© 2023 by Tony

I am a 53-year-old woman who has a wonderful husband who is 63 years old and recently developed a problem where he has trouble getting his cock hard. I can suck him to hardness, but when I stop, he quickly gets soft. He comes in my mouth, which is fine with me, and then he licks me to as many orgasms as I can stand. But I really miss a big cock in my pussy. We have both been faithful to each other since we have been married, although we both were not virgins when we went to the altar. All this changed recently, in a most interesting way.

Early in our married life, I confided to my love that when I was a young girl, I had a dog lick my pussy until I had my first orgasm. It wasn’t my dog but a neighbor’s, and so I rarely got him to visit with me, but when he did, he licked me, and I loved it. I guess I had about fifty visits with him through my teens until he died when I was 16, but I had discovered boys, and so that was that. When I first told Bob about my doggie experiences, he was on top of me, pounding my pussy as I whispered the stories in his ear.

He came almost immediately but did not get soft and kept humping me until he had another orgasm. This was very unusual, and I knew I hit a topic that really turned him on, and me too. We proceeded to fantasize about a number of dogs. Donkeys and then horses, and we both loved talking and getting excited about these stories. We always intended to do something about them, but we never did. Finally, my lover got me a birthday present at my last birthday.

For my birthday, Bob gave me a one-year-old Great Dane that he found at the humane society in town. He told me he knew it was the dog for us when he saw him get hard, and his long red cock was about ten inches thick. Bob got the dog in our bedroom, and the dog started to lick my pussy. As I got excited, I got very wet, and the dog got overly excited. His big cock came out and brushed the tip on the floor. Bob put me on my knees with my ass up to about the level of the dog’s balls and pushed the dog’s cock into my wet hole. I have never been hotter or more excited in my life! I came before he got all the way in me, and when he started to hump me amazingly fast, I went into a continuous orgasm.

I had never cum that way before, and I loved it. The dog would fuck me for about a minute and squirt his cum up my cunt. He would pull out, and the dog cum would leak out, and after about two minutes, he would mount me again and repeat the fucking. He did this four times, and I admitted to Bob that it was one of the best fucks I had ever had. After he finished, he licked me to two more huge orgasms and then went to a corner of the room and fell asleep. I gave my husband the best blowjob he had ever had, and after he came, I continued to suck him, and he came in my mouth a second time. He told me that was one of the best fucks he had ever had!

We found that the dog was almost insatiable, and he was fucking me four to ten times a day! After about three or four days, he would ignore me even when I got on my knees and nudged him with my ass. But after a restful day, he was raring to go again, and so was I.

Bob is on the web a lot, and he quickly discovers that animal sex is fairly common. Many people who live not far from us were in “clubs” that featured dogs as the center of parties they gave. When he showed me what he had been doing, I joined in, and I became friends with Mary, a woman who lives a few miles away in the country, has a lot of land, and has fifteen male dogs, all large. O boy, I thought, I want to go out there. Since we had never done anything like that before, and Mary had to be incredibly careful about introducing someone new to her lifestyle, we agreed to go out to her farm to look around with her husband, Bob, and me.

We arrived about three in the afternoon, and we were pleasantly surprised to see that Mary and her husband, Will, were about our age and amazingly comfortable to be around. Of course, the conversation got around to dogs, and we told them my dog story of my youth and how Bob got me a Great Dane for my birthday, and we were enjoying him very much. I said that Bob hadn’t been blown so much in our married life until we got our dog! They both laughed and said that their story was almost identical to ours except that they had been at it for about ten years, and Mary guessed that she had been doggie fucked at least two thousand times!

Will chuckled and said if that’s the case, he had been blown at least two thousand times. They told us that Mary had just started trying donkeys and they had just bought a horse, but not tried him out yet. Mary said that her two donkeys have about fourteen inches of cock and are about 2 ½ to 3 inches in diameter, and it takes some time to get used to it. The horse is about two and a half feet and is five inches in diameter at the base. Mary offered me an Irish wolfhound that she said had a twelve-inch cock, and I started getting wet just thinking about it. Bob reached up my dress and told them how wet I was. I was a little embarrassed about what Bob did, but Will pulled Mary’s dress off, and she was naked under it.

I removed my clothes, and Mary let in the dog. At first, the dog wanted to mount Mary, but she told me to kneel, and when I did, the dog came right over to me, and with a little guidance from Bob, his twelve inches went right up my hole. To say I liked it would be like saying you’re glad you won the lottery. I went to a constant orgasm stage while he furiously banged me. He was in me for about one minute and then pulled out, and I could feel his cum dripping on my leg. He was still extremely hard and tried to mount Mary again, but she pushed him off, and he came back to me and mounted me. This time, he really seemed to be ramming me extra fast and hard, and I loved it.

Soon he lunged, and I felt a tennis ball go into my cunt. It hurt for just a second, and then it was wonderful. The dog stopped humping and just lay across my back with his huge cock impaling me. It was the first time that I had been knotted, although I had read about it. The books were right. They said it was pleasurable. Was it ever? He stayed in me for about three minutes, and when he fell out, there was a loud pop as his knot fell out, and about a half pint of dog cum puddled on the floor between my legs. He licked me to another orgasm and then mounted me again for another fast fuck. After that he retreated to a corner of the room and seemed to take a nap. Just like a man!

Mary said that he would be raring to go in about an hour, and in the meantime, I asked if I could see her with a donkey. We were all naked as we walked down to the barn, which was about two hundred feet from the house. It was fun being outside and naked, and Will walked with me and fondled my tits and ass as we walked. Mary had Bob by the cock, which was nicely hard, and she was telling him how hot she gets just thinking of a huge dick up her pussy.

When we got to the donkey stall of the one Mary wanted to fuck, the donkey immediately got hard. It was huge. It almost brushed the floor as it got long. Will put a harness on the donkey, which had a place for Mary to lie down under the donkey and cleverly have control of how much cock will be going in her. Will had devised it, and they said they use it all the time with the donkeys, and it will also be used with the horse they just bought. Mary got in the harness, put a lot of lubrication on the donkey’s cock and her pussy, and guided the cock, with the help of Will, into her gaping hole.

Now, Mary is about five feet tall and weighs about one hundred pounds. Quite frankly, I didn’t think that she had a hole big and deep enough to take this cock. She took him up to his balls almost immediately, and then, by pulling on a rope that Will had installed, she rocked back and forth on the harness as the donkey cock went in and out of her cunt. Her eyes rolled back as she started cumming, and Will started to pull on the rope to rock Mary because Mary was in a swoon of pleasure and needed someone else to pull the rope.

She was like a rag doll with this monster pulling out of her hole until there was only about one inch in her and then plunging back into her until the cock stopped entering her because it was in up to the donkey’s balls. This went on until the donkey literally shuddered and obviously shot a load of cum into Mary’s cunt. Will pulled Mary to the side, and the donkey’s cock fell out of Mary’s cunt along with a pint of cum, and the donkey’s cock head was spread very wide to hold the cum in the pussy if the cock was in the pussy. Mary had to be held up for a few minutes until she reached composure after that fucking. I told her that I must have the other donkey before we go home.

Will took the harness off the contented donkey and went into the stall of the other one and put the harness on him. This donkey also got hard as the harness went on him, and Will told me to climb on like I had seen Mary do. By positioning my ass on the harness, I could control how far he would be in me at one end of his stroke. By pulling on the rope, I could control how far out the donkey’s cock would come at the other end of the stroke. Will lathered the donkey’s cock and spent a wonderful few minutes fingering me and putting on a lot of lubricant into my cunt.

Then he put the head at my pussy and told me to start pulling the rope. A little at a time until I got used to the stroke and the depth of his entering. I worked the rope as instructed, and it was incredibly exciting to feel this huge cock slowly going further and further into my cunt. With three other people watching me, my pleasure was even more intense. Mary would tell me the amount of cock that was left to take.

Finally, she said that the donkey’s balls had been reached, and I could start some serious rocking. I did what Mary had done. It was so pleasurable that I went into a constant orgasm mode, and Will pulled on the rope to give me the action I so wanted. He had Bob try, and soon Bob was pulling the cock almost all the way out and then completely letting the rope go so that the donkey’s cock went slamming into my hole as I butted the donkey’s balls. It was a pleasure I think of often.

When the donkey came, it felt like a quart of cum was in me, and I could feel his cockhead expand in my pussy. They let me lay there and calm down before pulling the donkey out of me. By then, his cock had shrunk a little, and when he popped out, a flood of cum rushed from my hole.

Mary and I told each other that we would have to take care of our men because they were very horny at watching their women getting fucked so royally. I suggest we swap mates and give them a nice blowjob before we go back to the house and do some serious dog fucking. We both dropped to our knees and started sucking the other’s husband, and in less than two minutes, they had both shot large loads into our willing mouths. As we walked back to the house, I asked Mary if she swallowed dog cum, and she told me she did it all the time. It is not an unpleasant taste, she told me, and that I should try it. I assured her that I would in a few minutes. Will told us that when we come back next time, we will watch Mary taking on the new horse!

Mary got two new dogs for us, and they were very eager to start fucking. I was so excited I had an orgasm before I had a dog cock in me. Mary and I got on our knees with our heads on the floor and next to one another so that we could kiss each other if we wanted. The dogs were both hung with about ten inches, but they were both very thick. Will took care of my dog (and my pussy) while Bob took care of Mary, including sticking his cock in her mouth as she was getting doggie fucked. Will did the same and we all four had a fabulous time. Or all six of us, if you include the dogs.

They both came fairly quickly, pulled out, licked us, mounted us again, and this went on for four more mountings. At the last mounting, Mary got under her dog and took his cock in her mouth. She told me to do the same. The dog was releasing his cum in dribbles, which is normal, and I swallowed all that he had to give me. After our doggy sucks, Mary and I were kissing each other, and I found that I loved kissing another woman sexually. After the dogs and men were done with us, Mary and I got in a sixty-nine position and licked the dog and man cum out of each other’s cunt, and I loved it, and the men went crazy.

We ended up staying the night, and Will slept with me in a king-sized bed in their bedroom, and Mary and Bob slept in another king-sized bed in the same bedroom. It was fun watching the other couple suck and fuck all night. I don’t think any of us got much sleep.

In the morning, we tried out the donkeys again, and Will said that another couple was coming over at one pm, and we were invited to stay and meet them. We couldn’t stay because we had an old girlfriend of mine flying in to stay with us for a few days. Will suggested that we bring her with us for a visit. I said I would talk to Janet, my friend, and see what she wants. With that, we got in our car and drove home. We had never cheated on each other before that day, but we both agreed it was not “cheating” when your spouse was there and doing the same thing.

We both remarked on how erotic it was to walk naked with another person, not your mate, and play grab-ass as you walk. I also asked Bob if we could get another dog. Both Bob and I were so hot from what we had just done that I sucked him the whole way home. Bob said that three cars saw what I was doing, and he drove alongside them and pulled up my dress, and showed them my wet cunt. That was an added thrill for me, although I never took my head from Bob’s prick. When he had the dress pulled up to my waist, I got on my knees with my pussy aimed at the window so that they could really see my wet cunt.

We met Janet at the airport and got her baggage and all into the car, and Janet and I sat in the back while Bob drove us home. Janet had just been through a bad split from her husband of 30 years, and she was very shaken up. She also whispered to me so that Bob could not hear that she had not been laid in about eight months and she was climbing the walls with horniness. I told her that tonight we would take care of her problem and then some! I kissed her and boldly pushed my hand up her skirt and onto her panties.

I quickly pushed the panties aside and started to rub her clit and finger-fuck her. Bob could smell our excitement, and I told Bob to turn around, and he was greeted by Janet’s spread legs and open pussy as I got ready to lick her cunt. He put his hand back and fingered her for a few minutes, and she had a big orgasm. This was a hot lady waiting for a big fuck!

When we got in the house, Janet didn’t even get her suitcases to her bedroom before Bob was fucking her on the rug in our living room! She was still extremely attractive, and I loved the idea of watching my best friend and my honey pleasing each other. After Bob came, I joined them, licked Janet’s pussy, and got Bob’s cum in my mouth the hard way. We intended to have dinner, but with the three of us naked and a few drinks in us, we only wanted to play.

The next day, Bob left for work, and Janet and I got caught up on what we had been doing. I decided to tell Janet about Bob’s problem, what he did about it, and our visit with Mary and Will. It took a while to tell the whole story. When I went into great detail about our visit with Mary and Will, she finally lost it and started to rub her pussy on the outside of her dress. I suggested that we both get naked, and I would continue with the story, and we could both rub our clits. I asked if she would like to see me with our dog, and she jumped at the chance.

I brought King into the family room where we normally fuck, and he came right up to me and started licking my pussy. I was naked, but I told Janet if I was wearing clothes, he would go right up my dress. I have stopped wearing panties. His licking got me good and hot, and when I got on my knees, King was all over me and quickly put his ten inches into my hot, wet hole. In the meantime, Janet, who was also naked, sat in a chair, spread her legs, and frantically rubbed her crotch.

After a minute or two of frantic fucking, King pulled out and licked me and then went to Janet and started to lick her. At the first touch of his long tongue, she had a violent orgasm. She told me later that it was the biggest one she had ever had. King came back and mounted me again, fucked me violently, licked me, then Janet and mounted me again.

This went on for five months and many orgasms by Janet and me, and he finally went to a corner to rest. I told Janet that if she wanted to be mounted, we would have to wait about an hour. In the meantime, my pussy was dripping the dog’s cum, and Janet asked if she could taste it. She lay down on the floor, and I straddled her with my cunt over her mouth. As I dripped cum she took it in her mouth and then went into my hole with her tongue to get it all. That was so sexy to watch that I had two huge orgasms as she licked me. She could hardly wait for King to recover.

When he was ready, he came into the kitchen, where we were drinking coffee, and tried to lick my pussy. I told Janet to spread her legs and let King at her cunt. He went right to her crotch and licked her until she was very wet, which excited King so that his cock was fully hanging out. Janet got on her knees with her head down, and I helped aim King’s big cock at Janet’s wet, willing hole.

He pushed all the way inside with the first lunge, and then he was off to the races. Janet started to wail very loudly as he pounded her, and about a minute later, he popped out and licked her pussy. She was almost in a trance of pleasure as our beautiful dog licked her and then mounted her again. This went on for four mountings, and he finally licked her and went to a corner of the kitchen to rest. I told her that watching them got me so hot that the next mounting was going to be into me.

When Bob came home that night, we told him about what we had been doing all day, and he wanted to see Janet getting mounted. Since we were all naked, we called King and had Janet kneel and let nature take its course. She got mounted three times (King was slowing down at the end of the day), and by the last mounting, Bob put his cock in Janet’s mouth, and he came in her mouth after King pulled out.

Bob offered Janet the chance to stay with us for as long as she liked and said that he was going to get at least one more dog and if he could, two more dogs. Both of us ladies got wet in the pussy as he made that offer. Janet asked me what that would mean in the amount of doggie fucking we would get. I told her that both of us would be mounted about ten to twenty times a day. She accepted Bob’s offer to stay on the spot!

She has been here for over a year now, and she is a big hit at our doggie club. All of the men have mounted her along with about fifty different dogs. She and I still suck Bob all he wants for being the source of our pleasure, and he gets plenty of attention from the doggie club women, who number about forty. Janet and I get fucked by men and dogs about twenty to thirty times a day, and so far, we are not inclined to stop. We have five dogs, all of different breeds, but all are big dogs. They carry around ten to twelve inches of fat cock, and so we are getting royally fucked every day. Life doesn’t get any better than this!

The End