and drying … a few steps was all I could muster to get in bed … fast asleep as soon as I was laying down.

Sleep must have lasted for two plus days … waking I was famished … to my surprise Kylie had fixed me a huge breakfast … seeing her standing by the stove nude and beautiful as ever ..”Good to see you’re among the living … figured you’d need some nourishment after your group fuck …”

Even though my legs and pussy were still sore, seeing her with that marvelous semi hard cock, made me tingle down there – in my secret place .. but the food was more important at that time. Her breasts were pressed into my back, her hands tormenting my boobs, small kisses on my neck, while I consumed pancakes, bacon, a few pieces of sausage, some toast … all washed down with a couple glasses of OJ.

She explained the new breed had been specifically raised to satisfy females and their sexual desires .. their lab could produce multiples … especially when the results of what they had done to me were reviewed. Apparently cameras had been placed all over my property, but the fact I was being viewed by who knows how many people without my consent, didn’t seem to bother me that much.

Once my appetite was satisfied .. turning to her, stroking that wonderful cock, dropping to my knees .. as soon as I licked the underside … she was more then ready to use me … easily picking me up, holding me in her arms, lowering me onto her shaft … as soon as she was all the way in, wrapping my arms around her neck .. kissing her … while she lifted me up and down on the pole I loved inside me … eventually moving me to the sofa … on my back, legs spread wide apart .. she pumped in and out of me until both of us exploded …

The two of us stayed in each others arms, enjoying this new companionship .. finally deciding to go out front … During all my time with the five wolf like creatures, I never noticed any Alphas among them but as soon as Kylie stepped on the porch, it became evident, she was the Alpha and all five understood this.

Just as she took a seat, looking back, an internal command seemed to kick in, dropping on my knees in front of her .. reaching out licking cleaning the entire shaft of our combined juices … not standing until she was clean .. then moving to the front of the porch, looking out to the cool lake … behind me, “You are becoming such a good sex play thing … making remarkable progress. I’m so proud of you”

Thanking her, then asking if she’d like to join me in the cool water … declining – I headed for a relaxing dip, since I still had her juices dripping down my legs … about half way, one of the CW’s came up behind me, pushing his snout between my legs against the crack in my bottom … again something that seems to have been programmed inside me, dropping to my knees then on all fours .. a couple of licks he was up on my back, his shaft entered me … since it had been a short time since Kylie was in me .. it dawned on me, the shemale and the animals had what felt like the exact same cock … both thrilled me, filled me, turned my body into a sexual frenzy … pushing back when he pushed in deep … the faster he pumped, the more frantic I was becoming … something I’ve noticed since that evening with Kylie and now the hounds … my enjoyment is able to go on and on, now for more then a half hour of total enjoyment.

When this one finally filled me full of that amazing warm feeling … like always this triggered an enjoyable pleasurable release of my own … making me shake .. then collapse on the soft sand.

He pulled out, came around to my front .. again realizing my new duties, raising up to clean his shaft of our combined juices .. .thinking this must be something they have been trained to expect and somehow I have been programmed to know, this is part of my new life.

Finally making it to the lake, moving in – covering my body up to my neck … watching the five beauties laying near the porch, Kylie on the porch, slowly stroking her rock hard shaft … a small giggle overtook me … just think these five perfect cocks are all waiting to fuck me and fuck me and fuck me some more.

A perfect life, one I’d never ever dreamed of … but one my body was saying, ‘it’s time to get out’.