Chapter One

Kelly was a winsome and winning rhythmic gymnast … until she crossed the six foot mark. She still had the girlie cuteness, and the flexibility, and was a tough competitor, but the more elfin gals kept winning. She knew she could be a super-model, but she wasn’t 18 yet, and her parents forbid it. She started beach volleyball instead, and she was terrific. But, what about the off season?

Her rich, polo-playing dad had suggested that she was a natural equestrian, who could win international gold with the right coach, and he knew one that had just opened a big school in the hills behind their Malibu homes.

Letitia Morales saw Kelly was an amazing athlete, got her a big horse to match, and let her start competing right away. The battle of wills faded quickly, and, once Kelly learned to handle her horse, they started winning. She felt a real connection to the animal, and, since the judges were all smitten by her slender grace, they started ranking her nationally, and she made it into the first elimination, even as a rookie. This was exciting!

She wanted to keep practicing, but Letitia said she only had time for the girls still in the nationals, then summer was the start of Brazilian dressage. “What is that?”

“It is only for women who truly love horses.”

Kelly felt a secret thrill. Could Letitia really man … that? She gulped. “Do you have … pictures?” She took the small photo album home inside her duffel bag.

The slim, underage blonde bit her lip and pretended shock as she secretly perused the images. These women really were giving themselves to stallions! Brazilian dressage was completely amazing! She scared herself just thinking about it.

Kelly took the book back and demurred. She couldn’t talk about it with Letitia, or anyone else. She also couldn’t get it off her mind.

Watching the English dressage finals, she was sure the judges were biased. Letitia agreed, and quietly mentioned that Brazilian style was less subjective. “Anyway, the judges would love your slender blondie-ness.” Kelly winced, but she knew what that meant. The other pretty girls struggled with their weight, but she could eat all she wanted, and only weighed a sinewy 115 pounds!

Letitia let her scan a link into her phone. She knew not to open it right away. Back at home she found a BD training guide on the TOR site. It was in Portuguese, but her tummy knotted as she read the translation. This really was a sport, which appealed to her competitiveness, and to her exhibitionism, and her secret love of horses, and it looked *really* challenging. She’d never even had sex before, let alone taken in a horse-cock.

Kelly waited, and studied the training guide. Then she got a big dildo and started practicing. Taking her cherry hurt, and each new inch was more suffering than masturbation, but the tall, slender girl soldiered on, eventually taking in all nine inches on her first try. After a week it was easy, and she switched up to dildo over foot-long. This one was stallion-shaped, with a very broad head. She was surprised, but its bluntness actually seemed to help. Maybe it was imagining that she was actually with a stallion? Or, maybe, the flared end spread out the load, but it actually made the deeper stretching feel pretty good.

Always the diligent athlete, Kelly was pretty far along in her training before she again approached Letitia. Now she could hide most of that actual horse-sized unit, and after only a month, it was almost pleasurable. At least the aching was gone. She was ready.

Letitia was surprised when Kelly flat out asked to compete in Brazilian Dressage. They talked a bit, and Letitia let her back into the now locked and shuttered barn. It was even insulated and air-conditioned! “I have a great horse for you.”

“Huh?” Kelly played like she wasn’t quite ready.

“It’s a belly-riding horse – one of the best, straight from Brazil. He’s rated 46×7, perfect for a girl your size.” Kelly knew that meant 46 centimeters of erection, up to 7 centimeters across, which meant a maximum score of 322. “You would be his first after such a long journey.” She hinted that was a special treat.

Kelly figured… that was 18″ long and 2.7″ across! She swallowed hard. “Oh, sure, I could try…”

“I’ll have him saddled.” Letitia signaled to two groomsmen.

Kelly’s surveyed the special contraption that let a woman ride under a horse. She was suddenly embarrassed. “Oh my God! Please put him away! Someone might see.”

“Of course they will. That’s the sport. We show ourselves competitively.”

“Yeah, in Brazil. Not here.”

“Yes, *here*. It’s perfect for you tall, American girls. You won’t be the first I trained.”

“I, I’ll get arrested!”

“No, *you* won’t. You are underage. You can’t even compete until mid-summer, and, if you talk, I’ll be the one arrested.” Kelly looked at Letitia hard. Then she looked at the beautiful stallion. Butterflies thrilled her from mid-thigh clear to her aching nipples. Could she just try it once?

She bit her lip like before, and Letitia knew she wanted this. “Get undressed.”

“Oh!” Kelly blushed hard, but she stripped to her underwear. What if Letitia was insane? Sure, she was nice, but…

Take those off, too.” The tall girl panted with fear as she slipped her thong over the high arch of her buttocks. She wasn’t perfect at math, but this beast’s numbers seemed a lot bigger than her current dildo, which the website listed as horse-sized. She blushed again as she doffed her padded bra. She stood there, in the nice warm air, completely naked, scared, horny, and not knowing what to do.

Letitia knew the bra was padded. .oO(Only skimpy B-cups? Well, she has a great little ass, and is otherwise perfect. I’m sure my contacts will give her a boob job…) she thought as she held the grand horse. “Okay slip your leg through, over the wide strap, slide in, lay down and lift into him.”

Kelly knew she was beyond stopping. She was so limber that mounting was easy. Her labia engaged the horse’s sheath. She shuddered and dropped a little. “Ahhh!” Hot penis snaked out and slipped along a wet trail up to her belly-button. .oO(Well, he is *easily* excited.)

Letitia came around to Kelly’s side. “No. Let me tie up your ankles, then pull forward.” Kelly didn’t like the sound of that. “…then pull forward.” Actually, the silk loops were not about bondage, she then for leg control. She was nervous, for that erection was still growing up her belly as the older woman wrapped her ankles with a twist across her instep. Her heels were now at the stallion’s flanks, where she could grip his torso and push or pull.

Letitia smacked Kelly’s rump. “Ready?” Kelly only bit her lip. “Use the center strap to pull forward.” the slender blonde was glad her long hair was in a bun so the horse wouldn’t step on it.

The Latina reached in and stroked the stallion’s still rubbery phallus. The American girl cooed at just how sexy this was. Then her jaw dropped to feel that soft member quickly distend up to her ribs. “You’d better hurry up, he seems quite horny.” Letitia said. She stopped rubbing, but the stallion kept growing. Kelly’s hips rocked upward as that hot glans nudged along her open cleavage. Her trainer spoke firm and fast. “Are you trying to show off? You must take him before he crowns, or it will be quite painful.”

Kelly trembled with fear and excitement. She was ashamed at how much this turned her on. She hadn’t told Letitia about the dildos. Could she take a *real* horse? With considerable effort, she worked her head and shoulders up between the stallion’s legs. This put her small bust on his chest, and her nose right up to his lower neck. She flinched as that now log-like sex organ dragged back over her mons and dropped into the furrow between her tight thighs. Her vagina was already moist, and, when her labia flared open, a sexual shockwave coursed through her whole body!

“Now, you must slide backward. Take all that you can stand. Hurry, before it is entirely too big!” Kelly quivered with fear, but she was an athlete. She had to trust her training. She gulped and slid down.

“Oh!” the 17-year-old gasped with awe. It was huge, but she liked it! She slid down more, impaling herself far into her vagina. “Oh, it’s so nice and tight!” It was bigger than her big dildo, but she was able to take it, and she liked how it challenged her. In fact, she *loved* it. A real stallion was a hundred times better!

Despite her early enthusiasm, Kelly stopped taking in more cock at depth of only about eight inches. This was her bottom. Her pussy seemed to have shortened as it stretched wider. Now that stud’s already huge glans started to expand even more, and her pussy really hurt.

The slender girl pushed and pulled, desperate to ease her discomfort, but that penis was really stuck. Was she locked in? Was she going to tear? This crowning was far bigger than she had expected. .oO(What do I do now?) The sexy novice was ready to panic, but she remembered studying this. She had to get her stallion to cum. She started squirming, rotating her hips and working them all around. This was now a wrestling match, and she could only win away from the pain when he finally shot his load. Could she give him enough pleasure if she couldn’t even move on his cock at all? “N-now what?” She looked over at Letitia.

“Now you *keep* working him! You got about two hands, so he should be pretty easy to get off.” .oO(After all, he’s been quarantined for a month.)

Kelly winced and did as she was told. She kept lifting her beautiful ass up and down, squirming it sideways, and biting her lip to choke back her pain. Her partner shifted about with rising excitement, then he started humping. This girl was da bomb, and he was gonna make her explode!

“Oh! Oh! Ohhhh…” The girlish athlete felt the powerful beast filling her vagina, and, somehow, his beastly power was now hers! Despite the deep discomfort, or perhaps because of it, this oddball act felt truly awesome. Kelly accepted that power, and the pain became pleasure!

“OHHHHHH! OHHH GAWWWD!” She arched her head back and moaned with an unexpected, womanly joy. Her entire body tensed, and then her hips started bucking on their own accord. This was her first orgasm, and it was WAY better than a dildo!

The stallion felt this small surrender, and quickly pressed harder. The skinny teenager’s vagina had relaxed, and she felt a grand hydraulic ripple as that thrust stretched it another inch deeper into her taut body. .oO(Oh…my…GOD!) Kelly’s eyes closed, and her vaginal orgasm seemed to sweep thru her whole torso.

Letitia smiled as her new student bucked and shuddered like mad. That girl had just taken 23cm, and she was already cumming hard! This was a hot one. Most girls are done at 20, and some would even tear when a horse’s tip flared to full width, but not Kelly. This horse measures over 7cm across when crowning, and she was now giving him and inch of play!

The older trainer stepped in and guided the stallion’s rhythmic surges, helping him rise to a climax.

Kelly was still cumming when she felt her stallion lover also reaching his peak. “Oh! Oh! OH!” she gasped as each jet of hot semen pulsed deeper into her long torso. That horse was super potent, and eight times her weight, so he rocked on and pumped semen for quite some time.

Letitia looked in and smiled all the more to see this hot girl’s tummy puffing up. She knew this horse could likely deliver a full liter, which would be too much. More experienced belly riders would just gush with labial discharge, but Kelly was taking it all. And, since didn’t scream from a painful rupture, it was clearly going straight into her womb. She smiled even wider as she stepped in and pressed gently near the stallion’s scrotum, bringing his climax to an early finish. This especially tall American still had a lot to offer.

Kelly was stunned. That orgasm might have only been a minute or so, but it was, by far, the best minute of her whole life! She had been clenched with fear, and she still ached far inside, but her womanhood was still intact. And, she could now feel that cum filling her womb! She fell back with relief, Her hands dangled by her lover’s front hooves as she basked in her afterglow.


Chapter Two

“No!” Letitia cautioned, “You can relax, but you must also let me tie your hands up, or they will be crushed.” The BD trainer didn’t wait, and the now eager teenager tried to help as her wrists and hands were also looped into silk straps. These went across his withers, and were held behind his forelegs.

Kelly’s afterglow faded as her lover’s organ shrank away. .oO(Now I start belly riding). Fully bound, she started working her hips, trying to re-stimulate this amazing beast. The stallion still seemed to lose interest, even as the young girl worked herself around on his sensitive tip.

The stable master stopped suppressing the stallion’s sex organs and took out a hypodermic. “What’s that?” Kelly stopped her fuitless efforts and peered down along her swollen tummy.

“Oh, this just makes sure he stays hard through a whole competition. It’s like Cialis, but for stallions.” Letitia gave the preset medication to the horse.

“He won’t have to stay hard too long, I’ll probably cum again in no time.” said the aroused teen.

“No, don’t.” Letitia said, curtly. “This isn’t about cumming. Yes, practice can bring pleasure, or pain, but Belly Dressage is a sport. You need to gain experience.”

Kelly clenched her pussy and perked up. “Yes, ma’am.” She had just cum so hard she thought she might pass out, but website images leapt into her mind as her trainer untied the horse’s bridle and gave down the leads.

The Brazilian woman spent a few minutes explaining how to use only one’s fingers to make the horse trot, passage, pirouette, and even piaffe, all this while Kelly felt her lover’s cock expanding into her tightness. Pretty soon it felt like her cunt was welded onto a steel bar.

Still, she did as she was told. The horse spun, and her whole body swung, his big member rocking around on inside her abdomen. “Oh!” Kelly felt some pain. “OHHHHHH!” She also came again. This was an odd orgasm, more in her spine and thighs than in her sex channel, and it was clearly from feeling such control over a huge and powerful beast! She couldn’t believe she had never imagined such a sport! This was wonderful!

.oO(Well, I’ll let her have that little bit of fun, for now.) “I’ll be back in a few minutes, my dear. I need, um, to freshen up. Will you be okay?”

Kelly put her mind to improving mastery. Her sexuality became a glow of accomplishment as that horse awkwardly did her bidding. It was still awesome to feel that uber-maleness rocking her womanhood, but her increasing ability to make this great beast start, stop, and even turn around barrels was fucking amazing.

Letitia came around the corner belly-riding under her own stallion. She came up to Kelly and watched her finish a turn-about. “Great! Follow my lead. You’ll have mastery very soon.”

Letitia led the trainee around the ring a few times, and then let go. Kelly worked hard to keep her libido in check and guide her stallion. She used his reins, but was amazed to look over and see that Letitia was not only fully engaged, but that she was literally controlling her mount with only her cunt. “How?… How big… Uh, what is he rated?”

“Roshamon here is rated 44-8, with five years of training.” Letitia moved about, bringing her mount to a gallop, then a canter, then back alongside. Kelly was in awe. That woman had over 17″ of cock, more than 3″, wide, absolutely buried in her admittedly thicker torso. And, she was cantering! That rough gate was totally pounding her body, and her cunt was not just taking all that cock, she was actually using it to control her mount!

Kelly trembled. Could she ever do that? “Good, you are now at about 25 centimeters – that’s plenty to compete.” She re-focused on Letitia’s voice. “…don’t worry about depth. You *will* open up with time, but that is not the goal. You can score all his 336 points without taking him all the way in. It’s about control – the more of him you take, the more he’ll do for you.”

After a few more awkward tricks, Kelly noticed that her stallion was getting antsy. She looked over to see that Letitia, still fully engaged, was actually making her beast back up. That was really dangerous, for the stallion was almost ready to rear. The novice rider’s heart stopped with worry. Could she truly trust such a big, feisty male? She gulped in fear, and quivered with lust. She had to try. The rules describe what she did next as an allowed rest.

“Good boy. OK, you can have your fun.” She squirmed seductively. Relaxing so much was a risk, but she had to just let him fuck her to got his load off, or he would go out of control. Indeed, that stallion rocked her depths like never before, and it wasn’t long before he let loose. Kelly squeezed her buns with delight. She really liked getting pumped full of those hot shots. Her athletic body relished her lover’s thrusts, letting his pulses expand her womb until that new pressure brought her off in another mind-blowing orgasm.

Letitia watched the massively penetrated girl fairly writhe with ecstasy. .oO(She will soon learn to control herself. It is the only way to win.) She pulled alongside and reached in to steady Kelly’s bulging tummy. “Remember, you are both masters, not slaves.”

The subequestrian novice felt her like vagina was again welded to her lover’s erection as she recovered from her climax. Woman and beast were now one. She practically glowed with understanding as she set her lover to a happy trot. The rest of the world was upside down and backwards, but her super-firm engagement now felt almost natural. They did a complete, basic routine.

Being locked together didn’t stop that stud’s un-flared shaft from broaching in and out. The tight teenager felt this sexy horse rocking her labia. His big cock crushed them back and forth through her narrow pelvis. Stallion cock had now taken her deeper than could any man’s cock, but she only wanted more. Her slim body slipped slowly down the leather sling. Her sexing channel stayed almost 2.5″ wide and her unfolding labia kept letting it grow deeper… 9″… 10″… 11″… and it all hurt so good!


Chapter Three

The stretching and aching at her crotch did not steal Kelly’s athletic focus. She practiced for almost an hour with her vagina at full lock. Her partner’s penis was as tight and hard as any fist, her womb was still pumped utterly full, and it felt … awesome! Then things started getting crazy again. Spunk, and her own lube, finally started oozing out. At first it was only a warm dribble, but it still made her cunt slippery. The stallion noticed, and he broke step and slammed that girl with a sudden thrust. Bang! Squeak! That tight slide was only an inch, but it rocked that girl’s world! “Eeeee!” she squealed with excitement. Bang! Squeak!, he pulled back and rocked her again and again, forcing his adamant shaft to squeak in and out despite her tightness.

.oO(Oh, God, oh God…) Kelly urgently clutched her stallion. Liking this, the beast stopped performing tricks and focused on fucking this hot young slut. Bang, bang, bang, he pumped her good, taking his strokes faster, and getting her with up to three inches of play. Her stallion was now taking her whole vagina devilishly, deliciously deep. Spunk was jetting back and forth through her cervix with a great, hydraulic whoosh, and her she was so thrilled that heart seemed to stop and start each time his iron organ corked and uncorked her inner hole. She was also scared by just how badly she wanted what Letitia had shown was possible.

The stallion pressed on, and his intense sexual drilling soon had fluids leaking out all over. That girl’s leather sling was well lubed, and cum was pooling around her petite, rapidly sliding buns. Girl and her stallion were now simply fucking, with him at full, stallion bumpiness, and her at maximum vaginal/labial stretch of 13″. Her clitoris and labia was now permanently folded in and continuously stimulated, and each vigorous thrust slammed her so deep that her whole body ached, and yet, this wildness was so damn sexy that she only wanted more. “Ohhhnnnn…” The neophyte equinarian bit her lip and moaned, willing her inner portal let that horse-cock even deeper into her long torso.

The stallion also wanted more … His huge knot of horse-meat porked this slutty child far past his own point of distraction, and int a reverie that put him over the top. Sock, sock, sock! His banged her without mercy.

Letitia coughed to conceal her own rising libido. This amazing novice was now passing three hands, and she was about to take a whole lot more!

“Yes! Yess…” The young girl was wild for it. She clutched at that huge beast, and worked against her silk straps. The skinny blonde lost all track of human propriety and savored her impending surrender. “Go… go…” she panted at her stallion’s sharp thrusts and urged him to go harder, her hips autonomously rocking up and down. She would become one with this stallion! She curled her face and body up against her lover’s fur, and pulled to help his thrusts.

“Whinny!” He reared. Silk straps and leather sling pulled the lithe girl up. Her bosom, and her whole body, aligned with his vertical torso, and she didn’t even try to resist as his rampant, fully-erect horse-cock slammed upward and, Skrr-pop!, snapped right into her womb. No, the over-stimulated and under-aged girl only exulted as she slammed down, taking that massive organ in as far as it could possibly go! Sklish-ploosh! Her labia made a wet, slapping sound as they encircled and enmeshed with the folds of sheath, actually skinning them back to expose and engage more cock that he had ever given to a woman. Kelly had just gone from 13 to almost 19″ of penetration. The back of her womb slammed into her diaphragm, knocked air from her lungs, and stretched that baby-maker nearly up to her nubile breasts.

Needless to say, that stallion was now so sexually excited that he came like a geyser! Spurrrr-t-t-t! Kelly’s world was rocked as a hot load of cum rumbled into her body, sluiced around her torso in sensual ripples that coursed all down and along between that super-sized stallion cock and the exquisitely tight walls of her no-longer girl-sized cunt.

The older horse-mistress eyed her stunned protégé. It looked like things had gone rather more right than wrong, but she had never seen a first timer survive such a thrust without a rupture. She shouted in Portuguese, and two men came running over. She had to take care.

The men pulled the stallion down and did what they could to calm him as Letitia rode over. Indeed, that girl’s mons was now incredibly spread, spanning almost 3″ of knobby cock, which meant she now had horse-cock far up beyond her digestive tract.

Kelly’s eyes goggled, her face beaming with pure, breathless exultation. “Ah!” She managed a small gasp as her lover shifted. “AHHHH!” She gasped more, feeling the shaft move in her torso, as he managed to rock back. “OH!” She startled. “OH MY *FUCKING* GAWWWWWD!” She arched and writhed, her mind struggling to adjust to her body’s newfound hyper-sexual distension.

.oO(That’s what all the girls say the first time they give their womb.) thought the sexy Brazilian. She smiled, and started rocking her own, equally sexy body to start another horse-sized orgasm. “Si, te amor.” She cooed to Kelly. “That is what it feels like. He now has all of your amazing body. Now, you must also give him your soul.” Letitia switched back to Portuguese. <“No. Keep him down, but let him take her. Any damage is already done.”>

The men obeyed, and the stallion began rocking his body back and forth. His motion was like before, but the scale was completely different. The lanky American teen was now completely engaged with a full-sized stallion, and his cock was rumbling in and out of her womb, filling her with pure, wild love! She was now a horse mistress, rocking in time to the pumping of a stallion’s grand organs.

That stud sure wasn’t stunned. He was cumming real good, pumping this girl harder than ever. Even restrained, he moved her sexy womb up and down inside her body, stretching it all-the-wider with his big jets of seed. Indeed, his prodigious organs were at maximum size and flow, and, Kelly’s clenched womb had stopped leaking, making it feel a bit like a devilishly soft boxing glove as it banged air in and out of her open throat.

Kelly’s head rolled back. Her ballooning womb was now working all around within her girlish innards, and her senses were shocked with every jet of cum. That was truly a huge load, and this slender girl now felt pressure all the way up to her gorge, like that great, beastly plunger was making love to her last inch. She had never imagined that sex could be so fucking huge.

“HHNNNNNGGGG!” The chronically enraptured young girl was absolutely wracked by a stunning, all-consuming orgasm. This cum was a true epiphany, a beastly climax far different, and wilder, than anything before. Her cunt was now so feral, and so huge, and so completely stimulated, that this stallion-sized sex took her beyond all thought, and her brain to a new religion. Her femininity was now so all-encompassing, and so far beyond human, that it rocked her whole world, past present and future. Kelly, had indeed, surrendered her very soul.

In truth, that stallion only came for a few more minutes, but this girl’s experience was life-altering. Her first new minute was purely feral. Her feminine sexuality, having overtaken her humanity, was now being stoked by strokes so deep, and hot loads so huge, that her orgasm was a hurricane, and her womb was her new eye. Lights flash in her normal vision, and angels sang in her ears, and her body shook with such ecstasy that every muscle, from tossing head to curling toes, seemed tugged by some supernatural cord. Yet, she now felt an out of body experience. She was both above and below her lover, and his whole body was in hers, and they were one.

The stallion had whinnied and pranced as the men held him from rearing, but he suddenly calmed down. His ears twitched, and his cock still throbbed with load after load of seed. That girl’s womb and vagina visibly rippled with spasms so vigorous that she repeatedly sprayed cum for several feet. She was now giving back to her bestial lover in equal measure.

Letitia grinned. She thought she had known this wild ecstasy, and how much pleasure Kelly was having. .oO(It is only her first time, and yet, she would be hooked. And, with such a perfect partner, he will be just as hooked she is.) She shouted, then had a sudden chill at saying something so dangerous.

Feeling his need, and freedom, that phenomenal femme amped up her wild rut, trying with all her might to give her body even more completely to her lover. “Ahhh, ahhhh, ahhhh…” She gasped with her relentless climax while pulling and pushing, despite the burn in her muscles. Still floating above, she also willed that her lover end his restraint, that he take her with all his strength and passion.

Spreading his muscular haunches, that beast started rocking, setting to in great thrusts that perfectly countered his lover’s urgent strokes. Slish… two hands of cock appeared. Slam! It was gone. Slish… Slam! Slish… Slam! Kelly made total, unrestrained love with that beast, taking him fully and passionately, until her arms and legs could do no more. After only another minute or so, and despite her will and athleticism, Kelly’s body only hung hung loose in its silk loops and leather sling. She was spent.

Her lover, however, was not done. He was a grand stallion, and he rocked on, pulsing her again and again against her harness, while her displace vagina and womb only grew and shrank, pushing her other organs aside while she sprayed out jets of horse cum. Kelly’s out-of-body orgasmic ecstasy only lasted until the stallion also relaxed. Indeed, he drooped with complete satiation, though his chemically stimulated sex organ stayed as hard as ever.

Kelly had just indulged in a sustained multiple orgasm so strong that it overwhelmed any thought for her own survival, and now she was utterly changed. She was now a mare-girl. This super-powerful sex was so unexpected that her first new feeling was shame. It was wrong to be so completely happy while feeling at one with such an inhuman beast.

She looked over, and Letitia smiled. Kelly blushed and returned a demure smile. Should she really be reveling in this strange intimacy? Is it against nature to be able to give her body so completely that her labia could enmesh with the folds of a stallion’s cock-sheath when that cock is a foot and a half long?

“Now you feel him. Now he also feels… you.” Letitia had to stop talking as she, too, spasmed with an amazing afterglow.

Kelly now understood the mystery of Letitia’s control, but her muscles were too tired to do anything but rest in her cradle. Still, she smiled. This stallion was now hers, and, as long as he was erect, and they were so deeply engaged, he would do anything she willed. Indeed, thanks to his recent injection, that connection seemed almost eternal. He had the new nirvana of being serviced by a girl-mare, while neither was ready for another climax. He was completely at her mercy.

“Let him, go.” Kelly panted to the stable hands with breathy excitement. She was pleased by her new voice. Something about having a horse-cock punching her diaphragm gave it an uncanny sensuality, like her voice was liquid leather. The handlers stepped away. Keeping her legs in their silk straps, the stallion-stuffed girl reached in to hold her tummy and bosom. That was where the action was, not in those useless forward loops.

Letitia saw the tall, athletic blonde’s fierce willpower. “Oh, girl! You are special.” .oO(This one could be a champion.) She also saw her suffering. “But, you need mucho more practice. See if you can get him back into his stall.”

Kelly almost passed out, but she did it. And, she utterly loved how this extreme impalement let her control such a great beast. Yes, she was still really sore, but they were now an athletic couple, working as intimately as any ice-skaters or ballet dancers.

She was also so weak that she remembered needing a lot of help to disengage. That stallion was still completely erect, with a flanged glans more than 7 cm across. Despite the increasing pain, her cunt did not seem to want to let go. “Oh! Oh!” Kelly gasped as many hands pulled her forward and that big knob was dragged back through her cervix. She stopped gasping and gritted her teeth as that thing scraped along her vagina and then snapped out of her painfully stretched labia. She knew she would have to be even tougher if she was going to win a competition that could last several hours.

In the special cool-down room, the horse-fucked belly-rider was callously bathed, douched and inspected. Then fitted with a long silicone rubber training bar and wrapped into a training shaper. This was like a corset, but it went from her knees to her bosom, pushing her already pert breasts even higher, slimming her already slender thighs and waist, and forcing her ribs into a tapered barrel. The only bits that sprang towards freedom were her mons, breasts and buttocks. Given that she was already built like a teenage super-model, Kelly was a bit surprised at how thoroughly her bowels were irrigated and her bladder catheterized and drained so they could lace her smaller and smaller. That part of the training regimen had her confused, so she asked.

Letita came in wearing only her own shaper. “This is the same one I wore when I was your age.” She slapped her flat, almost sunken abs. Thwack! They sounded like drumskins. “Only our muscles give us both the control we want, and the resulting pleasure. This helps us get longer and stronger, and tightness is easier to live with than either walking around feeling completely empty, or having our muscles being numbed by some inert filler.” Kelly recalled both feelings. Getting actively fucked was terrific, but just walking around stuffed was deadening. Since she had started forcing her training dildo into her womb, the after effect felt like her abdomen was collapsing. Now, tight-laced from the bottom of her tits clear to her knees, with only a very small dildo inside, she felt far more solid than empty. However, since this was her first time with a real stallion, she also felt so stiff that she had to be helped back into her jeans, boots and loose blouse. That training bar, combined with her internal aches and strains made it hard to bend at the waist.

Her sexual afterglow was long gone she was wobbled out to her dad’s Mercedes. She was now only sore and dizzy, and far too distracted to talk. She was also a half-inch taller. “Bring her back tomorrow, OK? We want to advance her training so she will be ready for a tournament by Friday.” Her dad nodded. Kelly smiled wryly on the way home. She could feel the knobbed end of her training bar bumping deeper into her body as she buckled the safety belt.


Chapter Four

Kelly was a new girl when she woke the next day. She was supposed to go to a beach volleyball tryout, but she didn’t. For breakfast, she only lay in bed, moaned, held her pussy with both hands, and told her mom to go away. About noon, her physical trainer gave her an awesome massage, and didn’t even ask why she was laced into a body shaper that gave her an 18″ waist and 15″ thighs. She was alone when she took it off and pulled out the training shaft. That was quite uncomfortable, The rod was only about 3cm across, but it was stiff, and had a knob at the end that was so big it reminded her of disengaging with her stallion. Then she felt empty, and the feeling got steadily worse as she did her daily exercises. Today that was 100 sit-ups, 100 squat-thrusts, a full round on the machines, and an hour on the treadmill.

Running on an empty cunt really got her hot and bothered, and the feeling only got a bit better as she eased into the Jacuzzi. Her cunt spasmed, squeezed and grew until it was completely water-logged. She tried to relax, but it was no good, so she diddled her labia. They were already wide open. She inserted two, then three fingers. Those delicate folds tightened a little at the fourth finger. They also felt stronger than ever. She squeezed like she was giving the whoa command, and she grinned as water rushed past her fingers. She was equally delighted to feel the suction of giddyap, and the sinewy pleasure of gee and haw. How quickly could she master these things? How big and strong could her feminine flesh become?

Kelly pondered this as she dried off and put her training gear back on. Part of her competitiveness was a desire to prove how clever she was. She knew that delivery labor could take many hours the first time, but women with several children could dilate in only a few minutes. She smiled. She was a belly-rider. She could do better with practice, and she had some ideas that Letitia may not have considered. Knowing that looks were important to the judges, she was unsparing as she re-laced her torso and thighs. She had not re-inserted the training dildo, both because she wanted to inspect herself without looking so stiff, and because she thought that lacing first might give her a better profile over time.

“Wow. Look at me.” The willowy blonde posed in from of her mirrored wall. She marveled at how her already fantastically slim and athletic body seemed so transformed. Her bosom was still small, but it at least looked bigger, for her ribs below were now pinched in, and her long, thin waist was now much smaller. That, along with the bigger gap between her thighs, made her girlish, 32″ hips look almost womanly. Kelly pirouetted. Did her backside have more flare? Probably not, but she liked how the shaper gave it more lift, and how her enforced waifishness seemed to enhance her femininity. She also liked how her apparent frailness belied her burgeoning core muscles. Whoa. Giddyap. Gee. Haw. Gee. Haw. That naked fuck-hole still didn’t look big on the outside, but she could already feel its depth and strength, and could see how those internal movements made her seem sexier, even though an audience might not see the source. Kelly shuddered as she squeeze her newfound muscle cords. She could feel how they were shrinking. Her body was returning back to what non-belly-riders might consider normal.

Well, she wouldn’t have any of that! Feeling frisky, and anxious to train, the waifish blonde got out her old, 14″ dildo to supplement her new training shaft. Using her bed for a brace, she poised the training shaft on her cunt-lips and gave it a good wiggle. That felt good, but she was impatient, so she coated it and her labia with KY and just sank down. Now, despite the 6 cm knob, the first 20 cm went in easy. .oO(Oh, yeah! My cunt has definitely recovered.) She pushed back more and more until her vagina was past the 30 cm mark. Then came the hard part. That knob was already at her cervix, but it was off center. She worked it about. The portal to her womb had contracted, but she could feel it loosening again as she surrendered to her own sensuality. .oO(That’s what makes this special.) Kelly mused, waxing ever sexier until she got that knob fully within her womb. She pushed for more. This hurt a bit, but she took in all 40 cm, sinking back until her buns were firmly pressing the mattress.

.oO(Hmph! This little rod is a trainer? Its only 3cm across at best.) Kelly lubed up her personal dildo. That stallion-sized phallus had seemed gigantic up until yesterday, but it was still a full hand shorter than her first real horse. .oO(Stallion sized indeed. This American model is only 14″ by 2-1/2″. I’ll just do both of them.)

Grabbing around, she set that thing between her bed and bottom, tip-to-tail with the training rod. Umph! Umph! She thrust back. She could feel the round ball pressuring her innards, and the latex tip teasing her labia, but the latex shaft was too bendy, so she only got another inch of depth. .oO(OK, let’s work on diameter, instead.) Kelly worked the tip forward. “Oh, oh yeahhhhh…” she sighed as that bigger shaft slid up alongside the training rod. .oO(Oh? Oh dear.) She felt the pressure from her corset forcing the new shaft from the front over to the left. Knitting her brows, she forced her vagina to push right. The big thing slipped right, and she forced it back left. “Oh, fuck yeah…” the gifted girl performed sexual gymnastics as she sank down, straining to keep the shafts aligned against the force from her tightest of lacings.

This got even harder when the second dildo was pounding her cervix. She struggled. She wriggled. She backed off and thrust so hard it hurt. Nothing worked. Kelly stopped, closed her eyes and meditated. She imagined her dream stallion. It was Pegasus. He would help her. He would know. The sexy girl felt herself warming up. She bounced playfully, just for the pleasure. Her cunt responded. She play some more, rubbing her clitty, feeling her wetness, and bouncing only when it felt good. The sex play, combined with the her mental imagery, soon had her dilating like mad. It was only a few minutes later when her naked buns sank all the way to her very wet bedspread.

Kelly opened her eyes and smiled. She was sitting on her fingers, and they were pushing up on both dildos. She played that way for a while, until she was comfident that she was fully as deep as possible. Then, putting her hands to her tight tummy, she started forcing the two dildos to twist about as the softer one moved left and right. She kept smiling as she worked her cunt muscles about. She was warming them up for belly riding, just like she would for more normal gymnastics. “Oh, yeah. Time for my next lesson.” The now thoroughly horny and sloppy-wet horse-mistress stood up and forced the bigger dildo half way out. She stopped it there, then aimed her pert ass at her queen-sized bed and squirted the heavy dildo about half-way across it.

Kelly dressed in loose clothes and locked her messy room before being driven to the stables. A bit later, she had been undressed, uncorked, inspected and laced into a belly-riding training outfit. This was quite different from her shaper. The leggings were full length, with broad, stiff stays on the insides and tough nylon flaps front and back that laced up the outside. The stays were connected by a flat hinge so her knees could bend, but cups fitted to her feet kept her ankles and toes in a line with her shins. She couldn’t bring her feet together because the upper stays, curved to surround a horse’s flanks, were joined at her crotch by a huge plastic ring that pointed right at her labia and pushed her thighs apart by a full hand. The ring was part of a two spars along her abdomen that joined at a smaller ring at her bosom, and then locked to a padded cradle behind her head. This braced up her head and neck while keeping her waist and hips in perfect alignment. She drew her hands up the slot of exposed flesh between the rings. “So, this, like, frames my belly so you can see the cock-bulge and judge how deep I’m going, right?”

Letitia nodded. “Si. The chaps will stop chafing and mis-aims, and the cradle will keep your head up. You will appreciate that after a couple hours.” Kelly paused. She had not considered going that long on what was only her second trial. “Dressage outfits cannot have stays or chaps, and events can sometimes last several hours, depending on the number of riders and not getting eliminated…” Letitia stopped and smiled. Kelly was not really listening, as she had already threaded her horse’s belly strap through her rings and was being helped to slide down between the forelegs of the ready stallion.

This horse was the same one from yesterday. Letitia leaned closer. “This horse is name is Rio Grande Del Sul, but I don’t like, so we’ll call him Amore Grande. Get your legs up quick, as he’s already quite excited.”

Once her legs were hooked up, Kelly surprised everyone, including the horse, by sliding down womb deep in one motion, then using her long limbs to pulse down even more. “Oh, yeah, big fella.” Her voice was super sultry. “Have I got a cunt for you. Oh. Ohhh…” She hit four hands and gave the suctioning, vaginal command to giddyap. Amore Grande practically leapt forward, driving the trussed-up trollop to a full 18″, then running her around the arena. He wanted to stop and just fuck her silly right away, but Kelly was in control. She warmed him up with various speeds and turns, then did a full round of belly dressage maneuvers while barely moving a limb. The muscles she was mastering were all in her vagina and womb. Girl and horse performed well, despite how, or perhaps because, she able to keep him right at his peak of masculine tension. Only then, after over an hour of various movements and tricks, did the uncanny teenager stop to give her stallion the treat he wanted. And, she did all that with just her cunt muscles.

Finally given his way, the super-horny stallion reared and whinnied. This lifted the supple teenager and slammed her with his full foot-and-a-half of horse-cock. “Oh! Oh YES! GOOD BOY!” she cried. Her much-delayed orgasm exploded as the beastly impaler bounced up and down, pounding her slender body like a crazed sex-machine. Kelly blissfully relaxed and indulged in this vigorous, foot-and-a-half deep sex.. She came in mind-blowing waves as her clitoris shuddered back and forth over that stallion’s lumpy sheath. The back of her womb was repeatedly slammed home against her diaphragm, and her pussy lips drove into the very root of his hard organ. Girl and horse dropped down and continued their all-out sex. Both were using all their athletic abilities to rock her body back and forth in foot-long strokes as it rode up and down the belly strap. Kelly was once again lost in her fantasy of fucking Pegasus and did everything she could to maximize her stallion’s sense of his own amazing, endless, equine sexuality.

However, these waves of sustained ecstasy were no more intense or longer lasting than yesterday. No, Kelly’s greatest joy was her feeling of triumph! She was now a full match for this good-sizes horse, and she tingled with the thrill of her control and connectedness. Delayed gratification, followed by all-out, soul-melting sex, had melded male horse and female rider into one great being, and, despite her head-back, gasping screams of ultimate pleasure, the best part was that she was still in charge. She cradled her lover with her arms and legs as he finally spilled his third and last eruption of semen. She kept cradling him and crooned soothingly still as they both calmed back down.

Thanks to his EC injections, his cock stayed fully erect, and, thanks to her training restraints, Kelly was able to relax and have him perform another full two hours of belly riding. In this second session of the second day, she made Rio Grande Del Sul canter and sprint, jump and spin, stand still and back up, and she glowed all the while. In fact, she wasn’t sure, but she thought she might have had many more orgasms, practically one for every trick they completed together. Then, finally it was time to go. The problem was, both Kelly and her horse were again burning with sexual desire. She told Letitia to have her dad wait, then she surrendered herself again, That stallion responded to this extra sex with astonishing potency. His spunky resurgence was unexpected, and a real tribute to just how hot this girl was. By the time he was done hosing her big, hot pussy, his jizz was shooting back several feet behind his back legs. Kelly simply hugged herself and totally relished feeling her giant, furry lover pumping her sexy body like a firehose. Then she slumped into her strange cradle. She wasn’t out cold, she was just completely spent.

Despite having gone from about an hour of horse-sex to well over three, Kelly was less sore when she went home. She had asked for a bigger training rod, but Letitia said no, and she also told her to stop skipping meals. “You are not trying to be skinny. You are trying to be both strong and sexy.”

Kelly knew all about being strong and sexy. After all, she had competed well in rhythmic gymnastics against girls that were a full foot shorter than she was. Well, she also thought she knew more about athletic training that Letitia. She was in a sport where being tall and thin were both tremendous advantages. She took an afternoon nap, ate a salad then went for a long swim and run on the beach around sunset. She went to bed happy, despite being sore both inside and out. Feeling better the next day, she went out looking for a better dildo. The stores were hopeless, but she found a manufacturer in Silverlake and drove over. They had the goods, and when she shamelessly bought a latex monster that was 3″ across and 18″ long, the owner came over, paid for it, and offered her a job as a model. She took his business card and promised to call him next week. She didn’t say that would be after her 18th birthday and after her first competition belly ride.


Chapter Five

Kelly was late for her third training session, and she hadn’t had any time on her new dildo, or even on her old one. Letitia was not happy. She had prepared her own horse, Foxfire, and he was rather worked up by the time Kelly was strapped into her harness. “He’s a 45×8. That’s 360 points. If you can get him to perform like Amore Grande did yesterday, then you can place well tomorrow. He would be easier to handle if you had been here when he was ready.”

“Why didn’t you wait for me?”

“The rules. If you want to compete on Foxfire, then he must have a 24 hour rest before and after. Now, get under there and prove you can handle him.”

Kelly hooked up and slid down. Splotch! His cock was just where she expected, but, either he was bigger than rated, or she was not ready. She grimaced and pulled. “Unnnnh.” Pop. his broad head slipped past her labia and lodged just inside her pelvic bone, and everything down there hurt all at once. .oO(No pain, no gain…) She wiggled her hips and pressed for more. Every inch was a struggle, at least until Letitia told the handlers to let him go.

“C’mon, boy.” She squirmed to find her comfort zone. “Let’s do the work.” She twitched the reins and started on basic maneuvers. Her feeling of control was minimal, and it came with a discomforting tightness. The tightly-fucked belly rider nodded. .oO(Ugh! and this is only one more centimeter…) She tried to make light of the new diameter, but it was really stretching her vagina, and she couldn’t get it into her womb at all, at least not at first.

She was only at about half-staff by the time Kelly’s legs were tied up for her third training session. She had to scoot way down and rub his penis with her naked buns to get him started. “Oh! Ohhhh…” She gasped again at how much bigger this one was. Still, her labia seemed to stretch just fine, and it wasn’t long before her vagina bottomed out at 9″ and started stretching deeper… 10 inches, 11, 12…! Now she was again impaled a foot deep, but her cervix was still not taken.

The experienced instructor watched the pair’s progress and coached them through warm ups. Kelly worked hard. She mastered the maneuvers, and her body relaxed, which helped her control. Her stallion also mastered her. His cock was really durable, and he kept giving her extra pulses, until, at last, he popped past her cervix. They were both hot and bothered by then, and Kelly sort of lost control. Letitia smirked. This tallish white girl was a hot one. “OK, take a rest.”

Kelly and Foxfire did everything but rest. She pulled up a ways, until his expanded glans finally popped backwards through her cervix. “Oh, yeah!” She exulted to feel so open to such hugeness. Then she slid back again, while he rocked in deeper. Wham! Oof! The odd couple were again engaged womb deep, at about 16″ penetration. The blonde’s head rocked back. .oO(Oh, yesss! Take me deeper!)

That’s what the stallion wanted, and that’s what he started doing, thrust after unbridled thrust. Kelly came, good and hard, and both girl and horse were quickly lost in their vigorously blissful coupling. They fucked for a long time, cumming again and again as that ravaging beast first drove Kelly’s athletic womb up to her diaphragm, and then pushed deeper, up into her ribcage. That strong young woman was in real bliss. She was now seeing stars and twitching all over with orgasmic pleasure as she took that stallion at full length.

This went on and on, with his 3″+ diameter erection repeatedly pumping her lungs, and her pussy now stretching wide to accommodate him right down to where his balls were slapping her ass. He came again and again, with his cum shooting backwards, spraying out several feet away from her tightly stretched labia.

Letitia had only injected Foxfire with a half dose, so his erection faded after an hour. Kelly now felt a real communion with him. She felt that his great pride was wounded by her disappointment. But, he also felt that she was his mare, and he knew he had satisfied her with a prodigious delivery. Indeed, Kelly both sore and sexually sated, but she still wanted more practice. Letitia said no at first. “You should rest soon after each step up in size.”

Kelly got off her stallion and paced restlessly about. She douched, and was pleased to see that her labia still looked rather normal, despite now being separated by a span of over an inch. It was then that Letitia introduced Kelly to El Rey Francois, a truly huge black stallion.

“He is a Friesian. My sister will arrive soon to ride him. His rating is 66×9.”

“Oh!” Those numbers made the athletic blonde’s heart skip several beats. She sucked in a deep breath. “Is… is he, for me?”

Letitia smiled. “No. He is our way to North American victory, but, no one here can ride him. I am not sure that even I could in competition, but I will make sure he is ready for the nationals. He is trained by the best – my mother and younger sister. They say he is a bad boy…” she stroked his fur with lust in her eyes. “…that no rider can fully take control…” Kelly’s pussy drooled so much that Letitia was stunned to silence.

The horny blonde stared at the heart-stopping stallion. He stamped a hoof and stared back. There was fire in his eyes. He knew he would master her. She knew she would master him. “How b… how old is your sister?”

“She is twenty eight.” Letitia swelled with family pride. “We started belly riding when she was fourteen, when that was still allowed. She is now the champion. Her best rating is 55×11. There is no stallion she cannot take.”

Kelly wobbled with wild heat. In fact, she almost melted with lust. Then she jumped to attention. “I… I want to be like her. I want to to master El Rey.”

“You did not even master Foxfire. You let yourself go, and he mastered you. That is not a Champion – that is just a whorish stallion slut.”

Those words drove Kelly nearly insane. “Inject him! I will master Foxfire right now!”

“Then he cannot compete tomorrow. I will break many laws. I might even break you, but I will not break the rules of belly dressage.”

“Fine! I will master Foxfire now, and ride Amore Grande tomorrow!” Kelly again locked eyes on the beast.

The older Latina woman stared at her. “No. You are simply too loopy from too much stallion sex!” The Brazilian trainer waved over a couple helpers and had Kelly dragged away to the showers.

Kelly and Foxfire competed the next day, bur they did not win. Their technique was good, 9.25 out of 10, and she took him fully, for a 360 multiplier and a final score of 3330. However, the best score was a 10, with a 405 multiplier.

Kelly burned to do better. She would master El Rey or die. She went home that night and stuffed her cunt with every inch of dildos she owned. Her dad was happy to help out. He had progressively inflatable dildos made, and she was at 10 cm within a week, and then she only worked on length and strength. She pounced and bounced. She squeezed and wheezed, and her dildo routines only got her crammed in for 21 inches, a mere 53 cm. There had to be something more…

Meanwhile, her dad also paid for double lessons of double duration. That was 4 times a week and 4 hours each. On lesson 1 she mastered Amore Grande, did dressage for an hour, and fucked him silly. For lesson 2, she had Foxfire juiced, gave him sloppy seconds, and then rode him for two performances. Letitia was impressed. She didn’t know that Kelly was at 10 cm at home, because that slim girl’s pussy still looked quite tight. And it was, because her vagina was so muscular.

It was her dad that found the secret. The laparoscope went in through the armpits, alongside sub and super-pectoral inflatable implants. Letitia approved of the implants, “They are allowed, and the male judges like them, so long as they don’t look fake.”

Kelly rode both Foxfire and Amore Grande afterwards, and there was some residual pain, but she could also feel the difference, especially in her breathing. Her next competition was a 9.51, for a 3432, which was still second. “Hmph! That better score is only for your new boobs.” Letitia huffed.

“Well, good. I’ll add a cup size and ride El Rey next. That should get me over 4000, while you bring in another of your sister’s stallions.” Kelly’s first practice with El Rey went OK. Her cunt was totally ready for his 9 cm width, and he responded well to her muscular control. Kelly took him to 57 cm, and he wanted more, but that was already painful, and it was disconcerting to see the bulge of her womb, expanded by his glans, and poking up past her bra strap. .oO(Definitely time for another couple cup sizes!) she thought as she finished a second set of floor exercises.

Kelly was at an E cup when she got El Rey ready for the regionals. This was the first time she saw Julietta, Letitia’s sister. That girl really had some curves, but Kelly could see her muscular cunt profiled on her abdomen, and that channel went all the way up between her massive, fake-looking H-cup breasts. She had a broad frame, so they didn’t look any more disproportional that Kelly’s E-cups, but it was obvious up close that she had at least 2000 cc implants, while hers The biggest in America, were only 1000 cc. The real difference, however, was their height and weight. Julietta was 5′-8″ and 146#, while Kelly was 6′-3″ and 123#.

Julietta went first. She rode under Armada, a massive percheron rated 11×52, for a whopping 572 multiplier, and that woman, with all of him inside, scored a 9.7, for a 5548, the highest score ever in the US. Next was Minka, the amazing Asian girl who had previously scored a perfect 10, apparently without implants. Her mount looked the same, but his rating was now 450. .oO(Oh, so the stallions can also get enhancements.) She frowned. Minka was again amazing, but she looked somewhat pained, and got a 9.9 for a 4455.

Kelly and El Rey watched Minka on a monitor. The judges had watched El Rey get injected and chortled while confirming that he was a 66×9. “The tall Blondie will still need to hit 55 cm and get an 11 to win.”

“I hear she can do at least 56, but she’s never scored over a 9.5, let alone a 10. She just doesn’t have the hips like the Brazilian girls.” the other measurement judge said wryly.

Kelly walked up with pink hair and a pink flower, and nothing else, except for implants now overfilled to 1200 cc. The effect was quite stunning. Given her long torso and narrow back, she looked like tits on a toothpick. She strapped on her pink leather harness and stepped up. “Excuse me, gentlemen.” She had to pull hard to get the chest ring between her towering knockers. Snap. Whee… She put her legs together and slid down. Sock! El Rey’s rock-hard cock locked into her hairless crotch.

“Whinny!” The stallion reared and stamped, shoving his shockingly long erection far up beyond her navel in one thrust.

“Oh, yeah!” Kelly sank willfully down that rampant erection. El Rey kicked and bounced, driving his hard cock upward. “Unh… Yes!” Kelly easily took him past her cervix to get her toes on the ground. She was on flat feet after his next thrust, and he was into her body clear to her boobs.

The judges watched how little cock was yet to fit into Kelly’s body. “There, I said she could do 56 cm, and she’s almost there.”

Kelly casually lifted her long legs towards the silk loops at her mount’s hindquarters. She slid down three more inches, grabbed the silk hand-loops, and giggled. “Do me right, boys!” She looked over at the amazed judges as the super hung stallion dropped back to all fours. “And, mark me down a full 66.” Kelly’s handlers looped the straps again around her hands and feet, the held her calfs while El Rey rocked forward. Squish! That stallion’s broad glans drove that slender hussy’s athletic cunt up through her cleavage so far it looked like she was growing a third boob.

“Fuck, yeah!” came Kelly’s victorious exultation. “Now, stand back…” This was, by far, the deepest El Rey had ever been inside either woman or mare, and he went kinda wild. He stamped his feet. He shook his tail and mane. He neighed and reared. The judges were in awe. Even the handlers were stunned. This long-bodied, pink-haired American girl was now fucked freakishly deep by a wild stallion, like her whole torso was one, long cunt, and she was loving it!” Indeed, she had her eyes rolled up until only white showed under her drooped lids, her mouth was open, and her tongue was lolling out.

“Fuck, yeah… Fuck, yeah…” she kept repeating, while that giant phallus worked up and down her body in 3 to 4 inch strokes. What the astonished men didn’t see was that Kelly and El Rey were at war. The battle ground was his 27″ of adamant cock, versus her 27″ of succulent, muscular cunt. He rebelled for half an hour, sometimes rocking that seemingly bottomless teenager’s world with urgent humping motions, and other times rearing up and slamming her with all the cock he had. In the end, her victory was complete. Her sub-pectoral womb was absolute heaven for the slippery front of his shaft, her cervix was the foil for his rough sheath, and her labia were stretching so far around the base of his boner that it felt like she was about to take in his balls as well. It was all too perfectly perfect for him to resist.

Pumm…pumm…pump! His powerful organs twitched into full orgasm, as he just stood splay-legged and enjoyed the ride. Kelly also enjoyed the ride. She was now in full control, and also fully surrendered to a continuously orgasmic sexuality that was a mind-blowing experience. Her cunt worked that stallion penis like magic. He pumped in gob after great gob of his hot semen, and she worked it about, enjoyed the increased tension and lube, and squeezed blob after great blob of it out onto his balls and down onto the ground.

Kelly’s timing was good. She had a few minutes of wonderful afterglow as she opened her eyes and watched Minka finishing her perfect dressage. She smiled at the men. “Maybe you should mark El Rey up a few more centimeters. I think my pussy is all the way down to his testicles now.” Then she smiled at Minka as she and her mount pranced back into the service area. “You were wonderful. So pretty, and so skilled. I hope El Rey and I can do that well.” She urged her gigantic stallion forward, and Minka saw just how greatly these two were now engaged. “That way we will score six thousand…”

The sizing judges didn’t give Kelly extra credit for how the leaves of her labia enrobed the base of her mount’s penis, and the dressage judges only scored Kelly at 9.77, because, while El Rey did all the tricks well, and started and stopped on the cues, she couldn’t resist having him rear just once, and just a little, so they could well see the profile of a giant stallion penis buried in her body clear to the clavicles, and that, except for her shoulder-high, F-cup knockers, she was still just a skinny teenager.

Kelly and El Rey won the US Championship with a score of 5803, which was near the world record. Letitia congratulated her even while she was giving El Rey another go at totally ravaging her young body. Letitia’s sister watched and waited, for she was also getting a hot ride under her best stallion. Later, when they were both cleaning up for the awards ceremony, The younger Brazilian congratulated her in broken English. “My name Patricia. You try my horse next semana? He mas grande too much?” She held her hands in a five inch diameter circle next to Kelly’s comparatively narrow hips.

“Maybe.” Kelly smiled. She was already practicing with a new dildo that big, so she wasn’t at all intimidated.

The End