© 2022 by Eccho

This has to be the most underwhelming heist I’ve ever been a part of. This is the sacred treasure of the Pampas. The most feared crown known throughout Brazil. It’s just a circle of intertwined twigs and rocks. It wasn’t even guarded. Such a waste. Oh well. Looks pretty. Guess I’ll keep it if no one else wants it.

I put the crown on and start to head off, but something catches my attention. Something smells absolutely terrible. It smells like mildew and musk. Oh, it’s me. Come to think of it, I haven’t showered in days. Well, I can’t go home smelling like this.

I then traverse through the luscious trees, growing more accustomed to my surroundings than I normally would. The trees are more vibrant, the bushes are livelier, and the various other flowers and plants are protruding more color. It’s quite a sight to see. See, that’s my problem. I keep finding myself to be too enthralled with the next artifact that I forget to take in the sights of the places I visit. I mean, I’m always in the heart of Brazil, but I never give the scenery a good look. I have to do that more.

As I maneuver through the forest, taking in the environment for a change, I hear a faint sound in the distance. It sounds familiar, almost like…water. Maybe it’s a creek. I head in the direction of the sound of pouring water. My anticipation grows as the sound gets louder and louder.

After moments of being guided by the sound of running water, I come across a wall of vines in a small, secluded area. I glance around my surroundings before opening the vines. And before me is the greatest view anyone could ever imagine. A pond with a mini waterfall creating a rainbow at the base, trees looking over it, allowing rays from the sun to seep through, beautiful flowers occupying the landscape, complementing the scenery, it’s like I’m in a storybook.

But that’s not all. At the edge of the pond resides a single horse, sensually lapping at the water. Fuck, that horse is the most gorgeous horse I’ve ever seen. It’s making me feel things I never thought were possible to feel for animals. She’s just so…wow.

She notices me looking at her as she continues drinking. Her eyes are so beautiful. This must be a special horse. That has to be the case. There’s no way the average horse could be this attractive.

I step through the curtain of vines, entering the absolute utopia that I’ve just discovered. I then make my way over to the horse as she continues drinking from the pond, lifting its left hoof. Once I’m right next to her, I bring a hand to her back, gently stroking it. She lifts her head from the pond before turning to me. She’s even more alluring up close.

“Hello, there,” I hear someone say, completely taking me off guard.

I immediately turn around to see that there’s no one there. I then scan the surroundings, finding the same outcome. No one else is here. So who said that?

“I did,” I hear the same voice say.

Now I’m confused. Where is that voice coming from?

“It’s me. I’m the horse.”

I turn to the horse, and it gives me a wink. I have to stop drinking so much. Looks like last night hit me harder than I thought.

“You’re not hallucinating. And you’re not crazy. You’re able to hear me because of that crown on your head. You’re wearing Diana’s sacred Clairvoyance Crown. With it, you’re able to communicate with wildlife if permitted.”

“Hm,” I say, processing the added information, “And judging books just continue to kick me in the ass to this day. So, with you permitting me to speak to you, should I take that as an indication that you like me?”

“That’s one way of looking at it. And with the way you’ve been looking at me since you’ve been here, I think it’s safe to say the feeling’s mutual.”

“That’s one way of looking at it.”

I guide my hand along her back, inching closer and closer to her ass, grinning as I can read her thoughts as I do.

“But surely you can’t blame me, though,” I continue as I walk behind her, “After all, how could I resist staring at such a sexy being? There’s no law saying I can’t, is there?”

“No, I guess there’s not.”

As I stand behind her, I instantly notice her gorgeous pussy. It’s almost dripping. Is this from me touching her like this? So you’re a dirty horse, huh? Such a pretty fucking pussy. I can’t help but stare at it. Just the sight alone makes me so fucking horny. I wonder how it would feel around my cock. Fuck, I bet her voice would just sound otherworldly. Just having her slide her wet swollen horse pussy up and down my shaft. Fuck, that’d be so hot.

The mental images of her riding me are driving me insane. But they’re interrupted as I start hearing something. It sounds like fabric tearing. I look down to see that my cock is testing the limits of my pants, threatening to burst through them. I then hear her giggling before saying in a sultry tone,

“Like what you see?”

She then lifts her left hind leg, saying,

“I bet it’d taste better than it looks.”

I bite my lower lip, gently blushing at her invitation. Am I really going to go through with this? Am I going to stick my tongue inside of a horse’s pussy? I can’t say I’m not tempted. Just the way it looks sends my mind into a frenzy.

“Come on,” she says, “I won’t bite. Unless you want me to.”

That’s all the convincing I needed. I bring a finger to her slit, dragging it across before leaning closer to it.

“That’s right,” she continues in her soft voice, “Give it a taste. I promise you won’t regret it.”

She smells amazing. I love it so much. I use my fingers to spread her swollen lips before leaning even closer, sticking out my tongue. I then contact her horse pussy, taking in the incredible taste of it. This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever tasted! Why am I only doing this now?!

I drag my tongue along her slit, lapping at her delicious pussy. As I savor the taste of her, I’m also blessed with the wonderful sounds of her light moans in approval of my licks, complementing this even more.

“Yes,” she moans, “You like it? Do you like how my pussy tastes? Oh, fuck, that’s it. Keep licking. God, that feels so good.”

Her voice is turning me on so much. It’s making it even harder for my pants to contain my cock. Eventually, it becomes too much, and my cock bursts through my pants, standing stiff after breaking through the fabric. I bring my free hand to my cock, slowly stroking it as I continue licking her mare pussy.

“Oooo,” she coos, “That’s quite a nice carrot you’ve got there. Mind if I have a taste of it?”

I giggle at her remark before saying,

“Not at all. Sharing is caring, after all.”

We share a giggle before lying down on the grass. I continue licking her tasty pussy, sliding my tongue inside of it. She leans closer to my cock, giving it a few licks before taking the tip of it inside of her mouth and swirling around it with her tongue. I moan from her actions, sending vibrations inside of her pussy, no doubt doing wonders for her pleasure.

She takes more of my cock inside of her mouth, slowly bobbing her head up and down my length. I instinctively roll my hips, matching her bobs as I slide my tongue in and out of her pussy, reaching deeper and deeper inside of her. There’s no sound except for the sounds of our pleasure. There’s no feeling except for the sensations throughout our bodies. I can’t get enough of it. I never want it to end.

After moments of savoring our position, I start to feel her hoof inch up my leg, stopping at the bottom of my ass. Eventually, it gently spread it open and rubbed against my asshole. Fuck, this is one freaky horse. After rubbing it for a few moments, she decides to get more daring and gently pushes her hoof inside of me. The sensation makes me moan even more, causing more pleasure elevation for both of us.

I’m in pure bliss. Feeling her hard hoof sliding in and out of my ass as I thrust my tongue in and out of her pussy is driving me insane. And what’s making it even better is the recurring realization that all of this is being done with a horse. It’s so wrong in most eyes. Which makes this feel a hundred times better.

“You’re so much bigger than any stallion I’ve ever been with,” she moans after popping me out of her mouth, “I love it so much. I need it inside of me. I want to know how it feels. Please do it. Stretch out this pussy. Claim it as yours.”

She’s so needy. I could get used to this. I chuckle at her begging, giving her a few more licks before standing up behind her. I grab her ass with one hand and position myself to her entrance with the other, guiding my cock up and down along her desperate little slit.

“Beg more,” I command, “Show me how much you want this wonderful cock. Be a little slutty horse for me.”

“I-I need it,” she pleads, “Please, give it to me. Stick it in. Ram it into me. Make me into your horse bitch.”

Just listening to how needy she is turns me on tremendously. I grant her wish, pushing my cock inside of her, anticipating little cunt, moaning as I feel every inch of her swallowing it whole, squeezing tighter onto it as I slide more of myself inside. God, she’s so much tighter than I expected. And judging from her moans, I’m much more than she expected.

I bring my other hand to her ass before sliding in and out of her warm, tight, needy little pussy at a steady pace. Both of us moan as we enjoy the feeling of the other. She feels so much better than anyone I’ve been with. How is this possible? How is it that horses are better at sex than humans? I’ll never know. And frankly, I’ll never care.

“Yeah,” I moan, gradually speeding up my pace, “Take it. Take that fat cock deep in that little pussy. Moan for me, baby. Moan for me.”

She obeys my command, moaning louder. I speed up my pace more, saying,

“Louder. Make the animals in the fucking Amazon hear you.”

She moans even louder as I thrust harder, moaning along with her. My gaze then settles on her wonderful little croup, giving me an idea. She can call this payback before. I inch my left hand closer and closer to her little asshole with each thrust. Once I bring my hand near enough to it, I slide two of my fingers in and out of her, elevating her pleasure even more as she starts moaning wildly. Loving the noises, she’s making, I thrust even harder to generate more before grabbing and pulling her tail with my other hand. I never want this to end. This is the best sex I’ve ever had.

After countless minutes of extraordinary pleasure, I eventually feel my limit building more with each thrust. And judging from her increased moans, I think it’s safe to say that she’s not too far from hers. But I don’t want it to happen like this. I want to look into her eyes when I fill her up. So I slowly stopped my thrusts before pulling out of her, earning a slight whimper in response.

“On your back,” I say, catching my breath, “On your back. Right now.”

She follows my order, rolling over on her back. I kneel in front of her, sliding back into her, thrusting at the same pace as before I stopped. I then get a good look at her pretty little face. Such a little slut for my cock. And she can have as much as she wants. I lean in closer to her face, thrusting as hard and as fast as I possibly can before embracing her in a deep kiss, which she reciprocates.

“Cum for me, baby,” I moan in the kiss, “Cover my cock with your horse cum. Please do it. Coat it with your delicious cum for me, baby. That’s it. Let me feel it.”

After a few more thrusts, she does as instructed, letting out a loud moan before covering my cock with her cum. And it doesn’t take long for me to follow suit, looking deep into her eyes as I shoot my load deep inside her womb. I thrust a few more times, never breaking eye contact, ensuring that she gets every last drop of my essence inside of her.

I don’t want to move from this spot. I don’t want to look away for a nanosecond. The look of pure satisfaction on her face is so euphoric. I give her a peck on the lips, and she giggles in response. Maybe I should consider bringing my camp down here.

The End