© 2020 by AusZoo

Hi everyone!

I thought I would make my first post on this website be about my first experiences into the wonderful Zoophile world and how I came to be Zoo exclusive with my big boy Dutch. I hope you enjoy it.

When I was a teenager, I never really understood everyone’s obsession with having a girlfriend and having sex. It just wasn’t something I was interested in pursuing. I didn’t have my first girlfriend until I was 22 which was when I lost my virginity also. I only ever had two other girlfriends since then but I soon realised I was generally much happier in my own company. I know some people think that sounds lonely but I was perfectly suited to it.

By the time I was 28 years old I had purchased my first home. I had always wanted a dog ever since I was younger and now that I had my own house I quickly decided to buy my first dog. My sister joined me as I went down to the shelter to have a look at their dogs. There was two young Harlequin (White with Black splotches) Great Dane pups that looked a bit scared from all the noise of the other dogs, but as soon as I saw them I knew I had found the dog I wanted.

I picked out the slightly smaller pup and took him home with me. My sister actually took the other Great Dane pup and took him home to her family, even though she didn’t originally intend to bring a dog home.

I named him Dutch. At first Dutch was a little timid but he soon made himself at home and I quickly had a new best friend. In the first week I started taking Dutch to puppy training and he was making very fast progress.

He was already larger than most of the other dogs in class, even though he was still just a pup.

After the first year of having him home with me, he was basically fully grown. He now weighs in at 79kg and 91cm tall to his shoulder. He is pretty big even for a Great Dane. People will often be intimidated by his size, but he couldn’t be a more friendly and caring dog.

If I had a day off work from being sick, Dutch would jump up on the bed next to me and seem to sympathize with my mood, helping me through my sickness.

Now during this whole first year or so of owning Dutch, I never had any kind of sexual feelings about him or other animals. I was just happy living alone with Dutch at my house. But that all changed quite rapidly.

One morning I was on my computer and Dutch was laying on his bed nearby, day dreaming about whatever dogs think of. I noticed his little pink tip poking out from his sheath. Now I had seen it before when he went to relieve himself in the garden, but today it was poking out from his sheath a bit more. There would have been about 3 inches showing. I got very curious and sat down next to him on the floor. I slowly rubbed along his belly, which awoke him, but he quickly rested his head on the ground again.

I worked my way towards his sheath and lightly rubbed it back and forth and watched as more of his penis began to reveal itself. I wasn’t doing this out of any kind of sexual urge, I was more just curious about understanding how Dutch’s body worked.After a few more squeezes and strokes of his sheath, I noticed a lump at the base of his penis. He was probably about 6 inches at this point, but his penis was now rapidly growing.

Dutch looked a little bit confused by my touching, but he showed a lot of trust and stayed quite still. I was mesmerised as I watched how fast his exotic penis grew and seeing the big lump at its base. I touched his bare cock and noted how warm it felt and felt how stiff it was.

He was spurting a lot of pre cum as well. As soon as I touched around and grasped the base of his lump, his penis swelled even more and he spurted cum over and over.

His penis was huge, it must have been about 8inches and pretty thick, definitely thicker than me at least. And the lump must have been about 3 inches in circumference.

After he cummed, he started licking at his own penis, which quickly shrunk back inside his sheath and I washed my hands and got back to work.

Later that night I started googling questions about the male dogs anatomy and learned about the knot and how it is meant to be stuck in a female when they mate. I also discovered the beast forum website where many people discussed their sexual escapades with their pets. My eyes had been opened to this whole new world of Zoophilia. I looked at a lot of photos of men and women with dogs in all sorts of positions. It was 3am by the time I finally went to bed.

The next morning I awoke and immediately thought about Dutch and how nice it was touching his cock yesterday. I stroked my morning wood as I thought about his cock and all the pictures I saw on beast forum.

Now I never thought of myself as being gay, but the memory of stroking Dutch’s red rocket had made me cum very hard and quickly. I spent most of the day thinking about it obsessively. I couldn’t take it any more so I opened up beast forum again and found their “how-to” guides.

I had quickly worked myself up in to a horny frenzy as I read how to make love to your pet.

I went back to my bedroom and Dutch was following right behind me. Once in my bedroom, I took off my pants and underwear and Dutch immediately shoved his wet snout into my crotch and sniffed deeply. I sat on the edge of my bed and just let Dutch explore my body.

He licked his tongue from the base of my aching hard cock to the tip, which made me moan loudly. I stroked myself as he licked obsessively at the tip of my cock. In no time I was moaning as cum spurted from my cock 4 or 5 times. Dutch happily licked the cum from my cock and and crotch as I layed there in the after glow. I layed back in my bed and napped with Dutch next to me. I woke up about an hour later and was already stiff as a board.

I opened up the beast forum website again and shared my experience. Everyone was excited and so nice about everything and encouraging me to go further. I was feeling very turned on again and started rubbing at Dutch’s sheath again. It wasn’t long before his red cock was showing and spraying precum on my hand. After a few more strokes I could see his knot, so I quickly wrapped my fingers around the base of his knot like the instructions on the website had shown. I watched in amazement at the rapid speed that his cock and knot grew.

I anxiously drew my mouth closer to his swelling cock and sucked his tip into my mouth.

I moaned as I sucked my first cock and tasted his salty precum. He humped at my mouth a little as I sucked him deeper into my mouth.

I could feel his cock growing inside my mouth, my hand wrapped around his swelling knot felt huge. Suddenly Dutch stopped moving and I felt the thicker musky cum spraying inside my mouth. I swallowed his first few sprays of cum, but he just kept pumping load after load in to my mouth. I swallowed a few more of his loads before I pulled away.

His cock seemed even bigger than last time and I knew that I wanted to go all the way with Dutch and let him breed me.

After that session I went back on to the beast forum website and told everyone about my experience. I told them how I wanted to go all the way with Dutch and everyone gave me great advice.

I started to play with my ass hole each night so I got used to the feeling of something inside me.

I also played with Dutch most nights and showed him how to mount me, but didn’t let him penetrate me yet. Dutch was so tall that had use a foot stool under my knees so my ass would be in the right position for him.

After about two weeks of practicing with Dutch I decided tonight would be the night. I cleaned out my ass that evening and had a huge erection the entire afternoon. I hadn’t let Dutch cum for over a week because I wanted all of his cum inside my ass. I let Dutch in to my room and he was very excited. The tip of his cock had already started to poke out as he had begun to associate my bedroom with breeding time.

I let him sniff me deeply and pick my hard cock a little before I got in to position for him. As soon as my ass was on display for him he gave a few licks and even pushed his tongue into my ass. Dutch quickly jumped onto my back and gripped me tightly. I moaned as I felt his tip probing for my ass, after a few moments he found my hole and I cried out mostly in pain. As soon as his cock felt my warm hole he gripped me even tighter and started hammering away. I was panting as I felt him fucking my virgin asshole. I would be lying if I said it was more pleasure than pain. I was amazed at how strong he was as he pulled my body up with his front paws towards his humping cock. His claws were digging into my sides as he breeder me for the first of many times.

I remembered to relax my ass and felt his cock push deeper and deeper until he stopped suddenly.

I didn’t even feel his knot push inside me, but I definitely felt his knot growing rapidly now.

His huge shaft was swelling deeper and deeper in to my hole and I had tears in my eyes from the pain. I started to feel the huge pressure on my prostate from his knot and I was moaning in mixes of the most amazing pleasure and pain.

My ass was not used to this kind of intrusion and I felt my ass trying to push it out, but he only grew larger inside me. I relaxed a bit and felt his cock as it flexed and pumped his cum over and over into his bitches ass. My insides squelched a little from all the cum. My cock was rock hard so I gave it a couple of strokes and cummed hard almost immediately. My ass clenched so tight around his knot it hurt a lot. It must has felt good for Dutch because I felt him spurt inside me even more. After I cummed I relaxed underneath Dutch and enjoyed the feeling of being totally filled by his doggy cock. I felt very protected while I was underneath Dutch and knew that my place was going to be his doggy bitch from now on.

We stayed tied together for almost 40 minutes that first time. His cock finally shrunk down enough that he was able to yank his cock free from my ass. His cum flooded out of my gaping ass onto the floor boards.

My ass suddenly felt totally empty without his huge cock breeding me. I layed down on the floor on my back and Dutch licked my ass and cock a little bit more. I stroked my cock and cummed again quite quickly before passing out in a daze on the floor.
Dutch layed down beside me and we both napped in our post-fucking glow.

I woke up after a few sloppy licks to the face from Dutch. My ass was aching and I knew I was still filled with his cum. I jumped up into my bed and Dutch layed down next to me with his head against my naked stomach. As I tried to fall asleep, I knew that I had found my true partner and lover and knew that I wanted to be breeded by him over and over.

This was the true story of my first time with my boy Dutch. I hope you can forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes. This is the first time I have written all of this out, so I hope you like it.