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Another sordid chapter in the true life story of my very close friend Summer *cough cough*. Well perhaps I may have embellished a few details here and there, but I am sure it is along the way Summer thinks. In this chapter I have also tried to make it one for the boys, so to speak. If you haven’t read the previous chapters then no biggie, as this almost stands alone. For background Summer is a single mother, Rain is her grown-up daughter and Storm is the family dog that fucks them both.


“Hello is that Mrs Leborski?”

“Ms,” Summer corrected the voice and at the same time pushed Storm’s muzzle away from her open thighs. Storm had been happily licking Summer’s pussy getting her ready for another nice morning session when the phone had rung.

“This is the Doctor’s surgery. I have been asked by Dr Khan to make an appointment for you to see him regarding your daughter Rain who he examined recently.”

Summer’s mind was racing with concern. She knew that Rain had seen the doctor yesterday for a routine gynaecological examination but she hadn’t mentioned any problems before she left that morning. Rain was home from college for vacation and had been making up for lost time with Storm, their family dog. The only reason Storm was there was that Rain was off doing a vacation job and she couldn’t take Storm with her.

“Is everything OK?” Summer asked anxiously.

“Oh yes, everything is fine,” the woman said reassuringly, “but he would like to see you this evening at five o’clock.” Then almost as an afterthought she added, “And he insists that you bring your dog with you as well.”

Summer put the phone down and pursed her lips as she often did when she was thinking. Storm had been frustrated at being pushed away and managing to evade Summer’s hand burying his snout back between her legs. Summer opened her knees instinctively as she had missed Storm’s talented tongue and more importantly his wonderful cock. All the time Rain was away, Storm had fucked her two or three times a day. Now that Rain was back it had been a week since he had covered her, and she was craving it.

Slipping off the chair Summer rolled expertly to her hands and knees and pushed her ass in the air. She was naked from the waist down, as she normally was most days at home, ready for Storm to reclaim his bitch. Storm knew what was expected of him and nudged Summer into position before he jumped up on her back. With practised ease Summer adjusted her position after Storm’s first jab and his cock found her soaking pussy. Summer let out a deep moan of satisfaction as Storm drove into her body before gripping her hips and starting to fuck her at high speed.

Summer loved the way Storm fucked her so much that she kept her pussy exclusively for him. Well for dogs would be more accurate after the doggy gang bang on the beach a few months ago, but she only let men use her mouth and ass. It wasn’t that she was a slut, it was just that since she had caught her daughter being fucked by Storm and tried him on herself, she couldn’t get enough.

Summer allowed the mini orgasms to ripple through her as Storm fucked harder and harder, with greater determination. Summer let out a loud yell of joy as Storm achieved his goal and forced his knot inside Summer’s willing pussy. Clamping around it Summer felt his thrusts slow as the knot swelled inside, sealing them together. As the first pulse throbbed against her g-spot, Summer groaned in orgasm and as the hot jets spurted inside her, turning her groans to yells of pleasure. Each throbbing pulse bought another spurt, making Summer moan in ecstasy and as her online sister had instructed her, she rubbed her clit increasing her and Storm’s pleasure levels.

Finally Storm lay on her back panting happily until his knot shrivelled enough to allow him to pull away with an audible plop. Summer remained in position hoping and praying that Storm would return for another session when he was sufficiently rested. She didn’t have to wait long before her patience was rewarded with Storm’s rough tongue delving deep inside her sensitive pussy. After a few licks Storm rose again and thrust into her drawing cries of joy as he proceeded to fuck his bitch again.


A few hours later Summer sat in the doctor’s surgery, her pussy still throbbing from the repeated pounding it had received all afternoon.

“I have some questions about your daughter and her…how can I put it… her sexual habits,” Dr Khan said as he steepled his fingers and looked at Summer.

The small surgery office was empty apart from the receptionist who was also the practice nurse and Dr Khan’s wife. Storm lay at her feet, half asleep after what had been a very active afternoon fucking Summer three times in the space of as many hours.

“He seems very docile,” Dr Khan said as he looked at Storm admiringly, “and I see he is fully intact,” as his gaze went to Storm’s heavy balls that were on clear display.

Summer suppressed a giggle as she thought of the reason for Storm needing to rest and felt some of his deposits slip out of her pussy. She was thinking that Rain would be home soon and wondering where she and Storm were so it would be good if the doctor got to the point soon but what he said next made her blood run cold.

“Are you aware that your daughter is having sex with your dog?” Summer remained silent as the doctor continued, “When I examined her I noticed she had the beginnings of the formation of a knot pouch.”

“A what?” blurted out Summer.

“A knot pouch. This is where a human female’s body changes shape internally to form an internal bowl that allows a dog to remain in position while breeding. Usually, a knot pouch only forms after repeated breeding with a dog and is quite harmless.” Then he stared at Summer in silence before he continued, “Do you have a knot pouch as well?”

Summer twisted her hands in her lap in embarrassment, not sure what to say. The room remained silent until finally, Summer said in a small voice, “Yes I probably do have one.”

The doctor said nothing but pressed the intercom, “Mina, will you join us please? It would seem our suspicions were correct.”

Mina entered the room and Doctor Khan looked at his wife before he turned to Summer, “I need to examine you and I have asked Mina in to be a chaperone. Please would you remove all your lower body clothing and get on the examination table.”

At the sight of Summer removing her clothing Storm opened one eye and his interest perked as he caught the scent of an eager bitch ready to be fucked. As nature dictated his red cock began to emerge from its hairy sheath and pre-cum began to drip.

“See Mina, the dog always becomes excited when it smells a ready bitch.”

Summer blushed a deep red as she complied with the doctor’s instructions to get on the examination table.

“Knees wide apart please,” Dr Khan said kindly.

As Summer opened her legs, both of them let out a gasp as Storm’s seed began to ooze out from a previous session.

“She is already full,” Mina exclaimed.

“Yes my dear, she is, but we must check to make sure.” The doctor inserted two fingers into Summer’s pussy, twisting them deeper, making Summer moan. “Ah yes,” he said triumphantly, “just as we thought, a very well-formed knot pouch. Would seem it is like mother, like daughter.”

Summer squirmed in embarrassment that turned to disbelief when the doctor removed his fingers and held them out to his wife. “Would you like to confirm my dear?” Summer watched open-mouthed as Mina licked her husband’s seed-coated fingers and then started to suck on them eagerly.

After she had cleaned them fully she removed them from her mouth, “That certainly tastes like dog seed… well I think it does.”

“You only ‘think’,” laughed the doctor.

“Well there is only one way to be sure,” she said gazing longingly at Summer’s pussy and the mess that was appearing.

Seeing Summer’s confusion Dr Khan said, “I am a bit of an expert on knot pouches as my wife had a very well-formed one before we left India. Sadly we had to leave both of our boys behind, and since coming here nine months ago we haven’t been able to find a suitable partner for Mina.”

Summer’s voice was laced with sympathy as she knew what it was like to have to go a few days without Storm. Heaven knows what nine months of involuntary abstinence would feel like. “I would be more than happy to share Storm while my daughter is away, would once a week work until you can find a more permanent solution?” Then Summer added, “And I would prefer it if we didn’t share our arrangements with Rain, she can get a little possessive over Storm.”

Mina was almost clapping her hands with joy as she removed her skirt and panties with an immodest haste. “I would remove your stockings as well,” Summer said, “otherwise Storm may rip them with his claws.”

“That just adds to the excitement,” Mina said in a husky voice.

The examination table could be adjusted in height and as a more and more agitated Storm moved about Dr Khan lowered the table. This allowed Mina to bend over the table between Summer’s knees with her own ass in the air. The edge of the table supported Mina to her lower belly and she knelt on a low stool. Summer’s head was almost hanging off the end of the table and level with Dr Khan’s groin.

Summer gripped the sides of the table in pleasure as Mina started to feast on the nectar slipping from Summer’s pussy. She pressed her face in as far as she could and Summer could feel her muffled shrieks every so often. The cause of those shrieks was Storm’s long tongue lashing Mina’s pussy and ass as he tasted his latest bitch.

Storm had decided that this bitch was ready as he lifted himself up and onto Mina’s back, his front paws pressing her forward and pinning her between Summer’s thighs. His back legs scrambled around as he jabbed tugging and snagging the stockings she was wearing. Mina reached back and positioned Storm’s cock with her hand, letting go as he thrust hard into her body. Storm’s front paws left small scratches on her skin as he fucked her at his usual frantic pace.

Dr Khan stood at the top of the table watching the dog ravaging his wife. He knew that she would wear the torn stockings in their next sex session which would make them both cum even harder. His cock was straining in his trousers as he imagined his wife putting on her strap-on harness and fucking him. As he watched Storm’s red cock slam in and out of his wife, he wished it was him that the dog was fucking.

“Please,” he said desperately as he looked down at Summer who was cumming from his wife’s oral devotions.

Summer understood his desire and opened her mouth as she leaned her head back over the end of the table. This movement made her mouth and throat line up in a straight line. Dr Khan dropped his trousers and his cut brown cock sprang into view. Bending forward he thrust himself into Summer’s mouth feeling his cock slide into her throat almost straight away. He began to fuck Summer’s mouth feeling his balls slap against her face.

He erupted almost directly into Summer’s belly at the same time as Storm drove his knot into his wife. As he pulled back to allow Summer to breathe, he watched in rapture as his wife orgasmed on the dog knot pulsating inside her. She had stopped licking Summer and was flopping on the table as Storm shot jet after jet into her.

Summer had always been good at reading people and she had seen something in the doctor‘s eyes as he had watched his wife taking Storm’s cock. Slipping from the table Summer stood next to him as they both watched Mina orgasm.

“You want that to be you under Storm, don’t you?” said Summer caressing the doctor’s flaccid cock.

“Yes,” he moaned softly and Summer felt his cock twitch.

Reaching between her legs, Summer coated two of her fingers with her juices before moving behind the doctor. Reaching round she started working his cock as she pressed her juice-coated finger to his ass. “Bend forward,” Summer said softly and when the doctor complied her fingers entered him.

As he gripped the table his eyes met his wife’s and she knew instantly what Summer was doing. “It’s the right time Amir,” she whispered lovingly as although she had pegged her husband many times he had never taken the plunge and let a dog fuck him.

Storm had slipped out of Mina thinking his work was done but Mina had other ideas. Kneeling she began to suck his cock, her heart swelling with pride as she felt the dog respond to her stimulation.

Summer had stopped playing with Amir’s cock and was now finger fucking him with relish. She had worked a third finger in and was twisting and thrusting as the doctor moaned with pleasure.

“You want the dog in your ass don’t you Amir?” Summer said as she moved her fingers faster. Amir mumbled a reply and Summer slapped his brown ass cheek hard. “Don’t mumble. Tell your wife how you want to be a dog bitch just like her.”

“I want the dog in me, I want him to breed me,” Amir moaned in desperation.

Summer pushed him further over the table as she pulled out her fingers. Mina led Storm over as the dog tried to work out which bitch he was going to cover. Summer pushed two fingers into herself and then smeared them over the doctor’s ass. Then she pushed her hand between Mina’s legs, thrusting two fingers deep into her. Again she smeared the goo over Amir’s ass before she held them to Storm who sniffed and then licked. When Summer moved her fingers away, Storm sniffed and caught the direction of the scent. When Storm licked the doctor’s ass and balls the man whimpered like a little girl.

“Good boy Storm…mount,” said Summer patting Amir’s brown ass encouragingly.

Storm rose up and began jabbing, seeking a receptacle for his hard cock. “He is your husband, you guide it home,” Summer said to Mina.

Mina grasped the cock and placed it at her husband’s asshole, feeling the dog thrust through her hand and into his ass. Storm grabbed Amir’s hips and pulled himself fully in before he started to fuck him. Summer and Mina held hands as they both watched open-mouthed at Storm in action. Whether it was the tightness of the doctor’s ass, the noises he was making, or even that Storm could detect he was a male, Storm fucked with an intensity Summer had never seen.

“Will he be OK?” Mina asked timidly as she watched the dog’s cock that had given her so much pleasure flashing in and out of her husband’s ass like a red rocket.

“I think he may not sit down comfortably for a while,” Summer giggled.

“But is he enjoying it?” Mina asked in a worried voice.

Almost in answer to her question, they watched his cock become stiff and then spurt jets of seed onto the surgery floor. Despite his best efforts Storm was unable to get his knot inside Amir’s ass and had to content himself with pumping in what he could. The lack of knotting did mean that Storm was able to disengage with little difficulty. It also meant that despite the copious amount of cum Storm had pumped in, he sprayed a fair amount over the doctor’s ass as his cock continued to twitch. Doctor Khan was mumbling and mewing as the seed leaked from his battered ass.

“Are you OK?” Mina asked anxiously.

“That was fucking amazing,” he moaned.

Summer left the pair cuddling as she whistled for Storm to follow as she quietly left the building.


Summer entered her home to be greeted by her daughter who had a relieved look on her face. “Are you OK Mum? I got your note about the doctor, what did he want?” Rain said all of this from a crouched position where she was hugging and making a fuss of Storm. He decided that he wanted to reclaim his youngest bitch and stuck his head under Rain’s skirt and started to work his tongue under her panties and into her pussy.

“It was nothing to worry about,” Summer smiled, “now let me fix dinner while you take care of Storm.”

Rain wasn’t really listening as she slipped off her soaking panties and got onto all fours. As Summer moved into the kitchen she heard her daughter say, “Awww you poor thing, have you been neglected all dayyyyyyyy.” The last word was drawn into a groaning yell as the ever-eager Storm slammed into his fourth bitch of the day.