Growing up in a small cottage, located miles away from a small village – being raised by a single mom, as far back as I can remember, I was told to stay near the home and on the well established paths – if not one of the many wolfmen would end up getting us.

I’d never seen this creature, but supposedly it was a combination of a man and wolf – when I got a little older, mom related the story of how the monster ended up becoming part of our lives. Apparently years ago, not far from where we lived, a large lumberjack had become friendly with a wolf, a large female wolf. Over the years they became close, to the point she became his pet, something that had never happened before. She moved in with him one spring … seems the creature gods were not smiling down on these two … she came in heat, he was so close to her, one evening he satisfied her needs, entering into a beastality relationship, one that lasted long after her initial needs were meant. This closeness was enjoyed through the summer, over the long winter and once again in the spring when she became physically ready to receive him again. This time a change in their bodies made it possible for him to impregnate her. They were together multiple times during her readiness. A few months later she gave birth to a dozen young pups. The only problem they were a combination of the two parents. They walked upright, learned how to speak when they became older, but all outward features resembled their mom.

Staying at the small cabin, the following year more pups were added, now forming a fairly large pack of these new animals. Roaming the woods, creating all sorts of problems, especially to unsuspecting women who ventured off the established paths.

That’s what I was told, how I had been raised and when we walked to town once a week to sell the clothing mom had made, she again and again reminded me of what not to do when I was out here alone.

The part of the story mom did not share, was the woodsman, the large lumberjack was actually my dad … mom had become friendly with him, when she worked at a small restaurant in town. He’d come in, they’d flirt, that led to him taking her to his cabin which led to me being born. Apparently during her pregnancy, she had a terrible case of morning sickness, not making her body available to his needs, so he turned to a pet wolf he had raised as an orphan when the mother was killed. This was never shared with me, when I asked about who my father was, “He was a naughty man, not someone I ever want you to meet”

She carried me in a backpack type of pouch when I was too small to walk to town, then by her side, listening again and again to the stories of the animals who were half human, half wolf … that was until I was a young lady. I had been supplementing her income by crafting beautiful arrangements of wild flowers, easily sold in town, ones that grew wild all around our place. However the trips were becoming harder on her, easily made in one day, when I was young, lately taking two days – staying at a friend’s home that night than making the trip back the following day.

Returning on our last trip, mom could barely make it up the path to our home … once inside collapsing on the sofa, looking at me, “I hate to admit this, I think this may be my last trip. If you don’t mind, maybe I’ll have you take in the clothing and arrangements – you know the way, you’re old enough to not get lost. What do you think?”

I knew this was coming, but not fully prepared when it actually happened … smiling telling her I’d be more than happy to make the trips each week, I knew the way by heart, not a big deal.

The following week, early in the morning, I was all packed and ready to go, hugging mom, promising her I’d be back soon.

Moving at a good pace, the day was perfect, cool, but comfortable for a walk – the flowers seemed more stunning than before. Mid way, noticing a small path to my side, one I’d never noticed before. It looked old, but like it had been used recently. For some reason I decided to follow it. The flowers were different and more stunning than any we had around our place … gathering as many as I could, knowing it would be easy to assemble these when I was in the city, somehow I drifted off the path – suddenly stopping, looking back – there wasn’t any path, I had drifted off the trail and now – frantically looking in all directions, I was hopelessly lost.

Stopping a few minutes to get my bearings, I started to walk in the direction that made the most sense. Moving in the direction that seemed correct, however after more than two hours, nothing looked familiar, resting on an old log, bursting into tears … I was lost, had no idea where I was at, feeling I’d die lost forever.

Just then someone silently moved up beside me, “A pretty lady should never be crying, especially in my forest. What can I do to help you?”

Startled, looking up, the most handsome man I had ever seen was standing there. He was huge, drying my eyes, telling him how I had gotten lost and I had to get to the town to sell the things needed for my mom.

Drying my eyes, he suggested since it was so late, darkness would overtake me before I arrived – but what if he purchased all the items from me, then go to his place, enjoy a nice warm meal – in the morning he’d show me the way back home. He was so kind, so good looking , nothing seemed wrong in any way, so I gladly accepted his kind offer.

Turned out, we were very close to his place, walking up a few stairs, he took the things he’d agreed to buy, taking them inside, while I rested on the porch, a few minutes later he gave me more money then I’d have made by selling in town, handing me a drink, “Here I’m sure you’re more than a little thirsty”

It tasted like a sweet water of some sort … so good I emptied the glass in a few seconds, he’d brought out a pitcher full, refilling my glass. That one took me a few minutes to empty … by the time I was half way through the third glass … a strange funny feeling started to come over me.

My body was tingling, a warmth slowly overtaking me. My eyes were having problems focusing. I didn’t notice this huge man, who I later found out was named Wally, had moved in behind me, easing me out of my light coat, massaging my shoulders, whispering, “Just relax, enjoy the drugs I’ve given you … you’re on the beginning of a fantastic ride, I promise you won’t regret.”

HIs big hands slipped down the front of my blouse, being poor I never wore a bra, so my big double D breasts were totally available for him to enjoy. He massaged them, teased the nipples, pinched them lightly, making me whimper. My legs were spread wide apart, not at all lady like, the way mom had trained me, my hips raising up, writhing from side to side ….

Continuing to kiss my neck, playing with boobs, at some point, I was in the chair but now totally nude, allowing him to play between my legs, kneeling in front, pushing a single digit inside me, his thumb circling my clit … being a complete virgin in every sense of the word, I’d only rarely rubbed my hand between my legs … what he was doing threw me into an erotic frenzy. Lowering his head, licking my pussy, was more than I could take … my body was shaking as my very first orgasm covered every cell in me … he kept doing what had me so excited … a second one started building up quickly.

The second one had me writhing, screaming, clawing at the chair, trying to open and close my legs, grabbing his head, pushing for him to stop … I seriously didn’t think I could take a second one … but then it hit me – my eyes went wide open – this one lasted longer than the first, leaving me exhausted to the point of not being able to move any muscle in my body.

Easily lifting my nude body up, carrying me inside, stopping in the kitchen to give me three small white pills, the same ones he had doctored my drink with … “Swallow these, you’ll feel much better when they take hold of your body” Opening my mouth, the pills placed on my tongue, the same water I had enjoyed earlier helped me swallow them down … next he took me to his bedroom, laying me down on the bed, while he stripped out of his clothes.

Waiting for the pills to take effect, he sat by my side, teasing my nipples, making me moan, my body twisting from one side to the next, “So you’re Elaine’s daughter. I’ve watched you grow up, made sure nothing happened to you or your mom … this may shock you, but I”m your daddy. Your mom got pissed when I was playing with a female wolf … she left me before you were born, but I’m so glad I found you today … you, your mom and me have so much to catch up on”

I heard what he was saying, but my need for sex was coming on so strong, I didn’t care who he was, my body needed some help, some relief from the new feelings building between my legs – pulling on my own nipples, looking at him with pleading eyes, “I need some help, need something. Daddy, will you help me?”

Crawling between my legs, waving his rigid shaft around, “Of course I will little one” I’d never seen a mans penis in my life, so I had no way of knowing if it was big or not – it looked big, his big hands barely were able to hold all of it … he was dripping from the tip, using this liquid to moisten my opening … carefully pushing the monster head between my lips, it wasn’t painful, more like uncomfortable … pushing further – he hit the thin membrane blocking the pleasure I was about to enjoy. Pulling back, plunging deeply in me – the pain was immediate, even with the drugs taking hold, I cried out, twisted, tried to close my legs, pushing on his chest … but nothing eased the pain. He didn’t move, just stayed deep inside me, until the aching started to lessen and the drugs took over … he had been watching my face and eyes carefully … as soon as he saw them change, from pain to pleasure, a slow steady rhythm of pulling out, then pushing in started … taking hold of my hips, “My daughter Nikki, you are no longer a virgin. By the time you are ready to meet your half brothers and sisters, I may have you knocked up, just like I did your mom”

He was my dad, I had been a virgin when I arrived, now all of that was gone … I should have been crying, begging him not to do this to me, but his cock felt so good inside me … nothing else mattered except him fucking me. The steady rhythm was setting off small explosions all through my body – my head was rocking back and forth, hands grabbing the bedding then my boobs, pulling on my own tits … wanting more, afraid I’d never last, moaning, whimpering even crying … then just when I figured it couldn’t get any worse, he stopped, a wave of warmth flooded me … rolling my eyes up in my head, I knew he’d emptied his seed, my dad had emptied a load of baby cream all inside me – that was all it took, I matched his climax with one of my own … gripping his shaft, raising up, grabbing his body, while my body milked and milked him dry …

Staying in me, but raising up, then kissing me … a deep passionate kiss, one that had so many promises … “Wow you are a whorey little bitch aren’t you? Just like your mom, she loved to fuck also. If that didn’t make a baby nothing will”

Pulling out just stareing at me … by now I knew I’d been drugged, but what he had done was changing my life … massaging my tits, looking at him, “So mom really liked to fuck?”

He laughed, “When I picked her up at the choke and puke she worked at, she was all over me when we got in my truck.” Then he looked at the floor, “She never went back to work, moved in here the next day – a few months after she was pregnant, for some reason, she didn’t want anything to do with me. We’d been fucking three or four times a day then nothing” Wiping his eyes, “I had a female wolf that had just come in heat, your mom caught me in the barn, humping her – that’s when she packed up, moving into the place you have now”

It was obvious he was hurting. The drugs were still controlling my body, climbing out of bed …hugging my dad, kissing him – allowing our tongues to battle, then pulling back, “I’ll need more drugs, but I promise, as long as you want me, my body will be open for you to use anytime”

Carrying me to the porch, we made out while he recouped his strength … swallowing a few more of the magical white pills, we again fucked for a little over an hour. Like before, as soon as he filled me with that magical warm cream, I matched his explosion sending my body into an explosion, this one being more intense than either of the previous two.

That was all I could endure, taking a quick shower, curling up in his bed, a warm blanket wrapped around me, sleep overtook me.

Waking the next morning, he was sleeping soundly. I could have tried to escape, the paths would be well worn, it would be easy for me to find my way back, but the pills, what he had done to me, the fact he was my father … All this giving me a warm feeling. Instead of running, slipping silently out of bed … finding the drugged drink still on the bar, pouring a full glass, then carrying it to the front porch sipping it, knowing full well what it would do to me.

He woke a little later, panicked when the bed was empty, rushing out front, relieved and surprised to see me sitting there nude … “I thought my baby girl might try and run away, why are you still here?”

Looking at him, my eyes glazed over from the drink, a broad smile spreading over my face, “Guess I’m enjoying what my Daddy has done to me”

Taking a seat, picking me up easily, moving me to his lap, while I guided his stiff member up inside me …. Facing him, starting to ride up and down … “Are you enjoying fucking your baby girl, probably going to get me pregnant daddy?”

Nothing was said, instead his head laid back against the cabin, closing his eyes, while I frantically rode that monster. This time it felt like he came quicker. So far as soon as I felt the warmth from his seed, it triggered my one explosion … this time, collapsing onto his chest, enjoying how good my body felt having him in me.

Suddenly the bushes and trees around the property started making the sounds of something coming. Turning, my eyes went wide, taking away my breath … a full pack of wolves or what looked kind of like wolves, but they walked upright, their paws were formed like hands, feet looked more human than wolf-like.

Wanting to flee, he kept me on his lap, actually feeling him becoming hard again … “Hey everyone this is Nikki, your half sister. I have been fucking her but she is more then ready to become acquainted with each of you.”

One of the huge creatures lifted me off the spiking pole, introducing himself to me, but being frightened to the extent I couldn’t speak … Lifting me high, sniffing between my legs, licking the combined juices – turning to our dad, “She is more than ready for us, thank you papa”

Carrying me to a fallen tree, in the front yard … covered with soft thick soft moss … laying me over it, spreading my legs wide, rubbing his cock between my swollen, puffy aroused lips, in one motion he was all the way in. Being much thicker as well as longer, and the fact he was pounding me so fast, caused me to gasp, dropping my head … more than a little confused by what was happening – the pills had helped me start down the road of a fuck-slut, and this cock did feel really really yummy good inside me.

I was being raped by an animal, a wolf, the same creature mom had warned me many times about staying away from.

Thinking of how long it seemed since I had gotten lost, meant my dad enjoyed a incestuous relationship with him … now being used by an animal, slowly it started feeling good, having his pole inside felt really good… in a few minutes the super warm flood of his seed filled me … triggering a small mini orgasm.

As soon as he pulled out, a second one slipped inside, picking up with the same powerful pounding – one of them knelt down in front of me, “Nikki, my name is Leslie, I’m one of your sisters. Every male here is going to fuck you, some may use you more then once, each one trying to be the one who knocks you up. Take these magical white pills, they’ll help you get through all of this”

She seemed so friendly, having no idea how many brothers I had, trusting her, I swallowed all of them, even though they were different then the ones daddy had given me.

The second one emptied his load in me … when the effects of the pills started to take effect, sending me into a sexual frenzy. My hips twisting, turning with them in me, begging for more, screaming I’d give blowjobs to any wolf that wanted me …. It only took seconds to give me a huge penis to suck on …

When the third or forth one pulled out, the next one slipped in, pushed deep in my ass. Trying to pull away … shaking my head, I don’t do anal in any way, but the cock in my mouth, this one’s hand on my head, preventing me from objecting.or stopping it.

The pain was intense, but the pills I had been given seemed to make it almost unnoticeable, he kept pumping, not hard but steady. As soon as he emptied the warm liquid in me, a strange relaxing feeling spread all between my legs … pulling out, left an emptiness that needed to be filled … the next one, thank goodness pushed deep in my ass, once again sending a wave of pleasure all over me …

How many fucked me, no idea, how many were in my ass, again unknown … I had swallowed so much cum, I looked bloated – finally rolling on my back against the log, rubbing my tummy, looking up at my dad, “Maybe soon I will be like this for real.”

He scooped me up, kissing me, “We hope so little one, we hope so”

My body was so sore, I was allowed to sleep, eat, shower and relax on the porch for several days. My sisters took turns rubbing my pussy, sucking on my tits, allowing me to enjoy and be taught girl on girl relationships.

Daddy suggested I return home since I’d been missing for almost two weeks, also wondered if adding mom back into the family would be a good thing.

Smiling, a handful of the magical white pills he had given me, in my pocket, one of my brothers and one sister showed me the way home. They hid while I walked up the well worn path to our place … Mom came running out in tears, “Oh honey so glad to see you, I’ve been worried sick, what happened, where have you been. Oh I’m so glad you’re safe and home. Come inside and tell me what has been happening”

Mom always has a pot of coffee on the stove, sipping on it throughout the day. As soon as I was inside, I dropped a handful of the sex pills in the pot, then sat down to explain what had happened. “I meant my dad, he was the one who saved me when I was lost.”

Her eyes went wide when I mentioned my father, sipping her drink, “Did you stay with him the whole time?”
I knew the drugs were already taking hold of her body, “Daddy was so kind, he showed me what it was like to be with a man, then he introduced me to my half brothers and sisters, they also enjoyed spending time with me. The good news is I’m no longer a virgin and maybe even pregnant, what do you think of that mom?”

She heard what I said, tears filled her eyes, but at the same time a wonderful sexual haze was taking effect. Moving in behind her, slipping my hands down the front of her dress, cupping those wonderful tits she has, kissing her neck, enjoying the little whimperings taking placed, “You know mom, dad really wants to fuck you again and make us one big family, so I’ve brought along one of my brothers to break the ice, so-to-speak”

Stepping to the door, opening it, the huge creature was standing there, cock in full display, harder then ever, while my sister was stroking it … mom looked at him, a flash of fear washed over, than zeroing in on that beast between his legs, pulling up her dress, spreading the legs wide, “Please don’t hurt me, but please I need you so badly, come in and help me, I’ll do anything you need me to do, just please help me”

I have never seen anything move as fast as he did … he was inside, kneeling between her legs, the long tongue licking her moist pussy .. easily picking her up, moving to her bed, laying her on her front, legs and body on the side …that huge cock slid inside easily, mom gave out one loud cry of pure ecstasy … then he started to pound her.

My sister had me on the table, legs spread wide open, her tongue slipping deep inside me, causing an already wet vagina to start dripping like an open faucet. Writhing from side to side, grabbing the table, my tits – her head …. Listening to my mother being used over and over – looking at the door, my eyes barely focusing, at least a dozen of my brothers, were waiting to take their turns.

A couple of the ladies kept me in a sexual haze until late in the afternoon … mom was laying on the bed, cum still running out of her … my daddy walked in, looking around, smiling at me, “When she wakes and can move around I’ll spent some quality time with her, who knows maybe both of my girls will be knocked up at the same time”

That made me giggle, still on the table, holding up my arms … “Do you think my Daddy would want to fuck me until she is ready?”

Nothing was said, but I closed my eyes when his large member slipped deep inside me, kissing him, thinking, one way or the other, someone will get us pregnant.