© 2023 by ErikaHorseFartGirl

Chapter 1: Free At Last

It’s been awhile since I’ve had some time for myself. College has taken a good chunk of my free time, burying it with nothing but pointless knowledge that won’t really matter in the long run. My parents always told me that it will all be worth it in the end.

They always believed that I was just this cute little college girl that would always obediently follow instructions, always focuses on her education. They honestly believed that I was this girl who is always pure-hearted and innocent. They honestly think that I, Erika Watson, is this good little girl that everyone can rely on.

But not today. Tonight. It’ll finally be different. I’ll make sure of it. For once. I actually have time for myself to do whatever I want. Be who I really am on the inside. Have the freedom to just be myself for a little bit, after putting on this fake ass mask in front of everyone, just to appeal to them and their unrealistic expectations.

My own words rang inside my head. “Tonight. Erika Watson will finally reveal her true colors.”

It got me very excited just thinking about the many possibilities of what might happen later tonight. When I’m finally alone with my one true love.

And so, here I am.

After I got out of school, I wasted no time at all, as I immediately went back home to drop off my stuff, quickly eat some dinner to secretly gas myself up, and just waited it out.

Then. As time quickly passed.

After my parents were fast asleep. It was about 11:39 PM when I immediately got dressed and snuck out of the house as quietly as possible. I was wearing a simple white shirt on, and some plain black jean short shorts complete with my favorite black heels, as I made my way to my destination.

And there I was. Standing in front of a massive barn at a cold Friday night. I shivered in anticipation. I was filled with excitement. This is really happening. I shook my head. This is not the time to be standing around. I immediately went behind the barn and found myself a secret entryway through a window.

This is not the first time I’ve snuck in like this, so I’m pretty familiar on how I could sneak inside the barn. As soon as I got inside the stables. I was immediately greeted with a familiar aroma that I have been waiting for since months. The aroma may be putrid to some people, but to me, it smelled absolutely amazing.

I always loved the stench of animals, it never ceases to make me wet. I took a deep breath, taking in the stench of the stables as I could smell the horses, the barn, everything. It smelled so bad that I love it. After I took in the barn’s stench. I immediately tried to find a worthy partner for tonight. A partner that I know will make me happy.

As I walked past a couple of stalls. I finally laid my eyes on one stallion that caught my eye. He was a big brown horse with flies hovering around him. Signifying his intense smell. Just by looking at him, I already know that this horse has not received a proper bath in awhile. Speaking of which, my eyes were just glued on the horse’s puckering asshole. It looked so crusty and dirty that I can’t help but just stare at it. I licked my soft red lips, intrigued at what I was looking at.

Without wasting anymore time, I entered the stall and slowly approached the horse from his rear. I could see the horse noticing me as his head turns to look. Our eyes met. I can’t help but froze in my tracks. I’m not sure if he’s going to be passive or aggressive towards me, especially that I’m just this random girl about to approach his massive smelly horse ass.

But to my surprise, the horse didn’t seem to mind my presence. Now that I think about it, it looked like he welcomes me into his stall as I saw his tail raise upwards.

Is he inviting me over to his ass? Well. I can’t argue with that, I was so hungry for horse asshole at this point that I couldn’t bother waiting any longer. I slowly made my way behind the horse’s ass. I planted both of my hands onto his massive ass cheeks as I was now very close to his puckering asshole.

It looked so dirty and crusty that I can’t help but drool a bit. I wanted to put my lips on it so badly. But first, I lightly sniffed it.

Oh yeah, the stench was unbearable. It was almost too putrid, even for me. A girl that is so into bestiality that this kind of thing has the power to make a slut like me flinch from the smell. But. I can’t deny the fact that I want this. I longed for it.

And so, without wasting anymore time. I closed the gap between my lips and his massive disgusting asshole, finally giving it a light kiss as my lips met this very ripe butthole. The horse did not react that much from my lips kissing his disgusting asshole, all I heard was a simply purr sound from him.

I’ll take that as a sign that he likes this. And so, I kept going. I basically made out with this disgusting asshole of his. It was like a passionate kiss between lovers. In this case, it was me and this horse’s asshole.

If people were to see me, they would be shocked to see Erika Watson giving a big smelly horse a passionate rimjob. But who cares at this point? I just wanted what’s mine, and that is this horse’s ass.

“M-Mmm~ Ahh…. yes…” I can’t help but let out some soft moans and mutter some random words.

I was on cloud nine at this point. Smelling his nasty asshole while giving it some loving kisses. Boys in my class would do anything to get this kind of attention. All this rimming is making my white panties so wet that I swear it’s dripping through my shorts. I could hear myself echo throughout the barn as I passionately make out with this delicious horse ass.

I could even see the horse’s asshole get a bit sweaty and musky as I make out with it. Covering his nasty donut hole with my red lipstick added more to the sexiness factor of what I’ve been doing to this horse’s ass. My saliva and spit coating it with more filth than it already has. Throughout the time I’ve been rimming this horse with my lips and my tongue, I could sometimes hear him whinny a bit as I kept kissing and licking the outer rims of his asshole, as well as to shove my tongue deep into the insides of his asshole.

God he tastes and smells so bad… Like if I was a normal girl, I’d already be puking and gagging on the smell. But luckily, I’m the opposite of normal. After about 7 minutes worth of just passionately rimming the horse’s asshole, I suddenly heard his stomach let out an audible rumble after I pulled myself out of his asshole. A bridge of saliva connecting my tongue to his puckering donut hole.

Then. Without any warning, the horse rips out a massive fart onto my face.


My eyes immediately widens in shock as my nose was met with this very strong eggy like stench as my eyes waters a bit, just from how strong his fart was. His fart added to the intense smell of the stables and from his already smelly asshole. Flies immediately flew over to where the cloud of stench is coming from, a visible green cloud of gas was just hovering near my face, making me breath heavily and slowly.

But… I loved it.

To add to my massive bestiality kink. I also have a massive fart fetish. I’m just the type of girl that loves to go against the rules of being a “lady”. Anyways. After the horse farted on my face. I instinctively planted my face in between his ass cheeks and just inhaled the fuck out of his asshole.

Audible snorting and sniffing sounds rang throughout the stall as I practically begged to smell more of his disgusting ass farts from his ripe crusty asshole.

The horse just whinnies at my sudden act of burying my entire face into his ass. Luckily, he did what I want him to do. He ripped yet another one straight into my pretty little face.


Oh my gosh! That was stronger than the last! I thought to myself as my head at this point was spinning just by inhaling so much of his stink straight to my lungs. It’s like you’re surrounded by garbage, that’s how smelly his fart was. I, however, just kept inhaling his nasty ass farts as this went on for about 3 more minutes.

His nasty farting asshole was like a magnet to me. I just can’t get away from it. I could feel my nose entering his asshole, I just kept sniffing and sniffing, trying my best to suck up every fart he has inside of his ass. Eventually. After I worshipped this horse’s farting ass. I got off his massive ass and immediately gasped for air.

Good gosh… That… Was… Amazing!

I laid on the ground, just above the horse’s ass as his tail swayed from left to right. My back was against the hay as I unknowingly came so hard in my panties that my short shorts were drenched. My whole body twitched. I just came by rimming a horse’s ass and sniffing his rotten farts.

I’m such a dirty little slut for horse ass…

I said to myself. But, little did I know.

The true fun was just about to begin…


Chapter 2: It Gets Dirty

I panted heavily, trying my best to catch my breath after I gave this big brown stallion the best rimjob he’s ever had. Probably in his entire life.

My face is probably covered in all types of filth. Mainly from me, eating the absolute shit out of this horse’s big juicy brown ass and his delicious, yet extremely dirty and very smelly horse donut hole.

My eyes were just staring at the ceiling, feeling my bare naked back laying against the cold floor of this horse’s stall. The hay was softly, yet roughly rubbing against my near perfect skin, as I just laid there. Taking a minute to get myself some fresh air, well, try to catch some fresh air, after burying myself in between this horse’s thick dirty ass.

I felt my eyes getting a bit heavy by the minute. Probably because it’s way past midnight already. But it’s most probably because of my abnormally busy life as a 22 year old college student who’s basically the girl everyone laid their eyes on for being almost perfect in everything she does.

Grades, sports, you name it. Not because I wanted to be great at all of them, it’s because my parents think too highly of me. Gosh, if only they were less strict with me, I don’t think I’d ever subject myself to something like this.

But. Then again, the reason why I got into this bizarre kink in the first place, was because of how many people think I’m some sort of… ” Goddess “. Like, “I’m not that great, okay guys?” But people believe I’m that great, that’s the funny thing. Is it because of how I look? How I talk? How I walk? Ugh, God… I don’t even know anymore.

All I know is that the reason why I love doing dirty things like bestiality and such, is because it’s the one thing people that have expectations at me will never EVER expect from me.

As I rambled on and on in my head, I heard some subtle movement coming from the stallion. As I opened my eyes, I was suddenly greeted by the horse’s ass hovering over at my face.

My eyes widen in shock as my gaze immediately stopped at the stallion’s puckering donut hole. Immediately, words played in my head. ” Oh my gosh… Is it about to fart on me…?” I thought to myself as I can’t help but feel my cheeks grow redder by the second. Seeing how the horse would slightly squat down on me, spreading his rear legs apart, and revealing to me his big fat musky butthole in between those fat ass cheeks of his, as he positioned his ass over my entire naked body.

“Oh this is going to stink… Literally.”

Then. Without hesitation. A sudden gust of putrid wind escaped from his ripe butthole in a loud PFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTBBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAPPPPP sound, as his toxic gas brushed up against my face, making me close my eyes and flinch, just from how strong this horse just farted on me. Based on the sound of his fart, it sounds like he just released all the tension he had from his bowels and just threw it all on me. How kind of him.

But, I swear. If I were to describe the stench of this stallion’s fart in detail, I’d go on for about 30 minutes. But to summarize how it smells. I’d say you crank up the smell of rotten egg farts to about 11 times stronger. That’s how disgusting his fart smelled… But of course, me being the filthy fart slut that I am. Of course I’d like the stench like it’s perfume.

I simply let out a very soft, yet endearing moan. I just laid there, basking in the cloud of this stallion’s thick fart cloud. It gave me enough time to just take in the smell. The stench was so strong, it made my head spin a little bit. Every time I take a deep breath from this toxic gas cloud, it feels like this stallion’s fart is fucking my mind.

But, my immersion was suddenly broken when I felt my own stomach rumble in a very loud manner. I immediately placed a hand on my belly as I let out some soft grunts. I bit my lip as my stomach can’t stop rumbling. I already know what’s happening. It’s only natural that I would eventually do the same thing as this stallion is doing for the past minute or so.

As the rumbling intensifies, I couldn’t stop grunting at that point. Both of my legs instinctively raised upwards as it revealed my soaking wet pussy, as well as my now puckering asshole. It looked tight and clean… For now at least.

Then. As the pressure in my bowels has finally reached its limit. My eyes widen, having a horrified look on my face as I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I suddenly moaned at the top of my lungs, as my asshole ripped a massive fart which immediately spreads throughout the stables, tainting the barn with my own stench as the smell immediately blends in with the existing stink of the stables. The way my fart escaped my near perfect ass is like… BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

“Oh my Gosh… That felt amazing to let out…”

The way my pent up fart escaped my petite asshole was unbelievably lewd and dirty. I would even say that my own gas is quite similar to how the stallion before me just ripped ass all over my body just a second ago.

I could clearly recall the sound of my own fart like it’s answers on my final exams… It sounded so dirty… Gosh I’m such a fucking fart slut.

I could see the stallion before me sniff in the smell of my fart. I can’t help but smile at him as it looked like he enjoyed how smelly it was… Dirty boy…

Then. My eyes went over to look at his big dirty butthole once again. His ass was facing my way so I could see it clear as day. The way it puckers and winks is so fucking hot to me. I felt my mouth drool a bit, remembering how I worshipped his asshole a few moments ago. I could even feel my own asshole pucker the same way this stallion is doing right now.

Then. I just got the dirtiest idea yet.

I pushed myself off the ground, dusting off the hay from my body as I went behind the horse’s ass once more.

“I think it can work… I’m almost as tall as he is…”

I swallowed some of my own pent up saliva in my mouth. I was extremely nervous. Letting out an audible gulp . I’m really not sure if this is going to work, but if it does. It’s going to be so hot…

He currently has his rear legs spread apart, I could evidently see his puckering butthole winking at me, I could even hear some small farts escape from his deliciously filthy asshole in the form of POOOOT and TOOOT sounds.

“Good. I can see his asshole… Maybe it’ll work…”

I then turned around, facing my bare naked back towards the stallion’s big plump ass as I bent over behind him. Facing my thick, yet petite ass towards the stallion’s, as I spread my own ass cheeks to reveal my small puckering butthole. I turned my head over my shoulder to see the horse’s asshole was still puckering for me while I have my ass cheeks spread far apart and is currently facing his own ass.

“This is going to be good…”

Then. Without wasting anymore time. I slowly backed my ass towards the stallion’s own ass, pressing my ass cheeks against the horse’s cheeks as I could feel his sweat ass against mine. Not only that, I could feel my own petite asshole, up against the horse’s dirty donut hole. It’s as if our assholes were lewdly kissing each other.

“Ngn… H-Holy fuck… I’m actually pressing my own ass up against a horse’s dirty sweaty ass… This… Is… So… Fucking… HOT! Ugh~ Is this what they call ass-to-ass? Because I LOVE IT! The way his asshole gave mine a sloppy kiss feels so GOOD!”

I can’t help but let out some slutty moans and have a little geek out moment on the inside. I smiled in a very lewd way as I rubbed my own ass up against the horse’s big plump butt. Feeling both of our assholes get sweatier by the second.

“Oh gosh… I could even feel both of our asses getting muskier! Holy crap this is so dirty… Do you see this everyone? This is the TRUE Erika Watson! She’s just a filthy horse loving FART SLUT !”

Then. I heard the horse whinny for a bit, hearing yet another wave of stomach rumbling from the stallion. I could even feel the vibration coming from his ass with my own!

“Holy… This is going to be messy!”

Suddenly. The horse lets out a loud neigh as I felt his big sweaty donut hole push up against mine in a very feral way, as I immediately heard a loud… BBBBBBBBBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP …as I felt his nasty horse fart blow against my own asshole. His fart cloud was somewhat trapped between our musky asses, but some of his brown gasses got out and it tainted the air of the stables even further.

It only added to the sexiness factor of what’s going down in this stall right now. Not only is my ass going to be filled up with horse farts. The air is going to stink like horse farts.


Moan after moan, I felt his nasty gasses entering into my ass, making my eyes roll backwards into my eyelids, as well as my tongue rolling out of my mouth, just so that I can pant and moan like I’m a slutty dog girl in heat.

The pleasure was almost unbearable. But I wanted this so badly that I didn’t even care anymore. I just wanted him to fill my ass up with his strong animal gas.

I felt the stallion just continuously rip ass into my hole. Each fart differs from the last in terms of smell and in sound. He was whinnying through every fart he lets out. Literally all of his farts sounded like…



All these farts made me moan, pant, and grunt every time his toxic bio weapon would snake its way into my bowels, making my stomach hurt a bit and rumble just because it’s being filled up with non-stop gas. It truly felt like this horse was giving me an enema, just by simply using his big fat animal ass.

“G-Gosh… Ngn… A-Ah~ Oh God… My ass is so full of horse farts right now… H-Ha… F-Fuck! M-My pussy is soaking wet at this point… H-Hngn… It probably smells like pony farts too… O-Oh s-shit….. b-being stuck in between this beautiful stallion’s ass~ O-Ohhhh gosh~ What a night!”

However. It didn’t take long before my own bowels start acting up. Audible rumbling and bubbling sounds echo throughout the stall and the stables. My ass was so full of horse farts that at this point. It’s inevitable that I would start farting myself.

“O-Ohhhh g-gosh… h-here it comes… H-Hehe…. D-Don’t you worry horsie~ This time… N-Ngn… It’s not just you who’s going to be doing all the work… E-Ehehe~”

And so, I closed my eyes, concentrated, bit my lip, grunted a bunch of times, as all of my focus and energy went straight into my ass and asshole. Making sure I pump out the most toxic farts in this stable by far.

Suddenly. I started grunting and moaning as I pushed out some juicy wet BRAPS myself. Each of my own farts would dirtily snake its way inside of the horse’s asshole, just like he did with mine~ All I can hear is the horse whinnying in pleasure from my farts entering his ass through his filthy donut. Those cries are music to my ears as I happily chuckled and kept moaning and grunting. Making sure I consistently push out some farts for him to enjoy in his filthy butt.


My pent up blend of farts were a bit stronger than the horse’s. The stench and the sound was way powerful than the horse’s initial pent up gas. Probably because since he just filled my ass with so much of his own farts that it just mixed itself onto my own gasses.

It was a biological cocktail of toxic gasses between my ass and the horse’s. Our assholes were very sweaty and extremely musky at this point, a thick brown cloud of both of our fart clouds was filling the stable up with unbearable stink.

But, just when I thought I was done emptying my bowels into the horse’s ass. The horse’s stomach rumbled even stronger than before. Making me sweat a bit. First his farts went into mine, then my farts mixed with his went inside of his ass, and now, from the looks of it. I guess he’s not quite done just yet… Oh boy…

And, my guess was right. As the horse once again let out some powerful BRAPS back into my ass. His farts being stronger than mine now as our fart cocktail got stronger every time it passes through one ass onto another.



And so… This back and forth ass-to-ass farting between me and this big brown stallion continued for as long as I can even remember… To be honest… I lost track of time ever since my focus shifted on trying my best to keep farting and taking in this horse’s powerful farts into my own ass. At this point, I am just trying my best to control my own bowls, ass, and asshole, just to handle this horse’s onslaught of toxic smelling farts. If I could see my own asshole, it probably has poop particles on it thanks to this horse’s farts sounding like he’s about to take a shit inside of me.

And it doesn’t seem like he and I are going to stop anytime soon. All that was heard in this stables now is the sounds of my slutty moans and grunts, and the combination of my wet sounding farts, and the horse’s loud pent up gas simultaneously passing back and forth into both of our asses.


Chapter 3: It Gets Messy

“A-Ahhh….. F-Fuck…. H-Ha…. M….M-My…. a-assssss……”

Oh my gosh… My ass… It feels so fucking full… Full of toxic farts…. Stinky, dirty horse farts…

I can feel it stirring inside of my ass. Even if I haven’t farted some of it yet, I can already imagine the putrid stench it might bring as soon as it escaped my sweaty asshole.

As of now though, I just laid there on the ground. My ass raised high in the air while my pretty face is planted on the dirty hay.

If you could see my face right now, I looked like an absolute slut. A dirty stinky horse fart loving slut. My hot musky tongue hanging out of my mouth, drool dripping from the tip. I swear my breath hasn’t smelled this bad since I gave one of my professors a rimjob.

My eyes slightly rolled back into my eyelids, still trying to recover from the intense, mind fucking pleasure of having my petite ass get fucked by a horse’s giant plump ass and his loud sounding farts.

My mind can’t leave this horse’s big sweaty ripe butthole. The way it just kissed against mine was so fucking hot. The way we just had an intimate moment of having our sweaty musky assholes passionately kiss like they’re both married… Gosh it turns me on so hard.

I can hear the stallion from behind me move around a bit. I turned my head over my shoulder to take a look at what he’s doing, he was just swaying his tail left to right like nothing even happened between us. Lucky animal, I bet he doesn’t even feel any different. I bet his ass is always filled with disgusting farts. No matter if it’s mixed with my own gasses.

I can’t help but let out a jealous sigh. I wish I could be like that to be honest… Imagining myself going to my campus, books in my arms, greeting everyone like the good top student that I am. Not even knowing that the precious Erika Watson has an ass full of rancid horse farts brewing deep inside of her “innocent” ass. That sounds like a porn scenario if I do say so myself.

Ngn… God, I can still feel my sweaty asshole puckering and winking so much than usual. It’s probably because of all the farting I’ve been doing. Not to mention the horse farts that went into it.

I placed my index finger on my sweaty asshole and rubbed it. Smearing my index finger with the combination of my sweat as well as the horse’s. I even let my finger enter into my anus for just a bit, giving myself some anal stimulation as I bit my lip, letting out a small moan, feeling my index finger explore the gassy depths of my own ass.

Naturally, I let out a few farts as soon as I started fingering my own ass.


“Oh f-fuck~… Fingering my own ass feels so… Ngn… *Pffffft* G-Good… *sniffs* O-Oh gosh… Smells amazing too… I can still smell myself and the horse from my fart….”

Then, as I took my finger out of my ass which lets out one last fart. I then brought it to my face. Bringing my index finger to my nose, just to have a sniff at my own ass.

*sniff* *sniff*

“Eugh… coughs Yeah… Seems about right that it would smell like absolute garbage…”

Then. Naturally, I placed my index finger inside of my mouth to have a taste of my fart flavored ass.

*lick* *slurp* *shlorp* *suck*

“Mmm…. Ah~ *coughs* *clears throat* Y-Yup… Tastes like ass and farts alright… Sour, bitter, and rancid… Just like I thought…”

As I was done sucking my own ass flavored finger, I plopped it out from my mouth. Letting out a small pop sound as I also let out a cute little moan as I did.

Then. I suddenly heard my horse partner whinny from behind me, as he was shuffling around a bit inside the stall.

Being the curious girl that I am. Naturally, I wanted to see if he was doing okay.

Then. As I was about to turn my head over my shoulder. I suddenly let out a cute little sound, feeling something massive slide in between my sweaty ass cheeks.

“A-Ah! What the-“

That’s when I saw it. Oh my gosh… My eyes widen as I can’t help but let out a gasp.

“H-Holy shit… That is one big horse cock…”

I can’t believe it… I just stared at his massive size out of complete and utter shock. This horse was MASSIVE! Like holy crap! No cock can ever beat the size of this horse’s big long meaty dick. Good gosh, his cock feels sweaty in between my buns. It was like fitting a hotdog in between two hotdog buns. This was so fucking hot for me that I started sweating a little bit. Just by having this horse’s cock in between my ass cheeks already made me pant like a hungry little dog girl. God I’m such a filthy slut.

I continued staring at his monster like cock, studying it almost. His dick was covered in a lot of disgusting dick cheese and smegma. It was coated around the tip of his veiny cock. I would say poor horsey… But, this is obviously a good thing for me. The dirtier the cock, the better it smells and tastes~


Oh… Oh fuck… N-Ngn… My stomach… I already know what’s up. I brought one hand to my belly and felt the soft vibration of my bowels about to burst. I can almost hear and feel myself bubbling up. Well, it’s only a matter of time before my ass starts pumping out a bunch of juicy sounding farts which will smell like complete rotting garbage. But to be honest, I’d bathe in the horrible stench of my own farts any day. I’d lock myself in a very tight closet if I could, just to inhale the intense smell of my stinky farts like it’s some sort of addictive drug.


N-Ngn… O-Oh shit… I-I can feel it… I-It’s coming… I-I can feel my farts bubbling up inside of me… Oh God… My ass can’t hold them in…


“M-Mmm…. H-Ha… *pants* O-Oh fuck… H-Heh… O-Oops.”

I just pushed a bunch of my horrible pent up farts out from my petite butthole, blowing a gust of my toxic smelling gasses up against the horse’s massive dirty cock which is still between my sweaty ass cheeks.

The horse must’ve felt the extreme vibration of my farting ass, as he his nose suddenly flares up and he immediately started pumping his gross cock in between my sweaty butt cheeks. Making me let out some soft & gentle moans, every time I felt his massive dick slide between my ass. It was so fucking hot giving this horse a dirty ass job.

The musk around my ass and his big filthy cock got thicker and thicker, as the heat in this horse’s stall increased by the minute, adding to the sexual tension of my dirty encounter with this amazing stallion.

I can hear my horse partner’s heavy breathing as he was letting out some heavy grunts every time he would pump his cock between my cheeks. I just made sure I was giving him a good ass job, concentrating on pushing out more and more farts on his cock to shower his dick with non-stop rancid gas.

“Y-Yes baby… O-Oh… Keep pumping that giant horse cock in between my sweaty ass~ M-Mmm… *giggle* Let me wash that dirty cock of yours with my stinky farts ok~?” I said in between my moans, as I was too horny at that point that I chose to talk to the horse like the slut that I am.

Eventually however, I can feel the horse speed up in between my cheeks, making me moan harder and faster with every thrust he did. Fart after fart, the stables would get tainted by my stench as the horse got more and more intense with my amazing sweaty ass job. I suppose my sweat makes for good lube.

“M-Mmm… Y-You’re getting close, aren’t you boy?… H-Heh… Go on baby… Cover me in your thick white seed~ Empty that pent up cock of yours using my ass cheeks~” I moaned like a slut as the horse actually did as he was instructed and just focused on cumming his entire load out.

Then suddenly. The horse neighed loudly before he inevitably came his entire load all over me. Covering my body and hair with his slimy smelly horse cum.


“O-Oh f-fuck! Y-Yes baby! Cover me in your thick slimy horse cum!”


“O-Oh fuck! *pffft* A-Ah! *pooot* M-Mmm… Y-Yes… Oh gosh this feels so fucking good on my skin! *giggles* A-And my hair… It’s so dirty now~ H-Hehe… G-Good boy… Good boy… *braaap*” I showered my horse partner with so much compliments as I would often pass some of my gas, while I rubbed his cum all over my petite body. Making me lewdly moan every time I spread his smelly cum on every inch of my body.

*sniff* “Oh~ *coughs* F-Fuck… H-Heh… The entire stables at this point must smell horrible because of our farts horsey~ *giggles*”

I jokingly said at my partner who was busy sniffing my cum covered body. But then, I noticed something more shocking than anything.

He was still rock hard… His massive horse cock was twitching behind her.

“H-Holy cow… That wasn’t enough for you baby…? Hm. But then again, you are one big horny boy… *giggle* So it makes a lot of sense why you would want more~” I told the horse as he immediately positioned himself right by my ass. This time, the tip of his smegma covered horse cock, was prodding the entrance of my petite little asshole. The tip of his cock kissing and rubbing on my sweaty asshole.

My eyes widens in shock, was I ready for this? I’m not really sure. Is this okay? A-Am I going to be fine? This cock might break me… It might… I-I mean, look at the SIZE of it! I’m not sure if even I can take that!

“U-Um… W-Wait. I-I’m not sure about thi-“


Then. My eyes suddenly shot open, an immediate surge of pain runs through my entire body.

My horse partner’s massive filthy cock, just pierced through my dirty sweaty asshole. Taking away my anal virginity.


Naturally. One of my biggest farts was pushed out of my ass, right from the very moment this stallion would shove his whole size deep inside of my anus. My fart probably just seasoned his cock up, making it smell even more nasty than before.

But the horse did not start off gently. He immediately tries to shove his entire cock in, balls deep. Making my eyes rolled so far back into my eyelids, tears start forming in my eyes, my tongue immediately escaped out from my mouth as saliva and spit squirted out.

I can feel his massive horse cock deep inside of me, filling my entire ass up, making my stomach bulge a bit. I think his cock was so far inside of me, that I swear I could even feel it push through all the way up my throat and out of my mouth.

All I could do now was to moan, grunt, and cry in incredible volume, both out of pain and pleasure.

The horse did not hesitate to pump and thrust his entire horse cock inside of me in a rough and fast manner. Reshaping my anus and my insides to the monstrous size of his filthy horse cock, probably tainting me on the inside as well. All I could do now while he ravages me, was to push out some very lewd & wet sounding farts each time he would pump in and out of my ass. Each fart I push out would smell worse than the ones before.

I looked like a slut that just got her mind broken. My soaking wet pussy would squirt every time I felt his cock pump in and out, even my perfect tits would bounce all over the place as well. The pleasure was indescribable at this point. The pain was gone, sure. But replaced by it was a surge of unbelievable pleasure. His cock felt so good up my ass, that I swear that I could even feel his cock fucking my mind as well.

This went on for as long as I could remember. To be honest, I actually lost track of time. This horse did not show any signs of cumming. He just fucked me like I’m his new sex toy. Actually. He even lifted me off the ground and just fucked me while I was suspended in the air, only having his cock was my little support… God I actually felt like a sex toy to him now. All I could do now, is to enjoy this mind breaking experience. Having this horse fuck the shit out of my ass.


But, eventually though. After about… I don’t know. 15 minutes I guess? The horse would once again let out a loud…



And then, he would finally came bucket loads of horse cum deep inside of me. Painting my insides white with his slimy thick seed. Actually. He came so hard inside of me and my ass. That my petite little belly would bloat a bit and his cum would actually come out from my mouth in strong volumes. Making me vomit his thick horse cum out, while my cute little eyes remained wide open while my hands instinctively tries to catch some of the cum leaking out from my mouth.

Then. After my horse partner came. He would set me back down on the ground, and he would pull his now flaccid horse cock out of my asshole. Making a little plop sound as my asshole was now gaping open. Cum leaking out of it, as more farts would escape from my wide open asshole. This time, they were cum farts. Cum would just squirt out of my asshole as stinky gasses would escape out of it.


“O-Ohhhhh………. f-fuck…..”

My head would just lay on the ground, back on the dirty hay as I just mindlessly drooled. My slutty ass was raised up in the air, his slimy gross horse cum just ran down my legs. My asshole just kept leaking of horse cum… Oh God… My whole body feels sore right now… Especially my ass… His horse cock was too much… Even for Erika Watson…

That was so intense that I was just speechless… I just laid there, groaning… Trying to comprehend what just happened to me.


But. I wasn’t done quite yet…

I pushed myself off the ground. Trying my best to dust off the hay that was sticking to my skin. My body at this point felt so sticky and it reeks so bad, having my partner cover my outsides and insides with his disgusting stinky horse cum. I desperately need a shower, but. Let me bathe in this stench and filth a little bit longer…

I then approached the horse once again. My movement was a bit rocky and wavy, as if I was drunk off this horse’s filth. He was back to minding his own business, eating whatever he could eat as his filthy cum-covered cock was still massive, but flaccid.

“S-Sorry honey… I’m still not quite done with you…”

That being said, I simply crawled underneath him and went face to face with his slimy sweaty horse cock and his massive sweaty horse balls.

It smells so bad as I saw his dick cheese & smegma still in tact to his dick. I take another whiff at it and I swear I can faintly smell my farts on it. I’m glad my farts stuck well on his cock.

I simply wrapped my hand around his flaccid cock, jerking it off as I can feel my cheeks growing red… I can’t believe I’m still hungering for more…

I can feel how slimy his cock is from my hand. Soon. I placed both of my hands on his cock. Trying my best to jerk him off and give him a proper handjob. Then. I can feel his cock getting bigger every time I would pump my hands on his massive shaft.

Finally, he was rock hard again. It made me smile, like I just accomplished something great.

Then. I grabbed his massive filthy cock in one hand, the other hand reaching down on my soaking wet pussy to finger myself, and I slowly closed the gap between my lips and the horse’s cock, finally taking his dick into my warm moist mouth.

“M-Mmm…” *slurp* *suck* *lick* *schrlop*

His cock tasted really sour and bitter, probably because of his horse cum that was still fresh on his shaft, as well as this monster of a dick was just inside of her ass a moment ago.

Occasionally, while I was sucking this horse cock. I would sometimes *plop* it out of my mouth. Let his big fat sweaty horse cock lay all over my face while I make a very slutty “ah~” type face. Licking his shaft while doing it. Then I would plop his cock back in to continue sucking his dirty massive shaft.

I could taste the dick cheese and smegma on his horse cock, my tongue trying to scoop them out. It actually tastes gross, but, you know me at this point. I just played around with his dick cheese & smegma around my tongue, savoring the taste while I still gave this stallion a proper blowjob. Sucking him like the obedient slut that I am.

Then. I temporarily parted away from his slobber-covered cock. A bridge of saliva connecting from my mouth to his cock. I opened my mouth for him, I could see him looking at me from underneath him. I showed him my mouth full of dick cheese & smegma that I just cleaned from his cock, swallowing it and opening my mouth back up to show that I obediently ate his filth. Letting out a lewd “ahhh~” sound.

After that. I just brought my mouth back to his cock and continued sucking it. The way I sucked him off was very slutty, taking it as far as I could down my throat, deepthroating him in a very reasonable pace. My spit was basically coating his entire horse cock at this point as I would finger myself more and more, my pussy making lewd wet sounds every time my fingers would go in and out of it.

“M-Mmmm…. O-Oh G-God… T-This fat horse cock tastes so bad that it’s good…”

Then. I heard my horse partner’s nose flare up as I felt his rear legs move a little bit while sucking him off. Eventually though, as I kept sucking his filthy cock. The horse would suddenly shove his cock deep down my throat. Making my eyes roll far back into their eyelids while audible choking and gagging sounds were heard from me.


Feeling my horse partner fuck the absolute life out of my mouth pussy. Maybe my blowjob got him excited again… You can hear me make *glugging* sounds from him fucking my petite throat, if someone could see me now, they would see this cock bulge out from my throat. Spit and saliva would splatter everywhere throughout the course of him violating my mouth.


Oh… And of course the occasional stinky farts being fucked out of me by this horse.

However, unlike before when he fucked the shit out of my ass. He came rather quickly down my throat. The stallion would make another whinny sound as I just felt more and more of his disgusting slimy horse cum go down into my stomach. Painting more of my insides in dirty white. Some of his cum would overflow though, his cum would escape out from my mouth, giving me a chance to savor how his cum truly tastes.

“M-Mmm….” “Oh fuck… *coughs* I-It tastes so bitter… Oh my g-gosh… I love this so much!”

Then. After he came his massive disgusting load down my throat, I took his cock out of my mouth and I tried my best to swallow every drops of cum he just unloaded into my mouth pussy. Thankfully, I did. I opened my mouth to reveal that every drop of cum has been swallowed.

I can’t help but giggle to myself, feeling accomplished tonight that I got fucked in the ass by a horse, deepthroated and got mouth fucked by a horse, got ass to ass fart fucked by a horse, and-



That wasn’t me… That was the horse that fart-

My eyes then widens in shock. I just noticed what he did. I peaked my head to the side, averting my gaze away from his cock and onto his rear side, seeing if the horse did what I think he just did.

And surely enough. He did.

He just took a massive horse shit. It was very brown in color, flies immediately hovered around it. His horse shit swirled around like some chocolate ice cream, it looked wet and mushy. *sniff* Eugh… God, and it stinks more than horse farts…

But… I can’t help but get a bit… Hungry, just by looking at it.

“Oh my gosh Erika… I know you’re a slut but hot damn… You’re going to stoop down to a new level of slut…”

I thought to myself as I slowly approached the pile of smelly horse shit. Kneeling down near it as I was just below the horse’s ass once again.

The stench got stronger as soon as I got near the pile. God… It actually stinks so bad. But… I obviously loved the stench, but good gosh this is a little too much… Even for a gal like me.

But. Nothing ventured… Nothing gained.

And so. I did not think anymore, I just acted. My head slowly closing in on the pile of horse shit, letting my tongue out as my tongue went in contact with the horse shit.

“Holy fucking s-shit…. It tastes…. B-Blegh…. R-Really fucking bad…”

I thought to myself as my tongue was slowly licking his mushy pile of horse crap. My tongue slowly getting tainted by this horse’s sudden drop of manure.

But, instead of removing my head & face away from the pile of rancid stallion poop. I just kept going. Slowly burying my face in between this massive pile of shit as I got more of it inside of my mouth. Letting this horse shit swirl around my tongue, playing around with it like how I tasted his dick cheese & smegma. Savoring how shitty it tastes… Literally… It’s like I could taste what this horse has been eating this entire week.

“A-Ahhh… F-Fuck… I want to vomit so b-badly… B-But… This is lowkey super fucking h-hot…” I commented on my thoughts on scat as I basically started eating this horse’s pile of shit. Cleaning his stall up for him as I used my hands to scoop up any poop I may have missed. Sucking my fingers clean from horse shit as I lewdly burped after eating so much of my partner’s smelly crap.


“A-Ah… F-Fuck… *ahem* E-Excuse me… H-Hehe…”

Then. After I cleaned this horse’s shit up. I looked up to see the horse’s tail raised up, only meaning one thing.

Oh fuck-


“E-Eugh…. *coughs* R-Really horsey…?”

I just got shitted and farted on by this horse, like an actual massive pile of wet, mushy horse shit just splattered all over my face. An ice cream swirl of disgusting horse poop was laying rent free on my face. I wiped some of it off of my eyes just so I can see, but that was it.

However. Instead of just cleaning myself using my hands by dusting it off, I used my hands to scoop the horse shit from my face, and guide it to my mouth. Eating his sloppy wastes as means of cleaning myself up.

“M-Mmm…. *eat* *slurp* *lick* *coughs* *gags* A-Ah… E-Eugh…. Y-You owe me horsey… A-Ah…*eats*” I said to him as I continued eating his horse shit

As I was about done cleaning myself up from horse shit by using my mouth as a garbage bin. I once again looked up to see his tail raised upwards, making my eyes widen once more.

“Oh no you don’t!’

I immediately placed my entire mouth on his shit ring, wrapping my lips all over his donut hole as I felt his farts enter my mouth. A wave of mushy wet horse shit runs down my throat, straight from his filthy sweaty and musky horse asshole.


I just gagged, eyes rolling back into their eyelids, feeling his long wave of horse shit smoothly going down my petite throat, his poop would vary as I could taste solid logs, to mushy bits, to wet diarrhea. Making my eyes roll backwards as I had no choice but to obediently eat all of his wastes like the filthy horse slut that I am.

After he emptied his entire load of shit inside of my mouth. I just chewed on some leftover horse shit and eventually swallowed that too as I let out some very lewd sounding burps and some farts after filling myself up with nothing but horse cum and shit.


“Oh gosh… I can’t believe I’m so full of horse shit…”

My eyes then shifted to his sweaty horse balls… Huh… I forgot to play with them huh? Well… Better late than never right?

I planted my face in between his massive sweaty sack as I smothered my shit covered face on them. Licking and worshiping his balls like it’s my lover’s face. Giving his balls a sniff as it smelled absolutely rancid. It was so sweaty. But so fucking smooth too…



*sighs* Here I go again… More shit to deal with… Literally….


“A-Ah….” I laid on the ground, my back against the cold rough hay of my partner’s stall. My belly full of horse shit and cum. I was extremely tired at that point. Even my horse partner was now laying down, fast asleep. Makes sense, we had a long night together after all.

Jeez… Not only am I covered in horse cum, but I am also covered in so much horse shit… What a fucking night…

But… It was a long deserved break for Erika Watson…

Wait. What time is it even?


The End