© 2012 by sawyer321

It’s funny the things that make you feel special. Everybody has different ways of looking at things. They think some things are just bad, without giving them much thought. When I was eighteen I had an incredible experience.
I was still a virgin. That was unusual, I knew, but I was what most would call a late bloomer. I matured a little later than most of my friends, and I was somewhat shy because of it. Then when I began to mature physically the boys began to circle. I enjoyed the attention, but by then it seemed so obvious what they were after that I wasn’t about to give it easily. Because of this I found myself a virgin on my eighteenth birthday, even though I looked pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.
I was excited as I got onto the airplane. It was going to be a wonderful holiday season, I was sure. I would be on a farm, and I’d be able to learn a lot about animals as well as farm life.
It was my Uncle Cliff’s Farm in Kentucky that I was going to. My mother and stepfather had an opportunity to go to Europe for the Christmas holiday, and Uncle Cliff needed someone to cook and keep house. He had called them and suggested it. It would be my first real job.
Uncle Cliff was one of my favorite relatives. He was younger than my parents, about thirty-five, I figured. He had done lots of things, and recently he got this farm and moved there from Los Angeles. My mother didn’t like him, particularly, but I didn’t know why. He was always nice to me, so I liked him fine. We didn’t see him that often.
It was my first time away from home also. I would be nineteen in the fall, but my parents were very strict and very paranoid. They kept me on a tight leash, sort of. I was quite mature by now and ready for some changes so there was almost no way they could say no. Uncle Cliff was my former stepfather’s brother, so not really a blood relative, even though I referred to him as Uncle. He seemed nice enough to me, and I wanted to go. Little did I know to what it would lead.
As I mentioned my body was developed fully by now. I was five feet four, and a full C cup at 36c 24 36. My butt was full and well rounded, and my legs looked great. My hair is red, and my eyes are blue.
Uncle Cliff met me at the airport, and I greeted him with a warm hug and a kiss. He seemed glad to see me. I told him I was very excited.
When we arrived the first one to greet me was a huge and beautiful dog. He had short brown fur that almost shimmered. He strode up to us like he was in charge of the world.
“Who’s this?” I asked as I reached out to pet him.
“That’s Beamer,” said my uncle. “He takes care of the place when I’m not around.”
“Looks like he could,” I said. “What kind of dog is he?”
“He’s partly Rhodesian and part Rotweiller.”
“Well, I hope we can be friends,” I said hopefully.
“I hope so too. I’m sure you can.”
I got settled in right away, and Uncle Cliff gave me my duties. I was to cook and clean, and take care of him, and any house guests he might have, which could be many over the holidays. All the rest of the time I was free to do whatever I wanted on the farm.
The first four days went smoothly, and I found the work quite easy. I got to ride several of the horses, and I helped take care of the thoroughbreds, which no one rode. I also got much more friendly with Beamer, since I was feeding him now. I really liked him, even though he seemed sort of self-assured.

As Christmas approached, I noticed that Uncle Cliff seemed preoccupied about something, and I wondered about it. One night we were sitting quietly on the porch together and I decided to bring it up.
“You seem to be concerned about something, Uncle Cliff,” I said softly. “Is everything all right?”
He smiled at me. “I’ve got some things on my mind, hon,” he said. “It’s nothing to worry about, really. I appreciate your concern.”
“Well, if there’s anything I can do….”
“I’ll let you know,” he said. “How about you? Are you beginning to miss being home for the holidays with your friends, and dating some guys?”
“Well, I miss it a little,” I admitted. “But it’s so nice here I don’t really mind. You can’t have everything.”
“How long have you been dating now, Colleen?”
“Oh, not that long, actually. Just over a year, I’d say.”
“And how old are you now?”
“I’m eighteen.”
“You have a young look for your age,” he said sincerely. “You’ll be very happy about that someday.”
“Thank you. I was kind of a late bloomer. Seemed like I was always behind some of my friends.”
“I understand. Nothing wrong with that. So have you had any serious boyfriends?”
“Oh, I’ve been interested in a couple of guys, but nothing all that serious. My mother would scare off any guy who came around too often anyway.”
That made Uncle Cliff laugh. “That’s too bad. So you might still be a virgin,” he said softly.
I was a little surprised at how easily he said it, but I nodded, admittingly. “Umm hmm. I guess I am.”
“Well, it’ll happen soon enough. Your mother can’t keep you cooped up forever.”
Just then the phone rang, and Uncle Cliff got up to get it. The conversation ended, and I went up to bed shortly after. I thought about what we had discussed. I had found it easy to talk to Uncle Cliff. He had a sort of open directness about him. I was hopeful that we’d get a chance to talk some more. It was nice to be able to talk to someone.

But Uncle Cliff still seemed troubled by something, and I tried to keep him as cheerful as I could. I wished he’d told me what was the matter.
One afternoon he was out on the farm and I was cleaning in his office. I happened to notice a letter on his desk. It was open and short, so I bent down to read it.

Dear Cliff,
I’ve enclosed this tape, which I got from a distributor in Europe. It grossed over a million copies over there.
The second and third scenes are what made it, and you’ll see why.
If you can produce a scene like either one of these, I’d be able to offer at least 100K, plus royalties. Probably much more for the third scene. Of course it will depend on the looks of the female star, so send me a picture.
I know you’re strapped for cash, so I’ll give you half in advance once I’ve seen the film. Let me know.

Dean Ryder.

There was a tape right beside the letter, and I wondered about the scenes he’d mentioned. I wished I could see the tape. I also noticed some other letters, and some pictures of some women taken by Polaroid.
Slipping out of the room, I was thoughtful. Uncle Cliff obviously needed money. I had heard he had some business in the movie industry, but I had no idea what. Now I wondered if it might be something to do with adult films.
I wondered if I could somehow get a look at that tape. I needed a time when Uncle Cliff was out of the house for awhile.

The next day, four guys arrived to stay for Christmas. There names were Riff, Dave, Bob and Mike. Riff and Dave were black guys. They seemed very nice, and they were obviously planning to do some filming, as they had a lot of equipment with them.

I quickly got used to taking care of all five men in the house, and it was nice to have all that activity for a change. Mike and Bob did some filming, and they took me with them sometimes.
They filmed around the farm, taking scenes of the landscape and some of the horses. They took some footage of me as I rode some of the horses, and they even filmed me by the pool and in the kitchen. A couple of times they filmed me sitting with Beamer, the big dog. It was fun.
“You’ll almost have enough for a whole movie of just me,” I said with a smile.
“Couldn’t ask for a prettier subject,” said Bob.
“That’s a sweet thing to say,” I said gratefully.
Uncle Cliff seemed a little happier, but I could tell something was still on his mind. After seeing that letter I was afraid he had some money problems.

The guys had been there three days, and Uncle Cliff came up to me in the kitchen that afternoon.
“Colleen, you won’t need to cook tonight,” he said. “Except for yourself. We’ll all be out late, so don’t wait up for us, okay?”
“Oh, okay,” I said. I didn’t ask why, I just thought about the tape. Tonight I would be able to see it. I was excited.
They left at six, and I went into Uncle Cliff’s office as soon as they were out of sight. The tape was gone, so I started to look for it. I found it in the bottom drawer of his desk.
I made some dinner, and then sat down to watch.
My eyes widened as soon as I saw the beginning. It was definitely a pornographic tape. There was a young girl in a small room with a black guy, and they were both nude.
I watched closely, mesmerized by the hard core action I was seeing. I’d never seen such a thing on film. The black guy was fucking the young girl in every possible position. I could hardly eat it was so intense.
The second scene came on, and my eyes widened further. There was a woman in the scene with two black guys. As I watched, the two guys shared the girl in every conceivable way.
At first, I thought I would find it gross to see this. But as I watched, I realized how much pure lust was in the scene. I found it fascinating.
Then came the third scene.
“Oh, my God,” I said aloud. It showed a girl with two dogs. There were also three men in the scene. They were in a barn, and I was sure the woman was going to somehow mate with the dogs.
I was almost breathless as I sat there watching, letting my dinner get cold. The woman, who wasn’t bad, but wasn’t great, turned and faced the wall of the barn. One of the guys tugged her pants down.
“Ohh, Jesus,” I whispered. The guy took out a syringe and gave the girl a shot in her butt. It seemed to calm her down a little. She seemed more submissive then, and I figured that the shot must be some kind of aphrodisiac. Spanish fly, maybe.

As I watched, the guys helped the girl undress, and she got down on her hands and knees in the stall. It was the most amazing act I’d ever seen. The men helped both the dogs fuck her. I was trembling when it was finished, and I replayed the whole thing. I was so wet with the lust of watching I had to go up and change my pants.

“Ohh, Uncle Cliff,” I said softly to myself. So he WAS in the porno business. That also explained the pictures I had seen on his desk.
I could hardly get the film out of my mind that night as I lay in bed. Uncle Cliff had been so secretive about his business. I was sure he’d be really upset with me if he knew I had watched his film. I hoped I had put it back carefully enough.
The next day I was a little tired, as I had not slept well. At lunch there seemed to be some excitement, so I was curious.

“What’s going on?” I asked Riff as I handed him his lunch.
“Big happenings today, Colleen. Ask Cliff,” he said.
“What’s happening, Uncle Cliff?” I asked.
“There’s a dog trainer coming over today, hon. He trains dogs for the army and the police.”
“Are you thinking of getting a dog like that?” I asked.
“I was considering it,” he said. “Would you like to see them?”
“Sure,” I said agreeably.
We all went down to the first horse barn, and a man named Rico was there with two dogs in his pickup truck. The dogs looked ferocious. One was a German Shepard, and the other was a Doberman. I stayed well away from them.
Rico demonstrated their training, and we all admitted that they behaved perfectly with the right instructions. Bob and Mike took videos of me as I tried to command the dogs. They didn’t mind my commands at all.
“Sorry, miss,” said Rico. “They’re not so used to gals yet.”
“I guess not,” I agreed emphatically.
When I got back to the house, I told Uncle Cliff I was going to retire. As I headed toward the stairs, I saw Beamer lying by the front door. As he saw me he got up, so I coaxed him with me to my room.
Once in my room, I knelt down on the carpet with Beamer. He did not object, and I gave him an affectionate pat.
Getting him to lie down, I reached for the fur covered sack that held his cock. I was determined to see what he looked like.
Stroking him gently, I was quickly rewarded. My eyes widened. His cock was different looking than I had thought it would be. It didn’t come out very far, but I could see that it was bright red, and had a knob and a point at the tip. I took a deep breath and took my hands away.
That night I slept more soundly, but I still thought about the tape. I wondered if Uncle Cliff would bring a girl to the farm, and if he would sneak her in while I was working in the house. I fell asleep thinking about sex.
The woman that was on the tape wasn’t really all that attractive. I knew that I was much better looking than she was. But I supposed it was really hard to find models who would do that. I couldn’t imagine ever doing it myself, but I had certainly started to think about it.

The next day was more normal until late afternoon. We were eating early, and at five I was preparing dinner.
I went out to the shed to get something from the freezer. It was cold outside, so I closed the door to the shed while I looked for a frozen casserole. As I was looking, I heard some voices. Uncle Cliff and Riff were talking.
“You’re gonna have to make a move on it pretty soon,” I heard Riff say. “We need to go right after Christmas, and we have to decide before then.”
“I know,” said Uncle Cliff. “I’m just not sure she’s the right choice.”
“She’s not that cute,” agreed Riff.
“That’s the problem. We need someone perfect.”
“Too bad Colleen’s your niece,” he said carefully.
“Yes, I have thought about Colleen. She’d be perfect, you know.”
“That would be the film of the century,” agreed Riff. “Great looking, perfect body, red hair, and looks like a girl next door. It would solve ALL your problems.”
“She’s also a virgin,” said my uncle.
My heart started to pound.
“She is?” Riff sounded excited. “Even better. A dog and a virgin? My God, you’d pay off the farm!”
“There’s no way I could ask her,” said Cliff.
“She might not be offended,” said Riff. “And you never know what she might say.”
“I don’t think so,” said Cliff.
“Would you use her if she were willing?” asked Riff.
“Of course I would. But I don’t think that there’s any way.”
“But don’t you realize what it would mean? What an opportunity!”
“I know, I know.”
“Hey, all you need to do is get her to take the injection. What if you put some of the powder in her drink to get her started? Then she’d take the shot.”
“You’ve got some of the powder with you?”
“Sure do. Just put it in her coke and that should be enough. She’d be willing to take the shot and then you’re home free.”
“It would be much much better if she were completely willing,” said my uncle.
“Well, it’s your choice, but I think we need to try for Colleen. Instead of Rita.”
“Well, how about….”
Their voices began to fade as I stood breathlessly in the shed. I knew exactly what they were talking about, and my heart was pounding at what they said about me. What an earful! I couldn’t believe it!
I waited cautiously then peeked out the door. I slipped back into the kitchen.
They were all cheerful during dinner, and then Uncle Cliff announced that they were going out for awhile while I cleaned up. I sat thoughtfully for awhile, then got up and cleared the table.
That night I lay awake thinking about the whole thing. Uncle Cliff WANTED me to do it. His friends wanted him to DRUG me to get me to do it. I suddenly wondered if fate had brought me down here for a reason. I could hardly sleep over what I had heard Riff and Uncle Cliff saying. I tossed and turned until I had to give up, so I went downstairs, looking for a book to read.
I wound up in Uncle Cliff’s office, and there I discovered a whole row of erotic books, hidden behind some others. One title caught my eye right away. It was “The Babysitter Takes Dogs”. There were several other titles about bestiality, but I took the first one, figuring I could get to the others later.
I read the whole book that night, finding it very lusty. It was incredibly graphic. I found the descriptions mesmerizing.
The next night I switched, and read another book on the same subject. This one was even better. The descriptions were more graphic. The author explained how a dog locked into the girl, and would stay inside until some time after he came. Apparently the dog’s cock would swell up or something. I found the idea fascinating.
The next night I read a third book. This one was different. It was written in the first person, and it had a long poem in it, describing the event.
My mind started whirling. The day after tomorrow was Christmas eve, and Uncle Cliff was giving a party. I got up and sat down at my desk. I started to write.
Two hours later I finished, and looked at the clock. It was really late, but I was pleased as I looked my creation back over.
I read it and reread it. I couldn’t believe how well it turned out. It was much better and longer than the poem in the book.
The question was, who should see it? It was obvious that it was about me. I needed to think. Then I remembered that I had no other Christmas gift for Uncle Cliff. It HAD to be fate. I carefully folded the papers and put them in the envelope. I had made up my mind.

There were a lot of people at the Christmas party. About forty, I’d say. There were a lot of presents, which were mostly gags, and there were great laughs as we all opened them.
Afterwards there was dancing, and I drank wine as I helped the caterers clean up. Uncle Cliff corralled me finally on the dance floor, and we started to dance.
“Colleen, you’ve done a wonderful job tonight,” he said. “It’s been a perfect Christmas.”
Since tomorrow was actually Christmas, I said, “I have a present for you, too, but I’m waiting until tomorrow morning.”
“That’s very sweet of you, hon. Maybe we’ll get a chance to talk, just the two of us, tomorrow.”
“The guys aren’t leaving tomorrow, are they?” I asked.
“No, in a few days. We’re all gonna be going over to Rico’s after Christmas lunch, though,” he said.
“Okay,” I said, thinking to myself. I wondered what he wanted to talk about. I wondered if he were planning what they had discussed.

The party was over by one in the morning, and I kissed Uncle Cliff good-night and went to my room.
I sat down at my desk and took out my poem. I reread it. Then I wrote by hand at the bottom.

It said:
Dear Uncle Cliff,
I’m sure my mother would not approve, but I like to be rebelious sometimes. I think this is important enough for both of us that I’m determined to see it through. I hope you understand.
Wishing you a VERY merry Christmas, and hoping it will be the most memorable of my life.
Love, Colleen.

I folded it, put it in an envelope and sealed it. I wrote “Merry Christmas, Uncle Cliff” on the front.
I hardly slept again that night.

The next morning everyone slept late but me. It was brunch for the first meal, which I served about eleven. The guys were all planning to go over to Rico’s after lunch.

“He’s got quite a kennel over there,” said Uncle Cliff. “You’ll be amazed.”
“Are you thinking of getting a Doberman when he breeds them?” asked Riff.
“Possibly. But he’s got a big Rhodesian over there that I want to see.”
“Is that the big one named Bruno?” asked Mike.
“Yes,” said Uncle Cliff.
“I had a friend who had a Rhodesian,” I said. “He was a beautiful dog.”
“Well, Rico’s got a beauty over there. I thought we’d exchange some presents, then head over there about one.”
“Are we exchanging presents?” I asked.
“Well, we all chipped in and got something for you, Colleen,” said my uncle. “Why don’t you come into the family room and sit down?”
I followed them all into the family room and sat on the couch between Uncle Cliff and Riff.
“I have something for you, too, Uncle Cliff,” I said with a smile. “It’s just a short poem that I wrote, but I wondered if you could film when I read it.”
“That’s easy,” said Dave, reaching for his camcorder.
Riff spoke to Bob from my left. “Bob, get Colleen something to drink, will you?” He turned to me. “A coke or something?”
My heart stopped. That was it. I wouldn’t have had a choice anyway. I smiled slightly. “A coke would be perfect.”

With Uncle Cliff on my right and Riff on my left, I took the poem out of the envelope just as Bob set the coke down in front of me.
I took a tiny sip and looked up at the camera. Dave had two going now.
“Okay, here goes,” I said.

“Girl of eighteen
She’s a dandy
‘Round the kitchen
She is handy.

Her body’s firm,
Her looks are grand
Her uncle’s asked her
To lend a hand.

Her hair is red
Her eyes are bright
And every feature
Is just right.”

I heard a murmur, then a “shhhh,” from someone.

“She helps her uncle
keep his place
And gives his friends
A smiling face.

She keeps them well
And tends their needs
Wanting always
Them to please.

I put my hand on Uncle Cliff’s arm for a moment, give him a gentle rub, then take it back.

“One day she’s cleaning
Near a nook
And finds some very
Special books

She reads them late,
Then falls asleep
Dreaming hard
And dreaming deep.”

The room was totally silent now. Once I said the word ‘books’ no one moved a muscle.
I read on:

“And with her sleeping
Mind so free
She has a midnight

And when she wakes
And morn is new
She knows what she
Just HAS to do.

The room is now dead silent, and Dave has moved one camera up closer. I can feel the tense anticipation in the room.

“With Christmas just
Around the bend,
She needs a gift
That she can send.

To make her special
Uncle sure
How special he
Might be to her.

And as she ponders
What to get
For him and all
His friends she’s met

They ask to take her
For a ride.
That they would like
To be her guide

And so they take her
To the barn.
She goes there with
No thought of harm.

Up to a stall
Is where they go
And what’s inside
She soon will know.

The door slides back,
until it’s open
And then she sees
What they’ve been hoping.

She steps inside
And stoops to pet
The biggest DOG
She’s ever met.”

In a whisper, Bob says, “Jesus.”
Uncle Cliff and Riff both go, “SHHH!”
I clear my throat. My voice is still even and clear.

“Her uncle follows
With some friends
And to her side
They move just then.

Their cameras roll
And two move near
She takes their hands
And has no fear.

Then carefully
Into her ear
They tell her softly
Why she’s here.”

I change my tone to speaking softly. And more slowly.

“She drops her eyes
And sheds her pride
She soon could be
A different bride.

The men all have
A different need
They want her with
The dog to….. breed.”

My voice picks up again. The room is still silent.

“But when she hears
About their plan
She says, “I’ve not
had boy or man.”

“I’m still a virgin
So you see,
It is not right,
This dog and me.”

Her uncle smiles
And takes her hand
He wants to make
Her understand

And so he says
That this is better.
This act more special

To have her mate
With doggie first
To have HIS come
Inside her first

Will give the men
New heights of pleasure
And make the film
Her uncle’s treasure.”

I put one hand on Uncle Cliff’s leg, giving him a gentle stroke. He pats my hand, then rubs me gently.
I pause as he pats my hand, but I don’t look up from the paper.

“”How lucky, niece,
Can we all get
To mate a virgin
With a pet?

“And eager are
we all to see
Your part in

The camera moves a little closer, so I look right into the lens and continue:

“Yes, happy is
Just what we’ll be
When you do

I emphasize the last word, pause, then look down and start again.

“Her friends all look
So eager there
And they have come
So well prepared.

She wonders if
She should agree
That Uncle knows
What’s best to be.

Her friends all wait there
She feels their pressure

She thinks a moment,
Wants to please
She slowly nods,
And then agrees.

She knows it will
Be quite a feat
Of sin and lust
To then complete

But instincts take her
To the top
She feels that now
She cannot stop

And so she gives
The men a yes
She will receive
The doggie’s mess.”

At this point I pause again, picking up my glass of coke. I take a sip. The room is dead quiet, with all the men waiting for me to continue. I am suddenly certain that I am doing the right thing, and that this is a perfect Christmas present for Uncle Cliff. I begin reading again:

“Way up inside
Where no one’s been
She will have
A dog come in.

She nods her head
To give the sign
That she will be
A doggie’s bride

“As Christmas gift
I’ll willingly
Accept your gift
Inside of me.”

“As Christmas gift
From me to you
I’ll have him come
Inside me, too.”

“I will not fight,
Or make a fuss.
To do this now
Will be a plus.””

I put my hand quietly on Uncle Cliff’s leg.
“Would you read the next couple of verses?” I ask softly.
He sits upright and takes the paper as I hand it to him.
I point to the spot for him to start.
He reads,

“Her uncle smiles
And he agrees,
“It is a PERFECT
Gift for me.””

I pick up my coke and take a healthy sip.
Riff is watching me closely.
I lean against Uncle Cliff’s left side, putting my head on his shoulder.

“She takes a breath
And turns around.
The men all know
What they have found.”

I take another sip of coke.

“A willing girl
Is quite a find
Gold and pleasure
Fill their minds.

Her skirt is lifted,
Thoughts are mist
Her undies slip
Around her hips.”

I take another sip. Halfway gone.

“As panties fall
Around her knees
Her eyes they close,
She does not breathe.

With buttocks showing
Perfect skin
She feels the….. needle
going in.”

With the word ‘needle’ the guys murmur again.
Uncle Cliff clears his throat. He’s probably wondering how I know about the needle.
I rub his arm.
“Keep going,” I whisper.
He continues:

“And as the needle
Pricks her skin
The camera films it
Going in.

As Uncle pushes
Down the plunger
The men they smile
For she is younger

As young as they
Could ever get
To give her body
To their pet.

And not just young
But pretty, too
Her smile so fresh
And body, new.

She will look great
With dog inside
When she becomes
His willing bride.

And needle helps
The men be sure
Her willingness
Will then be pure.”

I take another big sip of my coke.
The room is still quiet and the film is rolling.

“With cameras on
And needle done,
the men all know
She is the one.

The men all smile
and talk with glee
The plan they’ve had so long
Will be.

She lowers down
To hands and knees
Knowing many
She will please.”

I hold onto my coke now, sipping it as Uncle Cliff reads:

“She’s ready to
Complete the sin.
She does it both
For HER and him.

The men move up
Along her side
To help her be
The doggie’s bride.

Their helping hands
Move Rover near
Her biggest moment
Now is here!

The guys are eager
Moving close
They think her first
Will be the most.

I give his arm a squeeze.
He pauses.
“Okay, I’ll finish it,” I say softly.
He hands me the paper.
I finish my coke in one gulp and put the glass down.
I focus on the paper and start to read again:

“She feels the fur
Move up her spine
The pink shaft finds her!
It is time!

Then her helpers
Guide him there
To watch and see him

Then Rover moves
Without demure
His hard pink rod
Goes INTO her!!!”

I read emphatically now.
The men are mesmerized by my voice.

“She gasps and squeals
With sudden feeling
Her body trembles,
Mind is reeling.”

I pause for a second, just for emphasis.
I put my hand back on Uncle Cliff’s leg, then speak loudly.

““OHHH!” she cries
As cherry cracks
She knows she never
Can go back.

The doggie’s cock
Had perfect aim
And she will never
Be the same.”

I pause again, then start reading again, my voice even now:

“Her deflowering
Is complete
The men are smiling
With this feat.

Then Rover’s shaft
Goes out and in.
With hands she braces.
They begin.

Then doggie slows
His eager force,
Letting nature
Take its course.

The men all know
His cock will swell
Locking them…
Together well

Her uncle gently
Strokes her hair
As dog’s cock swells
And locks in there.”

Uncle Cliff reaches up and strokes my hair.
I squeeze his arm in response.
But I keep reading:

“She tells her friends
That Rover’s locked
So they will know
She feels the Knot.

And now the cock
Will stay inside
Until she gets
Her liquid prize.

The men all cheer
For he’s locked in
And now she MUST
Complete the sin.

Her uncle gently
Pets her hand,
But she is much
Too busy then.”

Uncle Cliff pets my hand as it still rests on his arm.
I nod and keep reading:

As she must
Her mind is filled
With perfect lust.

She braces then
Still better yet
That she might breed
With Uncle’s pet.

She knows her friends
All feel their luck
As Rover gives her
Her first fuck.

The dog moves quickly,
Pumping hard,
Her body’s getting
Jerked and jarred.”

I quickly change pages, to keep up the momentum:

“The cameras follow,
Filming more
As Rover pumps her
On the floor.

Her uncle gently
Lifts her chin
As cameras move
Still closer in.”

As my voice builds, I realize that I’m acting as I read:

“His thrusts are hard
And deep they go.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh! Oh!”

The passion builds with my “Oh!”’s. I’m really acting now.

“She cannot help
But cry out so!

I pause and take a deep breath, then continue more calmly:

“She keeps her face up
As she must,
So ALL the men
Will share the lust.

So ALL can see
How she reacts
As dog and she
Complete their act”

I pause and clear my throat, then continue even more calmly:

“She’s working hard
To do her part
As together
They make art

Art for those
Across the sea
Who want her first
A dog to be

To see her “get it”
The first time
And have her mate
With big canine.

And Rover he
Has not a care
He just knows
His rod’s in there.

And will be there
Until he’s come
And then her job
Will be all done.

These are her thoughts
As they unite
The film it runs
The lights are bright

So men can see that
Well and clear
She is….willing
To be here.”

My voice rises again:

“Now Rover pumps
With fevered pace
She tries to be
His willing mate.

She matches thrusts
As best she can
While her uncle
Strokes her hand

Then suddenly
Her eyes go wide
She thinks he’s coming
Now! Inside!”

I grip Uncle Cliff’s arm tightly, still reading.

“”Oh my Uncle!
We are one!
I feel inside
The doggie’s come!””

Uncle Cliff has been concentrating, and as I pause he follows perfectly, now reading:

“”Yes, niece you’re
The perfect one
To feel the warm
Wet doggie come.””

He pauses, so I start reading again:

“And Rover keeps
His cock in deep
To shoot his sperm
Inside her sheath.

Her eyes fly open
Very wide
She feels the spurts
That go inside

The sperm jets in her
Going deep
She takes a breath
Can hardly speak

Her rhythm slows
To gentle rock
And now she feels
The spewing cock

And deep within
Her pink recess
She welcomes
Pointed pink’s big mess.

And as her body
Fills with jiz
The dog is hers
And she is his

The camera films her
Up and down
The come is falling
To the ground

She knows the act
It has been done
She has made
The doggie come

And she has made
The whole group smile
And Rover’s happy
For awhile.”

Then I closed my eyes and spoke softly and wistfully:

“Above the barn
Up in the air
A bird it flies
Without a care.

The breezes blow
Trees gently sway
It is a lovely,
Country day.”

Then I make my voice just a little more serious:

“Inside the barn
Men gather all
To see what happens
In the stall

A young girl on
Her knees in there
Hands on the ground,
Her skin is bare.

Up on her back
The dog is in
His point of pink
Is well within

This dog has fucked
The girl beneath
His come inside
Her virgin sheath.

The men they smile,
Cheer, then applaud
At her deflowering
By a dog.

And so it is
Her lucky fate
To have a dog
As her first mate.”

I pause for a second, but speak before anyone can say anything.
“I added an addendum,” I said softly. “May I finish?”
“Yes, please,” said Uncle Cliff gratefully.

I turned myself more toward Uncle Cliff.
I read the addendum:

“And now we’re here
On Christmas day
Giving gifts
Just like they say

This poem is
My gift to you
Since dollars I
Have but a few

I have a gift
In mind for me,
In case you have
A gift for me

You wonder what
My gift would be?”

I look up at Uncle Cliff as I say the last two lines.

“That uncle’s you
And niece is….me.”

I hand the poem to Uncle Cliff, my look serious now.
He looks over at Dave.
“Did you get all of that?”
“Got it perfecly.”
He turned back to me and shook his head in amazement.
“Colleen, you’re incredible,” he said.
He took the poem from me and looked at it, then put his arm around me. I hugged against him, side to side.
Just as he did, Riff, Dave, Bob, and Mike all gave me a soft applause. I looked up at them and they applauded even more. Uncle Cliff smiled and joined in the applause. I smiled then, slightly embarrassed as they clapped for my reading. Dave was clapping, but he was behind the camera which was still running.

“That was too beautiful for words,” said Riff.
“It sure was,” agreed Bob.
“It was FANTASTIC!!” exclaimed Mike.
“Unbelieveable,” went Dave.
I couldn’t help but keep smiling and Dave moved in closer with the camera. I buried my face against Uncle Cliff’s arm.
“You’re embarrassing me,” I muffled.
Uncle Cliff stroked my red hair. “It really was amazing,” he said softly. “The most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever heard.”
“Really?” I asked, looking up at him.
He nodded. “There’s never been anything like that.”
“That’s for sure,” agreed Dave.
My eyes dropped.

“I finished the coke,” I said evenly. “Was there something in it?”
“Yes, there was,” he admitted. “It takes about an hour to work.”
The cameras were still on.

I looked up at him. “Just about the time we get to Rico’s?”
He nodded. “I do have another gift for you,” he said.
He handed me a small, gift-wrapped box.
I opened it slowly. Inside was a beautiful gold chain, nicer than any I’d ever seen before.
“Ohh, it’s beautiful,” I said. “Can I put it on now?”
“Sure,” he agreed.
I slipped it around my neck.
“Oh, thank you, Uncle Cliff. Thank you, guys,” I said looking at each of them. I turned to Riff and bent forward to kiss him.
He kissed me back, then shook his head. “Colleen, that poem of yours….. Well, I’ve never imagined anything like it.”
“Thank you,” I said with a smile. “I was inspired.”
“You sure were,” he agreed.
The others all echoed the same feelings.
I turned back to face Uncle Cliff and gave him a pat on the leg. I glanced at the camera, which was still aimed at us.
“So, what’s his name?” I asked my uncle.
“His name’s Bruno.”
“The big Rhodesian?”
He nodded. He looked down and read the note I had written with the poem and handed it to me. “Would you mind reading this for the camera? I’d like to have it on the film, too.”
“Sure,” I agreed. I took the paper.

“Dear Uncle Cliff,
I’m sure my mother would not approve, but I like to be rebelious sometimes. I think this is important enough for both of us that I’m determined to see it through. I hope you understand.
Wishing you a VERY merry Christmas, and hoping it will be the most memorable of my life.
Love, Colleen.”

“That’s wonderful,” Uncle Cliff said softly.
“Merry Christmas, Uncle Cliff,” I returned, putting my head against his.
“Thanks, baby.”
“Is there anything special you want me to wear?” I asked.
“A skirt and a blouse would be perfect,” he said.
“Can I wear my new necklace?” I asked.
“Of course. That will be the only thing we won’t have you take off,” he said with a smile.
I smiled back. “I’ll wear my new necklace while Bruno fucks me.”
Uncle Cliff glanced at the camera. Dave was still filming.
“You’re perfect, baby.”
He gave me a short kiss, and then turned to the others.
“Okay, let’s wrap this up and get ready to go,” he directed.

Bob had just turned off one camera and Dave was about to put his down when the phone rang. Uncle Cliff automatically picked it up.
“Hello?” he said. Then I saw his eyes roll. “Oh, hello, Ruthie.”
God, it was my mother. I should have expected her to call on Christmas Day.
I could imagine what was going through Uncle Cliff’s mind as he handed me the phone. He would be afraid this would bring me back to reality and I might try and change my mind. I took the phone from him.
Uncle Cliff signalled Dave to keep filming, so I turned toward the camera

“Hello, mother,” I answered.
“Merry Christmas, dear,” she said. “Are you having a good time?”
I looked at Uncle Cliff, then touched his arm as we stood there together. My mother was a talker.
“Yes, I’m having a very good time.”
Mother started talking about their trip, and I sat there listening. I noticed Uncle Cliff rereading my poem and letter.
“So what did you get for your Uncle Cliff?” she asked me.
“What did I get Uncle Cliff for Christmas?” I repeated. “Well, I didn’t BUY him anything….,” I said, looking at him. “But I did give him a nice card, and I wrote him a little poem.”
“Did he like it?”
I smiled. “I think he liked it.”
He smiled back at me.
“What did he give you?” she asked.
“He hasn’t given me anything yet,” I winked as I lied. “But I’m sure he’ll give me something. And it will be very special.”
“Well, I hope it will be,” she said.
“Uncle Cliff is a special man. I have a feeling his gift will be very special,” I said with a smile.
Uncle Cliff smiled as he heard me.

“This is very expensive, mother,” I said to her.
“Yes, well, Merry Christmas, dear. We’ll be back on the 6th of January.”
“I’ll be home by then, I’m sure.”
I hung up. I smiled again at Uncle Cliff and spoke brightly, “And, I won’t be a virgin anymore.”
Uncle Cliff spoke. “Like you said in your note, she probably wouldn’t approve of your poem.”
“It wasn’t for her. It was for you. I still want to do this.” I put my arms around him with my head against his chest. “I want it to be perfect, Uncle Cliff.” Then I looked up at him. “Besides, I’m eighteen years old. Don’t you think it’s about time for me?”

He gave me a very grateful smile. “Yes, honey, I really do. And what a privilege for us to share this with you. It will be a dream come true for us. And a lot of others also.”
I had to smile at that. “Thanks, Uncle Cliff.” With that I gave him a short kiss on the lips.

I changed into a different skirt, and then got into the car with Uncle Cliff. It was only a twenty minute drive over to Rico’s.
“So, is there anything I need to know, Uncle Cliff? About what will happen, I mean?”
“Well, there will be a woman named Dolly who will direct you mostly. She will explain pretty thoroughly. Are you nervous?” he asked me.
“Yes, I am. Are you excited?” I asked him.
“Very excited.”
“I’m glad. I am too. I feel like tomorrow I’ll be a different person.”
He smiled. “A more experienced person.”
“Dolly will probably give you something to keep you calm,” he continued.
“Is that the injection?”
“I was wondering about that. I saw it on that tape. Is it some kind of aphrodisiac?”
“That’s right. It’s a stronger version of what was in your coke. It will make you submissive and more relaxed. It’s a very important effect.”
“I understand. And Dolly will give it to me?”
He nodded. “And she’ll tell you what’s gonna happen…”
“She’ll be the director.”
I smiled and nodded to him. “I’ll do whatever she tells me.”
“That’s the girl.”

It was two in the afternoon when Uncle Cliff and I arrived at Rico’s Kennel. By 2:45 I was no longer a virgin.
Bob, Riff, Mike and Dave were already there when we arrived. But we were met at the door by a beautiful girl with dark hair. She was probably 25 and had a very lovely shape.
“Hello, Cliff,” she said smoothly when she opened the door.
“Hi, Dolly. This is my niece, Colleen.”
“Hello, Colleen. We’re very glad you’re here,” she said evenly.
“Thank you,” I replied.
“I’m Rico’s sister, and I manage the kennel. Come on in.” We entered the house, and she turned to Uncle Cliff. “Rico’s on the phone, but he’ll join us as soon as he’s off. The guys are all in the kitchen right now.”

I walked between Dolly and Uncle Cliff, into the kitchen, where Bob, Riff, Mike and Dave already had some cameras set up. Riff came up to me quickly, while the other three guys started filming.
“Hi, Colleen,” he said with an enthusiastic smile. “How are you feeling now?”
“I feel just a little lightheaded,” I said with a smile. “Your stuff must be working. I feel good.”
“Perfect,” he said.
“Shall we head to the basement?” Dolly suggested.
I followed Dolly down the basement steps, and the others followed me.
I stopped suddenly as I saw a large drawing on the wall. It showed a lovely blonde girl being mounted by a big dog.
“Wow, that’s beautiful,” I said openly.
“That’s one of Rico’s,” said Dolly.
“He drew this?” I asked.
“Yes. He’s a good artist. He’ll probably draw one of you after.”
“I’d love to see it.”
“That’s no problem.”

The basement room was very large, well lit, and there were a lot of chairs set up on one end. There was a large vinyl pad with lights aimed at it. This was where Dolly led me.
Riff said, “Dave, will you check that camera?”
As he spoke, he and Uncle Cliff each took one of my arms gently, while Dolly moved behind me.
“Let’s turn a little more this way,” said Dolly.
Riff and Uncle Cliff turned with me.
“That’s good,” said Dolly.
“We’re rolling,” said Dave.
“Now, Colleen,” said Dolly calmly, “If you could hold your skirt up for me…..”
Without hesitation, I lifted my skirt up to my waist.
“Thaaaat’s good….”
I felt Dolly’s fingers slip into the waistband of my underwear, and she quickly slipped my panties down to my thighs, exposing my buttocks.
“Okay….Ohhh, my! Look at THAT.” Her finger touched my buttocks. “Bob, move in closer. Let’s get two angles on her ass.”
I stayed still as the guys moved in closer behind, and Dave moved nearer to my face.
“You’ve got a fabulous ass, honey,” said Dolly.
“Thank you,” I said softly.
“That’s gonna be a real bonus,” she added. “She’s beautiful, Cliff. You hit the jackpot on this one.”
Uncle Cliff looked at me.
I gave him a knowing smile.

“Lower that light a little. Good. Okay. Now get a closeup of her face while I inject her.”
Dave moved even closer.
I felt a wetness on my right buttock.
“Here we go, honey,” said Dolly.
I didn’t move.
Following quickly was the prick of the needle.
“Ohhh,” I gasped softly.
She pushed the plunger, injecting me with the drug that would make me theirs.
She slipped the needle out.
“There,” said Dolly with satisfaction. “She’s got it.”
She then slipped my panties to my feet, and I stepped out of them slowly.
“Okay. We’re all set now,” said Dolly.
“Great,” said Uncle Cliff. Then he stroked my shoulder. “How long, Dolly?”
“About ten minutes,” she answered. She turned to me. “You might tingle a little at first, but that’s normal.”
“Feel anything?” asked my uncle.
“I’m tingling already,” I replied, nodding at them as Dave filmed my face.
“Okay, hon,” said Dolly, “why don’t you slip your shoes off….”
I did as she said.
Just then Rico entered the room.
“It’s going perfectly,” reported Dolly. “How’d you do?”
“I got at least eight, and maybe a few more,” he answered.

I didn’t know what they meant, but Uncle Cliff put his arm around me a little tighter, and he and Dolly started to lead me toward the vinyl pad.
It was about eight feet square and had six straps attached to it, and there was a hole centered between four of them that were closer together. I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. Dave, Bob and Mike were all filming us now.

Rico took over for Uncle Cliff and he and Dolly moved me onto the pad with them. Then Dolly said soothingly, “Okay Colleen, now we just need to get your skirt off…”
I said nothing, but my heart was beating faster now, and my mouth was a little dry. Dolly slid my skirt down my hips and legs, and now I was naked from the waist down. It was a good thing the room was very warm, because I started to feel very vulnerable.
“Therrrrre we go now,” patronized Dolly, moving around in front of me. “You’re doin’ fine, hon,” she continued, starting to lower to her knees onto the pad.
Instinctively, I lowered with her, kneeling on the vinyl, and Rico quickly slipped a strap over my right calf, just below my knee. Dolly watched carefully to see my reaction, and I turned to look back at what Rico was doing.
As he slipped another strap over my right ankle, I understood the setup perfectly. I moved my left leg apart from my right, until it was lined up with the other two straps on the pad. Rico quickly strapped my left leg as well.
“Good girl,” said Dolly coaxingly.
“Why the… straps?” I asked softly.
Dolly smiled. “A couple of reasons,” she said. “But mostly for effect. This way we can keep you in one place.”
I nodded. Rico was putting a small camcorder into the hole in the pad, which was now between my calves.
“That’s a camera?”
“Yes, it is. It will focus right on your entrance for the whole event. You’ll be able to watch it yourself on one of the monitors there.”
“And what about Bruno?”
“Bruno is a very special dog. He’s been trained for this. He’s been with lots of girls.”
“What kind of dog?”
“He’s a mix of two breeds. He’ll be just the perfect size for you,” she said.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Just then Uncle Cliff came back into the room, and moved up to me. At the same time, the left monitor brightened, and I could see a perfect image of my virgin petals, right there on the screen. I moved a little and that confirmed that it was me. It nearly took my breath away.
“That’s perfect,” said Uncle Cliff as he joined us.
Dolly spoke, “That’s you, hon.”
“Lookin’ good,” said Rico. “Are the others here?” he asked Uncle Cliff.
I looked over, quickly. “Others?”
“It’s all right,” soothed Uncle Cliff. “We’re gonna let some other guys watch and film, but we’ll wait until later to let them in.”
“Oh,” I said, closing my eyes.
“It’ll be fine. You’re doin’ really great, hon,” he continued. “As perfect as we could ever hope for.”
“Thank you. I’m trying not to be embarrassed,” I said.
“Perfectly normal. I’m gonna step out for another moment. You talk to Dolly.” He nodded to Dolly, then got up and left.
“Okay, sweetie,” she patronized, starting to unbutton my blouse now, “We’re gonna act out your lovely little poem, just like it’s written.”
Rico slipped away now.
“Rico’s gone to get Bruno now, and when he gets back, you’re gonna meet your very first partner.”
I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. Dolly’s voice made me feel the lust as she continued to patronize me.
She spoke brightly. “Then, you won’t have to read a book about it, because you’re gonna have your very own doggie cock inside you.”
My heart pounded. Dolly slipped my blouse over my shoulders.
“And, it’ll be very special for Bruno, because he’s never been with such a pretty young girl before.”
She reached around me, her fingers finding my bra.
“And it’ll be even more special for your Uncle Cliff, because he’s been hoping for this for a very long time.”

She finished unsnapping. “It’s also very sweet of you to accommodate us like this. You’ll be the first virgin we’ve ever tried this on.”
She eased my bra forward and off. I was totally naked.
“And, you’re going to please thousands of nice men, who are very eager to see you and Bruno together.”
She took both my hands then, and began to pull me forward.

I looked at all the cameras filming me, and her gentle tugging continued. With cameras still on their shoulders, Bob and Mike stepped up and gently pushed my shoulders as Dolly pulled. Everyone wanted me to do this. I couldn’t resist the three of them guiding me. I put my hands out to catch myself.
“Thaaaaat’s the girl,” she said.
She quickly strapped my left wrist.
“Ohhh, Jesus,” I gasped breathlessly.
“Thaaaaaat’s the girl,” she repeated. “Thaaaaaaat’s the girl.”
Closing my eyes again, I put my right hand down for her to strap me. It was quickly done.
“Theeerrre we are now,” said Dolly. “You’re gonna be just beautiful.”
She took an elastic out of her pocket and began to pull my hair up into a pony tail.
“Now, let’s put your hair back, so we can all see your pretty face,” said she.
Bob moved in closer to my face with his camcorder.

“There,” she said. “Now, let’s get Bruno in here.”
I turned my head toward the door, and as I did, Rico entered with a huge, brown dog, with short hair and a large head.
“Oh, my God,” I gasped.
Rico let him go and he headed straight for me, turning his nose toward my buttocks. I felt his touch.
“Look on the monitor, hon,” said Dolly.
I looked up quickly, and could see Bruno’s nose touching my bush, feeling it at the same time.
“You see? He knows just what to do,” said Dolly brightly.
The camera moved close to my face again.
“Okay sweetie, here’s what we’re gonna do,” Dolly explained as she moved close to my ear. “We’re gonna let Bruno sniff you for a moment, which will get his cock nice and hard. Then we’re gonna help him move up over top of you, and onto your back. Then Rico and I will hold him, and we’ll help him with his aim. Then, when everything is just right, we’ll let him loose, and he’ll push right up inside you and POP your little cherry, just like we all want him to. And when that happens, it’s important for you to look right into the camera, so all those nice men out there can really SEE your face when it happens. This way, we can all see and record your pretty expression.
“Then, Bruno will pump a couple of times making sure his cockhead is waaaaaaaay up inside you, and then he’ll slow for a moment, to let his cock swell up. This will give him a nice, tight, lock into you, just like the book says. Then we can all relax, because we’ll know, like Bruno will, that he’s gonna stay inside you until he gives you that wet, warm, doggie mess, like we’ve all been waiting for.”
I nodded meekly, lowering my head. It was perfect, just the way she said it. And the drug was working beautifully now as I could feel the LUST pounding in my chest. And, my naked breasts were heaving as I panted deeply, there on my hands and knees.

Just then the door opened and Uncle Cliff slipped back into the room. His voice was gentle.
“Hi, hon. You’re doin’ just great.”
“Thank you,” I said softly.
He turned to Rico. “Is he out yet?”
Rico answered, “He came out as soon as he saw her.”
“Great,” said Dolly. “Bring him up here so she can see it.”
Rico guided the big dog, and his nose left my buttocks as he was moved up near my right shoulder.
“Okay, hon,” said Dolly, touching my chin softly, “Let’s take a look.”
I opened my eyes and turned my head, as the cameras filmed my face to catch my expression when I saw the cock. I bent my head down to look under Bruno’s body. My breath sucked in.
I’d read about it, but I’d never seen one. It was very stiff and hard, just like I expected it to be, but it was a deeper pink, almost a bright red. It WAS pointed at the tip, and I could see the slight shape of the head. It was about six inches long and it stood out proudly, like it had an important purpose, which indeed it did. I could see the opening in the end, where the sperm would be shooting into me in just a few minutes. I was mesmerized for a moment, thinking it was actually beautiful. I was glad I got a chance to see it before it went inside me.
I heard Dolly and Uncle Cliff speaking softly, then Dolly moved in front of me and Uncle Cliff was on my left.
Dolly spoke. “Okay, hon, now we’re gonna let some guys take some polaroids….” As she spoke, I noticed some other men entering the room.
Rico got behind Bruno and started to move the dog right in front of me. When he stopped, his torso was even with my head.
I looked up at Uncle Cliff as he gently put his hand on my head.
He and Dolly shifted with some purpose in mind, and the men moved in close in front of me.
Then Dolly spoke, “I’m sure your mouth is virgin too, isn’t it sweetie?”
My eyes widened. I wasn’t expecting this. I nodded, then said, “But……I don’t know about……”
She gave me a knowing smile. “Don’t worry. I understand.”
They pushed the dog up until the top of my head touched his side.
“Just lower your head a little,” Dolly said. “Then we’ll move him closer.”
She reached under the dog and put her hand on the back of my head.
I let her slowly push my head down and I turned my face towards Bruno’s hind legs.
The bright red shaft was pointed, slightly curved and fully rigid. I looked at it nervously.
“Perfect,” she said. She checked the cameras.
Uncle Cliff moved around so he could see, then Dolly pushed my head a little more toward the cock as the cameras moved in.
As I watched it come closer, I couldn’t open my mouth.
My chest was heaving now and I was trembling.
“Thaaaaat’s the girl, now,” coaxed Dolly.
She guided my head forward.
When the cock was about an inch from my lips I closed my eyes.

“Here we go now,” she patronized.
I felt the tip touch my cheek.
Dolly moved a little, then I felt the cockhead touch my mouth. It was soft on the outside, but still hard. I pulled back a little, but then felt it against my lips again.
“It’s okay, honey,” Dolly said gently. “It’s gonna be fine. You can do this.”
She kept her hand firmly on the back of my head, letting me act on my own. I took a deep breath, my lips still firmly closed, my eyes closed, too.
“We just need him in there for a couple of seconds,” she coaxed.
She was patient, and the cock was barely touching my lips, but I could feel it.
I moistened my lips slightly with my tongue. Then I pursed them, allowing them to contact the shaft a little more.
“Thaaaaaaaat’s it,” Dolly said softly as she watched closely.
I felt the doggie shaft being pressed slightly more against my lips. It wasn’t quite the tip, but just beside it. I could sort of feel it. I trembled slightly, then opened my eyes.
They widened immediately! The bright red shaft was definitely touching my mouth! And there were two cameras on me! My breathing came fast through my nose. Dolly’s look was serious now. This was very intense.
My instincts took me. My mouth started to open.
“Thaaaaaat’s the baby,” coaxed Dolly. “Just a little more now.”
I opened some more and saw my friend guiding the point between my lips now.
I opened my mouth.
Dolly guided the shaft right in, and I felt it with my tongue as my lips surrounded it. I moved my head down, taking a little more of him.
“Bingo,” said she, softly. “Perfect, baby. He’s in your mouth.”
I could hear the murmurs in the room.
I thought about the taste, but quickly forgot about it. I had a dog’s cock in my mouth! And my Uncle was filming it!
“Let’s get him nice and deep for a minute,” said Dolly.
Cameras moved in and around for lots of angles, and while Dolly guided my head I took Bruno’s cock as deep as I could. There were flashes from the men with the Polaroids. Then Dolly guided my head back and forth in a slow, pumping motion, so they could all see the pink shaft disappear again and again into my throat.
Then she stopped me at the tip of Bruno’s cock, and the cameras flashed again.
I waited patiently for them all to finish, not moving while the pink shaft rested just past my lips. Then, Dolly eased my head back. I heard murmurs of approval.
Then she moved me forward again.
“Perfect, baby,” I heard Uncle Cliff say.
She repeated the motion. Then again.
Very slowly, I felt Dolly’s hands move away from my head.
They were waiting for me to act on my own.
I moved back to the tip. Then down again. I repeated the movement.
There were more sounds of approval.
Then I slowly started a rhythm, taking the dog’s rod again and again into my mouth.
There were many murmurs and flashes went off from several angles.

I kept moving, bobbing my head.
Then Dolly was back down beside me, touching my face.
“You’re beautiful, baby,” she said sincerely. “Beautiful.”
I could hear some talking, but Dolly was directing me now.
Her hand was gently touching the back of my head.
I kept sliding my lips up and down on Bruno’s rod.
It seemed like too long. I opened my eyes and looked at Dolly.
She was concentrating, watching me carefully, and her face was very close.
When her eyes met mine they were very intense, and she nodded to me as I continued.
I knew it right then. She wanted Bruno to come in my mouth.
I tried to pull back then.
“Hunh…Unnnh,” I went, shaking my head slightly.
Her hand was firmly on my head.
“It’s okay, honey,” she said quickly. “We gotta get this, too.”
“Gnho, Ahh ‘an’t,” I went.
“Help me, Cliff. He’s almost there,” I heard Dolly say.
I felt another hand on my head, then another. They really wanted Bruno to come in my mouth.
I gave in to it. I stopped pulling away.
We all kept my head moving.
Then I could feel the doggie cock hardening in my mouth!
I kept going. I could do this.
With the guiding hands on my head, I kept my motion steady, pumping my mouth around the doggie’s hardened cock. I knew what I had to do next.

I made three REALLY FAST pumping motions.
That did it!
“Mmmmphhhh!” I muffled.
“MMMppppHHHH!!!” I went again. I was making Bruno come! He was coming right now! In my mouth!
“HE’S COMING!” said Dolly quickly. “He’s coming in her mouth right now!”
The warm doggie jism was JETTING into my mouth now, and I could feel the spurts on the back of my mouth. It actually tasted very good, but I quickly forgot about that as I heard Dolly directing.
Her hand was on the top of my head still, making sure I didn’t pull back.
“Keep him in there, sweetie,” she coaxed me.
My head was sideways, and from the side of my mouth, the come started to pour out, falling onto the vinyl pad below.
“There it is!” said Dolly with satisfaction.
I held on without moving now, letting Bruno finish as his hips jerked slightly.
“Mmmmmm there’s a lot of it,” said Dolly. “He had a big load.”
With that I let more fall out making a big white pool below us, showing them just how much he did have. There were murmurs of approval.
“That’s perfect, Colleen. Is he done?” she asked.
I nodded.
“Okay.” She eased me back and unlocked my hands, allowing me to kneel up right. “Thaaaaaat’s the baby,” she patronized. “Is there any left in there?”
I nodded. “A little.”
“Be a good girl and swallow for us now,” she coaxed.
I swallowed.
“That was perfect,” she said with a smile.
“I made him come, didn’t I,” I said softly, smiling.
“You certainly did. It was perfect. Now we’ll ve to change the program slightly.”
She kissed me then and I smiled.

Moments later another dog was brought in who’s name was Neely. Dolly quickly introduced me to him.

“Okay, Colleen,” Dolly explained to me, “We’re gonna get Neely in position right now, up onto your back. You might have to help us with the angle, so he’ll have a straight shot at you. The guys are gonna hold Neely and Cliff will direct you, okay?”
I nodded.
“It’s very important that you keep your head up and look right into that camera,” she went on.
“Okay,” I said.
“You only lose your virginity once, and we want to record your expression right when it happens.”
“Okay,” I agreed again.
They started to move the big dog.
I felt his front legs move along my sides.
I kept my chin up, but my breathing was coming faster now.
I was breathless with anticipation and my chest heaved as I felt the dog’s fur along my spine.
I gasped softly, “Merry Christmas, Uncle Cliff.”
“Thanks, baby,” he said sincerely. “You’re perfect.”
“She’s too low,” said Rico.
“Raise up a little, hon,” said Uncle Cliff.
“O…..kay” I gasped, raising my buttocks higher.
Sounds of approval and disbelief came from all over the room as I willingly lifted myself to cooperate. Neely was excited now, and I could feel him gripping my sides with his front legs, and he panted hotly just behind me. His eagerness to mate with me made me more anxious.
Neely’s front legs were now right by my outstretched arms! It was almost time.
“Angle’s wrong,” said Rico.
“Okay. Hon, roll your torso a little,” went Uncle Cliff.
“I rotated my pelvis.”
“Other way,” he said patiently.
I immediately move the other way, rocking my buttocks upward exposing my untouched canal.
“Thaaaaat’s just about it,” said Uncle Cliff.
“Okay, we’re set.” Rico announced.
“Don’t move honey,” said Uncle Cliff.
“Here we go now, sweetie,” said Dolly, smiling.
I looked at the camera in front of me.

I felt the tip of Neely’s cock as it touched the lips of my opening. He immediately was released by Rico, and the dog lurched forward, going inside me.
I cried out, wailing as my eyes flew open wider.
I braced myself as the dog pushed me forward, pushing his cockhead into the depths of my tiny cunt. I was deflowered. By a dog.
“Perfect,” said my uncle.
“He’s in her!” exclaimed Rico.
“Oh, my God! Oh!” I cried out.
The men in the room were ecstatic.
“Good girl!” said Dolly with a satisfied smile.
Neely started moving immediately, banging his hips against my buttocks like a jack-hammer. My whole body was moving, and I could feel my head jerking with his powerful thrusts. His cock was tight inside me, and after the first two motions, it felt perfect. Dolly kept her face close to mine.
“It’s okay, sweetie,” soothed Dolly. “You’re doing just fine.”
Uncle Cliff knelt down close to my face and I saw his pleased expression.
Suddenly, the lust was too much for me. “Oh, my God! Oh, Uncle Cliff! I think I’m going to come!”
My body shook with a sudden spasm, and I’d never felt so good in my life as they all held me firmly.
“My God, she IS coming,” said Uncle Cliff with surprise, announcing it to his friends. “Perfect, baby, PERFECT!”
As my body convulsed, I heard many pleased words from Uncle Cliff and the other men in the room. My orgasm was an unexpected bonus for the film, and for all of us. But Neely was still moving, so the cameras stayed focused on us together.
He was slowing down now, and he did feel a little… different. Then I felt him pushing deeper inside me and his knot began to swell up.
“Oh my God!!!” I cried as I felt it. “Oh my God!”
As the knot grew larger inside me I felt the pressure and my eyes widened and grew moist with the sudden discomfort. Instinctively I pushed back against Neely, accepting him deeper, hoping this would make it better.
“OHH! NNN! NNN!” I went, closing my eyes then opening them again.
“There he goes,” said Rico.
“Thaaaaaaaat’s the baby,” coaxed Dolly. “Thaaaaat’s the baby.”
“I think he’s got her,” said Rico.
Dolly agreed. “He’s got her.”
Neely started moving faster again, but it was steadier and more controlled. It was working perfectly, and we were united, mating.
“Excellent,” said my uncle. “That’s PERFECT!”
“That’s perfect,” Dolly repeated. “Now we’re gonna move back, so we can all watch you and Neely. When he starts coming, be sure and tell us, okay?”
I tried to nod, but Neely was keeping me pretty busy now. I was flexing my leg muscles, and bracing myself with both hands as he drove his pink shaft like a jack-hammer. But he was locked deep inside me, so the force of his pumping was making my whole body respond to his animal instinct.
“Stay close in on her face,” Dolly told one of the cameramen.
I was not crying out any longer, but my breath was coming in a very heavy a pant. I could not have helped that if I’d wanted to. This was the biggest event of my life.

Neely’s front legs gripped my sides and I was glad he had the socks on. I looked at the monitor and saw the stiff, hard muscle moving into me again and again. I wanted to match his rhythm, but I thought he was going too fast. I thought maybe if I could move a short enough stroke, I could do it. I knew I was in excellent physical shape. I knew the film would be good already, but I still wanted it to be the best it could be.
I set myself as best I could, and quickly rocked my buttocks back as fast as I could. It wasn’t the exact tempo that Neely was using, but he instinctively caught on, and HE matched MY rhythm now. It worked beautifully.
The men were ecstatic.
“Yes!” I heard one of them say.
“She’s WITH him,” cried another.
“Amazing,” went a third.
“I told you she was willing,” said Uncle Cliff.
I gyrated myself back and forth, uniting in lust with my dog lover, putting my mind and body totally into it for my friends. But just as I’d found my rhythm, Neely suddenly picked up the pace again, so I just held on and let him ball me.
Then I found out why he changed his speed. I suddenly felt torrents of jism spurting into me and Neely slowed, gripping me tightly.
“Oh! He’s coming!” I cried, lifting my head. I looked for Dolly. “Dolly! He’s coming inside me.”
“Good girl! Of course he is,” she replied, moving up and cradling my head again. “Keep saying it, honey.”
“He’s coming! Oh, he’s coming!” Suddenly, I shuddered. “Oh!! I’m gonna come again! Oh, I’m coming too!!!! I’m coming too!!!!”
I convulsed even more violently than before, my body jerking uncontrollably as the men almost cheered. I was afraid I might shake loose of my loving partner, as I went into the throes of it.
But Neely stayed with me just as naturally as ever, and his come kept spurting, until it was running back out of me onto the pad below. I finally got my body under control, and I remained still on my hands and knees as the big dog finished getting off inside me.
When Neely was finally still, Dolly came up and knelt by my left shoulder. She was beaming with pleasure and satisfaction.
“That was perfect, honey,” she said. “Now we just need to wait for Neely to unlock from you, so hold real still.”
I nodded, still breathing pretty hard.

“It might take him a few minutes,” she continued. “And we’re gonna let the guys take a few still pictures of you two while we wait.”
Cameras started to flash, and the guys who were watching moved around me, speaking quietly.
Dolly spoke gently, “Try and keep your head up, hon.”
I raised my head, but kept my eyes closed as the men took pictures of me with the dog. I heard one of the guys talking with Dolly:
“How long will he stay in her?”
“Could be an hour or so,” she answered.
“Any chance he might do her again?”
“I’ve heard of it happening. We’re ready for it, but it’s not likely. She’s very pretty, though.”

“She sure is,” he agreed. “Maybe if she moved a little?” he suggested.
I looked up then. Mike was still filming, and there was a camcorder recording from the front.
I flexed.
I turned my head toward Neely’s head.
I flexed again, a little harder, moving slightly.
The room got dead quiet.
Dolly commanded. “Mike, close on her waist! Bob, on her face.”
Suddenly the room was buzzing with excitement. It was gonna happen again.
Dolly petted my left hand. “Thaaaaat’s the girl,” she coaxed.
I flexed and started to pump. It worked.
The dog’s legs tightened, and he started moving again. There were cheers in the room.
When Neely and I were both finally still, I was moist with sweat and near exhaustion. He unlocked me within a couple of minutes, and Dolly and Bill slipped the towel off my back and unlocked me from the pad.
Dolly took me in her arms. “Thank you, sweetie. It was PERFECT.”
My eyes were slightly moist. “I can hardly believe it.”
“You were fantastic,” she added. She looked at my back and sides. “A few scratches…..but….”
“It was fine. I’m okay.”
“That’s the spirit,” Dolly said. “Do you want to rest a minute before we do number three?”
“Number three?” I asked.
“We’ve got Butch here, ready to do your ass,” she said evenly.
“Oh, my God,” I gasped.
“You need a rest?”
“Maybe a glass of water.”
I was quickly given a glass of water, and then was introduced to number three.

When it was done the men all congratulated me, and after a quick shower, I posed nude with each of them and with Neely. Then Uncle Cliff asked me to suck each one of them, which I agreed to do.
So in addition to losing my virginity, I swallowed eleven loads of sperm that day.
That was the only session with a dog I had that summer, but I got plenty of sex from Uncle Cliff and quite a few of his friends. I was now introduced to the world of sex, and I really liked it. And my relationship with Uncle Cliff blossomed from there and he led me on sexual adventures that were beyond imagination!

Author’s note: Please remember this is pure fantasy and is only meant for the pleasure of the reader and/or the author. Unfortunately I’m not an artist, but I have on occasion ‘borrowed’ images that I’ve found on the internet and have inserted them into this story. I have not done that here, since I don’t have permission to use someone else’s images. I would like to see this story illustrated, especially after seeing some of the beautiful artwork that’s been shared on this website. I’m not savvy enough with posting and with the ins and outs of how this all works, but I would say to the webmaster of this site that if someone wants to repost this story with some 3d images or animations it is certainly fine with me.

As I took a sip of the water Dolly took me in her arms. She kissed me on the lips. “Thank you, sweetie. It was PERFECT.”
My eyes were slightly moist. “It was….amazing.”
“You were fantastic,” she added. “You did it with Neely twice!”
She looked at my back and sides. “A few scratches…..but….”
“I’m okay,” I offered.
“Then the scratches are worth it,” Dolly said.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” I said with a smile.
“Good girl.” Dolly smiled. Then she took the water glass from my hand. “I hope you’re not too tired,” she said. “Because you’re gonna be after this one.”
I closed my eyes and moved into her embrace as her fingers caressed my naked back.
This had to be done….
“I’ll be fine…” I repeated softly.

Dolly ran her hands down my back until they found the mounds of my buttocks. She looked over my shoulder and spoke to Mike.
“Move in for this,” she directed. “And use THAT camera.”
I turned slightly to see Mike taking the camera out of the pad where we knelt. Dolly cupped my butt firmly, waiting for him. I turned forward again and closed my eyes.
Then I felt Dolly slowly spread the ckeeks of my ass apart with her fingers.
“Ohhhhh,” I gasped, closing my eyes. I put my head down on Dolly’s shoulder. I tried to relax my buttocks.
Dolly turned back and looked at the monitor that was in front of the pad.
“Look, hon,” she coaxed. “There you are.”
I opened my eyes and looked at the screen. I could see Dolly’s hands spreading my valley, and the camera was moving still closer to my asshole.
The men were murmuring with excitement again as the big screen was filled with an enlargment of my tiny bung. I’d never seen it myself, at least not this close, and I had to admit that it looked pretty nice. It was tightly closed, and it was shaped like a flesh-colored rosebud, that was slightly pink right at the center. It was perfectly symmetrical.
Dolly spoke. “You’re perfect, sweetie. Your ass is fabulous.”
“Sure is,” agreed Bob.
Riff, Mike and Dave and at least two other guys moved around with cameras and equipment. I had been so caught up in what was happening to me that I hadn’t noticed there were more men than before. Suddenly taking note of this I closed my eyes. Why bother to try and count them?

Dolly spoke to Rico. “You can go get Butch now. We’ll keep filming while we prep her.”
Rico agreed and got up, and Dolly turned back toward the monitor screen again.
“Butch’s cock is longer, but just a tiny bit narrower than Bruno’s,” she said evenly. “It’s gonna slip right up in there perfectly. I can’t wait to see it. The knot will be a little tighter than the last time, though.”
I closed my eyes, and my body shuddered slightly. I knew the knot would be very tight. Dolly was very talented. This film would be amazing.
“You okay, hon?”
I nodded. “I’m…..I’m okay.”
“You’re doing really, really well,” she encouraged.
She bent forward and went to kiss me again. I kissed her back gratefully, and then she smiled at me as the cameras moved in to record as she spoke to me.
She turned back toward the monitor, which still showed my virgin bunghole. “Okay, sweetie, it’s gonna be a lot like before, only this time the doggie cock is gonna be up in your ass instead. I’ll help you keep your head up, and you just say anything that you feel, okay?”
Just then the door opened, and Dolly and I both turned. Rico was leading a big Rottweiller on a leash, and he was heading straight toward me.
“Colleen, honey, this is Butch,” said Dolly.
Butch’s nose moved straight to my buttocks, and Dolly moved her hands as he sniffed me while I knelt straight up.
“He’s comin’ out already,” announced Rico.
“I would be too,” I heard someone say.
Dolly smiled. “That’s for sure.”
I couldn’t see him from where he was, but I knew I would see him shortly.
I glanced at Dolly. “Is….it okay to pet him?” I asked.
“Sure it is.”
I stroked his back. “Hey, big boy. My name’s Colleen.”
He moved around to my front, then sniffed my naked breasts. His nose moved down along my belly, until he found my bush.
I kept stroking him as he sniffed me, waiting for Dolly’s direction. I turned to her. “Has he….done this before?”
Dolly answered evenly, “He’s been with two girls before, but this will be his first butt-fuck.”
“I….I hope he’ll enjoy it,” I said calmly.
Dolly put her hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, hon. “I’m SURE he will. And I KNOW that WE will.”
“He’s out, all the way,” announced Rico.
“Okay. Let’s fasten your hands, hon.”
I bent forward without a word, and Dolly locked my wrists into place.
Mike replaced the camera into it’s cavity, and aimed it directly at my butthole, with my cunt also in view below.
“Okay,” said Dolly, “Let’s get him in front of her.”
They pushed Butch up in front of me, and Dolly lowered beside me as she did before. I lowered my head and looked down under the dog’s chest, towards his hind legs.
His cock was pinker than Bruno’s, and it was just as Dolly said. Slightly longer and a little narrower. It curved a little more, but the tip was just as pointed as the last one.
Dolly got herself set. “Okay. Cliff, why don’t you push him forward a little. We should do her mouth again.”
I heard the men supporting Dolly’s idea. There were murmurs of agreement, and several “yeah”s from my audience.
Butch stayed hard as Bill pulled him forward, while Dolly touched my hair with encouragement.
I opened my mouth and let my tongue touch Butch’s cock.
The guys were ecstatic!
I put my tongue right at the tip, feeling the slit.
Dolly smiled with satisfaction.
Then I opened and moved my lips around the pink shaft, not closing them until I had several inches of the rod in my mouth.
I noted the hardness of the doggie pole, exploring with my tongue, then I sucked in, indenting my cheeks as I started to pull back. I began to pump.
“PERFECT,” said Dolly.
She let me pump for a moment, then put her hands on my head and slowed me down this time until I came to a stop.
“Okay,” she said to me, “Let’s get to the good part.”
I nodded my agreement. There was no longer any hesitation. I was part of this. I couldn’t possibly stop… not until the entire act was completed. There was so much momentum that I couldn’t even THINK of resisting.

“Okay, everybody. It’s time to take care of Colleen’s ass!”
There were gentle cheers from the guys, and my eyes dropped with embarrassment.

The cameras moved and Rico pulled Butch back. He put the socks on the dogs front paws. I felt someone putting a towel on my back this time.
Dolly stroked my head gently, speaking in a soothing tone: “Okay sweetie, now I’m gonna go back and prep you, so you just relax here for a moment.”
“Prep me?” I asked as she moved toward my backside, still staying on her knees.
I looked back to see Rico hand her a jar of Vaseline, after popping the top off it.
Dolly explained. “Your back entrance doesn’t lube itself the way your front door does. So we’re gonna give it a little help. That’ll make better for you AND for Butch. And for the rest of us, too.”
As she spoke she took a generous gob of the jelly on her finger and moved closer to my behind.
“Watch the monitor, hon.”
I looked at the monitor screen, and I saw Dolly’s finger touch the little rosebud between my mounds, just as I felt it there. Dolly had nice hands, with fairly short fingers, and her nails were manicured closely. She pushed her middle finger smoothly up my butt.
“Ohhhhh,” I gasped softly.
Dolly smiled at the others. “Ohh, my,” she said. “That is REALLY tight.”
She pushed in deeper.
“Ohh!” I squeaked.
“Juuuuuust try and relax, honey,” she said calmly.
I nodded, closing my eyes.
She pushed in more, until I could feel her fist against my buttocks, and she smiled again at Rico. “She’s very muscular. I’ve never felt one so tight.”
“Great!” responded Rico. “Butch will love it.”
“Yes, I’m sure he will,” she said, easing her finger out of me. Then she patted my right buttock gently, and her lips touched my left one as she gave me a gentle kiss. “This is gonna be fannn-tastic.”
I held still as they moved the dog’s legs up along my sides. Dolly directed, watching from the side.
Suddenly, before Butch was in position, he gripped me with his front legs and started to pump wildly.
“Easy, boy, easy!” commanded Rico, holding him.
“He needs to be further forward,” went Dolly.
“AND, her level’s is wrong.”
“Okay, you try and slow him, I’ll get the girl positioned,” said Dolly.
Bill started to command the dog, while Dolly sighted the position of my asshole for Butch.
“You’re about the right level, hon, but the angle is wrong. Lower your shoulders a little, and tilt your hips for me.”
I tucked my hips in, rocking forward.
“No, the other way.”
I pushed my hips back.
“Not quite so much……perfect,” said Dolly.
“Okay, big boy,” commanded Rico as he moved the big dog forward.
“Ohh, God,” I gasped softly.
I looked at the screen.
I saw Butch’s cock.
I saw fingers touch it, female fingers.
I felt it touch my butthole.
At the exact same time I saw it disappear I felt it enter my body!
“OHHHH!” I squealed.
It was stiff and hard, and with the Vaseline and the pointed tip, it slid right up into my ass, startling me.
“Bingo!” said Rico.
“Perfect!” said Dolly.
There were murmurs from the group as Butch started to pump quickly.
“OHH! OHH! OHH!” I cried.
I dutifully held my head up, and fought to keep my eyes open as Butch deflowered my butt. I shot a quick glance at the monitor screen to see it. The pink rod was definitely immured in my ass, and I could see my unoccupied cunt below to verify it.
It was slightly uncomfortable at first, but the importance of the event was so overwhelming that I could easily bear the discomfort. This was really AMAZING! I was getting butt-fucked! They were making a movie out of it, and people were watching it. And my mate was a dog!!
Butch pumped differently than Bruno did. He was faster. This time I just held on and let him take me.
Dolly came around to the front of me. She had a pleased, but excited look on her face.
She leaned down to kiss me, and I responded, but I was very very busy trying to brace myself with my partner. My hair was flying and my head was jerking as the big dog pounded into my helpless body.
“You’re doin’ great, hon,” she encouraged.
I just nodded back to her.
“Now as soon as we see that knot I want you to brace really well so he can push it in. It’s very important.”
Panting now, I nodded again. Butch’s hips were contacting my backside with eagerness as well as power. His front legs gripped my sides and I was glad I had the towel on my back this time. He was fucking me so hard! There was no WAY I could keep up.
Then from Dolly: “The knot is starting! Brace yourself honey. He needs to push a little deeper into you to get the knot in.”
I braced for it, and at the same time I felt Butch slow down and start pushing. The pressure on my anus was incredible!
“OHH! OHH! OHH!” I wailed.
“Try and relax, honey,” coaxed Dolly eagerly.
“Oh, I am, I am,” I moaned.
“Thaaaaaaat’s the girl. Thaaaaat’s it….”
Suddenly my tiny anal ring started giving way to the relentless pressure the dog was giving it. My asshole began to yield, stretching and slipping around the massive bulb of the doggie’s knot.
“It’s going, it’s going!!” cried Dolly with excitement.
“OHH, NNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!” I went again. It was almost unbearable.
“There! He’s got her! Perfect!” she exclaimed.
My eyes were wet and watery, my chest was heaving up and down, and my tiny little shitter was stretched as big as a baseball bat! I hoped and prayed that my opening would adjust, because there was no going back now.
Butch began to move again, but this time he didn’t really slide in and out of me. He pumped and my inside anatomy moved with him, rocking my insides in countermotion to the rest of my body.
I braced myself there, on my hands and knees, surrounded by six men and one woman, I was naked but for a towel, while this big dog sodomized me. My uncle and his friends were watching and filming, making beautiful art out of this unnatural union.
Dolly stroked my hair with one hand and watched me intently. Her look was very satisfied and yet somewhat gentle. She had gotten everything she had hoped for and so had the rest of them.
But suddenly I felt it.
“Ohh, Dolly! I think he’s coming! Oh my God I can feel it! Ohh! Ohh!”
“Perfect, baby, perfect!”
I felt the warm, slippery load spurt from Butch to me as I lifed my head and gasped, closing my eyes. But it was just too much…

My body shook.
“Oh, Dolly!” I gasped. “I’m gonna come again!”
“Perfect, honey, yes!!”
My body shook again as my muscles convulsed, and Butch had to slow his rhythm to keep pumping. My body was wracked by contractions and spasms once more as I lost control again.
Dolly held my head up, but it jerked forward once, twice, then a third time as I let myself go, wailing, to the satisfaction of my surrounding friends, as Butch and I came together.
As my partner finished me, he naturally turned and we tied while I waited for my release.
There was so much doggie cum inside me that Butch’s knot couldn’t hold it in. It started to leak out around his big pink bulb, and Dolly quickly put a towel down below our junction.
Butch seemed as calm as ever, but I was still panting when I lowered to my elbows. But I was glowing with the satisfaction that I had done my part–every part asked of me—to create this incredible work of beastial art.
As I slowly calmed down, with cameras still panning, Butch slipped out of me and a gusher of sperm fell to the floor below. I made a heavy sigh and thought to myself, my life would never be the same.

When it was done the men all congratulated me, and after a quick shower, I posed nude with each of them and with Neely. Then Uncle Cliff asked me to suck each one of them, which I agreed to do.
So in addition to losing my virginity, I swallowed eleven loads of sperm that day and took five more on my face and hair. I had to take another shower.
The rest of my visit was even better…

As I took a long sip from my glass of water I realized that there were a LOT of men in this room with me. In addition to Bob, Riff, Mike and Dave, who were helping with the film, there were eight more, some wearing masks, and this was the first time I had a chance to really notice them. Several were sitting, but some were also standing back against the wall, but this fairly small room was filled with twelve guys, plus my uncle, plus Dolly and Rico. Fifteen people!
I was suddenly embarrassed as I knelt there, completely naked in the center of everyone. They were all clothed. There were cameras on me and no one spoke as I sipped water from a glass while they waited for me.
I looked down at the floor, I looked at my water glass, then looked at Dolly.
She was observing me, but talking softly to Dave as he filmed. She was keeping the cameras back at this point.
This embarrassed me even more and I took another long pull of the water and started to look from camera to camera, hoping to find some relief.
I looked around faster, become more agitated, wondering why no one was noticing my discomfort and no one came to my rescue.
My breasts rose and fell as I started breathing hard, then Dolly looked toward me.
“It’s all right, honey. This is all part of the scene.”
My chest heaved in a deep breath as I said, “Ohhhhh.” Then I covered my face with one hand. The men had seemed to enjoy my embarrassment. I was actually relieved when the door opened and Rico entered the room with a dog on a leash.

As Rico led the dog named Butch into the room, I recognized the breed. This was a pittbull. He had a massive head, short smooth fur, and he was a gray-brown color. He looked incredibly powerful, even though he was a little bit smaller than my first two friends.
My heart rate was returning to normal as Rico let Butch approach me, then unleashed him.
He seemed a little hyper as he came up to me quickly, bumping my water glass as he sniffed my face quickly, then lowered his nose to the junction of my thighs.
I was now sitting back on my calves, so I wasn’t totally exposed, but he pushed his nose down to my little red bush without hesitation.
“Hello, Butch,” I said, petting his head with my left hand. “You’re a persistent one, aren’t you,” I scolded.
Dolly just smiled, watching our exchange. I shot her a glance and she nodded toward Butch’s underside with a knowing look on her face. I followed her direction at once and saw that Butch’s cock was already out, pointing stiffly forward and ready to go to work. The knot was only partly visible.
“Wow,” I said breathlessly, “You ARE an eager guy.”
His pole wasn’t as big as Bruno’s or Neely’s. About five and a half inches to the knot, I figured. This was probably a blessing considering where it was going, and it was good that Dolly had planned it that way.
As Butch’s nose went from my bush to my navel and back again, I rose, shaking off the remnants of my embarrassment, Kneeling up straight for him, I gave him full access to my privates for his inspection. And that’s exactly what he did, for sure. He gave another long sniff at my front, then went around behind me. I felt his nose pressing the crack of my buttocks, then sliding down along it until he was pushing between my legs from the back. My buns were right on his forehead.
Cameras were moving in and out now, and Uncle Cliff was beaming as he watched along with the others.
Dolly reached out to take my glass of water. It wasn’t finished, but I gave it to her anyway.
“Talk to him some more,” she directed.
I turned and put my left hand on Butch’s neck.
“You must like it down there, big boy,” I said. “I hope you like it down there. I think you are going to put something other than your nose down there.”
“Perfect,” someone whispered.
I continued, “I think you’re gonna put something somewhere that no one has ever been before. Would you like that?”
I saw Dolly nod with approval.
“Would you like to do that to me? I hope you would. Cause I think it’s gonna happen.”
Just then his tongue came out and went between my legs.
“Ohhhh, you’re licking me,” I said. “That feels nice, Butchy boy.”
Dolly was beaming now.
I instinctively leaned forward, letting my legs move apart, allowing his tongue better access to me.
As his tongue first touched the petals of my girlhood I couldn’t help my reaction. My body stiffened and my face grew serious as his tongue probed. My eyes closed.
“Ohh, Jesus,” I pleaded, my voice quivering. “Ohhhh, Butchy boy….”
My hand caressed his back and shoulders, encouraging him as he continued to explore with his tongue.
I wondered if he knew how good this felt for me and I hoped he would never stop. My eyes closed and my chest heaved as I panted breathlessly at the feel of his tongue against me as the people watched in silence and the cameras filmed steadily. I was frozen in time with the feeling of this dog lapping at my entrance.
The length and width of his tongue was incredible as it covered the entire area around my before-today virgin opening with its softly rough and wet surface. I felt a chill and flash of heat at the same time.
“Ohhhhhh, Butchy,” I gasped again.
Dolly watched and waited.
Uncle Cliff tensed hopefully.
Rico watched intently.
Mike Bob and Dave continued filming, frozen in motion.
Suddenly they were ALL frozen, not moving, knowing what they wanted to happen, WILLING it to happen.
I took a sharp intake of breath, then another, then another. I kept my body straight up, fully displayed from my knees to the top of my head.
My hand reached for Dolly’s.
She took it.
“Ohhhh….” I pleaded……… “Ohhh, Dolly………. I’m going to come….”
My eyes lifted to the ceiling, then closed.
“Yes….” I sobbed. “Yes, I’m coming……. Ohh….Ohhh….Ohhhh… OHHH!!…”
My body shook, still kneeling straight upright, for them all to see, as my orgasm struck with their full viewing.
My pelvis pumped back onto Butch’s nose, my fingers gripped Dolly’s so hard that it hurt, my facial muscles tightened and my red hair flew forward and back.
“Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,” I wailed, in front of them, completely unable to hide my feelings as they witnessed and filmed.
I don’t know how I knew, but I did understand that they wanted me fully visible and I stayed upright through the entire climax, resisting the thought of collapsing onto the floor with the intensity of it.
Finally I fell forward gasping into Dolly’s arms. As she stroked my hair and my naked back.
“Ohh, Dolly, I’ve never felt anything like that in my LIFE.”
“You were perfect, baby,” she said softly. “Juuuust perfect.”
Butch had been pulled back now and I rested quietly in Dolly’s arms, letting her stroke me as she wished.
I felt movement behind me and realized that a camera was moving in, focused close in on my buttocks.
Dolly’s hands slid down, past my waist and onto the smoothness of my buns, where she lingered, caressing them gently with her fingers and then her thumbs. She tested the fully rounded firmness with gentle squeezes until her fingers moved right along the valley between the two mounds.
As a camera moved in for a closeup she split the two halves slowly apart, dramatically revealing the objective of Butch’s cock for the next scene.
“Beautiful,” said Uncle Cliff.
“Dios!” said Rico.
“Cliff, it’s your honors,” said Dolly as she held me.
Then she said to me: “Colleen, honey, your uncle is going to prep you now. Okay?”
I nodded helplessly and said “Yes,” breathlessly.
I heard the top pop off a small jar of Vaseline, then felt the lubricant touch me right on my little pink rosebud.
As my uncle pushed his finger slowly into my asshole the camera filmed it and I sucked in my breath at the feel of it.
My ass muscles instinctively tightened in resistance and I tried to overcome this as Dolly said in a patronizing voice, “Just relax, honey. Just try to relax.”
Uncle Cliff pushed deeper, rotating his finger gently, to spread the lube around inside me. It felt somewhat uncomfortable, but I tried to get used to it, knowing that my next visitor would be much larger and considerably more aggressive.
“God, that’s tight,” Uncle Cliff mused. “Beautifully, beautifully tight.”
Dolly replied, “Yes, I’ll bet it is.” Then she added, “I’ll bet you’ll be able to find out yourself how tight it is before she goes home.” Before Uncle Cliff had time to speak she asked me, “Don’t you think so, honey?”
I nodded then, making sure it was emphatic enough for everyone to see it.
“Thaaaaaaaat’s the girl,” said Dolly smoothly.

Uncle Cliff pushed deeper until his knuckles were against the mounds of my butt. Then he eased his finger out slowly and my tiny poop-chute closed again tightly behind it.
Then Dolly spoke to me softly, “Now I want you to remember honey, that no one within miles can hear us, okay? We’re a long long way from any other persons house or place, okay?”
“Okay,” I said slowly, thinking about what she said. By this I figured she meant that I could be as loud as I wanted to. That I didn’t need to hold back if I felt like squealing loudly or even screaming.
I felt a sudden pressure in my chest thinking WOW, THIS MIGHT REALLY HURT…..MORE THAN I REALIZED… But then I tried to tell myself that lots of girls do this and I’m sure I can too. I CAN DO THIS…!!
So I swallowed hard, nodded again and said, “I understand.”
“Perfect,” said Dolly.
Then she looked behind me and said: “You guys ready?”
The answers were affirmative.

Very slowly then, Dolly pulled her hands away and started to back up, allowing me to lower my shoulders and put my hands on the carpet. She stayed with me until she was certain that my hands were set solidly on the floor with my elbows locked and I was well braced.
Then she moved around to my left side and two cameras were moved in front of me.
“Okay,” I heard Dolly say, “You two hold him and bring him slowly forward. I want to get him in on the first try.”
“He won’t be easy to hold,” said one of them.
“Just do your best,” she said. “Hold his hips once he mounts her, and I’ll aim the cock.”
“Got it,” I heard Dave say.
The anticipation was electric. These guys were all going to get to witness a dog’s cock going into my virgin ass. And I was willing to let it happen. I could hear the heavy breathing and the soft murmurs of excitement as we all anticipated my first experience in sodomy.
The fact that it would be a doggie cock that broke my anal cherry put all the guys on the very edge of emotion as they poised to see it happen.
“Okay big boy,” said one of them. “Here we go now.”
I heard them straining to hold the powerful dog as they approached me together.
My chest was heaving at this point, with my head turned toward one of the cameras, my eyes closing and opening again as I braced myself for the biggest moment of my life.
DON’T THINK ABOUT IT, DON’T THINK ABOUT IT, DON’T THINK ABOUT IT! I told myself repeatedly as I held myself there, naked and helpless, surrounded by my uncle and his friends.
The four of them converged on me together, in nearly perfect harmony.
The two men urged the dog up and over my back, suspending him, while Dolly reached in from the side, guiding the point of his cock with her finger.
“That’s it! That’s it!” she said excitedly. “Good boy Butch! Good boy!”
Then suddenly I felt both Butch’s front legs wrapping tightly around my sides, hugging me firmly a split second before his cock went up my ass. It slid in smoothly and almost completely without hesitation, with the shaft stretching my tiny shitter around its width, from the help of my uncle’s lube.
Every alarm in my body went off at the same time!
“OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” I squealed at the top of my lungs.
My mind cried out at the same time as there was no doubt that Butch’s rod had penetrated my back door. My butt was deflowered.
My mind and heart had let this happen, but my body had certainly not accepted it yet. My butt muscles knew that this was not an entrance and therefore resisted their new visitor with everything they had. It would be up to me to calm myself down and get my little bunghole to welcome its new friend.
The sound level in the room went up dramatically and the men were close to ecstatic with their goal being achieved. Butch was in my ass. There was no going back.
With determined strokes that were totally beyond my control, the powerful dog began to fuck me. Began to BUTT-FUCK me. Relentlessly, and without any need of encouragement from the onlookers.
He was like a demon unleashed. Like a kid in a free candy store. He went at me like there was no tomorrow. He was riveting me, pounding me, punishing me. It was pure animal instinct on his part, pure and simple.
Cameras moved, lights moved, people spoke, and there was activity buzzing around me as I wailed beneath the powerful pittbull.
“OHH! OHH! OHH! OHH! OHH!” I cried, holding nothing back, bursting at the top of my voice as I tried desperately to adjust to the stiff, pink pole that was plunging in and out of my ass.
I looked at the camera, then looked away, then looked up, then looked down, concentrating on my ass muscles, telling them repeatedly, RELAX…RELAX… RELAX…
I just held on for dear life as the dog fucked me and fucked me and fucked me. I cried out and cried out, giving my friends all that they wanted as they watched me being taken. I just kept telling my backside to relax, relax.
I heard Dolly say, “Can you see the knot yet?”
Someone answered, “I see it forming.”
“Okay, I’ll get ready.”
Butch’s legs stayed tightly around my ribs with his hips jackhammering quickly. While I braced myself helplessly I could feel his warm breath on my naked back and the fur of his chest lower down as he embraced me.
It was working a little smoother now. I was almost adjusted to my suitor.
Then Dolly moved in front of me, kneeling there next to one of the cameras.
“You’re doin’ perfect hon. You’re doin’ perfect,” she said with encouragement.
“Ohh! Oh, Dolly! Ohh!” I cried.
“Thaaaaat’s the baby…Thaaaaat’s the baby.”
“Thaaaaaat’s the baby. Just try and relax now. Thaaaaaaat’s it.
“Ohh. God. Ohhhhhh.”
“Thaaaaaat’s it. He’s almost there now. Thaaaaaat’s it.”
“It’s ready,” someone announced.
“Okay, I’ll help her,” offered Dolly.
Just then Butch stopped pumping and started pushing and my eyes flew open as I felt this new pressure against my asshole.
“Omigod!!!” I cried.
“It’s just the knot, honey,” soothed Dolly. “He’ll push it in.”
“OH!! MY GOD!!!”
This felt much bigger than what was already inside me, and I didn’t think there was any way it was going into my ass. It felt like a mountain against me!
But Butch was determined, and he pushed hard against me now as he tried to get himself the rest of the way inside me. As I was pushed forward I felt Dolly’s hands on my shoulders, helping me brace myself.
“Try some more lube, Cliff,” said Dolly tightly.
I could only feel it slightly, but Uncle Cliff’s finger applied more Vaseline around the point of our junction. I knew at that point that Butch was going inside me, no matter what. We were all going to make this happen.
Then I felt it. The stretchy muscles of my Hershey highway could not resist the increased pressure against them and slowly widened and accepted their giant red invader. It was going in and it wasn’t going to be stopped.
I still kept trying to relax, telling myself that the knot didn’t have to go in very far, it just had to get IN.
My head hung down now, and my forehead was wet as my hair clung to my face. I was squinting and wincing, but I knew we had to be close to the end. I was really squealing now, my voice in a high pitch as I felt some gentle encouraging hands on my shoulders, and additional soothing voices.
“Almost there, hon…”
“Beautiful, sweetie….”
“You’re incredible, just incredible…”
Then a voice said, “That’s it! That’s it! He’s almost in!”
“Almost there, hon!” exclaimed Dolly.
“OHHHHHHHHH!!!!” I wailed.
Then, in a sudden change of pace, Butch began to thrust again. His strokes were a lot shorter now, and he didn’t really go in and out. Rather he just banged his loins against my firm backside for a quick series of jackhammer strokes.
Then I felt it. A gusher of warm wetness spurted into me like nothing I had ever felt.
“OH! HE’S COMING!!!” I announced quickly. “HE’S COMING INSIDE ME!!!”
“In her ASS!!!”
The words poured out of my watchers with excitement and satisfaction that I had never imagined before.

Suddenly, it was all too much for me. Just too much. The lights, the cameras. The faces of so many men I didn’t even know. Dolly’s smile and her patronizing voice. My embarrassment. My Uncle Cliff. My seduction by them and myself. My poem. My giving in to all this. The enormity of what I was doing! And now Butch the pittbull was coming inside me. Coming in my ASS! It was all the purest possible LUST.
And it took me. I came again. Even stronger than before if that’s even possible.
“Ohh, Dolly!” I gasped helplessly. “I’m gonna come.”
I said it with finality. As though it was my last act on earth. And as the throes took me I just gave in to it, letting my muscles and my body go as every nerve ending I never knew I had went berserk.
Just as Butch turned and we tied, butt to butt, my butt muscles and my cunt muscles contracted and throbbed, squeezing my canine visitor gratefully for giving me his load, for mating with me, for fulfilling me so totally.
“NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! I went in a steady moan that was almost a howl as my arms shook uncontrollably, my head jerked up and down and side to side. My legs quivered and my calves flexed as I gasped for breath like a swimmer coming up for air.
It was then that Dolly, as she watched me with amazement, knew that I was a perfect natural for what was happening. She knew that I would always want a male dog in my life. I didn’t know it yet, but I would find out.

The men watched and filmed with heightened satisfaction as we finished, and it took me nearly ten minutes to catch my breath.
Butch stayed tied to my ass for over half an hour, and during that time Uncle Cliff said he had a huge favor to ask me.
I knew what it was. Most of the guys that were left, those who were able to hold back, approached me gently, kindly and appreciatively. I took them each in my mouth, and was happy to swallow their offerings.
I knew my whole life would change now. It was okay.
As we drove home to Uncle Cliff’s he sat in the back with me, Riff and Bob. I stretched out across their laps and fell asleep with them stroking me. They put me to bed and I slept all through the next day not getting up until the evening.
I was sore at that point, but I was fine in three days. We had a wonderful Christmas.


Dolly’s Trailer, 4 years later.

It seemed like so long since I’d been back in that area. It brought back so many fine memories. The hills and farms of Kentucky were really beautiful in the spring.
I had spent just a short time there, visiting my Uncle Cliff, who had passed away two years before. I had visited there several times during my life, but the last visit had been the most memorable by far.

It had been Christmas just after my eighteenth birthday and I had given my Uncle the best present he had ever gotten. In return he had left me a trust when he died, which I would receive when I turned 25 in three more years.
I drove around the area, going past Uncle Cliff’s farm several times, wondering about the location of the farm where Dolly lived. She was the one who really made it all happen. I didn’t think there was much hope of seeing her, since I only knew her first name, but since I was planning to pass near Lexington, so I thought I would keep my eyes open.
She had had a friend named Paula, whom I had met near the end of my visit, and it was she that I accidently bumped into.
And that was litterally what happened also. I stopped in a 7-Eleven and she came around one of the aisles and we bumped.
She said “Excuse me,” and bent down to pick up what she had dropped and I spoke to her.
“Is your name Paula, by chance?” I asked her.
“Yes,” she said, looking at me. Her eyes widened in surprise. “Oh my GOD!!”
“My name’s Colleen,” I said, reaching out my hand. “You knew my Uncle Cliff.”
“Yes, Colleen, of course. We knew your Uncle well. I’m so sorry about him. He was wonderful.”
She took me in quickly, taking inventory of me, which didn’t surprise me a bit, since she was Dolly’s partner.
When I first met Dolly it had been at her home where she lived with her brother, Rico. She and Rico, along with Uncle Cliff and some of his friends, had helped me lose my virginity on Christmas afternoon. They had made a film of the event as it happened. It was the biggest event of my life, by far.
I had met Paula later, when Dolly and Rico came over to say good-bye, at the end of my holiday. Paula had seen the film of me and had made it obvious that she was very excited to meet me. We’d had a nice dinner together that night.

“You’ve grown up and matured a little,” she said with a smile. “You look fantastic.”
“Thanks, so do you,” I returned. She was probably in her late twenties, about five feet two, with a very full figure. She really did look great.
“How’s Dolly?” I asked sincerely.
“She’s fine, just fine. I’ll have to tell her I saw you.”
“I would love to see her,” I asked.
I saw a hint of concern cross Paula’s face, which was no surprise really. She glanced around, then nodded. “Let me pay for this and I’ll meet you out front. Then we can talk.”
We made our purchases and I found her out in the lot and she led me to the light for us to cross. Two minutes later we were in a quiet bar, sitting at a booth together, sipping sodas.
“I was hoping I might see one of you,” I said. “I didn’t remember where you lived.”
“I called Dolly already and told her you were here,” said Paula.
“You did? On your cell phone?”
She nodded. “She would hate to have missed you.”
“Is she coming?” I asked.
“She’s on her way and will be here any minute.”
Sure enough, just as she spoke, Dolly walked through the door purposefully.
“Wow, Colleen you look fabulous,” she said as we all sat back down.
“Thanks,” I said. “I’ve turned a few heads at school.”
“I can imagine,” said Dolly.
“You both look wonderful, too,” I said gratefully.
“Are you just passing through?”
We talked for a minute or two about nothing, then I opened things up.
“So….how’s……Bruno?” I asked with a devilish smile.
They both smiled back. “He’s fine,” said Dolly. “I’ll bet he’d still remember you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Well I know I’ll always remember HIM,” I said emphatically.
Dolly and Paula exchanged glances.
“It was a very special thing you did for your Uncle, Colleen. It gave him a lot of pleasure,” said Dolly.
“Oh, I don’t regret it,” I said casually. “Still have trouble believeing it sometimes. I was pretty young… And my first time…”
“That’s what made it special,” said Dolly. “We’ve never had another as young or as pretty as you, Colleen.”
“Or a virgin?”
“Nope,” said Paula.
“And the film saved your Uncle. He paid off the mortgage and made enough to leave you quite a fortune, I’m told,” said Dolly.
“I only wish he’d been able to enjoy it longer,” said I.
“Well, you made him very happy for what time he did have. Very happy.”
“That’s a nice thing to say. Thank you.”
They asked me what I had been doing, and I told them I was in college but still living with my parents. My dad was an invalid and my mother was still a teacher, so it helped for me to be home. I still lived in rural Ohio.
I asked about them, and they said they were now living together and Rico had moved to the city.
“And we’ve expanded from the basement to a mobile home trailer that we keep in the back yard,” said Dolly. “The lighting is much better.”
“So are you still…..is Bruno still working?” I asked, trying to be discreet.
They both smiled. “Oh, he’s gotten some action,” said Dolly.
“How about the others?”
“We’ve got several now,” said Paula.
“You know you are quite famous in certain circles,” said Dolly pointedly. “We get letters for you from viewers, and the guys from the original audience always ask about you.”
“Really? I’d never thought of that.”
“You’ve never seen the film, either, have you,” stated Paula.
“No, I never did.”
“Well, whenever you’re ready, we’ll give you a copy.”
“Any new prospects coming along?” I asked.
“We’ve got one very promising prospect,” said Dolly. “We’ve been working with her for a long time.”
“Really? Tell me about her.”
“Well, she’s been working at our place for quite awhile. She’s just turned eighteen, and she’s very cute.”
“Eighteen, wow. Physically mature, I suppose?” I asked.
Dolly nodded. “Definitely.”
Paula added, “She loves dogs.”
Dolly nodded. “And we’ve loaned her some sex books and showed her your video. She would love to meet you, actually.”
I smiled. “This is too much.” I took a deep breath. “What’s her name?”
“Her name’s Missy. She’s exactly five feet tall.”
“Have you talked to her about it?”
“Yes, we have. She’s seen lots of x-rated stuff, and your video. But she’s not quite ready. It won’t be long now, though.”
“I’d love to meet her,” I said casually, being curious about it.
“I’m sure that could be arranged,” said Paula. “Do you get down here often?”
“Hardly ever,” I said.
Dolly spoke, “We were hoping to see you again after that memorable Christmas. Your uncle said he was going to invite you for the following summer.”
“Really? He never mentioned it before he got ill.”
“It was really bad luck for us,” she continued.
“How come?” I asked.
“We were really hoping to do a sequel with you. Lots of men were disappointed.”
That got my attention. “Really? No one ever asked me about that.”
“We couldn’t find a way to reach you,” said Paula. “Besides…. we weren’t sure……”
“How I’d feel about it?”
Dolly nodded.
“I understand,” I said.
“But now that you’re here…….” said Dolly seriously.
I knew exactly what she was leading up to. I smiled and said, “Maybe I should plan to come back here for a visit. Then I could meet Missy.”
“I think that’s a great idea,” said Paula.
“Same here,” said Dolly. “You could see your movie, too.”
“I’d love that,” I admitted.
“It just might put Missy over the edge,” said Dolly.
“I’ll bet it would,” agreed Paula.
“And you could see Bruno,” said Dolly.
I knew this was really a question, so I took it in for a moment. I could repeat that memorable event, four years later. My heart was pounding. I slowly lifted my eyes and looked from one to the other of them.
“I’d like that, too,” I said softly.
Paula and Dolly exchanged looks again.
Dolly said softly, “You sure?”
I smiled. “Sure. Why not? I’m sure watching my movie would put me in the mood for it anyway.”
“That’s probably true,” Paula agreed.
“And you’ve got the injection, right?”
Dolly nodded.
Paula smiled. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe I just happened to bump into you today.”
I smiled again. “Like I said, I was looking.”
“Let’s start planning,” said Paula. “We need to make preparations.”
“I’m really looking forward to meeting Missy,” I said sincerely. Suddenly THAT had taken on a whole new meaning. To see a new girl do what I had done was a real motivation for me.
“Like I said,” said Dolly, “It could easily put her over the edge. And you could be there for it.”
“I’d really like to be part of that.”
“Let’s work on that part also.”

We arranged it for two weeks later, and they gave me directions, since I’d forgotten where their place was. That Friday I turned off the freeway and drove over to their little farm. I remembered it perfectly once I saw it. Nice white farmhouse. And I noticed a mobile home trailer in the back yard.
“Hi, Colleen!” said Paula, opening the door and smiling at me.
I went inside and Dolly was fixing lunch for all of us. She greeted me warmly.
“Missy is down at the barn, but she’ll be here shortly,” said Dolly.
“I think she’s coming in now,” said Paula.
Just as she spoke the back door opened and Missy walked in, a big smile on her face.
“Missy, this is Colleen,” said Dolly with a big smile.
“Hello, Missy,” I said.
“I’m so excited to meet you!” she said brightly.
She was adorable! Petite and blonde, she had bright blue eyes and a broad smile, appearing as sweet as anyone could imagine. I liked her right away. She was small, but her body was perfectly proportioned.
We sat down at the table and Dolly served lunch to the four of us. There was an interesting contrast of women. I’m a twenty-two year old college grad and Missy had to be in high school. Dolly was about 35, athletic with short red hair. Paula was about 5 feet 2, and a 29 year old nurse.
“I knew Mr. Johnson,” said Missy. “He’s the one that got me the job here.”
“He knew you’d be perfect for this place,” said Dolly.
“He sure did,” agreed Paula. “He told me you’d be perfect in just a couple of years.”
“I must have made quite an impression,” said Missy with a smile.
“He was a wonderful man,” I said thoughtfully, wondering how open the conversation would get.
“He sure was,” agreed Dolly. “And he never forgot your special gift to him….”
I smiled. “So, Missy, do you work here part time, live here?”
“My Aunt Lucy and Uncle Del live in town, and they let me practically live here. I love the animals.”
“I always did too,” I admitted. “How’s Bruno?” I asked Dolly. “Can I see him? I’d love to see the trailer, too.”
“Sure, we can show you around,” said Dolly.
“We’ve got lots of big dogs now,” said Missy. “My favorite is Butch. He’s a Rhodesian like Bruno, only bigger.”
“Bigger than Bruno?” I asked.
“Yes, and younger. He’s only eighteen months old,” said Missy. “We haven’t bred him yet. Paula wants ME to be his first.”
My heart stopped. There it was. I spoke instinctively, “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”
Missy smiled. “You think so? He outweighs me by about fifty pounds. I’m nervous about that part.”
“Well that’s understandable,” said I. “But I’m sure you’ll be fine. It’s worth a few scratches.” I sighed. “Actually, I’m getting excited just thinking about it myself.”
Missy was still smiling. I knew that Dolly and Paula liked hearing me encourage Missy. I realized that this part was easier than I thought.
“I was nervous, too,” said I, continuing. “But it was such a special thing to do for my uncle. It made me feel very generous. I think you SHOULD be Butch’s first. HE would love it.”
“He’s a great dog,” said Missy.
Paula spoke, “He’d be perfect for Missy.”
“Have you told Colleen about the party?” Missy said.
I looked up. I knew this was part of the plan, and I was supposed to act surprised.
“No, not yet,” said Dolly.
“What party?” I asked.
“Well, we took one small liberty,” said Dolly. “We invited some people over tomorrow night.”
“You did?”
“Umm hmm.”
“Sounds like fun!” I said brightly. I looked at Missy. “Dolly was asking me about a sequel.”
Missy’s eyes got wide. “Are you gonna do one?”
I looked at Dolly. She replied, “We didn’t know how long you could stay, so we’re ready for tomorrow.”
“I can stay through the weekend,” I said.
“Perfect,” said Dolly.
Missy asked again, “So you ARE gonna do a sequel?”
I smiled at her. “That’s why I’m here,” I said brightly.
“Oh, my God,” gasped the young girl.
I looked at Paula. “Maybe we should both do it tomorrow,” I suggested.
“Oh, my God!” cried Missy, her eyes widening.
“Colleen, since Missy is spending the weekend and you are too, would you two like to sleep together?” offered Dolly.
Missy looked excited.
“Sure, I’d love that,” I agreed.

That night we both went up to bed at the same time. Dolly and Paula had already informed me that there were hidden cameras in the room and that everything would be recorded, even in the low-light conditions. Missy did NOT know this. It was agreed by the three of us that Missy and I would not go beyond kissing, touching and feeling.
She started slowly to undress, feeling a little shy, so I walked right up to her.
“I’m sure you’re feeling just a little inhibited right now, so let’s try and break the ice, okay?”
She looked up and smiled gratefully. “I AM feeling a little shy.”
I nodded and gave her a knowing smile in return. “Well, sex is always best when it’s approached openly, even boldly, I think, so let’s just say that you and I are going to get naked together, touch each other, feel and kiss all we want, everything just short of making love. I’m not quite as much into women as I am into men, but I do enjoy it very much. You probably haven’t even thought about it. Have you?”
She shook her head. “Not at all, really.”
“Okay. We’ll start this way,” I said. “I’m going to kiss you. Right now. Let’s just….see how it feels, okay?”
Her eyes widened a little. “Okay,” she agreed readily.
I bent down slowly, tilted my head, then touched my lips to hers very lightly. But I lingered there, keeping our lips together, slowly bringing my hands up to her sides, starting an embrace.
She did not resist at all, and her hands found my hips and I felt her firmly pressing her palms against the sides of me.
I slowly moved my hands around to her back, gently bringing her in closer while my lips put gentle pressures on hers, going slowly.
She responded by moving her hands to my back, moving into my arms some more, tilting her head a little more and moving her lips ever so slightly.
Now that we were somewhat embraced I eased back from her lips slowly.
“That okay?” I asked. “Ready for more?”
She nodded. “That was wonderful. I’ve never actually kissed like that.”
“Never kissed a boy?”
“Not like that. I guess I’ve never REALLY kissed a boy. My school is really small and most of the boys are kind of weird.”
“Well, you’ve got a whole new world of nice little pleasures that’s about to open up for you, hon.”
“Oh, I know, and I’ve seen it on video and in pictures. It must be so amazing. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have an orgasm…..”
I smiled at her innocence. It was pretty unusual for an eighteen-year-old. But she seemed pretty mature at the same time.
“Yes, it’s really wonderful. And I’m really excited to help you find out more about it.”
“Ohh, thank you, Collie.” She paused. “Can I call you that?”
“Sure you can. People close to me call me that. I’d like it.” I put my forehead against hers. “Ready for another kiss?”
She nodded. “Umm HMMM!”
Our lips met again, the same way, but this time I parted mine, then nibbled on her lower lip, as if I were tasting her. She responded perfectly, opening also, nibbling back as I explored some more. I let my tongue find her lips and slipped between them. Her tongue came forward, meeting mine and I pressed against her a little harder, opening wider. She tasted sweet and I could feel myself getting aroused by her responses. My hands slid up and down her back, then came around to her front.
She had only undone one button, so I went to the next one.
“Let’s help each other undress,” I suggested.
“Okay by me,” she agreed.

And so we undressed each other, moving slowly, starting with the top, admiring each others’ breasts, pressing them together, kissing more, feeling backs and sides, then moving lower.
I was naked first, and she reached down and touched, feeling my front, then my buttocks, exploring nervously with her hands, like any inexperienced girl would, her fingers light against my skin.
When her shorts and undies hit the floor, I knelt down before she could even kick them away. I wanted a very close look and moved in boldly.
Her bush was quite small, very blonde, and lovely. I kissed her on both sides of it, then pressed my lips to the soft carpet, kissing it, top, middle, bottom, then back up again.
Her hands touched my shoulders and her breathing came a tiny bit faster.
I moved around to the side, admiring the profile of her buttocks as I studied them. Her back was swayed slightly, which pronounced the pertness of her buns even more. They were milky white, and even more fair than the rest of her skin, which was barely possible. There was a slight dimple or dip in the side of her right mound, defining a good muscle tone. They easily made half a circle, perhaps even more as I wondered at the perfect roundness of them. Amazing.
This was such a turn-on that I had to raise my left hand up and cup the underside of their curve as I moved further behind her.
She stood perfectly still, letting me examine her.
Moving directly behind her, I noted that the crease between the cheeks was in perfect symmetry, forming a tightly pressed line between the two identical shapes, running from top to bottom. Moving my hand up I felt their smoothness, also testing them for taughtness as my fingers lingered, enjoying this intimacy with Missy’s ass. Moving my hands up a little more, I spoke to her.
“You can be VERY proud of these,” I said, palming them gently with my thumbs on each side.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
Sliding my thumbs into the crack, I split them slowly, peering in between the mounds, wanting a view of her asshole. As it came into view I admired the perfectly shaped flower, tightly closed by pink petals that centered on an entrance that would certainly squeeze any visitor with determined strength. I felt her buttocks tighten and flex slightly as I parted them, pulling against my thumbs as I held the valley open firmly.
“Very, VERY nice, Missy. This is your main feature. It will drive some men to the ends of the earth.” I said this as I kept her spread apart.
“You really think so?”
“I’m certain of it. Mine has done that for me, and yours is even better.”
Then I let the two perfect buns clamp back together.
“I don’t know about THAT,” she said dryly.
“Well, believe me, you’ll get a lot of miles out this little gift.”
“Humh,” she laughed softly.
With that I put my lips against the right one, then the left, kissing.
“Well, I’m glad YOU like them,” she said, still facing away from me.
“Yes, hon. Collie likes your butt. AND the rest of you.”
“I like your body too,” she said casually.
I stood back up, and now that we were both totally naked, I moved up to embrace her again. Her hands explored more confidently now, and I was pleased that she reached down and palmed MY buttocks, test squeezing them for tightness as I had done with hers.
Then I leaned back from her, lowered slightly until my mouth was even with her breasts. She stopped breathing.
Moving forward I put my lips on the tip of her left breast, surrounding it, then touching my tongue to it, feeling it harden as I played with it.
“Ohhhhhhh,” she went softly.
I moved to the right one and did the same thing.
Her head rolled back and she gasped again, her hands caressing my sides with encouragement.
I sucked gently then, pulling the hardening nipple into my mouth, holding it there as I circled it with the tip of my tongue, listening to her increased breathing, as I brought both my hands up to cup each breast.
“Ohhhh, Collie. That feels SO good,” she mewed.
I moved back to her left breast again. I sucked on this one just a tiny bit harder.
“Ohhhh, my God…..” she whispered, letting me continue.
Slowly I lifted off her, then rose to face her, smiling with satisfaction.
As I leaned toward her, she met my lips with hers, this time attacking my mouth more aggressively, showing her gratitude. My hands explored her naked back, as she explored mine.
To my further satisfaction, she pulled back slowly, closed her eyes, then lowered to return what I had just done for her. She did it beautifully, and I felt her lips on my breast, then her tongue, then felt the sucking as she took to it naturally and easily.
“Ohh, yes, honey,” I sighed with the feeling. “Ummmmm, that’s so nice….”
She moved to the other one.
I brought my hands up and stroked her hair, petting her head with encouragement as she worked on my breast. She finally rose and looked at me with wide eyes and a did-I-do-that-right? look on her face.
I answered her with a nod and “Thank you,” leaning forward to kiss her again.
This kiss was longer, and I could tell her confidence was growing as our tongues both played more aggressively, going deeper, exploring further. I nibbled a little harder on her lower lip and she did the same for me.
Then slowly, gently, I pulled her toward the bed. We got in slowly, then approached each other again, kissing, touching, caressing.
Sharing the king size bed, we cuddled and kissed for nearly an hour. I got on top of her, then she on me. We kissed each other everywhere, and my hands tried to find every part of her naked skin while her fingers explored me also.
Finally at the end she whispered, “Ohh, Colleen, this is so wonderful.”
“It certainly is, Missy, it certainly is. Thank you.”
“Ohhh, and thank YOU! This is just amazing.”
“Ummm HMMMM,” I agreed.
“And I have to tell you something,” she continued softly.
“What’s that….”
“I’m REALLY looking forward to tomorrow.”
I flushed with satisfaction hearing those words. Perfect. She was right at the edge. I had brought her to this point in the journey and it was just right.
“I am too, honey,” I said. “I am too.”
I could tell that all her instincts were perfect. She responded so well to my touching that I knew she would be a sexual bombshell as she gained some experience.
And tomorrow would be an event of a lifetime. I remembered vividly my first time and how incredible it had been. Now, with any luck at all, I would be helping Missy experience the same thing!! She would give her virginity to a dog! I was wet just thinking about it. And I would also feel a dog inside me again. It had been so long since that had happened!
I fell asleep smiling…

When I awoke in the morning, she was already downstairs talking to Dolly and Paula.
We all kissed and I sat down at the kitchen table.
“So, what time do the guys arrive tonight?” I asked.
“They’ll be here at five,” said Paula.
“What can I do to help?” I offered.
“Why don’t you take Missy out for the afternoon while we get set up?” suggested Dolly.
“Sure, that sounds like fun.”

Missy and I left just before lunch and went into town.
As we were sitting at a table having lunch, three people walked in, obviously a couple with their daughter.
“Hi, Missy,” said the young girl.
“Hiya, Hope,” said Missy.
The three of them approached, and Missy introduced us.
“This is my friend Colleen. Colleen, this is Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, and my friend Hope.”
“I’m Kay,” said Mrs. Andrews.
“Call me Jim,” said the man.
“Nice to meet you,” I said cordially.
My eyes went quickly to Hope. She was adorable. She had to be about Missy’s age. She had brown hair with bangs, and a very cute young body.
They took a table near the wall, and Missy turned to me.
“The Andrews’ live next door to us,” she said. “Hope’s a girlfriend of mine.”
“She seems very sweet,” I replied.
“I think Butch might like her, don’t you?”
I paused. “You haven’t told her anything, have you?”
“Oh, no. She’s not ready yet. But she’s pretty, don’t you think?”
“Yes, very. But be careful, Missy. Watch out who you confide in.”
She agreed with me, then told me that she had to go home and get some things. I agreed to take her in my car, and would meet her Aunt Lucy.
She lived on a quiet street and we pulled into her driveway at about 1:30.
“Aunt Lucy!” she called when we entered.
“Hi, dear,” came the voice from around the corner.
“I’d like you to meet my friend Colleen,” she said as Lucy appeared.
“Hello, Colleen,” said her aunt with a smile.
“Pleased to meet you,” I said, shaking her hand.
She gave me a sincere smile, and seemed genuinely glad to meet me.
Missy ran upstairs, and Lucy asked me to sit down.
“Why don’t we sit on the patio?” she suggested, leading me outside.
We sat and she spoke easily. “So you are Cliff Johnson’s niece.”
“You knew my uncle?”
“Well, my husband Del and he were close, so I knew him pretty well,” she said. “He was a lovely person.”
“I thought so.”
“I know he had a real love for animals,” she said evenly.
“Yes, he really did,” I agreed.
“So, are you visiting Dolly’s farm for the weekend?” she asked.
“Yes, I’ll be here til Monday.”
“Missy just loves it out there. And I know the girls love having her around,” she continued. “And Missy was very excited about meeting you.”
I was a little surprised. “She was? Did Missy talk about me?”
“A little.” Her voice got softer. “Miss Clark, I know about why you’re here, and what the girls are hoping to do.”
I was stunned to silence. My mouth opened but nothing came out.
“Your uncle Cliff talked to Del before he died, and he went out and talked to the girls. We have an interest in all this.”
“I…..don’t know what to say.”
“It’s all right,” she said with a smile.
My mind was racing. Did they really know? Or was she talking about something else?
“The girls thought it would be better if Del and I stayed out of it. But we’re hoping that your being here will influence Missy.”
“Mrs. Allen, Missy is a terrific girl,” I said.
She almost whispered, “Del has a copy of your movie, and a copy of your poem.”
“Oh my God,” I gasped softly. She really DID know.
“I’ve seen it, too. And you were lovely in your ‘event’,” she said with a smile.
“This is quite a surprise to me,” I said breathlessly.
“I guess the girls didn’t tell you?”
“Well, Missy’s been around the whole time, so I guess there wasn’t time.”
“That’s understandable. So, how are you getting along with our niece?” she asked.
“Just fine,” I said. “We spent the night together last night. Mrs. Allen…. Lucy…,” I said softly, “the ‘event’ you are talking about might possibly happen tonight. We are working on it right now.”
“Are you… serious?” she asked cautiously.
“Very serious. I’m here mostly to help with Missy.”
“You are?”
“Umm hmm.”
“It’s planned for tonight?” she pressed anxiously.
“Yes, Dolly and Paula are working on the final details this afternoon. Our plan is that I’m doing a sequel, but we’re hoping to get Missy to take my place and go first. Even if that doesn’t work, I will go and we think she will follow.”
She absolutely beamed. “Oh, thank you, Colleen. You’ve just made my day.”
“And you have made MY day,” I said gratefully.
“I’m sure you will be a really positive influence.”
“I will certainly try to be, but she is ready anyway. I’m almost certain that it will happen.”
“Oh, my husband will be so pleased. We’re very much in debt, you know.”
“Well, this should help you, I’m sure.”
“So you think the film will be good?” she pressed me.
“It will be wonderful,” I emphasized. “Missy will be fantastic. With her looks and her size, I’m sure it will sell millions.”
“Oh, good for Missy,” she said.
“You can be very proud of her.”
“And you’ll be in it as well?” she asked.
I nodded.
“And it’s really tonight?” she went.
I nodded.
“Well, if you are going to be in it, I’m sure it will be very good.”
“Thank you,” I said with a smile. “But with both of us it will be off the charts.”
“This is too good to even think about,” she mused.

I looked over at the house next door.
“I just met your neighbors, you know.”
“Jim and Kay Andrews?”
“Yes, and Hope,” I added.
“Oh, you met Hope.”
“Yes, she’s lovely, isn’t she,” I said.
“Jim and Kay have plans for Hope, you know,” she said pointedly.
“We all want Hope to be next after Missy,” she explained.
“Lucy, how many people know about all this?” I asked.
“Besides us and the Andrews, only one other couple in Botkins. Don’t worry. We’re all discreet.”
“Hope IS a very lovely girl,” I agreed.
Aunt Lucy was thoughtful, then leaned toward me, lowering her voice. “I must ask you a favor.”
“Okay,” I said softly, leaning toward her.
“Would you call me? If it really happens?”
“With Missy?”
She nodded. “I know something will happen, but if Missy really…….does it, would you call and let me know?”
“I’d be happy to.”
“Any time tonight. No matter how late it is.”
We both heard Missy approaching, and I nodded quickly to her. We turned as she came out onto the patio.
“Sit down with us, dear,” said Lucy. “Did you get your things?”
“Umm hmm. I’m all set.”
“So, are you enjoying your weekend with Colleen and the girls?” Lucy asked.
“Yes, we’re having a great time,” she said.
“Colleen tells me there is going to be a party tonight,” said her aunt.
“Well, Dolly has invited some friends of Colleen for awhile,” Missy offered.
“Oh, that should be nice,” she said, turning to me.
“Yes,” I said. “I’m really looking forward to it. I think they will like Missy, too.”
“That’s nice. You can make some new friends, dear.” she said to her niece.
“I think so,” said Missy. “I’m looking forward to it, too.” She turned slightly to me and gave me a secret smile. I returned the look.
“Maybe you’ll get to show off some of your new skills, dear?” she said. She turned to me. “Paula is teaching Missy to be a trainer.”
I spoke up quickly. “Yes, I know that. Missy is a fast learner, too. She has a lot of promise. And talent.” I turned to see Missy smiling at me again.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Well, you two run along now, and have a good time,” said Lucy, standing up. “It was nice to meet you, Colleen.”
“It was very nice to meet you too, Lucy,” I returned as she gave me a wink.

When we got back to the car, Missy smiled at me.
“I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet Uncle Del,” she said. “He’s nice, too.”
“Well, I guess we better head for the farm,” I said, looking at my watch.
“Okay,” she agreed.

She put her stuff in the back, and we got into my car for the trip back. We hadn’t really discussed the plan to detail and I felt like I needed to kind of ‘close’ the deal and plan something.
She seemed a little quiet as we drove, so I commented.
“So now that the time is approaching, how are you feeling Missy?”
“Actually, I’m a little anxious, I guess,” she admitted.
“How so?”
“Well, it’s a little weird to think about it,” she said. “It’s a big step. I’m not sure I’m ready. Not yet, anyway. What do YOU think.”
I didn’t want to lose her, so I had to think fast and be positive. “I know what you mean. It IS a big step to lose your virginity.”
“Right,” she agreed. “Do you think about it a lot? Now that it’s been awhile?”
“It doesn’t bother me,” I said. “At least most of the time. I think of it as special. I really like to make people happy. I wanted to make Uncle Cliff happy. Once I found out that he wanted me to breed with a dog, that’s what I wanted to do.”
“And YOU had to make the decision all on your own,” she supported. “That must have been hard.”
“It was at first. After I wrote the poem, I was really indecisive about giving it to him. I knew once I did, I’d have to complete the act. I almost didn’t do it.”
“I’ll bet he was very happy when he first read it,” said Missy.
“He was REALLY happy. One of my biggest fears was that he really wouldn’t want me to do it, since I was so young, and also his niece. But he thought that made it even more special. And he really loved the poem.”
“I’ve seen the film, and it WAS special,” she emphasized. “And so was the poem.”
“I thought it was,” I admitted. “It’s pretty exciting to think that your body can make an ANIMAL come.”
“I guess that’s true. I hadn’t thought of it that way. They have a lot of come, too.”
I smiled. “They sure do.”
“I think it’s wonderful that you pleased your Uncle Cliff so much,” she continued. “You must love your memories of him.”
“Yes, I do,” I sighed. I suddenly thought of her Uncle Del and Aunt Lucy. “It’s partly my memory of him that makes me want to do it again.”
“But wouldn’t my being there kind of steal your show?” she asked.
This was so important that I decided to pull the car over and park for a moment. I slid into a parking space and turned to face her.
“Sweetie, you wouldn’t be doing that at all,” I said. “You would make it a fantastic show. Dolly and Paula would be ECSTATIC. It would be wonderful for everyone.” I thought again for an instant about her Aunt Lucy and Uncle Del. “You would please a whole lot of people.” Then I added, “ESPECIALLY me.”
Her look softened.
“So you really would enjoy seeing it?” she asked.
I widened my eyes emphatically. “It would be beautiful. Your whole person changes when you lose your virginity. It’s like you know that nothing will ever be the same again. I’ve never watched a girl have her cherry broken. It would be VERY exciting. And,” I continued, “I REALLY want to be there when it happens to you.”
She smiled and reached for my hand.
“I want you to be there, too,” she whispered.
I leaned forward and we kissed gently.
“I know Dolly and Paula want me to take the shot. What do you think?”
“I want you to, too. And I have an idea about that. How about we plan something to surprise the two of them?”
She smiled. “Sounds good. How should we do it?”
“Well, I have an idea,” I explained to her. “I will go ahead and take the first injection, just as we’ve planned. Then after that, you move up and give me a hug, right after I take the shot. I’ll keep holding you longer and slowly lift up your skirt. We’ll see what their reaction is and if they take the bait.”
“So………no underwear?”
“Right. The audience will love seeing your perfect ass while we wait for Dolly and Paula to catch on.”
She was thoughtful. “That WOULD be pretty dramatic.”
“I think the crowd will go bananas. And I KNOW Dolly and Paula will,” I added.
“I’m nervous about having other people there.”
“The shot REALLY helps with that. Besides, remember that everyone there is there for you.”
“I guess that’s true, isn’t it.”
She turned and looked at me plaintively. “Are you going to be right there? When it happens?”
I gave her a big smile. I knew right then that she was ours.
“I’m going to be right there with you. The whole time,” I told her. “Closer even than Dolly and Paula.”
She nodded, trusting my words. “Then…I’m all yours.” She smiled back at me.
“Perfect. It’s gonna be fantastic.”
“Thanks, Collie. And thanks again for last night. I’ll never forget that.”
“Me neither.”
I started the car again.

When we got back to the farmhouse, it looked all set. Missy and I helped with some last details, and we were ready.
Missy went upstairs to put her things away and to get ready. When she did, Dolly, Paula and I were alone.
“How many people are coming?” I asked.
“About twenty,” said Paula.
“Did you have any luck with Missy? Is she ready?” asked Dolly.
“I think we’re all set. Watch carefully when she gives me a hug. She thinks we’re going to surprise you.”
“Oh, really?”
“We talked about it,” I added. “I’m gonna lift her skirt to surprise you.”
“We can act surprised,” said Dolly.
“That sounds perfect,” emphasized Paula.
“She won’t be wearing underwear.”
“Beautiful!” whispered Dolly. “We’ve got her then.”
“This is gonna be wonderful,” I said. “I’m really excited to see Missy do this. I am totally confident.”
“All we need to do is get her to take the shot,” said Dolly.
“After I do, I’m sure she will,” I said.
“That’s the way we should plan it then,” agreed Paula.
“Well done, honey,” Dolly said to me, beaming with satisfaction.

That evening was the best of my life. WHEN I SAW THE LOOK ON MISSY’S FACE WHEN THE DOG ENTERED HER, I CAME IMMEDIATELY! Just like that, her virginity was gone. I was so glad to be there and be part of it.

Missy and I both dressed in a blouse and skirt, while Dolly and Paula wore a blouse with pants. Missy’s skirt was slightly shorter than mine, about mid-thigh. Mine was an inch or two lower. Both skirts flared out nicely in the back, as our similar, well-rounded buttocks pushed them proudly out, below the waist.
There were exactly twenty guests at the party, and seventeen of them were men, four with cameras. Two of the men and one woman were wearing a mask, hiding their identity. I understood this, but it looked uncomfortable.
There was a buzz of excitement in the house from the moment they started arriving.
Dolly, Paula, Missy and I all greeted them as they came in.
I was standing next to Missy when the first guy came up to me.
“I’m so pleased to meet you in person,” he said, shaking my hand. “My name’s Lou.”
“Hi Lou, I’m Colleen,” I said brightly.
“I’ve seen your film many times,” he said. “You’re even prettier in person.”
“Thank you. I’m pleased you’re here tonight.”
“I’m very glad to BE here.”

Missy was impressed as all the men seemed so eager and pleased to meet me. She watched with near adoration as I spoke to each of the guys as well as the three women of the audience. The women seemed genuinely pleased to be there, and the one with the mask shook my hand and nodded, but said nothing. The two masked men did the same thing. They all greeted Missy politely, and I could tell some of them were very pleased to see her pretty face at this gathering.
Finally the receiving line was over and Missy put an arm around me.
“You’re really special, you know that?” she said softly.
“Thanks, Missy, and look who’s talking,” I replied gratefully. “You really ‘wowed’ everybody.”
“You think so really?”
“I’m sure of it.”
“I’m thinking about our plan tonight,” she continued.
“I think it’s perfect,” I pressed.
“I’m worried that the guys want to see you, not me,” she said.
“They will see me. AND you. And, believe me, they will love to see you,” I emphasized. “You’ll make it the best show of all.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’m absolutely certain of it,” I said confidently.
She gave me a sheepish smile. I winked at her. She smiled more broadly.
“Thaaaaat’s the girl,” I said, moving in to hug her. “It’s going to be marvelous.”
“Thank you, Collie,” she said gratefully.

After everyone had gathered, Dolly stepped to the center of the room. Cameras were already set up and running.
“Okay, everyone. If you would all sit down now, around the room and watch the center, we’ll get started,” she announced.
The audience all sat down and the four of us moved to the center. None of the men knew about Missy yet but there had been some speculation. I had heard a few murmurs of her name, and some of the guys had cast a furtive look her way.

With a dramatic flare, I stepped forward slightly, turned and faced AWAY from the audience, letting my skirt swing out with the turn.
Missy stepped up, just to my right, facing me, watching.
I reached out and took her left hand in my left. She smiled as she squeezed my hand.
Paula stepped directly in front of me.
Dolly moved behind me and stooped.
“Okay, Paula,” said Dolly.
Paula moved even closer to me. She leaned forward and we kissed once.
I closed my eyes.
She stooped in front of me.
She slowly lifted my skirt, bunching it, showing my panties to the audience.
The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
From behind me, Dolly slipped her fingers into the waistband, then slowly pulled them to my knees.
I heard a collective gasp from the guests.
I waited, patiently, absolutely still.
I felt the wet cotton.
A pause, then a prick.
“Oh!” I gasped as I felt the needle.
Dolly pushed the plunger. It was done.
There were loud murmurs of pleasure from the crowd.
Dolly slid my underwear back up and Paula dropped my skirt.
The audience applauded.
I turned and curtsied, smiling.
The three girls stepped up in front of me now.
Paula gave me a hug.
Dolly gave me a hug.
Then Missy gave me a hug.
As Missy hugged me, I held onto her longer.
“You ready, hon?” I whispered.
She nodded.
The crowd was suddenly and totally quiet.
Missy and I embraced, and my hands went for her skirt.
Dolly and Paula were on opposite sides of us, facing us as we embraced.
I started to lift.
The audience made a collective gasp, then there were some murmurs of excitement.
“Dolly!” I heard Paula say.
“Jesus!” replied Dolly.
The crowd went dead silent again.
Missy squeezed me tighter. This was just what she wanted.
Missy’s face was to my left and Paula moved in front of her. There was a camera filming just behind her.
Missy looked at Paula.
Paula gave her a serious and positive look.
Missy closed her eyes, then nodded. She spoke softly. “I’m ready,” she said.
“Beautiful,” said Paula with a smile.
Dolly stooped behind her.
Paula knelt beside her.
I was holding her skirt above her waist now.

“You’re perfect, Missy,” I whispered.
“Thank you, Colleen,” she said softly.
Dolly opened the little bottle and dabbed some cotton. I watched her bring up the syringe. If Missy took this, she would be ours. She would lose her virginity tonight! To a dog! I watched breathlessly, holding the young girl in my arms, tingling from the drug I had just taken myself.
I peeked over Missy’s shoulder and looked down. I could see her lovely butt as I held the skirt up tightly to her waist.
Paula was standing next to her, watching carefully.
I could feel her tremble in my arms as Dolly purged the syringe that she was holding. She had a piece of white cotton in her left hand.
Slowly and gently, she reached out with her left and rubbed Missy’s left buttock with the cotton. I felt Missy’s arms hug tightly around me as I held her.
I watched the needle approach, then Dolly pricked her milk-white skin with it.
Her body jerked.
“Ohh!” she sobbed. I knew this was a big moment for her.
Dolly pushed the plunger. It was finally done.
Dolly slid the needle out.
The audience applauded again even harder and I could tell this really pleased Missy.

As this part of it ended, Lou came up again as I stood there with Missy.
“Wow, that was beautiful to watch,” he said to me.
“Thank you. Missy did very well, don’t you think?”
He turned to her. “You were lovely, Missy. We didn’t know you were going to take part tonight. What a pleasant surprise.”
“Thank you,” she said brightly. “We weren’t really planning it until today. We have a big Rhodesian who has finally grown up. Paula though it would be a good idea for me to be his first, and he could be mine, too.”
Lou was speechless at her words as I smiled.
“Well,” he finally said breathlessly. “I will certainly look forward to seeing THAT.”

As the crowd migrated to the trailer, I put my arm around Missy. She returned the gesture, and we walked together to the little building behind Dolly’s house.
“You were perfect, Missy,” I said to her.
“Thanks, Collie. I think it worked out really well. I feel really tingly. It’s nice.”
“It IS nice. I feel it too, and it’s perfectly normal. It will wear off pretty quick.”
“Are you nervous?”
“A little,” she admitted. “And excited, too. It’s really going to happen now, isn’t it.”
“Yes. It sure is.”
We followed the group into the trailer, and I could see that things were all set up. The vinyl pad that I had used was ready, and the chairs were set.
“How’s the tingle?” asked Paula.
“Mine’s gone,” I said with a smile.
“Mine is almost gone,” said Missy.
There were cameras everywhere, and Paula and Dolly led us to the middle of the pad.
“Okay,” said Paula. “Colleen, if you would lie down on your back between the restraints, we can start.”

This meant that Missy was going first, which had already been decided. I could tell that she wasn’t expecting it, though.
“I’m going first?” she asked with uncertainty.
“That’s right, hon,” said Dolly, stepping up to her with a smile. “You are absolutely PERFECT right now.”
Dolly had a microphone attached, and her voice was soft, but clear as a bell.
With my clothes still on, I laid back on the vinyl pad, looking up as Dolly spoke to the young girl.
She started unbuttoning Missy’s blouse as she spoke into the mic for the audience to hear.
“Yes, honey, it is definitely time for you. And we’re going to put Colleen in the underneath position so she can watch you, up close.”
There was just a little uncertainty on Missy’s part, but Dolly’s reference to me helped her over the edge. She really couldn’t back out now, but even this little reluctance was a real turn-on for the film. She managed a nod.
She finished unbuttoning Missy’s blouse, and pushed it back slightly. Missy took over, and slid it off her shoulders.
“Cliff Johnson had this dream two years ago, and it became a dream for Paula and me. When he first met you, he told me this dream. He told me, “I want to see that girl with a dog.” Paula and I both agreed with him, heartily.”
Dolly reached around the pretty girl and unsnapped her bra.
“We all knew you’d be perfect for a bestiality film,” she continued. “Cliff suggested that I hire you, and I know he’s up there smiling as he watches this happen.”
Missy’s bra slipped forward. There were murmurs of approval from the crowd.
“And then we started getting you ready for this event. We made you familiar with the idea, and then we told you about Colleen.”
Dolly unsnapped Missy’s skirt now.
“It was Colleen who really inspired all this. She gave this very gift to her Uncle Cliff as a Christmas present. And we’re all very excited that she’s here to watch and help tonight.”
Missy said nothing, but her chest was heaving gently now, and she looked fabulous as her tiny frame approached nudity. I was incredibly wet from listening to Dolly’s words. As Dolly spoke of Missy’s subtle seduction I wondered if she felt betrayed and used for just this purpose. She was here almost solely because of her looks. She would LOOK good with a dog on top of her. She LOOKED innocent. Her eyes had dropped, but I was sure she knew what to expect from all of us.
“And it was essential for all of us to make sure that we could film her FIRST time. The FIRST cock that enters her. The FIRST cum that spurts inside her.”
Dolly slipped down Missy’s skirt. She was naked. Totally naked, surrounded by twenty-three fully dressed people who were there to watch her mate with a dog. And she was a stunning contrast to the rest of us. She was the smallest one there, and her pretty blonde hair made her stand out almost as much as her nakedness did.
Paula slipped the skirt away as she stepped out of it.
“You look fabulous, Missy,” said Dolly with a smile.
“Thank you,” said the girl, smiling back.
Paula stepped up and tied a white terrycloth belt around Missy’s waist. I knew it had the special doggie scent on it.
“And so now after all this planning, Missy is going to lose her virginity, and in a very special way.”
With that she touched Missy’s shoulder and started to guide her toward me.
She knelt down and moved over top of me, staying on her hands and knees. She put her knees just outside my hips, in line with the restraints. Her hands were on both sides of me, just below my arms. Her head was straight up from my neck.
She looked down as Dolly fastened her knees and ankles. Paula fastened her wrists. She was in the same position I had been in four years ago.
I reached up and caressed her cheek and hair with both my hands.
She looked down and then lowered her head.
Cameras and mics moved in very close.
We kissed, soft and gently, but held it for a long moment.
Missy lifted a few inches and spoke softly.
“Thank you…….for helping me with this.”
“Thank you for doing it,” I said sincerely.
She lifted up, straightening her arms.

Dolly had stepped out, and now she returned with two dogs. One was a large Doberman and the other was an enormous Rhodesian. She led them up to the front of Missy and they both sniffed at her head.
“Hello, boys,” she said softly. “I wish I could pet you. But my hands are tied at the moment.”
“That’s perfect, sweetie,” said Dolly.
The Doberman, whose name was Rondo, was pushed until his hind quarters were in front of us and Butch disappeared for a moment.
“Now just let Colleen help you, honey,” said Dolly.
She turned her head back to look for Butch, and I saw a questioning look on her face.
I reached up and put my hands on her head.
“Don’t worry, Missy,” I soothed her. “Butch is going first.”
She nodded slightly, resigned to let others take total control for the next little while.
The Doberman was pushed in closer, and I could see his pink erection.
“Oh, my,” I said as I eyed it. “Look at that.”
Missy was looking at it as well. There were three camcorders moved up close.
I gently put my left index finger on Missy’s pretty lips.
She closed her eyes, understanding.
She took a deep breath.
Then she nodded. We would take care of her mouth first.
“Thaaaaaat’s the girl. Let me guide you now,” I said softly.
I turned her head toward the shaft and slowly guided her forward, toward it.
Her eyes were open and she watched it closely as she let me guide her right up to it.
Then I took the pink rod in my left fingers and pointed it toward her mouth.
Her breathing suddenly quickened and she closed her eyes.
I could see her tremble.
“It’s allllllllll right now,” I soothed.
Her naked breasts heaved below her as she took more deep breaths.
“It’s alllllllll right,” I repeated.
With my right hand I held her head, while I guided the doggie cock toward her.
I slowly helped it touch the young girl’s lips.
She pulled back for a second when she felt the touch, then she let herself move back forward.
The pole touched her lips again.
“Thaaaaaat’s it,” I coaxed her.
I just held it against her mouth, waiting.
She paused for a moment, then parted her lips slightly.
“That’s beautiful, honey,” I said.
She tilted her head for the angle.
She opened wider.
The cockhead started in.
“Thaaaaaat’s it,” I continued.
Her lips parted more.
It was wonderful. She slowly let her lips open, taking the dog’s cock into her mouth as the cameras all filmed in close. Her mouth was no longer virgin.
“Beautiful,” I whispered.
I guided her until she had about four inches, then paused for a long moment.
Then I started easing her back.
When I got to within an inch of the tip I paused again.
Then I reversed, guiding her mouth back down around the rod.
I eased back again, then reversed without pausing this time. This was perfect! She was being totally willing and open as I led her into the world of sex, and she was letting me guide her mouth on this Doberman’s erection. I was wet with anticipation as I moved her up and down another time.
She had closed her eyes, but now she opened them, looking a little overwhelmed by what was happening. I smiled at her and nodded with encouragement, allowing her to pause at the tip of Rondo’s rod.
Then I released her head and was rewarded again! Her instincts took over! She sank down on the pink shaft all by herself! She began to bob her head back and forth, taking the dog!
“Perfect, baby,” I coaxed.
Still lying below her, I lifted my hands and cupped both her naked breasts while I watched her head moving. Her neck extended with purpose each time she leaned forward and accepted the perfect pink pole.
The cameras filmed and the people watched as Missy’s mouth slid along the doggie cock. She moved steadily and evenly, without pausing, waiting patiently for our direction.
After just a few minutes, I reached back up and took her head in my hands. She may have thought I was going to stop her, but I caught her rhythm and stayed with her as she pumped.
With subtle determination I began to increase the tempo of her movement. She submitted to it right away.
Her eyes opened and she looked down at me for guidance.
“You’re doing fine, baby,” I soothed.
Her eyes closed and she kept going.
“Thaaaaaat’s the girl,” I said.
Rondo twitched a little, and Missy’s eyes opened again.
I kept her going, steady.
“It’s all right, Missy. Just keep going,” I directed, whispering.
“Unnhhmm,” she went, inaudibly. I could see her nod, but it was very subtle. She knew what we wanted.
“It’s okay,” I patronized. “We want him to come. Right in your mouth.”
She never paused or resisted, but submitted to my guiding hands as we directed her.
My arms were getting tired, so I had to let go for a moment. She slowed and looked down at me.
“It’s okay. Keep going,” I whispered clearly as I nodded.
She resumed the motions immediately.
As I rested for a moment I watched her closely. She was beautiful.
“Unnhhmm!” she went again. I didn’t know what it meant, but she quickly started moving even faster now as I watched in awe.
Her expression showed nervousness and concern, but she kept pumping anyway, fully willing to take this to the finish. It was a perfectly natural look for a young girl who was about to have come in her mouth for the first time. Especially a dog’s come!
Suddenly, her eyes widened. Then they widened even more!
“Unnhhmm!” she went again, louder than before.
Her pumping slowed.
She released Rondo’s cock and as her head turned downward, some of the white jism cascaded from her open mouth! There was sperm in her mouth!!
Then the film got a real bonus. As the spunk fell from Missy’s mouth, it landed on my forehead, right at my eyebrow. Not only that, but Rondo was still coming, and his next spurt hit me full in the face, jetting across my nose and my cheek.
The crowd broke out in murmurs of amazement.
It startled me at first, but I instinctively held still, presenting my face for the dog’s sperm.
Before I knew it, two more the spurts hit me, and they covered my face from my hairline to my chin.
But then I quickly reached up and took the doggie cock in my fingers. I guided it back toward Missy.
She opened immediately. It was perfect. The next spurt from Rondo went straight into her open mouth, just as she leaned forward to take the shaft back in.
“Thaaaat’s the baby,” I said softly.
The worried look was back on her face, but her girl instincts were strong. She kept her lips tightly around the shaft.
I could tell that Rondo was still coming, and Missy’s mouth was definitely feeling the jets of his thick white spunk filling her mouth.
She closed her eyes.
Her throat muscles moved!
“Ulllp,” she went.
I nodded with satisfaction.
“Ulllp,” came the sound again.
I heard Paula’s voice, “God, she’s swallowing,” she said with amazement.
“Jesus,” whispered Dolly.
There were many murmurs throughout the room.
Missy swallowed again. Then again two more times.
“Perfect, baby, perfect,” I encouraged.
She waited, then swallowed one last time.
Her breathing was fast, but she knew she had done it.
She opened her eyes.
She released the cock, breathing deeply as she turned her head downward to look at me. It was a perfect moment. She opened her mouth above me, showing me, displaying it for the cameras too. There was no come left in her mouth!
“Ohh, my baby,” I praised, my hands coming up to caress her head.
“Oh……… Colleen…..,” said Missy with a deep gasp of wonder.
I smiled up at her.
“That was so perfect, Missy. SOOOOO perfect…”
“I did it, didn’t I,” she affirmed.
“You surely did. It was awesome.”
She looked down at me, noticing my face.
“You look beautiful,” she whispered.
“Thank you,” I said softly, feeling like we had just exchanged something incredibly special.

Paula and Dolly moved up close and smiled at us now.
Cameras moved down to film my face more closely.
“That is perfect,” said Dolly. “Couldn’t have asked for more.”
She reached down and unlocked Missy’s wrists. She slowly sat back, keeping herself above me as I started to slide out from underneath her.
I moved into a sitting position and cameras moved back up to my face. Missy, Dolly, and everyone else was looking at me as the slivers of white were pulled by gravity, redecorating my features. Some of it slid into my right eye and I felt a slight stinging, but kept it open.
“Do you want to…..uh,” offered Paula as she studied my face.
I quickly looked at Missy then to Dolly, then Paula. “No. I can keep it on for awhile,” I said.
Paula and Dolly both smiled.
Missy started scooting forward.
“May I?” she asked.
“Sure,” said Dolly as she and Paula moved to let her scoot up to me.
She scooted up very close and said in a sincere voice, “Thank you, Collie.” Then before I could respond she leaned forward to kiss me.
“Jesus,” whispered Paula as cameras moved in again.
Missy found my lips and we kissed gently, then she calmly moved to kiss my face where the doggie cum remained. She kissed my cheek first, covering some of the sperm and pulling it into her mouth as my eyes closed with satisfaction. She moved and covered another spot that was wet, taking what she could get.
Then she moved to my nose, my eyebrow, then my forehead, each time taking the doggie seed with either her lips or her tongue, cleaning my face as she kissed me. It was incredible. Truly.
When she was finished she came back to my lips and we kissed hard, with me pushing against her in gratitude for what she had just done.
As she pulled back I shook my head in amazement. “That was inspiring!” I emphasized to her.
“Thank you again,” she repeated, smiling this time. She knew she had done well.
The room was quiet as a mouse, watching and filming our exchange.
Then Missy turned slowly to Dolly.
“Might I have a glass of water?” she asked.
We were both handed a glass of water, which we both sipped at eagerly. Then she handed it back to Dolly.
I handed my glass back to Paula. The room was still incredibly quiet, as if they were all hanging by a thread in hopes that we would continue. We had still not reached the main event.
Missy broke the silence once more.
“I’m ready……to keep going if you want.”
I nodded to her. Then nodded to Dolly.
Dolly nodded to Paula, who was now holding Butch.

As Butch was released and he moved toward Missy eagerly.
“Hello big boy,” said she, petting his huge head with affection. “It’s so good to see you….. You don’t even know what’s about to happen, do you,” she said. She glanced at me and I nodded, urging her to continue talking to the dog.
“Our friends are going to help us finally get together,” she said gently to him. “And I’m going to MATE with you. No more just playing. This is for REAL.”
Nodding, I sat up with her and stroked the dog along with her.
She continued, “I’m going to be your first partner, and you’re going to be my first partner. You’re gonna get my cherry, big boy!” She continued stroking Butch. “You’re gonna get me as a VIRGIN….”
“Beautiful, Missy,” said Dolly as she watched three cameras filming us.
“My friends are gonna help us, to make sure we get it done right,” she continued. “And we’ll make a movie.” Then she added, “While you……fuck me.”
Several of the guys sighed as they heard her use the word ‘fuck’.
Butch sniffed her terrycloth belt and I could see his already-erect cock stiffen even more as his nose ran along Missy’s belly.

“He’s eager enough,” I said, seeing how enormous his cock was, which was probably nine or ten inches. It would be huge for five-foot-tall Missy.
Missy leaned and looked at it also. Her face got a little more serious.
“It sure is big, all of a sudden,” she said softly.
I had to admit, she was right. It would have made me nervous.
She looked at me. She nodded.
“I’m ready,” she said.

I lay back down on the pad.
Missy put her hands back down and Dolly locked her restraints.
Paula came up and knelt down in front of us.
“Okay now, sweetie,” she said to Missy, “This camera right here is aimed right at your face. The MOMENT you feel that cock going in, you’ll no longer be a virgin. Be sure to look right into the camera lens right when that happens. We want to catch the exact expression on your face when you lose your cherry. Then we’ll have that perfect moment on film.”
Missy took a deep breath and nodded.
Paula stood up and Dolly knelt down now. She gave Missy a very satisfied smile. “You’re perfect, baby,” she said.
Missy closed her eyes, then nodded again. I wondered if the drug was wearing off already. I wasn’t sure I could feel it. But there was so much passion in the room it didn’t matter.
Dolly stood up.
“Okay, everybody,” Paula announced. “Here comes the moment we’ve all been waiting for.”
Butch was moved around behind her.
“You ready?” Dolly asked me.
“We’re set,” I said firmly, my hands firmly around Missy’s ribcage.
“Here comes the big moment, Missy,” I whispered.
She was silent.
I wanted to watch this from every possible angle, and I was thankful I could see it all later. My eyes were glued to Missy’s pretty face right above mine.
She was really nervous now, and I could feel her trembling even more than before.
She turned and looked back quickly, then forward again.
Paula waited, letting her reaction build up.
The longer she waited, the more nervous Missy got. Her chest was heaving now. But she knew she couldn’t turn back. None of us could.
Paula nodded at someone.
Two of the men from the crowd helped Dolly and Paula move Butch to the right of us and then up toward Missy’s naked buttocks.
Paula was directing, and the guys were trying to push the big dog.
“He wants to sniff that belt,” said one of them.
“Because it’s scented with a female dog,” said Dolly.
“It must be. Look at his COCK!”
“He’s ready all right,” said the other.
“Once he’s behind her he’ll know what to do,” said Dolly.

She was correct. The men got Butch behind Missy and he sniffed her for only a second, then started his two front legs forward and up along her sides.
I watched the huge animal’s paws moving closer to my face as his chest moved up over the young girl’s naked back.
Missy looked at the two front legs that were now at her shoulders.
“Ohh, Geeeese,” she gasped.
“It’s all right, baby,” I soothed more loudly. “It’s alllllllllll right.”
I caressed her sides for a moment, trying to keep her calm.
“You guys hold him and Dolly will aim his cock,” said Paula.
“Right!” said one of the men breathlessly. Butch was a big dog and he was very eager now.
“All right Missy,” said Paula firmly. “Here we go now.”
Missy was panting now, gasping nervously as her chest heaved above me.
Again Paula paused, letting the moment sink in, prolonging the event.
“Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God,” gasped Missy.
“Thaaaaaat’s the baby,” I patronized. “Thaaaaaat’s the baby.”
“Oh God, oh……”
Dolly’s hand aimed Butch’s cockhead and the guys released him.
He got a bullseye on the first try!
“OHHH!!!!!” Missy squealed.
Her expression was perfect! Her eyes flew open as she cried out in surprise and she turned right to the camera lens as Butch popped her cherry.
“YES!!!!” went Dolly.
“He’s IN HER!!” cried one of the men.
“OHHH!!” Missy cried out again.
At this point I tried to watch her, but I was coming so hard that my whole body shook.
Paula noticed and spoke quickly. “Get Colleen. She’s coming!”
Cameras were pointed at me and my whole body twitched and jerked as I climaxed as strong as I ever had before.
Missy may have noticed, but Butch was keeping her occupied fully by now. He started thrusting quickly, banging his loins against her buttocks with his powerful animal instinct.
I tried to focus on her, but I was still coming hard, convulsing underneath her as Butch started to fuck her.
The young girl was pushed forward against her restraints, and her body was jerking rhythmically as Butch took her.
Her already high pitched voice was even higher pitched as she made short, desperate cries with each thrust.
I started to calm and a smile came to my face as I viewed my lovely young friend.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” she went.
I watched her pretty face closely now and I could see her eyes had welled up slightly and she was wincing with discomfort as the shaft penetrated her. Her chest was still heaving, and her naked breasts were swinging to the rhythm of her union with the dog. It was fantastic.
Paula knelt down in front again.
“Perfect, honey, just perfect,” she coaxed.
Missy’s cries were a little softer now, as her friend smiled and filmed her, very close up.
“Thaaaaaat’s the girl,” said Paula.
Missy’s hands gripped the restraints now, and I could tell she was bracing herself against Butch’s pumping.
I could see she wanted to straighten a little.
I put my hands on her shoulders and tried to help her.
She nodded a thank you.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she was gasping now. “Oh, Colleen! Oh!”
She gasped my name so I responded. “Thaaat’s the baby.”
“Oh, Colleen, oh,” she said to the rhythm of the dog’s movement.
“He’s got you, honey,” I said softly. “He’s got you.”
“Thaaat’s right baby,” I coaxed. “He’s fucking you. He’s FUCKING you.”
“Oh, God, oh!”
“You’re being fucked by a dog,” said I, firmly. “And he’s going to COME inside you. INSIDE you,” I added.
“Ohhh, God!” she gasped.
The crowd was quiet, but the room was not. The sound of Butch fucking Missy was quite loud. She knew that no one outside the trailer could hear her, so she did not try to hold her cries down at all.
From my perfect perch underneath her, I could watch her tiny body jerk repeatedly from the thrusts of the enormous animal that was violating her. Butch was relentless in his pumping, following only his animal instincts with the female which was provided. I could see his determination.
I could see Missy’s face as well, even better perhaps. She was uncomfortable, for certain. Butch was banging her hard. Her mouth was open and her sides were heaving as she gasped and panted in the warm air in the room.
But she was still determined, and she bit her lower lip and braced herself against his gyrating hips as he fucked her.
“OHH! OHH! OHH! OHH!” she cried out continuously.

Missy was perfect in every way. She kept lifting her head up toward the camera, then down toward me, gasping. She looked firmly resolved to take every thing her dog had to give her and she never complained for a second.
Her face was moist from the heat of the moment, and her bangs clung to her face while her tiny naked body heaved with panting as Butch made love to her for the first time. Her cries of passion were unabashed and unleashed as the giant dog’s cock punished her steadily. I felt lucky to know her so much better now, and I knew she was ready for this…that she wanted it. We all wanted it. And we were all getting exactly what we wanted.

Suddenly I felt her body jerk in my hands. Her left leg twitched.
I smiled. She was going to come.
“Ohh! Oh, Colleen! I think I’m gonna come!”
“Thaaaaaat’s the baby,” I coaxed.
“Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!! GOD!!!!
Her little body jerked and her head rolled up and down as she came, with Butch still fucking her. It was wonderful to watch. Her first orgasm.
“Ohhh, NNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!” she went, biting her lower lip hard, then trying to keep her head up.
I kept my hands on her sides, feeling her convulsions as the orgasm took her.
It didn’t take that long, being her first one, but I could tell it was good.
The cameras moved in close to get her expression.
Then her eyes flew open!
“Oh my God!!!” she cried out. “I think he’s coming!!!”
“He sure is,” said Paula.
“Oh! He’s coming inside me!”
“That’s the baby,” I encouraged.
“He’s coming inside me!!” she cried again. “Ohh, Colleen! I feel it! I feel it!!!”
“You’re perfect, baby.”
She choked back a sob as her first fuck was nearly completed. Her delicious body had gotten the dog off. I almost came again as I watched her pretty face.
“Ohhhhhh, he’s coming inside me,” she choked again.
“That’s right, Missy. Your DOG is coming inside you,” I said firmly.
The dog sperm was running out of Missy and falling on my skirt as the two of us clung together with the dog on top.
“Ohhhh! Oh my God!!!” she cried again.
I felt it again! Her sides started to shake! She was coming again!
“Ohhh, NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!” she went, gasping, then gritting her teeth as her head lifted, dropped, then lifted again. Her body jerked forward and back and I could feel the spasms running through her while her knees banged against my hips in contraction. Her arms shook also, right down to her hands against the constraints, and I watched her shoulders curl back in an arch.
It only took one more second of watching her. I was over the edge too. I felt the sudden rush as my vagina contracted, lifting me right off the vinyl pad as my own back arched as I came again, right there with her.
Doggie sperm continued to pour out of her and onto my skirt!
I choked back a squeal, felt my head jerk upward as my owns muscles lost control underneath the young girl. My legs kicked out at nothing, again and again, and my hands squeezed Missy’s sides as cameras now moved steadily around the both of us recording this intense moment as it happened.
If there were ever an out-of-body experience, this had to be it. It was like Missy and I left our bodies, met in spirit, engulfed each other, then returned to earth to finish the feelings of pulsing and pounding together in total throes of passion. I felt like we’d each been inside the other.
Finally, she collapsed, her head and shoulders lowering onto me, just at my chest as I started to regain some control.
The entire room was stunned to silence as the two of us panted and panted, trying to breathe, embracing each other, our chests rising and falling together.
My left hand came up to her head while my right caressed her back as we slowly, slowly calmed down and our heart rates came back into the safe range. We said nothing for a very long moment. No one did.
Butch slipped back and his cock slid out of her, the big knot visible as he backed away. I knew the knot had not gone inside Missy, but that didn’t matter. There was plenty of time now.
A large cascade of Butch’s spunk joined what was already on my skirt, soaking it through and onto my legs.
I could hear cameras whirring now, and I caressed Missy’s back with both hands.
I felt her kiss the nape of my neck.
It had been perfect.
It would be everything that we all wanted.
And it was recorded forever……

Skipping to awhile later now….

I smiled as I dialed the telephone number. It was just after eleven now, and Missy was asleep. Dolly and Paula were sitting with me.
I heard a short beep. I was sure it was a recorder.
“Hello?” came a sleepy voice.
“Mrs. Allen?”
“Hi, it’s Colleen.”
“Oh, yes, Colleen. I was hoping it was you.”
“You wanted me to call no matter how late.”
“Yes. Yes, thank you.”
“Well, I have some news for you. Some very good news.”
“We always like good news.”
“Is your husband there too?”
“Yes, he’s here. He’s right here. We were sleeping. Here he comes now.”
“Okay, well you can tell him what I tell you.”
“All right.”
“I’m very happy to tell you that your niece, Missy, is no longer a virgin.”
“Oh, Colleen. That’s wonderful news.”
“Yes, it is.”
“So you were successful.”
“Yes, we were. Very successful,” I said, smiling to myself.
“That’s just wonderful,” she said gratefully.
“And we got a very good film of it.”
“A good film?”
“Yes, we got a very good film of the whole event. It will be a perfect film.”
“Oh, I’m so glad,” she said.
“Yes, it will be a big success,” I added.
“And……..who was her…..partner?” she asked carefully.
I smiled again. “Her partner was a wonderful big dog.”
“A dog? A big dog?”
“That’s right. A very big dog. His name is Butch.”
“Oh, yes, Butch. He is her favorite.”
“Well, she gave him a real treat tonight.”
“Oh, Colleen. Thank you so much for helping.”
“And he came inside her. There were torrents of it.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful. Wait until I tell Del.”
“And I have other good news, too.”
“You do?”
“Yes. More good news.”
“All right.”
“Missy’s mouth.”
“Missy’s mouth? What about her mouth?”
“She took another dog in her mouth. Her mouth is no longer virgin either.”
“Oh my goodness!!!”
“Yes, it was beautiful.”
“Oh, I can’t believe it.”
“His name was Rondo.”
“I don’t know that one.”
“He’s a big dog, like Butch. He’s a Doberman.”
“Oh. And did he…….did he…….?
“He came in her mouth, Mrs. Allen. It was the true highlight of the film. She did it perfectly. She even swallowed most of it. As much as she could.”
“Oh my goodness!!! Wait until I tell her Uncle Del.”
“Well, I’m happy to give you the news.”
“Ohh, thank you so much, Colleen. It’s wonderful of you to call.”
“My pleasure.”
“And……and did you go too?” she asked.
“Yes, Mrs. Allen. I went right after Missy. The girls helped me take a dog from the front this time.”
“Ohh, how special,” she said.
“Yes, it certainly was. It was wonderful.”
“Did you take a dog in your mouth also?”
“Yes, I did that too. And I swallowed just like Missy did.”
“Oh, this is so wonderful,” she said gratefully.
“It was a wonderful evening. And you’ll be able to see it all on film.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful. And how is Missy?”
“Missy is exhausted. She’s fine, but very tired. We’ll bring her home late tomorrow.”
“That would be fine.”
“Then we’ll see you tomorrow.”
“And thank you again, Colleen, very much.
“You’re welcome, and thank you!”
“Bye bye.”

I hung up and smiled at Dolly and Paula. They both smiled back. It had all been perfect.


Missy and Hope

It was nearly two months later that another event took place that brought me back to Dolly and Paula’s farm.
I got the phone call a few days before.
“Hi, Colleen, it’s Dolly.”
“Ohh, hi Dolly! It’s great to hear from you!”
“Good to hear your voice as well.”
“Thank you.”
“We’re wondering if you might be available this coming weekend. Something important has come up and we’d love you to have a part in it.”
“Ooooo, I’m not sure I can. What’s the event?”
“It’s Hope. We’re going to take her on Sunday.”
My heart stopped. I felt a surge of heat.
“Hope? God, she’ll be fantastic.”
“She certainly will. Missy will be there also. She wanted to call and ask you herself, but I thought it should come from me.”
“I’ll have to rearrange some things, but I can’t miss this. I’ll be there, for sure.”
“I thought you would. Can you come down Friday afternoon or evening?”
“Sure. I can be there about five.”
“See you then.”

I hung up.
Hope. She was adorable. Dark hair with bangs. Cute as a button. She seemed quiet and a little shy. I wondered how they were going to do it.

I arrived at the farm on Friday as I said I would, having no more idea about their plan than I did before.
But I knew they would be well-prepared and I would get the scope of it when I got there.
It was a beautiful autumn day, and the weather was still warm, as though summer was not ready to give it up just yet.
Even as I pulled into the driveway, Missy was out the door to greet me.
“Ohh, I’m so glad you’re here,” she bubbled as we embraced with a kiss.
“I’m glad to be here! And you look fantastic!”
“Thanks! And so do you, as always!”
As I stepped into the farmhouse I was enthusiastically greeted by Dolly and Paula and we all sat down to talk. We chatted for a few minutes before we got down to business.
“Hope is not here?” I asked, looking around.
“She is coming out tomorrow,” Missy replied. “To spend the night.”
“So, I take it you have it all planned out?” I asked.
Both Paula and Missy turned to Dolly.
Dolly nodded.
“We’re going to do it on Sunday afternoon,” she continued. “I’ll have three camera guys arriving in the morning, and the audience will be about twenty.
I nodded with understanding.
“I’m dying to know how you have seduced her,” I mused.
Missy smiled then.
“She spent a lot of nights here with me, over the summer,” said the young girl. “We finally started a relationship, and I opened up to her. Then, two weeks ago, I broke her hymen. With my finger.”
My eyes widened. “Good for you,” I said sincerely.
“It was an awesome moment,” she said with a smile.
“I’ll bet it was,” I agreed. “And so she is still a virgin?”
All three of them nodded.
“Until Sunday,” said Dolly.
“I told her all about my first time, and about you, and what we did, and one thing just led to another.”
Dolly spoke then, “Tell Colleen about Smith and Wesson.”
I looked up and smiled. “Smith and Wesson?” I asked.
“Smith and Wesson are her two dogs. They are white German Shepherds,” said Missy in a serious voice.
“Oh,” I said softly.
“They are really beautiful,” said Dolly. “Both males.”
“Both purebred males,” added Paula.
“Hope just adores them,” Missy went on. “I think that’s part of the reason she wants to do it.”
“I think that’s a very good reason,” I commented.
“I think she also wants to do it because I did it,” said Missy. “She thinks it will make us closer.”
I nodded giving her a knowing look. “I’m sure it will.”
She smiled back at me. She and I had both been drawn closer after I helped her with her deflowering, which was very similar to mine. She knew what I meant.
I looked around at my three friends.
“So what can do to help?” I asked.
Again Paula and Missy looked at Dolly.
She looked at me.
“Well, we think your just being here will help quite a bit. She is very anxious to meet you.”
“Actually, I’ve already met her,” I told them.
“Yes, we know that, but she barely remembers it. She had no idea who you were then, so she wants to meet you again.”
“Well, I have no problem with that,” I said emphatically.
Dolly continued, “We would like you to get to know her a little, and we wondered if you would mind sleeping with her.”
My eyes widened. “Sure. I’d love to do that? What about Missy?”
“Well, we thought maybe the three of you could sleep together tomorrow night.”
I smiled and looked at Missy. “Sounds wonderful.”
“Sunday is Hope’s birthday,” added Paula.
“Oh is it?” I reacted. “The important one, I assume.”
Paula and Dolly both nodded.
I turned to Missy and smiled.
She smiled back broadly.
“Where am I sleeping tonight?” I asked.
“Oh, we thought you would like to sleep with Missy,” said Dolly.
Again I smiled. I looked at Missy and said, “So, honey, have you been, ahh, broadening your horizons?”
She nodded then, her face growing more serious.
“Only with Hope so far,” she admitted. “I haven’t slept with a boy yet.”
“You haven’t?”
She shook her head.
“Are you open to it?” I asked.
“Yes, I think so. I just haven’t found one I like quite yet.”
I looked at Dolly and Paula.
“We are encouraging it,” Dolly said.
Paula nodded her agreement.
I looked at them thoughtfully.
“What about the three of you?” I asked.
There was a long pause.
Dolly spoke first.
“We haven’t gone there,” she said.
“Really?” I raised an eyebrow.
Paula and Dolly shook their heads.
Missy looked around curiously.
Paula spoke next, saying, “We just haven’t felt that the time was right to approach that,” she explained.
Then Missy cut in. “I would go to bed with you if you want me,” she said to them gently.
They both looked at her lovingly.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” said Dolly gratefully.
Again Paula nodded, and said, “We would like that very much. When the time is ready.”
I looked at Missy then and asked, “How is your aunt Lucy?”

“Oh, she’s wonderful,” said Missy. “And Uncle Del too. They are so good to me. They practically let me live here on the farm.”
Her words did not answer my real question. Did she know about her aunt and uncle yet? Did she know that they were helpful in setting up her first time with Butch? And if she didn’t know about them, would she know about Jim and Kay Andrews? They were in favor of Hope being done this weekend.
I noticed Dolly make a very subtle shake of her head. There was my answer.
I was glad I found this out before I said the wrong thing.

Missy and I had a wonderful night together that night.
I used a dildo on her for the first time, and she came three times by the time I was finished with her. She satisfied me orally and we slept in bliss in the king-sized bed.
The next morning Dolly and Paula watched us as we glowed together at the breakfast table.
They were also very happy.

“So what time is Hope coming over?” I asked.
Dolly looked over and said, “Well, she was going to come over about noon, but then we thought it might be better if you and Missy go over and pick her up.”
“Sure. We could do that,” I said agreeably.
Later, Paula took me aside and said, “Actually, Jim and Kay want to see you again, and maybe say a word or two before Hope leaves.”
“I get it,” I said with a nod.
Missy and I drove to her house first, and her aunt was there waiting for us. It was not the same house she lived in before. This one was larger and nicer.
Lucy gave me a knowing smile as we greeted one another. As Missy ran upstairs for a minute Lucy turned to me.
“I want to thank you again for the last time,” she said in a smile. “It really helped us a lot.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that,” I told her firmly.
“And your phone call was the nicest thing of all,” she added.
I nodded.
“Well, I was happy to call you. That was enjoyable for me also.”
She gave me a grateful smile.
Just then Missy reappeared and Lucy nodded to me. “Maybe we’ll get a chance to speak again,” she offered.
“I would love to,” I accepted.
We got back into the car and drove a block and a half and stopped in Hope’s driveway.
As we opened the gate to their front yard, two beautiful white dogs came bounding out to see us. They looked similar to German Shepherds, but I had never seen any quite like them before. Their fur was a little shorter than the common shepherd, and they were pure white. They really were quite stunning.
“Hi guys!” Missy said brightly as she stooped down to greet them.
I lowered down with her.
“Smith and Wesson, I presume?” I asked.
“Yep. Here they are.”
As I gave the two dogs a stroke, the front door opened and out stepped Hope.
“Hiya Miss,” she called from the porch.
Missy greeted her back and we and the two dogs joined her on the porch.
“I know you’ve met,” said Missy, “But Hope, this is my friend Colleen.”
“It’s nice to see you again,” I told her, extending my hand.
She looked at me wide-eyed, as though she couldn’t believe I was really here. Then she took my hand.
“I’m really glad to see you again too,” she spoke.
She seemed almost dumbfounded to see me, as though I were some sort of celebrity. But for me, I was nearly lost in a sea of blue, as she opened her eyes toward me. Never had I seen such big and beautiful eyes. They were incredible. She was even more stunning than I had remembered.

And her body was just breathtaking. She wore a not-too-loose sweatshirt for a top, and her breasts were definitely full and ripe. I was almost certain they would fill a C-cup. On the bottom she wore a pair of black stretch pants, and there was no hiding every curve that she had to offer. When she gave me a brief profile I nearly fainted. I knew most men would kill or die for a pair of buns like hers.
The dogs were acting somewhat perky, so she turned to them and spoke sharply.
“Wesson, sit! Smith, sit!”
Both the dogs sat.
I was immediately impressed.
Then she said, “I’m not quite ready just yet. Would you like to come in for a minute?”
We followed her into her very nice house and her parents came in to the foyer to greet us.
“Hello Missy,” said Mrs. Andrews.
“This is my friend Colleen,” she introduced me.
“Hello, Colleen,” said the woman.
Jim Andrews extended his hand and I shook with him.
Mrs. Andrews turned to Missy. “Why don’t you go on upstairs with Hope and help her get ready?”
Missy nodded.
“Sure,” she said as the two girls headed for the stairs.
“Come in and sit down, Colleen,” our hostess offered.
I followed her into a nice sunny room and the three of us sat.
“You’ve got a beautiful house,” I complimented.
“Thank you,” said Mr. Andrews.
Then his wife lowered her voice slightly and said, “We are so very pleased to see you here.”
“Your daughter is absolutely adorable,” I commented.
“Hope is actually our adopted daughter, and we agree with you,” she said.
I wasn’t quite sure what to say next, but Mr. Andrews broke in.
“Will you be here for awhile?” he asked.
“Only until Monday, Mr. Andrews,” I said casually.
“Please call me Jim,” he said right away.
“And I’m Kay,” followed his wife.
“Thank you,” I said with a smile.
“So……is tomorrow the……the big day?” asked Kay softly.
I smiled then. “You’re aware of the plan?” I asked.
They both nodded.
“Tomorrow is her birthday,” said Kay.
“So I understand. I think it will be a wonderful and, umm, meaningful day,” I mused.
“Well, if anyone can make it wonderful, I’m sure you can,” said Jim pleasantly.
“Oh, what a nice thing to say,” I replied.
“Well, Jim has good reason to say that,” said Kay.
I looked at her. “Oh? How so?”
He said, “I was there for your ‘event’ years ago. And also for Missy.”
“Oh, you were?”
He nodded. “I was masked the last time, since she knows me.”
I understood that certainly. I nodded.
“And you were splendid. Both times. It was remarkable.”
“Well thank you,” I said sincerely.
“I can’t be there this time, just in case, so we will see the film later, but I’m sure it will be wonderful, no doubt.”
I smiled gratefully. “We will try to make it as spectacular as the last one,” I assured him.
“We must ask you a small favor, if you don’t mind,” asked Kay.
“Certainly. If I can.”
We are spending the day tomorrow at Lucy and Del’s. We’ll be there all afternoon. Would you mind calling us after it has all happened? Just to let us know?”
I thought of the call I made to Missy’s aunt Lucy the night she had been filmed.
“Sure I will. I’d be happy to,” I agreed.
They seemed relieved at that, and just then Hope and Missy came down the stairs.

The three of us got into the car with Hope in the back seat and Missy on my right. Smith and Wesson were in the far back of my small SUV.
We were barely out of the driveway when Hope asked me, “Did you get knotted…on your first time?”
I was completely taken aback by her straightforward talk, and I fought to recover myself as best I could.
“Yes, Hope,” I said. “Yes, I did. Are you concerned about that?”
“A little bit, I guess,” she admitted. “I know it’s going to hurt some. Missy said it did.”
Missy nodded, next to me.
Hope continued, “But she said it was a nice hurt.”
“It is a nice hurt,” I confirmed. “And it just gets better and better,” I added.
“And……did you come? The first time, I mean?”
“Yes. I did come. And I’m pretty sure you will too,” I predicted.
“I’ve only come two times before,” she said.
“With Missy?” I asked.
Missy nodded, next to me.
Hope said, “Umm hmm.”
Then I asked her, “Did you like it when she broke your hymen?”
I could see Hope nodding in the rear-view mirror.
Missy was nodding also.
“That’s when I came the first time,” Hope said.
“Was it strong?” I asked.
“Not that much, I think,” she said. “It felt good, but it was stronger the next time.”
“Was that last weekend?” I asked next.
Missy nodded and said, “We both stayed out at the farm last Saturday night.”
Then Hope asked, again from the back, “Where are you sleeping tonight?”
“I think the plan is for the three of us to share the king size bed in the guest room. Is that okay with you?” I said, making eye contact through the rear-view mirror, then looking at Missy.
Missy nodded with a smile.
From the back Hope said, “I can’t wait.”

As I smiled at her comment, she looked at Missy.
“I think I’ve decided who’s going where.”
“Have you?” Missy asked with interest.
“Umm hmm,” she nodded. “I think Smith’s gonna get my mouth.”
“Sounds good,” said Missy.
“Anything special make you decide that?” I asked her.
She was thoughtful for a moment.
“I think it’s because… Smith’s a little more affectionate? Wesson is sort of all business, and I think that’s why he should fuck me.”
Hearing her say the word ‘fuck’ for the first time made me instantly wet. I really liked the way she said that word. She was definitely an extraordinary and unusal girl. Aside from being so lovely.

Later that evening, at bedtime, Dolly and Paula set up cameras in our bedroom, filming the three of us as we removed our clothes. They waited until we were completely naked, then left the three of us alone.
Feeling an awkward moment about to begin, I smiled and stepped up to Missy.
“Let’s break the ice a little,” I said, “okay?”
She nodded and tipped her face up to me.
Hope watched while we kissed, lingering and letting our tongues explore a little.
I only waited a short moment, not wanting Hope to feel left out, then I reached for her, pulling her gently toward the two of us. I guided her toward Missy, then let the two of them start kissing as I watched.
Hope was definitely comfortable with this, and as Missy encouraged her, they were soon kissing passionately, their tongues exploring, mouths opening wider and wider. I caressed both of their arms and shoulders as they went at each other. I was so close it was like I was part of it.
It was incredibly beautiful to see these two young girls embracing in their nakedness, their lips caressing each other.
As their fusion continued, I gently pushed them, guiding them toward the bed. They caught on immediately and soon the three of us were gathered on the firm mattress.
As we knelt there facing each other, Missy turned and looked at Hope and me, her face expectant. She was obviously looking forward to seeing Hope kissing me.
I looked right into those dazzling blue eyes as I leaned forward to her.
She looked right back at me, obviously looking forward to our first kiss.
It started sweetly, and her lips were full and soft as we came together. Our kiss was more exploratory, but I was extremely complimented as her hands began to explore as well.
Both hands moved down my sides, then her right went around to my back while her left approached my bush.
As her left finger moved between my legs, she eased her mouth back slightly and asked, “Can I do this?”
I nodded. “By all means.”
We went back to our kiss and her finger slipped inside me. It felt wonderful to have her in there.
I felt her begin to explore my inside. I was already like boiling oil…

Missy’s hands were touching both of us, and she stroked us with encouragement.
I slipped my left hand down and gently entered Hope with my middle finger.
I heard a soft groan of acceptance from her as I did.
We both parted then and turned toward Missy, and I guided the two of them together again.
I kept my left finger inside Hope, however, and moved my right hand to Missy. I soon had a middle finger in each of them.
They kissed each other hungrily as I finger-fucked them, one of their hands on me and the other on each other. A moment later they parted, and looked to me for direction.
“Let’s do this,” I directed, and I guided Hope back, getting her to lie down with her head on a pillow.
“Help me here, Miss,” I said, guiding her.
Missy touched her as well, and we were soon kneeling on both sides of Hope’s hips as I reached forward again, toward the small dark bush at the junction of her thighs.
Missy and I both leaned in to study her, and my fingers approached carefully.
Hope lay there, still and quiet as we examined her most vulnerable spot.
I spread her little vulva gently with my thumb and forefinger, then let my other index finger search for its objective.
Missy watched in awe as I probed.
I knew I had found it when I felt the little nodule and Hope cried out softly as I touched it.
“Therrrrrrre we go,” I said brightly. “Thaaaaaaat’s what I was looking for.”
I pressed it again gently and we both heard Hope make a small sob.
I looked up at Missy. “You try it,” I told her. “Right here.”
Missy reached forward and replaced my finger with hers.
I knew she had found it when Hope sobbed again.
“That’s it, isn’t it!” Missy said excitedly.
I nodded. “That’s the spot.”
Missy nodded with anticipation.
“Okay,” I told her, “Now you work it gently with your finger, and I’ll work on her from the inside. We’re gonna make her come.”
Missy nodded in agreement, and Hope looked up at us wide-eyed. Then she nodded.
Just the lust of our intentions would put most girls halfway there, and Hope was no exception.
I slid my middle finger inside her as Missy moved her finger gently, stimulating her g-spot.
Hope’s eyes closed and her back arched, as she accepted our wanton fingers. She made soft sighs, and her hands gripped the sheets on the bed, but her center remained with us, tipping up to greet us.
Missy and I both had our heads turned toward her face, watching her expression.
Her head rolled back and she bit her lower lip gently, closing her eyes then opening them, then staring upward.
Her mouth made soft gasping sounds and she wailed a little each time I pushed in deeper.
Almost there, I knew.
She was shy about it when it happened, not saying anything. But Missy and I both knew it from her body language.
She made an even more desperate choke, and her back rose right off the mattress. Her legs kicked out in a spasm, and her head made a violent jerk.
“There it is,” I affirmed.
Missy nodded her agreement.
Hope’s body began to buck and gyrate, while we kept our fingers working on her.
“Keep going,” I directed Missy, knowing it would make the orgasm stronger.
“NNNNnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!” went Hope with total abandon.
Missy and I kept watching, enraptured by her expressions.
Her lovely naked body jumped and jerked on the solid matress, as our fingers took her into heights of passion.
Welcome to this brand new world, Hope, I thought.
Her undulations finally began to subside, and soon she was lying still, panting for breath.
Missy and I both lay down beside her, letting her catch her breath.
“Ohhh, that was so amazing,” she finally said, nodding to reinforce her words.
“It was beautiful,” I added.
“Umm HMMM!” added Missy.
“Ohh, you guys,” she said, “I’m… I’m speechless.”
I smiled then and nodded. “Well, I hope you and I can do the same for Missy.”
“I’d love to do that,” she said, looking at me seriously. Then she looked at Missy, who nodded back to her.
We soon had Missy in the same position, and I had taught Hope to find her little magic button.
Hope was all smiles as she shared this experience with me, and Missy was not at all shy about announcing her orgasm when it came.
When it was my turn, the two girls relished working together, and they brought me off twice before I could make them stop.
The three of us fell asleep exhausted, but fully satisfied, lying together in naked bliss.
And I knew that tomorrow would be incredible.

The audience began arriving just after noon the next day and we were all ready for them.
I was dressed in a blouse and skirt, and Missy and Hope both wore a blouse also, but short shorts on the bottom. Both of their luscious pairs of young legs were displayed beautifully.
There were a number of new faces there that I had not seen before.
Dolly and Paula had also orchestrated something different this time, which they had not entirely shared with me, and supposedly Missy and Hope had come up with some ideas of their own. They said they wanted to surprise me, so I agreed to go along with it all. They had set it all up in the trailer.
A man whose face I did remember walked up to greet me.
“Hello, Colleen. It’s so nice to see you here today,” he said.
“Hi, Lou,” I said, greeting him. “I’m glad you could join us.”
“Ohhhh!” he said with a smile. “Thank you so much for remembering me.”
I smiled back at his very pleased look, and said, “Well, you’re a very memorable person. And we have shared a very intimate moment. Have we not?”
He smiled at that and said, “Yes, my dear, we certainly have. Thank you very much.”
With that I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Then, to my surprise, he handed me a small card.
“Just in case I can ever do anything for you,” he said, “here is my card, and I’d be happy to hear from you.”
I smiled back and said, “That’s very thoughtful of you. Thanks.”
Then his eyes glanced around and he said, “Are you, ah, entertaining us today?”
“Well, I just might be,” I said teasingly.
“I see Missy is also here, and another girl as well.”
“That is Hope,” I said. “She’s very pretty, don’t you think?”
“She certainly is,” he said.
Then in a softer voice I said, “And she’s a virgin, too.”
Lou’s eyes widened.

A few minutes later Paula came out and rang a little bell for everyone.
“Okay folks,” she announced, “It’s time for us all to move into the trailer.”
I was feeling quite excited at this point, since I didn’t know their entire plan. I knew they had worked something out, but I still didn’t know exactly what. I was looking forward to their creativity.
And it all was beautifully smooth.

We gathered into the large room in the trailer, where there was a platform set up as a stage on one end. Cameras were all set up and running, and there were plenty of seats for the audience.
As the people began to take their chairs, Dolly took me by the arm and said, “We would like you to join us on the stage.”
“Happy to,” I replied.
There were three cameramen standing on the sides of the stage, and five chairs were set up as well.
It was a very simple setup. Along with the chairs there was a couch and a large carpet on the floor. Beside the couch was a table, and on the table top lay a tray with several syringes and some cotton balls with a bottle of alcohol. There was also another bottle, which I figured was the special scent we would use on Hope.
Mounted on the wall above the stage were three very large monitor screens that showed what was being viewed by the three cameras. This was a very special touch, and would allow the audience to see everything the cameras saw, without moving from their seats.
I took my place in the center chair, with Missy to my left and Hope on her left. To my right sat Paula, then Dolly.
Everyone sat quickly and the room was suddenly dead quiet.
All were eagerly anticipating what would come next.
I was dying of curiosity myself.
Then the silence was shattered by Hope going, “Kerchoo!”
I could tell it was a fake sneeze.
Missy turned and looked at Hope. “Are your allergies bothering you today?”
Hope nodded. “More than usual,” she said.
“Aunt Paula has something she can give you for that,” Missy said.
“She does?”
“Yes, she does. I’m sure it would make you feel better,” said Missy.
“I would like to take it then,” said Hope.
I could hear a collective intake of breath from the audience.
Without saying a word, both Paula and Dolly got up and walked over to the table, standing next to it.
Cameras followed them as they went. I peeked at the big monitors, and it all came alive beautifully.
Then Missy stood up and reached her hand out for Hope. “Come on over here, Hope,” she suggested. Then she looked at me. “Colleen, would you come and help us with this?”
I nodded.
Hope and I both stood up, each taking one of Missy’s hands. She led us over to the table where Paula and Dolly were standing.
“We need to get Hope out of these clothes,” Missy said to me. “She needs to be nude for her shot.”
“Okay,” I agreed.
Hope stood perfectly still, saying nothing.
I was definitely feeling very wet downstairs at this point. This very light-hearted staging was incredibly sensuous. And Hope was being wonderfully passive as Missy’s fingers and mine began to work on her clothing.
And the cameras were catching everything!

I looked into her enormous blue eyes as I started to unbutton her blouse.
Missy stooped behind her and reached around to unsnap her short shorts.
As Hope watched me unbutton her, I looked back at her and read her expression as one of awe. She looked at me as if she were a guest in some kind of special movie and I was a big star to be emulated. It was truly quite complimentary. It made me smile.
I spoke to her softly, “You look beautiful today, Hope.”
“Thank you,” she said quietly. She was incredibly unassuming, and as I spread her blouse apart, she moved her arms back to accommodate me, as if this was an everyday event.
Missy pushed her shorts to the floor and she stepped out of them.
Then, leaving her panties on, Missy stood up and unsnapped Hope’s bra. She eased the straps over the shoulders and I took them, pulling them forward.
I pulled the garment toward me and Hope’s breasts came into view.
Again the audience murmured.
I smiled as I looked down at them, taking in their perfection.
Missy stooped down again, and her fingers found the waistband of Hope’s undies.
With Hope facing the audience, Missy pulled downward, revealing the dark-haired bush at the junction of her friend’s legs.
Cameras moved in again, panning.
I looked up at the monitors and saw it all perfectly.

Hope lifted her left foot, then her right. She was totally naked.
And what a magnificent sight she was!
I smiled with pleasant surprise as I saw Missy plant a kiss on each of Hope’s buns, left and then right.
Missy rose then, taking Hope’s hand and gently pulling her toward the table where Paula and Dolly were looking on.
Hope said nothing, still remaining very submissive as I joined Missy in guiding her toward our two friends.
As we positioned Hope next to the table Missy turned to me. Reaching for the buttons of her own blouse then, she looked at me and said, “Would you join me?”
Taking the cue, I nodded and started to remove my own clothes.
Hope waited for us now as did Dolly and Paula. We both shed every stitch until there were three of us completely nude there on the stage.
Cameras moved in at that point, and we posed, modeling our naked bodies as they panned around and up and down.
At that point Missy glanced toward Dolly, who gave her a nod. Obviously the signal to begin.
Missy took Hope’s arms and gently turned her, her backside toward Dolly and Paula.
Dolly picked up the tray and handed it to Paula.
Paula picked up the cotton and handed it to Missy.
Missy stooped behind Hope.
Paula handed Missy the bottle of alcohol.
Missy wetted the cotton ball and gently rubbed her friend’s left buttock.
Missy’s hand found mine, and she gave me a gentle tug.
I stooped down next to her.
“Aren’t they beautiful?” she asked.
I nodded. “They certainly are,” I agreed.
“Would you take the honors?” she asked.
I smiled. “Yes. I surely would.”
Paula handed the syringe to Missy, who handed it to me.
Observing the wet spot on Hope’s ass, I raised the syringe.
I pointed it right toward the proud naked buttock.
In a short, jabbing motion, I pricked the needle through the milk-white skin.
“Ohh,” Hope gasped softly.
My thumb descended and I injected her.
I let the needle linger for a moment as the camera moved in for a close-up.
Then the camera backed away and I slipped the needle out and planted a kiss on the same spot.
Missy and I both rose and moved around to Hope’s front.
“Ohhh, that’s nice,” she said meekly. “I feel better already.”
We both smiled.
“Why don’t you come sit down with us for a minute,” Missy suggested.
Hope nodded.
We led her to the couch and she sat down in between us.
Missy again took the lead here.
“I was talking to Colleen last night about your still being… you know…… cherry.”
“Oh,” she said with a shy look.
“It’s all right,” I soothed her. “It’s not a BAD thing.” I patted her leg gently.
“Ohh. Okay,” she said.
Missy continued, “But we both agreed that it is time for you, and we think we have a perfect idea.”
“Oh. All right,” she agreed, her head nodding slightly.
At that exact moment a door opened and in bounded the two dogs, Smith and Wesson. They trotted right up onto the stage toward Hope and the two of us. The audience murmured.
“Hello boys,” Hope said in a much different tone than usual.
She greeted her dogs as though it had nothing to do with our previous conversation. She gave them both an affectionate pet on the head, then commanded them to sit as they started to sniff around.
They obeyed beautifully.
Then she turned back to Missy and me as if we should continue as before.
Before we went on with the little charade, I asked, “Are you feeling a tingle at all?”
She nodded. “A little one. But it’s almost gone.”
I nodded with a smile. Everything was working.
Paula stepped closer to us then, handing the other bottle to Missy, along with some cotton. She took the top off and handed it to me, then made the cotton wet with the contents.
Both the dogs became more restless.
Missy dabbed then, and Hope was still, as the scent of a bitch in heat was spread onto Hope’s body in various places. With one look toward the dogs I knew the stuff was working perfectly.
At that point Missy reached up and touched her left index finger to Hope’s lips. Hope kissed her fingertip in response. Then Missy leaned in and kissed her, lips on lips.
Standing up, Missy pulled Hope with her gently, bringing her out into the open.
“Smith!” she called, looking at one of the dogs.
Hope joined in. “Smith!!!” she called more definitively.
One of the dogs came forward, approaching.
“Let’s get him on his side,” Missy said softly.
“Down, Smith. Down!” Hope commanded.
The dog obeyed easily, lying down on the carpet.
It was immediately evident that Smith was aroused, as his penis was in full view, big and red. I thought it was beautiful.
As Missy and Hope moved in closer to Smith’s side, I moved in to watch them.
Two of the cameramen also moved in, one on each side of the girls.
Missy started by gently reaching out with her right hand touching Smith’s shaft with her thumb and index finger.
Hope watched her friend closely as the fingers wrapped around the red pole.
With her left hand then, Missy reached for Hope’s right hand, pulling it slowly toward the doggie-cock.
Hope let her hand be taken, then touched the bright red skin as Missy guided her fingers to it.
As Hope let her fingers slowly wrap around it, Missy removed her hand from the rod, letting Hope take over.
“He’s really hard, isn’t he,” Hope said softly.
Missy nodded to her, smiling.
Then Missy moved her right hand back again, this time touching Hope’s hand with her own. Wrapping her palm around Hope’s fingers, she started to move, guiding Hope’s fingers up and down along Smith’s muscle.
Hope nodded with understanding as kept her hand moving as Missy pulled hers away.
The dog lifted his head and Missy put her hand on his shoulder.
“Stay, Smith. Stay,” she commanded gently.
The dog did not move, but was definitely paying attention as his mistress worked on him.

Missy watched her friend carefully for a moment, looking at her hand, then her face, then her hand again. Then she reached out and stopped Missy’s hand for a moment.
Missy’s left hand rose then, and her palm found the back of Hope’s head, stroking her there gently for a moment.
“Let me help you with this,” Missy directed softly as she pushed Hope’s hand then, moving it away from Smith’s penis.
Then she pulled Hope’s head forward, guiding it to the obvious target as she also wrapped her own fingers around the pink torpedo.
Hope let herself be guided by her friend, leaning forward.
Hope’s eyes blinked then, and her expression changed to one of concern as the doggie meat came closer to her lips.
Her chest heaved as she took a deep breath, then her eyes closed and opened again.
Turning herself slightly, Missy focused on Hope’s face then.
There were two cameras filming now, aiming from over the dog’s back, zeroed in on Hope’s lips. I moved closer to them to get a better view for myself, again glancing up at the monitors.
Missy tipped the shaft upward, pushing it slightly sideways, toward her friend’s mouth.
Hope put a hand out for support, then leaned in the rest of the way, positioning her lips less than an inch from the erection.
Missy pushed it a little farther until the head contacted Hope’s lips.
Instinctively, Hope kissed her pet’s penis.
Then she moved her head around, facing the point of it, and opened her mouth.
Without further hesitation, she let her lips glide down along the sides of the shaft, making it disappear for us all.
I shot a quick glance at the monitors on the wall, and could see in a big view, the contact between them. It was beautiful. With both the monitors and the live event, it was very easy to view the union of the dog and the pretty girl. As Hope’s face slid further down, the big screen showed it all in living color.
Smith’s dog cock was now deep in Hope’s mouth!!!
Hope seemed incredibly natural at this, and she wrapped her lips around the member without hesitation.
As she retreated slowly, uncovering the muscle again, Missy removed her hand from her friend’s head, letting her act on her own now.
Inexperienced though she was, Hope knew what to do, and she sank down again, taking Smith back into her mouth.
She rolled her lips outward, pouting them as she pulled back and repeated.
As she pulled back the next time, she sucked in as she went, indenting her cheeks as she pulled gently.
I was amazed at how beautifully she was taking to this.
Then, to everyone’s surprise, Hope adjusted her position, putting her right hand on Smith’s side, and started in again, going faster this time.
Her movement was steady and deliberate now, and she took over half of the shaft with each motion.
I could see the knot beginning to form at the base, and as I noticed it, Hope brought her left hand up and cupped it with her fingers.
She kept her movement steady but casual, up and down, up and down, up and down.
Missy watched her carefully, and I could see the excitement bubbling in her eyes as she watched her friend closely.
There was a definite connection between the two of them, and I knew somehow that they had something planned. Something special. Something even Dolly and Paula did not know about.
The cameras kept filming, holding steady, and I kept watching, my eyes fixed upon the beautiful young face that kept accepting the pink doggie cock. This no-longer-virgin-mouth was engulfing its hardened visitor as easily as a duck takes to water.
My own body was actually humming with arousal.
And then I saw Hope move into an even faster tempo, and I saw a more determined look cross her face.
She was in the final phase now, and I could see that she intended to make her dog come.
There was no doubt of this now. The signal was crystal clear.
Missy was watching closer now, and the cameras zoomed in also.
Hope’s left hand stayed firmly cupped around the knot, and her fingers spread as she braced herself with her right.
I could almost feel the audience brimming with expectation.
And then, suddenly, Hope’s big blue eyes widened like saucers.
“MMM! MMM!” she went excitedly. “MMM!! MMMM!!!”
I could see the knot pulsating in her hand, and I knew that doggie sperm was entering her mouth.
Missy’s hand reached out and touched Hope’s and their fingers quickly entwined, squeezing.
Hope’s lips rolled back to about halfway along the shaft, and she held herself there, not moving.

I was certain that everyone, including me, had the same question on their mind.
Would she swallow? Please, God, let her swallow.
But she held on, keeping her lips around the shaft tightly, her eyes blinking in the moment of it.
I wondered what would come next.
Smith would definitely have an enormous load, and I wondered if Hope’s mouth could even hold it all.
And then, even as I puzzled over this, I saw Hope push Missy’s hand slightly.
To my surprise, Missy moved then, going around her friend, then laying her back onto the floor.
My mind raced. What the….?
And then Missy edged herself closer, her face upward, her eyes wide open.
Oh my God, I realized. Oh my God!! They were going to do a snowball!
As Missy stilled herself in position, Hope held steady for a moment longer, making sure Smith had finished getting off in her mouth.
Then she eased back carefully, keeping her lips tight, right up until she closed them at the tip.
Cameras zoomed in even closer.
There was no doubt that Hope’s mouth was full of doggie sperm. We could tell by the way she held her mouth closed.

Moving carefully to her left then, Hope positioned herself, her head just above Missy’s.
She suspended herself then, at a point about six inches over Missy, hovering her lips over her friend’s.
Then the entire audience gasped as, lying directly below Hope’s face, Missy slowly opened her mouth.
Wider, wider, wider.
We all knew what was next.
This would be beautiful……
And then, still moving slowly and deliberately, Hope let her mouth open slightly, and the first sliver of white spunk poured downward.
It was perfect.
It fell close to her upper lip, but directly into Missy’s mouth, streaming downward and back as it went, in a long white sliver that ran from one girl’s mouth to the other without a single break.
A quick glance told me that Dolly and Paula were surprised and incredibly pleased.
Missy kept her head perfectly still, accepting the river of spunk as her friend shared it with her.
Hope opened a little wider and let a larger stream emerge, wowing us all with her display, sharing this moment with what would be many, many.
The cum seemed to flow and flow, and it was obvious that Hope was prolonging the exchange, to the delight of us all, while the other young girl took all of it.
I wondered what Missy would do with the thick white stuff.
It fell for a delightfully long moment, until Hope finally pressed her lips together, pushing the last little droplet toward her friend.
As Missy’s lips closed, Hope leaned down and kissed her, touching her opened lips to Missy’s closed ones, gratefully nibbling at the other girl’s mouth.
Missy held the load carefully, not moving yet.
I suddenly wondered if they would do a back-and-forth.
Then Hope lifted, and extended her hand to Missy, to help her up.
Missy took the hand and rose up, keeping her mouth closed, storing the doggie jism within.
As we all waited, nearly breathless with anticipation, both Missy and Hope turned to me.
I felt my heart stop in my chest.
My eyes widened with surprise.
Both their hands reached out to mine.
“Ohh, how beautiful,” I said eagerly, taking their outstretched hands.
I took their hands for a moment, but then quickly turned and started to lie back.
I quickly positioned myself, my naked body on the carpet, breasts pointing upward. I was watching the cameras move in as Missy crawled up over top of me.
I tipped my head back and opened my mouth for her.
Hope moved in closely, watching us both.
I had never done this before, but I was certainly open to it. No, more than that. I was excited to do it! Very!
And before I had a chance to think about it, Missy’s lips opened slightly and I saw the first long droplet descending.
Her aim was dead on, and it touched my tongue and slid backward, slipping to the back of my throat.
I closed my throat then, letting it gather, feeling the steady river of doggie cum filling me up.
I readied myself to hold it all, knowing it was a very massive load, but determined to do exactly as Hope and Missy had done.
Missy’s aim was true, and the stream fell perfectly between my opened lips and teeth.
Just as Hope had done, Missy opened a little wider as we went, increasing the stream of liquid as it made its journey.
Finally her lips closed, and I closed mine as well.
She lowered to kiss me, and I pushed my lips against hers, keeping my mouth closed.
As Missy and Hope reached for me, I lifted, looking at each of them.
They just watched me then, their eyes bright with excitement, enjoying the sight of me holding Smith’s load in my mouth.
But I would not act until I knew what they had planned.
Then Missy spoke: “We want you to swallow it, Collie,” she said.
Hope nodded in agreement.
Missy added, “Down to the tummy now.”
I closed my eyes for them, grateful and willing. Then I opened again.
The cameras moved in, one right at my face, the other filming the three of us.
Tipping my head up slightly then, I worked my throat muscles, exaggerating my movement as I swallowed the first third of doggie’s load.
“ULLLP,” came the sound.
Down it went.

Hope watched in awe as Missy smiled with satisfaction.
I swallowed a second time, as loudly as I could.
The slippery jiz slid down my throat, making its way to my stomach.
I didn’t even think about the taste of it, just the act of swallowing doggie sperm was so very satisfying. They were all watching me so closely now.
I closed my eyes for the third swallow, making it a big one, then opened my eyes again as it all went down.
I could feel the thick texture as it went down, very slippery in the depth of my throat. It was wonderful going down.
Then I slowly turned toward the nearest camera lens, and opened my mouth wide.
It was empty.
The spunk was gone. All gone.
Suddenly Missy was right in front of me. Her hand reached around my neck and she pulled me toward her.
Our mouths both opened as we came together in a firm kiss and I could feel the heat from her as our naked bodies embraced.
It was a hard kiss, but not a long one. She pulled back and reached for Hope, pulling her to the two of us. I slipped my arms around Hope, my hands going down her bare back right to her buttocks. Then I leaned in and her face tipped up to me.
Our mouths touched and I felt more fire, this time between her and me. She kept her mouth opened, letting me probe, then probing herself, our tongues dancing with each other as she tasted the mouth that had just swallowed her doggie’s sperm.
Hope and I eased apart more slowly and she looked into my eyes, searching as always.
Then she whispered, “That was beautiful.”
I smiled down at her gratefully.
“Yes, it certainly was. Thank you for…… sharing.”
“Thank you for helping me,” she returned.

I don’t think Hope had any idea what a gold mine she truly was. In addition to being drop-dead gorgeous, she had a sensitivity and a sensuality that was deeper than most women twice her age.
She seemed quiet and reserved mostly, but down deep there was a profound maturity and a confidence that was truly admirable.
I felt privileged to be part of her education.
It was a huge turn-on as well.

Now in this very hour, here it in this place, it was time for Hope to lose her virginity. It was time for her to give up her cherry. And it would witnessed and recorded. And I would be right there with her.
There were two cameras very close to our faces, recording our exchange of words.
I lifted my hand and touched her cheek with the backs of my fingers.
“Are you ready, hon?” I asked her. “Are you ready for Wesson?”
She nodded. “I want him from the front,” she said evenly. “Will you support me?”
My face brightened. It would be fantastic!
“Yes!” I said with enthusiasm. “I would love to do that. To be underneath you.”
I looked over to see Missy nodding, a big smile on her face.
It was remarkable how much of this these two young girls had planned. They had obviously put a lot of thought into every phase. The film would definitely be off the charts.
Hope, Missy and I dropped to our knees then, and Smith was led off the stage.
Hope called Wesson and he trotted onto the platform and right up to her.
“Hey there, big boy,” she said to him. “We’ve got a special treat in store for you today.”
Missy and I both smiled as she spoke to the dog.
“So… you do a good job,” she continued, “and there will be more treats in store for you.”
The dog looked at her and then in a surprise move, he licked her face broadly.
This startled Hope somewhat, but she smiled nonetheless.
She decided instantly that the kiss was a very sensuous exchange. She moved her face in closer, inviting another one.
Wesson did not hesitate, but extended his tongue again, this time to be met with Hope’s own tongue, licking him right back.
Hope pushed her face right into the large pink muscle, lapping at the width of it, feeling her nose and face getting wet with the exchange.
The cameras filmed in close, and Missy and I watched intently as the girl and the dog French kissed.
Hope kept going, encouraging Wesson with her openness, meeting his tongue in every way she could find.
Her hands held his head, and she presented her face to him, keeping her tongue as fully extended as she could.
The two pink tips played with each other, and Hope moved in to lap at him as well, placing her tongue flat against his when she could.
When their faces finally parted, it was obvious that Hope was totally into her dog, her expression trance-like, as though she had just been seduced.
I saw the signs and reached for her right away. She was totally ready.
Taking her hand, I spoke softly.
“Come on, hon. Let’s get him to lick you somewhere else.”

Missy and I both touched Hope gently then, easing her back toward the couch.
I moved around her and positioned myself, with my back against the seat cushions and my feet planted firmly on the carpet. Supported this way, I could easily act as a lift for Hope as the dog mounted her from the front.
She slipped in front of me, and backed up between my legs.
My hands ran down her sides, encouraging her, and she nestled her buttocks right on top of my bush.
This was perfect.
Missy turned to Wesson, then held him as Hope and I got ready.
Hope’s feet were planted next to mine, and we lifted together, testing how it would feel. We worked quite well together.
“I’ll keep you supported, hon, but you will need to tilt your pelvis so he can find you. Missy will watch and help.”
Hope just nodded.

“We’re going to have him lick you some more first. All right?”
Hope nodded again. “All right.”
I nodded to Missy.
She turned to Wesson.
“Okay, big boy,” she said, “Come on in here.”
I lifted Hope then, presenting her girlhood to the big white dog.
Cameras moved in, and Hope watched quietly but wide-eyed as her doggie moved in between her legs.
The nose touched her bush, then I saw the tongue extend.
“Ohhhh!” shuddered Hope as she felt it.
I knew that feeling well, and no girl could help reacting to it. A dog’s tongue is a beautiful instrument, and could take any girl with a sense of adventure to new and wuthering heights.

As Wesson started to lick steadily, Hope rolled her head from side to side, wailing softly as the dog worked her into a frenzy.
As her soft cries filled the room it was like the sweetest music to us all.
Wesson seemed to completely relish Hope’s most sensitive spot, and he attacked it with a fervor, seeming to enjoy the taste of her.
Hope kept herself presented to him, even though her cries began to sound close to desperate.
Finally, she reached forward and gently pushed him back from herself. Then rolling her head back and closing her eyes, she pleaded breathlessly.
“Please! Please, put him in me!”
I saw Missy smile with understanding, and I nodded myself.
She was ready.
Missy held the big dog for a moment, and I reset myself underneath Hope’s butt.
Paula and Dolly moved in closer now, and Dolly spoke.
“Keep the lens tight on her face,” she directed.
The camera moved right over Hope’s features while another one aimed at the rest of her body.
The room was tense.
The air was thick and heavy with anticipation.
Hope was about to be fucked for the first time.

With my head just above and next to hers, I spoke softly.
“Try to keep your eyes open, hon.”
I saw her eyes open.
She looked at the camera, then looked away, then looked upward.
But she kept her eyes opened.
Her breathing came faster.
Her chest started to heave.
I could feel her tremble.
Her head pressed back into my collarbone……

And then Missy pushed the big dog forward.
Wesson moved in between Hope’s legs.
She looked down at him nervously.
Instinctively her arms came up and reached for him.
Her breathing got even more rapid.
“Ohh, Jeeeese,” she moaned.
The dog lifted and mounted her chest.
“Oh, God! Oh God!!!!” she wailed.
I lifted her some more.
Wesson started to probe!
His hips rocked, searching.
Hope tipped her pelvis upward. Good girl!
Eyes and mouth both open now.
Eyes wider still……
No one breathed……

And then it happened!!!
Hope let out a squeal like never before!
The stiff pink cock slid right into her virgin sheath, deflowering her forever, taking her cherry.
The camera caught it perfectly as her eyes widened still more, and her head pressed hard into me.
“UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!” she squealed.
Wesson began moving immediately, driving his shaft into the teenage human, banging his mistress for the very first time.
Hope’s body jerked with the violence of it, and mine did also as I supported her.
I could feel the power of the big dog as he began to breed with our pretty young friend.
Hope immediately went into a series of cries, matching the rhythm of the dog as he pounded her.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!”
Missy’s face was serious as she watched her friend, and so were Dolly’s and Paula’s.
I could see the eyes of the audience moving from the large monitors to the live bodies, taking it all in eagerly.
A third camera was moved underneath us, aiming upward, and it was recording the penetration vividly.
The pink shaft disappeared relentlessly into the tight little sheath of Hope.
The monitor showed the growing of Wesson’s knot, and it was completely visible as it began to enlarge.

Missy watched with excited anticipation, as we all did.
Hope’s initial cries began to soften a little as she adjusted to what she was doing.
I stroked her gently, trying to soothe her as her body jerked with the thrusts from the dog.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!”
“Thaaaaaat’s the girl. You’re doing beautifully,” I encouraged.
“Ohhh! Ohh, Colleen! Ohh!” she responded.
“Thaaaaaaaat’s the baby. Thaaaaaaaaat’s the baby……”
“Fucking me!! He’s……fucking me!”
“Yes, honey,” I nodded. “Your very first time, too. And its perfect.”
“Ohhh! OHHHH!” she squealed even louder. “I think I’m gonna…… I think I’m gonna……COME!!!” she exclaimed.
“Perfect, baby! Perfect!” I repeated with enthusiasm.
“Oh! Yes!! UNNNNNNN!!!!” she went. “I’m coming! I’m coming! I’m coming!!!!”
With that I felt her body begin to buck. Her pelvis lifted and her back arched and her head pushed harder into me.
She gasped and writhed as the waves took her.
For me, the sensations were incredible, as I connected with her from beneath. I could feel every gyration of her orgasm as she came while the dog fucked her.
As her body lost complete control and as her undulations tested my support, I suddenly was pushed over the edge myself.
The lust of watching her, the wantonness of helping her, the intense expressions on the faces of Missy, Dolly and Paula, were just too much for me.
“Ohh! I’m coming too!!” I cried helplessly.
“OHHH!” Hope cried out even louder in sympathy.
I flexed my knees desperately, determined to keep Hope supported, trying to contain my contractions as they took me.
Now our two bodies thrashed together, trying to find their harmony. Even as my muscles began to spasm, I forced myself upward, sharing my motions with Hope as she shared hers with me.
The cameras caught it perfectly as the two of us became a mass of writhing female bodies, naked and passionate, as we helped each other, and stayed the course with the big white dog.
We gasped and cried and wailed, and the audience watched in total awe as we found a mutual unison.
And Wesson kept his cock inside her!
I glanced at Missy only to see tears of joy running down both her cheeks, tears of joy and satisfaction and gratitude.
And Wesson kept pumping…
I pushed my muscles to the limit, keeping my support of the teenage girl who’s back was against my front. I pushed with my hands and my feet, keeping us together as Wesson screwed Hope right on top of me. I lost myself in the effort, coming and crying and contracting and moaning, determined to make this the best one ever.
It was so beautiful…

Hope and I gasped for air, riding the wave of throbbing sensations, cresting perfectly before we began to return.
The clouds slowly began to disperse as I felt us both descending, returning to the world of the real.
And it was definitely still for real.
Wesson was still pounding his pointed pink penis into the depths of his adorable young mistress.
I was still locked firmly underneath her.
Men and women were watching this remarkable event.
And cameras were filming it for all time.

And then suddenly, the pounding changed to pushing.
The knot was fully formed by now, and Wesson was trying to get it into his mate.
Hope’s eyes flew open and she gasped again, “Oh my God!!!”
Missy quickly lowered to peek down and see it.
A camera moved in as well.
I braced myself even more firmly, feeling the pressure against Hope.
“Ohh! I feel the knot!” she announced to us all.
Missy’s hands touched both our legs and she looked down excitedly.
“Oh, I see it!” she cried with amazement in her voice.
“It’s okay, baby!” I soothed. “Hold still now…”
“Ohh! OHHH!” Hope cried out.
The massive red bulb was set firmly against Hope’s doorway, and Wesson was pushing it hard to get it inside her.
We all waited, holding our breaths and hoping that Wesson would be successful.
“Oh, my God! Ohh, Wesson! WESSON!” Hope cried. “Ohh, that’s big!!!”
As I peeked down between Hope’s legs, most of the others’ eyes were focused on the monitors above.
The big pink knot was pushing against Hope’s vulva, spreading it, splitting her as it entered her tight young box.
She had about half of it at this point, and the sight was incredible as this huge red bulb disappeared into the pretty young girl.
And once he was inside her, Wesson would unload his sperm into his mistress.
We were almost there!

The big dog kept the pressure on, and I kept up my support, helping the two of them unite.
Hope cried and wailed and sobbed, but she never objected or complained. She wanted this to happen, just as we all did.
I could see some tiny beads of moisture along Hope’s forehead, and some of the hair from her bangs was clinging to her skin.
We were also growing slightly moist where her back pressed against my breasts.
But still, we worked together, determined to get Wesson all the way inside her.
When I heard murmurs from the audience, I knew we were there.
And then Wesson began to pump again.
The stroke was a little different now. Tighter and shorter. And Hope moved right along with the big dog, as the cock now stayed completely immured in her tight little tunnel.
“NNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!” she wailed, as if in a world of her own now.
It was only natural for her to be somewhat stunned by the physical sensations she was feeling.
Still she hugged him to her, embracing his furry body as he started fucking her again.
My legs were beginning to show some fatigue, but we were so close to the end that my excitement overcame it.
I knew she would soon feel the wet spurts inside her.
Her ‘oh’s’ were more automatic now, as her doggie pounded her and punished her with jackhammer hips.
She held on helplessly, clinging to her partner as they mated, breeding together, with her succumbing completely.
Then, just as we all wanted, her head lifted from my chest.
Her eyes widened.
“OHH!” she cried out sharply. “Oh, he’s coming! I feel him coming! He’s coming inside meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!”
Her head rolled from side to side.
“Yes, baby, yes!!!” I responded.
Missy moved closer then, her eyes still moist, mascara running slightly, but smiling as she joined us.
As Missy took one of her hands, as I pressed her upward from underneath, and as the dog unleashed a torrent of jism inside her, Hope came again.
It came on so fast she didn’t have time to say it, but I felt her body start to jerk and buck on top of me, and I held her close and firm.
“NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!” she went, pushing her head back into me again with abandon.
“That’s the baby! That’s the baby!” I patronized.
The spasms washed over her, sending her into rhythmic pulsations, slamming her against me again as I fought to keep her up.
Our naked bodies clashed and crashed and fought, then melted together as one while I held her in a grateful embrace, soothing her as she was taken. I stayed with her, holding her, determined to take her right to the end.
As I rode with her into the final throes of it, I could feel her slowly returning.
She made a few final thrusts and jerks, then finally was still, sandwiched between Wesson and me, her body full of doggie sperm.
For a long long moment we lay there panting, then Wesson lifted and turned, tying with her.
It was a classic finale.

Cameras continued to roll and film, catching the essence of our copulation as we began to settle.
Finally, after we had caught our breath and lay there patiently, waiting for Wesson to release her, Dolly and Paula moved up to me and slid some pillows under my ass.
“Thank you,” I said breathlessly, letting my weight down finally.

I kissed the side of Hope’s cheek, speaking to her softly then. “You were fantastic. Absolutely.”
“Thank you,” she said meekly.
We all waited patiently, cameras running, everyone expectant, ready to catch the moment when Wesson would pop out of Hope.
We knew it would be a very dramatic moment.

It was a full eleven minutes before it happened. Then in one big bold move, Wesson stepped forward and what was left of his knot popped out of Hope’s vagina.
The spunk cascaded out in a big gusher, falling onto the carpet below.
Indisputable evidence that the dog had come inside the girl.

Missy’s tear-stained face bent down to kiss her friend.

Forty minutes later, from a quiet room inside the house, I picked up the phone and dialed.
“Hello. Is this Lucy?”
“Yes. Hi, Colleen. Are you calling for Jim and Kay?”
“I’ll get them for you. Hold on.”

“Is this Kay?”
“Yes. Is this Colleen?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Let me…..let me push the recorder then…”
I heard a short beep.
“Okay,” she said.
“Okay. I have some very good news for you.”
“Oh? Do you?”
“Yes. Very good news.”
“What is it?”
“It’s about Hope.”
“Yes? What about Hope?”
“I’m happy to tell you that she is no longer a virgin.”
“Oh. Can you tell me more?”
“Yes. Missy and I both helped her, and she was spectacular.”
“And, ahh, who……who was she with?”
“Well, Smith went first.”
“Yes. Her dog, Smith.”
“Oh, how lovely.”
“Smith took her mouth,” I stated.
“Oh, my goodness!”
“Yes. And he came in her mouth, too.”
“In her mouth?”
“Yes. In her mouth. And it is very well documented. You will see it on the film.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful.”
“And then she took Wesson.”
“Oh. Wesson, too?”
“Yes. Wesson fucked her.”
“Oh, dear.”
“It was fantastic.”
“I can’t imagine.”
“Yes, he knotted with her.”
“He did?”
“Yes. They were locked together for over ten minutes at the end.”
“Over ten minutes!”
“Yes. And then he popped out, and there was lots and lots of sperm inside her.”
“Oh, I……I……”
“The film will be incredible.”
“Oh, we are so grateful to you.”
“It was my pleasure. My pleasure indeed.”