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I know my online sister Summer, fucks dogs offline, well at least in my mind she does, and if she doesn’t yet then she certainly wants to. (I can hear her going ‘eeep’ as she reads this). In this chapter, Summer fucks dogs…a lot of dogs. For background Summer is a single mother, Rain is her grown-up daughter and Storm is the family dog that fucks them both.


Summer was restless, and if she was honest, horny as hell. Her sexual frustration wasn’t helped any by the sounds coming from her daughter’s room as their family dog, Storm, fucked the life out of her. It was only fair, Summer thought to herself, to give Rain exclusive time with Storm before she went off to college. Starting Monday, Summer would be able to indulge in Storm as much as she wanted…but that was next week, today was only Thursday.

There was no point in trying to see old Mr. Suarez as he was away on a trip and the Robinsons, who gave her such a nice anal gang bang, were also away on vacation. Thinking of anal she could go down to the diner she mused, the regulars would be happy though her boss might wonder what she was doing there on her day off. Summer winced slightly remembering the anal pounding she had undergone at the neighbour’s BBQ that had cumulated in Storm fucking her ass as well. It had taken a few weeks to get over that experience, so was a little wary of too much anal fun.

A particularly loud shriek of orgasm from her daughter’s room settled it, what she needed was a dog. Anyway, she thought to herself, it would be good to try a different dog as so far, she had been exclusive to Storm. Leaving a note pinned to the fridge telling her daughter she had gone out, she got in her old car and started driving around.

Her first thought was the dog pound as there was bound to be one or two spare dogs there. Maybe she could make an excuse about wanting to test them out, she giggled to herself. When she got to the pound she realised her error as the place was more secure than a maximum security prison. “What about a stray?” She thought to herself as she started to scour the streets, surely there must be a dog who would appreciate a good meal and a willing bitch. With no strays in sight, her thoughts turned to dog napping. She almost crashed her car as she imagined luring a dog into the bushes who would then fuck while the owners searched for him.

After a while, she decided that as it was a nice day, she would go to the beach to see if some sun worshipping would take her mind off the itch between her thighs. It was only when she got to the beach car park that it dawned on her that she had no bathing costume. She didn’t bother locking her car as it wasn’t worth stealing, she just put the keys under the driver’s seat. Then grabbing a bottle of water and an old car blanket she set off on what she knew would be a long walk. She knew if she went far enough it would be secluded enough to sunbath naked.

As she walked, Summer thought about her love of dog sex and how it had developed over the last year or so. A couple of years ago it had never occurred to her that humans and dogs could mate. Even when she had discovered her own daughter being fucked by Storm, their family pet, she never considered it might be something she would ever do let alone enjoy. Yet here she was, feeling her pussy flip as she heard a dog bark as it played in the surf wondering if she could lure it away for sex.

At first, she had to thread her way through children playing in the sand, shouting in joy as they threw balls and frisbees. This type of people thinned out to become quieter with towels laid out where sun worshippers bronzed their bodies. The further she got from her car there were fewer and fewer people as the flat beach gave way to dunes with coarse bushes dotted around. Finding a secluded dip that was surrounded by dunes and bushes she laid out her blanket before pulling her light cotton dress over her head to reveal her naked body. Summer had deliberately not worn any underwear as she preferred the feeling of freedom of air under her dress which was now multiplied by being totally naked.

Lying on her tummy she allowed the rays of the sun to caress her body as she closed her eyes. Her mind wandered and the memories of Storm’s knot pulsing inside her flooded into her head. The effect was instantaneous and as she felt herself getting wet, she rolled over onto her back and opened her thighs. As the sun beat down like a celestial lover she relived her last session, opening her knees wider before starting to caress her pussy. As the sensations increased Summer arched off the rug with two fingers deep in her pussy while her other hand twisted her clit. With her eyes still tightly closed, she orgasmed hard, bucking and jerking as she came.

“Nice show,” said a voice startling Summer and when she opened her eyes she saw a man watching her with a very obvious erection in his shorts. What interested her more was the black Labrador that was sitting by his side.

“Do you want more than fingers?” the man asked cupping his groin.

“Yes,” moaned Summer, “But not from you… from your dog.”

The man looked shocked at first then a grin spread across his face, “Are you saying you will let my dog fuck you?” Summer nodded eagerly as he went on slyly, “but what’s in it for me?”

“You can use my mouth,” Summer said as crawled closer to the dog who sniffed her cautiously.

Summer could see the dog had picked up her scent by the way its red cock had started to emerge. The man had taken his camera phone from his pocket and was clicking pictures that he then posted in a WhatsApp group set up with his drinking buddies. The replies came flying in which basically boiled down to “Where?” and, “Can I have some?”

Summer was now lying on her back with her legs wide apart as the dog used its long pink tongue to lap at her wetness. “Can my friends join?” The man asked.

Summer was writhing in pleasure but paused as she growled in a voice laden with lust, “Only if they bring a dog to fuck me then they can use my mouth… no dog, no sex.”

The man tapped furiously and then switched on his location finder to allow his friends to find him in the dunes before giving the sex show his full attention. Summer had rolled onto her hands and knees and patted her ass encouragingly. The black Labrador sniffed a few times and then lifted itself onto Summer’s back and started to jab instinctively. Although the dog had never bred a human before he had covered a few canine bitches in his time. This one felt different but still very pleasant and grabbing her hips with his front paws he began to power in.

Although this was only the second dog to ever fuck her, Storm had bred her many times so the principle of the process was familiar to Summer. First, the frantic jabbing as the dog tried to find her pussy, then once in, the high-speed fucking and then finally the knotting when breeding would take place. There was what some would consider another stage, the dismount, but this would come naturally once the dog had shrunk enough to slide out, so Summer never really considered it.

Stage one was all about patience and getting the position right. Sometimes a helping hand was needed, other times the dog’s cock tip was like a homing rocket that found its target with precision accuracy. Stage two was often risky as the dog could slip out, become disheartened, or just unable to find the right position. This was Summer’s online sister’s favourite phase and would often adjust her position to ensure the high-speed fucking for as long as possible despite the risk of non-engagement. The final stage was Summer’s favourite part as the knot slid in and the pussy clamped around it, locking the pair together as breeding and multiple orgasms commenced.

The lab on her back was trying to move from stage two to stage three, something that Summer knew had to happen before the dog became too swollen and then wouldn’t fit.

“Fucking hell Benji is going to knot you!” said his owner who was watching breathlessly. “Are you OK with that?” he asked in concern remembering when Benji knotted with a local canine bitch and they had to throw water over them to get the dogs apart.

“YESSSssss,” Summer groaned as she felt the knot enter her, before swelling and starting to throb as it spurted cum. As the dog proceeded to breed Summer she howled in orgasm, yelling and thrashing her head. The dog’s owner couldn’t hold back and his seed spurted from the head of his cock hitting Summer in the face. Summer turned in the direction of the jet and opened her mouth to catch the next few spurts on her tongue.

“That was hot,” said the guy next to the black lab’s owner, “I think my boy is quite keen.”

Summer could see the man had a German Shepherd who was straining on his leash to get at the bitch. As the Labrador slipped out and moved away, the Alsatian leapt to take his place.

The Alsatian was about the same weight as the Labrador but its cock felt longer or maybe it was just the ferocity of his fucking that made it feel that way. The owner tried to put his cock in Summer’s mouth but was nervous about getting too close to his dog’s snapping jaws. Instead, he contented himself with working his cock as his dog fucked her. When the Alsatian knotted and started breeding the man splattered Summer’s screwed-up face.

Summer wasn’t sure the breed of the next dog but it felt lighter and not as big, but certainly was enthusiastic. Because of its smaller stature, it kept standing on her calves, causing little scratches from its claws. In fact none of its claws were that well trimmed, and its front paws left little cuts on her hips. The dog’s owner, or at least she assumed it was his owner, had more confidence around his own dog. Grabbing Summer’s hair he drove his cock in and out of Summer’s mouth until she was simultaneously filled from both ends.

The third gave way to the fourth and then the fifth, the owners either using her mouth or just spattering her face as they masturbated. Summer’s mouth was parched and she reached out for her bottle of water to slake her thirst. As she drank she glanced at the line of dogs watching with their owners, waiting their turn, and knew there were at least twice as many to come as had already been ‘exercised’.

The sun was starting to set as the last of the owners left with their well-satisfied pets. Summer had lost count of how many dogs had fucked her and how many human loads she had either swallowed or splattered her body, but she knew it was a lot, well into double figures. Her pussy was a raw mess of throbbing flesh and when she stood, what seemed like a bucket full of dog cum gushed out and formed a pool on the blanket between her feet. Coughing deliberately, even more dog seed oozed out, trickling down her thighs. Walking naked into the sea Summer cleaned herself as best she could, both inside and out. The salt in the seawater stinging in the myriad of scratches that adorned her hips, back and legs.

When she was as clean as she could be, she returned to the site of her doggy gang bang and used the old blanket to dry off as much as she could. Discarding the blanket she donned her dress, pulling it over her damp body before she started the long walk back to her car.

When she got to the car park, hers was the only car there but as she approached it another car roared in and pulled to a stop almost next to hers. The owner jumped out and let a beautiful red setter out of the back as he muttered to out loud, “I just hope I am not too late.

Summer knew instantly what he meant but to make sure she said boldly, “Too late for what?”

As soon as Summer saw the red setter, despite the multiple dog cocks she had enjoyed all afternoon she knew she would take one more, such was her craving for canine love. The dog must have picked up Summer’s scent as his cock had started to show from its furry sheath.

The man coloured a little but Summer pressed on, “Do you mean not too late for your dog to have some of this?” As she said her final words, she lifted the hem of her dress high to reveal her naked pussy.

The man just nodded dumbly and watched slack-jawed as Summer lifted her dress over her body and threw it in her car.

“Where?” Stammered the man looking round the car park.

Summer didn’t bother responding but simply got on all fours as the dog followed its nose.

“Can I use your mouth? It says in the message I can,” he said in a demanding yet pleading voice.

Summer said nothing but just nodded as the red setter started to lick her from behind. His tongue drove away any aches or pains she had, and within minutes she was juicing onto the dog’s snout. The main had fished his hard cock out of his shorts and held it towards Summer’s mouth expectantly.

“Wait,” Summer said as the dog mounted and made a few tentative jabs before finding its goal. As it sunk into Summer’s well-lubed pussy, she let out a loud yell of pleasure. The man took Summer’s open mouth as an invitation and thrust his cock into her mouth, making her gag. He mumbled an apology but moved his hips back and forth as his dog drove Summer forward.

Summer could feel herself building to an orgasm as she felt the dog was moments away from knotting. Summer knew that at the point that the knot entered her, she would explode but just before it happened there was a short whoop of a siren and the flash of blue lights.

“Fuck…fuck…FUCK,” the man panicked as he pulled his rapidly deflating cock from Summer’s mouth. Grabbing his dog’s collar he hauled it off Summer’s back a fraction before her pussy could clamp round its knot. The dog snarled and snapped at him for stopping him so abruptly, but the owner just ignored the clicking teeth as he hurled it into the back. Not even bothering to put his cock back in his shorts he jumped into his car and gunned his engine.

Summer heard the car screech away, not really sure what was happening but as she stood unsteadily, she heard a voice say gruffly, “Excuse me Miss.”

Turning in the direction of the voice she found herself looking at a stern-faced security guard. What really caught her attention was the pair of Dobermans that sat quietly on either side of him on their haunches, regarding her with their dark eyes.

“So you are the woman people have been talking about that has been fucking dogs all afternoon on the beach.”

Summer stayed silent as her gaze was drawn to each of their huge red cocks that were both standing to attention.

“Don’t bother denying it and by the way, your performance with the red setter was captured on CCTV,” he said indicating the camera on a lamppost.

Summer was fixated on the dogs’ pair of angry red throbbing poles, the pre-cum almost spurting as they twitched malevolently.

“Meet Brutus and Cassius,” the guard laughed. “I was going to demand you service them both but looking at your face I am not sure I could stop you. I warn you they do work as a team.”

Summer’s mouth was open as she panted like the bitch in heat she was, as her pussy squirmed in anticipation. Her excitement caused the seed that had been pumped inside her to ooze out and drip onto the floor. The scent hit the nostrils of the dogs who growled as they smelled the unmistakable aroma of breeding by another dog.

“Suck Brutus,” the guard commanded and Summer winced as the tarmac cut into her knees. The guard laughed and grabbed an old blanket that he threw on the ground. Summer then crawled to the indicated dog, her eyes not leaving his meat, before opening her mouth. The dog didn’t move, almost looking at her with disdain, as he squirted pre-cum into her face. As Summer gagged on Brutus’s cock, Cassius moved silently to behind her and sniffed at her pussy, checking for other dog’s scent.

A long lick made Summer shriek around the cock in her mouth as Cassius confirmed his suspicions that this bitch had been previously bred. Tasting and smelling multiple animals Cassius instinctively knew he needed to reassert himself as the dominant dog.

A dog’s desire to breed is increased when it detects a rival. The intensity of its fucking increases when it thinks it is in competition to impregnate a bitch as it strives to put its seed deeper than any others. It was this overwhelming thought coursing through Cassius’s brain that powered his first brutal thrust.

The tip of the dog’s cock missed Summer’s pussy and penetrated her ass making Summer yelp in pain. She managed to pull forward and change her posture sufficiently that the second savage thrust buried into her pussy. The action sent her forward onto Brutus’s cock and she only just managed to stop it from choking her.

Cassius’s cock felt massive in her well-used pussy and within a few thrusts, she was yelping in pain as the tip of the dog’s cock banged painfully against her cervix. The dog didn’t care, knowing it would batter this bitches insides to ensure it fitted his cock to his satisfaction. He used his dew claws to ensure she stayed in place as he fucked her at high speed. Deciding he wanted to breed her now, he lifted his front paws and placed them on her shoulders, the claws leaving fresh marks on her skin. The action also pushed her further down onto Brutus’s cock making her gag as it filled her throat. She had to lock her arms and push back with all her strength to keep herself lifted enough to allow a trickle of air.

She needed every drop of that air sucked into her tortured lungs, as she felt Cassius’s substantial knot drive in and start to swell inside. She managed to twist her head sufficiently to turn Brutus’s cock sideways, freeing her air passage more. With this newfound freedom her first action was to yell in orgasm as Cassius throbbed and exploded inside her. She never stopped working Brutus even though her position was cramped and when she felt his cock twitch she clamped her mouth over it and swallowed each wonderful jet.

Once she had sucked Brutus dry, she released his cock and luxuriated in the glorious sensations of Cassius pulsing against her g-spot. Then after what seemed like an age Cassius pulled free, leaving her with a huge void inside. She could still taste the dog cum on her lips when a red cock appeared in front of her face, dripping. One suck told her this was Cassius wanting what his brother had just enjoyed. Summer knew it was Cassius as she could taste her own juices still coating the dog’s shaft. As she sucked and felt the dog‘s cock harden she marvelled at its recovery powers which seemed greater than Storm’s.

With her ass still in the air from where Cassius has used her Summer felt a cold wet nose sniff at her pussy. As his tongue started to lash at her cunt she wondered if Brutus’s recovery powers were as good as his brother’s who was now pulsing in her mouth. To answer her question, she felt Brutus mount her and begin to jab with his hard cock.

As with his brother, Brutus’s first thrust missed its intended target of Summer’s pussy and entered her ass. This time Summer wasn’t fast enough to move before Brutus grabbed her hips with his paws and hammered his cock home. Summer was like a rag doll as Brutus pounded her ass, driving her onto his brother’s cock making her cough and gag. Brutus ignored her cries, intent only on using this bitches’ hole for his pleasure.

He wasn’t able to force his knot into Summer’s ass as it had swollen far too much. Instead, he had to content himself with pumping jet after jet into the bowels of a semi-comatose Summer. As Brutus filled Summer’s ass Cassius’s watery pre-cum thickened and spurted into her mouth, which she swallowed weakly as she mewled like a kitten.

Summer thought she must have lost consciousness as when she gathered her wits the two dogs had returned to their positions of either side of the guard. The pair regarded her with what Summer felt was an amused look that screamed, “Now that we have had you once we will have you again any time we wish.” Summer stood unsteadily and smiled to herself as she knew that thought was true for any dog, in fact, it was true even if she had never met the dog before. As her online sister had predicted she was now fully addicted to dog cock.

As Summer got into her car, still naked, she felt the seed slipping out of both of her holes as the security guard leaned through the open window. “Next time you visit this beach you will report to the security hut first. There you will service both Brutus and Cassius before you search for other dog’s cocks. Is that agreed?”

Summer nodded eagerly and as she drove away her phone rang. Putting it on speaker she heard her daughter say, “Hey Mum, how’s it going? Where are you?”

“Have been at the beach all day, just driving home.”

“Oooo that sounds like fun, can I come next time?” Summer laughed and felt even more seed slide from her battered holes and onto the seat, which luckily she would be able to wipe clean. Her daughter went on, “Storm has missed you Mum so I thought that tonight you can take care of Storm and I will cook dinner.”

Summer ached from head to foot, her scratches stung and her pussy and ass were sore from the battering they had received but such was her love of dog cock she replied, “That sounds perfect.”

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