Mid thirties and success has finally arrived. Working at a facility for just over ten years, dedicating hard hours brought promotions and increases in pay … finally this last advancement put me in a position to purchase a nice home in the country … an almost private road leading to a set of homes, one owned by a single lady, that I’ve only seen when the realtor was showing me the other one … large lots surrounded by forest and trees owned by the state, so no one will ever build behind us …

Arriving one Saturday morning, my vehicle loaded with personal items I packed instead of letting the movers take care of … the big van with my stuff pulled up a few minutes later … while they were unloading – I took a soda out to my patio … my neighbor was also in her back yard … I love the fact no fences were ever put up … waving brought her heading my way.

I’ve heard it said when two lesbians meet for the first time, each can smell the arousal the other one is showing … not sure if this was true or not, but Leslie definitely had that hungry look I have seen so many times in the past.

Hugging her, making sure our braless boobs pressed into one another … holding the embrace longer then normal, pulling back … “I”m so glad you’ve moved in here, the old man who sold it was a creepy individual … I swear he was always spying on me … I know he saw me nude multiple times and he hated Louie, said he should be locked up in a zoo”

Puzzled at who Louie was … “Oh I”m sorry, King Louie is a my pet Orangutan … I know you’ll love him .. he’d have come over to meet you, but with the movers and all he is a bit shy”

Bursting out laughing, “You have a pet orangutan named King Louie from the Jungle Book, oh yes I’ve got to meet him”

“Perfect, this evening, after you’ve settled in, come over – we’ll have a BBQ, then spend some time in the hot tub, sip a few beers and get to know one another. Louie will be there”

I agreed and offered to bring the drinks … when she was almost back to her yard, turning, “Oh and by the way, clothing is optional” She grinned … smiling I gave a high five sign to her …

That evening slipping on a see through beach teddy type of a top .. one that really covered very little .. that and a pair of sandals … carrying the drinks, headed to her patio … not at all being disappointed, she was standing in front of the BBQ nude, turning – showing a perfect pair of large breasts … a pair I could not wait to get my mouth over those nipples.

Hugging her nude body instantly brought on a wave of arousal .. looking to one side, thats when I saw Louie. I’ve seen this species in a zoo, but they were always relaxing in a corner, this one moved towards me, standing upright … he was huge, towering over me … “Nikki this is Louie”

I had turned more then surprised when he also hugged me … pulling my body to his, the powerful arms wrapping around me … both hands cupping my bare bottom … the way he squeezed each cheek, made me whimper a little … then to add to his erotic mystique, those big lips giving me a kiss … allowing his tongue slip inside my mouth.

Leslie leaned in close, “He is one of the most passionate and caring animals I’ve ever been with and I can tell he really likes you”

Being somewhat excited before I came over here, more then surprised by his reactions, along with how soft he felt .. I have to say, his sheer strength had me instantly liking him in so many naughty ways.

Setting across from each other while we enjoyed the meal, her foot pressed between my legs, toes rubbing the aroused outer lips of my pussy … while Louie stood behind me, kissing my neck, massaging my shoulders … occasionally reaching around to tease my nipples.

He was an animal, normally what he was doing would have been stopped, but he was so gentle, seemed to know exactly what to do to make me feel the increase in arousal … lost in a hazy dream like state …the three of us moved to the hot tub…. I was in the middle, Leslie on my right, Louie on my left.

While she kissed me, her tongue exploring the interior of my mouth, his gentle touch played up and down my legs, squeezing the inside of my thigh … allowing his fingers to brush against my lips that were puffy, aroused and more sensitive then I can ever remember …

Les started to play with my nipples, just as my non-human friend slipped his digit up inside me, while moving my hand to take hold of his massive cock … that was when the life full of inhibitions kicked in, pulling my hand away from his shaft, pushing this finger out of me, twisting my head away from the kiss …”No ..no I can’t be doing this … everything is feeling so good, but as much as I like this one, he’s still an animal … I’m not having sex with an animal … it just isn’t right … no this has to stop”

Standing to leave ….the huge primate wrapped his one hand around my waist, without any effort, lifting me out of the water, bringing my body over his, so my legs straddled him …. gripping his rigid shaft, guiding it easily up inside me … then using my body like a masterbating sleeve … moving the exciting rod in and out of me … never feeling anything like this before, totally helpless to stop him, trying to look at my neighbor, but my eyes had lost all focus … everything was becoming an erotic haze.

Every time he’d lift me up, then pound the pole back in me, it seemed to hit every erogenous zone I had inside me … within minutes triggering my first body shaking orgasm … not able to do anything but flop around like a rag doll … he continued the same pace … setting off one after the next, until I was whimpering … mixed with moaning … my tits hurt from the bouncing, my pussy ached … completely exhausted from countless climaxes ravaging me … finally he was ready, filling me with the warmest feeling I could have ever imagined … there was so much pleasure … it flooded my body, unable to move in anyway …

Finally laying me by the side of the hot tub … eyes opening and closing, trying to catch my breath … not really sure what had happened to me. At some point Leslie helped me up, moving slowly back to my place … “I’m so sorry Nikki, he owns me, uses me when he wants, there was nothing I could do when it became obvious he wanted you also”

Laying me on my bed, sleep over took a worn out body instantly. My dreams were filled with images of being raped by a large monkey … waking Sunday afternoon, fixing a snack followed by a long soak in a warm bath … a little more to eat – it felt like every muscle in me ached, back to bed.

I had taken the week off, figuring I’d need the time to organize my new place, instead spending most of Monday in my own hot tub … a continual itch was taking place between my legs, something nothing seemed to satisfy.

What he had done to me, was the most exciting thing I could have ever imagined … two days without him … had me needing, no craving more of what I’d enjoyed earlier.

Tuesday around lunch time, knocking on my neighbors back door, being totally nude … when she answered, “I’m sorry to bother you, but do you think Louie would like to fuck me again, only this time I’d welcome him?”

I have no idea where he had been hiding, coming up behind me, pressing that impressive pole between my legs, pulling my body to him while he squeezed my tits … kissing my neck … Leslie was smiling, “I’m sure he’d love to, why don’t you come in and let him take you to his room, it will be more comfortable” Then as she opened the door wide, a small laugh … “Thank goodness, I will get a break from the continual fucking he’s been doing to me”

Saturday evening his strength combined with the dominant nature, he had complete control over me … so I wasn’t sure what to expect, only that I needed him to fuck me again, before I lost my mind … showing how much he was in complete control, as soon as we were in his room, flopping down on the soft surface on his back, legs wide open, that huge monster in full display, while he stroked it … there was no doubt what he wanted … crawling on my hands and knees to him, taking the shaft in both hands, licking the head … then the underside, finally swallowing as much of him as I could, slowly began giving him a blow job.

Being such a marvelous animal in so many ways, it should not have surprised me when he had the ability to cum upon demand … as soon as I had as much of him as I could take, he unloaded his cum deep down my throat … his one arm and hand making sure I couldn’t raise up .. swallowing load after load after load … eventually so much consumed, my tummy was stretching, appearing to look like I was several months pregnant … when satisfied, the pressure was taken off of me … pulling back, gasping for air … eyes wide open, staring at him in total disbelief ….

I’m sure he knew how much I needed to be used, he’d introduced me to this unbelievable pleasure and now all he was offering me is a blow job plus a tummy full of his warm seed … looking at my neighbor, who had taken a seat in the room, “What is with him, I needed to be used to have him fuck me and this is what I get?”

More then just mad, I was furious … looking back at him, “I have no idea if you can understand me or not, I let an animal play and excite me, let you use my body for your pleasure and now when I come willingly to offer myself to you, the best I can get is a blow job … well go fuck yourself”

Standing on shaky legs, knowing the itch and need – happening between my legs would eventually go away … making my way out the back, Leslie’s eyes were filled with tears … I was sure she wanted this to work out for the three of us … but for some reason I had pissed off the large primate and he wasn’t budging.

That afternoon I had some satisfaction with a large dildo I’d purchased years before … a long soaking in the tub then turning in early was just what the doctor ordered.

Over the next two weeks, we’d wave to each other when both were out back, but nothing more … during the time I never saw Louie out and about … that was until four weeks after, on a Saturday afternoon, to my surprise the huge creature came limbering over, walking slowly, head looking down at the ground … just seeing him made the familiar itch and tingling start to take place again … i was setting in a patio chair, moving in behind me, leaning down, kissing my neck … then hugging me … I figured this was his way of saying how sorry he was. Turning I kissed him on the lips, my tongue exploring the interior … standing, taking him by the hand, leading into my bedroom … stripping down nude, laying on my back – he slowly moved between my legs, kissing the inner thighs, while at the same time, rubbing one digit back and forth over my aroused, moist covered lips … making me whimper – while writhing with my hips … his tongue danced along this area, pushing just inside enough to make my eyes roll up on my head … thinking this is a dream that can’t actually be happening … when he had my hips bouncing off the bed, pulling on my own tits … he slowly moved upward, small little light kisses all over my tummy, my breasts, sucking on each nipple … then when he was kissing me, that marvelous shaft slowly slid deep inside me, filling me to the maximum … making me loose all ability to focus on, it was impossible to think about anything other then how good he felt inside me.

This time he remained still, allowing my body to completely enjoy what was happening, slowly starting to move in and out, all the time passionately kissing me, moving his chest back and forth … the soft hair on his chest, teasing and stimulating each nipple. There was no doubt in my mind, this was a special sexual primate, skilled in making love.

Pushing back, legs trying to be wider – so he could go even deeper … he slowly started to build up speed … just fast enough to allow me to enjoy what was becoming the best coupling I could ever have dreamed of … it amazed me how he sensed when my body approached the edge of the cliff … he’d slow down … bringing me back down .. building up again, slowing down … on and on this went – he seemed to have an amazing ability to keep going, giving me more and more pleasure … finally I was clawing at his back, begging him to let me cum, my body frantically pounding into him … how long I was in this erotic condition … totally unknown, eventually he pushed in deep – stopping immediately … unloading the first load of a much warmer cum … even though I had enjoyed multiple small climaxes … this triggered the largest explosion my body has ever enjoyed – even more intense then in the hot tub earlier … gasping, grabbing his body, wrapping my legs around him … wave after wave of pure sexual pleasure exciting every inch of me …

At some point, he stopped pumping, relaxing by my side, slowly pulling the stiff pole out of me … the emptiness making me regret allowing this to end …

Leslie had joined us sometime while this was going on … dropping between his legs, cleaning his cock of the combined juices we had provided … looking at me … “He enjoys sex once each day and as you now understand this usually lasts anywhere from an hour and half or two plus hours … it looks like he’ll be sharing us if that is OK with you”

Raising up, kissing her, tasting how good the juices taste … “I wouldn’t miss this for anything in the world, count me in”

He stayed with me that evening, curled up with my back against his body … those powerful arms wrapped around me … when he headed back to his place, I followed, watching the two of them enjoy each other … then having the chance to clean his wonderful pole of the combined juices … I don’t think anything has ever tasted so amazing …

So glad I moved in this home.