Second year in college almost complete by mid-April, looking over the few dollars that remained in my checking account .. .it was obvious – no summer school for me and if I didn’t get a good paying job, no fall semester either.

Picking up the Sunday news paper, browsing the help wanted ads … one in particular caught my attention : Need young lady who loves dogs, raise and care for rare breed … need someone to look after their every needs … send resume along with picture and a brief description of what makes you think you’d be perfect for this position. The pay was incredible, working May thru August would put me in a position to not need any additional monies until I graduated.

The info in the advertisement said they have groups of five dogs, all trained to work in unison to accomplish one goal as a team, something rarely seen with most dogs – that was where this job would take me, helping train a group of five. Having no idea what I’d actually be doing … but the pay would be my life line ..

Quickly logging on line, filling out the questionnaire, including a picture of me taken with my cell phone … I was truthful, telling them how much I needed this job, but also the fact I loved dogs of all kinds.

Monday mid day, I was surprised to get a reply from the company, asking me if I could come to their ranch for an interview … they realized the location was long distance from the city, in that case they had arranged to have a limo pick up myself and a couple of other young ladies who had applied for the position … everything was finally going my way, immediately replying back that I’d be ready when the limo came by and thank you very much for the invite.

Tuesday afternoon, the limo picked me up along with three other girls applying for the position. Since the ranch was located several hours away, part of the acceptance was to come prepared to stay over a couple of days, room and board would be provided for each of us … I was the last one to join the group … the pretty lady driving, distributed boxed lunches for the four of us, along with a fully stocked fridge … enjoy the ride and the lunch was all she said, climbing back in the drivers seat – we were all on our way.

We introduced ourselves … the lunch looked fantastic, none of us had eaten, being so nervous and all – so while we talked, shared experiences of who we were and why this was a perfect job for each of us … having no idea everything we were eating and drinking had been heavily drugged … by the time we were out of the city, all were laughing, giggling .. touching each other … the playfulness soon turned more serious .. a brunette leaned over, kissing me on the mouth … apparently that broke the ice, across from us the two began making out …

A few more miles and we were all nude, screaming through one orgasm after the next … the place reeked of sex … all four were bouncing from place to place, enjoying one another’s bodies … our combined juices were being shared by everyone …

A tray full of drug filled brownies were offered approximately half way there … we gobbled them down … spiking our erotic desires even higher … there has never been any orgy filled with more sex, shared by everyone in attendance then what was taking place in the back of this limo … eating pussy, tribbing, fucking with fingers, sucking on nipples … cumming so often and so hard … by the time we arrived … the four of us were spread out in various positions some on the seats, one on the floor … all were totally exhausted, floating in an erotic make believe lesbian-land … making it easy for the staff to pick us up, placing us in wheelchairs, taking us to four separate areas … each room filled with 5 equally matched dogs, all were a combination of multiple large breeds, all had soft fur like hair, all weighed over 125 pounds … their training had included working together to seduce a designated female … One was an expert at the seduction play, the others were learning by association.

Waking slowly, looking around, seeing my new companions, all relaxing, apparently paying no attention to me … my body smelled of the sex I’d enjoyed on the ride out here, where ever here was … I was also starved. A bathroom was to my right and a tray full of food waited for me … it was an easy decision, shower first.

There didn’t seem to be any door except one, that was closed … at this time leaving was my last wish, I just needed a shower and food .. plus take a piss.

I had unknowingly consumed so many drugs on the ride here, the effects were still present .. just sliding to the edge of the bed, had the familiar tingling between my legs taking place, forcing me to stop, catch my breath then move to the bathroom area.

The area was completely open, no door or a curtain .. stepping into the shower area, adjusting the temp .. then taking care of personal business on the toilet … stepping under the water, I had just begun to wash when one of the hounds wandered in … not stopping or worried about getting wet, he licked my bottom … it surprised me, turning around, pushing him away … he licked the opposite cheek, “Move, go back out .. I’ll rub you later .. go”

Instead of going, he moved in front, this time licking the area between my legs, covering my clit, the lips of my pussy … even the sensitive area between my legs on the upper thighs … my current condition caused me to let out a low mournful whimper … enjoying the feelings for a moment …then realizing this was a dog doing this to me … “STOP .. GO BACK, BAD DOGGIE … go back”

Being way to big to push away, yelling at him didn’t seem to matter, he took advantage of the situation, repeating the process several more times .. my body was approaching an erotic frenzy, caused by a dog .. what was I allowing to happen .. this is a dog licking my sex area … suddenly without any reason, he stopped and left on his own.

The frenzy he had left me in, took longer then planned under the warm water – I needed some relief, sexually I was so close to the edge, it would have been easy to plunge my hand between my legs, quickly giving me the pleasure needed – but I had five super-sniffers, they’d easily pick up on that scent … so holding it in, knowing soon someone would come in then when I was alone … this could be easily taken care of.

Finally able to move … heading to the eating area … taking a bowl of fruit from the fridge, along with a glass of OJ, toasting a bagel … moved to the table being so hungry … that was the first time I realized these dogs were a different breed then I’d ever seen before …. reaching down to rub ones ears … amazed at how soft he was … the food was being consumed like I’d never eaten for days …this one was so soft, never feeling anything like him before, I didn’t notice one of them move under the table, silently moving between my legs, the first lick brought me to a shocked surge … trying to reach him, the table and food were in the way … I couldn’t get to him. His head was so big, it was impossible to close my legs … reaching to push the chair back … two of his buddies moved by my side, blocking my arms while licking, kissing and teasing my nipples …

This assault only took a few seconds, before I was loosing control .. eyes having a hard time focusing, rolling up in my head … the last two came up behind, making my moving impossible .. they started to lick my neck, tongues teasing my ears … then back to the neck …

Working together, I had no chance against them … the one between my legs, had somehow forced his long tongue deep inside me … it felt like he had learned how to tongue fuck … my body betraying me, exploding in a massive orgasm … one I had been holding off … but now couldn’t control. I expected them to stop, to move between my legs, start enjoying the juices they had forced out of me … but they didn’t, nothing seemed to change what they were doing … frantically thrusting my hips, rolling my head around in a circle … trying to figure out what they were doing to me …. the second climax hit just as hard, but now a new sensation took over … small mini-explosions ravaging me … wave after wave coming …

Not sure when, but the ones to my side, moved away, the ones behind me, nudging me back towards the bed … the one between my legs pushing his nose against my body, easily sliding the chair in that direction …

So exhausted, needed some rest, trying to get to the bed, somehow falling on my knees with their help … crawling to get up on it … without any warning, as soon as I was part way on the soft surface, one of them mounted me by jumping up on my back. A massive cock, bigger then I could have imagined slipped deep inside me. A rapid frantic fucking started as soon as he was all the way in.

Knowing what was happening, trying to crawl away, push him off – anything to stop this … was of little use … the cock was so big, moving in and out of me so fast … another oncoming explosion was building … I knew it was coming, knew I’d never survive it … but I was helpless … I remembered dogs have knots, just as the pressure started to push inside me … from it’s size, I knew this would never have happen … I needed to cum so badly – the pressure from the knot kept me between extreme pain and the pure pleasure I was begging for … who cares what was fucking me, just let me cum … OMG please let me cum.

All at once multiple things took place, first his knot slipped in, landing directly on my magical “G” spot, he flooded me with the warmest feeling I’ve ever felt in my life and the most intense erotically induced climax washed over every cell in my body … eyes shot wide open, no sounds came from my body … my whole body started to shake … when it was over, he pulled out … there was nothing left in the tank, I couldn’t move, wasn’t thinking, didn’t care if I had been fucked by a dog … brain waves weren’t functioning .. .nothing, just laying there, completely unable to move.

It didn’t surprise me when a second one jumped up, duplicating what the first one had done … the third and forth and fifth were all the same … each time the knot slipped in – followed by the flooding of the warm liquid … small whimpering sounds would take place.

When they had all used me, sometime later, enough strength returned that I took a much needed shower, sat back down at the table and ate … one of the ladies who work here, came in with a new dog, replacing it with the oldest one … leaning down, “You have performed perfectly … this is the way we train them to work together … the most senior is the alpha … when I take him out the next one will assume that position … they’ll only use you once each day … in no time you’ll be enjoying all five fucking you, but the first time is the hardest or at least it was for me”

The third day I was fucked and fucked and fucked – by the end of the first month, I was enjoying the way waves of pleasure kept rocketing through me … by the time the end of August arrived … as promised they helped me out of my room … dressing in the same outfit I’d arrived in, given a check plus a bonus … the limo dropped me and the other three girls back where they’d picked us up,

None of us said much, each had a look of pure pleasant fulfillment on our faces …

I stopped at the bank, deposited the money, then stopped by the university paying my full years tuition … scheduling my classes on line – slipping on a pull over sun dress … took a long walk in the park near my home. Stopping to rest at a bench, that was located off the beaten path, enjoying the cool fall weather … a huge Mountain dog came trotting by, stopping in front of me … sniffing the air a few times … when he zeroed in on me, I was sprawled back, dress up, legs spread wide apart … a few licks and he was up on me … just as soon as I felt his shaft bottom out in me, whispering, “Good boy, now fuck me, fuck me hard and long, filling me with that wonderful warm seed … I’ll be here every afternoon if you’d like to stop by again and maybe tell your friends”