My mom and dad were archeologists, both specializing in ancient civilizations located in the deep jungles in Africa.

They were on teams that located lost cities dating back to the beginning of Egypt … once found the artifacts left behind were beyond any monetary value anyone could place on them. Thus in many cases these were simply claimed by the ruling government for that region and placed in a museum or in some cases, private collections of the dictator in charge at that time.

But recognizing their value many areas not only welcomed them but invited their expertise to research a certain area.

I am their only child, their very spoiled only child and since I can’t be trusted to stay home for fear of the trouble I’d cause … even though I am in my mid twenties … they drag me along on their adventures so they can keep some kind of an eye on me.

I’m a brunette, tall – thin, bronzed skin – highlights my hair color … daddy was nice enough to send me to a plastic surgeon giving me a huge set of Double D boobies … which tops off the look I want everyone to see.

One additional blessing I was born with, the ability to sense when someone, mostly males, but occasionally females, when someone wants me sexually. They have a certain look about them … as soon as I see it or sense it, as quick as I can … my body becomes available to them …and we fuck and fuck and fuck … over and over until they can no longer perform. For me it seems I have an insatiable appetite for sex – can never get enough.

The other gift I have is the ability to not only see when someone is interested, but the ones who will follow through with what they want if offered … that is the key to all fo this.

These trips have provided hookups with guides, staff of the parents, people they hired along the way to help in some way … there always seemed to be plenty of people interested in enjoying what I had to offer … that was until they landed an assignment in the Congo. One particular big guide had spent the night with me .. when morning came, he was on his back, looking at me, his dick laying to one side .. completely spent .. a large smile on his face, “I have to say hon, you must be part bonobo … like you they fuck like rabbits”

I have always known about the bonobos and their appetite for sex, but what he said struck a interesting cord, making me curios, I was fucking like a species of monkeys … wonder what it would be like …the thought once planted, I couldn’t get it out of my mind … wondering about them – the longer I thought about it the more curious I became.

Since we were only a short way from a big population of this unique species … early one morning, completely back packed for several days in the jungle … I left without telling anyone where I was going – it took me nearly 4 hours to make it to a hill, over looking the troop …watching them from a distance, what I had heard was true, it looked like everyone was participating in some type of a sexual encounters … the more I watched, the more excited I was becoming.

Being so focused on the main group, I never noticed a large male come up behind me. I had slipped off my shorts, was playing with myself .. reaching out and touching my leg, I nearly died of freight. Turning, seeing him only a few feet away – frightened at first then to my surprise – he had the same look I have seen so many times before … but not just the look, but this one told me he was more then willing to follow through with that look.

Glancing down his body, the biggest cock I think I’ve ever seen on an upright individual was not only showing … his hand pumping it slowly, all the time looking at the wetness between my legs and the fact I shave my pussy .. so the lips were puffy and moist … quickly undoing the buttons on my blouse, tossing it to the side, jiggling my big tits for him .. he moved just inches from me .. reaching out, taking hold of that monster .. kissing the head .. his pre-cum was wild tasting, almost addicting … taking four or five inches down my throat .. swirling my tongue around it.

As soon as I took his shaft in my mouth, he started playing with my tits .. I’ve had a lot of guys and girls play, squeeze, pinch and pull on my boobs and nipples … but this one was a skilled player .. it was easy to tell he’d been enjoying erotic encounters all his life and knew exactly how to bring pleasure to my body.

Figuring he was ready for more then just my mouth … pulling away, laying back, on the soft grassy surface, opening my legs wide … his speed surprised me, in one motion that monster was deep inside … taking hold of my tits, the massive body moving in and out of me slowly … filled with so many surprises, he was kissing me, his tongue exploring the interior of my mouth … again his taste was wild and exciting …

The combination of his hands, the way he was moving each time the rigid shaft went deep, the kissing very quickly shot me to the edge of this new and exciting sexual cliff … never been aroused so quickly … but somehow he knew what was happening – just when I was there, he’d slow down, change the way he was mauling my tits and move to kissing my neck … it kept me on the edge, slowing the pleasure I was so anxious to enjoy.

Clawing at his back, kissing him deeper and with more passion then I can ever remember doing, grinding my hips against him, twisting and writhing … never having enjoyed being fucked like this one was doing … afraid he was never going to let me finish off what was becoming so frantically needed … when he finally did let me crash, at the same time he erupted in me – filling my body with his warm seed … triggering a second climax, this one more ‘all consuming’ then the first one …

Eyes closed, laying on my back, legs sprawled wide apart, a steady stream of his seed combined with my juices being licked up by his tongue … Pulling his head to me, wanting to taste what our combined juices tasted like, kissing him, sucking on that wonderful tongue .. his cream was so strong, it made my eyes roll up on my head, a small whimper escaping me.

This unique nectar had an immediate effect on my body … making me breathe heavy … a strange inner drive, telling me I needed more …not at all disappointed when only a few minutes lapse, before he started to become hard again … kissing the head, stroking the long shaft, squeezing the heavy balls that were full of this wonderful liquid … moving my head up and down on the rigid pole, all the time pumping it with my hand …

I was not the first human female he had encountered .. .knowing full well what the cream would do to me after he’d introduced me to the thrills of animal sex … never giving a warming … just all of a sudden filling my mouth with the warm creamy liquid … swallowing, refilling … more swallowing … more and more … finally more then full, laying back on the grass, my normally flat tummy, looking like I was pregnant … eyes opening then slowly closing .. drifting up in my head … my breathing heavy and labored …

This was what always happened to a human females, when first introduce to the effects of this group of the unique primates … picking me up easily, tossing the limp body over his shoulder, carrying me to the gathering of the main group.

A group of bonobo females took me to a shady place under a large tree … began rubbing my body with some sort of an oily substance, placing erotic leaves in my mouth … as soon as they touched my tongue my mouth started chewing the sweet taste … more leaves, the oily substance rubbed heavy over my tits and between my legs … all combined to trigger a strange side effect on newly captured human females.

It was well into the evening, the only light from the moon and stars … several females were playing with my nipples … one with my pussy … an immediate reaction of opening my legs, raising my hips to match her hand … small moans from the stimulation my knockers were causing me … soon a big male, knelt down between my legs, plunging his cock deep inside me … rolling my head back, arching my back … that’s when I saw more human females, all like me, all being fucked or fucking someone. Some were with males, some with females .. all were enjoying sex …

For some reason seeing them didn’t seem strange in anyway … it felt like I had always been here, enjoying sex with the group .. what I didn’t know, the leaves they had been feeding me, along with the oil rubbed in my body, completely wiped out any long term memory of who I was, where I came from even what my name was … I was a slave … sole purpose to serve the group of primates.

The group moves from place to place, gathering fruits and eatables, they provide for us, since we can’t climb trees like they do, besides eating and sleeping, our day consists of having sex every single minute of every day … sex with both males and females … being fucked, fucking, being used anally, giving blowjobs, swallowing the seed as we clean a females pussy after she has enjoyed a good humping and so on and so on.

Spying on the bonobos was the best decision I ever made. Who knows, maybe someday I will see you here.