© 2024 by Amber_Lavender

It was a quiet summer’s day and a gentle breeze swept through the house. Briony stood at the kitchen side, sunlight slowly warming the tiles by her feet as she cooked her breakfast. She was tall and quite slender, her thick light brown hair hung elegantly down her back, a well kept fringe just barely covering the tops of her grey-blue eyes. She smiled lightly as she plated her food, her new dental braces glimmering as she sat down to eat.

“Today’s going to be a long day” She thought out loud, playfully nibbling at her food as she noted each of daily tasks.

First to be tended to was of course the bunnies, then the chickens and the horse, then the house work, after that she had plans to hang out with her friend Kirsty before finally making dinner.

She had just recently finished divorcing her husband and had managed to find a well sized place in the country to strike out on her own. It had only been a few months but she had managed quite well, getting all the pets moved and new additions to the family settled in. She had never thought of having a horse before being on her own, she always preferred smaller animals as company, little cute things to focus on and make sure had her full attention and the best of care. It’s not like she would treat her horse any different, just that something so big was out of her usual comfort zone. After seeing him all alone in the field at the shelter, she couldn’t help wanting to give him a home. So that’s what she had done, she was ecstatic when she’d first brought him home, but now that it had been a day it was nerve wracking thinking of how this would all go. Would she be good enough to look after him ? Would he come to like her ? What should she call him? All these questions swirled in her mind for a moment as her eyes drifted to the clock on the wall.

“Well, it’s no use sitting around thinking about it, better to just go with the flow” she spoke out loud, as if to conjure some hidden confidence within and after quickly rinsing her plate went on with her day.

She took the start of the day slowly, tending to the bunnies, making sure their pen and hutch was clean and that they had plenty of good enriching time along with their breakfast.

Then she moved on to the chickens, letting them out of their coop and refilling their food and water before checking for eggs. Only two eggs today, she didn’t have much use for them herself, but after a few days she’d take a full carton of eggs and see if any of her friends needed them in town. She gave each of the chooks a once over then headed back inside to wash her hands and put on her dungarees.

“They all seemed well” she chirped to herself as she pulled up her bottoms and tightened the straps a little over her shoulders.

“Now for the nerve wracking part” she thought to herself, tapping her finger on her chin and biting her lower lip.

She grabbed a few hair ties and popped them into her pocket before sitting down and braiding her hair into two incredibly long braids that almost reached her butt. It was cute and wouldn’t get in the way for the rest of her day’s tasks, so she trudged off towards the paddock.

She approached slowly, but opened the gates to the paddock with confidence hoping to make her presence known but not obtrusive.

“Hey there buddy” She called out softly to the horse.
“I hope you don’t mind but I need to give you a bit of a clean”

The horse was beautiful to her, only 8 years old, black and white mottled coat with a well kept mane and funny pink nose, he was taller than her by a good few feet and despite her own height Briony could probably crouch under him with ease! She smiled at him and walked closer, picking up her cleaning tools. She hadn’t had time to get all the tack or specialty equipment in yet, but that would come with time. So for now she simply filled a bucket with water and grabbed a brush and a sponge.

Setting down the bucket by the horse’s flank Briony ran a hand up his body and gently brushed him down, and for the first time she truly caught the horse’s smell. The musk was so strong she couldn’t help but breathe in a little extra through her nose as she brushed, and after a few minutes she felt something inside her brain flicker, her nostrils flared and she breathed in deep. This horse smelt… Good, really really good. For a few minutes she could do nothing but breathe in through her nose, then the horse whinnied and brayed, snapping her out of her trance. As her brain came back into focus she looked him over and shook her head.

“Sorry buddy I don’t know what came over me there, I should get to cleaning you up proper, shouldn’t I ?”

She didn’t really understand what had happened, but that intoxicating smell still lingered and when she bent down to move the bucket it hit her *hard*.

This wasn’t just any musk, looking right between her horse’s legs she realised what had grabbed her nose. It was the stench of a sweaty horse sheath and melon sized balls. Without thinking Briony let go of the bucket handle and dropped to her knees, her mind was then flooded with thoughts, why did this smell so good ? Would he mind if I got closer? Would it be okay to touch a horse there? to smell it there? To…taste it there?

She felt dizzy and wrong, but her chest fluttered, her loins and cheeks burned. She had to know what it would be like, she had to do something.

So she moved closer, slowly breathing in the ever pungent stink into her nose, drool was now pooling in her mouth so frequently she had to gulp to keep it down. Closer and closer she moved, until the sheath was just inches from her nose. She flared her nostrils again and breathed in deep, a jolt hit her brain like a tiny thunder clap and her mind broke. Pushing her face into the horse’s sheath without even a second thought Briony opened her mouth, letting her tongue loose inside, digging at the horse’s hidden cock tip, she pressed her face hard into its mass, her nose was pushed up at the tip and she winced at the stench.

Smegma and spit coated her once innocent face as she moaned and suckled and licked. The horse let out a few gruff snorts and tapped its hooves not expecting the sudden visceral attention. That is when Briony noticed the horse’s cock start to harden, suddenly unsure of herself and her newly found lust she backed off for a moment, taking two small shuffles away from the growing penis and roughly breathing out, long lines of spittle were drawn out from the cock tip to her face. She watched as it grew and her mind was quickly washed of all hesitation, she needed to suck this horse cock, she needed to drain it of all the cum she could handle.

“Ohhh fuuuuck” Briony moaned, her face flushed red and she could feel herself getting wet at the thought. The horse’s dick was now touching her nose and still nowhere near fully erect. Just over a foot long and floppy, she closed her eyes, breathed in the dicks scent and opened her mouth wide, but before she could take it into her mouth…

*PSSSHHHH* her face was blasted with warm steamy piss. Briony squirmed, spluttered and squealed as the piss ran over her hair and chest and she couldn’t help but revel in it.

Briony’s tongue lolled out and she shifted position, this powerful torrent of wretched stinking horse piss was now directly filling her mouth, she gargled on it with joyful bliss as it spilled over her lip, the bitterness staining her taste buds and the smell burning into her nose as she gulped down mouthful after mouthful, barely able to breathe.
Not content with her position however, Briony grabbed the cock In front of her and wrapped her mouth around the still streaming tip, her cheeks puffed out as she desperately tried to gulp down her new favourite drink. It poured into her guts, her usually flat stomach now distended with horse urine and as her insides reached their limit the liquid backed up into her throat, firing a burning load through her nose making her eyes water as she choked and gargled.

After a minute or so of spluttering and gulping the stream slowed down and eventually came to a stop.

It seemed that after being adopted the horse had been too nervous to relieve itself, so had been holding in gallons of pee all night long, now those gallons were all over Briony’s sopping wet body and filling her insides.

Briony coughed and gagged, breathing raggedly as she tried to regain her composure. She had never done anything close to this, had never even seen a penis up close ! but here she was having guzzled down gallons of horse piss like it was soda from a fountain.

The girl let out a small burp and threw up a little of her drink, her nostrils and eyes were on fire and the stench of pee had completely fried her brain but she didn’t want to stop, she quickly peeled off her sodden dungarees, her shirt and her bra, but left her boots and panties on for good measure and positioned herself in front of her newest fixation.

“You know what? I think I’ll call you master,” Briony exclaimed, pressing her nose to the top of his penis and slobbering on the end of her new master’s thick cock head. She could feel it starting to harden again and without thinking wrapped her mouth fully around the tip pushing her head forward in a futile attempt to deepthroat the still growing member.

She sat like this for a minute, suckling on the bulging cock as it slowly unhinged her jaw.

2, 3, maybe 4 feet long, she was practically pushed up against her Master’s front legs as it grew and her lips and jaw strained unbelievably wide just keeping the end enclosed. But still Briony yearned for more and as she pushed against the great beast’s penis she realised her eyes may have been too big for her stomach.

Master pushed back, and with a single buck of his hips the horse’s cock was forced 2 feet down Briony’s throat, fully distenting her neck, pushing her clavicle out unnaturally and causing a bump to appear in her already rotund belly. She let out a muffled squealing moan and pissed herself immediately, she was in pain, but also such an incredible amount of pleasure that her brain couldn’t handle it and she came, hard. Her new throat mate rocked back and forced himself deeper inside, Briony’s belly sloshing with each movement as she twitched and convulsed in ecstasy. With every new thrust her throat let out a sopping *glurhhk* and the further the cock went, the more animated her Master became.

Picking up speed the horse was now almost full body throat fucking Briony but she loved every brutal second. Just as she was beginning to get used to the piston-like rhythm, Master pulled back enough for his cock to rest in Briony’s stomach and then he flexed, the strength of his cock lifted Briony towards his barrel slamming her against him. Dazed and confused Briony had no idea what was about to happen until she felt it.

Master’s cock head flared out to an ungodly size tripling the visible bump in her belly, Briony could do nothing but hang limply on her master’s dick as he reared up and neighed, pushing his hips hard enough that Briony felt his cock pass through her stomach, push into her intestines and slam against the inside of her asshole, forcing out a few litres of piss as it went.

She was being fucked through her entire body, gargling on sweaty smegma covered horse cock. Briony’s asshole strained as the flared end tried desperately to escape, and with a wet *schgh- POP* The foot wide flare appeared between her buttocks stretching out her asshole fully and pushing against her now piss yellowed panties. Master bucked and brayed, trying desperately to fuck his new mare and Briony, despite being cock skewered, had just enough cognitive function to realise that if this went on Master’s penis might soften and regardless of her own safety, missing out on a single second of this full body fucking would be unacceptable.

So in order to give her Master some purchase and to keep herself present, she did her best to plant her shaky feet onto the ground and pushed her full body against the horse cock. With more resistance coming his way Master began fucking her in earnest, speeding up quickly and tearing Briony’s wet panties to shreds as he went.

After a few short minutes Briony felt a familiar flexing motion from the cock, this time she wasn’t flung off her feet however, she could feel it was different and so she reached out to her master’s huge balls. As she gently grabbed hold they pulled up, then pushing hard against her, Master forced his cock so deep that Briony’s nose crumpled against his sheath and the great stallion came.

A thick rope of cum blasted from his urethra and onto the floor, quickly pooling at Briony’s feet but the horse wasn’t done, he pulled back hard dragging his cock towards Briony’s arse. Briony pushed away in unison but no matter how much she tried the cock head was too big to go back in. As she wrestled with the orgasming cock she stepped into the cum puddle below her feet and slipped, with a heavy *Schlllrrrk* The cock was pulled into her stomach, her now ragged ass slapping into the cum beneath her. Master brayed and let out another huge wave, this time straight inside Briony’s guts, her belly ballooned outward; gallons of horse seed filling her insides and mixing with the leftover piss. Stretch marks quickly formed along the edges of her tummy as her skin strained against the new white tide.

The pressure inside Briony slowly grew until cum was pushed up her throat and out of her nose. The viscous fluid now clogged her only airway, gurgling and snorting she tried desperately to pull away but the flare was still too thick.

Stuck in her stomach the head of horse’s dick came for minutes, each new load spraying out of Briony’s now permanently flared nostrils, her entire face burned; her eyes red as they cried tears of thick horse cum down her now equally reddened face.

Briony had no way to escape and quickly found herself drifting into unconsciousness, her eyes fluttered closed as the great stallion above finally eased his orgasm to a halt. The horse’s cock slowly softened inside the now bulbous girl’s body and with a *ghhrllyykk-shlop* popped out of her throat, causing Briony to fall forwards onto her stomach, her ass skyward.

The force of the fall pushed her to wretch a good litre of cum and after a moment she quickly breathed in snapping back to life, panting and wheezing as her body desperately pulled in air. Collapsed there in a dazed and pained ecstasy she watched as Master walked forwards over her and began to piss the last of his bladder straight into her gaping asshole.

Briony was now nothing more than filthy horse’s piss and cum dump.