© 2023 by Bramble2

I am 29 years old and have never been married. And I did not have many dates because I am not good-looking, and I guess I dress right.

I lived on a farm with my parents, who were farmers, and when they both died, I thought the farm would be mine, but I was wrong as my father had it mortgaged, and the bank took over, and I had to leave.

I moved into town to a small apartment and found a job as a waitress, which was a job that I soon grew to hate. I didn’t mind the long hours, but a few of the male customers were always making jokes and were always trying to get me to go out with them.

While on the farm, there was a large male dog, and I used to let him lick my pussy until I climaxed. I noticed his big red cock protruding out of his belly, but I never let him fuck me.

After I moved to town, I got to read magazines and newspaper ads. One evening, I saw an ad that said: ‘Wanted: A woman to cook, clean house, and be a companion for three gentlemen.’ There was a telephone number, and I called, and the gentleman who answered seemed to be very nice and answered all of my questions. He told me he would send me money for my bus fare if I wanted to come and take the job.

Well, I thought that the gentleman was older, but when I met him at the bus depot, the gentleman looked to be about 40 years old. He picked up my luggage, and we walked a short distance to his big Cadillac. It was a long drive of about an hour, and the roads were all gravel and sand and were rough.

When we arrived, the other two gentlemen were sitting in a large room watching a movie on the TV. I was shocked as there was a large dog fucking a woman who was down on her hands and knees. I was introduced to Mike and Jerry, the man who met me and drove me here. His name was Bill.

They asked me to sit down, and Bill came in and handed me a drink. It was very sweet and tasted very good. I sipped on it, and soon, my body started getting very warm. Bill sat down beside me on the sofa and asked me how the drink was, and I told him that it was good, but I was getting very warm.

I don’t remember too much about what happened next as I was in sort of a daze, and everything looked fuzzy. I do remember Bill standing me up and taking my clothes off and then someone fingering my pussy and saying she feels tight. I was helped to lay back down on the sofa, and my legs were spread apart, and someone started fucking me, and when I came out of my daze, there was someone different fucking me and then yet another.

When they were through fucking me, they put a blanket over me, and I slept till it was almost 10 p.m. and it was dark outside. I sat up and wrapped the blanket around my nude body, and my pussy felt wet and very messy. It was all of the cum the three guys had shot up my pussy.

Bill noticed me and came and helped me make it into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and I looked like a mess, so I took a shower, cleaned myself, opened the door, and asked if someone would bring me my clothes. They brought me a pair of short shorts that showed almost the cheeks of my butt and a tank top that made my nipples poke out.

Bill was waiting for me outside the bathroom door and asked me if I was hungry as they were going to have lunch. I told him I was famished. We ate, and I was sitting between Jerry and Bill. Jerry looked over at me and asked how I liked the job so far. I told him I really didn’t know because I must have passed out from the heat.

Jerry then reached over and pinched my nipple and said, “That isn’t what I asked you.”

I told him that it was fine so far.

We finished our lunch, and we all went into the big room. Bill sat beside me, and Mike, who was the largest of them, sat on the other side of me and put his big arm around me, and his hand was resting on my breast. He then ran his hand down under the tank top. He squeezed my tit and then started rubbing his big finger over my nipple that betrayed my feelings as my nipple stood up bigger than a pencil eraser, and my pussy was getting wet.

Mike pushed the tank top up and let my breast free and put his head down, and started sucking on my tits. I could hardly sit still, and then Mike stood up and bent over, picked me up, and carried me into a bedroom where there was a big bed. He laid me down on the bed and undone his pants and let them fall around his ankles, and there he stood with the biggest cock I had ever seen.

I know my eyes must have been bugging out, and Mike said, “What’s the matter, honey? Haven’t you ever had a big one in your little cunt?”

I was too stunned and just shook my head no.

Mike then said, “Well honey, you are going to get the fucking of your life ‘cause I’m going to stick you with this big cock.”

Mike got on the bed beside me and started working one of his large fingers inside my pussy. I was scared, and my pussy juices must have dried up as Mike’s big finger was hurting me. I told him he was hurting me, and he reached over to the nightstand and got a tube of something that he put up inside of my pussy. He then started working two of his big fingers in and out of me. Soon he had three of his fingers inside me, and I was beginning to enjoy the feeling of his big fingers in my pussy.

Mike got between my legs and was on his knees, and his big cock looked like a big sausage with a head on it as big as a tennis ball. Mike moved his big cock up and down my slit a little before he put the head in between the lips of my pussy and started working his hips. It was a long time before the head of his big cock slipped into my hot wet pussy. Mike let my cunt get used to the size of his big cock before he started shoving in more and more of his big cock. My pussy was being stretched to what felt like its limits, and it was hurting me a little.

Mike asked me if his big cock felt good inside me, and I told him no, as he was hurting me. Mike backed off and just kept the head of his big cock inside my pussy and was moving slowly in and out with short strokes. Soon, I could feel I was going to have a climax. Mike must have known and sped up his movements and started giving me more and more of his big cock. Then I exploded and spread my legs as wide as I could and let Mike hammer all of his big cock into my pussy.

Mike stopped moving and let me get my breathing back to normal before he started hammering his big cock in and out of my now stretched-out pussy. It was beginning to feel much better, and I was enjoying Mike’s big cock. I don’t know how long Mike fucked me until he started fucking me faster and then shoved all of his big cock into my pussy and had his climax. I could feel every spurt of his cum hitting the sides of my pussy as he filled my pussy with cum.

I told Mike that it had been wonderful, but I needed to go pee, so he pulled his big cock out of me and let me take a pee. When I came back from the bathroom, Mike was laying on his back, and his big cock was hard again, and the big head was almost purple, and the veins in his cock were swollen up and throbbing. Mike told me to get on top, so I got astraddle of him and had to get on my feet so his big cock would go in my now well fucked pussy. I sat down slowly and easily, and the head of Mike’s big cock slipped inside my pussy. It felt like it was as big as a baseball bat, but my pussy was stretched, and I knew I could now take all of it inside my pussy. I bounced around on Mike’s big cock, and soon I could feel a climax building, and I jammed all of my weight down on Mike’s big cock until my climax passed.

Mike laughed and said you sure get a funny look on your face when you cum. I told him I was too tired to stay on top of him and he would have to get on top. I rolled off and lay down and spread my legs, and Mike got between them and pulled my legs up where my knees were touching my shoulders and slid his big cock into my pussy and started pounding his big cock hard and fast. He was hurting me a little, but it soon passed, and we both climaxed together.

I went into the bathroom and cleaned my stretched-out cunt, and showered, and when I came out of the bathroom, Mike called and asked me to come into the big room.

I was shocked as there on the floor was a large mattress, and there was a young girl on the mattress on her hands knees, and there was a very large dog fucking her. She seemed to be enjoying it. I sat down beside Mike and watched the show. Soon the dog must have had his climax and tried to pull his cock out, but the girl told them he was hurting her, and Jerry took hold of the dog’s collar and held him in place. I knew it might be sometime before the dog’s cock knot would shrink enough so he could dismount.

Mike asked me if I would like to try the dog, and I told him no, not tonight, as I was just too tired, but maybe another time.

I really was tired and wanted to get some sleep, but Jerry came over, took my hand, pulled me up on my feet, and led me into his bedroom. I told him I was just too tired, but that made no difference to him, and he said, “All you have to do is lay on your back and spread your legs.”

I slipped my shorts off and the tank top and lay on the bed. Jerry undone his pants, and they fell around his ankles. His cock was not as big as Mike’s but still very large, and I knew my stretched-out sore pussy could handle all of his cock. Jerry wasted no time and got between my legs and pulled my legs up where I had my knees on my shoulders spit in his hand and put his saliva on the head of his cock head and placed it in between my swollen pussy lips, and shoved all of his cock into my pussy.

Jerry’s cock was not as big around as Mike’s but longer, and he had the head of his cock up against my womb. Jerry seemed to be in a hurry and started jamming his cock in and out of my pussy like a jackhammer. He soon had his climax and filled my pussy with his cum and pulled his shrinking cock out, and went to the bathroom. I followed him, and we both took a shower, and I asked him where I could sleep. He told me that I would sleep with him tonight.

I was exhausted and fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. I woke up in the morning, and Jerry was gone. I dressed and went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and dressed and went out to the kitchen where the young girl who was letting the big dog fuck her was cooking breakfast. I sat down, and she handed me a cup of coffee and a plate with scrambled eggs and a slice of ham and toast.

I asked her where everyone was, and she told me they had gone to work in the fields a couple of hours ago, but they would be back about 2 p.m. As I ate, I kept asking the young girl what her name was. She told me Ann and that she had been here for two months, and she thought she must have a high sex drive because she said this was the only place where she had been where she got all of the cock she wanted. She then asked me what I thought of Mike.

I told her I thought he had too big a cock, and I had a hard time with him last night. Ann said that she, too, had a very painful screwing from Mike, but she was now used to it. Still, there was a friend of theirs who was black by the name of Hank, and he had a bigger cock than Mike, and he had about killed her the first time he tried to fuck her as he tore her at the entrance to her pussy and she had bled a lot.

Ann and I cleaned up the kitchen and prepared sandwiches for lunch as she said they did not eat a big meal at noon. They all came in from the fields at 2 p.m. and showered and ate. Mike looked at me and asked if I was ready after lunch. I told him I had taken the job, so I guess I was ready.

Ann and I cleaned the kitchen, and Jerry told her that Hank was coming over at about 5. Ann said she didn’t feel like she could take him tonight. Jerry said well, I’ll get you ready for him and reached up into a high cupboard and came out with a pint bottle of yellow liquid. He poured a small amount into a glass, filled the glass with a can of soda, put it in the fridge, and told Ann to drink it at about 4:30.

We all went into the big room, and an X-rated movie was put on the DVD. It was a movie that must have been made in South America because the women were all dark-skinned. The first scene was a woman who was on some rack, and a donkey was screwing her. Jerry said that the rack was to keep the burrow from putting all of his cock into her as she could not take 18″ of the burrow’s cock. The second scene was a woman letting a big dog fuck her in the ass, and when the big dog’s knot swelled up inside her, she screamed, so I guess it hurt like hell.

Ann kept looking at the clock, and at 4, 30 she got up and went to the kitchen to the fridge, drank the glass full of soda and the other liquid, and went into Jerry’s bedroom.

At 5 p.m., Hank drove up in an old car, and when he got out of the car, I could see that he was a giant as he was about 6 foot 6 tall, and his shoulders were so wide he had to turn sideways to get into the house. Everyone greeted him, and Jerry said she was in my bedroom. Hank went into the bedroom but left the door open. A short time later, Jerry took my hand and led me to the door of his bedroom. Ann was laying on the bed nude with her legs pulled up and had a very large vibrator in her pussy. Hank was sitting on the bed nude playing with Ann’s tits and watching Ann with the big vibrator in her slick cunt.

I got a good look at Hank’s cock, and it looked like it was as big around as the big end of a baseball bat. IO knew I didn’t want him to fuck me with his cock of destruction. I can see what Ann meant when she said his cock was big. Ann pulled the big vibrator out of her pussy, and Hank got between her spread legs that she had pulled up where her knees were touching her shoulders, giving Hank a clear shot at her shaved pussy. Ann’s pussy was swollen, and Ann acted like she could hardly wait for Hank to get his big giant cock in her pussy.

Hank put a lot of lubricant on his cock and some inside Ann’s pussy and lined his cock head up between the swollen lips of her pussy and shoved, and the big head popped into her pussy, and she screamed. Hank looked at me and Jerry and smiled and then said well, the hard part is over, and now I’m going to fuck her brains out and he started moving his hips, shoving his big giant cock in and out of Ann’s cunt.

Jerry pulled me away from the door and closed it, and said Hank would fuck her for about an hour before he cums, so he let you and me go and gave us a good fuck. Jerry was a gentleman and gave me a good fucking and filled my cunt with cum, and when I went to the bathroom, he told me not to clean myself and not to dress. I came out of the bathroom into the big room, and there on the floor was the big mattress and a very large dog lying at Jerry’s feet. I knew what was going to take place now: I was going to get fucked by a dog.

I laid down on the mattress, and the big dog came over and put his nose into my crotch, and started licking the top of my pussy slit. It felt different but enjoyable, and I spread my legs wide and let him lick what was left of Jerry’s cum that was in my pussy. (There was a scream from Jerry’s bedroom, and Jerry and I ran to the door, and Jerry opened it, and Hank was still fucking her. Hank said she had a good cum) Jerry closed the door and led me back to the mattress, and the big dog started licking my pussy again.

I got so hot, and I wanted to see what his big dog cock would feel like inside my pussy, so I rolled over and got on my hand and knees. Jerry threw a heavy blanket over my hips, and the big dog got behind me and mounted me, and started spraying his pre-cum on my butt and pussy and was making a jabbing motion. His cock was looking for my slit. He soon found and shoved what felt like all of his dog cock into me and started humping me hard and fast.

He soon stopped and started squirting his hot dog cum into my swollen pussy, and his knot was swelled up inside my pussy. We were stuck together for about 10 minutes, and when his knot shrunk enough for it to slip out of me, a lot of his and my juices went on the mattress.

Jerry came and helped me up onto my feet and led me to his bedroom, where Hank was still fucking Ann. When Hank saw me, he smiled and then had his climax and filled Ann’s cunt with his spunk. Hank pulled his big cock out of Ann’s cunt, pulled me onto the bed and forcefully spread my legs, and started forcing his big cock head into my cunt that still had some of the big dog cum inside. Hank pushed hard, and finally, when his big cock head popped inside my pussy I had to scream as it was too dam big. Hank was very forceful and didn’t take much time letting my cunt get accustomed to his big size as he just started taking longer and longer stroked, driving his big cock up inside my cunt. Hank was hurting me, but he didn’t seem to care and just kept shoving his giant cock in and out of my cunt.

It took a long time for my cunt to get used to his giant cock, and then I started to like the feeling of my cunt being filled full of cock. It took a long time before Hank finally hammered my cunt hard and fast, and we both climaxed together. We laid there with Hank’s big cock still in my pussy as both of us were still breathing hard. I had to pee badly and told Hank, and he pulled his large cock out of my well fucked pussy, and I went and took a pee, and a lot of cum leaked out of my pussy. I felt well satisfied and tired and thought I was going to go to bed, but Hank had his giant cock hard, and he screwed me again for almost an hour before he climaxed. I was too weak to get to the bathroom and just rolled over and went to sleep.

I was a mess and smelled bad when I woke up. Took a long hot shower and cleaned my sore stinking pussy dressed, and went to the kitchen where Ann gave me a cup of strong coffee and a plate with three eggs- toast- and a big piece of ham. Ann asked me how I was feeling, and I told her I felt fine, but my pussy was sore. Ann then told me that Hank had told Jerry that he was coming over tonight and he wanted me. I shuddered at the thought of having to let him fuck me again tonight with his giant cock.

Lunch was over, and Jerry told me that Hank was coming over tonight and wanted me. I told Jerry that I was just too sore to let him fuck me tonight. Jerry said well, we could fix that and reached up into the high cupboard, got the pint bottle of yellow liquid, poured a little in a glass, filled it with soda, put it in the fridge, and told me to drink it at 4:30.

We all sat around in the big room and talked, and someone asked Ann if she had ever got it on with a woman, and she said no, and then they asked me, and my answer was no. They said well, one of these days, you will have a chance to try it.

At 4:30, I drank the glass of soda, and Ann went with me into Jerry’s bedroom, opened a dresser drawer, pulled out the large vibrator, and left the room. I undressed and lay down on the bed, and started the vibrator running it over my sore slit. It was only a short time before my cunt was on fire, and I started working the big vibrator up inside my cunt. I had an itch I couldn’t scratch. The vibrator was helping a little, but my cunt felt like it needed a big cock plowing in and out.

I was glad to see Hank arrive. He dropped his pants and sat on the edge of the bed, and squeezed my tits. I told him I needed him badly as I was on fire. Hank got the lubricant out of the drawer and shoved the end of the tube up inside my cunt and gave it a good squeeze, and then smeared some on his giant cock. I lay back and pulled my legs up, and Hank shoved his big giant cock into my steaming cunt and fucked me for a long time and got the itch taken care of.

I went to pee, and when I came back, Hank’s cock was as hard as it had been, so I laid down, and he fucked me again when he was through, and he had his climax and filled my cunt with his cum and had pulled his giant cock out of my sore cunt. He asked me if I would like to work for him. I told him No, as I was too sore after he finished fucking me and could not even think about him fucking me every day. We cleaned up and went out in the big room.

Mike and Ann were not there, so I thought they must be fucking. Bill brought us drinks, and we sat and talked for a while. And then Bill said we got some new movies today, and he got up and slipped one into the DVD. It was a large black guy getting his big cock sucked by a pretty blond, and then he started fucking her doggie style. She seemed to be enjoying it as she smiled at the camera.

Mike and Ann came into the big room and sat down. Hank looked at Ann, and I could tell she was avoiding his look. Hank kept looking at Ann, and finally, she looked at him and got up and went towards a bedroom with Hank following her.

I didn’t see Ann until the following morning. As I was eating breakfast, Ann said, “What do you think about leaving here and going to Nevada and working in a whore house?”

I said, “I don’t know, but I think most guys don’t have such big cocks, and it might be enjoyable to fuck someone with a smaller cock and get paid more money than we’re making here.”

Ann and I left the following Saturday morning while the guys were in town. We were lucky that another farmer came by and picked us up and took us to town to the bus station.

The End